M il THE DAILY GAZETTE. PV WJJIL=D:B! Pennlinen - , Reed & Co., ratrr. rirtesuisaa. • roue: Pia Yl'Ari HY MK;. l'tliwrsx, suracyto Ini: the Vitisburgit tgaztitt. SATURDAY. AUGUST 4.1866 . . TT is aaidthrd a fend has been appropri. ated by the ] Democratic &etc Central 1 Com ' ittee, for the purpose of buying W oad- end nallitary clothing, to be used in Nett g up aoldjera' Clymer meetings. Gra has not been selected as the color most preferable in *ta r t to make an ap c i w l pe 1.13 of loyalty, tin Trill be purchased for de — at the P ' ' Iphia Convention. Persons holding rebe Mgs as trophies of the war, are earnest! quested to forward them to the Chair , of the "National Union Committee" f r 'the SPPc o Pciate dec oration of the wig in which the hon. orable conclave will , ssemble on the. 14th Hit. ELaswnsua we pe.oeu a decision just promulgated by Attorney General titans bury, to the effect that the President has full authority, during the recess of Con greed, to again appoint the candidates for public office who were rejected by the Sen ate. This , ws presume, is prepara tory to summarily disposing of all the office Folders or the country who do not support "My Policy." In the - Senatorial District composed of Mercer, Venango and Warren counties, the Republicans yesterday nominated Hon. James C. Brown, of Greenville, as their candidate for Senator. Mr. Brown former ly represented Mercer in the Lower House, and was an efficient and popular member. =ISM —The Southern Pacific Railroad is open to Marshall, Texas. —Mrs. Mary Cotton died in Norfolk county, Va., last week, aged 104 years. —Gen. Butlers family are living in tents at Gloucester, while their new house is bulldipg. —A Frenchman has published a pam phlet recommending the extinction cf the canine race. —Mr. P. T. B (mum has been appointed one of the Commissioners to the World's Fair at Paris. —San Francisco has made a compromise with its prostitutes. All but one hundred arc to leave town. —Robert Bonner, since his last purchase, possesses the six finest horses in this coon try. They cost him $120,000. —A Gentleman of Syracuse offers a reward of twenty-five dollars to any one who will tell hirn.who poisoned his dog. —Among the 'names signed ton call for a Conservative Convention in ]Michigan we notice Shakespeare, of Kala mazoo. —The once famous Ellsworth Zouaves, of Chicago, are tam running down. The or ganization now numbers only fifty active members. —A proposal has been made to erect in Toronto n public and permanent memorial of those who fell in defense of their coun try during the late Fenian:" raid. —A West Troy slillerite now makes a startling prediction. Rea:Aye the hot weath er will continue to grow hotter and hotter until the world is consumed with Ore. —The Hon. Isaac Butts, of Rochester, New York, a prominent politician, has bought an interest--one-third- in the Unto", and Advtriiier, of that city, for cash. —English ;titles have convicted the Ein ,ligror Napoleon - of some ingenious false tranalhtions from the text of arsar's Coto mentor:es, Made in the obvious interest of his theory of "Cwsarism." The bt. Louis, 3fo. Democrat says that "while other cities are supplying themaelvee with pure water, the people of St. Louis areguiping down such quantities of mud that half of them are corpulent with and. bars." —There are now in jail at Des Moines, a young girl, aged seventeen, charged with bigamy, and, her mother, charged with perjury, in swearing falsely before the County Judge when the marriage license was granted. CITY ITEMS Rblrollne Free Charge This agent is made from Coal 011, and Is used for extracting teeth without pain. Ether 1s used in the sIiSOC way for the same purpose. The process is, by converting it in to a apruy through C. tube, by means of a hand bellows: The volatility of these two agents la seen, when concentrated upon any point, with the appliances used, that icemen be form ed in a very sheet Limo. it is la this way that the gums about the teeth are frozen, and while sot extracted without pain. These agents, if continued long enough, will make a person insensible to all about them,. much SO as If they wore taking it in any other form. Dm. Ball X. (Allende, t*6 Penn street, have been using these agents since the first of May, with a good degree of success, though the opinion is, that Nitrous oxide or aughing gas can never be surpassed for this purpose. The opinion of these genUemeu as persons of Waned and experience, are well worthy the consideration of the public. Dr. Walter took one of his patients to the office of Billet filllesple, where the gas was admin istered, for the kuttinso of -a surgical opera tion upon the eyes, which lasted dye minutes. Dr. Crafter pronounced the gas the best tines_ thetici agent now in woe. The subject of this case had been placed ander Dm influence of chloroform and either without success, while that Ofthe gas was perfect, giving no sickness or pale. Parts for the Oeopte. We wish our readers to distinctly understand that there la no ' , humbug badness , ' amuse& the Steam Dental Establishment of Dr. Quincy A. Seott, - Xo. 27s Penn street, third door above Hand. Re advertises extensively, • but he means exactly what he my.. He to a truitwor thy and reltablu man, and a skilful dentist. lie don't profess to glee Laughing (its free, in order to entice people into his °Mee. and then charge them extra for It, as hue been done at other establiehments in this city. He gives positively Jive, of charge in every case. lie ex tracts numbers of teeth daily without the slightest pain, and malice no charge for ex tracting teeth ahem arttheial teeth are order ed. 'l le gives a fall set of teeth on vulcanite with beautiful gtims (such as other dentists charge $lO tor,y for debt dollars. A fall act ter $lO whiciretherScluirge from IDS to 411.5'far, and a fall sat for from 11l to $l6 which he will guarantee to be better than can he made at nay other establishment at any price. lie !see well established In business that he don't con sider it neceseary to publish references, but for the sake of thele , sbo may•wish them we will state that be coin refer to Lb:manila of the best faintlita in the city and surrinundlug tionnthy,thelnillng ministers, phisiclans, law ,.yais, merchants, bankers, and, in tact people in every department of business. Eye Glasses, Breast - Pipes, Glass Sirloges, 241t)p10 stueign, Nursing Bottles, Nipple el:ells, Cupping Glasses, Inhaling Bottlea, Breast Papp& Radicles Chests. Mortars and Pestles Bala Rubber hyrulos, , Bea Pens . ghlk Beedeta, Pessaries, 80 .?oltual..• --.. • • Elsatio Stockings, Mamba Braille% Hair Brushes. • WithatutlebSelk of Basin's and other perruni err. intstie at best rutes, at Dr. Keyser% 140 Wood itSet. BYiiii In Town. Ott Ina photograph at Plttock's—n variety or Others on band. Seven! Sew 'leeks 4.dded this meek, et the emporium, Pittoek•s, - opposite P. O. ' :,-.lbrirtandit 'l9boatorrapbs, 4x the 'imuisemeta. ?Mock 44•Uteal. . -116 0 Irma ACEseileies.rbotosiiirks, .thu , striasui,itrittoeica doors. V* l llllllll.l4l4itileek.S. 9.311111 if Malan* =WAX tallittarf. - ' “."; •L "; , zi..= VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 183 Ewen. b Co., 165 Wood street, nave on (band the finest assortment of bath tubs to be found in this city. Prices lower then the lowest. Our stock of illburtnt, Gold Pens and WaDela. preparatory to laying In a new and varied as sortment, at reduced prices, at Pittock's. The aaaortanout of chandallers, pendants, globes, ()113arups, &c., bc.,Just opened nt tho popular gaa fitting house of Ewons & co., No. I 6 Wood street. Mater, Manna and Has Mahn:. Ewens & Co., IGS Wood street, attend to all. descriptions of gasi, water and steam fitting. All work warranted. Orlon prOmPti9 atten ded to. A trash invoice of thle popular allude Just !waived and In store, In lots to suit the trade, by J. H. Swirly & Co., 1 & 9 Diamond. All the delicacies of the season are sur v eil np at the shortest notice and In the hest sty le. at ifoltsheunees—Frleker Saloon—on Fifth street, next door to the Poston.leo. The Dainties of the Season. The choicest dainties of the season, such ai tempt the appetite of the veriest epicure, are . sorvcd up daily at the popular Dining Rooms, next door to tne Postern.), on Fifth street. Subatantial dinners, of all the seasonable vegetables and meats In the market, can be obtained at any hoar during the day, at Wm. Hol t &blamer's—Pricker Dining Rooms—on Fifth street, next door to the Postoffice. Twelve nod a Mall teals A yard In all Shellaby d flarelay are unkind for good yard wide Uubleacned Mnnlln , the only boobs in 'the city that is nellllig yard wide at, the same prier. Cult and nee for your solve*, at Om original nee Rive stand, 74 and 76 Market street. Pittirtargh 4tlft Concert Although Messrs. 117)onitlil, Thomson A Co. are embarrassed somewhat by thu failure of a large numbed` of agents In making re turns, still they areAletermined to bring their Concert to a close t.cWay, and have all their gifts distributed net week without fall. A very large atiatirtment of the finest Flavor ing Extracts, In *Atlas from two mortars to -sixteen, the very beet article In the market— and sold for the lowest cash price—at PLS. rso , s Matto throat, fio. at Market street. Re member the place—for a floe quality of Fla voring Extracts la hard to get. Sheßaby & Barclay are offering all their stock of Summer goods, Including Dross Goods, Shawls, Lace Mantes and Points, Sun Um brellas, White Goina of every description, &c., without regard to cost, to chase them out pre vious to laying In their fall stock. Call soon for bargains, at 74 and 76 Market street—Bee Hive stand.. Prevails et William Fleming's extenstve and popular bat and cap house, No. 1.10 Wood street, for the ample reason that they are selh tag off their stock of men's, boys' and chil dren's Straw Groats, men's and boys' Fine French Felt Hats. gents' Silk sod Cashmere lists, men's and boys' Light Felt Hate, and ladles' and misses' Hats, trimmed and un trimmed, at a great reduction, in order to eltae out their stock. Dout forget the place, Wm. Feming, No. 139 Wood street. Josh flub +s on intinses I rather Like Stomach Bittern. 1 knot tell eby, enny more than I ken tell why I love Itobaek's Blood Plll,. but Blood MB. In good for lazynoss In the system. I dont Ilko lazytteas of no sort, not oven In tonskonterd. I want my muskeetere lively. But awl this Iz foreigho tear my purpose. Bitters beta my subject, I like Iloback 'it Stomach Bitters, they are so catty to take. It has bin nelot they woodcut run out, hut this 1 think as,a-trror, for nol my bottles lz empty, and I hart trod cony on em leak_ Dr. Kayser•s Pectoral Syrup Cures coughs ; Dr. Keyser'J Pectoral Syrup cures colds; Dr. Keyser's Pectqral Syrup cures letnensai Dr. Keyser's Pectoral Syrup enrol Dram. chit is; For larugitis take Dr. Key.r. I . L.ctoral Syruir; For Insipient consumption take Dr. kayser•e Factors! Syrup; For cold to the head tako Dr. Hop sere Pec toral Syrcp; Dr. Eoyser's Pectoral Syrup cores sore throat; Dr. Keyear . . Pectoral Syrup cures quthsii Dr. kleyser's Pectoral Syrup caret ola coughs. Dr. Geyser's Pectoral Syrup cures all kinds of diseases of the lungs and Dreamt; Prepared and sold by DR. G. IL KEYSER., No. 140 Wood street, sign of the Golden Mor tar. It Is plcaaadt to record the Coal soleness, o 1 the great project of uniting the two greatest oontineuta of the world by a submarine tele graph. It is an achievement worthy of the ago au live In. It will tend to etlii further eirengthen the bonds of pence and unity now prevailing between the two countries, and will greatly facilitate commerce ann trade generally. We hell it as lb, dawning of anew a.ra In the world's advancement In mrogress. Bat this has got nothing to do with those cheap and elegant Boot. and Maws in store and for elle at Robinson's, No. 61 Market street. At this popular shoe depot smother large, invoice of tip top' Genera, beautiful Slippers, elegant Pumps, Fine Boole, and Heavy Brogans, haft just been received. These goods are not only made to sell, but to wear. Give BoblnsOn'e a Mill title day, If you Could obtain the beet bargains ever offered an the City. DesnaLfal Ppotairraphs. The pedestrian on BL - Clair street Is irreals tably attracted to gaze into the aril windows of the well known photographer, 11. L. H. Dobbs. At the present time there la upon ex hibition a number of photographs finished by the artist Wenzel, which, for beauty of exe cution, are superior to anything ever tented out in We city. One cabinet photograph of a little eon of Rev. James Allison, is worthy of special attention. It is a master-piece of photographic art. Another, the picture of a little daughter of Mr. Burns,• is the most faithful likeness of an earth ly angel we have ever seen. The crowning phopgrapb, however, is that of a young lady of Alliance•, Ohio. It is a life-eise or cabinet photograph, delicately colored, and as natural as Me. There are many other spec -110011/1 upon exhibition, and the admirer of the beautiful would do well to call and closely examine the many superior works of photo graphic art In Mr. Dobb , s palatial establish ment. He charges bet reasonable prices for photographs, and every picture finished at his gallery bears the impress, of superiority. His ooms aro located at,,No. 2C Bt. Clair street. Strength few the Exhanotecl. Thousands die, as it were. Inch by melt, of bodily weakness' for debility will kill aa oau tainly,thongh not Do quickly, as a raging lover. Uhl asked how the weak shall be made strong' the debilitated sustained and restored' the ex hausted refilled with vital energy 1 We aver that of all invigorating preparations given by science to from the institution of the art of hrallzrelo the _present hour, not one has Wrought such wonders In the way of restora tion es. lIOSTETTEIPS CELEBRATED STD UACII BITTERS. This is indeed the tonic of tonics, An a revitalising, strength -support tug, We-prolonging agent, the like of it is not to bo found in the catalogue of medicines. Amongthq various artlelei used to erotism the dormant pciWeris of nature; It stands alone— the great swab:atter of theparalyiedphyalque. it not only awakens thC physical powers from • state of collapse and taithltion, but It Parte periiiaaimt vigor to the ronseular and narrow systems—rednfoniiig,as If were,lxith the strenighel4atbl the Ant-works Hof vitality. The aged, the deemed, the nervous, the took en-down of ooth of sates, are risoiraniendad to try It. They Win eseartellyiltalt .present help la time of trouble. . . I 4r add 'At Alandsuesnruif ixid re — t iltvlo7 lo wrates 1464140 E: 4 netitorsisi rtt li r e }". oulisitst. mix /rowel' Mess. • , In THE PITTSBURG •144'1944H , ' , fz B■lb Tub. We Are Sow eloshor Opt Besatthal Scull , * Baki=s Powder _......- ir.....i for the Ilnuary A Substantival Dinner. Flavor'rag Extract., Winn:kat Steward to Coot, Great Excitement ==! SECOMI EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. • Internal Revenue Appointments—Ana lysts of the European War Sittuntlon— * IDonunissioner et stattatles— Fhe New ReVenni , Law—Fenian Prix ou ern Ito' eased—Ai pan lab cunt...s ninth...a—Funeral of the Cherokee Chief. WAsnistrros, Aug, 3.—The following inter nal revenue appointments were made to-day: Fisher B. Mardln, Assessor of the Seventh District, Pennsylvania; Bassett trunnion, As_ sessor of the First District, Ohio; Urn. H. W. Pierce, Collector of the First Distnet, Mat.. chn.v, The reneging eoudeustel analysis Is from the peu of a , threvral observer eentgined in a letter received in this city, ~. attst July The Munition may be brutdy stated as fol. 101:5: Prussia lays down the basis or peace, one of which Is the exclusion of Austria from the German confederation, and upon the ac ceptance of theta basis by Austria, Prussia tied Italy will agree to an armistice of live days for negotiations. Prance proposes to suplwort this offer, provided Prussia will re serve the total exclusion of Austria, and make that a European question to be settled by a congress. Prussia assents to this modification, whereupon the French hfinlster pi oceeds to Vienna, and Prince Napoleon to Italy. to sub. mit the terms agreed upon by Prance and Prussia. The Impression appears to he that Austria will accept the baste of peace to gain the eve days, oven if she Intends to disagree later. 'there is evidently groat contusion at Vien na, and they are so hotly pressed they cannot get time to deliberate calmly. Have you noticed the rapid converalon of the Knglish press to German unity, That personal gift of Venetia has worked remark.. ably. Franca hung out all her flags and placarded the tenths in large letters, to show the grand position of the Emperor, bet the people of all Germany have shown their disgust at the Idea of a French protectorate, and Bismarck has become stronger than ever, so that he has re. fused the Emperor's programme with impuni ty and substituted hi. own. The Turkish government has suspended ii. - meet upon its coupon bonds, and the eiintrs of the Empire are drifting from bad to worse. Ten thousand Egyptian troops who have camped on the itoephorus for two months must, were sent last week to 5 / 1 10111Cli.. Tho Secretary of the Treasury has, under a Ise- pearled at the late session of Congress, op pointed J. Ross Browne Commissioner to co.- lact statistics In the States and Terri totes west tif the Rocky Mountains. He will proceed to the Vadat. Coast by steamer on the 11th instant. This is au Important mission, and will embrace statistics of the products of bullion, the population engaged in mining, description of mineral lands, Capital, cost ut labor and yield. ylmllar statistl. aro collected by the Brit ish Government in Auatralla, at is great ea ;mow; also by the goverethents soalu, l'ri:Gala Austria, and others. Franco has al. ready had u seleutifie and 'fanatical report made on the mineral resource, .1 California and Nevada. Thu Commissioner at Internal Revenue has had occasion Meal! attention to the fact that the new law makes, the wont “money" to in clude checks, drafts, and other Instruments given fur the payment of money, mot there fore the receipts for chocks, drafts, de., are to be stamped, as if given tar money. Thu new internal Revenue law differs from the old one concerning brokers' sales of aft.. and bonds, notch under the latter were as stewed upon the basis of the par value, but un der Inc termer law, from August first, instant, the stamps must be alneod upon the basis of the amount of sale. D. Thurston Esq., our consul at Toronto, under date of July 'Nth. Worms the state de. parlament that Union, Kills. Carney and King, sere, two or three days ago, dhscltartfed from prtson by the Lanadian Government. nese persons were 4morican citizens arrested at Fort Erie on the ebsrgo of Loma engaged In the Femur. I.ILL, anti dtscharcma on the orl dent., sabwittasl el Wear ....sate. Toe t0....a mg has Noes rocols t 1 at the, stab Je1.11.1.0C/11.. O , IIIBIILATG lieneu•t or re■C met , SIA —Hamm , . July 17, isevi.—/loss /i. Aro ord, Oreretory of Nut., lEnvongron, t'.—.et a The authority of the Treasury for this Islatel has pnbllshod • loyal order, 41a1.1 the frith of May last, COMMunicattnt by the Department in Altramar. in Madrid, to the bovernor General, *bath annuls the not of the regulation. of the customs. Under this article, master. of ves sels have been allowed to make, a ILldn twelve near. of their arrival, additiom to the mani fest brought with the :vanish Consul's certin rates. additions will not he allowed vessels trom ports In 4tetertea from and alp, the first Of September next, nor to those from ports In Europe from and after the first day of December Of the present year. Dv the name Royal order the extra charge OF (our per cont. huilerto made upon the tariff %simile.. of merchandtke entered' for exami nation is increased to stxteen per cent., mid tale Is to take effect Irmo and alter the first of August. This - order forbidding the minds. non of nablittonal inanitysts has been loosed. the.ROVal Order State-A. by the recommendation of the reasury authoritleeof Cuba. I have the honor to be, With great respect, oni obeelem servant. !Slgned.l Tuon•a Saran. Brigadier tioneral Cooke, commanding the Department of the Platte, In general orders detect July 21t11, directs the commanders of isvildary dtstricts to arrange betwocn the nal liar) pouts in the department beyond the lust posionie-, for the transportation of the mails oy mounted soldier*. or In some twines b dY La to douse, regularly once a week, both iruc- Clone, and in such a manor that there Abell be no delay.. The Presldent to-day gave authority for the issue of only one pm don. The recipient was reutuent of Alabama, imp. witted In the late rebellion, and came under the 'twenty than.+• and dollars clause. - - . The funeral funeral of John Ito,. was attended by representatives from elevrral trthes, and by the Commissioner of Indian Affairs All the pail-bearers, with the exception of ti Choctaw, were Cherokee!, %tin had served as Cepiamis of Indian troops in Abs Union arm) during tho late war. JEFF. DAVIS AND HIS DEFENSE, Prussians Faring Badly in Bohemia. New loan, Auguat 3.-7 ho Herold says. Mr O'Conor'e visit to Jeff. Davis, it is behoved. Was for consultation on the recent report of the Judiciary Guanine°. and the line of de• feint to be laid down in ounbtwinernce. - - A Paris leiter say•: The Pressman are fe.n lug badly in Bohemia. We hear that the Invaders already experience great difficulty in procuring provisions for such an 1[12212012943 army. The Inhabitants of Bohemia and td o r a la detest the Prussians. The wells have in many pise..-es Leen poisoned. FROM THE GULF ysteriersea °Metal Message to neat ens. Antbarttlea—Texas Legislature,— Cholera at Galveston. GaLvarros, August n—The steamer Treacle brings liatarnorair dates to the 29th dfJuly. The Brownsville Owner mentions the sud den arrival of Gen. Shendan In the city. lie spent most of Ills time In tdetarnoras. On 4G.—Re Dore an official end mysterious message to the Mexican anthoritice. GsLveirost, August 3.—The President tele graphed to Judge Bell, Secretary of the State, that the Legislature of Tome will meet without hindrance on the nth. The Governor will be inaugurated on the Bth, and then the °facers of the Provisional Government will tarn over their respective badges to the °Mum elect. There were tun new caste of cholera In two day., confined to the newly arrived troops on Hart's Island. American Dental Association llowrois, August 3.—The AmertdStn Dental Association abused its third day's imi.ting to night, and has already completed tie business. Dr. H. J. hicliellup, of St. Louis, J. M. Higgs, of Hartford, Asa LUG, of Norwalk, K. J. Leach of Boston, and W. A. Morgan, of Nashville, wore appointed commissioners In Lien matter Of the patent claims of the Goodyear Vulcan ized "tubber Company. A pleasure excursion was made among the islands of the harbor and Fort Warren, by about one hundred of the procession. The next annual meeting will be held at Cluelainati, Ohio. Cholera llattett n. New 'Coax, Angtuit a.—Eight eases but no deaths, were reported In this sty this morn ing. Fourteen eases and six deaths In Brook lyn, from 15 a. yesterday till 15 a. to-day, are reported. PHILAZZLT. August 3.—The cholera re port to the Board of Health, today, up to noon, chewed six new eases, tour of which were fatal. I ==! BOSTON, Aug. .I.—A match for ilp.,CoO, mile heats, beet three to fire, came off at idystle Park. Medway, this afternoon, between the black mare "Eleaketone Belle" and the chest nut gelding, "John Brogan." Iflrelmus were trotted. "Blaokstone Belle" won the &I, 4th and tith beats. Theo; 2a2, 2:304, 2t13, Shti, BM, Appoluttneats by the Presto;lent—Deela ton by Alt l. Nor You, Aug. Washington special says: Attorney General Stenshory has given an opinion that nominations rejected - by the Senate can be legally made by the President during the recess. I Osaao, Angtust 3.—A fire this afternoon de alloyed the City Brewery, a dry goods store, Ind. two dwellings on Blinn street. Loss 460,1031Insurod for 107,E00, wino:pally in East ern °MOM lire u AV Louis. BT. Loves,Ann 11.-4 block of frame tenement Louses on Bidets and Twenty-gm strew, were Mullett yesterday eittemoam rendering Over ttstro tamiltee konselees. Lae% eglO,OOOA PITTSBURGH. SATURDAY, - AUGUST 4, 1866. POLITICAL. Now York "Emden Master Convention." SnaxTooa, N. Y., Aug. ll—At a meeting of the Union State Committee, hold at Saratoga Springs, August ad, Me, the following 1 . 01301 - Lien Rua unanimously_ adopted: Be soloal, That the Union State Convention be held at Syracuse on Wednesday. the oth slay of September next, at twelve o'clock noon, for the nomination of candidates for uoverner, Lieutenant Dos ernes, Canal Com missioner, and inspector of State Prisons, to be supported at the next Novemoer election, and that allititilon Electors lot the State oh Now York, who desire the maintenance of the Union, the supremacy of the Constitution and the complete suppression of the causes of the late rebellion by all apt and emchent means, are Invited to send from each assembly dis trict, as such districts existed in 11365, the del egates to repre sen benchin said Convention, such delegates to sen at Conventwris called by the Representative bnion Assembly district organisations. Delegates teem Alabama. Moults, ALA., Aug. 3.—The State Convention has appoinucti Lewis 11. Parsons, George 8. liouston, Benjamin. Allapatriel:exander White, A. It Cooper,,Jolui Porgy James W. Taylor, end It. it. Mendtay, del ma'am° to the Philadelphia Coovention. Also the lob loodnir District Delegate, First Phi Irt— Johui henry, C. C. Lengtbm, W. I. whew, T, .1. clasher°. Seared District—Leads L/vren John GM, Shorter A. Fiasco S. G. Dos. ixr.Thing I 'Gulf:it—C. a. Battle, Mif. H. Crink chank, H. J. Bulger, C. Cobert. Fourth Dtstrlet-43. H. Mope. J. §. Kennedy. Fifth District—J. Foster, A. J. henry, W. O. hens ton, C. B. Croper. Sixth District—Thomas J. Fester, J. Lebanon Goodman, W. Bmudd, Wm. Jackson. Resolutions wore tulupted approving the restoration policy of President Johnson arul accepting the invitation to unite In a Nation. al Convention at Philaue Jotineon (*lnvention Delegates. Poconsmarms, N. V., Aug. &—George torn], of Rhinebreek, and George T. Drown, of Poughkeepsie, are the delegates from the tat easombly district, Dutehess county, to the Johnsen Convention ut Saratoga on the 9th inst., appointed by the Durtriet Club. Deena. Copper-Johnson Delegates. AUGUSTA, GA., August 3.—The following have ham elected delegates to the National Union Convention, at Phtladelptda /Oath District—John H. Christy and IL M. McMillan. Seventh Distriet—alehard F. Lyon and James Milner. --- -.- FROM NEW YORK. - - Aleseapen for Europe by iDeble—Cbollers Illesee—Senbeszber Jailed—lieu. bouts Anus Arrested—Nebsure of Tab...ere. Now You, Aug. 3.—five messages for Eu. rope by the cable were revelvral to-day lw this city, for winch a 534.35 to gold wore peld. Thirteen additional cases of cholera and two deaths wore reported by the police to-day. Lottel A. Cohn, charged with ,the embezzle ment of ght,Me in Culled States lamds and se curities from Duncan, Sherman d Co., bee been committed lu default of {3i (W. General Santa Anna has been arrested and held to bail in the am of 1.30,110) charged by Mr. Montgomery with acting inlliclously In bay lug him arrested and imprisoned. Ile lays his damages at 3.M,030. The revenue °thee. have seized one hen d real anti ell/Ls-four paelutges of tobaooo, Mee aleetnred at Danville, Va., which had been deposited in a warehonse In this city. lie inty bad man paid on It, and it will be canna. tutted . on the tat Instant tho pound-keeper at East Twenty-tint street had wen at work (or about %Is %rooks, and had tr 4 net thirtf.ali hun dred dodo—ohe hundred a day. The largest proportion of the hus4. 11054 done in the healutung of the dog n. The pound war opened on the lath of J n• THE CABLE. `law YORK, August 3, lihlL e. r —A .11spatch from the operator at the telegraph of&vi In Port Wind, N... .tot , , that the Steamer Dauntlery will arrive at Aspy Hay about day light ratmila7 morning torn Port an Basque, reel th u: the soperlnten, ent of th e lines liar Ordered them to to epee at at Gls o'clock. OTTANI /1, I'. E., Aug.' 3. compllmootaf) grvetihgs have pascal through the Atlantic Cithle, bete eon the queen and the Elena:loth trovernment. Ono of the me osages took only eleven minutes to pare loom Neorristrellanil to London. Deana of pt P4yossafer. Ittoeux, August 3.—POrtitoter Note.. h Mott of congestion of the bruin, after three ttnys• !linens, nt the Yensseast Nary Yard. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Adddhota►l Loral Mahler. usi Third rage ThielWag A of of • liarglier's Deans The following arngular item Vie slip from the Ene I..n.pateh. Perhaps its namesakes in Wis elf.) will smell a huge rut In It m Ira de It la a well known fact that gotta a manlier of Our residences have recently been entered and plundered of many el limir valuable eon_ tents. Jewelry, money and eiothlog have re warded the enterprising thieves, whn have hitherto escaped, despite the utmost efforts or our vigilant pollee. We hare now to chronicle another attempt at robbery quite as bold and Impudent as any that have yet taken place. Wednesday after. noon while a young girl, the daughter of env of oar old citizens, was sitting In the drawing room, she heard a alight noise In the ball. the walked forth to the Joel and discovered Cie door ajar and the thief walking quickly, though very stealthily up stair.. title 1/11•,,•1 a moment, than following cantonaly obverted hire enter a front chamber, the door of whim?, beteg oientsi °zoomd to view_ a tempting ar ray of jewelry and other articles of bljoutere scattered about the toilet bureau. With presence of mind wonderful in One so y0ut,,,,, she hastily closed and faueriod the door, but not before catching a glance of a most vicious. looking pair of eyes. Site deux:lolled to the donating room almost overcome with agitation at the *wens. of liar bold experiment, for ,she was alone In the louse. She walled In breath less anxiety Until dark, when her parents re turning, she comenunicatoi the starting in telligence to them of tile thief she had So den tortously caged. Mr. Smith seized a mallet and Mrs, Smith another, utd both ascended to the chamber. Upon entering they discovered the thief, par tially screened by the bureau. Mr. fi. demand ing his business there, received no reply save a malignant glance, neeompamed by a dash towards the door, which Mrs. S. quickly push ed to, while Mr. S. gave hint a blow with los mallet The wretched creature now rushed from one indoor the room to the other, tusking frantic entitle toescape the blows levelled at him by Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Finally a ermih log blow on the head stretched him senseless. I Ine woulil suppose humanity !should now have prommed a cessation of hostilities, but Mr. S. HMS seen to kick trio Man Imate form, and then married him down stairs and threw him, all blmellsig end suriseleins, into the street. In tile morning the poor outcast was found stark and still, having probably Mod to death during the night. The Common Unmetl have taken uo steps to remove the remains, end they are stilt to be seen in the vicinity of the Baptist Church. During rho runlet, a blow (non Paterfamallas aimed at the robber. came near disabling Mrs. Smith Instead, while a dere lunge from her mallet (they wore croquet mallets,)) shattered several valuable panes of glass. It Is to he hoped the fate of this unfortunate, thief may prove a salutary lesson to other evil doers. \ea• for the Ladles. During the reign of the "grand monarch" Louis the IV. of Frames, Paris became noted for the beauty and elegance of their women. The cause of this notoriety Can be attributed to the fact that while the rest of Europe paid little or no attention to the matter of dress, as • means of enhancing their 'personal ap pearance, the daughters of La Bette France secured the most beautiful and costly fabrics, from the cashmere of Persia to Dionne thread laces oi Normandy, for personal adornment. A gloomy recluse might term this vanity, but a philosopher would call It a natural desire to appear well In eectuty, and to use that which nature in her prodigality gave us for comfort and beauty. The ladies of America have also gained a reputation for being the best dressed women of the present century, and this is not to be wondered at, as the style, quality and variety of drone geode in the market now have never been equalled, much leas surpass. ed. To realize the truth of this assertion you have only to call at the establishment of Bates Bell. No. 21 Yifth street, and examine their varied and well ectected stock of silks, satins, merinos, chlutc, manilas, callcds and ladies' furnishing good. here 121111 be found every thing essential to make an outfit for an em press, and at prices sufficiently reasonable to satisfy the most coenobites'. Divoreed.—A fow days since a divorce was given to Isabella Manning, granting her a legal separation from her husband - Hobert Manning, on the ground of adultery. In the evidence submitted to the court, it was shown that the respondent itonert Manning had Won guilty of adultery on foarteen different Deci sions, the criminal Intercourse being with at different poison each tone. Benides this at. was shown that be had temp cohabiting with a woman of loose oharaßter:at the same time ho was living with his wife. With such en array of evidence, it is not to im wondered at, that the application of MIR. Manning was grunted with little hesitancy. A Wife Beater la Duranee.—William Winelhart was lodged in put, yesterday, on a warrant sued out by J amigo Duhoup of Du quesne borough. • It appears the relations 'w hiting between William awl his better-half are not of that happy character that would muse oven spinsters to envy lire. Windhart thu possession of sucita Connuiblal partner, Moue. gallant licutry having . aecustomed himself to the pernicious of beating his wire. A Dark Alllstr.—Two dusky denizens of Hayti, named Jolla Tolman and Jacob Bar gey„lndulged Ina free fight yesterday at the Loaded Wylie street. As Julia was the weaker vessel, she, of course, got the worst of the battle. in order to itgin, oven , she appeared before Alderman llutlerand made a (Marge of llassalt and battery against her' antagonist, who wee arrested, but released' on giving ball for a heating taday. golumggged.—.7 Luting Barketotlifooth.Rittat burgh committed. throe peuvous to jail giuster-, day, named 'Unto and - George Wli.on. and .. blary_ClainribeJl; th• two women for vagr aria Sark risalaerara far dliaallegr Iff= `~ i Y .~~.. cT.;e {' 'ri:s`~.,~'f .N ss..+..~^t`. Xl 5 c~ilawi,.'S.~ w.e Hamill's Reception Yesterday at half-past one o'clock, the sham. pion oarsman of America, James Hamill, ar rival at the 'Colon Depot, from Philadelphia. Quite a number of Jimmy's admirers assem bled at the Station to congratulate him on his safe return from Europe, and to express their sympathy in his late defeat for the aquatic championship or the world. True to that native modesty, which Luis ever been is chief characteristic of the champion's nature, he got off the train at the outer depot, where car riages and friends awaited him. lie was es corted through the principal streets to the Duquesne Engine iiousc,by a large proqession, headed by a brass band, where lie was received by three hearty cheers and a tiger, given with such a gusto as to leave no doubt In the minds of those within hearlru distance as to Jim invis Popularity, despite his lute defeat on the Tyne. the evening he attended a grand compil niontary bonetit given in his honor at the Lamy ef Music. The house was comforta bly tilled, and the entertainment passed on' us pleasantly as the most sanguine expected. Savo an liniments display In one of the private boxes, nothing occurred to mar the perform ance or detract from the eclat of the recep tion. A Terrible Death -'• " • 't New l'hilndelitio. Ohio, a Cow tittys ago, Mrs. D. W. Stambaugh, of that plums, Ina fa tally burned while kaidling a fire In a °mak ing stove. The fire did not seem to born, very readily, whereupon She poured carbon oil upon lb—tbe oil ignited, and the flames reach the can in her hand in en instant, causing a terriile explosion whiCh was heard a distance Of several squares. Der clothes Were com pletely saturated with the oil, and of course enveloped in flames In less time than It takes tope these few words. In this ter con dhlon!, she run out of the home, and rible across td the residence of Dr. O'Donnell. on the lot. Mr. F. C. Miller, who resides on the opposite aide of the Street, hearing her screams, run to her assietance: although completely envelo. pod In liaises, she bad complete presence of mind, and stood at the cistern while Mr. Mil ler dashed water on her burning g arments. The Elames were extinguished—but her cloth hig was entirely consumed and her body u charred mass as high as to h er • breast. tier ituringa were indescribable, end In this aiwful condition she lingered until Saturday Owning, when death kindly relieved her of palm Warden White. A card has been 'inserted in several of oar city Journals reflecting upon the °Metal Character of Warden White, of the county jail. This is, to say the least, very unjust, us we believe no man In the community could be selected woo would do his duty more Justly, and as impartial, as Mr. White. lie, lige all titnur persons haying charge of such tions„ cannot pander to every prisoner who finds his way into Jail, and owing to the rigor of the rules which have been established for the government of the prison, must oetwasuri ly Inc. the dislike of fellows too dull and ig norant to realise their position. The imputa tion that favors to prisoners are bought from him with money, needs no refutation— m his 81n h character for honesty and Integrity In this neighborhood standv too high to be culled into question by any body in or out of jail. lad is Is place of punishment, not pleasure, end *en *Min men who have been confined there have Set to utter a complaint against the Warden. We feel that we Ind tin ourduty tel a worthy gentleman and einclent °nicer, when we pro.. nuance .he charges neatest Mat false and Et.sleged Eliza Patterson, Elizabeth 8010 and Joseph Patterson, occupy It frame tenement at the Willer Or Try •trust and PonnayWattle Aye nue, la the Eighth ward. Inspired with a goodly portion of had we he ky, yesterday, they became unite boisterous, So moth so that their neighlan-t bad to repait to the SlaYor'• office, where the) related the C.11,111951.12C , C1 and tout et posse of pollee sent to arrest the guilty trio. On their forays" the pollee diseovered that the Inmates had Ita oathe apprises' of t Raiz being sent flitr,and had so effectually barricaded all the entrances, that the officers were woad° to effect the pur pose of their initiator. After resorting to all manner or expedients, the officers at length won for Alderman Lynch and officer Conner, to aid them in the rodnetton of the citadel. But even the strategist abdttles of the alder tnan failed, and at ten o'clock last night the siege was given up to despair, and Patterson and his eompanions left master of the •It tuition_ I= The arguments in several important emote w se hats. yeah/trter, in the United States Wart, lion. Wilson It Candleas on the LACTIC IL The first was the ease of the United States es the •tietillery Cl Jacob Hayes located in butler oonnty. This distillery end some forty gal lons of whisky were seised some time since, and a libel of forfeiture filed. S. A. Purttanee, Seq., ambeann.l :or .he proprietor of the eaten lielnent, and District Attorney Caruttem for the Felted ritat s. Or. Purslane° also made an argument in the case of the United States vs. the distillery of Newbury Shorts, located to Tloga comity, Mx. Care ham appeartng for the United Staten. John Barton, Esq., was also heard on the question of the Jutted ictlttu of the Court In fne case of Henry Feather stone vs. the steamboat "Emma Logan." The saapers in the several oases were taken In charge by U. Court, and dectslons srdi be ten dered to a tam days. Death of Jadire Patton lion. John E. Patton, formerly Associate Judge for Cox wfot d County, died In Conn.:Lat rine,unday, at the ago 'et staty-three years tr ite was a native of Centre County, this State, and resided In Me native County and In Clarion, till 18:11a, when lie removed to COO nesuivillo, which was tile home till the time of his death. In ht.la he was elected Aasociate Judge upon the gepublican ticket. In 1/%. ho became Prooldont of the_ First National hank of Connenut•llle, which position be hole till a week before his death. Lie had been In feeble health for ten years, and died of coil aomption. The funeral services took place en Tuesday. No man In our county was more highly esteemed Ile all who knew him than Judge Patton. Ile was a man of the permit In tegrity, sound Judgment, and correct mind plea, and In btu death Western Crawford cof fers an Irreparable loss. Perere New Book Moore.—Our friend, Mr. Daniel Ferry has opened one of the cosi est and neatest book, print and periodical stores In the .eity. on Smithfield street, Inter berenth. lie has a finely calm:led stuck of pens, paper, pencils, Ink, mid all ;Grids of sta tionary. lie likewise has a full line of fancy goods and perfumeries which lie offers lower than can ler obtained anywhere In the city The most peppier magazines, novels, period I• calm, and daily and weekly papers aro con stantly kept on band. We cheerfully COM. month Mr. Ferry as an entice, worthy, honest, and fair dealing gentleman, in every respeol worthy of an unlimited public. patronage. Paid t4a Coata.—John Lucas and George Williams. participants In the «dorm! picnic at Glenwood, on the Ist Met, were arraigned be fore the Mayor yesterday to answer, charge of assault and battery preferred against them me eunvoreathon W t rul he ag i r ß e h ttt e l l to " Con Al eit e a r tr, and the matter FOLLIeII by the parties accused paying the oosts. False Pretense.—James Murphy woe brought before Alderman Taylor, yesterday. on charge of haying procured ' twenty-live dollar, worth of elothlug from tau firm of IlubmulOn a Blume by false and fraudulent representations. Murphy Is employed Zug's rolling mill, to the Fifth ward. Flo will have a hearing, on Monday. 4.4llaredj II Lim—David U. Richardson ap peared hofore Alderman Taylor, yeatenlay, and made oattiagairuit Joseph Murray for as sault and battery. Tne °Renee consisted in Murray taking Richardson by the collar of Um coat and Jerking him around in a rude man . er. The accused RBA arrested and held to ball for a hearing today. illoperintesadent Sleeted.—Professor a. U. Murray, of Youngstown, has boon tendered and has accepted the Superinterideney of the School, of StonevillePs. The reputation gained by professor Si.l while Superintendent of the Union &Theca at Mercer led to this very compltruen tare call to a wider field of useful -111388. smith. the young girl who was raped at naillola. on Saturday night lent, ls now out of danger and will he able to appear against her atrocious annuitants in II tow days. Eimapetl.—loose Baldwin, orated on u charge or rape In Meadville, made Ids escape from the officers having him In oharge, and thus far has not been reeaptured. Vinod for Sunday Liquor Mellissir.—Bine. Kenney and 8111111 Pooplus were tined tin dol. Jars and oasts. by Mayor Mc Carth y. Yearar y . da.Y. for selling liquor on Sunday. —The theory of the recently deceasea aged German physician, that his life was greatly prolonged by sleeping with his head to the North, finds an accampanying firmatiou in the fact that most American politicians, who hare for scores of years laid their heads to the South, are very dead. —The number of rations issued by the Freedmen's Bureau during ten months; to destitute whites and blacks in the South, was 7,023,060, of which upward of .2,000;- 000 were drawn by whites. Most of the su ffering among the latter ChM/ was in Ala bama and Arkansas. —An Indlaumt school teacher attempted to chastise a female scholar when's young follow threatened tishoot itim, whereupon the master drew Ida own Oster , end shot the boy, who returned the Bre; hitting, his mark. Both were badly wounded. Advice. from the City of Mexico state that evexybody . . Mere believes that Maxi.- 'WE= win, era qor_t ' g.' give up Um throne and kayo: Eli - wife him already late for Europe. ; • • - • GAZETTE. FIZEE2 SEbEILIST.—On 'Friday morning., at 4 o'clock, SUSAN, wife of Jacob Seehrist. In the 31st year of her UV. Foment/ from the residence of her husband, No. 41 Ohio street, Allegheny, to proceed to 11111 dale Cemetery. The friends Of the Omar are respect funy Invited to attend. LIMA Y. —OO Friday ereedeg, .JANE at No. 37 UniOn Steirue, MrSECKY, relict of the late Sheriff Leety, lo the 83d year of ber nge. Notice of funeral 'will be in evening papers. 13 E 1 ' 1 11E1k—tin Friday morning, .4ntne. 3,_at 12:18 k, o' l ock ksi ki A JANE, youngest child of Edward nod Pamir neither, aged S years and 8 months. The funeral will take place To-DAT, tSatnrday,) at 23a St. M.. from 176 Vint street. lip_y( . 3"•l , lottwilLooizi HILLVA.I. CEMETERY.-The beautiful • oDod'e-acre," the largelt suburb.n place of cepuleht, except one, la that eolinty, sit uated on hew Brighton road, „finnatillately north of ,;‘ll,lltX•Drra'grPOrdc''olroeiN,Pfr LVNTI(e."Alrni-1 gheny FAIRMAN A SAMSON. UNDERTAKE:L - 16 No. 196 Smithfield St.. ^"r. 7tb, antra:we In:l=smonth in a, • 3 Prwresxrcriamormar. AND IE3 SANIJOBUT tIIItEET, ALLJ.CGIIEIVY, I'd ALFA. AIIIEN, ArJcimpivramitzza., No.lBll /r mirth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. COFFINS of all kinds, CRAPZB,IILUVIIIs,usd ewers description of Funeral Ifunuselna floats InsitUttea. Moons opou'l y night, liesre. and Carrisges hinsishod. Sarsuraecas—ftor. David Kerr. D.D., Rev. M W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas lf.s.iny. Jacob 1,1 Miller. P,o. R T . WRITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Manchester, Wood's Ron and vicinity. COFFIN ROOMS AI MANCHESTER IJVERY STABLE tinnier on litieMeld and Minders streets. now and Carriages furnished. pOilliT MALT HOUSES. W. H. GARB.AhD & CO., *Asters, Grain.r, Hop Dealers, No. 17 Winter 111.rooti and Nos. 5 and 7 Penn PITT SBURCH, PA. The lalglirat market prim pa IteriLlY. /LYN, C OHN unTS! d for 14;118!gl.63.. UM N. NOCTII • JOIIN uOBB JOHN ROSS & CO, WM. N. OCOEN & CO., NI AN UPACTI , IIKILA ANii DEAL NUN IN Carbon Oil Tamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, &C. No. 64 Haricot 191tremert, arrl9:37llsolawT PITTSBURGH, PA. nISSOI.UTION OF PARTFER— SHIP.—The partnership heretofore existing , et green THU-BAN J •MES and RUB ROT WILNOR, on•ler the name an•l•tyle or vril.so:ll A BROS., Was Dissolved by Mutual Consent, oft the gtith 10. t.. Thomas retiring. The affairs of lie late arm wl.l be nettled by J.. 0 it. It. WILSON, It nu v Itl •-on t inn, the bu•lnes. of HCUSE AND SION PAINTING I=3 24 Federal Street, Allegheny City 17.. •e 4 CM= = PITTSBURGH BOLT COMPANY. WE ARE PREPARED to make aII %lads or Bolts, from St to 3 Imhof , 18%4:Wm- 'ate, JOINT HOLM. CAR BOLTS. PLOW HOLTr, CARIDAtiE BOLTS. BUIL tNU BOLTS, FOUNDATION BOLTS, SPLICE BOLTo. NET SCREWS. NUT WASHERS, do., do. Coruerllorton awl Butler Sta.. Ninth Ward. Or dere Irrt at Fort Pitt Foundry. 4:enema 131mtkamItbing promptly attended to. 1,9:111 JUST ARRIVED FROM THE EAST BO :YTS AND SHOES. a"81:12:Elt IS FILCIaELI3,, No. HO Markel Strome. Plitabazgh, Po. Tb Is old established house has now In store thirty itre thousand dotlwra worth of Boot.. and Shoes, th Lyles the latest, the quality the best.which we are etermined to sell at VZKT LOW FRIULI!. We ate resolved not to to undersold by shy to the rote nets that keep Foots worth baring. t 'ail and examine one stock of goods, and we feel eattened that you will porches : what you want In the Boot and Shoe Line. Do not forget the place, 69 Market street. M.D J &MEd !COBB. STEPHEN M. OTT, STEPHEN . . . Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, MAL, BRAND AND MI LETTER RUNK SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling eitsunps and %lifting Cards, Also, PLATES IVOR MARKIN!' MYTRING. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, (A.BOVII. DAVIS' noor. lett:elrtzrsuußlia . . BANK EXCHANGE RESTITRA.NT, H. SCIIIILD, Proprietor. .To. 90 Third St, Pittsburgh. OIi\TLHNEN•9 DINING BOOMt All the lust - tries of the moston. Choice Liquor, tegart, Rr. retrato Mohair room. op stales. Jettetra Y . C. DUFFY, - MANVYAI.TUfSR or Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, A-1.1 d.Ser Is STOVES, 110 USS (WOOS, WA T II EltS A_ND TOI I. ItTl C L 180 1:3-3roaxatl3trercpt.,, =I •• • , Tido House Is the Cheapest Waco to tba ally to boy stores and Tln Ware. Job Mork promptly attar, W to. promptly ELK CLOD & CO., Practical Furniture Illanufactureri r ' COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS, Latest, styles of VURNITUBE constanUT on hand. GENERAL Drams.g.latitzas CIPMIcsm. H. (1. HERGE.IIIIIIIIII. CI 11 11 If.n2lseet 4 Solicitor of American & Forelirs .V.if. *l' ill IV '1" BS , 0 4e, No. 12 It. CWr mit. Rc•idence, 14 1127 et. ir. HOL MIES, BELL & CO., Anchor Colton Mills, Pittsburg!), Itimulacturers of A NOHOR (A) IifiEKTINt R. MIF.v!, , ANCHOR. (B) RH IL KTI (38 ANCHOR (C) ..1 RATTIN m11.6:420 OPPICIIOI , UNION PACtrIC RAILWAY CO., elt. Lou* July 14th, MC HE INTEREST, IN GOLD, ON the Sinn Mortar. Bon Is of Union Pule° Its Ilwav Company. Eastern /Halal°. doe August I. , .111 Ito paid on presentail3ll of the Coupons at t Bunking lion. of JAY CJLIKE .ft Cu., In Now Y • rk, on or after that date. 17:10 WM. J. PALMER, Treasurer. ST. CLAW STREET. RUSSIAN PEUSLE SPECTACLES. 22 bUItVNyjNO INSIEUMENTS, orEttA GLASSES TELESCOPES. EItEOt4.IOPES, MICIttnICOPES, COMIIIN AVON HYDROMETERS, THEEMOM ETERS, BA ROM Erldltk, Tre d d=i- ETERS, Ac. for sale at reasonable prices, by J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, 1712 Et St. Clair Meet.. ROOFING MATERIALS. Cement, Pitch, Felt, Paralane rarnish and Mack Paint, Lla t n h optotored and sold as eke t a i r E as m w otycr boas, s country, by 111 Smith Wharf. Baltimore. FIRST ARRIVAL OF New Wheat at the Pearl Steam MIIL areJunt let recolpt oral:aline lot or n ew South erst.Whest; which we are now maralfiteturLuir Into flour, expressly forts/ally use. CO which we Invite ha sttentlou or the trade. 1r2D610 IL T. KENNEDY d DUO. • VAIEII FOR SALM, OF 106 ACRES. underlaid with CU A 1.. %HI 'errs, cleared, •Ita aorta rich' bottom land: rOOO.l °Tread di , DM *DPW and reach trees; two-story nom ► of Ogle rooter; Teed well tined nrlth Mull ['born .L a rne Barn 0.4 all necessary oat-ottlldinre: contenleat to tantrekeS. bawls awl 11801 albcatoltro wiles smith or car miniteam„ on nave 'Run, Baldwin toientiblio t For tense.. C.l.lre on thol. on Isn. 0 VABS VILLiVAVALEE CLVft to; r andfor sal" br • • • Use r • t . crtvpaeuTs rattly ' EE t. edAra F tux a . riukamAis, au•i;)Kr. •? ME PRICE THREE CENTS I 37‘.1110 :10 m ICZ) *Tip lINSEAIIH & c4r - s Watch Repairing &tablisinnent, se Wirth 1131treoat, OPPOSITE MASONIC HALL LADIES , AND GENT'S W.A. I T I C-aajei • ' ALL STYLES, AT INILEATLTAIE'DIICED.PRIEMS, -AT WYLIE ST., NEAR FIFTH. SOMETHING NEW. Time Registering BAROMETERS. E:J!...1) 11Y TIIE AtiENTS, 33.ti.,EiXa.1131701" sb 0470., Desiersin Optical final., 03 Iv/ Smola I , !r Ibis lostrnmenv welly generally ased by rannekii and Merchants, a.a. steambeatmert. It com bines a Clock. Barometer and Thermometer. and can be be depended upon for andleattng the change of weather. /3-V- Clet the Bent—They 'AIWA.T. Give M at" faction. Henry week, Dr. Quincy ft, Scott is called upon to insert Artificial Teeth in eases where other dentists hacs tried, been paid, sad Palled, and in every case his work gives entire satis faction. He is quite an artist in his line of business, and has merely to examine a ease t, know how to articulate the teeth so that they will present a handsome and natural appear twee, and will masticate the food thoroughly. His pricer are tower than those of any dentist the cup, and he will guarantee his work to bd superior. So It would better for any of our readers who aro in want of teeth, to call upon the Dr. In the first place, and thereby save their time and money. We would also assure those persons who Ale suffering with diseased and unsightly teeth that they can have them extracted without any pats whatever, by calling upon Dr. Scott. He has extracted for over lea thousand persons within the last seven year, and among this large number there is not ow case in which his process has proved inJurio. On the contrary, he can refer to numbers of his patient. who claim to have been benefited In renewed health. He extracts numbers dai ly by the new ' . ll.ldifolene or Vapor" process. and gives pure Laughing tine to those who desire it, without charge. He makes ne charge for extracting when a rttdolal tooth are ordered, and gives a full net on Vulcanite, with beautiful gums, for eight dollars. Hs, member his number, Si Penn street, third door aboye Hand, BUSINESS MAWS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 4 Bt. (lair Street. We hare engaged the services of an experienced teacher expressly for the months of July and Au gust. Students entering on the Ist of July can east. ly complete the course by the ta•t of Augut t• Tor elrealars and specirderta of penmanship, applY at the College 'Puma, or address N. et:LA.I , 7FX and lebbeettatwe J.F.NeCLAYMUNDS. 10000 ACHES LAND OF LAND SETTLED-: ea * .ed 4 171 - I.ll lj fertlll . Valleyn : 71 0 e Kanawha, VII at Virginia. unsurpassed for rle.hrie. of soil and 111.11ty of umber. C.ll 111 d other min erals In sue. quantities. !Some of the 1,1010 but short ITC. the great Eanawha suad lassilts rivets. eeversi tams with houses, orchards, &C.. In 5e...! condition. Prices according to location and :improvements. Timbered lend, unimproved, as th e extremely low price of foot dollars per acre, with prlviiege of choosing out of the above namber of *cr.. A Large setUement hoain asly ha eli form ed, and is daily increasing. Clear title warranted. Tot further particulate adle. WM. H. BRILL Allegheny City. Pa., or call at PARA BRILL'h Mtlits 0TIL)/th., N 0.7 7 Federal at. IS Vi/R 5- lidt. , V LEATHER BELTING. PRESSMAN & CLARK, No. 11 .1110 iSTRICAT, near the Peultantlary, Alle gbeny City, manufacturers of every d.criptlon et l , tent ottutebed,_ Cemented and Riveted DAN TANNED LAT/IYOR Dr.LTING. BELTh made to raer and repaired at abort notice. ' Particular at tentiou plaid to Lefts for Rolling ALUM and hoary works. All work warranted. Organ respectfully solicited. ' 102),11 AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL TRIED .ALSW33 "2.I.LICrE; Or, Love and Loyalty. 711 e sale will be very large, aid aaents will find It for their interest to aII tots Mak In preference to anT ether. Ladles and gentlemen trishlng pewits hie emolument will do well to call upon or address W. J. Iith.L.A.ND Jr.lligainwr 75 Third btreet, Pittsburgh, Pa. PRODUCE NOW RECEIVING. 2.C0 poundspellne Fresh Butter; LW (Vies Choice Cousin Cream Cheese; MO bids. prime Peach Blow Potatoes; WO desalt Panay Brooms, in store; pounds dear Jide Hamm. Instore; ponnds Hard Country Sean. in store NO boxes Roalia Soap, In start; lir barrels Mime so egho m ; bushelsHmall Beano; 1 barrel pore Mountain lilackberre W We, lu store for ale by H. Hi MULE. No. 103 Libel ty street. HENRY REA, JR., COlllllBBlOl9 MESCILINT IN MOBIL DRAIN SEEDS, BACON, LARD Burraii, sues, ac., RE3SI Liberty Jelekrts PITINBONUIL PA. LA PIERRE HOUSE, Philadelphia. The subscribers luring lamed this favorite Donor It h.. been BEFITTED AND YUIININkI ED IN AN EI.stiANT BANNER, and is now prepared with the most perfect appelutments for the reception 01 sliest.. The iirst4osition among PM-class Hotels srLilgus . aintain In the tam e r , pziyttv. F OR THE PURCHASE AND SALE of 01l deuiptions of REJL ESTVITE. jC rauo D fr ß ug . atre Rio, et., 10...,