. , PEE . R. DirlKEt r irZ , -Banker and Broker, 115 Wood St.. near corner of Fiftb. Ali descriptions or Government Bonds bought and sold on liberal terms. London and Continental Exchange sold at Now TOrkratas. Wid,Sllvernad Coupons bought at highest We% and GO* Drafts issued on New York. rn CE AND TRADE VICITADAY. August 2, MI The Now. York , nil: rvibtatiOns to-day, as f molted by Mr. P. R. Mertz, Were as fol lows;l Gold, 148W148; 1801 s, 1 ~ii; old bale, 10%1 now ditto, ICkieliril4 10-408, OW.: 740 e, loty,oloix. Cleveland .it PI Lc R R., 88'.cc, Tort Worm, 103; Erie, TIX; Western Telo graDb, 0534; Ohlo ft Itississippl Certificates, 0; Chicago ft . Northwestern Railroad, "Xl.li Chttago & Northweidern do Prefeired, 67'4; Itiolitgan Southern Railroad, 843 g. AB will be seen from the above, Quotations, gemarnment bonds ruled asbade lower 10- day. tails fell Mt 4; old Z,Ms, !,g; new ditto, 5•6, 741 a, nue lfetee lA. Railroad shares nee nein looking up. Cleveland fltteeurge has advanced It‘l Fort Wayne., 4; Eric, 33‘, and 1 00 u -hole ' t SOrthlvestern roads..,Western Lei:mph is lowc, "1" 4 '‘ -• • • monopoly Is manipulated Maw, . the officers of the company,and eutAhler , gen erally are 11tt in the eel.). Gehl la weok aad lower. —By the emu. we have none 0 (e V 1 0 .3" lively ODOM:dative movement In our seenrities in London, and there tuts been a general rise In Priees. The latest quotations at tile London mock Exchange compare as follows with former returns : June T. July It July tf e4trt.7‘,../v.y,,g7fa„; 7wit ,141 lll.Cent'l.74 731..2147a1i 77 077'4 79 1,) Erie :IS .fela 42!..a0•2! 41) 11 C 0801.13 K;; —Apa defalcation has Just neve discovered on the rt ot no of hoo one ot the New Yor o k bunks, the (nam k- e no tkeepers given. in ) wilt,' has berg running .0(1.1n ten ye le, cull . s now to amount to about one ballot the van 3 etOck of the hank. It Is stated that Inc it v s York el:y hank in questiOu paid the defaulting clerk a salary et 415)3 per annum, and recently advanced It to eitx, a sum wholly inadequate Witupport the family 01 a person qualldeellator responsible position of trust in a city hank, With opportunities to etcul a quarter of a inh• Bon: These:preposterously low salailes are tipremium Ou rascality, and the hank, that pay Viet. ought tO discontinue tatsines+ if they cannot afford proper compensation to LllO5O in their employment, —The Receiver of the 31erehuuti. , Nationni Think ut Washington. hes brought sWE in the United States three it lourt again:4 one of the Now York City bauL - s for toe recovery of 5c310,- 01001 the secoritim of the exploded Ceiediing toneencern. The New York bank loaned T,lsa n . 000 to the Washington tank, and $50, , M0 to Ito, -President, tndiclduail en the post. note 4 01 the bank at 13, 30, 43 and he days ilitte on the pledge of ColtatoTal. - The National IttlAk. .1t prohibits the Li:Moot such post note.. One Or the notes of 1150,000 was paid WS, but the Note York hunk holes all the collateral for the Te eming 0130,010, only $103,010 tieing due from the Washington bunt. The RoCeivOr 0111=5 the restitution of all the securities. Went York Mock and dioncy(alarlies. Nett Your., August 11---:The money market euatimies abundantly supplied with ternary, and tbo demand is readily met at. liy,s per cent.. on cal), with the exeeptance of tram am Ilona at 3 per Cents,prime discounts ranger from 5% to tll4. The market for Exchange is dull exarderlCalug. Mankers bills are quotes& at 1.0 , 4131.06%. The Gold market closet et 1,4 e. 1 Tee two extremes of the slay were 1.47 - ty1fe1,491,.. Rash Get's% was loaned st tr per cent, list tit- 1 wards the close it eOulsi berrowed flat. Guy- 1 ernment iseennties were ilrm th it is eveni le n bu g, st. , the advance of the morning, wh a ta DOM, The following were the closing prices: I Film-Twenty Customs, hrs.\ 1,1161%01,0a1t; Coen. ens, Ton-forties, 00009 N; July seven-1 if is les, Pie melees - tend that the Secretary of the Treasury has decided to atop the mut-elision of Limo Seven-Thirty notes into the Flue-T wen. ties of Pres except for the notes lalling , lue A n• gustlsth, ISM. The stock market tra.s firmer at the last open board, with a fair Jeumal far the lead ing stocks. titter the eat!, thole was eierdsle. rahle emir ity Ile) lung room, and there ‘refl a further alliance to prices. making the mar ket nearly 1/r3 to the highest point of the day. Ohio certificates took a _start entrants fwd sold at to;. The Iromts l.tstiessi tioveramerit In abi of iha Pacific Railroad, ar.• favorite with parties siestletag a long Invest- Meat, and Messrs Cisco*. sou hay; jtasi sego. tinted the sale ut 432,00 of the Cirsion 'Pacific Itatiltnricl, and WO ,rOO of the Atchison anti Pike's Peak lltaticlaat tJs. These bond' were taken by two eastecial institsatems. At the afternoon board Lisa Petroleumbtstelte Were generally firm, with sitistrattle ac nd InOner tivity tn Low siev ltle. Petroleum con a Seem , ' beard: ItennetiotY dun, 700, teo, n do MY, loge =i, mu, do, 7113, ills to, 735, 3ci Panels, Creek. 100,- Unittal Staten, 7r. Silionteatockm WO shares, South its. P.n., 0,50; 1,000; iterrneville, st,trsi 0r,5.5w 410, 97; 1,91.15 Pl{ LW, GUM/Atli lend, 1 , 03 2 7 1 , ti. 1 , 05, 2,00 de, 1,03, s,tie do, LOC; 5,e0 do, 1,07, 5,04 e w 'Jerk gold. The Peres money article say-I A very lively ripecuirdire movement lit crude tut the Mock keeping*' trxisty. The Lars market is un changed. Stocks at - the opening were renur ally higher. Governments steady butt ice tiro. road shares are active, especially Erie, Northwestern, Rock Island mid Reading. At fall it, is., New York Lesitraervas 1,b5'.; Erte Giallusison River, Tit; Contutercial'e money article says: At the morning board stocks cossileued very active, and with a few exceptions, the railroad tint was about per cent. higher. There Are many eatable buyers in the market, and the upward movement of prices sloes not uproar to have reached its ellertax, there tieing now its many buyers as when price. were Sat: per cent lower. Goveru meats were dull at the board, at about yesterday's pricea, except , 3-I.Sits of 'O4 which were 14; 10w..r, nail 10-10's which advaim ell !,‘ after the board. 01.1 &Nes were tai?„ an telvauce of 5; um)'sense of 1,1:3 luaie, Si , !, an improvement el The tin rovemeut of o.l' 4 is supposed to be owing to receipts oh later quotations front London, but If so, quotations 'have not transpired. The advance of of 'O5 is due to the decision of the Secretary of the Treasury to confine for the present at least the conversion of 74.t.es into Minds of 10.13, to any series of notes. This derelenet trill be Jody announced tills week. Money continues very abundant. First-class borrowers can obtain loans on call in round aineotrita at 3 per cent.; the hulk of transac tions, however, range at Gift per cent. Dis counts remain very gala. at 5fp114 per cent. Gehl 1a moderately active; elderly Motu' a de. Mend "for 'Mutton , . duties. Tfiere Ma liberal borrowing demand from snorts at 1-16 to 3.32 per cent, per day. A strung continuation lets been formed formOntrolling a large portion 01 the Gold on the market at present. Foreign Exchange ilt quiet, and rates for Saturday's mail arc lower. Bold closed tit i4'%; 'Mariposa preferred 27g! Quicksilver 30%; Nate 69; needing, extra divi dend 11 3, 112,• 'Chicago & flock Wand 1933. i; Cleveland & Plitaburgh es; do. 113. trijii; do, is 49, PS; Cleveland & Toledo 1141X0147• ; chleago It North Western/7%i do preferred nr.4; Mari etta & New 'York Dry Goods Bletrket. New Pons, August 2.—The market In about the 'lawn as „Tester. illy. Brown ;Meeting.— Atlantic A, 29;41; do. 11, 21%. do. F., LM; de. 6, 17;4; do: 11, 23; do. V. 'Mr Au g usta; 21; do. If'. 91;Mting and kblrting, [Matched—Bay Mills, 2.5; 131,itekstonc , ,Lribli Canoe r .l3i4; Columbia A, 19; Forest. Dale, 22; ureeno Manufacturing C,0., • •H; ;Harris, NO. I, Ed, do. H 0.% 21?..;; Hill now Frluts—Amoakeug, H; Arnold's, 12; CoclieM,2lLlnin non's, 19; Empire 12!4; Free.man, 11134; Gaynor & Co., 1.119.4; Hamilton. /21 London iddraing 17N. Drills, Brown—Arno, k mg, 21; Boat id iils, %; Globe, 79; Peppered], 1.5; Stara 11, M; Winthrop, 1514; Denim's Arling. ton, 42. Y.. Starts—Daptex hiliplie,ier dozen hoops,lllt4el,M; market hoopd,B7 , old Em 'pram do„ 1,25; Myers, ; L, ersle MPrs. 6801.1 0 ; •10. doe ;Loops, eL441,10; do. 4,{f 73. Shirta—W. Standanl bidets, 0.93 oer.doz., $1i1; N 0.135, N 0.210,17; -.No. 1.1042. Metre.' poi arm Collar Company, Byron 1,435, 11101119OLILli,N.Ofronan O. Co. patent. perspiration proof, Byron, 31100; Sllak.pear; 40,01 cans Se ' Ruffles, genuine with Dude mark, N.O. ,• 69947, 1 0; No. 3.7,75. No. 4. 5,•0- mule rrtl ' es, No. I, 11400;No, Innu; 3. Bard itabbor Cravat.. No. 1, loch plain, 4; N 0,1414011 ed end, s;Melt, NO. plain, figured ends, it. 2.3; 3 Meh, 4,t,Ofkleto; figured •,, unds,„%i luairy 1„7:7 6 . ligurud ends, 1,15; 11110., arnal ends, 64 1 Inch, 5pk.10,23. • _ New York Produce Market. ; • Nsw.Yordr, Angust 9.—Gotten dull ,and orb Oes easier tor. rtildilllng uplands. Flour dull Oferligl,7soB4) fOr extra State; adtaitl fa i r round nooP Onlo, and en.n 3 ka- 1 ,0 0 tor trade .braralc,' the. market 010..1ng quiet Whisky dull and nominal. .13ee04pta of ulicut, , none; idutl, rind cadartionstriangly lend down. ales of Lush at .41,2 - for, fair now IlWanliSe, and $3,73 for 9110., Non ' Cetptr of- nev, Milwaukee at : Mo. • ..I.lCcelfrts of Wm. 30,..Ma_nusb; nu market opened heavy • ;. and eltwed fallyie lower.' tales of IfGAXI bust! • •:ri.: ,,, ... , .'5.teMV10Xe 'for 'oration 'ed+,.zi , nle,c -for kound tatted: western, Closlarr at louqgSle forCB E. - ennielloulale for common 4044,111 White; . $l,lO foraprism Vide: western. Rawlins of , oats taarket lc dull and doullo but; of .w001arat.'4.44.5‘. for Cliknial44,2tkio for MilWaukber . .84343 for /owe: entree - all. dun; Molacsets rc- Z an tl i lliu.A.rit or 2 fur crude and VIR-1?e for k doll 'and heavy; 431.50 ;...s•i:.:... , ..;',.forregular,.l:M, for old. do, autl. aMya7.6o. for at arcs or driller at ISISMI%4' for.sl3ouldokanTle4'or.A_ hata.. Lard It nutter ZNISSeIor Ohio, and. 270400 ler *kale, yr.e.itareece Taut at Of : • • ' - - - 4711 : Ithi Thtrocetj , pi tt this point, for the past 'rack, *areas follows C t g oe '. . ° lit tr t),° , tr:F. 1.620; - 73,147 - 31,531 1,3j 1 ' , ..PriiAre * ear/ 1 ,5 1 , 2 1 . 8 43,372 MAW . - 24:40 3,,r) 1,146. Chicago Cattle !barite*. 1 ' ' CIIIOAOO, Lilt 1.-The tout' reopApt.g of beef 14.4 - ton Market ' cattle today ae r tbl I.fatou Stock Yards aro WU ;•:-',.-ic-'-iwasl'LA.4:lralrfflA4l. P.-"guttWel:LiKwirtiblattioals 'ant butliai:oftEd,natetnNiprikaientatatglotitheiroallnfrerST:ThegMri2e34B. •"-^: ' teati delnattd,lettli o 0 . 4 s e 2e t elk and ~,,,,, ..m. mpg, st i 4 h,,i r e rs . 65,75074,5 for ~. .k/04 7 . W0 • 1164° ' 11.7 1, 44 - *to. i Ifffiff , /rot' nneallata to fat atock nears 'cUld bllLcilerg , ;.' l,- . ,,,. . tlirtnea rgi- P aMirsi g leatik9 na last nun. a tt i c , and. [rata SUM:6M for noon to auaXifif '' ^ - ' at 1114 r ....' ordull bat price fivr . une l ,T; thole° sbilfpilatf bly_alu.,..Rl . .luoxy . .et.l4 fairly ,I+,..ed• "43s tititarcd iron-d." ""Siq c f 4di native ' " lie; ThcrniiririairiViliucnVlX:l ,- - gad: Alinx , ...“ s dAhr• but prfaal .arff,, . qaleatf/r .>, , •`. -L ars Ast. giu..A. .'":!: , ' - • ,, j..Z .- -- , th e guendantst Om it yers from lttsburich, Do. ' ,-....- .4,,tidned. "'' . - .- - • - _: 430.reiend other' ,:blatice,tcobarted ~ nt ' ma." , d a eateddorablo Innit}eali hitßlKen ' - ; s ' L. i•Ctink PirMl• ,;',' -• ' 410 Sr afe_.. an, , .d I n tha tayca .. _7-• e"" '," '-- -;41 ,,,,,„ %Inn nin't as - 4 trannanlng .4' ••••-y,---0,40rr. nano - 4n Innen. .... toil,. ,AUL'Eht4^-'..-- faa Corn abio-adirlecotpain ___, _n en , i d a ...„„,,,, nbidzed'''H- Vfn0nL,,,,.,,46"74a1trdpc; tstailn atia_ bire.trado 40-snablza zilior..loeicor , 1. ~iM1140,11aM43,,,,, .i.orfaiWtre.74.- Afilaibilrettile 1104 Z io a; fraza, 09 t owd.raa j 1 -... ',- sorbltb .._ iriiide e vo, .i. 4?flif, "A.Askk.4l4ol,t, , j,,lrer,::,, ~., ..•, .*:--,,' -, :1)Wil sallit24 mt 43416}0‘ , --:*!-T.'..:".:1*•_--:- Vt i r 4 ,,' ' ,'. ...,"'", ..• J ; ••,.1, : -?1,,,:. 4 71.7.- -L"`.„..-• ' '' l ' ••- -- •,. •• _ ~,-i-,-: n,*:...•-`-^"1, ,I , l' • • "..-*L -' ; '''.- r' ' '...." '' - ' ' '. - 7- ', :: 1 t4,144,9,,V.17,-,„thr4l,. •! , ,-(2,:.` i% , 1. ,, `';' 6 : , . .`.'; "t ' tljka `'...-, ..'• , ~,,,-. ./ ~.t.'.., o" :S,S.,.'''' ..ff,4^-...4.'"'1'...:7e,,..'''5-7.,77..)1":>7-- f.'4,7.ll:':'''s '-,,1'i',..-.r-'?;;l.2jZJF....::';;:4:!;;'''P!..-j.:,'4z_,:.,,,...- - A, tp, t,ll :-'4"llks'lFC.4:'''''' - . PITTSBURGII EAILIKETfi 0171e1 os yos - Prrrslttlaan.Giserre. I ! TinresnaT, AngtiSt. 2, 1606. The general markets continuo quiet and very dull, the demand for all the lendingeotta tuodlties being very much restricted, no both consumers and retailers are buying very spar ingly, ha consequence of n prevailing belief that values v1'181:111 furtherdepreciate. GllOCEßY l ß o .—vingars rue Orin but without 'notable centime; Raw Sugars may he quoted at 11tX to 14'd, as to quality: hard retinsd, , oft do, 1at,<417. Coffee Is quoted arm at 3. to fcr fair to strictly prime. Molasses so to for prime to choice Porto Rico, and 1;1.15 to i 1,51) for New Orleans. Rangoon Rh', 10;-,(Ell. GRAlN—Wheat is dull and drooping; sale ,it 9r2 bags No. 1 Spring at V.A.:: and 1 car Club at 42.09. 'late in good supply and dull; sales of No, 1 Chicago at 41445, and prime white at f 0 :0 W., No movement in Rye or Barley. Corn s dull and ntmilnal at 75 to 00, FLOUR—Continues q slot and a little dull. hut unchanged. Aales (ruin stare for Sprint; Wheat. $ll to sll,:ki for hull - Tring and half W int Orion,! Std to good to choice brawls •if Winter IV neat. We are cognizant of t10;25 havlng a been offered 'or a round lot of Po Wits ot iOlrt lett on 'milk. and rat:wed-100,3U asked. Itve Floor •1 doll at 40,50, and Cornmeal I, Ala quoted at lid. 114 eon Orin will' a 1 lir deneind at 1:1., to 17.4 for Shoulders; Ito 7 tor Ribbed d li *Wen; 01 for Clain I.l.titiv and 2.5`,4ett1. for near Cured :10. Lard Is dull ai 216 . 21. .111, ,, Pork II Whited at 433,3 e, and Ds led Beef at 27 , 017 - 4 ts. poirAToE.4_-gulet. and unchanged, with Supply tally equal to the demand: regular uatee from store at $3 to .3,23 per Md. -Con! tune dull and to very good sup . . APPLES—Prime ripe Apples are i na, mid would sell at 44 to OM i."n de t n • I t ' 're are none of any conniaillElKW in thin marl tit. CUES:SE-1s doll but Oncintuged at 15dIn m for Western Reserve, and InGl7 for Hamburg IlAY—la not confine very freely, thou_). the demand Is only niralerote and ill /CON Tr mein unchanged at tai to ttl.3 per ton, as to quality. • PITTSEMBOU PETILOLEUDI MALItii.ET Orirtus el Till PTTITEUELOVI k.; AttrTt, / TEIIIRSDAY. Augtug CI:UDE—Thero wttn again ccnisiderable e:- •eutent in the Crude market to-,ly, there being quite a %tufted demand for oil, On the -pot as well as to arrive, but the eltrelile or holders lilts n tenth:oi.y to retard op- We have sales of Idol bbls reported. at /3'4 1.3b1.3 mint - nod, 101 l tL a a,ra no:il that there 11.1 been some fon small nt if. For future delivery 'here la Con - i,l able litqatry, but sellers gen ru re e. to contract, owing to th 6 uncortom y of a o v. ration, and besides, som o e f them cuter the 04011 Ithat by holding off tbey vs 111 a• enuldecl to realize better prices. raenanes letail, quotations may l‘e raids given at 1 , 4 , us At Un etLy 1110 Market us Sportotl zgxcatly exeited. and prices hate still forth, - , lowed, crude being quoted nt $3,75 to "4 15.1 -hi at that point. Whether sales can cf. at those qUOtatloug Went, not prepnre.i to ..:ate. ILEILNED—Thure is no abatement i u the 61 e ol for bonded oil, 00 the ..,pot its for return delivery, and the marl, et is .1 and unsettled, that it Is ditlicn It to give accurate and satisfaotoryreport of the We Can report sales of MOO to*-10 ter seta ember delirery, in l'hiuielphla,:tt do for same month, at 1a. , . k, and Wu for ibenoin. set, at la. We heard Of Orders to inly for 'Sep teu,ltor at 43 to 45 1 4, and then, was a sale or OILS, on the hpOt, to .I.•A - IWullueoday) at Ct. Late in the day, tia ni was reported a little "Of Ish'• in the ..a • • , and buyers were waking fora reductlen. , n.' as there is very Little offering, it is pro.. lint prises - alit tie stratalned, ri-c w ill be but very little done for or neat few days. Kitt I A arrivals of oil by the Al legheny river since our last report. were t, alit tar seen from the fallowing 11'111•.. :,1,0 Irlll. 11locket .. NVartlag S atlng... xt y IV. P. Logan 111 EBB 31AltIsEt. tivrtos OP Trill PrrTS.Bl3 6011 Cyl e. Tnotsowv. Augu.t I, to 7.10 market for cattle Was Ism:art:lily at - tit e thl3 week, the transactions twing larger thitalitst week In the aggregate, nail praes have advanced front '4 to 3 of Scent per memil. There was an err:snail y large nem ier of lutyrt, In attendance, artil.wltlt a pretty st img competition, comparative light arm a.. and a ea ylltiWtlll,ll, reports (COW WI.. 1 t.lO Of all griutes ~1,1 readily et the nil ranee, and the pens were pretty wt 11 14• 1 1111. 1 11, :mil buyers yet collie ground yet Pietro Gat cattle may he quoted at s' to sl,, 110 e r al.ra at Suwk rattle sold readily st from ti to, eta, according to , m! everal Lena!! drovmetof bulls cliangstl g is r.tO 5' 4. Thu .1111pilleat,1 42,q, .0 fat tills week have hems fully Up to the uemil 1,11114.,, stallAuring the latter part of last wia , k the c ;torts to both p aan.l 4 , 0 . 1.4 tiers rutiter larger than usual. 1 ae dernsuil tor sheep was mo, c•• k, tel with .lira eat tls al, 11.1111 a ~r t. a e, the mrkil rulua than at an ailvarce / !, d Cult). is, IL Cult per poem', as eompat tat s m ck. We flea .111°0 1 . 1, 1 0 .. • im regarlel tile rzti run •,; t In; rant. Thin c Was but ono .:d• • at Li.r a ; ..Eteli oiclotallon,atal that an, ,11 I,xl. ra I. Ile 1. if • neep, and CAIMOL Lakattn two a fair itainx ol • tat market only rn , that particular grad, 1,0 market was Vet., this week, and Wilt, a very good demand and a light sapid , and, have advanced folly a cent per ,e.ntl, COTaintr...l with last week. We no, I'" at" :41 10 11 cents for good to t.I talc Ilvory averages. - in New York, links advanced to cts, gross, the highest point teethed ill Lit It market far some months, A e or,r 19tA. Gatti., Hops i'h dull e 1 phlu. 1151 11111 1 , 737 1 - 271 ECEI23I VI ) Points Taal 0010 !Ono IMPORT/) 111.10, S, len Boyer. No. Arge. Price. '.:11f.•1 ty .t Co. to 10th01f.... 101 101 Lonorty a Co. to orr a Co. s'.? 215 10 fo & Co. to Hedges. 111 231 10 05 II rrr Loan to Orr 15 2t 10 50a 1 Log: to Orr 17 215 Ifl (,)0 to Orr 51 17$ it) GO Plant to Re 3 2SI 270 10 tts . • • P . ,(1 to lutlmlnt Co IM 290 IU 00 .nyder to Itabolr &Co 40 %to 10 75 Print to Keti.s 21$ 275 10 73 I : :tiforty to Kays 1.17 '..130 10 35 heys to II edgeg lOU lu 50 IMPORTS° SALIM OP PRIMP. SeUer. Buyer. Nu. Awe. Price. ,Iblyott tO Orr VA 510 Lotrtk.co to Orr an NO 5 00 ntruell to Orr 311 00 5 75 Jonneton to Orr 32m N. 5 55 Cark to Orr 116 .5 5 00 aal to Paris. 1111 82 5 75 Lafferty to 81 IN 4 75 ale Call to °flick 3216 111 5 00 McCall to Clark 41 101 5 00 Ilan to Der nin 177 101 6 50 Mitchell to Er'llonan 92 08 4 75 Aldeutt to Rare lay W., 83 575 .b ong Itarelay 195 91 5 75 Pattorson Lrianinn.... 3 , 0 in 3 1.41 Itackb tO to 510 Wiltkonson to ,Wlnters... 209 Li 0.11.C1y to. afferty ...... ISS 00 St altlt & Co. to .Loyd •Al 7 fit 5 03 l Snyder to ...... tit 116 613 U litchis to Reeser 15.5 480 tO Messer.— 910 91 5, 23 Nittchell to Parts 719 .93 4 74 Laffarty & Co. to Entlll, etailawngs...:ll9 450 IL.C.PORTILDOALTM Or CATTLIL HOZ to Berry Ili lac.tal nice eooaollll stock ratite, averaging 999, at GAOL 40 bead henry 'bock cattle, averaging 950, to Marks at 0,30. Carmlebaellt Martin to licCoratell 43 1109.1 of gond tOnariern 01110 steers, leveraging 146' at 8,1101. Smith ft Co. to P. Duffy 44 html rhyro mon crrrA and Redfern atG4 . Stolth Loeds h Co. 33 helot of goal. cattle, averaging lite, at 71. g. Lafferty *. Co. to Warne .9.1 head common and steers, averaging 850. a1r6 1 ...i. Quick to Orr & Co. 51 laud of falt lowa ntatua, aver aging 11:40,at1.447 Per heal.-' Wentz to Marks head, averaging hntuoen 909 anal 1000,at 0,05. Warner & Klamen ))sigh mg 118,175, good euttlu, at.P. TritAbial to Sinuriburg, IS banal, vOlOlOOO 19,7 , 5. Graham to Fuller 13 bead of oretty goat rat tle. welginlng' 21,275, at - Wenaz to Coot. umn 39 head Of (Wirth. cattle, weighing a 1,515, 3 7,sta. Stnlll. ft Co. to Soli 15 /lend of bolls at 5. Wurnz Lollar). M head, weighing rn,300, at. Woruo to Young 19 head, weighing ate. WernuLo Filuillenberger Jl head, weigh ing 11,44 e, oth,M. 1 , 1 too to eon rtncy arsileAti, vrelgb log 39,77 a, nt 7,91). Shauaburg to Mooney 11 head of bulb. at 6 . X. %l en. L 01111.101 1 .11. 60 bend, weighing GO,- 00, at 6P. Buren to Sinitli head. weighing Put lire in Mooney 16 lined, weighing at 6;-1. Evan. to !Thornburg la head, weighing at 7. Word to WOO t 9 131.11, weighing 107. M. 6,31 Al6alrof MeArd le 171104 u% weiglAng 19,b76, at 7. - Snyder to IttAlliater 16 Waal, weighing 16,- VA. at 7. Steel to Bcoolo head, weighing 1.5,- ,430.A. - 14tuele to Mett rille 17 bend, weighing 114,11 n, nt x Clualdina .to etenrille Id bead, weighing W,MIII, at gAt. SiVzl'horeOn to Worn. 17 head, averaging a fraction over 1003, atTg. ' • . . rFkiß!rtur4. statistics. (Fiarritheebaditercial Lad, Al:aft/at 1.) Received at liok York since let Jan eery -I,e, GUN. fral,slo i 1€& hbl4 :1'2,671 Exported Moe time— lea. : !az From Now York ' galls. 15,0k1,18:1 5,21ex1 Other Porta . ..:: ~,;.:. P. , • ' - 14,101,250 ,2,414,5,4 Total ~ . 30,mitwo h1P1° Tnajiti 1:;',36§,10 Stook, Tag Crude. R..ned /tA B Naritha SO /MO 4)41. TOkel 76,743 61.0.11 102,&V stook, - r4to9 Y. 4.414 11,,r5 qssolualng 'far) bblei on 6bl);•board; Nrw York Market. BOOTS, SEIGEB, fie I C' • .' 1-CIE . Ew roux" August I.—The market for pig Is firm, but remshas very quiet, tiro demand being confined to tho supply of Imerymediate A.T N - "S BOOTS, scants. America is °floral v stmr• Meth, We notice n sales Will of .....tki tools No. 1 Amor- Boys' Boots, icon at tie at E. Port, Me ,M Glongornook scotch, SW; and small lots Scotchnuomon to bust bramis 417 :+u from yard. There hare ham no sales of Invoices from drat hands. From store, there Is but a feeble inquiry, at ' our quotation, Cleveland Rarkel. I. 1100111 —1,1111: 1.111 1101110,4 Ore, rates are nelelnally lan ellangerl. We hear or 1”1 , rle , Alter 'Clheltre. Corn—Firm rtrel ueellangerl. .Sale I ear at ;Ire nm .ton ont+—Sea,-e, limn 1014 nlrlul V. N o :at tie e—Steady arid eh ane.l at <.. (or No. freak ,terr. Harley— Toledo Slarket TOLEPO. Aug. 2.—Flour ;Inlet. Wheat; corn: n Kr: wee a shade lower; ealee No. 1 umber 100 3lteh;onn Crop Of ;WA ut $2,40; 1(0: crop of T. 5, nt ;_.lt; amber do.. 612,11; white Michigan, aew crop. 01,4;. Corn dull nnllll34,iinlng;mj,4 et ki for No. I rad sod. Cl for vhf o ditto. Oats wa,ree end h met uneld at Vie. ,Is gah.t. Lake trelghts chnowed. =II Carr Aug. I.°.—Flonr dull . at Se:l,W for er , r ,,,,,.i ng . Wheat dull arid doellned for No. I. Corn active and declined - , ;431c, nt 3.541i6c0 for No. 1, a n d 54i.,4tc,„ fot Pull. at 2. 4 kV27C for No. 1, and for No. 2. 11 1g % tiles trini sale,. et 52,44. M 1,4 pink, at Vl2,lifl, New Orleans Market. I , uo a= C:• To-I,y' r,e6lots :2 - :Wes. Now York Exchnnge D,..ount ;6,r; Sterling 62. llicankoe Marko,. to:, Allgubt I.—Flour dull. In dull. at Corn asc. Om, Ml= E. rsr.c afdi, Fowl. IV Avera u t C.:ctoo II It. A.ugust is hatn/4, i. ett,l ditto, F "eller, ?, ,0,47 b.Joa wool, .1 Kirk plarlck.ltrg• ••0, 143 glltsswato. d T sdo do, Ito/4/41 co; ..11t , 1 , 1,1s flour,' Gardiner, 2.0 do do. F II Dt v .., 4.T. I 0; . ..n) C drnk 1115; 100 dd, lr Idallart; Er„lbblipotatoc,, I. II VOigl. CO; Al •Id & Reiter: . .100 bhls flour, Stumm lcur t Lung; ^J.IO 1.4,114 n,ll toed, A Ttlylnr. CLSVII.LANII Ano 1 . 1 . 1 - retttri:ol.l RAILROAD, Aug Xl.6.—'_s 1,1,4 T .t 51tt , 5i1.t . ,1,1•••,141,10, korr; I ••. , ,I. 1,•••“., 1.:4 , 1,1041y .1 111 41; I cat' 111111fttell. 1111,1, ttt . t.i4, M6:1,4, , A t t't , r•or. I CI. .0•11•1 k, ..... eras '0 , k • 1.111:11te, 1 1)1,1.1 Cook. ''' 11 •ICI I. X 10, r.o•;‘, 1 I .1t.111, , , I 1111- leig hi, Clo•iini.,l r 1 r1.111M11041. Cult .111'6 A snCIN4 1,31•11 IL R. 1,1 , .1 11 II; M I , rooin,T s !• twelange 41,, 11../ X 110 ICON not,. T lieil .t Itilehrixt; Del :I.,!Jr. I ca.,. I. M, 111.?, •:.,• • I ,In ,!", I 10 , 1 A 401., I do, ...111, / A I,,ine , I .1,, 11..,1“•,; du: oon, .1A OW:8311w, !I 'A+ rug , . ,od• RIVER NEWS T to gear ha. undergone but httia rhaag•• i. ee our last rtlwrt, the pier marks last et e -10,11C:111141:L6,1111 eighlren rose,... we uhyr yesterday noti clulllll 311.1 ,(1, n. , :e:11.1011 , 1 of wore rain. The W A. haldnyth frt.!, t inainnatt, nod the Now State, (.051 W herding are IS. only ar. awl the Now `emir, W 1' .1,..111•• 0111 y 11,1 1 11.11 ii, for bele, ..pt, (hut. Dean inforins us that the tno turneila andl 'olritnien 1, .1 up ~1 wail... (Or An 1111111 . ,Icuruul,1 11111115, 111••,. :! , 111111/ , 1 ~,•1 .11,3 .1, , A /1 tat, NU.- 0, the. , h. pals he unmet' ter the paelreitrad.w, and thet' are adni!ralolv th, iuted for that penny.... e:111 the 1 1/111111,114 111,114 frn.,l 11, 1 of htst eret,ing, 13.'11 t , 116 , Niehel gaheht .."111;.; eu: he h. a... in Abut trade will ram Turner e teunnr, I.; 1 ut Idat huh.; le-lay. The old In. u ill 1 - 11.: the l'tyrtlY and T. ledraph 111 Itrw We' I 1,11,•11, t• 01,11 1 1 ,1 1 , Ullll the h.alittt 111. rut.. in;.; hytween and land, No T. •• Frank en the any. iwr repa.ra. T.' . Chieflan, /11 1 1 1 , 11,11" 11 1 11 1 , w.i,r •-11ritbbIlzgu•in.1 Lock Nt, conn..e - Clng , W . lOl the I. 11,14• r. [. attl that tp Int to tivm., a. Th. t III,! “all/it.n 11,1% !..i . lint! at lit t• o't.;ork LI. mil latter Intl also 1.,“ :ng' each ttttt at •crook. :1:1115 for ...Mr), tine ‘a po•-hor par; I. r0mp...p..1 Al the pion.- to., 00.1 It lololn IN, jr-V onorvgall.. 1...e1p11.4, r • oot 0. the ..alla tio I lt:o Wont lng. /It. party 111 go :nr an • eh No. S. where tiled., wall Iv .1,, nt. , l 11 vot Inn .4,. i•dc.atto., ololoooos rage orot I 1.‘•01,14.211.1t. Ca;•1.3,11 • u‘ontnti.let too ~allal.n, • 14.-- (10.441.11 ,1111, a 1,1.1 h4O n. , t all.ll .a:.• b.. di -taint.; man I v tido its, al..lidt eirtitirat and geoldeMni.;y de:lle:V., n .{•••tO110,2 r. i.e Unichottiti IM.ttr, It isine•iity toys The Mary Erwin, froth Pitudnirgh tor St. Itsuls. had gatons freight tor this place and r 1 tons for st Louis, whit hor .3)r goes tistlay. Pat Moran, min of her deck hands while a sleep, It II from her hmtail on last ittes.lity, at Plittlinrult, and w:., at . o7itieli. lie hat' yn Emarriist two ty, tat, moI tils w'r 11.. I h i , monritteil sat Istaetton of drawing hit edges sesterilny. Int,. Is Pont.—lila Rees, narry Dan. all eve Cloud No. 2, Messenger. (,olden Aar) . Erwin, Kate Itmontion, Pole (trove. We clip the following hem.; (rein nor V / le exehanges o 1 Tuest , ay • The ton tmat Shari: came In /tutu St. Louis etterany with n fleet of empty barges Pt tow. the takes n t oft tow of conl to Mein ph.. The COnier wan preparing to shirt to hitt...- burgh yeeterday whit, a fleet et empty Imigint TUE:COAL FLooT r 01: itCLOU .—TII.• (0110 W log towboats an. going down the rot er with Integer nil coal boats for 14.tr0, Meoti,ht. ant New. t a uleons: The Baker stn. 9 Itarata, the Tigress the Stella II;. the lloroott 114 the Shark 12,t he .1.16:oll 7, and the Torn Jones a, making a 1.4.0 of 7 towboats 70 coal boat and barges, anti trao,- ow torshels donut. THE JULY lion —SAO riser moo ea) . that the 11(1.1,11 , July rise Lollar liielitait stage of cater known In this mouth since lel:, It MY, an turncoat stage of high water for the titian ol year. STEAMBOATS. 'MITT SBILIR,GIi. 111101INNS w. VILLE ASIA 6e:11-NA U.S. A1ALL...4 . 416, .1....M.C732C-1310 CADONS3E" , WM run slin, ilatly side-wheel loteanw,) betw.en l•lttwtnlrgh, Alonongal,:f lirnwhovlllt.ll,...• I.lodErig. tw,mwo Anal thy I xlinkar.l 'Legion, This inn LA composed of the following .803[711 , PAYETTE. CAPT. Al. A.- I It I.).:GLIAPII P A L"l'. IL. HUI:HEIL YILANKLIS l AcT. z, Nti, • • • .. ......, . Tl•ese packe. will leer l'lttailiarall dally at •• p • and sp. in, e“ept Sarnia'', when tto. •lepart art • In ate o'clock, a. In. The thronWit paean for the tilt:l,lons will !ea', Plttalsorkli daily at G p. Oran ascitle tinily et • in. . • itaentorlati—Leavea Ilrowsucilla for Islttaborali dully at 7 a. ,o. nod 4 p. tn. Les, a Ureeneuurn and (tenet, al. 12 a'aluc L, Ran, 'a Landing at '7 p. ni. flan Ilin. It noinpowd Orst-tilasa tide-wino.] stem arc, k iprirAsly for the trade. They nee by nal:tours at. lent ervierienee, will pay particular SIAPTIIIOIII twi he w MI/ and CON f.rt of i lowaetigera. I na - boats will lacer promptly 0. the ince wivertliwi ATsALI, 111 N Kn. loot rdettler particular.nquire. of .1. e Agent, At the sgsbarf-Ituat, lout 11rant at., Isltlainargli. CUISIN, Agent, iny.ll:nion III!, Is. rcomEs , LINE OF STEAMERS, ( 1 s T ) i'lLtsbnrgh. Monen Anil gstb GOIELOOL eIe• City, Brown.- vlllo no.pany will not a dully taint nesivet n tile shove points, COlOpflaant the are nnil splendid /Me-wheal stramere CriiErr A.l N, It. It. Ann., as emnlnanaer, and Eta:GTO/4 UOISIttr , Punt, Pt. t,ntaisder. (Thu Mieetor unar being sionineted arta win tats her place In the Ono MI6. few 4laya.) I:l7leitAhl will Ineru l'ittatitirgh for all points on I'llahl/.lVm, tiff-SI/A Ys and tlATllllt/A Yf at 6P. N. I.orrnlng, leaven lioness for l'lttaburgh nn HONDA Ye:, WEDNEBIJAYS nod YUJI/AY:3. at 9 a. ix. and Ornisnovllle at 4 P. 41. flic !Marko. iraVeS /41 , 4411 A , 'WED:qr.:it/AY and AY , e. al. Iteturning, beeves lioness fyr tilttaburgh TUESDAY. 17.111.71M11/AY and NAT RDA Vat ti 41. and Itruwowsllle at 4 r,v. The Ctimpany have tlrat-elsis VS hart 110.1. at Monongahela City and Cittalturgli. Freight re celltl at all nature. No chaotic for rotortilssiouoat Knot..rn Tide line will not run tenant oat the 16 Tor further _particulars enqUire on ' bunni. or TA , JokIN S. Agent, at Lne n.o. root of Grant street. ishletarnd CO-PARTNERSHIP, WE. THE SUBSCRIBERS, have this day cat , red into a Limited P.R.:raid', agreeably I 0 the pros/Igona of the act of Assembly Reared leo Sat day of March, toll. The nartnerstdp to be conducted under the rimer of MILLER, BAWL & PARKIN.. lu the LBY of PURI/urge, and for the purpose of maaufaatartag and • elliegarrZr.i. and Its Produ".. ThR general partners are ItEll LIEN MILLER eini CB AS. PARKIN. If the City of PlLlaburge, and ISEO. W. ['Mtn, of the Borough of Lawreonev lite. The Speetal partner 9 are OA 41 AL RIMS and 'SAMUEL uurr, of the 'Scrooge of Lawrenct title. Each of the spec ID carter', have contributed Twelve Tbousued ;Ilse Lunlred Dollars In cash. 'I eata partnerithlri to comae tier ea the MST DAy OP ! lAA UtkILY. ig36, and to terrain , te oa tee . TRIETTLPLIERI . LAY OF DE.CEIIIIELI, 187 S. REU.BILY MILLER, lt ciOrYir. MUM. t,hruerm Partner.. • CtiJon. tpkillUr•L M. Br", 'Special Partner. bAiktUEL DUFY jelB1 , 1X) _ A DMINISTRATOirs NOTICE is hereby glvro tii.st kilt. or adiouils rration upon the Alitale of AHD: ADAMS, Into o f Pena TOWnsbILL, Abegeork/ county, pii„ granted to Ai m undersigned. All Demons indebted to tete ostabraed hereby Muddled to malt Imme diate pop:neat to Cbristtoo eutvoly, Neal talon niattlbomS booted CialMinrOMpledttlt to pre sent there. PoODo ,l 3 , 3 rheritql the reetaeher ef the Administrator. o. b eon , street, .Ward..l . lthbtnitt. —• nuan ADAW. .n.' TEcTAS ER; i stogrostiriduen"Exavcalitixte:td.thepjeasd: late R B C/Ir .Thi CT os LifitAlL.. Aucll . 4t u rearso l : l ltilta n Al titr ver tmi h rtn ‘ :a teut t bl artilnZ i l% cc itr t : Hue removed le Um Pratt Assaiittinic tiimake varratut.; tOlafr antanitt:' ,11. 'Ai A 11 , 5 Nn._ 2 - , .4144 481 . Cl air Sires nutit., at HU it tin Vinn rinalittint; - , ' par 4,-; U • -FM20 1113 4 Witer4th4444 , ll(bilflesia totnia lintenin ,ts Jeltom:r" y(tlitistinFt4t • Ando.t4,4l4le*latilmlstoryienr... jenscasailima - Yostits' Boots, Ladias' Gaiters, . Ladisas 13almorals, MISSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, BALNORALS AND GAITERS, At Reasonable Rates, SOUTH it ROSS', 63 121CLEcrls.got 23t - reot Inv"2:11.1 SERIPER PAR AT US I 313= SC I 'ilsa 1 , lnon. crime the vrat too L..woolcted. no.rdering tnol• "there. one It la rgsli.st Id • own Ititrre,e Wr. belo se It. Let ..1 Ittat the true since of .sltalr• The 2. tal. Th..t there Starllr 0 0 : t. nently fitted np, at No. w 7 sir... rittahuralt. on which MA11.1 . 11 , 10 . pea aide.. •11.1 In which hoof, And shoes are cold at prices •o , ow to lotonleh the notices. Hear we tepee o. ale „ leg II other art...l, are toil correspondingly low: chef • I'on.tr. • I.o•tit gaiters Selling Ai ti...; Ice. di. e• newel Ittlots at CIAO.: Men' I:ougreas I.a.tlng lialter.”t l'hildren•s nt .0 . : I idreire Al..rocco Whoes at Me. A Large lot of gent's prime 1:1.0 Galt and gaiters justtr reload and exceedingly low. ln addition to 0113 he keens any art WIC In the boot or sitar It. o, and titanntaeturt s to order Ladles' l'ongreaa 'sating gaiter ir.oroevo hoot lolled' and gentlentro'N fan rkol. ..obrohlt re.l ippers. Ligroin*. gent's Ors! Moot. rail .101r1 mode t• order e1..50 lower WIZ othat orallo.use lo the city. Lan!s lit up lo at t. , Irv?. MA/ieh n ••• 0.11,1 advise Curry r.ll to bast. of ll la vo 0. 1.a.10 .• and gent's fan, club to. owe: upp. r.', r•Ilk EL for sale. Where in ..oneibt.the chine. in Belling to wl3 , ow: plead .0.1 by se.lion low we expect 4/ to prewerce o: w.) hike rClttei. And tls3no: quick 1.0 tool many ot i.e.. Inviting Ton 0111 and wee lor yoursels es Leone the subj.:, whit )011. • W. G. KAHAFFEI I= AL'IBEW 1141,NIORALS. L_.dies'ConEress Gaiters, Ladles' Kitt Heel Slippers, Metes Calf Boots, Plen's Calf Balmoral:, lien's I'llf Gaiters, ien's I all Oxford Tic,. V.:SSES AND CCUP.Irri SESCPC:3OI49I ALZ\TM, 193ELCIkf38 le flrrj Varied, st Ilasoosble Prices. at ill MAKkET rnEET =I GREAT EXCITEMENT AT 92 Federal Street. Boots, Shots and Gaiters, AT REDUCED PRICES, WE fJ3I...T.MJ T0033'19 GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street, Alleghen3, Fa A LARGE AND MENU A MUM A I SUM R BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, .d 1 rsd Balmorais, 1.. • r - ea, slot Kit 1 r Wbole•ale or /Cr ==ilMMl==l .1. B. it, W. C. BORLAND, I= FIELD (NG & BRO., SI annfert tire.. an.. r. In <3ll.2.esit ono. ildrish4:3lo BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 110 Ohio St., Allegheny. It. pal r I nix promptly exec Piled ult the NED' HOOT AND SHOE STORE Xo. 2.1 St. Clair Street A large and well aelectod stock of 1. , .•1•.?:..": , and 1111.1,11,:,n I/ AITEHS, rte,. which will be 1 at the LOW as! aNt ( F.NTS , FINE CALF 1100'W14 AND coNt•RE.,iiAITEILS, at In~i9 J. W. COLNAHAS iS3Larlirt ADIEIP FINE 13ALIVIEKAL AND L liA ITEM. at ot, J. W. (Alt). n •N a • at ark, st. AVILES' EINE KID BOOTT4, at All • vsrtet vi. ADIE• FINE KID SLIPPEIIN at +4 li J. W. C Atla A Ha, A I tn,u aarlel at. PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. Tue 11111thillURIVOIEW loan. MEI Schoutacker Q Co. Philadelphia The Estey & Go. Cottage Organ, AMERICAN ORCAN, A , knowledged by the lo nt musical talent to the l'nlied OLAtes to be superior to nil others In power. And quality 01 tone, and thorough workman .t Pt'ICI! lustrtiments have roe years taken the llrst premiums over all competitors. at the • various Slats and I. ounly Vales. in prier• they ore loaur tam, y others. All warrauted for five y ears. I= ig Ht. clan. street. Pittsburgh, Pm. K'AME GRAND PIANCI—The Nub -I.rlber has Just rtlcelred from Wm. Knob. Co. unborn ROSEW•tiLI Vs OCTAVE 11.11.1. °WAND PIANO. With solid Rosewood Mouldings. elegantly eareed Case, legs and pedal; Rave strings to each note. Thts Instrument possesses all the Improtements y.collar to the Messrs. Rushe s ant Is Unquestionably the guest Plano r brought to this city. The attention of the public. ls espeetaity directed to the above Instrument. cHnumurris BLUME, It Mb street, tole agent fen It nob. k Co, bt U rand. Ilpristit and Veins.. non°. lase PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY ;s7lrAt; ER & Mc 'lair MUSTERS AND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBEFIGII, PA. atnnwr yllyol.l, ledlittlMl 1 866. SPRING HATS. 1866. McCORD S 5 00 ., 181 'from/ STREET, Wish to call ape , olUt i ntOt to oi tame and laid, f or Spang and Sum user Wear, Eiriel-leitim liTaurlsoty. L A plgs. DERTIVS, YACHTS, SEASIDES. Etc.; LIENT4 awl SOWS' SA ItATHUAS, "Huly.s THAT'S," HILHAIToNs, BUsHERs, hioItTUNS, 1 ETOB, &c., &c. STU& (WHIM of every deccription,Au Wow.. tnfmo,va H . J. LANCE, SILK AND Nvo!)Lr.N DYER NED SCOURER, IMM! Chintz Window Curtains suuiChair Covers Cleaned 4S:lieglazcil without unpacking. Nos. 3* and 87 Third Street, =I PITTSBURGH, P,i. COMM __ _ • McCALLIINI nnoTnEtts, FOURTH tIIR T. Wo have bo hands o yen' uperlor stock of C241.r10F.231021\74113^ ° LlLiTigigt,P, t oTirrAiirottaTr, ItfoTriai to a A:ale - 141c I..tAlio AND SABLE COVERS-Every, klO4 In use. URA -Froth the finest quality to the ATT tN ta m , 1 7.M11r • COCOA- KAN , Erthßis A.Y.D I= Formerly W. D. ill. Slottalliirm. ~-, .:•.:,.:ii,:.,..f;05'.,..:;-,:.,,.,...-.,,,->,t,-,1.- E.A.I ',ROADS. i COMMISEIOI\ A N ORDINANCE in relation to I.3ENNSTLVANIA =161 4 ,...5m=mr . , J 0,,,,....,„, .. ..... ..... NV ALLACC. (1.1,,C.,1,1, Vklttnrrilt.‘, Arto;ut. PANITNATA E ..,...,,... t r l:eZ n t , l g ll b uit a. o d l t1,1,::::1:„Iltit.e..omv11::::,pau701,7. • .... , 12::::7 , 11 ,, A r, 1.::.A ., I i 1 .. : . ; , .t . 7 . 1. ,,, WM-VE t. ~,,,, 1, 711 - .. - W4 1,,..... , „,...,,, .... 0 0 5.i.w,.,,,.,,,.1..ii,,.:,,,..,; . ._ 1 ii cu,s. I,ARK IN. f.,4FIIPTON A, ITAI.LACE, in-hole I,EI.)IIEN MILLER, latl,3l' L. M. tyi R. SAAl'i. DUFF • , .. 1 ' .-" u• ..1„0. W. BAHR. ei-ly..tou to a turn-out, ur so itch- frollt thy . track of , k ' sate 01toCF a 1 , • I'l l oDt - lt • F I t NI.EII.S. y a 1 , 1 of .aul Company. °I It 341111,g, roil and 1.....• r: so ..0,. As .0110 •• : ' : --.__ -5 .- . . ." '- .--- - Y 1 CaBSCENT SMELL WORD• lri.‘ TIO.s 1. Be it tyrel. mod ood coact/1i by 1 lAA . Hog • Aitlt I P. 01,11 . 4., I. or, A lAte - rulen and l'til-r. 1, r Pittsburtex, in Setcf t Ft-: I. tn. S. Ss NEW3IIIEiI S. CO.. ~, ./ ~........ L...0.qt. ~.... ;‘,..,-; ~,,,i it is Aare, W•I' L, So. I. .••• '.--:• S ''• I •••• •. • m •-" • , , ....„, fbp oulhortlygl flast.4,r4e, Th. IT, Fort I' l' fltanton No. 1... 7:,,,, 1/1 A ~,..3 A,. on.. 7., a, M COMMISSION MEROMANTS, MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, ~.," •. • °mount he and ara le rthy nu11:0...d totuak e Ngall• In, 'r 4.., A 11l '‘l.lt I•olatl e: s. 11,,A AtO 11.1 1.17 a turn-out ur snitch , rom the track ..1 tLe John , ToYrn Ae... at,* te IN ...t . ..- ''`o• , ....1 - ..10 +I, ,r, n : ~,,,,, ~, Ft,, ;; ; „0„ ; F„,I sn ,, p r ,„ta,..... • It ANT FACTO - 11.M 07 II !• . ...:,hnitd Insult...ll:c Half' old on T, ' truel • }tall:tow e ICA- I:rtp in XX •I' 1 , o• t t•, a m l ..-4. aclealtoo4 ,o,o;.. oo con}igpm 4 ,o44. l I .4 itetl In connect at the Inter-, tlol. or ti e Path, Express.. 1 Asp. , 'ln- owo ....., '..' -p I • aAi voolor. No. :poet PEW!. ,TltEk' ( , sop. -.., BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL ~, r rr• or Thlr, and Try etre.. ut Any other poll, se , VorP Ex .. Igo' pto HI, .lu.slb 7' , .•. I. ,too i 1 lnrru i ,rpot. I • ltt,totrglt. I . a. ,). r. • .:• . e ~ -I Py the Stre- Cottputp p.•. P A.'' , .•. .... :3 , , p il• ••It •• A. k A pr., .. i.,t, „ 'Warranted Equal to way In the notice - , .; -rh, 31,, T0r, , r , ~n , „„,„„ ~ ~ , „,,, , , W,,• . No l. .. 4,0 pa. Wall . . \ .•. 1 ~,,„.. , ~. ,„„,,.,... 0....... .... ..... , „.,,,,,,,,,.. elthair Imports:calor tat DossseartlO Ce lelth I , Lee. are beeeb 34.041 4 , 1 to graut nt ,o. a 4 U. 4. le's., tt. t.. sli•.. rt 4,. A 6: ..5 il lo I) iv citAwriiiii.o. 3/Asatlfssetztre. ,o , • ononoty 3 license for the ...one on a:lid I:n ` no P NV cl' , No. h .... :at' pa ; Fast I.ltte !VI all'. Nu. • ....to:Cop In i erk.l.lAl. ATTENTION PAID TO FINE CA v, •; . . 0 . ,&,...) lug the usual fee fot Hero, , ,No the A a 1 , , , ,i ' , tt , a .,. • ,,, , , ,...0 n 1. • c• , : , . „ 1,A . 1 . ' , 1!t 4.4 _. 1" , HE !I C •ot : Cornznl6Bioll ; 111 . :7n d 4-::::„d AND MI. STILE,. . . '• ...„.• s. Nothing herein eonlatutal el:all to. on,ttu- tr•l ' •••• • P.I , P ll' .I „,a- to pt, vent the cots from re' oklng lilt• l - .' - 11..." Ex1 ,,,, ..•••• 10 .. I , n ,I . , ,3t.te.l .). thll °rill...lure at ...to time, ' , Poo ..-'..•• "' I °ll's"' '''' ll ''''''l' l• '''''''' ' ''' IN UT. CHARLES ii‘ErEL null .1 , 114.4 st,t days' notice Poite given. Tie Churen Train., have. Wail . .. Station ~.,o. . ot; t. • . , ";i: tt •al : :....•••. ..."Itoo•Y•nd ors `'''•••-. i •n 1 i.e.:. 1. AlOrA• e ' "or. I V:1,5411.11. 11 , Ju "e la!, I. leleltd49 , I la:third and enacted Into a la, In Connell.... Ohl. Suu.lity at 9:150. •it la :O•hille Pitte.OfFll l . 11 , , .: • i 0,1,th:1...1LA sooyar.l. '. i st.till do of July. A. 11., les:. m. Rut o rulng t or I'ltleiLrui,l. at 1 . 2,4 11. to.. no, ~maw I amt . . - 31 W31! . 5 St Alio. At - 2:110 p. M. ' wu. .1. iTust. Pre odent or sole. tt „u „el!. TIL , ' rnth ,, lelPlLl+L , Ln , l toll “nl.hnnr , c7r," cis )y,7 i i ,,,,,,. . „., 5 ., '"1 : ...,. ...1..&. „ 11 ,,, 11 u t , 0 ,:, ., ,.. if4 , 2 , tr ,, F m . ! 5. • ! JAMF.S 51eAl'I.E1'. e,i,,,,1 :: , I pITTSBILIDI.4I STEEL WORK s.o. T. sTKIII.. • A' r -t. E. S. Montrow • art,. a itt. the !, a York. k. Xprl-e, al. I ..ut fl . it.. ..n Clerk a N - .1....1 Connell. nand, . • TH. nX, EK ' . t to' Les . Union 11. pot Ilot. '. oecupylng the i•ter• ;..,'.''' " ''.'' l'' ' n ' l...r• • •d iE .- • ' oro •.. • Prostdent of COIOIEIOII lon nr•r , . 0 ; pr. r •10: leg of .... D. yn, Ituildlng. Is now opt 0p.,, tor , _ __ ~ _, , _ 4. • • .. . .I • tor.,e, Attest. HUGH MCMASTe... t, t. ••i• ir ;AL no . otiotolatton of the If ocling eon - , ."•'`... '"..... "O'•ll wad Ory FI L IAL, t....,,,, ri,, a ~,e msolts To joNAA3, BOIL) A Cu,) , ..0.1 Urn, •... t , tate.r.... 011 liar . P...•,.....4 1.:1.•rt: or ~,,,,,,„,, . - u u no ll. ',tasty. A 02113 , ..0•04 Iio4tAIIIMOS 1.. Opt, A. At.. , ~ ~...,., , t . •,_...ap I 01a, • 104 . 1, day and ",r to, :4.'41)5 I. 31'..pliAl. ,:-... u,r ttitll::.,:t • lid .a r II '-'• '••'•• ' r I.' ' '''''gr ''''` l " l 'illestln Fruit& . 4 . lig Msno facture. of th hest reflood CrAt Sten' EkloArtl. • i N ORDINANCE AU'l'llt/RIZIN4: =•..“- - 1 i ;, , , , , , T ..,, --• -!-• P- , .. , -) 1 ""l i f".• 1 , i,, , ,, ~,,, :. 1.,. ~,,.... v,.. ~;,„:,, ~ ..a, and d uc t or altstacs, Raw Plates, lice, For) I, t p.i.gra•tseg, pas log and set tl„, „t!' , ,r'' • tn. , . "79 " 7 . " ":"°"".""' ”"7"''""' '7 . ''' ' - -- I had obeet Cast :Steal, east Pteei for sun.. tagg. tgt nut, 11.1 d for an amonnt n......„,,,...- ' k to+ •tro. A ER,EWER, BIiRKE, & Co ! ~, .. Er d qr . -1.11,1,i and A.A.,,1.1t I, t , ,- Air, ~-, t" ,', I," NV. It It /.:.•.h X% I rit. Ag. •, deroten co/ ilit'sen• of l'lttahrArali.“ SI .- - - - , ~. ~,,,,,,I 'Avid A:Ampler! by ,i , rflo,rlf2 A ..1 0, soe , . • I , ' is(i(i. kri4 -- w,- - 1866. 1 4,„, ,'....0n I:0one,, nsw•o,lefi A,,,, It 1.. A... rd. , / (031311551011 11E114'11M, tO. i:orof din 1, Reg./AO , Oe. A4l io. 14 ~..roo; ~ . _- - AU E NTO FL/a t 1 - IP. I o.or'y.l awl 011,4.1 to 40 , rile f or p 0 0„,,, ~,, ~,,, r 1 I lir. i• 11 . I'S I tlt.ll. I'll It xl' N . : , .tr 11. I 1 At. , ./ 1 • 4r^diog• It ol .o nod t.tti.lan sIIIIe car, 111,01. Kw: , li. !, .ANI,( I. I- V1..1.0 It it A I.T I nit I Li. , I It. I: ! I „ acific, Globe and Liberty Oil Works, ~„,„,.1•••,,,n ....0., a 31141 h'ilcl.or) st rt, ts, 3:ail 14. ' ' ..e 4 • rrl ''' •I ''' '''''' s l '' lll ' . t ""'n '''''''' -4 Ampler - 4...r: for Cru•lr ~cp: Reppe".l tot. 1.1•ol- c, the .i.tint In accordance vril Ix lip or..lun ...• pot t•- ' '... i........ LC-, ... Attilll 4. Ai 'O , O ALlv‘n,:r.s math. cal consignments of Cra•le or el on the sl.i. day or August...l:, at., .113r1 ..1 I , . 1.. .4 , t‘P , .. ,- .' •' 3 n'. ' hnn't•• I , • L p'''' s o ,•,.. 'n' ' . . , scum, 1 L., ' . '''... r .. '''.r.. ' '.. . •:. •. . •• '• '..,1 'Kum', •th, '''`' :•,,, r•• - ' i " 5 " . ''' ',.'''''' ''';' `' s • " ,'" •,,,' ',','„; ' ''. l . ll ,o ..: l C' l rtl r d ' U ' ollal La "- lu ' or'. 7 , !.. ltLr L'' '""' '''''" I ,;'lre -.l:orant of First nod Ito.” street,, two Waal' j 1,1,1 . 1 -" .• • -' ' ' 'I• • • "''••• ," .- . 17.11,48. nd NV Arebousr, ' CorPer ' ''..l Duni...Pe Ws, I •t.''' 11 , MOrtotalr•lt , la H 0... o.Y.Line.l and enneled Into a Ilex 14 , L ~,.. e 11... . , • a •` - • ,rolll.l , . 1 ~n,i ,Ina Street. I . let•burp,h. i Juth .1.9 01 .rll le. A. II„ 1.,,,, 1 ./ ANIES Me A.'1.1...). .. .. .. .. .. ORDINANCES . . . A E. S Clerk ofuelett Council. %, -I, I onau.oot 1,1 Attest: 111 ••1i )1 , StANTLII. au1:gol ot , 'ommon , oo:t. N ORDINANCE .14 .ding. Visylug , clSettl , g en. o • hestnstt street. from Vort... str et t” .trel. In the war.l. ~ 1 4 I. lir t/ ,Jrdiat tnt o I'd • f .1:•/..rugct. awl lltllzon.s ott riwz 111. Coroote,ta ,14».70,1, t. 01 , 1f1110 ,11 and rnacted 6,1 nutharity y • Iteeurlllng Itegnir.lape 1 4. I .1"t and direa, , .l to a.lverttx/ 1/, inK, l'aVtag end Setting vlth 1:nr0...•/ne • le 1.11/, flrcfq. from ' , orbs, street to t. an.l zrl tRe Paine In the !manner direr., I. an “r.llnnn.Le rut ng oLreete, AngL,t 'tint. 1 , 7. a act concerning streets, appr..,.l .r.I tined an. ennete Into A Is In .1011. tl.ll o .1 ut y, A. D. d .• . tout. .1A311...- 11. Al .11. l'r. •..lerat t Attest'. 31tiigitnw, ot ot !I tri Attest: 111 no Mt .11 %•: P:11, •13::a1 , 1 leek ~,,, g AN OItDINANCF: supplertieutiztvi N.. I r.. 111.1.11., V.1•11:D111, tt ,o•t• r ati.l or" ntr. • e. 1 .4 Re it orrlrtilArri And , Antrled try VA MA r lor A., IA 1 . 111:•ft, of Palotertirgh. 1,, IIA) oft I r I%,ttripit• tigorinblAAl. •Ind A to IterrAl, • ftnen rtf Thal „,„„ • "id ••• nr , fn. , ; :1)111 ,•4111t, /.1%, ‘.., rl • I. nerorollog 1.. 11..01.400t inan I.et n nen • .lre. I •snl ntrret. AI. Ills. an) ordzonnt, p.tri •r nr 1111. urrlrnsur rr Ire 1.11.1 the ft.)... .litancv Itr r. r. Ire r.1..0ne, nnlon , I.• • - • • IMERNIESIIMM ..lon. an, t.nat led 11.0 :rt ...in. thl loth .1 tt JO, I/.. AMY., NI , AULEY. Pre..leni of EIMIPEDMIDO oi ri l'rexid.6.n . tt%t ' l ''A 'o l ntl: .T ta F i.: l :ti l . n. Attest: 111 - “ Li tNICTe n, .11,14`. 01C ccismiccii 011111' 01111)INANCE increatAiug the SVary the ht. •4 Pulirr. 51VT1,13.. I. Be It or , ta/ Js.,l rno-1.111, A• .Y . ;;. .1 ht. ruse', and PittoburgA, tot \~!••-f 'Ol,l rinnwor. , nbl,l, ond raefe.l by Ow 1, 1 'a, same. Th . ft., I tit. nn1~• • I ,„ That ad 0r0th,•,...r• vs ivlortr. of • s.lto.n• :vtlssa a. km 00. a at.,l the ..nts, ary vorlov repea.l.-d. Unitas...l s.u.ivs..,lttsto a Inv in Council. lid. JVlttalay of July, A Is 011 1'14:1 =EI . . Tl 4. F Y.. 1.. l'r. u ~1 1.1,:n.,/ r ...g. Ally' , ILL ..11 1' 1.11409 AN ORDINANUN4 E iurrett.inu • r. arm, co!scrn• rr ,11r1 , 11i, tvirat . 10. o• ,• CAlren hAntlr. A Aoll.t. r. •nd A ot Juin. A I, ES ATtest. V'. Nt1,1:11.0% l`rk At:l , l 11t..0 •Aeill J. D. RAIMEA.Ia*';2.Y, 336 Liberty Street tl CC IN FINE CLOTHING, = LEM GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS I= AR'•ul /:RA VT'IK I'ILIZE 4 F.I.A I. e,ul 1101:IttsoS STAR 2.1i11:1,. Remember the NEW IRON FI:k , NT. Wayne street. .I.•r:tet n J. D. RAMALEY, 334 Liberty Street, iV:ti:IMVIAI.4:fiWiI STUFFING BOXES Gi STEAM ENGINES. A o rcennsmt.nd. , l hy all the r troad .70111. ot.ilt.a. flu 1111,4,11010110, 1 y tried It. ..0 gen rt.l t.t. co.t.r and Orly rati. road, In this comm . , nit.l - 01, lila) vt t't n nal ...I .ant tr. A 1.1 - 1 el, 411.04,0 el - A . l'lON F.lt EN- Is a nre:,..a,” an Mr. 73 en.NTS PER rOUND. LUBRICATIVE: PACKING CEETUY, th.LIC )1 A FA( :IT HERS, a. DEC. hos. 113 and 115 11 A• I I: I' sHLittill. Look out tor the FOUR LAU° F. WINN rWS, op- 111):.,14ti _ - _ polite Wayne street. w. r. A 11111:11.1CA1 MACHINE IA OHBA. 411. Eug F lu l e BH:Gß Ouild ' G er il s All an Al G Ill66acTiu"ists, I= XiC.A.Taii B.N 30 1 08P19, FOR ERN, DOTS AND CHILDREN The Neweht Ntylrw always ou Land and at the Lowest Prices . . Oil Engines, Oil Tools, J. D. RAIYIALEY, , .1,.1 urr ry tiling steoctumry fur lk.r 0 •ei . ' I'mr.lollArin , uCrn paid 1 4, FittilTtip U oll:(l.l l l:g 334 Liberty Street, . 1.,,h,-,., 11,,,,p,. •tc. Marion Avenue, near Ft. I.V•&C• R. It. nosier iu ICI kindu of A. - kvoza.p. Pa. Iti'A'.llltll4o DONK CHUM I'TI. :.JelkAr 330,41311t14 and . * lio , 4elna I INIIIJSTRIAL WORKS. • Always on band a large 11111 i varlpd aacortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CUSTOM MOE SHOES AND GAITERS, Of the finest Nrry York Man ta thetore, And at Lower Prices than Down Town Remember the POUR LA RUE f ?MOWS, ot.-m- Mb; Wayne rlreet. je21:042.t A SSESSOWS OFFICE,LNTEIINAI A. REV F:NUE. 'As DISTRICT, PA. zrcericnit. Notice is hereby stub to all persons lutertoded, that the Ilsts ot Income Tor., .I.teense.. Sc , for that pont. of the Twenty-third District, l'ottott.. =hr.:l : Ala the county nit Allegheny. will he open for exit Indian at my utter No.. Water ttrect. Allegheny, on the Mite and 241.1, d ays of July, al which time and place I will hear ell appeal.. Inv, seated to me relative to any erroneous or e.t.a...1t e htlualluna. assessments or ounnotatious wade by the molnani AMtesttum for the geld county. All appeals most be matte tu writing. and most ( PecifY itorticulor cam, matter or think en- It Om:Um, which 0 decide:l 10 regett•lett, aunt 0110 t. alan state the ground or prinelPle crerror 0..0c -w ed of. No sip peat ran t allowed to one pant after the nit M. been Ira:omitted to th e Collector. Al• ter rho shove data all persons subject to tax who have neg l ecte dld to mote returns will he subjected to the rovlded by law. SAMUEL MARKS. . 11. 0. Ammo... IJlatriet, cm - of Allegheny, .luly 0, IBM TN THE. ORPHANS' COURT MP ...ALLICULth.NY COUNTY. .caret. 'l. rm. IW. In the matter of the Partition of the Rt. al F. l ist, of Woolmen lllb.o decd. And now, To' wit, June m,18.18, eXceptlow hav ing been this to the Inqatallion returned oy ine WOOS In this ease, to.al approved Juos 00, lefe, Lho same Is migrated ebsolutelvt and, on motion of Th0M6,11 , •19X. Attorney for petitioners. the Court Brant a rule on all the parties in Interest to appear C ourt. on EATURDAY . , Aug% tthth, 1.500,.at 10 %lock a. In., to accept or refuse the root estate at he valuation thereof, , or thew cause why the same i should not be sold according to law. You will take notice of the above role. BY TIM Ct/UII.T. Attest; W. A. liKftltelt. Clerk. , re Um, "winds Predeti.ek Augustus Wood, Wm. Henry IA cod. Baran A. Wood, Oen -itiao,mu. Wood, tamales E. Wood and 'Emily Wood. HOS. , . Attorney for Petitioners. 12 . 1,01, • If l T.gl2-T ItiOTlClFlLette t s o f ticosoirtho estate orWtil.• BEXISIMT, lota of thevw of rossoursti. Liquor Illeristuilit; dreisseeo i hare beeutitranted to lb* oubsertber. Aline - talons Indebted to.titer - ssltystitte nth Tehtlested to make tinineilisteilA74,elVAitainithetuitaand those bay irelontis tigsteist, eStelisotAtiosalit.:diteosns 111 !sown the amen wittiont•dolay,so • • • TlItIS: JitiAntAllateniN. Arliti•. • , INIMEMEEM :_:w ~ :.-~ .~ MI nJn . Sure,,aor to .% LEX. 1.11)111)0N, r- I lii .- : ...;:k :z4.11. e a- 1 :.. / „.' ~....- z * w,--, l'11:1111ISSION AND FORIVARDING i i=1.70 X 7 -Crla L as clCo. ss ildrmi.a.c37ELBlVT. , Itaacifseturcr, of (:.ISI pi r:itl...: SPILING, 1.1,t , V7 N o . 11 refund st,,,t , ritt,,,b ura h . P.. ' sa/d iti.lr , TElt STK K 1... - , eltiNli}A, AX1.P:1 4 .„ CHI •W ai - Agent 1 - -7 - tI, • - ,t. Louis' ' Lead . Pipe nud 3 1,- t ''ok - e . r rio, , 0f... , ATk.'tt .4TRF.KT Jar at.a - av) ••:‘,:.1..ca , 1 W..r.,. Denier to PIG end HAI; I,K A L), iv,: •.1 ,, E, 11F:311' Fl 111,11. A Y. ,tc. L'oosigloy^" , --"- .."."'"" . 1..... , 1 at, Oro . lg, - p r , , , x1 tall' tilled. or [HE GREAT I.liORl LINE 1101.11 F I= ~9Ki.~P: i P. Ow KJ,. J 1i1....i KILL"( W. Mau I ELL 4:4ViLit.c. ' I )WENS, KENNEDY & 11AILPI:11, aleulAN trut.ir , , ,-, reouucc CDR MISSIDN MERCHANTS, Ltd LVISOleSale Dealers In FOIMAW N! A ND Di DEE, I ' IC '''' T- I ""- .. , ILLIT,S,tiA.L.T. 0 LUR It, MI ['TER, RUGS, IU. • t' 1 A I tILLI, Ac. anti In Prorlsiutte and Prodttee troll ,_. . t tt.C:IIV.-ru,'. , 11D , No. 713 , ELI/ Lic...k. slitEk.l . , oppott.H.e the n qt. I stter IrAilroarl Ite;tot. ALLEGHENY, l'A. HONDA, 1% JI'LT 2d, 1 , 6-6, Agents fur L. sate of P. 1. LID,. Donnell A .. :Ii !.. IT 1..-bt.t., A• 1....,*, r."l,l.an' t Dr.' .1. Sat n's emit. atll4.ti d . ' 'IL , I. h S I ' 'tot" , o ' s ' t's/' • Gt/IAitLES C. lIALSLEV, Produce at ,'ln , su tt• at 3:71 V. m. 15100 and Coruna/Lel. Merchant., Warehouse No. .21 'AS t..RTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa- NV Itol,tesle tea:, In Butter, Cheese, Lord, 1.4E10, POD, Bee., I•eant, 'Tall., Feat. na, Brooms, Potatoes, Dem ttlt . Dried Fruit., Green Friths. Unions, Flour, .tt stn. clover Seeds, Tlntotby Seeds, Fl. &ed., , ..t.• anti Poultry. Particular attention Elven to ED.. , t ~,, eptinents. &WS =EI V. , ( . 1..1 1 u. 11 4 .1 71,1., Age.. :11,U:e1,. 1, 110,111,0,1 l:.•11. A EC ccal t. 5 1:.+.11 I 1:13 via.l KI•\1.+1 1 11, I lit-F 101 l i. it.. A 1:. I • • ta.la, 1ti, , 11 Irn,l.%S.b.laVV , orin ro.a a o, Spring Arrangeinont. trier N,A• :: M A N UFACTU HERS. McLEAN & SLATOR, No. '3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth. SI Al I .1 I l• • CABINET AIAKELS' HARDWARE j• , t 1 ,51.•_.•1 all I r.` rol, I LIPPIUOTT No. 118 Water Street, 1211111111183111 I=l iiiiiiINIMIN 'TAT • . •tt I.OW ...... o. A HO/ILER wokiKs. 11011R4t4 BARNIIILL, ,•am 1;11 Agitator,. Tanks Salt Pan, Ca.,uicters, %'. might Iran Iron CORNER LIBERTY AND Sb:COND STS., PITTSB it G iff. 161.1t1•I • A ',II I. tNI 1.11,41I.T1.1". STEAM ENGINEPACkkING. LUBRICATIVE PACKIDIC, Ml3M!=a=l=l . . . . . HUGH - M. BOLE & CO.. rot:Nur:us. FitirilNE BUILDERS AND UA II Manufacturers ofrTEARBOAT e• , iiN ES, I,IL WELL ENGINES. LiM)MO'll VEh for Coal Won.% all kiwis of L:13,1 and Marine EN- I N Ell,nradis to tinter. . , . From the n , (111 earned reputation of the Manager, 31r. JAhIES ISl.ertrN, tee hope lo :wenn. a Itheral eha of narrntiaor from :Meant:K.lAl Itulltlet, and alter. wanting pot.l machinery."i alm, wilt oete In all work In the In-•n manner lor fair vont n• a tlon. And to Inlet In 111 Lind: vre lay. All hind.* 01 OA , rtsus mane to order. Reha t iOO Machinery ,tromptly attended to. e ean torn It Shall 3 , feet long. Slid nor.. or turn I . lli it . , !eel dlitneetet. 4,,,, , ,n9p on 11‘1,14 , 511.• Wat near the I' , Lot. retiteley on Thlrl etre. 1., near Market. l'lttKlin rob, 1.1,1o:doz.! 33A1'TIEVE VVOltlif?.. 3E3. 3L.F.C/XS.IZ, alt (Rao tr )1. I leirbotty 111 tlltltV Alt 11111 - LIN ll Totn,A, gygiu, 13 . -Elt NINKINI4 Qll. AND hIS.T.T WILLI i. 1 . 4 Inyllott to Ills Ibtlenottl 00 01131 ports C111:11ii, oralere.4l by ' ton.ll a: Voo - soot at ot All times. tt r. tic.oling, small tools, aO. • It Mt+, .1,0 flaw WWI tt. ft.ntottott nail trotchtrtO tl mail, to ordor. I trtlors by mail prouttly r.lbottt tl 0. tut'ld to groot itcoutoto other mallow tot tor Lbw% itontootossonto on liberal tortoo. Itox 17 /Wog...AY I. )11.0,1114 AlitigiAL (LASS 'WORKS LURES, RYRIE & CO., lisoufacistrers of itLnen WIEEN tiLAtirs WARE., Druguods• Warr, Bottles, Demijohns. Cur wit. de. Ibarebottsr—No. 14.1 wATICR STES.E7I between raulth eld sud Israut street Pittsburgh ..••• ~ arrant our Wares to be cope' or to say roan el.tctured IVest at the iltUtle WI. A ll n p.ud. Utuutwaro or the abitTe description. ortien promptly att.:toted to, l'artluular attenlidit patdlq orient., nioulds. 11,1S:I7 WM. 3.111tL.191. Dl VENNE AND WEST POINT 111 .ti 'PUNA/ EN, PI72:4.IIUITAtIt. Penna., man facture. all classes of Por,ttags, vitt Steam Nut elm its, Cranks, Pleton Lerma, Pitman Jaws nod Wrists; also. Itattroad Axles, Locomotive Frames, awl all shape The - tolderalgted baring been for many year. engaged In the Wel nest at, prepared to furnishan. orders 'entrusted to ',them with promptness and dtspateb. • • "Votra4 Joe. r. HAIM]. 1;1). • cOLLIN6 1/Ostrl moon, lOLLlNSWRlflT,nrtttaiiza, Brass and Sheer MetalNOrkert, tirittiddoets torn, CarbOo and Lard CHlStirners,and Nl dlderont oLfloo of Brltionla urrod by gilass Manufacturers. orders prmaptly lIL4d. . 21 o,lriti*PLLNLI , tiWnera. PlitrOurrb. Prndro, - 14 ,portly SEVERANCE,: No. titi. RATER; 81.83/4"1% Pittiburgil, manufacturer of BOHAB luvralsowtoutarz tsPxcomuonmlariOrc,4 ortliipe4 nilkes anditl or annalloaade to-or:lsm 'WO itOalf"., .110.1411,,5ign71,t4104,11141U ~ ~..~ar'e~,~ -A. ~;s: ~ . s::-,r~w.."~.°'+ s . ice ~,l.J^>' .~ ~.~.. J. 1. ft:l - L.1,1.1. 0 I ./I. (UK 0/.4' , 11.1:11D 11/TCIJA 1 :31")CM11—. " 4 1;9701=LIECNis COMMISSION MERCHANTS, PIHK. ISLU , rIIIEIi '•• Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, 19 STItEKT, 1,17,1 - t1.37 El J 1. A;f4 EH IN I 1 1 1 -1 .1tTS A M: N ”; 1 1! ; , 1 11 1 6 ( 1 j 4 1) } : 11 1 I!,., s til °N .1 coA.d etr,t, bctween id no I , na • riti, I . l:o,,vars,ll.nnuaq .t. J.Jrl,4 SIIEPAIt Slerclaantr, wad doralers e•gp ,riz: • 1 11. .p.t. ,r,14 r ME , b.11,111".1. W M. P. BCC.K. ta, CO No. 1 treet. I Ittabtlry.,, ~ IV n..:e.e (.4.g.amlnsto.t MerChs.W.s and .le,ler . In Coup .l y r:orMiono., Lar,, Nuttur. Fish,Prtn/iire. an•! Dried Yrulls SC.. Salt acid 1. j y; • =MI =BM OTItl 811,83,60 '5 I SILEPAHJJ, Commiseion • mu! to FLuur, and -1; LI .I tterly_ e rye:, f'ttl.utut r,flt. ' .., of Flour fur {{Veen and thuntl rat...talon paid to litl d.r t tor Atereltauthui , grateful!). 7 I -ru 2 1 : I'ATTON, S., 0 4.l.:ool4s(irartern, ( oturnisslo , l Si-rebAntS, nd .1. ~ re In Bacon. Lurtl .t.:n 1.. Was. Ott •tu 4. au I . tltat , ureh utuuulacturo.: hi t. rf ..... WS!. L.. 14,{. tki. BROS-, (Succebors 10 'fry wer & Audi r•.in. I 1.,,t1,11.1 I Dr- 1:1 r 1 /1 1 0 .9 N, Costing ims u tl If A 'lris to FLOUIC, ~ ILn I NI, FILED gunrraliy. 7 opp., lit L.:1117.1, !, I. • - j eJIIN B. CANFIELD, CV nod Fornard,a MercLant and dexi,l In Weatr , 'n Isultrr. Lard, ILL.cva, Flour, 11,11. rut fold Four, Srlera , is, Iduv rd and Lard in::, urea Fruit, Lad l'rtninpr sr, t.rrally, t 0,. 144 and lin Front >tr.,. rtr,r,urtr L n. ..../.ITr.h J A tr. GAS'S' & HEATER, PROL.I;(:::•';, ..ouneelon and Foinarding itic• and ia,einteloggeutt for at! Pittelnirgh , a Co. Oil I.ll.rrte Atrfoo.i - ••gto•rela I. 1.104,4 •• • gowson Mauna- Z. uoung. 14a HOUSE Sr. 4.11t0Z ; .Itoi a I. it oyes .t t 10., Waolasale Loa. , •,ara and • Merchants, ow ._ref I and Si Ater *meets, Pittsburgh. _ _ • . I .4.11E8 DALZELL es. SON, facture re or bird Wl,Tinamissto Slerclients f tile purchase and este Crude and anent d Pe ..wealth Nos. And TO r street, Pittsburgh. d • _nees made on Consignments. %,;( IEIOIIIAKER &.11...ANG,Wholesale s•- , .1; Alen In °merrier, Flour, (*rain Prod...t Pro ons, Viol Cheese, halt, Cutou t t iz AatiloaAlir.: and .7a 004 ittreet. near Liberty -71Wtinrgth ogoutin ogantin atarzaA.u. IL - :.Li) 6t VIETZE: ill, Grocers and Cunatilssion Merchants, an d dealers in ell k Lulls of Country Praince and Plitsbargh Ilanuactures. No. :la Li teerry otroet, opinialte best( of Woini ettent. I•ltteurgh. apasly • _ V h ETZER & AltlenelltONG, For .l: ding and I 'oinnost ion kl. rchanti, for the salt ~‘ Foe,. 10ca1,,, Bayou, Lard, Nutter, ritaols. Dried en.• , , and Pro•ince gi nerally. 2. . IS Market Oltenia tort., r Firs, lilt t AO, eel,. Ps feirel, now:Kr Oa LOAM! ............... T. DaLZALL. 01111'. DALZEILL A. CO" sale tomer,. Commission and Forwarding tier . Ilan. nail dealers In Produce and Pittsburgh idAti ufacaures. Su. 2.11 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh. I= =I 111EMM3 MERCHANT B WILLIAM C. LEE, L. Nuts ..ad Conferl.../iter) bug ra, ' and : :ttrak t. at oat irtt JOIN WATT AOl.lll WILA4II.. WATT b. WILSON, Wholesale uroorrs, Colllo66loll.llerchento. mod dealer • to rrokinet and l'ittaborch Manotactore.s. No. US Lib orty strew. Vattiburgh. H. !!!-Itt?'",,,Pi') 153 t i L oo i i tgrtp ut, SS :j heietsle Ites.e ' ; in tF , :ti rit;;Tre ' cluce. Groceries and Clushorgb otaszuru•tnres. Cash advanced on Con signment., and paid far Prodooe generally. int2l . _ rAIAII DIC [LEV & CO., Wholesa le tireeers, Corrinatwion Merchants, and dealers to Produee, he. te realer street and Si Front street. I'ltte no rob. . DANII. VOIGUI. 111. VOIGHT & Co., (Succeason 6. listutr4 Produce and Commission - 1.e.- u.snts. I.Lberty street, Pittsburgh. LINILART, (Succetaor to alackeown & Llnhart) Ito oar to Floor and Unln Produon and Cotenntastal alorthauta No. MI LIIIKRTY WTREKT. Ptttabtarab, fel ra y JOUR FLOSO WD. FLoYD JOUR FLOVID & CO., Wholesale Gaut:Elia, No. t 2 Wood and 2:13 Llborty atz yet, l'ittMatrao, ea. att23tts d MCCLELLAND.S MIDI V MB NilO)Z4 tir 4 Noe. 55 and 57 Fifth Street 1.11161 E STOCK OF NEW GOODS. !loop Skirts, all sizes, Bosiery and Gloves, Ladies, Gent's & Childrens' floths,press Goods, Bal moral Skirts, louse Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols. illeu , s Hats, Straw Goods for Misses and Children, and the usual large and elegant stock of BOOTS,_SIIOES AND GAITERS. • ALLEGIIESY TAXES. CITY OP T tI ALLIMIL e I ITN REA6UnnII`n ralCit. Jun ttb, Y. /MO. f Nutlet: is hereby given that the Anacraurs barn new placed In the Treasurer's Innen, the libplientes of ISA, and that mild •Tnaes will now be received mace of the Acts ofnumbly of Wet/teary Z th. 1560, and of Apral4th. Ma, subleel. to the following regulations and allowances: Lr ire per cent. . If paid on or before the Mat day Of 1 uy. • - .Zo . u . rer tent., if paid on or before theerst day of Au per cent.. if paid on or before the brat dal of September. ' II after the tint day of September, and on or before the ant day of October. uo deduction will be - - If paid after We @ N day of October sod /In or be fore the drat 'deo o IN° ,crober. midithm of dye per cent. Doan ea Seam ye um payee/non Um MO.. •fter rim of Z. osontber. aroma trlll be tuned to enloree c/motion of all Loxes remain, tug unpam. tometntr wan tue percentage scorned . InOla.anatbe cams.. • fe7 • ' 1) alittlPEßgiabt, CityTrenaurer. GRANT MOUSE, v. am. sanniturAln, W'rover, Caner of Lula 1,e1a41 &oda; Near the Suspension Bridge, • mvlemso At.l.lClitl ENT urrY. 89 , 00 . WH0 CAN BEAT THISVM Dif • For Two 'Weeks 0n1y.",... Om selling 4 , ggsa TILENCII OAtlf SIEEN 800 I aMY o.ll.ake. for 1 3e 03all jµmutNibtEfX9•7 be;Licas 36.89 Xilaw° 1 0 1 " th laratail DAMIZG "Al 03 . i 7. STEEL WORKS, ANDERSON, COOK & co., REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, OXl==l 'ELM Mkt Common Plough and Spring Sloe', W/0.11 tat MIN M.ll 1.4 . 1' STff.FL. •luisr, if“ and 1..... War:ante l to Illy tmporl•~~' mazirafralitzrcki In LW. Man Ca .. (!in" ,. • P.o l s r.• nso. nsilEtt n. LA . ILLEILI.L V. MEM STEAMSHIPS RALTEHORE h. HAVANA STEAM ., ERIE CG.III!AN Y. ALEX. MGM 'S -ON3. Avvnto. F , GC •KW 01ILEA DIRECT, CARRYING THE I , N rreu STATES MA:L. Vov El r.l.Clus iIL an - 10111,i of GIG ilor will sail as ArC•twg: • •CU liA —.OM tong, Win. Rolling, Command. on "LI 1 SWIM, 11". J. IlldtforLl, Command er. on riATIACIPA I. F rote IS 111 lei' VELL'e ..01N I. Al I o'clock P. 11., prvci.cly, 11l tlicilaya annouticed. Vo- freigia Or puagage. lug ungorpuseed 00 cortll nrelidlo , ll, t IIk:NET M. MAI EL I I &CO., Agents. Mdi AI , fixed , . N. 11.—No hi Of ...erl'ug 1,1 tbriee of tap Comps y .111 iignod. l'eru lie for the freight tenet be procureS from Wm ogler, No freight mei:lced toe. WIN of lading slg nod ou Lev of - .Millie . . eriLdily 'TEAM TO A 2410 FROM LIVER -1.001, AND EEN'ild CM' N (11ts1.Agiti "vice • : 000. The INM A N LINE. 0,111110 EVERY - SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, MARRY I NO U. S. TI ets nolrl to awl lawn Muland. Unglao.l and o..rtnony and France,. lb.• Coin pool t.rlfrnn, inn?: G. DALE, Agent, (1:'• Broad wa y. i. 5. WM. SIGH AM. J Ac• nl. Ada„. k_aprba `171 , .. !MA rare., MISCEiC - 117 ...~.~.__ _ iA ~~:~ PENNA. SALT MANUFACI UN'G CO PITTSBURGH. PA. PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. VITTF.:IILIRC-11, PA. 3EtMit.3EiraiTl9El'gEito 7V313:1E1 - • On this Continent, IS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE It Vexi"tt.O"lniti-Tr;iVr!'"'''". It Prevents Rah- eaLliug Out; It Changes the tton, to their Orighaal Organic Artiont: It ElmUratcs Dondrult and lluutors,:, It Keeps ti.e Scalp Elcolthy; It Contains us loJurloos Ingredient, All4l le nalversaily advArded IN be, a Sole mild Dress . : Mit and buperlor Tollvt Art , So. ITS In ER.Prs art 'INSIDE THE BOTTLE. Every bottle CUNT A INS bit. , /tr. LIQUID than any other dollar_prepsi_sa r. NO.LARGE I.I.E.WAFIDS °lrv,/ to establish its etbracy, but WIC DO HUABA N rEn to renizol the money Idany person h o srl I use too bottle• d then say that our Itemoratlre has tailed to an all nu J. R. BARRETT dt. CO.. Proprlceon, Manchester. New liamp.tkire IL E. SEI.LE as .it CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, PI titsbargh, Pa mvn.se laellillaiuk a - COUGH SALAAM Is wranted to he the only pre- ; • spon known to cute 4 - • coughs, Colds, sioarseness, Asthma, Whoordng Cough. „wt., von, Uroneuttle Inn croon. Being prepared tram none ) , and tinges. It Is healing, soft- . r enlog and expeatoratlog, and . t portk.ululy sunatge rot sit •-- sfit.ctlons of the Throat 'and Longs p c , si d e by On . ligt" . "'"" re- 11„ Lz. azzdalts a CO. ti:tyd Vinoczes.t.s. Afildt 1 - )R, STRICKI.AND ! th i ri f & °° ,ll El ' th r r, L l rsull) AND BLILEDuAt VILE'S. It Elves Immediate relief. Abli elretta ycrur, rot cure. Try It directly. I la warranted to care. Vor subs by 11111rnirg1st., at GO cents por tattle. CEEB ra SPEPALi. --- Dr. Striciaantrr. r. ..., Tome.• a cancel- ----,.., , - - rtatiql propu-stion of Hoots .4 Hotta, with anti, ( ..----- 4(‘ . 4" olds and carmlustive to C o . # streuxthrn the stomach slid ~.,.. ( ne,. system It is moor- • ..-- 4 d, 4 lA/12 remedy for Drips - pis., Cl' 4 , 1 i or lutilgattiou, Nervous. ~, om, Loss of Appetite, i.,.., , ~,. s, Acidity of the Moroacti t v . ‘Sa Is u t oVggrattcl e t t iffe jY tiwo. N, _IF . % vartionlarlisultedfor wait. "..,„,-1 o nervous mid 4y.optlo pet. -,..z.... sous. Vor sale Os all din{-. bottle Mats overt - wt. -7, Ft .. ri , ~,,Lidr,riv a, 0,1. net PI W.V.! cwat • 4....,.. .pRITATE DISEASES .yoUNte, (loco of 17illadelphiso No, 73 Third street. biota+ all descriptions el Pd.. votellisemes with unparalleled succour. Particular attention paid to Stiertniitorrhoen au dhoiases of tbe Urinarl °rasa& illa over fog the setae tieing the enost sitccessfol over ere plOpt& Ile give. hopes of a apee,ry eon to ins oillietel. Dulles will find Ids cirookenagoireeenPertor to out ether preparation ter renzirrillz ohstroctlntis to the [maim] menstrool noon. No. I. tine Dollor yes bomb, pin. Which Is Nor amens stronger:au I desirnen for obstinate eases, Vire Doilon per Lana , oak* boars. 8 A. si„ in 3 roa,..C. P. Oh to 8 P. N. Addreer. trataarr.' n. YOUNG, No./3 Tbir I greet. Pitlanwre , leriet.l,l.toeT TEARS PRACTICE IN INI.NLTAL DISEASES (Nett me a kinrirledge seldom acquired by rblal elan. fly lean residence la thin city, and the anqrattt of patients .nes ted _ .annually by me, we Fielder.; . Va r ar"SZA e rii.A; or Se , Wethnetn, all &amazes Arising therefrom, are cured in a merit 'thence time than .threrolorc by tor ItICW VEUNT. ABI.N IMMEDIES. Itediclues scut to arky pert of tbe tram. All letters must thatain it stamp to PAT " ce, " ' r -T.ol7ol9 ' l.li . ggfilt e t o n l elr u li r geti u k, Llaresai' ./.• W. BRANn ISM% Id. talt+iy-)to.t SOD. riftabarnb. pnIyATE DISEASES., direidr. siam PIM! near nand War.the ewe- Of altillsenow of - st tolvone zitwonnin _nom own/ tons Qom.. by awe/Andy new and an Irentoinl. ' Mock' lortinal. Westmont, and another. .. 111Aensesbf the codling *now andtaedr Innyen ,,o4 '...Cotelnannftted or mo orlanttot. . • Mee bannt-1 to 11 o. usy .1.)6 toll ono 011011 e. - - I.detranntattern In.. 014 Own' Oxon , atEnr,..STßANirmEitturi l o o down froohttrawbernot, to 1rpt 1,,,, m 4 rung •• XOnt 4,11104.1:4WOO/Onne..-::- ail t`~f,iq}~l:;.: '.,:';~~~~. ~. . . . . _ - ... • . '''...:''' -..:,!--,,,, •':a;K.i0.4:,...-oir.zt=-i.7itt'Zl,;'::.r,l6:,r'•,:o.;'4'L-'I PILE REM. _AL alit Flk Cu. , • 4 u0Le..A.1,1 Aniors - - - ~,