The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, August 03, 1866, Image 1

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Penxtkaaxi, Reed & Co,,
No..tileiFnnru tirstrr. Prrnnurso
thc gittsburilt 45autte.
-- •
TEE Soldiers' Clymer Convention which
assembled stiltiiisburg on the Ist instant,
v as In keeping with all other kindred con
e ayes, a miserable farce. When will the
copretheads learn that the soldiers have no
affinity with them? In every case where
!tiddlers friendly to rebels have - been Con
vened together they have displayed weak
numerical force and the meeting has been a
Ilizle. Soldiers know their duty rte well
nimv as they did during the rebellion. They
cannot kiss the the which smote them;
nOther can they sustain the men who re
ftised them succor and aid, while they faced
and fought the foes of their government.
T 1 -'stoldiers' Convention of Pittsburgh Was
a tear.,,.. ,i .ca They
have not yet recovered from. its Shoc.k,
though nearly every district of the State
his. put forth its best tfforts to muter a
sqtrad of soldiers to endorse the Democratic
nominee. The Democrats made a grand
mistake during the rebellion, lb extending
their sympathies to the wrong side of the
picket lines, and they should not now ex
the brave boys in blue to wheel into
their columns, in order to elevate to honor
and power the northern rebel who begrudg-
ed them their hard tack while facing the
COnoness having adjourned,- it is nexf
in order for the Representatives,' and es:
pecially for such of them as have been re
nominated -to meet their consttuents in
popular assembli es , and render an account
of what has been done in the national
council, wkat failed of being acciunplisheil,
and for wliat reasons. The enemies of the
Congressional plan of reconstruction have
been so diligent and unscrupulous in mix
representating the temper and conduct of
Congress, that, in addition to the ordinary
reasons fur conference with the people by
the Representatives, special reasons of
great-potency exist. Let the Republican
Congressmen meet the people, face to face,
and present their side of the case for con
sideration. The fuller and more searching
the discussion, the better and moreendur
lug-will be the results:
The State Committee cannot any too
soon appoint and hod a mass meeting in
elieh of the counties of the Comuronwealth.
We have so often wltnes•cd the virtues
of public diacussion that we have un
limited faith in the efficacy of that instru
mentality. We are not charmed with the
idea of a still.
TIM Ronan Btr.r. amending the Neu
trality Laws failed in . the Senate. Since
then advises front Lennon state that the
now British Ministry hascalled the attcn.
lion of Parliament to the titilitY of revising
their neutrality TASKS. The first step to
w•ards a revision, widelt ought to he satis-
factory on this side of the Atlantic, would
be the payment for spoliations upon our
commerce committed by the Anglo-retwi
privateer:. That done, if the British goy
ernment desire to protteu in the work of
conforming their laws to the progress of
modern ideas, this country will meet then,
in a spirit of liberality. "Otherwise our
peOplc will opt to demand of Congress,
at Its next session, such a change in our
laws as shall give the British the full ad
vantages of the code by which they rem].
Jate their conduct towards us and towards
all other people.. .
TUE Philadelphia Age endeavors to ere..
ate the impression that the loyal people of
the North will avenge the massacre of NeW
Orleans upon the delegates in attendance at
the forthcoming mongrel Convention to as
semblein that city. A guilty conscience
needs no secnscr, but there need be no fear
felt. During the progress of the rebellion
the Confederates practiced the most refined
barbarities upon our gallant soldiers who
fell into their hands, but the North did not
swerve Irons het standpoint of charity and
humanity in order to retaliate. So also
now. The Radicals will not interfere dur
ing the invasion of the North by rebels,
but will certainly await to see what sort of
a mouse will be produced by the mountain
in labor.
Tom Britton Poet, a democratic journal
of high standing, mentions that "among
the men already • elected delegates to the
Philadelphia Convention are a large num
ber who fought for the Union during the
war, and who were active in aiding the re
election of Mr. Lrscoi,x." Granted. But
how many have been elected delegates who
looked upon Mr: Liticot.s• as a tyrant, and
rejoiced when the great and good man fell
at the foot of the assassin? And how many
who fought against our Union during the
rebellion, have been selected to participate
in the gray back assembly? '
!owlgo the objectionable bills which
failed to get through Congress was the one
which donated fifty millions of dollar's to
the Mexican republican chiefs... This is so
much cosh.staxed to the Treasury. •
—lt is said, gtmbling has become respc
table at 'StirvwYgtt.
—Dion&lt prevail* disastrously through
out-South Carolina.
Hod Fellows Union has been incor
porated In CincinnatL
Comanche Indians are Industriously
stealing Texan horses.
—Tony Pastor's Opera Troupe. are burn
ing cork at Lawrence,.
albttthe have made theirappesi
twee in the New York bookstores,
'General _chant ,
Will wear twoatars and
a metallic. Shield as an insignia of rank.
• —,eptimtlightinfr party from the Amer
ican Side catuied the last - Canadian. scare.
-Ai present:the Davenport Brothers are
%tying thetrentertetunent with access at
, •
--L - IttathewEinvenport; a Mississippi der
-69 slid i s , itienarian,:revently preacti•
ed at Okalona.)
-7‘finalnurregttrar. theatres :are :open - in
New:York, and two of these are said to be
eh9nt elnatng.l,
--Victoria, the Sandwich Island princess,
diedittota the effects , or impnideogy boo-,
lorwhnolototoit.- , • • ' "
II Si esid the batheine quantities or
mutilated currency destroyed his caused a
klgldter,,With artificial leg. s recently
declaredtbet Ite.hatt wadi rather be "on ,
his 4 4144' . !: 31 *114 tieleones.
—Theo* leap. , some - lei:Tie can got
anythiugintotherpheada_ :*hy taking adrink-Or ridlnelii.ideeping ears.' 1
—The New AhieanaTrieant states that
there are seven thousand in that
city who oil
~.wirdtions, their
united hie P me l e 'q uti ft• 4 '; V 2O ,QM Per.
d a y - .
—lt seem thattitere, are: Scene
anions the gilt Lake Saints , '
as, es a re
cent Stclay, .T.trighant Young took
don: tb relmke the !fipirit of worldliness"
- - niantireated by niany'of his - vette.
--/tri fe oe:mil, - ,
durintidelesi /idgi-, e tll. Africa., lie was
to enn.Place for .five months with
- sundi-Alr, - andlwas nitersardstwicellfelAW
: ... osd3T.2.9avrars' i tuy the =livery
Noir Dry Good.
At Bates and Beira
Still IVllunltes
Tho performance* of the National Prick Ma
chine have been so very satisfactory, that It Is
believed that tan of these tuachltres are aold
to one of any other petent
New mess floods
At Batas and Beira
Refeireratorsylee chist■
Fehr and five - minute Cream ' , reelect), Ice
Pitchers, Wato4 Coolers, Water Filters, Meat
Safes, Bath Tubs, and, full line Of goats gen
erally, suitable for the heated tone. Ourstoek
Ls the largest, our variety the bast, and our
prices the lowest to be found anywhere west
of tie mountains. Call and set, at 124 Wood
street, south side, five doors shove Fifth Ht.
W. W. 811.11DSEAR.
Traveling Dre Dossl•
At Rater awl Bel Per.
For great bargains of summer bate Itlkd .111111
j at Wm. Flemings first class Hat and Cap
house, No. la. Wood street; consisting in pail,
et mon and boy's light felt bats, men, boys
! and children's Straw goody, gent's silk and
easslinere hats; men and boy's for and Wool
bats; latCes' and inisses• hats, trimmed and
untrimmed. Those who want anything it the
aborts mentioned line, will do well to call at
Wm. Fleming's extensive lint and Cap Estab
lishment, No. 139 Wood Street, an we wish to
clew our Summer Stock in order to make
room for our Fall Stork.
Kew tiermallles
At Bates and Deli's.
Purewl nod . Nweeteml
Cod Liver Oil in the world, manufactured
trout fresh selected livers on the Sea covet.
This oil is characterized by a sweetness and
purity peculiar to It alone: Its reputation Is
sagreat that it takes the lead of other oils,
and is newel sally prescribed by physicians.
Remember to ask for Hazard A Caswell's Cod
Liver Oil.
Caswst.t., Slava it Co, New York,
Sole Manufacturers.
For sale at wholesale hi Pittsburgh by IL E.
Sellers & Co. At retail by all Druggist..
Illlerrlmsek Prtuts
-It Bates and Etcll'n.
7 ?oiltpaniguent.
We are compelled again to postpone our
Concert. This Is very unpleasant to us and
else to our ticketholdfiri. we are as anxious
as oily ticket holders to have our Concert,
come off. It is exceedingly expensive and
troublesome. The second postponement of
the United States Gift Concert at Chicago In
jured us very much. It Induced a great many
of our agents to believe that our enterprise
would prove a complete failure. Hence a
Loge number of them retained their reports
until the - eicventh hour,. and are to-day ear
nestly requesting as to receive them when the
baoks should be closed. We don't like to ex
pose agents who fall In making returns, and
therefore defer our Concert till Saturday eve
ning, August ills, at City Hall, commencing at
eight o'cloct•. Ticket holders must have pa
tience. Impartial Justice must h. done to all
concerned. Nelms A to, Tnowsox 6.C0.
Mitre Linen Ptltlrt Fronts
At Times and Itell.i.
The Golden Key
i That cocci the mystery to the cure of every
disease of the skin. whether of a turrottilcius or
other character, will be found In directing
reme lies to the petrification of the blood. The
mood which, an a river of life, nourishes and
renews °very organ of the body, and without
which the whole human fabric would soon de.
c-iy and perish. Ev.-ry disease of the skin has
IL, origin in sonic I.4shmiseil, or If yen choose,
inorml stair of the blood. If the blood be
pure, you »111 not have, you cannot hare can
err, nor - scrofula, nor white swelling, nor hip
disease, nor ulcerated sore legs, nor fever
sores, nor hives, nor scald head. No blotches,
bolls, pimples, rash, chaps, cracks, fissures,
nor an/ of the pestilent brood which so greatly,
afflict humanity.
Thew aro all the result of had blood, and
linen their source In its corruption. The rem
edy that will cure them will be found In Dr.
Kcyreer Blood &ureter. It_ acts wills a more
then talismanic power in restoring health and
eliminating morind matters from the blood.
It invigorates the stomach and enables it to
digest and make use of the food which IA ta
ken foto It with the view to — conclave the fano-
lions of life. .11. enables the liver to secrete
the bile from the blood, nod - removes all tor
por and el oggislorms of that organ, It cm
'powers the spleen to take the acid properties
from the nerves, matter which would other
wise be deposited upon the nerves In the
shape of neuralgia and rime tiltitintl. it mires
dropsy and all diseases of the kidneys. It is
the Tonle of Tonics, and if the. cures that It
has performed could be presented In a proper
light Delete the community, there is not a
family in Allegheny county that would not
have a bOttirs of Dr. Keyner's Blood Searcher.
Ask for Dr. Keysees 8100 l Searcher at 140
Wood street; and take no other. Price, one
dollar per bottle; six bottles tor flee dollars.
Sent by express to any part where an express
rune upon receipt of the price.
At redhced prices, at Bates and Bellki.
atrengsb for the Exhausted
Thoussurds die, as it were. itch by melt, of
bodily weakness; for debility will kill as car.
taLuly„though not so quickly, as a raging fever.
It la asked how the week stud" be modest:can;
the debilitated sustained and restored; the ex
inmate.] refilled with vital energy t We ever
that of alt invigorating preparations given by
science to man, from the institution of the a: t
of healing to the present hour, not one has
wrought such wonders in the way of menet.
MACH arrnics: This is Indeed the tonic of
toulfts,. As. a., Zattitaating, strengt4-support
um; Iffe;pialianglhiagerit, the like of it is not
to be found—in the catalogue of medicines.
Among the various articles need to a.rouse the
dormant poWers of heti:ire, it stands alone—
the great awakener of the paralyzed physique.
It not only awakens the physical powers from
state of collapse and inanition, but. it Im
parts permanent vigor to the muscular and
nervous systems—reinforetug, as it were, both
the stronghold and the outworks of vitality.
The aged, the decrepid, the nervous, the look
etedown of both of Sexes, are recommended
to try It. They will assuredly find 'La present
help In time of trouble.
_ .
• lioitlettees
ro told wholesale and retail at very low rates
r leinlnght Dreg and Patent Medicine Depot,
ho. a Market AD cot, corner of the D!ememl
to a Market, near Fourth street.
Are opening new (mils.
—A privat43 , letter from Washingtonmen
tions the serious ilhicas of a literary gen
tleman of that city, his disease being pro
nounced to be "pen palsy." • The affection
derives its name front the Litt that Ills
attributed to the use of the popular French
copying'ink, which contains arsenic. Both
his bands and feet aro badly swollen, and
Lie health is so precarious thatlis physi
cians have prescribed abstinence from the
further use of copying Ink. This case
should serve as a warning to those who use
the fluid which has proved so deleterious in
its effects.,47lacianali Gazette.
—During the reign of Charles I, all Eng
lish paper bore in Water marks the royal
'arms. The Parliament under Cromwell
made..e; jest ot :thls; akkemong other in
dignities to the memory_ or the King, it
was ordered that the royal armsbe remov
ed from the and the ,
"fooPs - eap end
bell".be sebstituted. These, in their tarn,
were ofconrseremoved at the, Restoration.
But paper of the size 'of the Parliament
journal still bears the name of "foolscap."
.Dr. Emily ,Clibson, a fernakr-phy
striae weighing some two hundred and fifty
tlnda. Who la at Natchez prenading the
negroes "that they hare snakes e in their legs,
aud charging them heavily for getting them
out; :vs& brotight up before the 00=0'
Court there.the other day, and Rued twee.
ty-hve dallinir for - obtaining ' money under
false preiensca_ 'llia faculty did not gal
lantly' step famed intipay theline. •
It is elda tile king Of tlio'Sandirßl Is
iando hite)t , decided antipathy., to ,twary-
Wolf Amerioisi?llortastoned'lO'nagtr"
whilb travailing* tblixonntrysomayean
0re,.110 bag =Mei Ofillottell the
*tt:: :- T.'k^ftPT
0 0.4 3 / 3 11311LA8.
The Message to the Queen.
Grand Banquet on the Great Eastern.
Fla,. 9l.—The Preeiclent'a
111,3eago to the queen, emtaining seventy
oven, palmed throng! the Atlantic
in eleven minutes, and wax delivered to
the queen alineut immediately. The Great
EA..mtern ilring a saline In honor there
colebratton In honor of the enoce.sful lay
ing of the cable, N being. held at Valencia, Ire
laud, this afternoon.
The Albany and Terrible Wave here to-Mor
row morning for the spot where the Cable of
last year was lo,d„ The Great Eastern and
Midway will follow in about one week.
kisser's Cosrear, N. IF., July glued
banquet came off last night on hoard the
Great. Eastern, Captain Anderson presiding
One hundred guests were present, including
ihe oilleers of the cable fleet, Cyrus W. Field,
Mr. Cunning, Prof. Thompson, Mr. hooch, M
an ..
Prof. Philouhby Smith Cotten, -
t alum Halpin, Mo g riarty, PniwPne,rof.
Balt., Hamil
ton, lielnage,Harris,./. C. Dean, George W.
Deur, of United States Coast Survey, B. Smith
H ,
on. S.J. Pinset, of the Legtslative Council
of Newfoundland, and the Hon. Mr. Wyatt.
Speeches of congratulation were made.
10,000 Barrels of Oil Destroyed.
New Youz, Aug. 2.—Private cllspatehe3 are
as' to nave been received, announcing n
large [lre at Oil City, destroying all the prop
erty there or the United Rtates Company.
Ott °lrv, August 2.—A lire at Pithole, last
night, destroyed ten thousand barrel. ol
and ...glut,. tan ks, barrels, de., to Use ottnnun t
of 31.50,0u0. The United States Company's tons
Projected thloa Nteautship
Shares—Xeettog of the talon
Mute tootral Commlttee--Conoroo.
Enttorsect—Expetllttoo to ttortorn.
Saw FRANCISCO, August I.—The clealner
Sunnite, from Callao, arrived tostinj.
Tile Chinese throughout the State favor the
projected China steamship line , end prouder
theirsupport. The Chinese merchants are
partleulur mizlouc to patronize It.
Mining shares !UV better ; °WAS Is tirio4l34 ex
2,U; Belcher, 1,60: CholLer, 1,:7; Yellow Jacket,
(Lr.s.; Legal Tenders, 72,4.
Sae Firanomoo, July 2.— AL o meeting of the
Cu on State Centre! Committee here yestor
.lay, 1r , 114.011111011 was unanimously adopted
endorsing the proposed amendment of actin,
Dth of the ConstitutiOn of the United States,
and approving the cones° of the itadleale and
the California Union Delegation to Congnms.
The action of the Committee to reganled ns
an attempt to usurp the functions f the Uni
ted State, CORVOIII.IOII, which essemoles ti,-
A Santiago letter says: General with
two hundred and any wen and ample sup
plies. railed from All Saints Day. Lower esul
lorrils, en July With, supposed to t dmitlitoo
to some port in Sonora, a suilicient atomiser tit
.kinerliasn officers accompanying the
on to command five thousand troops, which
are to be organized In Sonora.
In the atm.:woof Information about the new
tariff, the - Collector of Customs demands .1411.
Lions.' deposits for goods entered.
Attempt lo Kill a Ilarber Alderman
liarmer Killed—A Forger Captured—
:Nine New •Cholera Case.,
l'emsentruda, Aug 2.—An attempt was
made about twelve o'clock last night to kill
barber named Hull, at hie residence at the
corner 01 Fifth and Uauklil et rents, oy two ne
groes, who !my they wore employed by his
wife, who promised theITC.AO for the )ob. The
negroes Jumped upon their victim while be
was to the collet tIL elle, for help brought
him speedy tervlitstnCe. Ho we, neVerelf cut
In the head.
- - • .
Ex-Alderman Jam e T. llimmer way klllwl
haat night Ina tavern in the lower part of the
city, In u quarrel arl.lug from a pollUeal dis
l'aitehatmam, Aug. 2.—A week or ten day,
•onee a forged chock for gi50,000, ma. pail out
.ri the Flint National bank today. The for
4er was captured at the depot on arrival
iron, finittinore, with the entire amount of
plunder in Ydi bonds. lin had in the interval
married n wife in lieritimore and came thu.
tar on lan Mina! trip.
POIL•DELPHI/L August 2—The report of the
cholera at the Po:11,1 of thialth, up to uoon,
showed nine new cases , IWO of 11/MOII were
%greet Car Fired Into by lfegroea and
rang Men Killed—Martial taw Wllb
drawn—Mnsterattallexten—Fresseb Far-
I Hying Monterey.
New OILLZARN, August I.—A street mix was
tired 11E11.43 011 the outskirts of the city lad
night, by negro., trilling Capt. Charles Re)
nolds, of the steamer Starlight. Oue of the
murderer• has been arrested. Many annuls
of armed blacks have been made since the not.
Several houses occupied by tiet(rOet have been
discovered containing arms acid ammunition.
The armed sentinel, issue I.oootl withdrawn
from Municipal Hall.
Tampico advice. report that the city is well
fortified and prepared for n Liberal attack.
The French are fortifying Monterey. Mat/t
-utor. Is quiet. Trade in the Valley is resumed.
LATllll.—Martial In w has been withdrawn
Several members of the Convention have
been Indicted by the Oland Jury and arrested. adgo Aboll has °tiara.' the Undid
Jury to linnet all persons engaged In the riot.
Severs/ arrests have already been grade, anti
all prisoners released by the military will la
- .
The Military Commission for the invesamis.
Lion of toe riots hove been In suasion to-day,
and taken Use testimony of tile policemen.
Philadelphia GasmenHon Delegates
31•DLP W IS., Aug..l.—The Johnsonians
met to-day to elect delegates to the Ptillatiel.
lthe Convention. The following delegates at
arge were elected .f. it. Doolittle, A. W.
Randall and G. hi. Rol:411mm. The usual num
ber of district delegates were also chosen.
Some excitement was caused by the secession
of one of the newly elected delegates, who
declared himself opposed to sitting in con
clave with :men Inc., as Vallandigham and
Pendleton. After an exciting discussion the
name of tho offender was stricken from the
list. Resolutions declaring In favor of the
Administrating of the President and his
policy were passed. tonight the Convention
as being addressed by Senator Doolittle and
er. PAUL, Mttrs., August 2.—Tho Democratic
Convention, to elect delegates to the PhDade!.
phia National Union Convention, tnet here to
tla.V, and olected the following delegates at
largo: Daniel a. Norton, Y. Isteeitt, H. D. It
and.. Y. J. Galbraith. tiosoluthins in support
of the President and isvoring the immediate
admission of the Rebel States were adopt:hi,
and Ihe Convention adjourned sins die.
I.:HAMM:11103, S. C, Aug. 2.—A dispatch from
here yesterday, giving s list •3f delegates at
large to the'phis Convention should
have inclemed the name Of Senator Manning,
who was 0 1 / 6 0 cleated.
lliavana Adl wlees—last Ler* In St. Domingo
—Yellow Fever et linvena.
New Your, August 2.—The steamer Etude
brings Novena dates of the 28th ult.
Information is received from Domingo
that the Government has ofliclally a • nonnren
that hostilities with the rebel Generals ban
ceased, by virtue of as agreement with them.
A general z nine Sty bad been grantee the resi
dents who sustained General. liaez's govern
ment, and all Generals who do not submit to
the decree will be treated us traitors. Thu
citizen General ?Monte', with several bodies
of troops, bud gone to the Northwestern from
tier to clear out all Cletachmentsoreated by the
policy of ex-President Baez. General Cabrao
*xis going to (halm, Where affairs are atW to a
bad state, to co-operate with Pimento'.
The smallpox was still raging at Ponce.
There - Were twenty.eight cases of yellow
fever and fifty-eight of small-pox at Havana,
during the mouth of J tbio.
Manor.' Monona Home Dedicated
licesvos, August I.—Thd Sailors' Mattonal
Home In Quincy was fledlitated yesterday at
ettrnaun wfth fil/Proprlato ceremontea.. The
Homo occupies seventy-six acres of land with
Outbuildings to accommodate at
_present one
hundred and twenty inmates. The aot of In
corporation establishes it for sailors, ma
rines and others employed In the naval service
of the United nudes disabled by wounds,
Mimosa, ola age or otherwise, withmit regard
to the place of their enlistment. The amount
raised for the object wag two hundred and
fifty thousand dollars, of which sixty-11ra
thousand dollars have been expended upon
the land
an buildings already oggapigd.
• Wise In 11111witakee,
- BLUM AMIS. Aro In tale oily this
molding' debtroyed alrohard corner of
Wait Water and Spring Itreete. The loss Is
ILtty tlimbaddd..49lbus, buddy coyerod by In-
, ,
D 111101
illesmages Through the Cable
lb/ART% CoirrisarT, Aug. 2, 11 A. M., tin Aim,
Bop. Aug. 2.—We are now receiving inessaucs
through the Atlantic Lal.;,• .1 itu• r, .••
Over twelve and a half words per minute.
AU the electricians ere delighted with the per
fectly distinct charucter of the signals through
the cable. Girton tP. FicLD,
Lnanow, WeitinwimAY," August I.—Consols
closed at Dix. U. 8. 2-20 s, 68 , 4
trysnroot, August I.Tbe cotton maricet
to-day has ruled steady; sales, 10,0 W bales.
[Note.—llltnox. Central quotations by the
Cable are 114(165. - This is satiltrsonli to " a °
error for 74475.
Cholera Came—French Runaway Mali
ier Arrested-111ot Among tioltilars—
Madden Death of Parameter Pamir
born Ematielpatlan Miletwatton
Hanle Paesezmer Railway Yinee—At•
Made of the European Potentates.
New Tone, Aug. Y.—Twenty-six oases and
mix neaths by cholera aro rep*Led to-day.
Sarni made, the runaway' Cashier of the Bank
of Potrero% Franco, has been arrested In (An
It is reported that a senores snot occurred
lust evening among soldiers at Fort Schuyler,
and that four or due men were shot. It is
thought it originated from fear of the cholera.
Uenry U. Pangborn, Paymaster in Vatted
states Nary, died suddenly at the Pensacola
Navy Yard, cm the morning •r the Ist Instant.
lie entered the Navy at the outbreak of the
war, and has bean in Seth, acrylic* ever since
that time, winning entire confidence of the
Navy Departmeot. Bo has been connected
with the Press of Boston, Now York and Wash
ington. Paymaster Paagborn was twenty
eoven year, of ago, and was married on
Thursday of lest week to Mlse Ingraham, re.
sidles near Pensacola.
New Tonic, August 2.—Yesterday being the
Met of Minuet, the azintversary of emaricipa
' lieu In the British West thence, the usual cel
ebration teas held by the colored residents in
this city and minity. There were speeches,
games, gymnastic and acrobatic performances
end other feat-friths" at My rtle Avenue, Log.
fert.a and Throop AVOntlfr arks, which wore
participated In by a large number of people.
According to a recent decision of the courts
, here, city railway companies will be obliged
to carry passengers for flee and one-eighth
cents each, or eight tickets for forty-tmecenta
The Times' London letter eerie( the attitude
of the European potentates : "The actual gnat
tion la, will Austria consent to resign nil
power and rlght in Germany. and leave Pins
sla the supreme controller of forty millions of
herniats. Comientlug to this, Austria may
have pence with an empire of thirty-three
edition of moot. it she will not consent,
then Prussia will endeavor to excite it revolt
,11 Hungary, and will do her worst to blot Aus
tria from the limp of Europe, Thu Emperor
of Prance, a few week. ago, Insisted upon
Austria !.sing malubdited as a German rawer.
Bow he appears cc have renounced that part
of Ida progra ime, and urges Austria to accept
the terms of peace offered by Prussia and
Italy, but there is something concealed. The
Emperor to not ready to intervene, and he
may - hove been Converted by the needle gun
to the Prelusion
"'Malta, aho, which at few WOolla ago teemed
to sympathise with Atlatria, ban. become
friendly to Prussia, and lain might, in the Ml
nab lion.. of Ceram:Ma, there wean regular
glorification of Conan Illamark and the Sacco.
4,1 toe Prussian army. The only traced ul
.t nstria in the Hone, of Commons sits Sir
tieOrge Bowyer. Throe Months ago them wan
enkenely one to take the side of Prussia. Th.,
Imperial thotlatOr is not rawly to act. No
doubt the needle gem was the drat stionne, and
the attitude of Unsala may have been the
second. Russia seems to have taken offence
at the oiler of Venetia to Prime.. •
Now Doane, Low—Form of Applllealloo
Doilloo—Peareloso•ay lbo rreal
deat-4ppolslooeats—Chlot Danl.
moors 6e Dewed from Daly.
A•nt auto., AUlOll5t making appllca
tion to the accond Auditor's omen for the al -
litional bounty provided (or certain heirs of
Ilecenseal v. - platers, the form of application trill
he the seam an heretofore used In applying
(or arrears of pay and bounty, with the exceµ
lion, that the number of the paoviao settled
should always be gl•en, and It should he sta
ted that application in made to recover the ad
ditional bounty provided by thn 12th and 13th
neutlune of the net of Congress, chaptv • :74,
It does not atom to be generally understood
Inwpootors that the Secretary of lb., Treas.
lire long ago decided that rails and other
manufacture., of Iron by the Besslmer pro•
ceas, are liable to atom tintlfte; On said prm
cess, changing, In fact, the Iron into a metal
on closely resembling steal to all particulars,
as to defy the most experleneett lodges, to de
tect the difference.'
A special order from the War
refers the recent Let her the orialtration of
bounties to ,ILajor General Lanby, U. a.
Volunteer., Brevet Major Genetal Barnos.Ser ,
hewn of the Butted States army. and Brevet
MaJoefileneral linehacian, Colonel of the Wind
United States infantry, In order that they
may Pi epare and suinnit rules and rtrulatlons
to carry out the provisions of the law.
ery few ninth:ail.ns for pardon are now
beam, mode to Lim President. rive persons
to-day received the executive clemency.
There le good reason for believing that
Jed. a Cooley ant be retained ns CommWlorr
it of Indian Affairs. The report that be tree
to be removed is nut well founded.
John li. Peterson hae been appointed 1 . .1
Alward at Woalstown, i, .7., rue.
.1 reertsard
The following leternel Revenue appoitt
awaits wore made to-day: Thos. Jones, Jr,
Almoner 10th district, Ghlo,• Jobe R. Ha,e art.
of Davenport, toliector Id district, lowa, and
11. U. Coggenhall, of tiormentown, Assessor
ML distrlct,Perin•vivania
The War Depertaienl. has tinned an order re
lieving the Grief of Engineers from, duty ws
Innpoctor of the Military Aradelny ut
Point, and appointing Urn. E. Sebrirnr in
spector General, to the rind's, al the same
an Innpector of the Military Academy, anti]
farther orders, assigning him by the direction
of the President to duty according to lat.
brevet of Major General.
The Philadelphia Age TaMeth lltiehly.
New Yosix, Aug.:.—The Philadelphia Age of
this Looming has a double leaded editorial
calling attention to certain outgivings in the
Radical press that the Philadelphia triton
Convention Is to be mobbed out of existence
by returned soldiera, firemen, &e., as an cannel
to the mobbing of the bogus Negro kiaffrago
Convention at New Orleans. Should such an
outrage be attempted, says the Age, In the
event of the contingenriy referred to, the inn.
nielpial,arm would be unhesitatingly raised to
protect the people In their eights, and that
failing, the stronger power of the
government will be called apron, an should
that be powerless, the last reeort of the free-
men will still be there.
Ttre Total of Jeff. Dorl■
FOUTIMIS Emitter, Aug. I.—h r. °Toner
went north this evening on the steatner
George tuary, having brought to an end his
protracted interview with I)itvis . From the
moment of his arrival bore, three days ago,
ho has remained constantly Inside the fort
ress, closely engaged Ms client. From
the length Of the vital, and the sudden IMO•
nor in which It was made, lt is believed that it
was mainly attributable to the recent report
of the Judiciary Committee to Congress, and
the urgent neecuisity thereby crested to oha
cute npon a plan of iinfonse, in view of the ap
proaching trial.
Alabama State Convention.
ilirrots, ALA., Aug. 2.— Th e State Convention
hero to-day was largely attended. Every a Is.
ttM. was represented. Tho proceedings ware
harmonious. The only resolution passed Se
dorsed the President's polloy, and aceopts it.
The following delegates for the State at
large werecholon: Lewis E. Parsons, George
N. Houston, A. B. Cooper, Jolla Ponyth, It
Lindsay, James W. Taylor. Tour delegates
were appointed for each district.
Destructive Fire is. Mileage.
CIIMAGO, Alt 2.—The bag. factory of Dart,
Aston & Co., No. lin South Water street, nos
destroyed by Are this morning. Loss alm,Ouo.
The adjoining store of Stearns & Forsyth, gro:
cern, Wee damaged to the amount of siktne.
Dotb drum are fully insured.
on m. Q. Johnston . Again •ppoloted'
PutLADaLritil, dug. B.—A special dispatch
from Washington to the Inquirer tare:Wm. F.
Johruston wee appointed CoLlector of
this port, and Albert alma:maker Collector of
Internal Revenue for the 'first District of
Roeteems of the Cable
Naw Tong, Aug. 2.—There were twelve mes
sages received at tho New Tors telegraph of
fices for Zurope to-tlay, Thursday. for
the sum of 41,8111 In gold was paid.
Conismislonal lionalsatlon
CLUVELAND, 0 Augnit 2.—Thomas P. Finite.
frock; of Sanduoky county. nom inated
ernocrotto C:onrent.tor g
iniM for Con.
tho D
grimy from tho Ninth District.
Slyer and Weather as Louisville. t August 2.—fiver filling ISSL ,
with tiviljest tat Lushes water in -sips ,anal:
jaersurvo 4eg
,mmt. Weather slew* . .
' • - ,-, -- ,- ..-- , , , ..“, - ,..,.--:.4..5.4„,,,,
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Editor Reprimanded—The Fenian Cam.
pains—Napier Recalled for Incompe
tency—Another Canino Invasion Ex.
pected—Defnultinic French Cashier
Apprehended—Public Reception to
Gen. Barry.
Ovrows, Aug. 2.—The case of LA into, the
I editor who had the fracas silt It Dorian, ea,no
up before Parliament to-day. Tho prisoner
was placed at the bar and allowed to make a
statement, the principal 'point of Which was,
that Dorian gave the first. blow. The case was
Alien dismissed with a reprimand from tbo
Speaker of the nonce Cola acne.
Great dissatisfaction still exists over the re
salt of the campaign on the Niagara frontier.
The return of General Napier to England Is
associated with the matter, and it in allowed
that he has been recalled for incompetency.
soothe, Fenian Invasion Is looked (or In the
Fall, and already preparations are making to
call out volunteers in order to meet the com
ing emergency. Colonel Peacock, of Ridge
way notoriety, is - scow the commander of the
forces in Western Canada, because of the re
call of Napier.
aw Yone, Aug. 2.—A special to the Herold
From Montreal says: Lamm-and°, the Cashier
of the Bank of Fro nee at Jeotilors, who escaped
t ,• y•set /aged" dr a I_MiTIS ta h^
1)1111,41 LP nu.) ataishrtl, wise appro.....
tied yesterday et eaprairiu about ten miles
fr. to this city, on the opposite side of the St.
Lawrence. Ile was tracked by a French de
fictive. file esainination Imforo a magistrate
Medulla been closed, and he Liss betel remand
ed to Jail. 'He is claimed from the State under
the French extra•lltion treaty, and th. ques
tion Is Hely to arias whether the French au
thorities will claim bite directly from the Ca
nadian government.
Major General Barry is to have a public re
ception bore to-morrow, when the entire gar
anon willparade on the Champs' de Mars, by
order of Major General Sir James Lindsey.
Deaths on Tybeo
, fiaraneam, Aug. v—There have been two
dkatha on Tthee Island; one from cholera and
000 from cllarrhont. No new cases have ap
Additional Lorallda leers WI Third Page
Nt. intaries ➢lntel—liraad Opening.
, The traveling public will De rejoiced to learn
that the St- Charles I/Mel—once so famous as
afieetelrie—ls again Anon to their patronage.
SOmo two years since, the present hole Mr.
Marry Shirts dellrertd np the managerial
reins and retired to the quiet seclusion of
rtkral life. Thing of the country, he again ef
fected a lease of the pretenses and by princely
IMprovements, to-day the Pt. Charles will
tank, aide by side, with any hotel In the Shy,
while very few are equal to It, in amon-nods
tiOns, elegance and oPmfort.
In order to give our readers on hire of the
Irnmeasotty of the house, we have only to state
that it control. One hundred and thirtvl - 001.,
trdi Mille and a grand seaman, fitted en wtth all
Wit paraphernalia requisite to Make it far
saloon of the ettys. To the right' of tho saloon,
which is on the first fluor, Is too main entrance
en Wood ate apt, which is through a high arched
doorway, leading to a short night of stairs. at
the head of which Is located the oMee.
froal. 0 , the °Moo is a broad hall, exr.ending
(rote the gentlemen's parlor on the left to the
pattern° end of the...i/log. The floor of Oda
heti' is covered with mosaic tiles, of rd anti
white, and on either side or situated
an ',elegant suite of rooms. One of the.
Is A ladles reception room, alsom forty
feeltiong and twenty wide. The ceiling is of a
tight mauve color, handsomely frescoed. The
ails are mayoral with melte Front It finished
paper. the pattern being n wreath of whit,.
do re with a sprig of gilded laurel :is tee
centre. The windows, eight In number, are of
Male glass, and ore draped ru soft winos
fol. of clouttlike lane of me noes: totters., to
which are attached heavy silken hanging. of
orttatrmu and goal cot d. du the Boor is a car
', peter the rich.° hremells, the preslotninat
ingtoolors helm: green end red. The (mei
, dere is of °lntl walnut nighty potohed, and of
ao ebony hoc, thentructrm with a strict re.
gush to beauty mot eominrt on either sale of
thaapartment teaching almost (rota door
to eraling, Is Iwo peer mirrors to frame" of
tie molt tandem design and artistic finish.
At Wight the room I, lightest by two aronaa
haathehTlla s ou each of which are Al Jets, sur
rotted.] with Trento) globes, which s ill hare
Um *Meet 01 subtle to ar the light from a gam, ,
Ware to a shams that is ill b a r
Telly with the nurrountllng appointrnen's A
111,115 to ttlll right of
gentiouren's parlor l.
a neargooty tl4le Apartment fitted up aa o
rending room, where M. of all the
mid potters w he constantly ho n ._
Near to tads is a hatlerrene, with marble stnL-s
ansi everything neevasary to perform att
tien with al.pedttlon and ease. Keels of the
Chfursiders Ire elegantly ride lotted, while some
ales' vemPtanarmY elegnmt the floors being mar
troll with itsuagels am well teethe ten btu!s.
The dinner-P.m has Callaalty Siteho W .o.• I
mm 1210.411, Ono llundrl.l and silty gooses,
nod in the very personincot lon of neatness
awl order. To the right ol the alma); salon,
IS the earring wheel, stored with ;
lunette variety of nu., cut glass nall sliver la
hlo ware etusnotlng of salver tea seta, with
t.stS and gougs attached, mil chafing dice
swots of Me moat Improved rattan-tr.
Beneath this rams an.i on the ground door,
Is the kitchen. Hero everything la of ream-
motile proportions, and from whet we Masan.
eel tiering nor brief visit, we are prepared to
nay that Use cultnary department of the st.
Chart. Is equal to any contnigency. While
the nook. have a reputatlon tor presenting
Vlanda In a etyle that Isonta pier.° the plate
of the moat feudal.. epacure.
The followieg are the names of the Jig . ..relit
arms also have (metalled tar labor and mato
rlal to enhance the beauty, and perfect the or
reogententa of the house:
The plumbing wad gas fitting of the Louse
was dorm by alosnrs. Gallagher and Craig, of
First street. The mirrors were furbished by
tileoplat U,, carpets by aleCalitim; the up
toudittry by ilietusrs Edmondson and
Roberts and llenick. The latts.rgen
tiellitatt made anti put (limn the tampons The
Nam natures are furnisbod by Pisitie a
Pitilaticipitiu; the linen by Reno Gabon, of
Polladelphia; the furniture by Yank - Met and
Irwin; the silverwant by Mead° and Smythe,
of Philadelphia.
Munilro 1111mturn—IProgrommo of lieeep•
To-day, at noon, Jam. Damns , the aquatic
champion of the New World, will arrive In
our toty, from which he departml a few
months sine, to a:varlet+. In a foreign land for
the championship of both hemispheres. Ills
deportment daring his absence has been of a
cheroots, that won for him the friendship
and esteem of all wilts whom he Cam!, m toms
Ithayant with hops and emandonce, Irani
:Ullllll4l co in. a spiral In mid i t.. ti to ter ita•
lion he represented, be tottered Into the con
test. Lie was honorably defented, nml he had
the U 3130140011 to aClinntritt , lge ill, defeat wllh
a (rankness that 11111 him credit, and is worthy
or Imitation try oar transatlantic friends
That he was detested, we aro aalllll.oll, was no
fault of id., and now that lie is retehm fetch to
us, wn hope tee 1 . 00131 t of the InterneLlutfal
match will not let met In any way
from the warmth of I OCeptiou
friends have fotsitered him. The Cotomillet
appoluted to make arrangements for big re
twinion request, all persons ilesirons of
partlelpating In the reception to attaCo3l , lo nt
the Fusin° Ilbtlie an hour previous
to the ithrivni of the train, Ti.,, procession
will form there and proceed to the 1.7n10n De.
pot 10 the following order:
liras, had.
Thu Turner's Society.
The Fire Department.
Carriage containing the Champion and hu
hackers, John Paisley, Alexander
Murray and Kent. Conthin.
Carriage containing John Ilan 111 , Henry P.
Kane, ithigh Sallie hod John AltrElroy.
Carriage containing Jam ea Laughlin, Jame.
ecott, lienryTatnall and M. Menthe - rt.
Followed by two carriage. costal Ling Robert
idtopben Carnes snit other Tyne
elders, now roelden la of Pittsburgh.
Then will follow a number of carriages COII4
tattling friends of the Champion.
After whioh will mule any order or soolot
t. may be pleased to attend, and citizens on
Theprocession will form on Liberty street,
and will march down Liberty to Wayne, alon
Wayne to Peon, down Penu to Hand, aloe
Hanel to Liberty, up Liberty to Wood, Mon
Wood to eixtb, op Stxth to Smithfield, orlon
Sinithaulti to Fifth, down Fifth to Market
along Mai ket to Third, up Third to Smlthflei
to the bur L
uesno ogin° House.
A grand testimonial boncilt will bo given to
the champion, at the Aeatiemy or Music, In
the evening, at novae o ' clock . Tito bill of e
tertaltement comprised (Ito beautiful mel
drama of the "Orphan of Genova," .or Mot
andUfilleghet Win IMUtile the leading r
the play of (Merles it., S. W. lbiswell n
tho Merry Moonlit. The Mit of voluntee
for the OCMOSIOII embrace the very cream o
tne theatrical profession In this city, and w
can tumbril our madams that the affair shall
aufaut in every particular.
The Ititti!Mid nonaleide—Oretie Admit
ted to Hell.
Henry Brittle. charged with involuntary horn.'
beide in the shooting and killing of Henry
lielliger, nous ths village of Hatfield, on hat.
urday evening last, was brought beton:3.lodg°
Stow., yesterday, ou an application fora writ
of lmbmu corpUs filed by his attorney,
Moreland, Esq.
Moyeral witnesses were examined, the two
girls residing at Mr. Holmes , being among the
number. From the evidonoo adduced, It was
clearly shown that the deceased and the oldse
onor had Leon on, thty most.WM:ludo and
friendly terms and that tbetridalts till the ree.
'donee of Mr. inflows, for the garposo of see—
ing the young women reforroil to, had been
quite trequotd and wall known to the family.
'Judge Stowe remarked thdt If the same era
denoOWlll produced on the trial, be wonlil feel
justified la chay_glug_the jury to flud verdict
of adpllltal. His klenor , tben directed that,
Brodie should be rob:naiad- upon entering ball
the sum of one thousand dollars.
Partial Illuarlatf•-30111t Leetul, Julian
Blackmail auu Milli= Souders were before dorman Donabbioo, yantorttny,
gbarge OP meson ' and buttery; with intone to
WI% preferred against tberu by two meo named
John Bataan aud,WiLllaut Locker, .Tliepartles
aro all aolotod, , alitl thO stilt g. row out or a
turhanoo that took Owe nt Glenwood. Groat , .
on Weaueeday, the unit of Anout fun re.
Lion of waseh appeared In our Lau of yeater
any. Alter noverst - wltneasen had *Lama
mod, tho nenrlnk• wag postponed. itutUt Mona
4.4, at two Watoek:ttlotAtutedpartios.ltalllast-]
ea Tacker. Watt too. Unwell to Tknl
Al natUnglaittllndsulltoat tobail,ta
The Dispatch Mart 4row• Witty
(Mr esteemed neighbor, the Dispatch, has
now in employ a very witty chap upon its re
portorial staff. He is witty, bet not energetic.
Fearing to leave his cony chair In the comfort
able sanctum, Ito selects his items of city In
telligence from country exchanges, and fills up
his want columns with the details of pick
pockets' operations upon his own pockets,
mudlark threats to do him personal violence,
anti occasionally dishes up to his readers the
private Conversation of police officers. Ile is
sore when other reporters "beat him" in Items
of importance, tied to blind his readers would
have them believe that no sch things can
transpire without his hearmg u ot them. Yes
terday, the fear of the "Third ward rate" ap
pears to - have been removed from his heart
and be grew quite witty at our expense, and
branched out In a silly dissertation upon
truly horrible
,otecurrenee narrates' by ns sew
oral days ago. It was an attempt to throw
doubt noon the Item onginally appear
ing in this Journal, concerning the death of a
bright babe front the bite of a rat. While he
alined to be "smart" it was clearly apparent
that he was smarting under the chagrin of
tottering, In reportere' vocabulary, "so bad it
beat." For the inforatatlon of our reso , sr. , e•
again assert that the item ran— eas
tree in every essential par. intse and that the
ct urrence was eve. inure h.,,, ,b 7.• th an nu,
reporter narrated ILI- We will tbet ,
that In the same horse,few days after t ,
babes' death, a lad thirteen years of age, while
sleeping, was attacked by a rat, and had his
linger bitten through near the first. Joint- Now,
oar Dispatch n
man, what ram you make out of
In the Came issue In which the Dirpotch takes
us to tank, it publishes a sensational story,
given for feet, of the case of a young lady tick
ed to death by her mother. Is tide more-prob
able than that a tender Infant Should he killed
by rata I Again, while th ere porter &Ceases us of
manufacturing sensation items, we would di
rect attention to the fact that he publishes in
the Caine Issue no less than four important
locals, word for word, as they appeared the
day previous in our i tp,al. We would not
complain having the ' zit as our third edl
ace, If they wouldn't nainuate that we are
in the sensation business.
National Gift Concert.
The timed Nat ional . Gift Concert announced
to have taken plum yesterday evening at Orr.
ver's Theatre, In IV anhonitton, li . C., has been
postponed mall Thursday, the 11th day of Oe
[ober. The reason assigned for the postpone
ment is that a snilicient number of tickets
have sot as yet been disposed of to warrant
the distribution of the large premiums offer
ed. The profits accruing from thin liberal en
terprise, In which premiums to the amount of
a quarter million of dollars are offered, will
be devoted to one of the most noble charities
of the day—the rrection of a Soldiers' Orphan
Home. Some of the moat reliable of merchants
and citizens of the country attach their names
to the prospectuses, vouching Inc the honesty
and patriotism of the scheme. Allegheny
county, usually no patriotic and loyal, Is now
called upon to aid 1., so e ortii, an undertak
ing by her citizens purohandsg Lit:trete, which
may draw large fortunes for the holders.
Tionv can be no doubt hut this will prove one
the most honorable gift schemes ever plan
ned It, thin country, anti the prizes will be
Iran a end paid to lucky subscribers. John
rittoek, newsdealer, opponite the post
°Mee, is the agent for the Association in this
. o . l tY.und tickets may be procured from him.
Deatikof an Esteemed tAtiamt
Mr. Anren• Myers, or the firm of liesen
laugh & Go., oil merchants, of this City, was
drowned In the ,tllegliene river at Oil thty,
on Tuesday t'l en mg. Mr. Myers WR9 engaged
in examining 1 , 0111 • houts belonging to the
arm winch were moored along Use hang of the
rived, when, by V 11.101318811, ilt lost hill foot
leg I fell Into the river. Assistance was
close at band, 1,111 he was 0rt.41,1 under the
lnmt and drowned. The body lAns recovered
yeaterday morning, and brought to this city
tis moresee for interment. Mr. Myers Was
well known la thin oommunity, and leavos a
ade sod .1 large circle of friends to Mecum
Ills death.
Alleged Acioltery.,-There 1, au indtvidu
al ennui.' J. W. (-large, who elOpenen to be
busy in bringing to Justice theguilty
tenlTlOdre of lilt wife. In fact the llifernlne
Lions Wade agi.lnst respectable edit°ns by
this Man, charging them with adultery, hus
started the auspierne that he and his wife are
endeavoring to Ma) an eaten-lee
frig game. TesterAu3 tho fellow visited the
Mlles of Alderman Johns and preferred a
charge of adultery against one of our most es
yeenied citizen'. A titan for a hearing was
/lirticitnee+l bid Clarke and his wife Talks] toput
in • , -/I oppeartiner. of sauna the defendant
illecharged. Magistrates airman' look out
Mr this :elicit and be entry careful how they
roc,' re the swore informations.
Tww Charges—'l , ro I rlsomen named John
'Lyme and Temume illtdtenna, got min a diffi
culty on Wednesday evening In a beer saloon,
the ,-caner of Frodori. and Penn streets
hleti ter admired le Terrance knocking. John
•loicn mid herstmg In it cruel manner. Ter
rain. arrested and brought [adore Alder
re Taylor. who tuaile bits give ban for in
hearing to-day
William Mendell Malin` a similar Infortnn-
Lion against on Which he was also
etwistrcsi to glee lOW additional ball for his
appearance at court.
Ferocious trot.—risvisi Pugh Is a man of
timid disposition and has a bat) horror of
every type of the canine species. Yestervisa .
he onw considerably frightened by a huge
mastiff, the property of Edward Pool, and
forth is Ith appeared before Alderman Johns,
of the neventh ward, and charged Poo/ with
keeping and maintaining, contrary to an ant
of Assembly made .1,1111 provided, &c., iNforoci
one dog. Pool was arrested, but was released
on giving bail for a hearing on Saturday.
The season for eanntng fruit berths ar
rived, our friend Y. C. Duffey, No. MG brunt
+treat, is ready to sapidp thepublic with a
clowp d superior &MOO or .cri.oentinbr can,
omen had manufactured expressly for-this
market. Mr. D. Is a praettred tomer of gear
experience, and is able to recommend tills ar
ticle to the Housekeepers of this county. As
the demand for these cant Is very grad., .9
would *dente our friends to mill at Defiers
establishment immediately.
Waived a &leering —Abraham Griffith, the
man cdtarged with attempting to A MOP
girl named Mary Mogan, on BO) on
Monday. waived n hearing yasttrOoy and was
"SOU= [Wit to Jail. He *lll ha tried at the
next term of the Crimin...l Court. The ev...
donee against him Is 01 the most position
character, and the only thing we have to to
grm is that the punishment for suelt an of
fense is too light to meet tho enormity of his
Ineve Prlee.—Through an overalmtt we
failed to reCerli tile sale at auction of Wam
pum Pomace as advertised some time to th le
paper. Samuel Kimberly, KN... rePresetda
thee of the
, E*Fdroace of bliarrm, wan the
purchaser Thin large Price w. oblate
ed after T. A. eClellan/Ps best efforts nt sar
i ',moor/ay.
%Alert,. of the Peace.—w inelrorth
apirrarod before Aidercultu Strom, yesterday,
and loath. oath against Jolla Ma'Carthy, M.
!let arthy and Mrs. Soled. ell denizens of Fort
Idoirtek, la the borough of Teuveraneevllle,
for .orety of the peace. Warrants ware
sued for tho arm*/ of the parties named.
IFlre.—Thu alarm 11 Urn last night was occa
sioned by the burning of an into...pled frame
house above Brownstown. It was totally de
atroled, and tsilouged to J. 11. rage. The W.
will appioxlinate el,b00; no Ingurance. The
tire I. supposed to be the work of an Incen
For Coure.—Josopli Fridenright, accused
by lire. Black° with attempt to commit a rape
on a domestic of here named Jennie White,
bad a hearing before Alderman Donaldson.
Joseph gave ball for his appearance at court.
Boller vs. ebony specimen
of humanity, named Eliza Ann llutler.clutripd
a woman of the saute color, named Borah Sin.
c.lair, with anruLy of the peace, bolero Alamo.
man Johns, yesterday. A warrant was tesnod.
goodler.—Josepb A. Holmes sued Mrs.
Mary A. Grinnell before Alderman Morrow
yesterday, for assault awl battery. Mary gave
bap ter trial. Both parties reside in Pitt
luvited.—Wo understand that Jinony Ham
ill has been invited and will attend a planie
at Glenwood Grove, tostay, (or the boneilt of •
wounded soldier minted It. W. Ramsey.
Ott the Manimaigm—We learned through a
rollatile °hernial yesterday, that a number of
Mayor Morresoubi force was no the nun
page on Wednesday afternoon,
—A house in Cleveland, from which the
family. had moved on a visit, and which
wits occupied only at night by a gentleman,
was "cleaned out" by robbers a day or
two since, wlib took their booty in broad
daylight, and came the second day for
what they had at first been unable to carry.
The emir was so open and impudent that,
though many persons saw the operation,
no one thought of interfering.
—A Utah letter speaks of ono of Brig.
bum Young's sons as follows: "Joseph,
or 'Joe' Young, as lie is familiarly known
In Utah is a fast young man. fie has been
on at Imistdon,' traveled in Europe, smokes,
chews, gets drunk, swears, preaches the
gospel, bus, three wives Whom be whips
and otherwise shamefully nbuses, and is e
good Mormon, in full fellowship with the
. —At a I , Diginocmtic meeting . lately held
at Shelbyville, one or the unwashed"
gave an enthusiastic cheer
. ror Bre_ekin
ridge which was responde d oy
, tha
crowd with much OFIMUS I MU L ,Another
yelled out, ",Lincolture deadund in mp b t t tr.
G—d d—n him," and this aleo w as
onaly applauded. These are reco nstructed
rebels. ,
mown& there have been-some for t)
- challengea:' paisttd and' one 'citizen
kille d a - dnel, - st:-Mentiddic^, , the:grand
JurY reported OPT ITere l * KelwAnd,
~ ,,idencithatiqpi7*;- p.tkvipfit
_ .
FORREST— I.Y.NK A II D.--tln Tu....lay, duly
1564 at the realtlent.e of the brlrle'a paretou. Alic
e:ten., by 'Rev. Joan W11:lamo, ,tr. I Nis I,EAVOttly
FORREST, of Couorll Bluff, lowa, mod MI. lie RBI
11. LENK ARIL. of nllc¢heny City.
BROWN.—On , m•
FILHANOR BROWN,Wednesda It the y 66th August
1,1/ a lst, er a ge.h
The funeral will take place from the residence of
her husband, Thos. U. Brown, No. Ilt Ohio street,
Allegheny, Tuts 1101Lal NC, at Itca o'clock, to pro
ceed to llllldale Cemetery. The friends of the fam
ily are respeclfulty invited to attend.
••• • •
IlLYElL—Vrowned In the Ancelmoy_river. at 0
City. on Tnesday. July dist, 11468, 31r. AAR,.
31ATE11, of this city.
The funeral will take place from the 'ate redden
Of deceased, no. 21 Tunnel street. TO-DAT. 01
o'clock A. Y. The friends of the family are ru
spectfolly Invited to attend.
b o andlul.,ltUars-scre." the laygest suburban
plan. cobulenrc. except coo, In Cals county, ell
. • • 11rIghtun rued, Lunnodlately north of
nuAvglieOV. ga St ore
Peculate LA'
at uentral Drug of (.11:10L & CLA NEL All,
`teeny laity.
No. 196 Smithfield St, car. 7th,
(Entrance from Seventh Steeeto
.X . ITTE#I3 - CfM1.40,33X.,,,
No. Ithil Fourth street. Pittsburgh, Fa. COFFINS I
all kloda, CRAPES, 4,41 A)VNL1,..a evoro esCrlPtlo.
of Fon oral Formatting tiooos turaisuea. Boom.
°ponds y Aldo Ight, Hearse sod Carriages fo mist. o
Itaireugaircxe—ltes. David Kerr, 11.11., Nev. b.
.ller. Jacob
ot. Mows Ruing. mob N
R . T. WRITE & CO.,
kisnchester, Woody Han and vicinity.
Verner as Stierlield and Cliartlers streets.
B.arse and Carrisnes furnished.
No, 167 Smithfield Street,
s:.ufactorer, of
Lead and Block Tin, Pipe and
Sheet Lead;
Wholesale sad rvtall dealers In all kinds of
Brass and Steam Goods,
167 / 63 33-ttasztelci. street.
)) , 14:34.t TIT
Is now the hest In thy market, taking precedency
all other make.. I• rononnced. by the moat expert.
raced Bakers and Coo. to be the NEST IN USE.
It QUICK. SURE and NUTRITIOUS; la guaran
ty-41 tree from luythtog bat what is pore end
health tat.
Don't Fail to Get It.
For .olr by all Grocers la PlUeburitl.d
omen and /Salesroom. 132 ASCH STREF
rhtloOetpins. Jrntsi,rrs
.7..91.1113E6 1 . 11.0.138,
No. SD SLarket Street. Pittsburgh. Po.
This old established house has now landore thirty•
tre thousand dollars worth of Boots Shoes, the
styles the :a.m., thenuality the best. which we see
detenaatoed to sell VERY LOW PILIChh.
have resolred not to he undersold by any In the re.
i 134.111 that keep goods worth having.
Call and exanilae our stuck of goods, and we feel
Hoot and s
Sh o e ye Liar.
purchasa what you want la
Do not forget the place, SISI Market street.
Practical Furniture Manufacture rs,
!..ateat afire of FORNITUIIE cownantlf on hand.
p . C. DUFFY,
SltionrritOTtnitint Or
Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware,
And dealer In STOVES, lIOUBE rUli[.lßHtti to
litßak. WATER CenJLERS A2iD
180 Grout Btro t,
Thin House Is the Cheapest plaza I the city Whey
lit1:191,1 and Tin rm. Job Work promptly attend•
ed to. my26.lteZ
ate leiunds imbue Fresh Butter;
SD , 1 01 es Cilolll. Ctittilla Cream Cheese;
it .1.0 prime Peath Blow Potatoes.
21s. dozen Fancy Brooms, In slot,
0 , 0 poun Ha rd
dsar J Haeon In store:
Sic {
`` wan ds d C ou ntry Soils, In store
Ins Imam, Rosin Baal.. in store;
10 barrels close Sorgbant:
no/bushels small Beam;
I barrelpure Mountain Blnekbermr 1k In.,
Ili store Co. sale by ItiDULE,
lercts No. Illt3 Liberty street.
isurrie, EGGS,
SIBS X..1.11:30rtp 11611zreot.
le./6:TTe PITIbIIU/11.;13. PA
The subscribers having leased tble favorite House
ILLNtIANT MANNEIt. and la now prepared olth
the most pe r fect oPianninneto a for the receptiou of
guests. The first position among nrst.clasa Hotels
n, in be maintained In the flis•Te., aa In th e peat.
rnilben & FARLEY.
or all denriptlona of
No. HO Fourth .treat.
Or, It. C. KEYS; No. ‘13111 , 3 Black
11)- , r6t Duquesne Way
Ma N f!Lt N aIs O RTGAGES want
ssoo, $l,OOO, $3,000, $5,000, $lO,OOO,
For one, two and throe year.,
101 l No. ia St. Clair meet.
TUTE,, SEMI 1)AVION. 1)1110.—coptal o
a AIMS LUCRE, Superintendent, Captain U. B.
ISTI VEILS, U. S. A., Commandant. The next ses
sion of this Institution will open eEPTENIVERIIth,
WE. Circulars can he had at the Hook Store of A.
11. English R Cu., Where also persons desiring
further Information can confer with Rev. SAMUEL
g !RULE illufeswir In the ltatitnte from 10a. M.
to II . daily, till August ath, pews. Ifraligl4.TTlL
;1'1 , 7 , 801 - Jlmi' swat colgiNiti..
rioN BON In.—fielders an: hereby' notified that
We interest coupons on above bonds, due August
Ist, ISOI, will be paid on and after that date. On Pm
it•tbn and 4'11'4'7 at We First Pita V. 14 . 1 111 1 -7 k.
111% -gears Treuurer.
JAMES 11.1.
i :Nta!Vo I , P NVIT.L.InaI.I4,—ddaLETr[P .
lends their erovtlia b on reasonnum •
soli% blitso A N es l igeetiN N AV kNtlf"'"3:4V
mole cheap by the gross or doreah
Wholesale conteectoner,
lYlL:tee ' No. tintltheeld Street.
CHEBRIEL -- : - /0 0-Ba c aSteß
Cburries, 1n I.ol. ol2l <o s mrl rf ao.,
Illy aide by
N.. 12S and .28 Woal Went.
Bo3iits--rminE LIMO - N 8 TO
^" 4. "` k b 7
IT Now LW iusd Meet.
/1r421,000 on
Ijivkif " ILQ3
1;62' "latioWM.
Afo~cILQ3 (0/119.1
Atirr.Pe' OU_
16:-iP : BIE :1 4r 7:7 1""dl°rai°bi "
ry t4:V0 1 7, :
WATER • • 34: Irl tone
'I : A
ow* to :wive end 113 r We Dr
JO' g. 81:101 - * HON.
CAM- MILWAUKEE Ici;vn,rito
anueiuut tot Wept
(1110/101i IM ANDS Family Flom'
‘ cyr ka t i lero t rnotra)ame.d. Au stEir:
puttirEa—fop bbls. - KoraLabriry
vinucATm uoue=waligirrele_
TWO. Eamon . ISSUED.
The edlilon la forwarded wiIIGEI will math 1410.81.1).
...then Daniell. Ma Liza Mall eta.
Ea. SLNU LE CUPINS, PER Txtua 1 Ea. 11..—..—.
!JUJUS OF rtvx. ~- • .. ,
arch Repairing Establishment,
t 343 XPlxtb. eat:roe*.
-, vv..a. - r , C3EIDWatSk,
ALL bVirt.ES,
1 71711.41 X-i T. Vigrir XXa.larjr.t3„.
Time Registering
Mr.aliFill.a.lo7o.l" Ca'
Dealers In Optical Onn.i..
J.. 1.4 arnittitield Street,'
Tills Jun.:men t Is eery generally used by Farmers
and Merchants, as web uteambouteien. It com
bine. a filo-A, Barometer aro: Thermometer, and
can be be Unneeded upon for Indicating the citeuste
of Wea th er, Ira
Spring and Simmer Medicine.
120.11151 N LID WITH
lodide of ILime,
James R. Nichols & Go.,
Protoiide of frog,
Which has become au fas °rattly knips $1 as a
Tonic and Aratorafive,
The new preparation. ..S.AIP , A_PARILLA IN
A Cilld BI IS A Nl'lltt. i• C OF LUXE.
presents one of the most prompt alterative agents`
a form capable of eert Ing full action upon the
system, sue this in min x ute au,: pleasant doses. It
is conceded that the alterative. resolvent, or tonic
effects of lodine, are exerted most decidedly when'
associated wltti other alteratives, In combination;
and the Sarsaparilla secup, to fulfil perfectly at: the
favorable requisitions.
Thu Oral. effect ',malty austral when ", ikBA
PAILILLA WITH OF Litt Is takOn, to
an increase of appetite. sboichig Mat It ilas tonic
properties of a marked character. Its ntterat Ire cl
ients are manifest It lie ready combination with the
blood and tissue, lisle, icrolulons yeomen and
children Improve rapidly under Its no, snd the ci
ted iltDeliOCIS 3.54111121, a to at thy cond It ion.
Ills admirable adapted to nitric cue L. r of citron
. •
it or acute affection, pecullar lo ,ill..lren. It is
suited to them. built by the
Of Medicinal etre, an.l the pmaeant. at c form
of the remedy. It br•:, I • at, • ror • long
where co astitut:ons I Orel ,so r. 04,Ired. Rind it..
repugnance. or .1Is”
encountered. In Willi p-Joiet Die
...ace, and Dl•tortion• of the None. 1...enbl I.e ttis-
on pe , sisteutiy. In moderate dusts, until relief 14
In the Spring of the Year, and
during the Warm Weather.
The leentrin,llou of mon., mat
In th, .3,lcm
oem.. to become maulfurt very Lr ,, o utr,,one.
Litssitode., kieadachc , Roils, Costi: 111 - .. k. r•O4.
Appettte, l'ainb In the Joint, lottlgc..tlon, rtr., are
very 1011112/tPU. Nothing. e ctle,.l It biter
adapt.] la. ea tormluatr or otl thtba affection.
than this now combination of aAIf.,A.I . I.ItILI.A.
1111/11)F. OF LIME.
• • •
It as ap n
rwparation lag U. or soAteh apyra.rfmote. to
Alterative, or Blood Purifier,
4a.s ever Wore been planed toff/tin the 'roe: of in ma
-144. Indeed. It la an entire, S ENV and et:II/Aetna
combination, In no respect rtacnibling aurthing
hitherto employ.,
The opinion of medical men concerning it. Die
iteserlption of its chemical cli..rscier. o.i-rave:alto
entire. manner ' , me, etc., are gi ern In circular.
e las which
Drug can
gi be
shad at the store oi son and sli nest
For sale in I'ltt•burrb by F. F. trELLERS RCO
Combined with lodide of Lime,
No. 84 Market St.. Pittatatrgh
We would advise amen to Cprego &thresher
and thresh wheat with a nail rattier than to
see a wife wear her health, vigor anti life
away In the everlasting ••stl tch, stitch,
stitch." when a Sewing Machine can he ob
tained. ThasWIIEELLIi X WILSON la an
Invaluable alai itt every household. We have 0.
had several different kinds on trial, and after
six years• service the WIIKELIiii tk WIL
SON has taken the piecedenre to the best
where all kinds or sewing are to he .luae la
• fandly.—atinevican Ardestitstrist.
These machines have MORE IMPROVE
MORE SPEEDY and SIMPLE In operation
than .3' 51.133ne In the market.
No. 27 Fifth Street.
Pronounced by all xlio hare 60. It the simplest
Machine now before the pa bile. •
It Is as effocilitu and durable no 1t is simple, and
its ProCtical as It Is durable. It hes hut to be aeon
be admired, and used to be appreciated. it com
bines the elements ol a
Perfect Practical Machine,
And L. offered at a price within the range el nearly
every family In the /and.
The only 10w pelted Mechlin. in the United iitatea
Ileenuoil to te WEE ALEN UN SEED
—the best andonly reliable Feed ever connirlieted.,
lireAliliAlliEN WANTED.
• - - 32" sb SOI7P'F3•JB,
No. GS Fifth Street,
REAL Eszazue
catee.No. 139 Fourth Street, PlttabUggh.,
Lisa Mr sato the following Beal gr tact
' A large three-story Brick House, containing tea
room, large balls; front room on Int door used as
•Dreg Store; hotaad cold water WO gas Si:trough
oat the bongo. Lot 211, by Ed feet. Situate on chest.
.."41 Atnttl a n U a b T/01.1711LE LAND , altaate at
fr i c= " f sd rorgettr, 2 ° ltTler at. ' g V.Vatt
nOw &Man dwelline. nod a largo nUnotat r,ars .
Cron treim ot the hest quality, nod a good •.‘l,-vis
water, The dateable and arretof groin. wistee
sold separately if tlealred, and the testae slailottot
4 acres each; or larger iftequested. Wotabote land
Is adadrabq located for basin.. men.
AL &
se J.CP.8.8 UP LAND. Containing cant a acres
of limestone, of a splendid quality, and easy of ae•
emit. The soil of the neat class, mutable
for farming Or' gnrdehlng parroacs: good trams
darellitwand barn. and • Roust supply of water: ail.
nate Italics from the city, on the aslilogion 11ke.
to Union tow - nobly, beillic part e( the Carter. farm.
31 ACRES, well Improved. sad under a high state
of cultivation. on which their are 1,3:n bearing eat
111111t 1 / 1 14baS, 91:0 bearing amps race, (Oh standard pear trees, and a large number of pcnch, apple and
plum trees. rruperty situate on the add Waohlag
tottroad, In Scott township, all from tIW cit
.' r ftirth erpartletders intlalte or We aioveagen,
dr NO.
G, arm, -ner roltteattArs, Att
h ",t9l&l d liZ=n
TPAYNAELUAL iitl • T/246 '
ra`r*".74Mll:lVivoire4-11Msatl,an bea t.
t6"1"011 ° moors sespeestaltr
7:**ll,s. ,WA
- '
el 50