~~: mo w.: ; . -~ ~. µ _ e °:~~''~; ~0~ =NE t 2 , A 1k.( . 4.0 . 0+ ~~ SI 10 .. , ..010,12 , -.Entm OINT'S. roLL Lutz or • •"4„, moves, %2Lisle Mount, :- . *fole Gloves, ,514 . , ,,,p1iite Lisle Gloves. ASSURTMENI !Oleg" and Misse H w .osier) FURNISHING GOODS, AT ' ??FlAtliesale and Retail :73 Bul Lisle Gloves White Lisle Gloves. ';' , V;;^"El TON' 17 Fifth Street. A( RVftl , GE.YDE b.. CO., Nas4ll, : and 8 Market Street, an.l IL til Dealers In Notions FANCY GOODS, ' .:ILIVIIt,"TeCeIynt I', • I • .1 /RD= Of Y.l NS or, brought to (lAN 'KO4{l 9 . 7 4 gli v ae!ttet , soil gat or•Aeoi Se' .• In par - -nt • 5 •I fierzaanlown and Country IIA*I/11LACK, ;;Of./F0L.‘.0.11R0.^.1, PURPLE, IntAFS, 11AUE TA ENE I=SI E=ll 4lie s 4rifotESALE YUYERS SUP PLIF.I, AJS ZItN_YEICE4.4. /rx Stri t• ..00DS AT • & CARLISLE'S, eitrocot. - - , :"ita/gadi4.bawaa band and try °perdu. da.t'y F4t i, TE . tiveling Bags, tiklind . Linen Furs, dpitoil Mimicry. - .•=,:r7=..dine lllagliNh Ribbon , Belting and Buck iec, and Lace Mitts. •::::•iiiiglik -, liettons and Gimps, Rich Guipure Lace, and Laces, Tate..*Aiifirint.T.'• toll A•sorlanonl Juit ro • • ltaa.twFvz DUPLEX ELL I r lflTl' '. .;T:iit7;:; all ~ 'J! t llterChants and Dealers Witt'llsid r , our. Wbolalnale I , epariment well 411.1 WltlLly.4•o4Al.tie-gootte Low!,,,--.,---5.,-3•:,-..;:-,;:-,',!..:-.4..:7.,y:.--.: ,'.. , •,- f7, , :...,, , t .- - - • , 1:'-' , -- - .4 - ' , .. ,- :' , ..•. ,- i - ''s- - --.. , ::' ,-- r.' , ;' , ' , "''' .- t 4 " : : . = 'IF- ', . ''''' ,, LkzW , iw''.."•'-'-vo . •-' , ''' ,4 '. 2 -;. , 1 - ,v- • --."-.'' . =:.--4., - , :-.: ,, ---- --,, '" 4,. ..` 4 ':-:. -= \''y ' ''''''''.. '','`2%.,(44i''.:gri.:';'-'=4,".2:7*-if'','',"-1a.'".:1-zr-L*.'=:-f.;:.';-'i:':.i.-A',44:-..:-:**--,..i...-.,f.:.:.,4.;-;',.;,:i.,:-.7,1:- - ',.._,:.:.:1 -, ., , ,,::- , ;;;., - ;,:',1:.': , , .i.i.4_ , .:7,.,:.' , A - Y:; , =. --, - , .•,4 .e.pr',...,--N,1,,-.4-,,,, ~ w , ,,...,„F., ,:- . A. ,: ;; ,,%....,u..,: , , , , - ,t,,,•: ;; ,-,..v. ''.. f22-!--!4!-`40iL-,-,riiLPZ)11e.i:,...-:tAii,_,,,i,.,g45,0,:kv.,.,'i.:,,,,A-'-- .1 f,Zfnt - r",,:e., - ,1-ec:.; ~,--"4-5,(,---,,,;,,,-1.-,,,- EMI Awwaoll on a Widow Plearaol ESC., r•Ion Allegheny Pesbehee = EARLY TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON. Statement of the Public Debt—. 4 Farth er Seattle(lon of 02.7,000.000—The Oeuo• .01 P.e i of ettaiFreaemets—Amount Re attired to Pay Boonttelt—tiorerament Swindled out of 660.000—Serenade to Lien/ Gen. Sherman. ASHINGTON, Aug. I.—The pub:le debt state ment Will show a furtaer ref inetiOn dnrlin the last two months of about twenty-seven millions of dollars. Twentv-three millions of the remaining twenty-II>: milhons of rer3 N eaten of indebtedness have been redeemed during the last month. The statement also %how el that 7:3es are rapidly being converted min 5:100. By an offirtal estimate It in t.cortained that it will mil , C.l7l,:dtdilt. env millions of Linnet , to pay the Nun t lee authorised by the recent net of Lonerees. It is thought that the claims of witiowe and caber heirs deetaNed solo lore can be settled with eighteen millions nr tlol tarn, [be other 01005 of claims With thirty two The net lit Cotigret , iti , rottAing the pensions of widow. and dipllttlut and °then, Ito Intit,ll - tlt°tttt pellAtett 1:1.0s Watt approVed tlt• . 2.5 th o u f J Art I mil iii Na of OW net. with iastret ion. and ~,,,l y In. Ignited shortly by cominksloner Theplnt resnlot 1111 l t_ongrenn exempting Ormy °Myers' 'Wary from the mptmlal internal revenue tax of ti re per cent., which NV. pale.ed on. the last Ilny of the ne:.;nion, linen 'lnt pro• vi le for t h e refuel went or mon.,..h ere t o . hire paid, an 1,. mhterntood by many army . thcern. Too .lattorionl Of the 1 , 111 1 11, 114 1, 1 trill not be 04141 , 1 w.! until the third of tom to of August- It ie sal.: that It a . P.I orotlnt a dt crease it , ' 427,011k1,000 In the principal or the debL, eom. :he Act of .1 line. Thu 41e131. •tr ot. .lenrea,eil 11115,i/014000 Paring the irooth of June, anti iil2,lol,oUu dor inz the Month .1 July • rhe ceetinit .0 inlitor Is not yul ruatly to en -0 the claim. the heirs 01 1104.1e11.8011 SW die, for homily under the recent Act of Con e•A, equalizing 11., bounden lit volunteer The person aim so successfully swindled the , t2rlllllvlll OM Or 460,000 a few days ago, by meat. of forged requisitions on the Nave De partment, it srreuts, u shorttinte previou., oh tained itie,o(Xl In the RAMO way—hr forging the galltle of iiityulaster The extra pay 11110 tO each Member of Con gress, under the provisions of tho bill passed the last hours, of the Nu-ullOll, ILWOolltei to •,I,00). Tne Sergrant-at Arum bus already collar:aid 7,04X1 Interim' recent.e tax on this inertias,' of salary. f.liint. ion. W. T. Sherman Is at the Eliftett !louse. cOniplhineutary serenade Is to he given lom tab. evimin. Tile reports received g from time to time at tho Treasury Department show r. very grati fying reduction lrl the amount of smuggling on ill our frontiers, and un our Northern borders, where the temptations to engage in this lama truffle are via - y• strong. the Cholor• Ie Bie!! York—AnExperi mental Llne of Elevated Ra • Nal. - Yeas, Angest I.—The mortuary ro de ports show seven linociretl and 'seventy-one aths fur the week. The number of cholera eases yesterday wits twenty, of which sues it het. In Brooklyn the epidemic continues to in crease slowly. There w ere sixteen cases and two deaths yesterday. tin the Island a further Increase Of cholera Is reported. The Boards of Aldermen and Councilmen hove granted the privilege, to the IV est•ride end lot kers Railroad Company, to build an experimental line of elevated railroad, in uiroen whirr street, to be extended. if SUMPS.. tot, through different parts 01 the clip •nd tt'estnhester county. The Company is to pay quarterly into the treasury live per cent. of Iqrirsr earning as regards city Mishnah, for tr,hr tut vtlegc, anti must deposit %muds to the enroll nt "1.3 , 10,000 for I Lie lialLtatli performance lir their ernitrnet. cult bus been brought b - Gen. Santa Stints its the Supreme Lour! isgainct Almli amo Buie and Darby, Maseru, for alleges! frauds prae ttecal 51)0115 him lu chartormg isy slefenilatita of the steamer “oorgia, which reset brought the tretterul and staff to thlsi country Irons at. Thomas The Philadelphia Cons entiou Letter from ram. Brown, of deordio• A xiv Tomsk, A 4. I.—The following lollor Irtilll hoir. Ilrown, of ionirgin, is printed In tee Werhi. .11 . 1 A :11" A, U A., July 2/t, s.r am mu:4ll.la wound he better for all ti Ito Ort,Tl.. pled the I .11d, to remain at 110t1111 present, and rend utacrt who have beeti re gardlt d more COIIMOUV 111 Ice and better 'MI inen. Thin I think won). lie more itereptable to the people of tile South, and therelore the best policy. I Seel ettimeimm ttmt I, and otti. wit° have occupied promlisent pimittoim, are now as loyal to the iewerionont ar. any other citizens, Out Llils II not till. g.. 114"" 4,111106 of 010 North. Enlertalnilor these low, I not sonnet I to be a delegate, but I stall lICISYLity SUNK. I the moven...tit end the 111 ,1eg111.,, tipp0"11,11. As over, your trisuil, Jo.ero K. Rowe From Ream/Null-- hog It Il• Arm, —Attack Upon Jotispa. New tort , Athr , ho I.—The lirnad's lit) .‘t Mut leo ooreespon•lent, rlllng tooter date of .fitly loth, Irtitoi, An • Till' 1,-01301.31/lilliaat lii Ma X In/ Wk.', army nolo., to be prOgres.ltug toly. A great "Ist, Is bettek matte on the no.rieun,lll.,ll% 1,5 tutor emit ettlfen, tor their hal.onnlly papers, 011 aehottot of the nu pending droll. No new InUttAry operation• haul token place all:ow the fall of Monterey, except the attack upon Jalapa, which Un-, gong on when our inputs:li sailed. A New 1 ark r renpan3 of eawileliala lead per a leu.el the Flow reilroed greet, anal aeginee/ s ere already at werk. SiMilabaMer irAlWlDlNSillaliiell for COASTIB•Pk. CIStISMATI,A uv.t I. -Mr. shellelnirger renominated for Congress yesterday, by the Ilemoblimin Convention of the Seventh riet. NOTICES. • I\l4-)r.t" it 3.1 E. To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. E (ATI TREASURER is now r. receive AU late. parwlile St 1111. othc., 1 it. ..ortu sttect, to • redaction or LIVE ENT, paid before the CIII.ST DA 1 r N P. XT. T. , Merle... W.. 1... , -uses ore due •..d now he paid 'shore the ky 1F JULY !'s svr, lu order to ..ave cost modem oi lo.rore au Altlerm • an. 7020:1, 11 AI. El. 1111, 1 .111 C Treasurer. _ . NOTICE. TUE REMAINING PART of the I art, ps opt. rte for gale laid out In Boyd ' :no of i.l he sold in lots or h) the sere .ricsullal for garileniny purposes or for city real. glen t Al-pty 111.11 i Li, AL the ..tilee 01 .ILL & •c or Diamond and ..esot itreei... or to ill 11 A orn., It 1 , ALLEN. co rite preptrtv, at Lo•vr 'lair Hotel. 1o717.•;s: MERCHANT TAILORS. SIMMER CLOTHING FOR 11101 " 8, YOUTHS, and CHI -A good variety of a:. the Summer styles. at Tind ers). prices, by GR.4 Jr LOG.I.r, 47 RI. Clair filnnet. Jrl^ unany G. HALE, MERCHANT TA ILOR, Northwest Corner of Penn st St. ('lair St.. De.lrert to return thauks to his friends aryl the p. Ile ,/enerally fnr Inel, Iluerai patronage. and woul , resper roily Inform thew that be has Just returned :foul he Last , rn Markets with a. erne and well S.. hotted stock FIRE 14 , 001. EN GOODS, l'rcullnrty solnpled 10 61-STI.I:MEN, SPITING .Situ,ullslNlV-lt tr CAlt. le^ EU. h. 601,11 JOU, Notr. JOHN ROSS & CO., WM. N. OCDEN & CO., SIANUFACTUREUS AND DEALALUS Carbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, S.C. No. 434 Ilitteash.crit 1/StracEt, my 10:x7,41A vrT PLTIPRIJRCiII, PA KL7 61TFIPMEN M. OTT, GCNXIIAL Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engraver, ST CIL, ORAND AND STEEL LETTER CFRED, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps and Vlatting Cards, Also, PLATP-21 FUk NIA IlKINti CLOTHING. 98 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, (....01/1 DAVIS' ttooß sions,) leTtel 1 • IT18111.114: LI It'UIINITITBE EEO °ARE AND WOOD OHAIRS, Illanufactand and for gala, Wholesale or Retail. J A HIES W. WOODWE I. IL , NOB. 97 &DI THIRD BTREET Opposite E. Edmondson R Co.'s, and mhl NO. FOURTH STIISET. AND SALE STABLE.: MOW') & MITMILL, Nos. 425 k 427 Liberty Street. The very bre!. 1101Intiht,SUMACS and IlUtt liffigtept far blre al alt times, The finest Its In the city. Venerate, tle„ attended to on short notice in the best wettest. Persons wishing to engage myth In Olatftle Gan rely ripen belettarnwl outlet the bolt style, es business the proprietors give teats . pereonal attention to t he , /Thal SPECIAL NOTICES S THE QUEE2II Tug Q (WEIN! V A_LEAuLE , TII E. QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! GOAL MINE FOR SALE. MILS. NN" I N•HA , AV 'S QUEEN HAIR H.1.7,4T , ItE Ft I. HY:EN. not On ty In NAME, but In ClItTI:No. lane Best Hale Restorer ever offered to tbe üblc. An In R[91 . 0 11E71 and Pludil'aitu of th Hair if I n An applied. it Is no Hair Dye. It sets directly upon the root. of the hair chart.- lug grey leanr toils oriental life arresting ua to rt. , Ittetty and lalllug out of the hair; eratilest i ~ tn....rand dandruff; soft curing all hunts of the IL will change dry and wiry hair to soft and luxu riant tresses. It Imparts a delightful fragrance to the hair. In short, if you wish to restore your hair, as in youth, and retain It through We. use Mb. MINSLOWB 46Pk LAIR KFSIORMR. prtc, it per bottle. Sold by uII Drogirl.t. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents, CZ= rgEr WIO. BAIRMICLL & CO., BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. 20, 22. 24 and 26 Penn street. Hermit secured a large yard, and furnished It the most approved machinery, we are prepare.) to slue flodure every dt ::0. heal manner, add warranted equal to any made to the citiaN ET& BREECHING, Irt,tE HEDY, tat EA .11 l'lPhs. LOCUNIt.TIVE IR:GLENS. Cori- DENSER:It, SALT I'AN 'TANKS, Ott. AU I 'TATUM, SETTLING PANS, BOILER Ilt.'N, BIROGES, SUGAR PANS; and sole manufacturers of BARNIIILL'IS PATENT BOILERS. ltePatrlng done on the shortest notice. Jet.:oll W" -* LAK,L SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, = PARK, McCITILDY & CO. Mentifacturere of SHEATHING, SRAZIELLS . AND ItoLT CuPPER., PRESSED COPPER. BoTTOMS, Alt4F:ll STILL 1301"1'(//113, SVELTER SOLI/ILK Also, iseportere and dealers IS METALS, T IN PLATE, SKEET IRON, WIRE, No. cooct.sotly of hand, TINS ERR' MACHINES and TOOLS. NN are house, No. 141. FIRST and 121 SeCOND tol rifle. Special orders of Copper cot to •XIY pattern. Inyttolltd&wr PITTRG MAW WORKS, ere of PUR I EI N T 14 H U O i R n iII t7A a rn rr c a " n r t: col CAST STEEL SAWS. of every desertptlon. Meier, Cron-Cut, tialag,asti all other rarletlex All Sleds of KNIVES. and SPRINGS, weds fryel sheet Cast-Steel; Extra Reflood REAPER ACM KNIVES, No. Sr W welcomes and Wets', corner WATALI and SitußT STRS/ITe, Pittsburgh. Particular nttelktlon paid to re-tontlang, gemming Lisa stzalghtening (Arrular Sews; also, meals. of all k aide. Punching nod 1./Oiling done at tee..table reit •. - 1 . 4.7"R081P50N, REA & CO.„ (Sac.. csulfolll to 11.41BIARON. MINIS MILL R% Found WASH,parp a ri sits,shsact. tibrargh. V.souractscrr. of itt/AT AND STATIONERY r I EA II ENGINES BLAST ENGINES, MILL 11A ERIC, IJEASINIE SHAFTING CASTINGS of deer /11. TAN KR and STILLS, BOILER AND SHEET IRON WORK. EMSZlai= COCHRAN is BRO, alarmist:ever,/01 IRON VAULTY ANU VAULT lootatilf.S, WON ALLIN ti, Noir thiltJW •II EMS, WINDIoW (41, A.H.LIS, Noy. 11l ^a.• and S TRIAD STIMET, between Wood Tad Starlet, have on hand a varlet, of new patterns, ancy and aultahle for all venous.. 14r. Particular attoentiou paid enclosing (irate Lota, Jobbing done at short tot te r. inhOolr GrIBAILIIIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Lasay of Waruln, nod !motivation rot no Fog Moon. Also. Mai wait* anol Abuse.. which soma at• tor Ital Illz 113IYEIS of sure roller' sot l ree of charge I u atoll Let., cni riopcs. Ad a I or. J. eh ILLIN lloll:vollTtoN, !toward As s ociat ion. 1'hil411:1011, I's. mrl2:l.4:llSwT. POLITICAL.. r..I4TI'OIH@ESSIOSAL CONVEX. TWN. 22d DISTRICT. Th. t*Nltt!. VOTKILS of the =al .•nge-ra•lonal ittatrtel are retine•todi to Mort at the t.u.t•l Warr. of hoittinF rionlous In Ito 'ado. XV•r•to, Httrouirna mon lotonettlys, lu said District, Ou Saturday', August Ilth, elect two , Icirgate• nom each election district, i.• no.et In County t 14, Lion on T TUESDAY, Au osi 14th, at 10 o'c • lock A. tar the purptut of placing In nomination a candidate Yoe (10ng.,. Ti,.. primacy elections Its the tow nships null r •eld between the hours of Your unit ti o'clock, and n tto. ward• u.l boroughs Ise, weep the hours Si end st yen p In the waids and lwr . the electlous shall on toy and In the townshipsOp iinte by marki ror the,ng or toy ba int llet. r o nittfe. . . W. J. 4:11.6101[6, Chairman. P;;.`,.."7:."' 1....4§ 1" COS% GRESS, 2241 DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD Ile. Ina plaxe.l Menet II at the laposal °Chia friend., r,e u ...,•• in ;nor rail mule him. Ilia num, by then oia a candidate fur nontina ,..:: un K r..s, lor .2,1 Dint.tict, avi t lect to artinat 11l ulou Republican County l'unv..n atilte L3""lL:olliGni.'l4s. GENERAL JAS. S. NEOLEY is a Candidata In the Iliad Inatrict. inh9;lro Ithgr'CONGliEElB.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY will present his imenc to the Convention of the Cotton part•, for nomination as a eamliglate for Co.' the :hl District. mbiMgis CHINA WAREHOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, IMECZNCORTIEI Ft, No. 100 Wood Street BRITANNIA A_ND SILVER PLATED TABLE WARE, TEA THAIS AND 'I A !ILE CUTLISRI, slarays on hand. CHINA TEA NETS, CHINA LP/ NIYCH dEre, CHINA TOILET SETS, 'NINA VANES, CHINA spirtuoss, N ARE OF EVY.HY DinicuirrioN LAVA , AHD BASKETS, LAVA V LAVA 131.111,N,!,,. . . ENGLIbiI bTUNIL WA llknl all anrl,ltell, total holesade and retail trade. . The largest and lonia complete .took of everything Ln tells hue In lLe city. Prices and terms Use .ante aa In the eastern cities. mutt:a-Ts J. W..1.111146T0N JOHNSTON 6. SCOTT, DEALEES IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., Cr= Pittookriarigki.,P'coariatssa. gar Particular al tendon 0.3 to Repairing %Yam..., Carol. and Jewelry. A 4 workarrant- UPERIOR OAK SUPERIOR TANNED, PAT ti STICETCHED AND ItIVETEL. LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Mao u4ctura.,l at. No. DS tIMITIIFI6LD OT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. A Ito. Agents tor New York !tubber CO Cik um Ttelting. 9 ° 41 1.°4 ! hA t 1.," RIVE'', and 111. 10. II K 13' tn11(1, 1 ate. ,Z) . REM 01V A L. 160. Smithfield Street. 160 JOHN ZWEIDINGIKR, Forlotorly of SO VI MTILEET, has mu:tort:Cl to No. 160 Smithfield Street, Two dour. above ;Sixth arrel. where , be Uwe inn ex cellrot •fork or Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, momil Linde or id ICAL IMITP.ISIII6NTS and Nir/duid . al Instruments repaired with; orutu , toi and dispatch. jj16:111 S . 8. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, I=l =1 l'oluml3Alon BA NK. ILAIWILOA1), INSURA NOB =I N I WAS.. fLAILILOAD AND MUM. BONDS Ordnre executed by telegraph at the NEW YORE and PM LA I, EI, I'IILA STOOK BOARDS Mite rates of cow m I•alon cornett In those cities MONEY LOAN OFFICE, N0..1101 tatITIWIELD NTHEICT, corner of epult. Plttpbungli. Money Loannd J on tither Plates, Guns, ewelry. Slob! and Silver Watches. Clothing, sad valusule articles of every description. 'rho gOOild Cannot be delivered without • ticket. Not accountable In age of fin or robbery. Hoods of every deterlptton for Salo at lowest prices. (lelltd23) KILO: MCI. Its ItOY. MgLill NHIITTER AINGIta, ()heap and strong, and easier put on than any other hinges In use, at JOSEPH WOODWELL a CO., Corner Wood and 040000 .4., rlttenulth AGENTS FOB VALEMAILKII , WALES. lyal•tlivrT itaULLAY4I4I NAVONAL i1L146 Ot rITTIBUIttiII. rirrBlo3lloll Pi., July OnDER OF TkIE 'SAARI) OF IMILECTURB, nittlee IA hereby ItTeti thatthe ADDITIONAL OTOCK authoriaa4 shall, until farther noticeihl assigned to ra subocrthe at tho rate orSIXTY.OI SIOLLAittI 'or each there. jylettlioUsw. M../11111 3 / I .lt 011ehhel" FOR simE The .rti n ~W I, rn tolk.lt,) co.:•)• la., (wed, o• o a.t 111 ontevallo and +. one nd a Lal /It,llool t 1... North and r.ootn , (now In ro , ntng ord. r 1.4 and on,•-rinar t r'on, the Branch Itoad to the 14,1 !donut ,in o a,r,,.‘t,a of:feted for ea,. . 71 ttt:t1 region or tne matt. mod slxty-o•,. ny :all front ,o-lsna. wal..r transportation to Ttlvre la not In :he altet ',lat., b«Cter orpor tonlty nor safe and profita bl e Inv ,, etntent In tn, Coal Onalneas. TEEMS oF SALE tine half ( - tab, and the balance at tip. of nix tibonttp., withont Interest: Or. One-S, ra. and the tsAlAnee . la e. 4 oil mon aly np o L., a 1111. oat lair roe, G. M. McCONNICO, A Orr YALE.-TheUlC following de .... sr:J . ll4.d oropi•rt n!!! W. 014n.J . (.4 short . ist.--A Lill OF 1./LITNII thirty fret frwnt First street. neer \\.n..l, awl ruellilr. bart. tnwsols Wetter street eighty /eels, (Denis part oi lot ISO In the general pia". 0r Pittsburgh. t...gether with a TRIM& UTIIKI MCI IV A lik-IIOLlne; thereon. I W.—FIFTY ACIiI.:2. OF LAN Ii at the head of Ilranot's Island. In Mellure townsblp. Wal he sold la lOU to suit purchasers. Lo 1 - s uir OISOUNI) n Msnehese. ter, Dela% Lots Nut. 1110, 107. 111,010U,144). 1. 1.2. lla. 1.)4, I • •I I • the isleb meet. 1:1 It. Jlllll'. A. 11.11 .• pan of t.e Nortneru Line. ti - s. situated At thir .cutce.t ecr urr uf Adams and Quarry stree.s. 1.14.1 I.llm ally feet Irma ou Quarry by about two hundred and ninety teet in depth. Tile it... e described property .111 Le 60141 it reas- Lnable Nice., and nit easy terms. Title ludlsputa ie. fur further Information apple to A. L. 113.0.W.Nlyiti •r bbattorneys, at. A. St V. 0. PiIitVLAINIA, ild o :a 2 d ilu F 1111 street. Pittsburgh. - MANSFIELD LOTS FOR .9iJ9-7-aln. FIFTY VERY l/F.EIItaBLE I.leN adjoining the ‘I of Mansfield, nu l'imartler. Creek, will be ren e g e al Prolle I 141/•V. at o•elot. as. :It lof• Indn one gn al 4th. avre and , ordieery Llueral terwe given. Pereon% In :be ell,' wishing In attend the salt will take the Man,fleld Accommodation train, leaving the Union I/epol al 1U A. N. and art off at '•..nose tery Crot,nie. '• rains retort:log to :Ms.-11y ..111 stop at till+ diatinti al 12:30 awl .1 P. N. En: - tardier Inlortnatiou, endnlre of J. L. MARtiliAl.l.. }'OR SALE Allegheny Building Lots =9 Several good 10, mi twar the rornr , or grog um! NVltlktr 6t,t-to. • short 411.tano, gheny 11.. e. 10, "illoiselre. to pore.urn e.,ltlng a I.lpll and rlea.ll! 1.,r—,1) tired, yin man) of plt , _cr Inv it'll' , of llo,e railway running to 111.rlirs.er, Apply Lo RUYAN. Itre.tri In 'toc and Ittal liststtr. aul S Yourth st.. (Burka•• }'OR SALE.—Ste offer for hale the Valuable Lot of Ground Oecupied ti) tbe undefsigneit. rontain ing -„I r,p. ou the Allesiti, 0, 11, er i 111 lOW. [ ft , ~.0 Frsts, 1 . 11. townst,iii, fn.: eeisiile tun Nils 1..: tin l e a riserrouts., id ttlii O est she waterf 1.0 1.10. riser allw. ~ 'net (ruin lust mark, utile. would tank, about tour sere. of grnond. Iron Works. eittel Works. Foundries, Nave Mill or n Itru noufneturing Our posts, cont.,. be excelled. reivis made salisfne iiiry. We also titter for :1 large lot or hoo k. rd .harting. linkitor . runt,: boll,, unictilnury, burnt Loops, i , FTIINIE 011.1., tin the pr. wise, 1,0,4 "In, ior street. 111..110 rig i'ort SALE CHEAP BUILDING LOTS, ,„ Ylit {on,ablp, h , cat,..lt it chh.l Penni/. a‘.lll/ ( oil el f•rtc... !ruin 14,0 (II 851111 MASika, 61/1111 TIERFIELII. =1 FOB SALE. A I. tt.T•ct.A,l A The'~t.vl, la Lure, 11ta..1 rlllna :ara, I.ti,a 11 a.lk eal,l CIM Na OU a muntlt. I.aeo,lcon Imsa...llal..it .wall Ilkmars .1.1/ SeTara; I..ta at L4guworth ,tatiop. (rola our ,o • la and.. IZZEI JAMES T. SAMPLE. Heal gets.. Itrot or an•l Imo ram, Ageot. so. as 1-4 , MI ' , tree, Allegheny. I. 4 Wit NALIFI—A Farm of atbout wore, opposite To' net 4.1 nt•tlors, North Wr.t • erl IL Il i , from 1 . ...n0r - 04; about clear, ' ,,` or, elesee; b/alt.:ace g 3,1 tlon low land In • atletteat aerea good • on, t.lt open, frame ola riling ot tour ...ma, gttund spring of water, So I rut!. tree, or • artellea (mutt la a aplenOnt pl., for a vine, y Also.. 1.50 by 191 1,, ou reeblv, li.klua Lou oblllp, Allegheny roam). WIII Da ebeap. for forma, &C.. apply at ilia Steal Eatatc and Inattralte.,, „r 3.criczy I:uler street. Laaraueerille. FOR MALE—One of the most heautlfol Wrath,n, for aeutiotry resider.. in the county, situated a mites from the elty, on the Pittsburgh and l'onnelldellle Railroad. th Gta lon at the place. It contains 3 acres the u half els ing ground shaded with forest erees; th p e er p re m sloping to the, railroad. Ibe plans la well watered Its Iwo or more strung Il•wIng s• nog, antn sullieleat tall to furre water to • height o, JOHN 1,. , of sad (teal Estate broker, ftOJ No. nil Yoorth stre V ALUABLE FARM FOR SALE.— , a Vann. cootnining about 140 mere", ilea, the Oar Mlle Fern, on 1.1. e :21.1101,014e1a ril er, o hien I. erected a tae-story Bricl. Mansion Hawn, .11.1 oar, and other out-hill/dings. Alto. ay. oral oil,. r farms. well located. to Allegheny and Westmore and counties. containing (TOW /1.10 2::J3 acre,. Coal ano Lime Panne for .ale uti the ntembenrille rewd and Monongahela deer.• For forlorn panic war', enquire of W I I.LIAAI W Altls. (Oppoolte the Cathedr al , ) JeSmal No. tie Want street. A sniALI. rAillni FOR SALE, with tintordiate possession. I3'a stn. of laud. 3, tulles from Allegheny City. with a good log well ul water, spring. fruit trees of all kinds, 3tgl grape slues, .1 acres in good cut Wailer, two good cos, two hogs. one burs,, Iwo apring wagons. 3 acres of potatoes, corn, dc. ,Rusts I ' ) [tikes (rout the Rope Walk mid near the ticlowol faun..., up Hutch, re' lino (lank lion). 0. CUTIII.IE, lIT 1 eNNti. hi 3f•raet rt. rOlt HALL.--200 acre.; r vt):li anti A. and surfaer. auuated alson, 00, of ger rwm.lon, se the I•ltt,horgll and 'qt.,/ nt tile ealtrostl. The railroad rens directly through the property. 01.0 hundred mud fitly acres.r the cur• Intl is urider eulttratiou, the remaining dillac,. in good white ora timber. JOHN D. IiAILLY. No. Fourth street. Or. E. I'. KEY , . No. 1111111'. Klock, I : l lfuquesue 11 - ay. I. SALE—One Patent Steam TANK, fur renderlng Tallow or Grew.. One CY UN I , EH S l'h.A 801L,131f, tildes di. 'trier, 14 feet long, with Smoke Stocky One Of KAM hol,P KETTLE, bolds 0,100 pounds, Une I3II.KET IKON 311,31. Ft/AMY-M. WM. ILAN?: EU .t Co.. 018:1144 so Liberty stn. et, l'otebtogh. FOR SALE—A very desirable two story Brick 1/welllug OS Ave rooms and good velist, situate on Allen street, Lawrenceville, near l'alaweger Italosa3. An excellent well of water on the lot. Will he .llspesed of on Illawal terms, anti limnollate low-cas lon given apolltol lor aeon. (or terms appl) at the heal Eat... and inst vance "Met or a S. lIATtn jell tutler street, Lawrencev/lw FOR SALES—TWO DESIIIAHLE BOULDIMI LOTS, situated on the earlier of 1/WELI, and HAMILTON STREETS, Second Ward. Allegheny. one oposre from Inc Moe of the Allegheny and Manchester Passenger Hallway. .Innelre of a LMYS IIODYILET. JYZI:gIY N. 2 111110 Street. All. gheny. TOBACCO, CIGARS, &o. EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON, NI A N EINCTIIIIENS OF ALL MINDS UP TOBACCO, SNCIFIV AND MEGARS, No. 0 FEDERAL STREEI', Third door from SUS DISMISS Bridge, ALLEGHENY. PA. Branch Stun at Salem, 01,M. rto 24 R. B. JEFFRIES, alanotacturer and M o l l tolot o e r d Retail Dealer in TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS. No. 0 ST. CLAIR STREET, Prrrettiman, 4rA largo amoral:nog Of MEERSCH Alai PIPES. and Slloh ING TOBACCO, of ha boo! OsAUIY. Iral. on panda. mym:too GEORGE BLIMENSCHELN, DEALER IN TORSION AND DOMESTIC SEGARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c. No. 4 inieccrnittla Kiltrosst, (Naar comer of Liborty,) Mrlol.lll PITTSBURGH, PA. JOHN N.EGRAW, llanufaMurer of at i l o d jib u o i laal o o r aod 11.4,11 Dealer Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, 45 HAND STREET. AUCTION SALES, A INOINISTRATOWS SALE OF 1. WINKS. LIQUOIM &c., AND IeIVE YEAR 11, .?I;l7.varl — Z, gqde t-iquor atom of tbe Into Wm. Hamlett, Ao. ifa c iye 4 - owl st , eet. belt,* Wood, by order of Accip k po, tor. the entire *lock of superior Wines, t.lqu4rs. a... embracing terse race's oy Ba n at" . 14144 . key. Bum. Sherry ac e Port Wines tn cask. Alen, ip vcry.choice- brands of Citret, Ginger, Blackberry. niterrY, Madeira, Baspireny, nag Offier Winks; Cuampagne assorted Bitters,. Ito. Also,. Otos.' flitting, Hand- NaPon._Btaudlog Casks. Bar flottle.srpetter A:resa, 0111.. rumiture. Alea„.ibilgme orators, hayls o llye years run ISOM Dec • timOlstaft L e t kpayit or perunna.m. A, Auctioneer. •-• , . =5l MEE ~. .34 ' f n,~7 '. F - ~ :: ~ ~... F f t .. Y. Ste; ' ~r ~. PLUTdBING, GAS FITTING, BAILIFF, BROWN & CO. PLUMBERS,CAS &.STEAM PIPE FITTERS, No, 55 Federal St„ Allegheny, 672 Penn Street. Pittsburgh WATFIt. AND GAS FLY rUItES roapt.ntl♦ on hand. . . GA:3 • WATER or STEAM " r6:rdt " lrot ' lC•he ' : .•••• I•,etl aeries 'Whet] up at short notice and Its the l!ned with Sheet new . proves.. with Ilydro-Atruoapherir M at ' : o.!‘n. n hand a large anpply of t.:ET ' CEA! ' IRON KR ASS • •••.b FITTCA llt• A ••E ALI:RINDS, HYDRA:, l' 11. •Slt. and In tact all mater's! kept by a first-elms e wouls l nr tt. the attention of all who hale a't' 1 0 . rwtt‘i ,r line of e ici a .e a r ,.. ,, sa ti v . e f eel np root.. r l s jyt-1,1 ADDI,Ii11111,41S& BARTLEY m-x _et:nsilrxtuaz=uo. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Cor. Sixth Bud Smithfield Streets, Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets. Ste. 9 ADDY, WILLIAM & RARTLEI, en on nand a gni. rlor arllcle .or WOOL PUINILV'S. All ilruk of IRON rumps, HYDILANTs, SHEETLEAD, SHEET ZINC', LISA D BATH Tls WAThs: CLOSETS, WASH WASH STANDS. Ac., nt their Warerooni Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Streets, All N:;;';.l,3l;l'iLl',Og.trye untended JeJ:ad A OTICE Private Families and Hotels an he furnighed with tan, quail') of . HYDRANT HOSE & PIPES, I=lll By wiling on JOHN MAFFET, Nos. 127 and 129 First Street, PI TINBIDRUIt, PA. try :7:4.40 WELDON & KELLY, PLUMMERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS =I Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Puinps, Sheet Lead, .54. e.. 161 Wood Street, Near Sixth, mr24.1,7 1 . /LUMIIING GIS ,AND STEW FITTING HADRANTS. WON PUMPS. 111 EFT LEAD, %IN =EEO WATER CLOSETS AND WASH STANDS, 33171733ra8 INtoooot ..... to Addy A Etwoos, I= II Clt 1.0 ITT. . HERLEIIIV At JOHNSON, Ph' Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, :IF.lth fitreel j c:len•ion, P 1 b C 3-313. MEl===lll A .sll ..r IMIlt Tut, l'ompr, Itaelne, \ (:nest., Make, l'lmpdrlivr, Pr:Want., and t... h, n. fur Wale at the trima re:mottamle price*. Order. from eouutry petrous by rual, promptly at- Guns lfu . se or curry , leserlption. Jr.23:(1. ;PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM rirnmi, 1N ALL IT'S ISIGANCLIILY, attende.l to by vxporlenced And pros Leal IF to - to:lca. Anne usortment at GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH:TUBS. SHOWER BATHS, WATER cLositTs. =IMEMN!MIN ' • "rA'l-!`•'l:illtilVlT's.l.ll`n.V.ll/4“.bore. ..a.vdlr PROFEgSiONAL. B. F. BliO*N, Local Claim Agent, u. S. SAN. COM., Office, No, 67 Fourth Street, tSECON 11 FLOOII, ) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounticm, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. No charge made until datum are settled, and the hut a moderate tee. L. 11. LINDSAY. 117aa =FL MULALINX Oglee, 03 Boyle Street. Allegheny .7perlal atte Jou ail en to acme Inn Dee.i., ...es nn, otter, Irgal All collections Introt•tej to him o - 111 reccive enrc- NI and prompt attention. J WIN U. TA I'l.oll, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, co. 69 Grant Street, tn:11S0 rITTSISUB,II,I•A DR. E. DONNELLE, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. 'B-Spenial attention given to allcases respiring Surgical operations. U. C. MACKRELL & MoCOMI3S, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. niy24:b2.3 j only A. STRAIN. • 4s-x-sim, Es-Officio, Jumtiee of the ' Peace, AND 1.01.1;E MANINTNATN, Office, 112 Fllth St., opposite Cathedral PITTSBUROB, PA lived+ Bonds. Mortgagee, Ark how leak - meta tr, Depositions and all Loyal Business e vecaNsi with pruntrito es and distiate auto:odd • W JANCEIII. NOTARY PUBLIC. JUSTICE 1./I"rtiv. PF.ACS., AND REAL ESTATE Ari ENT. °lnce, corm, of Butler and bravo streets, Lawrenceville. Special attention Fire. to the tosethaee and Sail! of Real Estate, the °Bettina of Beats, and the pre paOTlration and aelt no w nt of allk Its& Of Lees! Cv eyone ed. Justice of the l i t ' aVe l t l OWl ' oltg '' Pa E l .. .l . le. rny•M:Nlir _ . P. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, Pennsylvania ✓lrenue, Foot of the Extension and opposite Chatham Street CHATHAM T. EwiNG, Attorney at Law, No. 99 Grant Street. Pittsburgh. Pa. air Coculnlsoloner for Ohio, Kentucky, West Vir ginia. hilaSouri anti other Metes. tUyliershl AIIiI.ITAIRY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, uouNTIE., BACK PAY. and Military Clalina of every description, collected tly the subscriber. at the following rotes, via; Pensions, $10; all ether claims, 151.50. C. C. Ut.morpl .tree TAYLOR, Attorney at Law, t, opposite the COOrl HOUK,. N. 11.—No charges are scads If the cksies does not succeed, and all information given gratia.__se4:l7_• - L . P. STONE, -- .A.ttorney at Law, 017/1010.118 DIAMUKD ismitST, anon* Ms Clenttiloi"Jeltwourith Zu.l EN •, , ,:re..f.-:'-:,..• , i;:..,...::..: ,, ,.•,,,.,... , — , '7i - '=', .; .':'-' , ''k ,- ..-i'...':`,ol: , ';;.;'!' , MGM PITThill:111;f1. PA MANcIiE, T „, =Zan HASINs, B'lv., ion AM ...• nnct. in.cl In tut. at.uvr. unwed nut, rollaule oinpniala.n. Inane Anne*, Hnrrev \ 11118, T. Jg Iloaklneon, John 1. - wln, Jr., IL L. Fahnentnek WENI'EILY LIiSIFItANCE CO., OF PITTSBURGH. ALFL.S.A Praeldent. WEI. HERBT.ItT. cApT. E N J LU, lienera.l Orden, vx ‘Vlttrr Spann Ware .lair., . . _ N 111 Instr.quit Al: kind, or Fire an,l Martne alai.. A ! .• 111t . maougmi by Direct , . who are t.,!! to, a.❑ to the community, am! who tr. t. , promptite, tualit .I/I ,It C. 141 r Itlch they have assumtcl, ag.•t• fez hut,. yrutuctlon thouv yam de.11.00 InAn“.l.l. TATS & SEVILLE, INSURANOE imai Mina and the Portland Fire T _N Al INSIALVACE COMPAAI HARTFORD, CONN It= Cash on 111..1. In b tnIL. A.. wills Axent -.$ It',F.:9 ,• I: IP lll , llitatrn,tori, . . . .. (teal E..., unlnmanhere.l W.. , " u• Z11a.t , ,,c1.... -07.... .. !.. vlv I or 4 Mac- ,oct. 7A-1.!:0 .• tia.rlfor.lll,•t ,It.ek, ......... .. '-',,,,,' 0` Ill+crlla.nt.ous Ilan, et” 1.1.. 13+.1c0 ... HAllrond St,n ks. d c ...... ... ... .... . ... .. 27 3... r." , 110,,,..g.• Bonds.. Lir, 1 :ounly Hod Rail road EMI I= =I E=E! =I Ljn,.• IA:Al.:14 0 I nel.l h. I•. • , FF, ..... • ......... LOSS BY TUE PORTLAND FIRE. J 142.137 4-Ch. The luta. 41..“11,1 . 1 1,11./ t, .11;11tt• i • t/tICIft• . property 111 tttr.,.e., ..r daluarr.l n•li•re vy ... 5 per Jur t..tyyl , uvi vary thh. utri aa.l th being ad.) hated Ana p•rt. 11. - ••111 et rt. aran ge,. ..•, ItL.11) eae.• r then, 1:n•I ta Yes. yal.l 10.1 year. .ratt .rkspo• tlon a l o tt. , / h.., for yompany IT ht.. sarty. neet,alty for le...leaner met toe VIL(1?! ,1(1 .19! .( strong corpora...a, 14 Pe ell , k• by this tire. Se, er. ere,t. (1(.0(0, .• ( etupete.. destroyed. Porti.,od has a potm!ollon et ail thousand. we. hmolsomel, beet. most 17, Ur:, m or stone "meter. s—proter, awl se.: (1111.11.114 of three thou.:Lod stsade trer , --lemeolea three sides by water—lndeed, literally, alibet trout the ovan—and with a good steam ere dene• • went-78A It has $10,000,000 propert, C.1,011:1,1 few hours—nem a holiday whets Its "vide ore leo. (141,1!U Well, from the very Insignificant cause of &con temptible Ore cracker. Remember the trilling origin of /lees eween away In a few hob., the earnings of y,ar, 'onslder your (Walt in lere, and giv• the .h.;:ts A et,. oral It you need W.VA.!! nec+rlty. Policies . It Abed et fair te11... A. A. CARRIER & BRO., BG-I4zu - wl9, Jr6:441 64 FOUR fug ,TicEET. LIFE INSIRAIYIE AGENT WANTED. AFIRST CLASS INSURANCE CO. :••• 1.0• I. (DIVII.II-Ilthi pvt. .e WIFAIi of sn Experienced Life Insurance Mao, =I THE AGENCY AT PITTSBURGH. d)0111111, WWI an energetic inAn, who ,1 tn .!. Et! I neu-ance. Or% otv Os time 1.1? IL A 1, 13 .1, 6.3 }'IRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A MEHRA Pli 1 LA DELPIIIA =3 $1,750,04* Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, Asset.. 13==! I=l fvf7.l7 44 V. •Ler *I fret. Inn ntalrs .1 LLEGIIE:Iiii INSURANCE CO. OF I•ITTYit I; HU 'lll,. No. 1" Fifth street Hutt Block. lo•urrsfaffniont all It In.le of 11:e mud )Is.rlne Pre..lo.•nt. D. .114.3'ultD, Vicr . 1 1 . , NNY.1.1....5erretary. I apt. WOl. DEAN. A‘rnl DIRIKTOItP John D. Mc( .1,1, eroryHead, harte.• Days,s, N In. I /ran D. revs : R,. na rt 11. Davis. 0181V.,0115. Andrew Ackley, N. Sillier. Jr. David M. Long, J sue, MrAttiev, Hee. J Thomas, Nathaniel Holmes, Chas. J. Clarke Alexander Speer, John R. Sieer.ae, L.a.nipbell B. Herron. Junes P. Hanna. ktlS on 10. N. Secretary. INS YOUR LIFE IN TAE A, - ,IAlc r Elt I.Ah.LI FI tSSURaNCE kIF LI AILTFURLA GUNN. 'I ME Lirk IN - aURANCE COMPANY IN AMERICA that LS," I\kr• and pay, , Anuua CAIMI V IDEFD on the Oral and earth eubsegnent vl premium. Its CAell CAPITAL, an ac e...lotion of AL,000,00.3. Is securely Inyeated In pub lic stow:* man mortgag of REAL ENTATE. It Ls e, now In Its lLth year of - nu:theta, and has trald to tile WIDOW. AND WLSIIANS Of Item embers the oNIE. /N LLA kW. T. tilir date not • Slla fit ease nt litigation has nevi...red. esiden, that liberality and fair dealing la a specla:ty mate thin Company. The policles of Mete Company Are not forfeited by rea,on of non-payment of premium after the second year. No payments rerrulred after tell ye.r. , hot poLicles continue good through life. UTI J. C. WA.1.1. Pr”ldent. LEC,Vlce!dent Sverr.ry. Branch ~ M et: for W...iters l'eunarylvanta, wbere tircu.ar. and Appllcatlons tn. furl:Ml:red, UM EMU •grcort, Pitimbairgh. "ige .ranted throughout tit. State. Apply to .If Y. it. 1,00111..1.1„ State A.,nt. NORTH AMIEIRICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. .ro. 63 William St., .New Fork p xr,ily ENT—N. D. MORGAN. TARP-J. W. MERIULL. R. M. TLNDAZI.. Medical Examiner SI'ECI E. AL AR T. C 0 0 ENT FOR WESTERN 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh El= pENNSYLVANIA INSURANCE CO OF PITTSBURGH, PA. °thee, 31 Flats Street, Batik Block, Company, tad Va•iiiree by iVfti V.Z . 11 wALTErt, rmstdent. 4 . Vice PrcaNlcet. el l PATlLlO.K.lreasurer• arELIIENY. Secretary. I.e.Ainr , l Wa11.% r, I . .t o o . rape ,. Wll.on, 1•, r . Ito, le, W. Etna, .tobert l...trlck, J. C. Lapp, .Incol, Painter. J. C. lelelner, Jon,. k log,John Vongtle J.,. 11. llopklne. I , A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, ,1,11:11) I)EOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. orrICE, N. E. 00132 i Ell WOOD ►FD TITTII.ITH, - • • • CapL John h. leboads I Samuel P. Sinlver. Wm. Ph1111(M .1.M3. W MU, John K. Parke. Charles Arbilata, J. Miller. I John r. Kirkpatrick, Wok. Vsn Klrk, Frank S. Blsoell C. iii*.T.i - ai;Z: { F PM. PHILLIPS, Vresident JOHN W A'l" I', Vice rrcaldeot W. F. IiAILDNEB, Ilocrotary. iotuvr Coot. BA.MICS UIJILDUN, Goan Airl. CHAIITER 1829. PERPETUAL FlgB INHUME CO. Of PHILIDELSHIA. A..... an Jan. 1. 1484, • - 92.437,549 96 Capital Accrued Premlumo 11 . 117estea l'rerolutos " Uneettlatl Cloolnot 11,11116 Income for 11l 111:04110. I lnerp " t r unl M. lnV'Terp u tes on ll' '''oeral"Celr's Chu. N. Bunter; lsaac Lea, Teblas Wasr,L.r, Edward C. Dale. Samuel Draw.. George Yale., Jacob R. Smith, Allred Filler, Drorse W. RlO:Lards, Itra's W. Lewis, 31.1) CHANLEN N. AMMER, President. ND WARD 0. DALE. Vire President. JAI3. W. ID:ALLISTER, Itke'y _pro tem. J. 0, cornw,ANent. eallerr Comer Wood and Third streets. BILLLILRDS I BILLIARDS I I 3:1 1 .e..171:za 21. 11 =r .fa .1 " • naehtletrully anuotaiees to his friends and the Dub' ilo generally, that he hes Jose o new and commodious BILLIA.RD RUlleiy, CORN oil W I.I.IIIrATT AND 6T. CLAW, BTU entrenca Man at: Chat.. The table. arena., end constroet-. ed la the most approved end dee ast , sad el , the appurtenance are new and complete. thing which rimy conduce to me yleacaia anda>Alo7. , Meat at Ms Nna' Mill be enemas_ ME OIL WORKS, COMPANDSII,IIso A. 1(1,10Y Y. WRITER:LID. i SOHO OIL WORKS. , BUNK KEIMW & CO., -MAN I: FA CTURK.II.. Of TUE CELEBRATED sruim LUURICATOB, , PETROLEUM LOBRICATII43 OILS. Niperag. Lard acrd W hale Oils, to 'All. TiANELS OIL .IAI.I WHEEL tiERAB4:: Stand:ll (I white BurninT 011, No. 34 Mai 1,...nt Street,' • PITTSBURGH, PA. SKY!) Vint A (' AGEri CY PARKERSBUB,G LUBRICATING 011 Company keep comtantly on hand ■ supply of 1110211:1 STEADIED Natural Lubricatingl Oil, MEE =I Free from all impurilies. Every Barrel Warrantod, MEE 0:: TO Ii 1:FTl I:N THE ,CoKrkbrrel EAYEANE. .tddreaB JAMES U. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. 11. KEVIN s CO . tomer Third and Market Sts., PrininußGH, PA. WARIN(..:, & KING, 0.11.1; \ iIA AND R9 l retroieutit and its Products, 4 JO Y , Q ES.VE Firar, .V . X"I" . I9S , II7.IFroU.IRE, 1.1111. A WARINC, KING & CO., 1 , 2317:a4.5 127 W.Lnlat SC. Phil. W001;i0RI0GE OUCialUitiTigis C>D2M.Blo'"lr. OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, Hresldeilt. IikNELY LONO, Sea•y and Treart. WORIEiS EV TEREPEDANCEVELLE) Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, I=l t/AN FAt r t I' I' Ita WUITR, -13 U IN t.l Brand—" Lucifer." 1= SUPERIOR 01'. EZWGE4EB. W•• art. eonstrvetlnx. .21 , 1 wU keep on Unnd. otria tyl, .1 , 1 WITH AMIE?. A 0014011 . 4}l TUBULAR &ORM n partles nee.llng enallin• for adapt= to Cali an 'en corunr uf n r.r. and V' IC KE I J. 'ant, Au, I -74 MACh.I.STU.CII HEM PHILL 3 00. Wll. EAGLE OH.. WORKS, I_,zsc , 9;n^c,xx ecriLLlc>. WICHTIVIAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers in P_Li,_E.' IT M. VI 1 , . 2 ! . . , k %\ AI. at, Iti:a.7l r•• u.... Til SAUK •12/613 Ch MOO. & CO, COMMISSION ➢IEfICHAZCT. 11K0K1111,3 I. PETROLEUM AND ITS PROD CTS, 1 Hancock St., Pittsburgh. r 0f.1.1 . 111A orricn. 127 Walnut utreet. 111y11.177 W AILD*IN & 112.0.2.E122 CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, N' II ALEttodll7, IItIIPENTLNE, NORTH OAVOLLNA TAM. de.. Corner of DuqueisneWayknaneeek St., pi ttsburgh,P., t.. WAIWEN.IIIWahLo%!tre.44., _ tIOLIWILS .3.4.1138 MS= MM=IM bid_NUF ACTIJILF.E.I uli OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA, C:011:1c4o, 31.,45 llLLnaris....ot Sat, FOUNDRJFS. OM FORT pm FOUNDRY. CHARLES MAP NEPHEWSI WarraCTInIZIL6 HEAVY ORDNANCE, A.NU ALL VF 1-LE.A V T CA37/51313. r.etal attehtlou p sadLLUiti gild. WORM .11ACLILN KRY ILETOIiTti.. KI'ALILS attended w promptly. Ae heretofore, the beet untert•la will ehreye be used thin Foundry. tinving of ouc old pat torus, we are pro oartd. alit. a .i.ef AND Ilteltut KJI patteras, coo. ,trocte.l under the no rt Inlou uf Mr. nt.,m3T. to • • NAII..IIA, 11111 pe .an at ntiort notice. Jr() WO. , 'Mitt Jetta ALt.S..II ..... /Via& ' Y STOVE WORKS. • ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Oalee and Warehouse 3011.1berty'Street opposite SnalLialleld, Usoulacturer a great variety of COWL. PARLOR. and HEATIr4Ia IsTOVEa, 11.014 which are tho eel r [Mated AlleXnetty rod Monitor Coal Cooking nt...vet, also the Autocrat and Seritiriel k force.! or .nod. eau he On/Ital.:a liar 'Of Me tapirs, for wootc al4o. Arehea, Orates. traders, Sugar Kettles, I , on trod. nod Hollow War renerally. =MB BILADLZY... ...W. VAZULEFUL B. )BADLZ► J ETIVA STOVE WORKS. A. BRADLEY & CO. =I GOOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVE*? A.Ortg tuen are the celebitted EUILEICA, TEAM wnd 'TALISMAN (Coal 814,1,0 ..roxforp. MAN and IDUNIUDES (Wood Cook AtLva.) 4140 .11.Anufactore_ . . . CEIZI . . GRATES, GRATE Facottit,,&c.. °Shoe and Warehouse, aorner.or Scomul =A Woo streets, Pittsburgh.. Entrance ontSecieridftreet: top "1 W K.CLE•LAZCO.,B46IkiI,.P*Kr• iIIeCLELLAAID tt_ CO 3 - . Corner Federal and Limek Street s, ..19XAXe3E1GrlECIITIr, *P4,4; Wholesale and RetailDruggistx, De.,,r, L. rwats,..olls, Vs.redsneS. /koles;LD. , W :nod Qal ob I, eta, Standard and rateat men- wines. Their edoelt.ls large and sell selected, and wit be sold as low as any nous,: An Maven: tur16:11.34 J SC,IIOONNI - AaIER , SON, Pittsburgh Whittablitt Works, PM3EW.II.I.II:IMAT), BLUE LEAD GROUND Di on, rug rAstrixii I'LL BAR loam r,Tcr. 138 Wcroti. iStrort,, 4311:11, THE BEST EFFERVESCING-1 . CITRATE OE - 31AGREBIA;? 1. • es. tottlea, to the Condor rovr.nr.i. ror-fip' -' - by all Wholesale llnagglats. Prepared -. • ate.ol:o 1771,003. Q.& 1113L8. LINSEEI) OIL BEOEIIo'. ed and fbr ludo .b GLORGEIk:KAIta;T: wholigate pronto, as Wow F, BBL& -, TURPEIMISJEtt , Just Zmit • calved and for salk)% lo , i ll a - i I s . Wboinrala Druaalsa, 7714 !! . uauu CAflivEtiwi.:7l:o: torau LiZprEe.lll,:;ll:ri. is - STEEL " rilkwi.s.lnn, TE— te pulp' r- cE IItZ--v,:-„miti oak -o;z,, it,f6s,---nr.:!.:1,-%,,,.- lA,. . , .. oadt-T,-- ana mi;J:Wliv "N tl li tiV 4 - - , I+ . - ~:, .: itmwa qaritNqjzutfm."7" ''''''VvV, .......,,„,,„ _-, -,-,. ,'.:,,,-... - - --,4, as -...,...-, • „,, • -,, r. 3'-' '''' 4 -',.1." -i--u. ':,',',2.,.- -I,,rxrAi ,;, ,'-;:t.Z•144...'="V i l ' --- - - ~I- ‘ , : r. ,. .. - --: , - • „ ,';'•',X8,‘,7,:.4:',:•,"'-, .'" ' CZ] =I •