THE DAILY GAZETTE. PUBLISH Emmy Penniman, Reed Sr- Co., aigasihren irrairt. rtrrencracat. TS,Dalt eft WerigNittveuxiamic.......4"l2 11 . w Vitt Amok Clutte. TEIESDAY, AUGUST 2, isq6t3 TEti3lsenmeratic Congressional Confer ence of the 21st PiArict, comprising Fay ette,Wotinoreland aad Indiana counti.ts, assembled at Green4burg a day or t wo since, andlootninattd 11. W. Weir of Fay ette, for Congress. This weak nomination secures the oneciNs, of that sturdy patriot, Eon. John Covole. - Tait CONFEREE: of Westinoreland and Indiana tainnties' for the nomination of candidates for Assembly met at the Everett Rouse, in Blairwilie, July 17th. Presi dent, A. lit. Fulton, Esq., Lieut. IL A. Forranco and E . ...F. Houseman, Esq., from • Webtaiorolaud, aad Col. I. * R. Porter, Capt. ' from Indiana. E. F. Houseman was chosen Chairman, and Dr. Lewis Secretary. Whereupon, COL Thomas F. l..laAagber, of Westmoreland, CapC: William C. Goruim and A. W. Kimmel, of Indium count), ctiverc placed ht nomination as mumlicates cf the Union Itepublimm party for Assembly for the dial - ice composed 01 said counties. GEA 1:01AZ. WNI —A fire at Rome. N. Y., on Sunday, de stroyed 000,000 wortt of property. —Prof. Agassin and wife arrived in New York last Friday tom South America. —Mr. Sl'Farlane, lately connected with the Richmond prois, di e d at Staunton, vn„, Just week. —Tile city council of Boston, on Thins day, added $10,003 to the appropriation for free public baths. —Tbe great Saengerfest at Louisville wonud up on Saturday, with an excursion to the Mammoth t'sve. —Works have been started in .Detroit or the manufacture of . illtuninating gas from pine wood, hone and refuse tut...ter. —Reports from various portions of tae Northwest indicate that the crops have not been materially injured by the late storms. —Bonn icault h..s" o - .!red Miss Maggie Mitchell liberal terms for a lengthened stir engagement at his new theatre in Lon don. —There is a ehol.ra alarm in St. Louis, there haying teen two ar three cases re ported it the city, seventl on an op. couilr g steaullmat. —Wm. 11. George, of the lino of Clark George, of Mobite, Med at Saratoga Sprittga, whetlau. he tiad gone forth(' bene fit of his health. —TM! popularity of 11, , bing is ascrilm-6 to the great uncertainty about the opera tion, which appeals to toe gambling in stincts of humanity. —The eau:dem is assuming 5:1 epidemic form in New Tull ; and extrsordinat, meeseree Ire to be taken to improve tie sanitary condition of the city. —A dlsastrolEts lire , teeurred at Atchison, Kansas, on Wetlnes , laty last, destroying some $15,000 worth of property. The tire WAS the work of all incendim y. —Advises fivitu the City of Mexico State thit everybody there believes that Maxi milian will, ere long, give up the throne end leave. His with has already left tor Enron. —The largeet diving bell in the country catty tested at Boston on the :20th instant. It weighed 15,000 pounds, and is tiesigned to build the piers of a railroad bridge over the Merriam(' river. —The annual meetiay of the A.nierhan Polunioeical Society will be held at St. Louis .n Septentber next. It is expo , ied that delegates will be present from all parts of the United - States. —The Emperor Napoleon leas jowl sub. scribed len thousand francs towards the erection of a Monument to Joan of Arc, and the restoration of donjon tower at Rouen, where she was tortured: —St. Paul is tilled with emigrants from Northern Europe, who are fitting them - selves out with agt:euir-ral implements, household furniture, etc., preparatory to settling on the frontier. They are thrifty lookins t. .people, an will doubtless make good citizens. —While filling in the broad ditches stir roanding the eartt. works built around Montgomery, Alabama, the workmen I found them to contail quantitieS , sized fish. Their presence is the cause of mach wonder, inns nach as the ditches con. meet with no streams whatever. —Gambling continues to he as popular and extravagant as ever in Paris. One gentleman lostfifty thomand dollars in one , night, at the Jockey Ctnb, recently. It ! was said the winnings of the Duke of Beau fort, in consequence of the success of Cey lon, amount to four hundred thousand I or one million dollars. —A story is told a man in Indiana who had been to declial:.g health for months, and was much of with ague. He took a heavy dose of quinine, which caused him to vomit violently. In the process of vom iting.he expelled from his stomach a live snake eleven inches long and of the thick ness of an ordinary pipestem. —A dispatch front Wyandotte, Kansas, states that on Thursday night the agent of the United States Express Company, at that place, left the Mlles ror a few miLutes to go to the railroad *depot, and while he was out the safe was liken open and robbed of $3,700 in trien.ey packages, all ruldreased to £3L Craig. It is thought the robber will be r -rested. —A. young girl was recently put up by a lottery contractor in ltome as a prize to be raffled for, ~hut government interfered. It is verrfoxixiinte for the cause of good mor als that the authorities took that course, else, on the plea of "doing as the Romans do," female loveliness would have been of fered as a tempting ;rize on the schedules of every'gift concert that disgraces thls country. —The Emperor Napoleon has notified. the gun manutitcturers of France that he has decided to introduce the needle-gun into inn 'French. army. - The Austrian Min ister...of War has also ordi:xed fifty thou sand of these guns for the Austrian army. They are delivered at the rate of two thou sand a day:. Lord Haltington's last act as Secretary of War in Englund was, to order thirty thousand Enfield rifles to be con verted into breech-loaders, in addition to twenty thousand previously ordered... —Tiff. Buffalo Ezpr states that great ac tivity prevails among the Feniaits in that vicinity. A. call is published for a meeting to a now circle to he called the Corcoran. Laother. of returned volunteers is forming. Great preparations are making for a grand Fenian pie nic at Blaek Rock, August 21st, dr.ring the trial of Gen. O'Neil and oils: era. Barges have been engaged to trans port the party down the river. A sham fight is. In the programme, including a rep resentation of the battle at Limestone' Ridge. —The English Lords of the Bench de cided at Westminster, about a month ago, ; that it was a principle of common law that 'n 'counsellor, m questioning a witness, should address him in ordinary tones, and ; in language of tespc , 3, such as is eituployed,l by one gentlenaau in. conversation with I an other' that a lawyer km no right to roes. tiOn the: private haziness or moral character' at '.it l eiritnes‘ any. 'further than it, . is appa rent that they absolutely affect his respon albility the case in hand, and that the - Linos* not bound to answer goes- i Untie p 4 to rdra Inan insulting or annoy- ing manner. ' At Erie a - day ; or;stWo since, John Route, a ; Clenriati_ Attacitcal ' a respectable I*dy, iire of .- PtexhiAa' 'art, her down, one nor in two, and bruising _ her terribly.,,..l4. than tore• her clothing neaily_Orrla an'etkivt ravlsb her. He • was wen; and risk panned' by a =mins Vadou p. inue saur „,,, d. of mate and at ladjseertred.? "Be fought ter- ; Gleamy Anatutt I.—The Government corn. 2•04 , in dater:kgwe 10 .t o- mray . R e was ndsslossnrs yesterdny o ancentod an additional '' . takalltefOTet WhO ered him to ; cared ml•= 6 0 ,1,11 =1 , ...14%,,E 4 r e w a ~f trul,bol. ha the sop ViOro, to appear for ,irscomplertea. TWA:rings time road within —trial,q4;! 10 o'clock. Rothe is i thirtyKsemilma nfYortßearnaV, which Potut aTibostaig,b," s'eonadrel and deserves tbo ü tte ant. ot September next, 4 1411 Tie,t Puldalawnt the lawgazt laid. Graud Eeirwar k= 4r boamw running t° • . • --. VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 181 UL L Y ITEDIS New Dry Goods At Bates - and Bell's. Regulate the Pelee.. Opera Rouse Sam Store. We Lrad the Styles At the Opera HOU, Shoo Store. Still Triumphant. Uardirier's Openi flouSeloc Store. Ear Cabals Extraordinary At the Opera Rouse Shoe Store. Lamer* Stork In PiLtbburgh—Opera House shoe store Bent Aesortsnesse In PittAmrgh—Onera 11 0 .0 Shoe *to, Bent Good!. In tsbut, h--Upont House Shoe Score. Every Pair Of Shoes warranted at the Opera House chow =1 Nell Mora Goods Then any llt h.r /106 ie. In ratEdurgh—. , parr liOuso Shru. mnn• Shoes RI Free, In :1- neat mxnrier, and not hotCll.l-01,01.11 I= (Also Hello, Nalbsfaction Tittut tut. ..thy r boost: ill I'lLLsburgh—operK House Shoe MAI e. I.llnro I.lnen Nh7rt Pront• At limes ttrul I= How "(Gm we hear the expression, "What a foul breath that gentleman has." To all ouch we say, Jot Ward's Fluid and Powdered lien tlfrice. Weld wholesale and retail by Josue N 0. Al Market street, nod all druggist, Now 31nrotnillou At Bates null 11,1 r, liresit stale of Summer lints, At F'teulxo`sextenstreand tasttion able list and Cap lions, So. let Wood street. We art selllng oil our stork of men, boys and eblloron's Straw floods, torn it... Imp.' Light felt flats. genC. Silk and I misitnere Flats, men tad boys' Fur and Wool lima, ladies and misses Flat,, trimmed and untrimmed, Der tws, Sailors, rundowns, at leas prams than at au y otter house in the city. Call and examine stir goods before purchasing elsewhere. Merrimack Print,. At :late% :mil BeIN. We Ittopeak the Attention of our readers to the Shoe noose Si .1. W. Cur...l:an a. Co., sl3turket street. These gen t,eoten know how e.ttc, for ull taste.; they ',now also that they cannot retain thew large t unless they furnish good g.XIS. In thet 1 . 14.1111 and o , npdenee the• have filled their shelves at,.l .1. aw 01'S with a very choler as sortment of hoots, Shoes, Gaiters, Slippers, abil have ilisplayeil much judgment anti ferrets, in seleeting the inUlt qualities and ast a proved +t:: ;c+, tut that It Is :tare to pre dict a raptil Increase of titer r business, already large atm Iveratlye. Ladies and Gents give them ca.l. Trnaelllnu Deena Good. ,11 1.14.11'et. Plittnbargh GUI Concert. Wr were necessarily cOnapolleil to defer the ilion of gifts until Thurolay evening. There WllO such a t nab for tickets on heLtlrday and if, inlay last that We found It impossible 0. lint, trait - ins list ready for Monday eight \n more tickets will be sold nor reports frnin Wrenb r eve, V ell after today. The names or agent, falling to Instio reports in time will be pera6llo,l, so that ticket holders may know ho rre al reel, lyr aro ready and ' , Ming 1 evelptra 10 all ageoL, who uctlie proper returns. Tickets for which we are not paid neither gum admission to our Concert nor draw gifts. =I New ...awn Good,. At liateß and !lel l's. =I tine of the most remarkable reniedles known to all cases of 1111.eallati,lea, especially those n( tie kidneys and bladder, is "Pr. Pt.iorur., White Ptsw-s:nnipoitriti," to be had any drug More. A French marine, by the name 'tf Cartier, in sailing along the Coast of North daterlea, and who was among the first disco' , - 'ire of the St. Lawrence river—on hit return down Lhe river found his tare sadly afflict ed, and disabled by what the sailers cal led the its ravages were falai, and the sm vivors were senrcely able to bury the dead. Some of the [tidbit. alma; the 010}1t1 trere itken - ise attacked by the name disease; but they were observed soon to recover, Cartier thereupon Inquired their mode of treatment, warn they pointed Out to Min u tree, the bark and leaves of which they used In decoction with signal success. This tree was the white pins. It trill cure ell compladtits of the kid neys and bladder; also every disease of the mucous mermbrane of the lungs and ale tubes 'ion can get Dr. Poland's White rine Com pound by the gross, dozen or single bottle, nt Dr. Keyser's great medicine depot, 110 'Wood street, sign of the golden mortar. Rhotsvl s, At reduced, at Butes uud Belli trength for the Exhausted. Thousands Cle, as It were, inch by inch, of bonny 'weakness; for debility will kill as cer tainly,though not no culekl y, as a raging fever. IL is asked how the weak Shall he made strong; :he debilitated sustained and reedered; the ex hausted reillied with vital energy I We aver that of all invigorating preparations given by Selena to can, (n3lll tais institution of tile art of healing CO the present hour, not non has wronghejstudfemnders in the way of rectora te/a no HOSTETTER'S CELEBRATED STO- M ACH HITTERS. This Is indeed the lonic of tottioi, As a revitalizing, strength-support tne, life-prolonging agent, the like of It Is not ' to be found In the catalogue of medicines. Among the various articles acid to arouse the dormant powers of nature, It stands alone— I the greet awakener of the paralyzed physique_ It not only awakens the physical powers from a stare of collapse and Inanition, but It loi j parts permanent vigor to the muscular and nervous systems—relnforeln g, nn It were, both the stronghold and the outworks of vitality. `The aged, the decrepul, the nervous, the tirok n of ooth of sexes, are recommended to try B. They a 111 assuredly find it a present Lalp in time of trouble. I=l s n• sold whole:este and retail aL very low Mt.'s a `tom ing`enrng and ?Mont Medicine Depot, se h 4 biarkel, al: yet, corner of the Diamond near YOurtir street. Bates 41c Bell Are opening new goods. FROM CALIFORNIA Celobration. of the Completion of the Atlantic Cable. Sae Fasseinvo, August I.—A Victoria m- I of veaborday,Says: On the receipt Of the news of the succassful laying of the Atlantic Cable, the Legislature adjourned, business was ea mended, and the Governor, Chief Jus tice rare Mayor addressed an Immense meeting I in Oro public square. The Mayor was tMsend ; u congratulatory address to Loudon. The U. S. steamer Saginaw salted yesterday for Victoria. G. 11. litunlerd, of the Western Union Telegraph, and James Street are pas ; stingers. gag PIIANCItOGO, July 80.—The ;steamer Con stitutlon has galled for Panama., with 41,1e2.,a0 to irin , nain , of which 4970,5i0 is for New York. Sas Paagemoo, Jnly 41.—A Ore this morning destroyed the United Staten District Court Rooms. The records were saved. TWO exports Of capper are, for Om poet six 0,440 tens: Agents of the SWIII.O Works are here looking tor supplies. Inning shares are somewhat better, but transactions are light. Crown Point, 10,14); Yellow Jacket, 6,10: Ilelcher. 1,01; Legal Ten ders, FROM NEW , OKLEANS. Mot gopproasett—Stillabor. of Persians Billed, roily A Lore BlsUrtber of Wounded. Wasaratosua, Aug. 1.--fietteral Baird lola gritalts from New Orleans, July Slot: The not hes been snporeased: r have declared n.arual law In the city. About forty gamma Lave been WWI and It largo number wound etl,nearly all being friendly to the Conven t Ilan. THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. MIRST Elllllo ONE O'CLOCK, A. M TELEGRAMS. 410A6.381LL10N. Latest Adviees from Europe. GREAT REFORM MEETING IN LONDON. 30,000 People Present COZ;DMIL'D CLLTAiN Austrian Naval I ietury Overrated THE HYDE PARK RIOTS 'omplete Communication This W eek, ONE DAY'S RECEIPTS Hl{ MESSAuES \KIr YOILK, Aug. I.—Ttw Hercsid I lo Wing tlispntrb LONDON, July slut, 1t , 0t.. A g real relatrot meet mg um Lela to-aloy Iu lilta City. Thirty thousuntl Iterson., noro Resolutions were lehipte‘i tit:Marine that they hail au faith in the Government. Pet Goes were toad, which an. to tie presented to Parltmietit..lemanding inuuiry into the tOll. latek 01 Nit tttchyN N'uy lie, Chief ol The procuestonef . Ili:Me:l.V. cern! hent's Of music were in attend .nce auel every thing passed off quietly. The 7'arbanc has a special which says: l'encs. was cartulh at Berlin on Saturday. Bismarck awl the King return this week I% U.., ear rtes all her points. The Liberals support Blanotrck'e t-reign pop icy. The Austrian naval victory 14 much over- Thu ltylle Punk Hole aml the movement to form tot ekelm , lve reform league meeting have penned thu Derby Government. lierucee Calsvettv, July 29.-1 lint, charter ed the ntentner ' to run beta ern New tounolltool and Cage Breton to earry toes:mgt.+ , until we get theeuble relmll.4 4,0. 11.. :;111f of St. Lawrence, Si loc.. . peel to nermmollrh during tit In we e , Si r Alueuy, Nutetrlntentlent of the Nev. fomolLont line, left he, on Preto), m tier atertmcr Niger, for Coles North. The efr ' muter Ittorellinund In alongsele tne ltrtukt. Eastern, risking la twelve miles of curie to repair the Gott of Si_ law relit, ruble, and .el i I lease for North Win I.o,titllg. The Atlantic t able is working optelltinlly Clal, W. F•EL.U. haw YOUR, August i.—Nineteen ~ were nl,l telegraph office yes:lards,, ednesday, for trtunou.sion threagn tar slur to Europe, on which tolls were paid to the amount of 41r2,07, in gold. We leurn that though the anneunmourat that the Atlantic Cable was open tor business au only made yesterday r. 14., there ',me twenty messages tiled for Europe ou that day . and the cash receipts therefrom at, the York oftlotywere.:l,Olnita gold SACHV:LLE, ill. I Angola 1,9 P. v.—Tor soya libotia lines '1,1”, tatted to work esod of PlCtOrl :once seven o'clock till. evening. We Fll,l 111 ronsequenee bbuttle to retetve any tlipatelle, to-nignt, tla A.m . Kay. front the Atlantic It b. expected that the wires will be repaired by to-morrow morolog FROM IlAttliihßUßG. lrnvmTnrnnrarryn . . .1. Houma.. law*.'twee l'ltstirmao Ilwaranocati, Is.. August I —Thu Pensiny I vania tarititer,' lietwoutattc ninon Conventita. aAsetuttiont lit this ell y. Crecientinltt wC, pre tented by tielettottni trot. every euiire n entatlue ilniret In the Stat... tiouttral J. It. 'welt 7. , 3f Alleghenynty, twit 4 eilo,ll tempt/rat) natUrruart. A C ettu oto I et. of thlr'Leencwan II: en APPAtoteti to tVtleet totter: s for the p 1,114,111,111 orgwoi/atlon after which the Conventwn took a recant., for an hour. Lezol ntions Avert. passed at the Demon - id • • Convention told hero tosloy, whit repudiate the notion of the Soldiers' Con yea :ion held in Pitteburgli in ./1311e. 'ant. They C.:113m thut members 01 11111.1 Collventlotl are the only authorized repreeentatlves of 'he soldiers of Pennsylvania who 1.11,401.1 In the army during the rebellion: denounce the ne. "on of Congress, te,il apple.. Prose - lent .Johnson's policy, oppose negro sulif, age, and equallts hold that negro.o should be matron with being (roe, and should usk na mole of the people. The ninth resolution attacks General iscary an an associate of those leagued to gether to destroy the Union. The resolutions prztoo Clymer, and .11 all soldiers to rail di his supports and r.:tarn thanks to Cowan /MU linkalow tot their course In the Senate. This evoning Mr. Clymer was serenades! and muds a short address. FROM NEW YORK. Ebolera Report— Cam,. sod Nix Uewlb•--Tl.e Scaurge on Governor'• letlland—rrn•sinm Yowtal Reim laUon. Sea rult6, Aug. I.—Tburo were fifteen Case. 11.1“1 el7t 4.1.011 , 1 In 11,1. city, ttn.l 1,5 case, and fly, denthe in Brooklyn, from cooler.., re ported ta,day. There were three, deaths from cholera among the troops ou Governor's Island inst. night, Including • officer, (smith.) All officers detailed Sir daty there areorticred to report bretley, and hereafter, until the titter. lie b. abated. So personwill he allowed to elite, or leave the inland. Colonel Harden, U. 0. 13 command of, In Ining ill In his poster to improve the sanitary condition al Lae fatetad. tolonel Brown, one of the best surgeons in the arm Is surgeon to charge. , New YOUX, Aug. I.—Notice has lama emved from the Prussian Port officer, that, tn consequence of the war, letters for the Irmials Isl.inds, Greece, India. China, Australia, Ac cannot he forwarded by 1.11.1 Pr uahlan closed mall to their destination via Trieste, anti con sequently, until further notice, letiers for these clientele, should not be dispatched from tati United States In the cloarKl funds to Pres. Mtn. larginia Delegate.. to the Philadelphia Csouveuttoo. Ulan-VON A.. August I.—The Central Com mittee re-lowetebiedto-day and appointed a dee-ta,mmittee. to recommend a Melt of del egates to the Philudelphie Convention. A 1.01U1.1021 proponiug to 'entreat the deloga -001) to vote as a Unit wen indefinitely post pone.. Thu meeting adjourned until seven p. m. , to revolve the report of the Sub-Cote- Malec. At the evening session, the subcommittee reported the following Inn of delegates, whit h was ado ted without, opposition: Demgares u Jr.,L large—Wm. C. Rives John W. Brouken brongh, titrorge Blow, Thos. S. F. Flout soy. Alternates-.F r Mr. Hives, Wluluam J Illyertoir, for Mr. ilruckenbrougn, Charles L. Mosey; for Mr. Blow, li. N. nal' 'll g; for Hr. Flournoy, William N %own. l)elev.Jes, Ist District—H.lolmA A. Clay brook, Itobt. Saunders; Alternates, li.' Mni.lory, H. B. Tomlin. hl Dis:olot—irahnun I F0111.11.111C, John 1.. Mode; Alternates, Leplia uLnli Jones, John H. tiny. 4th Distriet.--Chas. Lime°, E. W. Hubbard; Alternates, Jas. Nee. R blot, obert Whitehend. nil District— 'Wil liam M. Treadway, James F. Johnson; Alternates, Wm. Martin, E. H. Keen. 7th truA-11r. 5k1.1111161 A. Coirman, A. IL Stuart; Alternates, John L. Anderson, John. Et. 11- Icy. Alt District—Edgar Snowden, Itiobard 11. Parker: Alternates, B. A. Shackelford, An 'staid Contn. Oth District—Walter it. Staples, Windham Robertson; Alternates, A. C. Cu in mlag, Hobert Gibbon. sharp Practice by the Adam■ Exprtuns Cpropoitty—tlulto.El Rote• Court Ap pealed To. Now Torte, ans. I.—A dimpateli from W ash ington says: At the close of the war the Ad ams Express Company - advanced fifty thous and dollars to the Virginia Minn:NW Company, upon the understanding that they should not carry freight for any other express company at any less prices than they were charged. Under these alrecinstancea the express under General Joe Johnston's management cannot compete, and tae ltallroad Companies, having re-established themselves, are endeavoring to put an end to their arrangement with the Ad ams Express Company. The case is to the Lial,:ed States Court, and will ho decided next week. - College Commeneemeot Festivities. 13sumoviag. Ms., Aug. I.—The commence ment festivities at Thornburg College are pro gressing finely. Thu following honorary de grecs were conferred this forenoon: Rev. Dr. Woods 1...L.D.; Rev. John FideT. Wa , DAL; Itev. Rp. bort C. , Smythe, SAD.; Warner lllster, A. M. dov. - Dr. Woods itzsday sent In his resigna tion as President of the College, and ft was aeeepted and referred to a committee of the Board- The Bev—Or. Barrie, of Danger, undoubtedly US 'choka his successor. Two Fatal Cases or Cholera at Taylor Barrack.. Lonloville—Soldier Shot. Louievna.s, Aug. I.—Two fatal eases of cholera hay° taken place at Taylor Barracks among the recruitB that recently arrived from New York. Charles Morrie, of company C, was fatally allot ut the barracks for brealring guard. The Condemned -Unitary Prim Conticelleui Johnson Convention. Crum...roe, Aug. I.—lt is known that, Che Maw e priro i nensentenemlto death by military man. Convention mo t on, and where recent mratertent re avlit t A i u n g t ; today. Nottiv two hundred people, including Members and I . s dation, were sent to the Dry Tortugas formoVal from Castle Plckney occasioned =lob SpeetatOrs were present. Senator Dixon , order of the President, who then coon d t e u id e e p d a tiad ltay read ot co ri aa le r %gt a h a y ad ad a d to rcas tatain eon g de t m aa n t ntence. President Johnson. Itesointions in the same t mute their River and Weather at Lourmale tone earls adopted. Thirty-ntuo delegates', were appointed to the Philadolphla LoolsrltAn, July 31.—firer jutilu g la" w. non. sq.feet fear moheek. coml. Aininialia Denial Aia•elallea. Boma, August .I.—The, semitone of the alnerialin DentalEkomiatioh, which >r hold. lag -Its sixth 7 thlgoo2 Annual:meeting here, ware eae. tO4IA. PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY, AUGUST 2, 1866 SECOND EDIIIOI. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. FROM EUROPE. Details by the China's Mails LONDON REFORM RIOTS W hat Preceded Them PRUSSIAN PEACE PROPOSALS New 1 one August I.—The Chlua , r rr. bring lull nartieulars pit IL, eventr r hlell preceded the Rehire, riots in I. iudon, report ed by the Atlantic Cable on Monday. the ISLA of July,..Sir Richard Wayne, Commits on. or of Pollee in London, issued a printed nonce pointing out the illegality of political demon strations In Hyde Park, staling that such nicotine, were inconsistent with the purposes for which the Park is thrown to, and used by, the piddle.. Sir Rickard, after alludlee to the proposed Reform gathering on. the Inti mated that no assemblage or person! In large numbers would be allowed to take place In the park, and that all necessary measures would be adopted to prevent any such meeting, and elSeotually to preserve the public peace. Ho also addressed a letter to Mr. Baileys, Chairman of the Reform League, asking him to use his influence in preventing the tostemelage. Mr. Beal. replied i) letter, t at he conk! not recognize Mayetre right or power to 'et., act, styling any Interference as dangerous and uncosir Lit OLIMIKI, and calculated to cause n, ti real breach of the peace. Tbei Secretary .11 the League alai wrote through the pipers that. no MIL. 11 UM Of programme would take place. Toe subject came up In Parliament on ad, 1,, In which Mr Walpole endorsed the Slay orie proooodings and aerumeil its reskaisjidi ity. lu &rawer to Mr. %VIII, he admitted fhat the prOLlliiiirin was (011.1 ell on the fret I•hat liyde lurk was n Royal told that it was to prevent a •veach of the peace. Tin, [Wien ing particulars for the 'folio, I negotiatione for an armletice alt given on the r • ht. of July IC- Thu c u re t of the French Embassy Iteziln, delivered at the t1M11(1., rasters of tile Ateurta army the follow if Prir•est Tho of O l ‘ 4, t t h ss e ift, o fn t e e in allow Lime fur seeertaluing the intentions of the Italian government, in ready istam from all acts of hostility for three days. upon the following 114111.11 ,, 5e . rho Austrians to evocuate Lhe country heir - our the position at present held iiy the Pruseires aqd Ike river Thayer, the troops of Lite arrISM of the north aril stiti• n, Imo tile razor arm), aid all their con voys, milder) mad munitions, to remain eta sty),, cud to atistaltt from waking any' mot tureen. until the ezplruliun id the tenn itgrted upon, the Prussians to remain id a ilietance t•l' three miles bornilmulz, and the Prague 40(1 1 , 1 . 0,111r1 ratisray to he open for treteimiaslou of provisions to the Prussian Tno Austrian reply to lion proposal dowlared that the Prussian propositions were prejtell enAl to Austria, and ad Vantagrenis lot Prussia, citing, as ....mph., that at ei distance of three nlles front °twat, the Prussians WOUld its gni.. to surround the fortress int all sides, and that the Italian, int tieing !pebbled In Ins conditions of the truce, would be able to ad- Austria therefore made a tstunter pro postal, lining a line of demarcation, to he cross ed by tkeitottr hot wltiuln tau limits of Lich the SeVeral at - wens ShOtild be allowed freedom of mos ument. Tub line was to hal 'Ow the seems Of the Thayer front Ito source to wit hilt Ina Mlles went Of Lutidenburg, to rust paratell to, anti two mhos to the westward of the. Lundennurg mud tiltuuta Railroad, to ontlnue an far as the positions then occupied the Prussians, and to stop two miles west and north of tilt, outer works of Ohtani. This the King of Pribisla declined, and said the lending of contuissioners was ne, Bless. laird Manley had said in answer to the que.- I•lttS that England Ladnot offered, but alight O'er, ion seri lees a , mediate: het weint Pr •1.., halt :obi Aushe .0. tier ow. :otertotJ to, et les- , lie nod ho appro.- heoloon o• being ore". n Into lea, • to tee eholera, the Ittfl u nit iiateLi. m. Inert von tai ito doubt 111 PW that the etiolet ay a, hi,•l% hal 5115 1 11,1))'P• ul dislwist ports, appertive in .1 very " - until...4°lmi lona In London. Thu- Leen t ., LW, been ail to 11 1 int Into the LOll - 100 1.1,•,.1,11.m1, and net, dens Ln hove oveurreil Inc, this week, anal othei plateau. :ire now kr. a precast lour. !Late Nlveral deaths front cholera hove taken place in the neighborhood of the hosl,llal. Thu cholera was also vire. tent at riouthatupton; 9.10,1 In Wales. TL., _troll Duke ban wwoutue.l oommand of Ito Allah lan armies. Laotian joilenalei give the following as Nuts vtantially the ba.nte of the treaty of peace be tween the great aoutenaling powers. First, Ilia dissolution of the present liennanic Con tederatioa • the construction of a bond from which Austria IN to be excludal; Prunsta to annex the Duchies. cx.mpt North Schleswig, wham iff to revert to Denmark; li • ruatila to :men the entire control of the military forces of laermany, North Maine, and ta. , ex:met:ale military conventions to t Ital end who carton. staters whose sovereigns will he restored; taf• ceasdou of Venetia to the King of Italy. FROM ATM DlMeallieo at flew Orlena•—rreeldeol Johneon Condemned for AIM Interter eueo—Call for a Fenian Soettotr—C3• amino( a on of the Counterfeiter lotinee. Now Yong July 31.—The r:irriing Pest son demur! President Johnson for interference la tae difficulties id New Orleans. It it sass, aocording to his theory Louisiana Ls a Slate In tile Cnion, by wind right does he Interfere with Its internal affairs. Toe Convention Mai a right to sit, whether It was a legal or illegal booy. And if Illegal, the State was the proper tiaac..l the fact, which ought to hays been , .lec.bit,l by the nouns. It characterizes his urger se cb.oeotilltgly unfortunate, and ad the wrong offirer. . , Mr. X.tephens has 1.‘14.1 a rail to the °Macre aato members of the Fenlan Uncle,. of Nea York, llrooklym W,lllamsburgh and Jrlacy directing them to mart him at the Cooper !until uto on Monday evening, August 'lth, at elx‘nt o'clock. Aft e: a lengthy eiLLUAltal Ina of Holm., for hat mg In Ills possoanlon ono hundred dollar, Ilf y didLar and twenty dollar munterfeit plates of United :qui,. Treasury notos t Ito to Itch] I)Js,tieu :salt to appear for Wa t t In 'lntoner. A private letter from Montevideo, of June 1416, states that on the voyage to that fort Izal of April, to long. M west, lat. 38 north, was followed by a fast screw stomnei of Eileen hundred tons, with a large crew on board and a pivot gun on 'hook. Attu, emumg within n mile, It cnangtal course and went or. FROM MEXICO. Attempted herniation at the Capital— Patties arrested and laantahed. Now Orttessrs, August I.—The steamer Alli ance, from Vera Cruz on the 27th, has arrived at this port, The yellow fever to tit Vera Cruz. A revolntion was attempted at the capital, Ant the parties were arrested and banished to Taoism. Thu prisoners wore brought to Vera Cruz and plated in the castle on San Juan, previous to transportation. The country is ver.y much ..netted. Three hundred tildes from the Rio Grande urrilvd at Tampico. Arrived, Ulu steamers George Cromwell and Raleigh, frum New lurk. the former on Mon day and Ito latter to-day. Sailed. the blerrl rune, for New York, on Saturday evening. booth Carolina tvpperNioltinson Con- VC O. 100 C.11.1:11111.1., S. C. Aug I.—The Convention met to-day. The astricts of the States were fully represented. u .vernor Orr was chosen President try acelamistion. The Convention adopted resolutions approving the President's polin v. lAA opposed to the radical course or Congress, and cordially accepted the Levita tion to unite with the Conservaives of the country in the Philadelphia Convention. .t the evening session the following delegee Don to the Philadelphia Convention were chosen. Delegates at large: Uov. Orr, Senator Burr U. U.Campbell; delegates from the let District, A. J. Moses, Ittchard Dosier; 2nd Dia triet, Thomas G. Simms, W. P. Stmuyier• Stvl District, D. L. Warddon, Gen. S. McGowan; his District: L. 21. Dawkins, James Farrow. MMMM Injunction Against the Nashville Police yommissioners. N.:myna-a, Anguit I—The Mayor and City Connell untamed an injunction front Chancel lor Campbell, enjoining the aletropolitan COM• adesionere from the further or ganisation of the police force until after a hearing, On stc vaunt of the Illegal proceedings of the Ltjg a future which passed the act therefor, and the provision for raising money for the support of that force. Mercury 67 deg W Weather omu. Montelp.l Nonstualllon If ~yxtnona , August I.—Mayor Chapman was, I for the third time, renominated for Manion to the Mayoralty. ;• ',' ~.,, p. 3:: _ t1~..., 1 . ,~...~_ . FROM WASHINGTON. Ten Milltown of %lowan Bollix Printed— Coax - venni - nen nod the increnae of Sal arlex—The Bounty to aoldieri.....compi_ lation of Revenue I-awn—Trade With neaten—Lame Attendance at the Ex ecutive alannion—Collints for Union Soldiers--general Sherman tierenadeil —National. Union Executive Continii. lee. =I renll AA the Treasury Department, is men printang ten millions 01 ntl.lllll. ft,•:•.•1,1 denominations, for lwer barrels, as 11•., alred ~ y a recently passed Into. It is ~ipposecl that this provision will mate! tally prevent fraud,. no the Internal Revenue. Althoogh many Conuessmen voted aiialrist the increase of their Canine*, it is pry t. iy clear ly eviahli•lied trial every one of them hit. drawn the extra pay. Lextets are pouring in daili taking tot in structions and forms in relation to lipplica, tions for the additional bounty under the ro. cent act. None Cali lie furnished until the Secretary of War and the secretary rd iLc Treasury Lave preset:bed file rule. and rug; u• haloes as the act dlreete. It will probably ro qu.lre several weeks, In the pressure of of ter I.a-illegal, before in ..• ,,, •rn can be adopt .• a... 1 re..,Latkus, •ar. ..or thin. Letter , of Inquiry must remain u.n anewm, d, and had better not Ito written, until notice . been given tittongi, the palthe press the t have been prepare,l.The, ,nil ‘11.'11.,A Office uettle only the claims 01 I Ile ilel, of uoiti Lent, nut as there w ill bi• u. lill two hundred thousand it soot, eiILIM3. 1 . 1.1.1 meet he required to pr, pure u proper rug I and maize other necessary arrangernu nt to remove them. No ml vantage Cu,. pouulhlt gained by harm - mg chorus either into the; r I lion or the Pay tuaster ral - • Mitre Thu euar,)flat lon uI the eve Intern:, I:. °elle Ina, watt provlllllB Wt. of u eauJ tor, pllS•rti 0111 Ce J uly, LOCoil at the ollloe of Internal Iteventle. I 111. I=4 peCt.ett that. till • Conu will 1w w 411,. the 411,110.41144/1 ..4 /411/.4 . , ...eta row. • Cotton onil opiritn of turpentine slow , from the tooth In bowl, eerier the T 1,...,14 I rt gultatlons of October thh, 154, are Outdo.. the old rites of taxiii Congress In U recent as. pray hit s 1 teat a' I the transit MOM,. ILCe.I , IOO In OW t .N•o. Willi the British Prot 11144,1 shall 1”. , •x1.'111„ to the trade over nur Southern t runt., x, :111 Mexico. The auction I. at billow. Ali g()OIiA.NrILII,, 12.111/ 1115,011a1111,1. ar tisug at am Port of roost, Tl•est•. loo s ether part of the [tilted States, woods may especially Matti:toiled the s i Treasury, and destined (tit its sled,... may Ito unionist at the LII4IOIII 1.101./.4 0.11.1. • ills sio3 Its 1410..11 through 'Use teerslory sct IMltod &listless wrsliont payment dui lesii undue semi mite, roguish tool ronoilions mi . tile prolootme of tes eel.: 11, lb.' nt , lclnt y t,i I, T reasery may preeoriLdi. The following Ina translation ft om /./ 7. J.. ; ni Paris, of duly I:t h. The Afro...en,/ Log, . Of the 141.11 front, that a new de titchment of the Foreign Liattori Is enuring from Aix u tutdoing to Niaarl!, through that City yerter day. There was agal- I.e-clay ry large at tend alien at the Executive NianXil , ll. Quo, a nuae het' of those obtaining duet aoh do. President a ern mouthers ,' , agtes, v lin air yet In the city at tending to 1.0,i11,1K 11/,'ll COMMLOI,IILA. At lan the eel .1. .1; opened lila doors In all v Itua.,:e number in esent, Lot Ina allvaniinto. the Opp. - loony, -at 4111 the C., aid ill PreaMent t0r.:{111.1.5 insrpo,te 1.l a I. 11. were td tere,tod Os or ;1,0 thoosati . il i'il•thati are thia ulty r aft: It; etlitpattait. to the .1 lite, erit tit gigue , : for the no rtal Ott Unto. 3./1. teza. I.trutonauttitaivral -hermat, wa- taiotii:l metaled toiltight lilt a -itrctithlii, hi tL of the httti 1:1I.,111r) !IV 1111tolg. rt•rtatnso u,. ra 1/i wl• rataarhing that It , 1.4 not sY u.oopt tbut I.ot sk b.. re kr waki.l4l IN. nappy 1., Ulm ‘.l. Lt, ~I.llls ken. L. LBleti.le,l lit , `,LA x r1.311Ut.1 ht., lat. in-ut 'roil tll 11:L•1ting . ...., I III! 1,1114'1. kt 0 . 10 , hka tlO - 0 10,1 .1101111, 110 1 4.00t1 ho 1.11.1 re than tu. i•Cprrs• 0000; kloni't,:r,tl . ol,l.. 0101101 101.. h The National 1..,u, ruin tee will •• e.C3.114, Itt the Continental the 1011, or ”1111 tat Kneeling on lb. , consent ion Thei Ino that the lull n all hilt:gal..., 15110 111,, Orneg• zirner 1., 1,1 V. 1121i1 tstgeroke. Chief Jahn Rua. 1111.1111. 1 . 111111.1.1 . 111.. August L. - A WA.1.111,0 -autpatolt autpatolt lo 1t11110111,4, I,L of Job. RAW, ,lIC t/lAIIIII, 0101,1 Ili F., UOlef, Loa! olly hp. cif. for I,ls erpool Ilarrr elf , A ugur I the .led nu. t A: r Ink lu LI, oritogri CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Loral M.:l;r. on Third 6101 al P•otroleum *Malt, A ilisgmentul .test rut t 14, I I 4 , tit Petrolatum ( nut, on Monday night, / • • , C. , lug In the it:winding nl Lao wen, inolltlou or 0111 . house, the 'gentling onit other, and the hiss of (hints ..... -t•I or , lnt • worth of property try inilisi•rtinliint ,- iifilsio• A numbed - of riostlirs WA:totted n into It Aim— destroying the itarglitlint ntnl hurling k through the I.lollllW+ and Ai tying lid hi mute.,out. There Were :so shots the ocoupantk of we ilIMAI• 11110 {u. I .latnot Leonard I ect.teuts ... Outlet a, tit. 1141 1,1 • 111 Mal ruler C.sgrove a .41.11113 r lose.. :telt Llatgla The wounded the were reoe , •,.: It. a drug stare for Aurgleztl to n 0 E. 1.. tit ,411.11, crowd. greatly .torth...: ~• Imildlog en Thew 11:10 Wert , shlvored lo ..1 I he hon.., the ruldure, ulotn.l at 13,4•1 :11...1t ore, In 1) flank and rear. The riot lastisl for several hours. Msn . Inc rioters beesone 11.a0.1.1CULV11 psi:bled the etreels In the women's lot Iting stole. front the hours , Setileely too tisl ug 11l to I excepting stair-sarpets, Was lelt In the boost. It was the propetl, nl Eiustelts Afitllel. 41,1 riven Um occupants Ma.. to 110 t , 11l had been to upset thou,. Lucy Hart, tits Kola intros , of the V. 11.10 In a resident of IV wthingtott, Is. whore she maintains It similar 111 , 1 , 101 ion co a mush grander sands. she et [egotist to Ise worth 1160000, which wit, 11.0 . 11311“ lated It tlt I s profession. Itesiti.i lbe loss of Inas Itouseholt I furniture on this °Cessna., her entire "aid lOUs and ilinusond Jewelry shared 11/, 01111, sultan:llly. No arrests burn been made. McElroy, Dick'ion de Co. Among the lima ne'a an I rell 0 , ...,0," houses of title env there ad , 10a.aa• amaz ui - ably known Man that It Met, , It,. k.Ol. No. 54 11 - ttast street. They lentil w, , 1 , t rul u largo shwr of the trade rea• teil to II `e point, and by is faslr Nyi,l.lllll pt 101,,110 , - ,, , liberal prices, and cu tint qua Ity of goods, they sue_ vend even in pas, Mg more than t mama labia rivals of Eastern houses. Their stock is MOUS, Mel ilelecleit whit /4: -Kt el,; nor anal Judgmeml, such as eau bc selected 11010 with ease by citycollate> inerehtaa They have ell st y le. ad 0' elan In, eatssialiere - , jeans, CLICCkeI, nllllllO, ankads, In LS, drone Eoafs, gloves, hosiery n al not lams to ludo sty. very piece of goods sold I, n Melded to lie all that is rein . ..mai - al, whale the prices lire low and Inalovlng as a tease Of the most populate Jobbing houses el the hletromilts. A mamba, of gentlearranly and :au r a 11,00410,w sAlestin . are constantly 111 atlettililliee 111 1 , 01 , 1 W gtot. I. to all who may call, whether to purchase or not. We cheerfully a t om an ate I t his lfrio to city dealers and country merchants, kinna lam them to undob lu every way worthy ofconattenve patronage of that parr. (.0011111111/Iy. To Whet Mu. , do We detained for a while, yesterday, in the Quarter Sessions Court, listening to applica tions for tavern license. Near where we stun al there Wan an untreated conversation going on between two nilddlesugml mutt—one of rubl e countenance, the other'- scant loc: sprinkled with groy—onseern log the proceed mgr. 11. e heard the expressions ..hypocrlte he don't believe what he's aaylog: he's paid for thrill" Oh.fervlng the Indl v Ideal attorney referred to, we became Interested. ii, was ut tile little resisting thin petition or a rural ell i ron, who In the present possessor of the house, or tavern, where clectionnand public meetings have semi bold tor many years. Tim CaSe sins disposed 'and idiot lie, called, the lame attorney appearing, lad stile time advocating tic Claims of the keeper or a city u doggery." He extolled In a...extravagant terms the accommodations of the dee, or dog gery, as he truductsl those of the crusrotels tavern or public meeting place—his lA...rem in the matters being iiicaeurell by the In. ;rani, and We conscience arranged accordingly. To complete the picture, It may be necessary to will that the attorney II in the employ et the ToMperance League. Struck ISO Old James Mtiilltes lives In the wan t, a „,l I Is the sole mandator of a lot•al cypress wagon. Yesterday James—aged almost three score of yearti—wtot standing in a wholesale groeerV establishment on Liberty street,w hen a young man named Thome:lll°ller, walked Into the store and struck M'GUllek a blow in the buck with suett violence as to almost knock lion down. The old man told Honey not to repeat the operation, when the tatter struck Gtlhck a similar blow in the same spot. Thls was too mach for human nature to stand, tool Altliilllek preferred a charge ot itsmtult and battery ainst. alisatiala I. before Alderman Don aldson. A warrant was Issued for lioney's rest Flaked—for /Sunday Liquor Selling.— ltiut Bechtold was fined ilfty dollars and costs yesterday by Alderman Donaldson for stilling liquor on sumlay at his saloon, in the Diamond. John Lutz was the complainant. John Earlier. Inn war need a like amount foe a similar offense, on complaint of the 441,1;. From Henry Miner.—Mr. Miner sandsus two paper hack novels, just issued from the press of T. 11. Peterson and Company. Jennie Ambrose, a charming, doniest,estory, com plete la our volume, and Moreton Mill, a de lightful story of a haunted house. Both works are highly entertaining, • SAS/.—A force Of workmen were engaged yesterday to laybareplpes on Magee street, therEighth w tram Fentsitratda eye lOW Loeust stree scene inn Street enr—Ao Irishman Re toses to Ride with Negeoee. 1 - 'l,lln , McLaughlin, a Celt, who has Inherl -1,1 `run, his NI Hush:ol anevstry all that prep,- .1 casli• Whir . ll ha, ICell no a Part of 1115 Yesterday Francis his Lo .ter ball. and a youthful scion of the noose of Yledanahlin, took pasnage in ear No. ID of t t Passenger Railway Company, on " Inc a visit to a friend In Laws • los tt llo• earner of Canal and Penn l , lc ' , .:eP•Pr , dl , llASCllgers were a c fa-able son of Ilam, and tr. I:ll . +otubre hue. Tiu , w I . ILI• toci, close proximity to tin . NI, in . :whine, ,ont 1 ,,- ,zan an animated eon ll't stl c of a toontirehini form of govern t c yc , :al ot a ,lemovr:tl Winging' 6.66 ttrd tny , ' I t ic Intne lo eel...lent set by tier 6 : rdnent n (nu cutanuiplition of Hu. h.. 111 111.111 . .. and the tar:li ne.. and t,1404. AI, which our nation tollou ell lic ka l tinde M t Langn. In: looked on tile,: Il , LllLllgontritiO to 11,1 not red of I •t.w.1.11 11g1.10.z. , 11 lg. 111, .1: w 1 ,, , PIT. 0n .10,1110 111.1111,41 .11/L1 NI d.oleht , ania errd Lltat the odor:: f col rdtapannina I: , , , ,reir v. as J44` along. 01 ,our-e thy countrymen of grew Indian int. I ic. i.ollc+ Bothering toll' I art ti , lu ., :t toe Idlicaitat, Try , inaintacc-: the:, i„,,,,,,„, atni the , 6,ll.luetc: t,,,. dle, cre •, :tut,: ow cat. I 16, latter re• 1 , : ,, e , i, ,cO , l lint,lP I: • Nl' I.ang'lllna aerr -.llov -6-1 In the conduct, :up,atl'