-7 • ; :L ' ; 7 ' : . . ,L _ -1 ,e1:17: ' --"- -- rV I I. - : - t, • 4 „ , , i t. . i., ..0, , .IPEL R. 31:1ELICZ, Banker and Broker, 118 tread 81.. near corner of Fifth, A.ll..,deseriptl o is of Government Bonds boasrtis Sid sold on liberal terms. London and Conlasuyntal Exchange sold at Sew York rateS: . . 00111.. Silver and Coupons bought at highest rates. end Gold• Drafts Issued nnYiew, York: FINANCE AND TRADE. • , July ack.itca. . Ttto New Yak stock 'qnotations' to-BAY, were as follOWal47v; ROMs, let 34; OW 54:41, lery,OlatrA( thii,,,dltto,SPAVlOSKtle-tes, OSK; i.3004114441 . 1 . ,*.. Cleveland & Pittsburgh R., RIK; Port Wayne, lel%; Erie, 6; West ern _telegraph, 57,4; —The following IltateMCILL 62.tabitS the Lind- EMI of the Pittsburgh Clearing HOW° for the week' closing on Ssturiley, Jitly 28 : , Jiity26 July 24 July 22 July. %I July 27 July 28 OM fLzpatclies by the Atineiie ToletmsolL batilintied the rutuara of nu ureniste— tweett the, belligcrints of Germany, and, as We predicted last week, our securities have rutfup 1% per cent, and gold bus declined— being atoae time as low as lit, and as high so UV A. Congress having failed to pass a too big, importers can now take their goods oat Of Muni, at their Own convenience, and gold may decline still thriller, and our securities advance Still more to Europe. --The Pow York Herald,. of the 25th, Con tains the following in regard to the influence of English finances sport United States hands The fact 1 , , the directors of the llsnk of England fiat sfsautanted its rate of discount at ton per earn" and that the failure of t Birmingham Bucking Company had °mum,. just previous to the. steamer's sailing, silo.. that confidence among the flrumcial coin tormity is not set firmly reestablished, end that thejlank of England at least is acting on therdefillasive. The advance of oar femur, tes in the taco of ,this la a highly favorable me .tore, and a further rise seams probable. dodg ing Cront a the appearance of the markets on clue aide,-however, the oantintled advance of Pave Twenties on the Landed Stock Exchange will not he likely to materially lower the price of geld here, although it will, RS . mat tar of Counte r Promote the expert of bonds The prepollderunee of our Inaportn over our experts in Valitte is too groat 114. t to area:, a balance hall/Rat WI greater than ts likely f, offset by &blowouts of securities, and eon 110.1111Cutiy lOC none Larne to mule 100 shah have toelup gold at addition. • —lt ro now considered certain (says the New York Trli(isbe or Saturday) that Congree e• • • - not tinker the funding eenente, the bank laws or theurrencyly further this 000510 t: 'Upon .. ne.utuptlon speculator. are twain •at work.suid buying (or an inlet..oe is 1. uo. tug ptionlar'sgain. The theory put to. •to Mantra tnetabiers that the currency Aloe! 1 be !Increased and not dsminiabed, anus g eel .i4VOT :With hOtrtrWtrel of money. and u i am - ptmt speculittlea promises to be dee - oleo°. t. lieVV 1 - Orl. Stook and alone/ alarkot. Nati Virg., July 80.—Money quiet awl Steady,' , ,at *piper. cunt. Sterling dull and heavy. St InolifiGol3 Gold Irmo:. opening at advinaoing to itS awl closing at LW!, Govor4menta nal - . o, and %Al% bet FivrlghtrOto Liverpool Wavy. Weekly Bank Statement—Loans, 136,..12,071, Increas a 617,053; 5uede,11,701,340, decrease, 1434.,- 607; eireulation, 27,24i.M91, decrease, 334,u35; do pOsitcheilliSS-,'" DA him ease, hati,B47; legal ten der, 54.704,614, Increase, 4,ISU,Siti The ColumeretePs money article says: The effect of the continual advance in les In Eu rope ILla been to strengthen the market for Of:merriment& here. Forev.tri hankers have ye to a moderate c ataxic, of old 4,ars, acing an I advance with whlch all the dart eecuritleil sympathize atter the board, it was found that the advance brongh. out a large number. Sellers and finamilers of the mar ket relayed; &Ms of WS offered at 10q.,',. The Stook market continues active and buoyant. The transactions in the leading roads are large and generally at an all 3 auto. 'The Money market show, a stemlyillertaug of ease:. The banks are lending heavy amounts quietly at 4je cent., butt - amp up 119 cent. as the regular counter rate. Discounts are quiet. '-. The.tosnaild for paper 13 very active. but the Inipply MI teat. limited '. Primo nanICS rouge . at. anlol4 cent. - Stocksheavy; Port Wisp:tatted Ch1cag0,102..., Cleveland end Rock Isluad, leeti; Cfevemiai rind Toledo, lifdAt Chicago and 1 North Western, 1111I4Islo. preferred. n93,i; Illinois Central, t•=;,3 /-abllfitnidOuthete CI; N, Idichiktin Cent veld, iii, Rending, 1113 I; Hudson Ii„: Erie, es ti; Nea Turk Central, 1004; Be lton Water Power. xi, Western Union litirgraph. ids; 33, .131 , 1, Lori. pone /133013111 1 . 433 , , 6% 1 . 1 13 . , 0., 131 ,, , , t..ps ru t - • meth*, ioi 41. zrib....‘rum.; im ; New Jersey Can- tra.lotvy. Alton and Terre Haute, preen rod, Atthc i kir rgelOck open Board to-dny sales ware mild at, the following priem. : Erie, c. , •. , ,,,; lifialitgan Outhern and Rock Island, et i t 11/,- nuts Centr, l'"4; Cleveland and Pittsburgh. fd; 'Cleveland f t Toledo, Ile; Chicago & heck Isiand, lOTIp Chicago& Northwestern, 48%; tiu. preferred, 44%; Pdtaluirgh, Fort Wayne a Ch a esighl4,43i. bull closed at 1476. The 2.10D0, market remains very quiet. The /bars money article says the prevailing Opinion' Is that the sumo. of the Atlantic ca ble will tend to eq tudtze prices. Increased . animalism bits been tun parted to government bonds by the proapeets of penee, and the same cause has depressed gold. The Man market is quiet. at 5 per cent. on caJJ. The diseount de wand Li small. Stocks active , with an up wine tendency. After the board, New York Central Was JOS; Erie, 64%'; Hudson giver, lit; Micah:an Central:3le%; Ida:algae Southern. eiti; Illinois Ventral, MI - . ' The hank ' statcment shows crease in loans Of 4617,053; decrease In specianein of sur*,- eoh decreased circulation, of 4144,0,74; lucrease Of deeming of itlXr,l3r; Increase In legal ten don of $4,1t1e,822. Detroit Limber Market. Eterhorr,-Juli SA—There is et alight abate ment tiirimptabletn the demand for the week plum item yards, and minutacturers are hoc hag to be able to stock en a little with a better aasiertinent, z.r..l.riralairy for the fall trade. Tho tee,lacst I , c.thnieat, which oonaista stunt wholly ui in, upper qualttlea, continue, 'without-notable dimunition, or at least to signal to , ..thetibility to supply. This evl - dencedin the still largo demand there le h for • vabaela r and In the ruling rate. for freights. The former as yet 0021(1111.1119 unabated, • thelattat are stiff, and have been during the Llat week or ten days tending upwards. Al. thOugh quotatious have not been advanced be dealers, yet %immix& ¢¢oooottd bacillus ektatini; among theta in view only of the present • trade,. wait% -la far In excess of theta( the same period Of a n d fennel year, bat palm largely. Increased detosuul in prospect Una fah, ithich is thotight mast eventuate in .e, advance in 'prime. Forthiaremou eituniheAL turers are nnwidlng tellerrat at rat • e, and buyers, 'entertaining situirrei'views, ELM I quite anxious to obtain. stocks before tith, change takes place. This condition already Lai lie influence In s ing aig prices, and in now and thou erect a traametton fo.. large end desirable lot at advanced rate.. evidence of this wo report IS tale of s a hal: t. million.of Ma three upper q mime. inn frourthe WV, li p er AL, delivered a. tho dock Of the Manufacturer st Thunder ita y. sLe considered full better than any ea.o. ever erected before. The tame ~party nut le ptirelismes in this market of the same qualify at HS witch La evidently a far betterr bargam for the buyer by at least MD per. hi, 'proving again what we have .0 olteu stated; that la ired la the itheapett Limber market for buy ers uponthe Mixcie-Tribune, • L. Boston' Wool itairket. Boston, .I.u:y;2B.—The wool market is ce7y . . • nod prima for nearly all grades hart a deal:bran:l tdedene.Y. Trannicaons 1333 , againneou 1104 no far .3 the general trade + e ooncernedi but several gooti Ciao iota, p..t npodknernarket excesdingly tenapilco; nu ti.reS,:,bane bean taken by consumers duricg the neat week. ea natural consequence we bear etroN. , holders, who do not press rates, cow plaloi,e chat tun wool brokers arobreaking down L 133: market. It Ls the opinion of tome that tn.: &sable polloy In the 'condone .3331 that w,.,,cannot recover. L inn It is yetioo early in the "awed to ' Jum p •at this . eCnelusion3 the Fall goods market has not yet" fairly • oneeac, ""d mere is still 4 11P4CiA1.7:9;q1 tariff bill pending before Congress. if thhi flead Jock continues the . .receipts will Desna begin total/ off. It b of no use to send forward - oof hg , eonlilg. nors at rates Which preclude - the pOssi ility of sales. Alan of the i s now- arriving are laid down at ant OODalcienddy abOre the current natio here Ind Can. only be sold at loss to owners. '• Sales of doblestio forth° week foot up some MAIO ihaiat a range Of asecso for _•• aktaincfer the various grades ofp,ulled.—.Bidic etl,- • =POUT& mg 11 •11.110 Ap • r.apypit, FOAT WWII'S it Onicano IC IL July 30.-80 /MIN higherlnes, 2 bble am; ~ , thipton a Wallace; 1 car staves Guthrlita all/; 2do do, Etalya £ Robtneoni,o7 bbh dauur Chas B Leech; UV do do, Dan Wallace; 02 ,i, , , .10, 1' C Jenkins; 1 car scrap Iron, T blatancy; lou bile flour, 13 Lindsay Jr; / car onto, 11 161, 4 War.; I Mid tobaooo E Megrim; 3do do, hi Herb; 1 car corn, D N Lfonriney; 82 tee hams, LO .1., ;.ird, bu bra candles, b, bbis oil, F bailer.; I co; 1.5 buggy springs, Day, AlcAboy a anima; 2 01+. eggs Kirkpatrick & Herron; 100 barrels dour, tirtiliam a Thomas; M bola paper, Hos tetter & Smith; 3 lib's 0591., 4 do eggs, 1 do dry applee, H Kea 1r; lot produce, Cobham & 110 2 cars metal, Kintlek & co; go oil bbls, Jog i IV ikins; 67 6168 6111 1 / 2 130,1, A Taylor. Cmlystarrn a Prrraanana BALL 110•16.- J sly 30-3 ea. staves, C C Meath ;2 do do, Ater. X. WO CO; Pl L. hams, It Et TOWASelldi 7do do, Lippincott; 38 do do, 10 do Mad, JII Parker; 3 do do, .1 P Kasha a co; 6 coat. tobacco, Il A .1, nes I 00;1 car motel, Shoenberger a cot 5 50 .10, Nlinick a co; 2 do wheat, J et Liggett I a.;l ear burley, J Rhodes; ice bile flour, Pettit & o wlsan 1 mix lumber, W Hamilton; 80 cola / HPennock; 65 do do, Waring I King oo 540 do, Wallace & Cavitt; 4 kgs lard, 1 b.: [mn, W D Patteraou;23 bra Cl,eese, J 11 lanfluld; 10 de; do, C C Balaley; 10 do do, L II ' inisaterrado of 1 1 111hisnaltee. V oigt I co; 14 odle paper, W a Haven. Moot: le -the flour mule and shipped from Pirrsostmon. Vow:mans ainCiamansm it. IL lalisraokao, wi&&&&;;;,,,h, from ipring ‘l,, &t. July 9J-/ cars oats daimon & scent, kV bids ._..___lin.leapeetaily...__ _sought alter by exporters and dour, Seglimyer . Voakamp; MO do do, glt .... • cr et'utore owing to no limited r.oyal co; 4 bids egga, (Dad & Itchor; 2 bids geituzitYorwlltte- winter wheat. aulitude ( Or I dammed, glilpton & Wallace; / car COM, Sup°. thelpgrodoetion of. choicest grudecof family ; rior Iron Co; 47 aka rags, V P Markle & co; 21 ilmir;theinlitsliave not devoted much inlet, I lull. patter Pate, Paper CO. Mont , * ilia: 1 ; 0 M Valles, until within the Psat ALLYGINNIIT Bravos, July ilet-2 cant oats. 9 year.' Thereiltilt, at , their effarta hag been to }in & Ben; 2 cars wheat. Gilmore, Ellinhsoa sonars a IWO:dation for. Milwaukee dour and a ~,":, b ppl J Llorhert• 1 ear Mmtm, 'wheat. egatit th. that eoloYed hY :iie mill rs oi v - ' - .7. ~ ...i hgaCrir: 4 cal 9 • /if adasterSl I burro' i Michigan - and the Canada.% Chow:au:l ! , - ,` "L ,; -. . - 4.. -- a ' • Milwaukee Is with the East , West and Mouth, 1 .."'"' - France. . bar facilltlesfor illstabathag the link Matto I .......` ---...................."'"-- andrecielpod there, are second tu no e city. ' - we preterit aTew statistics of the floor man. ntacturlng intarests an d she Cream City, the names of sbe milla their ilallylimadu, Meta[;.:. - mew MC1........... 6011 Phomix 11111 ....... 25e Atlantic Mitt.. .... Ana K i1e0urn , 11111...... . ti _,,,,,n,,, suix...atuj,,;„., 01.,1 , 11.41/a WM. .... . .... lgi MiWer Street Mill.. are City 1111 1 ............ .......... 150 Telles, Warehouse MO Upper Atilt ......... . „ico Dr! 61•Odil ataikaa. • ;rtsW YOZI4 AO' Ce—Tbe following ere the • jobbers' prroewt. The market is boteeiriy open. oa. Xdown. 1 3heetlzipt—ep . ,pletell w i dth , • -.23 ; da, c;wleth 38, ie; do, so,lwldth 39, Z; do. • .It , Wlltb 27,14 y Augusut, width 38,2.11d0.,widtb go. if* Jeeoed way, Width W,g1,1. Shirts-1.17. .I..etanderd Mess *Wirtz No; AS, per (totem. idea Zio; -- Ire, Per dozed;t o. 2io.2l, per doze . Papas Conan!! o mwP o .-.4 11 uorePed7;Double Extra, ritriv.Gorruireted;edlver,Cozeepted r ste Gerrren &Mtn', Savor Corrugated o French romonollod. 021deudth; Hoffman ••,br•Ve..Yatent • YereplratlottXreele 8 9r 0 b,,4111; Medawar% 444 Cialf,47:4 late 20 perveni:' op fildruii...•Ered .lore•Zoplex7.Ediptid, rer dOZen bOODs; tglf r ea 111406i•Jiradiere EApron Wall, per dozen hoovs, cy2l; Jepere' .I,'whte nines red ORA Mycre'l. X:l4 narrow tepee, Mark, , c!!t::= Orman os rue Prescatnton (S airs, i ' MOIDAT, duly 10, not $ i The neer creatinnee to recede steadily at The Peodt:tee Markets continue dull and tie- this point, with about twenty eight Inches in greeted, with but little doing, except . a re _ , the channel by the marks Met evening. tail way, while Prieto remain emey ea ny ur ,_ I We bad several shower, of rain during the changed. afternoon, which refreshed the atmosphere, BRAIN-Wheat is dull, with sale. of I car and laid the dust. 11110raukee Club at 0,15„ and Ido Minnesota There has not been a single arrival from Club at $2,17. Oate'Very.dull, but not quotably below since our teat report. The New State lower; Cale 300 boob Ohio, on track, at 50, and left for it heeling, as dill also the Elector and eel bushels from store at 53. No. 1 Chicago Gallat i n for Brownsville Tire Chieftani r tij e PL Oats Offering at. 1 ...Win Corn is doll and noo- A brews, net the Fayette, Capt. Cox, a th e Inal at 70 to 70. No movement whatever In 1 -wider packet.. for Browneville and ",„ eve live or Barley. I tel. evening leaving promptly at 5 o 'clock . 1'7.01711-1., firm, with a moderate In. ' C..pt. I'. H. Gobitng, of the America, and cal demand but unchanged Sales from store Lam hal. Event, of the Wettmorelan e Al, an .t 010 to 010,70 for Spring Wheat., $ll to $11.50 her, visiting their female. __Tl . A . txt ra. eat a l7 for half Spring and half Winter; and $l2 to isid up at St. Louis, end the ti $12,30 for all Matte. Cornineal is dull at ulncinuati. 04 per bbl as Is oleo Rye Flour at $6,5e. The Louisv il le Journal, Of SatordaY, nays: PROVISIONS-Bacon is stead) a Ith Mir Joh- The 41, Thompson, towleet, Capt. John J. bine demand at 17 to l7ts for shoulders, I.lts Parrish, came town the river bringing get diSu for 12.1,1,m1 Sides • , 23 for Plain Hams Sorrel. of t.rotle petroleum i Wia. Stone & and 2.3i,i5i , 213 for Sugur Cured Lard In doll at ho., and two barges tit t, about 1700 barrels ;pot, lot ,!; 3 . ~ a ie.s of country at 0t1221 for the Ohio Salt Company, R. R. Newborn, Mean Pork is held at 433;50, told there Is not agent. The Thompson came along scraping m v touch ineptir. on almost e vory bar, and working over by POTATOEIS-Comitig In more treeiy, and i main force. &bout the time that Capt.Par °Goes area 5110110 lower, ranging from 12,75 to , rich got sore the ricer oommenced torte°, 11 3 ,z per bbl, na LO ynallty. i and even coal boats could come down easily. API'LES-Prime ripe Apples arc in good de- Capt. P. sayi. It does not make much differ lard tout sell readily at 4 4 , 1 0 to 1 , per bbl, once, tor ho eau run Ills boat where there le a , iv.. unripe fruit to, in hardly sell at any 1 heavy doe. Having delivered her load safely, mice the thomp•on s het ;.ark h im ulg, i ~ a t- ln better supply and a ailed° lower, The Now Albany ledger says; " . 1 .1,0 et s pay at 22, and some buyers The Indiana daring the peat four months, ,efore. to pay above 21. 1100 cleared over %MAO to the Louisville and 111. - TTER-There lb considerable inqulrt t.ni hes Orleans trade. She has proved a regular .00 , . e¢ grater at ttleos, and prime treall fir- ,told mine to Capt. Stilt Neal. ,in Better may be qnoteil at 21459 , The Louisiana, when she laid op, paid over ' ' t het at,.l.'..nn .I ,• .a iled, d- te her .wee n• the iwxyals of th e , ~. v , it , 1 ,....., ~, scales, ~,,,,,,, of i.l tint. b ,iii mist teas, ltJa,eue. During the season She Ci e hitrf, at pa. I penned, we are told, over $7OOO In repair* and Eh ED,. of 15 hush Flaxseed at al per , dterations of di ff erent kinds. Capt. Holleroft Mull, und It Is warileil at Let, Ilnure. fit. 1 popular New ()deans packets during the coat- No ti and 51r. Lazter will make her one of our most mend whatever for Cloyet, and but very de for Timothy. I mg reason stuckey, Twomey a Co., of the American Pirrranottuit poriaoLEWil neucKET. I founder), .111 put into the boilers of the Alax, i over the tire surface, the new r.yle six feet 0/FlO6 ON TUX PITTSBAIIIOI3 IiA.ILTTII., plate.. These These plates are bound . Y anpereede I !nab loam! two feet sheets. Mon DS r. July .9.1, ltak, The Louisville Courier, of Saturday s¢ n: CRUDE-There were but comparatively (oat 'Ow transactions in crude to-oay, though Stitt. Roberts came In direct from Pittsburgh Thuraday evening, with fl fee _ were Is still considerable Inquiry, hat It is cowl for this market, f .1101 'f ester) ' o .t f i meetly for resets, delivery, and sellers de not the Tout Jones, Hornet. Ileum/ ,Star Star, A. ' .l. seem disposed to contract ahead to tiny great Baker, Is J. Higley. Stella snit Alpe-all with extent. Prices remain enamored, though Eteelr,, .awned d tow of cont. The majority of the fleet for points below, and it e think some holders are endeavoring; to establish All they will be enabled to descend the falls. Mt ;tee°, but thus far, without sereess. Sale Thu Sous lioberts,with a lot of empty barges, of toe obis, on the spot, at 12i$, 1 returned to Pittsburgh Thernday night.s3 do at 12t4, ; and 500 for August delivery at 17tt„ packages I 'feet r • • J hereunto Sti I I i 4111) Li.-There are six Falls, 0 sister In 1.. eitetonlmat pass over the included. We have no late advice. from 011 .l, anti 1.11.1,4 slowly. The steamer. Hen , ton and Da,lnt eat li a barge in tow, passed Coy, le $.1,150A,20, and dull. From the cwt theta 13 0re ,. 111 Fans. lii r, , nothing new wor by of special nonce, one we , or ,„ n 0 ,,, ,'" ,'',"“",,... - rivrt , from, y ‘ Pi n itl . p:.isul., that it I. there Ills a is horn s ' s 4 iii • ' phli:, - IV 1 - Ifi r T'n't -" 1 5 Ii. st.:te rn e e r r. ol . e t r ' n ' ln% tZt o a . r . 01 ; Lair i came up over It,,' Folio, hound for Clnclunatt REFiNED-There was again considerable t ai InTile Tow Jones, •teLla.Horntt. Tlgreaa and A. Ire,ry for bondeg oil to-day, both for present and (Inure delivery, but the extreme views of 1 Baker are dell In.d for the South with their rosters has a tendency to retard operations coal; not others will retina with empty barge le Ihe event of the termination of the Eel,. 10 Pittsburgh toelay. There lea general rush oil war, it is generally conceded than „ far the "r, the ' , tool , , t , all oro amino.' to g et through ~, fl:appreciate materially in value, as the dm le r,• thi ricer falls, an 1.0,1 J. there 4 . :gut nim increased in would be increas and adeitiOrtal 1011, to the caannel fec c lit•I • bare to he auppllectt. Sale of 300 Mils for Ihe Dubuyae Herold of the With says it5 ..‘, 1 ., ha1 ,,,,, l of , . .b r uy_u_s . f.,_d . sl . l .. 7 .. r . e , d , in • _ _1111 ,,,.. 1atie . 1) .. ,1its 1 , ‘ , 3 , 1 , 1 , ' , ' ,.Y1, ‘ ,., ' ' r 0 1., t , h r ',, N ,:, I f V , ~. 1 I,' P. , , P , '" ;, k. " , t , „ , C 0 ° ., " ' 1 ' The "r '',,..„...;',..,'..,....'. n 7. .... .n .. ..: :. ‘....... • f.,!,:.T . 72 `f,t, t': Molds nu the Phil sheritlan strimk Sunday. _,.."1 - 71:,, n `T d `lint:z t. :7- or it: n i: . v ro y n o:tO o . 'v r lst,t,' iin host lent lag with only thiee teen to ham "' 11, freight Thce.e on til t o followed imy at 44i$ for December, whirl( is an 11,1 Y Mi. ti .1111 )r. , ..rc1.i!., iced 0 ill no doubt be hell/Steil al, Ci.ll.ll,lred With the latest sabot for I let !, tar hey lay , crew flit. morning The / email No movement to free oil a• 3el A IiIIIVALS -The arrivals 0(011 since our men h "'Suer, g i lo g lair wares-071 It montit-b , O word t han the Northern Line lest report,as re pays ported to day,wtre as ielle,, ~ Raster & Allison.. 660 Fisher a Bro 344 gud 'an ' 44" I,ol.Pen uoek ...... .. 10 W untie it King 55 Wallace S. Levitt.. 5 fetal 7.7 STF A WROATS. ExChanges.Baiances. .g 27 738 St .81,8621 01 .... 804,157 se loi.aes 0, 73,450 se 69,696 .... 948,2Z7 76 55,7 x.) 66 =AN/ 60 60,61= L .:.. Y14.7.%5 69 60,967 47 ...$1,634%060 83 4 , 430,30. 4 45 1110 , -=-,-- ti/LNIK Boston "Poo Market. IJITTSBURGII, BROWNS- jig ' .s. TELLS AND VA U.S. HAIL 1 Boston, .lul y :A .— The market rules firth for • .x .. ....a..camicrx. corshcce , • ~ pig iron, with very small stock s of the do- I affill run tures daily 'ode-wheel atentneta between ' [nestle made article in the hands of the trade. rltt.;intrlC:inlan....M.:l,/ZL.a.Ce%9•...B.tzgriritligartde...°4 henry consumers bought olutact largely in ex-' '''.. ”IK • Kes ' iuns ' Thir line is composed of the following ' ne,..ation of increased tariff rates, and the I ‘‘.‘ ,... r i, . Pennaylvanis rankers hare their hands full Ir,yEr TE CAPT. H. A. Oa. ..1 ..rdors which they aro not able to 0111u1- f phgiitupqi CAPT. D. BOG H 1.41. methately. Consequently there ore very few FRANKLIN CAPT. E, W, CA RNIAC open A large lots on the market; and with eon- . IiALLATIN CAPT. .s. CAR.I.I,E. a s n a i ec+ grly stocked, on l ys mall ones err . These partets Tull leave . ffitta w l7%gl i t t :la d ig .. .c. „‘ i I r . ; needed for present use. The supply of Scolmi '.: l ilr. r .,,..., ,, „„ , -, v e r p...d Y. . I -outlier than usual In most of the .Atlontic : Th e through auk for the Oil iloglona will lease pir D, some of the chOlce brands are out of ; pis,„ rg , d.rty at I ~.., ~,,,,,....rge g . , ‘ 1 0 . ~, the market; though there is a sufficiency of SA. th. good y ones for ,present wants. The article . Ile .rmirwo—Leaves Brownsville for Iffitaburgh symathise, with the advance in the Engllsh ' daily at 7a. m. awl • p. a.. .uarketn, but is not quotably higher. ' Leaves Oreenduce nod (coneys at II o'clock; • it lee,. Landing at :p. te Alannfuetureci iron Is quiet, but firmly ' r „ e „„ ~ ~„.,,., of „.... ~,„,„, hed. 1 steamers. built expressly for the trule. They are scotch pig is arm, with sales of No. I in 1 coAtinatithAl by °Ulcers of long caperien., who small lots trout store, fit Stoops) per ton, for . will pay partlcular attention to the wants and corn- Egllnton and Glengarnocishrurnls. .tutericati now of passengers. rue beau will leave promptly , ininirlldemand and firm, moth 111111,4 11l lots . !fie hoe .4 t er.lisv•l s , ~,,,,,,71 f or uy, a, sigiftst f pt,, 1.,n fur ~,,. m r . tlt LIG HT. Rita El VAP AT ALI. HOURS. :Les en t number'. Charcoal pill It selliug at It ; V" r".‘":;•P--"...,,-7.,;.-rirIT, A.,„, --go or .4'47° per ton cash, the l ' ..tr ama 'At tar Wharf- fish[, loot of ti rant at., ffittaintrgio. rules for Vermont and car wheel Iron. Rat L. COLVIN, Agent i .r.m Is dull at late advance, nith sales Eng- . men.blen Brownsville. la. :nob and A rr.urictm at SIDDICA) per toll for COM- ' ' 0,011 stud .I . lfiela. for refined. Railroad Iron ' I . I IEOPLES' id a iii I , us demand at 0z.:456 per ton gold, tor Hug- g_ t. and WITCO currency, far American. 1.101- LINE OF STEAMERS, lot plates are selling at no for flange..., no for L. Au. 1. and 5 1 4, nor Pr for common tank. ltuu "is sheet I....tirm, with sales In lot, from stot e IINCIMPORATED.) AL .:-.F.plue per lb. English and American 'lO : pi„,.b orgh,vl.l .... bei. city. 8r0 ,...._ veiling itt. &Dine per lb Nain nre 'Telling ' I a n d Gell e r . “' ' ' llt4; , - • per IL. lur assorted usesßoUrtto ri d , ; ...pant win run e dally beet between the New York /Produce Market. slot. c points. coincrl•ed of the new and splendid , . ode-whet:l steam...rt. cliffs rTaIN. IL H. A IinADIS NCH' 1 . 3,133 . : July du.—Cotton ht. advanced commander. sad ELIO:TOE, lomelle Plithadra, (Mir lc: 37451.49 c for Middling Uplands. Flour ; commander. (The El«rtur le now twlait coati:doted :lc:hand declining, at a,:h.5 tor Extra state, ht. , will h 3 k.. h ,, Pt•ce In the lint la a few dart.) fr ,,. ! The Chleftaln 11 ieave Pittsburgh for all Into 6 .i. , ;..4 , ' 55 for E= l,- . .- ~• L'- , 4° ` 9)dli t 7s " - ! on rl' o sit .1 Ys 1111.1EL/A Ye aad ISAIIDAYIS Cl ado Br Atot s,t lie marker closing dull. W Sisk }y „,, "is . " ii,,,,",;„,,,,.,... ~, , ~,- , Ti. ror mi doll and nominal. IYheat—roolup's 1..-no ht-sh nv tb•NDYS, WY.ON titiLAY'S and lfltdri b M ,all, heavy rout nominal. Bye Load}, al % ' at .e. M. and Brownsville at IV. Y. tta.ja for Waat.ant. I ;pr.—receipts 70,5,9 bush "Tto: El; choir lesvos MON DA li , WEDNESDAY --i he market. 14 - 2 c. b./ wer; e.Seic for ant, •nd klilli AY,ats r. i keit; rallig ; Italvt Genet a , for soum , ..,,,, 1 w e „,,,, g ,,d gz, c p . ,,. f 4 l'lttomegb re E,I, AY. Ili littnDAY nod 13AT 4eetern. Oahs--ruchtipts 21,7:43 hush—market C. ItOAY at 0•. w. and d raw nsvilte at 4r. Y. II: h and le lower; 4.stlelic for Clileago, 4. 4 4;:0t. ! ..,I;`,;.:i;M'eU haze le,-,`-""t.witli"—! I: MI) A nukes, land 544.57 e for low, Sugar ~,,,,4 ~,,g , L i i 1,,,,,, :.;„,,,,,..:ZT:c0...,.1.,,k17,, :, , ,ly, axles :SO bads Cahn at 13(tt 113 e. Moto:sews F. Ti ll . freight. !old, l'ithroteum dull, ltils@2tki. for rude, and . s line will net ron boats on the trabhath. :J ;Se for Helloed in Bond. Pork opened dal! Tor Curtner particulars enquire on board, or to hr., closed More rinnly; 131,aW1,00 for si c , ' " ! •14.11.0 i b. OWN all MADAM, Agent. at and Wharf Mess, clhoong at $3450 for ...eh; /gel for Uhl do , 1 I;o.f f. ,,, f nr , lrhitl stroo , tottlatimd and ar/70 . 27,7S for 11 stmt' also 1,(01 bble Nen . - - . - --- - __-- htess, for September, buyers' option, at en ' voia l, 40 , Ip. 40 S AL ..IL, NI. Meal steady. Beef limns nOminal. Cut Meals . ...- I tut; 14,116.-4 c. for Shoulders, and 181:421e for lianas. iiacon doll and heavy. Lard firmer ! atl.a . t.W.6.c. Butter gulet., at "3.o,Vishe for Ohio, d 274,140 e for SOW. Cheese doll at StElne. l Oswego Ilatekell. i oear toe, July -,ll.—Flour Unchanged; ie , su i Agricultural Land Bcrip for Sale. tor No. I Spring; $11611,50 for Heal Winter; 111 ' ter Villa., and 113614 for Double Extra. 1 Wheat. dull; fialetl, early (Jra No. 1 Milwaukee , 1. lull at 01,9 o; Mixed Milwaukee sl,lwit.i. After . LOU receipt of the foreign newel, mallet!). No. 1 al 11 waukee Club sold at $1,90. Corti quiet anti i THE ElliiTED STATES OVIER.St•. nominally lower. Canal froighla lower. Corn , .a.. id ENT haviug granteal to the Commonwealth of Ida to New York. F . ...fir/U0.2 Led nee). J Platte . ,cre! n u num.. LAIld, for the endowment of Agri cultural l'olkges lo this S_Lat, the Board of Com aw.adoncra now offer this Laud Serie to the public. Prt.f.owals for tb• pa rchar. of this' Land B.lp, adl dreasa,l in —The Hoard of Commissioners of Agri cultural Land racrip,•• will he received . tamer.- tee.. General•• Unice. at Ifarrisburg, until Philadelphia Market. ria:LADELPIIIA, July M.—Flour has a dechn lig tendency; super 1ai,117 , i07,72; extra '4.3c4 Wheat very dull and declined lc. quiet; yellow 92; mixed 'eastern 21 23 . Coffee arm. Cotton dull; middling uplands W. Pro visions steady. Lard dull at 21. Whisky ;lams at $424 for Pennsylvania and 0,22 for 0010. Baltimore Market. LIALTINOWL, July W.—Flour quiet said Wltl,lt ti.W. Wheat active; sales of white at amtlf2 42,90, and red at $1.,6501,72. Corn dull; Wake, t/.10@1,12. Oats dull at 45447 c. Protislona trm. Alms Pura, $3. Widakeiy steady; Pauli iylvarda, 412,234 Mt. Louis Markel. Sr. Lorne, July 30.—F1onr very unsettled; 'i.!/ extra, KM; double extra, 09,150@1a,00. , Vbeat heavy; 11,7 for for good to choice. lora, loer; mixed ye/low, intlabe,• allna, 9 411 Prorlalone and Whlstoy unchanged. Balrala Market. hr 'Nato, laly 30.—Flour and Wheat qahr aea unchanged. Corn, miles TACO hue. at Cr.c. .htte; held Chicago 8701.4 ct 42410:'. laricY end Rye nominal. Pork, indsocalock Wt 21o • Whiskey unchanged. Ciraclanati and llrw. • p Ti r , 4. l 3 o , n r . .—Wtatikey uncltang.-d .tacon ski., at IZ4i Lard, 19;4. Go/u, 1.. INSMLINCR .1. W. THOMPSON & CO, Second Mem., *markets tha irlicraziati. ISt. ,1K mg, Mrl 4b7 maw num • • fai EFt E L INasu /UST CLAM C OLIPA,IdEti. at raw.,s equal:it'll/ &Mufti .24 primptli • Aucanr Ars Xtni Life Tomlin - ea ContmemetZt Mod. tn. .atoettcaw /Ire latwoora, Itartford, OS. ford, C. co c to act Piro lasorasoa Ocdopawn : of Hart- Now ihtirlaad Pits Insufwitew Company. of Hart* ford, Ct. nittgal-iaW2 M= MEE MI Pll TOISPRGH OMNI , • -40 • • ‘• 7 -• _ PENSYLVIA Wednesday, August lay 1866. This land ma. be }pealed ld any State or Territo ry.. by the Golden of the surly, upon any of the un appropriated lands leacept mineral land.) of the iii` t e e d States ...bleb may be subject to sale at p,l - entry. Each piece of scrip represents a year .tecion of our - hundred at slaty acres. Bids mu be made as per acre, and no tklAts wad be re. celled for less thou one livarter aecdoo. Too Scrip will be lesurd lamedlatcly en the pay ment of the money to the surveyor littoral, one third of which must ne paid Within ten days and the rell:l6lothi two-thirds *Mb Wyly daye after notl neatton of he anceplaone of the bid or bids by Um Board of Columbutionera J. N. CAMPBELL, Surveyor General, =EI For the Board o!CorniPlo•lon.r. HEA, JR., COMMISKOS MERCHANT IN FLAMM 11,11441348kut IIACON • LARD SIMS Mabeartp Bta•eet. fiels:l7. Pnleilloll.oll. PA Wg Ao. 66 Federal Street, ellteghenfi. CARPENTER AND JOBBING, All work eatrarted to 111$ of.. Anti Wetwith Ororopt A tten t lon to eltborrily. /112:11,3 lEW=2 & Coy •Plia w iti v iitic i :: arra ilLabazzpa*LsvandiVgiarry !Ira roetrawb ~a erry and Lemon ton latlrrs fit:ll4if gar th,"ToTitT bu b Vac% 514. ilea/fOLT oT.,.neat beau no, Plttr ..o,..lgdoeb.r:LiLor,dba4d stopped to all pans of the Coon lolludtt•dkol* GENkila - y 3 :krewsalrawklaa.6 Calltoo. n. G. GIGNIALNUNELSO. Cl,ll Eng beer & Solicitor of Morrie. PBT.III =Tel, Oroc., No, Ili Bt. Clair.[. Itoahleuee, 14 Hay at. 131.. Louts, July titb, MPG." 5 leir i t r atrtaut S o fil l ' lo ads h. Hutkl u 1 llouo p &Jlwar Company, lr6a=tll.l' Ol:fiGtZJEntroNt cooxs a Cu,, In New Tork, on or after that nate, jya:ge Mid. J. PA,LIIIIIIt, Treaaurey 1 410Dilet cm 11116. 2.ra rond:anol i tteeti Baer: one.. ;00 dil?..prtruarrenirnw fotatoes; OiD nolau Fanny Branna, atom: 940 pounds char./ado BaNan, 'natant - boo pounds 11,4 Country loop, attlrel mu bone. Roalnl7Osp, In motel : .10barrelawlinu Morgliont: NM bushels Knuth mean.: 1 barrel pure linantain-Db!eliterita. ratting. lifatore for sale by le/mll • 183.1.1berty• treat. - 22ST. CLAIII STREET. 22 PEBBLE OPECT#CILES. . sutawouszthattgbii:6, BT V &WIT/ Ora IVirAcgsa MEI/IKM ETERS, MIRO Is4N neviliwil- Enaint44,lVatarp, ratittrirAZ - 2.315 t. C.1.1r area.. BONDS AIIIDMORTGAGEIj — iwa n 0. 41 (qr the Pil°1!4!; • • ". . . . $5 OO / $ /AO, $ l O O O O /'l 5 /0 00 .f /OAK% Par one. two talc- - InAit b MIT!' & ' ,SH AFFER% l'- CARRIAGE ANDV4I: Moo, nsancr_ 416114 5744 , 1 0. 0.004.z.;=,, (awn. ib Eammotaipaumg 7_,-- 1, e Karla.) ITIVEIIIM I is. PA. • asmbai:s :IF CPI'S, SR 1 MEWS BOOTS, Bova' Boots, Yes,s' Boots, Lulu' Getters, Ladies' Ba MUMS AND orrizainzars BOOTS, RALAIORALS AND GAITERS, At Reasonable Rates, SOUTH a ROSS, mr2:1,368 ThMaka-lx.ct IStrect. SEMPER PABATUtI PRO BO NO PVBIIOO Tet they say 'tle,:a heinous crime the way boll n ls . - on dusted. Some asY It Is murdering the trade. Others Bay it Is against his own interest:: We don't beheve it. Let um sed what the true state of stairs is. The Muth is Mils: That _there is a new establishment, neatly fitted up, at No. ley Market street, Pittsburgh. over whieli CI. MAHAFFEY preside, and le wrildb boots and . shoex arr i sid r ildgl eetottish the natives. W. " 1,41; il4e o yi% ' the mite. of a lbw articles, while all other erticies are soli eorrespondloglv low: La dies• Congress lAstiox goiters selling at $1.50; La dles' dewed Morocco Boots at 110.00; Men'. Congrese Lasting Clatters at $2,50; Children's Slippers Si itic,• Children's Morocco steers at MX. A large lot of uent's prime dee calf haimorais sled gaiters Just re teived and selling exceedingly low. In addition to his he keeps any article In the boot or shoe line, and manufactures to order Ladies' (Moires. lasting gaiter morocco boot. ladles' and gentlemen'. ran g cloth embroideredslippers. Likewise gent' s 0r,,; cies. calf boots mde to order $1.50 lower than toy other drat ties house in the city. Lasts fit up lit the feet, o which we would advise every man to have of his we. Ladles and IL gent's fancy_ cloth li epper u silk em sale. Where. mmalstappers, the crime. If In broider. for selling low, we plead guile,; and by selling tow we expect to preserve ofr own Interests. and make quick miles and many Loom. Inviting you to call and see the you:melees we leave the subject with you. MCI ===EM f i ADIES , BALIPIORALB* L.Alles' Congress Gaiters, Ladles' Kid Heel Slippers, Blen's Calf Boots, Men's Calf Balmoral's, Men's Calf Gaiters, Men's Calf Oxford Ties, BOY; YOUTHS', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S 33040 0 14211 .A.M.TX:I 111111X0E11111 la tray Variety, at Re amble Prim at 61 MARKET STREET J. ♦. ROBINSON & CO GREAT EXCITEMENT AT Federal Street, Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, AT REDUCED PRICES, 3zic.o.Dxsimr , r4cocnxusi GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. Je2l A LARGE AND FRESH ARMY - AL SINAI BR BOOTS, BIIOEB, GAITERS, allnd Baliegorals, Just recol•ed, sad will be sold Ist the VERY LOW EST PRICE'S, either Wholesale or lteLaiL Urn US ♦ CALL Bltrualt PvaCarsarso Esse& Wuxi". J. U. & W. C. BORLAND, o!, Market street, 24 door from PIKE St. 131,11. Coon!, IrIELDIN 0 C FIELDEITO & BRO., "" ""1"4. • Manufactorere and Dealers In Chineetcagsa. ZlR.ociso BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 110 Ohio Bt. , Allegheny. licPMrlog promptly executed on the shortest no- Je7.12 NEW HOOT AND SHOE STORE .ro• 24 81. Ciair Street. A Gres &ad trea &elected Gock of LADIES', GENT b sod c'HILIGLANIs GAITERS, MALMO. RALS, GA., which witi &old at the LGWENT PRIDES. lapeSollausell) JOIIN SNODGRASS. I"ENTS , FINE CALF BOOTS AND CON(eItEAS GAITZItik at myli J. W. CIaIiNAIELiN CO** Ulltarket at. L AW lEW FINE DALBWISAL, CONOR6B3 GAITERS, at mita J. W. I.IAILN • Halt • • tPaU tamitat at. —-- - - . _ . . LAU gEs'FINE KID BOOTS, at .1. W. CAA/la/lan a OU'al, El Martel a.. LADIES' FINE KID SLIPPERS el J. W. 0.0.1Levi.114.1% A OURS. lts Market in. AUGUST SLIGAZINES. THE MAGAZINES FOR AMIDST. ALL DIME NOVELS. SONO 80089, Z. ALL THE LATE PAPERS. ALL THE NEW BOORS. STATIONERY AND BLANK BOOK% AT JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, 59 Filth St. Blasanic Hall Jr 24 pwrsomba BLUE 1.4.E.AL13. b We d ig now Pro Pored to fOrnish MLA 752.A.19DM1D 331..17313 Z•3083ZO; For Bottum4s 9 me. promptly and In any annotitY• Alf?, f:=Argliouplig.T.gtetti.P.vroßk. T. IL NE VIN & CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market sts. #lHan IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLEGIIIINY COUNTY. No. 4. tear& Term. 1060. In the matter or the Pant Lion of the Rent MI-. " rn2int v w °° ,lo wii, maa "" SOTIVIIitnO excel:4lone haw len Oren abed to the Inqulsltlon returned by the sheriff In thin rase, •• anDrwred Jose 111, lent, the name le eounnned ebeoluseOrl ettd, on nseklrs Of Thom.as twlyt , licorne,for nruooDers,, ita,CaT frt!algno la _ t .rta role a BANUrti IV-n:4%4V_ reel ioseaM a. a. to r e acept or refuse the raw estate at the valuattosi theeof, or claw. cause why the UM. should not be sold according to law,_llrust win lob. no of the snore rude. BY TIM CUUNT, Attests W. A. liShanst, Clerk. WToOm W .V.lrels oos, s k P ll " ;) u ,T rgh'j WlS 01 E 7 :IP IT. twee. li • J. H. JOHNSTON , Ara. and Dealer Fine Miles and 81101 - GUM; th h g.INZATIWISMY!r mi us." I4 ApdAMIK L EMEI,VaIv mores Ininsisbsd arms al snort VL Y e ithairAftrimitVu atr i at best manner. • • irepossrs: r boi.tbs pl i t i o n or w • lainern PITTI(DIJaan',W.,!S°t" man= ROME, Phuadaphta. a b z'aviqvreAvrovatmiesext MA trrisa . qa fir i gep.ed Fre C II IIVFIti4 nik t„.-",4--- , cin uozinfou, - u -; - r., joiatem....olemmtut.ittarDAraothill..ft' S "L " al'iltrAsriarlat•gise• 14, 440,7,., :z ...rfarzn-- .1f....p...7. - .. et so. Hops . 0115. 011 T Controller,: FRUIT VANS son aaoaai, mama cumaccapor. sa a wounala /MAIO WHEELER,. & WILSON'S LOCK STITCH hutUVitt We woeld advise •taan to forego a thresher and thresh wheat with a tall ratter than to we a wife wear her health, vigor amt life away In the crerlaating "stitch, stitch. when a Sewing &Lachine can be ob tained. The %THEE:LES & WILSON le an Invaluable aid In every household. We have bad several different &Judson taint. and after sit ♦ cerelee the WHEELER & WIL SON has taken the precedence a., the beet a litre all ►?lids of sewing are to be dote In a famtly.—Ameridast ArieletaLerfai. These machines have MORE IMPROVE MENTS, MAKE LESS NOISE, are MUCH MORE SPEEDY and SIMPLE In operation Wan any Machine In the market. WM. SITMNER & CO„ Na 27 Filth Street 823 BAIL TLETT SEWING MACHINE, h 7 all who have seen 11 the simplest machine unw before the patole. it Is as effective aid durable ea It Is almple, and as practical as it Is durable. It has but to be seen to de admired. and used to be appreciated. It com bines the clement, of Perfect Practical Machine, .lad Is offered at a price within the range of nearly every family In the lar The only low priced klimMlito to the Relied States licensed to nee the WHEELER & W MOH N EED —the best and only reliable Feed ever constructed. 101 - SAL ES M N WANTED. • - "Ir els $3 4 001717332 , /13, WHOLESALE AGENTS, No. 6S Fifth Street, . p CM= GROVER &. BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES Have been awarded the FIRST FRESIMAIS at the foPottlng rain for the year First Preadult] for best klaohtne work at Penna. .ate fair. MiSiMZM= Fir...y.1321nm ior hest &aid,. Mochin'e at Ohio air. Fire' Premium for Lett Manufacturing Machine at .111 n rtatu Fair. i'ir.ti'reinitim for beat Manufacturing Machine at plduan State Fair. First erenikituri for burl Manufacturing Machine at laconsiu Stale Fair. First Premium for beat Ifanufacturingklaxhine at Lawrence County Fair, Pa. First Premium for heat Machine for general pur poF s in e, at l' Lawrence County Fair, Pa. - d n alum for best Family Machine at Bock. County Fair, Pa. First Premium for beet Mannfutoring Machine at Backe Cranky Fair, Pa. -First Preuttunt for best Manufacturing and idachlue ateloringlield Fair, Ohio. First Premium for best Manufacturing and Fami ly Machine at Palmyra Fair, N. Y. Pint Premium h r beat Manufacturing and Faint -17.21w-bine st Suffolk County Fair. N. Y. r , rst Premium. for boat kisnufacturin• and Fami lyFiMathremlumh fo y best M n a ty ine r for all at Allegheny County Fair, Pa.. purposes First Premnam for beat Manufacturing knell's.. at Allegheny County Pair. Pa Pint Premium for nest Maclaine work at Allegheny County Fair, Pa. And sllnlOTer exhibited. A. F. CHATONEY, ■ocr.:eudxs_ No. 111 Fifth Street.. Pittsburgh .;=. 4,, ..-,:t. ~.':!;.. t.. zi uin - ".0 • , ''''Ll - :; LI '44 SO 1 % r.l .5.-E4 A ~ .-i t3f, .t4E L 4. 1q`71:i.5 .71 , ,r.72 --e.3. =;''— ° -it• ' - ',E• _!ws ;=...—t. =S" c f, 0 ~.... ..t-A.:5., ._, g % .i.>'.l. 1i.7:2_ =.' • .i,l" " . ..6 , ?.. E-21; . :! 1 C.lO ' , ,:., , ag-- , 7 1 -4,-.:.1 K E , !! M EdWil l !i: - . .. ;t Gla * !: Iliaa i i : c. - . : 1 wn t4!=fl.4==%;2:=. 6 M 1 r ..... 2. A.: , t-41: ; tr, ?ggil; N.s.g .. PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. THE BkiJOßillti, NEW YORK MEI Schonsacker 1r co. Philadelphia .IPI.ELIVCOIS, The Eatey & Co• Cottage Organ, LEM AMERICAN ORGAN, Acknowledged be the best musical talent In Mr United States to be superior to all others In power. purity and quality 01 tone, and thorough workmen sht_p. ['nese Instruments have tor year. taken the trot premiums over al. compoLltors. at the verlous State and Cottety rain. In prices they are lower then any others. All warranted for See years. - MCI G BASIL, Zi No. lel St. Clair street, Pitternewit. PA. j‘ NABE GR.AND PIANO--Th ft üb mite., baeestwecolval Wrote K noire t CO. • MEb RIME OCTAVE 011.112:11e P IANO. With solid itownsoal Mould's:4o, elegant/7 carved CA4tOeso and pedal; threw 'triers to each now. This Maim:went possosee• ell t he the Improvements jeteuller WI the N . heabo, I Is unquestionably the .nest Piano co% r brought to this cfty. the silent/WV - Of the pub/leis especially directed to te shove immanent nt. ibuilAr be; BUT/IE, O r t iAltgi t tr e e n ek tki stg 0 octe t . lLnaa co, 's U rad. OrsavN:lokola49:):lii WE. THE SUBMCIII sive " tata clay cut seed tate a Limited Partecraille, aivecablyto the provisions of the act of Aseatobly paceed the let day of March, UM. The partuenhip to be conducted ashler the name of lIILLLZB, BARB & PARECLN i In the Cats of Pittstmegh, mid for the purpose of manufacturing and lITZEL and In product.. The general partnere are REUBEN HULLER arid CRAB. PARKIN, of the City of Pittsbareh• whd OKO. W. BARB, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. The special partners are bAKUEL 11. KIWI and SAMUEL DUFF, of the Borough of samrencivillc. Each of the notelet partner, bare contributed Twelve Thousand Five Hun !red Dollars to cash. The Bala partnership to continence ou the FIRST DAY UP JANUARY, MS, and to termin.se on the THIRTY-FM? DAY OP DECEMBER, ISM MURRY KILLER, ORO. W. BARB, Oeneral nuttier, CHAS. PARKIN, h, KIER. t SAMUEL DUMP s, " d ' d jeISAISO MARSHAL'S SALE. BY VIRTUE OF A WRIT OF osadairuef gepeator Issuedout of the Disteict Court of the Celled Mates for too Western District. of Pennsylvania, and lonia diretted, I will eYIIOIIO to Publics sale, at toe Custom House, In tb City of Plftsburgh, on the il.ggit DAY OF - .I UtiUnT, hies, et go•elOglk T. et. a ll the right, title. elaim and in. tereet of Hook it Wise of, in and to the following oeseritied prOperty, One Distillery and the lot ofground on which the eame is tweeted, and all the buildings appurtenant thereto. One copper distill, ono steam engine sad boiler, one mash tub with Oaks, four loge ferment• lontobe, one r.oent and tub, three beer tube. Lo ge..? with other tubs, pipes and laxttirrs to Said distillery. Alto, seventy-two barrels of WPlsicey. All of the salt/ property ls situated Frank/In township, Oreene.eounty, ps., sun Will thew, be dellvered to the purchaser. belied and taken In execution no the property of Hook & Wise, at the suit of ths United hiatus. ALEXANDiaI kIHRL(1011, Marshal klaitellat.4l OPTICS, Pittsburgh, July and, f TN TRU COURT OF QUARTER lIESSIoNiti OF ALLSOIRENY COUNTY. lu the matter of the extensionof tihingias t ruer, la I thNNe t.lty of Pittsburgh. No. 1 1 of march &slam., And noir, P Juno 2d. lad% n motion of J. P. Slagle, Attorney for the City or Pittsburgh, W. W. Thom son Is appointed Esntulner to gene the testimony le d th a eb n o o v t e ccea.n to meet the Mirth u ' ti Ti! r i e t s o t u d n on T. Prom e n the Record: W. A. 'liaison, Clerk. panics lute...anal will [alto notice that I will at temilt Itty cave. No. Vet filth ottoetVlttabotatt, o Tught.t•Y, Aueost 7th, 1.80.1, at o 'clock t'. for the purpose of attendles to th , duties o . f the 'tante apoolniamat W. W. Tt.1.031/Mo: 4 Jot, eM, h.o:Jrat-irm Exnualner . A LLEGHENY COUNTY, a.A. the tanner of the 'applicationof the ifulltUng and Loan Amociallon of Lawrenceville far a epee. 'ter of Incorporation. In the Court of Common I'leaa No. MO bootee:Met Term, 1100. PeUtlon sled De the Court direct notice of the tiling thereof to be published In one newspaperlti the City of puts. Moab and County of Allegheny, for at least three weens. nod that the same will he _ _granted at the next term alum Court of Common leas unless et • eeptiOni hereto will be Med In _peeper Um. FROM TUX IttiJUUD. J.Cos H. wAvres, prociwnotarr. th*oe pa eornotaterested rt. Ilse to take notice of above OvUer Of Cou A. OVIEDItANN, for the Alioetatlon. En= A nanNorrn:wron , s liotket. bomb, glven that loners or admints tratiou upon the titan of JOLLN ellAblB, latent Tenn Townstdp, Allicitieny county. es., bare beep red tot UiltlerslT i dt All persona Indebted ial4 SUMS see lien zoomed co maks Linne ts psylitsin to (insist n Venn town. thekat tr= .l3ls / 4 1 0. I"VBo°l44l:"uesinVellt,lituVaPe wiNg•dril""grngli: IWOM ADAYB. afflict.--Lettersoursdisthafillia," tb 7 y qq 6a larlarlglll 4 / 1 11 41 7 ltig lr l 11 1 1,11 47cf MUM ntoa. Tot* and Haut Cut Steal, Cast 151.. el for REAPING AND mcwirl6 AIACHINIIS, STE= PLOY WING SPILMGINALIELLI4 Cast and Common Plvagli and Spring Meek Omoe—Cor2er or 1.1r,t .o 4 Ho.? streets, two blOOlll • A BLACK DIAMOND 13.1TEMELa WC).1111.3Er.", orrzuu PARK. BM rritEtt a CO., H, PA , ttaancnocurer. nein QUALITI 11.A.P111 XL, CAST OTEEL. B.lnara. and rs, of .01 Warrants coal to an Itapotted. 01 man cracturett to ail/ coon ArdrOlaco wd warchon La, 1:0. 16 .0,1311F1m, an and 122 kleatood etzsau. :nttsaanta 010. AMISH W. D. DZl.Litt 7. now t . LA BELLE STEEL WORSE& 21.11CTUEMIL CO. Illianfooturers MUM; STEEL: SPRING, PLOW and BUST= B.PRINtid. ASIAN NitoW ANS. Le. B air ONoe, o. SO ORATIEU STENBrifop Pltt.o.orrh P. t• 11 pALTEMOSE & HAVANA STEAM SHIP COMPANY. ALICE. BROWN d SONS General AMU. FOR NEW ORLEANS /MILZOT, CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The Plret-Ghee Steamships orals Rue will nil as follann! tons, Wm. Rollin.. Command, on “LIBF.FIT Y.-1,230 ions W. J. Raiford. Command er, on SATURDAY, August 24th. From LILLOWN.II WHARF, FELL'S PULNT, At 4 o'clock r. M., preeJsely, on the days annoutioad. For freight or passage, hosing unsurrisseed ac commodations, apply to EENBY K. WA.RFIELD & CO.. Agents', 10 brISAA'S WlLony. F. 11.—No Bills of Lading but those alibi, Compa ny will be signed. Permits for the freight must be redproetie from this °Ere. No freight received nor bills lading signal on day of sallLog. apDay Q TEAM TO AND FROM LIVER POOL AND KIIEZNETOWN (liikLAnrh) twice • week. The IN.IIAN LINE, ealllng ZiviN:)l,lAt iV4 . ft4lll Par:yS'AINIJOMON4II (r o omOARRYI . S. MAILS. Ti etn *old to and Ireland, England, land lien:many and Prance. Ad the Company's OldeeN JOUR G. DALE, Agent, IN Broad Y. N. Y. **M. EINGEAB, J a., Agent, Adams Expend /dice, Fttth street. I; I WO al A iv.l4 a[olll.l PENNA. SALT MANUFACI Uk'G CO. PITTSBURGH. PA. ENNA. SALT MANUFACTOR'S CO. PITTSBI3IIGII, PA. g4l-: - .1 TMEZI P-4 5 , ..J • ece On this Continent. • B R cit. PRONOUNCED BY THE i t J o ikassuft sarir ssausts. It Praventa Hair Nailing Out; R. Change, the-Roo.. to their Original Organic Actiou. It Eradicates Dandruff and Humors, It Beeps tar Scalp Heal th y; It Contains no LAjorkrua Ingredient, And 11 mtversallurprieti nlipleadid Dram MlTMlTiffeill ' ALY.: ."u . ,L e'L 11.4 ILeRITS % Tar:He CONTerne att 3 HCLIQPIDtban , , other LAMltioi a r , offered to establlah Its efficacy; blit WE DO tiIIisHANTICL to reftmel the fitnritUril = h rigtairtri:lrg: 4 4ll% clad= J. M.IMLIIMATT t CO., Proprietor; Manchester, New Hampshire B. E. SELLERS dit CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, tossu w se trod Street, Pittsburgh, Pa D STREVALANIPS Ntentiluou s 4.- , 00tIGH BALS.A.III- le r-------- - i=ll4warranted to be th e ogygz ) .•,, , s - -' n u ' 11 .5' ,-, j 1 otjug, Cola. tteozseneas. TLi - Mlf ria, Mealte&galg ! . __, , ~.,.,.., . _:..__ . , atime, B . 7 reee,7 1 1:4 . 1 og: up. .-L 1 '!- . i l rfierrslrbibeelthg, sol i - AI oRE . t, " *" 4 "l::=Vilitit L.— - • n• at the _Tenet and Dregostaltree7Weere. Lamm Poe ate , bp Actaatais Caattaza -. EEEZI I . Pluxr.fta ill otraart iLLAMPl9 tho n - • Pi" latall. Ma l lf A wons ~,1 4, 5 11 11 tv. - . ,1 .ritigi. it Irtegt=e, /.../: ' C , ,:, 1 - i.r -• ''.. • '' . 4 1 07 1"8"4 8111If try AlAirrig "" ts;at E7'l s'' ":': . 50 °guit per bottle. —: p I 8 = 1 ' Witotaisil __________ L ______Thira Q!!!:1 1 IYBPEPSIA.---1:i------r. Stricklimed -..-• TONICI sl a omen- .. eteredfireceettonof Soots (01,Ark i . "' '''' and er . . wlth anti- ..\ - adds' and earndnattie to (C a " 411 (.1 ..„ ,.. er-rngthen the atontaelt and .., nerroaamtent. Isle...ter- --.. .S.. Dan remedy tbr or Indigestion, 1 27 1 44 a e1l 4 ~,, i gmitTL:rr itt. Vamne. P"lte.. .:? inl a r t o u o l aeln aweln d • blll - tth,. J , .. a,' l_t)l-...' l • . laenvtuseyteltdthere_re. 1A,.... o'j i. • partleoulysolibrwe. N acne. Doralsb n elld D WainOTINTIOV 3 ILeDnttIe. .z. nt,. bli:t .. - - LEM PRIVATE DISELAI ES. DM YOUNG. Oats No, 75 Thlsl street, treats 11 dmertptlons ol PH. ems, truswees with natant' etl Partlealar attention paid Spermstentota aa disease. °film Urinary Ors us. H e treatment Mb' thaatzultelng the most Sr •esstbl ever ernis - 11,111:11,2111:11Ntertil ar.lba other proarailun tor ream ; tit .obstructlotos to this healthy menstrual flood. 4 One boiler Per tabottl No. h. which is tot la rr7eastroaser, als 1 ticedibr obstloato ea ire Donau pew tumewholitv. ip a X A _, 1 . 04. t:0 Adr e s, Imo stamp, Ns. (JUN: 5t0.15 UM t rot: Pittaborets.—, tu5,04.41w11 TEARS P tACTICEI- • Givitt4ka a knowledgro 'ref gitlyigauftt, claim Kylongreoideocotwt anatiof *maw or patient', traate4 aataliai by - me. aza alaka:011, alt lI IRROM. or tonal_ WWLaaa‘ y ik. atipoos anatamte t t ave l a atitivra 'ZlM'exilar n . Ram grin Mai Ai amou. . All letters ottO soulabl•staroirsor.o.• P r e.t.,td actritititl..) , inuVATEIDIOII.II, El ftir the ars ne Ik. Amoy' rim too go t s om. tam - gruittNt l e • :=„6 ents.: a.mat,Lir • . lim":44ltiampWar IrarrantMaan. - ""'" rl lll l , trattft Otnat te *Adam lagen, W I , = Tit, % Sae Sip. P"...11y15:116, 'BEB BH ...Enflame ..hin ll 4l.a . 14 oslii‘ • ~ ..(