te*- Q I) zlrteroli)*lfi g :e 11,', i .'; e i ael;i_rel AT EON'S. Mr RECEIVED. A PULL Lreri. or Masses. Enireas Garirrra "Second Ward, No 1," in your paper of yesterday, endeavors to coufuse things generally by crying otit position to the progress of homoeopathy," "reckless and exaggerated statement'," "spirit ill at ease," "much 'certified at the 'e states of the notion of eertain mamocrs of council, Dud the exposures which followr(.," with other bewildering statements lavishly and recklessly thrown In without regard to exhausting his stock of elegant supplies. Re further garnishes his reply with "bed this gentleman reflected," "that the Doctors of Lisle School hove • way peculiar to them selves end de not consult with persons of the temper and manner of 'Second ward. , " Now, I submit whether such a wonderful di.- play of "glittering generalities" is at all In reply to the objection raised by the "Seco.' wer,v , .8 to the injudicious selection of sees both an regions ealnbrlty and location in a thickly populated neighborhood. No dispar aging remark is made as to the practice of he llomeothie School, nor is the writer pr - pared to advise upon such a subject, yet 20 d. 2 imagines that every sentence in the comma s !cation breathes bostility to his favorite ' school. Thin Ina gratuitous assumption on h.s part, and berthahe him in such a manner as to render his "spirit ill at ease," With all due respect to No. 2, we meat most respectfully d1:- far from usa dillsolve lapin of reply tissl moat emphatically from his selection of the Mompital site, and so thought the City Councils I as en: the meation, and so they think still, Its regard to the notion of members of cone • ells in thrir individual rapacity different from their corpora' , action, allow m to leform fin. hat the subject n-as br o ught before the Common Council at the first regular mac , - sag on their rthiline was known, and ha! roduc , l its effect before the Legislature, an I einhrr, present who ha I bigned, gracefully aokuowledged hie erre. some say mg they were the dupes of reoplacesi continence, and others that they had signed a: the Inetanee of two homeopathic students wit a were scouring the city in a one home buggy, Iran t proclaiming they were persecute.) becauee tinny were homeopathists, and mad., Lae most Imploring appeals until they obtain ed ale Mn tugtatteres. As t.. Ma doctors not consulting "Se2orte. Ward" that fs the fault of the faculty and th, mlef"rcune of the public, for "Second Ward," would never have been guilty of locating a hospital in such a place. "No. r^ vauntingly proclaims that under tie rules, Patients with infectious diseases an not admitted, but forgets to tell this vers rule may be repealed at any regular trieetins of the Board. So match for the fairness on I," trying to make his readers belieo th tt each cases will not he admitted, shell the Board at their first meeting may make a differs at rule, and direct that they shall be tr.itt .1. 'No. says "that well regulated hospital, homeaver been known to be mitres from which hileerisee of any description hayebee. peoroa ded." Will the goutleernia pcfma nut to call his attention to a atatoment publi• tied it the thropean papers last spring, that :.oar a cheat re hospital In Ancona , Italy, VP, di . geese as carried nut among the peop le, loth/ riled, a I were panic stricken, those who wen, ante dill, and the town wasdepopb , latest algalcan No. it quiet the alarm of the pee ' pie in th , e neighborhood of his bospital, White t ley hear the very groans of those dying with ' c 'Glens. or amallspos e and patients so each lone,''clod moat be taken In when the Board of three on so order. Within twenty feet of the boepth,.. question is the dwelling of a widow We thy..." ea heed sad the ...leg daily • ho has resided there for a number of yin 'rs, who by her energy, industry and Mumma me Fine Traveling Bags, parity, has succeeded In building up ridutateir g a business that enables hso to Sun fiabrellas, mamLain, educate end bens: up her boys Fine Parasols, g lila to occupy respectable positions in sac ety The windows of her dining room si, ea Silk and Linen Furs, LIM, the yard of the hospital, and from be Best Kid (loves , einbe proximity, tie la quite tmosay about be safety of be , children, and will have to a Cotton Hosiery, eon the place, although . he stand suite r admirably. Tbere is thee..., of another "Odin . Fine Boglhti Ribbon who has kept boarding house oa Seemed ac-rot Rich Belting and Buckles, fur hi long, Lillie now sho fears her boars... leave on account ol the hospital. Berlin (doles and Lace Mitts. Ne. 3" In all probability, wlll thing l ii, Eagle Bolluns and Gimps very unreason:able, but nevertheless men tied P will judge for themselves. Rich Guipu s Lace, Gentlemen rad ladies, Lying at 'Linnet/me. of );mbroideri 3 and Laces, set end mil., wi th spacious, elegant. rip menu.with broad acres surrounoing t tir splendid mansions, with all the Inxuries I a - . THE "STAR SITIE .••a Rill assortment. 1151 wealth can place at their disposal. may oened. recline upon th eir velvet cushions and tr. U t UZ - lt MERINO Sl TcTs for summer wear. BitAuLET22 DUPI X ELLIPTIC o.llllths. ail Z,7111,,ct,h0tt,"1: hat dl one ,heuerodnidelernea. slats. the apprehended danger were the casts versed. B. the /loseitalis in mumidst. We noel do the hest we can, and, In coneluslon, 1f cue Will end our Whole Pe pari count well tiled umicra f trued . has saidantcynal.that would with uesiouthle guano Lows.; [ t rice, Inteu sou, mid he del i that the corporatie tm rn may tn. more lortunate In lie future effons than it displayed in its selection of a site. Aen rrirn traink Or Buff pale Gloves, -liuff Lisle Gloves, /White Lisle Gloves, White L4sle Glores A ROLL A SEKOZT.IINAT T Or Ladies' and Misses' Rosier:, GENTS' FURMSIIING GOODS, Wholesale and Retail I.;^ T 7 T7' A •-•-• •Th MACRUM, GLYDE & CO„ Nos. 78 and 8P Market Street, Wholnhale and II all Dealers In Trimmings, Notions, AND FANCY GOODS, Here jurt received the LA iEltiT TIAN" - PilikitoT stock or TAU NS eter brooch to thll Cit, Co enacts the call the atten l too of etorekeepon an , l KaMom The stock roosts. to pen of Boston, Germantown and Country -41e.del1=ra%Ti3, Ich WRITE. BL.ACIL, SOAELET, SOLVERINO. BROWN, rURPLE, CLOUDED. DRABS, RAGE TA AMMON& CHINOHILLA, LT WHOLESALE BUYERS SIIPPLIEO A S& TERN PRICE& li r ps SUMMER GOODS AT RACREti & CARLISLE'S, MO Wilds 191t3re.et. Merchant. and Dealers ~<<~'E r7r . iii‘gMnMni 19 Fifth Street, Changes in the Cabinet—Pollee Be - movers. Oar stone nil! he closed ,lany at sr, a. except In the editorial department of oar paper has Sat,dass. j r ..- E' D nottri noted, from time to time, the change , which nave recently taken pilot , in the Cabi , net of the President of the Vatted States. In JOE. .110KNE kt CO's. 1 attending to local stream, however, we have 1 ceretofore neglected to make note of IiCr.2 . OWN, SUNBEAM AND DERRY RATS, ~hanged aiAlf.tallEEN, DEW DROPS. GIME, DAISIES, ln the staff et the Chief MagliVrato of URIC EPEE AND IitoIILTIDI RATS. : •Mr city. The changes In the President.] Mile, RAM STRAW DO, NETS in new shop., ,ah..let have bean caused bp resignation, names, In all the fashionable •t).es. nought alma by r. disapproval of the Copper wRILMONS. , plaiy named and checked. .11 ' lohnaon tmlicy There Lave been two chan k ges ths_ LoWEICS, NMEATILS, RODS and ROSES. m tie staff of Mayor ACCarthp, one by tg arRAW GOODS, TELAIBIINtiSsm/ OEN AMENTs. nettle, and In the ease of the other the word M ll 7 lll vs. SVZ7V 101,0140.1agi. ' 'dismisaed" will apply. to other words, of the SWISS. ullEtto% MULL LA NT, NAlNetiOgl+, radiation , Mr. PrederickEtvershas tendered TA IlLaTaNti. SIIIRRED isCsLINS, LINENB, rod had accepted his resignation, and Mr„ A. and 5 fell anortment of .. Gribben In fOrnod that Ms services were no WHITE GOODS. on-or required—for what reason we aro not REAL AND lit. CRCS I LACE COLL ARS. :ray informed. POLNTE L URAL AND IR. VAL. LACE C TTIS and IiANDOLLARS, URAL - --- KERCRIEYS, HAMBURG 'TRIMMING ADD YIAn.:NCI . :(/ ‘ SWISS AND CAMBRIC EDCE ABD INeILTINGS. EN LIN COLLARS, cirrus D BETTS, various atyles. Puff Illusion, Swiss and Frcncd Cambric. Waists. PARIS IDIFF7ANGS AND SHIRTING, Cot- LAUS,PETTIi, EDGINGS MILLIS sad Ed. BBOLDERITPRICIs,T NCH I N 111711 . 1.11 i -4,lkm.`MUMOrliihiLUlVetiaP r ga MINIS, EC Dead Streamers, armaments and Sett.. mrcrrrsomales. In the choicest etrlee la BEAD • BILK, rANCY CROITH.ET, BLACK AND W HITE PEAIII.OI4- PEBLELLE, JET. BALL,GLASeS AND CAMEO platnaud_nslated. - CORSETS, N NAIR PUTTS AN I/ BOLLS; I) 13I'LLS EL LIPTIC and BON TON 1100 P BNIIITa; BELTek BELTING* CLAM'S IesAND BeCK.LiES,_ . DANN-In groat vartecy Wm-paha Iva. S N L to Iory; BUITAINZE FNI),EIVPIEfR,cor BRANl " SP Y LlM ail ti l ifatt B/Mi d . and BATORILLB; HALn FULL 1.1.7rE OP JrOTlO.ll4. ALL ♦T POPULAR PR.WT& eras. 17 and 79 Market Street. 111.12 A C. 112111:1111S02..A. T. 611/AS G. 51/3•112.11601 , A.B,BuTfuroT, SHANNON 66 CO., . I ro. 116 Wood Street, Have Just opened laret WOLOF. Fancy and Staple Dry' Goods. teVehl'lths'it74l22,lllWhdalT.bleb Oa, NlergLailar7A• .irlaTifell WODA LVllaleayeDs, ittiivia2pl3„ E ottAyrue, LILEMIIIED and 0110/111. BROWN. KUNIO TINOS COTIVNADMI. and Ent Barlar. Cotton and Linen - Dna. &C. Yercltstat ate Malted to call and 1121.6.1114 Mock awl Pim. Jell CMB, IicCANDLESti k CO.. (LA winAox. CAUL A c 0..) ' WHOLESALE ma.“&os Ant FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, We.. 94. "VVicracl. mum bowie Above DlAmond Alley.) JosIK.l.l PIMIIII:FROH, PA. c o AL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON SMET &CO•• • ~.:.. Having removed their Wiles to *e. 43437 MAID carry. ar jr , D ot. ilatteD CUT /lour DA!, SECOND FLOOLL , Aso you Milord:l to fun b itarel ToogblotthebT , LUMP, NUT COA L Oft SI, %CK. .• ~ ccive iittaebe.—N e e Mavan d 'that Our At the Invest Market price. . ei.orusons frietul; Harry Alden, formerly ol airAtt ofdArs left at Mel; ace. or addmem.l tt ' the °pant Houle - Otani; r ooo :Lit . " Wir n „....n: [bon throsgb tbe Mal, a•ii t attend...l b. promptly. , neetust with the cad, ox the It„ . ti e s r sortSOlD_ • niolot the new 'regime. 'Nev.* 41114 . '0 thlei -- as there is no more popular llama __man - la the business than Harry, and he W W be =reap tuts to the popularity of the lipase. . CI:WILES R. ARM-STRONG, , L Sr Yonghiogionty and Cc nnellsville Coal And bitumfash nn of Cod., *leek, and Lew phurized Coke. • Corner of.Butier and Morton. first yard.on ty and Clymer strew, Ninth • d. and o Second Cl atroe4ilear Wet No. 1, Pittst. •rah. tea. 4 hianurecturers • ..plied with the best arilel 'Or Coat or Cote at theJo t cash rates. ()Mere left at any or the yards 'ill 'a receive present attention. TS•tddi JOEILINT rr. Crvii/ALY, PAINTER, GRAINER AND GLAZIER, No. 64 Hand Et., Pittsbargh. P4lll and Ornamental Slime or every dereriPtloo done to order. All erork ;one promptly at reasona en ble rate': Jet.r wi t axu . 11. MOWN, ; (tate id the Aim or pisowx t , liosusow.) EUMeZ IND KUM PAXYTZISt ,rptol,lt44pregflll4o,4p.4*,llB4 IN the fittrantrolt 6ntlit CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Local Ida n First Plage Buff Lisle Glove s, Firibite Lisle Glor te, 1.7 Fifth Street. 1:1353:152E1 = I=l rlrrn6uJWa, Cs., &c. WEE =I HOUSE LIID 1516 N TUESDAY, JULY 81,1866. The BOWlrOplatillo Hospital Lecture b 7 Rev. M. M. It will be remembered tlast/-Prof. Miller de :eared a lecture some weeks ago in the First 're.trytexian Church, Allegheny, giving an ecurato description of a number of stones, elles of ancient times, found In several sounds near Newark, 'Ohio, These atones .ontain Inscriptions in plain Hebrew chamb ers, OA, of them having the ten command te complete. Every one who enlbyed the .pportunity of hearing the lirst lecture was ielighted with it, and surprised at the irro• , latible euggestlon that this conUnfillt wee see inhabited by a Jewish population, and 'hat more than two thousand yours ago. 'This . saute of thrilling interest and importance is o be repeated this (Tuesday,) evening, at a carter before eight, In the Flntil. P.Chureb, Jiegheny (Dr. Fressly's.) Tickets 25 cents, to bad atthe book stores and and at the door. W. 3. oliollausd & Co., the enterthiling .üblialiers of books and engravings, Lave 1 se nred the right to publish a story of outgreat cbellion, written- by the - wife' of one of our .amerals in IhermarOs army, a loyal southern -..omen at the breaking ant of the war, who anis with her husband while In the army. The ',colt iL• a thrilling account of what she has aerial( than and known. of heroism. Mating and *rarer:rig—a large array of fable and some ticthm, making a book Of intensely thrilling ta Leona, and is, we bealeve, the PriaiMtory or i to War," given to the public: The balk is ow ready and can be seen at the aChoe of Mr. Elias, No. 75 Third street. It is finely Mimi crated and candsomely published, and will be welcomed by the loyal masses of our country. ....gents are wanted to canvass the City and borrounding boroughs. (treat Inducements "ill be given them. A Coal Ingicer toed.—john DlM an. speared octore - Juatice Barker. Of Loath Mtr nurgh. yesterday, and made oath against Deo- nla Laughery for assault. and battery. The ' parties exit coal diggers, and Davie allege. teat el wring rafraiatige that talk planarma the coal Vliggereljewingallaie lb* for Set In crease of 4 wagna, Laushrta tarn t ear Dav wito a shovel in the head: indletuyi • tut wound which hm not yet heale The tax) satgned thereasonler uot prosecuting before, v as that .2augbedy went to Mast Columbia, 1V aeon county, Virginia, and did not return c anti Saturday. A warrant was homed for hi I ii1)11111113TR&TOIVII SALE 01' -, WIN ILK LIQUORS. te., AND YLVE TA.II L.K. An% 01r STUltit.--On FNIDAY.IIOI6NINO,, Au • rlA " rX . ;tofel;l i tre k :.Z.lc .b 4 si36 ° ll o q,"'„, 2 ,_.!.."iargt: , ..... st, on. below Wood, Or (Amer or, aurosnlslra ,„.,., - A 0, the erttre stock or superior Wines, ..I.qtrAt _.••=. --- )! . .Pg.CjiiT ' At ' e g riv l t ' S ;:4 4 41 , 1 " li l r itlak: 11.% . J. ..... " U " T" 0 cos.s. very cholee brands of Cl rot. tiller 1 OIiNSTON $ 1400TT, , - • ateckberry :Wary, kledelra, Raspberry, and o nor rr 'A lots; Chin:Tisane CI e, aesort.d Bitters, ,to , DEAZZligllli • .. Also, More Fixtures, art.l Wsgon._Btandlug ' i 44 tolt . r.ar Bottles, Letter eresS, tAtets Tanaltura. fieslootion.—llorgees Saulsbury, of Him • i ' Also ilia le.- of store, having Ove years to rut Fine Watches, Clocks, Je.ifeln, rogham, leaned a warrant yesterday for the gr MO December last. at mot of OA per annum. 1 , ~,, :arrest. of'Cooperlntimer on nenorge Jana se. TM A. AleiLW A INK. A .ettoneer. SILVER-PLATED WARE EVS-• - • . 3 , . sy, A lL L ,,A U D lk r, li rt l.. , E ith._ lB T A u lh oAy , i. Ev lVD .ia nA l,.. lig..; t7 t ..In . e p t 1 . 7 , p_ l r lo ,t, ~,f e r No. 5614 LIBILACTTIMiIert, predrosel= reald b ta ""il in Idad. n Imolai), and btus not yet attained her seven 11., Of Ilo•cloek. rent be sold on second floor of 1... malt year.. Laritaer la an mapi ee Of tin Com , mow -Ics 114nns . all SullthAeld street, Pistailomarigla., N'encaxia.. e ctabargbAConnanirtinek OonOtnx.. i ;c0 Otta;es Allegneny Val. r itatrood Meeks. ~,,, ai , ‘ ,s,,magay bg,kna aboelo itimaaa i m Second omen:real Bent of Yltteburgh. se . t . P . trt c .= Llgeir4m i ltlvit tj e a Ti lizporrine tr rra the city, donhtioda learning that l u ega... Allegbeey listlonAl Bank. .• itank of llttAburrn. ed lama st .:(n9 were being taken to .bring him to j dg .17.0 L. kIoILWAINE, Aantiomm. I a „mt.. —......----- _ 5 ,ret Zles Amuaetneiit•-an' exult C.,TEPHEN M. OTT, ' noe in Utopia -yard lam iPmeth r q' inita " c ar i r r agn Mao andla was OZNIRAL ""V''en d 1/Willard rent' tan; m. slld IheSinker, Seai and Medal Engraver, Jor Sui„pare.rx=ri.goo.nianininLsidotoerci tilo skill d 'rbd isplayed. but "Ingin w r e WON% tip urn) , " sre saw COO 13nlitea0 CaPL•Tora o l f the 'e rgo weilantlea • dainutn•bettw Poreovarei audlen imp False Preteuee.—Dead and Charlesirlt Meb - sr, charged before Alderman Lynch, 17talsting goals Under false pretence on oath f Daniel' McGinnis, bad *hearing yesterday. b resultexi M them being discharged, there log no evident* to substantiate the allege- 1 Vslosble Horse llllted.—A. very wins. le Dom bolongi o ng to the r We ii rtyy, s ui d ne gllPgYill ape l .Z y li l ' lria;e, 1 1° 1=1; •Ireaing• He * 1 ; 8 killed by Mt °freers An or. per to end bliinHelling• • • ; ..... Taylos •mow of" the Paacressel before Alderman Lynch. yesterday, With Surety of theyesoe onoath of Thorn- Midtaa/ tran leseed to give tog In be ala of po oto Atillrpt at Ortirt ' i. lemma liwy.-011.bere will be a • r %Womble wompubliso of. persons t the ..et-house; It beteg the Val witlipart r the hering llPPtiodoilliceileenSe• Ica - :- - .!...,,-.-.: .-f .. 111.1.4,11!8! Z. g11411'1141".111-c ild.WELli j-40,1F.1tC:, ' '' '' "illi"." -591.; t" 'TU E ' -:etLEi k Es - . --, z.-aA .lLtvi I : - . 411:1,' .. , , . NERCIWit TAILOR, . - , v 1 9,,,AIL,, ~ to bbi tat.d./.. , ....'" Pld - Tourn "A F. 4"h tn.listivi* G-01.--,,,/,, 'P-2, ' tel , P" ..2-. Tlist ila P.* M i lea ta chit,Tilt, UV ".tlioa+VNlVOlui, 4, ...5Limii . w1y, , ,i1r.r..70,-Ir. r 1- .. ~....,H",,....t.''Come Perurisiet..C*Ati.‘ , ,... no l=!:ltr,ANitAire—gras, .ti5,,1,4%- ,feata_t_ t . : : ,• ' iza` pi-.;"NV''';6M-,-,t4441i-:' ~,.....---,, ~ ..,,,,,a ~ , - ii;4.324,. , _ errx ' inismizr&A " C trn r iukbass 414.11 " . nett*, .1.4 WI -A. I MUTL y - crl a" ~ 14.1... b, 'or". t".,: , -• 3 - 1 - itetitkiiitiitii idli Meta aild A H 44ll . 4. - 1: - Nr" STOMA., '-' •- . - ";:r• S::' - . • 3, Wadi l PP tavetaaa t ael totn,..- x.m. 30.11,4 „portpeuccAltiktrativstticz7434,.. p ai l ... abettu tt AW EACILIMULni -- - -.-- . • Leire"""—ythityml UMIIIITE.t.... - :A.A. ..-,i.._:-.-,....-....--i... t . vir,„.„, - a.=....... .-,„,,ew-- -,,,..„ ~....„„,..,,,, . .,...„.„,,r,.,..,„.,. A + . , 01111T5'4 11 .1 1 . 1 _ , . , „,„ , E. .uiitiat &arse auttyralliat - • - ....A.iwr i carrillpy ,zr , ,.. _,.-,, ....,-,3,',“'^:! pormilliallik .. , ~ .',•••:1:±ii,,7,.,,...3.,..Zi,.,3.!,;:---3.:X•t:1t.,•"., :3, : t" ~ 3 3-• -,,, -+33...,'-ii Z. I ...... .1' `",5.4.4 Gpbeliti-,g 1, 3 _7•LL1 - 3'3,- - ••7: - - , ` 1' iiikail,WW:l9.Fkliguaa : . -,., • .‘,,., .• 0 6 .A.::- - , -, 3 ~ " , N,3::•t i•,.7 ,3•• - • 3 7,. .,!, ,e ,+."":"•''''.'. 7 2 ,-- - • ; , ;....? ,, ,0 - 4:7 - ,i' a. '• - ''' "ty ir k ="rtaitt * A le • 1'.:77-I.t?': " i "'''''''''' 6 rW" ' en iWZIF • t)---* :- - 7. - :-• ,-•"-.--' :' 7 -" . ':' "::-'' ' -:-' •'.::::,; 7 ,••3; 7 4aff3-0,-3 1 .- ..,:-' ...1iA;,.,3,4,,,Z3,!.: `',,',"' " ,,s- '.; 6 :' , ..' ' ',..' ,. ."3 = -C Z"'"• , ' Im2llBrig,...attagizzalzAlp2l"2 dar . ri. ' - •(.71•43 7 ' , '''''' O. -„Pc 4 .„, - f \3,;z:-,3r.A4'---t,tittf,.;-31:3, 1:.•-'i C::ii,-*':-'''Sigi'a4'...-:'.7', -; .3''33c:firi...2?-J3r":f;;;:-,;:',,;:-:i:5,- ?* '4.47 .-2, are i ' '71"" "Wei. ' '.. tal lIIMMO4 '.. • ' 1.4' 1 ... " -- I , r - - , : ' •. . 3 , - .:s1: - 1, J.... , ":." '+-,,'":, -t.,:t.ty Z.:7 , 41 ..,!*,, 10.4 ,,,, -P .Y. ~ ,'.. •- , , ,.... , , , ,, , ,...c. • i' , 1.p . .. ~.. ~,..t.,.. .._..m . : : , t , ;Ill 'A te'l 7 .' 1 , ' ,":1 - ~L IIMPIW, ~ , y;:- ,il,,aT!!'''' " "-4 , -- :,.. ,, .... 1 ;:'''.;.- . : 1:::' 51' ti i , : 4 1 . 1 11" r: -;,,.!;:;:‘,i,4.-.,1ii,: . . : ....:,_,_., 0 ~. i ..., : . :2:,_,,...,,i„:7,,.. ; : 0., t% - :•::1 ,, ,....,]: ~ L,,c,.:,a, =,,,:. ,;.-- ~ .1, :.4.4 - \ - .. ,, : ,., f., , „ 3„ % i,,, ,.. ✓ „, ,.a - •igji..,.,:e --.-4•0..1,.1,:tda,Tz1z. „.„4„.,,.„„,„„,,,,,..,,....".,„,.„.,,,,,„:„, i ... itr .,,,,,,,,,.. 1 ,, t ,.. „. .. iwi# , ' • ."'” - ' ',",,- ~.'-'1 ` . `,!:3 , 31' 7, ' 3 3';',7;: - - • S ' g * : ” - k -- f' • c. '- • - - ----•,„: ~.:•,•-,0,•..:,...,•-• I . ~-., :-.-.--,:.' ~,.a: ~..-,•,---,-,--, „,i,.: %t,..efir- k !- . 1.1- • • - -.'''s"'eiltitl akti . :a-fiA4. 4 20,1a.?, - ..M." 4 " .. " . , . ,-, • _ ',..;,,,-, ~,,. -dia,....f1„ - ;. 7zizvz;liiilali,.z.;.l44.; ~,;1,,,,_,.3-14,' 4T,.•?2".P-`,..,Vci11-,,,,,,,.... , --," ',:4-h4,,:-",- ,1,,,,, :W,Vi;,.11_,4 , ,, ,, ,s- - •=2,4:11'7,--,fig•A•:,:,.;k:-...,...,,,,.. ... Finad6T-Alctaroaan Itont Saadlour dray, moo t au,li on Saturday, for proaacutingtLair. bnamann.llllAnnthaticegumr pr071401,,r I a 0t ,7 7 4:0011,100, • . . op•eida oivithmegalszwbuiffS %d i la 17 . 461 ": 111 = 2 : 111 # 114 , 44 ' 471 " 4111 * . z. 'ngr"-.l"braTlA .F.L,,O..LaxranifarietrM4l4. Whalgutil,Veaw = a. Ss• oilirtuistso24ll2.,o t-,31.11 a: IG4 .Ineil .4.F•e.t..41 . " 37 7:" ." ' " 4 ~: _ ~=-=- EARLY . TELEGRAMS. The Indian% on the Frontier—Miles *tele* trout tinder the Gun. of a Fort —Amosnetttoo Furtitsbett Indians by the Coyote'Release& Raw Took, July SD,—The 71ribener Leaven worth special says: A. dispatch from Fort ne no, on the Powder River route to Identau roves the truth of the illspatchea forwagded the Commissioner., Colonels Taylor - and cLaren. It says that a party of Indthas raid Fort Reno a v lett, and sucoeeded in driving off forty mules, All the -Aviary horses were trot to hoed, and lo pursuit could be made. The Denver News says: The Indlaria are be coming bold sinoe they have run stock nif trim under the very Irma of a tort gartleound by eight hundred troops. It ale • Says that the In4tuns at Fon Laramie were furnished w i t h ammunition in large quantities, with the knowledge and eonsevt of the Commissioner. ! Alter the supply at the Post was exhausted, a ! large quantity was sent for from Denver and I dealt out in the seine manner. The Flatbeds , lOUs Convention—Utter fro . A. H . si.phens to Moatirenaery Blear. New Yong, July 30.—Alerander 11. Stephens has written a letter to Montgomery Blair, en dorsing the call for the Philadelphia Conven tion, and announcing his Intention to attend the Convention. In it he says "Individually my whole soul is enlisted in the cause of a P eedy, full and perfect restoration of the Government under the Constitution as It no .v pelands. Re also says that he did IMO all in is power to avoid acordlict of arms, and that, too, while many of those now so clamorous for what they call the Union cause, were giving envouragement. at Mod to the extreme men 0.5 the South, by clearly and decidedly intimat ing, If not fully expressing a perfect willing• nose on their part, that the Union might elide If the people of the South so willed it.' lie conrin.fes ny paying: "If the Union shall be I . oa , 101 Ott t‘ndox the Constitution, tt Is his limed purpose a e ff tc r , e a t o ire that T.hoalulgilt connectionma apwpeaithr that he islre, governed by personal interests in o orklng for restoration, inasmuch as he has been chosen United States Senator, still be s ill not hold that position long." From Wantsington-670,000,000 Rog air ed to Pay nountlea—Tim Confirmation of J. J. Wiloorg Nsw Your., July M.—Washington specials say it will require seventy millions of dollars to pay the bounties authorized by Congress. Pay master General Brine considers the pro. visions of the toll so imperfect that It will be some time before any bounties will be paid. The confirmation of Mr. J. J. Wilson to the position of Commissioner of the Generatlsuit. wee re-called on Friday night, Mr. WIl• son will, however, be appointed by the Presi dent to perform these unties until next sea men. . . Brigadier General E. W. Smith Ad)utant to General Terry, ordered to join his region.rit— the 16th Infantry--stationed at Vicksburg, re , solved today by the epssotal request ofdrner. t 64. Grant and Terry, countermanding or ter. to usi the Department, and returns again to the scenes of Virginia. General Smith to um. ed this rots on the muster out of General Row ley, now Governor of Connecticut, ado has performed its arduous duties with signal ability. De•traetive Fire at Buffftlo—Steamer cif? of BoMoo Dest.oyed—Suctrig.••• Elevator Etar.e.a. Burraco, IG. Y., July 30.—The steamer tity of Budalo, tablett arrived on Saturday a rht from Chicago watt 72,000 °umbels of oats .rta, burnt to., at noon while tutles.thug at 3. tlevator. She was value) at about ail kW, anus Is Insured for f 145,000; be owned by 1« b. Prosser. • - • . The fire oornmunicated to MA:ovals' Els va.or, which, with its contents. oboist 000 tion 4 and fifty thousand bushels of grabs, oro , tlY oasts, was entirel) consumed. The sinus of was owned by Mr. Sturgiss, of Clneitusall....l io Albany. The two s on the ele•s andgruin is estimated at tw hundred snd tor ty thou-land dollars, probably mostly lint., ed Th. Ors is now spreading to the ship gar. o: H. 11. Hale. It being soma BMW° erstk it is hard of access for engines. Tao are 1) a ALL Prom New Ortesins—rbe Camelliaslot. at Conventloo—l•hreate by the babel to Break Up She Session-001o= ilea f+•e elate and brag - nine. New Tong, July &t—Ti•e Tribune has the t ;l iaising: New Oats-ins. July V—Tbe Conatituthea. Convention will meet to-morrow. Toe,' In groat excitement In the city, sad loud thre An by the rebels to break up the session. The rebel sheriff, ben. Barry Bays, I an sworn in a poste of deputies to promote 1 .. is disruption. Members of the Convention re openly threauineu with the lamp pout...bet t to Union men are resolute and sanguine. The Gov. rnor 'returned to the city, I to engaged in eta nixing the militia irreep. c- Live of color, a larw force of which will gos.‘l the State Bonne.. The Treadle:ten , . Bureau la Teza■. New Toss, July ;in.—The Herald's crone pendent, trarelhtg with the litneduian C....e -mboli:at for Investigating the werkinge oft freedmen's Bureau, writes from Tens. lie says the Bureau in that niate Is a 1:6130h10V0 , 19 farce. The stations are no wide apart 14 a. one-half the colored population could 1.1 rtaell one if they wen, inclined to. The n o uroes are working well, Coeequently, wuatthe otheers of the Lnatliutlon are gen erally engaged In solving the problems of tire Inlror by running litany:twine on their own at went- The Union Uwelee Raitriand. New Toss. July 3a.—lt dispatch from Leav enworth, dated Saturday, nays: The main line of the Union Pacific Railroad from Wyandotte to Lawrence, in now In running order again. Dispatches received In this city from Vice President Durant, at Omaha, state that eleven thousand two hundred feet of track were la:d on Friday. Thin is the greatest feat of rail road building, being conisiderably over Lao miles of track in one day. War Warertal for Juarez. New Tole., rely 90.—Tha Wired reports es sailing on Thursday last of a propeller weedily! . of eight hundred tons, for histamorse, with tight thousand resolvent, four thausaral seven hundred rifles, twelve pieces of light artillery :tad a large quantity of powder, de., ter Juares , s army. Major (federal Lew Wallace and Brigadier liellerEll B Effori tonna, ntl reoey of onr army were passengont e WIWI , her hy tic Mexican Imperlailata Agents were teens ceasfuL The Cholera to New Tette. lisw You, July 30.—The cholera record yes terday stood at atone tbo Agates which were reported on Saturday. The potion does not appear to have made an attack except fh an overcrowded, ill-ventilated house or °eigh t orhood, where the sewerage Is grossly defec tive. NOTICES. Ihl - 407C.1.C3E. To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. THE crrx Turastruriz is now ready to receive all taxes payable at tbie odlee -FIVE l9 Fourth Weal, subject to a reduction at i'Ett CIENT. pald - before the YIENT DAY OF AUtiUNT NEXT. The Mercantile Ltoeneen are due and intuit be paid tothe YAIST OAT OP JULY NEXT, In order 11.11•CcOolt uld expense ol watt before ILLI A 1401.1•13 leD:ds WM. EICHBAVAL, Treasons, . raciericsm. Tlr~ce REMAINING PART of the p an or ctrzwglngoaloolVlllo aert ipleedld for gardening Ottrposes or - for city rev deem Apply to WK. 11. MAD. $5 the o Hirt:patriot Mellon, corner of Diamond eat Grant streets, or to El }MED ALLXII, on tit p:operty, at Lower 01. Clair Bola: 1.717:ad • : gm BRIO £M 31EIL MIR CUM, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamps awl Slatting Cards, Also, PLATES FOR MARV, . O t LuTILDIO. 93 Wood St., Cpr. Dl:: mood Alley, (ABOTII DAVIS' DOM •TOBH.) PIT KRUM/ MEM 01/1911TVIIE &ND OM AND TOG °HAIRS, Mrssubstund sad for We. Wholesale or Retail. JAMES - W. WiIIeDWELL, NOS. 07 99 TURD Opposite Z. Edmondson i Co.'s. and SI NO. !FOURTH SWEET. ALLEGHENY CITY FLOUR AHD WHOSE= ONTCOR.3I4 a C. MoMASTER 8i C O., No. *D Ohio 14,4111000:lay, Wholesale and Beall Dialtrsla XPlcrass., Waxed/ di 4311.robia. Wiped Mr Wheat andlllll. "!' leTtel4 Burr wove. Norio^ Baiikets, zivawfAs;opo(92A TELE - QIFEEN , I - yilE 11 . 1; 1 UTE QUEER "'"'" HAIR RESTORERS! I. Q EN WINBLOW`I3 QUEEN Rent alisronEs . nOt only la 11 AWL, bat In TIATIRE. uthe Best Mar Restorer ever ogbredtO the Public. • , Heir An Lf In Lalfbie ROSTOV= entl VILTSCITZR Or the fetthrully applied. It is no Hair Dye. It acts dtrsotly upon Ms roots of taco balr obaT ins grey hair to Il d s f ticas o lgto r oo t l t rar t ro r. sga. t. Fil l s e trati te atT4l.ltdrurr; furl exiling on 'minors of the It 4111 ahantro dry and wiry hair to aril and Dun tin* trossas. It ll:Warts a delightful Inn/ranee to the hair, in snort. if you Irish to restore yoar hair, its In youth, and retain It through life. ese IRS. illiSloB MIA UR MOBIL Price Si Der bottle. Sold by all Drugglate. R. R. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents. .:17/4:IAPT & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET MON WORKERS, Ise. 90. 9M, 94 sad SS Pens street. RATIOS 110CIII2.3111•1-10 raid, rild tarnished :t vritt the most approved ascllnery, we are PrePered to oxnofactare every description of BOILERS, to ttt best nia4ner, and warranted agent to any made la the countrv. CRULNETS, BREECHING, EWE BEDS, STEAM PIPES. LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. CO'N DENSERS, BALT PANS TANEN. OIL vina.s. ►OITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON, BRUMES, SIIOAR PAIS; and wale trandeeturers of RABIRILL 43 PATENT BOILERS. RePeirieg done on the shorts.: settee. lesrotl air LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, PITTTEIBUBBI4. PARK, MoCURDY do CO. Manufactures* of SHEATHING, BRAELLEB' ANIL , BuLT (2111!PER, PREESSIU) COPPER 1117170)08 ILAISED STILL &ATOM& BPALTZE 80LIntit Also, Importers =0 dealers In IaItTALB, 'Alf` PLATE, EllfEdiT IRON, _WIEN, &e. tionstandlY of Sand, TINN /WV ILACPUSI ES and TOOLS. o are ' boos& No. 114131ij and i.MOICOnD STRUM, t ltta burgh.rn. y 1 Special orders of Copper cUt 10 In :1 sT ndfol patte4B la.. farPITT EI Ro. BU RGHBIIO MAWVVKassOilfei*, T On & ab maw ors of PAillT COLAIIb, wAts...nc• ed VAST errsin. SAN 8, of every duarlpllon. tollk. 85107, Crwa-Cot tlasig.and all odor minty , All tbsda of ILNIV VA and SPItINUS, 0050 usa Shoot cast-dteol ; Ilolned 8.Z.1127111 INO K.NIS, Is. 1* Wasubonso and Woltz. corner Waft to I -to.nf PUtabargh. Canicula: mien , ion pall to re-tootblni. nu¢n 010 tone otralebtorate Mont& Sawa; also, repels, • ul Punclang and Drilling done at res. t. , ne.,•12 Or ROBINSON, BEA to, CO., (.4 UV ca.sor. aositteolt. WNW • BUIL kas WAMON WO lAKSIL_ Fonsweluns tuba% nalarsolll mitacturess of 119.41 g STATUS 4 , K • STEK.KI EI•GLIKEL BLAST KNOLKI/DS, ,HAN KKy or witite, 0114.111NO,.C.IbTLi• ‘, It Id t IV r Terill and KUKLA, 11(1 .41 .11i1r Agent.; Ito 131.711AJLIPS PATENT !WIC .te..l.lKg _ _ OTJOIELN COCHRAN i BRO., Ilaantacturera of litalN VAULTS.tt VNULT ULON RAMAN% KLIII ( A traITIZEIS, W WPM GUARDS. 6.1.7 4 ( N.. to 410:02ilt sad al Tlll.llO tITILEST, bemoan V( 0. and Market, have on band a ranaty of oar pat t raa, bump ao.l Oslo, toltable (or al] pontos.. air ?articular attention paid W eneloatap .4 1.0“. Jobbing 4ono short 0.108. MO • &NO CEL I EIA 4.71, an FIL) Of Warning and Inatritotht 1 wing Ms, Also. Illaeases sod Abuses widen t ,ni tratv the vital powers, with means of aura r ont tree of chary, in aeated hater a ovelopna, d drewa, Dr. J. SKILLIN HOULtlntila, Eloward / aviation. PhliadelphLa. Pa. myl.2:l..trod. r POLITICAL, arCONGREsSIOLITAL CONVEN- . VON. 22d DISTRICT. The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTE 11 of the Itr. Congreestonal District sre mainuted to meet at t !moat plate. of bolding elections in Tario Wards. Boroughs and Township.. la . std Mani( S. On Saturday, August 11th, Aml elect two delegates Dorn each electloit district. to meet In County C tton on TUESDAY. Atl i 0051 14th. et 10 o'clock a. m. for tin Pnelmrs'd placing In nomination a candidate tor COalre•*. The primary elections in the township* will lie mold IItiVFOOD the brain of four and stz o'clock. and fcm wards and boroughs between tho boors of our sad seven o'clock p m. In the waidasmd We pt, be me elections Omit :es by baJoy and In toe num./Op& by martins or by bellet. By order or tbe Co mmittec. W. J. 01.1.1111EY, Chairman. Olt!. ASDAnSOIO. Tsonas., mylliti4l444, CONGRESS, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD Having plaro I , •Imsalt at the disposal of MB friends, In rayponso to their cali rands on • Was. RIB name la now prosant.d by them as • candidate for nosoltis tlou For lontress_, for the :7d Dlstribt. sistOect the se tlon 01 th e Union Napabilesa Coaary (MM.- 400. spite arCONGBJESS. SENEGAL JAS. S. NEGLEY s, Candidate m tbAad Matilat., RrCONGRESI6—The fries& of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY 'nu present bts name to the ConsultOn et tbe Union parts, for nomination a scnallelate fat Con rasa to We Zed Dtstrlot. Jahn:ft CHINA WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, roicw.cm.erriart.,• No. 100 Wood Street. i‘ I a k TW A ILL'I TS AZ I IMPI E N A ah Ii t Wiest. on nand. . . CEffifA. 12A arra CIMIA ISM . Ran errik - CHINA IlelTsaneNS, 1/011.101LA.14,1"%oz u rEVIBY DRIMIPTION LAVA. VASES, • LAVA SPIrI CaUlelf, ENGLISH BTONE WARE of all va ri eties, toad wholesale and resit trale. The listen and moat cow Oats stock of netirthlid In this hue lo the city. Prices and terms the runs as In the eastern titles. I myiliala INCREASE OF PENSION& BY THE ACT OF JUNE 6ith.ISISC $33 per month to granted to alt soldiers n ••410111 woo have lost both eyes, or both hands, r permanostly diaabled to the same. $2O .bo have tool both feet. or hand ma a foot, or have the same perrosoontr/ dishided• sll6 to those who have snood, or afoot, or other sr tee disabled permanently . . FAT _penal°. are extended to depelideal FATliKallb d-NI)BILOTILnitg. W. J. a HALL PATTI-1130N, Auor..l. II Grant Butte. Pittsburgh. P►. StTPERIOR OA K TANNED, PAT /MT STBISTCHED AND ItIVETELP LEATIIKB BELTING AND BOSS, lianufacturod at NO. 08 surzarrezD eT.. try HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Also, Agents for Now York kataft Co 0-urn Belting. IitiV,ManYVVIAMIWA: 13INTZTel and BU BELT HUOIEb. eta. holocio rtEmovAL. 160.. Br►ilb 4 ad Street. . 160. JOHN ZWEIDINGEB., Formerly of 80 7/11 . 111 STBELt h".,"4""" . No. 100 Smithfield Shiest, - : Two doors above Sixth 1141/11t; Viler• c.lioni stock of Pianos, Melodeons, Orgaae, . all Made of # lOAI 1218141.1ThlaNTWaiel *Tiatioe. ErMalloal Instrumento revoiridlorlits aentans and dile.tell. .13 ISOM • S . S. BBYAB, Broker In Stocks, BOND* AND MAL iiTycnnint sraZIT, litarlued BuddWA) tads end oel!* 95 COmMisslF 4 ' " MC. ammi..(4 33 . 44 11 P.Y 41 .9, M B ROLZUX "CPW .1 " etn 2233 TM: NannoirAi. Ltrusaw A/MOT/MB B C)20: " 4 Orden wanted ?nrir 7" 1 : And nn&ADZlaltdl:lYriXlX7ioal/E*Oaiidtdi et oolon oiareas tatadd• issf FOR SALE. - - _ . ...._ . _ gi - - - FoR gA if;-' ..eltairliiltilhir -...4-..---; , ” , ..---, . Valuablit Eon .., .. ...ing ...,..- - . Oecupled by the undersigned, contain --. Serer, aline.e on the Aileg hn,. river, at the foot of Taylor street, Pitt township, Just outaide'tfus citrillati. Thielos has s river frontage of 210 feet, good land ing, with the tight of filling Into the deer about :JO feet from low water mark, blab would make about four sexes of ground. /or ronWorts:tibettilifiarhs. Ftmndries. new /dill or o he • o undseturing pur poses, cennot be nacelle Terms =tile :setter.- , tory. We also offer for galS.Clarge lon 0.0 Wirt ' doinaged shafting, pulile2hangers, engine boilers, machinery, burnt hoops, a ISICITRIttZ & gnu - On th e prefab foot of Taylor tams,, rff s i.irr ....... Pittsburgh. FOR BALE. CHEAP BUILDING LOTS, In Pat towninipi located enPennsylvania 'menus, Bono, Bonlen. Commerce and Lim= street.. These lOU 11.3 within • mile and • imarter Of the COWS Rome. Price, from $OO to $BOO. McIASIB, CAM i tHlllll' BID, Attorney., re Grant street, LOR SALE. --Tho following de willed property will be Oared at private sale for e short time: Ist. —A LOT OF OftUUND thirty feet front on First sers:ea, near Wood, and rennir book toward. Water street eighty lest, (twine part of 10t386 la Mg eneral _plan of ritt.bar s bogether with a TELILEFOMINT BIiIt:N—WAIIEHUMSN thereon. Ed. -rim AGUES UT LAND at the head of Aranot's In'. MeClore losfrakip. 'Will b. •old la lots to malt purchasers. 11.1.—Z.L1VEN 1.1•17 , UT bitOUNII on tfulehrs- Jae,. tot. Nos. 01.10ba tOhr siO. atitalC l P Oi l ltll l ertAL L" , street, Adam. area, Cedar iso s to the Ia 7 n of me Alley and Wasmngtot StreeL tth.—LUT No. 29 la James Adams. plan of the Northern Llhertith, aitnated at the thoth-eset cor ner of Adam. and Qoarry Streets., and bang fifty feet front on thlarry by *rat two hundred anal meet aboven depth. The described property will be sold at reas oble prices, and on easy terms. Title Indhnnts naYer farther infornthuon spil l s to A. G. ROWNING, er his attorney.. 11. A. & W... PURVIANRE, lytthgth in Fifth Street. Pittsburgh. VALUAJILE COIL WE FOR SALE. The valuable coal minas Owned by the Southern Coal Mlning Company, situated in ehaltry county, Ala., twelve miles northea.t of Montevallo, and the and a half mde• from the North and *mitt Italleoad (vow In rur sing ordertothre minty. and one•quar ter of • mile from the Branch Road to the Bed Mountain Coal lilacs, are now offered far mils. Moue mtaa. t 41,8 been In oscremalul •yllerle• Bun ror some years, are &Misted to the heart et the mineral region of the butte, aud aru out, six. y-itve nth. by rail from 0,156, from whence %nary Ir wate, transportation to th e Gull. There is nut in .he United State. a bother ,oor tul.lty tor • safe and prolltabbe Investment In ran Coal Dwane.. TEEMS Ur &ALE. floe Pal( cosh, and the Polonee st LP. arLi. of months, orlthout lourre.r, or one-a Ltd essL and a lm bolorloo. In to,nal ploto.bly payin.qta, o th on.lnteroot. G. IR. McCONIVICO, Jk2l Ass!tinet of kt.. U. Edwords FARM AND COAL LAND Z.+C2O.EI, laia-LaNa In Itobinsou too ushlo, .la mites oat the Sten haz el/1n Plle, three Quarters of a mile from Idaroaletd, s farm of thirty -out Metes, Of Widen Isrener lee oeres Is underlaid with Coal. From 2 to ions.ea of the tract Le 1..11 timbered. The Improvements are a 10, house and Path • and a frame standee sad all under good fence. It Is well watered. The a ...I Iles at sash as eleestlon as will rocddr the atop. •se of It on the Crt la burgh awl direbear We Ball. reap easy. Apply fur (Utter Dank-snore to 8..8. BET All Upshot 1u blacks and Vaal Estate. )r7SI I•'ourth et.. (Marko'. Building.) FOR SALE. A /MIT. OLASS BIN STAND The 'Stook nature.. Good Wu 4 elora Bow a. Dwalllog and large Lot In Sewickley. Cask aalea 83,000 a month. rauesslon givers Immediate, Six Email Mama 144Lote. Ten asap. Several Lot. at Edgeworth Station. froth one to awe Krell 121 tact. Apply to . JAMES T. SAMPLE, Seal Kama Beoter and Insozatice at•au No. IS Irsdernasu:eat, Aliegyear 1.4 OR SALE—A Farm of about 23 acres. opposite Townsend It tattoo s Ho tta Weav ers It. it, &tulles from Tittsbutitt; about 5 servo sleared; balance good timber Wad varietfeo; oena a[ 00•4 goog vein, pit open; a trams dwsilLon of four rooms; good opting Of water „ 00 fruit tree • of suktie s of heat; is splendid place for • vine ; ant. Also, • lot SO try 191 Yees.on ?nobles street, to 'A thins township. •Usitheny county. Will Ds sold cheap. For terms. dc, ivply Al th e ,114111 641.161.9 nod insurance Wks tt. h. BICZES, Ina Batley street, Lawrenceville. 1 4 Vil 6ALE-11)ne of the most beautiful locathies ter n eountr+reeldesce to the county. attested 1 =Lea Mom cityi en the Putebtugh led Conne Mehra& • 11./1 a 1:44- Olt at the .plarna la contain. 11 acres,. the upper e elf rlsl tug ground eluded with threat treee; the re sitinder eloping twine ralltaad. The place** well ratered wltu two or num moan Mewing •-lings, vita aellicleat. tall .14 gorM ...lee to • Piliht of 10 Poet. • :WWI D. 1111.U.gg, Stock and Heal gstate tucker, JrAl , 10. lin Seinen street. VALUABLE FARB FOR SALE.— a Yam, eentalnlnn about i5O acres, near the WI M il e .'em, en thradenongshala Bremen widen to erected • &Bolivar), Mick alanalen Howe and nun, mad other ant-halleinna. alba, namaral othtr farms, Well Waited, Lo Alleallany.aakn Westmore land eonnUes,Loontslalog froolluto2lnircelna Cost and Farms for Baleen the Blenbesnille kall non! and dloateneahela river. lTor t 5 allantVartla -5.0* tX.C l‘ dr° - 810. US grant street. I= A SMALL FARMFOR SALE„with tmuiediate possession. Ispi 'meets of land, 35 &lies trout Allegheny Clay. wits • good log house, of . ..Iwo, susrlng,.fritit trees 61 all.kaulk3tO grape Yttres, , .1' scree to 'goodeal timber. ttrogood YRS, two hog., was horse, two Epilog wagons, 3 arras of potatooo, corn. Deans, so., &a. fetter PAO. altuata IS pain from the Rope Walkand our the Cahoot tiousa,__op Balaban' Ban Plank !toad. a. (3UT/IkiteHl & What, SI &lames at. iMe SALE..-200 acres coal and 4: sod mirrors, situated about 33 soda east of Bid g..s elation, on the rlttsburgh sad nteubensilla Railroad. The ragrood,rorils , dllooll, titraqgh the property. Ort• band:eel add - My Noes of Um sur face la tinder coltleatioo, the reaudnlin_g _All acres Is good obit e art timber. JOHN D. m.u. Y, no,lollroarllrstreet. Or, 11.111fe, 60.11 , 0 block: • DllQUearla Yen. I lIIIEAP BUILDING ILOTti ALA.—Ten bonding PM Lathe deventb Ward, • Abort distance Depend the Upper e wan. Yank lot Jou a front on Iledlord et roet of twenty Peel., ead `extend. back along_lne Ilee of libeller and Want Street. let tent to Wawa , . edgy. Offered tor inr lot. on ea' ten.. Apply to Et. MCLAIN A CM. !YU =I Yourlit strwet. FOU SALIE-One • 'Patent 'Steam TANK,. for rem:lotion Tallow or Um.; • Una (MAN DIEU, 11011.10,1 7 in Inches dl knat:tiAtztignmirtil4rfrobotan; ..• S„mo pound t, • .• .• 1400 • • M)=l WM. KEN eDYat , KW Liberty us. e, Pitts! 14011SAL1E-4 very desirable two story Brick Dwelling ot ere room s sad pool .isuiele on Allen Street,. I...Stet:m.ll , lWe. cos 1 saatager itabway. eiettlen. well ot Water on lot. W ill be dlepow,lot Om llberar Senn.. end' lamellate posse”ion glvs , o lispelled for wog. -or tene, apply at the Peal Letate and sneer/me., see , la, 8 A.Vesrs,.... - ewe . H ttelat. Shed 14 Lgterenneeille • • ll= TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. ExtEiLslonwirettafi R. &Wr NIENKIN6OII; ROI .....MACIVNX IIB OfALL4INVINV. toliAcco; mitair,4*Npauni: 1 4, No. a PLDEBAL. 'STEEN C, :Third door . frouSuts . !!s .. bs .. t . smash Store at Salem, Ohio. isyStastS Rs Es JEFFRIES, umittractareind Vhdoie,atiziadiinsal iikeilftern all Wilda of TOSACCO. SNUFF ANDZIGARS. No. GOT. CLAilit rrnsurcial4 ex. QA lo,toeeswrtmllotof MIMICHATJM. PIPES oldvKIN9 ToliAtice, orant bllfittpally i let GEORGE ELIMENSCEM; mui,mt Ur WOICtIQS AWD93O.9"C''. REGABS, 013:0011 'lO/3900 0 i Smoking Tobacco Plpesiiim. .11Tek. •416.11015veit . 3% sis:tre." l 4 (Der comer of Liberthi 11:0 11 1bl 1 PITUBURGH. I JOHN. 311EORKIV,, -,- aacuu!flirLaigint=aansd l‘tet,!l rgobwo,,,,l4o;trAuml., OA?". , Wssd• 41$ /HIM . tET. Ct= l ltti t ay s rg r aiit e rlirttir , MEROIMIT'AVLUARL'“ SUMMER '!FOR 11011 . ' TOtritkiuia, • • gOOd irazieti a all the Einapner.47leicitssod. r_o EIII 1:) t;1;JVJA:11K1 - IMV= - BitOlYN - & CO POMESEIMAS &STEAM PIPE FIRERS, No. 55 Federal St, Allegheny, 6t2 Penn Street, Pittsburgh. • WATER AND GAB tricruitas Capsizally on hand. Houses titled op with OAR, WA.TEIS or STE/kg PIPES at short notice. • Oil Pedantic& fitted up at short notice sad itt,Die most approved AurTATosts, TAIMIN so,,_ lined with Sheet Lead by new process. with Hydro-Atmospheric Blow Pipe. SlVE k reErlrl a gL o i l irc! a l/tO l if i r IeTAP2AIS t COCKS, PITTiNGS ALITNiNDS, HYDRANT. Whir., and In tact all mat.erial kept by a lizst-elaas establtsbment. We wonld invite the attention of all who have any ork tont, In oration of trailtleel, as we feel . 00n n. .ent we sea sire the teas of sausiactlOn •regards 7,aterlal, workmanship ana pries _- I------ ADDLIVILLIAMS& BMA M . X.4ITACCELECESJoi GAS AND STEAM Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Streets, PLTTNIT.TEGH. Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, --ILLNOEIEBT2g. AU kinds at tV.lrr, u..atid :steam Vl:tares eon dant', on hand. Obeli ADDY, WILLIAM; & Keep on hand • eunerlor article of WOOD r iI UNIX . Se All Duda of IRON PUMPS, HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC. LEAD PIPE, BATH TUBS, tgIa err WAT I ND,ID . L . D , SaI, r , w W . ASH .4 BAILLPO3, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Streets, ii - i1tN,1 41 °1,MAE.9.4 2 "11:17=221i. NOTICE. Private Families and Hotels Coo be Atruistuti with beet quality of HYDRANT HOSE & PIPES, AT ISHOIITZET 507100 A-RD MUM li2llB, By calling on JOHN MAFFET, Nos. 127 and 120 First Street, PIITHSIDAGH, PA. nylnas) WELDON & KELLY, PLUMMERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. A lame asaortment of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pinups, Sheet Lead, &e.. ALWAYS ON ELAND. 184 Wood Street, Near Sixth. T. T. SWW.S RY. LONG OX. pLunsiNG, GAS END STEAM FITTING., HADDAM. IYON PUMPS. SHEET LEAD SKEET mac idIAD PIPES. SINES. BASINS. WATER CLOSETS AND WISH sTANDB, 33vw - Eminis teoctrolars to Addy A Byrom,/ intim.; No. IBS Wood at., PittAborgt., Pot. 1r 111. II /ALUM fil. JOEMBOII HERLEHT & JOHNSON, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters grata Iltrosi ixteaston. 3PITILINSI3I:ritGiriEt. 3P.1116. All orders by .wail executed satisfactorily and promptly attended to. • Mil Uneof Ba th Tuba, Pumps, Basins, Water down, Kinks, Chandeliers, Pendant., and Ws litta-oes, fte este at the most reemerge prices. • Orders from country patrons by mall atompity at tended to. Gym Hasa of every description, iehltd9ll PLEMISING. GAM AND STEAM Ji• mu - rpm DT ALL. .0 muactuss. , Oarenally attrlded=zpe rr eacid sad, pg,letlaa OAS FIXTURES. SINKS. RATILTUBS. hfIOWILB BATHS. WATIMCILOITIETB, HYDBANTB, constantly on band and made to ardor. . , TATE A' &MIA /fa. 60 PZD26I./aL STREET, lleseen.C. And ly zzr LIB Clair ST I.lll.oargh. telalltLalrd B. F. BROWN 14001111 °kiln Agetit, SAN. COB, 06lee, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SEQOND 71.0014) Pittsburgh, Pa. Perishing, Bounties, and,Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. No abarita made anti{ damp atat aaatled. sad the Oat a moderate tae. . _ • L . IL LEIDSAI4: mum es 11We Street, AlleiberklN tpecial attention e. al‘ r en to drawing Deeds, Lease. Y AIi colle to na Inttvewd la Llm will -iv.- . and prompt •it 4.11... JrZat JOHN W. TAYLOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69' Giant ti!reo, mrnam 'kTi6idt6l4: i pt. E. EON3llill.l.llf, OMCe. BiZttlianagt Streetas 1.1118110. # 9.14 4?BpeclatLtintiou Mien to til cavil Ni Burros' -aparlitlont. IL ItACIUULLL a. C. Wcoias. TILAGERELL & MoCOMBS; .AITORNEYII-.& -- COUN;ELLORS-AT W . • No::•B9Prant -irrrlisno*Gtr;P:a. OAN A. STRAIN, - -.ASMAX2 O 3EIX, .. • of the &ND- YABI9TBLT E: Ocoee. uslifth - suolioitteeatheold. • rmeannant,- Ponds, _BOnds. Mortgages,. Ardonowlagmegth Depositiorts ond Alt.tronl Ituslnesssgenated with 1 prompts its and disyste• - . . roynnsal °TAUT _-etruhio. JUSTICE. OP TRIO r/CAOIROLIID: KVA'. IiggAIMASENT.. , orgeonOstortg antler and tlesso strsols.Lisirenosninn, , - .1 3 =3:11U,dita7c1VregtiVira= pre, 'atm ! I.4..Fiy.r.inidad, xioss7 r..P410: EusTAaaFB. MOIMOW , ALDERMAN Ari#. CONV EY ANC ER, Ica pmrsykiniii 4vP,we , 4 4 . 81 . t, het d op posite• • ENE Attorney • ; - at , Law, ;-•; • n0,7;7741'141 E 12., "ILDSEIII tn , tas amra ' btfPratten al .. u., Z "E ILITARY -- 4p Pau's* 0411 . 0..0 - Dw iond street. PPlioc tke ebbs Otr u .4 110.4 t• 0 . 7 0.= on, gist . _ -nd SA. Wid.1111414.= LAND =1 E 4 ''''')(o4: 4 INIMUUNCE T HE Altna and the Portland Fire IF, T N A_ INSURANCE CORPM, HARTFORD, CONN. ABINJETS, JULY 1.15 M. • Club on band, In bank, and with Agents. 267,120 On Malted Mates Mock ..... ... 112,277 Id Beal Eatate, unthaws- bored M.= CC Mate Mocks Cd.IIIO tia A. ,ow Yo r k II ta t s Mock. .» .. . .... . . .... 134,170 eti [d Yank Stocks :I - .. -.- • - ALIN O Miseellinetrus Bank Macke ' 121,030 ao liallried Steens, do. .'.. . .. —,.......-- =MO to MiAallio Bond., ulti, handy andlialS . 1.11M430 al • ------, Tidal 0.075:P0 56 Ltikinirnai" tzd.anette. ....... Sec., 8.1354.594 SO. '.u.ses nn. 4j TdITIVISVIne °tsar 911,11:r 932.1" Loss*. and Expse9 fkir nee ti 9144.4449 4 14204 7 49 Total lose. paid I n 17 year* 137 : 491) Via: Fire 417 4 /09999 Inland.... ' 1.8914/0707 Nista.» Inymmeforl Or Government and state Taxes paid LOSS BY THE PORTLAND FIRE, .Tulp 4th. Tbe total amount eirrered by /Etna Policies on property destroyed or damaged Is 1MM,614 on wedch not will be ab ut !per cent. Our total loss will not vary mtleh tram 1200,04 and la being ProeutolY Wanted and paid. I hit .o.n lob per cent. upon the usetts, a dnae but silgtitly aZemattatt our esn'edel . meat and State taxes. paid last year. Or eProPee . (len equal to • lliS;o0411o. tbr a timpani Or Illes.tte usets. rho necessity for insurance and the sable of w• alt , y soon, corporationli, la forelblYllleetteted by tbis lire. iseverai weakla suriknee.compenies are destroyed Portland Las a population of Mi. t 1 Ot t tbousand. bandstand built. raosOl fine enee or stone structures—protects. , mud, scree ed. with upwards of three thousand anode tfeeti—bcranded three sides by water—lndeed, literallY. Almon mtlell from the ocean—sod with • good steam lire depart meet—yet it has 11.11,t00,000 property consumed In few boor.-upon • holiday when Ito topic ars teat occupied, from the very Insigullicant cameo( aeon. tempilble fire cracker. tethiett ollato of lino that mete away in few lawn the earnings of leant Coostier your oast Interests, and glee the firmaLich a :all if you teed proper insurance seoartry. Pond. susd at fair tai ms. A. A. CARMEEL & BRO, ALC3•ZIZTVIS, 61 FOURTH eiTRIIP :r. =I LIFE 1381111VicE ,t6ENT WAYEED. A FIRST CLASP INSIURANCR 11 - ;(1. Lo Non York, (Dlvtdragta por conk.) k a want of an &picketed Life benzine. Rao, EZIZECI THE AGENCY AT PITTSBURGH. wlul adjoining counties, With an energetic n an, who wlO push Life Insuranoe, and devote his it Jae to It. • liberal arrangement will be mad. Addmas 12.12111.111a2iOrt, •• OAZWITIO77ICIL JTM.gat 1 4 1 HLE AND smEuanc, INSERANIZ co. OF NORTH A MUM Hartford Fire lasataace. Caripasyl assima. • • • 11.116.000. A li li• li Pra abtel etiza eau be secured la the above aerate and ree Companie. = M=M=EMI ftl2 11 A LLEGNIENY CO. 01 PITTSBUNGH.-4:Woe. No. i 7 gtret 4 Bank Mock. buinzedsipatist all SUM of Tire and Martas BMA JOHN IRWIN, JR.. Preddernt. JOHN D. WOOED, VIA* Pseddeat. O. O. DONlUD.L,Dcarstarr. WD. EOZ. Omni AVIA. DIKSCTORII IJotill D. ItoOcall. trze %Mad, , • oapu-Var..- a. Geo. D. li= Hotart U . e ta tones, HasTei " T. J 6 Alkookinroll6 Joblikirwio. Jr., WESTEM VOIVILUICE CO.; OF ITETSIIIMGH.. , , • . • AT ==KNoss - srunex, prodasoi. TAIL P. SlZRElENT._tteeretesa._, .. CAPT. GEORGO Witia..u,' Slalom Act ,.. . nce, sa Water most. OPsolt . ll!‘"'s Wale up stulm Pitt= ' '' ' ' '. = lasuro stsll Wadi ot.llzs sad Marine /I. A home Institution mshApotlLDlttonOto ta m s or nt e .sd .oll t rcnntrostorestotot=i ny a t = tato tits tharsoal u ghA Cur ostmoNet. as of. tering the berg protect= to those .who dulls to hr .. B. l . it kCler..o.' ;- • ' . A3 ptvld 11L - A lo et ri: 1 Rees &Thomas. itotttirdel NM.% 0h.... Chute, 07 ,........d.v3r , ....,._ Johns: 0. w • ' ' .. " "Pl irti : I. P. HlAlMlT.lliumutury. INSURE - YOIIR , 'LIFE el ANTEW °ACLU/ T. ME= CMS cuIIPA. NY OP Id USTPOSID, 001124.• - unldroddirS COMPANY. It APLICidOs Mon now MAIM and PIM AIIIII. CASH. DIVIDirD an the OM rind mmle arlearnern payment of premium.' 'lts CASH IllatriT an se. cumulation 6112.edar02. Maegerf , Merdd /ft • Ito walks !won .niorNguss _ ATF. . :Myr IP lin me = i id i Duane/fa and Laid toilet OWlninditratalVidlrettrilli ire). tr ia lit=te ll and tri b dralinn e to s y vita Of rids Pee " nfterren " ga:OrVII 114 - 448". Branch Jews or Weidner' Pran:Mania, When Cirentara and anal - Applioadlone t ill tosnlebed. GS MI6 altroes,.,itlabserwtt. Mi t y " " 4 ',P . frff. NoRTHANWI#CA:;,. . -• LIFE INEUILM COMPANY. . Ss fi~wtaw.se:ati.o'awr/. lIIIMIDENT-N. a munamt.• rar.e.t. TABT,4OO77,III,KILICUS. 13.11: Tatnua. *Natal Saimalwa C.) .070 1K EEMOLitACOVE Ft) a wieselms 61 7 1Fourth-lit,lP4tiburfh• AszwrslVAiTsp. _ m7911:b5% pEmiInEvANAA issintAXCw - co. Of PITTSBURaiIi PA, oftteouruut 111110 . 1 . 2 " 111- , El!ek. mit,:ts • /1023•0015%1141/.. 11[111%, lOU by Vire toingp fiorrsi , risidThl' oat. abliiirs i i. L AlTl t eL l r 6 tetruir . ANNEI.IIIINr. - I O. C. Br • ro. SAWN. 3Jl4aOlllZb=ntbe z " J'S . .$7 JO3l V 044 'Ja..1.11.01u, Aros- 11en71proul. - c;p7 : DEON! s syritOr, idRISSACOC!I ) , , t • • Jo teri • ' tl.)llMS.taZai: - isrmlEU* • ui -- -- 0, --- 07vork icict a PRILADUULL • mums 11 / 1 m a s a. . .sseuvrOfo Po = "fl i tti 7 :- - 1.. t.: 16/ '" 43"A`"1114111 01161:14:::5::::::::::::. ' VIL ' 12 ' 164 cl.bm ''''' * —**::::::::: :: :::::: mug. 2 rosh' a ta. 1 77 , ./...' , l';' • ....6as.litc,,ta... itawsid 41, Ds* gensi - UFZT — tt irak °eVt iul pi ral th . r. ". J..ootElt- sot ‘ lfrios IV. latess,.. L t eleort•l'S 03 gri; liii 0 . A.l.L, K tlisrleilit= 4 . 63 . l'r! lIW -,, •,, , 1 -411271 1 1 . Aisa' ' %I ''. idijor —..- taiiith miswriting' streeti.' L*----------- _ _ to I X.O :t WA •100:1 n. ~LLiTCaIaA J. C. sztisw;..w. SQE:CVOILWORti.S. 1 ..3" _. gurga: : :,*:gq, - , meNtracTittiiWO'llTik CELEBRATED LElllinTigt; PETROLEUM LUBRICATINO OILO; tVernk, Lard and Whale Mihy EElßWit,fAgiW OIL ADIBUCUMI" titandud White Burning Oil, Na SS Illiarket Rime% prrrsrausait, re. . EISEND FOR • 0 AGENCY PABIOMSBURG LIMMOINDIG 401.1 Co7Paiy Keep, constantly. on Ittutfl a randy .of sirgitlftn. Natural Lubricating Oii, OH THZ Ban eruarrcica, Free from all Every Barra Warranted,,,- OZ TO 13Z HLTIIBEDawitIi .00112.11Hri; Aildresa JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, wrzu r. u. _trivia a co, t N. W. Corner Third and *Ad', Use PITTSBURGH, PA. Inr2111:b78 WARING & KING, COIESSION lIRCIL4IB BD BUM Li Petroleum and its Products, : 4 017.QUEIWE skwrosaavral.carsaci . rIIIIADELPIXIA WARINC, KING IV CO., - u01:•46 1.11 'I Walnut Ell. (•1 & * WOOLDRIDGE Oili:iik.W.E;ill l l • . ocsacce.ds-i:a ., Jr. OF PITTSBURCH.:PEI4:- JOHN WATT, Preatean. /DEN BY Y. Latta, Igiuo,y WORKS IN TERIPERINCEN uk..t Mee, He. 2 Duquesne ti • 014• All easymnnn Brlageo JILAND7AOTIIIiKka. Ulf YURI/ 111[51 - trii IN G COIL.- Brand... " Lanifer. ". HMV* SyrEmelt eIL ,sai. tiaad . . o= c + • MUM.• • - Ae tame pales net.diag to call and sm Mem, *want cox - PLILF,AiIa u!•1 , ,!- - BTBALTS, wow CliuWmoirr - Wort. , •• - for Ti.. . LeatX3ll .11.4.1d2111.14. - Cl9: • - • LA - 7 . 4 (ML WORM • ' '••• • .uAogeo•. ZaiD6Vcrrexa.o43ol7/11:0; •-• WIONTIRAN & ANDERSON, Refiners and Dealers in P 11 0 OATIOX.. sEces.utmlin,CtriiNtalit•StAß.X. T. AND DIA/DANN/C. WAX. . zuglA+4 A. TAC1L....41 1 Z0. 1. TLC K......ltiLartd ":41311y TACK IWO. A CO, - . , cataiustox ArAtKIATIV PETROLEUM. AN D _ ITS PRODUCTS,' Wilcock instaburitiL, - PlatAwas*uonnes, isr Waanumrser, WAlThatir 7c BATCHELDRIZ; CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM,' WHALt olL; solar. nruzlTs Trusgmp . xll43. . . 7 1501/TII.CMIULIII./... TAB, ikt-• Voirlittle .114 DaNiesir a. manceek. Z;lprinutirit.a. we/Lusa:ion vialciat , • . JABLIES.IRWIN aI CO, ./tAirtr/LOIVICEBB or OIL OF VITRIOL ARO AQUA AIIAMOIRIA.. 41;117*ii,10 VI • PJI.7SBUJICIAL Is. KMIUII* VALLEY BTOIfE woalks: ALLEN, . . . Claes wed iiiragritol.lldtrartlr. attestant' • • opposite ••• innarldatireld. e • _ 4taardactoroa a nasal oratorio! COWS, • PAILIAIS . - and liZATl.ant wri."s.% sarong ortdatt are the col-. o t.u.a i v e near sad rdarator ,ttoal Cooktsta e: elsamu; 'lttattotocrai and bent Inel. forerun or wod,and Orrtratted. Star oftn Itatotze.: tor' wood: lava; data.; bract; rendehß tinaar.Aattlto, - pag !maw arm kloUrair War. sea s.llAntirr.„ e. liketkpls lETINA . „ lOLADLET it CO. GOOK, PARLOR AND - HEIITIMB STalfib+ .o"l"4 ° V:sTairlia'ru c. "l4 7 :renf p rtr a "'Z w el-'' "A2f ' II a 124)51"16 (Wow 41 °. 31 tamirr.s, 6,"ltafffli FILOWIIS. ;5 , 4' Ltaleir sag Wasehuse, , 3ollllllor4§6ooVg. aßtfr VI aNtqtt. liptisact on . pencax&aurogs. 1 Ais Eig s.: EtM5=E ItickiLELLutitil . cu; turner Feueial and lat4Cl4 holsealetualitst4llDlUgo3, urlJer►.ln r^ aka; V ntaSK t*rbon lAketm; Mantis , d and .r.sves±v tame& , Thelr *sou. Ls lorge And Mt. bei WWI as bx Ca ,Thy naus4 • mfdsast• . • -• •• • IcrtoongausES & So tiftine•tesill Ourii& - 7 kURE I WRITE LULL+ LIMY 904,101111 LAS tl.! ' • " t 4 51. . 4 4 4 '. 3365 !' n.Te.: ea.. vv4;c•gelaimarooYv, rialr. BEST CIT4TI:6E: er,=•• cbtast.r LI4SEFIO 4941.,111E1G1E1LYL% .airadiura tar var; Wboic l, •Px 4 6lo l ;F:g 4 .??...°l'r,.. ine. TUILIPENTILIik; 4ust ra Jetiviol and tor sahib . Nihok:amiDe li let l4 . ; li f l; ` ria " rtaL.ll'..‘`nC c I i AES OA-K - L' 4 1a,k..1!" 2,plustrc4.t'" gm: a I.o= 11Y/4 'll,*,!!l . 4l* . ***itti* . ,'''. 11011 MITLULL. i• • . :..11'......1:1' . : ...- .....,-1., ~. - - ~•-•-..6 .....,,-,, •. • _.: Nos, 42$ iii. , 1127•Xiberfr tirtet..r . : • 11.,yert *it nnutivc c„, UI , so'' 4 ' V - 1 115 . ' • ,- ,`, grtiggi,flt,:%t irl.•= l ." - *. - 4•.. 0 4 .4;;;.3,•• - ... • ' aa v at LO r c a i ocuw uterttang woo,line, — ,Ye 4 . o „„wt.,to cal% 113 Vit. Ul.l trytr, .. - ..Iprolaiztorgt4lsirperamo 0.1.5...101.:4 1.,,,. , _ : ualiar.s. .. ~; - _' • ' h .',.!,. ' k A ' - L. 'Y", • = = ==l YOUNDIaM 1 MEE =I +P