gie Vittobitvgit 6azettr. PITSIASIIZD HY MM]tilßT, REED & CO. p. PICININAN• T. P. 110VIPTON. ril ims bta / I `L N „... e i rkpillaslatt. Bi.l2ligerf• TUESDAY, JULY 81, ISEKI UNION REPUBLICLN NOMINATIONS. FOR 6. v ERROR 1 MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, OW OUIdIt&ILLA—AD COUNTY lIILLIII7/ DARFUR'. B. CLILLET, City 4 .11011111 0. 11111011211, Hampton Tp VIM ON OarII.ANEI COUET: £LEXA3DEZ HILANDS, City I inoconotn: HZ). T SHI VELY, City. y IAIItOtSTXII.: .1106 H li. lIIRAY, Plum Tp. E:==C=! GEORQE HAILILTON. GUy. lIIIISCTOR OF ZPOOS C.A:IIIAVo. Mifflin Tp 1862[1L : JOHN P. GLANS, City. itiSORGA PETERWILNON,Pitt Tp. GINOP.OIti Y. IIIoKEZ. North Fayette Ty. IVILIJUL AAJIZIEL DI CHADINI, Bose Ty. . T D . H. A. COLviria.r. City. THE PHILADELPHIA CONVENTION. If anv of our readers imagine the Phil adelphia C,ouvention is a popular move ment—that it was intended by its eoneoc tors and promoters to express the convic tions of the people on the present situation of public affairs—and that its deliberations and conclusions will be entitled to taty pedal consideration, they had best itlqUilv in what quarter it originated and in what manner the delegates to it are appointed. Was there a demand from among the people for such an assemblage? Only sheer impudence would make such an allegation. In none of the accustomed forms for the ex pression °lithe popular will—ln no form whatever—Las there been a requirement on the part of the people lot the convening of such a body. The people chose represen. tatives in a regular, formal and legal man ner; and those representatives have been deliberating and adopting measures for sev eral months past. No proof exists to show that the people are dissatisfied with the con duct of their representatives. All the in dicatious lead to the conclusion that the representatives will be sustained—especi ally those the Conservatives clamor against most. No sane man doubts the re-election of Mr. Wn.masts, and Mr. KELLEv. They are not lathe class of representatives who stand in danger of repudiation by their con stituents. The men who are certain to go overboard are of the stamp of Mr. Cowes. The Philadelphia Convention originated in the White House. It has for its object to overawe the representatives of the peo ple, and make them submit to presidential dictation. It is sustained by Executive patronage. Left to -itself, and such support as the people, by spontaneous movement, would give, it would fall still-horn The Democratic State Committee has appointed a set of delegates to represent this Commonwealth—and a very respecta ble delegation it is in point of ability, of personal diameter, and of experience. What had the people to do in their selec tion ? Not a thing. Not a particle of evi dence exists in show that any one of the gentlemen named could or would have been appointed to that function by the peopleat large or by the people of the par ticular district. Indeed, there is no evi dence to prove, or even to establish a probability, that the Democrats, acting separate and apart Irma the rest of their fellow-citizens, would have elected these men, or any of them, as their representa tives. Mr W LLACE lnay have assembled th e slam Committee over which he pre sides to make these appointments, or he may have sat down, himself alone, in the privacy of hie chamber, and made up the list. In the latter (use, they would be his representatives; in the former, those of the Committee. I/1 either ease, there is no room for the people to come in. The peo ple had just nothing to do in the premises, and they did all the programme meant they should. What was desired, was a packed caucus of politicians of a particular stripe, and that is what will he obtained. This is farther illustrated by the machin ery through which the set of delegates pro fessedly Republican is appointed. A hand ful of self-constituted delegates to a State Convention met at Philadelphia and desig nated delegates at large to the National Convention. Conceding to them high in telligence, eminent personal virtues, and ripe experience in dealing with public questions, it is still pertinent to Inquire, Who do they represent? What had the people to do in their appointment? Would the people collectively, or the Republicans, acting separately, have commission ed these. individuals as their plem ipotentiat tea? No decent man has hardihood enough to say that the people, in any true sense, have been consulted' in these appointments, or that there was any intention of consulting them. A truly rep resentative body was not desired; but a body factitiously manipulated to express et fore gone conclusion, and. endorse apra-determ- Med policy. Now we see no objection to these people from Pennsylvania and elsewhere, coating tqgctler, talking as long as they will about certain . aped& questions or matters In gen eral, and coming to . sucli results at shall by dictated either by their wisdom or wishes . . They are AmeriCan' cllizatiaLat least such as have not forfeited their right by offences against the laws—and arc at liberty to talk, and to be heard, ll . ..any:body chooses to li.cen. It is well to know what .- leading rebels or prominent South ern men who are notNebels. What they have to say will nog - meals: s ite stock'of gen eral Information. But all; attempts to pass this bedjroffas having aithority, or 'even entitled to any respect beyond such as may be fairly challenged as due to the personal character and attainments of the men com posing It, arc not only aupeterogatory but ridiculous. The people of the countrywill presently be called upon to elect representative, in a for - rail and definite manner ; dater the Constitution and Lawa, Tli relFeeet4a- Wren so elected will have authority. They will not owe fealty to - the , President and his Cabinet, but to the People. The new Congress bids • fair, to te:Volapose d mainly of the ideriticai men who.composed the past Congress. The men who are likely to lie dropped arc - not theie the President finds Tault with. Let the people address themselves to therask of. selecting the new members, and seeing that they are composed of proper stuff. • TtrE Rapid,licane of Cumberland county met in convention at 'Carlisle on the 23d and nominated the following ticket : CongTS;Col Et 31 settdarstiai 4. r : Car lisle, aubjeet to tho decision of the Con gressional itioritorincei>lßSLmbly &load John Lee; Associate iltOpti, 'Captain J.-*. Kelt.O, at:ow W. Cilswell; Pintitaniitiry, Sergeant' John Vinf Cowls, iSergeant `;WW Register, Captain Taut. lattlivoiainteony t miaioner; Captain Saileuel'ldtig;•lpiiiihit• of the. Poor, Owen Jautel; County Audi tor, Jason W. Eby. " 7 r - ".. -s --- _ -Letter from Dialer Mick Downing. absents. garcons : I'm jilt ington City, and chuck full o Detre; called to see the President and talkeil to him like a book, for me and him Were school boys. I've a liking for Andy, and told him I didn't want - to see him lost in the fog. Bays he, Major heir Ton, and yo I put my thumbs in my jacket, drew myself back in my chair and commenced. Says_ I, Andy, for God's sake and mine, don't you make the same blander John Tyler did. lle got a notion in his head to get tip a policy, and got to quarreling with Con gress, and then the Democrats ,patted him on the back and promised to stand by hire: and know, see I, Andy, they dropped him at the end ol his term, jest as a monkey would a hot chestnut. See I, Andy, you know how they need to get up meetings here, aide fellows as Montgomery Blair would blown horn, then some of the fel lows under him would beat on Unpins and an old drum that must of stood out in the rain that when you beSton ft It sounded like kicking a foot-ball; then they would gather up to this very White House in a .o.." 1 crowd nod old John Tyler would come out, and with one thumb in his Jack et, jes like me, and the fore-linger of his right hand leaningnpagalnet his long nose, he would say: " Fellow citizens, this im., mense assemblage,of the yeomanry of the country' convince!' me that 'My Policy' is right." Then some feller would holler out, "Give it to Clay." Then old John would call Clay a dictator, and other bard names, like you called Forney. Sea I, Andy that was not right for you, a President of these here United States, reaching from the At lantic to the Pacific ocean, to talk about "dead ducks." Such expressions from me and you ain't becoming no how, and I kept denying yon ever said it until Seward telegraphed it was an elegant speech, "dead ducks" and. all. Now, see I, Andy don't let them fellows, Montgomery Blair, Toni and others just like them draw you out to make a fool of yourself again. You keep shady, don't get mad, but try and fol low as closely as you can the track of Old Abe and You'll be all right. Seilie, Major don't the Democrats approve. my course? Psha I see I ; Andy are you green enough not to know what they arirafter? You know, sea I, Andy they haver get np any measure themselves, but always fight every thing oar party adopts. Why, Andy, see I, I verily believe if Congress would pass a bill to keep trichined hogs anti the chol era from landing on our shore, and you would veto the bill, the Democrats would pat you on the back and cry out, "Good for you, Andy; stick to principle and we'll stand by you." Why, sea 1, Andy they would take the stump for you and would tell their Democratic friends as how there was no each thing as trichina in hogs; that It was a Republican falsehood, Intended to interfere with- he whole hog principles of the Democracy. Now, see 1, Andy you must not be fooled by these fellows in this way. There ain't a going to be any - shah thing as a new party formed, for the people all Say the Union party Is good enough for there, and they Intend to suck to it. Ses 1, Andy look at Connecticut and New Hamp shire, how they stuck to the Union party against the copperheads Depend upon it, this is the feeling all over the coantry, and you can't change it_ Yito helped to make it yourself when yoi told them in the Senate you would hang traitors. Ses I, Andy, If you caught a servant goingto burn your house down, would you trust -him any longer, even if he would swear he would never do 'Regain? Breckinridge and Davis swore they would support the Constitution of the United Stites, and all the time they were trying to upset the Union, awl of course Andy sea, I, you know, if they upset the Union, the Constitution would be undermost_ Now, would you, Andy, see I, • take either of these fellows into your Cabinet, and ii yoh did, wouldn't yon be cretim they would turn our own guns upou you, or Frith) all the money from the Treasury, and start another rebellion? If so, why do you quarrel with Congress tor not taking such vile rebels like them into fellowship to make laws for us? Wouldn't you say, sect I, Andy, that a fellow that would try to lake the life of your child, wouldn't be St to be its gnardlart? And now, Andy, don't y r * think yoursclf—if you should come nCourt and ask the Judge to appoint mit a fellow gnardianthat yott would he salt tight away to the madhouse? Now, eta I, Andy, that's jest what the people think, and they intend to stand by Con gress in keeping the rebels out, and if you'd only turn and be 'with them, Andy, in that you'd be - all right; but if you don't, see I, Andy, yon'l be ground to mince meat. Sea he, Major, do you think so? Yes, -see Andy, Pm sure of it, anti with that he took a drink, and asked me to Imo him, which, out of sheer respect, i did. Major, sea Andy, did you see an account of the Johnson Club? See I, Andy, what upon airth do you want with a club of Cooper beads—you in the middle and they all curled up and hissing, ready to give you a dab behind and before? Now, seal, Andy, this is a plan to catch you. There's Tom F, he'd-throw his arms around your neck and palaver you with a stream of . blarney strong enough to turn a common sized water wheel , and say: Yes, Mr. Presi dent, these extremists are extremely ex treme and fanatically fanatic,, calling for the exercise of the superior,transeendant and unparalled wisdom which you are known to possess. And then het go right off to the old public- functionary, (Mont gomery Blair) and the rest of them, and unak and tell them howlie watts foolen you, • and =ken yon believe he wasin. earnest, and then they' I" all say, ' - try him agate, - 'em s a Mlle more soft solder and we have 1 m." Why, Andy,aes.l, them fellows Lave theirapudente to say yours going to s pport Clymer for, Governor. Now, see I, Andy, can you stand rich tarnel hare (iced, 'Math?' Yettl . know, Andy, see I, whan.dyinot whale bath all kind's of hard things abontyou, and wouldn't let you speak In the - Capital of the State, Gen. Geary was ti keepin the rebela Rom burtin you, and I tell yon„ now, Andy, sea I, if it ttlsdn't beetrley Gftaii yon might have been. where . Jeff Davis " is, 'and ay- Rier ,-• been in Congress helpin to make Provision for your trial for treason. He ; t amed you • A lOTA Lincoln's ,: and said yon were xusitTer. that. you were no Gov (Fun*, unit Oda - . ye n , , Andy, see 1, then you had ao•PatrOziaire er power—now, when he Soda you thePreildeat, ho comes a retitle and - emellln 'tumid the White Rousefer cabbage: Not you se e it, sea I‘ , Andy" . • Sea joy I ao_and withlhat wolOok another drink of Dr. B's everhotz, and then Andt,„ he Uttered right round to LUA, clutched It flat, and iy the Eternal he - would go for ia onr .,, - Now, sea I, Andy, stick to that, and don't gor.z.le down any .more of their Copper. head fbatteU - I,` rind don't Jet any of them old buziards roost Aunt the White House. lies be, Maim', PI keep my eye skinned for that, and then me and him parted. MAJRR SACS/ DOWNINU. LutrunAmt.—A correspondent of the Cincinnati Commercial, who has recently had an interview with GSM. Phil. Sheri dan, reports that theists& expresses him self upon the condition of affairs in his military division as follows: "Ho saidiberevras an undcrahted change P.O the Wthrse'in the attitude of the South Within the 1 44 ALL zuorghs, and bad eynip touts appeared .to be increasing. It now looked:as if these infatuated, people were Once more to precipitatotheir own misfor tune. NotWog could have been more con siderate than the disposition of the nation toward Its defeated foes, even in the IL eat of 'innlllioll'end flush of'vletor7; sand had the liebelli.noly - ioaniksted if temper cor respondingly, reasonable,; n as, indeed, was very natural tb,ba!urpented after such chap ligelnen4:Abeie CoUld.havo been no further dEttleolty,• •The• , South- -evidently had no statesmen, else sde piainla 'problem would not continue to be so tont:teed; for it should be clear that no:"ellias.;:, once jet - free, can king remain diferanchised; and as they aught lo'havelbiestalledlbeir Toes In 'gle• lug freedom to thit,Chleft,itt war, no alter. ward-common sensooughrte have P regll P" te a kit leastiatoutceigyuretidel'in .making entail). peace of those , with Whom' they am' bound henceforth to,live, .-Instead, h-o'Fga•r;l"Proe*certtdtt:thitt,the •,Ro.P'• Oa hadleanteu, tiothUg:lkom expert' .. 4 1 - 0 Id would, infect, drive thew nnly e.hance• 14to urfriongly:hande.' The - safety of the p_o ll4 :vemW*PAbillialtdi`nito rights "of C A I CIII-Rieli 4 R4a o :SOUtlisoll retie tlib inedlittlentOf ieetnolerg tailltary,foroefitid rWpdfittillittlinittpiony it ahouw ilitailUirkillitt•tkakiit Zien et to be .21 :CM9Ted•trQui the Scoldkflwit;aji, • , .. • ~y =33:1=1:3 - ' B eirlakiPlatill prevails - at Saratoga. (Va.) has a population of about 17,000. —A Nashville negro shot a hackman for refusing him a ride. —The tea drinkers of this country con same 30,000,000 pounds annually. —Petroleum has been found in Texas, between the Angelina and Neches rivers. girl of fourteen has been abducted from Lafayette, Indiana, by a scissors grin der. —'the first regular shop for the sale of horse meat Was opened in Paris on the Oth of July. —nearly one thousand gentlemen in Baltimore have organized a rifle shooting company, and purchased grounds and buildings at a emit of over $60,005. —The flag of the whaleship General Williams, of New London, captured by the pirate Shenandoah in the Pacific, June 97, 1665, has been recovered and returned brill° Government to its owners. • young man named Jerry Lloyd, stablled and killed a Mr. and Mrs. Moss, in Rolla county; Miseouri, last week. '1 he affair grew out of objections on the part of lilosa and his wile to Lloyd visiting their daughtU.. —Nachod, in Bohemia, which has figured so prominently in the accounts of the struggle between . Austria and Prussia, was the birthplace of the famous Wallenstein. This little town of 3,000 inhabitants has an old church and castle, both of which are connected with the history of his family. —Fractional currency having become short, owing to the large amount of muti lated that has been redeemed, the Su perintendent of the proper Bureau at Wash ington is now compelled to work all his available force extra hours to keep up with the demand to satisfy the vacancy thus creaksd, -a. French paper speaking of the hor rors rif. London, said quite recently: "Will It ho believed, in London a soup made of rotten green walautsand cats' livers is eat. en and popular In till classes of society.• Some of the subs( ti hers to the paper insis ted upon further proticulars in order that they? might avoid this horrible soup when theyi went to London. The editor said the scull alluded to was called in London wal nut catsup. —When Portland was burned by the British in 1775 an infant hut a few weeks old was removed from a house on Fore street and taken out of town for wifely. The house was burned down. During the con flagration on the Fourth that same infant was removed from a house erected on the spot where stood the tee burned by Mowatt, from which, ninety years ago, she had been removed, and was once more taken to a place of safety. It was the ven erable Miss Hanna Thorn. FRUIT WAX! FRUIT WAX! VIWIT WAX! FRUIT WAX! FRUIT WAX` rutur WA X • FRUIT WAX FlttliT WAX! IfIIUIT WAX FRUIT WAX` FILUIT WAX VRILITT WAN; FRUIT WAX FIWIT WAX Fsurr WAX Piturr WAX The bent and most reliable aril, le The best and moat reliable ar,sete The best sad most legible menet,. Tao lae•t and mon sellable nrticis The best and most reliable emelt The best and most reliable article 'beeper than elec. here In the city. Cheaper than elsewhere In the ctn. , •heaper than elsewhere to the ear. Cheaper than elsewhere In the en.. Cheaper then elsewhere In the Lilt'. AT FeElltlalli'a Ult Ult Al FLIK3UhIt'S .Rl:6 IeTURL. AT FLUMIN SWILL. AT FL EktlNel•is Ultt'll I,IOIIE. Nu. s, Market street, No, 04 Merkel street. No. et Market stm t, Corner of tie Diamond and Market street. Corner of the Ulantood and Market street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, WAL BING HA Ai, Jr., Adana Etyma Wier, 64 /VA Albvet, at an authorised Agent to miens, Adrertieresents for the GAZETTE; and at/ other papers throughout the United States and the Ltinailas. S'IMATED OU STOLES. Thurr. day. the rob lust, A WHI (IC I . OW. with bine lob black. ilpOt• on the nett. Also, on Tuesday. Nth 104., A. RED COW. with white no bind lege. A remand of 010 win be paid (or Use 'num di both noes to th e an Inscriber. JOHN Y. OATH KR. j1 , 11:1. Duncan meta, I 4 1QUID RENFETT. 1 Gross H. Blair's. The only nlist.O. Itsonst for motto, with tulle, Ina few Wont., .fly, ./uotent ono Yrupolze for Sattaner (leaser,. for -.ale by the dozen. or stave bolt e, et the tun Ilyl. r.tery More of JNII. A. ItIKNoIIAW. )7 3 / • "rues Tabs rty and Hand streets. SCREWLESS sinurrEe 11111V4SER, Olisap sad strong. and caster put on than any other binges In see, at JOSEPH WOODWELL & CO., Corner Wood and becond ate., rittstnergb, AGENT, run rAiullAiilib• SCAI,EB. lyll-44,e4 AGENTS WANTED, TO SELL TXI.3IMX, 82•72:e .17.1E41.171n; Or, Lore and Loyalty. The mie will he very lergh.end agents will find it for their intermit to sell Ude book In prefermee to eaj other. Ledlee nod gentlemen wishing pronter he employment will do well la rell upon or address W. J. litls.L.A A (Y. 0.. i) -21 :0 3 76 Third etre.. lustsburgh. Pe. MM. goal Ora miler, gm lo ovary roma hot end cold water imam , do. all to complete orJer. Ilnly See minutee well, from the Pueloillew Posimetioa fore tied Immediately. further partlealen Inquire of JAMEY PHELAN, iIV - 11 1 6 No. 24 irlfth Street. BOABDING RANTED-6p a gen: Reiman and wife. In eke.... di'', FRONT ROOM PRE/Mak/CD. Ael , lress this Odle, attallneprlce =CETI sODIET EMIG NEW AND vALuA -TCHOILs, SACKS or W 1.1.8 cured yin outman or rotting. I fete th I. uppoinnnity of introduring to thew üb lic- my eerily discovered mode of treatment th t the least palu or cutting. 1 will meet will, those afflicted at PARMA a% INN, corner Fourth and retry stroets, from BA. 31. to 30. every day during Iffe week, from the 311th of July to the .11.1 1 "° -- ." pay. Um' jrirgli.ll2,7l ,(- FOR SALE.—TWO DESIRABLE DUMPING LOTS. situated nu the C 1111111)( of BIDWELL and HAMILTON &TREATS, Second Ward. Allegheny. one square from the lion of the Allegheny and Manchester Passenger Railway, Inquire of JAMES GODFREY, .17 11 iff 11 No. 7 Ohio Btreet, Allegheny. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the report or the viewers far the opening of DA Vlif ALL,KT, In the City of Allegheny, set ting forth the dannyres and benefits assessed upon Hia Prot.•fir ad oining. Ac aw. Med July moth, 1888, 10 the Distritt 1 ,1114 ' 01 Allrgbeoy cone tr. to which Court spinals trout said rep o rt p t ., made within 512 weeks from the date of the king thereof. EL A. WO. DWAED, H 1741 City Solicitor. WESTERN !MILITARY INSTI- T TUTS, NEAR DA TTON, 01110.— &plain JAMMS 11. LOCKE. Superintendent. Captain O !MITERS. U. 8. A.. Commandant. The next sc.- ri .of this Institution WIU 010 u oECTICAIit&A, lilt. la- Circulars Clll he had at the Boot - Sure of A. 11. Ep t oto. A Co., Where also proves desrring (nether information cao confer with ft. r. SAMUEL U . Co.fesmir in the institnte , from le A. 111. 40 12 • . L till Auguattib. prat. Jr/1..14 prrirtIBVIIGU AND OAKLAND unx. Nuovszb. JOILN Q & A. AIVIIIHM :JIMANraITANA fdrll.lll:l7,72thirdpial 4OP :`IIOFIVEV4Tar `KVE;(469I6, ltastourgb Ana O t aif 3 aUletZger Car, run to ha Urreohou. aver, IS Minales. ION"i PITTBBII3IIGLI ANTI CONNELLS. VILLE ft AIL RO C OMMA NY 7111 AT MORT • GAGE TURTLE CHEEK DIVIeIoN CoNeTW. MN BURPS. — hold., ue hereby [RAMC& that the Interest coupon• on above bonds due August lat. ...od n a_fiter that d i ode, i nn u tt n re. a t, habupph. nd rY at Jya-glafire _ T reasrer. BREwEAS, BALL-1 SO good second band ALIC BARRELS LH It HALVES trill be sold eta bargain. HENRY REA, Jn JyVI-Tras =Liberty, opposite !Seventh street COW.—Caine to the lin.. a-r/ sieralitned, 1/vlow at the fur end of blurt/abet bridge, on The Way evening IfTel a/M CO.'', 5. , ••• ••• * calL, r ) about nlhe /awls old. The ow will call. prove pr... report/. pay to and take her away. or %be will be sold aeoorilltig to law. 1.1E.T. DC MONET TO LOAN.=n2I,OOO on = Q Nkpt t : d Ak " s "`' .Nitti° lINATLIL.4, ' ll3O • No. InYourn otren. Tanumes AND PLIIIIIB.-3 casks re-teTTenhaVelie 7OO "frE i PI T`; on Ino to w °c " . TrHERUIES.-11.00 cakte pe resh for Wnb r hrl'e poun d frain w rgad.,•" 4 liti. l3s sari Zi ood suss,. NEW SOUTHERN WHEAT. ---Two AN cars to snivelling &rule, lOy _ _ IIMIIICIIIIIIILWAVIWE C 1.17116 to• ow.arr,Yosna tor aole,D7 • .s Hint • (Inman IlltAND111yFloul: Nw. °aloud and • tools ~ - • -•orlaielty .1‘ 0014117%, , V•IUMICATINe ..W-4,4o,,bauTehr , A 4 vary .dear. .;#,EMIOO/1111,61"i NEW ADVIldi JAN T. NUBIA CO , .- (Tensors tc.B."Jants*Co..) Come Fourth Old p . OO - iti BANKERS & BROKERS, „H. tam. Governmenttootwities, Foreign Exchant.e, Gold; saw* and Coupons. COLLECTIONS in& on sal nen nine Point. In the United Sines and Cannel. ....... Interest allowed on Time Deposits. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNER atparpheretofoe exthilog Immo= T.I.IUntA.U, whl k.:*nd ROBERT WILuV under the Hume sod etyle of WIEfRIN m BROR. Was Dissolved by Mutual. Consent, on the 2htt, hot_ Tkoutne rodelnit. Thffelt • of the tete firm 0 1.11,0 nottimi by WILSON, who H. H. who will continue the hm.toom of HOUSE AND SION PAINTING =1 21 Federal Street,Allegheny City. WM. L. SANFORD, General Commission Merchant, AND DEW/I IN GRAIN oo.ixxx..xocrrB33, Having "conirplete• arraugetnAnta for absents, by steam 100 basbelauf Corn per day, and ISO busbeld of Corn Meal, respectfully solicits patronage, Ad orders promptly attended to at lowest rates. Is) - A ildress, WM. L. HANFORD, 1)31.,n/ SOLDIERS , CLAIMS FOR BOUNTY, &c. The undersigned VIII co Ilect all bounties, back pay and penslon• doe soldiers under the achi of r °ogress or State laws. Congress hastost passe I an aeL equalising b00n :1,.,, under which veteran soldier. are entitled to Wont, of from 4100 to 5.200. JOHN H. LAURIE. A. U. nuowN. Attorney. at Law, °thee, No. 114 rmh street,. eirrsuumid. MANSFIELD LOTS N•C".I.IL 1341LX.a3ECI. Vll l . Y VERY DKR' RAIILE I.oTrt adjoini 1111:Ie of Manageld. on Chartiven Creek. will roof-0,1,1 et Sale on 114rUlt Y. Angola 410. at t lA. Y. IP .11, thorn t o t. 0 0 060 from on. .re mlol le.. ordinary Ore.! building lot.. LI orrel .er . . • maen. to 1 . 00.0. In 11. r oily wishing In attend Ow solo will take tn. Menet,. hl Areononodellun teal., leaving the Union depot et 10 •. L. 00.1 get 00 nt —Come trey- Cr ur•lng. • Train, mturnlng to MO city will too At thin Station et 1%30 and 3 r... r., further lotonvol to u , enquire of .1. 1311 LIBERTY STRXIIVE, ALLEGHENY AA. VALLEY IIAILROAD aIINERIE CHANCE OF TIME. • On and Mot ZONIOMAY, 7el, Occ, tham mill leave me/ arrive st rltuburg4 Or.pot, corn. rO. 11.2111 Canal streets, as follows: oral Sl.A.M.Sclithl ACOlrtn. 'Lk. I. A. Y. ltal Y . :111. Mall, to and from Maboulus... 7:0, A. a. 11.1 r. ei. Plrst lisdlon Areornsnodatkm. O.A. b. 11,20 A. U. ram. us a0...11.. a. Leg P. st. &spud Si Isklminttls Acoolu . M SAO r. IA liesond Holton do Z. P. a. 4.r. b. Express. to and from kishoerg SAO r. a. iincei.e. N. Third Holton Assommoclation. 4. P.. 0. 0:50 p. >a. Fourth du do. .. G..s r. is. 5:43 r. 01. bode Wort. d 0... 11:10 a. a. The Sunder Eburcb Train lenses SodeliVorks OM* kola at stiltarriving at Pittsburgh AT W.A. a. itstorumg. testes Pittsburg!. at I. F. es rens/tins Sods Work... SS P. at. 'Tat 'IHE FORT PITT FOUNDRY. CHARM IMP NEPHEWS HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND ALL KINDS Or HELYIPO7II3. epaclalattention_pald to ROLLIN *L MACIILNEHT and MU HL REP ADCS attended tO prose ptly. AA [ketch:lN/re, the beat materials Will aware be oiled at MD reendrp. Werth, *Memo.' or oat old pattern*, we a.rr pre pared. with .tarair 121, ROT iD_lltAtterAL con structedender Use ettpervisio. of .11s gniltee, to I suntan NAIL MACHINES at abort note,._ DX, NEW PATTERNS ENGLISH BRUSSELS CARPETS, 181PLOWTSD bT McFARLAND & COLLINS. We have law leaning to ?rem Turk. per 11104.111/ Marathon, the first arrival of oar importation tar P.ll or cßosßrs CELEBRATED Tapestry and Body Brussels Carpets. We haft, selected tlte pattattrulallb_grest tare. ct exarely for ear city trade, and can a fa r oat cus tomers .tyl.l tlltat are not to to (*wad elsewbere, Newthe LtrieldbT WHULENALk YIIIOI2I of the New Turk and Boston markets. OVARLAID di COLLINS, AND 13 BATH BtaILIST E . IILEGILAW & CO., ILINCYHTMIS WHOLISILI DHUkS I=l TOBACCO, SMUT & &Wan, No. 31 St. Clair Street. Tarwry. 33 AND 5N HAND STRYLT MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, 8 TaTtld RI", RUSTS, Po U.V.T.11.415, ARCHITECTURAL DECORATIONS, OESIGHS, AND MODELS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, in= Al the Most Itaamonable Rates. 2. 313X1COCIIMIACEO, Ys - Itit! GRAND PLC-NIC FOU THE lIEN LITT OF • WOUNDED SOLDIER, R. W. ILUIISAY, Late of Slb Pa. Res. GLENWOOD GROVE, 37 "victibir, Abazirizast 43,2.43ee Comaellavllla cua will leave tab root of Boa , tract, at 1,1400 mid 11 a. L. ant and 4,10 r m • itatqr. Tnanr — M NIT sad T e'eloat e. 0. 1y23:00 =I EfLRETT & ANDERSON. Book and Job Printers, Will continue the Book and Job printing busing. in all Pa branches, at tile CAZETTE STEAM JOB PRISMS ESTABLISHBIEM 84 Fifth St., Gazette Building. And m•pdetibily el:glen • same of potato oatron ITle:rgi ati-D. A. DoOn.. .W. r.,341aA nu. PgIIrIALT EOOB6l. W. H. GARRABD & CO., Nalsters, Grain.ftitap.Dealers, No. 17 Water Street; and , • Nee: 6 sad 7 Pan= Street, • PITTSBURCH, PA.. BAri.TAP.hardnit.PanWita for mg, R . J. riesmisp, a WlLloLgikkirplaff.FllN Fruit Cans, GlassAst.Eartlynikrs or every deseriptiOn, alaill';.Untileitiret of Tin Fruit Cans: : Office, 189 WOOD SUM; (a.ThrulNG , s tuvr broust.) PI7IIIBII/14H. Pa. FOR RENT. FRANIE HOUSE, . about Are azlias am the ee , Y. Yet further partlcelate,Cnquitregt, ittlette X 0,104 /mirth BUM& aitaprgßitaLs. Onnent,P.a nt ittc Flarstisak *tad Mack Paint*. Kluikituitiredi4Aqgk hbuse thus earatrrivr ilzagges Etat& uxutbrot",-., . _ . • ~ • , I~iE~it= g MENTB: "P ;-1 BATES - & tELL: 2 1 Street, MIK OPENING AN ASSORTED STOCK 0 NEW DRY GOODS. SAMMIE. gib 3133311-. L. _ • LUBRICATING OILS. TWIN Oft COMP - ANY, Mee, 20 ' 1 Penn street, uoz hC. Chllicothe, Ohio Head Light On, ,15 00 for Machinery liJagtod, Od No. I, IC 011 for Cars. do. do 2. ":D 011 for Cara, ir=:/1. 0 man Grease. DAY. MANGY & SPAN(, PROPRIETORS OP IRON CITY HA WORKS. OPPICE ABM WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third St, . LIKPOirrEBS Or wan oz./.41L1L8 Ia Saddlery Hardware and: rimming, Superior Wood and Iron flames, Wrought Post Rite, Wo g Mts. Vita Wes, Br.dootte. Whe e l L.ta, Molten Bits, Re, de. Keep also ou bao.l a fall and complete warmth:mot of goats lo thetr Roe. all of which they offer at as tale bed on is good term... are offered by ally house la the trade k A et OR WENT. lort.RU34 Notice to invalid Pensioners, ALL INVALID PENSIONERS who are now receivin g a oeuelon of RS per month , are Entitted to front alb to $25, Ace .rding. to rate of disability, under act of June Stu, MI, Apply at wee, or addreis B. F. BROWN, Late Local Claim •i't, U. S. Sanitary MEI I= =lE3=2l PITTSBURGH BOLT COMPANY. WE ARE PREPARED to make aU kinds of Boit*, from 54 to finches in diem abr. JOINT BOLTS, rAst FLOW DOLTLe, DANNULDE DOLTS, BUILD, NO Itul.TS, FOUNDATION BOLTS, SPLICE BOLTS. b K 1 eCLIEWLY, NUT WAnklElol, an, Sc. Corner Dorton mid Duller Sta., Ninth Ward. Or der left at Fort Pitt Foundry. tieneral Biaelundtblaa LiromPLIY amehdril 10 . jybitte Damn l/naytessatseTan orricm PrrrsitwarJl., PA., July zest. tent. f SALE. OF PUBLIC ANIMALS. Will be sold at Publk A lon, to :lir Waite. bid der. on the 30Th DAY or J FLY, as the Ourerts tamit Yard, corner Fayette and liarrhaon alleys, to this city, the following, lalX klOtneb-4. FULIKTEAN DUI Ni. The a bo ve animals are In One condlUoi.. and pro tat= rdte l ttreitliTaWrye tt l yrrom cvt at thin Mare. Animals sold singly. Sale to rommencc at lo a.m. enna—(:ash, U. it. Currency. _ll2,:g= O. cleies.S. Lieut.. Col. and Pep. VS I. .lieu. MEAL'S SALE. VIIITIVE OF A WRIT OF .--eraditimrt reposers, Issued not nf the Moors, at Coos. WAS- Caned Blows for 15.2 ro Intnelet me. Pooueei •t the (.olom Roos. Is tiia of Pitlsourgo, oft MORALS. We ilth dety of A, MK at o dose r. a., toe STILAJIBOAT SPRAY. Her boat!, machtsirre, tackle, apparel and nasal tura, as she now Is at Mc Pltlanmrit Wham ,Slaed and attached u moron or T. A. rukAre: G. F. boat, d L. TCVIDI of We--G AA.. .11:01_ Plttabargh, July Val. H . J. LANCE, DYER AND SCOURER, Chintz Window Curtain, and Chair. Corer,. Claimed & Reglazed without unpacking. Nos. 35 and 37 Third Street, Jra'lP Between Wood nal] Picatbttel4 EMEEI I Rum ,F4CELiNGE R'STATTRANT, H. SCHALD, Proprietor. .4^o. 90 Third Si., Pittsburgh. t/ENTLEY EN '8 11119 NO Ett/Ohilt. Alt the luxurte• of Out Seltrane CbCdce, Began, Le., Prlsa,te 11111ita rooms Els - stairs. .177 , 027 DIVIDEND NOTICE. OIrrICI.PTITSUVROII AIaiItOSTL•raIININO CO.. July t THE 'PITTSBURGH 'AND nom - TON 111.IST NU COMPANY Du deviated • oh I demi of 'MIME DOLLAILI.YiIistrJULF.,erste. on wad after hlood•r, the all day Of A 1111 Ise IL I, LO Htheltbolders, he recordrd at the eloee or b eltiests " ast.rdkr. the Zth lost. Vivo. N. HOW E. J . lVt.ate . . . , Treasurer • PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. .4. PAINTER & SONS. muurAcrwfuos or tron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, folladr. • ' T t lTTSßUrtfillayllt. GENERA. EMOTING OFFICE. P. OENBUSIBRE, Civil En ourkkit, plizitlST 'Alt sOtaarrou OF PATiNTt, NO, Ili CLAM sTrotiCr, PO5l Oillee Boa 641i.' Residence, 14 Ala" strait. Xorrlt , BURGH, PA. 10.11416 I= EVERSOPc.PRESTON &. IJELON WCARIES, Watotoninaina'lOD and 1167 !Nina odr.nd, op ontaraawang *Lela iloase,,764Duran. VIDE'' DRIVEL AND CLAY.--An stose rig.:4,.411 kind's FM HUI. AID HAWS JOHSTOU CLAY, At the Warehoue, Now. 308 ens 308 Penn street. Jy16401 ABILIFALL OF New Mint at the Pearl Nteam ➢fill. We arepflt is receipt or a prime lot of neer South ern Wheat, whichwe arena:: :manufacturing into Flour, expreenbly forrataLly uee, to which V/0 :utile the attention or the trade. Jr1:0-gto., . it. T. KENNEDY& BRO. Exonexos NirtotrAh'lDN Par , Jut rerrehosou,, July 2. MC RIP ORDER, OF THE HOARD OF. DIRECTOR% halloo je.heeehy 'Area toot the ..„ authetttell Otani hntll 'Witter notice. he min e d eubsezi hers et the rate of SLICTX-slik POLLAItts tytetteeditte , D IL; rATTERsoN & ~_ , - - 7 -MANCHESTER SAW— MILLS; astwera, Beaver -silipset sad Ohio Sliver. 4),pi ' t imi ji r rim Veraiarlyrkudingtiom itioniarm—Pageraz " • ,••• •Jii.,ll,lPlll( - 049 •1:. • •. „ „ traWszAWo, l ll 4 i-th,w l. ta 3 0 ,4 6 19E 610 - . W4llllsalr crettleni,.qtc f, i r3 f wai.o. 7 AlikliPialtsoll ' d KIWIS at7eatr., 116 JIWY:;,:-.,14*-472,..,.. .11119111, 4 ffire *tone vir -rtesorsigno F. A. SMITH, secretary MANUFACTURE And Manufacturers of all 'ark:U.oP 07 Fourth IlLreet., ritt•burgh 5= = El= PITTSIBUROIT, PA DAV. CRAWFORD. AIeirAIMPINS: ` 7 11 E_ WI S OV ERIISSIBEER M. 12 ..",HE 11 : 1 -/ Vittas l 9NED .11AVING beefs Ilpitetzlt/tcelfer for the lirrattrasv rxER ths 'nettles CMS,: AlleghesT Costar nig sell, et sale. an " h r l Vir b`:!,ttru" - ri; -11 Z,„,..Ztrit'A v o thnlg r ,24, .RAMILII4EY' TraMPM PUR.t.ICE, ditto/to at Watopunrastlon, on the Pitigluargli arid Erie Ito/iron, 41 al/es northeastof Pittsbur-lt, 'with 3011 acre, of Intl, more or 1e5t, 41,,, Iron Ore, Coal WO Mon, Plre 'Clay, to. , woo with never lolling Wrings of water. rytiE /1 substantial storm Mack, 41 feet b It 3r,..4a feet at bare, and 14 feet boob, awl hi. C to 1110211 tom of metal per day, wittelt eats tbereased. There Is a hos blunt of odslwod er ter. Oillettlitatitne. of 172 hone power, and a Doctor tfthO/ 12 0 12 us'aerudr. &or Alpo, stock stud ealllltor, , lloo.a. 1 . 001 and Coke houses, weigh boor!, moles. Ae. Alao, note ovens, earl/ of 12 feet llameter, W double and n tan gle tenetto Etta, boating koWar. store bd. , ' 11,112 ' wareroom. blaclotenlti shop, stable./ and otber ,121 /dlolts. Al., Coal ltallroad. and soßtelent ears to can.. aneruin,. 04, to and nom the fortune. Ter , telatoy also 7havv, lark/cable blares tor tho prl pal ...rat itmds tholichar. lie. pole,/ ironiesiti newsiver, and , and Erie onol. ti easr or told olleet toe arn toilets a Core eh., tor I nvettoieut. For further partleulars whirrs Kit% I=l MEI MERCHAMS' HOTEL, Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, X.'IT7C'Ei33I7WLISt-32E. puts OLD FAVORITE HOTEL • having 1. , t0t thoroughly renovated. repaired anti re turn Lard, IS NOW ON \ FOR HE REEEPTIIN OF GUST& Ifbe broprielor (formerly of th, ii. CHARLES.) expects tram its central loeallou, Ms experience. determiimillm au,' by MODERATE derarre and receives liberal pat- S. R. RIAL, Proprietor. eTn.e.l.s JOHN CROFT, 12E4 L JESTeIITE GEXT, Office, No. 130 Fourth Street, Plttotrurgh, dim for ludo the follotring Real Rata te• A largo three-Story Brick Rouse, contenting, ten rooreviarge halls; trout room on drat door ne ed c u Lyng Store; hot and cold water and ,t” throngle. out the hous e. •Lot ba z Sa feet. Situate on Chest ..ut street. Allegheny C . 44 ACRES OF VALU ABLE LAND, situate at Edgewood !Marlon, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, 7 ashes from the city, An which there is •• beautitul new frame dwelling. soda Largo number of bearing fruit trees of too hest quality, and a good aupplyi I w ter. The dwelling and 7 acres of ground will be sold separately tfdeetred. and the residue WV:deed ludas each, or larger if requested. The above laud Is admirably located for business men. it= 30 ACRES UV LAND, containing about. 8 oboes of limestone, of a splendid finality, and easy leas. The lion Is 01 the tint class, stltable elthe for fanning or gardening purposes; good mute 1 welling and horn. anda good supply of water, sit. nate a miles from tau city, on tise Washington PtSe, In VA ,OO , ffs OBl AP. being lost of tho Carter farm. J 7 A:1033, writ irriprort;tl.' and nn opr hl stage Of cultivatton. vri.lelt their are I,7nUtettriug - Put - rams intshet i atV bearing yrape vines, PO standar.. pear trees, 4011 a large number of peach apple and plum trees. Propvdty Amato outhe fr o nt hing ton load, in Scott tow ndtip, six miles the city. Ivor further particulars Inquire or the above agent. niyan BAILEE, FARRELL &. CO., No. tin Smithfield Street, I= Lead and Block Tin, Pipe and Sheet Lead; I=l Brass and Steam Goods, IND HIPS OP ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 167 Eilocilt33.ll/31c1 street. )rb It& ill 4:(1): 0 41,:gi. no g;1,',.:):4 Ay' a{:}* Jon gririliCEß & McIaW AY. LUSTERS IND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. Roman. WATSON, Masaamer. lemdcs BUSINESS MANN COMMINWA COLLEGE, co. I St, Clair Street. We hare engaged the serricer of an esPerlenCed teacher eapreuly tar the months at July and Au gust. Students entering on theist ofJuly can easi ly complete the course by the last of August. ger clrenhus and specimens of penmanship, apply al the College hvanf. or addniss N. SHAFFER and )¢N:calzmW• J. V. hieCLAYHONDS. 1866 . SPRING HATS. 1866. McCORD & CO., 131 WOOD- STREET, sc:ot, to tali special attentien to their large and splendid stoat. al Slats, sc.,. for spring and Sum mer lrear, MTlOCtiallgOß 4ia,rlol/3.. LAll7ll S• DSHItYS. YACHTS, SEASIDES, Ste.; ISHSTn and 11(110' SAHAIINIAS, THAT'S,. ISIttUHTUNO, BUGHSHO, 1101 MONS, rirro. etc., 6c. WrICAY. titiObit of every deseripUoth., to ault. all Lutes. f•22..nnia .0611 - - JOHN ROSS & CO., =I WM. N. OLDEN & CO., MANUPACTIMEIIS AND DICALSI49 IN Carbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, &C. No. 64. niXerrliroot eltre.ol., = =I McCALLOM o. FOURTH StItEET. W have on hands eery ulterior stock of 4.,stA o l , TrfaMVlNVST:ll,Vt!go`gl i ltlt to 2,4 fret Wilk. AND SABLE COVERS—Every kind In uee. URA RTEI RODS—Vrom the duvet quallty to tha lovrett CAN roN MATTINU. COCOA AND DIANILL A MATTIROb, Moe A LLUM BUUTIIERS, Formerly IV', D. A. It. ble(laltom .LEATBER...BELTING. . cuiessitAN & CLAilli.. No. 11 ullit).•11T/CERT, near the rcultentlary.,Allo thA_7S°glittirreZeTnristVd°%7 ilfZigi u tTAll TRNREI , LATIUM I I lots BELTS wide lo oroce and repaired at allots noUse. Tatllcular at , tendon paid to Bolts for Rolling Mills and heavy works. All , work vranranted. • Orders scst/eatfitllr solicited. Je225074 DUSTY, ulattrrAcnnurn or Tin, Capper" and Sheet Iron Ware, MEI dollar In STOVES, IlOttlila rUnniainiG 'UMW. WATER COOLERS AND TOILET AIITICLE2I, Stra. 1.4e8 arzteasxt Oaltreet, rirrspuntni, This lomat tha Cheapen plact the etty to by Stove. and Ware. Job 'at ork promptly amen • ad to. thrAkbail • F. BIIISSUULNII, Filth Street, between Tunnel and tchota aim - streets, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE. tint OM, aood. , of all dc...ctlplions always on band awl t Old at the:wrest prices. Itcpalrlog done carbfblly edema notice. CONSIGNDIETT. 103 Obis. Newl'otatoes; • • • 150 boxes Cheese, . • 160. do. /domainsOmbra"; 10 do do . Lemons; 5o keg. .Pxlrao Railer; . Oman Applpe, A:M.I44N Green Coro, Cue 0.10... bo. , ..TOteatOns &C. Anteing 0905pres5dadr aud roy awe by • W. J. HTEEL & MUM, • 1711. tv0..113 7111 rd rtreot. I . ltiaburgb. Pa. , . - 4.00D , r.'NEW5.....F0R THE AF. •FLICTED. PATENT-Ai IWICLNES & D111717E4. at low prices. 11../.ol . Wlrt.kll b 11.1.1!tiattl,111._per bottle. L1RAE11: 1 15.11.0.NPAT11.1.1..13/TTEltd, /11.1111 , LANIPS'IlITTE110, 01 per.botte/.. 50Jba. riJW!I) 11.11U8AUD. puce. pur lb. And evonlblos en in proportion, at' ' • ' intOWN'S.NEND/M,ll BUMS, • SIWF No. 0 St. astir Street. B4O111.&11100:14'--OCUITECTEc.:' LUTE "'moved to OE Trutt ''''Aittloti BOWIE'," ~•-_ I [iy. l .; 2l aiiii: - .4 , li44llite:Bitett;l',. - : : :, Wlzeiro 'Or' irlll tit, pleased uixatit t ibilrold Wends and others dtobind'iloin oLa.i•r-'4is-o_Eben shrikes: ;-;1;,11:0,84","7cu MOVEV-I.OA :SMITer/ELD,Bl4My,,EEFßeEArßlEn,l)l44L"a'"illiit4iiiii;daiJlOEßZn4, .Cola and:lllEr•w Sch(loo4anl 4 a 4 oiulleltsofoyerAbloittlok fai e oraaMO 47471411e4f1'144' Uorda of evenz tenAttom,tonold. 4 as lowest- Us".. Uel4Wau - - , IO,ANIIIL DEWY. .A:, 440:40t o . #oii 1I 1 MN. iltiabilrga i ' ' :-:. ..' . - - - . . ~. wnoisatuttro 0t. , ) , P.',,0 ~,: .. t ,j .. d - f - ,,,;4111)10B ia, t.B). • .6,... , i .. ;;;. - -:/'..,-; i, 336 Liberty Street, FINE CLO THING, FINE' ' CLOTHING, 11EW YORK lIAMITFACTITRE, AND GENTLEMEN'S. FURNISHINII GOODS. =I m u t e i r i t s %,!:ro. ORA.ST•S I'BlZs MEDAL arid sT Alt SHIRTS. • Ihmember the NEW opposite Wayne street. Jera;hE.Z-Erh J. -D. RAIVIALET, 334 Liberty Street, FASIIIONABLESITTEI And Dittsler tn .4,W/4 33-496 i rei YU UN, BOYS ANDMISBEN. • The Newest Styles always on hand and at the Lowest PrlteS. Lookout for tho FOUR LABOR WIRIIOWS. op posite Wayne street. jaPethrre J. D. RAMALEY ) 334 Liberty Street, Dealer In all kinds of Boots and Shoe►. Always on band a tarme and varied assortment of Ladies, Misses' and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, Of the finest New Tort klanalletlrre. And at Lower Prices than Down Town Ir, Wilrsg:er" LAIME WINITIMPAr BERM IRON WORKS JONES & LLUGHLINS, ~I'~i~~I~TJ'R~#S, IL/LNOTACTITELIS 01, AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Scree& reoni T Rails, I 6 and 20 Ilbs. to the yard Trans"lulls, punched coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets Cut Nails Rad Spike% Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheel; and Axles; Street Car Witeeft and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; glower and Reaper Bars. WAREHAM= ANB'oVitzcz, 120 Water aid 1581Proat Sts, BRANCH ROUSE, Nes. 22,24 and 24 Kiser St., lel :OS CHICAGO. Q.L. 7" 1. 1 1 ' 3. 1%. BITUrN.b. MILLER & ItICHRTSON . Wholesale Grocers, 6NO DERORTEES OF ' BRANDUS, WINES OA - Di:WARS, Nos. 221 and 223, - Corner of Liberty and Erwin Streets" PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, AC.. 1, 1 1 copetalitts on 14.1 f. MIM=I lOWA FOUNDRY FOR. SAIL vu - nril i : cb m .trza.D Esiar. V V fr om busineu I offer for gale my ' , mantbeligai Estate Buildings, Ma. ohinery ,Lane ,, s,ooht, together with trrirltood will and al. the Dualism ex promo connented with the saine. This establishment, well katown through out the United Statue, ana oelabrated The leind One of the Leading Foundries , for conotructindeild makiniadd putting op - ALL Inerrie orf ROLLING =LLB, and nrraittitnaCbllledßellsabdottierr obinery. and Will Cu tinge ipmerally, to all the bronello-tt the country, with extensive and rare faellitlea &lemon orrery variety Of Pat terns for turning out work, either Bata or hear/. This adores an opportunity seldom offered toars tics wishing to *moans'hi a - soltd..ute and pro p ne- We business. It thepurchaser should desire it The Pniperty Will be Lessee ibr kitru of Yeua awl the ratcena, 'Tools; Males, and all the etas shivery sold at an appraised value. For Lerma, do., apply to taint C." PAWKY, - et th lee ~ eereendry. , j3T.COND,AJTO rtteteritt„ Pa. • " • .1114.114 • . . . BUY It. ! • SCULL'S RARING POWDER - • le now tb• best brib e ctortket,ttaklng precedence* all other makee. Pronounced by the moat experi enced Bakers end Mows to.bertbet.llEST IN KI.SF., It le i11t1118,.15011% and .I.4IITSMOUS; le gunny tocd tem .frant anything but abet , le pure And hcalt6lnl. .. . . • Don'trail to.tietAt.... for sale by all:Aired= In Ylttaborgh and ebenY• • i °ll/04 And zri, l 4. l roollk. j3Skr H. ' ARC STRZYT; YhttodelPhla• 33121C.C 1 .1EliallIMMEL Olittl3llB-AND LIVERY STABLE;. ‘. Aro.osio % %Penni Ursa, /AXES •$ D AIII . Ploprietor,' sar:oo-mbu.e4,-,ma,,,,,tiv4 qabet.ibrAl Wed** , ind • Statile thietilEiiiiirlind-Night. ••••••• • imeoa.a ra d r TiiiintllgoktOgreo' . . m i ss, -: ,, pßEgompflON Aartratiaiter.".Axt. , Dabr - TIALS surrim (Mee, No. ge WAW/4iFigiT, ;Id thx " . ' I MPSZAV: l * l M s "trA • fi t p' Ailltrwra CSC! .• TIIE. FoctrAdAidttainsAL lictliiiiiir** l 4.4**iitlf . iiilt rb aai iftCrtl,6[ 4 '' " '. 1, ;-••:= , -- 1 *"' - ' gs &maw max,o6" rilfr fti r..9lY-r: V ari"( 2 .2fnt, 4l 3q6 o lloiiiii4i4 istijt v ; 14.,Qa7-4-, %,i(di. pattuaT -sittrluVW"lt,W;: MinifLuil*illiSa4s..'T _.. . . , .. ~..._ •. , - • _ fEtlilelltin • A 1011141. M Ina private Wally, La ,ktleithau7,..here4aa other boarders are kept. Ueetof reference, Adtlrus ti BAX 2.671 RA- • ~AfiiTED , . • Fora drit•alass tate Inlii.auce tomparrf, dont* 4 good nualueu. Lladeral nquements atiered. lain on or eddrese Z. T. COOS., /tout, )I=4li. ' 411 ' , mann street. W AM*. ; A FIRST -OT nonce DIMMER. Good va,,02 and steady employment will ba (bran to so Industrious man. Wa.e• omd weekly. Call at t 64 A 166 PENN STittP.T. Wlarrmk EAMTV.4IIOI•X4:IOI.7 la a BIOME. or fMIPPLING CLE/CK.;yroald pretty a plate as atapplag Cie • Inquire of '. ) . T. H. 11.TI!I '. 41 acalthaeiti Bt., or 1124 g 1 " ' . T; 8.-BULdlift. WANTED.—Good salexotert to sell tIY .34MPt0 ANGRAWISDOISSLE GYLIAGGSIANOUJIIALNEr GAS OENERATISIS LAMS, With right to Ilse it. A raft chance to 1111liketmon.r and no dal,. Andreas J. C. TtLXO.SI. 7y11430 31 TIM surct, fTd'lfloor. WANTIFIO.—.4 Ninny. FoleptrirE.- . .0 . 111.1 t .“.,•ty-krayealt .ezperienee lath Europe aml America, withink ff retire fromkhe profession, will semi to any pei al - en vuable recipes, from the use of which any 11.• ustrioei, young teen or WMman, little or capital, can make from the first day not only an ex • pee but . 1 .14, but In eery short time realize Igggltre fur 1411.1 C. Alidr.l6 with stamps for . . . nyVbOarre P. C e E n T e Ea t I P E aLDm,t CWhleu,ll4t, S W i &NTED—S2OO per Mouth paid yd 10114) " 'e u i l gtralr r iteinr: A drums.. with .tamp, AIONAIJNiXqi la. ra. 11.4.0111 NE Yitneboodoa, Mau.. or Ph adet Ok kr),c7b.d.twr riontAis PALMER MOUND LM MAIL MIA 19 WATAL. TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES,. AL, 30 Xs M. Cr 4:517 MIR is Warehouse. 91 Wood Street, lOCCItid doorbelow Diamond All.?. rettlAnad PITTSBURGIII, PA. PAPER HANGINGS FORIS66. "MVP EXGLIMIN JP4P.EIIII A cbolee -election of the Newest French Papers tot isle D 7 WALTER P. MA RSHALL. 87 Etjel Street._ = PARLOR PAPERS A. BIM LOT OP Standard Gold Pavars Now roce,agl, of amount' dearly for Panora at No. 107 MARKET STREET, NEAR PIM!. MEMNATIONEREVI, No. 33 Fifth Street. . Capital, - - - $500,000. • ____ DIAMINTB DAILY AT 12 N. ces p lo l giUtTg ed urg:e u r e .t i :::hr.r.l.l.'" at- JOSHUA. RHODES, President pro tem. R. W. ItILIEHEY, Cashier. Dra7CTORS: JOSHUA RHODES, of J. RHODES & CO. C. C. HUSSEY, of HUSSEY, WELLS & CO. RKESe: OWENS, of E. SELLERS S CO. D. R. GALWAY, No. 337 LIBERTY STREET. J. w. Coos. or ANDER:LIN. COOK A CO. 11105. S. BLAIR, of 8110B;NIIEROER 4: CO. JAS. T. WOOD,- of WOOD, SIATTIIE.WSa CO. F. smrrn, of cams, enST4 1 CHARLES W. BATOFIELOEL NMOIVAL TRUST COMPRI, 423 Penn Street, FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH. deposits received and Interest alio 'NI on de. p , alle. Collections made on alt tin: principal points of the Wand Matra. GOVERRECENT SECURITIES .13crairaba IS moons ENOIYINALLT LESPOSSIIK trinTa....4c-m,P'elrAstEtent. ROBERT u. 0111. n. Cashier.' MORS: ROBERT MONSON,. ' CHARLES MYERS, JOHN IL RALSTON, JOSEPH LANG WILLIAM SMITH, WILLIAM BRI &ELL . CILIA& U. ARMSTRONG WM- ORAWJORD . Jl., JAMES LITTELL, PAUL SIKRERT, Mt. J. AML, JAMES TAxx.wit, 316U17 PITTSBURGH NATIONAL BANK .CC.:0114.35413313Ft311, , CORNERWOOIia FIFTHS% Oapital, - - - • - - $560;000 Dimming DAILY AS 11 *. Deposits received and collections Made en all the principal, points el the United States onfaverabla.teits. VETTED STATES SECURITIES zgawrig in ticLid r !Esca...ll. A.pArigemsd i t, t 'Jammu. .vni.jr., JossziraltriffiA AsastaunCa=r. A. PATITABON I TArzszo JAltailm a t at mhosas ALLEN AiIiKPATAMIC •11111"8 OHIO amour. BANKING , HOUSE. N. HOLIES & 'SONS atiewri &mewls, No. 57 MARNET sTatzr, Pittsburgh. o : ll = ll . l rg.!:2;L i wicu i ftworen:ai t . 17,21 ted 8 44.. and C 44 2 4 1.; STOCKS,BOND> B. etth etreet en ttee. Stniat • • Solescr Cosuirsostuoctoo • " ' CITY-or .Attrr., . ali M.-1.20*f Wo ,OWCZ rungapts, .lry given - to *Ulm. !=g4t.t4,41.4i, than 'the -,k ! .ixt Te r lataittoman ib0a1t.1.61142 tel injM'Vepe = tr ainfVeloPe' s l ts be 10- /Flvalfuemata of ib_pir n at wh° :111t11111.111ZURAlitiii F P R1 t1i A 1Ef ; ., , ,, .... , -,t.,-...,A-. . • , _.. . . m it fibi i i , . igruight-Efiirs!lsv,ta- .tcifitau, , < ing...,',.!---,....i ~ .., 0 ,,, ~..,.. " oft letoOorntr arX.f.biteciikat%l3itool.fix...„4l!eigtmtur::.. ase. ---...-. - - ... -,, , , .• ~.. -,.,.;-..- i u.4...,,,,,43.,..,,:,,,,... Mirk „,„,„ imit. l 6/ 1 4 01 . mile by, , t wood srat4i - i, , ' . ' 6C, - -M' L FEW CiCKID 80LIOITCOL% ~~~~~~ MEI A "mac c,ollectlon ofilitriCan Wall Papers. For the asst time to OTO years JOB. IL HUGHES • HBO p %AI. ; p ;J:j =