The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 31, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
04111111rra ens on: rirriscrian.
Flit %,TVE.l,ll26.*VE:iVdmunh-,...!"1/2111:
the Witiobittelt nat.
TUESDAY, JULY 81, 1888
Ids.. Parrs:mos, one of the Bowdon
elect for Tennessee, has for his wife a
daughter of President Johnson. $e ions
Judge of a rebel Court, in the days of the i on eo 14 - 111 airy
Confederacy, sad the natural inference is : A ? air of gnellsh Army Brogans.
that he cannot take the Test Oath without Ar-
Merriam/ink Prlssaa
incurring the guilt of perjury. But ho ,At Bates and Bent
Maintains that ho held this office under du
ress, that is,', under compulsion. People
got into certain grades of military service
against their wills, but it was nes'heard
until now that a man was forced tT Unapt
a civil office by an antlagous press
Mr. Whitelaw Reid, in hie "Banthern
Tour," explains that President Johnson is
L., -ether of :thit. coercion dodge. At
Lynchburg Mr. Reid encountered a route
Agent of the Post. Mee Department. Mo
had been a magistaue under the Confeder
acy, and was required to swear he had
never been, to gtt the commission at
Washington.' lie went to see the Presi
; and explained his dilemma. The
President told bim the word "voluntary"
occurred at the beginning of the Oath, and
its force ran through the whole of It, and
applied to oveu)",elanse. "Now air," said
the President, 'it's with your 'own con
science to say whether you tools that office
voluntary or not." The fellow answered,
"Of course, I didn't, for I was compelled
to do it in order to keep out of the army,
and so I told the President I would take
the oath at once." The President respond
ed, right....
Under that Interpretation neither the
President nor his baelrers neat concern
themselves to get the Test Oath repealed.
There are not a hundred rebels , but can
take it.
Tes. New York Xmas says;
"Any attempt in the Philadelphia Con
vention, to create .distinctions as regards
the Southern people, founded upon their
record, as individuals, during the war,
shenld be frowned upon as fatal to the Con
set vative cause. In fact, the chief object
of the Convention, in respect to organize- i
tion, Is to develop and apply the political
strangth of the South in behalf of the Con
servative principles enunciated' in the call;
and the political strength of the South
dwells with those who participated heart
and hand In the rebellion. This essential
truth must be accepted at the start, for to
ignore it would be to discard the surest
auxiliaries to success. As we are contend
ing in behalf of the interests of the future,
we must not be' trammeled by prejudices
that belong to the past."
There is-much force in this. The Phila
delphia Convention, with the rebels and
copperheads excluded, would be worse
than the play of jisotlet with the part of
Hamlet left out_ Ulf what isefacetiously
called the Conservative movement shall at
tain any success, It will be through the
votes of the very men it is proposed to shut
out of the Grand Council. Hence every
body see 3 that however disrespectful this
arrangement may be to those excludes!, it
is only a temporary dodge, designed, like
many other false pretenses resorted to dur
ing the last few months, to cajole and re
duce as many republicans as possible into
a support of the programme. However,
the rebels and copperheads need not worry.
viug-thy metals all tlik'Sbteit oithe Ob
alition at their dispoSal, they will bo able
to make their own terms, and -exact what
ever concessions they may see ilk
usws—there was net a vain in the House
of Representatives against the bill—meets
a hearty approval from all classes of men
tureughout the country. The general
judgrr.ent of all other civilized nations,
,tre,sej in their own laws, set much nar
rower limits to the obligations of neutrali
ty; and there is no reason why we should
face upon ourselves the actual suppression
or expeditions against other powers,
w .iiie such liboralit,v Is far enough from
being reciprocaL In the late Fenian move
ments it was not the British authorities
that defended their own territories' and
teat back the invasion. The governmes.:
of the United States arrested it by summa
ry and powepful ,interposition. The Lon
don Times acknowledged that our govern
ment went innch further than the British
government and people had a right to ex
pect It would. How that the neutrality
laws are modified a different result may be
IN nano of the counties of Pennsylva
nia much difficulty exists in procuring del- i
agates to the mongrel State Convention to
be held at Harrisburg. We hear that the
Democratic leaders have been driven to
such straits as to offer valuable largesees to
Republicans of respectable character and
standing if they would assume authority to
act as delegates. We do not hear that any
such persons have consented. Some of the
other sort may have accepted the offered
Tex *MOM in which the 'Public health,
in New York and throughout the country *
has been periled, by the interposition of
the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas
in that city, who are looking to . a renewal
of their terms of office through popular
election, is exciting warm condemnation
from the newspapers. The , demand is
made Tor sick a change 'es will give the
appointment of the Judges to the Governor
and Senate.
Mr. 8. Cos was a member Of thelturt Con.
givISS from Ohio. At the expiration of his
term of service he removed to the city of
New York, and thrum/iced the practice of
law. It is now slated that he will . imply
be the candidate of the democrats for Con
gress in the Blatt district, now tepresen
ted by Mr. H. J. Raymond, who entered
the aortae last December with a
let m a ss
reputation, but has managed to
under -e
Tux elevation of General GRANT to Sic disease.
roar of Generak of General NV.
thhe eirrefele or even Cancer, cannot,ln sptteoisP
Kea to that of Lieutenant-General, and a 1 gtrucu.ranle4thiroonUallTeneY.,,e.froat, the An.
W. S. Rascocit to that of Meier snots are met and nentraus4 d . t:Lt peerless
hair hd.
expressions . or the tie thneis remedy le .their traasittarough the bleeder
gratitude for distinguished service", which in dOcelling tnamselves SPou the skin, in the 1
. form of leprous or sane other eruption In or
refute the maxim that "republics . are un- sleazy difeabeil of "viakness or demur; it
grateful." So, also, of the promotion of cured by the use of one boUle• ash for Dr.
Vice Admiral Eauasouv to be Admiral,ReYeer's Bleed s aarc her, and rate a 0 Wm -
and of Bess-Admiral Poituxit to be Vice- l'rtekeM9.*.i e r 6/1I / W il l " . /I 9 01 3 1 '
dr4firly% has at got it, remit for whatever
,- unmoor of .hettiee_, rT si r at ' t° Dr. SaYner. la°
Wood stinStified'it' tei forlrarded by ex.
Tan OnitnesT with the new eppeint
"ens; stands asAeliows :
titeerscarY Btate 7 —W Wigan Ekrwani•
Ba-rosary' of War—Ednin'AL Stamm.
. &vision; of the Nalkt—Gideon Welles.
Escreeary. 'L.teMor—Orrille
Postmaster General-- i W. Bdndsll
Attorney Generai•%.l: a4.y fpansberry.
Bow. 8.. W. citex; its been ro.nozoi
extol foi by RepnGllesnaP of
the )3311416'0.(O1i10) Aria
le thought qua Sebuyler, Colors
or~(io%,lttortOn of - 411 will be 'kola
lA. B.- slaw= *am Di& as.
Pure Lis ea 10,2 rt !mats
Al Batas end Bell's.
RYdMeU* Stoadny cadet
At Gardiner , . Opera limas Shoe Store.
New fares!Uwe
At HAUS and Berl%
'llse Seat Soot nog Slum Stow,
In PittsbntSlk7-Strilinea,.Ppers House Shoe
Store. ' 4
At Slates and Bell's.
The /OWOM Boot and Shoo Sours
Of Pittalmith . e Opera House thee
At teduoed prices, at Bates and WV,
cleats. Fine Vassal Loather
Styllsh boots selling et Gardlnar's for V LS , -
rory cheap.
WSW!nine DreSS Goods
tea and Ball's.
EngUsti Araks lirclgaas.
The best wearing shoe in Pittsburgh, at Oar
anues Opera House Shoe Store.
New Pll Goode
et Bates and &A*.
Opera House Shoe Store
:a the only place whore Moen justly celebrated
English Army Etzogans - are on sale. Buy a
sates * men
Are opening new goods.
Captured RUIII2IIIIj the Illooksde,
In Mk and sold at auotlOn to Raw York two
months ago, those Engllah arm rayons, at
the Opera Howie Shoe Store.
•s the morning air in Jane, le the breattiof
those who use Ward's Fluid and Powdered
Sold wholesale and retail by Josire J.
tao, No. PA Idarket street, and all druggists..
Reirlirersiers,lee Chests.
Your and tve minute (You= Freezers, lee
Pitchers, Water Coolers, Water /Mars, Meet
Sales, Bath rubs, and a full Line of goods gen
erally, snits ble for the heated term• Onrstock
s the largest, our variety the beet, and onr
prices the lowest to be found inhere west
,f the menistal?s. Call end see, at tel Wood
street, waft at five doors above 71.1 W
Gress Bastata•
Al the exleaelve mod bahlonahls Hat mad Cap
House or Wm. Plowing, UM Wood street.
We are soMng MY our stock of Item, Boys' and
Chil iron's straw goods,2deaaud Boy's light felt
hate, Ge..l i line silk and casslmere bats, Gents
tine felt bats. Ladies' and Mises hate, trimmed
aud untrimmed, derby, pallor, and sendowns,
at a great reduction, In order to close out our
Immense stock. Customers , Would do well to
lan without delay, at No. /20 Wood street.
• Ison—Pbeissiborsis—CaLlesysi --
Me Three beet known tonics., skillfully and
leguntly combined in an antbar.ooloreil oor
ital. beau Wilily transparent to the eye. pleas
int to Lin taste and acewptabletotbeseermsek.
I a Caswell, Mack & Co.'s Ferro•PhoSPhorated
inks of Callum. Bark.
plot contains one ounce of Royal Carr
aya Bark, Intl each teaspoonful oontains one
TVIL of :ram. Samples furnished tree to the
rof WAWA. Csawsm,,Mans. & Co.,
Solo llsaufasturers, N. Y.
Fo.- sale wt wbolesale in Pittsburgh by R. E
ell( re & Co. At retail by all Druggists.
Pittsburgh Grunt! 6111 Coneert.
Os ins to the greet rush for tickets tousnls
ne ,biee of the time appointed ter the oru
art and 'Molest -chat the stoond postpone-
. .
raeut of the United States Gift Concert at Chi
cago Induced our agents to defer makins.
amr report. till the last moment ore were IXI3
We to complete our arrangements for the ate
. ribtalerer of gifts settle concert on llemday
• resting. Our arrangements, however, will be
•erfecied by Thursday evening, when the rha.
irritation will be promptly and faithfully
made. the entertainment of Thursday even
log will be more attraritive, some of the best
whitens, dancers and other performer be.
.g under engagement to apOss. lit the
.centime the sale of Worts will continue c t
at office, No. n Fifth street, second now.
%ranters Building. •
Item Lt.—A dispatch from Bt. Petentbare
days Great preparations are making_ at
( constant for a grand raw ption ta kir. Fox,
the bearer of the address ft= the United
Elates to the Emperor of. Russia, rengratntat.
1 is the Cur on his escape thole amissablettot..
special reception committee has been
I wined.
eeme —The Clpiata General of Madrid has
ratted an order commaudlng all arms to be de
r vered up to the authorities within forty
' Inere ho litrart—Tne Moment demand at too
• continued moderato. On the stock ex
change money was in a slightly increased de
mand at 6 , 41.7 per cent. beak rate exchanged.
Ezetame.—ln the amuse of Lords bill was
1./traduced by the Lord Chat:meteor to amend
tExtradition treaty with France. The bill
*witches some ditneultlea in the way of sca
r sneering French criminals.
Earl Clarenden admitted that England bad
been in the wrong, and progress wee ends
litre tne measure.
On the loth, a long Mecum:on took place on
Lie condition of the navy and on the posithan
or Great Britain, in reference to the war on
the continent.
Lord Steely assured the Rouse that the too
eign pulley of the Government was packet
rend o bse rvant, but the mode in which the
try was to be carried out must he left to the
The Loudon paper. generally express great
iestisfaction at the course pursued by Lord
Stanley. The new Foreign Minister of Great
Britain stands absolutely unpledged and un
elmmitted to any proposals beyond friendly
mediation. All the Government has done has
been to recommend the Courts of Berlin and
Florence to consider terms o f armistice.
The newts glad that Lard Stanley la able
to state forceence h co n ti n entalion of inter
fering by lu the disputa
The London Dolly News thinks there le not
the slightest ground for distrusting Lord
Stanley's assurance et England's severe dia.
eretlon ln the future.
Toe liabilities of the suspended Preston
Banking Company were est.ated at • mil
lion and a half sterling.
The connection of the beak with cotton
transactions caused considerable depression
In Liverpool, but no great, uneasiness.
The liabilities of the Birmingham Banking
Company are ascertained to be LBM,OOO, and
their vegeta aro tkofft,ooo.
Carleton Bros.,wholesale warebonsmen In
London, have suspended liabilities notatated
The projected reform demonstratlim In Lon
don, on the 13d, was awaited with some inter
est. Notwithstanding the government's pre
hibition, the projectors had determtned to
hold IL
Blr Itlcherd Blayne, pollee Commixdanor,
personally requested Mr. Beale., LIM prime
mover In the demotetratlon, to ado his influ
ence to prevt It, Beale. declined and refus
ed to recognise the right of the pollee to Inter
fele in the meeting. Several of the papers
consider the course pursued by the league In-
M, thus to the reform.
The Cholera. Is making Its appearance in
teeny parts of England, end the malady in
some cases was rather alarming.
The Paris Atonifeer of the2Oth nay s t Pitmen
has engaged, at the suggestion of Napoleon, to
En Man from all acts of hostility for five days,
on condltem that Austria pursues a simi lar
amnia, and within that time the Austrian
government must make knOw upon. acceptance
oe refusal of the basis weed if the re
ply tram Vienna be In the aMrmative, and
Italy gives consent, an armistice map be
signed immediately.
The Montlitur of the list says Austria hos ac.
espied the proposal armada to abstain from
bostitille., daring which the court of Vienna
will have to notify its acceptance on the sub
ject o! preliminaries to peace.
Liverpool, July ti.--The Manchester market
is mill, with %declining tendeney. Breadstuff.
very dull; Blehardson, Spence Lie., report
neer dutl and nominal. Wheat Inactive and
tendency dOwnward; winter red, els WM Ils 3d.
Corn fiat; tailed 578027110cL Weather favora
ble for crops. Provisions inactive Bigland
Co. report bond dull and unchanged. Pork
steady. Batton, =ail sales and prices notel
et. turd heavy and nominal. !.offer steady.
lime quiet.
Lomion—Baring" Circular reports bread
stuff* dull and quotations barely maintained;
Mager Is firm and a trlllehigher. Coffee tends
upwards and prical is 64412 N higher. Tea firm.
Baring's Clrentlir reports a fair business.
Ti,,, Continoutal delitand had risen kW to 70,
but subsequently suffered a deallne, and clos
ed with sellers at GM
Monfill.farret.--Consols dolled on friday at
for money; U.S. MOB. isygroy Illinois
Cent. , blehlyti Brie„
Liverpool, JidgM.—Cottom sales today, SO,-
Mt bass, Including 7,0:0 bakes to speculators
And exporters; Market buoyant and MOSO
higher, at abeet,l4olthid tor middling'
lands. Dreadstnffe Inactive. ?Milton* last.
FROM 'WASHINGTON. Lnass,Jely alsc.Aitsrmisit—tionsolti closed
stuiPl,oM for money. United sine UM%
70M; Site, allgeMeyallllncits Central
. raid . 14111 &Wed .6 1 1 4- the reel"' Me Th eca semi that Pineal& limitsffirtler
ma es freedusear , inre ColumP a 107 the mends very nearly to the etheitlaitin of Austria
- rzplestegitid altarallesbe a4aia rem thenewfederal or imperialeonablnatiOn .
I ew nag, portion of the Prussian artily had crossed
sp . 3111 soya Ist Warhat . bola ' neer Mance, Monts , Hungary.
at he kneedmen , -"Bureau that Ulm
Do lo a found o men
to declare m a ,..„,,,, 1011 ighw • Chalon, Wager& '
stools in ratter to urcrtect - Maw Your, July re— -There were fourteen
!re coollnued. outragsq"-, comes and four deaths f. menders in this oily,
, ere : th e Out in , tiOUrge three On Blakwell's lila and fourteen cues
nbr :the nasploom of a kerlawnee,
deaths in EOM. are revolted tou•
Tb kuMors won BlirrlNlTa i o. v"o tant. "''''' dad: nix - Oases and two &UM have occurred
an,hroottonadtwand'olotlditgl tta Ring% uoanty renito. , ilary•
" ... pli,no okeeir .1.,.1:4
k lf - Wolsca .„o /1 C o.,
_ ramansmiu, J u l" 30 , _z_ o l kar d , a m m
oak nag. onisii 44 Co..• stook ins [N• Tato= 1 " t he ' SI TV' da Y 4
of blnalL Y and li°4 '
nis , illitslo, l kOi Asti= bealisixtr a totil.iffia 11114 P 2 Wes 411 4 e1 . 1.
Thl easaa lwaral mak papca. • 1 - , 11 - •
let'Dox Amp, Taoxson a C
Strength for she lAstiousted.
Thousands die, as it wore. inch by inch, of
1- %Lily weakness; for debility will kill as car.
t Anly,thoughnOt to quickly, as a raging (e'er.
1 is asked how the weak steal be made strong;
t to debilitated sustained and restored; the ex
b tasted refilled with vital energy We aver
t at of all invigorating preparations given by
edema, to man, from the institution of the art
a.: hailing to the present hour, not one bas
wrought such wonders in the way of mums
ACH HITTERS. This 11 Indeed As tonic of
gales, b.a a revitalizing, strength-support .
ing,liMprolonging agent, the like of It le not
to be found in the catalogue of medicines.
Among the various articles used to arouse the
(Lemont powers of nature, it stands alone—
the great awakener of the paralysedphysique.
It not only awakens the physical powers from
a state of collapse and Inanition, but it Ina
ptrts permanent vigor to the muscular and
nelsons systems--reinforcing, as it were, both
the stronghold and the outworks of vitality.
.The aged, the deorepid, the nervous, the brok.
en-down of both of tames, are recommended
to tr y it. -They will assuredly find it a present
,help in time of trouble.
Heatettar'l BAatara
are wild whohisaleand retail at Viol low rates
irlareilashi Drng and Patent Kedteine Depot,
So.uktarket street. corner of the Diamond
and Market, near fourth Arent.
TWOMWALfibit Mlles of Sklts.TUbes.
It is estimated by Anatomists that there are
twenty-eight miles of ducts and
slin of every adalthuman body, for the ear
riles off of perspirable and other of mat
ter. An ti::‘ treci,lon ins single square inch of
this surface, is sure, sooner *slater, to Impair
the mineral health and establish the empire
of disease. low wenderful ts the human or
p.alam, and :low well arranged in Itself to re
pair the V. de of nature that is continually
going on! A the same time, not the least ob
struction, or promptitude of this most amn•
derful meet slam, can occur, without being
fraught WIT danger to health and life.
But mon. onderful still it` e Invention of
a remedy whose purpose it 15 unlock these
sources of life and health, and to allow the
blood en uninteir . Wed pillage In its mission
to rebuild the broken and crumbling frame.
The remedy that will do this Is Blood Search
es. Any Blood Bearcberi No, a thousand
time' no! We mean Dr. laysir's Mood decree
er—a media f. a QO. barn - cured more disease,
sal has dese red a higher ordeal= than our
pen hi =Mau . of writing. We care not bow
deeply the a Witttution may be affected. how
tainted ths Wool, Dr. Yemmelt. Blood Beareb.
or will restore health and Timm to the organs,
irtveplatUo power, and stay the Progress-of
l`,_ ~ { ..
~... üb;,.~:. .A....i.y"t i «l+vS'.-Yc.L.: ..._. _ ..r..n._Ya..ti' ; _.i:~,_. m0t,,.. c:r.
Arrival of the Steamer China.
Oholora Appeasing in England.
rsx, July hi—The steamship China,
from Liverpool July 1.151, and Queenstown on
the rid, has orris - ed.
Austria and Prussia had accepted proposals
for a suspension of hostillues for five days,
and it was expected to result in en armistice
for six weeks.
Greet preparations were making at St. Pe
tersburg to give Assastant Secretary Fox a
grand reception.
LATIMT VIA Qtrairemvowm,,Upopmd, July
21.—The announcement that Austria had ac
cepted the proposals for the aresponston of
hostilities had caused great buoyancy in all
markets, Um prevailing opinion especially
among liermitna, being that pestle is almost
certain to be coneleded, and consequently
there will be no reetunotion of hoeulities.
The Dalian answer had not yet been re
There were no reports of farther fightil
Li serpoot, July 511.—Irr the great naval bt
off Limit the /Milan iron-Wad Be De la
was sunk by collision at the commencemeut
of the battle. An iron-clad blew up with all
on board, amidst cries of •eonig live the Bing
of Daly,. from the crew. Dalian accounts
state that the Austrian squadron retired After
one mane:if-war and two steamers had been
sunk. A Vienna dispatch says that the Behan
fleet was driven back and pursued by the Aus
miens in the direction of Anoona.
It is asserted from Paris that Austria has
.consented to retire from the German Context-
It is stated that Franklort will have to pay a
further war fontrlbution of 15,000,C00 florins.
The Paris Bourse was excited. Bent.,
The London Observer Mateo that Parliament
will be required at almost the last moment of
the session to give its concurrence to the con
federation of the Northern American Pro.
vinees, including a plan for the continuance
of Grand Trunk Ballo:nut
Arandoke Albroebt had issued a proelame
tion annonneing his assumption of the cone
mend of the Austrian army at Vienna.
Correspondence from Vienna states that the
Austrian forces gathered together for the de
fense of Visalia is estimated at four hundred
thousand men and six hundred field guns. it
is said that one hundred thousand men are
crowded within the intranehed estap of riot I
From Italy to eighty thousand frieheolaiera
f rum Venetm have 'Weed, and everything lee
xiketia the coming conflict as inevitable.
The Times , correspondent says: The cont/ -
lance of Austria is not shalom, A battle on
he Danube may reverse the battle on the
alb°. Success is a neeessity for the Prussians.
file consequence of a reverse is beyond sale - -
Wigan. The Prussian. hare marched aye him-
Med miles into the enemylecounery, and left
•he '.motile force In their rear and on either
A dispatch from the ha re, of Gart
edell, dated Stord, July re, says; ha con. ,
inches of the great engagements and the ow
upsilon of Combino and the Val de Pedro by
:be volunteers, the Aliatriain in Part
.AVE , compelled to capitulate co=t
,iiy, s, ter an obstinate defense.
The Prince and Minister of War had CCM-
An - atulated Garibaldi on his success.
intelligence received from Kovno reports
tat the acliStriaoa Mid strewed batteries can
nit the roads leading to Padua, and that
;mid the Commander of the fore. of Ve
-Ina bad ordered the inhabitants to provide
awaseives with provisions for throe menthe
The Minister of the interior had had se h ^
•Arview with some of the leaders of thu politi
calTuarties in Prussia. In reference to the con
of the German Parliament- Some of
the prominent men Of the national party, be
longing: to the different Garman States, had
been invited by the Prussian gOver °mow" to
:ate part in the couferenee.govcra The oiliclatseour.
eut sal - sere .Phissian ment has If, to
' , nation of controlling, eat dogtrots seems t h e
L ,,erman nation the benefit of its advMm, Kea
:c oOnSult for that purome, regardless of oar
; p pOlitica, those men who place nation&
unity above all other conatderations.
IT ALT.—A decree had been especially pro
, ate:gated organizing the adminUtration for
evietla- The Marquis Pepoll red been ap-
Aktated State Coutmiononer at Padua,
tor Martel at Tisane.* and Signor ether! tst
Prince Napoleon arrived at Venice on the
ml!ilhT diem
The 111 Convention the Cause. TBE LATEST NEWS
Convention Building Besieged
All Quiet at
liar OBLAAas, July se.—The pollee are be
having with molt exemplary cu.uluet, u)
to prevent lynching and robbery.
W. R. riath was thrown out of the convec
tion end carried to the lock-up
. by a double
guard Of pollee,.amld cheers from the popu
lace and cries of "bang him." The excite
ment is imboundeo.
A second dispatch says: The President of
the Convention and the membeis thereof are
being one by one arrested and confined. A
little more order andquiet prevails.
♦ procession of negroee„ with nag, and drum
besting. as they were marching towards t °-
thank& Institute, were met by some whites,
who were repulsed after endeavoring to die.
parse them. Several shots were grad, but no
one hurt. The city la considerably excited.
The Convention. met at twelve o'clock.
Twenty-nine members were present. There
has been no Interfere:we yet. The military
will be ordered out.
11 r. K.—The moat intones exctitement pre
vails at this writing. inatforiminate drmg
going on to eOMII2OII, Canal and Deg:
streets. Three Ingram were killed on
dls, and two on Common etreet. Two whites
an, reported wounded. An immense pollee
torte is out and axing all efforts possible to
Quell the not.
A large number of negroes, armed in every
conceivable manner, but principally witn
clubs, axe eeeembied In front of the Mechan
ic* motile The Convention has not yet
met. The Mayor's proclamation Is being wall
observed try the whites.
The outside riot Is enepended. The polices
surrounded the Convention building,. There
en Immense crowd outside the bullding
Mil of the Convention and Depose. Tee po
lite are trying to get them out, but the popu
lace are very belligerent. Dr. W. P. Duster
Led John Henderson, Jr., w ere brought. out
clout an d carried off In carts. It is doubtful
If many are gotten out alive.
3dl v. ar.--On the meeting of the Conven
tion the populace surrounded the building.
Immense numbers of negroes wore Inside and
outside. The police and people quickly uw
came masters, ant the building was clew/ 1 Y
besieged. Seeing themselves besieged
side party hung out a flag of truce, where-
upon the police ascended the stain to pretest I
:he members. No boater had Obey reached
the ball than the pertiee Inside opened an ni
-1 iscrtaninate fire. The flag Is no longer rue
rotted, and every visible haul from the build
r g s nrcd upon. This work still weal:ices.
15 not known how many are In the building.
erre.. continue to be made, and the crowd
co •tintres
Fred. busy and John Henderson. Jr.. were
et killed as reported, but dully wounded.
The latter is not expected to lire.
The Heiser extra says the ri pionon
y one of the frealmen4 his
.corning shoving a white man and tripping
.thn. The policemen sup the man had
non struck and advancedt arrest the Sap
:weed assailant. The y e nun with a rot
.ey of pistol shots, bricks, do., whiali at once
induced a general alarm, end hence the bloody
tragedy that has been enacted.
The excitement has 3rently subsided, and
:beutmost. order prevails. Mayor Monroe
pre:retails to the riot bad an interview wldi
'len. Baird, asking amalgam:a Glen. nand
,onsented, but the troops came after the die-
iurbsnee was over. The greet Maas of good
citizens lay the whole blame upon Governor
Well., who they lay. provoked it by his proo.
lemation convening the convention of 19 . 4.
The following has Just bean leaned by the
Clasliel, The city to in State of great
mutation arising out of the riots precipitated
p a revolutionary faetionr end whereas, It le
absolutely necessary that order be restored
did violence suppressed.
-Therefore, I, John I'. klOnsVe, Mayor of lbw
L•nty of Noe Orleans, do KU onesuch claret 4
are waling to assist In inaintelning the
;wane, to appear at the City Hall this day, of
r.rte 1 to its sworn u GSM policemen.
me not noidln my authority wit bet allowed
to make any arrest.
All good entrees, with the exceptiolt of Her
tad ut assem b l es ested cr o weti to their rioter •
not in wds on the pUblie
(nrifned,) Jogs T. Illeeacm, Mayor.
All the lockups era filled with the arrested
molars, and the bospiuds with the dying and
Now Oft Leela, July 31L—The city is perfectly
,tulet. Th e crowd* On the different thorough
fares near the Concern/on building have all
oven dispemeal at the point Of the helmet!,
and artillery planted within sweeping range.
dasead Law Declared ha Ile etty—
Deward Deane App.!seed ItUltacy
Nee Get.aAss July M.—General Baird has
issued procladtation declaring Martial law.
Richard Ceres, only child of Dr. Ceres, was
klhel accidentally when passing out of the
Medical College. Dr. pestle was mortally
wounded to the abdomen, and had other
wounds In the head. !elm Elenderson , a
wounds are not considered mortal. Cores was
the only white person killed.
The following has Just been Planed,
ilasnecusavaas Dgrr. or LOVISIAIs.
New flairmse, La.. Jury 10,1110 d, •
General Orders Ainstber BLOW, iCAJ
ftl a rml=
uanee of t notorious and unlaw
lugs of trAday, martial law is pro
nl cued in the city Haste N Orleans. Brevet
Major General A. V. is appointed mil-
Miry governor of the city. Us will moire Ws
boadquarters in the city hell, and his orders
will oe minutely obeyed In eV•I7 Pertilmief.
cell functionaries will report at ernes to i M
Bente, and will be lestrueUld
to ouch duties as they may hereafter be re
quir o r d e rerform.
byof Brevet Idajor General A. Baird.
A athaniel Burbank, First Lienteriantand Act
ing Amlstant Adjutant. General.
The city is cow quiet and every citizen at
Message from the Queen of Great
Britain to the President of
the United States.
Mayor of_ New York to the Lord
Mayor of London.
BOSTON, July 313.—Gov0ner leaflet& altered
• salute of one hundred and eighty gums to be I
Grad on Boston Omstmon, today, to olltslOtoto
the completion of the Atlantic cable.
Miry asy. Julylo,--The SugenntimiNsut of
th 4 Newfoundland line arrived hers at nips
o'clock this morning with a massiaite from the
Queen of Groat Britain to the resident of
[le United States.
Oases Jtt ica Ct i h, 1166.
7b the Predderu grads United IroaShipton:
The Queen congratulates the Want on
the successful completion of an undertaking
which she hopes may serve as an additional
bond of union between the United States and
To wadi the -following reply was sent,
Exsooluv J MAP , MI.
11630 WASH
uly it 6
Tb Her .11111fssfy, Quern of Ow United Nine
dem of Oral ßrefean and /reicindThe Prosh
dent of the United States acknowledges with
profound gratidsatlon the receipt of Her
Majesty's dispatch, and Oordially tecitirOestes
the hope that the cable which now unites the
eastern end western hemispheres may servo
to strengthen and perpetuate peace an.lamity
between the government of Buglicad and the
republic of the Unita/ States.
(signed,) ANOILIW Jemmies.
New Yong, July 111.—The following dispatch
Las been forwarded over the Atlantic comic
11Aron's °yews, New Yoga, July 80, 111111.— ,
To the Lord Mayor of trnidorv—The energy
6 rentlis of wan directed bg the PrOVtdence
'd hod, have united the Continewte. tiny
tut, onion be instrumental in securing the
nappineen of all nations and the rights of all
the Wigwam for the Copperelalutaoas.
Ptic...oeurinaly 90.—Tbe Wiewam fOr
Eno mooting of 'the National Union Conroe
(toe will be situated In front of Girard College.
Wel ia being rapidly and substantirdly econ•
etructed. Accommodation will be afforded
'or fifteen hundred delegatee and nine thou
wind spectators, and the building will coin
prise committee rooms and Otbee-'oOnvenion.
eal. The place of meeting can be reached by•
:brae or foe+ =treat hoes of horawra.ll
- ,
--John Jahehell, the Irish label, now a
Anil= and at Paris, an be reoeived
of* in gold from the New York Penleav
t_nd paid it over to. 0. L- A Stephens.
The Ptmions would like to have Btephentel
tell them what be did with that Wino,.
TAILOR ille-ThOMOSOMillaii/J ll1 bik an g "
an amusing account of a Johnson -meeting
held In Mac arty on Saturday MIMI last. How
X. 1 0 . Johnstone
t cka great length • • 'outman.
lug Xreeldnu iddar
Inns sndorstaw * grew . ware .
Mina* slositeri4;
5,,. .. _ ~ _..~, .....
Dispatches from Europe
Peace Preliminaries Progressing
kart R+'', July 80.—Afidoight.—By the arri
val of a vessel front Portsu Basque to-night,
further dispatches through the Atlantic Cable
from Europe have been received. Several
messages to private parties from England are
oolong those brought from Hearth' Content by
this arrival.
Arramramente have been made which will
Wean, the more rapid and frequent transmie
sion of diepatehee from Port An Basque hence
forth until the gulf cable le laid.
LoOIIIDOI4 5 TvzD .t EV11311.0, July 98. Mg.—
Lamb reports from the seat of war state
that peaoepreUmlnarles between the oontend
ing powers aro progressing, but no details
hive been received as yet.
Lownos,July2S,—Ebening—Quisobi closed at
SS for !army. United States Mies, 09%.
Liverpool, /Wordily Evening, July Ml.—Cot
ton market is firm, middling Orleans quoted
at 14% pence per pound.
Arrival of the Ville de Paris.
Manifests of the Austrian cesunanier
Now Yoga, July m,—Thu Preach steamship
Ville de ffaris arrived at her pier at this port,
et I o'clock last evening, the 30th, having left
.frost at a p m., On 'MILL As Brest has been
decided by the Trench Government to be
viterity-outs miles further irons Now York
Man Liverpool, ibis passage of the Wile de
Parisy equal, if not superior, to that of B ri t ish
eteamship Scotia, made a year did
7 . _ , S 4 s .st c u ' lLlo.— . Tl ß iti od fo ti llowing royal manffew
Majoiffifed people of my Jffegdne of Hon
!Ion, "The handof Providence weighs Marl
y upon es, in the conflict into which 1 have
beep drawn, not voluntarily, but through the
fore. of oh inxestancea. Every human calm•
lotion has been frustrated, save only the confi
dence I placed In the heroic bravery of my
- reliant army. • The more griermom are the
heavy losses by which the ranks of those bravo
men have been smitten, and my heart feels
the eitterneat of that grief with all the find
dee afflicted."
To put ad end to the unequal cordons to
gain time and Opportunity. to fld up the voids
occasioned by the canipMen, and to cones.
Irate nay forme against the hostile troops oc
ttpymg adeth ern portion of my empire,
I newt coateldied, with great sacrifices, to M.
gotiate for the econclualon of an aredstlen I
now turn confidently to the faithful peoplo ei I
my kingdom of Hungary, and to that readi•
nem to-make afterifthea to rapidly dispiayoil In
ordooos tithe*. The coated =cordons of My
satire Empire mast to set motion that the
"neelosion of the wished for peace may be se
cured UpOu fair conditions. It Is my profound
leder that the Warlike sone of Hungary, actu
ated by the feeling of hereditary fidelity will
otuntarrheldeacurderiny banuendo the..
.istAnce their kindred, and protection of the
:conics - 0.110., tramedtately threatenod try the
•. ruts the war. Rally, therefore, In form to
.h defend; of the invaded empire. lie worthy
„nes cor3sgir vsolll•LoOlfet.lierik istel4l-•
heeds gained never fading 'wreaths or muter
or the glory of the Hungarian name.
(Mimed) ramrod dollars.
Vicuna, July 17, 1150.
A Vienna eorrespondent says that pending
the offer of armistice, the epode, morn, icy
ola arenives, and other government treasures
Atom being atilmsa out of theolty. West e.
existed in the city, and it was feared,
inlets troops arrived from Venetia, that the
ilta• would have to be abandoned.
The /Imposes had gone to Perth.
Caricaturist of Bismarck and liciNg William,
tiptoed for sale in Tteusukerere being replace d
ay accurate photographs.
Latest advice* by mall from Liverpool state
Mat the cholera le again spreading In that
city. Home to house visitation and hospital
accommodations have been resumed.
The ironclad frlttritis deitalla, which was
allnic by the Allstat was built to New York,
and was plated with I t 4 inch Iron.
Ateauwa of the Leas of the liarsta• La
•—illistiesne asg e Ammo Mabel* a n sal Piss;: .
tress A Wgaisiat Pirates—Adaters =sal
Oregoa sad Australia.
ass faascasco, July t3.—The Supreme Court
of California has affirmed the validity of the
militia law paned by the bat Legislature.
The ship 1511se Greenman, from Hong Kong,
brings the amount. of the loam, . on March Ste,
of the tames La Belle, on en uninhabited
loaf called Wake Island, where the I:malingers
and crew remained Moe weeks, but finding
no water, they started In the Mite's long Wilt
fm the 1. drone islands, la charge of the first
mate the Captain with eight parsons taking
the gig. The foriper were 11111,0,1, but the let
tar ve not been heard from. hinds= Anna
Bishop and piu ty were among the paeweigeril.
A schooner has been sent In search of timuila•-
lag boat, to bring away Mit,KID In treasury,
which was saved and buried on the Wand. The
was valued at 0:4,000.
' lre British ship Denmark stranded on Gas-
per Shoal en the Mtn of Hay, and the fate of
the crew Is unknown. The Coolie ship lieddo
was bearing off the Java coast on the lint of
April A mutiny had previously occurred on
beard. The chief mate, one apprentice and
One hundred and forty emigrants were lost.
An expsdition of gunboats sent against the
pirates on the western ;Mast, hoe been very
eurcessf al, having captured a masked battery
of ter lee guns at Naniaul.
Mining shares aro bettor; Crown Point in
quoted at 11,40; Alpha, 100; Ctphic, 2,70; Savage,
%Oh Gould and Curry, Mk fellow Jacket, fast
Legal Tenders 71.
Scs rassicisoo, July 18.—A letter from Nu
;Pens Van 801 l and Madame Anna Bishop con
firms the statement that the passengers and
mew of the barque La Belle were ail saved ex
cept ven mon who accompanied the captain
in the gig. Much praise Is awerded to the
Governor of the Mariana islands for hi; efforts
'to relieve the distreausilandahipriecked pee-
Mug Kong &drifts contradict the reported
Murder. licar Mankow, S ha rp , English ()onset
Arrived, bark Annie thiptsdn Sharp,
from Glasgow. The steamer Orleaba, from
Coltuebieriver—brine 016000 in treasure.
The Indian deProdations in Idaho Territory
Sydney Wiliam report California wheat at
Se ad per bushel, and Chill wheat at 6e Sd per
The dourtnarket at Yleterlitatel New South
wales indicated more fineness hi Consequence
of the emstlisued dry season.
The vilest *rep at Melbourne Is reported to
be 42,000 tons larger than last year.
Thu crops lc Oregon and the Territories are
represented to be In a favorable condition.
The receipts of the Yellow Jacket Mine for
the past month were W 2,274.. The receipts of
the Salami Mine for the year ending duly 11th,
Were 111,400.149. Five hundred boxes of 'Japan
' , tea wore sold at private salo.~obbingg, at Y 0
tents. Mining shares are weak Alpha is
quoted at POI Gelds., s4s' Savage, 1170 1 Chollar,
let Legal Tenders, 71X.
Empress (?) on noir May to EnrePO - re
8 11.
nation of Whe Empire the Mo
thittead—Seeruthe for the For Le •
on PearOlenan:. Eaported •40 NOW
Now You, July SO.—Havana dates of the
lethatato that the Empress of idextco, so call.
int, arrived there on the Mb. 0. 1 . 11 er Way to
Europe. She was received wlth me tenors or
io:mity. The EMpreSS dld not land, but pro.
peeded on ber learner the nest any.
' ftt ` m itexica " Pre gtr - li t itt it g a ttgr
ECOPIr• gT if • •
The fall of Matamoros hau comma great 41s
artL a t S d r al , l 3ll a e =n rß ur tti e r 'x ifl= 2
french♦ steamer arrived at Vera erns who
two hundred MOPS of the forelg=on.
. The 'lpforo Del the
of the Emperor, says that the &topics=
Europe treatnpon ithelntereate of
;Bsone to
Beide*, and to arrange several Anternational
She' it expeoted back In NoVember
• text. .
OOLIVILL }Wend% who fought underatarei
Puebla. has rals a revolution In Guarwrusta.
Petroleum ottlaToising prportedtoifew Xerk
smut th e wells on the isthMns of Tettnan 6
.NSW OrdatAne, July 110....Tamplee aI:MOM of ,
:the lath; sad , th at tx : heldeenit td , the .
: morale, and that It wmodnAdently expected
:the city would fall,la
Interior had beet' ont : Off.'
About the - Ether ISM erdebulart;lta Of
al ry WAD lidtehtntO•theAreirwi •
The/reset are OrMiniaing labattallon far
JOIRX 1107111/ki,
1111yOR of Wow York.
tear i k e"F riti l:l4 fatu7 4 lll 4 f .'" 6 4lll"44 ;4 74l4
't 5 t. , WWW*4 04 .0 . ;.- •
T 7 - ^ s ,.s~ii \a''o3 al - : ~ ~ d.~u H~r;~dwz:-=r~'~w
Tim Cholera Epidemic at Antwerp—lre
Cereal BevenneHeater APPianted —
Negotiations with Indiana
WASHINGTON, July 30.—The United States
Consul at Antwerp, writing to the State De
partment under date of July Ist, says: The
theism hati recently appeared in this city.
There have be= about forty deaths in the last
two days, but on one or two days the deaths
have been as many as seventy-five. I fear we
moot regard It as having neatened an epi
demic form. I would suggest that vessels ar-
I riving from Antwerp should be scrutinised
by our quarantine.
. .
It is noted taday that, A.B. Sloanaker wag
to-day appoihted Collector of Internal ECM
nue for the First District of Pennsylvania.
The Commissioner of Italian Mato bas Just
received a dispatch from Newton Edwards, Of
the Northwest Indian Commission, dated.
Steamer Ben. Johnson, Fort Unitm, July ltdi,
hamming him that the Commissioner arrived
at that place on the 7th Inst., and found there
the Lower Crow Chicle. The tipper Crow
Chiefs w e re expected every day. The chiefs
Of the Grammar's of the prairie, and three
bands of the Ossenneboines were also expect
ed to arrive. There were encamped near the
fort font hundred lodges of the Ompapen.
They ell talked in the mat 1. . • , qn
Had s on in. Lilt"a treat In Stunt
way sa to give complete satisfaction.
Commissioners would probably not see the
Eantees, though from all accounts r large ma
jority of them desire to make terms. Mc. Ed
wards hoped they would finish their labors
there during next week, and return to Fort
Berthold, where they expected to be detained
throe or four days before etarting for home.
Mr. Edward, stales that the negotiatlmis are
Bregarded as signally successful, and Is is be
ayed that the tribes treated with will regard
their treaty stipulations fora very long time.
The number of v isitors at the Whlto Goose
to-day was greater than on any day during the
peat throe wo t fd 3.,
. Moat of hose pre e were
g u r n ter nu o berwreSen v tor C a m ßepr a en
ativea who had called to take leave of the
Additional Local Matters on Third Page
AattHentTreable—Hard Hearted Lead
lord—lanoranee of ttleteltratea.
For a day or two the eiruumstancea of a pe
culiar case have been In oar memory, pre
seated in such a shape that we could not give
them without infringing upon a sort of "Star
Chamber" arrangement, to which we have
most emphatically entered our protest. A
wldow,in indtgentairoumstauces,with • family
of several little girls and a boy of the age
of fifteen years, took possession of a building
with a view of occupying it as a habitation.
It is located is the low ground of the First
Ward, Allegheny, subject to "pubmergeney"
by periodical floods, and by ono of those
currencies was rendered unfit for occupancy.
The flood receding, and rents beinggreatly ad
vanced, the widow referred to, in pursuit of a
dom ail for herself and family, sought out the
owner of the submerged ana found
him. She agreed to restore windows and
doors, and render tbe place habitable, upon
the condition that she could occupy it, no
lease or other stipulated agreement for rent
being agreed upon_ The widow took
biOno going to the expense of melting =-
pairs, lived in peaceable occupancy for months,
and enjoyed comparative comfort.. With
cent" on the brain, the owner of the
took legal proceedings to eject ids tenant, sus.
cecded, the officers of the, law ejecting the
widow In due form, plaffing her effect, Upon
the birhway, and two enterprising gentlemen
f the tonsorial profession took charge et the
Thi, had transpired when the elder child,
christmed by his parents Anton Fife, made
his appearance. °Deeming the state cif affairs, '
and not being advised as to what had been
going on, naturally enough, having due re
gard (or his thrviving parent, expreased him
self In terms and demeanor so decidedly em
phatic and demonstrative as to induce the
officer of the law to forthwun proceed to the
omen of Alderman. hay., of the First ward,
Allegheny ily , nod there make Information tbat
bod harm or his life had been eatened
by the albresald boy of fifteen. Ath rwartant
was Maned, the boy arrested, andvocomltted
to 1l& "for surety of the peace and threaten
lug violence." Them are the foots Drennan*.
ry to tbehabens corpus awe.
Billings G. Childs, Esq.. being applied to for
couesel, took the case ID Wind, obtained . writ.
01 hub... corpus. and Yesterday forenoon It
came up fora bearing. lf.r.libllilionalntained
teat the commitment was defective. The Al
derman committed the boy for "Surety of the
peace and threatening violence." Mr. C. held
that there was no much offense ea Inlet, of tbe
peace, and that the Alderman could only hold
to hall and amnion In default, and that the
eoak rot tutent tenet:metal.. The Court (Judges
Mellon and Stowe on the bench) concurred,
and tee petitioner was dlenharged 1;o0In cue
e would here remark that per city uragir
%Mee alcaostattrarkdelycommltins ca m en
"em ',l duly discharged by due coarse w,"
instead of "m default of ball." Under t e de
cision referred to they will be required to ad
here more atrletly to "Itinne's thrash" and
mast give Mr. Childs the credit cif making
known their shortcoming.
Beata' Outrage—A Vanua lilrl Raped
and Bastes—Whi the Millar was sat
Sooner heportea.
At an early boar on Sunday morning
young girl, of not more than sixteen or seven
teen years of age, was Pound lying In an insen
sible condition in en open field near the
Sitarpsbutig plank road, and butos abort dis
tance from the Scene of the homicide reported
In yesterday's leane. She was removed to a
house near by and Dr. Hobble= summon
ed to bar aid. On examination' it was Warr
ered that the person of the girl had been VW-
Wed, and that she had received other brutal
treatment which placed her Ufa in Imminent
peril. Everything that human ingefillitf
could devise wail done for her relief, but hp to
last night at eight o'clock her life was hang
ing in the scale of uncertainty. Two young
ratio who are strongly suspected of having
participated in the outrage have been arrest
ed andiodged in the towns, but owing to the
feet that the authorities refused to furnish
their names. we are unable to give them to
I our readers.
We were cognisant of the above facts on
Sunday evening, but at the earnest solicita
tion of the authorities refrained from pub.
Batting them, fearing that the publication
Would impede the ends of justice. But we
were not prepared tri bee the affair reported
in the next lune of an evening contem,
after receiving a pledge that the same cures
should be enjoined on all. We shall know how
to act In future, however.
SIMI Another Outrage—Wanton Attack
Upon • Colored an.
About eleven o'clock laid night a colored
man, named Peter Brown, was brought to the
wittch•hcnise and locked up on • charge of have
ing fired a pistol at party of c o al gee
avenue, In the Seventh ward. As there were
no persons hurt by the discharge, the only no
coalition lodged against him was disorderly
conduct. Brown states that he is employed as
a deck-hand on the tow-boat. Fearless, and
that on her arriving In port yesterday after
noon ho went to ybalt late parents,
near ell
noravilla At ten o'clock he started for thh
cry, but when within a short distance of the
corner of Roberts street and the avenue, ho
was met by • crowd of white men. Re stepped
tit the curb to allow them to pass, when one of
tiro number struck him In the face, nutting his
cheek, and knocking him prostrate in the gut
ter. On gaining his feet he attempted to es
cape, but ere lie could do so, was again knock
down, one of the crowd calling ant to "kill the
di-n nigger." da soon as he regained Ids feet
pocket time, he took a pistol from his side
and need at Ids assailanta. At UM
stage of the affair the pollee appeared on the
ground and tOok Brown Into custody.
Me sincerity trust this matter will be fully
illvetrtigated, and the guilty parties brought
.0 justice. As far as we are able to Judge,
.'Brown was perfectly justifiable. and if he had
nlied any of them It would b e but giving
thorntheir deserts.
LiE,./imiml2mv _ .ii a
Attempt to Violate the Person
Little Girl on hold's MIL
y eiter thw a fternoon, between avo and stx
circler*, an attempt was made to outrage the
Person of& little girl named Mary Uarrits,
aged about thirteen, in a shod attached to the
thick yard of James blawhinny, on Iloyd , s
BIM The little girl, In company with a play
facie about her own age, went from her home
In ..lbutaorabble,i, to the summit of the hill,
for the purpose of gathering kindling wood.
While occupied thuh, she was attacked by a
middle-aged man. and, dragged into the abed.
where the brute attempted to conannimate his
bother. design. ,The companion of
ia ? r tl
rap down the bill to her borne and
gave the alarm, and. . in a few min.
utea after the abed • was surrounded
Ill' a crowd of women and children. As they
were about to force the door of the shed, the
Man ran out among them, and ore they could
seise him wade good OW escape. Sir.
whinny and several of his employees pursued
him for some distance. but in turning the cor
ner of Phillips' Glass House. J street, he
I woe lost to sloht, and all eubse uent search
proved vain. was of aboutmed um stature,
dark complexion, and wore whe last seen a
loon omit and nutty' bat. ,
Proved is Alltil.
The dangerous defence of attbl in taa °W HY
established- before Alderman 8 h r . yes*,
day, at the bearing in the Cane of Timothy
Scanlon, charged with the stabbing of Petrick' I
McFadden, at a pie nio ground is the vicinity
Of Man LitertY. - a,iTiorl - time since. The. as
owed prayed by several witneues that he wee
not :proeent; at theAlme of the occurrence.
. having been at work allot the day, and at the
.postletilke tithe the stabbing is known tonere
been done:-: aildttion, one witness testified
dud •tWO doe after the recurrence be ' r saw.
ThoinaitEstalo the
corusedned, ti,
ruled th e, knife.' sodd $
6. da .
'brother of Timothy. The . Alderman. _
the teitimony adduced, WO cons
Mischance -the accused.— twin es
therefore, goes tree; -but - Ms'
Thema* is anxiously sought•-ter 7...
lottetteca be brought tojustice._ ,
'Unwed aotlrlty • prevel/e
among ittra-lreldeine.— of Ws • ri etn i x i c ysd lro .4.
Evelerdit. ri am ull e , itu ta'':= 44 gern - tlsan
-tne.llnraatlon. of
Ireland w wacrlefeaSedf:nr •rX 1 . 1140 4i
4 41 . 1 : 1 PWAl
. . ..„
_ .
Mooting of City Councils.
The City Councils held their regular month
ly meeting last evening, in their chambers, m
city building.
In Select Cbunca, preient, Messrs. Barak-lay,
Coffin, Coursin, Hardman, Leon, McClintock,
McLaughlin, McMillen, Morrow, Phillips,
Rosa, thipton, Thompson, White and Presi
dent McAuley.
Tree minutes of the preceding meeting were
road and, on motion, approved.
Mr. Shiptiin presented a petition for the
mediae an d of Miltenberger aderl4-
which was read and referred to the Street
A communication was read from the City
Simulator, with a resolution from Mr. lictir
go recommending the payment of sundry
Veld three times and passed.
A oommunleation was read asking CountlS
to abolish the an nuisance now exists in the
rogionef thetly. Point by delimits at filth made
there gh
Refer ni red to Standing Committee, with
power to set
Mr. Wilson, liire Committee on Smooth,
presented en o rdinan ce authoriting the grad
,cnd Locastetreet in the Eighth
The yeas and nays were nailed, when the or
dinance was lee by a vote of 8 to 10.
Mr. Armstrong presented a resolution an
thorLaing the 'Pittsburgh National Coal Com
pany to lay a track no Try street, froix i l apolnt
on the track of the Pennsylvania
Company to the property of the said com
pany on the corner of Fourth mad Tr' streets,
under certain etipulated conditions. Refer
red to Street duce.
The Clow . .4 the Street Committee enb
muted the report of the viewers appointed to
appraise the damages in changing the grade
or High and Rose streets..
Mr. Hardman presented a remonstrance
front Mr. Jackson Duncan, asking that the
report be set aside, on the ground that Mimi
ties had been clone him in tbe report—Ms
dam p
graages being fir .
ln excess of the appropria
thnted him
A motion wits made to refer the report back
to the reviewers, which was lost, and on mo
tion the report was accepted.
The Street Committee presented the report
of the reviewers in the matter of the assess
manse for the opening of Roberts and Webster
Mr. Buckley moved that the report bo refer
' red back to the reviewers. Carried.
The Street Committee offered the following
resolution :
Resolved, Ttat the City Controller be, and is
hereby, authorised to issue his certificate for
a warrant in favorot Peter O'Neil. for the gam
Wenxtee hundred and thirty dollars and fif
cents, and charge the name to the contin
gent tuna. Read three timesg lidin and paused.
An ordinanCe the and paviof
Chestnut street for
from Gibbon to g
Forbes str eta,
in the Eighth ward, was read three times and
passed. Also, an ordinance for the widening
of Webster street, between High and Tunnel,
was reed three times and passed.
An ordinance for the grading and paving of
Etna street. Passed.
The Street Committee also presented a reso
lution authorizing the payment of sundry
bills for street imommenta. which Wll.ll read
three times ant p
Mr. Coursin offered the following:
Fesetted, That from and after August Isl.
1884 the salary of the Seperintendent of the
Water Works shall be at the rate of µAO per
annum. Meal three times and peased.
Mr. Id'isughlin offered an ordinance to re
pee the authority vested In the Mayor and
Street Committee relativeswitches tO the establish
ment of railroad will:drabs city lim
its. tel motion the ordinance was laid on the
S. C. called up an ordinance which had been
passed in C. C. July 1etb,1893, granting _certain
privileges to the Pittsburgh and Connell*.
villa Railroad Company. on condition that
the said Company pay to the silty the annual
sum of five hundred dollars.
Mr. Morrow stated that the Company were
not able to pay the amount. fixed in the ordi
nance, and therefore offered the blowing
amendment: That ' they pew to city the
sum of WOO the Out Year,'Wettis leeem POO
the th ird, Stoo the fourth,andafiefor cinch pro
ceeding year.
takamenffunit was aceepted and without
ing further tmltion Connell adjourned to
meet the C. C. inteche
_seeable, for the purpose
of alecting a Salt
amnion - Counell.:—Present, Messrs. Dolga,
brush, Ford. Hai* Layne, Mown's:easy, :Mo.
Ewan, J. Si., McClenand, McGowan, Ogden,
Patchett, nehmen, Robb, Seibert, hithiPson.
Today, Verner, Welsh, Steel, President
The Ininutes of the previous meeting were
read and approved.
Mr. Torley offered& resolution amending tne
petition for a sewer on Virgin alley to read
'.lron Liberty street to the tipperidde of Cher
ry instead of "from Liberty to Smith
field street.. Referred to the Committee on
Mr. Patchett presented a-petition from citi
seas of the Sixth and Seventh smells, reques
ting Councils to furnish some relief to prop
erty holders cm Fulton street, from the effects
of beavy rains. Read and referred to Com
-13414C0M1 Streets.
Mt. Ogden, frOm the Special Committee ap
pointed to tnquire into the expediency of pup.
-deaths a tot at ground suitable nor the ereel
itortaf an engbatoWase for the use of thelin ,
cinema Englire•Company, reported that they
would reeommend th e patentee of a lot on
Second street, above Smithnold, twenty-throe
by one hundred and sixty feet, for µMOO. Re-
ferred to the Committee on City Property,
wan power to act in ease they deem It advis
able to purchase said lot
. Mr. Ford offbeat an ordinance increasing the
alley of the Cnief of Pollee from WO to $l,OlO
ur d , annum. Mr. Fled ated that the matter
been discussed by tbs. Pollee' Committee,
and they were rmanineausly in favor of the I.n.
lir. Ogden stated that the present Chief of
Police was secord_to no *Meer La any city In
the country for activity and efficiency, and tte
was decidedly in favor of giving him the In
crease asked.
The ordbmnee was read three times and
whinney presented a. petition from
the residents of the Eighth ward, above Magee
street, requesting to be exonerated from the
payment of water tax, owing to the fact that
from seven a. m., maul seven p. in. they are un
able to obtain water from the hydrants, and
are compelled to resort to sprats' and wells
the neighborhood for a supply. Read and re
tarred to the Water Committee.
Sir. Simpson presented a petition from the
Neptune steam Fire Engine Company, re
questing Counc il s to erect is stable on a lot In
the rear of the engine house, for the &moment,-
dathin of the homes belonging to the compa
ny. Head and referred to Came:atm on City
bill from Capt. S. R. Cooper, amounting to
5109 91, for cleansing Council Chambers and
Mr Hall, was presented and ordered terse paid.
blowidimuY Presented a petition for the
opening of Gibbon street, from Hagen to Ste
reason street, which was read and referred to
Street Committee, with Instructions to pre
pare an ordinance.
The ?resident stated that as an impression
appeared to prevail that the city was at pres
ent ton very unhealthy condition, he had
mutated Mr. ronllne, Health &Meer, to
exa m in ed
the books of the Board of
Health, end had received from him a
statement showing that the deaths in
the city from the let of February to the Mat
of July inst., were four hundred and sixty
tour, being an excess of only fonrover the ace
responding months of the preceding year.
The gentleman stated that the Board of
Health was laboring energetically, and had
already caused the removal of two thousand
cases of nuisances during- the present season.
The Sanitary Committee was prepared to re.
calve complaints, and he hoped that any citi
zen who was aware of the existence of any
public nuisance would report to them Immo..
Mr. Hare offered the following resolution :
Resolved, That a committee at three. two
from the Common and i n from the Select
Council, Do appointed, in connection with
the Presidents of Cannella, to select • suitable
sivelor the erecting of building', nnteble for
the accommodation of the city officiate.
lir. Hare stated the lease which the city
held on Wilkins Hall would expire in throe
years, and it was important th at arrange-
manta shoidd Denude to secure another trail- I
ding. The resolutien was adopted, and
Messrs. Hare andßraah appointed on the part
of C. 0. Solstice:On 5.0.
Mr. Torrey offered the following
Brenton; That a committee of live, two from
the Select and three from tie Common Coun
cil, be appointed to Select a location for a
public park, and report' the same to Councils.
The resolution was adopted, and Messrs.
Tortes% Robb and Patchett appointed on part
of C. C. Not reached in S. C.
The President stated that owing to the ab
sence of hir..CeNatil in Europe. he had substi
tuted Mr. Ogden on the COMmittee to prepare
a Digest of the Cite Code. ~
comer session. •
The Commits then want into joint session,
toe the purpose Of electing en Inspector of
Salt, to fill the ui p 4xpired term of Jacob .Ped ,
der, deceased. ems. Charles-J. Barr and E.
Asper were 3ti nomination. A ballot
was than entered AIM, which resulted as fel
Charles J. Barr.., , 1 9 nr ..
alt sper
. - Barr was declared elected.
The Select'lll : r i r m h then retle.r,d to their
Chamber, end Co on Council adjourned.
YOUthred 'Robber.
A lad about fOurteen years of age named
Thomas J. Howe bee arrested at the Dillon
Depot last night by omoer McFadden, inertud
with robbing, the e, hone of It. C. Pot
ter, No. at Third etrect, of SW InTscati
and some fractlenal currency sulng ln
all to safiya„ •young Howe bag 'been employed
la AffeldePs trtintniag store Guitar_ kola: eel,
as au errand bo.lll and had beS. l . 4
Potter's show ow
f°"1""115 ar
WS- Gen b had a Whet for
bonville end Vf ensures she
"ri narth val i ts :Nada; so
CbSIVIALCM in WS To'gr' a ' L e CCM go young
oriole and Orange r =l x
PRoalbiottos oR 1100110,11.1 i nrra. r
slims of an AcCoLtsionjuun 4=
151"14a to eYhaelotreVe of Oa 1104VOR who Boned'
ye:tin-001w of tbiel year"; or who• were
tihomused bp .rosten OR.WOUndS , Iteetted
settee. or to their ;Fr ParbßA
end tbe sato I=ftr4dl=AD
twos ? r oam' to their Mini , ltitio‘aCt
in.=l,ll-Netreerumio=3: coo.
eider well:Who th eY to with *war dittos;
We rootimmond SAW 'gottlzo.
mai nail* street- .
• -
M05041.--Thli 1 1 e G r nai
as _that the address httbil atIPARIIIO
tiscollhoouittothootwoy4Othottot of
Aug thoill....Atto.: ea atoßwrilp iat el mr emw,,anzw. ayusgere en,
Cith"l"dr r ig reACilille d..rretioh
=ltt" with the
•lattor4 , llloW. 4o "
of tui t
1? ,
. .
ON vraDazawAlei D Igar:!unimors-
Th• odium le forwarded will tioi* lie nb.
andbara waoaael. a. the mall •
Pa ES SI ;Mail LiEls4..Ass-:=:=
The Bounty EqualLsaitlkon amendment.
Tho following are the 'provisions of the
Rouse bilitor theaqMhi•oilon of bountitta.
amended end passed as an amendment to the
Ctvit Appropriation bill. There aro eight
sections, but those not given' here sloaplY Pro'
ecribe the fees of attorneys, declare Penni'
ties, oto
That instead ofovinnt of land or other
hountY. there shall why tO
each and every soldier, sailor sa da",„l,.&,
faithfully served ns such in the a - aary who
marine corps of the United Sta rm “ er
has been or may hereafter he honors, " l
charged from such nervies, the sem
per mouth, or at the rate of atee per year,
heremancr provided for, all the time d
ing which soak soldier, sailor or marine
actually , so served between the 19th day
flf April, 1851, and the 19th day of April,
1863, and in the case of any soldier, amount
marine discharged from the service o
of wounds received in battle, or while engag
ed in the line of his duty the said allowance
of bounty fawn be computed and paid np to
the end of the term of service for which his
enlistment was made; and in ease of the tenth
of any such soldieronallor or marine, while la
the service, or, in fosse of his death after his
discharge and befola the end of his term of
onit-f — feet, H ft i.etiamed ee aCCOTIIIt of being
moot atoll be made to Ins widow, if she has
not been married, of if there be no widow, to
the minor child or children of the demised who
may be under is years of age.
Bac. I. That no bounty under the provisions
of tins act shall be paid to or on account of
any "tiddler, sailor or marine who served IS a
aubstitute in the army or MotTi' or who was
LUl=l prisoner Of war at the timer of his
ent; and no bounty shall be paid to
any eoldier, sailor or Marine discharged on
the application oral the request of parents
or geardians, or Ott the ground of minority.
Sia. 3. That every petition or application
for bounty made tinder the provisions . of this
act, shall diselcee and state specitically under
faith, and under the ;Wm and . pflnedtY a_POr
what amount of twine money, if any, has been
paid,. er e is payabign to the soldier, and marine,
lt7 whos represeetation the claim 'Almada
Tbe Grand Gilt Coneert
The Grand Gift Concert, Which has been ad-
-rtieed so extensively. took place last even
. .
lug, at City Mill, be:ore one of the largest au
diences we have over seem assembled in this
city. The audience maintained the best of
order, lionaldering the thousands of every
ties* found in it, and the concert arm & decid
ed mimosa. - Owing to the fact that the mana
gers, Messrs. McDonald, Thompfon & Co., bad
an unexpectedly heavy sale of .I.lekets yester
day, their nians for the distribution . of
had to be modified. and the coin:tart at which
these will be , given away is to take place on
Thursday eveliWg next. On that occasion the
progra,mme w ill varied, so that all who at
tend shall e
are t o
a rar d i stributed meet. The g are to be under
the seeplere Of a committee selected from the
audience. Tletteta may yet be the
odic°, in the ChrenCels budding. The audience
last evening were perfectly satisfied with the
arrangement of deferring the distribution of
gifts, as Mr. Thompson explained from the
stage the true condition of things, There will
be no more delay, but on Thursday night next
holders of tickets can repair to City Hall with
the full belief that the programme of the
Grand Gift Concert will be fatly carried out as
per advertisement.
The QOltfns Township Howieidee—The
investigation of the Coroner's jury revealed
nothing further than waling: published COIL.
on Sunday morning. The verdict was: "Tiles
the said Henry HOUCVM came to haligftl.h,
Collins township, on the morning of the Mb
of J nip, lee, by being allot In the head with a
headed musket, recklessly handled by henry
Grand Union Meettng.—The campaign.
will be inaugurated here on Tuesday evening.
Augurt HQ, try a grand Union man. meeting.
A. J. Hamilton. of Texas, and Means. Gallatin
7.. Grow, John W. Forney and L. -W. gall of
Pennsylvania Will be present to address the
meeting. Let Gas be an oldfaahioned meet
ing, stun a ono as will strike terror into the
hearts of the Johnson.Cl3rmer party of this
Off ibe Traek.—Yesterday about noon a.
car of the Oakland Beltway Cana
puny ran off the tracopposites the Court
house into en excavation made by somnyrater
pipe layers. By dint a little exertion on the
part of the male passengers, the ladles ro.
teaming seated, the car was soon righted and
proceeded on its way.
Fruit Cans.—Persons cleaning to put up
fruit, with a view to preserving it., will be
be looking about, just at this time, for cane oi
jars, and we take occasion to recommend all
•uch to call upon Mr. IL A.. Fleming, wholesale
and retail dealer, at - No:MP/cod street.
lieureessi of itilser.—ktartm .11.1'Langh lin
• was before Justice Lipp, of Birmingham, yos.
tarday, charms d with the larceny of &Miser
461.1ar from the beer saloon of Peter. Nortone
. The seermed entered bail for a hearing on Bat.
Malden a—a. man named John Ryan, area.
Went of Bakerstown, had Ma right foot severe- j
ly crushed yesterday, on Ohio street, S.lle-
Cemay, by being
sed I rr : z 0 1 ;1' haynagon.
Conyaleseent.—Mr.Joim Edgar, the Weigh
Master at the Diamond Scales, in alleghanY
CLty,. has again resumed the duties of his
Mace haying bean severely inflispceed for
several oars.
Pilate Central. Comililttee.—The Union
Republican_State Central Committee Will hold.
a meeting at the lionongahela Morale. in , tills
city on the Bth proximo.
PoroonaL—Hon. Schuyler Coe passer.
through tho city yesterday.
Or Rev. Jo•lina Monroe, HUGH IVALLLLEN to
Mat Z. J. OVULZEttY, but • "'or ritt.b.rsch•
1411.LDALE cuturritz—The
place•-• beautiful -434act , s-aare,” the Uest se4orr i t .
Betilitofig:tiety with of
A iterraqb t"EittgaolfoC Ver . AU C t •
:luny City. .
No.l96sinithae St, cor. Ith,
CEntkaace fromSeyeath Elcresto
Deales3 in 9p110313 1 N_
' • 03 3.31 Badtbield 111.1
TM. instrameat Y. Cenerglily sisedbylgater!i,
and lierelualit . a=fx efer .M
tZtaMended upm asaiosualrear:..
of rleltaU
Luomp eND
• • , 4 34;ITTIAA_
'-zigiakry '
. . .
irr-liza .sr,; 462 r3:c Env
-- •
perais AND SHOES
.. • - '.."
. .
ar.sammies WILCONSIESS
80 318rtet Street. Pittabudriffh; - -
This old established house has now In store thirty—
eve thousand dolls+. worth or Soots/old Iseoes.Ane"
gl i Z.VllVglieVl4.l. l l ,be v"el 7 RVl6 w ,-
nave resolved not to be dude:sof 07 enTlintnettuo!
these that keen °oda wolfs 0 1tT 01 8. — • - • -
oall and examtne ens sus* or joada. and we feel
satisfied • thit Tom will' p o rebass, irttat_ii.S d'srantln•
the Boot sad Moe Line, mino ir
r' „a
e „aims
111, NA •
!MA I L IL el e ala toaketegoriiii- cout►j.
ri l u n starA,:titairal44reat,traiwi a mini
r .1.1' "14 t;titri.
07/11721_11 at
rdtieli= . l
o aux.