the Wittoburo trozettt. MONDAY, JULY 80. 1866 FROM' WASIIINGTON. Job Pavia' Complicity With the Assn. xislation Coneptracy.—Neporil of the Judiciarv, Comudiltee—Bratal Treat ment of listisin Prisoners , . - Wasinsintos, July sl —The following le the regolYrt of the Judiciary. Committee on deft. Darla: The Cornmittee submit a mass or tea. weeny, showing that the rebel authorities. ender the direction ef Davis, declined to give negro soldier* and their °Meets the treatment due ,to prisoners of war, It is shown that General M0:4 , 8mi11% objected to their captor° in mine; and=s letter from him to General Utak Taylorts Atteted in which. he says : I USW been Unofficially informed that' slime of your troops halm captured usurers in arms. I hripe.thlarnayinst be CO, thatyonr ember ihnates in command Of capturing parties may have recognized the propriety of giving no quarturs *to armed- nlegroes mid their officer% A message of Jeff. Davis is also quoted, in which be proposes that Union sinkers m eons. mend of negro troops shall, when captured, be dealt with as criminals engaged In inciting servile insarrecticin. With regard to the MM+ treatment of Union prisoners generally, it is shown that Jeff. Davis declared tart U_nion troops incendiaries and robberacwho end for feited their claims to be treated as prisoners of war. - • . cres• ;a of testimony is adduced to sus,. prLsonerS were treated In mum, denim with the views of Davis, its above rut forth. The documents cited are all ot rebel or'and show that the vrinoners •at, the Southere in a frightful oont.iften. TheiMis were frequently brouuht to the notice of the Confederate authorities at D.lchmorid, but without druid. A letter from 'Oho Sabina Disinitikeit, dated at Stateliburif, S. C., October ifth, MIA, to Jett Daris,MlYEwlarregard to, the suffering hs. snare at Florence: "If sucl w thingtare allowed to cooties:o,44°y will miut surely draw down some awful Judgment upon our country. it Is • most horrible national sin, that cannot go nnpunlsinul. If roe cannot giro them loarand shelter, for_Cied's sake send them back to 'Yan kee laini,•britilonor starve the rabic:rabid break tutus to death." Tito accompanying letter lyceum article from the Sumter iflefeantan, giving the details of a visit macro by the writer - to the prison at Flo: once. The account le a most horrible o The prisoners are chisel - Pied us being tilt Lt, diseame , h famished end - With' no hems of rottet except by dent!, An were In rags, barefooted, and covered. with vermin. W 121161110 reporter was there Amin storm took place, and no da• scribes tile tivitTily with which the prisontaw Whloometitt, opening their mouths to retch the drupe., while one would mach of( another With ins hands and then receive from him the like kind of onke. Ccuntidorable epacto is devoted to the muchi• nations OrCierrient C. Clay, Beverly Tucker, George W,. Oaundcr.4., Jacob Thompson, end others in Caliafht during the war, and It Is 15/10WIlthata portion of the rebel worst ser vicornotioy was paid to one fiymans, who ren dered servicat In conveying boxes of smnibpox clothing to be sold in Waghtllgtoll. In connee• thin With Gime) matters a large number of doc uments ere submitted. In allot these schemes It is shown that Da- vie was concernod,und th o Committee argue that the fact lea bar to the plea that he and. his, associates were incapable of the crime of Sltgisatuatian... In flirther confirmation Of this View, copies :areitiven of. letters " from a tor- Milner named DoKitib, who proposed to blow rOrtlnsCapitotat Washington when Abe and . /lis.rtcylomidetia and rho Northern Congress members were assembled there. Ulm of mese letters is endorsed by Walker, rebel secretary of War. Another letter from one Parrnmot , stating that he had found a means of disposing of the hiltelingcharaelers at the North in an under hand Manner,imars the endorsement of Jef ferson Davis himself. Another letter from one 11. CiDarhawk directly proposing the es t...salami ion of Setrard,l.ln cola, Greeley. Pren tice &M, written. o Jed. Davie, and referred by him to tho robe!' Secretes} , of War, Is pro duced. The Committee urge that these letters prove conclusively that Davis and his Cabinet L er-. that plpts of swwwinatiou were on foot. • TlOnithattons Conti& meat by the Soonle— Bill Admitting. Nebraskan ns.n State hot Signed by the President—The Civil Appropriation 11111—Es-tios. Johns ton's Itomtuation as Collector ait Phil adelphia Reported upon Untavortibly —Rebels Elected co 011ice;in.Teicsii—Or des of Gen. Wright on the Subject. War:aura - rex, July 2t.—Tbe Senate to-day counrrued the follotring nominations: Assessor of Internal.lterenno—Molanethon W. Hubbell, of Toledo. /insist ant Secretary of War—Thos. T. Eckert Uullrti States Marshals—Andrew Hick - en, - SOuthern District of Ohio, and C. Head for the Northern District of California. Caleb Ca , tana, of hlasaaehosettes, Charles Helfer, or I , , , ,tri,st of Columbia., and Witham Johnson, o( Ohio, to he cornzulsaloaers under the elel or t.oncress to provide for the revision and cOusolldatlOn Of the statute laws. . 'The !allowing to he Postmasters , . Brady Meet* Morton, Obto; Richard Rogers Spring field, Otato; Horace Chapati, Jacksonville, 'ni non; John S. Hall, rhilinielplat A. H. ban dern,',Dsveupurt, Iowa; A Mlles Williturtai "'actinium!, Indiana; Wm. peely, Newport, Kentucky; Wni. G. Lewis, Atlanta, Georgia; James It. ISillhtms, a l:terns:l, Bi4ehig t. t Geo. a beri d e l a Ohio; - Jwcsph F . ► retinas , Ahrens; O.; Wcaley Oscar, Kentucky" . Moses W. • F orth, lmstead, Minnesota; Ed. It twray, Wal sw Wisconsin • 000. W. Boyers, Newham, Connect:out; J. It ' yan, Decatur, Illinois. John a Skinner, of N. Y., to ue nrst Asele tant Pustmaster General; Surgeon Chorlm IL Crone, ot the States Army, to be Assis tant Surgeon General: Brevet arsjor General C. it, S. Canby, to be Brigadier General In the United States Army; bieorge G..Footo, late Captain 17th Itioingan Voluuteens, to be See ond Lieutenant in the United States Infantry. The 'nomination of Provost Manthal James Fry' to be Major General by brevet, - elan armed onee and since rueonsidored, wits roil. armed; George W. Dennisou, Land Office, Lit tle Huck; F. W. Kellogg. Collector of Revenue, Alabama; D. C. Trader.. SurveyOr of Customs, Memphis. To boomasters Jacob Illockatilter, Nebraska City, Nebraska; George R. Smith, Omaha City, Nebraska; Coriesa IL Payle, for ks, Califern et; George nowimul, - Sacramento, California; Simon .M. Cotter, nail Jose, Cali fornia; James Hunter. Petal ama, California: - Frank G. Guild, Nevada City, California; An drevr*J. kleKiriztm, Downaville, California; James F. De itruler, Evansville, Indiana; Gen. B. itoperts. Laporte, Intlialm; Etenjanon P. Small, Canon City, .11L4souri; Comfort Patch, Warren,Ohio; Augustur Frazeor, Kenton, outof Dnitel Kennon, Oxford, 1)1,10; Moses For c aste Wooster, Oil o; Charles 3L Whauman, Lancaster, Ohio; Jests). - Webb, Salem, Ohio; William Louis, Xenia, Ohio. Richard S. Elkiris, Akron, OblotChaft. T. Moore, Toungs town, 0; M. W: refacing. - Miamlville, O.; Seth. Mamhall, raineitynle, 0.; Charles Iternbreelc, • Hancock, 3liehlgaa; Edward Douglase, Houghton, Michigan:Dm - del Waite, _ltocit. land; , MMltigan; NoYesl...•Avery.Grandilapide, Michigan;olackson M . Wood. Hudson, litchi gaity Robert:Allyn, Austin, NIWALIO; E. Gran . deli; PortiaroKOregon; Pew Tabler, Martins burg, Wext Virginia,• J. 8. Loomis, Independ - /own; BrOnteti; MeGregor,low a; Iniatiaii: O. Ettabbilr, Clain:tont, NeW Ramp shirt:iv-John. Sietcalfe, Lincoln, Illinole; - Chauncey E.Arloodit, Sycamore, ThinOis; Clay ton, H. Bonham, Teton, Illinois; James M. COM' Waukegan, IllinoiskWta.. R.•• Pitt, Joe seyvllle, Minces; Jerry Baker, - Wilesingten, Illinois; Edwin II- lialasein, Lasalle, .1111nols,• Charles W. Honghton.inattern,llllnols7Mat MI McDonald, P11111:01.011. Illinola; John IL 4tir ran, Henry, Milnoist,Warrlngton 13,Donogime; nenwy, ••. Weisktnntette," ITIVe Flints, Idichineat•Dewlts C. Gage; MichiS , a e n; J. A. pietnpscia. Ann Arbor,- chi! biwp . r • And r iztn,Zzt i loselt, Wnlmw David'll. Purl:Mon; Ceddwatierollehigesat rac ris; ram J.:Manna, Allegan, Michigan; Tallman Hall,.'llattlo, Creek, ',.3.llchigaliti Seth Lewis, .Marshail, Amen Root, Jackson, Michigan; Henry S. Raymond, Bayard, Michi gan; Satnuelltussell, Wiledalo, Michigan. It tel believed the President, signed all tho. billspresented to hied, with the exception of tut. for Aker nilmtesten of Nobralka. It Las, therefore, failed to'becotiet ala - • • The bill making appropriations for ceftsin civil expenSea was,' during thlS:aftelsOon,' thought to La.p4l3,tuid a ,roporkgreyttited that•would bo4oturned to the lioase with' too obieetiewey - tif.- the' Xtesiderity- balik•rntner wan d otappointeti--bp. the fittnenmetrment of , Colonel. Moore, the PrettideiihrAtUnit - Pritiate Nleretary,'tkat „theb . l . ll hafkrecolyed Waneprimal, The elaiii4tOcquallie:beitette*'anil , to in ertial,* top pay ot members came near dale:U lan rthe-billf , to. whieli .I:tinny otherinternsm, penile and personal,. wens atMehtni, owing to the emilined Itianneritt which the differences •betireen the two lionaon were arranged, name. tyl• through:xwe emosaltieen of conferwice. His not yet•lnatiwiito What extent they exkless or reduce.; appropriations with a yieww JOI ' jettrntOCot. Theonlclaigabiltution - merle will -answer all anxious Inquiries. An Unfavorable report vflo, made, from the Commltteeron Commerce On the nomtnatmo,Gov. Johnston to be Collector of Cur. tome at the Port of Philadelphia, but this, to gether with that of Gen. Steaduian, to lie bu ipplatntondeatort..rtanie Printing, rota a tear .4112ferlibtalifittlOturftalled for 'riot or- Woe to , Mitstile Olpliartiatio notion. The Fresident all nOtteake - sr , yltOminallim for havalioMeer i of 14,,,t,ge.t.ef Now York. TterPrentdept,enett*biltet were at the capi. telfed alltendisigtelfwnese„ - for 4bOtit ink hours, sft4 reMettiml ti widiournalent. • 144 .4 77 r ti',,ntr-i4•141/gti"; emnouisMling Leifer meat er Te is l baelsonett 4 genotild order stn. Dug tlm.etWit rriforPnatton MA minket him to the etr.Y.,t, tLut 3amo of the Thttrtione Omen at sue lute st.sti.i•io, Mails t 0 entete , 'lrlOwoUt arty Other au iLorny 'rpm, IBS &HMS of thaft of• or taut the tfortWiarealwe i gMeni Cif dletzleM, :mods sag ElefisfilefriedifSs' 13' noway reconcile theca"- SS ~re, true ROM continue to . r.OPfirt. fht LifSMOSINWL Prykirtei, meet and oflictrra 11 FPuinleil WnifferArt•il each t ime as that' govern ebbs Omuta. eyee ortier,trowthe Preomerrt.• • n. ye, irgyron. • T & t 0.. Rlanitiag. id , KUna UM Cu baps dr" dielty. .9A c isor 144L'I lk " 4 11 4 . ity r 2 #4 . 4,4" 2 Or. *I abort notice. • ittyst & , 14 , 91rurt: i Vais 42. 4 .I G biss: SibiLLE/Ii! OrOSALti b e save this smcaus tII,IIuNDAY. ;OM hut, • s y r, ter fortniaLlog usnw .1141e.1s lot 1 1 4 1:1 , 1441V4ttir 11:Z .' i L O U ttat ' 11 o pc xt tysuP ItitANGl44,,,Gity floptrigter. • G r EilrigaTtiv ; . , • 31DrigentititiU2a 4:103lop.. •i 7 u. ustArtorattistris, - • Immo, CAttust at Auspogitea toriign ALT-21:1="17/E0. - . so. ]9 81. ewela. • ut4104 40 ,4 1.4114 1 . t. ~CrIT- en etio i t , 1;3 03 ' 0'343 or .3306. tir" , ," '1V1C , 13130133M3,' ' • WL'alelid• Confecti3l364 , AY.' 33 1im13131144 ISItO•t. ...: ME= F.Fi. R. Nrciverz,l Banker and Broker, 118 Weed St.. near corner of Fifth. An descriptions of Governmont Bonds bought and sold on liberal terms. 'London and Continental Exchange sold at New York rates. Gold, Silver and Coupons bought at highest rates. and Gold Drafts iminoil on New York. FINANOE AND TRADE. SATIIIIDAT, July 1868, The New York stock quotation. to-day, were as folfoimi Gold, 1505 j; 18518, I(a)iii old 5 , 1% /074 f lie. ditto, 105 , 401(0.;,; to-tos, 7.31. lag. Cleveland a Pittsburgh R. it., ..%; Fort Wayne, 10136; Erie, eel; Western Tele graph, 57%; Chleago a North 'Western It. It., preferred, 64%; Ohio and Mississippi Certifi cates, 55F,K. Gorerument bonds were hardly as strong to-day as they wore yesterday, and Soren Thirties are quoted a ti lower. Eighteen- Eighty Ones aro the only bonds that hold their own, and are less liable to suffer from idle reports originated by designing opera. tors. As a general thing, they are in the hands of parties who pay but little attention to tho fluctuations of tho market, since they Laud Went as a puelnalifint I,r.V.stin,a„;. Gold, In ibe absence of any later advises from-gu. rope, keeps steady at abOut 110, and cash foil * L3 . reported scam. it has been reported in monetary circles for several days pain that there was such largo accumulation of National Bank Notes to New York, that they were at a &swum, and that bankers were lending them with out interest, on condition that the borrower routa, jay in "greenbacks." We have no tikeil that foci 0 S01:1181 time peat. there was en npumally large supply of National Rank Notes in Now York, and the reports which intro gained• entitle:My:Mai to "some extent be true; but as long as each National Rank Is cnuapelled to receive the notes of other Ns.- . lima) Banks at par, there need be no fear that that they. will be permanently dimorinted till "greenbacks' , are withdrawn to such an na tent as to make redemption more - dillicult lhnn It is at present. The decision of the New York clearing house that all balances most he sett led in Legal-Tenders, has doubtless some thing to do with the irregular proceeding re ferred to. —The Chicago Journal. of Friday, Hays A flurry is attempted to ho made In the w heat market over the alleged damage the tea crop 15 suffering trout rainy weather. Ac wording to the reports received within n day or two from various parts Of the Northwest, there to as yet bus-little occasion for alarm. .The showery_ weather seems to extend over ail parts of this State, Wisconsin and lows, hut as yet bat little damage has been done to the new Wheat. --Sattattar's Titusville-Herald my. The 'f i at'Menai' markets are unebangied from our previous quotations. Oil to-day was Sold with dlitallty-atati,be—moat or the buy ers holding Off 'M. lover 'll - grirM... There is quite a large amount of light gravity oil in he market. Tito 'heavy gravitleaaro rather wares, although no disttnctiou is mails In the ThO salvo wtre_tery llroltekV MOS°. havakir strottatracts or palltAtig.or to till at lowest quotation bought in email otlnaltiLiCS. There Wlle evidently a run upon Cf•ii •• for heavy gravity oils, nmost of •• 1,1,h as monopolized, there being nhscdtitt it us.tttttland In other locallticator or dtaary-gt afflytrila, Tata' eatteeti Cho market to be si ger, as it made It appear that - several large shippers were in the market, when the feet is. thak. moat of them have online 114 to buy at present ratite. Alma TintirProduce Marker.. Nose Your, Julylo.—Cotton steady, but dull at Me for middling uplands. Flour quite firm for sound low grades, while other des °notions are dull and heavy,. at $0,7501,25 for extr.i. State; 0,1569,55 for round hooped Ohio, and S9,GB ,71 for trade broods; the market closed quiet. Whisky quiet, at Ikl,igifil2,2s for State and western. The receipts pf wheat cue 49117 bushels; the market Arm and quiet; there la,.falr inquiry for prime No. 1 spring; salmi or[ r 75 bushels of now No. I Milwaukee, at Itt,asG2,la, the latter price for choice, and 70i0 bushels of new No. 2 do on private terms. There were no heavy receipts of rye. Re ceipts of nor,, I,OM bushels; prices without de cided change, at &VW forunsound; .446113 c for sound muted *astern; Ono for yellow elm, Tie for soun 4 df g ellow. Oats rule in the buyers' Laver, at 6, for Chicago; tikry'Wo for ItflOilitulreef SOc , for train- fir ler Jersey. Petroleum is dull, at Zit:M!..4e for crude, and cfpr relined in bond. Wool dull and de clining, at - memo' for . domestic for pulled; foe for tubbed; 'MGM for mikes, and Oneasc for California. Pork heavy, $31,5041 31,61 for new mess, closing at S3l,Sfry.i rash; s.l4itt fbr old- do, and for prima Mai( unchanged. Lard steady. Commissary August. at Louisville. The following bide for subsistence storm, ‘...-..,,, moolyeal by llroret Major J. W. liar rioer, C. B. U. S. A., on Wednesday, July 25, Ittn, vie: orabb, Nordin & Co., 914 bbis floor • 9 2 do do .....n do do lu Yu do do 150 do do 10 00 do do 50 do (fon'y) 19 25 do do 50 do.(fan'y) 12 . A) Sialerrin, Armstrong &'1.59, .2.11 btds dour at V. .I:Peter &CO.,lsObtobi (Itaney/f10ur......•/ 2 00 do do SIT 0 les bacon abb.!, clear..2l3.ic do do 5909 100 do should 0 r5....15 , ,c Slerarren, Armstrong & C0.,10,0te lbo boron bloes, oleo:, 4521'4, IleVerron, Armstrong & Co. 10,000 Ibe bacon sides elear ribbed, at g ym. 51cFerren ' Armstrong tr. Co., 10,050 lbe bacon shoulders at 17.. . Awards— llardin & Co.,2Mkbblsiloar n t g 10,50. J. Peter & Co., SMo lbs bacon shoulders at /r3ic. McFerrin, Armstrong & Cu., rloo lbs bacon autos. cleat ribbed, 93);:e. Tide-Welter Receipts. The quantity of flour, wheat, earn and bar ley left at tidewater cluriti tile third week . lu July, In the years 1E65 an d 18G6, was as fol lows: Flour. Wheat. Corn. parley. 1.066 .24900 614,600 04,200 8,00) TRW:— _.1,700 83,803 1,520,203 Dee... 11,300 Dec. 4.31,700 Inc. 6V.,700 Dec. B.btA lert h a e t a ttfgrate e r g f wvd t.Ko of eo th ui e nT amp encomen ` i i :7 nay igatlon to theT.A , I of July, inclusive, dur ing the yearn litZ and 1656, was so follows Flour. Wheat. Corn. Barley. zgYi.....%"2,600 2,0d7,100 2.064/00 140,500 .1,t39,400 %MAIO 106,3 w Dee..lGO,Tue De-1,147400 I. 5,016,3)0 Dee 61,200 By redacting the wheat to near, the quail lity of the latter loft at tidewater this year, compared - whit the corresponding period last year, shows ilocreame of 447,140 bids flour. r Tbe Wheel ExelSemessit. The wheat market yesterday Was oonsidera- LiO , owing to the rumors of unfavora ble wentherfor hareestkik , operations In the central portions of Aline's and 'Psalm:in, sad en itdvarice Of Telles( Conti - 00k place on reg ular No.. Sprint; on the closing price of the day previous. in thiiihdryffpoit history in OvJy repotted itself. On the 'NW, July last year the es etrimt, Inns greatly: troubled by _reports of heavy ruins Abronsihoub the country ,and an - advance Of ' llTereerita Wan obtained. The ..".dttPlr Tinton that day for - No.' I 'Spring wore 11 4 1 •0 1 ,17X,olatiMir atjsl,l7. Yesterday , the Ugures for regular NO. ISpring were 0040 1 . 41 7 4 - 10 4116 at the latter. However, as no ' , ... l Varit wen then mach In favor of North. westerniletia.the actual d I fferan se between the prices then and , now is fully Websa in fa vor of thitlatter, The advance in gold is about eta eetdaehieuge Tribune 87th.' irmitam Leen gleckeL Inosron, (Onto) July iron business is exceedingly limited Just` no*. There have begin' no transactions in ntg•r ma w h ich tool prices ascertained, n. Acumen Is however. cdatt.ftedat .600.12 for No.l foundry and s4l6.te fig A 0.2 mlll.. t.;01 , 1 blast is in lit tle demand, but holders are net nlstossod. to' concede neitzglolly. The amount of nig iron stilppen this wool/Alas been considerabi,,, b ut was, in'the mein, tO:supnly agents. What will lie -the condition" et prices to the future, lit rather *dark gneiglOn_te beldam, Since indt .eationa ola briok Mintiest StrO,Very few, Mega ton is ailing in roanufactored iron. Opera.' noes at :be =aye surpeadcal to some ex tend 1n order to repalt. Stocks ate light. The demand for nano ttnn not -abated; and prices. hold as last onote6.—.ReAtiler: IMO:MP tomboy . kinieket• GaloAqe..Ju 4 V27rarbo- market iras steady - and Ana; COMO word; - 65 m; ti.strlodbijdided gotx64l, ArtflB,sol A/ common rafted. utregelyiriltlik IC1118:, 100 In op pens nt. 06 for Videulear{so for Clear 2100414; nod $ lw for common floorlOgy NO in, %strip*, balance good tnixea akin: WM, tpk fad undo mixed at SIB for strips Ann 41 (Or WISPS; Arlo. balance iolato and (*ark' rul.toO troc so. ion; mr )4, httive .DabocOooauia boardet. oz. 0t0,731r0 m strip ) , Waned Wood at 1 1001 3,14 4 , ,S to ooarioutLl*l u .my in,Sat ~totst* at alkti SPOs .ealrel.4. *lttrufjp., set 10) tddrild•A'shlagldo at 4 ,ls ; , —Tri(tobo) • itfOkirionWlarkee. ~s/itsr- Tonaktuiyakt—Pig htheld firmly, but the market both Bcotelt and American Is Joarr o gp i t= i t r2.:4 l 4eirgAt o Tailor the sup., Krou - ~:47044140 Ion; *old f e el B e ep lit% Ea lador Tho moles of lm:, WO MC* limo IcKUMon ..sl4.emoMp;loo do =n4/400 0 ,0M1 Strid In lots from stun, Eg ,likoipoolook US, And tiartiburtie Mid Ce teasel Va. 101 tone American Wrought iteiritp 04 on paratilansull. nor Jo Vary q mot. Indeed there atn 00 incalces offernw, but tile stook In Asalone Madivis amplel Fi44.1.40 de. simnel 11g0t,44 previous ram.. . - si , „dtbise . , ~, . lmostor r itarric _es . . . - Ingo; uorldiC LUC' NV* .11terCall 1161141, o t agalitat 410611114 Will ie sr .rnoto Usdar now t 1$ fat (firm t i n , I 0 LeonIOHM SA 27 w ta g irl i trUVP %a tiA l b afili LITZ: rates, thereto/get Vi1341/4 ..1, shecri.erbil malice,: hike 4 1 -- this week, arta 'wises Sm. lit lit- lot' SOC k ithe ... e .pi 10 . 1,1 8 300/10 pat p IT& s cmp, . tatrwartn.7 183 • 01arket liSil 104114 S MS 04 , 1061 3 per 100141112 1 "" it WI - li : 0 !!. l e lf ,*6 - • 1 • :Cleveland triralis Illarketo ' " ' ' , . c",, , ,,Lasrp, July V.—Thera was a isir i M. tea . de - niqm tor • wheat to-OAy, add ift, ollitif, gam yerr firm i aka» aa•ranee. el Ssy f sr -•,•,at s prints. • Soles loot bludi no,he ; ni - ife b ij i bevre the Slew York retort : I I • Oa Alter the report the Xi/adult adransed f, al wo be n stoat* of twelve cars Xo."I S mg " i . A h, Socchtio. , redwinter at • Il on; is firm aria talatr.demaath Sales 1 oar to. Visited from•ltOre, at ZS CFI cum do Goon tracksitteet , Oat* ispoßrinWtrarzset: ,(AlO at Ha 710=1= butIRSISA SCi-t'• : •2 , <`,. --,- =I 077107 07 TEI Prrrarddion Glaarrys, 7,713110AT,1y V,. 1866. The produce markets, generally ,speakhag. have been dull and neglected during the past week, and the indications at present are not encouraging for any immediate improve ment. The little flurry in Flour and Wheat occasioned by an advance in Chicago, ap pears to have almost subsided, and with the exception that holders art, el Iflue firmer in their views, the market remains substantially unchanged. The Orocery market is reported stronger, and Sugars, within the past few days, advanced. GILA IN —W heat a shade firmer but un changed; sale of I ear No. I Spring at Sl,lO , sod cars prime Minnesota Club at 2,8. Oats ' hat nominally unchanged; may ne quoted .it 456111 for No. 1 Chicago, and . 50 to re for , prime white. Salo of 1 ear shelled Corn at 77; and soo Ouch in at an tree on board. Barley I and nye dali and nominal. GROCERIES—fiIo Coffee is quoted firm at V ito 30 for good to strictly nrirne. Sugars firm , at 12 to 15 Mr Raw. acceiding to quality; IS for hare refined, and laN to 17 for soft do. Porto Rico Molasses It selling at 85 to DO; New Or leans 0010 at 01,15. ltuagOOn FLA/Irk-4s Orel. with a Moderate 10. Cal demand but unchanged. Sales from store at $lOlO 1;1000 for Spring Wheat; $ll to 611,00 for half Spring and half Winter; and $l2 to $12,50 lbr all VI Inter. Cornmeal is quoted at $4 per bid, and Rye Flour at 61,710. PROVISIONS—Bacon in firm with regular calm at 17 to 17‘,.; for ShoulderN n0.,e55 for ; Itibbed Sides; 33 for Plain Rams and 211 , ,026 for Sugar OunciL Lard Milan at 210 , 2.. Small of lettd Beet at. '274,1,4; at $:13,50. BUTTER—Is in demand and there Is little or none offering. We can report small sales of prime keg Butter at 7.6,• and prime firkin Butter may be quete.l at 0430. Ei;OS—Coming in a little more freely, and wh 110 the market Is apparently a 'Mule ender prices remain nholumgeti at T.lir YOTATOES—Mr.3 - be quotedfirm and In fair demand at per bbl. APPLE—Are selling at a variety of prices, rouging all the way from sto IZ por obi, a cording to quality nod condition IIAY-I.4ateady with a demand up to the suPply,and we continue to quote et WM to per ton, to quality. Prirplispittut PETRULECIS. AMULET. 077102 07 TAN PlTT•olirlitilt GAZETTE, • SATIIB.I3,r. July 2S, 11436 Citilltli—The market has been unsettled anti rathering the week, the transac tions, In the aggregate, b e ing e reop a ratively light, though.mipArett with last week, pricks have un.1, e 00:10 no special change. There taken - le inquiry for future delivery, on the part or refiner but they want to contract ' so Its to have the oil delivered at a specified time, but owing to the uncertainty Ad' ertvlga- Goo, crude tit eters aro not willing to rattily any knell proposit ma. The leaner is anxious to purchase and have delivered s o am ,0 be en. airiest to fill Its contracts of relined, while tile crude dealer is unwilling to take the rick of delivering oil at a spocilled time. in. the .ver fly he in sock a curtail:On an , to reader the delivery impossible, and an that event the sOiler would be to oioted for da.mages. On the spot, the demand is somewhat rest. feted, though we cOnt.ll.lllo to quote at. 12 to packages returned and In bulk, and It pack ages included. tittle of ibis, to arrive on the first water, at and tali bills, for August delivery. ut same price. REFINED—There was seam quite a brisk drmund for bonded oil today, heat for pres ent and tuturo delivery, and while the ;oar ket is firm and prices tally sustained,. we have but tore trantifietlons to record. As we base repeatedly remarked, there in taw very little ell oftering, the majority tit our refiners liav ig:tirlLftll':TioggiffirrnO'flan'7ll::- are but few of them) are holding back in an ticipation of a reaction and better prices. We can report sales often bills to be delivered be tween 11.0 lot and lath 01 August. at 33, free on board cars bore: MO for October, at 3a, free on board cars bore; Nal for October, 01 4 . 1, tlcitvcr ed r,rtg i lltstr , ove to schste, o ' ffe L' reaT l TO h r October, 4.3 ' ro o f November, and it for Ifecember. August mah i quote 1 at :V ui A to 40, and tieptelter 40 , 41. There is neat to nothing doing In free n 1, and we quote nominally at 6404 for Crime city brands, in small lots. ARAI% ALS--The arrivals daring the week bayf, not been tas largo as generally predicted, mid there Is hat little oil in market except what is in the hands of speculators. The fol low Mg were reported to-day lag , I Brewer & d. lißllagher:lP; •Pennu-Salt &Co 1.14 • Deakun Slyunlup.. lot MoUreight dl Co.. 7'otal Iteartytts tar the w ta•lr treivittut tart tt ark Roar-titre blare Jaz.. 1...... "Itetinet.l. New York Stork end Money Market ew Took, July 2.1. The Ortnntt-rcial's money article enyn the uo lu the stock market continue. The growing . conlldenco In railroad.s, encouraged by their liberal earnings ye drawing Into the market a lutge out tilde element of the more Imbetuntial elme, of capholhota who appear to believe errs confidently le higher prlcel for railroad aharee. At this morning's board the elite! activity wa. , in Illinois Central, which advanced to 121l A , the kilumrao price talked of by the clique being CM: Clevcbdid and Pittsburgh is not very active, their sale, amounting to 8,300 shares, at Kr4tpell.,,;Cle•elaial and Toledo was also acilvo at an advance of hock Island and bort Wayne were bought up freely at an adverriec. The miscellaneous list shows mote activity but lo not likely to cause any general attention until the excitement/ on ratfrolidi Is exhausted. lleverunieuts are quiet at about yesterday's closing prices. Money con tinues abundant. on call loans. The general rate is b per cent. with exceptions on govern ment. Lellaterais at 4 per cent. Discount re mains dull, at 15.Jje7 per cent., lutng the rate on prime paper. geld Is rather armor under a continued large demand for eustem duties. The Post's monetary article says there is no change In the loan market. The at: ek mar ket was doll and heavy at the close. tiovern merits are firm without activity, and railroad wa snares aro irregular. After the Board New York Central s Quoted at 100,4; Erie sl' Michigan Central, Michigan Southern, Ka; illinols Central 12144 . Foreign Exchange isdull. Bills at sixty days on London, 107Glas for commercial, and LUSTSIP3X for bankers. Weekly Review New Work Elsrketa. New Vona, July D.—Flour—The market ha* been unsettled during the past weak. She stock of medium and family grades la compar atively large, and prices have declined [ruin The to CAM a b .rrel. 'rho arrivals of low and shipping grades are light, and prices have e luote o g i stra 4 =l:4. and St. Lords extrafyl47,l a Darrel for e,254i4,50- I.l boeXh‘jrte of the nook have been 8, t 5 barrels against .M,137 barrels for the Kama unto last year. Wheat—There has been a tight demand, and prices have declined; dialog at 41,115 for IVO. Milwaukee Club, tad rt,Charf,lo for No. 1 and Amber Club. Heavy rains have fallen at the west, which it is(earedwill do much damage both winter and springwheat.. We notice the return of two thousand bushels of Amber Michigan front Liverpool, which mid at 11,25. Corn has been active at Variable prices. The exports of the week were 1118,8110 bushels, against 58,400 bushels for the same week last year. Wu quote mixed western at WOW, yellow, at Mc, and, at 111,00. Dew York Dry Goods-/Markel. Nut, Ynue, July tut —Ptint•—Emplru MO: Frecuum, Illo;Loutlortldourillug,rnic;L:ancus ter, /loc‘Lotrall; Ito4erllorrimace, W , Ao; do, W, 9.1341 e; Pacific, lkitt. I.;oreot Jeano-13steu, Ma; Latnilit, We; Naumkoag, 214/0355ic. Cuuttorles— Alrawllle, 14!4o; 'Portland., 1 /55 0 i Victory, 11 , ve lin W m as gi in gt i l 16Witiqc. Sheeting . and . I‘'AcAgAtodmrTanelg,iatea kel not,a' 37%y 2.altioufa°'' Oxwego Market. Oswroo, .1 illy:..—Flour In good demaid, at ti parti for al advance of Soo per Obi; sales lioubbts ..wtentr; pp ifgr% rodi extra. Wheat firm, at Sc uovanco ( or choice ae spring, whinla is scarce, with a moderate Mill ing inquiry; eaten 11,010 bus. No. 1 Milani:We club at $495. Corn firm; sales last night bus. No. 1 Illinois at :Cc. Canal nights steady. Maw Orleans Ebner Slaw Ons.r.smi, July Zi..7Cottoullnni mica of Lb .10 bales low middling_ at Sato. Sterling E On. Oold 148. New York xchange ,y discount. The Louisiana eountrypress report la favor able this week fOr cotton.. A feW cotton worms have appeared, • but' occasioned no damage. The notion blooms era abundant apfl finch 1111. Louis I,IRARet. , ST. Loire' 28,—Floof drill aril unchang ed. Wbeet item a 4 a1.,9002,us for good choice. Corn doll and lower, et 714075 for yellow, and eletiti for white. Cate ann at 1.5050. rcovi s •• lone nod Wl:talky unchanged. ' • Cluelswaii MarkeL. Vinctimici, July Flour 1a Molted mind. , Wheat urm. Whisky MX lu 'ban di t Mew Lard doll and nominal at 19C. Gold 149." Milwaukee Market. • N.II.I,A4INIner July a. —Blonr ga • let. Wheat dully 014.1 q, for No, I. Corn declined lgrna; gales at Mei (Or No. 1. Oats dull. lIIIPUSTIO 4, SI4IL/44444). rielsokirtell, lots, WAY{' 4 Cuicsoo /1 10. July m,—.l sti glayny, IVIO Weaken; 133 bibs pets/es/41, I VOW,. 4 00; b 110 opplav, T C dehltima Del or lonia, J KOMI 0 do do, Beek ham a Long} 11) boaav 001011041, 10 do soap, 116. I c i-, , , ,, ,,r e5 iV . rie) 4 l'hif* tObkOtti, tlOOl/11oUg Is; 141 bra I Connor; 2;: n i li ,',"" gti v &l " ,4l 4 :4 ru Tl ' do :1 j 1 IddcZa.rr til l /Vete a eg ° ll, " ,, : "I leo, ll liginil la Til d ; l ; 4' . ; 1 has cheese, II Daicell; NO MIIIM•TUMMahn.I.•• I itn a g::4 "itini gr Ilb " , .1 1 0 ii A told, Mot , Icarbclrk xAvittra'ojcrea7Tl,tfoi,v4liiTr ,t s bbls clay, if rbows cott, I eat 1001 e; i hrt u lirt tiol l ea LITIs, g l: 4 /46( ;;4 1 1ra1i surap Iron, Brown 4 co; 170 Tels realetul 1 . 71 &Anchor/42 cars olr mos, Jam lei 11 1 / 1 11 . ! it fitted 4 Kr°. Vierrimeity a Prrialiaaaa Ram linen, a uly 23-4. car 0 0 1 4 An loool l £BOOlll 00 bile ell, fl Diyl 20 bee choose, Kirkpatrick a Herron; 1u do tie, .Vatieri 4 /K a / 1 4 Khelasrds 07 dos broollllol j OthtutOrj A MIMI lobaccm, w Cooper,. 10 do do Arlntaltl gm .It vot =do 49- 10 st%mbit ; 1 hid trokzlpploopt i t i e car oats, 11 11 Ployo, its, ' 4 MOO. le 14101.04 10 bales bops. 7, JidilwrWittl bb 0 bostidat II `b4 430;123 s p 01414 r 4r4brsti rnpot col oaas 0 11. ire . ttfitinibtOrtiblittt it tio. *. - ritebtotiktittUrn,natitnimincisontsmi xi. n. , duty 00 .-Ilt Milt. Wool, MOW ,t granary) ,nirc r, " I L I I di L I 4 1 l Aa l f 1 t i l if I X 1 1 rt ° ,ll . TO " AllIn.t1.41 9"1" oku i r nekt_ 0. ~ ......,..r.,, . .._,...„ 1 „,,,,t 0d0r , f 0 r t,,5„,„ 1 ,,,,,.. ) , k , 3ts z . L000k0,04514-7 bbo z .„, 4I am hif it *1)8144* * 0 MUM; 11, ears *toe% go) MU- , UttroatiJoses 4 I INi ill li v a PP) AI A% .444,,,PeP0n :0 ri21:6,1712:/z1 The river continues to recede steadily at this point, with about thirty inches in the channel by the marks last evening. The weather yesterday was excessively hot in the sun, towards evening it clouded up and in dicated ram. The arrivals sines our last report Include the New State, from Wheeling, and the Yorktown, from St. Louis. The 'Bayard got up as far so Glass Hones on Saturday night, and be unable to get over she discharged her freight, and bud up at McKee's Roars. The tow-boat Ella Is also below Glass Hones unable to get over. On Saturday, we announced the death of Mitchell Kepheart, second clerk of the steam or Columbia et St. Louis, of cholera, and to day we have to record the decease of Capt. It. S. Porter, of the carne boat, who died at his residence in Sewickly, on Saturday evening, of the same terrible malady. lie reached here from St. Louts on Friday evening, and wo Understand that he was quite unwell be fore he left there. Capt. Porter possessed Many line trails of character, and was highly esteemed by all who knew him. The Louisville Democrat of Friday says The steamer Geo. Thompson arrived here night before last with foe barrels of petroleum from Pittsburgh. The "lie" was in bar rels.and the barrels In barges. It was con signed to Skeane d Co. We clip the following items from our St. 1.01111 exchanges of Friday There is no boat now loading for the Ohio, the Lady Franklin, Nighttngale, Wardnita, dc., have laid up, and the stern w heel Colum bia has been chartered to run in the Missouri lmtween Saint Joseph and Omaha.. Rates to tun unto are very low. The Hambloton bas a good passenger trip, every room being full. On July 2ist, the Will S. Hays was sold by Emory L. Ford, for EM,003, to J. 11. McCormick and others: On Tuesday 24th, Ben. A Dealer BO d one•feurth of the stern wheeler victory to Amos Abrams, for 57,50 D. and Joseph Gray sold one-fourth of same steamer to David P. Green for CAM.. Stern wheel steamboat stock is go. lug up. The Camelia lately chartered by the Illmois River Packet Company, has been laid `geld up." she proving of too heavy draught for the present low stage of the Illinois river. Her place an the nne was taken by the Lotus N 0.2. The importer and 14'. A. Caldwell left CM chmati for Pittsburgh on Thursday. The ttuantevetai of Friday says : The cottage No.: reports eve feet water In the Kenna ha, and falling rapidly. Ono Item of W.A Caldwell's cargo consists of INC bins. of floor. The Melnotte and Emperor loft the wharf yesterday for the bone,yard. tion or the It. Gray's ear‘go consists of 4.150 stoves, Me kegs nails, and 603 barrels salt. I The Maggie Hays will leave for Now Orleans o.lay. There are ova practical steamboat Captains ma the Maggie Hays, as follows: apt. D. L. Hendrickson' Master; Copt. H. H. Porter. Clot k,• Capt. Wan. Attenburg and Capt. , Wm. Ford, Pilots; and Capt. Johnathan Crane ' Mate. The Silver Cloud No, will follow the Maggie Ilays to New Orleans. The tow boats Sant Roberts, Tom Rees, Her , roles, Keystone, Higley and Geo. Thompson, arrivml at Lottisville on Thursday last. We extract the following river items from the pt. Louis Democrat of Thuraday 'file Lotus No.l has been -chartered by the Illinoln Itlvor Packet Company, and will leave to-day for that river. Mena.* It. U. IA: ay and H. N. Boltzhoover, oll'ltWhurgb, have arrival at St. Paul for 11 month's recreation. A singular sudden death of a steamiamtman occurred on a steamboat at our wharf yester day. Mitchell hcpbart, second jvcierk of the Columbia, a boat laid up at the wharf, w. wel ' yesterday. At /2 a. ho yr. col pee, alter an Illness of three boon, Dr. Van Studdtford ,inti another physician were called, and did t heir best to save the life of the young man, They pronounce the license cholera, but one oi the ofncers of the boat who nursed him sod hull yearn of experience In hospitals, thinks his disease was not chOlera. Donors leaving Pittsburgh, his uncle, Dr. Joseph Dickson, who hue a drug store furnished him with a bottle of Cholem medicine. This was admin istered to Min. Captain Porter tele graphed to his [mods. :4:10 MAI pirrseunGu, nstowNs- L VILLE. AN!) GEN EWA U. S. YAM X..BOICIIIIT cocossam• Will run three daily side-wheel strainers petwren Plamborgli, NionotrahelaCity. Drownovlllc. Nicer Landing. limensborm limier* and the Drinkard Oil Rondo.. This Use la composed of the following steamers P A Y ETTE NE. A. COI. 111:1.E1311nPii CAVT.z, W, bsilMAc ..0 A PT. A. S. CARLA Lt. ea/Nal-is 11. LATIN • . - - • _ Thee packets leave l'ittaburgh daily at 5 A. m•, and 5 p. eicept Halliday, when the departure will be At 8 o•clock The through packet for the 011 Regina@ will leave Pittsburgh daily at 5 p. ni.; Brawl:m.llle daily at 5. m• • Barons] be—Leaves Brownsville for Pittsburgh dolly at t a. m, and 4 p. m. I..c•ves tireensboro and Geneva at 11 o'clock; It Ice's Landing at p. m. The line Is composed of Bret-class side-wheel steamers, built eXpressly for the trade. They ore commanded by ofacera of longexperience, who will Pay partleuier attention to the wants and com fort of passengers. The boats wilt leave promptly at the knot advertised ItellElVED AT ALL 1104.18.5. 4 . -1 . . . Yoe further part....... c luchtt o tt i vi rrs At the Wharf-Boat., foot of Orlon at., litt A art L. COLVIN, Alum meal: MOO Broweiretlle. pEOPLEIP aid LINE OF STEAMEILS, (INCoILPO)[ATED.) Pliteburgh. Monongahela City.ilrowsk wills and Geneve. This Company win run a dolly boat between the above points, comprised or the new and splendid side-wheel steam.. CHIEFTAIN, FL IL Attars cbmmander, and ELECTOR., licsaltur Picuttra, and(The Elector is now being completed and OW take her place In the line In a fewelays.) The Chieftain (slit leave Pittsburgh for all points on TOASCAYS, THURSDATO and PATUUDAYIS at 6r. u. lietoraing, leaves Caner., for rittsbuuth on SIONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS amt IFILIDAYtI, at 9 A. IC and Brownsville ate P.O. , . Thu Elector Irma 1111)2iDAS NPILDNESDAT and PRI DAY, at ar. m. Returning. Isar. (letters fur Pittsburgh TtlEiliallY. IUURMDAY aud bkT. ULU) AY at a a. Y. sad Itruarnarllle at 4 r. . . .••• • • • Th. Company bore • ilratmlaas W Lac( Bost at liontragabali. City and Pittsburgh. Freight re- Etied at all boon. No slurp, for conitniaslon on astern freight, This line will not ran boats an the Sabbath. Fur further particular* enquire on board, or to JUHN h. CoNNlNtlllell, Agent. at the Wbarf Boat. foot of Want street. niblOontal AUGUST MAGAZINES. THE MAGAZINES 1 , 011 AMOUNT. ALL. DIME NOVELS. SONO ROOKS, Sc. ALL THE LATE PAPERS. ALL THE NEW ROOKS. BTATIuNCILY AND BLANK 8001 th, AT JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, :19 Fifth St., Masonic Hall. AMA BSESSOIMS OFFICE . INTERNAL REVENUE. =1) DISTRICT, MaTICKE I Xesins Notice Is heraby given to all persons Interested, that the Usta of/ uooMe Tax, - Ltteums, to., for that portion of the Twenty-third Dlttrict., Penns., embraced to the molly of Allegheny, will be open for examination at my °Mee e. Water street. Allegheny, on the ilth and Zith days of July, at which time and place I will hear all appeals pre sented to me relative to any tiro:moue or excesaive •aluations, testaments or entutelstlons made by the Amietaut Ammer, for the Instil county. All apimala must be mad, In writing, and Mutt novelty theparticular cause, matter or Motuse, rd. emoting which a deckle, Is requested. and shall a/ so state the ground or principle of errormmplato ed of. No appeal ean he allowed to any party after the list has been tra.toltted to the Collector. Af tei the above date all ;osmosis subject to tax who have neglected to make returns will be subjected to the penal ties provided by law. SAMUEL MARES, U. P. Assessor, Pd District, Pa. City of ALlegbeny..idly . 0, 11160. 3y7:C^llst_ GREAT WESTERN. GUN WORKS. J. H. JOHNSTON* mates. and Dealer It. Fine Rifles and Shof - Guns, °AII - cam MVAPAp°I II 4/1 1 VA.W.II:k.; Dc 4 . 1 ' 1 ' . ... sto.IIVIT /DAL Ui dirltamember a place. " Corner Penn d.W. Wipe 812vetk rrrrtunnum PA. VITIV I D * RIRD AND ..oKutivp 'I3.IISE OUSEL Jona: a. a A. JitraDook, NINNIE f f i rMrI: 2II6 I .° L l oll l l l ll7ll l Miti l t r ,iiie t Pa, roll tt ANC n e lairlargrVl43llV 41APPI V AND ORE li PLAN Pittsburgh and 0 7 Passeogar Nan run to do e reen b ou ip 007 NifsIDALuA 07d31N4 ivEßaosoaxEsxor4 a co.. pEmrsrzr.sorra • . 13ELCON WCOUIEKS Warehnuee, Nos. lea AidAtt -Flat owlet, op- Poluto i rouppohola /Row, 4barsbi:Par, ,r F °l t ra wrd i gEn el lAS F 419113 A" REAL Esriotrim . JOHN D. BiHXT. Or E. O. }E.6lll4 i tnitular . ' ',queue Ar. HENRI( . 11/341, • ' COMMISSION =CUM 18 FLU". nieleari: k W , acts Jah - 171 mu men a witirrm, aroS6 Niegirral 7gh /4,48 ft a CARPENTER'ANDIOIIIIIIp t 424 , riztisaiwk, hu.cily,tue iota = • , ."1' . ' MEM • ; mEspe HOOTS, Bova' Boots, Yoga' Boots, Ladies' *tors, Ladies'Bahnorals, SUSSES AND CHILDREN'S BOOTS, BALAIORALS AND GAITERS, At Reasonable Rates, SOUTH & ROSSI, 68 Harlot Eitalloot. SEMP ER PARATUS. PILO DO NO PUBLIC°. Yet they say heinous cri the way Masi. trade. Is conducted. dome say It is murdering the trade. Otters may it la •gainst his own interest , We don't believe it. Lot es see what the true state of affairs le. The truth is this: That there it a new establlshment, neatly Iliad ay, at No. Sy Market street, Pittsburgh, over which W. U. MAHAFFEY presider, and In which boot. and shoes are void at priers so low ns 1A G 3, 0 .611 tit- Hear while l give yon the Vrlce• of a few articles, e sta. all other articles are sold cerrespondload !Ow: La mes' congress Lasting gaiter, selllnif l at ELSO: La dles' Sewed Morocco loots at ELCO; Mo m's Collor for Lasting Halters at $1.60; Chlldren'• Dyers at nor ; Children'. Morocco Shoes at 50e. if large lot of gent's prime line calf balmorals and gaiters Just re ceived and selling exceedingly low. In addition to this he keeps anyrticle in the boot or shoe lin, and manufactures to order Lailles• Ltuagrest lasting gaiter morocco boot. ladies andtlemen's fan cy cloth embroidered slippers. Likewise gent's drat else. calf boot de is order ALIO lower than any Other first honae In the city. tuat's dtva p lit in feet, which we would advise every man LO hate of his own. Ladles' and gent's fancy cloth slipper sapper, silk embroidered, for sale. Where in unsed. the crime. If lu selling low. Wo ideal [silty; and by selling low we expect to preserve oar own Interest., and Snake quick ades mad many of them. !netting you to call and lee fur yourselves we leave the subject with you. LADIES' BAILMORALS, Lilies' Congress Gaiters, Ladles' Kid Heel Slippers, Men's Calf Boots. lllen's Calf Balmorals, Nea's Calf Gaiters, Men's Calf Oxford Ties, BOYS', YOUTHS', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S 33CPCYTI9 J!!L.MTri EIMEOE7EI In Every Variety, at Reasonable Prices, at 61 MARKET STREET A. ROBINSON & CO. FAILEN'T AT mai Street. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, AT REDUCED PRICED, iseraocmammrcalowes GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa, Jetl MffM A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL SUMMER BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, And Bo'morals, Just reoelsed, and wlll be sold at the V EllY LOW EST PHIOEIS, either Wholesale or Retail. GIVE OS A CALL I.lzront Pnatnasttin Etat RULES. J. 11. & W. C. BORLAND, No. OS Market West, 2d do. from Fifth St mylt C6021./17/El-1,014 JOU." YIk.I.DLIZO. C . FIELDING & DUO., lianufacturera and Dealers In Chizarecrag Iher.eacin BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 110 Ohio St., Allegheny. Tbepaillni promptly executed on the alto to °n ce. e7:c47. NEW BOOT AND SHOE S OIIE .ro. 24 St. Clair Street. A large and well se/ected rrock or GENT'S and r'lllLDEErets GAITERS, IiAI,NIO. PALS., .01m, which will ba soul at the Lt./WC-17T rEO.R. M l ,Thdltnetal l JULIE SEMI/11/Lacs. fitietrrw FIFE CALF BOOTS AND OUNGRESB IiAJITZIIS, at my 111) • J. - W. 0 IatNIAR&N &CO'S, 13 klisket st LADLES , FINE ILLUNCEAL ( AND CONURELI GAITERtI, my* J. W. CA Itli•Rati a I Ik'S, lABIES' FINE KW BOOTS, at *I J. W. Cll.l.l4*ll** a co.`el a rata a. LADLES' FINE KM SLIPPERS at J. W. CAJOI• Haar * C 0 n, &I Marla a. pm mm Spring an 'Summer Medioine. FLUI EXTRACT Si° ARELL, CONDLN ED WITh lodide of Lime, PREVAILED FOR G. W. PETrES, BOSTON, James 8. Nichols & Co., MASIIITACTUBS6IO CILEOLLITS. XANOYACMUIDIS 07193 ELIXIR EFRITVIAN BARE Protoiide of Iron, Which has become so favorably mown as • Tonic and Restorative, By Phyrtafons and iv...lids in ail parte of Lbs onsntry. The now preperation. .11ABBIXAMILLA IN COMBINATION wlrll lODIDE OF LIME. presents one o r the meet prompt alterative agents' Ina forma espahle of exerting Cull nation upon the Mien.. and this In minute and pleasant doses. It is conceded pint thanlterative. resolvent., or tonlo ethers of lodide. Ard'axemia most deddedig when aesoelated tytthwther alherativeiLin combination: and the Sue ieeln.'to that' perfectly ell the PreorthlaTeetelettlutte, The drat effect omen) , obserred when "SARSA PARILLA IYITIL lODIDE OF LIKE" Is taken, an lucre/moot appetite. showing that It has tonic prOpertlei ofs marked character. Its slterativeef feola are manifest In Its ready combination With the blood and thanes. Hale, acre:arum women and children Improve rapidly under its use. and the vi tal 'functions amen. a healthy condition. ltlaadatlrabinadaotedto&large numberolehron- Inar, : antlte affections peculiar to children. It le suited to them. betn the istildnwe ; am; ofileteeer of Medicinal e ff ect and the pleasant, attraeti4e fort. of the remedy. It may be given for a long period where conatitutional Influences are desired, and no Iffellffpatlitle4. or dialnellnatiOn to.; F. the Syrup, encountered. 'lnVfiltl-Swellings, t the cae°, and Distortioneofthe Spine, eaould be giv en pendalemtly; to moderate doe., 'until relief's obtalneo. In .the Spring of. the Year. and , during the Warm Weather. 'Vim accumulation at morons matter. In the .patens Kepis , to imoome manltmt anal very tlynbleamme. Laisliede, Ileadaebe, 8011., Costiveness, Loin of Appetite, Pains to the Joints. Indlguition, etc.. are veil . "CoMMOna 2.1 . 9,1 011 0ver d*iTised Is better adapted to exterminate or drive off tliese alientlons than tide new combination -of 151.10APd.B.ILLA WITH lODIDE OP LIMB. •: , Veynriparation Lila it. or weleitapieremitinteete Masan Alterative, or Blood er jai die. a,voir ai.pkiete taihti tai rick of int.:- 44. Indeed, it to an entfre/y team and Scum - meta eambinatlon, In no - teepee/ resembling anything Wheat. employee.' - • , • Alm opinion' of, medical teen eancerning it. the *desmiption of its stamina' ammeter. therapeutic! nine. manner ese, etc, aro given Mrs circular. Whit:bean be bad at 'the store of any and all Ont. glume DrugglaU.•• •••• • , „, ; Toy sa y s in ritiiburitiii lizuzus Abb.. 4.:,.=,l:ol3l3Dwaromuocutias.. FWD EXTIPAcr OF . fr,p ,-,SARSAPARILLA L , m o i ll bi#ed with iodide or Witty 00 4 -acts - 0 4 kLENIAWS DitiNtBTo2.l4 ...ifoufWalai*et stlykiptitutia= - linitassunrr _ WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES, We wthld advise a man to forego a thresher and threats wheat with a flail ratter than to see a wife wear her health, vigor and Me away to the everlasting "stitch, stitch, stitch." when a Sewing Machine can be Ma. twined. The WHEELER & WILSON Is an lure Inable aid In even , ho.thOld• We ho ve had several alfferco t Itnds on trial. and after six years' service the WIIKSLEII & WIL SON has taken the precedence as the best where all kinda of sewing the to he do to In a tamils.—Amcrimn Aprimitttrial. These maehlni.s have MUNE LH/MOVE fe, DIAN E. LESS NOIbE. aro MUCH MORK SPX.Y. I / and di)II'I.IL in operation than any Machine In the market. 19 11 THE BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pronouncea by %lid have xeen It the hlmplest ntarn lbe now bel,r !by insoll, It la ns elTrrtli e and rtorahle ng Ii 19 aimplo, and a. praaLleni Ma it 1, auratle. It ha. Uttl to he ut en to I.e sadntlred, •n.l used tote apprremletl. it com bines the animal. of Perfect Practical Machine, And la offered ai a prier within the r 01 nearly eve.y faintly In the land. The only ion priced Marble, In the l ailed Staten Ilrensed to use the NS . 11 F. WILSON —the beet and only reliable Feed cr i r conntrueted. 4-21 ,- SAI.E.S.IIEN W A NTEIi. IMa:Ell.l.`2" 4113 Etcrviiriirssi, =El= =I No. GS Fifth Street, rmrsnuno • ri PIANOS, ORGANS, &c. THE BRA.,OBUR V, NEW YORK, ' AND Schoneacker & Co. Philadelphia 3P ) 1..ea1r," COI The Estey & Co. Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN, .koknoaledited by the best ...lest talent In the United :bates to be superior to all others In power, purity and quality tone. and Thorough workman th t. Chese Instruments hair for year. taken Use lint premium. over all cornhetltors. at the v attune State and County lairs. in priers they are lower than me) others. Ali warranted for Dee yean, WAMELINIC BARR, .13 - 21 No. 12 St. Pier sheet, Pittsburgh. l's. I t ' NABE GRAND PIALNO--The yob ., scriber has Just received from Wm. Knalle C sup H OS u. a erb EW , Olt VT : OCTAVE FULL KANO Pt Alt t, with mould Rosewood Mouldblas, elegautly carved case, legs and pedal; three etrlogs to earl. note. Tula iIEISLIIIIIWILL li the letprosetueuts peculiar to the Messrs. tanabe s and Itunquestionably tile finest Platte r brought to this city. The attotalOtt of the public. to cap....a1l duetted to the almost Instru went. (MAUL,/ PI% BLUME. 43 rin It street. sole agent for Knabo .t Co, Is Urand, Uprlaht andlotuarn flaunt. letS. WE. THE SUBSCRIBERS, have this day eat .real Into it Limited Partnership, ureenbly to the previsions of the sot of Assembly pawed the Ist day of March, Ma. The partueranip Pi be cond.:M.l under the name of MILLER, BARU & rAILKIti, In the City of Pittsburgh. And for the purpose of manufacturing nod rtllog STEEL. and its products. The general partners are REUBEN MILLER and Clitl- 4 .. PARKIN, of the City of Pittsburgh. and ti Eli. W. BAUR, of the liorougb of Lawrenceville. The •pedal partners are bA SILIEL be. KIWI and ha.3IOEL DUFF, of the Borough of isawrenes Eac`i of the sort lid partners have contributed Twelve Timusaud Five Run fired Dollars In cash. he solo partnerattlp to nommen., on the FIRST DAY DE JAN LI hRY, Iten, and to termlo•te ou the TIMITY-YIRST UA Y OF DECEMBER, MS. REUBEN MILT:ESL li EA). W. BARU, Lie m: cal Carlson, elf AS. l'Anlit N. SAM II r.L W. EigE, SAMUEL DUFF 1 Special Partners. JelNalto ..--- pETROLLt We are nJw prepared to furnlah tale STAND/ ED brand of For Refiners , use, promptly and In any quantity. lPe guaranne the QUALITY to be SUPICRIOR to ANY manufactured to o• brought to Mt, city. T. H. NE VIN & CO., _ t St. N. W. Corner Third and Markel Ste. Je2l:d7s FURNITURE Wholesale or Retail. JAMES W. WOODWELL, Opposite E. lidmondton & Co.',. and IN THE COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS OF ALLEGHENY COUNTY. In the matter of the extetuton of Shingle, street, In the City of Pittsburgh. NO. 13 of -starch Smite., 100. And now. June RI, LIR, op motion ofJ. F. Slagle, Attorney for the City of Pittsburgh, W. W. Thome :ten Is appointed Examiner is take the testimony In the above case tomcat the partl..e l on ton days , notice.. BY THE COURT. From the Record: W. A. lignaos. Cleric. Parties interested wlll takenottee that I will at tend at my office. 510. 101 Ifth street, PlUalsurgh, on TUESDAY, August 711, IDA, at It o'clock P. is., (or the purpose of attendln a to the duties of the 0 bore sippolntrucnt July lad. Deldtlyl4-gal W . W. Tkit./31.113051, Examiner. A LLEGHENY COUNTY, as.—ln A.A. the matter of the application of the Building and Loan Association of Lawrencevllle for a Char ter of Incorporation. In the Court of Common tibiae, No, Ant nebtember Term, Petition filed beJ the court direct notice of the filing thereof to publielied In one newspaper In the City of Piths burgh and County or Allegheny, for at least three weeks, end that the venue will bo_ granted Al the next term of Leo Court of Common Fleas oaten ex • captious hereto will be filed _proer thaw. TII/L RECORD. OM Jacon H. WALTSJlL.Prottminarv, thAelatrvrirun4lehiVt!ottili... lease to take notice of A. WIEDHA—NN, ,Jrz ; Atterneiy for Ind itaanclatlen. IN THE ORPHANS , COURT OF ALLEGE LIST CUIINTY.—In rartMon. Ito. 3. March Tom, 1603. Estate of HALM STEEL, de ceneed. And note,' Jet° =I; IWO,on tnotion•of A. M. Bitl.llYN, Attorney for l'artitioner. Court confirms the Inettialtion wade in UMW proceeding., and grant rule on belrs anti parties Interested to Pc and appear before the maid Vona, on _ . . Saturday, August 4th, 1866,- At 10 o'clock, A. 31., to accept or reface to accept at valuation; arid direct notice 01 'this role to be given to Lamle Minton, barab k'. Conoverd James B. Sterariond. not now within the jurisd an iction of the Coon hrtn Courts of this tomovrealtb, by adiertistment once a week for elk - successive weeks in Inc I:lTva annuli liAlt.V • • From the liecima . JeMrce:lt NOTlCE.—Whereas, Lettirra of A analuistraUon ta the estate of tiatratel Clarke, late of the Itortinall of Birenhigitru.'Alleisheor. county. deceased, have been granted to the sub scriber. a i pore°ns tatiebte.l to the Bald estate are requested to mans anaidditto vnyaualt, sad' those having claim, or 11:ulek.udd P14.1d. , the estate of - tha said decedent will me Ide known the same without 111413 y. h :llCta eDlai AL I", atiner, 131tigharto street, Birmingham. NOTICE.-IVlteretts Letters of Administration on tit estate of LAWECE PgRA n NELRA. latter eRN s ' erve township. Allegiu, trycounty, tleceased , have been granted to the.oh sershor, all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to Mike immediate payment, and those having .claints or demands against too same will preStuLtimut, properly authenticated, without de- IMrq JOHN ARTNIAN, Attm'r, Spring Hardee lien. Reserve TpL ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE.-- Letters of Administration hare been this Oar grouted to the, undersigned on the estate el IV/L. LIAM MOWS,' latmot 140.11" , township, deed. All persona knowing themselves Indebted to mid estate e,,,..tseLse.mase,..itsteeltateparatent, and al creditors are rulurtnd to present thell account for dual settlement, • WA. Y. , ENAtiew. tardStula - - —Auministrahar. A DMUNISTUATION . NOTICE.:—; The undersigned, LEneentris of the last wi ll and tratament or JOHN i.PNEILL, deer-axed, late of the PUT. Pttbstrurgb„ , bereby gives -notice to 'all persons Laving claims agalatt rhe estate to Orr. ..rt the urne, alld all peraonslndobled to the estate to thane payment. to we TIIOII. MAIL bk. °eke; i 10,1110" &keg!, Pittsburgh. HAUT JadONEII.I..; Elmo row_ jet:4sllll, W.tlatel atreit. LA PIM= pousA Tile subaeribere tiaVlns kale' Ude l'areelte.HOUßO It has been ItKIFITTED: D FUNNISIIED IN AN SLitIANT MARNE% Is now jprepared with the ineesCe n latupolotat le lot the reception of Hotels %V i be baslntalnel=lA * Pe g, imiWl:pp . PIYAKd. 11 .. , N XX ' , .;,11 ,- ,. YA , I , Jobv• onruatrostilatil* luirizArd4l ;.. ..v..1,...------,,* 4 4.0 %dr I .• , IrMara' . .:.I3ITIEREST,', I IN . GOLIS , ON. 1.a.. - tbelliarAtortatge BOW/ ' of ljniOn : fides- ULM , " Veto ..../.'"Gar•letil 011rlillalt. -dle 41111g1t11% arku r letVerill ber l id ou proem Winn of the Coupons 44. , tba noose of JAY. INXJ/L6 A Cu. WIWI( ' ' - WSJ J,,PAUCLie, Trevoxer. - - - • w; I G DTI NE S CO ON . LOCK STITCH WM. SUMNER & 00„ No. 27 Fifth Street WHOLESALE AG EN is, CO-PARTNERSHIP. 13.L.U1E LEAD. 133CatrZI Xa1983:), am CANE AND WOOD Cfr A TRR, Iliurufactured and for We NM. 07 & 99 THIRD STREET E =! JOU, RITMO:S . A. WALLACE. , znurroN WALLACE, Whole ale GEOCIRS I% 'PRODUCE DkatlaßlLS. No. 6 Sixth Street, Iltushorgo. J . S. NETIVREVER & coy• COIIIIIBBION MERCIIIANTS, And dealers in nounGraln..FoOd Mi.Odnde, C. 13 advance. made ' On COralfhtUltrinS , Warehouse, No. 306 PENN OTILEET, thlton Depot, Pitnoborigh, Pa. DAV, ~,,wro.w. DAv. CRANTORD Constnission Jflmagine. And deal:. In rio METAL, 131.410/di, wetrutlßT si.;ILAI. and all' kinds of Hulling Mill e upplins. lA'aretionse and °Oleo. No*. 306 wad 30, N nTltnET..l3toraiii to be Fad. Conil.guineuta solicited. 1013.1152 WY. 4. Wren, ED. T. Irrell. lir J. STEEL fit nIIO., late Flew- I VI • LTO & ITritr.L. PRODUCV, /1111PLISILIN MEILCIIANTS, receive and wall ?In Corn *rel. Oyu and Corn, !Scans. liaconjeard, or, Ohmic. Eggs, Pork, Green and Dry Fruits, lataren Flax sod Urn. need, Feathers. CM Barre loop' men. Went, ban, tn., .to. Fax - Om:mar at on _paid to the role of Foreign and Domestic its, No. I3V Third &treat, Pittsburgh, Pa. lellatil BREWER, BURKE & CO., COMMISSION MRIIIII ANTS, AGENTS PIM THE Pacific, dlobe and Liberty Oil Works, Ample Storage for Crone and Refined Otl. 'Ube, II cash adearlees mane on conslgurhents of Crude or Ltefined feteolenna. Yarns fOr Horne and ship meet, of Crude Ulf atlassrreneevllle. OW" and Warehouse Corner of Dneuesne We/ sod tin ItCoCk. .[rent. rettlibilrgb. turl6.agi Per MR Kilt. .4/5. r. mocusnu. K Em & mTcuAltrt, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Hill Feed, dm 340 LIBERTY STUMM, outltta7 . PITTBBLIEGU, PA WILLIAM 'C. LEE, Successor to ALEX. GORDON, COMMISSION AND FORWARDING lICCEEELCIMEAMPT. No. 102 Second Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. diar Agent for the 'lit. Loots" Least Pips and S . 4 .1. 22;tv r nhE D a l rt n io /G c a gt t i ll 9 . u N tr . read nod orders pronspd ' idllid. royal:GM T. OWElnas J AISKISTDT W. =ATM )WENS ,KENNEDY & HARPEU, PRODIJUE COMAUSIDON MERCHANTS, sad Wholesale Dealers In volucieN AND D4).41.84110 I , II.IIITB,BALT, FLOUIIi BUTTER, Mil" 1 7ATOE6, ge.., and In Pre/Visions and Produce gen. Rrally. No. 76 FE.DfIti.AL ISTFLICET, oppoalte Use ailroad Depot. A.m.sancirraA. Agents for Ibe sale of P. P. Hite% Donnell/ Elltrun•s and J. Earn's dab. 101s:17d I'IIARLES C. BALSLEY, Produce and Commission Merchant, Warehouse No. MI LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburg Pa. Wholomat dealer in Butter, Cheeae, Lard. LOIN Pork. Beta., Beans, Tallow Feathers, Brooms, 1 otatoes, nom. buy, Dried Frldts, Breen Fruit; Onions, Floor, (train, clover Seeds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Seeds, Baum and Poultry. Particular attention given to Proddee Consignments. 1016 11 • 11111. J. B. 074131 51'113ANE & * ALERCILtban and dealers le FLOUR, GRAIN and ruuDucK, Second street, between Wood and nntitheeld, Pluebnre , ap/Rly TUUS. emit JONII AlitTA' O. A. 5131.17A11D "JOTTED, AIREN & SEILEPAIRD Commission Merchants, sad dealers in PoreJgri and Domestio Fruits, nour, Butter. Cheese":_ P,,tatoos • gni produce generally. /No. Igo LissiCWyy trritiLkA - mooalte Passenger Depot, Pittsburgh. AY. r. mica. .... SHOO. =MULL WM P. BECK & CO" No. .1U45 v Liberty street, Pittstrorith, ra., Wholesale to anddealers lo Coo. it=nce, tiaant,Larr..„B tte Hiss, YLsh, Prodmoo, OW /leads, ti.ven and Dried Fruits, Ate., Balt awl Lime. 11/6 02115 ISEXPAILD 01:1 I' Li. SHEPARD, Commission • :.. - nnts and dealers la Flout, Grain and Pro duce- so .411.1taety_ street, Pittsburgh. armada of /lour for Bakers and Fatally use coostemsy in band. Particular attention gald.te Milne nrcier 'for Merrhandlse generally. °day IJ irrt.v., BAIRD a. PATTON, boles/de tirocem Commission llierchants, and dualera to Produce, lilonr. Bacon. Cheese. Fla, Carbon and Lard Oil, Bon, Nails, (Ham, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh manufactures //atonally 1.1 and 114 Second street. Pittsburgh. P. 11.61,110,.... 4. B. =TX= MK. D. itZTICILB. ItErs to Ru YMEA ymer ag ' Leale g raln Fgn Fruits. Nuts and hoices, Cor:f ' ectionery, Bum& in,worts, se., Nos. 126 and lie Wood litzeot , above rim, Pittsburgh. IT'L'-'1• 808 T. 80h Z. .4.1fDD1.19 KNOX. lINOX & SON, Commission • 51.Y.ItCHANTS andAlealora YLOITat,I3IIIII4 MILL FEED and PRUDUCTE seneyally, 210. Ti lnamdtal, oppoalta City Hall, Alla/ean Clay. jal7:iyai OHN IL CANFIELD, Comma! salon tv .i. B .e t lhelesale dealer Du lu nn, Plour rn , Flab, rot and P e. earl A . Lard. Pups Linseed and Lard 0111, Dried rrult, and Prodnce eeeepdli ? _ . l4on. 144 and Ile Front street. Fitteburkli D. 14(.11 - PJ. ..T. A.. 011.AXY. tAFF & REITER, PRODUCE, cum=l..ton and Forwarttlag lietv-ttats, sad cn c re h eol, ' /C " . 215 f tf=1 . .treat yltt. rgh, PL roux 1. lIAAISS .- ••ADWA.RD 110t0rki...111.. IL HOVER. JOHN 1. HOUSE & 1111011seces .. 800.5 re Alms 1. HOLM@ @ CO. wastostae Oro cers d tamaulaston iterebanta, loner of titalth acid r o d Water ■torte, Pittsburgh. taco AMES DALMELL & SON, Ma'am facterers of Lard OIL, and Commisalon Merchants for the purchase and sate of Crude and Relined re. treterun, No 68 and TO Water street, Pittsburgh. Advance.. made an Cormlanmeats. i.;.IIIO2CLALKER &LANG,Wbolesaie csodoiderilmeroccrtec, Floor, Grain, Produce, Pro vicious, FUJI, Cheese. Salt, Curbod VII, No.. 112 and q 4 Wood Street. near 14berty Street, PI d ab 1 is. • tenni G*ollo2 B. LLTJJ:. E.A.D & BLETZGAR, Grocers and Commission Merchants, mot dealer in ail kthds of Col:tatty Produce and Pittaburgh ALsoulhotures, No. gei Liberty Street, opposite bea4 of Waal street, Pittsburgh. spLly VETZER & ARMSTRONG, For• warding and emiratelon Merchants, for th eaale Prune, brain, Baron, Lard, Ilutler, deeds_l/rtedi and Produce generally, No.llllarkeintreet, oorner of Flret, Pittsburgh, Pa. fe2kly • DORT. DALZELL & CO., Whole- A.A. sale Grooers, Condolsalen sum: Forwarding Mer chant& and dealers In Produce and Plitsburgb Aldan. orseturss, No. 2111 ilberry Weed, Yiltatrtugh.. - intim Warr— WILSON. WATT a WILSON , Rholeeate Grocers, Couttrdsalon xerulanti.gutdegen to Prty rodu street, P ce and Plttsblugh gliuturactures, zi0.1111.1b.. eittsburgh. BIDDLE, No. 183 Liberty St PlUsh i ah, Commission blerehula. Wholesale .1a Co F.. sustry L'Votlisce“:leoceirlesslAs Pluabargh saanalkelanes. Caah sdraneen on Von. alignments, sag pale for Produce generally. anti ISAIAH DICIKEY & CO" Wholesale Grocery Ootosetuden Merchants. and dealers to prodder, oft. et Wader street sod IS Front street, Pittsburgh. siTuTh VOIGUT. LH. VOIGLIT & r" (Successo . to G. Orair,)Produca CO=6lsslint MU • assns. re Liberty street, Pittsburgh. ,1 1107'11•.: 1' :VA! ((Successor to Elmo , & Unhurt ) Dealer In vio= sad Graf • • Produte ono Commistion JOSH "'LOYD VLO TO JOHN FLOYD & -CO" Wholesale GROOEILYi No. - 17IWood ...oda:ammo wevs, Pittsborah. Pa. • • .ao.1:1111vd Alecx..ELLANips AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street, - 1.411010 STOCK OF NEW GOODS. Hoop Skirls, all sizes, Rositrir and Gloves, Ladies, Gent's ,Chlldrens' Cloihs,,Dress Gaol% Mal. moral Skirts, House FurelStlikT Goods; Finbieilas, Parasols,. Men's Hats, Straw:iGoOdi fer Misses and , Children, 'and ;the= usual large and elegant—stack of. BOOTS, SHOES IND GAITERS. ALLLGHENT TAMES. CITY Or A. I . I .Y4WIIeX.r , Talitaltrottt's4llll3oll, Jena 7tht - .1841.1 - 2fOttoo ft hereof tatelt that tbe Ammeters bayonet' Elseed 111 thilaterlare bo b 1,0P1k1"1 .17 alfrti reat 1b66, tuat sald Vases 1.111 now _be t•waveo•ln pool:atm of the notice Amami:lly of ifebrOseratb. lOW. and of Aprll 14te, Ma, subject to the rotund-4 regulations and allotronceat o Ire percent., &Intik' on or baron Wefts' day of *out per /t eelitt., iipim calor 'home the ittstdey of wist . . Two pee cOnt.,lf paid on or notbre 'the ntitYdaypt gollt4lnbor. c Paid afterlbit Int ',by of fleptetatton owl On or =_ro thonrst day a:r9ctadtor. nO dOduz,n VIII be rano oiur 'octobeiidius or be poteoho first unto - b..oretobet. sari lion of Ave per cont. sun too aaaoct ono note ott thomMo. Antrum arc Povenkoer. al l t esta milt be bolOeu to ouords we common or all testa nollittn ini uhPoia. tor:"r mate.ria'-'9,l°';Per'enuie seemed rey ILACrzeisobr. City Truant*, GRALNIUMINUSE ) O. EIZUGralr; Collet el rogo4O ui NOAlarol. Asap the Opolopenslon Badge, rnyitpoo AttottonloNruitr. PA. '00001.44 . 11.411141140. 00 Fortwat , sfitelit;=,.w.,t3ll;f,i . .v . .47#.13,2.r..qm oz.! cuiatua STEEL WOREB. GIINIZAL I%vatTlfiltB. 3 . 30 ." i5:"."12 % EMMEN MILLF_II, hAIVI. 31...6..1 R. GEO. W. EXILIC. liAld'i. DONT. MIAS. PAIIALN. ORLSCENT atiEb WORKS. MUER, Bin & PAUKIN, I=l BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Warranted Equal to any In the kitlM either Imported or of Domestic Idanufacture. SPECIAL ATTIINTION PAID Ti) FMB CA AND DIK STEEL. Office, 38 Wood Street, IN BT. CILAIILES 110T81. done Mb. I. le16:d1111 pITTSBIIRGH STEEL WORKS AM :MESON, COOK & CO., (BUCOBSSOBB TO JONES. BOYD a C 0.,) Manufacturers of th beat mated Oast 13ta1.,1 agnate. not and Octagon. of altsiargAlw Plato*, tota.l'igett and Sheet ()sat Steel. Oast atag for • ; REAPING AND mowlie MACHINES, BTLET PLOW IjkPurstas.a.zum Cut awl Common Plough and Spring Steel, _OlllO6--th6rant of First iota Roust:tett, two bloat! =2==2=l=l = BLACK DULMOND IXTIZIPIXLI34, PITTEMUitaI, PA. PARK, BROTHER Manufacturers el BEST 9UA.Lrra ItSVINED OAST STEAL. _and Oetaarou, at all Lees. - Wacrante equal to anported manufactured in thin done%Mace and wazehoaaq,lio. c 0 andtlft Tint , an sad 11213egond street. amtabarsh • *Wm. ' 010. 71:1238. ....W. D. DILL= J. 7. ELOLLYAN LA BELIE STEEL WORKS. WILMIXTIECEIL ewe C CU:' gtfittfaillthlC E C IL A L7I3 P W RU E ; • B A ' rah 6 1 2617 "Vgbate. No. 95 MATER:B=I= Ontstatra) Plitsbarrh. rzyi4r..FACJl:):llll:izil BALTEROREA HAVARA STEAM. SHIP COMPANY. ALEX. BROWN SONEMeneisl Agents. von srEW 01ILEA.SS DIRECT, (TARRYING THE lINETZD STATES MAIL. The First-Class Stesaiships orthis line will mil as follows: "CUBA•r—LIIII tons, Wm. Rollins, Command, an "LLBEET &SAWA Command• es., on UATCILDAF, August 21th. From IIitOWN , B WHARF, FKLLIS . POLVT, At 1 o•clock r. as., precisely, on tbedays announced. For freight or passage, haying unsurpassed ac. lionanalatlons, apply to. 11ENItY It. WM:WIELD S CO., Agent/. tirear , sHAM'. Bile of Lading hot those of the W Comps. ny will be slimed. Permits for the freight must he' procured from this Willie. No freight received' 0110 hills of lading signed on day or sailing, splailY STEAM TO AND FROM LIVER. POOL. AND ILUEICNBTOVI - N iintuariD) Woe week. The INMAN EVERY Sk_TURDAY, EVERY vytiMESDAY. CAIUMINU U.B. MAAS. Ti eta sold to and from Ireland, England, land Germany and rrance. Ap the JOUNG . DALE, , Agent, V) Broadway, 11i. V. JO., Agant, Adams kaprea Mice, Fifth tenet. 16i1:fejaffiff:1113D( PENNA. SALT NIANUFAOIIIH% CO; PITTSBURGH. PA. pp. STRICKLAND'S IIIeIUAROt TS al ,