Fli gkt Itifiskittoh 6-Azett. PIIIILIMIS/CD BY PENNIMAN, REED & co. tkiI i STAI N I I N. 3. Editor.. JrirdalauwAll P . aEsn IBlutineas Maaagers --- - - - MONDAY, JULY 30, 1866 UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS FOR avVERHOItz MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY OF MdMER,A_..n) COUNTY iltrattl7 •ALMUEL H. CLULii, etty.! 1C1.7.1ns or cover: Jou chmasowN, Ramp Urn Pp =MC Or ortriliarii cover: ALEX/CSIDER 1111./LN Dd. City. ItiCO6DII. SXIVELY, City JOSEPH H. GRAY. Plum 'rp COMIIihRIOSER: -GEORGE lIAJRILTOh. City J DlL*fl.. bilinth 581131111.1 . JOHN P. euusts, Cll. egoacis WILSON, Pitt Tp. OLDEGE T. ricHEZ, ?forth Payette Tr HAZICEL CHADWICR. Colltne Ty. PETER, Roo. Ty. I. A. VOLVILLE City. ADJOURNMENT OF CONGRERis, It has fallen to the lot of no constituent assembly to have higher and more import. ant duties devolved upon it than the Amer ican Congress, whose first session has just clottl. Excepting a comparatively few members the two Houses were chosen dur ing the progress of the great rebellion, a.a eene eee d within a few months of the emo tion of u. teal hostilities. Considerably more than two-thirds of the members of both chambers were elected by the party that, with most heroic energy and tell sacrifice, sustained the government, and upheld the honor of the nation through. out the war In point of intellectual en dowment, and :aural qualities no abler or better men were ever delegated to tierform a public . trust. • (it course, individual ex ceptions out be poiLlted OW to this 1",111.11 k, but on the whole no repre,cntatire Italy in this collntry, Alb any et Cr contained larger amount or tai. tit ur patriotism. However the case may appear to men who do not know experimentally what it is to be overmastered by a great and disinter ested emotion—t o be ruled, not simply en the surface, but down into the inner reetis sea of their being, by a iardinal principle that subordinates to itself all other ends and aims—the men, on whem the chief burden rested of sustaining the government were thorouglily Imbued not only with the sentiment of national unity, but with the higher ceding that the Union was intended to mean personal :mil political liberty to all born or natural iced under the !log, and an claniple :opt ti;:tit U. all other peopies struggling again.: despotisms up to i t ,t e • pendent, and ••nfronchisentent. It hap pens,:neeessarily, that stalt . incli ale in earn- eat. They do not to be played 1.0"1,ttil• loi• not w••• • it,•,•ha z —the end Intro_ per,tmul promotion and part.):-. •n• lent . They ,•••• that pin idea mentally int r,••1 ri_•ha, grit lieges, and result.- ht•tiest next in ~ --ligion .mud ~t. Cognised printipkt are As • ul - v.0.1•• in dais domain a, in an) u t 6. • An appall having 1••••tg, 14,1 1 ;rorn the COl/81,11111.1011 . 1114! 1111: arbizra. went of thesw,.rd -and 1,, of evout.,, under the leadiu•.,, -1 Providence, having eventuated in a Jeeree nt h••••rty far aj! inhabitants of the land -tie "••y,d re;•r• -•n• tativee of the nation, ii 'flowing as well their own instinct, as the prompting, of 11,,, by whom they were eluted , detertnined to make this decree mach more ',loin n shadow and an enignh, spleen. -1 reality, avi taliziug and revivi:'2,ing tore,. Wilnt Lair parted? Being calie,t men, 'they arc finis understood I ,y t hose not. Some Ns look on, with 1,111 this great dram a•s only a play. Tiley mtislt , + and Para Bed throng,. all its toighty ,enes without comprehending aims it t011 ,. 111,1110l VII iy air springs of tie nation', life, but the cords of liberty, for all 111,1 throughout the coming generation, They sr- -till int lined 1.• treat it us a nia , inria,if.. and :hey carp and cavil at all W huv 1..v1;) , i, uot e. j ual to tht ir own. In laying ace,' ibe toumintinn, nt the government, the labor, of Cmigre,, tvoulo have tn•en aniuou• tonier the most Favora ble circumst,,D, increased by Ihe re, reflriCy of the Jr dent. Born and roared in a soinheLrn State ; a Democrat by pro:C—oon, but is some antics/tidies against slits err .:.,t much on the score or priatiiiii• as by reason of disparager.ents to which he was sub jected by 'die slave barons on account 0: his obscui , ' and lowly breeding , tar ried bcyoad ons - it:Sous by tlic power ful impulse of tut: sl rnggt r an - . 1 by that /12- ordinate oppugns:icy which is in predorni aunt trait r i i.i. organization ; when the war-cloui! rolicd :sway and th e mini of peace settled down once more trpon the land, a reaction came over him, and he re• vertcd measurably to hi original position Re saw accomplished all lie really desired in the crushing of the rebellion. At Lis aide—the chief of his Cabinet—was it statestnan as richly endowed, 1.111 l.y na ture and education • an any personage of this century. Cool, sagacious, subtle -a machiavelian spirit— whom words and phrases, principles and interests, are counters io n stately game—nour ishieg personal grief, and n air ding to revenge : the blighting of lire tilt mate out i`llloo - ready to Idol the briiiiant reified career, to rant a dark sienhiw arc r his jl.l renown, arid .101 i tire dig,, icy or his i bat h e might appease has I n.satiaWe wear Near him was anothi.r. on i , LINCOT.:O , Cabinet— it min of 01,1itUtry powers, but mule.• and ttirpho .rble -- thrown up toptuntner, try ,soirre cable casualty . - and vitdr b•NI syttipath,•• ctnumon with thirst otters whom he tun his lot., by whim or calculations ejeeted from his Mae , • in olrediunce to the demand of the National Convention he has demon - armed near shire for mistake 111341 e in his elevation 1111,1 the j u 4 tirT Of the sentence I , y , which he was depo,d These three do• vised n whew,. for prdting, thruicelves at the head of the party odf reaction, for the purpose of stopping the How or events and turning back the cu came as far 'I, pm, tica. ble. They entered into a league, ottengive and defensive, with the rekels, and tlo it friends at the North. They cos. cealments and duplienies from the begin- ning of the session to near its chow, elute, hag tube still repuhliiians w lieu they wire not—to be acting with the ti .rly to winch they owed power, when they were only endeavoring to detach men from its sup port, to undermine its influence, and con sign it to humiliation and disgrace. Linder such circumstances the task of Congress was exceedingly hard. If the President and Cabinet had maintained their integrity, if they had co-operated with Congress, as the people by whom they were chosen desired, the work of recent structimi would have been speedily acconif plitihml; and on a basis seeming -the- just rights of all, and promotive of permanent peace and harmony. , As the case stood( the Executive Department became a for- Mil tress, into which the defeated rebels ran for security, and in which all manner of plots were hatched against the loyal portion of , the nation and their repreaentatives. The 1 marvel is not, that for a time the action of flongress was confused and discordant:4 bnt that at last the majority in the Houses, detecting thc'traps and pitfalls set for them, Were able to come to substantial agreement, on 'Mad - Wand safe ground, and erect some efficient harriers against the surrender of the government into the hands of its adver. series. The whole.matter now goes to the peo ple, under the provisions of the Constitu tion and Laws, for their determination. Most of the Republican members of Con gress have been or will be re-nominated; mrtainly almost all who have aked con spicuous parts. Allegations have been freely made that these members, regardless ?their-obligations to their respective con stituencies, and animated solely by a spirit of faction, were bent upon a policy the ire. pie did not demand and would not sustain. Hence, the issue is fairly made up. The loyal pri - iple of this country own the gov egnruent, and haie a right to with it as die) will. The opportunity is niov lire seated them either to rebuke their immedi- ate representaiis u.. or to pronounce a fitr mal approval of tlieir conduct. We feel no apprehension , to the result. Whatever dtfierences may have temporarily existed in consequence of the craft and guile of the President and his followers, the real issue ih now understood, the hearts of the masses of the people are sound and true, and a ver dict will be rendered confirming the views of Congress and bidding them go hack to 'die discharge of their duties next Deceni ner with the assurance of such popular supiort as Call neither be despised nor re sisted. I= Si tar the democratic mass convention at Beading may be regarded as the only noteworthy demonstration made by either pHttical party in tins commonwealth sauce the nomination of candidates for Governor. Tat demonstration tell far short of the exTectations of those who were concerned in getting it up. Quite a numberof nota ble persons were in attendance ft out remote portions of the State. Some delegations were secured from adjoining count4•s. But the mass of the democrats of Berks were too intent on securing their crops, or pur suing their other vocations to break away sal listnn ;to stale addresses on political ton st ions. It may be safely affirmed that no election for Governor, has happened during the last quarter of a century that did not elicit a greater degree of democrat ic enthusiasm in that stronghold The comparative apathy di,. lo v ed i n B .rks county is apparent in democratic ranks in all parts 'of the State. Election tt -ults for some years past have nut been tal.Mated to create anitnatMn. The dein . U. rale have Ileen ,o often and so sigua' ly rehal:cd at the ballot nol, that they hare lost tittt • onatlent bearing which i.raierly char s, them. Most of their leader., el.:aged is searching for non' issues and rtt proje,ling urw 14:liant a 6.1,11 n • -IL enilalralzval, Profiz be .1., I • of the war they hart. 1,1101... • ...,etrint• h wa ! 4rr*:irni anti ht. 6.,t , II la LILICtiIIAiIULAOLIA: we rot -II I etaiiiehtly !..e u.,11 Itt. It of the nation. The new itt.• mouth badly they tliiike , r '.. irk iu pronotiucing it. aui , the hil ui,uted and mitt Some cxpectaliOr, more prumi,ing of attin ar indulged frc,rn i.e :sr. ..11 , 11 of the Philadelp... e Ct,nruw,m. anything itan Lc prograos:icate•l trorn to, lisiordant clatter of tong - ye, which nnw touching that COlll th atiou—it ho e ulegib;e to senta is ii what top4s shyll proposed and discussed; nod will , inci.oe !N. , recommended —it is thnt LW .14 11 resolis will Dow there rum. eiiurse ' re, e to demnod the i rued tl ni ts.util MINIM In (...,t.;74 , nrcept.thl, to al! `AI MO on, an.; al! thy EMEIII to uts ohis,a, :hat are opposed toll lit Ilk; Dille harnotoy and continued greatuttss, 1'..Y" " .1 ''."' the 'l'll ,. 'r""" ,' d" t:: •: . NEW AD M, promise unity i , ftid.thuu or re,llll. Irif ilf.Y,;/1.1.1f, J , , A it , 11f1 t Ea,' esz 1 /Mee, Awhile ago no little uneerainty us,' im ,,,,,,,,„„,„,. ~, ~„,,,,,,,, „„,..,‘, ,„ ~-,..„„ parted to movements on the Repultlitan A ~,,,,....,,,,,.., . 1••,...< ~ ..1 4 0 /TE. .014 riii ..4A., stir, by di; erste conceptions of the Presi- ) ,,, 1 , - ,-,, LA r•P u 11 ,,,,, ti , r' , . , ` , B, '' , 4 • u.. , .. .if . 111.. , Policy, and touse , mently, of ~ontra ' ' "'LW"' .I' . t , ry action relative to him and it. Not MONEN TO I.OA N , - !,..i 21,000 on a lets ..1 our leaders seemed inadyiately h..,er !..‘77.'.., - ,!' ? m " '''" 1 ,-„'':- ,':" n1 .. 1 I h'. 1.. L' di,Frebend the situation; and some maul. '' I,,tetl a di,positiou to succumb to blandish t RAVED OIL hTOLEN. "I'lhar,- • S "tents or threatening! rather tban tontine, d "' "" • L. '"' ' A 'L Li ' ' E ' ''' '''L L'''' a contest the end of which they i ould riot a,•: SHiI, . . ill - ... ... , e, A • •iistinctly foret"ec, and which might sub t pa t T"'' i. eel ' '' at ", " t!.c 01 to loss of positions 01 ClllollllLnut lit . 7,, ;.,. ~ ', ' r honor.' Ater a lime the nature of the is ~n, was brought out in vivid relict', VAL so that r 11 IIAIILE DANK AND DAIL ;,,h.; 1 h,• I , A 1 K\h S 1 s,. .01 . , no mistake could be made concerning it. : .. ."o ' s. ' 7 ,*.'. :1'; '.. % i...,,.., ' .. ' :. 7:li ' j. ...... ' ‘,...:", ' •::, ' :7 . . r I !tirCctly all ilth.ertaiutt vanished 1 - :, - /i :let ~, "s'o' '...1;'`.c.1tit.Z.t‘,.:',t,',.. if',....'1.-.1'1.;.tt'..041, . ,h, .0 h •0nn•: bac. t Republican ranks, and aC . irnfing up and !,-: c.c. .r riviie.,,. tI Iwooaraon for united exertion ' la4 as entered ''' 5. VI 11,.., An,..,„,,,, DESVADW- The Anna of ,1 1 ,0 11. It is exbilerating to %citric, s the au- sio , .. p., , ~., •iii Ine•ren.,..i. ich en: 'i l i o,- . 11, 5 change in this particular that a •••el o• w o . .s ' sd•o•:•,,t ~ ssi• , es tss w e nt I !tomtit has - wrought.• TAX/ Llii.ii 'a I - lii - lIIE LILIAN ROBERT,. ' T " -l -I.Y this Republican army in Peon syl van is ' , testate as cons pact a trout as a' ”s ut -,,,,,,,,,•• la 7111 .e• .. nny former period. A few conspicious de. TO 1.1:T. A 1)1, ira tile Tv% o Nfor) ~..:;.'",!.'7' , ji :.3 r ti r .,;,: i ; j l., ' `. 4 ;,',, . " .'!I 1tt,,,1,A. ~,.,.; , .-: .. .„,...4 , , , .,.., .., .I, , t4rn 'rraJur-At :Will And 7 0 .10,:g r a. ...i 1100. iiiiel llllt Web Mine f ll rlld.illble in te..1.";!:-','.l'' numbers and influence titan always ha; r ..' ''' ' ' "•' ' ' ' - 'i "", peas in political organizatmus of any sort. :' A. good deal of preparatory work has been • performed in disseminating intelligence 1, • ' . 1=••-c.••1=••-c.•• IiOADDING II'ANTEID Hy a gen means of the press and soliciting local can ) : tl t dstes, and soon the labor of oral illsou, I “•'aao ""' l '''''' . ." ~,,t''' . ItI• r it, I. r itt ~,s 1 , i 9115 in lianas meetings will COMllly•nve In 1 I.""""""" • """'. till. "'"., "''''':" L. ' earnest. We have no fears of t Ito result A' . rl ' r " 111 ''',• Th. patriotic party that not only held , SONIETIJING NEW , AND 1 ALIJA i ~,,,, ‘ , , , ,, ; ! „ - -. .1 , 1 1. ,,5 , 1 :, ,, 1, 0* mACKti , IV Lae , nr..l sill, ' P , nriFylvania to its allegiance during the sehotlion, but made it a pillar of stren g th .1." i'V.'-:;11;•:f.,,::,4°:„'on,:!-„1",c':„$,,„l,;.,,,,r.,.;';;;... ~ tile Ilatitillal Callbe, will again carry it. ',:,1t`t:',7:„":,",,,,:,',,i7. ~,5;,'';',',";,,t7,1,"„77,",a'5'i1t",7:i 4'4, ill triumph (tutu the I /bill LI, I.,11lei• i ' r" "'". '''''' ' '. " ' 3 r• '''. 'L d" nrln, On ... •.. iro, ii.. 'lilt, el .li,ll lir il l ' 4.1 I.llli, 1111.1 from Lake Erie I, the Dela% are, , .J,., ‘ ,Y,'' %"'"' "'' ,',• ..."," ."'"'" 'l ra ~..lAntt .cod r.,11 its anthem or ViaOr y over -the l ' FOli SALE. ' Ore Il r the Alleghenies. -....._ -T A FIRST - CLASS STORE, he old Greek rovers that "there is many a slip between the cup and the li . ' lining ' g"'"1 b".""..."" 'n "r "". 'Si ''''""" •1r , .. t le lb. ',J. In 'el,. el l i.n. b I Markoll..l. :s likely (0 lie :again Veritle.l in ti.. eas, i , ' of I. r. 4 'ICUS. v. an it'T 11. . 11 , great estate which was sahl 11/ Illilell 1 . 111. " ''''' ...11 to Mr. Walker, or liartrold ; coun., he 1:01t, SALE.—TWO •DESIRADEE 111.. drat!, of some distant relatives in P:111.4 . . 11 1;1.111N,, 1.11(11, ellualed on the eeir l itet or And. The announeenteut of this pits e el l'ww K 1 • 1. An• , ii aMir•rw , ' , TREE rs. sssoto: .soi luck has been pretty exten,,t,,,,i ) , ;,,, Weed. Al., 0.. ne..ine W,llara , from the flee er Iliti iertissal in UlO papers of llic United 5,a1f , ... A. ' ....., nn. l Ain. , " , tn, P l, l+l Die , believe, 1 laid the result has brought to light a htlig ""'".."."' •1A.1105 .01,1,10:r. ;1 1 st brother of Mrs, Walker's father. Mr -"-' •:" N., 7 ohin Mir..., A11.,1..ny. 104111 Church, living near Buffalo, New \ ( . )T it E " ilEllEflY lal EN tenon who by remon of his priority ofbirti, ~ ,i,..,, •r i,i ., ii, n , . , , 5 , , : .. .,, . .t . r ,. r , r Tr opening laims to hare a better title to the prop , ;:',.,,c";;' '^.- ''sitisiiss .. , d , :e ' n;' ,' n.- ,','; ''' '.. ..i - “7::: , ; .., ~'.",'.' " -- -g...-- n” , • ,, Ir "' I, rely. , ~,„, in ~,,,i!,,,,,nt A I.o•ny I.onty, inal. 1.1.. n, r , nr, annl Linn .1. ~,e . .. n. ~ o - ort rnny t,e Darwin Merrill, lICCUSed or the ram" t i,,, , ., t m , ., ,, ,a, ;,. , ; , i, , , ,, ,, ,,, , ,., , , , ,, ,,, der of his brother, in Wyandot county JT I, , 4 , it, ,n0,..t.r. In.s.t September, has just been tried, in l pII.I.INEM AND I.IUNDi.-3 easke Crawford county, for murder in the fi rst ~.- - „c T ,..„, -, ;„-,,, ,d 1 ;.,, „ -x.,;- --„..,., , „r,..,, , ,,, ~,,- It , t. degree. ,ul,l acquitted on the ground of sell trts ' ;.,.. esi:tla - 1i , ,A,7, " "."- nni atrn., felons,. The verdict gave great sntisfac- i iiiikAiniEs,_lloo (:itse,, • /reedit .1.1, to the eomroUnity generally ut Roo •. ‘.., citorre,s. le is. tt.tuti can. u.t rec. t r sale a tEctl ' ait & iii '"" oti!'"' cus s but great dissatisfaction to the people " ~,,, • i No IY.LL and '...1 58' ond tirrit. of Upper Sandusky, who hay.: made some ' l7 • PIPES—b,OOO unwarranted public demonstration, by way W AT ER mi.' s. , ,•,.„„, 2, 0 s teen. Mt. Stone ..iuly. of resolutions, condemning the Court and try, Haunt 11.,.. , EW MOUTH EnS WHEAT.—Two - 1 . care in snit Lim.] for sale by —There wereoseven hundred and sixteen i, tr's'i__ s ...._ _ , !. E a deaths in Philadelphia elphia last week—some- b) CAH M N ILwAIIikE NOX- cum, PION. to . thing unprecedented for that city. Of 1 n - is...drat ode td I Oat kt. KNOX & SON thins° eight were caused by cholera, and -.----• ----- - —._ forty-four by oinstroke. Thin unusual ( 1 ,/ n g/CE BilAlitlyb Family Flout mortality .; 6 45 ( -1.1 1 A1 4 1 to ' the extreme heat, '7; 3 , 4 "12. 4 Z,' 4 A r r l i s e 0 1 1.4 D ,,,,,,,„,, i. 4 , 1 „ g .Y• IVIIICIVW:16 greater, than has been known there:since I'? 7, , .=.•• The 1 I',IIIIIIEI,L 6. CO., No, 167 Smithfield Street, I= Lead and Block Tin, Pipe and Sheet Lead; H',...,a.a'., and rat,. , i..11,•13 .11 ail Lim] of Brass and Steam Goods, IID PI OF ILL 1437 tamitlx.l3l..olcl eitrocrt. PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY llchAl, lIILSTERS BREIIERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, NIT'fBBIIIGII, P.I. 110111KIRT V. A TSON, Man,ager. BUSINENS MAIN'S COMillilklit COLLEGE. No. / St. (lair Street. V.. .r.LI,. cerc Ices of at, t ptcicuted .• ; no•illlia of July caul Au ,..t +iic lit of July eau rust- Nytuc tiactof Augv•t. r Cu,?. 5 , ,•1•.4......-Imen, of ,ectuausblu, appl, , LIAFILI: ahcl .1. F. M. 3 LA NPILING RATS. 186 1 i mccORD Sr, CO., 131 lirooo STREET, • • ra..Apa..tal at,..ut ion to ;Italy Isrper rad .It., tor Spring and Sum mer MI 'far, ..a.l 1,....aci.10ws NT.mil.oty,. e',:, la; ~ A. •• I , -. a AT. ••11.. W I, 1 . . It ,rll It 'al!}:Hta, MOISToa,t, 1.1 i• Vo. of ,le.. ilptlutt. to scut all ear! .109 WIN . OGDEN & CO., TI 1.111, 4,111,2 ,I.? 111., Carbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures, CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, &X. No. Itaetz - lx.ct tatroat, 1 . 1T1:.1:1 11011. c( ALL'M MOTH EON. No. MO /TA.YuI Ti-.P. V Mt. lot hand* I cry 0 83R...E.1 . X.1.Jiar nn.1•••. grvie •oallly. I . vela .111,1. I I 1. , I .0. ASO 1A 1:1.1 Ck , VrltS- Er. r♦ Lift.! In Ft KA tilt ~.talky to tile ANL/ SIANII.I.A SIA/11,0,. Al, A LLL M I{IIOTHEIO3 Forme/1y W. H. 1 11. Mecanum LEATHER BELTING. CIII , IESS I4 .:11.4,% A i pli, n‘ No. A I II t•rt .. to r • ortS, • 1111 Nara said q L t. ripltun r is rtikhkNS tI Fit lilt. I I'l', t. liltatTb Inadt: tt at rr putt: to, Is. is, /tot tug awl lota, It mot, w ttrrotti•tl. order, lly I) . C. MUFTI', \•r rm. - ill/LH OF T,n, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, AAA olnaln. In ^ isHING W A a. rE AND Ti I . A writ - LK:I, 1.4.413 C.4x - etacut. iElitnoot, PI I PURA /41. l'A. Th”. ht - npo, pl.gre In the city to buy Jon flu I 1 ti . oil, promptly attend ed o, mr-Inbal F. MUSSMAIV N, Filth Street, be/treen Tunnel and at a I/1 a In Streets, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE- Irst good:, , al , 41.a.cri pt lons C. y,. on banti avol odd al the price, Itepalrlng done cal - 4,1111 on %lII', CONS IGNMENT. New Potato,: r. 1.0 do Mt•nrlnA mug. a: LXIIo do 1,110., Prluke lirevu ppi.,, ti rota L orn, 10nra1v.....c.. Av. Arrl, /do vaprves dalt) and for salt W. ./. E I. A /lit,. No. I, Third stn.., GOOD ED'S' FOIL THE Ar- FLI, 'FED PATENT F. , A 1“:1;li.S, at lour price,. Hub I KT•rv, It Lit:, $1 per bolLlr. 1 / 1 4ALiK, PLAT:T.I)II , N Ull'l*El4B, $. do. HIT 1 KW , . 41 pvr IL.. PoW•D 101 I'liAltl l . purr, $1 perm. ercrythlng else iorotwrcion, al BROWN', NEW llt t; STI No. N Kt. Cltalr Street. AnciliTEcTußAL. BARR & MOSER, ARCHITECTS, Bove remort, to Ulu Nrnle Assoelatiou Nos. 2 and 4 St. Clair Street, le here they will he pleased to meet their old friends IWO ill t , •.,. 1.," Ing heir.ervlrt,. bl I , erss.sidru .. ONg Y OFFIC E,corn CE., No. 141 -sr 0311 U FIELD hilt ELT • er of Sloth. rlttrbaritit. sionry lbuosed on Silver Plates, liana, pistol, Diamonds, .lewelry,' fi old and Silver Watebes.. Clothing, and taluable arlielea or, evor, description. Ti n pouts cannot be dell, CITA wllLuut . ticket. Not accountable In use or bre or robbery. noods ofd every .destriblfuri Tor solo at Newest .(.110!1 HOLBITS, BL EL • Ancho CottOn3ll4ll4sll,hAth, Manttlacturorn at Asrbiloue)sincerrgati, ekt BiIItETINGS.- , HU . (0) ISILENZINGItIi TTilitti, 4 ~. ES MBW ADVER ovie :Gs** GIFT CONCERT Adiertiletribrenly 4th, will posittwely • Siva. Or r / V W " Irar_AL r PITTSBURG" Pd., nomut, auLy 30th, 186 e, AT 8 O'CLOCK P. AL FIRS r ii.Aay MCEICAL TALENT ENDA"B Gino to the — darsossira of sm al .000 WLi be Presented to the Motet Bolden,. Including lily Propert7. Oreenbacki, Flue Pandi t RC NIUE I:TB ONLY ONE MOLLAM NACU. No blanks. A gilt for every ticket holder. LT brink 1 nue Three lS story or Brick Residence, corner Canal and Lion:net streets., 1 B A ra l ltetia.:Wee . , .. . ilri Vile:l4'"o Pittsburgh ..... 0 1 Brick Wore. lionSe, ........... '5OO street, Allegheny 5 Pine Banding Lots In actor. of east 5,000 Liberty, near P. It. It Mallon S City Lots, Nos. Is, le, 17, ... y gil t Ign 2/800 Ride a.. ........ tir t ecnbanka 1 gift In Greenbacks 1 gilt In 1 gift In Orem:Moons gill In Greenbacks g gift lu Greenoacks 100 gifts In tirtenbacka, 1110 each 1,000 ROO gifts In Oreenbaege. each 1.000 400 gi ft s In Oreenbacka, 118 DU each 2,00 0 0,000 its of good Interest eg Books 2,000 i Grand Sonars Plano 1100 1 Pluattorse and lop Buggy 70a RIM ft, Whoder d Wilson Peeing alstislnes 1,000 10 giro or excel/oat Me10de0n5.........1.0 u tTii hr . . 11 . 1 . iiiiend .. f : 1 4 11 9 /. ° l l Sue bold Watches, 11 gills of Wyman, Puma s town: 1671arker 1a MiThoomarsarl. LooI..TLD Ls FOLLOWS. You oonl One of zero!. and Three r of 160 s or er . each; Twor, 251 in Texas sonntr, each Id) acres; Use in Ripley county of Macros, and Two In Oregon county, each WO acres. Alao, Two Farms la Marathon county, Wisconsin, lial and IM acres re pectllrCly. AU nob Punting Land In g00(1 settle- Weals. Also. iiin icresta Il IC each) In On Wells, located on the Samoa. Pith°le Lreek.._Yensiagoconuty, lncioding THREE FLOWiliti WELL S and other yroductivells In that wonderftil region. These interests will we be presented its Yorty gins, voiced at from kano to 19,000 each. Not one of Hisao is lin unproductive well, but In wells producing, and others yet to be tested, close tprodlaciag wells, all nailer contract for coMple. lion, free of w ells, all Maga showing the location of said well., ea., on nand. Persons wishing to otarleine deed., or rertaln ar teries of the above property lan be accommodated at our °Moe, when all the particulars may be ob tained. Warrantee Deeds given for all the shoes Heal Estate. A CORRECT LIST, INCLUDING THE TICKET GoLDEILS• NAMES. ADDRESSES, AND THEIR TICKET UADIEItoI2I_I4.IIPT AT QUE. OrITICIE, su THAT ALL Ar RECEIVE J U WHETHER THEY A hi TTtND THE CON OEJAT STICE, N,/f. Our atimll.t gifts e photosprapha of dialler. gulahed persons. The drawing well take place after the concert, four eighteen snecesslon. A 00.11lItiltlea ho ap pointed uy the Ticket Hol ers alone to superintend alto mule. and see that the Hata are distributed IhiP•ril.. l 7, and the result publiabed Immediately. kra et/ark., Deeds, Ste., forwarded by eXprers. ItELI a BI.E ASSENTS WAWTED in every' town set vElage within hot) milky of Pittsburgh, to whom liberal insicerrueete metuferen. eta - Aril:arsAT- Tickets to one seeress. ........ .....•....4 4 50 tu Tickets to ow: addre55......... .......... 00 JU TbActs to uue addree• 43 60 Sou Tiekets Imo address 65 00 Tickets selling fast. Um up your Mobs and rend en your orders with name and address In fuil,of each stl Wert her. N unthrr of tickets Issued, 70,000. Price, Si each. They are for ule at our oak, No. 70 11PTH NETT, 2d Plorrr, 'Chronicle' fluildai. Pittsb' And Si We principal kloWla, Book, Music g and Drug g storm of thla city and Allegheny. bent by mall on receipt at price and stamp for re turn posta,{o. fiend foe Circulars. Money may be tent us at our risk, either by draft, potdoilice order, edemas or registered lettere. We have excebent relerences, with which our aAreon are furnished. . . N. Lt. — Althoughour tickets issued for the 4th inst were nearly all sold, tel it became absolutely necessary to deter our Concert a few days, to allow our tickets agents Muse to oorrect their reports. We must pus/ tire]) have the Name, Post Orrice ad dress, and Number, each pen., d's ticket, ur we cannot dui titmice too t , r ticket holders, ourselves or our references. .1 course, tickets Issued for the Ith Inst. are stood for the nab, awl bare rut equal interst in oil Use gents meet be cefhl to forward report.. so a+ to reac A n. Lus IWOh less., ea our concert certainly t..lse place on the 3Uth without faU. sort tra charge for adrulsalon. It will he seen that we have added sou.° very val. ilable city property to our Ilst. at. moderate price. coma, obtrusions should he addreasuil to alciA/N ALL, THOMSOb & CO, tsT tilt Box No. 500. Pittaburell. Ica. MED IRON WORKS. JONES & LIUGMES, . 1.. 1 . X . T151331:73E1LC21-3EL, AMERICAN AND CLAIR Ml= Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T liails,l6 and 20 lbs. to the yard Trani Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; • Bower and Reaper Bars. WAREIIOUSE AND 120 Water and 158 Front Sts BHA • •H Nos. 22, 24 and 26 River St., Jel -05 CHICAGO. W M. hII.I el ph I. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, AS o 1511 1 / 1 1.TERS UY BR.AND.IIS, WINES &ND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURCH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C.. Constantly on hand lOWA FOUNDRY FOR SILL WITH A DESIRE TO RETIRE from business 1 offer for sale my D • Cstrig - r.11.1. - Si", wit,co r00m0,,..0r the Heal Estate, Building.. Kn. ohinyry. Lathes, Toela, atb. together with thegood Iti will Mid 'la business at prese ta known throug rOneenten with samo. Thls establishment. well h out the United States, ten celebrated for being One of the Leading Foundries for constructing Sad making and putting up ALL KOIDS OP ROLLING MILLS, and rural-hang Chilled Hallo oriti other Hulls and Mos chlnery, and Mill Castings generally, to all the mule bronglio rt the country. with extensive and turn far bevies almost every variety of pat tomb for turning out work, entire Hein or beovy. Thl. affords on opportunity seldom offered to por tly, nibbled to seibark In • solid. safe bin ifimi nee„- If the purchaser should desire The Property twill be Lensed for n Tenn of Yearn. tad the Patterns, Tools, Lashes, and all the reus a:Weer, sold at an appraised value. For terms, .te., apply to J(VBIN C. PARRY, At the • •tows Fonuctry,• • NECON D AND GAB tiTet., Plat:burgh, Pa. JylBqtll. THE FOUNTAIN HORTICULTURAL Ice Cream Saloon, In NVII I. las Hall, Fourth almet. fleas Smltlttleld, now open. to ThHAe bes ßD t cooloit and most Inducing FLOW EREN bALAxili In the State. me cream, cakes and confectlOnerle• alaraya on o FINE ORCHESTRA has . beeo engased for the neAson. and will ho In attendance EVERY NIUHT. teCC"Pt Sunday') from aeven to twelve o'cloek. Best Ice Cream, Fruits and Ilerriea. 01'007. 0 baud. . 5n722:010 31A1)1381E RUHE. DIVIDEND NOTICE. Orr. 1 L'ITT,CM:II Alen lio.Ton MINING CO., PITT,;111A3011. JOY ..t • • 66 1 I• HI: PITTSBURGH AND DOS— MI N INM COMPANY' ha. declared I lend , •1 T.IIItEE. DULLAItd MEM ell AUX. payable ioand atter Monday, the 6th day of •ortust east. 6 tockholdere, a. recorded at the clues of business 05 liaturday, the =1 lest. THUS. M. IMIWE, jr2.l-/(66 Treasurer. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. 4. PAINTER & SONS. riumcronxae or Iron Ituckec Tub and Trunk HOOPS A_ND• SKEW O.IO S, .13/. PrIVI3I3IIROII. VIRE BRICK ANDI .CLAIre-111 store and for übs IJlYlnds FIRI iirct Axe laws JOB gLAT. At ' tb , ww,so w , wr.u. sou alid Mira® stmt. oakirrolis, s:mm 2,500 51,0 00 00 • 8 VI YLAOTACTpHIBB OF - open dolly from B to 2 o'clock, also on Wednesday and - Saturday eve_nlngs, from May nit to November Let, from 7 toe o'clock. and from November hit to May lsi., from 6to o'cback. Deposits received of all mules of not leas than Una Dollar, wed a dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In June sad December. Interest boa been declared seml-annuatly In June and December num the Bank was organised, at the rate of six per cent. fettereet, If not drawn out, is placed to the credit of the depositor as principal, and bean the same tercet from the first days of Joao and ilocembnre Eun o dine twice a year without [l - outdate the do vErtl.t• qi e l v Tgglrrn.r" Asin Books conttitin i the Cl:a ' rter, By- L... ft.:401•U01:14 tarnished gratis, on applicatton ofilce. at tkd PluaMme - T—G HORDE ALB RICE. PRZAIDX2 , II3. John G. Backofen, A. M. Pollock, M.D., Beni. L. peones A' Robert Botiti, June, Hardman, , John H. lihoeuberger, James McAuley, James diddle, James B. D. Meeds, Alexander Speer, Haan M. PM:mot:lk, Christian 'Yeager. TRUSTi26, Wm. J. Anderson. Janes D. Kelly, Calvin Adams, I Henry J. I.yncb, John C'. Findley, Peter A. Madeira, Genltl ego Ma tt, John Marshall, Walter P. Marshall, r, A'0n50..6.. Carrier, John B. McFadden. Charles A. Colton, Jahn Orr. Wm. Douglas, John Brans, Hears sr. L . L. Ri Sch r j r t s,lt, John J. Oldesplc, Alexander Tlndle, William 8. Haven, William Vankirk, Peter H. Hunker, Wm. P. Wen..., Isaac Richard Hays, TnitsfiustsitHAßL A. COLTON. Whitt4r. Sxcasrain--JAB. B. D. ALERJUS. BANKING HOUSE. C. W. EICKETSON, rattaburgb. N. HOLMES & SONS, san]iaris, No. I MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh. PAT:l=`,;rde.d, In Par Current point, oltaa United Plate, and Canadas. STOCKS,BONDS AND OTHER SEOURITIES Bought and Sold On Commission. Particular attention paid to tho P . T."... and sale of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. INCLUDING United States nixes of I. Do. 5-nis, Do. Flees of 10-40 s; Do. Seven-Thirties; Do. Certificates of Indebtedness. Orders and Vouchers boughsor enliecord..poons _ . PROPOBg.L~. igricultiural Lasd Scrip for Sale. THE UNITED STATES VOTEJEI - MEN? having granted to the Commonwealth of msVillgsneaVd,li7ZZltg a 7 r cultstrat Colleges in this State, the Board of Com =Wieners now offer this Linorl &MD to the piddle. dressed tensh ourcho Commies is Land Scrip, ad dressed to '- Hosed o floners of Agri cultural Land Scrip," will he received at the Sur 'sync Hentrarmi Ofdta, at Harrisburg. abut Wednesday, August 16, 1114613. This WO may be /*oaten to any Plato or Tel Tit o-17, by the holders ot the torlp, upon any of the an moitgegtatta hothtteroupt mineral lands) of the tate entl7. Wth pier& t'l"kre=nttentet ter section of mo.t he m,4one nundred .a sixty amen. Dole no Dee sere, and no 0 1 4. will here •tutle ed for ten then one quarter mem len. The Scrip will he Issued tanneillatety mt the pay ment of the 001111117 to the tVeyOT lftarra. noe third of which moat be paid thin Me day. and the rentainlng two-thionr within thirty dnYt.n... Vatter - Scanlon of tte4=tatkee tbe pod, nttes•b7. Baer; of ne w • cairPßELL.i' satrWor , . . . +s_~=~li Ri'n: • A rsw GOOD SOLIUMBS, ::::: . : 44 t-eria Life laseranee Comperii. 410, A1 • reed re:miners. Literal reetiteemente offend. !igi re • IL T. MM. Uept.. 82 /aura street. W ANTED d ITEBT-0141311 COLOR mama 80.4 o Ntot Mad steady employment nth ba 41nII to an Industrious man. Weee papa weekly. Call at 164 • 166 PENS STIMAT. 7TM:OO, WARTED. lES X . ria.ALTMCIAIST Ina 111(1111L or SIL/LPSING eLYILH; would porter .a place as Rapping Mork. Inquire of T. LI. ItATIOAN, 47 !Smithfield St, or IT 4 4 56 T. 5. lIIILUMIL. WANTEIN—Geod salesmen to Tyell 07 ample ANDREW'S DOUBLE CYLINDER NO CHIMNEY GAB GEN CRAM kt LAMY, Wlth tight to use It. A rare chance to make money non no risk. Addreas J. C. TILTON. Jytektne 31 Y Iftlt street, MO Floor. WANTED—S.2OO per Month Intl elm W nu liVat.^:tr At n_ 4 . 3rl 14.111 P. MONADNOCK. WINO A R d eilLN. lthebtodon, Klass., or Phliodel• Doti rlll.. tormle.ddor WALL PAPER rriaoalts W6OLIBIII ASB mit HAL' it 13 W.A.X.X„ P'ALl="Eal t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES' 'TbB AND Iwo 111 OCo 1 0" 33:11 sis Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, Seooad door bolo.. Dlamood ted:Omd PITTSIEnI AIVGINGS F 011166. A. great collection of vionertean PP ali Papers ►or the first time to eye rears, .I'E IF' EJMGLISII PAPER 8 ♦ cholco selection of the Newest French Papers for sale by WALTER P. MAILTHALI., ea' We eel Street )e13:0 pALaLon PAPEMS. A NEW LOT Of Standard Gold Papers Now roce4ed, or beautiful designs for PArlors, at No. 107 MARKET STREET. NEAR FIFTH = BARKS AND BANKHRI3._ ALLEGHENY NATIONAL NH, No. 33 Fifth Street. Capital, - - - $500,000 DISCOUNTS DAILY AT 12 M. azoi,t , lirnetcsevnea:r.gov.r:Tsi:::breaiterg..."" JOSHUA RHODES, President pro tens. R. W. MACKEY, Cashier DI ALCTORS: JOSHUA RHODES, of J. RM./DEIS CO C. C. HUSSEY, of HUSBE.Y, WELLS & NEEBL OWENS, of F. ISELLEILI L CO D. E. GALWAY. No. 337 LIBERTY BTRICET J. W. COM of AIiDEISSON. COOK .4 CO TllOB. S. BLAIR of ctill , ENßEittiEll. & Cu. JAB. T. WOOD, of WOOD. MATTHEWB & CO 6 F. ShITTH, of CHESS, BM% TH a CO. OHARLE4 W. BATCHELOR. WI HA NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, 423 Penn Street, FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH. Deposits received and Interest alloyed on da p baits. Collectlona! made on all the prtnetal points of the United States. =I GOVERNWENT SECURITIES .113c:su.sla.t nalci Eicr ?BB STIKKHOLDEDB INDIVIDUALLY lIISPONSIPIL ROBERT DICKSON, Pre i sident. JOBB H. RALSTON, Ve Preside:l4 ROBERT J. DRIER, Cashier. insscrons, ROBERT DICKSON !CHARLES 51YEMS, JOHN H. RALSTON , !JOSEPH LANEI. wILLIAM SMITH, !WILLIAM liIti , KELL, CHAS. H. ARMSTRONG 1 w M ettA II FOttli, J., JAMES L/TTF.I.L. I l'Arl, $ 16 1. , 1tT, HS. J. Aul., JAMLS TA YL.III. jrs:n7 DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 66 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855. PENNSY L VA NIA EMI