DRY GOODS, TRI MIIINGS,&o AT EATOVIA BEAUTIFUL LINES OF ifJ4BROIDERED HAN I I EAS, FINE HEMSTITCHED II ANDK ERCHIEFS. IiIBBIES MINTED LINEN HAN:DEE:IIS. TFIREAD LACE COLLARS, LINEN COLLARS AND CIIPPS. PAPER COLLAR, AND Ct'FF,. F.LROANT SILK FANS, DRAB BROWN AND BLACK MN EN Y JACKoN ET EIiCINGS AND INSEIMN4.s. HAMBLIN° EDUINGS AN IshERTINci , WIDE. JACONET VLoON , INo. LADIES AND illSsEs P. fl.—K. try n( rl„aiug „!!t •,ir L.rt i SILK AM) GINGHAM B 17-INIX33Irt 37.1L.1_,819. Greatly Reduced Prices 60010 S X .VOTIOX'S in Great. Variety Whole:‹ile :Ind Retail F. H. EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street SUMMER GOODS Al M AUDI & CARLISLE'S, 1.9 Firtla 75ita-c.ot 11!ill11113113 Fine Traveling Bags, Sun Umbrellas, Fine Parasols, Silk and Linen Furs, Best Kid Gloves, Cotton Hosiery, Fine English Ribbon , Rich Belting and Buckles. Berlin Gloves and Lace Mills, Bugle Buttons and Gimps. Rich Guipure Lace, Embroideries and Laces, I liE •lIII2T. • A I.'.' 010 . 0. • I /X MERI ,O I I I 111 it Merchants and Dealers 1V1:1 WWI MACR.IIM & CARLISLE 19 Fifth Street Our In-Arti tp/ t- -ficd ptl c.pt I,ita•latt AT JOS. HORNE & CO's -4•,.`OWN. St SRI* .01 k‘.lol*llllll 11*. ** 1. II a Ili., •1 P Ti an. o. la all Ow fa,1111111%/ale • it I R Plata. 1taa,...1 . . FL' IN WRF.AI - 11 , , ISt 11, 1:001,,."1 - 1(1)1111! ,,,, ud..1 , 1- Mi 1 1 ••••• o r -7' Grco.c.cim. SWI,, B1:11A.1 • Al TA ItLATAN , . ,tll /CR r I LIN t.N. .n.l a roll as•ortntr I= MIA!. AN 11111. till 1.A4 1.. VAL f.t. ift/INTY ~.$L.1..11f., 1"1- II INt'- Elt'-111E4', fIAAII.II. 1:14 AA'. SWIf, A .. . 0 tA,1111:1 1 AND 1.1,1, I ..LAlef, nt, Pun Illusion, Sit Iss:end 1 runr It l a zuhrir I:I I. 41t.. I I -. 1 . 1111 11'...11%.,1... IS 111 Itt • . - \III 1.1 • , BALI 1 , 1...1 SUN, Bead Streamer.. Ornament. and Sett. S T-7 'l' X €7. IV £d. I o tio(to Ito I. 1.1% tit 1 111. A. li p ASP I I t•Fti RI.. lit PERIELLF-..11.T. AN, kit Vt• ptwAtt &ad pttlot , ..l. tN Ft: ft+. It ill: I• 1 I:3 It 01 . 1'1.F X 1 . 1.1.11 . 1 . 1 . t A NI. FAN, 10 Fr -3t • it, It ttry,VI2M3IKIt I tittElti% It. :•,r I ‘!t . 1•111r:1•- S,P,I •11 I.s. _ Flo r1 " 1" . 14 . IHVI,I/, , • I.- 11 TU.\ ainl FILL 1.1.rE OF .'l'o7' I 11-CS =I .Yon. 77 and 79 .11arlza Street ARBUTH_NOT, SHANNON & 00,, Xo. 114 Ill'ood Street, =I Have just open,' a large stncit of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods LL. NEW I*KIN'EN. SAIIMIIII m AN ME DELA I N eI. LA W NN. , M.A.NrIt'S • CANn t - MI Nlili A MN, 51 EIf.KS, W 11l fI, Ot x o D-. !.I EA N., C1... , Tt1`,. 1/11ENS Wtml , l, l,l N I , N, IMMI.I.N, till A W I:. nA LMOILk 1,11:LI:ACM E ll ..11 , 1 N 4, Eli., sA. ININPWN NEIEE I'INIaN I 1 PTT,.. , ADP>. , tt,i NIIIIITIN.,. Burlap:. I:otton and Liu& Duck, Sc. Ilerehaela are Inv Itell ..,.mi0..., , oc. GOODS DARDED DOWN Sun Umbrellas and Parasols, Jaconet Embroideries. Pocket Books and Leather Satchels, Undergarments suitable for warm weather, Linen and Paper Collars, While Shirts, Suspender., Gloves, Hosiery, Full Lines of Notions, at DENNISON'S, 't7 IYIVTH STLY CARR, RacCANDLESS Si. CO.. (I,ls CAIII‘ 117110LE4A.LE 1M131.11111.5._ 131 FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. VlTooci. 19t., ,Third boo, aim% e I/LELmorkd A 11 , y . ) PI7T:5131:111al, I.A. TOBACCO CIGARS &c . EXCELSIOR TOBACCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON, ANL FACTI:Itr.... Or •LI. sINDS Or TOIIACCO, SNUFF ANI) SEICARS, No. f FEDERAL STREE r. Tbirtl door from efortd , oclon ALLEGHENY. r Brame,. Store nt. vlrm. Ohio. mr:.l R. R. JEFFRIES, blauutaweturer sad Whofetal, Dealer Itt MEM TOBACCO. SNUFF AND CIGARS. No. 0 ST. ('LAIN ..THFET, PITTSM . IO:II, Sir.% latple assortment 01 F.E H PI v 43,1 TOBAC , k bt.1 , i , ...111y ker. on GEORGE BLUREENSCHEIR, DRAT "It /01MION S.Efi ARS, CHEWING TOBACCO Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, Zi.c. No. 4 galierivemith. !Sit - root (Moor corn, of Llheity. milli:bl4 l'ITT6111,1:‘,11 JOHN MEGRAW, Mantitaodunr of and awl IteLYli Tobacco, Snuff and Segars, 45 RA_ND STREET. ant iji.':bean4l?:rclTY." "f Stnoklu.o tmgon Tonac,n, .. PAINTERS Jl:3ll . Pi c4-itz 110VbF. AN D 181/ N PAINTER ' GRAINER AND GLAZIER. No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. Plain tild Orassentsd I e very ileAwaiptlon gr. n r e . l i gLo . rxter. A.ll work done prom yof rje.t..a.•- u. unowN, Maio 01 the ern or P❑oorx s bloinfow,t 11017 BE AND esDaN PAIS:TVA. North-east corner of Tbird and Martel burin, rums/two:IL the ittobutgit 6autit. THURSDAY, JULY 26. 1566 CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Loeal Ms is First Psge• The Gasetto.—Pertouns leaving the city during the Plllllllll, , can have the GAZIITTI mailed to them by leaving their address at our counting room. Bathe hall at Latrobe—Match Between the Eureka (lob of Plttnbargh and the Loy alimmaa of Litt robe—Pitt who rutterm Beaten—tterdner and Hemming'. Cir elm—Accident to Hr. liemnalniz—The t relent. Tiger Attach. - ]lone William., the Keeper. A' itch notween Lite EurArka It ° Bull utr tat i • iLlotourrrir, and the I,valllalln I of thi' Plante, earnt.,ll here Lar-rlay. TllO El. elrn 14ere Itenten nitre poinan nisei nine in mu, 11, eonleslwa, between lhe e tun 1.1411 club The followteg the Neer., 1 . 11,1, a. L.. 11., 1,13111114" t•,trk. .... Ws,. • .... I 3 tlottalrl o te. t•t 11 to. %.1 eloat, I.t I .1 rt. .1. N . 24 to = 3 Ittor•ler. It. • • Jot b I 1.1111 1 I,,ttst•:.3 00. . 1 I A r. f. . , actor r o 3 MI, I.Y. C I s r%• • l'ist, .re loro. oi Lite orr. Iwurg, araiw.•. n %Ir. N. Brew 1.111131111111.111iri.. 1 hi0)040 11e111I111111.r. i rcti. exhibit. , " I:ere ltsdat tts a small noose. \ t en sti.uling walk slig I he rc.iw Iwobke, lwrtylly .4;ltlont Ilw twit! Cal Llng it It 1g lin “11l tettiple. the it ,1111 0 111110 e, 1 111i1ii MI. Wlill6lllP l Wltt.l 111 1110 nKlt 4110 the agar., Noe of I twin in 111:g.'All wan., .11wIt 11.• luta whipped on 1111. o.oollod It./ 11311 0 01111 1 i -10 - 1511,1 1110111 11 1 1111. 0 111111 knll l .kcll /11111 111 1 0 11 With 0110 illlll.l Irons 111, pomlerotis 01:10 0. Mr. W. was !noon. .liatel‘ .Iraen Iron, the gage. Ws face slut 1,1.111 •eratehetl, but Ile w.L not sertnusly ta- Jet. , John Faltnestork, nourett Orono., 11Lii1 1 11 I'' Pittsburgh ye-Wertlit 1,1, OMIIIBM2= I! • • svms 1.011111,1 this mot 'ling:soy- I itassetigers ',ere here a tilting go It, t o , netting. thetu geut lowan Anil hi. tatty a I it-ittle b recnkburg. he epet titer had ett ett of the t rat , Indea- titan i thittles alb tile i aot due. it at It Mr mi. iie t tit rued the pate ....nal., tint of doors 1111 el etteetil up the lieu... for the Ilight, w Ohio. knew tn.; 1... , letto the train twitted. It should Is. borne IIIrill..! that this tee the Dull slulto,. heelleeee litre ticket is in the har-reeni Now thu 4111e:elle, ize,r lie, .. regular 'batten hints.• of the company, lelll sl, hn. Inc landlord the Igin in.itnl it up and turn out the 1)(.0 , 011- ger, 1.:1,1 it It Is Ant, I MUHL the c o h .p.ny , Iteut.l put op a place, shelter for tts patrons. I think Hits would Is. tot, :sable at all evouts, as tole, ite not ilk.• to go into It I Ulll-nbOr to get Invtr tirketu. ill Mel: fel..rt-,1 1 nisr - 11.b1% state), 14 . 11 and ! I IiOVUr without gooti cause tilts essturt cher tity ',ill, mot telt at the tOne 1 111 was ail outrage on the holy. If thtire tiail Istan no one there but Men, t wonltt harm pa,sed it unnoticed. Application% for Pardon—Col ernor fur tire• tills:amino, At nr , tIUR, Intrl..•, in tit. tilmtory 01 AU, thLe the ttoverner of the eutte tett et , n 11. IT Intiterlune.l le exeretee the pat pee, than ee teeently, hetet lteente •.t lerin pt g ellet: IlilVll.llC, of the le, op:our:it lo Ili, Court upon Iron, it more ittid Hp ••I I !11,11.. • COW Ilinn wlt the int , .lkl 11l litt.i- about mainly 1111 . . .., , .11 1,50,..111,111•C Le 1114,1111-4, 4lp, ~ 11.,11.41 111 . 1.111 , 111111 l•t•••• 11 ... 1,0.11-•1 .11. 11. 11 1 : 11. , pllll., 1111 1111111(111CP Alllllllll , 1.: ,,, ) , ... , : , V , '; .. ..:; ' , ..r ..v.‘ " ,., ' ,.. 1 1 . ' • i' ,... r:' l' i ,‘,,,?;', .:'.1:‘ , ‘ ,, ,, mph. of y. An.). 1 roil within It compisimlively ' T ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,, , „. a ,, ~,... ~,„,,„.„ 0 1 ,,, „ 0 „. ~,,,.. Voli 1...... It wa- not Ow prart WI. 111 Ilse cottrt , .I,.'vled 111111 . 01,• 11, 1,-, - is , 11.1, 1,01,...., ~,,,,. ~, . \ y0i........• rep.. t nu.) been mad.. 1 , , it. , . t onoms.l.ol to m...tiast... the ..thell.o. poi • 1 . 1 . 11 4: 1. 1 1. 1 l•toolie 1 .I a P 011... of till . m l m " ' pot flared to Mr- a lien , %Ma1m0..., el h.', o. e .it oases ).1 ,a...)..1 ..victims. and 1, .b.ain caroms . , .rgtfles. .11... n 11, ••••11,,,.. 1111.. t Lk great mount, of those who hose Vita- lbe rep.. i -new. I ha, oil ti.) ~.1 »r J ius• es , , treed gli I named Niesrlt... 1 mo.. aged wt. Li •led tho hi" w I'm)/ '..). .'oub'lll Z"I'lls " M - It e • .......nteen years. 111,14 I.r.,ght to a 1.....pite. t. 1/1.,11111 i:. n. 1.1001 1 . •1. of (I..liarn, tn.. imprl, ~,..,,,,,,,,,,, i ~, ..,,,,,,,,, „.,,,,,,,., ~,,,, ~,„,„ ..... ot ~. lo ..., min.., a otimlortable refl.... ~„ ~,,„ ~,., • . 00 i, ~, ~ ..),,,,, a „ ~,, .„. 11/11 And 1114'1 t• 1,1111 getting out of it. mule, • -nit of 'of rn.. .5.,1 all prod tioed w 0n... Iw. ..1 ho I.re-ell i oaf, ~........). 111 r. ory Immune 11/111.111 ~,,, ‘...,.. i .,,,, „,,,,...., ~, ~.. ~,,,‘,,, , ~, ,0„ , , ". ' el ' d ”''''''' l ') " " r '" d.l "'"*"‘ r " l ""' el ,diniliet. r In seidditai to um.... 1.1.1 .n. ho Intl el ...0....1 ...Ins lotion, and iinpri. ~, ~.,,,,, 0 ~,, ~,,,,, ~,, er , ~.,,,,_, _ a.. ~ , otinet.) .oh, Ihe law nrof-wartly 101101 , 1 ....,, ~.., ~.,..... ~..,..,.., ~..... '., ~ .... ...1. t.. .. , .. i. part 01 the -.mien... kt the 1..00 lertn of , h ,. 1 ' a ': „. ,,.:," ... , ~,,',..% a, ',..„,`•.,,::.„ " 11 .. „ -.. .. w. 7,` 1 ,.. 10 quart., ~..sions ....m.nlerable number , . ! : ~ , ,, i' ,,,,, , ' 0 ,, , , L, l , :', 1, : . ',. n l .„, " . ..`, ,,,,,. ` 1. „. , ',..` a 1 ,“ , , ,, , • Is. )1))).,), t. 1.., '. '' ,), "I , " ' III ilIdl e 'e l l• am . ' a. lone. Is al ir so ..1.. .•.tiressin n. an )).• ilaNl• '4,11 -enten , ...l. hut the hugest ~'" ' ~,,,,,,,, ...j... 0 1.,..',„ ...".,,,,,,, ,„.„:,. ~ 1/11111.... ha, o lailed to iippem. 0.1111 s. •m to no 1 11 , „,,.„ ~.,,, .. 5. ,.. ,„ ~... •,f ...,..., .„ .... _ _, d...letng tn., mix...swot the A.M. t Thos.. w - 10. „., a:.,,, , ~, , , 1 1; . „ ,,, „ ,„) ,, , . ~.,, ', 1 ,. ..! . .. , !` :, ..:.,;.,. »ft, o .11. w, ..)1.....•1 whf. are 11,4 111 jad. -on- ~0 , , ~,,. I Is , ..;,,, ~„ r,. ..... : ~'...:1r..,L .:,..‘,.. 1..1 li, ins ,trying from 11fla.m. t. , •1 ill. ~,,,,:,;;, ~,, ~,,. : ,: ~,, ':, ~,.. ' . ' „ ‘. 7 , :: :,,. ,:,,, •It. , are 111,11i...trig the nevem., nor pardon .., ~.., ~, _...,, ~ ,, ,b, ,, „. ~,,,,, ~,.„ ~,,,..., ,„,‘ - ,p 10.....), 1...1r ~ illingm,- to ~. tn. O ~ ,, ,a , l l I'll' ` ' II lr w m ul ' w " l ' ll ' '''' 1 " The it .....1 ..1 ....ei-al....weeny and .1..... t ale! • . l'' ' 4,, " ell ” I ‘h" Mrilml'll 10':11. ! m Niel.... 1.0 a l Mew. I. of the setts slit, law. •)1 t I). ro,. i. not ~ plemmill ... °neer. : ~,, , ~ , , ~ . , ~ ~„,,,_„ ~, ~ „ ... ~,,, l!11 bog, liberty . is , alloy,. We : ~' I L I -„ ` l i . 1 1 . ,1 . `: : ', 1 11 5 7 . ...?`,;, ,,, 1 11 1 . l , I : „ I sr t , s . ~, ', , ,, , , , . , . ,.i. or si t line .. hen,the .nperintetidont .1 ,„ a. e, 111.,,,, 11... prison 1..31,... , 1 hand.raimelv in 1mar.10.... • --...- prls.mor..l a. ortam clew, oink Mont M oinking Mos Lleellort of Director. 1111, a.....ninforbil.leto. If they were ist thuir own Mont . lo.t thing• have changed-1 he lau is !b'•,.110 ..--\,.,•: It eat... w win. 1 .• id I), en toroed amt the Inopeet.ro of meroul, ...leg . 1. ,, p 0 1.,„, i„,,,. „,.,,,,,,,i f,,, ‘,., ~,,,,,,,,,,, ~, , Ap, ,a, tel.•gratu Irian h.. nester ...1,. that ..). %to 1,1,111,-11 it/ make pris...ters ha, e 0 keen ) . 51 the wmtla. ll . 1 .` ,1 11.11 nor ..m'. 1 -- .5 , i, %v.'' , ~,1.F.• tall., .1 ttietr ..ou.Mentent. ern I 113011 .1.'1,1 Al.ll l •1111,111) 111-41e1 . • I\,• T:,..11•1,41./1•1 thst tio. ..b.v or •Ot Las to- . regular tick. , oar eies red -1 t), giant pardons, ...less recommended or tin .. of the 'lodge- of the t. rfiniutal ;ow. I I ..- 1.. %,1.11011., roinarked 1.1 a p.srilou i ..,:1,111 111110111 , r 1111). 111 at the pre., of Allf .. gh , it) ...roily. more that) All, 1/1 [llO -Late, I ,',Kell loin 1.. isce...l Or ht. a. alleged) c 111,11011111 • power and , ''' fr..' '"r"'"."( th ' 's ' To the Tax Payers of the City 1 0 no. 1»... conolu,lf.n to at std. tome linter. the etite,. a ore .trungtnened woli the reenm- of Pittsburgh. ......1 stiou stated. 1I Otto ....no. I. pursoeil, , w.. lodge there will be les,. pardon. granted. ) ........_ i THE PITY TREASURER in 1:10R I . body to r.....” ..1 tot... ~al. %We •1 111111 ..0 1.. Probable Murder. s o . Ito 1. oaf of ....rt. ,11,,,...s to • rods,. lion 01 A I. w .my.. -Ince au isIT.II) ..seamed in lee . FIVE I . Kett Y. 16 r.. p.m iwt..ry the 1 1 IL.T li A 1 1 village 0 1 I Ifim , Mllldietllm• l 'a 3 " t " l. " • "" n. ' ) " 1 1 ); ‘ .. 1 1 1 1 t 0 ' n ' a 1 f.: 1 .Y.. : r. 1 1........ aro.lo. •nd mt•o t. p. 1.1 lirtmlisv.ile. w hlch will prfamblo rtomit In the nom, It l'.l, I 1.11 ..1 , 1 t I.! NEVI .in ord., death of ~., nid teal, named .1 :seta. Allen. / t lip ,:.V .. ..1 ' .. "''''.1 '''. 4% n ..11 .' " / ' 1 .. . " :1 bA r t ' '7l, , llr 'n e L W ' s ' u r r m st * . " appeat f toot the latter,in company with s cer• lain I Irlth inai Livingstone. had been drinking 1 1V - C:O r rr. . . tlisretlier all lin}, and lowar.l eventug, 1.1 ng ~..., ..,," ~,,,,C PART of the 1 ,orrietiMat under the influence of Mitsui. thoy I, n i .. " '''''''''.-- . repaired to a v.rasi shed in the rear .1 a 1.1... k. I , .. ft n Tr.:: ' . ". ..:;: ' ,.,. r. .. ' . ' ..,i '' ,; ' ,.. - I ' . ' . ` ,: ° „ '`, lT: l nit " :. " :7 " ,.7 h 1,.' for of toe a lter. ~ llielr tattations. A tow ...limb, . 1,1). 'e Aldfl , 1 .) WM. -. ntl I. at mo 0 me al after Ltving.toue passed through the tilisek- 1 ,‘ . . ,. .. , 1 . ,. y1 t ,1'' 1 ..,: 1 . 5 1 ' 1 , 1 1,1 ,,,.f1,r i t5;;,ar Ai i , , , r , ,L ., . , !! IT! ..".ti. shot , .ay lag, * q . v .. 'Wi l li 1," out," al"1 • ef........ ' ,a l t. t..);. 5 .r)...); : 100 li•• to - u;v1). " ....5 , .0 111/011111•111 0 01r. 11111114• 14 . 1111 It time nothing • . f Is, been heisol of 1/1111 The slim w.,rk,ng ti. the Meek...lll 11 ,11.1. repaired tO the wood. house where he found Allen lying hlrodina 1 prsankely from a wound eve, the left ear and eve. Meoliefit no! V. LW summonedand is large piece of the skull wt., removed. TIP• .0111111 Or weanits appear to have been 11.0.. with , . 1 mallet, wht.dh was. found lying "ear :b. 1 ginfMritte form of Allen. The blaek.nilth 1 stolen that he honed the .mind Of a 111111. honer ''hag'' and Itniziedisstely afterwards 1.1 , log , stmt.. pawed Ihrtingli his ..hop uttering the ,1.1 a p 0......... oliotel above The pit ymitoans ' pr......ine. d ,%11...•.. care larmelens. '11i0n... , ) ....1.1. ral to o.soitement in the ofontnim,ty In • 1 „ 1111 M. to the affair. Isalt parties being well 1.1111..1 111.11111111,1, hll4l ill 1.1111.11t.11 bearing is good I reputation NO 1111/11•ii. 1/111 10. plewrat be a , rig...ft for the assault upon Allen b) 1.1v11,g. .lene. A warrant was lonised for the arrest 11 1 I.lr ingstone, lout up to latest all vices if. . 10. 1 to his wherealMuts Lad been asoartaini..l. I'l Il e , N 1 I 1 ISt Recall's . of the 14noitnrY Co...itlee. : The Sanitary lsommittee held a mitej,lng on TLlV,Pial . ..vening In the A.liartilsir of the select , Lounell. In the city building. Present, Meesrs, Rion 11, 1 ourste, todiatter, Morrow, N irrmlne, lierilman, how e, Simpson anti Torley After 101 ntilinillnd di krivolson it was morel anti carried that the sanitary Committee ate preprints to the use of tile Boar , l of Health the gum of el,noe, to Is, used by them for Sanitary Dr. Gallaher offered the following Re.ieftwd, That IL enrranittee of two he ap igqgted to ran roc with ate Board of Health, whose duty wall on to titquire into the mone tary 1.:11.11iu , of the Board and report them to the ongioal committee appointed b Councils. After n Ight. debate the resol y ution was adopted, and Messrs and Morrow /W -1.101111.1[0 serve on the committee. in motion adjourned. linivental Exhibition of 1467. Me-ens. Etexto. On April Pith last, a cow plots Ind of articles offer.l for exhibition at n tversal Exhibition of /Sea, was publ to the New York Tribune, anti tile general Impression is that no more applications for space CAW ite made or allowed. ~ xring to the ,u then of Congress on the 15th Of Mareh, more hoz 111:1,10 tiv•llable, and a quantity of articles can be adtnitted. further request the halted State!, Agency for the Ent- Vernal Ellilibitioo have sent moo bock applica tions, ith the assurance that Impnrtunl.urtl cles will he still rxwmplea. I keep these blank, and any information on the subject is at the service of any of our citizens desiring to ex hibit. Yours respectfully, 11. Threw Weer oil Him—John Caminito. n, 'rehire Mayor tir . Cartiry, yesterday, eiturg eri li h roeicolit and louttery, on Oath of Chris tian /a inger. 'rho defendant alleges that tunittiorn came into his tavern, on Liberty orriet, an•l wilclat for a gitors of hoer, which .an ell en iiim. After tasting it he told %win ed. fight to he arrested for keeping 00111 tie nett To thin %winger retitled that no • aske•it UMW In.. in drink It, whertorpon the latter look the 1,,• , •r and threw It into zwingor's Dna, aceir.erl gave hall for a further hearing todlay . Improvement.—The school-house In tha borough or Birmingham is undergoing thorough repalt, and a my great improve ment IN tieing made to the town clock on the cupola. Thu Turn will lie painted white in flow! of Mitch, and the hour ttgures black In stead of gilt or Monza, to . whitish urreingl.4lolll the tune can ire Observed let greater ilbtaziee and more aessily on is molly or vicinity -sow Fileeel.-1...C. King twenti nd corm My Alderman E. e. Morrow, yummy •liiy, for Illnintathlng n AUIBO.IO , w . bim prom _ iwOo 01E. PIAtiIifyINAIILA AVOCA , . lie reluetemtly Minded over LAA 'greenbacks" and iv. dis charged. Strout Conitnissioner Flinn was the eowP.n:nun L. --- Wrong Name.—The Toot race On West Common, on Monday evening, wae between (lan 14 Itoreland, not Baton, and John Kersch, and one mendy for amusement, no wager hewn:kg been Laid. _ _ Special Caosion.—Mra Winslow's Sooth log Syrup has become so popular that various parties have out out articles calltfa them Mrs. inslow's. Please take notice that UM W. Winekne of the Soothing Syrup is nat.:x= o °TP .4 with , PAYother artlhle. 011.elaw EARLY TELEGRAMS. FROM WASHINGTON The Demphlis Cotton .Nortnille—Protim ble Admlsoton of Colorado and tic braaka--Dayor Charged trial Forgery —Demand for Fractional Currency— The President sod Dr. Rena. d will At tend the Dough. !Monument Inmost.- ! ration—Final Adjournment of Com grew. on Friday. NEW y o ur,. Juiy 25.—klornme papers have the follou Mg +petunia from Wakiiington: he ,0111111 It tee appointed In i t the • Mein phi" swindle trill not ~,ort. until out next +4.3.1011 • ofTill l tr tnverttem t i nos 111412losed n vast 1111101 n( of rorruptiqn In high place, 1.111, an the riatord cannot he completed ba tore adjourn men,. 1..,11 deemed best to postpone the repurt In order that all facts can lie obtained. It Is not improbable that both Nebraska and Colorado trill tat' admitted before tire. 1 . 111,11. 0 f ulo• II ain.. rim he ...ached, the C 01..10 ..lo ill he overridden, asmany of Ihn u oppeuel Slit' 1.111 II 111, It SI. tinder do.co atiton, and voted aciitout It on t. Its ,s g o,are nou I,IIN of I 111 11,‘,...1ty for all loyal vote- t kat can ta. got oil. , tile la. preluded Illt a t I of Snell recon•truct lon as may rckult 110111 rile Presi tl ittntorad that the Proahlent will veto, u on gr.nd.. ofuntanoilltutionalit), all bills , granting telegraiin compantem Slit' right to MIMI linen nn until routes . All inspeetor has tutt re , tunnel frorn Dittmlle, Va., where he ~ ont tO take dela , n against the Mayer of that olty, far fore Itel Inlet nal Iles ,113.• • • ,er 14- reeent ly ...Ad ill Nes 1 orL. Ile found ,11.11 Strong , entlntent tient against the tans et ittnent and Its oftleers, an. the Mayer *b hold aud defiant, a title roll intoning to Lill' forg , In g, that he aunt away, glad to get the Mak. MUMMICKSIIIMMIZIZIM The natl.,. e to/wattle. ~f tuattiwtvtl ear roncy rodetanw.l tuna iloat rot t.. 1 has ertwitotl Orwath xi this , •lawa of , ioVa.rntuent ,arculet t lon g w a,lo,lww, wrw wourmg la daily by tele grltin will litter fru., lataks .11 OV, the enan r), waking awptalow The Superiatvaltunt of I', ~tau; is IA Or klng .11 he , ft%ntlwnlr lirrve extra hours to Peep ap with the iil.lllNll.l. The Prt.siLlenttk:l4l',iicrettir II Is hew positivvlp stated, uttes.l the Doug h, MOIIIIIII,II Inoittgurtitloit, nit 1r lush Unties Insets the. Phll u,tslp4w (Am ventiont The .lotat appottltei It; the re . viaagree,t ts.ttlgh, tO 1111.111 e Friday Ilhat kel)otirntheht It 1.1,11, In IM eherall) ttn , lershaul that I lie ,enute In M-1.1..1 . 1,1 A Itt,VPrllOr Pt.1111a,14.1 5e11,10.1. FRONI SEW YORK. Th. Cholera Abating-Dlnertbution of the Portland Fonda-Hoff.ll,ln Trent tnent of a Prrroftglra In Virginia-A Woman !Mounter-Trial of Ernints Leader•. SK% 1 . tSKA, - I tkolvra .0, , v. , hut zt1.1.•.1 oul ( , r„ exhtt. el rt rvport ofllctnil) n Int. ra r•.tet ‘lny. uu,t Thy,aro ..evort,l of eportv,. Lilll lir, • • No.:1,0)1 Inn' I= TES= ll= large raiul, r iti trinipsare ill VI II 11 alai, tina Th.• mitt rinlaitt In, the e ending .I.lly t.lott ,Itcre wcre 1.1 WhlehnutnlK.l VIC I r"th loul .11,•moes The 1..1:0 11..rtalltv (~r tuoriihs .11 Apr.:. ilit) 0.110 Jun., ot the lir., o.lr ,I•nti,1111t1 114Ve•IX•••:1 App.ur.14..1 I.) n!.. f..t t nn.l nuilert•,.., f..Lt V.. 11, 11 4 . i In M., .11, T 1... tllllolllsl • • ,- .1t , ,t1.1•11 1.1• I algt• Nl , l an, - • in It". liamber. 0,1 NOTICES. :NA eillti WAILEHOUSI RICHARD E. BREED, XII.X.P.COVVI'M EL, NO. 100 WOOO %Ireet /MITA SNIA ANL , SILVER I•I.ATEI , 1 A Itl.l W ARE. IKA TI"In 5511 I ARIAS cUTI.ERI, ul wale nu hand. CHIA A 'rEA SETS, 155 SEA SET A T , /11.E1 SETS. , 11IS VA:tEs. I 'II lAA 11011KIIIAS 31 MIK EVERY I,F-.CRII.TIing LAVA CARD BAriK Y.rs LAVA VASE . ", LAVA MUM I•U\M. . Y.NciL.Oll tiTI,NE %V a ill . of all s bid wh,,lesale awl retail Irv!, The I:ar[e.l nuA mull unronl6 , teswek of everything In this Hue In the elty. Pilecs and terms the same ag In the eastern Cities. tnyt7i man sTEPIIEN M. OTT, Die Sinker, Seal and Medal nniraver, STENCIL, BRAND AND STEEL LETTER CUTTER, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Stamp. wind %UPClog Card., Al.O, MATE., FOR MARISIN.) (I.OTHING. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alloy, REMOVAL. 160. Smithfield Street. 160 JOHN ZWEIDINGER, Fortner!) of s 0 F I YTII bTREET. Ime remoreo u No. 160 Smithfield Street, Twn door. r etteet, where he hal. an eelleut et. el of Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, Acid all kiwis o r M ICA I. I N.ll ENT, anti yr NT 1,1‘....1 I notrurnt tttA repaired wl•.h u.•at n• an•l el I.petch. 1,16 rs: BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS!! 70111:4i3,E1. BALL lierpret Inily alinounees to ht. friends and the pub• Ilc generally, that lie tsa pal opened his now sad odious MILT AM/ ItirirAlti, COHN comm lir:ltTT AND hi . LAIR ILEErs, entrance froto ht. ('lair. The tables art new, nod ton,' ise ed In the Ines , approved and eleg n' style, and all theappurteuuswa eees rc •new rani einuph Ma'r'y thing which y conduce to the pleasure and enjy. re en tof Ills patrons will be effoided. tei PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. tamrurscrultatio Or Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, MEI Y C. DUFFY, AN UT AOTCI.II CT Tin, Copper and sheet Iron Ware, And dealer In STOVES, HOUSE VURIIISRINO UOOO3, WATER OA/LEES AND TOILET ARTICLES. No. 146 4137,reaars.* is treareet, PITTKRUIVIAII, PA. This House I. the Cheapest place In the city w buy hlovaa and 'lin Ware. Job worm promptly attend ed to. promptly _ PITTBUUUGH AND OAKLAND IHUCEIMOthiti.B. JOHN 6.. A A. N1U111.004.1111, to John blurilortb. Jr..) NURBiIE - 1111514; Frift7Cri , iZLit . . , solicit attention to their ex tensive monk amt UIT AND ORNAMENTAL TURFS. EVEoIiREENti, ArE TLNES •ND GREEDI BOMAR MANTIC rittabnsgb an 4 Oakland Paaxenger Can run to firesnhouse 04017 15 minute*. 035;105 SPECIAL :NOTICES. TILE QUEEN: THE QUEENi }OR SALE.. THE (.0 - EEN CHEAP BUILDING LOTS, HAIR R ESTORERS ' . 1.0 1 /f 11,1.1 p, 10c....den Peu.ytvsnla enu, I Soho, li•Yit n. l'..intutirce and 4lasaain Wye,. _ ~1 , 41 1u t 5t . : ,,,,A ii, " llil o n o L t l o itN;;S , o li t tlll4N b l u l t A i o f H y I,l:ci.‘lVt. E H 1 , Tbot,, lota ‘,.... ,Li. i., , i, nod. ~,,..... or too lathe Best Bair Restorer ever offered t o I c ow , iy,,,,,,, , pr , c ,, , room son to s5OO. the Pubile. An infallible itanionett and ilnansitilan of the Flair lf faithfully applied. 11011STEB, GANA & BIITILVIELD. It ts no Hair Dye It set, directly upon the roots of the hair Omni - , jyal tug grey hair to Its ortitturd life color: arrestins pre .„ ~,,s , „,,, nu ,r„,, „„, „r t ,,,. halmeradlrl; 1 FOlt SALE. The follo'sv i r.kg des. lug scurf and dandruff: sud curing all hum. , x of theo ~....,,,,.,, t,„,, ~,,, , „.se,,, rr,‘,‘,...,,,,,. onlp. for s short tune. Iu srlll nhange dry and 'wiry hair to xoll and luxu- ! ire. —A lA , i . , .. um . A ~ t,L,,,,. fart ir.,,,, „. Claus tresses. . Vire) stre. I. near Wood, met monir , 1,,, 4 towards It Imparts a delightful fragrance toll.. hair. , „.„. r ...t ,, ,... , ~,,,,,,, I. 1.1. - , ,,,tv. ~an ~, 10, ~,,, In short, If you wish to restore your hair, as n . ”., to tne Fenerxi play ot l•lttstur,ol. together srlth a youth. and retain It t hrou.ll Illy. use i TilitEls 01 ,1 01 I:111 1 Is N 1 A Isk Fll.U.sts ther, on. . 2.1.- 1 , 11 , TY Al RE., tIY I.As 1, at 1t ,,. ~.., ~,. IRS. WINSLOW'S 0111 BAIR RISTOIAIL Bruno,. Island. in Wl:lure to. natal, ts ,It Is. Prier' SI per bottle.Suld hr oil Drultithlt'• sold to lota to suit porchan, rs. :,,,. _i..,,p;,. F . :, LArts ilk' Ii UM: lit In SI an. I. -- R. E, SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents CO= ligr WM. BARNHILL & (`O BOILER MAKERS SHEET IKON WORKERS, Nos. 20, 22, 94 sod 26 POOP sitrael. avmg secured a large yard, and turolethe.l It with Chu must aplu oted tosehtn, ~. v... are prepared to manufacture every deserti.tiou or MALY:RS. lu the b"t equal Wane mode In the country. 1:11LIIINETH, lIIIEKI lIINU. YIAIC. BEL'S. &TR/LIB 1 . 11 . K8 Lou , nityriv 1-10II,EltS. CON DENSERS, MALT PANS. TANK'. 111. bETTLI NO VANS. BOILER IRON, BILIDU Eh, MU4.4AR awl bole manufutturers of ft ARN BILL•M LATENT BOILERS. done on the shortest notice. JeO:o.11 "LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, PARK, McCITILDY & CO. M•nnfarturrra of MIKA CHINO, BILAZIERS. AA II H‘Hor I'ItESSF.I) STII.I. INITTIIMB, SVELTER 29 , LIJE Ain.', 11,4,0 rter• anil Arsine In MET/lA,. TIN r SU KKT in. , N, ow.gantlT ou Itand. TIN!. LH.S . MACHIN ES and TIBR.O. II mr..- It.oPe, No. I.ln FIIOIT and ral .MTNErr , lA burgh. Spvetal ordera of t. oppa, rut to any O•ntre..l pattern. tnTl.l:t.t 4 . l Aw T LArPITTSBILIiGH SAW WOIWAS, ILIV)31141111. & CO., 1111.04,,,, t c• 1 1 A rff.S'l 1.10 , 1 • t• 110. ./mrraa ..11 1 A .lescrlyll,,, +llll, Muirl'roos-I.ul,lisne..llll all oth, 111. 1 1111.1 r. h.`.1%14...., at, ,I•II.I.SUK, .11.1 1 1 gruel .1,-Z11.4,1 Est!, Icron. , l ItLAI'l.:11. ANO 11,1\11,, Ii VF.S, Ac. • an Ake- att.l corner W•Tall an.l It 'Lat . ', Itt•brtrah. Part , •1,1.11111 ral.l Kunimma a.,•1 at ralalltrating I rrular Maw, a..., rrpalra ..t an I • Lit,c4lug avl llrllllna .I..ne al ri.agunlahle IRrRODINSON, REAL h CO.. (Sot- Nob •5 tPH. Mlal. kht.i.laa. WASHINGTON W in •tsk, ORKS. seh I ttantltt.turt.rl of VI , OAT a ',I. ST ATI , alt 7 •"1' V.AII Sld IS ES. 1111.1. I.a AttiNt, 1 ., 11 ale I 1,,1 Am all .learrlptl..sta, A N 1,1 and sTIL" Itllll-akt ASO MEA=IIII r_4 l— Joll.% BRO.. I/O , S 0,11 VA( I.T the ot !LING. W It , .14 0•1.1. N r. ,-. 4 •5:1 and Haw 'rut. h. I. %1”A1 Ntok,L. t. bat,. 4.11 t ad patters.. • , L•I kolttin. bt, It tor all L.. 11.,•••,, H - attrull.nu t•itt.l t., Plault"ltLx “.to I • W - "Y/ AltitIAGE AND CELIII.4CV 1.1 IN 11,1 /k• Jc .14.13 1 . • :•.IL a I POLITICAL. 0111.11E4MION 41, 044 EN- 22d DISTRICT = On Pia to rtin 3' • Anglo( I In% I 15L .;" ' , ' :‘ 1 4 31 - "( ON4 11E55,2241 DIPTIM T HON. J. K. MOORHEAD Fla% • / t•ltu, 41 1,. frier,. him 111- nan“ ryl 0,14 ••, th. W - CON4:IIESS CENERAI. JAS. S. NEGLEY I. • i auall.tate a0—.12.1 nib • in, •11. 1....1•1:•••1 411, s• • „r". Ilsz.l.•` L J.'uSlt. jht tLi Nth uc Ft.urt • I. h.. h E 1... !••••. ,„, t „. t• „. tt' tlI pres.ol t..• n tn... to the l'lonreollon of the ' I 111011 par., n••tltgallon s. 1,11 11.1ste I , 1 . 1 !REAP Bt ILDININ LOTS FOR gres• U. the rl Plat rlct. thh14.11.• •••. , Al.. test, lot. I the herll. 4,1 • t Is% ..1,1 tvo he Upirtr CONGRESS.—The friend. of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY AIERCHAIN'IS' HOTEL, Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, I‘. ,Wit KALE--One Patent Strain TA h, Ive rg.n.t.Tlng Tall., ow . 11110 ( Y LI SDS.It 10,./".• .11. ametcr, 11 (Vet Smolt late ['KAM ht:TTLE, sumo pottn.ls • x..2.x. ,- ris3a - crxmioviz. THIN OLD FAVORITE HOTEL having Peen thoroughly renovated, repaired sad ..•furnlsip,l. IS \UO OPEN FOG THE RECEPTION OV GUESTS. The propriopnt llunnorin of tho PT. CIIABLIEP.) pools from ttn ulna, toe.. lon. 111. e. aarlonve. .I.teronlnallon to piraa, O• MI 11, Ell ATv. anal 1..“ Inn a Ilhoral pat. PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY sPIEACER a IIcKAI, MUSTERS IND BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, 11.011ERT WAT4ON, Manager. 1..4. L I V EBY AND SALE STABLES. MORELAND & .MITCRELL Nov. 425 & 427 Liberty Street. Th. rery I'AILRLAIirS end I{l . l, lor 1.11, at all tlmna. The 6/11... city Funerals. Rt., attended lu .hurt MA I" , i u OW 1.4,1 111/11111Cr. =1 Per o n 'eking to. vlig Age Anything In our line lllhrlug turued out 111 Ulf 10," Ali' proptii•,o, 01, 11,11 per..aal ..ttention ty• the SUPERIOR ilEll OAKTANNED PAT ao,cr eAN T L) ILI VETEU LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, Manuractunol at No. IIN ttkIITHFIELD oT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. Aboo, A grota for New York Rubber Co. - um T3t,.llLiii ire I • Al V II:11.1 nod 11l 110. It V. 1, 1 ,11110 etc. INCF,EA.SE OF PENSIONS. BE THE ACT OF JUN E 6th, 1666 813 per month la granted to soldiers or sailors who time lust both eyes, or both bands, or permanently disabled the mune. .30 to all who hare lost Intl. feat, ors baud mid a foot. or thy name permanently disabled. $ll to those who haven hand, or fool, or other- Alto,Mllb permanently. ponslons an. extended to delmndent FATHERS A..NO BROTHERS. 1=22 1712 7 I "rant Street, Plitaburfrli, Ps. J. W. Jortsatorr poor , JOHNSTON N. SCOTT, PITTSIIOIIOII, PA DICALEKS IN Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., l="1:11-taslicrazar5.b., Pazumai. RR" particular Attention ale. to Repairing Wateues, Clocks And Jewelry'. All work 'cermet oil Wide ------------ ----- - —== FOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE of all decriptions of JOHN D. DAILEY, No. KO Fourth xtreet., 0,, L. C. U. No.L 81118 Mock, )ri.stia qas's Way. =IQ MM IRE =I S. 11. RUM, Proprietor. PITTSURGII, No. 274 LIBERTY HTUSZT REAL E 8 T 4 TE. FOR SALE. Attorneys, iw 4,111 t II Ei =ll4 ler, being Lou No, 106, 107, 111071110, 1111. 111. 111, 11:1, 11'1. 117 v 410 , 1 I t 6, 00 the phsh r 01,• 4,0.4,100 Manclo,t , ler. eastl ouandrd o hy Prrh. ri.r.t, Alanot tr Alley 004 ‘V ,o`oolgoo, Ith. -LOT N... 29 In .lane. • Adam,' plan 4 Northrrn s.ll.ll:lLcd it tile nOl/1.14-,11" nur or Adams and yuarry streets, and le.tng feet front on gnarl, hy Ab 011( inn hundred Ina ntnet) lect in depth .1 h.' Property n 111 be sold al 'vas onable Inc. , .i and on na..y tcrtns. Indl...puta- Id, For further Inlorinatlon ape, to A. Itii“WNIN., nr hlo attorney, H. A. A W. a. IA NI K. 1) . ‘ , ./C.> 116 Fifth ocrne, • ALUABLE COIL MINES FOR SALE. Th 4. valnablr 0. 0,1 by Um Soullo.rn Coal %lining ..otnnatt,, mltualml In nhelny county. Ala., lwrlvr nrl3re northrart of Siontrvallo, and °tit an.? a half mile, from tto. North and mmtit Itallrmt,l now. In rnrolnit onlvrto ti,l4 nolnt), and ..... uar• trr ol a tulle from th , Bratty!, 11...n0l to Inv Itr.l IMmulaln t oal It Ines, •1 now ..flermi Mr salt.. lu .gy 110111,, yr.kr, xre .11.14111...1 1111, Itvarl..(l, mlurral frglon ”1" tbr ttaLe. . u.l J 1. 1 .4 rl;111,11... lulus by rmli Yritni rclutA. 11..11/ WilCll4, there In w•tvr trnoeportatlon to lb, Th. re Is it. 1,11.11 e nitrd rt:tte r Irelter oppor tuna) Au, And 111VesLIM 11l Uonl burlorer. =I I*. i ash. and theßolan.'. at tloi iplral a month,. w 111..ut 11l treno,. oile-nla cai.l •nii lir lineal., In unual miautlsly payment, n Mt ". Intr real. G. M. McCON ICO Ik2t It r I I.lro FARM AND I'OAL LAND =I Its 12ota,oanct °ship. -1, out ‘1,.. st. Own . It, }•I&t . flirt • a 112it,11.1.1. fartu of tlalr t) ro • -. t41,• it% .• /101 - Inn In 1/11,11,,L14 nn II 2 to la arr.,. 01 trk“, Ittsprov.n.. tlts lart I=ll tttal• %p 1•.) tor ft.rll4; pArtir;;;ell., .r; ;tint Itral 11.rtruv FOR MALE. I=l I=ll II a. —rug sr, .Arg•r 1.., lir • rk NI. -tn. kg, IA ry . vvra. 1.1.• .rth Irma A JAMES T. SAMPLE:, +, ,r,rt. I.rg [OH SA LE A Farm of albout •.411All, Ms, ISE ENE I FOR MALE- Otte of 1 the toot AAA AIME I! .411CTI FOR %ALI • i .l ir~F~ rrtr-t), It) Il• r 'LI)) ) ).N kIII , r)r),•11.1.. tr. ai L. •I rar. ) A S111 : 11 , 1 : 1. 1y111011,,1F0,R E I I •;• 11.1 r • . t Is• %1 a, Ilu t Ttl ISKIt. I .1 I,'olll 1.E.--200 acres coal and •,t1.41$ 41 ,•sJ ,1.0 Mt 141" a !row .4. 1,411,.1 .4 a 1,. ty And • 1.1. lid. bark along L. .rf rallart,r .11! W. 11.1 1114 10,1 .. a. 1.1 , vary irran. Al.yly t. M. SI, LAI,. .1.. F oti rt -14 e, ttIIELT t!i r2.)/Al . WII. KENNEDY . Ct.., rl6 11 let Lite.rt) strret, Itltteletreb. }'Olt SALE—A I ery desirable Iwo •tory Itrle) Lw ulttg of tltt. rot.ms 413.1 got, cellar, went.. ..n Allen street, L. Ol- (T. SKl,nr.tr. I'a sergeMetter. rerrilt n r II of water .1 Lb. lot. , dtaintretl of no tile rusk terms, an ti 111119vti1... .. .. Inn given II altptlett ler n•etn. 1 .r t. Mi. pvly a lb, heal Lean, and Initi.olter trl.l nutlet rtrt , . 1. I.awrent.. 1;011 SA LE.-106 acreg coal, situ a- l, 1.1 I . of 31 r n11..11. on 111. Ell, al horglt all 51 4 44 1 n1, , 111.. ttallroad. .I. I IINII. ItA Il.k E, No In: ' , oath 7.1.t0• I.E. . 1415. N 0.11,111 11100— JY:. Innoluan , Way . 1.4 ‘ 011t MALE.--41)11 acres coal near )1•44,11,111.alio aln nen. 111111 Nol.l, ..• l on n. .1011 N ntwk zoo! IO•al So lir a Fonrlll wtrvvt CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, &c. CARPETS! CARPETS:CARPETS! McFARLAND & COLLINS, 71 & 73 Fifth Street, 2d Door, =9 Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Damasks, Hem., Terries, Lace and Nottingham Curtains, With a holt of Ilea a.t Clegant pall,rna l • orni"e to match. Velvet, ItrusWek, Wilt..., and Mosaic •Il of thr latent designs, direct from Ow wont co-lrhrntr4l iOOUla of Num!, anal A Inerica. and to •0 amlunlion of which publlr are conllat y Invited. As tills 1111M4 . 11te stock was p0re1k3.0..1 before the lat.. rite lie pOl.l. It will readily srrn that 01, pat row. liart• •••,ttlly 01111 as the ittl,tut..g,,,pu, chewing :at the lowest market J).l - • cCA LULUS" BROTHERS, No. SO FOURTH 111 ItKET. We 1101, 00 1/Anti. reel uperlui istov.k. of (0 AL.XiF.'WVI.IV ~ or every dexeripliOn atolever) gr.le CLOTIId, e v trA sensollra, t, , ,,, f.-xt to 24 fret vvlde. NANO A ND I ABLE Ind is 11 HEARTH ItU.ih—Frooi the nue, ounlity the lovve.t rrice.f. U"T"N AI ATTIN.; CoCOA AND MANILLA M ATTINOS. Se. Mel ALEXI! 1110,THER4,4. Formerly W. U. R il. Nlreallum COAL, COKE, &c COAL! COAL 22 II °ALM DICKSON, Sin HIT & CO., Haying rein,o ell ibele Office to WCe• C 367 -T-salacm - ty rat:root. t Law , C ity no. MILO BECONU FLOOR. Are now prepared to furnish good ToughlogbehT LUMP, NUT COAL OR N.L4CK. At the lowest Market prier. sir All orders left at their office. or addrenand to them through the mall, will he attended to promptly. ID ylk :UM - CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, lIGNI.SR IN Youghiogheny and Connelloville Coal And Manufacturers of coal, Slack, and Dcanlphurized Coke OFFICE AND YARD Corner of Butler and Morton; drat yard on Liber ty and filyntor streets, Ninth ward, and on Second street, near Dock NO. 1, Pittsburgh, Pa. Families and Manufacturers supplied with the beat article of Coal or Coke at the lowest cash raLeu Orders knot any of the yards will rocei•c prmo attention. y?....0:1211 ÜBBICATING 01L-50 barr el LT=7 IRIPCaIor. /Walt /L 941.11141 i. PLUA:BING; GAS FITTING , INSURANCE BAILIFF, BROWN & CO. j INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A NERIC 9 PLUMBERS,CAS &STEAM PIPE FITTERS, No. 55 Federal St., Allegheny, Mil 672 Penn Street, Pittsburgh W ATE AND tt AS 'lx rutms copstan on HOVE." 'Rter up ttRAS, WATER or STEAM PIPE:, at short ttotlrr. . . • • til Itellnerte, fitted up St intort notice and In the Pheet Lend toynew nroces, frlth II yttro-Atmosphertc oak hand large snpply of ctIKET LEAIt, 1.K.f.1t lIION AND HILASS nrITTINGP , tI , ALI. EINItc,./IYlntlat.T IP NC. and Inn fact all material loco by a tlrst-clanto e•tablittlotnent. tt e would invite the attention "(ail who hat at y work W.I. in our line of Ini•ineas, W.' 1..1 cond- .I,nt we can the twat of aattafaetion en regards mwtertal. workmanship and price. I ri AM HAMS & BEM GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Cor. Sixth and Smithfield Streets, =I ('or. Heaver and Che,,lnul St reetw All :Ina- ate, 1. • 1‘11.,.., Con Wt.) im hand )495.08 ADDY, WILLIkM•i & BARTLEY, Keep on tokrol a 1 114.4 rlor art. Ivor' Wo)o )1) IPUI4I'!"4. „r ;Rio, 1.1 1 111/ILA NTS. ,111 . .1 .Cl' sIIE V I /.INI AU HP& RATE! TUII, N W A I WAAII BASIN, W N ,t it WarenAoru. Car. Sixth and Smithfield Streets, 4.er All 41...16 REP., IRI NI4 promptly. liar All of le, I.,,lnt.atate I y to. N 4 OTI4L,L Private Families and Hotels =I HYDRANT HOSE & PIPES, Its c lug on JOHN MAFFET, Nos. 121 and 129 First sareet, ..l 11 WELDON S.. KILLIA, PI, LT AI ERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS A*F.NT FOR WESPKB.N PA.. 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. AIiENTS WANTED. Chandelier% and Rrackels. Lead ! Pipe, Pump., Sheet Lead, h.c.. pENNSYLYANIA INSURANCE CU OF PITTSBURGH, PA. Ofliee.lll Fifth Mlrees. Bank Bloch. MI Wood Street, Near t‘ixt.h. I 'LI 111111101: GIS .I\D STEN FITTING, HADRANTS. IYON PUMPS. 6.1 F 1 /ISt MIMEM2 Eli II ATER 1 LOSETS AND WASH STANDS, 4.1.W.EL1Vf3 die CO.. 111:111.1:111 JOHNSON, Ell Plutubers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Earth Street Kxtenalon 3E. irl"."1" EN .73" CT lair MC. P.A.. r• neat! r arc utetl 1..11 eraelorill autl or..etet:t te 11,4 te A , •.1. Itte Ile., I et, Peep, Battle., Water Ilnllttrl l r re. I retie... nett letA •ertA rer ealt at the meet rea..ona EMIUMI=IM rEUMBING, GAS AND STEAM IS ALL 1'1 , 5 BRANCHRS, Carefully attend, .1 to tis r x perle I.e.] and prarticgd yrurlmen. A our assortutenL of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS, BATH.TUBS. bilOW ER RAY' UN, =I e on hand and made to order. TATE & SEVILLE, In1,11:noordly CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PROFESSIONAL ' . PITTSBURCiIIif, PA. _ .. ______ , sirREPAIILIN (I DONE PHOlll'll.l'. turat,lnla B. F .. . BROWN. S*EAM ENGINE PACKLNIZ. . A E Local L Claim A gent, 1,.. ÜBRICATIVE PACKINC, 90 it THE L. S. SAN. C 031., SIAIFFINIG BOXES Of STAPA ENGINES. Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, An Artie t• recutinnende by .1 the Tallroa coin patties. who have thoroughly tried I. and la In geo (SECOND FLoolt,) erst nee un over two hundred and nn y of the Tail rosals lu this etnautry, and on trial by over deo Pittsburgh, Pa. bn AtiTtAtritli 20.000 STATIONERY EN- Penmions, Bounties, and A rrenr I 61 ' 16. " Pt tE..*I'S7.T;OtifID. of Pay Promptly Collected. LEBRICATIVE PACKING COM•li, .. , ,, ,, ,:: :4 4 :2;: xt .. ...11 0...11113 are aettlril, find the LE MANUFACTURERS, ~, ""-": ". Nita 'TA awl ;13 WAY-ER Z :K., PlTTaLdittili. B. LINDSAY , tay-2.5.a., a-. at. a •OIN N.P...... ...• TISHILIt ..... C. T. .1..11.11"1 • H—T,X333.1qt.312..9..N. A MERICAN MACHINE 14 OIIKS. Unice, 6.3 ttnyle Street. Allegheny. dr.. in s Deed, 1.e.., . FISHER, CiRA Yr AM & CO., -0 - ~. 0.. • gine Builders and Machinists, ~,....,,.„.0,,, I ti1,0..1 1.. 1:0•1 ~ 111 roc e• 0 r ran 0, An.l , ..... 1,1 1.1.'1111011. ILASUFACTCIIIOOI 09 . _ JOHN H. TAILOR, Oil Engines, Oil Tools, All 1 everything necessary for Fitting OIL Wells. ATTORNEY AT LAW I rtloular attention pald to Fitting up Winning 3 rulleye, Rangers, /tr.. Illation Avenue, near Ft. W. & C. A. It. No. 69 Grant Street, 491.143w,.13.emuy. 1.6. ,u , s , I'ITTS It U hull. l'A. I itEI'AIRING DUN PROMPTLY. __ Jel3tda _.. D R. E. DONNELLT, NDUSTRIAL WORKS. Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, . PITTSBURGH, PA. sir Special alleutiuu given to all aunts requiring Surgical operation,. 11. L . IMALKILKLI. J RUMMELL & McCOMBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, 1 PlTTsnunGll, PA. u1y24:1 , 25 JOHN A. STRAIN. _ _ _ . 11.ILLMJEIN , LiNILALTST, Es-Officio, Justice of the Peace, AND POLICE MAGISTUATE, MCC, 112 I.llth Mt, opposite Cathedral. lrrsill2lloll, FA. Deed- Baud., blot . triage., Acknowledgment,. Depovillona and an Lerat linsincer executed velth proutptu v. and dlcpate . urria.aal W ILLIAMI JANCEY, NOTARY PURI.I(•, dilsTlt•E. OF THE PEACK, AND REAL ESTATE At. F.NT. OthCe, corner of Butler and Dravo bowel, Lawrenceville. Special attention given to the purebabe and onto of Real E.Late. be , ollection of Rents, and the pre paration and acknowledg Meat of all gin& of Legal Conveyane, WILIAM .lACKY. 'wake of the Peace L and Notary N Public 111 tas EiisTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania avenue, Soot of the Illation and opposite CSethits Street. My 223.14 CHATHAM T. Attorney at la►w, No. 119 Grant Street. Pittsburgh. Pa /MT Co/mulesloner for Ohio, Kentucky, West Vir ginia, Al iteourl and other States,____myte she, M ILITAIitY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, 110IINTIE4, BAC/A PAY. and Military Clam: followingrfip colleCtr;l1 Cr the t!"" . f . i . the rates, ols I melons, .10; all o tee claim' I'M' C. C. TAYLOB, AttChtrY at Lam. areal, opposite tit urt ttunse. 11.—flo charges are wade if 11l cl o witn does not succeed, and all information givatt gratis. aeCly .1 4. P. STONE, Attorney at Law, OFHICE, 11! DIAMOND STRUT* OP.Peeite the COCAlatello, =Weigh. rit.. PHILADELPHIA: I= Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, = Zir rroteetion can be annexed In the above named and reliable Companies. = 94 Water street. (up stain .1 EMEI A LLEGIREN Y INSURANCE CO. UP NTT:slit: Itl:11.--Qtlice. No. 37 nab 33rect Rank tiloct. losonefitog3lnet 31131..13o( Vire and Marine 813331 JOHN J n.. I . rtstdent. JOHN 11. Mco , llll. l'agstdent.. C. G. LION N ('apt. W.I. ORAN. 0f...r.1 Agent. Dlltat - TORS John D. McCord. George S. Head. Charles Capt. Wm. Dean Geo. I). McGrew. Hobert H. Darts. E=TM Harvey t T. J§Cioskinoun, John Irwin, Jr , K. I. r.illll•Pt r:4flS2lnif'r. CO., OF V PITMISUR.9H. • - ALEXANDER l'resident. Wirt. P. i I ERB E lig', Secretary. GEt tittir. NEKLIt, Itsueral Agent t 'Mee, Ir 2 Water street, bpang Fs Co• 'a Warn bons!. upstairs. Pittsburgh. Will inssre against all kinds of Fire and Marine Kist.. A horny Institution managed try Directors ,•• are well known u, the community and who are tinter lord promidoess and liberaitty, to main tain tiin nitatarii • .Ich they hare assumed, as of f, ring the ,•• uon to those who desire to be Insured. nt tub:Tong. Alex. Nltalci., Andrew Ackley, It. Jr. OaYid ki. Long, .1 twos McAuley, Rens .1. Thomas, Nathaniel 11,dinen, t has. .I.larke, Alexatotr 'vet, John It. McCune. I•ainplo.II It. Herron, • James I'. Hanna. C. id . Rickets...on, triNA/ WM. C. II ERYSF.RT. becertarr. INSURE 1(046 LIFE I N THE ER Tr o Att] O INSUIt &NI CoMPA• NY OF CHART MAU/ THE ONLI LICK IN:4I.IKAN , E. A.MEKICA that now mates and pays an A [...a CASH t of VIDE} , II on th l tirstCAbll and earh C A CITA L subsequent cu mu l ation of lade/ bon. le securely Invested In put, lir stocks and alor g... Fee of REAL E3TATE. It In now In Its 16th year or Moines. and has paid to the WIDOIMOI •ND 01[1 . 11ANS of Its members the BUM o 'NE MILLION DOLLAR, To this date not a sin gle case of litigation has occurred. an evidena that liberality and fair dealing le a specialty with thirCompany. The policies of this Company are not forfeited by reason .1 non-payment of reinium after the second year. Nu payments rega red aftet ten years, but paitcles La/Winne pr , sal through lile. urelCatt. J. C. W A Liil.l. Vresident. N. S. PALNIEII, Vice l•rtsident. 3. 11. flu II ~cretary, Branch Otbeu for Western Pei:don'ts - sal. where I Circulars and wank Applications will he furruisited. 611111111 street, Pittsburgh. Axente wanted throughout the a ANA, 14. cot..*l:lY F. F.. 1.i,“1,1.1.1.. N ORTH AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. .I'o. 63 lI^R/Aans St.. Xett , Fork rltr,l Fl T -N. D. NIDELGA.N. .et .t TAIL Y -J. W. MERRILL. R. M.. TINDALL. Medical Esamineit E. T. COOK, TttLn In a Home , 'ompany. and Insure• agsH . 4 10. n) Fire esc.ll,wely. LEON ARIJ WALTER.. Prvoldent. UUT I.K. Vice. Pree.lent. ItiIBEICI PATRICK. Trrs.aurrr If Ul.tl 3f ' ELtl E\7, Secretary Leonard %% .ILt.er, I.n.nrc Wl.OO. C.C. le, lit.. W. E . ,n, tiol..crt Patrick. J. C. Lapp, Jare.l. l`nintrr, J. Firmer. Jo.tab 1 John Vo..gtlev, Hopkins, A. Amino.. Henry nprool. 13EOPLE'S INSURANCE CO. OPTICS.. it. K. 001i1t SR WOOD AND ILTTiIa TS. OM= . . .. wen. Philllpas I' apt. John L. hboad: John W LILY. hatutni P. hhrtver, John E Parke. limn.. A shock:, ( - apt. Jas. ISHiez, John F. Kira paints. Win. Van Kirk, Prank rf. III•sell. James U. Vernon. W C. Han.e.bn I.ove, M. PH0.1.H..h, Prvahlent JOHN V. A rr, Vies President W. Y. Si A_HI)NEW. Secretary. Jull:IS Casa. PANE.`( Ih , ItLX)N, Heal Agt I!tUL.N CrFACTIJ RERS. LIPPINCOTT & BIKEVELL, No. US Water Street, • SI Nl:r 01 , l'A I ENT tila , llND. LATENT TEMrEItEI , PATENT TOUTTIED EMI CIRCULAR, M CLAY. RILL AND CROSS-CUT St AL W Ei . /11=2 K. W. 11111tIlOW S. 11. O'HARA BOILER WORKS. MORROW & BARNHILL, MEE= 01" Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitator., Tanks, Sall Pails. Gasometers, Wrought Iron Bridge.,Sheet Iron Work. ac., BOON Y. BOLL -JAY. NKLISCIIf ...BOlrren OHS. HUGH M. BOLE & CO.. gOUNDER.S, ENGINE BUILDERS AND MA -011INISTS: blannfacturers of LI'EANINOAT EN GINES, Oil WELL ENGINES, LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Works, all kinds of L.,nd and Marine EN -I.llNES.madeto enter. From the well earned reputation of the Manager, Mr. JAMES NELSON, we hope to secure a liberal . . share of patronage from Steamboat builders and tthers wanting good machinery. Our aim will be to Jo all auk In the best manner fora fair compensa tion, anil to do it In the time we any. All kinds of CASTINGS made to order. Repairing Muhine, romptly attended to. We can turn a Stull at . mg, and bore or turn • Pulley SO feet diameter. aisfallop on Duquesne Way, near the Point. ndry on Third Street, near Market, Pittsburgh, aploiemd 77mIn.rmr'ff , wmlim Xt.. S. 1-.3EICZOECIF, Po, 32 Ohio Street, iLlieghoo.T. Mannfacturer of I.IIPNAJPED BORING TIJULS, AND FLETUktlis USED IN SINKING OIL AND O.A.LT WILLI 43- Particular attention invited to hie Patented p_rirretneuta to Jars and Joints, made of Joltinln. and Low !lour iron, In standard tas te s, suu D.. , ..red, so that pans can Le oral, red by•• telitgrapb, and found a perteet ot at all lime. e also furnlsh rope.otuung, small wen. A.. is hose who may wish 11. Enemas and raKttlite l an •laile to order. Orders by mail pro tly atteueen an_ prepared to grant licenses to m other anuodao nrert for these , LlDDrOVeiellta on liberal ten.. Du. 17 Allegro., P. O. 1. H. teleCalf. penlnl72 lISENIAJL WORKS. MODES, RYRIE a CO., 011umfebotorero of SLACE. and GILLEN OLASOn ory/TkorVigro=onrittlVlVVT4-1 booreon OoalthOold owl Gnat street .Plttsborgb, oaclured .4" st at'ine t trit!s o . pe es . l o s; to . r . n o a jar",_ Glassware of o the above decription. CO , Teitii prl .rovmou, to . Particular atteation paid to mainly ros.r.nalon teal. MILIAkR. TIVQUE II SNE P etaea N WEST POINT IRON PURGES,ITTSBURGH, rennin., man gTaln Phllon Rode , Levant Pitman dews and Wrists: also, Railroad Axles, Locomotive Frames, anti all shape work. The undersigned lyetng been for many years engaged In the business prepared to furnish all orden, entrusted to them with promptness and dispatch. lit1:114 JOtt. & CO. noa.. 7. COLLINS.. 110Xurt WB,OUV I' OLLINB & 11.11tIGHT, Brittania, Brass and Sheaf Natal Worker, Minna& Cas tors, (Arbon and Lord 011 Burners, and all Manson: arflaa of Mittman!, used by (Nue Mannfarturen. Orlon urh., promptly WWI. No. VP SZOOND Wf/tItET, Pittsb Penn. p:or aJs 'SEVERANCE, Na 68 WAVER tiTICIPLV,_ Pittsburgh, inanuelesarer of 801 iiitficTd,VV - ROMMT SPIRES, common andraaread of every description. Particular sized or shaped Spikes and Rivets, large or small. made to order at short, 4 9 1,1 91 , £ 1904 „.. soossioaciosaiy co loolt - OIL WORKS, COMPANIES,& J. C. ftliFY-1:; ,71,:71.?,11.6., SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFEM,KEIEW 8z GC., $1.730.000. MAN2:FACTrRERs4 OF THE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, $1,586.000. PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. !vertu, Lard and 'Whale Oils, HEAD LIGHT, 414.V.g:i . OIL IND 011ttl, 6111t.)1, tandaid While Burning Oil, No. 33 Market Street, SEND FOR A CIRCA. pARWERSBURG Lll Oil Compz.3 ley Keep coueloptly uu hand a •ripply of Natural Lubricating Oil, I=l Free from all Impurilies Every Barrel Warranted, OH. TI) HE ILETUIISKI' AT THE ,COMPASVII -Iddrese JAMES B. THOMPSON. Agent, =I N. W. Corner Third and Markel Sts., PITTSBURGH. PA WARING & KING, OMISSION IND 11110h1 . .g.S IN Petroleum and its Products, 4 IDUQUIES-VE IVA I.'2T•lsfes33llTriCg ,- L. =I WARING, KING ed, CO.. IMIMISI WOOLDRIDGE OIL KEELUNG cp comu2E3.4T-Ir. OF PITTSBURCH. PENNA JOHN WA'I'T. HEN HEN Fa M. LONU, Nor•y AD. Treser WORKS IN TEMPERA NCEI I LILL OQ►ce, No. 2 Duquesne 14 a) I= WAN UFACTUIt ‘ , l , VI- HAL WHiTZ. 13 U 1 178 <-17" OIL. Brand—"Luciler." )) SCPERIOR OIL ENGINES We are cot...rut:tang, awl .11 ke..p hand vertu, ot y le of OZSa miv :.- TA N -Et:ill WITH BITNRB A WHO AR T 1,81113 BOILB. We invite partlt, ner.11.4 eu,tt for Liar dui 10.1.11 nle xt..1. , m 1!i541 irREETS, near Ity rN. • rir. .11M-E.INTor,H BIM NV U. wlOl/1 - 51:, EAGLE OIL WOO LA:4;97-ra aoovill c>. WiCHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refiners aad Deaf.. rs P T 1- E M ,r. AND oI,:qI:KAN Xl.ll. 01 TACK BRO. /14. CO.. I= PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, Hancock Wit.. Pitthburgit n 137 3 WARDEN 6i. 111.41'l FIELDER, I4ltuhklb IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, wHALL ruitrENTLNE =I u. corner of Dolnesue u.y o. Plal.bburktt. Itepr , sen I V, M.b.V., A I Ph iladel phis. W AMES IRWIN A. CO., MANUFACTURFAIS OF OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 4131 , 22113..ce., 1,13 um FORT FITT_FOUNDRY. CHARLES DAP SEPHEVi'Si HEAVY ANL ALL HINDS OF HEAVY CAMTINUIL 6pedalstlerttion paid to 14/ILINki *ILL WORK' MIAMI MACHINERY and loyrn rKTS. .11E.TL'Allta attended W promptly. As Ituretofor, the beat materials will always ha used at this FOY wiry . Alteotloo lecalle , l to our It. EW FLY WHEEL ITEILIi and inereaneed facilities for attlng opt tt .I,lyd WM. X•XXX.......JOH N ALLXN. L. WEAL. VALLEY STOVE IVOILKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., °m.., and Warelxotue 301 Liberty Street o ppoel to IS uxll.4llc lit, Manufutures • at varlet) of PARLOR and FIKATII4II STUVF-s, auroug woweh .r the cel ebrated Allegheny and Monitor twal Cooktng Stoves: also. the Autocrat moo Sensluel, (Or coal or wood, •ad Inst unrlvalled Star of shr Empire, for wood; also, Arches, wratos, (coders, sugar Kettles, Dog Leone and Hollow War gener•ll). whO 1111..M.1rAr... W. .... J. a. SI BADLIIT /ETNA STOVE WORKS. COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES , AneudTAWS-RAN are she relebraind ALIKEEE, THUM and TAWS-RAN (Coat Moves() evliAß A., VET ERAN and LRONtSLDER (Wood Cook stoves.) Alec faunal . ..turn GRATE, GRATE FRONTS, Offlos and Wurehouse, corner of /Second And Woo skreets, Flttseurgt. Entrance on rad soxit;. DRUGS AND CRRNICALS. KANS..J. >1'...V.1,1-Al,l , u.. nelll. u. D'.0.41, iIIeCLIELLAND A. corner Federal aninacock Strtets, Wholesale and Retell Drigglsts, Lea!e `ADD P,,a,6 nod w, I - 1,1006. inerr sum. 6n 0t.0 • on o , ...I vrILI be cold ea. lbw ..1) Li • mo SCHOONHABEH ' Pittsburgh White Lead *drab, PURE WHITE r.P, aD, BLUE LISAD 111[VLL 1,111% BA. vII. YOU PALINTLb IN.Lb. No. OH WoodE3c2 , 043 , 16 mdl:7 THE BEST _ EFFERVESCINC • CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, In 6 on. MALI., In Inn form of MAN irt.X. for •.c by all Wbolerale ustql by AILTIII3II rILOGEILIS, Chorsolat r.. I. aralAnul E I: OLL 88L5..,_ LlA.:tr-iftju_.,,aAg-- is 4trurt, Logl ed Drol.srr 7:ekt.slWlll!. Who,. . Tl 4 BBL& TITIIPENTTNE lust re ocalvedsndfor sale by IJEOLCUI gf.a' If, WLoloaala proiglan., fa Wood owed.. ".+ 1.114 ribuiburgb, Pa, 25 CASES CHARTER RAH LEATi Jost received and for .ale by GEORGE A.. KELLY. Wholesale Druggist, 7l Wood etty.eL 1114 Pittaburgli Pa. . CELEBILLTE4I TEL A. TOOTH HAY ••Sickdow Lark" arc tuatinfa..urvd use DUQUMVSZ WORKS, Roar. ths, , & FLIP°IL . s spring and Male •.: etba rows and Tracks' ox every btyld, berst koaterlaL ',hurt wailce, sod war: at, .. • pat CVLUMIsLa Lv—kluz, rg PITTSBURGH, PA MEM AGEN CY TIN G STR A MED ME MT! =I =I ME =I FOUNDRIES A. BRADLEY & CO. Manufacture every variety of I]