HE DAILY GAZETTE.' 151 PIIBLISIIIED BY Penniman, Reed & Co., Srp rzane: rft . :I , lk,"SriC ' ''' ' tail if (117. '' ' " 12 . il;hrVittshurgh 6azeitt. • TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1X66 11 k vu: of thco.e who neither tlitttrot . t , or the mtetteit of Air ; I.OvA. w•r him calling for it I y (ten. Itonst. I u f. v, t ncky The . : IMO) no, in t charged ,a 0.4". per •uafl it i„ ~• In y , tv.v. VI•11 I,J I - log:v - 11y ti, ••., r ic vnlnluce .11.•11 :I 111,1' , .1 .1111/111011. It,' t he ine.n t lthl nk AI , at .the mad, I.,tiu!ly flee with the li the Gvit ,•r, tit ill Make a 1, 1111.1.41//11.: flt .1, 'l, reabion could be found iu that uma.un , I'M' Mr ',WI. 11, ',ill/ mnk inp =ffl I . i• lb. Ilan re•lrned. UmtUt ===nlll nn. uo I hi , ri I tirti. , l :t n in en-,1 )4 aninnK.l MI lilt z ti • ut . 11. , :wing .~~i, thi l',nili•r,n =11:1111=1111MIIIIIIII : W:1:1 11, tq u iii t• ..1111 I 11,11 1%11 M ; ; ; \V I %I , '1.1..AN I • II 1. INS / .1 .1,0 , 01 11/ gi, =II 1k then to by Pre , illt•nt 1. , N Siwa- Ilamn 'col:NE) has 1., = 1111= agulosi Mr. he It :II iltiNt.;ht. ;;;; h; II 111 it I/I ilii• VIII, Ili- .1 11 :ti1ti.1,..11. as meet 111 I ou t. It t it that rt.n,idt•rn .1 ticli'l 1.111 fr.. 111 rilmawg. a:. 11l 11% rt a 41..1, al )1, a• Orilin , ilor. 111 . 1;111 provc I •ii , 41144.1 he %V 11l vi.lll .ur.• 1.11111, II n 1., El I. tii:ll local turn nn• :Ito I 'ablllet The mystery i httc - • 4,11, -:ay In it loth! and Ihu: fi t di, the t,I the Union t,, iutnl. of 114.1,1•4, and I,:oliperhuati. no; ~e c, v , rig t II rent bill• of ttin • ;ht• t•lt•int•nti. m thetn SI:111,1111.:1 IllatillfaCtllred Ii .i lit•lin.,l t.. ,•,Ino t , I tln In i .. :1//11 . vrt•nin! ,lit ides, joi ~ ; srei•ll Ihrm sml the I C.( tip LLr Isar iril 'War Lr . I ih,) fu:•;• ur , l Iu Lc out of . We Cuiou 311 , u! , 1111t 1., 111 c I ..! ;ht. n wine tI Ili ,uraino llclu Now All - 11414 4 4414 11111C:tutother 4 ' ,VII N w, 14:I .• they %%ant gel •. liel. ui,ni and sin , cruelly prev , • lll,l they nos get slit at Hwy .1•41.:••• it ihni , ult get •k they wets.. Th. y !et pitientiy P.,pu1,11,1n , art, not. w 1111,11 Ilolp prig tLc I,n,rnn and Sus.ienarina I)istric*.. ?dr. \' W. 1et.,.11 it. all t rot., two yvar, IWO. Mr. T. Strong t , I .Itt.igc til ronz ~ 1 Ilic :7%..uprvit,4 11:1111C4 in C./111..1110n IN nit •II :t unlAeruislicel =MEM li. I Itrtto;:11 the war 3(r. Ci.rstEit ,gh , tottclt Worm• titan:in vain to I, the delent lint, of the Union, and t•t0....1 It , Vol.. a man or a dollar. In In,. II to th,• Reading Convention ••I w the same key. li.• F,ernell to •uo Jim Lt bat all the• titteriti,,, 0 . In Mood had been made• in vallt It be patriot la tionlll, take a different "I the cam. Ant (lel. that Denni , 4:1- -I . lvi• any longt in (7“binvl, Si, Prf,.lt•ill N:.tion4l (.'“uvention ;lint I.nt .ltati-oil in n. , tilinalitql Hr Wa- a t o iNtilal IT,. ail anti -upp. , 1 . 14.r I/1 r. el in, untlt . rMalliliag ttrr. oliraftlialon oda y •nh..l rli 1, r• flout that ,d . 4 l.rau K proieSlS I hal ' • t hong b per wi-tn6 n, lie acted front honest inteu, its .11,1,0b111g nil Me:ISW, Or the the retwilimt 11.1 It, nes - - ar ih.• adage that i. paved with PI what kvail i. it fir It I. inten•l wt 11, if be constantly man MEE= I Lir a he 11111 , 11• ut the .Tivilttsou, grew pathetic over; unui A' .lent to t ore a redo ration of ljoi“. Tl,ll wa, precisely iu his . Ito .1, in anguish when the money ,Mel It 1,1,1 he could not to .h.llur of II gi:tnivd. MEM Wm 1) letter to .1. Geist, of the I.,tin:uster Erprem, ich 'wing candidate for the Unit e d Seuafe, and declaires himself fis‘ora• I lee ele.-tion of Thaddeus Stever,,, MEE Sri" It the plighted VIIIIt of Frt.l In Frew I, itriuy «ill hr withdrawn Mvrivo, III( first installment in No wv. it I vervain dial. Fresh levies from have, within u few nays, landed tit MO I:LT St E R Metal) I/Or S are somewhat re. He speak, nr a harvest he means 11, next 4 letober, "amid the frosts." lie begin to nustiect he is destined to out in the cult!'" J, GOO:. T. SI - LERMAN ban .re ! the honorary degrue of L.L.D., Ihrunouth Collegu, N. IL K.r E Est., LUIS been reap I.,"tina,tel at Gbaudarraburg, Pa. ece•ttly the Captain of a vessel at it totdt out a manifest for twenty-five oi whisky, to be shipped to Ver n, Uhio; then crossed the river by to Winthrop, C. W. where the with which the barrels had been was drawn off, and they were retai -1 whisky. The vessel then 'sailed rmil lion, where the manifest wasus i and found to he correct. Within a tine the Custom House caters re information of this sharp practice, nntediately seised the vessel and tarn 1, of whlSly, *Web remained ri The owner was tried w Cleve -1.1 lined SI,OOV. VOLUME LXXX CITY ITEMS Send'a Baking Powder I= oroll , ‘ Baking Powder 1. Cho !...t ti..t• Pic u Baklabs - Powder. Ask try it Menll•N Baking powder For ,ade by 101 gi 0001-, Pli!tli Ponder I Pittsburgh snit Alirglisny No rnw Profit% At the Opera lino,. Stint• st nt o 1/gall Trod. At th,• “porn Itotme ,tx)i- 1:11:=13=1!1!1:!1!111111 Al tho Op, a 11,1, ,tapr I= Thwie Encll.h ma, nr.lloso. (. 4 , 1 "tils . Iw , ;11. I= I= lIIMIEZMI I= I A wiiitql.ll , l Ig It C•Attbrilil 171.1 k, 1•, a.1“1 liuntivomely ,1 1,11...1. pr., ttt I.ard Wert nu i ,ILot• 111.0. A., N. Co FOIL Itelriwerwtor%. Cheht. rr, Ito ' it, mint l! , • I •:tot FI. vz.•/.. I 1••1.z. 111, I ‘Vai r• el NI, Il.it 11 Tnl.n, and rt lull Hue fot I. rul ;J:tr,•. I , the S 11,11," 1 le lit,, /1,11.10 I= 1111= =I IMME=I I rola —l.h.. p 114,1-41 •--4 4‘1111.13 Tla rhna bpPI kllua.ll toba,, nap alvKaallV i . " 11 1 ,111,1 1111.11 amber., nlpa - epl npr IC.d. ~n unfull:P tlll 11'1110 1 1 Te, 141,0 pun to tipr loan ma', ac ,, plablp•tp.tlaP4lnmap 111.et-w,ll, slack ,t let,P.l'llppablaa/Lllll pPf I.allaaya }.:11.11 11111 00 010111 , ~E l.• sit Tart al I al Ilark,mot ...Ali lemapnonful counting 011 i-enna of pron. amaplaa loral.laal In, la, iii MA . O SO/1. Maiparap . luranp, Y. 1. F.Pr -app •p: a Ipppip,ab• by It E Se; .cr, ,t At ',tall by all 1/ruggl,l,P. North Amt,lean Tretonlt In•tarortre Coon 'mu, or l'hiladelphin—Porllonct Ftro. Tls.• \i.l II A1111,1e1.11 Firs. 11 , 1 1,11 t, I ‘ ,, ` 1•1 Palrllzilltl, 11.11 , 1 re • - s•s, 5..1 I In lt:s lit.toll.. lag tests s 311 r.., .1 lily ~•“111g hvitl pot wig,. In lot I VIII' I etsurtinre l nin;u IMEI .111, ~' , l l • 'war grttivful tort upon> it. t I ittrtt •t t ratl 11 1 / I .llllCr he ranit• Ittt,t• 1 1 t , tt tolitt,l,l at.•l thontby :LH...vial to, t: t . ttt—t •It-tittlt,tl ity tint rt•cent tvtr . ltit• t - ttrtt.t,rat.tttts NV .• revttlutnvutt Lltt. •tti :•1 ~, {Ol. ~1 11;trtforti. 1 til It, 111 1.11, J. I. 1.,, „ , „sit A N. Noy., A •ot. i \lt . ..11....t., I :Pt.. A t o . (hallo, ~ .tw,)..r. .1..1. , ,,..‘1. I. IVII:1•• • Ii M i;11$4 . 11. lifi4lll'.. lit,. v, It %%right, N. It , to•org, , 1L.., .1. A Alit../..11, Thou.,- II 1 . ..........- - II NV. , ,ks, N.th.....1 It.t, t.., t flank. Monte. N. I , J I V. ~ ...Itital.. 11.. haler A. C.., I Al I t NI. A. I. A tf..v..v..... It. A.Lufkin II Co 5, , i'; , llot t itt1 . ,11.. 11. Ilroctl &Co , i ' D s.' ' l;l:ll% "' ll ' 4 . t .r ttl„. t j.'"'Ph S. 3"'"”' ' Ai 1 Flow 5t...., AC., , I 1'...ri0•'.. lIJIJI to NI floor. No. Ai Fourth -I 11, I ONSto Tl4l, F:ri lIHNNHTT, J y JOHN It h., tqcti.,.., Vet...dent. • H nrcrrfAll.,.llzls. •r tn. I ',.nn..trri.t Are FEla 0ae....1,11 takes plc.:L.sml. at t. Ilmt the .11.2• tr, •tP. ,,t. a:l.L...rit la I • ..r!hba... .ba Fatal, re•.l mi•l Iti ti :11..1 1..0 Ito clatltn. pp. /1.:11,••• ;i% ,07,1/1, • • •11... I•••I i• -1, 1., rt ' T/Idt•:1 All, pa) In N'. Tnn,t . . o the !Harty r• of I.lver Complaint. A 111, a the ,ton.ler hal rtt,,p. w hi. 11. ACI I BITTER, pri....1 - sontent l.long 11.• prt7partt.o..- the ./1111-"Ii tttt • Ar.• no: the I, tt, r• marka bler No.onl. do It , mar v..: rr,Ls IMOTI thr .11,er. , 1 1.., L 1... -Imply w0rL1,,,/ tt ~, .,e t"ll , Ilni• !lot, Iw. It , right I. 111. -i,•4 It , p4o:it.•4 :Iv ilettl , or 31.310. piti F . . 1 ,33•• r n("Mehl ion of Oeullh The •Ick 111,4 3, 11, +u.mn.-t•, pain ia•t Iv. en the shoul.h• nn•i it 'lie Itlght side. 1 ellow stilniston or 1 ite sk Co•t iIIZUOr. u 11, cor Ilia Ile,rl I Fuvut, bud ulu, Nymptotu. VI hick :WI ii• OP 1 , 111..1 t): AI 11, IBM 1,1 "omit ust , l the asslonll 1;11- 1.r.• lon, is at 0n,.. ,if eor anal most genial 1.1 :kiwrlffsit., an .8, faill,1•• dlalm .1,14 p.,w, ...KU.. al: v.. 1 . ..,..••• of habit. 4114, ill/t . proti.ctiu n ine.Mclne. , xlll,h.r 411ner I, Lain. p...0n11.11,. clannur, or WI Rem tt.et; t tever . ttttt . 10 Bitter* 6 re told wbolesale and retail at very low rater nt Nlcudng•e Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, So of Market llt net, corner of the Diamond ru•l Ma/ kat, near fourth atreel. FROM NEW ORLEANS. Megan Trig and Tender Boat Munk La.., I.lo.ooo—Runder, by Negru Moldier• —Returned Nemirow. Enzinrantw—liel• mimeo; to the Philadelphia Contra , New OlU.re Po, dilly St.—. , ailed—net sh e er. dun for New York. Arerverl—T he ',Yearn tug I,one Star. The.ll.grateti and tender tarot trl the New York Mull and Istruttnship t...rontern y, us. .trnek stnelslopq, currying sway all her .to I - ',nerd rode, and sunk lu fourteen reel of water. try the steamer Ilerves, of the Teen. Inn, bout. She Is a LOlal loss, sir Iwits enlists, al qesktre. There nn Insurance. The volllslon oreurrrsl at the ' , out IrWred, Past Roil River paper,. record two more murder. Oy negro soldier., or negroes armored tut s. l-roolr. The parties appear almost every day on the public highway, and rob and aw.assl rime The people have. ,e strong appeal the t 4 nronucdtug tiouerul to stop it, hut In etreetusdy. They now cull a meeting of eltl- LO , T IN. Neither life flint property hr sate. he returned eluigruel, fro., Mee... bre On• . ...Mils,. Eire In Sash, tale lied,for met - leen. L0ri...A.3, Lf.e.lllYer, rule. of I,Toto bales 1, , 0u )11d. records a lire 1 41 .ILI.IMg It. .•.. t I , Illog at .Clo• To-dltSreeerpls are bale.. Sier • rug 1 ,, u1s %t .ll . , Z; Sr. lark sr•loorge is M. par. sl,l,romr. mei Coy, e, I woo., The steamer Potonsna h ashore on the Tex- og store, 411,r33 , /441•01,11, ' err the 10/11111i, 4. 111 10 1.10101 I 10 Twa daiegat loan were spprontr. , l to the bedding torn, ~s ner , ~) the •iol.e^on hot noa occ .qou.l ?dower I :red •• Y. tub and the other by Is Ileuroetudle corn with .rehlies, 1ie..., paper reel 'I to Mitten 11,3. Is ...1111.1...1 st front $15,u1.00 to re,lltorre Ili. The Detrtoerstie ratitwatitel urevilng Makers I ”tr red for *Pyre in the lion.. LoMpaily Sc.. place on Wed her ley. 101 41r 1,, an , l toe Phoonx llsttford Male 11/11 0 00,0, .•11,1 Use ejected /ion, ,fie peril Ines niol the rneenollarlert poured O. barrel olorl 011 010 names FROM CANADA - -....- I Ball BAN Stolen—Beporien tioraps of App..' from the aontla to the North ; Fenian Prisoners Untrue—Cordial Re western People. caption to Hen, Sherman English i Lot is VILLE. July to —The Ontrier tiettiorrou Troop. Arriving. Will pilliihisen appeal from Col. s. C. !told, of Now YORK, July . .—Tb Et Heraluf`sillontreal , New Orleans, to the northwestern 1”.01.11. in dispatch says: I Now The Ne York mall hag dui, , behalf of tile south, urging the renewal 01 . there on Saturday night Was atolen. it In not their set end isaniiierrial political rotations, trolleyed the 1010 In largo, an it in said the mall . . to support President Johnson's policy. contained 110 registered letter.. . The revenue officer.. In this illy seised ono The reported escapeof Fenian prisoners is hundred barrels ef wiiisk v n t the 1/00,14,441011 1 11111.r1.14`. of different inerchanta, sidd I.N. th e Snioel. GellOrnl.Pitiermau met with a cordml romp- of Marion county, 111 fraud of the 1 evenue lion In Montreal on Saturday. Ile arrived at' laws. The guilty parthe w e r e a rrest e d, ~,,,, Quebec nil sunday. ' Sinoelt In default of the bowl resitortsi WWI , Tic l in,thr. Outoma dispatch mays: The commuted to ;all. 1 troops that have recently armed and are still i ,-....- atrlving In LAMM:III, froth England and Eng- ! Expected Veto of the Admission of Ti....' I toh colonial possosslons, are to remain In tho i natiare Reanletiona—lamealate Peace : Provinces, Will none rue to he sent away of [ In Europe Improbable. thotw which were hero previously. College Commencetneitt. SORILMGCTADT, N. Y.. July 7J.—The anneal commAncoment week exercises of tlaton Imre were fully Inaugurated yesterday. To morrow afternoon the Lion. Alexander W. Ontilforu, of Now York, will deliver a eulogy nu Dr. Nett. ?Ave speaking .Will take place et P., o'clock, p. on coMmenoement day. The exorcism will take place on Wednowley. Tim itttornioney on the exercises hi unusually , I.,rgr. Along virmigere ore Preeeld , from All Pasts Wu WM:WY. THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. --NO. 173 EDITIOI, . .. .. . C4IGRESSI(INAI, PROCEEI)INGS I/ mi. as aLsO al: tolls tool 3, nt reset t.t1111121 .. . . IITIT:10,21“ a eltanwe Intl, too/./ /to , : rt./no, of / toot., President. and t ha l•ro./.:ont 01100 -----..-- __ \ S. t s :- . : , . Tot , / July 11, 1../y;, : 1 : ,' ; ':',.: L t ,. 4 ,, , ',',. , ",,` .: *, mr . a Terrine Explosion of n Loco..its eon tt.l:NAl'E aa- :apt on the lahie In 11 , tt . t:;t . .. , :. ,, ttt 0 /t , ta./ 4 ‘ . 1111 ton the P. h. It. nt iliteensbortf—Engineer Ins... Hy Ililllo4l nod Horribly Mang- FOURM,' t/r/tbe. /tulip/I tip the hill to del:tot In. :: .....t. 'll ..‘!,'• :ft'll''ttt'a• lb.' t "tot/ Ii , ::11: lecl—thie Itrtske•Wnn Hilted mitt the O'CLOCK, A. M. • atobber /01 regulate the Appo.nttneni. of 011 - ' '';'," ""' ".. t ..".":.r) . "( ".'": :"". r'' ;' ••: flee... Fatally Injured. , omil t 0u1.., .I __ , ~,,, ~r the Nat 3 , r.eently tvra/al by tho hen- a . t... 1 /1 , / 4 T ' 1 ' 1 . :.. . 1 . / .... o t a l e 'rea t. ' LI- wera oh/ler/al . be ' .".".' ' 4" 1 he Pr '''''''' : "th ":"elte. THE - / Pir,1.::'!;?,;11.,7,4.'.... , r .. '" : .. t. ' .' '''''''.... . ' ; '' ; '...' l ."" t . i '. '". U. 4 "" " j ' '' '''' ' '''' ' . Tt::::'!: '. 'F':::'?rn ::: ''''' ':::''' 1 1 ' 11/ , 11. Nt rro ettneurre.l tn. l'gr 'nil goes tO : In ~...1 an 11.1.1 .t'lle.. ‘7 l.l•l',. .t i r tu . '', : ,' ::t ''' ...et: ' l' l " .. ''. .' ' '' " ' 4 ' ''. ' ' U ' ' 4 '. '..'. 4 ' r.4' ”' ''''''''' 1 ''''. 110. rt./sal/tut. ~,,,,,.,, 0 ,, ~,,L .. os „. ~,,, „,,,,,. ‘j ~, „, ~,„ :tot., e .0/.t0.1 al Ibe -ecotol col% ert ea..l 01 BY TELE'GRAPH. IT , l/trt . t ' , 1./at-4 of t gilt , nlllJi, //I ego ea.: NII, :1.41:1. lto• t nt,/ . II: 11/0/ I•I h/t0 The It.ngtoltett, Io 0 n Illon was tooter /Ile/ea./son al i t he tone of a./1. 1,. II ~,,,,, „„,... ,„ . . Jolittolco n I 111 , 1111 , 1.1 . 5 . LITEST Et 110ITIN 1111 It EN Arrhal of the Steamer Scotia THE TELEGR IPH CABLE SPLICED. ruta, , 4! , iiolo Gable t't.l, ANOTHER SERIOUS BANK SUSPENSION The War in Germany MEE \\loll,l\, \itl,l\ll,l\ =Er. Eilli 1.1 / I ' 4.l Z. ll !trinket Report: ME=IMI =III 1.;t•,11-h ,z,rnitort Th unt. ti: ,:tl. ..! I ~t.l =MEM huitk lb,. 1:;rr, 1111,11ain •, nt• 0•11,1,- vouplilvt: , mt,o, t• la, At• 1111 : 111 :11, • r,. tii.,lL.‘l,.rn z, 1."411. 11 , 1,‘ ot 111,, 11.• ti V1•11:11 .11 ~.11,, 111,,,. /., ; 111 has,. gml.• !IA 111.1 , 110/, ".1 1.11111 1 . 11,,.1, 111111 , 1 11. , 101111,1 k, 11•1411)1111• 11111.. 111 , •“11.• r X ' 1111iX.1,,I• • 1.• 111 :VI .111311,41.11,1`.11 1 11;: 1 / 1 ::11 .2. ... - :11 ' .-1Li 114.1 , " /J 1, 1•,L1L , ,111 11 1- 11.1 11/11,, ra10... I F 5.1••,.„ 1 111.11,11•11111111,,, ' 111 r.•-nt" , ..1 lin s z:. s l " „i t err,-„.u; , ;„,„ , 1'; 311.1 .1.1. 11.11111 I{ F.r 14, men I: I•.ni,a is I his , 1115. . • ru 5.111.1 d 11144,i! 111% Vlll, 1 , /i111111,• ..1 taw N hutl Ilil• X11,111.111...1L I=l ha, I 1..tv.• tratile nlopur,ll •L• I. L I.tg I t..• .tr . 11113 , .!.1p 1,11, S.. • . Th..l illna. t. , otr. :Sew 1,.11. art :11, 1.111 Irt J.• 1.•• lEEE tol:: .•.• l'r I out L..14/on, ,11,10.1 of or, i• Mott r, nol, 1 1 ,, I, Ini 111, • J i.kt. l'ut 1117 E ,I• 7 saznE liE ES MI SEE ME I 1.1. i. /Lk, :I 1111 ".. ttll,i • liE NI. EMNiMi ME ESSE 10.111,0 I- 1,1 z 1:4•11. ti,y A t ,burn :11,1 I ttli tad nto,4/tt tut t - t att.. t p tt•tttl Itittl I t•tt ti tttitt, Iqt,, rolett Its —I. • il i 1.111 11,h --T Lotto', -,a1,.• lrr , lU II.• 1004,, tli Imilng Ogg, 14, and r.‘1,4111 .•r•. Th.'llll,lo I Illti.• 11, , 11/ 110 lot wt.., .kr•• 111 11 , 14,1 i n, ~ r •• I 11 1,11.1.1 I:rratmlufTg •tl,n -te,tils 1 or 11 . /•.rad..ra, ./..;p I. I .01.01 itt 010 11.01.0 } .00 iv, (t• 7.40,:...„ En I. 11.001-03.1 New YOU/I, July XL—Washington spislids to the evening papers say the President Is ox poototl to Veto the Joint resolution udinittliii; Tennessee. Europuon dispatcher received at the Slate Department do not confirm the hopes of un llootedtsto potter. it Is expected that France wtll ho compelled to to the character as a belligerent. TOSIZIONMee Mairi•Latelee. N II V LLGR, July 14.—Tho Tonnesuuu Lure bud u' qubruM to-day. flaYoiccou wow- Lulu unawurlo4; a Ultia UAW". IMM y - - 11,, I'•.r .. If ey (..: I 7 1.1 Menu , . , ., r. ENI =ME 131IMM/1!I I. NI. ••• tr ••••• • •••• • •••••••: It ' • ' ' • • Mal =l2llll _ ~,, ME =I i.g , gig I=l *ll I , inetio,ll o , 4,••rni kj, Nicri gun ,‘ tl,l.•ltex utl.l ulrr. t.,1 I j."41r..n0 zkl MMMI= lls , 'kill gLn.l ..1".11,1‘11111 of Ili.. ,( 1 N , 41.• - kt. AI,. tel. 1,41 to 111.1 I . 111 ]71. I T l lll It.. 1... 1 1 1• 1 1ILIOr I • 1•1:40 I he t,tary 1 . 1,1.11, loa.•tt.;t• 11, , .. 111., Ago•nt.t.t T t, tmn, s•I•IP 11.11.•g1an...; It that 515,. 1.101 14 I 0•It'l!, 111 pa . , It 1.,..nn.t1.1.• 114r11111111 , 51 . lit ht.,' by 1.i1I111,1r1I• 1 , u. 11.1 wbo 1,u11411n1.11 Inc.vllt.,lng I,ln. ',Nom, is, - 15,1., 1.11.1% In 55,51111,11.5 n, 51.51.15n.1,40.1it.g 1 1 .. Ifl1:11/ 11, milli .*I 01.1.1111. v in,r,1515., hat aa.ll rsil/1- pr•nx.i11 1 111,1.411 iort grout!, In any. 4.111 an 55,41 s . fur 1. law fr.. of R. 6 - .•....• ell ~. Kn.] 5.5 5 .01.1...1 r I In ::5 "L n u s rl/ LlOrnollx 1.1 t•T1.1,1555 I .I“itlitg 1•• xt.4 Mr 1::,,, , ak, III:1.1111,d It bill to provide lib ' ,l ~,,e ilte lICIIII 11111bOrled WI.I, WWI, a.! Lab!, i111 , 11,1 1 ,r0.1 11l the t. ,,, ututlille, of the 151, ,,,, ,,,, the ' , tele of tee l'nlon. !e -d.:re!! l't ! ,,,,, I. It colon.. of wool noellOne of the reViri.l 14117 blll 1,1‘,1(.41 by the tlonno hol.l knii.tit ,I i lite Nennte.exeeet tbltt tbe ad ea loreei Wiry Ito reas.el (tom tee to eleven per cent on r w 111101. 1111.1 Ire. wrmll4.ll 1.110.1111- fr 1,1111.1.11 ~,,,41- the ..peetil. Out, In 1.04111CP141 11 !JIM. 1111 1 I, .1 ', 101111 poi polln.l. Mt. M. • 1:111 0 11 1ror0.1 IS resolution that the Hoe., tbeet , I trlng I hi., week al eleven o'elork lb! lake it rlcaeae, ~ ally front 4 , till 7' , „ and that the Iln.t to !11l nues 111 01 - der 111 the evening' gemstone. , shell , toile the epeekere table, widen a n.. /.101114,1 Mr. ( las ku, 'll 116 lio, (aut.! a rosolullon ro. quelling 11. I:!(.1.1.11 to urge 013 tile Cailltd• /I. Hill laontle, Mill I la., MI MO 'trilled( goo n rnmoul, Me Mums° of LI/II Fonlon prluoners recoutly capt rl In Canada, which Iv. «dop l.l ny a votu rI rn yuar 11l II (Inv., !he nogu• (Ives rung! Al 4 (u oi s deraaks and *titian.. Mr. Spaoldu offered It resolution to cause tho pro4oeUtllmaltuted In the United SkILOS ( ourt against he Venison to be dinoontitel, if compatible itll the public intermit-5. Adop ted, Ms, Ashley, of Ohio, offered a resolution for thu appointment Or a select committee 0: 50V en, to widen Al bulls and joint resolutions now pending heforh any committee of the Rouse, and all that mhy hereartor be offered, prow.- imr, an arriondfloont to the Constitution of the United SLatesdrendering any person who has been 4 Vgt 4 4 1 1 ,414 =1 PO/411 , A0 IV a 'octnt PIITSBURGII. TUESDAY. JULY 24, 1866 11.111 00 Dig. r.ot I oiono.la ropr,,l rro.ol.MoMl loo• t 11.• .pf nuo.llng Ilbed IoC tnod ,ktg•,l•• tlllrhuo Falr, t" Lao i„. • of I to• Joni rf t. Irl her Far. 000.0, of Mr.. loitoilor, It. v. itl,lu. t hal ,omato lake It reo.o. four oo.• l .mmto at : consolor .ll., of trout the Corutulttoo of c.con . Mr. Whom a alleal up Llof reardut.on ..eine- and salines loan ura priaonera Oi the„nnminnuon prlee of their rations whilo held. The reanlinion wno panatel and goes 11•1: to Lhe lieu.: for concurrence In the MIO,IOIIIII/ - Mr u•la situl °QOM.:I l, , 1111101: hat 01 I 1 11,11111tIrt• on vac:lineal lie in, 11.0 • •01110 • qatitial anil 10,0.1010 1 1 1 1 11/N1 ty i Wait.. lately In obellion, /1.1.111 nfteilLti Of Ilse 111 111 Irn , i :mint, and Ina: lio Olin full 1000/0 ,1 It 1 11• 1 • 0 4 110. N.lll/ p410.r. The .M 4 Ol l lllOll Nll,l Mi. I handl, Hint IN, lo...ember lin p. 11111,0111111110 nolo Ilni In Intl,. innevi. Brit 1.11 nontrattly Inw.iit I toi [/11,W, Nllll /11. tool lounil• that .I.lly inn ' , nine la, tinder hit•li, 01/1111- tz It.. f. 110111 In, ad .111.11, MN, 11/1 • 111. 11 101N1 NllO . ll 11 1'111011 ..11.11. 11, ilt111”1441 s.i tr. al n II N: 11.1 0 0 :0 0 •11 Si a gilt, .• 111/1: 11 MN , a Iwo. iitit How lAN:. 110 11/01•1114.1.0 ,•1,1 , 1 1110 e adoption iil 11,,. following 1111.1011 rd, Tl.l 16r I .nnltlit o.t.n FoL.•lgn .11tec, 11,,111, Oa. 11, 111 y re , g' o ptltnur lire neutral. y Sir I 11W1111 6, 10 . 100.4,1 and fhe remolui lon it, )11 Trumbull Ito following resohl ill. II NIL. 111illpied Rex', r Ai. I 1,61 ht. r , eri elm) of w r he a I low; 4,1 lo I tro.l. to lo• I I ino, •Inle 11. lii lltot for Ito 0.0. of 1:.. • :.qinelll:ll...l the "t ,t t liter open IL, tet.. , t he I I ea..", 101 ,LIt•I/IP•Pti 11(1( .111(.11,11 P(I 11111,1,41 rt.,...;tri Itttl.l lute lite Kttelt tr • ot• ettecter rll.lnr. ottriele.l se., Inettllik• Iseotor,,. \I: ,I'. 1.11:. . 1 11 1,..• to km,. it .1 P , A,!(•• .1, 1011111 (Pi 1!••• I.• 11(lP.P- P(.• I .i P toe tee— ttettsieit Ile :te t e .• tt 111, et ef I.rt.l.teg to.; 111, 1.. Ink. .111 the 1.111 It r utel ,ttot 1. ettl.l Itertt ',tut; tile itett-ttler., t tett ..; to • [nem...Ate ti leutet re, nod he ...i.e.! ht •eitt.t• t.; tette tt,ttol Sir •.: histt, I .it (Avail ef ;.• att.l no: ot , tl st ottiti ittit..t. I Si 1 ' l lll,l l• .111• •1 1111: lit' , teette vrett.•i 1111 1 , 111 11 • tit 9, h t ought It. e lott•rot.. Sit to. tttt ttt;ol sn ettite-t •I to lb.. t. t- pre-.... leto 11.. wart Itt nit% P.(1.11i, (.(111 Itattftr ttitt owe.. title leotl. Mt.l,lll.rte te. to In%, .•f a turn I. I hitt aa•Pl((s ht. IPK-P1 1.11, (.11( !lin( 111 f. ,11(01•Pf, I• 1 11,1 ill(' 11(P, , l(P•1 (II .11(1.4,110 111.. 1,111,1,1(1 in il (1(111. I.tlltetl lie I M . Inn. W.111..1 • al.to od NI. I , la rt.! . =I . • v.,. unbt,, 1- • - I Inv In,. ;ar, vouz N •u. a ,•,1 1 , ,r pa out ..f u lint . knit , . in un I .• i .. Ile latunsuf t„ 4 tr 4 .n ow t h.ree.es i., ii:. rev •est =ZEE MEE INE NM ME =1 EMICI!I I< 1 MI El ERIE ii.loo• ; tt t., t .a.• I P ....Pt; H tgi 4 4, tn.. • •tt J.• ft., I tttt't r.itt•Alt•tl yttt) r .• oin t rtllrrr'.lll, MI ti,61110,4, MII.I ..1.1114,1 iilMll4llllll/. 11111•.1 kit, ti 1,111 11 111/ I 110 xllllll nxl~ril 111 \1;.1n. k 6 mos 141n1r 1 r 111111. 1 III", =CB 111.111 . 110:110(.. Is.:,,111, tf.u,r IL;;;I Highs ; ,•11ti, NII/C/1•1111V1Ito ole; c•;;;- ,;trrO 111 ;;;, rll~terrl rx, • ..... ;‘,1.; :L;; 4,0: 4 ,prrlcr . Mr. •ANIt;.., ple , ..tiit• .1 ,t; Illk4.11t; tru:r „, Lwow° 11l '"1"- him; I.; 1:14.01 Irtlutvtl t 4•1;;• ;;;;,• I Several P ip 1.1 1 1,1113,1. troll; ~ ,,, r + ft, ;‘;;', n "" '•;'.. leart• ,;( Ith,4•1101. I/I 'lll,llr, .1. till, %..1 . 1,14.Tr I C/Lll,l U{1(11111,1 1 , • 1 'ls it, 11,li 1 I i,;:;,• ,ert• my olgt ll ' lees; ovrt ;,,i;;F ,1 1.11, tit/1151' 14.0.1,31,t tiiu thr le.juro, that n*.ilia,l/1 1 tat. 11,, al , , ~,I,s I hi1 , 14 , 1..1. LI( 1 N 14 ,4..". !, Ml ttulltoi 1 lie 1:1'111111,x11 111.1 .11 tht• ./1,1 11 , 1, 1,11.: 1 .1,41 I lir. -1111 • ,- lost 1,11,, 1 1... t,. 1 • 111, I 11 , 1,• , 1 ?, .151,•ru0, f . 1..11•11, 1,1 01 . 1.11 .1 , 0 11 ,1 11. -1 1011 ../ . 1 " 11.1 I . P1'1411(11, hal ....111 a , au ..1 a• inre0 1, ••••1 • I" ''• j. a , • lam ..I,lxll, 11 1.,...1,11 1 ,1 11, 1 1 ' 0/14 1,411111% zl, .1 1.,•11”,, 1 'lug %hiring tn, 1.1-1 tow 1.1,•1111.1 ""'"ut.', not 101 ~1 11.11,1 (0 i0, ,, •,111A11,5, 1111111 T 11 ".. Part "' a' aa a' al. , t int,• I,nl n,n, ~1 1.1, "unu" ,, '" aa•l si,“ .1 .0. th.clartal It'll 1 ,, / ,•,.1. •• ..lkit 11111 1 1 ,11. •1,., 11,. I 1 .IE/111,• I'll' ,1•1,,,11 " ' 1 ” 1 ' 1 I I II .•" : • 1:114.1 ' ''•'• 11.1 ' [h. 11/1 11, Rllll, ~ 1 NI, 111. 1, 11. k. apv.,l litl.l 111/1, 1 lio• la I 1 • 1'.1]...:J r,L .t1111e,” 111,• . ^ ' , l' ra , 0-1 11 ar 1 ra. .• a:, 1 ft, Tilt , -0,1,1 , amendment 11. 11”, I•il "`" t d I 141 n 1,4,i111 . 1 111 110'0 ,1 : . "” 'l - I,' 2,,ltlars opl.tillical a l,l .' 1,1 .• 1111[1,1 , 1 I : , 011.1 Ila,l • 1 • :". '" nn nn n •l' •. nn ' n nnnnnv I nn..4nnnn nn 1 . " n en nn. n nl n l "nn .k .1• 1'1 , 1 , •• 11,.• 1,1 1.. 1 "f 'IIIllne ,••• • • resn' n n• •l, n" 1101 1 11 : 111 , 11, 1 ,1 n n . : 111 1.1 "II 11”• o•tas , gl,4llt ....11c M 1101,4 11 It lb.. 4,11 1,1 If,lll La! 1 ht. 11 1 ~,• 1tic111 , 4, , 1 1 1 1 , m, rUttit,,,,, LI 1.1 I' SI. r 1 1 . Fholl WASIIINGTON. Cllftl,.rfl It. iirt.o , l4lyn. The I t I , ltrdstlestl, lit , L. 4orre,tr,l I.y oata ......... rg• 1..1 1..-• lay. 11 1 01,1, 11 , •11.1 , 1 1 11.• •(11...troesule..1 ipotgre... n , r 1 . ;111,h .1101,111!V i.a. Snlortim, . ret.01.,•4.4, 1.•,1•1a to re 1., Ihe 111111. rill Ili:. 1111,1 LIP tillstlllialgttsni . 1 . 1 11 1 .1.41115,11 - 11'1,11[1,111 i•arelm. it. it I, v6el • eatnios . —*Pltig• 4 4 131J141 , 4411.44(.4 . 111,4-- iri . llll3 [opt 1.1,111•11 1/enth.. 1., hiulera Say ntlßiatta. nß.llinws Slid 44.4. AillOr111•3 1.6.5.g•ral %tan!.‘ . .114 •1. 11,. lit :4. I 1, 11 111 ,, t 11. 144`j41 . 441,41 (till. .1 ipp,•••••ti '‘',•- • t nlt lltt.pott ro•41 =Ell MEE 11, repot 1.1”, al 1 , . tult..ll ~,,, to R.. Editor. •1 . 1•••• , 4 I .., nitl t.k1..• rt,p0tt,1,.,.1% .... !. ..1 tt`o mgt. frOnt I'lllin'l,ll.l. t.t -.111 I ..III.i M: " ♦ n 1 . Ui..l ' lik II Maa, = II . I I J i lin .1 s A ii• : I ..r•ii!..•ll , 111.. 111 . I. Ell EMI N N 1 n.t I .... '~~:' .~ ;> ' ' ", "t#' ", ..f i/.11 T. lA , 11,1 I ' 11 EllII \ik.~ BE EMI! -•••••- FROM \EII I ulth. Tho Choleen In 5.., 1 orla Ernlgran I • A rri• - Ilullrr •1,. u 1..4,1 pi ..... • for II nn.141 I riAn. - OporntlOkl% 11.1 Lb, ==ti=M=Ml!l EWA I 4.1••• .111 .1. tt to li•itlyte• .1 - mg : ,• • .•1. .11 /1” 11.111.1•1 1,1 ,14 tkr, .41 es,. 1) ,, ,t 111.• t1 1 Th.• I , c, 1 , ,T, Hu) 1), lit 11,11,1•, the .1, Jou 11-hk) , ) 1,““), pa, ,e 1 II) r 11 Illi, ••.‘lll. 11.171 g Oltlo•r. Con. that 'lie imoplo 1.110 1104a11111.1•1010.1 isl 000 1/ k o !el 11 IT01 . 011 10 rowarl for ..,„ tlO. .1011'1111.0.n 111.• lintnan !leash. ‘‘ 1.11 oreol nat. 1.1 It to 1.11, .1 tllO 11 1000 d S/11 ." n 1 :al,llllO 1' 000 1 0 0 lenig Ike... tnor.lerors ...a, 101 aat. WOlllll /101 ftancy I hut Ir. too.: 11110 (01 001 I 00 11101 /1;11,10 o their II 111 . 111.,h .1,4,1 the /001 I• 11 bn!.. Illeir 111110 1011111- 011101 ft" 01 /1010 Opp / 1101111 y 11/ 1 . 11/0/11. 1.1101: 010 10' 1 /1 0 11' 10 •10011 1 11 11 '10111111 /101 It I. 11111.1114. vi,llll HI 1111. , cat.,.• wa , tt ttinovent WAIL 1.1.1 an•l 11111, 11.0 111 1 10, I.ONt ,he . ..hood no, . 0101 1111LN 10101,1. Irk 1..) % " t. " , 13 fol xellll at.. .1,1114 alolitylll offering lutlL/1 01101 i tilf• east, wo 1 . 1111 allrlisle gc.s.l 1010001 The Crop. In Month t'aritlit.ll. for n o _gllgeneo. If ta .r.; IR, hills! joy iron, ! If ...I be ”lieretl ao.lor 111111 1110 long 11: /10 1. 11011/1 01 1111 e 011110 1,1111,1011 1110 01110 n." 1" 11l l/I"nn .°'l,l • 1°70,0", tint guilty ,Fetellon 11l tall prol.Wllly %, ill The Injury hit,. 1...,.,1 1. • 1 1 1.. r IA 11111 Ifrain and 1.1.11010 1.80, etin,1.14 . 1 - 0,1 ~„„1 Turin City I,ltbrientin&tolle 111. , 1, 1 , •1.0 r,,aama o l . In 111 unmellanlsir and ouglueora. le .11roeled 10 finurlYhlfs eund It 1001. !Ai° IttlN 1,10401110111 of 1110 T. lit City lrll Oal "`"••• •-• • ... • ••• •. Till. itl/:11•i klt 1 1 , 11•111 It II I), 1,1 I• U the batlei, :Led het Ize hr. ie lo seo , •l hy Ihe 1,"111/11.-,14011 cholera& ler.tietal Th.. A .eltrle.tra 11, .111 Li , („I 111 c the heeehl ..f t.,- t.tui urn,l. In II10.6:,11.1114, el% uttloy . , for n i,lllltitlN til Ili., n•n, ct• In It uri.1...1 , 0ve3.13..,111 (10141 cloned nt Vmv„. 1111•11 [tepee, 111 nuottlur column Tilt, company 11.1'0 I ilti nolo manufacturer:, of a nom- Tow-liont iiorges Ronk her of very ntonolot brand,. of lutfronttina oda Maur. 14. J 23— Tb" t " w- '" u " whirl , ale filth - urn/lily pronounced equal tt not tile ktlaal•e.tpid ttliny Tranaffortatlon Cone aoperior to any now in one They am propare , / pony, with hat, berg., of uraln 1111.1 to WI ordrra at the altorte,d House nt nowt bletiot from st, 1.0111, , for Nrx to lean.-.truck ren e en o l.lo Wt, vone_ne n e the 1 , 1 1, men _ .nag oil Herd Island. Ili, re,derolut . foul funkurartUrol by the T.ll, t Ity Cottomuy to 511g1- 0112 Or carrying down two barge, Thu tenor 11n1111112.10neda g , o,t lumen having loan In unit sown. charge of 1112, bwenteo.uo, efoupany are Flour honorable 111141 LI tot storttly 0,11 in every Stlll la Wheeling Destroyed. A lly. wort by of unto patronage of tin. uond t e t - WIIGIRL.I,IIII, Va., July o ft —TI ext. - nuttye flour nil Y . mill 0( lit•Nelrn. ihstWiiir h ‘.O. WWI unttroly doutro)ed by Orr on Saturday utorning Thu Held to Answer. loan !y eetimated at pheith itnowed for 1120.1 a John /wefts resides on Roberts street, In the folpflOatalLO have, LeonUM work Or an Inner tri seventh ward. Lk:airing to repair It 1)0111012 IMAXY. of his house lie procured a los,l of lumber and !Liver and Weatber at I.onlavllle. placed IL In front of his lot until such times as Lootsvii.x.s, July 23.—Thu river Is falling, be would use It. Some days since it portion of With three feet and child Inches of water In It fell Into the gutter, obstructing its° that the the canal. Weather rainy this afternoon; It It now oloody. Mercury, . recent heavy mine caused a large pond there which tinnily burst and ran into the cellar of John Idishiurray, doing considerable damage Races Natal...sod. to the building. Owens, refusing to compel,. Y.,Jaly tbe tools of auto llicllurruy, for the injury suatained was ilia wont have been ppt over one da3 owing arrested yesterday and brought before Alder to 1110 rain, throwing the last ono londay man Taylor, Who held him in }'XD to answer at 4)1110.11, woof, 10oart. 1111= CITY AND SUBURBAN. Addiu..."l Local Mutt..., cm Third Page ~,, ~' ,_~ , 111.. 1: ~ I,i ~~v .. 1 IMIM = MIME IE IN BEM =I NM Visual Aerldent ♦ nall 411./ •i 11,10 01 . 111.1 1 . . 1 ,1111 1 , 11 1 . 14 11- /1i,.111 Ora 1:o• .o I Ito: .0..1n.•1 to !Ito a- to ott lo lo• t—oiroot. in o ;oat of I.i: Poon It, go...tomono,' no• 11 11 ••1- 11 11 . 111 11111111 It . 1 11, I,ITH 111, 1 1 101/ .Lllll il`l , l oto broken, 411110 1/11, 14i 1,4 1 1 1, /l• ..,,Ato•.l :door, to 1.4,, 1 1 1, 111) 1 111 1 .1 1 11111. /L• 1 111i11/11l,•1 :it lo• tow , /1111111,11,1‘.1, aitl . l h,.,. 1 „ 1111. , .. ,:t. 1 , 1 1 1 nu , . I 1, hg " 11 ' "' "". ot t ho 1 11111/Iltil 11/'l//11/Llrll. /111 IMIM FROM GREENSBURG Ono of lon Ho. othor unariv Lool r. 'toad 11.1. In ..f • M ~1.~~ =EI \•.•1. 1 I' I I tt•t sir. MEE 11. NI, i11ar,..%1 with Itignmy =EI MEI \ ' , 1.. I zai. A %•.1110./lIN MEM! lIESICIE ill I/I ill I Illitt iitill•/ 41111, I= PRICE THREE CENTs The 'Wheel) ne n eller %tie neer ‘,.• 1.1.1r.w artt.•:.: 1 . 0 1,: , :.• tit , / mtnililltled , :I;, ht • • I lizr 1•11 1!1, ••IJ, ••,1 •••u;1•1:c. . 11,41, of ono ol 11••rt,I•i, r•,•••!:.••• I hul. seldom, it•ti min./ 1, o fIt•to ,t) ./11•I• tilit l / 1 •••. ha- I .L;1••••.4•41 oi horeq.)l", so .htx•ii, HI, 1., I I hi. ••tniiin 1.,1 limit. 11, • •IL•••plii . ... I r r 11t o•It•lit :mg.,. of ••, cal.,. .1,, 11,11,1:81I ,rf he itint4ler 0.1 51n; y ./ ane Itold r al a1....11 Len ll a hao', 1e..• k td, A 1 in, 111 lilt• 411(11 11 0111V 4 4,11. /1.t.• b. I Nri•ll 11url.et and :11..ra alslo. lii ~011 10141 10 I ha' rear (.1 Ile 1.00 -Lean) :to .lan,• t 1k Ir, RAM:, a halt.' on 1.11, l• Hale 11.. U). and 11 nail 4•!. II: t ric,ffion. r.g , ke•rsldet-erttaint..l ..1111/1, 1 / 1 1.11 t:••r ttt Itattl 11.11•/11:11111111/L14,i, .1 1. , I lh• P • NI. And sent litr .I,t-t r:: l'• Ile Ttityrt4l,ll, WILI: •11‘111V• tiIIIPL. ...-. MINI .• 11 , 1-“app4 ,spl 2.4..212. M 22. 31, 1(.1,1.... 1.,.51.e 2..1.22. 11,111 0 •• 1..?1,.• Mr- to ip.!•s ...111525.1• '‘t 100-n• 1 10, 11.1,1,4 P. :I ;,..• 3115 w 2.2.1 22.10 . r pl NI, ..1••• !wok.,Hit rrtevn pppuns.. .101.•. I•• I'l, .16,1 NIAr3 1 2 , 1111 e 22.012 e• . 2 2 25 2,55.2 , 2 , V.V22. 112 11. e 2 222 . '"" 1 2..'1t• 2202..12.2 ...12 222 2.2••• . .1 222121222 22 ,2 , 1 20 2 , 2212 200 ell .2 , 2 , e.‘21" e 2 2 .1. Mr, 1212.2 Appel •11 2 2.1 11. 22222.. e. 1212. 2221 l 111.2 1122 10 122 e ..pr p/ I 20 NI,. ,•; hr. -11 t, 12122 .- log •11.) , •”;11.41 11. Paul, agek Mr+ Itpl , ll, ur ILP ;Len... :die) 002 01 -h.. Mr, /:22/ I/ Is• atom, alp! : pv.“ Lew., lag ~ p rpr.Pp.l, 11.1 -.tit,. Is 1.e.. 2.12 11 the 2222211, Wei 111 r. 211 12Ie• 22.•.5.1 'he 2,02.2122Vel 120,22 tin.l Ilp• 1.11iIt• 1,1 h.- 1.; 11, 1 ,. - • r, guaPl. II °ante. IL. .:t•anand t . f o . oPt tzl24t nal:writ In '4,4. tlt.,•rliamn lAlkt•rrl, who .••• I , 1 I/HII.I .4 I xpped in I a hut,, balt•ll,, • sal eni r black 4...nt, light %eat, - 0.1 lilt, nr.• nt.t In 1,11 t111 . 1 . 1 . 01171%1 a. k.. 1.1, al, No I, ge.,.1 1114 e.ca.. V. W * lhonapwon & luworanee &gong 11 trlrt "ur rreolors trf the enr , l "1 )11,r, The. , npsol, (,11111 lurk,.. 111/Lm tug. =IMII a • 5111.,11.y to t..11.k.• ,al, Ti.,, 1,1,1 w tiw -isitturl• 1.4 1 , 1110 , 14. 0 4 , 11111,111;• I: , t 1.!,. C01n1.311y..,1 1.1 . Nor V • reii•ut I orrlpur ••I hart lord, t., onni . / . 11.”.1 Ftrt• 1115tIrliN otnprtn., 11. tEor.l, l.t Non6oybuol F. I “..trallf, otopwt). Ii tri ' lint I o terotntlltibtl LIP MEM 1,1, ,11.111,..,. , 1 1111.11/1 . ., 4.1 111, /LI, 1. T ..,, tutel..l, 111 g slid fn.! , 1.,11,, ;,•ntltrti Tli..:. takt. it,,•. I11~• ILOCI•iellI /111.!11.14.1.j114 ...., ,„•,,,....„•.,„., u.u,.,•. or .....,p, L.,„ .10.,,1 !A v., I ha•to wit 11 a, call I.r.realy - A,. H•orlro, N.l 1,4 to/zu ”11.. 1:11,11•••1 ..! I 5.1. tt, I ii•• .I.lk titol 4 01 I.int hot ge•[ 11.11 Inlter w . ,P 14.1101, h ~ I' ' ' ~.. ~.~~ Ttirrnietse.l to ibtott,it tier ‘ 1 10.4• - II =MEI ro•is !an las n .~q ui.. 1.11 i %I .;'. a , 1:1I).• 1 1 .1 11..11 ' , K.. n t. it,tl ItPl 1.11 tho 1•1•1,, 11,1;111,1 LaS Ilse Hail lc. In Neighed _ a.. 11..t.,14iit '4o; II" =Eli MMM t Eottotrilat, Iltrlllarregot.-11,1..1, tt , I, 11 ,lii.ttik 111.• / .11, ••, tit, • t•I • 11..4t , 1,1, , 1,1,41 11,, 11, , tz, , ,, , 1 I ~ •a' 11,1,.:11 • ...OP, It •P A 1.11..1....-L7hor -1 . ••••!1.,;:•, I: :al: , t. • ni , •011/1, , 114,1•1 (1,11 Ilastieartng.— 0ni.,1 4.r .... ~1 haul ./ iiito -I 1.11 1 • • 1111,1 hofort. I,oli . ',till •,4•1•••/ I CL.11111111,•,1 I )1111 tO! 1111.1 tst. 1.1, heat Lri'm 11.4. l,ltinott. NI Utlill 11 =I rr,lll 1:.. 10, 1 it.i riz 032 E 1 4 Nlinp.. • ..r, ,i 1 1 1r11.. rl. S 1 .1 of 13..11 .pit. ,1,•1 to attl.t..l Vd11.1.5 F. 1 . .11 A 11l r,55, Wild.... a. 5. 111.1.5. I r Sa.ur.l, .•1ng..1,• 2.. 11%1( I and ,•,tnn• Ft, ..116 taki. 111 - 16..1.1% =MEI NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, I DA C ET Ell T.—The b1.•./11111. the largest aero,, bro. , ace IA Ode, /1/ C . ‘4ll u lll • nated New I.rtg hi on road. ludtu•ltAtels pu•rll , • A lira lo / Pus ml p, mot. or ',luny 0 t. 4 .1. r 1" .t. I . lru, L a • El FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN I_)Eltrril..K.EßS 'No. I96Stnicjilield St, vor. tta, En t ranre from 01. - tontt Streel,l X ' X ' X ' a s *lNElll2l - I = LGNET. PAS.— AND 131 bANDIft•itY .11 • 111f.t.T. A PA. A LEA. AIKEN, TY IVI7 ELPLT.4 I I.3BV—TOXI.,, No 146 Fourth .trent, l'lttaborgh. l'a. llrFl OS of all 10 Ja, (ILA 1 31.UVEN, and rear. duserlpth n 0f Funeral lourn,sning moona lurniantyl. Wanes up..n 1. •u d nig 1,, Seam.: and Carriages funatabe HaranariCael— hey. Dayld Herr, 1,. b., )tee. m W. JaLonna. Thomas Swing, Esq.„lane,n Killer. If. o . . , T. D HITE & CO., UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Wood's Hen and vicinity. COFF IN ROOMS AI MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE. Darner ea !gowned,/ Rad Chanters streets. nese and Carriages fttrulahed. norMlvd BILLIARDS! BILLIARDS ! ! 7 ZI 8 173:1=1 17. 3Er..SX...T_. Itespect'elly announces to els plead, an (hr pu 4- lie generally, that he us) ust openedbl• new and COMllloliilll3o IsILLIA n RD 15U0110, O . l‘N rlk I.4Dr.ii.TY AND Sr. CLAM STILEETs., ,'rot from Si, Clair. The tables are new, and construct ed In the mos. approved and eleg nt style, and All the appurtenances .ire new and complete. Every thing which may conduce to the pleasure and, syloy meut of Wei 'odious Rill lIIL Rautded. tayilatit THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. (I,i V. LW , . ENll,‘ . • ....... I'l.t Itw ..Y'.. \ AS it I i ttt n, !. NEW A.D VERTISE:q . NT -1. - •,;0.1111:1111.1 G ( L4OIIES' AND /TENT'S N7V-1-1-r.rCita3. 371;7"X r,.L. T. vv-xm.Z7-sir-4:is 111ENIIIEfti.i OF THE DIY : • 1C11101.,0N laberL, I \ Tr. I: OUPSIA icy 01 PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY *PLAt Lit A lichAY, 111131110 11REIIERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, P1TP.111114.11, NA. ItOIIERT AT4()N, •. REMOI .11 111+” r an". . r,iiii I GO. Sin ith field Sleret. IGO JOHN ZWEIDINGER Nit. I fill Smitltfie•ld Sti eet Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, ROI :...,T}.1 . 111.1. M. 01" i liieSinkcr,',cal and 11(11 a I Engraver, r, rii p!:11:1 SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, :111.1 ari!, s3' NI.. 1 or. Dia d 1 V IT! Tit IT! NI 11.1.' 'lthl NI. I'OIII I ER • g 0, =I I sl, LIV Eltl ''l' 4.1512 E., )101111.1M) & 427 Liberty Street. 1i i' EUIOR 04K TIN El). PAT . FN, lEEE. eau 1(1%).1p,, BELl'INii IND HOSE, HA_EtTLEY, PHELPS & Co. I= A.. SE!. a I r. LUh.,