&I►,l~rtti nt 0.1 111.1-) 1 1 . . 1, IL. :‘ ' ..(1 A . REED 6c i.O N t \ MEM MA'angers 1.'1i.1 I ‘loi REY! BUM NOMINATIONS I= PtIAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, I=l WA NI UF.I. B. IEI. I 1111 !V. U. BROWN, Ilamptnn LEX &NI 11 ER II [LANDS, city EN HY VELY. City ii..GILA Y. Pinm Tp ALhi 41S aI.V. n GI.ANN. City. W11.1401V, Pitt Tp.: Y. reeliEli. North Fayette Tp va.4.Dwaos, comm. Tp. • LE.z.a.o rsTitakitom Tp. City. NW:110 12:QUALITY loften see this phrase in Democratic pets, nod are really at a loss to EEC kn. 1 , 4 those what LS meant by it, or 'whether vho te , e it Lave a definite conception lea they intend to convey. Equa IMIM Ity dn.' than a! not exist among negroes any more 'long white people. They vary as much* weiglit, form, temperament, capa bilities, aptitudes and habits as individuals belonging to other races. Some of them are honest, truthful and industrious; while others are the reverse. In We days of sla very, the auction block was the genuine test of these differences. Every patriarch and slave trader knew that negroes were not equal, mid they graduated their bids cc eording to the value of the particular men, Women and children put up for sale. Blacks, in their social and business inter emirse with each other, recognize and en force a great many distinctions; some foun ded on wealth; souse on education; some on genius; and so on, almost endlessly. White folk are not equal. indeed, they protein diversities still mitre strongly mark ed Wan the blacks. There are greater extremes of high and, low, rich and poor, wise and foolish, learned and unlearned, among them than any other race whatever.- This is because, having risen higher in the Eulle of civilization, there is a broader dis tance between the two extremes of society in the white race than any other. Pretty nearly all the white men to this country are voters. Yet voting does not make them equal except in that particular act. Ar oral' BELMON T iS a democrat. A money baron of that particular persuasion. A keen business man ana carefully trained in some departments, aside from business, and which a give grace and zest to the lavish use of money, Re does not institute social equality between himself and hundreds of „democrats whom he meets at the hustings. He would not remain a_ democrat Tong. if social equality was implied in the idea of democracy. He has no thought asinviting an uncouth, unkempt, Ignsrant fellow to put his legs under his mahogany because they /seat as Palitia':a sovereigns at the polls and vote th, garde ticket. Indeed, it is cast' to 'lay that, as Mr. BErstoisr is a gig- I . o lll=n, if he was forced to make choice bf the companionship of a white loafer or of Mr. FEEDEMICE. Dorukass, Le would select the latter, while, if left lo himself lm would take twitter. Nor is any genu inely democratic idea violated, either in letter or spirit, by such discrimination. Democracy defines and regulates political rights; not social privileges. Indeed, it is palpable that the attrac tions and repulsions which prescribe and adjust social intercourse, aro exceedingly delicate and almost indefinable_ Every Man-and woman is conscious of knowing persons whose perfect respectability they do not question, ;whose equality with themselves, or even superiority, they do not deny, and yet towards whom they are not drawn, hut from them rather repelled. it is this innate and invincible lair of affin ity that determines social intercourse, and all artificial rules are impotent to circum vent_ 14 We have never found a man who was quite willing to confess he was at the bottom of society. In his charitable judg ment bf his own cuss ; vhatever his neigh bors might think, there were persons more depraved or dChaied than be. And this self-deception,' if it must be called such, has its uses. It leaves alive a spark of pride, that may possibly be :kindled into it flame of genuine self-respect,. Until at least one witite Enna. shall be' found who actually feels that all the rueitv hers of his own race are social equals; that there are none above and none below him; there seems to be little reason to fear the advent of social equalifllletween different rapes, which are kept apart by adventitious or natural repugnance so strong as thus far to be modified neither by suggestion of reason nor inculesiti*of .rellgion. Those Who indulge in, apprehensions olthe reign of - equality in social life have measured Most. atiperficially the phenomena society unfoldsrthe gradations apon which it c dais'' the inflexibility of ita exactions; and the severities it always has in reserve for - the contumacious—ar, they must be those whose own social suuollag is so equivocal and Precarious as to start the ainsclousuess that it is liable to be carried by the 13.11.4111/1 of the first bola invader.. They whose position is assured; who feel an'absoluto certainty of it; do not feel they mut be, compromised by occasional or ex ceptional 'contact with infaiionS, nor .are they in trepidation lea they'. hall „be made to share their stools of honor with uncoil. genial dompaolona. The position, they bolalil.st of 111-things in their thoughts. The people who are always protesting against "negro equality' ' those - Who have- - A lurking suspleibit- thati.xt educated and pure.minded black ?, man might not be complimented by a_proffer of intimacy with them._ t , • .T.uz Butler Citicart is tlatitel3oo our journal give some attention tothe'question -of political equity, in its beating upon the • Senatorial contest, hat - urges tint Alleghe ny Cpinity:doeS not embrace all of West ern Pennsylvania. We never held such an opinion., The • Allegheny_ .gounusins are the dividies bee, ,and we claim no more in this *Vass for a citizen of Alle ghent than we do For any, gentleman of ther„rtelihiate!ittg_cetteties., simply m't gun that a western or - north - western , Man 'should lie choice orthe State. for i:3Cpll - A lf . * demand Up made the right ef the Teat,. l ,4 4.6lthiraL will;,. in all piointinnty ;be - regirdeA' tito proper candidate 4:att . Aro, Maned, - ity r f,lwaoioctfona As-yet - lie haiM exPressed," no hidilldual , preference;' but: have;eo4 , tined ourselves to the stivle - riglit'bryiiii) • ;Rot to= the; Senatorial, ia1(4124. bithuolonoreil ctistMu hb. ,bocit the pa. MIMI - rule of -the' - MMlii==ll:=M _ t . ';c:=dl 4, e 2 t=t I II I . I.N. IA I 111 I. 111 'VI •d • !•, lr ..r •,. k X . ' , ... • : )5 , ,,t... 0 .. o =ll EMU= 1e ,, a7 , 111 , L1 ' I =ME ip•xl t Mil “4 1Ca11.% ;Ir.1.1::, ti. - lilt. II Xi 110, In=l Tnin It, MUM. 111 , I c• ,; , ra, they ,uwe ~ht: tin s% to! Z Li•y utu>t !eitp. /Uly IWE) r' see bet !,1 dry laration attributed '0 )!L. SLI, A 1.70 .tll , l the uflirmation tie Tto..“ 1. Tit, phiet, the den,olivtlient DCA( DO. eth her. while the latter sends it over another year 2. 11r. SEWARD doe, not say or iv, mistakably imply that disloyal men are to he admitted into Congress under the Prwo .:••ntett. prottramme, while the Time,: • k. 0,, II NV se; they I.IIINOC, OZI et, \ ~ shin. They have already shown wh a t t h ey "please - to do in that regard, and hence the delay and ,notion of Congress, of which complaint is made. They have chosen as senators and Representatives most notori ous and unrepentant rebels, and rely upon the President's help to ultimately get them in. Their counting on the President is not only reasonable in itself, but is doubtless sustained by private assurances, True, lie talks vaguely about the admission of loyal moil, and of such only; but when the meaning he attaches to loyalty is scanned, it is apparent he does not mean to exclude arybody. According to his definition, any man is loyal, no matter what his anteee dents may he, who is now ready to take an oath to support the Constitution and the Laws. Under ordinary circumstances, this would, indeed. be sufficient. Before the war no more was exacted. But the ex isting situation is peculiar. Many of the men who are nov septa in Con. gress from the Southern States were in public life when the rebellion was plotted 'and in operation. They trete under the obligetioi of oaths, volt4ttakily taken, to '.support.the Constitution anti Maintain the Union inviolate, They Inedred the guilt of perjury by violating their oaths. They are now ready to swear over again, and -take new leases of public life. The Presi dent is ready to lease them; but Congress 'hesitates. The masses of bye] men 110,4- itate; because they see no weightier reasons ;for trusting these men than before. Congress insists on permanent barriers :.compelling these men "to take back seats." It is for- doing precisely what the Presi dent, before his fall, declared, over and over again, ought to be done. Congress did not alienate itself from the President, but the President, in the face of all the world, marched over into the camp of the rebels and Copperheads, and has ever since been denouncing Congress for declining to follow. =TECCES —People sleep out of doors in Reading. —The English ex-champion, Tom King, has committed matrimony., —3laretzek employs forty seamstresses 'clanking costumes for coming operas. —Ginseppeahlaini, a bakeruf Forli, has nine sons serving in the Italian army. —M. Julep, sculptor and member of the 'Faris Academy of Fine Arts, Is dead. The Young Men's Christian Association of Lebanon, has organised a base-ball club. —July the 31st, the Pennsylvania State Teachers' Association meets at Gettysburg. —A large poisonous snake was killed in one of the streets of Harrisburg on Mon day. —"Gail natalllon" is sister of General Dodge, recently noluinated for Congressin lowa. —A congregation of colored Roman Catholics have purchased a church in Cin cinnati. —The stage of Niblo's m 4 rtlen is to be replaced by one built after th newest Par isian models. —The Jordan of- the Mo OUS has been overflowing their fields a d carrying off their houses. —The glass cup for the 11 'est baby was taken by George H. Bond f l of the Yale Class of 1868. —A delegation of Philadelphia Alder men on a tour of recreation, are sojourning at Cincinnati. —Thewarin Prussia has caused such a scarcity of labor that women are employed In repairing railroads. —The Free Masons of Brooklyn, New York, are about to builtl i ,a Alirble hall 200 feet front and 110 feet deep. —The Louisiana rattan crop is estima ted at. one million hales. The sugar crop at sixty thousand hogshead& —About seven thouband Standivians have passed through otth:rago this season for Mittneseta,'and more are cipected. —The ladies Of Paris have to bold fashlonable tasemblies for the purpose or preparing:lint to be sent to the 4heatro of rc: war. .-2(ew,Tork is to have.aBtatei l nstaution for the.blind, located at Batavia ',that will cost.V.oo,Uoo, and ac.commot i la 1200 per sona•' — Xi/ idatest . at the Trees! that the actual reduction- in the pried] ol the public debt inr* 'd was' n I.k twenty Millions. H.4.laaan named Maier:was arrested in .ineksod, Miss., on the, 16th for a. double murder committed in New Orleans in the summer of 1868.. • ' • ' • --:-Presldent Johnson "bilk hporitoltd the ientenee pronounced upon Paymmaet Paul • ding, 'imprisonittent for one year in pot ,IttcHenrV and triliie bf ;55,000.• lie '.of Fremont, Sandusky county,u Ohio, was promotedto the rank of city Of the '; Wand yesterday, ac lording to; the forms of the statute. ditkase is raging among the horses nt'Corpus Christi, Texas. They are attacked-with a severe swelling ofthe legs and supperatio; which soon spreads and kills them. —A. prize fight is to take place in„,the neighborhood of Washington on the, 2Pth inst., betweetrEnglisb, or Baltimore, and Bolster, of - Wasbington. Both of these roeit have ;been whipped by, Collier. —An Accident occurred in Essex County, aoMe eight or ten daka ago, on th a farm of Mr. B. P. Waring,. by the bursting of a' obeli, which caused the death, instant. ly,Or,fotir *rbroi; and the narrow escape of .two or.three others. -; =Airiohi'otiMr hichlents okhe Portland fire, it is said that a man who had been locked:9W „Mll;islept AL:Ought the fire in hist:oli althettgit tigibuilding was burned over , his- lies& He was' illscharged the next nidrigailtitsintrbeed "tried by fire:" '• —Atli late meeting of the National Con rention,orplaitireis, at ,PhillidelphM, a re- Port. adopted iigainst.the "lumping" system, and-recommending that all con tracts for plastirring be made 'directly with owners of.beur;c4._ Tha - . eight hour, question was leleafteen& icieletyto determine for- It. —The'ether night tinlored swains went Beremugrigin, lit. lonia; when a den , apron, between them arid onft man was. 80 'badly injured that be. hid to..bn carried home by 116 comrades; it. person witness- Jag the oroceseion and seein g the base viol ,„op s oa it to - Jai a „coffin, which; en telling others ' own paned 'conalderablomystery , movement, by- - .withers of Illinois to raiseit ftmtl'at $4 0 90 0 9 to atoett , hentf foritififlit:dfid,f.r o p Alreiay.47o, of i 1 amount b eat aubsditied and the remainder la expected to be.Xiaffekkrq.43liii islatiarcc;in olexinary , :;..Thiatleetufalcing the largeistaabsetrden*llt444XllWtx! kocaticiti of VIM . re , 1 111011112 111, t•,,0, aliol upon hill .1111 : The t.in• 11,-•ern Railway 1,6 WI, I. in .1111 Y an :Ivrea-, ove: I $4,3::f I i“. in the Grand Trunk Rail tiral Week in July We•re an increase over 186:i of $7,5. - di The Marietta and Cincinnati Railroad Burned 11113 first week in July $21,39-1, a de crease from 1 , 65 01 #l,iCtS. Since January I, a decrease of • and :Mississippi Railroad earned dune a decrease from I.ti": of t 50,535. Since Januarli, 1, $1,654.,:iti0.73, a decrease from ltSli of *24,517.1i0 The Chicago and North Western Railway Company earned the second week in June iilfil,Sso.lltl, an increase of t IY , I I 5.15. The stockholders of the Cincinnati, Han, ilton and Dayton Railroad have agreed to increase the capital stock $400,000, —The reward of one thousand dollars offered for the arrest of Probst was dis. tributed by the Committee of Councils on Pollee, in four amounts of two hundred and filly dollars each, to the three offleels who captured him at Market street bridge, and to davol , Price, the lad at the Naval Asylum, who first gave the inb , rination that the prisoner had lost a thumb—that being the tarcutustance by whien he was identified. It was eminently proper that Price should be thus rewarded, not only bemuse he was justly entitled to the sum bestowed, hot becauae his reception of it may stimulate many citizens hereafter to promptly communicate intelligence affect ing impormut criminal cases to the proper authorities. —lt is ?stated as a striking instance of the forethought displayed in the Prussian mil itary preparations, that not only had the War Other obtained the exact measure ments of the Saxon railway bridges, hut had actually had use timber respired for their reconstruction already prepared and lilted before the beginning of the war. As !WM), therefore, as tire Saxons fled destroy ing them, :WO eurpentera Were cent ntr from berlin wills tire nt-Lesaary material, tuad had nothing more to do than to put them together. COE'S DVSPEPSIA CURE is pre p•ne.l by the original -r or the fusty octet... Med '• Conch Bun sin. Mr. tloe has never prepared a tOrd lOU.' at [le le rmr pubs, and gett,r 41 use but a eat isa•a Stat. the stroogeat teats. and has a way• hon., the palm of mt. yi over every disease It ha. been de elided to cat e. you who are anger rig from dram pvia, indigestion. nausea, slut h. adach, cholera utorbus, dysentery, and general iirtiaty of the whole system, try but a single bottle? \re veil, never urge son again If see tall to r . Our own knowledge tit Its merits the an I 1..1 y allwlto boa." ever Irked It, Use ea. , d dried. of our own 11CiOlbOVI., your duty to yourself, and the benencial rerun, as certain is. su nani or, all n r e g . ' l2;lliTt r :4 4' ea n yVa ' n ' o r t ß eo ' jf r ci ' u ' rstaa t t i e n tl e b' ti tto concerning Its Wonderful virtues are net Wand to be true—it you do not lily taut the operation of lac medicine Is Instantaneous and Is...rte.:tie ...terra! —vre will renoune, our profearlon so caterers to the tpublic health. and rere tram toe tleht. admit Ong eat we arc incompetent to compound a mtititin•l p one e. reparatlouvrialeti would he to titivit to your coon. d Sold by druggists rvrrywl...r«. St,lr agrt, for Pittsburgh. JO •EVH Draggle., 5.4 Market street. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS W2L. BINGHAM, Jr, Ade: (10 . 134 nth &red, is an authorized Agent to reenva Advertisements for tAe CiA3L7TB, and ail ether papers throughout the United &cues and the Clmadvis. A P. A.—The members ofAlle • Mt.). Len, No. 54 or requeotcti to meet at the HMI, 73 gmftral street. Allegheny. on Tuctday_ Evening., 2lth fast., Al o'clock. Min . :lust attendance of all the mem bet. Is ileolreil. Lw till , eIASTIY.....A, Secretary. TO LET. — The house and gardens avenuenDluil by the of becrtors. situate on Cen tre tho line of the ween fier Hallway, within one-ball mile from the eity lee. Posammion given on.mle i Nittat.izEroeyil A tto at Law. o. Fourth street. EMU FOR SALE.-TWO DESIRAIIILE BUILDING LOTS, ettuated on the earner or lIIITWELL and HAMILTON STREETS, Second W.l.r Alleglimy, ono ashore from the Gals of the Allegheny sad MAnchester Passenger Hallway. Inquire of JAMES GODFREY, ITTIVA No. 7 Ohio Street, Allegheny. I)EUSONAL.-A YOUNG GENTLE.. MAN, tate hum the East, wishes to COMPOND WIN A NEEo lON LANK Object, MN AND I.c/V/c Addrets, 131:1X. .2tll. 13. littuOlia, jrl3licre... Cedar Itapitts. low . IHEREBY WAIIN ALL 111INIS TLI and 'Magistrates against s.olesonlstog tL marriage of • JAMES STEVENS AND REBECCA JANE GRIFFITH, both colored, she betels s minor. :3" 23 :10 MARY U. CI lUP)ITH CONTBOLLBIS Ja ()VFW E, errs Or Af.tionsa - riy 74,1. RIO. SEALED PROPOSALS wilt be rm•eived tat. °Mee until MONDAY, Xltb at 3 o'clock P. at.. for funslahlog new he for Um Hose Car ri age of the Gen. Street Piro Co. no wheels to he ...miler to those of the Hope F I re Company. B.4l4ANCl.o,taty Controller. VALUABLE STOCRS.—TUESDAT KVISNINU, 24tb, •I 8 o'clock wi be told on Scoond floor of Commercial bales Ro o m s, 10e tlmlthll :IQ lancet. 20 Shares Bank of Pittsburgh; 10 " Allesh d ens National Bank: .• becon renosylvanla insurance Conw Jy 23 • A. IieIL.WAIN." WHITE, 01111 be co 25 Fifth Street, Will sell tholr remolaaluic .toot of SUMMER DRESS GOODS, At Very Low Prices. WILL EE PAID 8 25 roirfOr . RE W ARDLI that lion or the tillthiTaot who stole from the two yarn of theuwierolgakt, A JERJ4EY WAGON, oh the morning of tho r eth Inst. =I NOTICE ci efesie OivEN 01 omexaring viva' tiny for th the da4twes and beitalltaatletweeopou oot the ProPertY adeeining, ae was tiled July yllth ..186U. In. the District couil'ot Allegnellyeount: bleh coon from id report meg be rule within eta weeks from the dateiof the Ming thereof. M. to WO , DWAMV. _4.1. 17 .A0 • City Solicitor. FOR SAL -The good will and fixtures of A GROCERY STORE, fatt r, 7e:Wipl, e ,',V:AVottg l fraVrig pyrticuf sly minim at Di. 111) C8HT11.2. 2 CE _J31114400 Orrice or 1.11,10 e PACIFIC flareiree Co.. INT 84. Louis, July 11th. WO. VI, the Pleat Allartga EST IN GOLD, ON lie 80Wir of Colon Patine Beale. , 0.. leastern Divlaloo. doe A [Spilt. 140 r A d a :11% UMW ° (?OIE f E l or Cu., RT'i;4l: vork, on or after that dale. 1717:Fre WC J. PALMER. Tree... Tr. FOLICEMEN WANTED. Applications to be made at the MAYOU'd OF FILE. None need apply who cannot coMe wcll ree diem ended lbr sobriety and inkling. Wegebll2 Pe 0731:g7c) W. 0. IicCARTII Y. Mayer. PHs T •AUI 11 I V .4,,0r rtieiCWheit.at the Pearl Steam , Mlll. Witaiklos which copt of • prim. tot of new South Urn Wbeitt, too f ate now manufacturing into incur .elnrasalyfuttainny use, to which we inrita the atleattioti of 1.116 tratia. / T2OllO . • it. T. IcEfifiELlY Bit° Yll(74;4_omi( LAND °JOLLA:NO fillEirawOUßMlS. • J9lllq t. at*. atxtnnotoz, otutt__tdoit tO. 406 leutdoeb,Jr.,) 51;IttnityMEal *XL) bOltattb.Pittabesith,ra uunnienlo Wire: tegirlve stock ,or RIT • ANL Oette•TdaiTAL , RD 68,1EVresiltleteit DRAPE VINESAILIVGI6IIIIIIfottrA Plyaborith *ad Gokletell'asseoger p an , Mu to ti tbo rteabouteeeemleastoutesi rikort BUITAIV,!AND • stow snake ftelal !Oka" • lIRB iJBit'YWllA*l4ollooo:f4lt-2 Atiti.Varetum.r. 111#i. SOO IF4:410 1.1)04-th I ' 2 '''' 2 •• ~411 . t • HI 11=11 ••::t • ,11)1. ~; pre,, A .1 .11,, !I IMI3 =II oad ~F:. AuctQ~o tir. ilitiur.w DARE, Duquesne Borough AM_ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Vi ES T. BRAD 1 & CO„ MEM= ( opt (ler Fourth and Wood sta BANKERS & BROKERS, Government Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. the Un't,, diet.. 1.1a13. interest allowed on Time DenoNits LUBRICATING OILS. TIN Clll Olt COMPA\I, Office, 201 Penn Street, F. A. SMlTU,Seeretary I=3l Head I.lg ha Oil. r: 011 for Mar blurry " tlr ' !4 . 1111 f".1.C0,0 1866. Wgiiic - Q;: , 7l'7 - 1 . Tlll-.1 . 1 1 ~l 1..11, 1 1, Al Si. lIICAllit K. K.. A I, C\ E.I.A I . lr Inl t l Kt.ri It. 1, Train...of / and Ira, at ils, I ono, Ilopot. an foLlowe. •S Chicago E . 2:05 a to i Itlgo 20 a in Cleveland gs... 1:0,n nt t ea If Vt. land •... _'a au, & Vit, 5:5)1 in II loollng .1i a; aus Wulf, 'I. n:10 ant Chirago pin 15 5;40 ain 1 i Wl.g. piu CI. A 11 it, Es.. p m l , I't ago tl au.. ~".0 pill Chicago • 7: ol p Ern g rt. 3., II g 5.0 1 1 1. feago Chicago KS II MI 1. A Witt, p Depart from Allegheny A ribs in AllughOn,Y• A. lirtu Accom ,to a m Lot.1:olalo Aeconi 6,N0 a 41 Leetaaale • • 10:5 s it. N. Br') It • • ^ L.. ain •• •• 11, a n Writ,. tile • • 9..0 nto Now eastli•!...w 1 . .“11,. • • 1". A 111 Weil ,Vl/1.• • ~ I, Ili • ' t, tn Lertaawle • • • •m N. Br . im p tn S. lir wo Leetsdale • • ...I:, p m I-v.-L.4.10, • ato " lu p m • • • • 7 A I/1 ot m tear,. .111- .11-11,1:10 p. 1..111e. , ...50 day anal n no fintur.l4y. F on•as Jr= , tirmerol Ticket Agent. - noitoV INT[IO,I. (UNE," 724 CULI I tuN Ihtntlllt T. . , I . .ltaburgh, July luth. Inlit.) THE ANNUAL LISTS OF' LICEN- A ND TAXEnt.I.N INCUNEJ, CA11.111.10:17.23, WA 1 CII En. PIANOS, ,ILV VI. ATE, AG., 16 110WIII otllre, and alter date payment • ill be received thereon for the City ttor one:, of Law react, We and Pitt lownshil , Liornmen nt , :t b, taken out before the 31. In.-. utter 11a1 .1,1 • 10 prr snt. will he 1.1•1.1. ase. 01, 111L•01114 . 2t, Carriages. Watches. eta,. count be paid let 11... L 40111.4 Aug... altar (111.1 •1/114 . the 1n •'• 0 0 t'l Dr 1011, W. E. II AILItlsoN and .mit A. S1:13:1, \ I 0111 be ready to reeelee. after the nth 111.1,nt. I. r thal p..rtlon of the I/late - let not In .•ltoted In 11•1 .41•4111• 110111, and n Ili po.t uotices throngs. the .111:..rent [Wrought and "fowl...nip. of the tiraes and place• hen and where Intl .1 . 1 be prep., I to rt I. In ke, Lll. 13=113 =I! c Tole 1 . 117..1'1:..11, I.t (ryt.t t i , .lttl L.rtr Lour,. t . , riS lit Tv; 11.,1”... nth, DIVIDEND No. Io.—The Board of Dirottors of Mao Companl Dare declared theregular .11,1•Irtui of TWO ANL) ON E•IIALY 12, P 1 Elt l'F on the capital chock for We ytar tor ...nal J 0... at. p”ahlo. free of United bletrs lai. on and mfter.lnir 1 ,, next The revel-satutial titai.tottti It( THILEE ANL. ONE HALF (3 VEIL CENT., Jut , ttelaber I,on the third mortgage bonds I. also ortiered paid, less United filmes tax, In anticipation. at the tame time. • ehareholders and bondholders reels. , red at New York wilt receive Itself allettlend• •t the Banking Domino( Vs I his•LoaW. I.A NI Pat and those reglstevest at I'M...is - eh 01 tha Treasures In that oltr. Ihr IM:l,4er-book, It 111 rico.. June at, at o•cissek r. and oil! re-.thenJ el IS. thereafter. orderN7 et the Isuar.t. r.ll. 111 r('it I NIsON. 1y12:1, Necr“ary. LIFE INSURANCE AGENT WANTED. A FIRST CLA.EIS iNsunksur. co. lu New York. (Dividends ai per real..) are In went of . Experienced Life Insurance Man, E!EIM THE AGENCY AT PITTSBURGH. with adjoining ...omit.... With an energetic who will loo.h Life Insurance, and drvote time to It, a liberal arrangement wt./ be made. Addreat. Ihnt' ti•rgrra llrrti t. 21,11 PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY $O5. OlgitiCElß maair RESTERS BD BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. r!..o#Farr , ' WATSON, Haunter. UTILITY WORKS. MoLEAN & SLA.TOR, No. $3 Liberty St., opposite Fourth, anlyraCTUndllin Or CABINET MAIMIg' HARDWARE. They nuke, • specialty of Iron Bedstead and Picot Caton: Porcelain ltrdstatd and Pivot Uaston: ik asteninisi Mop+ for Exteskalon Tables, It. Tbyy alao ntantaliactitre Rai bate constantly on hands Thumb Latches, Spring Latches, 111•Lenn•• tV liolow Saab Supporter, 11'LliMtellt /Locentric Saab Button. Utility Shatter arid Cott ilionea t W H ind atone angings, nail Irons, :nab Wcinbta. .to- JrCerli 18 66. SPIKING HATS. 1866. McCORD & CO., 131 frOOD STR.L7ET, WI., to .all .pedal stientlon to tbeLt Wit ebd shad, ic., Zei::T "prtt; aged Huila. titer Wear, .41..za E/action's Trwri.crity. an rz. Dalllllls, YACHTS, filf.ll4lllllS, KW.; UNT'S .4 BMW ••110 , S „TN AT . e," 111CIONToNtl, ltUaliElte, MOUTON*, DEUUY*, PETOS, de., Ae. NTUAM IJOODef of every description, to son all Mae,. WNW* ouo. M. SO4TII ../011141 114/1.1. JOHN ROSS & CO., 11UCCABS01[11 TO WM. N. OCDEN & CO., MANUFACTURERS AND DEA1,11,119 IN Carbon Oil Lamps and Fixtures CHANDELIERS, CARBON OILS, &C. No. 4134. 21.1.auttlie.o4t /Street millota7S.dlvrT PITTSBURGH, PA. W. It. GARITATID....D. 4. 800T11....W. T. o.lTtit.hEttt pOINT MALT HOUSES. W. H. OARRABD & CO., Malsters, Grain & Hop Healers No. 17 Water Streets and No. 5 and 7 Penn Street, PITTSBURGH. PA. an; .. r a 4 1 i tirCttill P a r' ar "r 7,17,1,7* BANK ClitlitANGi: RES r EA.URA_NT, H. SCHILD, Proprietor. iTo. 90 Third St., Pittsburgh lIIINTLSVEN 11 DINING UMW. All the luxuries of the se mien. Choice Liquors, Began, &e. Private Dinityirooms op stairs. fineslf IVCIPM'ICtI3. PROPOSALS WILL BE RECEIV ED by the 430mellttee of • the tire Alarm Tele • seeph toe the commotion of A TOWEL?. YOU A - HEW. Speelnestions.can Bean, WI Wednesday. 4 t. 1 the °Mee of WM. N. OLIDEN. J y e tl.ii No. 00 Mute& street, up etalre. HOLMES, BELL - & Anchor Colton Mills, Pittsburgh, Monaleo:Jurors of A NOTIOR (A) MEETINGS. A-N(IMM I 0) HILKETI N GS, 5 .. 1 . 111 ATTAiNNVPUB bitEEMNOS. m718:100 RATIONAL DANE or rIMSUBOU. • I'.rtantritoll, IrA•• Joly & 1Bit 1 • 13T ORDER or THE BOAILD OF watt:rum. notica Is hereby riv6ll "," that A.DDITIONAL STOOK euthorlueo shall, until farther notice, be asistrneil to aublicrfbara at the rate of SLIMY-SIX DOLldlith tor each sham HHblitltit• Cashier. . 1. lli l oll THE PURCHASE AND SALE -IL of all docrlpt.looo of REAL ESZATE. JOHN D. DAILEY, Or, H. C. azreiigf: i fAllibTir L., 40.0 a- , • MINIUM. W. 7. MONEY LOAN OFWEEL, NO, 151 MOAT, corner of WMy ilmouelf tonuiefl Oa. ISGTOo.Plotoi Gout rIGOIt : 1 11 :CPaiUtLfl i gaigi d ttelgetlrilsfortt el. •Thtifpoon .ououot. be, O Aeco4 . whuout. &At Acit. - tuible r pueue orgit.i i, • . Ae11."!75-421.144MEZIairenDrira,44' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS AT EATON'S BEAUTIFUL LINES OF KM} 1. t• .lAf Is. , Nt I HAVII:Uht. Ak 11• F ••: LAPI, A \1• 1211111=1E SILK AND GINGHAM 817 Ma LT AM Greatly Reduced Prices FaXC 1' G OODS TWAs I Varivl v Whole:::i 1( • a 11(1 1 t(-tail F. El. EA.TON'S, ME 17 Fifth Street MI GREAT FIRE AT PORTLAND Scenes and Incidents in ihis 'it eels LESLIE'S ILLUSTRATED NEWS 1 - 'i.-1 c, o, JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, 59 Fifth St., Ilall DAY, McABOY & SPANG I=l IRON CITY WORKS OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, N 05.15 Wood and 102 and 101 Third S c)p , nsu DEALERIO. Saddlery Hardware and,Trimmiug 1=111!1 Superior Wood and Iron llameii Wrought Port fills. Mot lilt.. :loonies. nbil.babo • Wheel lilts, ato. Kerp baud a full 11 11 ueorilortb of goo.. their nor, El of which lbry offer at an fair wlr laud on at cowl norm. no a offered bY an) !louse the brad. EA." r W r. rc • AMERICAN IRON WORK' JONES & LAUGMES 3E'X'l"l t3.13173E1L.GV8, I=l AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; *ridge Iron; Angle and j Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Halts, to and 201et.10 they and Tram Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bari and Bolts; Railroad Mr Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Arles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Soiled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Wosver and Reaper Bats. WALMIRJUNE AND orric:P., CM= 120 Water and 159 Front Rs !MANCH HOUSE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., Je1:c111 CHICAGO. I I I Notice to Invalid Pensioners. ALL INVALID PENSIONERS •2o are POW receiving a pennon of fp per mont S. Entitled to (roue 816 to $241, Aec irding to rate of disability, under act of Jo eth. MC Apply at once, or addrrsa B. F. BROWN, Late Loral Claim Agl, U. S. Sanitary COM'. Jy11:(49 67 Fourth Street, i 9 ttnhort: N. ILAYI.OII., Fruit ' W. K. ll•xl.lwir, PITTSBURGH BOLT COMPANY. WlOll., om t PREPARED t „. make m Men JOINT DOLTI3, CAA BOLT.e, PLOW IioLTIL CAIIItIAG !JOLTS . , ItUILIM NO DOLTS, IroUNDATioN uuLTs. BPLIUB BOLTIs. SET scicEws, NUT R'AtlllElll3, ac., dr. Gornerllorton and Butler Ms., Ninth Ward. Or der. lett at Fort Pitt Foundry. General plackemlUting promptly atteroJed to. Jy9:131 DIMWIT QtrAItTIMII.TEN OLNEII.4r., OVPILit, rirrataitlOLl. Jnly 1.4 f SALE OFPOULIC ANIMALS. Wilt be oold at L'oblic Auction, to the highest bid der, on the illYnt IIAY UP JULY. at the (Morro thi mes City m Yar the follos KIX liOttbk.b. FOUItTICIIN MULES. The above atilrnal• are In fine condition. arid pro nonoed by Judges ail ry euperior, Thoy are to loot that Whit be offer. in c mlu by the Goren.. this place. Animal/ sold angly. bale to commence at in tin Ticatits—Casii. C. it Currency. 0. CROSS. .17TeiR23 Lieut. Col. and Dep. tj. M. Gen. EVERSON, PRESTON di, P EynrBr.LlPVl3l•l IRON WORKS, tYalehvoae, Noe. 103 and 147F11%2" op. c .bu;3, 16:d0 J. Wl3[lrrE, A' 0.56 Federal areal, alieghesag. CARPENTER AND JOBBING, All work animated to hL core will meet with prompt attention In either oily. Jyr2:rit FOR lIIIENT. A FRAME HOUSE. With iteien rooma and hall, good stable, eacellout water about door; situated op the old Wash teem road, Ilea plies trout thu city. Possession I nmediatoly. For furth,r particulars, enquire of O. H. TO%VNII, lOZ , dM No. 104 Fourth Street. LEATHER HELTIN6. (WESSMAN & CLARK, No. 11 %I OHIO STREET, neartho Penitentiary, Alle gheny City, manufacturer& of every description of Patent •Ittrelobed, Cemented and Riveted OAK TANNED LATILER. BELTING. BELTS made to artier and repaired at abort nutlet,. Particular at tentiOn paid to Reitz for /Wilton Mille and heavy works. All work warranted. Orden, reepectfullY solicited. ^ je93,174 R ; T. WHITE & CO., r UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, .Marictestir, Wood's Sun and slcinl:Y. GEM MIMS Al MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE. Sinlidid and alartlors atresta. 'Muse and Caniones fundatiod. nolvaid T. i *TH NaL E oirs:.22 8u"r....v1488 an oe ,644 1 ,.... CUYEI9ATIIIM u g; ctla r - 1713 .cam ss*xs: ~'•:~~`:~ + ,~,. NEW ADV F, rISEMENTS )1.0.41 , /.1 Ilk, PI I NI • ERRETT & ANDERSON, Book and Job Printers, GAZETTE STEAM JOB !TESTI 1, EsT.II3I,ISDIEN'f, 84 Fifth St., Gazetliißiiihiing. ILLEIMENI NATIONAL DANK, No. 33 Fr: Street. Capital, - - - $500,000 ATs DAILY AT M. ‘' H. W. MACKEV.CashieI =1 I=l M=1:!! ..N1 EN". of V ,V 1.1.Y1:, A 111:111111 ED= El= =1 I= If .1111,1.:A W 11A1, HELM?. NATIONAL THIST COMPANY, •123 Penn Mreet, FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH r• .11,1 an.l Itlter—t on de uti 311 ll..prluelgral polo!, of 110. GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Sought and fa old.. THE STOCKIIOLGEFS INIMIDIALLT RESPONSIBLE. 12a 111 R la Prosl.ll,•. JulIN 11. 11.A1,1 , /!.. itoneuT J. ItoMF.R.T I CMAILLES MYERS. J.Oll , M. 1iA1,14 , N, I JosE.lll LA NU, .11.1.1 A 11. WILLIAM BRICK KI.L. cilAy . IL Alt m,erit. 15 ti WM. t..i[A - MI ,, IMP,Js•• JAMES ta ri'Ll.l., ALL tlI 5.115 UT, Pit. 'JAMES TA 1y6.117 • I"1-.{. 40 () :S IL, PENNSYLVANIA Agricultural Land Scrip for Sale. THE UNITED,NTATES 40VERN DIENT harlot; grantrd to the Corontonvrvalth of I . ..nnnylv hula Land ,rlp. ruprt,o.tatt, 7110,00 +Lurk, of l'uldle Land, for Ow sdoninent Apt-1- “Ito,l thi. ct Board of I on, tot..t • .v. off., th I • Lund rwrltt to the 'DOW... l'r th.. vo•-• to I. Laud null , . ad . 1,451, 1.. • • Br. r.) Couttnl , ..lonera of Art , “tturst Laud t-wrt.. va• rveelved at Ulm hur. rot I.ll,urrat'. Other. at Harrlaborg. until Wednesday, August 14, 1566. Thb land may he 4,4.1 In any Sta. or Teri-Ito -1 v. 1., the I.•.l.iere of the hello. any of the un appropriated lands pt ral land.) ef iiir nited !state , ...latch May Le . *lt 14.,t to sale at prt tc entry. Ear h piece of ....rip rvpretents a qoar to r of our 1......r...1 and .1x tv arms. .111(101 Mll he made a.. 'nor acre. and u.. hlds a 11l he re c..), ..1 for than one nuarter seet tort. The Scrip 111 to, Lone.) I tetordiat,le on the psy -2,..•nt or the in ih th.. girre or tirst,ral, onu ird of which nu, b.• paid within to days aud the remaining r Iwo-thirds within Ohl y days an., anti twat ton of he neveptahre of the bid or 1.1.1. by the )loam) of Conaml,doner... Jr 17-glO For the Board of Colunniutioners. • I' U E UNDERSIGNED HAVING bee., anpolnl,A !freely., for the Illan of MIR- T1f..1/ it. FIlll•;NI/R by the Irlutelel Court of Alb.ulo.uy a Pa.. will sell, at goblin Sale, on the o (Le bit day of AUUUn7' 000. lthout • •. and to Urn highest bidder, the fol lowing dreurlbed property, Irving the well-known Ir.ILNPUJiI FUR.N4 CE, tit t nate at Wampum Station, OD 'he Pittsburgh and Erle Re.ilroiw, 11 miles northeast of Plltghurgh, iwith :Fel acre, of land, more or less, abounding With n. I/re. Coal, I.llne INI.OIIO. Yin, Clay. :Ft.. and with never lailing ,priln.p. of water. IV AM 1 . 1 , 111 I.llltE AC it I, a substantial mole stack, at feet high by 40 feet at base, and ld feet hoed,and 11. mule from la to tone of metal per day, which can easily he I nervaawd . There le a hot blast of se stand of pipti. one Koehn, of 175 liarae power. anti Doetor Engine. Iron Itewrroir, Ale, stock end casting hon.°, eoal c ot ' hollnel, weigh lint., renal,.., Ars Al., 13 coke oven, earh or I. feet dial-nett, dd elid and sin gle tenetnente. boan.ling hone, .tore honer and weren't., hiarketnith shop, •131,1,. and other building.. Also, Coal Railroad. and .13/D..11 . 13t cars to convey mineral.. :Lc., to and mon lb.. furnace. The , oninany also hair favorable leaw, for the principal mineral lands In the The propery Intuit on Bearer river. and Dearer and Erie Is easy of nee,. end offer, to CAI4 , - 101111. a rare claanee Inc Inreeldrieut. For further ps.rtien Mrs addre,s 1v13:11.7 Pittsburgh. Pa BAILEE. FARRELL & No. 167 - Smithfield Street, Lead and Bloch Tin, Pipe and Sheet Lead; %Wholesale and retail dealers Iu all kind* of Brass and Steam Goods, AND PUPS Or ALL DESCRIPTIONS. 3. 4 67 Bnciltl3.llcalci estroort. TII IN THE ORPILALNEr COURT OF ALM:lints NY C. , (INTI —ln PArtltlon. No. 3, March Tern, loco Eatoto of SAILAII STEEL, do conned. And now. June inuo, 0a motion of A. M. BROWN, Attorney for P.Mloner, Court confirms the Inquisition made In mesalitloner, proceedings, and grant a rule on helm and parties interested to be and appear before the said Court, on , Saturday, August 4th, 1866. At 10 o'clock, A. 10., to accept or refuse to aecent at valuation; and direct notice of this rule to bugles], to I.lmie Seaton, Sarah F. COnoVer and drOnen McFarland, not now IMMO the Jurction of She Courts of this Commonwealth, by advertisement once a week for six successive weeks In 1110 PITTS -1101011 DAILY Ci SZETTM From the ibmord. WM. A. liEltitOti, Clark. NOTlCE.—Whereas, Letta•rs or A dminlstrattou to the estate of Samuel Clarke. late of the Iturough of lilruilugham, Allegheny deceased, hare been greeted to the sub seriber.a I persons Indebted to the said mann , aru requested to make immediate payment, and those having clalmA or ileussods against the estate of the salt! decedent will make known the same without delay, to JA HES McDoNAL.I), Adin`r, Jy1.:111351 11l ughseistreet, NOTlCE.—Whereas Letterm of Adrulnistnitiou ou the estate of LAWRENCE PYRAN ELEA, I rite of Reserve township. Alleghe ny county. deceased, have been granted to the sub scriber, all persons indebted to the sold estate are requested to make Immediate payment, and those having claims or demands against the same will present them, properly anthenticated, without de hty, to Juan 11.11-RTMANLOW, • mriltain Spring Carden Ram, itliterve Ty. A DlditiltititALTOlt'S NOTICEo-- ~.. Letters of AdMinlatratlen have been Rile day: ennted to theundersigned on the Mate of Wile.' Liam Mr:yr., late of Fawn township, deed. Alt persons knowing themselves Indebted to said estate are requested to make it modiato payMent, and al • ermitters Arc requested to presenttbele Semen& for goal settlement. InV2,4ible trator. A DREILNISTRATION NOTICE.— The undersigned. Executrix of the -inst. sill and testament et JOHN- tirtiZlLLt denuded Übe of the City of Pittsburgh, hereby giveg ingico Vyleinfir persona '4.124:11,11.tat1.12,w.A.Z.- to make payment. tome eminseL Tztoit, 6gAij""U" TIN Vital; VglaiTab• loccasm ToterStreet. G.ENE . . 32ranswalst1icas 4121211045. u, uo-a > antasxess ONll)illisineisr llaUeltor orAmertaan VoriLiel 3EIN 411. 1 r, ZIMTWIEfir 0244 4" No. l[2 ',ss tbar f.t7 4g119.404. =4, - Ii a in 4, I ,: ,; , I= .10511 31110 DES Pre‘idoroi pro ICIII =I J. M. CAMPBELL, Surveyor Geuerekt SAMUEL M. KlEit, =I NEW ADVERTISEMENTS luE Etna and the Portland Fire N I)St RANCE ('OMPAM HARTFORD, CONN ARSETI,, it ET I. 1.1.611 1111~~if I l i E.I ,111 4. 1 x.rlf"l /Iry L 111111. ..... Nl.trt, lta ll•uag. =I =MS I yr, netl r, or. A dal/ I ntArult• tpf AnY P• 1.4...4, Awl ior va be time, paid I. ',mt.. LOSS BY ME PORTLAND FIRE, X 111 37 Atia... 11. t. total atnnnnl on•ortol by Attl.na ItolIclo• on p.p. - It drat tot oat or tlanta.pol la n Itlrth -11“ gr will, all ot por t tor total los, will not art mat icom icatO t tnt, ntl.l I. 1.../11g ~,,, nr , 4 .oljnettol paot. 1.. •ata pot 111 , 01/ tt•aett., a Ittitt 'tot alight iy actoollnat our met, 01111 State tiara. paid la at. yen, or a propor tion count 4. a sl.nou 10,n for a company of a1W.0.4 Tim in,ttrauce• and the val.. of y 'Tito [tic corporal ts /op ll.ly by title ars,.. weak Inautinr.. Companies an. .6.,tr0yt...1 Portlan rai d ha, a popnlat fon of lltl. l y-11 yr I. oneaad. trio hand...nun:lv built, 'airily tln.. brlol . o• stone strinclorea—prolreten and SCI ...led with opreard.n of OM, thonsand mnade trrea—honnaed on three by water—lndeed, I iterslly, .111110,. rioting ronnthe reran—end with goal ...ins fire deoart intent td It hats 4 10 . 01 / 0 . 00 IIIroteIri) ti rear hours—ninon a holiday when Its a ople are bast tta o..ropird. corn tln• very 1.41.1111.1 e, can.e of a con cratter. tetn.lnber the trllllng Origin el'. fir,. that .04,5 a• , ay In few - I arnlngs lyeara ranaider you r st. Intei i n terval.. and an•tn, o tine .+na A RVII a 0011 If e e pm d at fair lera aevot ty. roltylea ..t A. A. CARRIER & BRO., .z,.cn-mlrrrrS. as Founint ri•ut:El MEM SZIEVENTLI LIST OF lIPPLICA k, TIONe for Selling Liquors, riled In the Clerk'. Office up In July Into. Died. NAMF. KIND. !Pi, Y.. 1 Samna' O. Stewart. tavern, lit Warr, Pittsburgh. John 31 Eviler, tavern, 1,1 Ward, Pittsburgh. John Ryland, tat, 13, ist Ward. Pittsburgh. Thom. Welch. tavern. let Ward, Iffltaberglt IC. 31. Ittnghan, tavern, lot Ward. pittaburga. Cherie. Du I Mug, tavern, tot Ward,lPittsburgi, J. F. Morgan, tavern. let Ward, Pittsburgh. Domlulrk Gallaher. tae ern. lat Wain, Plitsbargh. (Merge A. Grier • tavern, irt Ward rlttsbnigh. Arthur i)oon, rating house, Ist Ward, rittaburgls. , c Joseph H... other goods. Ist Ward. Plltaburgh. Joseph Flowing, other gonds, let W . Pittsburgh. Harry ;thins, tavern. 261 Ward. Pitt bore, /Drumm J. hiazert a tavern. 2d Wa . Pittsburgh. Henry IleSwlggen. othergoods, :A rd, Pittwir'll. Peter 31.4:r. tavern, NI Ward, Pitt burgh. John kletice. tavern, ld Ward. Pitt urge. Louts Cella, tavern, ad Ward, Pitts arab. cbriat Wehrung• tavern, ad Ward. Pittsburgh. Janie. Ceo. tavern. ad Ward, Pittsburgh. &Orem Campbell. Tavern..ltli Ward • Pittsburgh. Daniel Steen., Tavern. 4th Ward. ,Pntrburgh. n. It. Wal,oll A Co.. other goods, eth Ward, P•gh. Jas. McKay, other good., 4th Ward; Ptt tato. rah. WallaceA haleff. Tureen, SID Wand. Plitabtirat, F. H. lai,rker, Tavern. sth Ward, lettatturgh. T. it. Roams, Tavern. sat Ward, Plitaeurgl, IL ti•qlKWl4. Tavern...lA Ward, ritesoargh. Joseph Dep.. hating Hour. KID Ward. Pitt aburgn. Mena Plucker, Hating House, nth Ware egh. John Watson, other goods, Mir Wanl_ , Pittsburgh. Francis Goodwin, other goods, rib Ward, Pfgh. C hn.tianki ;teller, Tavern :th Ward, Pittatairgh. Peter Hermann, 'return, Bth Ward, rittnburgLi. Itobertgadwards. Tavern, sth Ward, Pittsburgh. George Hite, Tavern. Mb Ward. Pit...burgh. J.. newel!. Tavern, bill Ward, I•lttaiturgh. Fleury Kraft, eatlngtoruse, 8111 ward, Pitt•burgh. • hat ea Friel, tavern, Mtn wand, Pittsburgh. Caaper Ifettg••r, tavern, 10th ward. Pittsburgh. P.trirk Mellon, tavern, Wilt ward, Pittsburgh. John Froelich. tavern 10th ward &Hahn rgh. E. 31. Gardiner, eating house, loth ward, Plttsb•lt. Frani erick Umlth, eatlag hon., ledh ward, put•teh. Fella Ora., tavern, l it ward, Allegheny. John Fletcher, eating house, Ist ward. Allegheny. F, O. Walker, other goods, tat ward, Allegheny. i harles P.Mnder, tavern, id ward. Allegheny. Jas. Neely. tavern, Rd ward..allegheny. 'rooms. Terhunli. rating house•ralwarn, Allegheny. Conrad 'Young, eating bo.o. ad ward, Allegneny. Valentine Mork. eating hon., ad ward. Alle g hen y. Henry Hart. eating bouse. 34 ward, Allegheny. Frederick Pancake. e. homer, NI ward, Alteg..l. Jacob Rinehart, other gaud.. 30 ward. Allegheny, JOllll A. Nicholson, tavern. 4th wan, Allegheny. J. 11. Stinkel, tat ern. lth ward, Allegheny. John S. Derder, tarry, 4th ward. Allegheny. W. C. Hacker', tavern. 4th ward Allegheny. tit F: A. Faulhaber, tavern, 4th ward, Allegheny. John K. Buettner, tav• rn, 41.11 want, Allegheny. Patriot Fetherstm, eating house, 4th ward, Alley. George H. "Herter. eating house, 4th ward, Mir,. !Stephen Buttner, eating honer', -Ith ward. Alle•y. John J. CO. - Hag. ..14 houlle, 4th w.. 1, Allegheny Oro. eiresennetneadt, ratlhellettie, ith ward, All y. Elisabeth Davtd.n, eating honie. 4th ward, Ally. H. iteddenbackAbon, other goods, 4th ward, all'y. ii. lieepenbrideillo, other goods, 4th wan, MP,. Valentina lioehrlng.taverni Birmingham borough. Fr ins Flar_her, tavern, Birmingfram borough. Christ. Mange, tavern, Birmingham borough. Catharine lischwindt, catinglionse, Binnittent bor. Dominick Maguire, eat,, house, Birmingham bor. A °gnat Rudolph. eating house, goat Birmingham. great Hazlett. grating House, East Birmlngba . Robert J. Taylor, other gomls, if at Binning aut. Peter Emge, 'Cavern, Lawrenceville Boroug John et. &Dm, Eating House, Lavrtencevill Bor. Jane Brown. Eating House, Manchester Bornagh. Job. tforithring, Ramon, South Pittsburgh Bor. John Vettmeler A. Co., °Margot/41s, Son& PIM Bor. Vitaries Melling, other atrods,__Sonth PI& Bor. fatale Anna gating Hon.. ..'eat Pittsburgh Bor. John Shaffer. Eating Hons. Tumberancovtlie Bor. Frederick Kant, Tavern Mt. Washington Bor. John Wilbert. Tavern, sk i. Wnsitirlatun Borough. Ltebrrt ChethenN Eating House Sill bath Tp. &rands MeiVilihmaa, other goods, glisabeth Tp Potor Spelmanatavent, Mifflin 1 ournahip. Anthony Schulte. Diner°, Aliflltn Towns y ' Chriatopher ifferstein, tavern. hiMla Township. i`uter Sperimann, other goeda, 1111111 n Township. Jacob gel: t, eating house, McClure Township. Thomas Paisley. tavern. Obto .Towuslalp. Jane Taylor, tavern, Patton Turntable ittlymni Langdon. tavern, Penn Townabip. liemge Snyder, tavern, Penn Towne/ti, H. 11, V.voorhis, tavern, Site Township, Veit Kaltenhauser, tavern, Pittsburgh. John Heaney, eating house, heservr township. Patrick Daffy. tavern, Robinson Township. (tJean eethe Werney. eating b ßoes o nnTo e, Robinwnshipson Township. &lowa, Tavern, Richard Tamar, Tavern, 'Harland Township. Francis S. Hogle, Tavern, Ulmer ht. Clair Tp. Jennett Bennett, Tavern, Union Township biatthyw H.blaton, Tavern, Union Townalk, (ieorge Weir, Tavern. Versatile. Township. John Reese, Tavern, Wilkins Township. Daniel Wear., Tavern, Wilkins Township. Conrad Spridle, gating Hou., Wilkins •I owntsbip The Court will ail on WEDNESDAY, the Ist day of August, 180.1, at 10 o'clock A. is., for hearing the alms, applleatlons. App U ileants will Mr their bonds In my office be fore m der of hearing. Iternonstranceamnat be tiled an or before the day of hearing. Certificates of Licenses mum lei taken out niter five and within fifteen days after having been grant ral. or Wry will be revoked - accenting to law. Int "gar WM. A. HERRON, Clerk, WM. MI LL Rik C. W. RICKETSON, ' Plallatielphia. _ ____ Pittsburgh. _ ___ ___ _ _ _ _ KILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Grocers, =I BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS, Nos. 221 and 223, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, PITTSBURGH, PA. IRON, NAILS, COTION,,YARNS, &C.. Constantly on hand. lOWA FOUNDRY FOR SALL 'WITII A. DESIRE TO RETIRE num business L oarfor isle mf x■coicrrazzowsir, hich. C01111144X of the Reel Estate, Buildings, Ma chinery. bathes, Toole. Lc.. together with the good wIII and ah he beelness at present cordwtee with the eante: . Th. eatahltehment, well known through out the 'Vetted Sates, and celebrated ter being One 'of tke Leading Foundries for conetrnellnicend making and pntUng up ALT. 81:111D1g OF•ROLLING MILLS, avd farashlna•Chnted Pella aad othr r Rolla and Kb. ehlitery, atutVtill 'Uastlng t hgeneralte, to al th e mills 'lmmo/heel' the_ coon with extensive and tae thclittlee, he.ving, &Imo* every variety or PM , tams for turning ou t work, either light or heavy. This affords an 'ord. , Ortunley seldom offend to par ties lalthleg to enttaArk le• wild. sane and prodts blit husinesa. It the puraitt.er should destrwit The Property will be LLeaeed for a Term • of Years, and the Patterns., 'Tools, Lathes, and all the ma chlrery BOW at 611 Illppralse4 , . lo e• /for terms, an, apply to ' •• .1;00N . Att. the `aelVa Fottilari."lotOONOAND U/k B4 / 1 "S•1 Pttlabargb, „ItIS:gI4 MOWERS,,, HAT RAKES. Plows, Culthi-atiits and . AU. 741:(139.3' , , AollueuvalßA- 1 L I A - AafIuPENXR. 'Neu. VnefatOkto.rti:ect::f...l4kbelm, JARED M. BRUSH, „.• • • 11111141 'skit 141 . b • ''':,; ( 1 1 110j1 7 , 14P",_ . • ZkraMiIIaTURIAP . X 7711 RA , ,2 WAN TS. VI VD. 1.410,1 Ir' Mr" to $•200 per Mouth pa id f 4,.. -En {N., m •,• {,,cr KS{l i t • •r SI A /I %p L 13 , WALL PAPERS, '1:110MAN PALMER 9ROLFS.III AID }:EtkiL DEW E WA_LJ. a~ e.IDIt 1 & TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES IE3 1, IEI CD CDP ..IEI .Vt. Vi areliou:e. 91 Wood Sneer, Dials,np.l tn. r, PI PI'S BI PA 1)4 l'Elt 11.4NININGS FOICIMit; I= ansertran Pr'aU Pape r For the dr. Limo In nyv Xi: E.rGLism P.41.1:118 1:1=1 Acts t'A Frencli J.. 13,16 pAkiILOR PAPERS, 819, LI. fluw $17..:13,0m1 A NEW 1. , T Standard Gold Pa pers Now !ere' red, or twautilal deelKn. , Parlor, at namo No. 101 MARKET 11'11KET, SEAR FIFTH Olin GOLAND GLUT CON CERT Adrertise.l for .'I/1) ith, will poslthely tw vireo at Cirr"Sr P'ITTS.BUR 6311, pa., MONDAY, JULY 30th, 1866, AT S O'CLOCK P, L. VIINC CLASN MUSICAL, TALENT ENGAGED Gins to the amount of C).00 w preseraeit K. Lite Tick loo et Holders. lueludlug City Prop,rty. lireanbseks.o Fame, Sc. I'WK ETD ONLY ONE DOLLAR EACH. 43 blank.. A ,Ift for every ticket bolder LIST OS' ItIPTIS: I Floe Three-story Itrtck fleshiest., corner Canal and Chestodt Woo. Allegheny *14,000 Krick Itesblence, No. 17 Grant St.. l'lttsburgb Brick store Unitas. No. 17 Anderson rtreeL. Allegheny 3.000 Flue Building Lots In centre of knot Liberty. near It. It Station 2,800 L.t.t.s. Nos. 16, 16. 17, in and Magi' et.. l'ittsburgh gift In Greenbacks. gilt In Greenback.. Olt In Greenbacks, Olt In Greenbacks sift In Greenbacks. gilt In l,n ennacks 100 glittl InUnAartback. $lO each 1,000 200 glut In herculean.. r ...... 1.003 400 gine In herculean. 4,50 corn 2,000 glf r ts of good interact ng Book. I Il l and cqunee Plano 1 rlne Horse and To Ilogg7. ..... 100 10 gifts of Wheeler Wlleon Sewing ILschLues 1,000 10 KW. of excellent Melodeons 1,0 0 . 0 0 #11 . ' : '4" a1... . YiLL;;Wnrra. 4 flue Gold Watches. 11 gift, of Western Forma, Wit: Nino 123. lAKIATED AB YOLLOWeu t t I ..lo SILs OOO . county, Ustaof LSI acre:, and ils LW acres each; Two to Texas eoaray, each 100 ' Une to Ripley county tlf Macros, and Two to county, each Id 3 acre.. Mao, Two Farms lu Aturathou county, Wlseonaln, 100 and ee acres re apeettively. AU etch Farming Laud In good settle ments. also, 101riterems 1I M each) In Ott Wells, located ou the famous Pl th ole reek. Venango county, rm., Including VINES. FLOWING WKLLn And other - reductive wells In that wonderful region. These Interests WIN be presented as Sony gifts, valued atem .300 to g. 4030 each. Nut one of them Is unpraluctlee w close to but In ells produclus, and others yet to be tested, to prodnetng wells, Mt under contract for mtmple- Ilea, free of ftirtter expense. Maps showing the location of Bald well, do., on hand. . . Persons washing to examine deeds, or certain or tleles of the above proper ean be accommodated steer °Mee, where nil the n partlettlrr may he ob tained. Warrantee Deede given for aLI the strove Zetate.. A CORRECT LIST, iNCLUDINU THE, TICKET HOLDERS' NAMES, ALUMINUM, AND THEM TicK_ET NUMBERS{ IS KEPT AT OUR OPFICE, - 51.) THAT ALL MAT RECEIVE JUSTICE, WHETtililL THEY ATTEND THE CONCERT OR NUT. Our smallest gilts are photographs of Bets g ed abb persona The drawing will take place after the concert. four nights in auccemion. A commits, will be ap pointed by the Ticket Holders alone to superinteud the same. aud see that We bibU are diatributed lumartially, nod :he cereal published Immediately. Urrenbacks, Deed., Sc... forwarded by express. RELIABLE AU UNTO WA VTR(' 10 every town and village walla 5t11) mil •Ir of Pi urburgh, to whom liberal Inducements are offered. CLUB 114T.Bni Tickets to ono address. 50 10 'rickets to okeaddress 00 00 Tickets to one address 43 50 100 Tickets to one address. ........ n 5 00 Tickets selling inst. 001 up your clubs mud scud on your orders with list name and tuldreeis Cuil,of each subscriber. !a ember of tickets issued. 70,000. Price, $1 each, They are (exude at our uhice. No. 10 FTII .STUEET, tad Vioor, 'Chronicle' iilideng, rittab'g And at the principal Hotels, Book, Music and Dreg Stores of this city sod Allegheny. Sent by mall un receipt of price and stamp for re turn postage. Send tor Circulars. Money may be soot ua at our risk, either by draft, postollioe order, express or registered letters. We have excellent rclercnees, with which our agents are furnished. B. B.—Although our tickets Issued for the 4th Inst. were nearly all sold, yet It became absolutely neer-unary to dolor our Concerts few dam to allow our Belton, agent& Moe to correct Flo r rr•porta. We aunt positively lo•ve Bar Nano , 1 o...ad drwy and limber of .neu tf tf 1, or wo cahoot flo.Juallee loom . U,Le1.1101“ ourve.l V.. or our references. of cower, 'facts Wood for the 4th ler•..aro good for tlahleth, sod have an equal Inlet., is all the te Meet be carefld to forward report. so as to ream 1111/Lh Inst. as our concert will certainly Luca place oti the 304. without Nu. P.O extra charge for admission. It will be seen that we have added some eery cable city property to our list. at a moderate price. All cornadmicasionashould he addressed to TIPLIM.4OI. — lyitil.lonTslll9 Bo - No. 506, Pittsburali. Pa. DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHAETEER,EI) IN 1855. Open daily from 9 to 2 o•clock, also on Wednesday and Saturday evening,, from May 181 W November let. from 7 too k, and from November Ist to llay lett, RAMS to oflock. Dermalts received all sums of not less than One aad • dividend of the profits declared twice a year, In June and December. Interest= „ l. , 74, declared semi-annually In dolman , ' Dem the Sank was orgmelsed. at the Late of six per cent. o rt * lit•est, If not drawn out,:le placed to the credit of the depositor aa prinelpal. andhears the, same in terest from the firm days of done and December. compounding twice a year without troubling the de edlar to or even to pram t him pass book. At tida ratentoney will double In leas than tweeve years. Books mute/Mug the Charter, By-Laws, Itoloaand Emulations, flumithed gratis, on applicatlon at lite office. PETADDCOSAIN ALBIIEZ. VMS PILLIIIMII7BI John O. Eackonm, A. M. Pollock, M.D.. Beni. L. Fatinestock, 1 itobertitobb, James hlerdman,John H. Shoenberger. James hicAlder, James Steidle, James B. U. meeds, Alexander Speer, Iwo IL Pennock, OltrisUan limner. 711.11812118, WM. J. Anderson. James D. Belly, Calvin Adams, ' fientge Black , John C. John Iltra j.4ll :lF r.4 Wilßurgwl Walter.. Marshall, AloresouS. Carrier, John B. McFadden. Charles A. Colton, Jahn On, ?ern Dougla tilveirEL..olrxrita,it, John J. 0111esple, Alexander Tlndle, William S. Raven, William Vankirlf, Peter H. Honker, • chars! Rays. law Wtelt= "4 TalAr2M-0111031.185 A. COLTON. Aire—JAS. B. /h. MENDS. A SSESSOIPB OFFICE, LIiTERNAJC. OIL REVENUE, 230 DISTRICT, Notice Is hereby given to 'ell persons Interested, that the nets of income Tax, Licenses, do, for that portion of the Twenty-third District, Penna. embraced In the comity or - Alleghcny,_will be °poi!. for examination at my Mats . No. en Water street., a, AllegenY, On the 2ith and nth days onlitly, whi and:place 1: will Isar all appeal. grew muted to me relative to any erroneous or excessive valuations, assev.smentsr enunciationt made try the Assistant A.sseasors for the mad county. All appeals must be tnano In Writing, and mat, specify the partleular cause, /natter or thing 2::°V4fOillgl=4l.:lll%lP4V. '4 4 or crompfltin , ed of. No appeal can ho allowed to any partraftne the lid has been transmitted to the Collectoy.,,Ag. ter the above date all persona subject to-faitArbo have neglected to mate returns will booth:Meted to the penalties provided by law. • bAMUEL *AUKS, U. S. Assessor, •Md District, Pa. City of Allegheny. Jelly G. aen. Jy7:C.IGn REIIIO*AL. 160. SnsithikklSlreel. 160. JOHN Z I F:HEDINGREt, Formerly of 80 . FIRTH; has rt. Morel to No. 160 Smithfield •Steeet, Two doorsabove Blank' areal, where be hu eellene matt of Pirui - Os,:tel.foleons, — Organs, And all ilnde of L LIUHICIAI: INSTIL...6II4HW and STAMM. Arllluelg*/ laaLL Wae, 4 l 3 repai red with acetates atm dispatch. _ I%ld PLICTED. I'ATZ.NT AIEDICINInn*DICII6B,' at low prices. uttisivrriors SITTERS, nen-bogie. DRAKE'S .P.LAtiTATION Errmis, *I 40. /3.OOYLANDIVBITTEIVI r. pnr natter. 4911 w. YOPPD AIMUAR . Pure, 01 DV' lb. And twanlning elan inidopoinin at . EIR O 7 N , SWEIV - DRlCria firORE, S' . 6 l 4..Clair Street. Ancurrpenatim i MR.& !MEL T U cuirEcrs, , :_;;N*24,141'-4 (Xs& Street, gateViettirtitt i ettitt". VA • " , - ~'- • ~',.:,.. , ",: .-- - --..----, ~,, ,4 ,.„,;f..a ii -I g c, Okiiil•*_o4z=l7-;;,ab . 4,4=,,,,,,,t4,4,41*- -1,-iwz,-.4-1,-k,44 ~ ~..,, ~,,. ., ,, ., , , , -., , ,..ea.,N 4. -_,... 41,- -,,,,r.".r,..43--4-,-AN -, - ,- tt.: - ,...,,, v : , 4A, ..„ -&-. - , A , -- - - --, : -,,, , , ..-m.:*- - A1.g.,,,,,,,,,, - ~ -,-. t, -..,-N,O-,14...1,14, DEI II ALT KR I'. 11A lt , H A 1.1 1.1 W. nal ,tre 111=111 2,500 .51, 500000 . 250 . 125 =I IMI