• 4,,,411P.,,,„ -i'C : ti‘g NittoVitift 6azrifc. " PENNIMNI :REES I It CO. ...!iEditori..,:, stu77 Ilacingers. 20, 180. 1,11110N••-IIEFILULICiN .NoIkUNWIONS: .. • ~ ~,, "' ' Fos 01 4 4buiclizz alia4fdtWjOHNW.dEARYs ilidittlEL'lo. - CLIIVEY OF COMM: JOHN- e;..4ll3.ol;TX,.inptort Tp CLIMIL - OF OitarLtiS C;ounT: ALES.ELDinttrumums.City "" - ticthwicry • -UMW!' WiIvELY. Oily nr.arrrtrt: JOSISiki It. CRAY, Plum Tp. =I •prn.,inl.qaSl2liuj .?“I.IIV F. RstAvo. MllttlL TP ,Asoltmletr; ete 4111 . t1r.A.,151%, City. e. EaKilfl 17/.K.5021,21U. Tp. 6.120.1k1LiE I":4IIeZETSE. North Payette Tp r311K1113 VVIEKADVIIVIE, Mims Tp. vm,y4r..±lt - raven;:no - ii Tp. 001L9iLLE City. DISittIPTION OF THE CABINET. For wecics past everybody has seen that the deigu of the President was either to F,! , 11)(X. the members of the Cabinet from I Viliky to thO Republican party—that party to whirl, he and they, iu common, owed allegiance, iinittlirough whcise confidence they were alike seated in the highest phi alithotitYr to dismiss theta frjhr enrployments: This intention was must conspicuous in the arrangements for Ike serenade given them, under hislespir ion, by the Washington Club called alter his name, Under the semblance of a corn pliMelit, a menace was held over their Itwas: Of course the President did not want to Cara theta out of office. Whatever may be has actual personal relations .with them, it Was important to the success of his scheme 10 carry themalone_ It is not sufficient for Ids. purpose to betray the party that placed hint in the Presidency. It is needful for him to destroy it. So long as its vigor re niAins unimpaired, his betrayal only makes hitalufamous, without. the possibility of bucceetling ha his ulterior designs. If he could carry the Cabinet., and considerable numbers of other influential' Republicans with him, his chance of succeeding :would be fair; without such co-operation et:tircly blasted. ( • ' , -.i ', ' ."'---: '' • " .' , _ tire plan ts reholvaltri shelter, Ire° mph.. Jour'ST.llant AtiTiAft - i'tetillit "Vec-bil 'eatihMet 'old *lto to trip bead, i+titcf' to The indications are that Messrs. Sew anti, WHLLEs and McCettocn *oil' be will, him; while the others will retire. Mr. BEWartri has never forgiven the Re• publican party for passing by Ms preten - glens and taking up LINCOLN as its candi date for. President. That lie has great intellectual powers, and marvellous apt ness in the inculcation of ideas, has been demonsttuted in a career extending through the long-period of thirty years, in which his s. , witlancy over his associates con stoutly grew, until he became one of the mosgconspicuous and Illustriouseharecteo , in the -history of the country. But lie lay startlingdefects. lie has apparently huh love of Truth and Justice because of their essential loveliness. Sonic of thetruces he penittives • and admires, in a cold sort in way. But lie never gives Maisel' tip to the tionoinion and sway of these attributes . Their opposites he embraces just as cor dially, provided, for the time being, they promise to•serte his ends. Mr. Wou.o.xe never had any , capacity, beyond is certain gravity of appcatrance. Promoted solely through the peisonal friendship of M. LINCOLN, contraryto the expectation and wishes of all the leading Republicans of Connecticut, he has managed to get on by trusting everything to his subordinates. Less trouhled in the qualms of Conscience, than agitated by the suggestions of Reason, he clings toe situation which bestows a facti tio"is importance, and shrinks from de scending into his natural insignificance. - lie has die" ility, common to weak men, of neriononothitiog himself to-the ideas and pleas of strong men with whorl he is brought into immediate contact. Ile could not help this if, lie would, any More than the needle can help yielding to the inhlu - "-- elite Of the magnet. Mr. MeCuLtocrt hail Something About Sunstroke. ' a icinitation, lowa in Indiana, for financial (From the Boston commeretati shill, tvldeli his course at Washington has The recent intensity of solar beat has, as not sustained, and which will he sure to cf• usual, given rise to a contiderable number of tatal resales, consequent upon direct ex plode the moment a serious commercial re- of to its influence. A few words of vulsion shall befall the country. But his information upon the naturcof this danger worst. defeat does nor consist in lack of ous alrection Will, no doubt, be interesting, eminen. fitness for the place lie occupies and may also have their use in enabling the Ile has opinions on practical questions, rte w • la d r e e r x t? g tt e zi c ti so sudden an exit front sub. vitally affecting the credit of the govern. It is a rather singular fact tluttonmstroke meat, which morally disqualify him for the is more fatal and more frequent in the tent' ' place lie bolds. lie makes no concealment perale than in, the torrid zone. New York ins mom cases than Bahama nr Rio, in pro that the whole Legal 'Tender system is - in violation of the Constitution", and there. l,r n li t c :, a t . . ,, T ,l TZli a a s lie r a cu l a ey in e l l th in e 27 ,b : 8 , 1 01 . fore_ void. For the Minister of Finance intense hentallottgl to.'ll i at region, as Y In thus tn.:mini' the nubile on;rit, told open env part of the world. Ti' Indications of • the don - Ft° Repudiation, may comport with die giertnometer are very inipc,rfect guides worn f l atitt rauw ie i the4ton tru o o f heat upon the the present Lecull intentions or the Presi dent, as it certainly does with those of the the force af the solar, says.",a in ly t ltlie u l ‘ rebel leaders, but it Is a grave offence In "would seem to be, not the statical effect the estimation of all honorable men. on theitheturnr,ocre,tet, by ills momentary The other members of the Cabinet do which t t l r , ey woottoro g te t t ea ° iT t e t lem .u ltl b tvi r t well in surrendering their portfolios. A out body,' ,It Is this "moutentary,inrensi , feeling bus pervaded the Re:Publican side ty" which causes the phenomenon o f snit . 'or the tiro 1101.1 t-CS Or Congress that the strobe, and 'which seems to tie greater in Ministers who dissented frono the l'resh re V is ien W tli til e tell ' : Within the ti.°PleiL ' exposed to .the sa ne dent's Policy should hold on to their plats ' , vs i n t i mes of their greatest intensity, tilt as long aa possihk. This feeling tins heat seems often tb mese instant intlamma• Cory action in the contents of the skull. growl). out of a desire to prevent, as far as practicable, the patronage of the govern- 5 1 -2 ecc ": e u d ir e eXel v .P r e rti li t . t e4cl ic i n t r e ti n E tpr b daeb ti e , , _ tnent from falling into adverse hands. it loss, and, unless indent assistance be given, is questionable whether thc evil or this turns black In the face and expirea. Vie • has not overbalanced tke good. r, thns of surestrokc ore most ellen labOrers, of. 4 i. 0 p, ~ i . `and intoxicating drinks strongly predispose Milting from it-.- The frien d s ""- "' to this sudden inflemination of the cranial Any constriction about the neck, deaCtir avandeedilY Plied the unreasoning otgoos . ,or tlie mercenary witli the suggestion that from tight cravats or collars, also predia , • if. Mit Einnititive Policy Was us pernicious poses Cu sun-stroke, and generally any de essing gents, mental or physical lessen as represented by the Radicals, the mem- il r ie resisting power of the body to'this an hers of the Cabinet would Iranictliately ex- to other d i seases. press their disapproval byres in,. Un- Terrestrial radiation of the sun's hem :wilting , dud the Republican party should seems Lo bear.an`lmportant part In the pro um suffer, et , tha „ be totv r ette i on s h w a duetion of sunstroke, .At sea, and on small islands, seek a restilt - is - very ttneOMMOD gain npon the minds of the people, llinw. „ oxi da te , h ow Int en seiythu sows rays heal loyal inemlare have withailiwn fronithe down; while Inland, and capeeially - in largo Cabinet—lixittxs, Sect anti DENIStaiVt. eilies where' stoby pavements and long Secretary SIANTON will probably follow eaag 4 of ilitildings combine lo mid their radiant calorie to the. direct action of the lit the name course, unit then the President , sun, fatal rases most often occur. , will be lin. in this circle "r a flu different 'One of the best proteetives, Against sun class of advisers, slow there are few tic- stroke, is the bud notlirellihnairiniallY use& publitans, conspicuous for talents or pest- lu out' Southern-cities, bat. rarely seen . -at tiOn, who'll he eau iminee to accept the thuNorql, Mtereitlarlage 7 ralie rl bet fiery iM Ipi -ca. A. An'v men, liko Cowan, f,', ulull , vac.) 44 ter, they it i n +aVell tudre necessary'. Ir,' addition to this, cravats and dress hats Dool4Trblt, DIXOS and RANDAta, who arc discarded, the hair elippeoVelolie, all nl= l ouce.prokssed to be Republicans, and who coltolle beverages sirletly estlMWed, aut.' wore a his nose of W11111,11=111411 after they mini food t. reduc ed to a awillaunli and tee r, soda captor or, lemonade had repudiated All ill; PrllleMeg and teens - freely inn I • _,... temperately indulgedln, we tuaY ures;cediditute thin entire list Treat wi!leb .eoutidently contlnueonr usual out-door ay- Ar choice can. be. mado._ After,these the kli a tn o :.`:ltilont danger, . i men, who want President Ins norieltit open and defiant unilistikS, g Win lind their grvitest ca sa n Kityin n. copperheads , treat a'°°°g wiclul to se , c 1 teetetallswl,.el least' aring the heated.ternt 1 4I We arc. net 'iorrY 11M Issue 'Lai - wen witti'frequta washing of The 1q,,,d 1, 2 c ol . ' „..f There's :111 traterwhilent work hotter inn tt d ' ' ' bruu g h t' to 1 1" CuiPige .9rl " '- dike abalitlotintindorinlibrori'lt eceur mn"- , T , now b , a scraigr!ke:liilig Ni 01',4ctjig tilt roori oc..(l474o: 3 ,orAiStiresto l 4; soot' jlepui4tgol* , `,"i.' '.% 'J.: '-',-'."; .'. ,;,, .. ach:-fferjOhesitti4traeicthe 'west o r ec :- c , ' ,to h i sl COMtati/1114, - 41a: 4 or kr-, Glodstrnio *IA 1C; trai.iwsiool , torrowtiliply 1 imutokeill . , ' " :r i nt at 1 a do r ni Clint' lmlwiti without , clelay.lli .ficsiapte.,treat.: as tit? gril Bl. R' l l' I'l l A l .q , Jl , ,i e3 itenrof.liitimstroke in' thettirlby;;Arri) eentilllVir'flat•the4reateat since the limo liaim been seri succeisful;'Weirheanitiit .' ' - ' ..e,.. 1, -- 0 .--...------... , -- - , - , --i ,. .--, ,..., ,---,---..---e---- , ..-4s , -,,,ti...^...-..ettswes-.1-i5.17..". 1 .` 0re.',1.1.:-6.."1,-1. `-0,:',,v., - - - 4 ."., ,,,,, 1ij.` g..eAli•ia - 4,":'-''''' '''''''-'-' 4 ---"'• -- ' 4 -- - •-.4 t*-T.---iFc.'l:S.l3tret-t.-701'"''''''-'- ‘ ?'..,-... ••• . -4014,,,,,-.-ta.Vte...., • • ,•` ' ' 1 P*. i ,1e".....i.i , - ,- • MI TEE EUROPEAN WAR. . If cur readers credit tlig reports; that Prussia and Italy accepted the ar mistice, we can only apie ivitk them;-.4f further developments will show, that Aus tria has given them and not NAPOLEON, suf ficient guarantees, that ,be fruits "of the re-' tent brilliant Prussian victories Will 'not be endanger 4 :It is evident that NAPOLEON ivas oirirgd,:p(Sliatioiii;,a4 ; thu , „his, iediation - . as accepted .typetinamy accepted bp- kos forto'act as' orb:User, .the consent' of tli parties.. - 's2ene4iiid'lS,requireilt... And this consent wopresnree will be withheld. If Prussia should octant the French prepo sition, Withoulcancesilons on the side of 4ustria enuallOitapsesent humiliation, she would deserve nothing better thnu the loss of her splendid chances, and the Idsto , rise would haire tto record a blunder, than which modern and ancient history could show none . greater. No, we cannot believe that Prnisla is reedy to crouch be- fore the wink of little Nes., we Cannot be lieve that Italia would be forever willing to N;rve apprenticeship to her proud neigh bor and weal swaddling which NAPOLEON with tender care wont" wind around her. It plaices us impatient to son this man act with the cunning of the. ser pent and the stealth of the eat. .Having saved the bloodand treasire of the lerench nation, and waited for the present develop ment of affairs, he suddenly springs updu the scene tind - with.a haughty voice ellen: "§topl . Enough 'of your' fighting? I am going to deeidetliiiiir.any of Europe!" ZIEZI Thu . yery thought that the great gent nations. of Europe should suffer this,. makes thti blood tinge in our finger ends, and tills us withthe natural desire to have 4180 a word to say in the matter. Think. of it! Austria, beaten and disabled, by Italy's alley, cedes to a neutral power the province for which Italy 14 fighting, and this neutral power comes and draws up its banner and says: "Stop, if you please, this is my property. You will please take your 111111(16 oir, or be under the un pleasant necessity of rapping pies knnek• lea." Or does it lessen the disgrace that France should cede Venice for a compen sation—for the noble island of Sardinia? It would be a burning shame fbr Italy to con sent, as it isreally a disgrace to Prance to propose such things. Why should she de• mond Sardinia? Simply because it snit, her, and because the combinatiems :tretav °ruble. heaven protect us . from a . polky based thus upon our weakness and the whims of um. neighbors. It would .be equal to a curse to live limier such chem. stances. And this is the reason why hope that they will not come to pose, I lint Prussia and Italy will not consent to hum ble themselves before a boaster whose very strength consistain the fact that nobody bus, as yet, attempted to stop his boasting. Is Napoleon really so dangerous? We think not. Let Prussia continue to push her enemy with the energy displayed, and Austria _will, in less than two weeks, ❑e crushed at her feet. No succor from any source whatever would he in time to prevent it. Awl then, with Germany`F resources at her command, with Italy in al bunco, would she not be strong enough to defy the menaces of the intriguing Duper. or of Prance l IC England were not so blind and sleepy, .so indifferent to, hof interests as, power of Ora rank, from which positinn she is now fast recediug„,she would long ago i liave seen Germany: . in the light of a natural ally, and even now in the eleventh hour animal her policy, but blind as she.waS in her conduct against our strng gliug Republic, she now loses golden opportunities and will awaken at last In time to see herself at the mercy of her crafty would-he friend in Paris. But even without England, Prussia alll Italy ought to be orong encugh to d Fran) the in si n untion i s of. Napoleon, mid they on it to their honor to do it. • BIKILAJICE. end Nsrot.tdoi actin concert. That is a matter of fact. But it Ls to be, doubted that their agreement goes so far, for the former to suffer himself to be tilted out td his saddle and set on the sand bythe latttr. There is not reason for such complacency. The news of the dEeision will mach our readers perhaps with the next steamer, but what ever it may be, we cannot believe in an un conditional armistice or even n conditional one, excepting it be nceampanied with eon ditious in keeping with the glorious achievements of the Prussians and the help less position of their foe. cold rotor until revival took place—often for att:hoOr or more—with plentyof water to dtiiik, when swallowing Nvas -tossible. A trial of this in:-cavil practice is certainly t justifiable, seeing that unclertlie usual treat- meat every case terminates fatally. I= —Lint soirees nre fashionable in Berlin. —lnsect{ ore destroying thu Cuba coffee --,Stewart's Fifth avenue residence will cost $2,500,000. . fui,specimons of Jasper have been found in 'Minnesota. —Of the 360,000 blacks iu North °axon no 3,294 arc Teething rations. —The shrieks of a locomotiye frightened a little boy to death in Lancaster ; Pa. —ln font days last week odr 715,400 pounds of wool wore shipped from Toledo. —An army officers' club is about to be organized in Toledo for some charitable phrpose. —The warble of mocking birds is heard In Galveston, Texas, at all hours of the day and night. • —Gold at Port Denton is held nt $l4 per ounce and greenbacks are but 10 per cent. below par. -- eases of sunstroke in Philadel phia on Wednesday. SLxty in New York on Tuesday. wero interfering with the oper atioris of the colorca whortleberry pickers of Savannah. —The burnt district of Portland has been accurately surveyed, and found to cover an area of 327 acres. —The proprietors of the Venice opera Rouse refuse to operate for the amosetuent of Austrian officers. -4:The•total collections in aid of the Port land. sufferers in the city of New York Amount to $103,000. —The bodies of two persons—mother and son—wore discovered in the ruins at Portland on Tuesday. —Wm. Morrison died iu Lawrence in consequence of injuries received from a Fourth of drily rocket. —Out of 220,000,000 passengers on Bri tish railways during the y.tar only 15 were killed by accident. ' —Menken has recovered. —1;os/tot Pool. That's what she always does after play ing Mazeppa.—Thoth. —Over 050 Mormons, en route or Salt Luke City, Utah, passed through Spring field. Mass., within the past few days. —Margaret Connolly, aged 24, fell from the fifth story o f a building, in New York, to the pavement, and was instantly killed. —Near Ellsworth, Me., there are live houses standing side by side, occupied by five thrifty men, brothers, who married live sisters. Two brothers Were, accidentally drowned in a pond neat Girard, Ohio, last week. When found tiiey were locked in each (Aimee , atims.. —A large reward is to lie given by a Jewish mereleaut of Breslau to the tirst is raclite who is promoted to the rank of offi cer for leis courage. —lt is proposed that a game of chess be tween the two lending dubs of Europe and America be played over the wires of the Atlantic cable when that undertaking is perfected. —The wife of Major General Jefferson ('. Davis fell overboard from the LOUISYI Ile mail boat lately, :toil narrowly taw:spat drowning. The fieneral Nirang in anti Saved her. —Colonel Ricker, Superintendent of the Terre Haute Awl Richmond Railroad, has been tendered and :accepted the general Superintendent y of the l'entanylvania Cen tral Rail ra rad. —An otlielal In Chicago bought a ticket in a lottery, for the purpose or obtaining, evidence agaitim the propt loon and indiet - ing them. The ticket h•apiwned to draw a thousand dollar prize, and the oflker it in elitwd not to 111,1,MM, —ln Providence, IL 1., on the 4th of July, there were thirty-five thousand tire hundred and twenty-five passengers ear tied in the Itot,e-Cat 4 01 the Count:my, without the Anginat injury• to versions, animal or cars. —A mulallo and v•ning white lady, who eloped tout Mobile on Moodily, were over tuhen and brought La. K. The friends Of the young holy took the Alricuit to parts unknown. It is belie% in that ttiu•y lynched hint. 1114 father, who has eofisidentble property, Is determined to fully inv.-Anion) Jot matter. —A unto named Augustine was MUldeT ell in Montoe county, Illinois, _a fea days staLT, by another named Lane. The mut. derer was quickly arrested and lynched by the-friends of Augustine. When lie was dead they rut him down and hurled hint in a grave two feet deep, and laid a pile of atones on top. —A clerk in the Postolfice nt New Bed ford, Mass., has been arrested, charged with robbing the mails. Ile confessed hie guilt. lie began by stealing letters mailed in that city to managers of various lotteries and gift enterprises, thinking, as he said, be might as well have the money us the New York sharpers. —Lust week a crazy man walked. the streets of St. koala. lie carried a bottle of red ink, and every• man whose appearance did-not please hint, lie would sprinkle hint with a few drops of the crimson *Mid. A short time ago the ileetor appeared on the street, holding in one hand a bottle of medicine, and in the other a dead cat WANT SUPPLIED.-London Ale, BOTTLED ALES, LONDON PORTZtt., BROWN tTOUT.—To get genuine Imported LONDON' A I.C. POBTICII Or BROW N wrOUT hu Won almost . Imposidbility le Ibis city, uutaitharanding (act that there are (CO tonicalnure suitable for sesrally persons and invalid. The wanstias at length been supplied. A large res.ronent of the driest brands. comprising Barclay IS Perkins` LONDON STOUT, Bass & Co.'s INDIA PALI?. ALB, Campbell's OCOTCI! ALT., etc., lust r.•etired at 11.1111LIMPIS DRUG STORK, No. 541 'Barret street, and Is sold by the case or single bottle, at the . lowest rates. Also. a most complete stock or Ulu (roost LIQUORS for medicinal purposes. Jy2•um °Frit:son 1418 1'11,41111.110 11, PAW WI:VMS Ann t CHICAGO 1 1 / 1 34WAT COMPANY VLF/POMO/IL June 2.(th. . 111TIDEND No. ..10.--The Board of Director* of this Corn oil lure dechord the reglnr dividend of TWO A N D ONE-ITALY (2,9) Ph il CENT. ou the capital glace for the guar: ter .ling June hi, psyable, free of (Jolted blades too, on nod niter July In oust The sem i-nuouni dividend of VIDES. AND °Wi ll ALF (350 PCIt CENT., due October I. on the morting tondo Is sii*o ordered paid, less I nitxd noes Watleipation, at the stilt time. charrholders mid bondholders registered at New York will receive Weir dividends at Um Catalog House uf WINSLOW, LAN IE It JI CO., and thotie registered at Pittsburgh of the TlM.Urell in that city. The transferbooks will close JOH(' 30, al: o'clock P. 0., and will re-OSICII July 10, thereafter. Hy orderer the Beard. F. rd. III:TDDINVDN. Seen.l4l7• unintended for anbrletY end Inhaltrltyi'Watteitil 2 Ver REMOVAL. • _ _ NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ..WM. BINGHAM', Jr., Adam. Fspress Office, bi Fifth itiroeCts an mdttortsed Agent to roomy A tlvertttententr toe the (IAZETTE, and all other papers throughout the United States and the Canada*. . pOLICIFIDICEN WANTED. Applicant''vn to be made at the ALA Yoll'e Of- VICE. Nunn ncod apply who cannot conic well ITC- d4 T . o) ll, kgZi W. C. McCAiLT.II.Y., BREWERS, ATTENTION.;.-FOR BA LE.-150 good !woad hand AMC BARBELS AND IlAiXiCb wlllNo cold at o bargain =I 1770 2 3 Ltberer. Opposite tieventh street FOR BENT A 110 USE OF KID lIT IllXLIIii with hall and Ilu!stied attic, ou lame etrcol, all Ilk laBooo ‘ !! elffl;b p Ynot .0 ff , 1 1 1, 4 7.4 — ii . P 7 11 llnt. Enquire of No. etreet. }RUST AIiIkIVAL OF New Wheat at the Pearl Steam arejest Is receipt ofs prime lot of new South ern Wheat. which we aye now ineuuraeturlns Into flour, ex resat for fatally ere, to which are Invite the ttentlon or the trsale. Tz 3 U. T. IiTNNICDT & 11111) PITTSIDATIROII AND OAKLAND taLIiENTIOUSUI. JCIIIIV R. et 111. MUUDOCII, • • • ' . (Soca/Iwo. to Jona Murdoch, di.,) •NtIItSP.U.VIIMN AND 11.01115 FS. Plttannllo l •PA _aollnlt'attnittlon to their ex t-nalre stoat of ILUJT .AND , Oft'SAMP.NTA.3. TREP.n, (CRAM PiNF-S AND LiltElOi HOU , PLANTS. Pittabooda sad Oakland Pas...agar ownran to P.o tideonhonso nano , 35 pinata.. JrAnk24 .1?Off SALE—One of the most. AL: beautiful 10.1(1.013K to,. country residence In *the county, situated t miles from the clty the 11114.1 , 0 MI and Ceutiellevllle halleoad, .f lit .IR, tlowitt It contains a nor.. the upper •Isalt ril mg - ground, altr.deetWlltu'tercettrees;there ,mduder.slo-plarto W orralleoad. The piece Is welt .Watarnd wltu•twoorynare:Stronyt flowing s-tings, vtlin sotaclent 1.0,1111V.1•111ter bolaht ut JOIIN• le. fort. ick atulltesl.lotatatlrotur; - • - rcnnth r!et. VOTIVE `,.:l S '.. :...I„ p .!.EREIW- LIVEN I bnie Dot:ar M. TioVei• for 1). bPader , ,rAlirLL.7;titylA=ii ~n.r.,,_tlualld:...t. ii th° .ay.lz; 4znwaul 43. i W 5- a f 'lruicaMrt Of At .bletecitkrt, slntedvirm4 p he nwie*Mtn six vlll.":l7luqn4. .nr tbe n tlar thaw , - , .f; : ,4.„4,,, 04,,„., a , top.„,,kiiicafi;mbi 1 4 4 OG:,:nALE••• --... 4 watmoutim.,- , Usuad4d..ol4oowfrsaebirolelmrair4l4l4'i tqw,a. 4 . , lb. "i r ba'"* .VoiiN . D. B 1 , '^ -.. •• ),1;;4i'..u.4 tleattesatr4etf.-4 11;1 3 4:1/A 3 1•1 5 i:9 1 4AD100111 '..:JAMES T. BRAD IL& - Ls 84ilejfik:61 Corner Fourth and Wood Ste., BANIMA BROKERS, MAIMS TIC ALL KINDS OP Government :Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS miOlo on all accessible P.p. , ' in tho 'Jolted StatOS snit Canadas. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. BANK EXCHANGE RESTA.URANT, 11.6 SCUILD, Proprietor. Jro. 90 Third St., Pittsburgh. I= All the luxuries of the season. Choler L,louomn etitrs, A,. Private Dining rooms up stairs. I FOR SAIE CHEAP BUILDING LETS, In ettt town's*, locs14.1( n Pennsylvania an tam, Bobo, Beeleo, Comtnerec wu,l lissum street:, Those lots are within a mita sled • eillartur of flee court Price, from SOO to S5OO HcL ST I, GAll‘ll & BUTTERFIELD. =I =3 IDSTIITT QUATrrititlitAtrrlut fixttratAir, • l 4 t Prinltittnitlit, PA., July WO, lAEA. SALE OFPUBLIC ANIMALS. Will be mold at Public Auction, to the Islglient bid der. ontltn 30111 DAY 01 .1 I. LY, at the discern ment Yard, corner Vay etle mod tiarrison alley., hi thla ally, Um followins MIX 1101iStsts. FOURTICIEN The above animals arc lit thir condition. and pro nounced by Judges. seri' mtherior, 1 hey are II e nest tliat win tar offered for bal. by Om Um eminent at Oils place. Animate sold tingly. Odle to coutmence at lo Tcuath—Cmds, U. M. l'orreney. 0. t•ttn.n. I.leot. Col. and Dep. tj. M. 1..1(11 !EMI WHITE, Olin CO., 25 Fifth Street. INVITE THE ATTENTION OF BUYERS =I DRESS GOODS, Which they are Selling at Low Prices. SECOND ANNUAL PI(-NIc =IBM Relief Steam Fire Engine ANO HOSE COMPANY, At Clent‘oou(:role, Frida) , J ol) 21). 1564 KETS, ONE DOLLA.II Traio. ol alr. t I. nl ...at .7.13.1 II o'• I"( . 304 I an I o. In. Mu. r l.j CI, Ls , ,•a Moa. 1141,1 A. r..l•llst Ans.. pouvr mALT siousr.s. W. H. GARRAbD & CO., Holsters, Grain & Hop healers, NI, 11 Water anti I=l PITISBURCH, PA. W The 111E1.1.1 marlol pr:re Isahl h.r \V II VAT 11A 4.1 1.1. 111 w. 1.1.111 N • ..4 h,KIh Oilari, Colinla.. , I CI olf La maul •I. jai) I:. I 44. IVIVI'ICE-3 , 41.:1101:1 1 TElt 11011:NES. A.` litAi l'etNS AND 1104:S. N-Lt. et. It •n Is all norm" of fit 11;1 11101 1 . • fin that the .aato most la- ten.. ea ...lila.' Ihe eltr atunrolong 1.1 n• provielttn• ni Lit, emit bane.. adopt,. 41 July 48, 4mM. entitle.% • •Azt OrAloanee Itelalllif h."..." 0. ".. .a.”. ate noteft...nal within 1101 DAV: , the pritallit • pri ..eribed la ttaiti ordinance trill t.n rlgl.l, • ti• lla in.rtx lilt 111.)Utli are anti -1.a..• (lie .ania .Int ell! anent -ding in Ow itt.“l•lnnatt( valtl tt•tilittunt-, 111.1,1 YI T1,Z14 DA 51. 1.1,7 IMO. 141111 W las. eentletl attaltotti la Le na• ..... 1 . 1.-rinntt owning ltl'l7.S DO u. r. I 1..111.11 . It Ile •III 1••• feareti lottutt..loatet, .ts •• lu pry., itt .• it,..1.11111‘ 100 of 1110 And 0. , °era of prorty upon a, ...II la, Mal hal been declared intl....s Latel.lortllar, If not remnrrtl anti nlt and lonnnAly, will be into. ettettl,lagslnat ID lilt manner. No further tit u oil be given In the above cane*. Wit ay., tilart t , tostply n In. lan at Alan pl. railun 11.. lin.. herein t.i.veltietl, gueast. Li tr. n .11 UV I ,141, ennomi vtiloreentent. Dem.ce tvo.t.r. roe or 1100111, a l 11.{, 0 , 1 , 16 11 I.lll.herltavo lhorun - 1. I . l6tsbargh. J oly loth, 14:6. 1'1 5 1 1 E 4 A ' ! iI Y V A I- 1( 1 ”; , N I I I N FI C T O ! t it EA " . I t 7 At i t i tfa i t ' i i :. W 1•1. ATV... A... la now In thin odtv... and alter 1./6L61 11010 16611Y1,1 6 61t WILL be received thereon, for •160 l i ly of 1 . 1161•1100,116 1/00 , 01160 of Lawreemallte ant MIA toronahlp. Lle :neer mall be toes.. out to fore the 31St seat; after that date 10 per reel. will he added. Tax. • on Income... Carriages. 'l4 niche., tr., must ho paid before the 140th al A 4.K..-t:after that date the penalty vrlll he tubled. Doputy t'olleelto • W. R. II AKIIISttIi and AMIN A. I.llllr. r A 1‘1" will be ready to receive. oiler the 15116 10•11161... for that fontlou al the Irlatrtrt out tn .:hole,' to the above Iltultv. and will past tootle... through the dlaumut lioroopdst and Toon:Mos of the time* and plares when and where they will be prepare 1 to met ire taxes. WEL LITTLE. lllG:rcwaver 11.-4`C)l I.I.JEINi TIIE UNDERSIGNED OFFERS fur tent, until the Vat of January next, the bootie now °ermined by Mtn, So. 06 Smithfield Street, It Is within a minute's waft of Mc Postofliect boo double parlor. largo boo rum., hc_ andlo pi ovideil Witi, gas anJ water. Tor a physician or Lawyer there lo no better locittiu In MOOT/. CAILVETS, g o o., whi be sold w lha Ith in hunse, If ilebircl. Tor ten. m , Aoy to D. OM MILL, DAILY DIIIPAICII UFYIVit. =:== MEM 160. Smithfield Street. 160. JOHN ZWEIDINGER, Formerly of SO FIFTH lITHEET, to. removed to No. 160 Smithfield Street, Two doors above Sloth street, where he It. an ex cellent stock of Pianos, Melodeons, Organs, ,t4Vni!,ll."l:ll3 u .. B l= wr nenn snl multi:kens and disp n ten. _r"- )7,6.67 Wlth IN7COTXOB. • PROPOSALS WILL BE BECEIW ED try the Committee of the tire Ajapp.Tele • fan "lg t aZT.23: , f4Joo.l'.ll'; ilith°°' go Laritct /trert, up to re... Folt BALE.—The good. will and . A CROCER . Doing a good buelnere In t.hlre'.':;:il3op7ei!ai-1.-ReiEt t i tle ly7• Ileum. for riling, noting Inlu.tha b.. " P e particular. enquire at Nu. O.J VENTRE AN X ..."7 J 71411114 GENERAL U. GEN011011111:61 • Clell itollneel & Bolleltot of &merles& & Foritini - • • . . . . . .. . ..w.....m..r ii NT f 3, • ()Mee, No. 12 St. Clair et. !residence, rtnost: J,IY• - --- • , 1 3/PIOE Or UNION raotric RAILWAY C O : T' E lorrEnes EV EMU X 1 --- bt. Lo z uts, July 1411 k. lai r. the "lett Mortgage Bondy 'ot 'l:listen Puttild !Wier.' Common.. Easurn Illetitotit dOe AUVra lot, will be plod toe prementatlon of the Coupon* Hse I,ti oho Peeking ou of JAY COviCE &CAA, Mlle ' York. on or anor that data. )1'17W3 Wbi .1 r ALlllER,‘Treasuiti. • Lyra/AAP* /Wm. ea. ItAn Aor Prrrb [Munn: t •• • Yirrsnutyrit. PA., July r., tBOO. 13YORDER OF TILE BOARD . Or DIRZCTOnS. Apnea I. twrotiy f {VOX' *batlike , , _• At. BT-OC IL .authoiiSed th.IU, atii Anther 110[10444.m mulgited, .la/ob. rlberil M WAS Fate oleftXTV:4sl???ol,l..llta . , Int- 1104 ?".• It; 1 1 1111.A.T, Outlier+, .4)P, EASES VUAELTERDAD - - LEAD relved :;11,101essle Druir4l, 11111 NEW !ADVERT' SEE:ENT& an SALE—llleAitatow .extetr_.troiroart,,,dli beotferad at phyate sale etUrtritilllef, •. 11 sett—A-LOT urtittur NU Itilrly feerfront nn First street. near Wood, and roue& • hack tnroird ll Water streeteighty tect. Olin. part of lot 105 In the general plait of Pittsburgh., together with a TllltEk. STORY MOCK WA111.11017611 thercOn -10.--rirry AClttB Or LAND at the head' Cif 1 01 l Island. In Mt:Clore township. Will Ito wild in lots in suit purchaser, 51. —ELEVEN LOTP or OROUND to Manrhes - - ter, being Lot. Non. 100,107,10/11100,110,111. 112, 113, 114. 115 and 110,10 the plan of the extension of Manchester an& b..united by Preble street., Adams /Greet, thuiir Alley and WashingtOP street. IhLOT 740.21) In Jones Adams , than of the Northern Llbertri., situated at tile .ouch-rant cor ner of Adams mad Quarry streets, and being Orly feet Deal on Quarry by about two hundred and ninety feet In depth. The stare descrllied property will b w priers, e sold at rear ...e pris, and on easy term, Title Indisputa ble. For farther Information apply to A. G. iIItoWNING, or his attorneys. 5. A. & W, n. PIP6VIA74I' IrAhtf- ,7 =LEO. street. Pittsburgh. lOWA FOUNDRY FOR SAIL WITH A DESIRE TO RETIRE Goal hnslnPrai I otter fur sole my N•c000 - anamat.ir, which conele.o of the lteel Estate, Buildings, eles chluery. Lathes, 'reels, *e., together with the good will and al. tile business at preaeut ronn,t/s1 01111 tho lame. Tine establlelouent, well known through out tho United Staten, au.? celebrated for bales One of the Leading Foundries for coustTuctlag and Making and putting up ALL KINKS OF ROLLING taiLLs, nd tarnishing (IbUlocl 'toll.; and ut4r , ritull. and MM 11 51111 I, not!Or v v. to all the Th alrorelo wrlt. otrt•rert to par lie, wishing to embark Ina toll/1, /tale and proilta ble h‘odlu,o. If the I rutclosser should /Veil, It The Property will be Leased for a Term or And the Patterns, Tools. Lothes, and all the me chiral" sold At An appraised vain, roe term., he., Anply . to JOUN C. PAUltlf AlUajrx • SECOND AND . P6l JT IM:d Ii 1. 1-1, CP 1.- 3 ' () SA_ 1.4 S. PENNSYL VA NIA Agricultural Laud scrip for sale. NITER STATES qOVERN -31F.,..r ~.,111g granted la the l:0M111011arallh of Vennsylt 1...inl berth. representing 7•. , t 011 'erns or i•ont.• Land, (or the endnurniel.l 1 Agri cultural In lhl. iltate, the 11 , 1..1.4 • • ne 1111 , dote•r% nnw Mt. Land Scrip v. Iliv pnbti, Cro tht• p,.rtll or MlSLand 9r 11, - dre. , ...11.. • ••I'he 1t0,r.1 or ~,,, .rs nf A cri nilural 1,11 , elerip." vcy, ticolt 'al ..Ile, at Illrrint.nrg. until tt•edeveadnl', August 15, IFo rl , l- tk.“ bo iot lcd In an) ,late or T. 11 I 1..• r‘. ‘,O II.•tI. r tbr 'et Ip. upon .1) of LI.. tit. 14,11.1 IA a. It r an.l 1.1,1, a tit 10 , it' Ii• .4 .41V .0411. .4 .104. Ti 4 11,1 11i1..4114 ~ n tlo 4.1111. , t1 •Int , II.• ilo. lrl.l l or OW- t.• th. J. 111, CAMPBELL, StlrVeyor lieneral . 0 Yur do ol of ( 0,11611,4.11.11. r+. PHOENIX STEAM BREWERY 4ul3icEat & ncii:AV, MALSTERN AND BREWERS MEI eV' Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, 1'11"1'~lil 11611, l'A. Ralik:UT Plass un r • wv.•i6s , 111:11% A:1111 s 1.1: ST.I.IILEN. MORELAND MITCHELL, Nos. 425 A• 12; Liberty REM. The eery Ineat c tali At. V, and kept for PP- aP %pore. The lIKA ILSE, the cotl. dt• 0. , •. le nu Abko t in tie , erh•.ll. I•Ping te I, op ILI enr line eln ref upon In lug tnrn, •i nnt in I, I. I • Or. a the prepeleters glee alien t Ile• PITTSBURGH But COMPANY. WE ARE PREP.() EEO ►n ratlike •• Itott , 1. , .t0 • s tllaut. JOINT tukt.D. , , It I . 3 1 1•1.11 p III:11.110.11 11.1.1,, 1 , •IINI.A IoN I= rT A`.41,11,, R. ,Fr. Carol, Morton tittl Hun. r N ital. 1t' .,r.1. Orr. all .l Yuri. Val tivprnl ItlaetAlthltlit jy11:01 STEPHEN M. OTT, Die Sinker, Seal and Medal Engrai er, STENCIL BIM AND STIR LETIEII SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling I.6tamin awl %lAling Card% I'LLTEn rOK ISAKKINn 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, UNn'[ DAVI!• noon krfortn.) H•2MI:eI 1•17'I sin :I:4.11 INCREASE OF PENSIONS. HT THE ACT OF JUNE 6th, 11666, $.15 permonth Is grained to A; soldiers or salters who hire bat both eye.. or both howls, or permanently dltatiliol In the same. $llO to all who hese Icon I both yet. or • hand and a foot, or hate tiori name permanently d l•abitif • 015 to those who hare nand, or s hen. or iit hot wise illsabliol permanently. Alto, pensions aroextended to dependent FATHERS AND IlltlYrllEltti. I=l Jyl2 Grunt Str..t, Pitt.bu , V, UTILITY lIVOUILS. McLEAN & SLATOR, No, 83 Liberty St" opposite Fourth, lILLRUJPACTIIittatIn or PMMInM . 3nWM They' make a specially of Iron Ilegt,tra.l and Ptrol C tors: Porcelain, Di:ante:ld sod Cantor, lkdatcad Past:annual Stops for Ea tenoban Tank, is Thoy also tnanufactnro and have conedautly on Lauda Thamh Latches. anrlng Late:lea, 31' I.eutew Button' Utilitypporte, and Lran'3 Kaf'en l ric 1 ,31 d. Button' Shutter and Butt Hinges, Grind' atone Sad Irons, had. Weights, iVKEE & CO., WA UTACTIOIRIIS OF ALL KIN DM or FLINT GLASS PRESORIPTION VIALS AND BOTTLES. 001“., No. 90 WATER STREET, 2.1 floor Works, LUMBER STICF.ET, near roma Afar M Ware notrintrd equel to any to the Ott' Jy7:17.-Prvits • - -- - - SUPERIOR OAK TANNED, PAT• zwr snirromm AND NIVNTEII LEATHER BELTING AND 110 SE, Monutsetured ot No. 68 illBlTllrifit.o 01., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO Also, Arcata for New York (tubber (lo Ca-um Belting. Aiwa a on hand a 511 p odor Illss o f I.AI'P upe M.lll and 1301113; 1.11M,T 114 iKa. cke. f14. , ° GREAT WESTERN GIN WORKS. J. H. JOHNSTON, Maier and Maier L. Fine Rifles awl Shot ,tins, AlLiel*, NAVY .04 Noism:rusvo.trat..4, emt 11INZa and 1111111KETS. kinds or ettatilattiari ON. Asi4OUN WARIER'S ATM AI.. Military Com airgete lernlatted sh ort notice. •Ii • 1 kii! 44&411111A d rod illus. manner. Aft/Mien:ember the place, ~. Penn and Wayne Streets, lobe°. Prettfiltllttili. PA. 1866 . SPIMG HATS. 1866. MOCORD & co., , lin WOOD STREET, gptet ai strum to their large sod cet I:llestri, it.,„7arlifiring and Sun ..;looo :Wear, ,%"„vg.3lltitciLletaims ITerriot3r. tdanza• inuitYklyAotwEAsn) ictFg • all t104014-,":' c.tna4fa J. ci:karrai 4. -Inif ''''''' Manufac• ,I,: itioat .N"`,„• /4 1: - : i llr tot cl iiii.•;.%ll. zurteli v;4l4: i. E r ti....,, .. - ' Wry andt*lnott , .... , ttotj4l4ll7* 64" ........5t0at, , L0C0r a s " g 'i," ° ` or cu.i.egie% — 4 - um banet, bait bar!toL i tit . , ros n nitou d 24 ormitt‘tP . .. , " r WI rih. . 1 " Order. clod and shipped to all portA.g i mp - Px ; ,. . ll A . Stt °ll ll - :-1 , , ,,-- , ,, :;;,,, ,, , , ,..:,,, , N77-:.; - , --- ,,;, - , -, ..',...Z=z,..%iw.-A"-ezwe.,Fl4.l-it,z,,tzf:,;;;:..:,,-;,;:;',L' :NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. —...e.STS. tilll-40LtriloN.-- :AlNtat3 La. & Aa o r 1:- .. . ~ . .1„, , ...10. ,•,:t t - . c r . i b t ha.,lsr al,s,4lVt .1, 1...,..: 4: ~. .n,,n,. Ali 1 i ILLEGIDAY NITIO VIII 111 ii, ..p.",.,,thoftgrint,r, ng ~.$ -: tit , ~,, tan pr,vol ' - Ilona to either of 11,, 01.1.ter-i,... l trwm e -nt. •Iti 0 Nlll,l WILLIANI A51.1,1,t1,. i No. 33 Fifth Street. July 11111. 1.6. - -- 1 Marl g iliaimsed of le) e•i• • • •t. i.l ,t,.. • • Steam Job Painting e,t1101 , 1•Tu• •rt I- all. Ewell,desire to .. Ulm tnr lhao L r.•• fir the liberal nalrenaac ce••: , 11.. ••1:•• • "1.1118 conneettoU alit 11: awl ,•••tll,l recommend the 'neer don no he punlle Li/ .- I) qq-ortbr_or ineireouildeucculet Thin foe , litles for 42,31111;4.11 Mad , prlullep can be debited...and-Jar work tent to 11 ill. cmrc be ea:related wll l l mcitnea.. 31Ifi hill. meal r••asoual•lJ u••ema. t'. 1. 11.1.. riareue mai. July .1.1111. 1414. =3ETT & ANDERSON, Book and Job Printers, WM Continue the Book nth! Joh Prin lnP buAne“ In ell Ite branchr, ut Ili.- GAZETTE STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISIEBEW, 84 Fifth St., Gazette Building. And ro.,pectrolly solicit n hare or piddle rrdron DAY, MeABOY & SPANG, MIRO 1110 CITV illun 11 ORB. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, N 05.15 Wood and 102 and 10.1 Third St, 1:=1 Saddlery Hardware and ,'Erinning, I= Superior Wood and Iron Names, Wrought:Post Bits, Iling Snaffle.. Itrandoonr, Wheel It Mul,i u , .. NC. Keep oleo on a foil ...I I,assortment. or good. In their line, all of which v der at na lair price., elution its good tenon :Lenre allured toy any house In the Ironic NAST Ott WE:4I. ,1 I • UNDEIZSIt4NED INC; • 'urn .rptaw,4 , 4t lo coo, tor for the torot of voie- TEic I:. FILIKN A. ly 111:• 1)1,0 lei tolio 4of llorttl000to) ottllll,, Co.. sort 11, 1 too lolly AooOto, toa AA It looott o rt.o. a.o•!:u I 100 latiolo 'ls lolt loot Inr elvotoori toed lot o,lot r,y 100, I Is. Av. 11, loo• Waal el I.'l . 11.7 CE, Slt.t.tto. al Wampum , t , •11 • P,l ntl , l I,rle 1ti...r11.• .1 I ••I .. \V A,II•t: I•I N t F. I. k ~131111 ti D:,11 1" :111.) .{I. 11.1 11, I. • .:I• .• I.• at.l other I I 1.•. rt rt..ni ~ tt 11. r a , rr ria 1.1,1 1•• I , I;t .. •• t. i Jut User 11 , 1111 , 1.1 L M. 1,11.11, 1%11 .t,"; Nolice 111 Ini al id Peihioners. A LI. IVI A III) VI:No.010N EltS r.• e .tter, r. of 41 ...... Erilifir , l to from $l4 fo $24. Arr r r.. ..f .I.,.arrtrily. rorrlyr :Lvt rkr Jour ett.. IN , A:.,. 3.lrlrr • B. F. BROWN, ,11:11,1 re. C. rill P . c. 1)1 „ r 'Cal, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, A d..., lit ~, H .:•, 10.1 it. irk; 1,: 3 L.ll !ma 100101., i 1:o I IZ . , AAD MMI No. 1.40 Gri. - cmt Bt-root. •.• LEATIBER ocurivi: .11ENNNIIN ( I.ll{l ,i. 111 No . All • .11, 1.,,1.), 1 . l • i. 1.• Att I 1,1, 1 •• •• I , 11 I. I 111,1( I .. .111, M,. awl Ire, no. k .111 , I. 0,, •ri firth EVERSON, PRESTON & CO. /"E.ll'.lrN FL I ;.1..1"1.11 11I)NVor , 11'•ro-th N.., 165 al-I 167 Fi elf •I 1. kik 11...,1. )1.11.11.,111.1.• 11,11.:, te1.,,, KI,, .J. wiirri. o. .N 6 Federal Slreel, Allegheny. CARPENTER AND JOBBING, A:1‘ , ../, nMI ble .llC ,kll 1.111• .111 n I:•rir... 111(1)1111 l'E NOW 12Ell'Elt INt:. 1: In,. I .•1. Ilttkl. , r, .t." •••• . I I;(1!, ant I 1.h., 1 , 11, 1 . • :!••1; 111;!..• pu,lwr tide 4•1;•ar .1!•".11 1 l!!tr. Z.!!!!pootiole 1 •_•tLliry slot,: HO • !ti ••!•,..; I Itntr, I•••••• In blot, 1!” ,a , “ 11. 1(11 , 01.K. 10,11 FOlt It ENT. A FRAME HOUSE, whh -% 11 ,•• • • 111.n1 .11.4/111 1111 . 111 1T 1 1 11011 1 I.lle 1.1 . I.N• ""r" 1'I' 1:: II 14.%% E„, It/ ,rth I 1 AV. RT. wurrE & co.. . UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Al eh ..st ILtt and IC Ini Aff IN ROOMS AI MANCHESTER LIVERY STABLE corner os tinedtent and Chestier. streets. tl•sr , • and r'arrinue,. turnishnd. notedi'd _ _ AitcniTEcTuitAL BARR di 319SER, ARCRITMVS, Have removed to the Fruit A.ociatlon Building, Nos. 2 and 4 St. Clair Street; Where'll., will Le pleased trimeet their old frleuds and "Lilo r . derlring their eel v wee. le I z(Ss.ai &Tn. ll)e) ST. CLAIR STREET. 6)2 Iit . M.CTACLS:S. Ar . INSTILLIMt.r.TiI, Vl' it it A Ili LAPPE, Ti0.1.1:6C01 . ES. I.IOIIIIN ATIt/N HYDROMETERS, IL% K• ,tondant.) I'IIEIOOM F: l'EltS. RA Iti 131F.TM.Ito, HA l:I11tUM ETI•11:, lor wnlr. ut reasotsablr prl,4n., by J. 111 A MU?, 11, l'rmetitai .4.llClan. = C. Clair nirrtt. VIRE 11111Cli AN 1) CLAV.—In E.tork. on.l 101 ..I1 FIRE BIWA RATS JonNTVI OLAI At the N'a re Ikon ;11111 :.n el MIX n AreeL =lll ). L. PATTI:In:SON & CO MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, llenv., Ntreetlll Ohio Ricer, Matielkenter, Pa. nd.rs fir All km/6.4 I.Enuityr for blinding boat 131.6 raking. Are. VOR THE PURCHASE AND SALE ur 01ta,11.1.14ma 12 E 4 L ESTaTE Ali, tt. C. Is EYS,M.O.. I 444444 11,11 0 IVMY DEM ROI tuEs, BELL & co., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, Mann la,tort•rs of A Nclitilt (A O , IIETN(F, A N 1 .11 1 ,1( (11):411K)111!098. A N.'11011((') bIIEETINUS And HATT) tuyttlt3t7o REWARD WILL BE PAID ...of for foruott:on that will iea.l lc. the c.,m06. , lion or the tel , enotot Mlle stole from the tan pail of the untletslgutol. A JERSEY WAGON uu the morning 01 the Nth Inst. NONEW HARE. Duquesne IturougN EMIII I ABB OIL. BACON AND 111AM9. • 24 bbludouldc conned 'Om, ttralned Lard 14 Halt Anis countryo do du ii 3.01) cholcc tbdeo: Tierce, S 1151.-I - In Mon and for Yale by bOIitIMAKF.tt A LANG, bra • ' • •177:1111.1 174 W. od straw. .7 0 0 EMPTY mum- CANS you rale cheop'by toe gross or do:ro t - 11- WM. 11.101/ES. Wholesolo Coorreiloorfr - 114, -. 21 8611-throMlStrirl, I~ itri1:. , 14 ,... /..erns ._urartoNsAv KAyArEu A JIRO'S., /YU Nos. I= nod UN Wood Moot, NEW ADVERTI Capital, - - - $500,000. DISCOUNTS DAILY AT LI 111. 11 1 ..,.011.• 1•••.•1•..1n I 4 . ollectiont Made 012 all SC - . , •ii ll.e mont Irrn+olt•lo , wraul. R. MACKEIi, Cashier I= C. C. II lISSEY, of HUNFIRY, W 21.1,8 & Co. RE 6:Sr: OWENS. or Y. nE.LI.EI:6 & A AY. No. :137 LI It E.RTY STREET J. W. COOK, of. A/.. (1)01i it to. 111. AM, of SHOENBEIWER .4 CU JAS. T. WOOD, Of WOOD, MATTHEWS it CO I: r. HI. of r ”1,..t. FM F TII CO. 1)1' NITIONIL TRUST COMPINI 423 Petit' Street, FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH• r.irlta••l intere.t allot oil on do'. 11In•Io 011 all tbo prinelpsl points of tnr lint;.ll GOVERNMENT SECURITIES Bo ISVELCA. TIIE STOCKHOLDERS INDRIDILUIT REPONSIBIL 111/81MT DICKSOS, 144 siden I. .11/11N 11. ItALSTi , N, UOIIERT J. 11111 kit. Caslslrr. Lpin.cropist it.,BEirr MU hi VEIO, Jon 11. All LSTt,N, I JOSICTII 11.1.1 A M Jli iTil. wit.i.tAnt II As. 11. A 1t11141 . 1t41N1.1 I littAwrottl,, .1 AM '.ll p.1"1"1'E1.1...p tl L tit tr..1.P4 Mi. .1. Alp 1.., piri 1 JA.IIMS TAYLvU. DIERICIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, PIT'rei3EII7I : ILC3 , B, AMERICAN AND CUB Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and 7 iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T Itails,l6 and 29 lbs. to the) and Train Bait+, punched and conn- I.ISI . Ole GIFTS: 1 Floe Three-story Brick Residence, coner Canal nud Chestnut. streets. 0 All r egheny 614,000 x I Brick Residence, No. 17 Grant St.,l Pittsburgh ... .-.... 6,300 I I Brick Store 110000. No. 1.7 - Anilerson attest, AllegiumY 5,000 5 Vine Reading Lots 10 eentro uT Mast . lAborty, near 1... It. It Station 2,000 --1 5 City Loll, Nos. 11, 10, 17, 10 and lo :4 Ridge at.. Pittsburgh 2,500 .1 1 gift In Greenbacks 111,000 1 gift In lireenb.uks 500 I gill In Greenbacks 250 1 i 1 gift in Greenbacks 125 1 gIR In Greenbacks 75 1 gilt In tlreennacts 50 400 gifts In Ilmenbscks, $lO each 1,000 200 gilts In Greenbacks, emit 11100 400 gins la tircenbacks, 2,50 each 9,000 r , 2,000/tlfts of good Interest rig G00k5....... 3,00% ~ 1 Grand Square Plano I r Me Morse and Top Buggy 700 , ' 10 gifts of Wheeler A Wilton Sewlog Machines 1,00 10 glitz of excellent Melodeons 1,0 /0 I/ gifts 011 LT In Jewelry 11,0 /0 VD: 3 Diamond Itlngs. 2 Ifinl:nUnd PIO. 4 tt/ad Watches. on It Obi of Western Yoram, to wit: . ISTIXLCS la lEltalasaarl. L AS VOLL la OWsi Foot In Ishautiou county, Iluetof 251 aerie. and :4 Three of ICO acres each; Two la 1 exas county, each. too Acres; One in Ripley mlunty of IGO acres, anitTwo i iln Oregon county, each 19) acres. Also, Two Farms In Marathon county,Wisconsin. 100 nod se acreo re opectlymy. All 010 14 Farming Laud In good settle- menu. Also, 40Interests (1 M each) In 011 Wells, located -4 on thefamoutt Pitholol.ncek, Vettangocuunty, Pa.. a Including TilltiChl PIA/WING WICLLs and o then 04 Vg,t`. 1 ,1".77 1 V" 1!;:. 1 ,=.1e".". ) ",f,73; T AIt - rained et from ako to te.,ono each. Aot one on. ,S. them Is an unseat:lt/mire well, hut. In wells praluclog, and others yet to be tested, citem A .b. producing wells, all uutier contract tor coinple. •,::1 Iton, 0,..e Of fortl.oo ex p 010... 31aps sittralug the lutsallon of raid welly, se., on nand. ' i Persons wishing to examine deeds, or certain ar ticles of the above proimety can be itocemmodated ~.3 Linn, onion, where all the partleular. may be ob tained. Warrantee Deeds glees/ for all the above, .1 licaLlfstale. *CORRECT LIST, INCLUDING TIIE TIeKET HOLDERS` NAMES, ADDRESSES, AND THEIR. Tani MP N UMBERS 1S KEIT k r 91111 OFFICE, mil TIIAT ALL MAY RECEIVE JUSTICE, WIIETsiAII TREY A.TTEN LI Til It CONCERT Olt NUT. Our smallest glfts are photographs 01 Moth:L. mashed persons. The dhawing 11111 take place allot.' tke concert. four nights In succession. A eoutituttee will 1,0 ap poloted by the TR krt. 1101 , 101 s alOtte tosOpeflUtetul We same. mad see tb•t Inc Glitz are Oa/Wanted Impartially, and the resslt published ilintediatelY. N„ lir, crdracks, Deed, /re- forwarded by entree , 2 !LELIA LILE All IC NTS WA NTED In every loan 3 ~, and village withlu 50E1 tale's of Pittrourgh, tot whom liberal indoeentcas are olfenm. CLUB 119'1 LS: 're 5 Tickets to one atbfro, ........ .... .... a 4. 50. 10 § 10 Tickets to 0t.e114110,.. 9 00 50 Tickets to pare nddroatt 43 50 . .-.S lOU Tickets to ono addren5......... ......... 143 00 Tickets neither fast. Get up your clobs and imutt on roar orders with the name and address to 5411.01 emelt subscriber. Nnmher of tickets Issued. 70,000. Pelee at each. Tr.ey are ferule nt our otilce.„ No. 701+11 1 '1'1, STILSKI% 54 I,loof, Vhruniclu , nulldaug. rittilb'g. And 6,1 the prieelpot Hotels, hook, alusle and Drug Stores Of, tide city and A Itegh•n y. Sent by mall on receipt of price and damp for re. 1. turn postage. Spud, for Circular.. .- Monty May be sent us at our risk, either by drat. postolillec order, express or registered letters. •, We here excellent retereuces, with which our , .. anent) are tbrnlshed. N. IL—Although our tickets Issued for the 4th lot were Ile./.3 , all told, yet It became absolutely 1 00000077 to deter our Concert :. low days. to allow r Magas agents thno to cornet their reports. We must positively have the Name, Post Udice ad- .: r . 4 1 dress, sllnt Manner of 00014 porou.eis tic Ant., or we . Cannot dopastlee touter ticket holders, massive. or our ref/TeI:MC. Vi course, tickets loaned for the 411% Ice, are goat sr. • for the SOth, sad have an equal Intel. st mall the . 7t, glfia. • lri, Agents must be caress to forward reports so as 10 reach us 20111 Inst.., OA our eencert wilt certainty Wi, take place on the 30th without Pill. .. to extra charge for atiMlesion. ' ' • It will he soon that we hive added mine very val. tt noble city propettylo our Ilst, at a "moderato prima. l'i at.l , All....aluns should he midmost:o to '4; IIIehONALD, T 111.1141601/ A CO.; it lytt.ddarTal&./ ling No. 505. rittaburgli. Pa. . Nos. 221 and 223, . pErrsnuutan ..44 ... . .. .ez, ter sunk; Holler, Bridge and Tank Rivets Cut Nails and Spikes; Shill and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cohrßolled Shafting?, Patent Cold Rolled Piston nods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WAIU AND OFNICE. 120 Water and 15$ Front Sts. BEAM H HOUSE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., CHIDAOO. MCCLELLAND'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street NEW GOODS. Hoop Skirts, all sizes, Hostel,' and Gloves, Ladies, Gent's & Children' lidkfs, Cloths,,llress Goods, Bal moral Skirts, 11011 Se Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, PirasOls. Men's Hats, Straw Goods for Misses and Children, and the usual large and elegan ti stock of BOOTS, SHOES AND GAITER C. W: ItICK.C7'DON Atlle;gig.. MILLER & RICHETSON, Wholesale Grocers, BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C JOHN ROSg''& CO., WM , N. OCDEN. & CO., stAxoTAtTUR.ZRS.AI. , ID DEALSBB ix Carbon og. LEunps ::and _ Fixtures CHANDELIERS, CARBON,DILS, M. Da - c). 64 Mor3cet IStreuot, ts.:da IvT • PUTH1111141:01. =I MEE PITTSBURGH IRON' WO= J. PAINTER & SONS. '. Iron litucket,TubandTrimli HOOPS AND btilS.Wili g r,in: 41 n ___-WEIL - - MOWERS,"IIIArRAKES::,,',.. • Plows, Gillti , "va tor s - Ei. - - JDaurautisai. Neel. andia.Oulcraredt ! -Aileshenv ' •• . JAitEDA:Bittsu; Steam Itaitersi i Oil -Taake, Shea Mirka; , No. GI re.,14,N STREIMIVPITTEMILM2FIi RA'. -, NEW BOOT AND suOirc,sTonA , A large awl well seteehtt. " .titeeeCir:LAtalittr, - ORNT , H and ea 11.01111141 tiA.ITZR2S, BALM). RALS..t.e„ which lorslybir-i4srum , the 'Ammer' , i•tsluCtl. .-..(atee:6oloo4U "-Jorniobtopunass., - 11131 4 4 ..** 10 snug: cotumniatv Far ..le , "7 I. " l %o4*Ao li gigt - .‘"?..viravierimmaAis:4--- -, 1 00 NR WI FOIR TUE AF P&TEIQT mlciingtAttiatrat,..t..kavi • DRARIEnIVIASTA uourian fiILTIZIM b01,ta, v ,.:. trAlbs.,NWakkAtilUßAKP. it 'RSA' • - 4nd evayytlting cue 10 - ordpd • BROWN'S NEW DWG .11W1 st. ci*kr 'rock SIM .1 omit ti A RHODES, PrelOdent pro teta. IMEffil=l =I LdROIE STOCK OF I=l PITTSBURCH, PA. Coluitantly 4n,hand. uosg, tiIIa.CMPEIONS TO Xi). 24 81. qintr' 01,ftveti, Alli - - - . . , . , -,;?i,1,71 , ' ANTEEN—GeOla•_salesmen to . sell try sample • •• ANDRICWIiboth NE (Pe . D*IN t i rOCITIgN flAs E sr IFA L ITNO With rightto use A rare diatom to make money nr•lnvarkk. Addrrsr C. TILTON. Jyt.ftis 31 fifth street, Cal Flour ` TANTED.—A SUBJE The fulvertLser. o chemht of I wend-tire 7 , ' 0, • experience. both in Europe and Americo. wishlog to retire from the protem/on, mind to any pets son valuable mitres, from the use of which say tn• dostrtomi young toms or. Icomm. - with little orr capital. can trash. , trots the erst day uot only so e I • moderatel It. lug. Lot In very Abort Mom realise fort tine. Address, with two stamps tor return postage, S. P. CILESTE.ItrIELIt, Chemist, rnyMbOOTTs 517 Prone St., Phtledelphis. r.. wAlaED—AGENTS—ritate nod 'Venial% to sell the Velum ``llt/ltg. Ati Al s • also for Itis I:m=lMM 'Attach Eugraclug• ..Cllll.O'S HAYSIC' L.T...N00N. ,, A few agentz eau make from:JD 10 11 00 IPO t r o .l.l to tab Mit s ' 41717.1 . A T 7;11'16 .r.rmry to tint applicants. Apply soon. Address _rityllCT4r KLLCS. - VII Thlrd.troct. WTED-1120 0 per Illomiticpel to Agents., to lotrodece our nor $1N,11,18 890 SEWIAII MAC th stamo, H HINE, otclonn4 Putout. Andreae,. Wi NEWINti M MAME Inebelnlon, Mem., o ur, l- Ont.., re. ttrINI lAw WALL PAPERS.,`. et. TUOMAS PALMER ‘llOlOll.l thi RITAIL BAUR IS l'A I t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES EMI 3" 33 C) -cr 33 Si les Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, Second door below Diamond Alley, WA:CAW PI'rTSIIIP ROI VA TAPER HANGINGS EOHIS66. • A vent collection of desterlean frail Papers For the first time In eve year,. rEP 'EXGLISZI P4PERB = Newest .French Papers for ”to by WALTER P. MARSHALL.{ 147 WA ad Street pAILIILOR PAPERS. A NEW LOT 11F Standard Gold Papers Now me ted. of beautUld designs [or natom M No. 101 MARKET STREET, NEAI3I,IIeTII JOS. It. 1180. OUR 14 RAND GIFT coNcE,B,T Advertheil for t'oly poaltieely . be Web at CITY DEIALLIA, PITTSBURGH, P.d., MONDAY,, 'JULY 30th, 1866, kIICS CLAISS ALENT ENGAGED. Gins to thedmouta 01 1570,C0C1C0 Will be presented Co Me Tlelaet I Wider. Including City Property, lireenhacks, Yartos, Sre. TICK ETS ONLY ONE DOLLAR KAM. No blanks. A gift for carry ticket bolder. - SANK-VCR SAVINCS, - Pormerly the DIOS SAVINGS INSTITUTION, 67 PourAW , Street, 'early Oppoolee tha Danko( Plittabergb.l UItAILLISILED It( Mgt. 01!VN DAILY from to 4 o'clock, mot 111 WED NVIWAT awl SATURDAY ENENINUS [row MIT lotto November Mt, 7 to 9 o'clock, mut from Nov. let to Hay Lt, 6 to 6 o'clock. limns of Ily-Laws, ec., furalsbca at the oftlea . r . This lustltntlon especially offe to those whose earning are limited; the opportunity to accomulate. by email depoalm, easily saved, a sum which will be thresource when -needed, arta bearing totems to,. stmul Of:remelt/lug unproductiye. BOUM OF DIANAOMIIit PRESID&N'T C3-31114jaa.C3.2111:496: _,. VICE I..BEISIDENTI3. ~4 , I. U.' HARTMAN, JA.IIIIWPAINIC; 4/1. , ': . SECRETARY AND TlitAS : '. • . -: 1 A. BRADLEY; ' '' ' WM. W. NUBBIN; JOBB 8:1)lisNYORill: ' JIYARUA.. I/10DM ,- 11. VOLIANSIENE, up ...poiNscorr,•_,,:. ~ , JAb; L.; U/LAIRAM.." ' IL I. 1313111LERVA. ' . 15j0L • I CIT . ILS'CUW. i & iA R . EU : ZU G o 6 8,..:,.,.' :. - • -.. Aitiediatity iii :Tao Commonwealth of Venisseliania? To-Thornton • t;elPo i rl# it% j erghts tl i n e flisr4/ZNIVIS:* Mills, Mary rAl'aod.,•Wm, Wood. IrredossrA. A. Rued. 'Entail Woork'fiurnlneion IL - Mood; ermine X. Wood,.Xnally wwood. fich.rka K. P. Wood, minor children of Mary H. Wood; dn..' Ceased.) John •11 , 1.3ellene; Aristrand of Fanny W. dceesiod'..SlarylictrlellanrL r Ann Whirrland, lira bl 0.1 e Ilati Jaincs MCCIMIand, WilitruAlelllellandt- - Frank. if sCielland, JohnAlce Clelland. Jr.. ' linen Alec 1011stid and Weariest.. r o e, ts We trommand . you-an& every and „WV or . o that laying salon all Mantle andeaCtliee, $4 am , . a ppw. io oar _p . roper persona -bereft' oar Jadgeo 0E slosCourt oL msnon ruo„, to t,O mad., n , 'wormer; !nand for Ito (Smartly or 'Allegheny, • on Oro rater LAY or JULY. NEXT, allO O'clock, I to snsoerasid hill or peiltlorrethibiled Snoop' tow A. 1;0=2. and to do farther, and seed!. 'what our eald Court shall tialrformltiercd. , ' 4 ,1,03e1 , • unroof lin oat at 19tir , lw.til an!! • oar arner. • WlLnelarthnilonijAMES ;lent afoul . said Conn, /?lfril of .1 ave. A. H., MO. • joAmeMOW, JACOBJLZW: Cssnafen;• is2w ROCitek Ai Lets eiii4eux...l.; 1 14 .4,.. Iniested Pre Unsettled Inesenertbr.... .. . Losses . 71iiiiiiiiiiird l iemi • i dissiClll'llisickerv , ,- - sau TobdarWiyineri.,,:, :.: , F.dw Samuel tiint... , .. Wm Jacob It.iSeoltV. ~.,"';--,,. , 1 - , Attw ' " ltle ItMIT I Ai . ItilYj 1 ' , '" '.' =WARD 0: DALE . . .1 . 143.-;W: lIICALL c . WFXIkWeeTI iiiiet4it: ;-' ,: CoiittlFood-i c:t.smr...m3=mlr, det:ef" AteartheilliiPeWae ;' -111,01...10A1 U BOXES PAw— u[lteandfoeWe. 14.4' hT94. .7ilWAKVfle*4:4'6Y '="1 1 11* : ' 3:a IME