THE - DAILy. :GAZETTE. PeArti*As../,(4d- & CO, ===i=l saM 6e. AY. - zuLy - '204-1869. "*., eAreindebtt,, tlrpodivaj; - .11. C, for ot tho lia Committee llamado. , G0VE42(0)1.; CURTIN M . ee nouresseo' n letter- to CcilotieLJortn Chairmen or the riepabliese State Co. Mittee, esplairy ing that his ploposition to convene the Legielittniee or the'loyal. • :tato; in special' sesaiSns to aet cp the Cons tnt ona amend idea; li it not mot rerth, i e favorable coil c.)nsegnent - lylie should not eat:- our Legighttiti tolCePi!i !ef!T! , th.a usual 1 4 4 3%-,ln the. baits° of thfe letter he defines his iosition otel'ihe - •etiating controversy between - tte 'President and Congress, and.I4IOITEI that Ile .-. . . . • iitandei.*th : the' masses of loyal citizens. I.Y.:),)avu haenawara that the A3overnot Ilk priiate lit) ter,tloll, was uxpresiing.him i selfvritit riieitnee:s Oith.e right side: Bnt :., we have It, in yleiv of the unfortunate en• . dbrie zu ,atit of , Alpkr.realdent:s P . oliey,in ;it; lastannual message that the Governor' - oright in make a ,pub le declaration of his :",present niew"Of t h e ease. '. Holding towaids him the relation of Kr sonal.',2ami 'political friendship, we have !boutlit it bolter NFO should say this thaii an , enemy We know the 41)Ternoi.appreciates correctly our mo- the premises. Bat if we had been certain it would be otherwisewe should not; lame `,ltesitated.'=.l.SlOurnalists, we had a' duty to perltie*And shoeld ;Lava per. Aimed it .titi•OtatMr tow .enpletisant might ,istxer .- been .tito 'Onsecpicneesi. -The Gov erhei,it:sense of%what-was due to himself and to the-pomile of thelitate, correspond . odentlrely to our own, and 'he lutarniet the c!ile.:10 - p-mitnOciAndicatory'og his hiatorj DOI TP4:IO the epliefactionpf his true . . aotiow-draned Soldiers and high"hone ty patitobt Codiened together in' Washidg ton; Pe.,a few dsys'ago, to get up a set of r4ibithatia - Among them was one de clatieg Heister'rlymer -"the highest type of tiattlatitamt i. " Had the 'so:called Con- - ventiem been etintpoied of aoldiers, such a resOltition as= this would- have -.. sounded exceedinglyTtrangi, but as they were un willing transcripts and bounty beYs, there 4.4 nothing striking in the decleratiOn, tree soldier will never forgive the fork Tato attacked him' in the rear, while he was tic mg the more noble enemy. .-1n.1.863, at . a Convcation Slierks , county, which; the "highest. type Clymer 4 :6i6d in piling up, the follOwing.resoletione'WerefidePted: •Besokett;;That:vie - arejnitexibfy intlun• alterably devoted to. - the -Constitution. And Gib Union, with such additional guarantees as'May. ..proteet - :ibe ' rights of . minorities from all fuittre aggression: , - We do not ap prove of this war as at present conducted- Vire never did'approve of it -in :itself, but accepted it in preference to disunion, an archy and despotism, under pledgesthat it should. be conducted solely with a view to the restoration or - the Union: 'llaise pledires have been broken, the! war is converted into into an alolition crusade, and, we are free from any obligations except those of .nbed4" knee to law. , ,Res2ired, That we regard the Entincipa thin Prochumithin, the Conscription Law, and thettliscapn,4cts aselearlytturt, : sfititiona 7 , .Cansoldiera7-mon : whoAdered thearmy, ditorigh the premptings patriotisai;ind' ditty to their ciariniryendome a ; man who held Tonc4 life of .II our'Goverthifent: , wan :threatened f they eatinet:„ . ..Evett the brave Confederates: who met our idiot's in bide" upon the open' batileheld ac focs,. - viould ; A,Purn the tralU?r of the Werth; if they Wide tadletivipon litt. • his act of w-dbliolding en-, countienienti front the soldiers whowere.._ fireside at , the &Ont.' littia heard enough of siialfeeldier, Orman-. tibus; let taSßearlo niere;: If the Wei Was waged he nisminplish anythitiggoOd, those VI? PPPoso4lt were guilty of crime anti should not: now pi landed and praised as _patriots: There Is a premium for men who. wore the garb:of soldier offered by the Democratic.; Party... , Wherever they can muster a squad of men who hive - named through a si ,sty days Untying campaign, , they bring Ahem - together ; and force em f J to. 'past', a string of resolutions. The trick is understood. True soldiers. scorn I and. adhere :to the principles Which cause& that to peril theirlives pies which will . carry General . Geary. into the Gubernatorial clunr.- t :. On FrumAT n,tsi Gen ; w; T. S nsantss, ''-'"!' the coninieneenieni e'er -141" ."-- dam at,Tale Oullege;rdatiritt speech to the :, • i _ i ittldenia,. , whiff.. ?newtons ,eonsiderable eritielitti from the ..conserviiive' joumali it specially ProVoltes them is this: '' As you go out into life . will , find op. %nitwit* enough to Stand...l3RO' . the old - flag—younnig eves Lave a change to fight for,it..:l tell you that befirre you pats from • the stage there lag bejightingi , tseompathett watt .e.' A -mine tefil seem slig4t,ato.llutve • - seen enough' : Ti - tlir l'irdeli: SIIERMA'S vie* of the Sit- : t nailonl—, We take it be has jusi the same ~. right ii 01 other citize n s to his judgment ofimilili4 tiffaiii,' and at'initable tialeilto, is eijirensitii: - . Ilia judgnient, .eertitinly eon , • ' awed. in*multitutlesof thoughtful men . in all -parts of the country : - The ,fear is i yriatti - edlintii:lfee , thatVthe Presidentla E 047, akdeve*Wrin his YetOldessa*, t and hismatnier Orgiving it, eifect, as intil= ' I - eittain itlitiii: Eibruirit'siieoch;'; tend. su i • airewon: ' When thelkinhl!enn , lead': ~ . ets, *hotlinnik•hr.thn flag,' mil . , denntMeed i aeiraltencjith&sepie,ndicius - sense asthe . '.1330104141r3951,- PO Hag, lnna. the duty of i' I . : -. ".intiting tlienidowa bb theeierciiko . tibree 11 C0 4 4 / I t , i)foctillned;7:bat else rain sqit-.. ile*ktie do other than feel spiliehexisigns Titst.. , trniori - Conferees;of; the Twenty- Aril - 904ns idanal District, ecoaptising the eoupiies of Indians , Wesiinorelanti Fikie#; . ,llll meet at the jdonongsliiit ipuo on the 24th ;hisasitt; tolicardnite a`candidate for Conkresti: Siktitliullerist2:llho Imparted by sserow - . - , from "BMA& county, John 6P4Oilit rfWeilSratTerilloo, and lion. A. W. TAY- Ior:b*" iiidians county MI ;1141.tatisgr,elect Paiterson and , riapresen tatlyeaelect Cooper, dampliell, Lettwich, TailetandTleamite; Imo sur widen* to. the wind* of Tennessee, • urging-thetn loiend, delegates to the National Johnson "Oiniientlen, _ to ' wiemble in Philadelphia on.oCl4th. of August.' • " ' • I ' at Uol,6.llemocra• c paper, except one /*Nest Virginia, is exllted by, man Who emi - vote.• veral of' them e run by returneereh m els; others s. who,-have ;mot been t 7 the State , long etioughl*.yote. TLeprominent atitditlitteii for United Stake Bentitoehr•,K)theasi,to :succeed. the; 1 , - -* .-letett:iettatortanai;eft_ Ocvethof , Cieney, - Celcdolr•Virilliam - . Boni! B id * , _ _ will-not . loo' Par i t ( r nal* thi!(1!), .41.04ftraieu THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME I.XXX.-NO. 170. CITY ITEMS. NNW. that, Cost 7.64 In England, 41000, at tho Opera lions° Shoe Store. I=l .y hats Serelylears 21131 i l e On those English „, brogans. „at, . the, Opera House Shoe Store. • • ' "••• itess'Weattste. The best wearbtg shoe ever nwlo—thoao 'English army brogans,, the Opera Rowe _ • , Alias' climax. A gixid anortnie.iat Ju dieted 'on tho north ikagt corner of Paavili and PiarlFet. stream. - • . C.-113doos povz t Biro. • &Wale :donble.vldth ,at all Pew. on the northeast 42013101.0 r rourtb and Market streets. . e. Hanlon bora a Dna. Lett en Bele, A splendid n09123/00d !lam; of a celebrated make; lnit sovern.ootsys, and han . dsornoly an ielmitioirlos To* low, at, °stainer% west Boot and Shoe lions°, 244:030 Wlltli Street. If *lli./ 116Lar !Mathias. A good , assortment of . the boot brands, al• irßye'•tar iistaid; tukAtio norttnenAt oblroor of Fourth and Market streets. C. HANSON Lova d Bao. Summer Dress' Goode. Shawl% Lace, lifantles, &c., closing out, with-- out regard to cost, on the northwest corner of Fourth and filsrliet streets. C. liazaon Lova & 800. Down Say that Ton Cast Got Richest qualitrotEnglistvandgeote.h - .Ale Porter, or Brown Stodt—fot, hy calling of _FLlmillsO's' Dino Ditio: ion will god the most complete stock of thu finest brands—and got them at: the very, ldwest price. Remember the place, Fmturno.s Drug and Patent Medi.. eine Depot, No. S 4 Market street. I:=2:1:1== Cott Liver OR in the world, manufactured from fresh:selected livers on tbo sea coast. This oil is chanscarizell by a sweetness and purity, peculiar trill alone. Its reputation is so great Malt take:Slant Of other o ll a, and - lstiiniversallym Rani by- physic:tans.. Remember to ask for rd & Caswell's Cod Liverol.l. ClA.M.Lx.,lllh,r= & Co.,Tiew York, • ,• • • • • , • • Sole Itlaeutaetsre.ra. Tor stile at tilitgesalit rfi PUSS - burgh by R. E &Mere bt.kt. retatetty all Druggists, mlM:Sdftwatu Cr== Ta. be .4411;eak at .;City Hall oil the 30th inst., is dreitibigiresi. Theonanagers,lierers. McDon ald, Tbompsoi a..C.0., are completing their ar rienghihriti;eb,the' public may bare no team of en additional- postponement.• It won't be necessary. The ttc.freus are selling fast, Ne vronder. Splendid niriale and attractive gilts. need their advertisement in another column and be' &evinced. ' Every body - should have a tioket.. Dan , wide tat theemming of the Gan cm:tiler time -there . wig be so much excite ment sad confusion that itwon't be convent out .perhaps to have tickets registered, a very imporitint item rianclierimrprises. Pwwt. , ~- grand-Wational tilft Concert wad be hold 'al. Grocer's Theatre, Washingtem, D.C., on the eti ertery4oay tarttelMiting wtti boehtitled to I gift to each Oe Merchants ", orlioloarronioll Mesita* front one dollar to . ,Clabtoco thonsatid dollars . The net profits are to beappme4 'to the ifitionn3 Or. piwine. Dome Fund: sN that "everybody will be +afforded a abeam) to draw a Dwaine, while he Is contributlecto.:. Outmost, charitable object in the conetry. The project hsh the endorse- Tne t 0 0 1 :40. 4 # 7. umuling citizens of the country, who voieh4cirltie honesty - of the Pro jectors. Book. are now open_ for subscription and lisle thrtiete zet Jam W. Placers, Fifth Street. opposite the Postolnee. Ilsumllt's lettasas Enrroasi—The excitement occasion edJi..r the deliscig Intelllgenee of the defeat of ourlilflein.mpion'tipcin English waters. is Ithont dying out, and our people can calmly look into the causes which prevented Hamill from beeemlng victor. The reporte/early Set forth that his defeat was to be attributed to a :Ifficalty In keeping a straight course, end that from some cause or other be could not retain his usual arm position in his boat. A theory for the may easily be found. His Shoes vett( net heavy enough to brace himself *the boat, for he had made a grand mistake Elaine° call at Robinson's Boot and Shoe enlPOitiniti; tor a patepf his selntatitlel made pcoverinit.EgOy.ihing in the way of ,Iloots, - Shoes, and Gaiters. can be obtained there at the cheapest p Ices In the city. The stools is large, fresh and new, aint wo. advise ad of yorte readers te call there tor great bargains. IloirOOlor's..Oldoosebylliviors-1 Bun dred'CliirsOlires lu One. Not tbelease'idrikingmcnit of liciatetter's Celebrated Bitters is the wide scope of their operation sea pretenliailve And remedial pre paragon. Al a yrre*Cire Medicine they ward off tilfthe Abseiscii , -ond their *me la legion .. -that. originate in unwholesome air, impure water. *Weeding heat, ..or other local and abilitie' cantos. , This alone would be man tient to immure !assay corrective and alters. tire medicine a world-wide and undying celebrity. D'ut ilostettees Great Specific has a hundred otlier.cialtnato the eangdellee and high anudmeration of the public. In Dirspep• cia, Liver Complaint, Chilisand gayer. Bilious hemittent Iluvers,. Cholera hicuttnai Cramps, Colic, COnstipatlett, General Debility, Piema ture Decay, FeUltiO irregularities, Corollate- Donal Weakness, ilea sickneas, Diarrhea, Dye. votary, FilittliCllCy, Vertigo. Fainting Fit.. Hysterics, and all complaints proceeding from Imperfect Digestion, ends disordered wildl ife:l of the liver and bowels, Hosteiten% nom- ZICII Pattern are the lnest:miwerfnl,, speedy ; harmless and agnseah;le of all remedies idver• Used by the press or administered in family prectleo:: , ..,-," • ;-+ . tiosieteeis ftlitinni are told wholesale and Mall savory low rates at klemtnies Drug altdratent ldedhnnaldelmt, NO. 64 Markftt , al est; conies of the Diamond and Stake. riaer.letarth street., jellosioos IlimUost4l tuts", Cauvention Is lichtewAyoLie. Jane -19.—The Johnsen „No tional 'Union Convention in thin oily today was very thinly atterided,the number of actual delegated ;not 'exceeding' one brindred and twessty.dire. Three = congreselonal districts Were unrePresented. Wono of the -speakers invited Ironsabread were prlesent. Onlytheoe who rupported Lincoln. and 'Johnson ,in Ists, and now support JohneOrs i e restseration pulley, were • allowed to participste., . General Sot Meredith presided.. Deleastes_w' the Mlle deli:dila Convention-Were stiliwiwou , A serlesot restitutions were adolited; The drat expresses an ardent atteebment to the union: u States under tbeCanstStution, denies Ow right of AtssessiOniheids latemPts nun Wed voia,"declares ail the State now States of this Unita SS - before the rebellion, denim the power 9( the General tiovernment to exclude s w at a ia n ,... !Fault/m:ol,a* Or ikal r e a a -a aa a a Theseoend - declares confidence in President Johnson - undintirdshed, approves the general Policy of his administratiou,rsultirees his ree. 'Marshes policy no wise, patriotic, constitu tional:la harmony with the: fotalttenbaeoi awl Purpose of the people in the . soPerros_ien- of tbo ;shallow", With the plat•forigt on firroe. he was elected, and with. the declared pelley of the late President.' The thin% esserts ibid.:under taw tionstitn tics4tbertigut to prescribe the !Fenton id.. is reserved to' the elates; and. ft wee siewersive of the principles of our ucrirerestient for Congress to tome universal sulTrage ispoll say part thehe country in opplii;• sition - co the wishes of citizens th ereof. - Fourths ,All the .I.ldos.ltre annual by the GellatitutiOn : ..All loyat tnetatiersdnly eleeted should be admitted to tiongresverttbent tinneefebetry delay, each lionse.jOalttolf , !Ike. golgUlooffink of Ito mem ^4he paymsn t of the Nattered debt, *Weed Obll-1011,.' never to be repudiated, and rdidehi4WWlircirslncnite d laaid Or kWh. eon and rebellion shall over be paid: • . Sixth-;The natton tweed: it intim debt. et fani gralat* tlies Wtheaufairlej"ltt he te riXe r"n aberdil d 141W be n6 esred Tba for ity thwilovernment. ed. ..14111ded the PYlist• don detvirmittgltvi to give' WA 7 01 See• to fieventiiii tope. Philadelpida Convention are expected tO. otheiworisite with 44.1/r loyal UHia• ' - _ .. „_ . . . ' , .'iliiiii Vialarillll, ...-- .;',-,.. .. , Six 4 sziabitm; July li - Thi:earre o ef fhb . ship Hornet veil thrgellr 'lnkßred'in 11 " . - "In— bromine, Coinpany, andlt la tishlartood that We 1"108 are 09114P.PrgutP.07, paid iii gold One -- 6ndred ind.... , thirty-three ihmehlrld poundi of =labor one; American: shlpplag gradewoollanJhOothold daring the pot week at igloos raheng tram lit to Zto par lb..' A large amount or Ws goal per orkip..y.ookout, loading for Saatoa. _ln' the "mew' . or idwaid.Cirlahr Vhirlthtfot Doweuaudga Meld, of the United States lt , colt Court, yesterday . ease . . judgment ha favor of the 4telendeat. - Mite controls the Govern, meet in p 0.1861114011 .of. me - property known sul BlackTolot, on 1940 h Wrt4mtthoh have Deem ,~ _ MID EDITION. OUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. OINGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS W.41e1110701e, July 19, WOI. SENATE. Mr. Morrill, from the Committee on Cool memo, repo:lml thejointreiolutlon in relation to the pay and amounts of collectors of the revenuo who have tailed to take the required oath of oflice, with an amendment as a substi tute aufollows: Redford, Thiit the Secretary of this Treas. ury, be, nnd is hereby authorized to pay it rea sonableS compensation to the persons ho hes employed for the purpose, and who base been actu lily engaged In collecting the C. ‘... within the States in Insurrection, etantlinff ego failure Or inability of swill por. sous to 1d.., the oath of cake reQUlrltli by law, provided that-such compensation shall not ha greater In any ease than that provided for by law, for officers of the revenue performing such services, and provident further, that this act shall not US deemed to authorize the Don. tinuanceof Hoch persons in such employment. Tins resolution was ordered to be printed. Mr. Grimm Introduced a bill to reorganize the Navy .Department and fix the pay of its officers, which was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Mr. Morgan, from the Committee on Com_ moms, reported the bill to fix the columns. tion of certain collectors of customs, and tor other purposeswith amendments. It Strikes out the provis ' ione relating to salaries and compensation of deputy collectors, naval of ficers and surveyors,and inserts a section giving such officers in the port of Heston, New York, New Grimm. nod Sun Prenelseoss,sl2.o per annum, each. It extends the provisions of the sot of April Xali, IABI, increasing the compensation of inspectors, to July lot, latia. The bill was ordered to be printed. Mr. Stewart, from the Committee on Public Lauds, reported the bill granting the right of way to ditch and canal owners over the public" lands in the States of California, Oregon and Neirada, with an amendment as a substitute. It protects mines in such right of way, and In the rights of phority of possession as recog nized by the local oust ms and decisions ot the courts in these mining districts. The-bill was ordered to be printed. Mr. Ramsay, from the Committee on Poet Offices and Post [toads, reported the House bill establishing certain poet routes with ver bal amendments. The bit was postponed un til thimorrow% Mr. Morrill offered a resolution setting aside Friday, theVitti inst., for the consideration of bills from the District of Columbia, which was amended so ua toorder an evening . ..lotion for toe purpose named, and then adopted. Mr. Johnson called np the Dill for the relict of the sufferers by the late fire at Portland. As originally reported, the bill provides that the Preathentaball authorize the purchase of provisions. £O., for tho sufferers. Mr. Johnson [Altered a substitute for the ori ginal bill, directing the President or Gm United States to tender to the Governor of Maine S511,01:0 In the name of toe Government Of the United States for the relief of the suf ferers by the fire, to be need in such manner as he may deem advisable. Mr. Trumbull opposed the bill. Ile did not knout where the authority came from to peas such a measure. Where was this kind of leg islation to stop! If the sufferers by the Eire at Penland were to be relieved by Cottons., why not those who have suffered by tire else where! Ile moved that It be referred to the Finance Committee. Mr. Johnson said that Mr. Trumbull had ad vocated the - Freedmen's Bureau hill, which would cost, not $31,04 but trill-0,01.0,000. The bill now before the Senate was not the first of the kind ever passed by Congreas Some years ago, IMMO were appropriated for LAO relief of suffererney a the in Alexandria. Mr. Trumbull said there was no analogy be- Moen the Freedmen'. Bureau bill and the one now under consideration. TOO find was a of for the safety of Donation, and the benefit of a whole raze. The pending measure was one of more charity. Mr. Darts said ho should feet compelled to. I vote against 11,0 bill, anti he should do so with wrest reluctance. Ile could find so anthority in the constitution to enaction such an sworn priation as this. Mr. Fcesenden said If the hill wen to he re ferred, he would ureter Its reference to some other Coalmines:: than that of Finance, of which ho was chairman. Mr. Johnson referred to two erica m which Congress had appropriated money (or the re lief of citizens wham property was destroyed' by eartinttuthea. Mr. Trumbull said the eases were not anat.. gout Yr. tirlsees asked why mitt Mr. Trombull said earthquakes were the work of God. Mr. Grimes asked if Ores more not as mural the work of God as earthquakes! Mr. Trumbull mid fires were not In the same sense visitations trotn Gml to earth quakes were. Wilson salts the nation would be no paidrer for the appropriation, and ho hoped at 'would be Mote. Mr. Feettenden said from twelve to fifteen themsand people had bean rendered hostel.. by the fire. Mr. Henderson could sot see why Congress had not as math right to appropriate money for the relief of the Portland eufferera as to appropriate for the relief of the Irish people (hiring a famine In Ireland. Mr. Davis esid If Alt Ilendersen could point him to even a seeming authorisation lay the Ccmstittation, be would vote tor It. Mr. Menden= said ho found authority In as older work than the constitutionn. He found it In a book which said, "lie that givetit the poor lendelth to the Lord." Mr. DockaleW retorted to the destruction of Cbambemburg, Pa., by the rebels. and told it was a case which called fortearity more than any other. Yet Gong - rem done nothtng for the relief of the people of Chauthereburg, who were impoverished by what utlfht be called the negligence and fault of tho 4overe went of toe United States. Mr.Aallinury tinted the rote anulust the bill. lie sym sbva pathised with the sufferers as mch a. any body could, but ho could not On t u n the constitistion 'any authority for !Inch Melvin- Mon. Mr. (lowa said, replying to Mr Henderson, thnt the Injunct ion to give to the poor which be had giecte(l, did not mean to give other people's money, hut their 0w... Ito (Mr. Howe) pocket rather vote dollars out of his own than vote for this bill. Mr. Henderson said he would take Mr. Lowe at Ms word. Let him (Mr. Howe) glee any dollars, and ho (Mr. Henderson) would not vote for the bill. Mr. ((owe said he would agree to that. The bill then passed by a vote of 23 yeas al i " l ia r llhUtileUrt?i which pasty terday was referreetotroFnaneelnldt tee. Te Senate insisted on its amendment totbe Pension bill, and agreed to the Conference Committee asked by the House. tin motion of Mr. Wilson, the Senate egrets% to the Houses . amendment to the bill reelv ing the grade of tieneral. The bill now goes to the President. The Menem resolution to adjourn on tbeZth inst. was announced. The bill for the °finalization of bounties Was then made the special order for tomorrow. Mr. Sherman called up, by unanimous cons sent, the MU to reduce Lae rate of Interest on the public* debt, and for feuding the same. Mr. Crimes offered the following amendment as an additional section : "That all acts or parts of acts authorizing thb Comptroller of Mu e t C s u , r wi n hth o a h pr T ov r aela s o u re h o fS t ec he e U ta n ry ed of the Treasury, to designate any national honk ing IMsOelatlen, Organized ender the laws of the United States to become a depository of public money, be so limited and construed as Whereafter prohibit the designation of any such bank as a depository io the District of Columbia. or In any eft, to which there is e ,.. tablished by lowan °Meer of the United States, known as the BalbTreasurer. thereof. Mr. Sheerness hoped this import ant bill would not be burdened with an amendment foreign to its subject as tole was. After- debate, Mr. Hendricks asked what would be the offcet Of this amendment if faedl Mr. Grimes wild it would be to compel the Comptroller, t o tut disbnrsing oftleers of the Government, to ac ne the Spb-Treasuriee unload of National Banks. Tao vote on the amendment of Mr. Grimes Wag as follows: Yeas la, nays S. Sethi, amend ment was disagreed to. Tho bill was then read &third timeand pass ed, it stilt being amended, on motion of Mr Sherman, to read, A bill for the payment of the public debt, as passed and moat to the Hone. .I.,enee of absence, was, on motion of Mr. Bid dle, greute.l4o Mr. Saulsbury, for the rest of the seselOn. The Consideration of the Civil Appropria tion bill Was then resumed. The amendment of the Pittance COMulitare wen 'stricken out.. The appropriation of ate eoofacilitate coin- Munlestion between the At ti ac h lanc end c Statos by telegraph, WO agreed to. T h e amendment approptiating.oo,ooo for tho print ing and publishing of the report of Me medi an' statistice on' , the butcatt of the ,Provolit Marshal General. under the" direction of Bur geon J.H. Ban ter , Was agreed to. - The antend• nsenVef the Finance •Coutunitten appropriat gleepe for the purcluOle of a site and area tion of a building nt Paul,'Athinesbta. for postonlee. mistorediouse; to n mei agreed W. The appropriation ,tor the repair of the Posnefilee and Custom blouse at Portland, recently Injured by lire, was Increased from •104 100 , as provided - :111 - the Meese to slllo,ese, The amendment , of the - Pinanee Committee to strike out a provision umerted • hy the ilouse repealing so much of a Jaw of March, 186kaSnuthorises the payment of loyal mon for slaves enlisted in the army, WIN agreed in. The reading. of -the MU - was concluded, mid Its further CanSlderatiOn was postponed until Q.T rro te w wbdll offered ttie following . 30litt resolution, , recognising the Government of Tentieriee, which was ordered to be printed: Mesotted, By the senate and Manse of 'Bop. rim:agaves, Sc., Mitt the United Mates here. by rosognises the government of the State! of .r ennes ,,,,.. wan under and by the Len vention which assembled on the sth day of &unary, A. D. 111131, At the city - of .Mashville, as the legitimate government of the State en titled wine guanonteee and all other rights of a BMW government,' under the Constitu • ilea of the United States. . Mr. Trumbull. , I move thatit be printed. 1 will state that we have received information today, that the state of. Tea:mum has rati fied Mathanititutioned AllaiadMent; and this - PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1866. Is a resolntlon to recognize the government of the State of Tennessee. The Senate then Went into Executive Ses sion and soon after adjourned. MOUSE. Mr. Indwell called up the motion to ream- Bider the vote by which the Senate bill grant ing lands to aid in the construction of a rail road and telegraph line from the Central Pa, erne Railroad lu California to Portland in 'lre• nrwasorula recommitted to the Com 100ongbi The vote was reconsidered, and the bill male up for action, the qtrastion being on a substi tute spirted. frOm t,fie Oonlouttee on-Public nds . Lands. It authorities tiro Cidfforrim Wad Ore gontliallroaddiempany to locate and maintain. a DO:treed and telegraph line between Port land, Oregon, and the Central Pacific Railroad in Caltiornitiotrulgrantifeaclialtenratesection of kind, not mineral, to the amount of twenty alternate sections per mile, ten on each Meteor the railroad. The lint sectioned twenty Miles is - to be completed within two years, .and at' least twenty miles each year thereafter; The' railres4 to be the same guagetlitt Central Pacific Railroad of California, and to be con nected therewith. The substitute was agreed to, and the bill, as amended, passed.- - • Mr. Stevens offered the followingresolution: Remiool, the Scow, concurring, That when Congress adjourns it will adjourn to moat again on Saturday, the first day . of December, elreept Weiler kIIMMOIIett by the presiding of- C.c.s of befit houses, which Dower, in =se of, emergency, id Itoredy granted to them. Sir. French rallied the question of order that: the resolution was not a privileged question. The Speaker expressed the opin ion, although . , he said it was a new question, that if the tWir Houses took a recess they could authorise" their presiding calm= to call them together at come day during the recess. This resolm Hon contemplated an indefinite recess. If Congress adjartrimil sine die no power but the President could convene them, in advanceof the regular session. Mr. Stevens moved to postpone the resole- Don until to-morrow, for the purpose of giv ing gentlemen time to consider the question.. Mr. Harding, of Kentucky, inquired whether the resolution came in as a matter of consent. The Speaker replied in the negative;adding that he had decided the resolution in order, as a privileged question as it related to ad journment. He added on the other wont, if the two houses took a recess from Thursday until Monday, they could be supposed to au thorize their presiding officers to eon them to. gather on Saturday, if the exigency renders It necessary • Mr. French objected that this resolution eon (erred additional powers. The speaker admitted that it did confer ad ditional power., bit lie did not think that char the resolution from being a rich. It. question. All questions in respect to a ournment, whether for one day or three days, or rine die, or to take a recess, and every thing oonnectal with them, were privileged questions, sad had been always entertained by the Speaker when there was no other butt' I ness before tne House. Mr. Trtinble suggested sarcastically that It would be well to provide in the resolution that if the President or the Speaker of the Howse oisa,greed as to whether they should moon vene Congress, there should be some umpire to decide between them. The Speaker remarked that by the terms of the resolution the recess could not be term!, noted and Congress again convened unbent the presiding officers of both Houses agreed to . . _ Mr. Fleck moved to lay the resolution On the table. Mr. etevene withdrew the resolution, saying he would offer it again to-morrow. The Speaker, a few minutes afterwards, stated to the House that the resolution offers eil by Mr Stevens, conferring power on the presiding °Meer of the two houses to call Con gress together, he had not seen or known any. thing of until It was reed, at the Clerk's desk. that he was still of the same opinion Indent.; bad expressed es to Its being a privileged question, as it related to adjournment, while Its adoption would depend on the House, but that the eobject being so delicate as confer ring on him additional power. which might, prove to be of consequence, be would, if the. subject should be presented to-morrow, sub..' mit the question to the House, as the roles an- I thorizest him to do, and let the House itself decide on the sineatlon ofrivilege also. He presumed that would satisfy all geotletnen better than if he were himself to make a ruling on the subject. Mr. Stevens remarked that that would be perfectly , uatudectory. Mr. O'Neii, from the Committee of Confer• since on the hill furthsfr to provide for the safety of the tram of passengers: on steam vessels, made a report, winch wasagreeel to. Sir. Shellaberger called op, as a 'question of g n riv t igg , e 4, the report o arges o f the Select Roscoe =arni= lee place, against Provost Maratha' General Fry and his bureau. The report, testimony and argument covens three Iseudred and ty peges of printed matter. Mr. Sirallabereer mid the report was unanimous.. The report of the Committee not only exon erates Mr. Conklin from the charge made by Fry, but eulogises his conduct In the degree. it Is very severe upon lery . Thu Tee degree. in acoordance with the report, were submitted, and oiler remarks by varlosaniene. bora, adopted bps vetoed OS yes& to ensile Me. Spaulding, from the Conference Com. tenth° On the tom:elm and DlMentiatie Ap propriation hill, made a reportwhich was agreed to. The House recces:. from Its dem- Freemen'. to the appointment of a Second natant Secretary of State, wileffimlary Is at 0,3 m. The Senate agrees to the house amendment atelishing the °Mee of Minister itendent to Portugal, ants an amendment pro s Wing that no money en he paid to the present Minister Resident on account of further service. The speaker announced to the House the members of the Joint Committee on Retrench ment, viz.: lamer. hale, ecbenck, Jencks,. Randall, (of Pa,/ cud John L. T 0 0 .31 4. Itineham called up the motion to recon sider the: vote by which the joint resolution concerning the State of Tennessee was on the fifth of March referred to the Committee on Reconstruction," it being the purpose of Mr. Bingham to amend tbs . ... What resolationby pro. v Ming for the immedtate representation of Tennessee in Confirms. Mr. Stevens moved to lay the motion to re consider ira the table. Mr. Lynch interest to adjourn, width eas lust—yeas fe, nays M. The vote was then taken on the motion to lay the motion to reconsider on the table, and it was lost by a vete ernyeas to Si nays. Dar. Stevens moved to adjourn. Mr, Johnson inatneated that the distraint about Tennessee vim not genuine. It was not in Brownlowe handwriting, for lie always made his mark. (Laughter.) The House refused to adjourn:l by 40 yews to 71 nays. The Home seconded the previous question on the motion to reconsider, and again the motion to adjourn was made, and rejected by 17 yeas to 68 nays. In all these votes the democrats sided with that wing of the republicans that was led by Mr. Dlngtram, as against the Steven's wing, and during most of the time an informal can e.n vies being held to edit the ameniltuent to ho on's red. The main question was ordered to ins put, yeasrel, nays 34, which was: 'Will the House reconsider the vote by which the joint reerantion was recommitted to the Com mittee on Reconatroctiont . Mr. Bingham enggested that lie would oiler an amendment for the Joint resolution and let it be printed and come up to-marrow. lir. Word ragmen whether he woull insist on a vote tonight. Mr. itinerate replied that he would not if his e he wnolirMst=l.till :geese ratter through. Sir. "" Mr. Stevens proposed trOnteally, that the liming withdraw all further °mention and surrenderto the gentlearran from Ohio. Mr, Pelee, resolutely— . Mot much: , (Laugh ter.) Mr. Johnnie, referring to the oonsultation Of member* around Mr. Bingham% desk, en quired whether that preamble had been cue ecientiv sugar-coated to stilt the majority. Mr. Binghlte" replied that that would de rend upon the opinion o f the House. Mr. Eldridge encouraged Mr. Bingham to persevere, stating that the members on his it he Democrat) aide Of the house stood by him in principle, (lautter) and urged him hot to let the house ed Gonna but to fight tils way clear th rough- ugeter.) Mr. Allison moved gnat the House adjourn, n hich was lost by years 43 and nays M. a The vote corunitting thejoint resolutionwas thee reconsidered by 70 to 17. • Mr. Bingham withdrew his motion to recom mit, and unwed the following as a substitute for the resolution Willem., The State of Tennessee has In good faith ratified the amendment to the Con stitution of the United States propoSed bld We Thirty-ninth Congress to the Legislatures of the several States, and his shown other wise to the satisfaction of Congress, by a pro per spirit of obedience in the body of. her Vele. pie, her return to her duo allegiance to tho government, laws and authority of the United States; therefore be It Resolved, That the theta of Tennessee is here by declared to be restored to her former proper practical relations to the Union, and again en titled to be represented by Senators and Ile. present/dives in Congress, duly elected and qualified, upon their taking the oaths of °Mee required by the existing laws. Mr. Bilighalli moved the previous !Iteration, and then at 11 o'clock, the House adjourned. reasons arhic •This action was taken on account of Intel ligence barhof roar-Led the noose that the Legiejetare ef rennessee had tattled the Oon elituttonal Atnendtnent. • FROM TENNESSEE. • Constilertionel‘ Alieradinent _lesitneat— The President Septulistini— • Iliepatelt from rot. itroirstled. - „, touvums, July siOlde,,, tots ntoreloa,,the lionstitatudial Amendment was ratified by a vote of forty . ..three-to thirteen ; two members refusing to - ahlictil AO OW 11041100. - The Press and Times, the. Radical shoot o Nashville, says that the loyal men of Tennes see by this vote, repudiate thoprestilont, who basso basely 6etrayed them; GOV. Btownlow sent the following' tode. . gf3P lllO dt3Petoh to WidelagtOm Name uly i, Tens., I lb llon:-Etiwin1Claimum;mnitinni Art. wadungion, eiraißilmonte, to .the re Psident. We have etirel...tho tionstitn. tional dmenementAn the Mouse. you). 43 to 11—two of his toots rofusitnf to veto. •W.U.Daowntow, - Uoverhor.of .Teasinsee, .Witlyttietirbwin.ft 91•16 . 1 bis pia Prost 8ALT11101114.11113, i9r410n.. 0;1i. 1/n1116341w. ham,"Hon. J. D. Bright, and Lion. (3.'1. - Yvan*. Itn, patrol through OM city Mitt everting la route to. Washington, far voi.'inietvieW. With. tho rresielont:• gentleman,: Who-traveled with them nava that one of the °WOW althea . Wanton is to resoutmend..the appotniinteriV=of lion. 1.. ILformeriv ..tiovereor. of the. State of Ohio, now of Camoritiewee. secretary of War, la view of tho autioil,toqreProme!ii EKON WASHINGTON. The Paris Exposition—Proposed In , ternaltiOnal Commlssion--tdonpons Fie pealed !Surreptitiously l d--tpa d _ Stltntional Amendment Ratified by the Tennessee Legislature—Habeas eigpirs Case. WAPHINOTON, July 10.—The Secretary of State to-day sent a communication to the Rouse, enclosing a letter from N. Al. Beck with, Special Commissioner General to the Paris Exposition, in which he says that at a meeting of the French Scientific Commission, the,lmperlal Commissioner anti Foreign Coni tolltsionerS, the following suggeations were mbde by the EnglLsh Scientific Association, &nil approved: let. To form a collection of the weights, measures and coins of ail anions, to be exhibited in the palace (- the Universal Exposition of ISti, $l. '0 organize an Intermit - Irina' Commission rifOn a 'onfit' . ,", j,"..i.ishn',' ta'nnft VT. devise t''ie - I, • On efficacious methods of promoting urn flpirmity. 3d. In accordance with these rictus, the Imperial Commissioner hoe apportioned the space requisite for the exhibition, and termed a special committee connected with the Scientific Commission, which in to Is charged with ten subject. -Mr. Beckwith roe peel fu Ile rowan co-operation of the i!j.j I, pointment of a Comma.:,. the lUlpOrlal COIIIIIIIB4IO, j The report that a large number of 5-Ai grad Ouponn have been tanned surreptitiously, aid . that they arc paid when redeemed, there Me lug no way of detecting them, Is Incorrect, as I has been ascertained by inquiry of the primer Officers of the Tnsaaory Department. No bonds or coupons bate been surreptitiously Wined. The report probably grew out of the I Pact that some coupona with idAnbers appa- I really duplleaterif were redeemed, winch I proved on Investigation to be simply an error 1 hi - the numbering. The Secretary of the Senate this afternmin received a telegram (ruin Governor Brown low, dated to-day, saying: The battle is fought and won. he Constitutional Carried in the (deuce, by .12 against 11. lie add s ! that two of the members present refused to 'Tote. This Intelligence moon spread among 'members of both branches of Congress, and :evidently produced much delight. Ths pros peels are that both Houses will, tomorrow, agree to restore Tennessee to her former prop ' • er Dructical relation.. to tile Cage. • Judge Frazier, of the Criminal Cowl, Ito • fore whom tile toes, of I'. tV iiiiiltals, represent . -.tire from Cuter twenty, who upplost for a ;writ of habeas corpus has been trafsl bola)) Ile delivered his op ohm sustaining the . 1 .1.11. :Cation. Warrants were to-,lay Issued to arrest several members of tit., House, and also the parties who arrested Mr. W Motets, Id e,,,r... Hyatt and Train. The Metropolitan Pollee toirinlastoner, are inundated with appl oat ions for appointments on the force. Thu entire organization a nil be put in operation by the blea r of August I= Nww loam, 19.—The steamer 111nro tin brings Havana dates of the Ilth Late adiluna from blex lea sued, that the Lite weals ocenpied ituallitnango. Colotlan had been sthandoned hy thr 1.11.e_ Tho Liberal elnor Nlarlinaz at tnekod Sonora., on the IMO of May, lam pulses . Garcin Morales 11,11 ott the N 4.1111 Amer 1,1.11 line receiving arm,. powilet IL I...stated than Corona hail recei , -to weer, of cannon nt Alin fromran else° • - • A French Iron-clad content rrrrr TISOIIIiCO to Mil the natal forces, thy, Letter , in Mclntyre) . tloserlby utralc• 111 11.0 section as very gloomy The I rout lyr of Liberals. Toutovea nail again invaded ey the LP:Wilda under !Wattle, The departure of the Elinor... ei 011.1 to In. (or the Wang,ae of attranling to Inteenutonot l atfatrit. It true rumored that Tampico had fallen Into the hired* of the Ithorrentor nr Ithporta, Haw Yostr, July 19—Thu 11 urltt rano t ent lion to the fact that the er porta from tiro, It'll aro agalo Incretennang. Those for lost nr. rt Were vetoed at 114,071,ee 'the ortheipal Inn 11, , troth 911,00 troth eta onto, oo In g Ileal h) to tho entire tocelpta,) nr.,00 harrelo of On , no - . ahOot 3 the Inbar, totateco, to-shies aroort other pork ages, .254,0 pt 000.1901 to ant nf. el u. .'.1 tobacco, about Swot., golloos orpuln , t. 4101 What Is a novelty St t M. Item, ith rut I,tao baton of Alonamttk cotton Tho latter .g tno.Uy to Chin. Tana loot - roar no t lon In .W 0 mairst• to the Iter.llor of pricorn no sten toe* of the stoutly golf market Cholera Among Stegular Troops. fi•VAX NAM, ti•., July l9.—Tltt• 'Aram, I. aalyador arriNed at unront ote • Pith ace tiOntlred reernltro for the , evrit t ii Regulars. Them Nrcrtt• twenty-4.1,00t t.tutt.t. ttt cholera among l o ama, anti, threw *loath...! .11 1.1.: at e v age. death oreurred after 010 net Tilmo anti me tn. La. after the 1.1 - 00 pa CrAl lan.lo.lon Ty her I 410.1. The inno 0014.00. a g the ra id gar+, but tat. stgatitt, r tit In kohl In tot.. ttt tine for liveTfle tr.wopA att. all t able on ,hore, and 11.. an:A...O 0, .010.0110, I= ST. Loc. , July lit —Ahnut oats - try 1%2 a 111 , 1- lulu In gold 1121.1 Arrival at St JOl Ith, I•-.t•o • tiny, In thy 1,2121 :1. pa.s...npsr.• Montana. The .3614cdu100 prtnn Inn.. of :he ,t. .11111. rlcaltural Mechanical Frain - , It. 1* held het,- thu prat week to nre Inahle•he.l aset fox dintrlhatinn. The Ilat c 111-1 • tttO Ot t o t to and, clubman . * c . t 01/101 or u*rlanallaral nt..l mocha. ...AI There t* compotAlhm from 411 Wt l. .4 the I =1 AhIIIVOITOS. July 19 • • An net angetnent I , na Doren Made with the Ittstotn Noo o ttlr.• tha tranauticsirni Of Ir.ok packet, mod pur. el s Containing samplos of Increhand co. of no In trinsic ratan In cot era open ut the ands. joct to the usital recolatnoia lit the 11111'-11 until tiacknAs front ranalarst to uny other laut in the Ylniterl Blatt. Of I olonthin, or lc any port In Reflation, Inn I 10.1'11111 or Peru Son York anti San Francisco aro the I oitoa Stales offices of itl.putCll Xfaignim I.lblptekesal Project—Meward usuureet-111r. Its; wand. New Vido, July N -The. iiirrciot•l epoeinl .y 1: Horace G. Guy l,r •oiight 10 liftbre favor for his Ntagnrn nh n 1 pro)0.1 I rOln the intillmla by puldniiiing 0 Chrenicie, denouncing liocrotitry be word. Governor Kaymend lure tool won any 11.0'. 1.1. reverie.. by his nee . n 0% the 1.0ng,.••• 1110111.1 CALCUMISCE, shout which Glow, ri•poried make loud eomillsont. Cotivetattori of I aaaaaa CV , Prealdeot•. NILO TORLII,JuIy In.—Tae COOVIOOIen Of Or( 10•Orinee Presidents, kr held Lt.tiny One htlnflied and fifty officers were nresent 011.1 the Slates of Now York, Illaa+lich I. Conneotiout, Rhode bland, I trent le, t in Innis and Pennsylvania were rt•prv,mite.l heaving the capital of twentvnrn to deal million dollar'. A and kayAril otelef writer. was formed and the nave of losulanc acre advance.' In ten cent Vrons New Orley.• Nsw 011114•14 P, Jraly 19,—Cotton—wl.1454 lIN baleo—unchnnged. 1 . 1 , 41m1. No. York 6.kellunor par, at , ”rrklionl Sharklun'h nrtl or regn , .1 ln o the rrvt Yon of Monumento nit log III: rel” , liwo de., woe Nrcalik,l heron, pn'lllealkm. nu•leal•nl LOMPIVILLZ, Kr., July elty n othor boa atill many nowt prominent et izenn or mabtug ealonaivo preparatimb for tin , Nort Miletlean Stongernbt menting thu which, b auppolm I, will ta t the largest inns cal festival over held In the country. Tbo Cholera. Nsw Toss., July lU.—The cholera hoc mat Its aupantuure at Hart's Soli canoe In thin city an. reported, tour IlrooklyneOne of which was Cum]. illassachu ttttt Democratic Courcutio Dosvor, July le—The Massaennsetts Stet Capri:intim met to-day and adopted prattle nary measures to soartre representatives I tae rbtladolpela Convention. All Quiet at Albany. ALWANIr, July la.—Everything In quint at I Walt Of War to-day. Tho troop.. remain the guard. A forward movement will made to-Morrow. —.... llRiver at 11.1.1eville LoruswitA, July In—lilver falling, with ;t o t e inches water te canal. Mercury PO II e• . Weather cloudy and Mammy thin eVu- —A man named Darius Hyatt, living in Franklin county, Missouri on the I lth in sten! cut his wife's throat with it butcher knife, killing her instantly. lie threw his money, VIA° in greenbacks, in the tire and burned it up, and then severed the ar teries iu both of his wrists. A small g rand. child was in the house at the time, and sum moned the neighbors. It is doubtful if he recovers. He and his wife were seventy years old each, and had been married near ly half a century. 11l health, consequent on tiiptheria, is supposed to have rendered him Insane, and caused him to commit the deed. --Several of the Indianapolis books were recently victimized by a series of adroit forgeries to the amount of between fifteen and twenty thousand dollars. Tim fact of t h e dr a ftsbeing spurious were not discov ered for several days. The name of the forger Is said to be Trotter, an extensive cattle dealer of North Salem, Hendricks county, who Is supposed to have gone to ° s ands. The forged paper bore some of the best names in the country, and the sig natures were admirably executed. - —A num in the East has Just confessed to murdering a lira. .Patty,Polit abeut -years ago. Alci and another man were arrested at the time, -but - no evidence of I.heirsitilt was seen. • Lately one man died and the ether - took sick, and thonght he wits goingto die' when no sent 'for a min 'ititeTotrut confessed to him, since which time the =II is recovering. . ~" CITY A SITBURI3A.N. I I Ad di t tonal Local natter. on Third Page• Meeting of the Sixty-Second Begin:tent —Arrongetnenzo Perfected For The Funeral of Colonel 141111.1061 W. Block —HOMO of PrOCONSiOn. A Inecting o! the former members of the Regiment Pennsylvania Volt:til -1 eel's was held lust evening In the chamber of the Firemen's Association, for the purpose of perfeel hlI ,' lll,tngeutents for the tuner al of the late Gelonel Samuel W. Black to- The meeting wits organized by calling Gen eral .1, Bowman Swellzor to the chair, and electing Lieutenant William J. Patterson. Secretary. Thu Committee of Arrangements, appointed at a previou., meeting, reported through !their Chairman, General Swettzer, that they had adopted a programme which be trusted would ineeClLith the approval of all, or ii any mmuber ol the orgarilZaiioll present oniti iinggest. any Tit nr tdtlil Inv it U 4.11 1 ,1 hi . thrill:in:l, r he . st, .. lc, 1 • I elisal ns of Col. Iffitek 0.1111 , 1 armee iii tile city today at one o'clock, and ...1,1 /1.• 1 ovefficcil at the t , 101 l ltepot. by ononit tee or Arrange ment, under will., • 01 . 1 110:5 would he con veyed to the First Pt esby terian (Towels, Sixth Street, a here they wouli reutaitt anti' the fu nerl won 1.1 take pine.--T ,, in , wrow at two o'clock. The folio. mg is the proorommo reported. The sixty-Isecond Regiment to meet al the City 111111, on Saturday, at One o'clock i!reciseiv, Irons whence they will pea ce., Ina holly tOtll , church, after being pro. viffisl with crape and the tistuti Insignia of mourning by the committee The firemen, t. • wll,llll all Invltu , 1011 to attend has been or ended, .111 form on sixth, thew right resting on Wood. The remainder of the funeral emc Lege will form on W lest, their right resting Mt 51.1.11. At I wit o'll lock the procession will move (tom the in the following order: Mayor'. ieffice, hand, carriages effittaining clergymen and palidtearers, officers and sol d ,ers of the late war, .1 tidgeS ltll , l members of the liar, fiends 11111 i I molly of the deceased, Departut!•el and Independent Fire Companies, Order, and 1,014,11,1 1 i Which Col. Black was member, and ell itffits desirous of attending, , are respectfull) 1,111 led to participate. The pron . . attune a loot read win,submitted to a 1 air and onantolowAr adopted. Sir. Day In two lint it be ale pointed to asevrtam 1, here the late COMMA'', bor... 0, ,01 , 1 if p„ Me procure him for the day that Ite to igi.loccupy a pest Lion in the es cort. Mr. tin:slow amended the resolution by ad ding, ",t rid that Dr. Jackson be engaged to Iced hint on that occasion. ” The amendment IVI, aceeptco and 110 reSOilltioll adopted. 111 t motion, it 10:50 realldVed that ail officers appear In Pill nolfortn, while the privates, as tar as p•o!eoble, lie renovated to dress in black. arTll l ll. Tile lotion Inc Com untie., wan thenappoin tco to guard Sie n. remal. while at the Church: I lark butts, William Kelly, Philip Hoerr,Thom.. Nelson, chrodito. Ytegler, William soulalr, Jo a nathn I /err and thief. Sullivan. Tile 1,11111/1111ee 01 Arrontretnents have Ilea lomat,' the ice lowing as tilt route of pressea. "ton l'on 11 lisle 1.. Littert), up Liberty to I ti w In, down In to Venn, mit Penn to Alle. v 1 1 ,05 0',,, try, .pert 1111 that remains of stir, t•JI mai the selfsewrilleing solAter llll be consigned to then' last resting Wore The funeral oration will he delivered by itre W. A l'assir cant With such tt theme es the I 1 10, serce'es gi,lrlooSlifalli of Lim is ' tuval...l Mack, t he most remount-Oise° orator 1 / 1 /111111a fail 101 t. W wills the tire of gen nine e•VNUA.I,I,., the hands of such a gr crtul and poi Isheit orator del the Reverend sent I then , tonc.l, it cannot be otherwise than touching and illtvr,ting. (If all those a 110 fell In ',attn . for the maintenance of the i 00 1 11 le 1/date, alld tile I.4l,l3lVellleat of the cause 01 human Itherty, none were actuated aoh 111510•1 patriotism or IL more ardent lobe if eciont ry, than lie lose honored re mains ail 1 Acme tit our city 10 - del. SW" tile .111101 10111111 e Of professional life, surroun ded ny titre tvanlet relatives, Owl bound I.y nil toe eibit . lsl 1110 Ill's that make home de ! • rable, 1.0 Marti the stern esti I of duty, and learned that the 11111 dug w Well he had bravely ee the battle-ileitis of Mexico had i been insulted and tetoriously assailed by ! trallor 11111/11 , . W 11110111 pausing a moment to 110111,1114 • 1 1 111111/Wll per. l ll l lai Interests, but with an 1111 pulse is/rn ot patriotism, be colleCted tits landsaround limo, and while others sat vont tool 5 115 , it woo zed a regiment and march , est to the relief of the endangered Capitol of oor country lit. hrllllunt achlevnients, from I c...t t• • • until 1,•• tell, bravely lending the tan 00 11101 ale 1•1.. I. J 72 July day, 1., have passct Into itbdocy, whose hrlattLest page will bear the recopl II ills deeds. He sacrificed Ids Ille {Of tile a 1,1 ot ital./Idly, and IL Ls but nlOl that w e should snerinc. twnitutlitug in or der to .1,, loslor to Ills 1115111101 1 ) . by attending no , Mortal 10 3.111 1 i1 allllll/.11/ 1 11 AS will clearly ,let t ..... straw bow 111 , 1011 We appreciate hisser' 1... ~,!! worth. 11111 ip •nAdml Li t Nottottai onwrotion of Window flowers' •cai,t or arramp-inent represents, tl," 11..1 •• tnilow tells.. Blowers. 1111.113 .. "{ I hib,. ,CIIOIIS of the Union whore class I. Ime ~ lam tired. assembled Ist Conven t 1111 l id Ine 0 Bail. of the itormagli of Bir minetiersi, %Ve01u....111,y, being the first gon e. al A .-etching,' 0.1 tha. Irwin Over hotel. The 1..11 asseiril , l...l for the purpose eenstiltl ita on various propositions w vle o to mutual benefit. An errant reto, .effeeted by the selection of Mr. berries NllOlllOlll, of lerryopolls, W Presl - Mr. A. Ketetershotr., of New Jersey, as tire Prescient. Mr. J. K. thinicarrl, of Illrs illlFlghum, 114,01,1111 g Secretary, and Messrs. W Permur, of Btrmingirain, and John Mil ler. oh Sew Jersey, Secreted.. Tho tenors log is a complete lest of the dolo mites: Pittaliorcii, or It rtologititot.—W. 11. Partner, V 'spree, E. filler, John Walker, I'. Dnah, 1.41. t. P .1. slek ortil, K. (tankard, F. ClitatS, fl C.r mantes t. lore, IL N. M'Coy, L. Swore ni, Moripro, Isaac Cline. Now York.—Michael Ely. John Miller, Jct. Short. Isaac Valentino Now .1 ermy —Stephen torch, elms. Fisher, hiseohoif W heoll mt.—Prim so...mouser. Franklin Mills (Ohio i.—Lew le, Sellers. ' Zanesville—lL IL itha.l.k. Pert yocolts (Fayette C0.).--Chari. Michaels. Ai tratry.—ltahlel Rankings. Barton. New Castle—B. Moines, C. stale. nelleVerlloo.—A. Lerch. J.L1401111 ,4 1,111111. The procersifings of Wednesday were of a strfetly inotioess character, of interost especl• all,. to TOCIOLO.T. , of the littlons, who will he properly 10101,11e41 thereof In an official man- • het onvontlon re-asscuthled on Thurirday ni the forenoon session adopted the fol •{na texulutions. . That an approve and heartily endorse d eyinpathisu with the advocates of the It hour .ystern, .1 I . That WV recommend the en-operative sleet of stores and workshops, for the pro- . . . .etinn of narking - Inca's interests. 3.1. That this convention heartily approves I Trades Unions and Trades Asxmblles, and •ro In mewl to all mechank. and workinatrien organize for their protection and cattle*. son. TilaCt h rmognises in the iiohonid Tmaes Rs' view, of Philadelphia, ..a trueexisment 01 the workingmen's cantle. The Committee reporting the above resolu tios were Mess John .1. Cline. 11. Josdlp sho n rt., P. Mush, Miller and Walter I. • h. Al Ihe atteruorm isestou, A. Burt, Esq., Principal of the Fifth Ward School, dellver. nn able, eloquent, and meat practiCal address,' w bleh was received with much satisfaction end applause. After he had concluded,. be was requested to prepare a copy for pubticas thin. The Convention then adjourned to the Rail of the Birmingham Wmtlow Glass Blowers , Caton, w hero, alter sonic preliminary busi ness, Mr. Henry Miller, of South Pittsburgh, offered the following Resolved, That we hold ourselves In read!. nesato cosipernto with the 'rimiest-Ouse out or • and gatherers on such matters asaxe tO o mutual benefit. Lie President , (W.ll. Farmer In the Chair) took the door and advocated the resolution In a speech of half an hour, giving those seam, bled the benefit of his varied eXperlenee RI In glans blower, evincing In his remarks fithOr. ught knowledge of the business in all its do. tails. The resolution was nnanimeuily adopt ed. Mr. James Cline, from a committee appoint til to confer on the subject, reported a resolu on that the next National Convention be held In I'ollariniplinl on or about the irdh July, 7. Adopted. Th ha;. Convention then adjourned until half past seven O'clock P.M., when some further linnets:is, relative tO the preservation Of the Unions of the trade, was transacted. • Plartick by I.lghtning,—Durlngtheshower of Wednesday afternoon, lightning Struck the two story brick tesidence of Idr. De Raven, lie seminally street, Allegheny. 'The mysterla one bolt struck the roof, tearing It as though It had been plowed. and reachlng the tin we. ter conductor, followed It to the pavement, where a brick or two were torn-up and the path of the lightning lost. The goon of the' building wore covered with soot., and the in. mates suppcmed for a moment that the horse was torn to pieces. Evanot• alft titoro Robbed.—Some-time during lVeditesday night Evans , Gift, !Store, on Fifth street, between Smithfield, and' Wood, was robbed of goods to the amount, In value, of about sl,aoo, constant% of gold and Sliver watches, opera•glasses, photograph 'albums, to. The thief is euppoeed to be &young man who was employed saelerk in • the store, and who is missing. The pollee are on his trunk, and we trust thin mention of the tau t, , may not `prevent his arrest' ' • ' . nest *lib an Umbrella.—E. Long wig charged bolero Mayor eloCiailiy,yeetard_ty2 with nasault and oattury, on Oath str:is t a O'Reilly. The latter allotted that Long s him over the head with tiwnsehrolla,_f_ling him vory I • itie bemoan' InJury; Ma I_Ma".l.ll the uucliculln tamest Into freg very useful appendage for rainy_ paned to belong to O'Reilly. and henco,suo prosecution. Long Was adinkned t)*1 311 1 141 7 - !xis appearance at bOurt. , The Pittsburgh Gymnastic Asaieehe, , uleotlng of the eitteburali Gymtliett to' w .lcwedji to Due;; tio Attooottiou wot be held Milt tirrhlay) beim- port yesterday-et ytio,lnterwitimim tug at V 4 &dock, at,PrllkLue,liell.f.Atl mm ram Ina :ft-Speelal.:dligettar by - telegraph. to riericgirgArperegt rz,letatilaaarazd_ „,, ou,ttut, of porinZerlktfur zoticlx-= ~,,,cerm. tht hv°z " l n g °P t=bloo.- dttearrilg id„p„== ihmla be ' SIM hat::= s %. I , l* 6.*:'l4°.nY l'aisep9ol4l2=±4sl"rl4thegg* PLAST/Wl4lobblit:l ~..liskqtx9 V l • u ~_~ r ~.~i w. PRICE THREE CENTS. Water Famine In Elntitti Ward. The editor of the Post, well initialled with all municipal arrangements, herring the water supply in the Eighth ward, complains thereof, and says, in his issue of yesterday. that for two days in the week the city plpeS In his neighborhood refuse to "furnish any water at all." Hear him: "This is the ewe on the streets at right angles with Pennsylvania Av enue on the south side. Oa Saturdays and Mondays, the great main,,four theiee m dhtme ter over simile in length, refuses to expand. and the consequence is no water. A largo Hospital, at the presentmoment .ed with sick, cannot obtain supply' enough two days In the week to furnien abath to a patient. Yet this institution pays water tax and no abate ment Is aqowed. In case of Ere all that end of town would be consumed, •at least there would be no Interference froze water. No pri vate corporation would-dare trifle with the people as do these city fathers. list the company persistently refuse Ilgtft for two nights in the , week, and claim exemption from complaint, because the consumer pahl for no more than was registered, and that It resit V ~.-momy for the Consumer, or that ti was poor and could not eh ford tail ;Ales. lt would not be tolerated, yet in t h e ease of water, you enlist pay the usual yesri, tea, tr nether you geXtlie supply or not, Fur°geese is that the city is too poor to put down larger pipes, although the people who pay the sexes and are Interested. demand it. We call on Mr. French, the Oble.handsome and persevering superinteudenl, or the water works, to give us water, no difference about the oil or tadpoles.” t I “.ti COW liract lnnillr Strategic Defense and DIM Came Of It. William Bowman resides in a frame teue merit house in- Pennsylvania L.V013110, near tile foot of Elm blie Eighth ward. For some un -explained reason a crowd of boys surrounded William's house yesterday about noon mid bo. gafethrowing stones through the windows and doors, not only to the damage of ale dwelling but to the peril of himself and family. Wil liam is one of those who believed with the el der Pitt that "a poor man's home is his castle" and be therefore prepared to attack the ene my- Stimulated by revenge and something several degrees stronger than lemonade, he determined on a strategic movement by the successful can ring out of which he hoped not only to defeat bleassallants but capture them. Going out of a back door, he made a dolour around the rear of the house end crawling ni , a ateep declivity to Pennsylvania avenue, gained a position on the Bank of the storming partyy: b I B e u h!ii en wen he could ver a k n e d h i t s h the polle Imm; sought refuge in flight Atter pursuing them a short distance Bowman picked up a couple of boulders and threw them among the fleeing host, one of whom was struck on the leg, caus ing him to tall to the ground and cry loudly for assistance: The cry was responded to by a couple of emergency, who seized the luck lent William and conveyed him to the tombs. lle will have a hearing to-day. Martin Hollinger, the proprietor of a board tog house on Water street, appeared ,before Alderman Humbert. on Wednesday, and made oath charging Jacob Meyers with the larceny of an acoordeon valued at gln from the house of the deponent on the Sol of July. Hollinger testified that he missed the instrument on the day designated, and that he was subsequently informed It VOA in the possession of Mey ers, who was said to live in Greensburg, est moreland county. A warrant was Issued and. placed in the hands of officer Lutz,' who si ar ced immediately to Greensburg where he ar. rested Meyers, an toether with the actor deon, Urought hid g m to this city, arriving ywdenlay. A hearing was had, when Myers brought forward two witnesses, who stated t oo h. geo h n from ad n a the no e eccus ll ''J oh n seven dollars. A few hours after haul was ar rested in the Waverly Dx.chge, 'Diamond alley, and brought before the Magistrate. On being questioned as to the which the article had come Into his possession, be refused to answer, and was therefore held in $3OO for a further searing to-morrow. Myers has also been held. In an article In yesterday's issue regarding the falling of the roof of Wilkins Hall, we M ilitated that the accident was caused by the Gymnastic Association affixing swings, ropes. and other gymnastic appliances to the colt. tog. We have examined the premises since, however,. and the lave stigatlon forces us to believe that the Association are not to blame to the matter at all. as, they had no ropes at tached to the ceiling within several yards of that part which felt. The real cause„ estimation, was the rafters being so far de cayed as to be unfit to bear the lightest pa, °le of weight. The authorities should imme diately look into the condition of this budd ing, as it is thought to be In danger of falling. About midway on the wall upon the Smith field street aide, there is a perceptible parting, and possibly the entire structure may give way. It will do no harm to have the building examined by parties capable of giving an opinion concerning its strength. A farmer natned.,John Orals met with a very painful and =vital, fatal accident while en gaged in plowing on his farm In Pitt town ship, near the line of Collins, on the old Seventh street turnpike, yesterday. It occur rod in the following manner: One of the horses Graw was driving got a foot caught in the traces, and In endeavoring to extricate it kickd Gra. in the thi, knocki him ut- moste gh beneath their feet. His fall ng frightened them and they 'darted off immediately at a brisk trot. Grow made an effort to get out of the way, but ore ho could do so the plowshare struck him in the cheek tearing it open to toe temple. Dr. James A. Herron, of the Homo. pathic Dispensary, was summoned and made an examination of Graw`s injuries. Beside the wound in the face, his thigh was badly broken while his shoulders and back were slightly bruised.. After reducing the fracture the Dr. dressed the wound ut stillace and up to the last accounts Grim wa living. Dr. George L. McCook, Physician to the Board of Health reports the following Enter manta In thin city, from July Bth to July 15th, 18811: Males Females..... 1 I ‘ C ' olo ite red.... 1 1 5 . I Total, 19 The following were the diseases in de above eases: Typhoid fever, 1; Congestion of Brain, 1; Hypertrophy . of Heart. 1. Faltdar disease of Heart, I, Old Age, 1; Flithisis Palma maile r 1; Drowned, I; Cholera Infantum, 3; Gaotro in. Lerida, 3; Hydrooopholos, 1; LaniruLtions, 1; Manama°, I; Consumption, 1; Congestion of Lungs, I; Cramps, 1. Of tho above there were : 11 1 Under 1 year 10 From 30 to 40.. From Ito 2 1 " 40 to 60. 1 2to IS 1 " ISO to GO .', 1 15 to 20 2" 70 to BO.' , 1 SD to 90.1 1 Fatal Railroad Accident. Wednesday evening, near the outer epos of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad; amuel Henderson, a resident of Conemaugh, mbria ooanty, employed as brakesman, met Ith an accident which caused his death. extra train was being made up at the ter de pot, and Henderson while in the actor dint. leg a coupling pit: was caught betty the bumpers of two cars and crushed in a rrlble manner. He expired in a few hours the accident, after receiving all the aura cal aid possible. At .the rinquest, held byCoroner Clawson, a verdict 40 "accidental dee was rendered. Deceased was about thirty oars of age find leaves a wife and ilve childre to la merit his death. I . The Cbmmercial yesterday contained a earl from !Rev. John Mitchell, which declares that he isnot an imposter, and that he levested with full power as a Cathollo pneSt. To the former part of the assertion we have nothing to eay, but last eves we were amend, upon undoubted authority, that Mr. Mitchell is not a 'priest, or at town as such recognised by the church. We are not willing to be drawn into any controversy upon the subject, but merely give it as an opinion that our informant la not mistaken, and that Mr. Mitchell does' wrong to claim the title of priest if he hal been si lenced or expelled from the order. The Funeral of Col. lkautoell W. Block will take place from the First Presbyterian Church, Wood street, on Saturday next, at 9 o'clock r. and proceed to"AllegtosnY 03 020 ' tery. Officers arm Soldiers of the late ear, the Clergy, &molt and. Bar, Fire Department , and Independent Fire Companies, the Orders and Societi of ich deceas ris.2 , member, anties e thecitizens generallr ed ex. "Fr spectfully Invited to attend. , Ofdeerila z it7 quested to appear In uniform It ror Ti tnntS ' Chairman Comet .1171,1?.'41PMum —, - BIIITY Demolished—Woma "Isdarel. A lady named Una famtbrey was slUlat In a. buggy In front of Ablenl drag stare, on the con. nor of Washtattoo and Wylie streets, 'Yester day afternnon, when the truck tor the Stewart /loot and Ladder Company come down Wylie street, and heardOrng to .sarn Into Wash. tattoo, the of the ingot struck the bratty with ouch as to opset It. throwing - Ars f.anghrey notboonaideneble !Owe to int. p,,,r0: went. nee wag taken: UV) the drag store Where bee .Injurtes'Yentuved limper medical. s immtlet, They arcosconne paltifid, but not Oat of Ifewo.-4Ltsung the arrivals this week of nersonstrom the cities: hammed . OPentl the summer at Ithosnotheisc Arse' Bzuway,'-and:-Vantily;--Soi Ii Williams, iutd ramify, of -.411e1h0u3% W. • It. Mosetey f indk Altettlimx7. and Stater of - kitteourgn. - Col. 'A. 8. , Crozet -of. Cleveland.. Wm. , Lou. :vim - and Fatally.. of: Pittsburgh. :B ev. er-: . veniitrui Family- of Mount= Vernon. • Charged with Larceny =I Olt? liortallty Not a Priest. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDITIO.NB ISSUED. ON WEDNESDAYS ASO SATURDAYS- Tbe edlttOn a ferwaraled . whieherill resat the Bab. Decibel. soonest es the matt can. TIMMS 151 NO LA coriss, PEA 1/1 AO CLUBS OPI.B CLUES OP TEN AND UPWAAJDA........... 116 Louisa Bleekbaz Kl. . . . • . Our routers gOulAleas remetni,r the ~- t ory of Lovalta Illackburu, the girl who wav mond last December, lying under it haystack. in North Beaver, . I ..awreace county, whore she claimed she bad remained twenty-tire days without food and with acarcely any covering. We gave the particulars at the time, and later nn account of the allapetatlea p e rtained on both legs, and her subsequent %pointilism and behavior. She' is living in the same vicinity, and in supported by the Poor Directors 01 the township. A. considerable sum of money bee been raised for the purpose of purchasing her artificial met; but it Is thought that those ap pliances would be useless, owing to the tact that tile "stumps` , are drawn backward, not having• been kept straight with the remainder of the Limbs atter amputation. Balloon Aaoonatel.—To-night al six o'clock a grand lmlllnon ascension takes place in front of the Theatre. This is a prcin•le to the wonderful bill offered by Enterer Betio. diet's mltistrels this evening. The balloon as. tension will be free to all, but to the enter. tainment the usual price will be charged, State tan be reserved without extra charge. Silverly of the Peace.—MaryMinuet was before alderman Lynch, yesterday, for a viola tion of the ptsum,on oath Of her:turd Maguire. Mary made an able defence but she was never , . [bele.. forced to ghfe bail in the sinner two hundred dollars to answer at Icourt. Select rie.ale.—Tho Horner Herge Club gave a select pin-ule at Glenwood Grove yestent day, which was In eVery respect a pleasant and agreeable allatrl The music was furnished by litenard McElravys band, and was the very entance or melody. QM McCONNELL—On . the Milk lost, Rev. W. L. Alct:UN NELL, lo Use 3001 pear 4l WO ntrn• Funenl at M o'clock A. N. on FUIDAT. 20th lost., from the residence of Stsmutil Idettlnennn, ittYette street, t the nest street leading Welt from tsag► ey:;11 Lane, Allegheny.) t arelages mill learn cortrardt Mnichneld and Stventh Micas, at Oh o'clock , M. Fries Is of the fancily are rennin/ invited to att. nd. NEW ADVER rISEMENT3, lIILLDALIE CEDIETERIC.-1 Eke beauthul —dot's-acre."' the isreest sale.. bat place to sepulchre. excepl'oru. N . in thie County. stt tususl hey ltrighteu th 'l...ateately :ea • h of Alleltheur. for burtalkluta, pesetas us call at Drug tore et COLA. CLA Alto &terry cwt. FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN _DE EtT_A_ICER S 90. 196 Smithfield St., cur. Mt, (Entrance from t.-veuth eitmet,) w•rr.rsa 33.crizw.civ.s. SSNMMM! ALEX. AMEN, - cr D.T3I7ZnEDELT.IIIELIZINIL. No 66 Fourth street, Yltiaborgh. Va. COFFINn of all Lod., CKAPVti, tiLOVEn. and neer' , descriptlon of Vaunts' lenromdar, tiooos 1111711111. U. Rooms opend • y and night, Hearse and Oarriagen ftirnlahed. ktereunnese—Kev. DaTld Kerr, D.D., ite, W. Jacob., MD., Thomas Evrtsur, KW.. Jacob fl K,o. FOR CHEAP la3Pistcr.a.cPx_aa6, GO TO HASLETT & C.O.'S, 03h SMITUFLELD STREET. KENNEDY'S OLD STAND LADIES' AND GENT'S NA7.43.90 1 C3E3EM. fa. ALI. STYLES. AT lIIIIINATLT,REDIIMED PRICES. AT WILL T. 1217XXAMISr125. Sup WYLIE NT.. NEAR FIFTH., DUNSEATH & CO., 88 Wl.rtlx Eit:rocrt. =I Fila... Watches, CLOCKS, JEWELIiV, Silver aid Silver Plated Ware. ~ . 1114.7,1V.V.'1.1..in148 ° . ° 7c!'" ' " i ? , colt gen see Our Moe& end get price, ' Jet ''' VOll SALE.—By virtue of an or- A. dor of the Ilrphxna•,Court, of Allegheny eo., mode at No. 107, June Lem. Mot., ou July 7, 1006, 1 I t i t;llle u. i i lsr ,, t r o&le, e b r frge n i oetlon, on the greet ' On Saturday, August 4t1k4866, - AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., All the right, title and luterest of Moreno M. Shirk, deed, sod of Mrs. nanth Benson. formerly Mrs. Nanny Shirk, widow, and Mottle A. Shirk. Milton Shirk. Albert Jam, s Stark, William Mark 'anti Frank Shirk. children and 6Elra of the sold Morgan, Shirk, of, In Twe nty - f our to hllowlog described real estate, to wit: lots ot ground as laid out in the Can of Lots Old out for the heirs of M. to the plan annexed to tho petition of Wes • A. Hereto, guardlth, flied In the orphans' Coutt at the above number and term, tell. port of seer tabs tract of laud situated In lteserve township, wheh was conveyed to the 101.1 Alorgan 31. obtrk by Hobert Swan and wife by deed anted September IMS, and recorded In Deed Stook vol. Ci, p. 655. SO, the undivided one half part of a lot of getettel le rotd township. being lot umber sin •,thrge Dreher'. pith of lots in sold township, bounded as follower Beglonlog attire cern. of . 413 sso. 0, in the centre of Lexington street. on the line ufland orb Davis; thence along said line N. Oa. the ce n tre perches tu the core, of tot o. 1 in the centre °Colo.:m[lll'l'oth leetorldet thsnce rlong the line of Lot No. I, In the more of sold oad, N. SOO 12M-160 perches to the corocrof Lots Nos. I and at Mermen 1,1/." 0. /9 CLIO, porch. to the corner of Lute snmbe. 6 and 7, In tile ten toe of paid I.esingloo Street; thence along the en tre o t said street W W perches to the placeof beglonlog. aLSO, ail that certain lot ground situate to t ebony county, bean; parts of .ot 05 and 9.1 In James I B. Irwin 'a plan ot lots, lo l'ltt to soak., and. bounded as f0n..., slat Beginning on "srove street, on the south side St the distance of M feet and Both. frota the northeast corner of Wove and need strema; running thence soutioreo dly Moog trio !toe of Lot No. 61 and parallel wok aced street 10 feet to the line of property belonging to the het. of John Barclay: thence reentrant. at eight tholes With sold Irred street, 23 fret 3 lactic, to Lot p o thence north. trolly Moog the line of said lot and parulel with Herd eteeet bp feet to Aimee street, and thence eastwardfy along sibs sold Wove street M feet 3 Inches to the piste of beginning. •a It S haLar The whole of the purchase money to be paid on the contlrinaLon of the sale, or nor half the Pnrco.s moonyy on the continuation of the sale and the hal- Sect: 10 tede year with Interest payable ethilthenu ally. to he secured by bond and mortgao. on too premises sold, with leave to Lathe actrafeetuato with on failure. to pay the principal and lute/est In Billet the stipulate. , clime. /TIMMS . Wll. A. MYR LION, Guardian. BUSINESS MAN'S M7TI.IIUVRiTI lie. 4 St. Clair Street. We have engaged the services of an ez . perienxd leather expressly for the mouths of daly , and An gust. Students entering on theist ofJ,ifly Catty:lit /y complete the coarse 07 the la.t of Auguet. Per tinnier]. and specimens of penmanship...We:, at the College Rooms, or address H. eiti.AFFElt and • L., Jae:eels awe J. lieCLAYldtoFuEe:', DRIB, CLOSH & CO.; Practical Furniture Planufactui" COL PENN AND WAYNE STREETS,. Lateot ntyles of MlLZlTTOREconstantlyonl... P. MUSS rituestereet.betwiersA sne l :-. Chat/tom GUNSMITH A N EIGEkLER IN HSSOMAGE.: First. elms oiada- ddadpt.lodd sdaiwys cdt Land and %aid g at the :await pyldni& - UnDalnah dna*, careftdly,on anon , • . . LA PIERIMIH I P SE ? . ph itodelphia. • Tb..flibih4lbetitisvirip leased thliathvotite Honsid • Sir has been iLESITTILD AND PUHA •• IStAtiAtiT ALANNaidis and is nowreparshi maLvt applAtltEleal. tOr sue mash:ion or. . Z7, 5 ,,,,..,!the neat position aissong first-Wa r s. ilotelsr.. will be malatelne&th tee !Liget, as la the east. toiliebW • • &AKER & VARLTM. • • CONSIGNMENT. . . . - . . . 100 Obis. New Potatoes; 160 boxes Clacean. . . 160 do Mantua oranges; .. id do •, do 'Lemons; •- .. lal legs Primo Staten • Breen-Apples, Cabbage, Green Corn. Omani , bers,Totaatoo, de..•go. Asstelng _be n a ores. daily and for sale by • • . W.. 1. bTX,ICL & 11/011.iL-.. .17/3. 140.130 Third *treat. kltraburgb, la. kENDIrreilY LOTHIMOPe—WhOIk.. IHICE' AND COSIMIBSWN WAICY.IIOVhee: 43 and 45 Vegeisl smut. Allegheny Cll7. ;WO bushelshelms White Oh io Oaes; 7., bushels joust/she: . - 600 000 bUsbeis rar Coln: COO' tune(' Yellene.hhelled Coen; 2:ears E d 16 Idelltuhsv le2hVer , 11 7 e7i le Kul I.OTH !MP: JAMES IL 'SALEM, .49.1=C.113ZEDMIC71" Pre* .t rea EXPLICIT BELlllllGli'and aPEC/14.. VA Nninsall kinds at Buildings, and super t eg , thessgrustion, on CClSOtlable M. " °Macau ANDEMON iiTitrAT. , natirese. and itoblnsunstrscis, ALLA UItENT 1311TTSB1DRGII - CONNE, VILLItifrAILBOADCOMPANYYIIIST" BAOESVICCI.X CHK.K.V. yes , .Tiox BONDS.—lsolstere •r bereft,' pot, ibeleterest coup:vas:Oa Mote 1.0 0,6 0,` latFibeb, 'WM beVag en said arta:gest de, eitutsUon and dtalm7 at!rtt Netkfr Tifflebegb, Y T rea4 • - tuf