El • ' . • • , .., - 2- - -_l =I INi rikailitr"l l3l :d.:** lkeri ftB Wood Mo., oar ,cB,rnpr of 'NM AU &adopt:loa or ioßda bought sad soutati,llboial-tintlaa:;. Landriaa&eanatneatal. Excbaage Jold at Now ;Tatk *tag: (loadi.,Oirsr wad Coilboaa t.ciiialit at iiiihaat kiatflrattsieanca ynii Tory. • MADE; •• ,-- . • • Wrasranisy, Jallf•lS;lferi. Thiireldia•boint but little change lir 'gold 'or GovOrfiln.entbands Since yesterday . Thelidest 'orietettOna -will be:flaatidr;ln.-our 'telegraph ratitailionslrievr..Yerk.", ..,., ..'" ' ',: : —Thcilievr 'York Tribwetcof the.l7ol. says • ThePayMinitit at Min - -Sub:Pressure. tothay . amtlpon i d ea t es thale,ern account of the Pee year oartideates which have ceased to bear In ' 'termst. In i,redeaniing. this -ciess,of currency debt the Treasury-11as freely nsed Natiolial tank neigh : whtch. are again aceuMalating In this city,' The . banks Mi.:tenet yetmarle these" a"lcipsi render , ' at the Cie:ming llourio, but will•be Obliged to dO SO at no remote day. The tenipamry 1.00.1 , 2, except. it. few millions of Clearing llottso ocrtillcateaarepayable in this curreney; and, within a . short Limo, what is • nOrkaTrea.sury balance:drill be put in active cLrenlintw. ri , vrech tan k of the tem. porayV lead: datin bank in this city dares re - Irani National cos,. we from tr. enetomers on depOrit, the pe. , .; -.epnr, Ile ‘re.- . nersruntS the wo y t ,„,,w, - 0. , ..i, t.,.L., • - ,eni.l vv. •• A. he i.i..0 - liSe t.. At the Cl. .": houses Irk tanrurton wh - r , .ne Icgal tcluiere. IL ts repellent from Wasbiegton that the Treasury policy is not to is dado,ted. 11114 that an easy tummy market - is to 13 , 1 Inalutoine.l in:connection with a 'Steady exchange of currency with long gold. 'bearing debt. It ts this,,bellef which 15 110 W - stidortattng now speculations on the Stock Exchange, seal those who sot upon tt are only }lron rim g by the hibtOry Of Treasury opera ` taun t during the past live years. The pas - Thera In currenCy of largo amounts ol letup , . vary loans Is aft Intlidingepuration US CClelent ILS fresh issues of circulating money would W. Tor the present the Secretary of tee Treasury is the strong' .petwer aeon sihich spuCulotoirS • ' for en advents) rely, end ho can . safely he ke. pointed tipou entiche commences to cancel le. gntzii i l i ges . , wilich he basso present' Incline.' ...:_ rue adyices (wrath* y.oursiatto.oltruiltin: &Mita. , VII' dg..ll‘s."*V" er " Irfriligilursicll%)l;:mrlicts.are undergoing an Olumition es near allied to a panic us words • can eaprws. 011 tumbled to-cl a y tO Seal. the wells., The modem:ma appear to have-lost all -:. Lsnaidert ea' la iildteireriee; alai are sill ite ir"rst . . ' -.. anything they cealatiti-Under sneli dream ' , stances it, is itli411)10:ta give reliable quota ' .' .tions.. ThtrtiPM:tdrithertutionr lir tide warm weather end; eattlieklignt lOSB to the holder is Inlulthig ilia pre4ll.loers seom.anximis to sell, :. ~ and tile intruenB o rithar in 1 Ito Sonata market' • • amounting In Now York to Iclejlealssraels end other places In ploportion,makesbriyers Very . .-, shy ,in Operate nt. any prtce., The wastant discussion abont iron leakage doesnaL anneal to lasytill ad Lite effect oild:acing the: prod u. ' cent to adopttliat plan of 0 101 = their oll,and unprepared :to hold until each thee as tho . other inathets. recuperate, - they suit keep a constantly necumnlatlng stream pourteit into the alreddir merilootle.cf ,eastern markets, width, as a necessary cocurencience,mnkes mat, ter. was ds a general. rule all violent Rec -tursthme- have, their rtnellon, and it Isto be lamed th atthts ease will not prove an execp. • '. ' tied.. ' I • •.. —,a. Wardttorr dispatch to the New York ' TrThirrie ander data of lath saya I , • The Comm lssioner of.. laturnai .lieven c ....' . ' decided teat slthorigh tiro tax of 10 per cent ''. .....' Imposed bathe steel:March 3,lsos,urs:n banker od tho notes of State lienithig merociatrons '''' -' ' • p Idout b them after jury I, iseti, is not :sem. 'akareperical until the act of July, 13 Instant, lit ' effect MI tho later Angast nest, yet, es ' • .• it ,was-.eismrly 4110 14...tentlers of Congress to ..: ,' ieLitinme the taxantis last ttaterand the act ". • , '... • or Is& does not.prcrvide :eepeclal_ly f0r...11a m :.. ... t. arineref 1111PSTMent, itl i lll not De po , -.- - - . -..,.. Wyllie Current month. - - —Cousigroller Clarke last week authormod tbeestabrithmetrt:Ot the KittanningNat of io Cam rsal - Kink of Kittauuing Pa, With a capital oat; lint without CarCUlutlOn. The toa fart tat; of these- Dankly than have thus, been ' granted authority,to commence. bust:min: :: is ...lat,Plirreinge tobal circulation of tnillbs,toa,' • ' - '' Of:which amount Mthllffe wa.s issued last week by Wu oomptrolbit to banks eatublialscd it long ' • : : '''-:, Lima:ego with‘tillowunees to inetease their .......,.-.. 14 . e n, York ItilOstey and Stoat Market. Ni.tv Yong. July Itk..;;Thii Money Market is easy, at 1(53 per cent. on , call; ami Prrmcillla 'counts are 51 - 4/7 per omit. Tho Treasury De - • pertinent continues to .dhiburso liberally, and the supply of nattocallgaili ettrielicY iie ry . • large. Dunks are lentling,d. free ,of interea for n week, CocfnidftiOn or iiititraing legal tenders. The Treasury_Department is ready to retire 1-31 i notes, and Imo° in exchange Isto • bones Cl ISA, oat very few holders arc witting •• to avail themselves :if this exchange. Gold ele_i n tsl tip quietly at lit-,,atilit.t.ti.l _ 1.1 verloacnt e l qatet.thla after- ZOO.. 'Thu folinWirtg are thu elcomit • ltegiste red lag s 1004,01eut.i. tioupees hati. 5..215t registered of hieit, tege 12511111 103...14e107; hilt Coupons of Isdl, 1440" lit.AilAdea - • Pena, ir,34VitSfi.Adinst 1 Giritliiet; June .40s,_109.)20101;.11ill 7-395. I tOtlfa leo, .1 ea Col re lieenda i1ia(A113.3.,; duly de., ...TO.ClitOCkniai.tiCet, Wail 'Arm at the last. open I:4ll.tii; and very little change 111 Naeu Teri: Ger ttassktligthMtheeiltleiCarverite t a 'Lerma:tit anittaile tedi4tYlalyi. The folios. lag WeratttoolOstagpricea 1:M p. nu tan toll (4oul Company, .13+,4 W4l; quicikailvor Cortgany;.:g to 51: :New Turk central itaiiromi, brie. Itiver. 115%; • Getelisy„ I Mill2;chigan eouthern sM4, Storipirin preterred, Ctleveland and Dittsidogh, 85; Cleveland Mid TOledo, filth; gook letiont '4%; ii. 04 1 •84.4. ten, priifetred.SavOg. • Petroleum and reining shares we: ta general , ly stadly thoufterneen bear. At the se . coed hood' they acre n3(0'1091: I.lonneholf • Bun MI, -ag; ;Mining Mocks• -Raw :York Gold, lag; Consolidated Gregory tiold,1900; Downie " vIlle,70; tispross-Stocks -WAIN D4i16.414; Co., . The: fools money article- 84Y. , XII° Stock 'Market 10 111111,' Ina:grin.: Governments me rather lower, italirond Shares urn irregular, the • with. hut little disposition to,fell. Afior. Ward New Toile Cell.lud.Y.wasiOVl.;.,'; Bade, 69t; lltchittan I(o4;MichiganSOutherls, 82:1111.1210L , Centr0. 1,113`1, • NOW York Produce Marko , . NOW Your, sub,- 18.—Cottou more active and staanly, atufwakont obi:Lugo In l37iadpl,-r i lr ce, at% rotf fta 11rZadillabPl utfta4ati lowor irir eql itIOIJO *, t flond,7 for extra amillno.oAl2,4o for ,:,.extra' M leant 011i,vIu It zaffki°l24ll.l,h•SW;l.sl‘ittroc,lSQZ44:74VaZlVel'ril.:: .... L. ike-tpla of a Int.et ...!....2 o ullielti, the marlset dull and noininilly itt 0 ere 4,500 itusbel. now No, I Milwaukee, In s lois. at 1r2,18@:..15. Ito online CI rye .1,1111 larbel%, She Wicritiit. heavy latillAll•cr. at kfea,, 1%03-ecelpts a barlay, and tho neerketuit.dulL Baxley uutie r cie 100t...1ie -,,rist-:l=l:i;tnel.'CVe.:l4=lsetifitirroeleci'! ate export and for home trade inquiry, at al Cellir4o for nueottril , now unatitttweetern, and stitttW.. for sounet do, ineludinteleikh Wired •nearly• yellow. Rece Int% of teen, 27,4 in brishelo, tun mascot ileavy, at fivirelc for Luna - ego, and aglow tor btibraul.er. 1.....ther.-iwrnl.k,,,,u, drat, wielt utoderito demand, at l'amv fOr Rio Grhade and Drieno% .A.) roe 111,11 t weight; 3lfitS,Thie for initidn. dot Siena for heavy do; GRI - Ne• "for California light do; All4fillty,” for • , t - initiellitail do; filtl4so for iletrveilit.k, Vtool—kor - • eign and *Anemic fleeed quiok,,lit ftaff tic for fitate and . % witerußeece; MirtiSe fOr unwashed) ISTIO 4or pulled artelit.t.aditOrtua•on private tartan. • Calico woro active. Sugar ,do; Cuba JOXeigse; ituyan..l.o.- Molasses dull. retrd , I ~1 ti• de Sio Fork !wavy aud irreifts 1rriu4,317241tCf,11 for lieW lueatt, clo.• Inu 'et i.l vi,3l taistl, SN,lnfe,7ii fen - end do, and •litilleM lit ~. • prime;li•Obbls now nieps for August um t' - ` , ~,. ' 3t l li r c i feTlLl:g d er ' t lll4l4:ttrillf /QM 4140 for aboulklura tuktrileoo fur 11 •... Adeop dull. Lord liefirtt 1 xe/4.• ,Dutt V- ' . ,tsliktol3o-lbrOli and t 7 iflo-forWu. • • ~...• , Cheese Oral atlo9l9e• ' • Sk;:~ 5~.~ - ~ ~'.ti rv~~~~~. t. -- Xemii,lfitfli ikr•lttitiOdig*ltte t; ..‘ - . Iff ' ii ' 1.°M..31111f- P -. !l t gat il l, l r t ti!t s . -11 • 5' ' t-1 1 ,1;9,111 5 .b> 4 .r, i f.af1L, 1 „„ e,,i , , 1 . 3.)g-i 0. m)5, ,, g40... ii ,,,) , ...., '...,t;‘,:fr05c054;43 • .'''.' :111 , itttim. ,1---Am° l•,,,,,j3itide 1.:13.V27%':' pal .. " . I .!`: ' , l'l 3l Y- 1 2 / i tttr; '"''" l t'lT i t,..: .....:-.:....?..:' ', M,,L l2 ,ll? l ', i 6 Zr._loF,A,f e ATg; , , ,, i.kutie ...,- -k-ori,r-3.,WojOinr4I,YOPP, ...115' '..r' ..•- '-. - - ' ',-. . '.'-- -'-..—. •: .':-•.— : '•t-Wa st.i3 o. -."C ti 3•I•u 'I ll' tol.l .trrot.l tk - ... P1 '- 6 A• t ttnaiatgs-t 4-rAlr7. Ct ml.Eitl.tu!iytflti.tnAe-tb4,-t{t 10 4 t . :E‘inss NV , -15udadrfm_riartn. . 4 107 I , 4lsCV, tic it p ge, . 31: rii c i i46i 'Rpr ,- /, ir d • . 4i :* rt tf.:„".„.„,..a,...,„,„„a I . l,iridriit.kl .R.5...120t,11P.3.11 • . - r..inktiO 4 .l, 46'li r '! 1 !! 1 ' u `r , L' ; '''...:_..--, ,• , ' •,;••-',..-.:-7,'-41a1eg1iq1041,r.4141,..tie :,.... , .4'.,'ltiO;cioijilly 17.-Titolteuurir, iiit, ".41,4nt.'Itt 4./I‘r;kgriir!"!rtglit:i'llitilitititteat2 k•iiNtlett `..t . 0.'1tt i i . .3 ' for ttylittti Winter (1 0 _ 1 1 1 V.:tilt,, ..,.!. :.- “ni t ktr*?:§m..... tor sgovor-• -,v f . . 0 7,,,,, , . , LrA.,.-... ",v-equoto Lisp not ut , . , ~,, , 101 the itittortolt. ttrait.to a., !olio,. .t .i• - ~... ' -,.'''''" • -VI stritsV.ltattit.ltoit.4lB.4.ll.ltber ~,i..,.. ~......„....._..,,..,.......... ......c...i.,5,..,......„.,...,..,,,,. 01:1111. utti Mins .v.lft, 1...... , ;.,,,.,.......,-..'• ,• • _ NV. Ise...ons to ~-.. 9 : ativ. , 4 , -.1. , ., y .....,..... '.),,.. . - r.uey-ist..hdi .. , ..10 ii,ao S .-,, Sr- , - - ---1"-- eniro kii.%•,l , tu. 4 . -.:r , 5- :.-:,-- - - unit lo 1..... .... 9,0341 , 10A0 tlr , F • '..; -:-".;..---- i . 3 •-•"" * ' ......---..0..- 1 - ' ' - , E , .. -., ...,..., 4 ., • -,. 4 , ...,*!.•tt •'"', ' hi ''' -. tostt‘a ket• • " ''t •'.. 'P F).7" .- :4:: --? " : ri '-7 ,6 A 0`.... --- . l.-'Tittilratt teiiipt2l:4•l34.td L " / 4 '. '''' .4...i.rylnYlllto Union St ic Yttras tiro= ~. - ,4 lLttLib? " 4- ',13 Walalg. Uf 111'..U1 •A)ric, , 9 ,1 2 3 ,11.5: V i et....• ' ,- -: , ' - - .- 7. , ,; 4 - Als.ll4>tirigii . .;3 6 .wr 1011110 't;.),":,;<17ii7,1,1 . 1. -...' , ,A1 8 1; far fall. 0 g0° ,1 ,-V,,1r h t,ii.„, , , , In f o, ik,, , , , ., 4 . 1 '- • -'--:-' 4 70.1.%c05 ,, 10t: . 1 0 " , ,k..ja I autruntgnnt. ''•W r '''' '' -. ' • _ . ttitt.tt, ,„ ....9..,"? i n ' nir ' i „,,,aut. tato irsitlr, Anti -:1 ' .': '.. ''."'"if l'bt,tt'literti"----'ll)alact, .1 lIIINX the Dank rite i . f :l-- - ' -- er . :rchiug 111 'on IMO . unity 0, S➢ Iltt,..tP iti li n „, u t i i iii ' ,o,,eltn.w luttrt7 ,l .4= t -••,.• -r,..." :.Nill-bOg l i . ''''Yeit off constant Y. i v,, , ,, 84 ,.., .)-_.'54, - - .:, _..-,,-. r s ei r lr e r l t lre Ireh-it b.t4 - !r el Y l - r- 1 -- - #4 , '! '.= - ' , .-' , : . ..it.y , ,cf:auot# ( . l ?-"'"" ;.'-. ,„.•.....', • ', t:;-':' -- '' ''.: : :.i_:: . :: ,. ' :--, 1,',, 1 `,, 1 ' 1ma g .......ci1 1 t r . 4 3 4bi 41,-41 Le t • ' nr.. , ro" - ' i fig tie , WV bUtliii. 10,-1190%,n1110:17i • `";''':.•:- .. .* Corn 10r . 1 . 3,,5Ar.,,i;,, OAl,Oi Is . n . i . nag.efil t it tw . ''' ..;'-. .' ' -- --P .1 1 .41r $1 1 11.4;1'11 , t/4 40- e ti , c 1 Z 1 fl 4 oXle 4 11 g 8 +. i -.:'.. r.. " ' . e. : ri ;IKI ' l ir. li i , i kl l 'jttlitt:ttilnlqt , "i'VF.7) . ';'; ...- - a.._.. ::•-• -• ' - . L c irt I .-. . - P -". .4,:iiiii..4 ,- ," '-_,t, - .. .,, , :; • f . t , .. 1 , ,c , • . ~..• : • ---•• • -. •• •- , - ...,- , ..,k.1,1," 9..‘flistir ittli . iter . ,Bo ber i ) . ' • zteincejittisiAlnKr , * t 's "r i... xo f l o idirdi '-_. •- - -:- tfi1 6 .,k, , -carli.tobettots la x ly l ao i . ~, . . . '''''''-': -'- 'at ti' °"' l " ll ls'Ai'l7fl ,,, a I I+l .. gi 0?0,',"9...1., 4-~y. qpt: 1 11 HEMS ESS ,_ • P itliAlarXxoN . : emus moll= PixttstritOutitiorif's, / 3Psoszabay, - Joiy • AVM' S -- 10.8 tO bo biped tlist sinniethingWrd turn OP . soOn that will tend to infuse : a littla:life and' anienationhitO this prodUce Markets. - at no time perhaps daring the put she months has tluipatoo generaldellnies modstagnation pre. vatted es at present, tutd,what makes the mat ter 'still votary_ there arc no indications at preterit If any immediate improve:n=lU It is trite Mists rustuuly regarded as the dull sea son, but the Vail cause of the present depres• aloe is the prevailing belitif that prices goner (Uri are entirely too much inflittod, and must of necessity depreciate, and that; too, ma led ally. Consequently the u.otto th e mld of large stoc.ks of goods is, to work off, and that, too, as speedily as possible, even it by so doing they me obliged to sacrallmn while, on ins other nand, buyers senemlly Ore restrict ing their purchases as much us possible, and mouthtsfamilirliytermed, by Imad.to. mouth brusineas.” Operators in (Wain and Flour, cspoclally those who have, large.stocks on hand bonght at Inflated- pt lees, cannot - .unload' . now without Incurring a v 0 1. ,/ heavy loaf, and "holding' , has been a losing game for .S.Vp ' c o to COI ar 8 l!nre ' l Jaen a t iota to know what conruels best , far them to pursue—“unloado ata. heavy kW; or, hold W anticipation of a reaction for the better. Olt laN—There tan* demand, whatever • for Wheat.. and there appears to be no established quotaClOns. Oats dulut unchanged. No. I Chicago are still held attain _elerator, while prime white may be rooted 3to a cents per bush higher. Corn dull with small Barleym ,dre vs K. to Sfl. No densand for or 0-,lonlent, ac. l there Is no movement In use. tittOCES.l.S.B—Slarket la -steady end inoder "Yettirchhcile VobBao="qtioeusgiuutn2Vil Zi.l !taw Sugars IStkto lfli i i fia T CIMBITArT 6 . Coff ee, 16 r0 "ii" RICO Ilus=g. ' fo DO ' fto'rrgoondbudlAs r cettr•Wprime. lion • . ri ttlec,loti 91111ftlialogatacon is arm wit " ngni fair pobblng demand but We cantinas to quote at 17 to i f IS% to Ss for Ribbed Sides; and Cured llama. lard is dull and small saiceof.Dried .Poef at 37 , 7 meat In BiestrPork. entices dell and,i drooping tendency, though lb fiat change nprices ?e •it lotto at ale to il for 8 MO( lot Winter; and ell to $ 6 for , kISII-No. 3 large Stacker/IX el '4 ,nandindhts lo belf b Slii`e, Va . 01'7, slal for ler .1. for #35 . i allot lr-t - for Shot& s' - 4N, ti,4 pot halt,bbl, and Walt FOTSTOES—PuIet and nue ' gri s :i Vrte k g eV; 1 i tire.do . drat bands, with sales L0af...1. niTtrts;--tflielutdiVuuft to lie frost' Tacked ' Hal —ls selling sta.:aloe , per ton. neconling to quality al t . —ln good d Igo Lgal.Quoted at Ily, .011:—.1.10. I- L t is selling rrninviciat PETRO? ira musimr. ; TireriTTan ACM t;AZUTTI, rtuissw, tS, inIG ..ClPtipll—The. report o another foreign stomper. haring arrived, f nd her war nes being of: a Very pacific el meter, stern ten dency tOrdifpniate the tut considerably towarde eiening, and the was considerably Inquiry for crude, both n the spot anti to arrive, and hOltlerS s dup their feel ings luta views consld bly. As yet there n+ been no attratwe in wives, though some hover,. aro wining to - c hold at current uotations, while Made ,seem tiepreel to hold tech. M t i tt of a more active market mud betterprte . -eau report a sale of 1000 harrels,.in ik, to 1, rem et a the ht.t water, at 12; and 1 do to armor at 12' ~. t)ltedicalar reported he had offers to buy at 12.1.4, both for Jul arm itegustaellvery. 'neat there was bette • feeling In the after noon read evenlnp, trident item the fact that forsorne days p t has been almost Imposalbloto nod atm er at the figures shore mentioned: P..IFIICE.UThere w demand for banded oil ins evening. and Co ranee was offered, within the pa..lt two ti day of 1000 bids fo Philadelphia, at Mlti and inn for Decembe the above, we can for October delivery to some western There was also a sal 02. cents, free on boa idllusequently ,'track huliell.oo.9e , joent 4 Inurement in fres ttrieded almost sth of the betel trade. AU.ICIV LS—Tlu Broil reparte4by one bundered timt Wilkins. CIM'A.IO, ply f or for No. '2. itil.oJ 03n - t•. o, ni in.cLutuill , • iteki gene N. 1 11111 m a+.ll %; kltlCft! 1. t Oa. I• zr , ' . t d tt i t 11, .N.Y. CUUIU Ruffles, extends, ES II o ccrnato , unrhangt. I. kr ShooWeis for .oxgar unchaaLmtl. '7. No 1110% C- Itelth a is no mate continue to rcat; la sci,lt 3 r cry brevis. nunted le. No. 2 do at cu No. 1 do at ..Ice • , 60.56. 10 - wzou; regular 1 , ad, at 20112= to exteat at the.so at 17813 for from $2O to ttl ME 13 WM pi also quite a artirited Idoring %Ms afternoon Julytla,livery tau att a to 35 , 4, agatnot sale. ye at 35e55 , ,,,,. Bales to• September delivery an r , for November, ut4 l 4. . addition.. report std. of Wu° bias to cars hero, at glcs. tirtles apeaulation. of 500 Mao for august, at cart be., but the seller tt water", und the trans , wgs yoltt. Mere is no IY the demand being re, tosupplytng the canto a.a All lle but.hdny Inv sing er to-deryle arTlyal le g Inetpurrot ban - CIA for .4. aO3l . iiloollour ,16: d very 11. W heat tttttt No. 1 111 l d o for No. VTOV.I for No.l %MI 1u1y.2'.)!1 for No. I (Intl TT!, r0. , 5 nooluod. ego litorkes. —Flour lesellaromil Wheat sl.7q; Milwaukee Club, al. ly. la .4iXll§l.A. Corn flail; Oitteauallital. Canal freight e Lou Viirrlket tly 18.--Ylour . Whatdown quotably lower. au t firmer, White a1..4:41ri 1,1124(t1.0. Outs tomb:wiled. LotiK, • rnral, Ida n hanged. Cu nlxed Yellow clustatl Market. uly IS.—klour and w heut antic l, l ol:l2l c d tge l i; ;foss " i gr " r r il m.% deltiana, at 19!..,e. Ct W Lanky a opened thin V. Lard Li • fluaniCee lisurlart. unA July lA—VW" arm . 1 N a t. vbent unsettlednt • need 2.e; ealtn Lane. (Ate quiet MIL WA • vaneed"- s e. I. Gorn At,34,c, HT: 1131LILOA n, Four Nlicrsa & OnTahoe B. R. Wes wool, Seal .t Grandy; 10 btes tunings; II Ws sugnr,..l l & Vint rle,.Sponcisr & McKay; 1 bbl to nor & Lazcar; bars glamwarei LI roil buts, H Byram;6s bides, W i s ;10 bide flour, Hingham M. aka ilaxaced, C Jenkins; 2. care lattitres, SUI; 1 .10 dh, w Bracken; wo barreLs to butterhismaker & Lang; 1 car Langb , S aus; 1 car corn, IL Courtney ,talons,Potter, Aiken rt Shepard; 17 Pears & co. Kadin PrrreSOVION Boil ROAD.— ears melal,Kluack & co car oats', & Scott; Iscar iron, Park, WO oo; nit Bryce,lYalker .t.co; 133 ilo do, Rich artley.3lco;lll.lbl3s dour, Knox 3. llo rlaustior, .13111bager well; 3 bble , Culp ShapaSd; 10. bxs cheese, Watt. 3 riSl),4B.sicrlietildetrullough,tBmtiVoT ;21 alts 'cotters friV,llll"rifttli&n...i; ArirrOiN ormwtr. 18.-0 bxs patent, med mlm icines, K Kelley; 6 ecal. Superior Iron Co; 13 ros leather; cal Son; Spkils butter, Gral7 & Itelturt 3 1 cam W tient, hall 1 rtee' ion h ° b`iO ood, WS Sour, Schnelback £ Schott. Lticartzstr SyrerrOw, July 17-3 3 blalos, 6 bids ;low, Flacons & Sont3 .cars 'wheat, Kennedy do So,' 43 Moore, Ststpsort ttai 8 cars et,11,1,041111118.110 3 DalXell, SI sac wheat, CO skit stepattrl73; A ll'aykiri 36 Lettee' cattle, A Childs; 1 bbl flour, 6 pseri 41 slur flaxseed, 3.1 11 Suydam; 1 tar stayirsi klemphlll & co; 10 iloz _kt13.313?6, ..110011 4;1630-. . Perresia 'lout fear] Ince% MI Gerry: lacetta oute. 1 di Guthrie dour 13 slaves. tatible eksv CI. lull 1 Arum bola E stnl Kce; c.r .....- - - -__ Foll SALII.--_-11k.yirtue of an or , der trite urialasu,...uturt, or toicigkeil , . 1 torde ut No. la. Jotte term. leg. ou July .. t . qui cs.pgaeu iLa_,kAg i t=ic,u , , , ,, ,, niu v ,.. rtat Is., jua b E'S , "." On 'Saturday, August 4th, 1866, • ' ' ' it,' irc . tAide klli AT" . • ~ All 1.00 right, tlt se mad interesionlforra i 1 , !.r , C. '''''N.,-,li'slidtr."l6, or tire.t " 0 I 112117 - A. AM 14 i I t.:;% SIMS. Alteas Janus tllrkt Wltllstu his ....1 Yeast fiutra...bildresa. &nal belrour.thosald 100005" ottottatt..34l.!:ti...sit.i.totitl.,retraufolLootell dromigr.....tha3c2. ` c.t6l. ' its rlso of Lot* told out fOr tile bells of , bl. elatk. PO SOO Plsultutult e4 ti , tc t r ei e::::: r &gi, A. Item., gusrtlati. isr a l f t , t , t v rp ut of cyr. ° II I ' I:at/T.l ' 3w fsistas-,Di%M.o__l.4.hip. ri;ibAturtrlMlZl , m 74l : 2 a4 Ma, snit rociAert In und tarot .0. fcs. - p. a. ... WY, thu'rufdlrildelt Mot hog part of S of of 'mma It Pose toteniblp helsg lot I. umber .b tn . ...outgo Drahor's phut 'of lots lit 0010 l toottlehlp, Wooded so toll Ow l, 801 l 111 agat the cornet ot 110 five to " L 1 71.4 a=lU4Sfr= Car 1i - w. rrro.twperctwo to The corner of ton•NO. I 1 to the seutre ea townotdprood St feet older. thanes giong Ulu Ilue of ot No. the mirs, steauttera, Lola eilo , soly for the trade. They are ctonntoded Of °Meet, of long experts... 6o trill Dal partieular attention to OS wants and coal fort Of pas/wagers. rb.- ['Oat' Win bare promptly at Mr hoar advertised V' Itt.:lOBTS ItEk: Is I V Y.l) AT A Lt. HOC IttL foe further yaroccoats,,euttui r n of J. 1. RUPERT& Agent, At the Wharf-Boat. P." of "rant to-, Vittalturg. I m121:1,100 L. (nII.VIN. Agent, ltrosrucv Rte. Is. PEOt7LES, Zia .. LIN IF; OF STEA NICKS, ON4I , ItrOILATEIL Pittsburgh,v O nd ille sa NlAMllaiLl.l. City, Browns tiesserva. This Company will run a dally boat la.twes.l) the pore ‘ o unts, romprismi or the new sod splend l . l Me-Wheel steamers I'IIIEFTAIN. U.. It. Annan , ornmandrr, E.I.ECIIt, onamander. (Toe hle..tor Is now bring foltkplettoi nal tal.6l.er place in the Uwe In a few days.) " 1 7 1 . 11 h aDAVt ', , " 4 1'1t i ' l;.% )1213),..teqih$(2{1qtrIVI r. RR laYtt. ru r..1,71' 1 , 1 %T.".".ra'61 ,1 A".;.'w1L11 2, :£-SDAY nJ l'liittL!:„"a:‘:ll'4l'lri)rt) A T, 4 413 " k i 11tZ1 1,e, ;; T : , ;;;T 17. 0 111,V at si. ali.l llrosensville I. I 11..• ~,,, imays nrst -rise, a kart (loot tl ilopongolo,la l i nt VrelAbl reli col al It hours. so charge ror roam isslon on Stro.tern (rale M. 100 *III not roo Maas on the Itabbatti. Yoe P l rtlo , pArileMAr. • on Oast., Of In .74 C • .N2i I ,tsll n ot. Agent. at Ina Wharf host foot of (.I,lit DOLLAR SAVINGS BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street, CHARTERED IN 1855 a en V.:1,TZ.L,,Z°4,-.1,1.10,° r„,wNTlng:..°l i At. from 7 to 9 onind. said Irmo rthrember Ist to Alas Int, from a to li o'clocli. lieposits ices/veal of all. ow of not lest than lin, Doliatr. and a dividend of the pthilts declared twice rea, In .Inne and December. Interest hal 10 , 11 tleciared teml-annuidis In June and lathed:the , since the Bank was organised. at the rate of sls per cent. * ritta4est, If not drawn out, Is 'slimed lin the credit of the depositor es principal, ath hem . * the same ma 'e-etnnhpo"nd"rigth:erra "11;ArtartAtli'enT:1," ''''iiltor"to Call, ' or ' er n 7 to present bla p.a. hunt. Al , ttP his Toe ey 'still) We In lion Want...se years. I ---------------- Boot cuallining Liselbarter, IlyL.nr D., Rules and Reflex:lons furnished grails, on application at the \ IPITTSII3IU IRA: lii ,=,.... ' 1411791DIVIT—IlEt/lIIN. MAIMS. I vitae IdirtelDSKTai ' NATIONAL BANK John B. Ittehofett, A. S. Pollock. M.D.. lieu). L. Fahterfloct, Hubert lOW. 'Ol "'" H"d''''' ittaiktrig'. 4::o2ll.lr2hirra::LClll, Juries SteAralify, James B. D. Meths, eraaAlesander Speer, Lase M. Pennock.. 00u firth= Ychlrer. 1 , • COOED WOOD h. Mill STS. Wm. J. Anderson. i James 17. Kelly. 1 Cal•tt MUM*, HAM J. ham. , John C. Binillei, Te t er A. Madeira. I Capital, -*-. - - - $500,000 , there 1/1/I.lt. Jnho hiarshall, lila Beirsrin, Walter P. $103,1110,, ittllCOVlnt. it.tl7 at 11. A. 11. A'unto A. Carrier, oohn IS. Alcrathiuni Charlet A 1a5,1.. IV in. Lthug ' ttiltirY.thl.irni.knlZt, Deposits received and collections k,"L'.° Eno ., Alesainifesr Tinil el , made on all the principal points 01 Whllam S. bk-veu. William Vaniark; . Petits Li. Bunter, Wm. rOVerman. I the United States on favorable terms. Ltichard Hum Imun:lN IMAM , TVIV::I7-7--411"11.3.. 1 71. A M a l i g " . N. IJNITED STATES SEATRITIIS --- Via, I Mlcrualvt tits:vei tescacs. cum:trms 111129.• F9EIRIPETVAL till'IFIC EMI , )1... PATTSRSON, I JOSELPII Li.1111•Top Cashier FIIANKLIII,(IIM.INStRAIMCO. OV,PIIILADELVIIIA. jomprzktdati,-4. ~.,..„..,,., • Aniert aon Opp- 1. INII4, • • $24457,ei11ti. va - -,,,,,,,, - . latitinAarns , o. Accrue I Accd Premiums • Vt o,l j ' Arlti igirlil.A.ss 1 fitraiEiShcrATtLa UK Invested Premiums ............... .•• •• • • .... 1,653,71 a. Clots, Lochais.hr, . INV& 1,011(1 L. Ati, Unsettled Clulms N,119. wig. hi..mujhrti, . WU. O. HAVEN. , Income (Or Linf ' MAW% JOILN MMLLON. mr l J I LOssesruld alneticu Pemba] and Terripiwgaulcuou Uherrt Whin Chas. N. llancker, Ibriate Lee, Tqhlas Wegner, FAward 1.1. MM. Samuel . Urrint, Jacob Tt , Smith, IMISItTI::: 00 0 01 {'WcAk• I,lohrto4. ,pACZlitillr,. erewhldonl,.." - tar n Au i.th.l.V. ra 0. ~ Vice President. J" ' W 1 1"14444T*14P. 4 • 71,4=4 AVAIL - I Corke r li.l_llnrll 'wean!, C = 3_ TN TILE 00P0A1,03,, COURT 0). itnetfito a etYM 9 .?AgM trtitt.!;iftVilerts.- tsto of lVoolatan (Mann. It •d. , b And now, Iv wit; dnno 111, ISM, to catopt.on II tax - fog boon Weft tot w inquiSilion returnsd by the thariff in mo orl a nd , n .1 APOri l Yed J.ll. 1 6 . It.. ihb ;playas .11 moa a bointely: arid, • on mina% 'er, r , , ,,:ilifi n „„lcadyk. p c . l.,„7,hai, , , , po t . ,, 1 ~,,.x, , ,,rf.,.......itt,„„zeir6 , ,....„,,, , ,,,,,„„,; .. t 3.1: Argent. , . irlitig t.itar.t. nuost,,,N,[iktAlptlion4l,4.lF., ~• 5 I'? wTLf,p,, yirracclv:/ocKvLteLregtoz[!%lMU,ttllt Wanton U. Wood, Charles Ir.. WOor andrg.Rilik. Wood. • 11101. 'SW 1141. „ , • wasoisay tonVetiticreva [ yiLtsbure, Jnly 12, 1160,... „ ___ '. $ . 717 ' *TOTICE-Wileii.alS - -Letiiiis . al: ~n., lanninutrui wenn shill- estate or , L Alvrtiorcs , [ PrUemit,EA, Milo! Mien.> Lawman", .11119111:: . " 4 "' "Y l deCe"' Vrt 7 to o d l : if LU T4 12 . 112.8/0 ' Poltig:tett i . trig?: Ittil if tato pojoi:nt. Vorrtiose baring claims. or• demands. against the mine wit! 12 - :: ft ir thl24 Pr " P 'llluinillWittt.lartr .._ . n 4 24 ! i t trt ::: swing u mann lion, nest:rye In. i ALetturs oirrdmiurrl2iimallibeen li t i Fis day tenrlitrynt, alllnd.oggin, l l.4%,l'A L G) persona knowing tbouriven Indebted tonald cslaun \ n'slOnettrelatoll.lattlataingonl, gt. anal nettlonent. nviliebM ,", • . WM., V. EV ANN' Administrator. AIi.IIIOiNISTRATIIiON NOTICE .--, ...I gilVs l irekrilli l iigi u terifi,%tr& " , l 3 l . l or Wu !Ali or rlttaborib. bpirby stirra soften to allitUrlts=mttiltralii . . s °, o ,nii; =trvirel&Nu, vall-ZTA,Vb%v.Vn ikt A ILI J. v , Ys NMI., 'lroment'rrx." Je:llllF.lti . . .'metes limo» Waif giro itliiig ire . ill 4 - Kai iii: umicri ant .Itjt.o.l/ , 0,, U 0 acre, n k mc g t EA acne rich bottcrtV landtyonn i t o Orebard be 200 spoilt V` r lnPrniarineVii=gbervrrtagOrlA :r3411 010 6111""li•Vhrle1441:11.7triliVrajt to P' "" h ` ..4 infoN - abto 'on ba: Ain nun. ,11.14.rn gf,- Ifeniterski.,l9lMilreoo.l.4. mon dieo. — taw -iv. ...,', a - Vitititik:-.vthereas, .. Leiriiiiii •r ta?ir teggeit h ir 2°Arl t agr u liiiir:i 41ban".1' "de*W4 : . non . . iliZi'ZiaLulidriZtir b - ~tvr,:atv w oo,. winning°. piLynsunt. and 4474 l' a rd h r " liftlirtgellrv a n i."l-31" sitr i l lt6t. deini, 4o . . . • ..... oPtiVArildnlAN.4ll. Anrn, r - . --- 41...11.1blililaWat..111yrningint '•G4.2PATI-T7.---If,'.F#W7,4IPY Pi! laWtfltligig/Yir e!...tti1f.,.1.1,,rr! At f o lmat i vr Azwz, l a r ivi v o t t s i x",„ ~:.,., .r0m,17.1.3w1) glfii.ab,... • t. 61 pe hi,. .:-...!' , 1 - .- Anplinithinicoor la Pro .s 1 N[[.ll4 , [; - [:[, -,,,i_t,2, 1 :,:v..1 : v[4 ''.':' , % ,- titraOr 4144,00 ti • •,,,•'' A - -.SOjir:: - • Z.,'':' - ' , f- -.•., 'l4. 4 [ l stonida; iltgaso-' ENZIN WHEELER & WILSON'S LOCK Earrcixt SEWING IMMUNE& We would advise %Man tOthrego a thresher and thresh wheat with a US miner them to see a wife wear her health, vigor and life away tit the everlasting "stitch. stash. stitch, • when a Sewing Machine can be oh tali:led. The WHEELER & WILSON le an Invaluable aid In every household. We have had several different Madsen trial, and after eta years' service the WHEELER WIL SON hos taken the precedence as toe best where all kinds of sewing are to be do le In faMliy.—Anterteas ditninntin,hrt• These machines have MORE IMPROVE MENTS, MAKE LESS NOISE, are MORE SPEEDY and SIMPLE In on then any NiZeilillC la the market. WM. SIMMER & 00„ No. 27 Filth Street• TuE BARTLETT ,SEWING MACHINE, Pronounoed by oh who I..the been It the thaplebt machine now be the polite. It Le as effective-and durable RS it to amply, and as practical we It la durable. It has lent to by been to be sdErill4ol, and sled to be •Ithrerlated. It com. bides the elements of • Perfect Practical Machine, And la offered at w pricy within the made ul nearly every remit. to the laud. enly low priced athellite . In the Pelted CULL,. Ileynbe.l to üby the W It Ital.! , It 4 Vii I.tcoatN —thy bast cud Duly reliable er llet theted. iarraAr.V.SMEN W 3Elas3avaio ab X.X017:77E 1•091, trnoultint.E All KIiTS, No. ös FI fl 11 Street, VIVNItI ! itli U. PA. laY 111:04 GROVER b. BAKER'S SEWING MACHINES Iles • roluen iag. breettYAM. awarded t h e year e gIII ST Inas : PREMIUMS at th e for First leruullusn for lest Manti.nc work at realm. slate Vlt. First ['tend.] for best Machine work at New York Otero Fair. rim% Prumlum fur best Yadally Maclaine at Ohio Sta I.`alr. at 1 fin' Premium for best Manufacturing Machine t IttottUtre Yelr. First Premium for beet Mow facturliny Machine at Michigan Starr Fair. Ne first Vreroluto tor beet Manufacturing Maellineat Wleerinrin Siam Eel, Vino Premium 101 best Monufacturing3l.thine at Lawrence County Yalr, Viola Postulate furl beat Machine for general our at Lawrence 001111 Fair. La. ' " Viret fn.:Talmo foe 111,11 family Machine at Muck. l i•Tr l s l i . t'i t t t •Cdt i : i ' a; for beet Mannfactor Machimt . . M. tiaras I. uoty Fair. ra. Find Premium. ,or bait Maithfutoring ganit li Machine 01 H i .i Ingecld gar. Ohio. Find l•renitu lu- best Illattefacturing and Fami ly lilaohinc at lialulyne Voir. N. Y. First rrl'Oillll3l r beet libialaractur in g and Yarui I y Machine at stilton: einiuty Fair. N. 1. rirst rf1..11 13 I. fur best Maaufacturine and Farnt II Machine at Coutit) Fair. N. Y. Fires Premium for best blaantite fur all herpes... at Alleglicuy ruenty Falr. I . a. Ft ret realmar fo r r best Manufacturing blacking. ellegbuto county air, Firer 1.1,1111.11 gar bred Machine wort at Athlete Count) fair. Pa. • And vruer..ooo exhibited. A. F. CLIATONKY, No. IW Fink Strvel- rltt.borg urn 1-1 t w. 2g ;; A w. = w 1 4 0 Ces ) 75• V 1." t 0 @# -/ M 11% 11 m t mg, 4 - g4 stitV: -- " 2 t - w ur,J. STEAD BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. W11.11•1•me quantity n NEW TYPE AND INCREASED FAC' TIES, We are prepared to do PLAIN AND 0:1111011311TAL PRINTIMi In We eery but style and at the loareat rates. JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, 89Itis St.. Masonic Mall. CUINA WAIIEUOUSE. RICHA:RD BREED, 331101ZIPCIrJELTN IEL, No. •1(1X) Wood Street. E A ND • .1114111 IttlAtik4othoNs. B. somtataic N iSN'ltr OVISCUMTION LAVLAVA (WU? 11.NdliEr Xht i omth. Mitt 3.12,15 IiTON WARY:of all-varieties, to tut . •Thttlel34e cod seta' tsltec. The lanehst end most complete stock of everything 1.2 this Moo to the cu s. m tcliaterd torsos the OSVI es to the motets cities. 3. lifTitVottSTON ..... ......... MDT?. pilEfirliTOri scorr, D's,i4.llB 1711 M Watches, Clocks, &melt", • .n!,..;FiILIIER!ptATED WARE, ETC., 21'e tag, Loewy e rßszT, rarticular attention given to IteWatlite pa- Watnot aqd' „ ""!.fttl tro3k 14 , Hut - --.' • - putibstrees,Detwega Tionsa and aialhans Streets, DOWN ANDHEAtER IN HARDWARE. nest. eases goods of all descriptions always on lumel ante sold at Ole lowest VW,. It.PaITIA!=e e•' LLi:GIHENCaIf FLOM AND 114,111211, 'llert:›l4-114 3._C. Atett ASTER& Co., No. Ddi aide Allestienr; Wholesale and Retail Dealers In 319,C0Va.A., WOCia. do CAVEII.I3. Clash 1.114 for Wheat and ltie, BUY YOUR NOTIONS, I P,ovs, Baskets, I Nra-mtxemaThies„ G. 'Lauer's Variety btorit, 101 SIAM( STILTAT. LA' PIEIVREI HOUSE, Philadaphta. lartrep„ r eyriouno t c., azd V i lanyV. 4 o,l, Actr i pllto th aUritaa:rbools tau tn! tittbe fat .‘41416 ME FIRE A.ND BLUILNE INIOBANCE CO. OF NORTH A DI ERICA VaILADELPkILA Assets... Hartford Fire Insurance. company, 14,585,000. Assets. ~. ed in the above named .QP n4Pe n ' Ptfirs. ""r end fellable ffielnly A LLEGUEN V INSURANCE CO. Or riTilißil MAL —olllSUNDAY Exogrrr.b. ' JOHNSTOWN AUCONODATION-Daily(except Enridaratitt 1150 r. 11., atOppinn at rapid. stations between PitlatimEti and tionemainpi. and carnation t Blairsviile Ititerotothin with train. eft the Indiana Branch and Welt renal/1711_1MM Eallinad. ALTOONA ACCOXItOLIATION-11.11, (nand. Sunday.) atlisD.... X.. ataPplng arniireaulm.tallons between Pittsburgh and AdOcons.. arid making Mo.e eounection with Mins sti Os Indians ittsneli, West 0 Jii'• Acv 44 i.....4.1......5... 40 % 1 1 .0 A11 6 V:LiM e l L.Ull011: days) .I. MOO a. it. Were Accommodation das) , 11 , 10 A. 11. Braddock's Asminosiods Sundays) at 1140 Wall , Accommodation . o)) - tion No. S, daily (except Sun days) at GOB P. N. Wall'. Accommodation No. 0, .11117 (cacao r unt, d Wie eb.M3Wis. leaves Wal Station ...iv Sim. du at e:de - A. r... and arrives i s Plttabtorn at non A. Y. a rr ive. learns Elttsintran st 11 . ..10 0. is. and arrives at 05 all's !nation M2:011 0..16 sts turning Trains main in.ritiAbSilliii l •lol loall; fttLlOn'll'a.itWac..n...itril7,........ ill A iirinton Acenniniodalnin .N 0.7 7160 A. iii. BeoeWalla 13110.coolnolindatitili..:. :101 14.. awn it.,17... Kr/rus ecolDmoaa 100 New York Express Mil I . M. Ile r. et. , ..... racile. Ai. Tided Wel's Station AccommolatiOn..... it Ub s N. WalPs.loconuitodation, No. 4.... Braddock,. Accommo dation No. I 7:•0 r. N. Wall'. Accommodation Nu. /1. 4 130 1• is. IMO 0. N. Altorma ACCOMModatkin and. Emigrant... 1000 r._id. 1:.1q1010047-1"gehei'lriitiP17fr latk%,VA":l7o7:hiii ,:10 0... .tlantlayll4 7 he no.; thiltin Ikpot Hotel, occupying the three Yr.'. f= °Jr g g. 7114 VIT Zl=l,o at V:, r woolly. A caious Restaurant. I. open at ALL Minn& day. pisht, Sundays encePled.- iNOTITs..-In cue of loss, Um Cori iu&.4:1 0 1 0 4d codfor'Xlglrr"7°it.: 0100001 sot WO. • ' Por Donets apply to W. 11.,IINCKWITLI, Agent, I at the reaturylvanisUentralltallro.d Puseugerlita. Own ma I.lberto and Wnshington strata. my= Pragy,lrCrt,l'intle• 1 7.) . aligaig ga BOHM. TEA...1.)0......Y.0..A.HP A VITTSBUIIti 11 ItAll.BOA 1) . Rummer Arrangement. IBA& i ti l oind after Iday nith, 1.888, trairumill ern as all lowa, viz: Poe Pbr °..riiiillis. i Cheeps. \au.t..1.1 wh.tawg. Emos 'W.2O A. Y. I Exp 0 0 0......... t:10 A. Ms 2:14 A. m. 1.55 r. M. rt.hrese r.lO r. Y. i 1:10 0. x. , 4:Ei r. • . 1:43 A. is. 1 6:10 a. xi. i 1.10 A. C. /CM Newcastle sod Erie 5,10 A. M. lintArrilsig. attire ai rittalansDi ~ iit. 17. di C. /t. W.-10 A. X., tilo Y. lA. ii* r. M.. too r. m. Finn Ear acca-4:11 r. C. li. A P. 11. 11..-11.11. A. A.. 21:40 r. 0.010 r. It. ACIAMAILWATIO# TILA.I.b . Itasca Allegheny for - • Nair Butcarron-ing) A...:0a..11: ie.Bo A. Y.. Mc P. 0. 1.3 d er. lIOCINVIZI,-lIIIS T. Y. NaW 00.013.14-3:30 P. Y. Brotronv-10:90.. N. VI mdaVirna-0.70 r. N. E I •M . rtnV ' T. Y. tAl.ll.'!Mra.. m , eas A. 2,.. Ii A. st., 1:10 P. v. 4.30 P. N.,. MP. A. x. O. da. 8.-114:0) A. ii. UEOII.OIt PANNIX, Ticket Agent Union Passenger Station, Pittsburgh. CO. ,g, Q. ornggiallf.Rß, Ticket Agent. Allegheny City. _inyn T. B. MYER, kleuerai Ticket Aimed., prriiiiikco-ggsg.M. . LUMBUS AND Cirtelht- N ATI BALLBOAD. THE GREATwrict SHORT tINE ROUTE VIA isglivil.i.x. CCM TO COLUMBUS, CINCINNA III , one '`u u"Yrt'alalllutrArnrwm= On and after RILOPIDAti, JULY Std, mats, Trains will leave Pittsburg', s 11:00r. a , arrives at einelna 1.1 noon next day. 2:10 A. arr ives at Cliteln ti at 3:7A F. U. same day. tT P. la. arrieu at Clueinna tat 4:42 A. U. morning. Steubenville AcooMmodation 4:30 r. m., and A. M. . I. Gen'l Ticket Lgen Stenbe,nville, IL O. in F.MMI's. MAU. Ticket Agent, Onion ergit. riltvimrgb. picirmuunian AND IeffELLSVILLI: ft. Spring ArrangeMent On and after THUBSI)AIf, 111.11.0 H 1300. lath The trains will leave the Depot, corner .31 800 Water streets, as follows: Lanus As rho/ PUtshurgh- Kan to and from TinV.V..... Tat.. glln.-- fYiePertefiewtorrAccommodattOu Shts r. N. 111:13A. N. V hlcKerlport Accam'n Brad'ddock,. `. 4:thr. Y . 6:115 P.O. hunday Church 'resin to and trout or West► Norn ..... t:O3 P. u..IO:OErA. u P t Tickets apply to T tor K rewift. Lot. a= -1 -L-E -A LLEGIIENT tr. VALLEY It.A.ILROAD, - - CUANGE OF 11:111E. .VVIIMIVITt'ALYArWith 17.113:41 treets, Pittsburgh, as lbliows: _ 6110 " e f .T. Mall, to and from ltshoolog.•• do '" Sods Works Accomodation.... Kiskiminitts ti.,2° Ylret Hultoo oo 1 . 0 P. L. l•sumas 90 oo second Holton _ .:30 DI. MU um's, So d s .8 from Sods Works. .................................... FORT PITT FOUNDRY. MILES rap liErlitiNS sumorAcererassa 07 MANY ORDNANCE, LSD ALL KINDS or ISEAVY CASTINGS. ftlfgehtraltiVeil to dvithatawoßA asrents attended to promptly. As heretofore, the beet materials irtli Mateyo be used at this roundly. Attenttrm Ladled to our NEW FLY WILEII PATTERN and Increased (=SIMI; for littlujoatcp MALIN avacce. VALLEY STOVE WORILS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., Oak. and `4ol%WitausseZlMArty Btre4 Iltanufsearea a great varlet!' of C9 O Ar- , P 2 4 { LO s and.RZATLtoli bTOVICa. smog eater 00 r=11.11.A.T:71,m15"1"...T.41"- ETNA. Waal& COOL PARLOR AKD HEATING STOVES CRAM . nd moNti ID ES( Wood Cook .stoves.) AIW m""tfiaEs, -GRATE.vemirrs, °Ceti oti w.debo., comer of SOAIOIO sod Woo extots..llttainwgb. Entranen liotowl stmt. utlyir ' ---- FIEI4 3 TD—CIEttraCALS. DU • • 1 ..---------- w.f.. •ICAVII.:.I. R. 11E•CLSI.LA8D..8A!IL D. DRUIT. 11146CLIELLAND• & „CO., Corner Federal and Lacoek Streets,* ' 41.1rAr-iSEIC43I3, 1.4 . i . i., I "Wholesale andlLetall Druggists, 1 Dealers in valuta, OUR, Varntsees, Dreg.. tßie- Muffs, Ca . r h b e r Z e t to., 14 tsg ;L I IT IMI it i pe t : t i algi Vitt:alld L i io.lV sus i e l igrdub.: At the wan. . inylli :tat ':, ' • =I - - 1313M GEO?W " . 1 1 11 . 14 rain2 7 6lllejja'F'Ant:3l-Dinri. CEMENT SEEM 7. WOK/ • MILLER, BAR@ & MON, 100tIMAC708tUS Of BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, lii-arrontodlitizal to May la the Dlarkrtt n okel. Int rtoot or of Domettle • otantootare. BPSUTAL Arr igr i tig u f r . TINS . CAST Mice. 38 Wood Street; Di ET. CHARLES HOTEL EU 11,111101. PrrotOunolloHmotStE, HOL • ,1018:4 49 FITTSISIMIGH STEEL WORE@ wuocEssoss To Jelasa. nun) & coo Mastufammera of .th bolt reaped Oast 31411, BOLL% I , lad. altigtsgiszyl&talk noe. " ra- RFAPING ARD NOWINgIttACHIRES, STEEP W OO UL NG ABO SPIMIN do. GS.A*LEO , CUIC. fl.. Nun and Common Plongti and ftprlng Steel, ("'--v=wrict.%=?nzh - e w '' . ' ts BLACK DIAMOND Buss. 4:30R-Wh riTTSBITII6B. PAWL 131R0Tligit • On:ST QUALITY KAM tnrets ol M) CAST &ALL iSquare, Vtat and Octagon. of oil slots.. Warranted equal to ant trance...A or paautpextred ukvo amp. Orr__ • nin-tqlee and minimum, ii 0.119 sad.lslllxst. • • and I.l2decond gnaw rittattarab Nu. 1, daily (e..copte. daft (except tl NO, 4 dsay (excert r Min No. I. doilY (ex.erd. Na a, d.U9 (.I.e.PtSru. OtD.'firms......R. D. 55i52a.....4. F. now LA BELLE BWEEL WORBM. IPTSTMEEL C . . . Manufacturers of CART BIT.ZI4SPRING. PLOW and 141:15TY.1t STYX.I4 dratridd.A.P.lo.4 CROW itno It 1_: IZAI.'TIRIOIIIE & MATO& STEAIII. . . *.likrilCll3l‘l4sl..S. ORS. Gerona Alentn.....H , ..% ' A Y I ; tO!..IWOORLEAr4S DIRECT vAlUtaxou f TII ‘ E i UNITED STATES MALL ' • . The Met-Glass etesmatdys M this line aill leill As fIrINSA.,,-1,100 to ns, Wm. Rollizot, Camismud, on tv EL/NE.8134Y. July 11., . • ..I.IBEIIT i'll.ZthiMibt.nritfrialllw From Bua Ps WItAltY, FELL BOiNT, _ AV= P.ol"piggir,lTELsoslxtge ==ceet... ""lidalttirl..PVlall'lßLD A CO. AreuW. • • to srmaiN Wn AMP. V. 13.—N0 BUG of Lidlog but those of thOCompir• ny will be signed. rrarn!ltelioOrgr mr.n1,14 Ein.7?sh.rtonr: giged si ' tt:lol of salflog. :aplaGy. , c,l TEAM TO ANTI FROM - LIVE*. 1, 1 TOOL AN Il KIIEENSTOWN (in wee?. The INMAN LINE, milling smAND) [Bich a EVERYSATIMDAY , . EVERY. WEDNESDAY, (wen:ilN4.u. S. MAIM TI eta sold to and from Ireland, England, land liermany and Fri.. Ar. theldomPanre VIU-e.• JON G. DALE, Agent, 15 Broadway, N.l. W hi. BINGHAM. j A., Agent, Adams Erotes Odle, Fifth street. _....—.... ILOUL4VILLE, INDIANA.POI.IIS ST. WD {9 Fo~n~a A. BRADLEY 86 C O. ,Mannfscturc oVal varitty of SCHOONDLIKER & SON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PialitlyißlSAD; jipus, tamp pa= 11416 . 10, rAINTIBI 2\70. etta 1i74;1:341 ,BEE9C " L : EFFERVF;SPI!' 1 9. CfriiiaTßOF MAGNP**: in es. bouosyliiii - i toa s ifM an gl4 ' 44 ° " AoGlatol; 3511 ARECErri d and for eskIArtaaIrAMOIA , KELLTi : ?2:,,,1'iti01P140.1433100. sr vlooa s , 1611_ 4 -13nLIIV.113(PIENTE r ill;t t 7, P 1 4C 4ri .140•43.41.1 - . ilttatousti. ocoissizar, cOOK & co., U s PENNA. SALT MANUFACTII ' PITTSBURGH. PA. PENNA. SALT MANOFACTUR'G CO. PITTSBUB.3II. PA- M'EL . M i r ° IO"IS ,•=l:ni • '1 z••• d ) , Bft, 0 1, +i) ; • e .141 On - this Continent ~'. TS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE .ij to et aelettline Analytical Chemists. It Itestorela Gray Hair; -= It Prevents Hair Palling Outl It Changes the ooL. to their Original ' It OrganleActionr, It Eradicates Dandruff and Ilbfribtler, ri It Keeps toe Scalp Healthy; It Contain no Injurious Ingredient? , -.7.ii,1 ArA"krire'"VarpViTilie.g.Lb! ITS )arYPi e .:;;; otTrriotteatlepl(Title.l3lloll•lbblQUlD then any NO I.IIIOIIIVVARO§ offered to establish Its efficacy; but WEVO AUKRANTEN to refund the money to any personwho will use two betties and then say that our Nestorative has laded to do all we G. •-•, .1; .., elairn. J.117,13A1111.1V1.1*.& CO., Proprietor'' .._.....111 . ~ - - 'ldlachestor, New Hampshire R. SELLERS & salad Whole Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa mraom COUGH II BALSAM is .- warranted!: W. the only P re- il rorni? Colds. Uoarsonoss. .1 Adams. Wbooatub=e p t Chro 11 tion,l3croYonli'and Croup. Bolan prepared front honey and Herbs, Ulu baanng. iota e -if % I I %ant 11" 42 . 1 0 .11 l ag eons rd"the Ttroa: and DmgpsWevarylthe . 13:10 ILE ------ " --7— Da . .i,wry hr. olcuttbea. 8 _r,,,,..„r 11 ,.,.,7 rat. , Irirrt.erimeer ..,i I:0, .1 1) ;.., ritEla II glyea . franurat ,z,.. , r , ~ j r`•: ..7r. k 11. 14 4t: Wit `ereerra,. 1 -,.: • lc>, -; *?„. , ,Is warranted to cure. , r."--4 7 `.` : ` . g „ varcrmsrgyattgglits, at !El . ' . k 'I" 1 ' t ,r B. B. 4r 2, . • - aoL 18 " 1. i Ri te __ 1 VESPEIPSIA.— Dr. Striclaaturm .1- , TOrilet a: a eoneen- ilirdr="l;:ingr 110010 4\ ' melds and eartranattre to C.,„ 1 , .. strength= the atornsen on 4 r , -• narrow! spate= Inasar- GiS , rain re tor Dianna. , ...., .10. i or luddv i t i lo o t son i = ...!. n allngipir deght e t I .)a • y ) =1=111.4,11=1,, ...era nervous aud dlrOanettp" - ;In .1= 8 .2.7 g l iS " . dill= - .tov,;, pIIMITE•.DIJSEA SES. R. YUUTIU, (late oZrirthaelithia.) Matt= ;WAY:rale lenWereLt.k.7 °it MI. Partletilar attention paid to Speriontorrithea au I Wawa °trite EcaarT,Orgatia-. It treatment tor the same balms the most mu:elate e varempliryod. nigiValAggsVgZAlsteta ite:=Aus other preparation Marro:amino batrualons tothe healthy ineaarnial noon. Ito, Atha Dollar . 6er bottlee.lo labia hour acmes Stralthar, an I draped for 0144E44 oases, Yith Dollars par 4 time, Ali at, la 6 rAmr,i4lr. diem tmorounaciith; I s Thh . street. ritreviren . • ser,theaveT TEARS - PILICITICE , rj iSICTUAIVDEMS.kaIa Olga me • knowledge tel *tiedMy runt. dans. My long residence In =teeny. and Ole =oast of patients treated. annually by InC, ue maiden% IrA.Mfflad, or Manual Weakness, and VirTfler th e t atc= s tr e ITV VA fra! ABLE r earII2IMCB. Medlelneo Sent to any put et the Union. Allletters most romtaln a amount* pay Maus namtaAgr potelmum b.ld soared. Ur] nee..lelleuynYMWYEEMT. bear Mmeert. sraddlens, ittaNtlltar, M. . pnavorm DISWES. °mpg '4 r arm =kit dear ulna NOT thitthea et en. dleesethat %Wide %Mere. fla troth thee la that ea 'Meet I new +Ludgate theattheat.,Aleek, Wear end allatame Meuse.; of the arthas ea re Owe jtastwNo ot_uwW tenth ed. ari ame s .azasart %b o w ama- BTRAWBERIELIES.-400 death Mill tmortiendes.,th 2 VITA I r.". r ed Maldr trAjbeArß ' 0V- , _ Xeler , usimuntswao4 ova:. M 3 II 11 ; : I El MI S SteElltlito Li - TditA.fit ~ ~ f. , .i .... . _ ORE: , . .. LM Lungs For We 1.7 SELLERS is CIO., .1101.1/411.1-11 A 01213 =MEM