DRY GOMA SUM Iy,Y.MOILILS, s• ifr sacs AN — wlimis #531 ' 14, WHITE JAppliller AND SW/88 • staaienzitlib iwusois imam: trkuuutwz„' 11 Z. ASSORTMENT 0? GREAT; BALE : 01 , 1 1 1 p Six rain White liottonT - A FITSBII STOCK U _BEAD 11111e1 Ul3l` IiWiIVED Nos. 7b and 80 Mark Mum*, GLIDE AWN. 6.—Oar •tore *III be el • . excel:nine on satarday. TRIIII/1111,98 AT EAL.7.`Co .6. 3300eilttriti WaITEASD SLACiIt BEAD (MINIUM AS. • 1111 a L g VE 1 4 411 3 W WITH A COMPLETE ASS LADIEEP COTTON uostrier Jamul COTTON NOSIER BOY'S COTTON DOKE Uir t i ratrNl 2 . 4 4 LhEttr; IFIEI L IV A L F X HZ LA413% B 1 REAL a `-‘ TAD WITLI A COXVIALTS 1112011411 . 14COO 4/.41131 At Nithollesale,ci H. EB 11 17 El Nymr GOODS MORITA a c No. 11* N. • I leiltr^oebt. We are now'onenlug NEW wow, entherktiog ILLIIITALAC ESIAO LOM n'T PABONN) 7; T ) I .}IIILIS UIPLIEE Lae VINE PSAOL BUTTON W AIT° 41.!=ilittrzt We would InVlte special A splendid assortntamenhof. JADIII9 , BUY TANIS r tiLuvxs is the neer Yet Asi assortment of neer cote BLACK LACE WWll—it :most co suttee assort= I/I Es , and 1.1/11LORK ' killthrtni TINE 81111tra, COLLARS; HALT 110 haTEETS.ftilgttrilENll”Eoll . • To• Merchants Our Wholesale Depart oith everything In the' Iv ffer to the Trade as low DLACRITIK pant assortment of at styles or • I lot of ND INSICRTINGS. flan to a new sad BERLIN.GLOVES. nm Ilayaria • .Klll (MOVEN BBVII e:eaTog i . xitsg. tiCAttni ISUSPENDEM, UN EIEIiINO UNDER- nd Dealer, nt. now - atcreked lON LINE, which Irv. house Eut or West. A RT.TSIT.E. 19 Firth Street, Attanta for the .. LOCIEW I;ottrAN I • BRAD ' 11(t tIEIST at Mama lay= 1D MANUPACTUBIKiI VS DISPLILIC kLLlP rers, Prices. INI Jog zoitNE & ars. ..ZOW_?l,' SUN!! AND 1111.1111 Y lIATi4, 84u wir atar,H, argE , ""i Es. 11 111., - ILAI it, mut or ISOth NETS lik new shapes. 7/qt4el . ...l_ w anll fastlonable styles. w r d , ll:4 o a, ~ !I, e areLt and checked, ill BUDS and HOSES. MIAS , / 1300135, TI NUS and 011.NAMENTS. " A r 411 4"" O*W 4131;coc>clins. TA WIES. CIIECaIt ..111ULT:IANT, NAIritiOOKS. ituere allfltßED LIONS, LINENS. a nd a full assontneta of , WRITE GOODS. ANIVISI:GIftIeIY LACE COLLARS. REAL AND VAL.. LACE COLLARe, REAL POINTE 'I, ACE. DOLL A 11. e. SETTS nod HAN It- KA EC lOW TRIMMING AND FLOUNCIEW. SWISS AND CAMBRIC EDGE ,e 413 INSEUTINGS, LINEN COLLARS, CIWYS AND SETTO,Dsrlous styles. PnR Inlaidon,.Swinii and Erenth Cambric . _. .... .. , Waists. PARIS RUFFIANGS -AND -SHIRTING, (...131,- kMt l itT r ikalWithhi a ltainti. S uillWE: atil,L , (74UN ,. 1 LACE, GALLtAIiNtf, FANCY BRAILI, BC/ MN, BALL AND DltOr 11IIII WWI. Bead Streackers, Ornaments and dens ' rerXoialg. 111 .We eliole A styles In READ BILK : FANCY eIturCUET, , LACK AND WHITE MARL. 11l- PERIELLE, 4El'. BALL,GLASS AND C ANEO olAlrouttl oalat.A. - CORse'rs. NETS, cialLs. wan rurve AND ROLL); DUPLEX ELLICTICAnd BON TON ILIOOP ISKIRTS,• BELTS. BELTING), CLAM . ) AND DDUKLIDS }AN) In_greAt variety from palm loaf to Wory. MAI 31 HEIL UNDERWEAII,for ladles, 4 goats: AI eT .FRUNTS, "STAN: , SHIRT); TIES. BUTTE 114,1; SPANISH LINEN SHIRTS; TRAVEL ,NO BAGS nad SATCHELS; HAIR BRUSH COID3);Aria a .• : • • ritz...t. - .ra.rr or Jrorio.alir. AIX AT rOPULAR Jibs. 77 and 79 Marktt Street. /615:d31- C. 811ANZION.J. SIXIIIIC.BOX. ARBUTHNOT 'SHANNON & CO, ..Wo. 115 Wood Street ? rITTEIBUILOII, PA.. Mayo put opetiesk . a larioThioil of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods. Ada to" the toe trade, wid th they °deist. the iAIWa sen EIf{TXILIO r/tICKe. RABIIICIt•S AND 518- 1 / 1 0411thtl, LAWNS, CHANIC2I , C ASS IdEREB, O 111) 6th:klals,"Ss Gth W luaeaOhnaog HLEAC and . {MN oalia, GB C L'ONA:prga. and 111116T/Iitin. !SHEET'S . Linen &c. •to call mitt examine oar Mlapn' Cotton `• t 0 ant it! invltWa 4.111111. yIIiCCANDLESS & CLATi t WILSON. CAnn & C 0..) WIIGLENALIL.DIALERS IN FGREMN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 13.4 Vircsoci. alum tu t ue above Thasacead •:jos:tu prrltiDlllll7ll. PA- TOBACCO CIGAR EACELSIIOIt TOBACCO WORKS. R. & W. JENKINSON, ILAIIIVTACTILMSZE OP ALL. EISDB or • TOBACCO, SNUFF AND , BEGARS, So. a 'NW 'KUL arratr, , • Third door.from Stupeuslon SWIM tiLIAGLIENY. re. Brutal Store et Salem. Ohio. 311724:1 , 21 • . ;,It. jErritlES,' lliaalletarairiad-Wholerali and Retell Dealer la • • all kinds or TOBACCO: .SNUFF AND.CIOARS. No. 661'.CLAIR lITICY.bT, Prtfoutracctr. PA. AirA Ism. assortsmitondEFAlSClatTMTlPES 111lumki It/DACCO, or kba al beat qunA, ker t) GEORGE '.-:BLI7BrEINSCHNIN Lr , . ..,. nssi.ithwi l'Oglitas..amo ahauesime . 1 SEGARS - -: CREWING :' TOBACCO , =.,Sioiolriiig tobliccO'i:PiPcsilke- - iT.c. "4, 034* , Dzills . i!iv•4.4irt; (Wear oWteiol'Llberth). ~. -- • • ' • •:: • atyla:bl4 . - ' .--- • . ••••''FITTSIWII,6w, r A .,.. 0111C. ,- -DIEGIZAW, lessolecuu..ee or Sod Wholesale Slid Retell Dealer '‘;;-''• .. • ' ''' .' inilikbh ll.l.- . ' Tobficc, Snuff : and '§egas, 4b HAND SXREET A gem:teal assoetisient of amoklut Tohaete",.rlpeS esd Totem, reaches always on hand lam nal OE ','. , .,',' 7, 1-._:l'.']l%/;:aCITA2iT.' , .;.I . ! - 4i.tOßEt; S 1 ; 11 MER: CLOTHING it 'Boys; YOUTHS, and CIFILDRF I III. Or the Iltieneer styles. 1414 . 6- s'i r' i ! " . s " . `" • G 11141! '4 • zoGatm- - 47 et. ciair Saves. , . Q ...•.'::: , : , .. . . YI6I..IIAVp; :;.•: i: .: , '••• • . -• . , .. 1111 fEERCILANT..T.A.11.0$ *tcF;rCqrnet'S - I'o4 . .*lt.clAir!h!.--.. h iu „..,; ' larerli rr ,,k..t6l4.4 Meador V a tlvg ad. , tii im ....=l, irug i wi r w....) .v a 1 y 41 ,,.: .: , „q; z. -- ft iiir . 4 , 03 " , .., iiiii i i iv00 ,..... 0 , 4 ..,„,,,,,,, ,ii, --- o u. GENSIWCW2I - 0111.0iG . ~. , . .. . . . • .... , , .., , •::.;7.t - .•. : 2.7 ,- -7,'.. - •::::..... --:. '-'.. -:- •' • • ' : •• • az • 151te 'xi g* Outfit. THITIIBDAY. JULY 19. 1866. CITY AND' SUBURBAN. Addition . al Local Natters . on Pleat Page ll= IEI2I The gagette.—Paxson leaving the city 'during the immmer, ten have the Gazitrra =fled to them by leaving their address at our counting room. BOSE. e for $ll The Pelee star In Pittsburgh—Wight on Gassain^. 11111—.11 Teheran Raster. er earemonles. Quito a cOmMetion was 00mb:wed In pitt, township, yesterday morning, - by a rumor being noised about that prize fight . ' would take place that morn on Gazzare's immediately above tho Mid Bridge. The news reached tis about n o'clock, and, !la pelled (by curiosity, started at once for the scene of *trite, on we had tolled to the summit of the (tired hal, we found quite, a crewed eollecV• lit the excavation made by the erection Pert Soho, while In °PP°site Writers "' t he ihirf Moon the stadia tins preparing for the tem, each surrounded by a &Wl:mends, who appeared, by the nerv ous manner in.which they haatened to comply with the most trivial requests of the prosPec tive combatanta, to be fit a feverish state of excitement and anxiety as to the result. On inquiry, we learned that William Jone s 'and • David Davis were the resPeative (Mites for pugilistic honors, that they liven in East Birmingham and were employ , ed in a certain rolling mill in that borough. We aro afro informed that they had no milk° against each other whatever, but at the insti gation of their-friends (I) had determined to ascertain, by a fair fight, which was the better man. After conedderable discussion, a ring was made by the crowd forming themselves into a hollow square around Jones and Davis, who were dressed in light pants and light net ' shirts. the arms ot which Mere cut off at the shoulder. _An old man named Morgan, who could soiree have been a day leas than sixty yearn of ago, acted as master of ceremonica, ' and also tilled the responsible position of Judge and referee. On littmen being called by Morgan, both men ad vanced to the centre of the arena and shook hands, preparatory to pitching interest% p oeafather, which they did immediately alter sh oe Ph salutation. After both had received several smart blows about the head and body Morgan advised them to "take wind ,c which they ilk by walking back andforward In their different "corners , ' for about two minutes, during which time considerable .betting was done among the crowd, the favorite being Davis, on whom odds of.two to one were freely offered and taken by the friends of Jones. "Time. , being again called toy the veteran, the men k their pla clownen. each showed a dispo• *Won to avoid quarters by spurring and dodging around the enclosue. At length Jones,.ln. attempting to rally h i antagonist, was • met torsos- left-hander on the nose which caused the claret to flow pro. fritikYnillatnalumilr ho could recove r blow in the right eye, winch stretched him at full length on the_gronnd. Ile was Immedi ately picked up and a bottle of spirits applied to biallpe, after drinking a portion of which he told Ids Mends that he had enough of the fight, and was satisfied to acknowledge the supremacy. of. Davis, who was then declared the victor, amid the shouts of a dozen dirty faceid boys. Morgan quitted . the field theiu oughti d air with-the manner in which thee y_ el% terminated, stating that Jones had acted like a cur, and was not entitled to the respect of honorabte men. The whole thing, from beginning to end, was the most ridicu lous exhibition of a perverted and brutal Litste,tiutt Is, happily, with many other bar barisms, fast going out of existence. ONS, Street. Co. *35 o'clock e. le 3 1:3 MIMI LMJIRIGS, eta. TMENT OF ItEitg 3 }t/SiG, . . ibOINGS. . & OUrm3, YAM GOODS. ."1"3, • Retail, at ON'S, h Street. /3 1221 Capitalist/ of a Nk( to the aimomptlee. Itiver—Two Women and a Mau Re mise as Impromptu Roth. About half-past eight o'clock yesterday morning a gentleman named Thomas David son, in company with his wife and another Lady named Ellen Kirkland were crossing the Monongahela river In a skiff near the Four Mlle Run, for the purpose of taking the city bound train on the Pittsburgh and Connell nib. Railroad; at laughlinls station. When almost in the middle of the stream the KrOgiurville packet Payette came along and at the request of. one 01 tee Wiles Davidson started to row Into the waves immediately in the Wake of the steamer. A few strokes brought him almost int tontof the vessel when Mrs.: DaVidson shouted fin bimtis quit rowing as they would undoubtedly be Inn over if be did not. Instead of paying attention to the warning of his wife, he continued to row un til the prow orthe skiff struck the boat about midshipsorhealthe skiff capsized, throwing Davidson and tne two ladies into the water. The accident being unseen by any person on We Fayette, she continued her course up the river, while the lOWd bottom upwards, with Miss Kirkland clingin to M, Red down the stream. On striking the water, David son, with wonderful presence of mind, grasp on the sinking form of his wife, and with some exertion succeeded in reaching a high sand bar, on which there la but a few feet of water, extending from the mouth of Mersin to almost the spot where the accident oistarred. Miss Kirkland was rescued from her perilous position, a short distance below, bye couple of men who were fortunately engaged In raising some fish nets winch had been sunken in the river the night before. The entire party have astiple reason to thank Providence for their almost miraculous escape from drowning, while the remembrance of the in cident should be as a solemn warning to Davidson, and others, against the reckless manner of approaching tinning steamers, to such frail crafts, which on the htest colli sion aro apt to overturn. The Sheep ThleL William Daly, who was arrested some days More, on a charge of stealing sheep, is still in the lock-up in Allegheny. Every day since his arrest farmers from localities in the vi cinity of the city, have visited the Mayor's °Mee In search of "lost sheep," and In nearly every instance have identified their missing property In the "fold" found In the possession of Daly. Since the confinement of Daly, his apparent meekness for sheep has seen devel oped into a wealmess of mind, either real or assumed. lie has amused himself b tearing : his clothing from his person, s at the officers through the cell harsoind hurling such missiles as accidentally come within his reach at persons who pas. his celL Sometimes ha rzus to be quite rational, but at other his actions indicate that be Is of un sound mind. It is almost Impossible to deter mine whether he is 'playing possum" or not, but the Impression prevails that the certainty of ills conviction on the charges made against him has something to do with the "symt. toms." lie was removed to Jail last evening. The Funeral of Vol. n. W. Illaek.—The remains of the late lamented Col. Black will, It Is expected, arrive m this city itunng the latter part of the week. An adjourned meet ing of the late members of the Sixtpeeconer Pa. regiment will be held in the Ball of the Firemen's.Association, this evening, to coin. plebe the arrangements for the funeral. The funeral services will laical:deco in the First Presbyterian Church, Weed street, _ but the day has not been determined upon. The ohso nuns will doubtless be of a very imposing eharneterote there Is a general desire among our citizens to participate in paying this lost sad honor to the gallant do:dd. Order for Itensoirail.—An order was issued yesterday meriting by Judge McCandless, at the instance of United States Attorney Carna han. directing' the removal of a, prisoner now in custody of the United States authorities of Williamsport Pa., to the county bid in this city. The prisoner Lscharge. 41 with dealing in counterfeit Moriey..and will be tried at the special term of the United States court. to be held In this city in August. Since the de struction of the county All at Williamsport, the prisoners have been confined in the cellar of the court house in that city—a very unsafe place, and an exceedingly uncomfortable one for those Incarcerated. 11Thist la IS T—Whlle passing along Fifth street. yesterday, wo noticed • young lady crafting :Staithdelti to the FostoMeo with some _g on berhead—to our masculine gaze very peculiar. This something wag about sixlnehmi In circunderenoe somewhat resembling the top of a mushroon man Inver ted saucer and was constructed of blue silk In theoentre, from which extendeo two rows of "wheaten straw, giving it the appearance of the head gear worn by the crazed Opholla in the 10unliact of Ltamlet. From our descrip tion can any one tonna what this thing was—a hat or st bonnet. To Be Paved al LastAbon street, in the Eighth ward, from Magee ib street to Chest nut, Is about to be graded and paved. This 11 an improvementthat should have been made ten yours ego, as the street Is In the heart of the city. While other stream at the extreme limits of the city have been paved and gas. lighted, the needed • thoroughfare has been left in 'a deplorable 'conehtlon, the mud, at some seasons almost impeding travel, and forcing ognestriansto avoid It tinder the pen alty otawainpinir. The Way of It.—ln our , report of the sur render of Ellen Gerryhy her bailee, and the subsequent relate% on the brother-In-law de positing OW in greenbacks ,for her : security, we stated Mat ablennarrLynelf received the second bail.' Thil 11U11111' mor, as the magis trate had no tawar to .'accept ball In the 'ease, and merely acted the partof mediator be tween Ellen and her.susMoions bailee. The Alderman is too well versed in legal lore, to make any inch a nustaka. . MallehrnelMlawitlefo—Margaret Boiler was before Alderman Taylor. yesterday, charged with malicious mischief on oath of Pent Car ter. Pam alleges that the accused streak a 'dog of the deponent. over the book with a poker and afterwrrdstbsew thepoker through the window of his dwelling from a malicious motive to do him an Anjury. Margaret being unable tomato) amit.,Mory defence for her mu conduct, was court. held in throe Isuudnxt dollars to m; 4t. . - . Fie' sussed by the HireS.--Yesterday Morning. rtbOut eleven delOck s man whose name we were =Able to aseertam, fell on the corner of tilztll etteet:and Cherry alley. On being pletectuple was discovered Lebo bleed ing from the nose. irbleh glees rise to the ono -rift= tharbe;b ll4 been MetraW i k P 7 the colasamed.—mitatiseclitews, 817010.0d.1107U0 Wine Koos for WO Woolly or a amirpe : th b Plittei Depot Bow, bad a bloat Marin .berore the Mayor 3... stardom wmcb"ruottedlta :•trastmined for '..iiiiii - ilia ':*l.ll4lr. iir - /iiin.—Wlllism Forrester' ajrari a lL t c IW,- - Aj nig F ° l . J.,ll i chter Cr ii iVAPof.tll l :pww....lFOrnester WM si .r4tw,sith x ' sio ' wlrl,atrhi.ju . ,o4 , iocan A r n M ec & 14 2:1 tOkeePPOFOIIO,',,P -. -lX Coullot-Mpf.Wisine4 8 00th . og O ULlts lsOTS: rsti, oun.:s n .a 0 1%14000 •,,,,,,, ,t ', 373/41114 . :- : ~- . - • EARLY TELEGRAMS. FROM ETROPL Arrival of the Africa—Prosala and Italy Aesop* Proposals for an Armistice— Prosetaus &Thawing into Bohemia— /Emma/los of Lombardy and Venetia —lsl allalt et the Wrench Fleet to take POmeraton of Venire. RALIPAZ. July B.—The Africa arrived at 8 o'clock A. lc., from Liverpool, July 7th, via QueenStoWn, July Bth. The latest advises state that Prussia and Italy have accepted the proposal for an armis tice. The Prussians, however, had advanced further Into Bohemia. „ ..... Heavy cannonading had `teen heard on the afternoon of the 7th, in the direction of Kent grate. It was supposed that the Prussians were attackag the fortress. BUST, July 7.—Prufmla and Italy, though their reply had not been made public, have refused the armistice, and Cialdini has crossed the Po, while on the other hand the Austrians have re-crossed the litincto, having decided to evacuate Lomoardy and Venetia. The French iron-clad fleet was to have sailed from Toulon for the Adriatic this morning In order to take priasession of Venice, Thu gen eral opinion is that France will meatus Sardi nia in exchange for Venetia, and wtll give I hat Island to thci , P ro ope or keep it herself. Public sentiment a pves of the transact ton. Although tidy has refused the armistice she has appointed tile Marquis De Vaunts:di Com mhtaloner of the Government to transact the negotiations relative to the annexation of ye netts to the kingdom of Victor Nunn:ma Great activity prevails in the French arse nal. New oxpertmcmts with the needle-gun. to which arm the Prussian victoria are al tributed, are being made at Vincennes. The public generally do not believe In 1....e5% and look upon the intervention of now directly interested in the contest, as m ailable. The Parts La-Pre/sr, of the 7th, says: Prince Metternich arrived at tne Tuilleries rase IL, announced himself fully authorised to treat upon the basis as sent to Vicuna In the morning. The Interview lusted ono hour and a half, and when he left y the Emperor, turning to the Empress, said: "Logenie, there Ina good day for France. Yon, at Anrierez, I at Paris, have done today a good work." The Labetim of the 7th says: The German Federal army is not trustworthy. At Blayence a portion cheered for the King of Prussia. FROM NEW TORE. One Unwired and Fifty..Elaiit liestilis to One Day—Subscription In Aid of Port land Sufferers Counterfeiters A. , rested. New You, July 18.—Oue hundred aml arty eight burial permits wore issued yesterday, eighty of which wore made out and recorded es burial permits for persons deceased after short Illness. Yesterday was tho hottest day over known in this olty. The thermometer stood at one hundred and two degrees In the shade, at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Out of forty-three cases of sunstroke, twen tzitheorr inpir,7)lllyfant.loarendatrtfinLerziotinf,..the,f results. There were live cases reported to ho cholera In the city yesterday. Pour of the patients died, and the other, it seems, was af fected only. with Cholera mbrbus. Nine eases were reported In Brooklyn. The mortality report for the past week shows the number of deaths by cholera in Now York to have been eleven. The total of subscriptions In aid of the sufferers by the Portland conflagration in this city, is $109,551, Seven counterfeiters of National currency 'were arrested yesterday, and a large amount of bogns money, plates, dies, prenses, ac., were captured. The parties arrested are be lieved to be the leaders of a gang of counter feiters In this city, and their arrangements for prosecuting their nefarloun works were ad mirable. They were all committed to Jail. FROM WASHINGTON. Tim Case of Lieut. Col. Paulding—The President Directs-the Sentence to be Carried Into lElrect—The llenican Que.- tiosi—Sonsethind Important to Trans pire. New Year, July IS.--Morning papers con tain the following spectate: Iris reported that Mr. P.M . . tbarlhurd is to be appointed Acting Comptroller of of the Currency on the depart ure of Mr. Clark. The, President has. approved the tiodloge and sentence of the court martial in the clue of Lieut. Col. Paulding, and directs that the sentence he carried into effect. There Is evidently something very important about to transpire here in reference to Alexi. can affairs. Secretary Soward's messenger has just returned from New York, where he has hem specialty to see General 9rtega, with in structions from the Secretary of State. lie was dispatched with instructions to ask Gen. Ortega if, in the event of our Government re cognising him all the legal President of Mexi co, and forming a treaty with him, he would consent to make Santa Anna the Commander in-Chief of the Mexican army. ,It is known that the messenger saw Ortega. but It has not transpired what reply he made to the cues- Lion. I Crireinasm, July la—The leas her Anil con tinues hot. Tiro fatal cases of sunstroke curred yesterday. The stockholders of the claim:tat!, Hamil ton and Dayton Railroad, at a meeting yester day, agreed to increase the capital stock of the company live hundred thousand dollars. NOTICES. 1 4 iCYTIECE. T4)THE HOL DERS OFJOOUNTT ISATIFICAT2B,from No. I to lel. to , boL't . THE FOURTH WARD SCHOOL BOARD Of Allegheny city will redeem the above numbers inf the last certileates issued by the hountY Com t..loners !allay. PCS, on presentation to D. nth - iir r ild.E. of Treasurer, al the Second National O ther hun Al a ger. ern } Will be advertised for as soon m the taxes are collected. It. ft. PRANCLS. President. KOLVECK Secretary. AttaanzitY, July 16. IMO. 1y16:193 Tothe Bait Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. THE CITY TREASURER is now rCady to reTelre all tares pc yable at thls °Mee, No. 110 Fourth street,subject to a reduction of FIVE rEll CENT. Ir pall before the VIENT DAY or AUGUST NEXT. The Meteantile Lb:tenses are duo and must be paid before tee FaltST OLT UT JULY NEXT, to order to .are Met and expenele of cult before an Alderman. ictS:ds WM. EXURB/LIME, Treasurer. TOE REMAINING PART of the Largay., opens for sale laid out In Bard Allen's p,an of lots, will be sold In lois or by the acre. dpiendid for gardening purposes or for city resi dence. Apply to Wit. a IIOYD. at the other of Kirkpatrick B Mellon unner of Diamond old Brant streets, or to BY EIAIID ALLEN, Co. the property, at 'Amer St. Cialr Hotel. rbyg.ste lIIERCHANTS' HOTEL, Corner Smithfield and Third Streets, 1- - .•% , ....1- , Y=1•r;1C , .,.- , .1 1 1 THIS OLD FAVORITE HOTEL having been thoroughly renovated, rrPhirrli had reftralrbed, IS NOW OPIS FOR Till BECEPTISS OF COOTS The proprietor (formerly of the ST. CHARLES.) expects Aram Its central location, Isla experience, determination to please. and by EICHER/LTV. CHARGES, to deem", and resothe a liberal pat reneges 8. U. RlikL, Proprietor. Cl= • ALLEGICENT TAXES. CITY vlt ALLEU HEN Y. T81ZA8011.111%.6 Orster., Jnne 7U umi. Notice Is hereby given that the Assessors have now placed In the Tramlines OM., the Duplicates of l e igibL ° :4l . = "de S " iit rb a '' ltn ' ? ' MO, and that salt raz w ifow Rent urs reenlvGi e In puanee of the Acta alAmermbly of February Aih, MM, and of Aprlll44ll, WA subject to the following regillatlon• and allowances: /ITO per cent., If paid on or before Me lost day of July. AnguFourt. percent., Moak! on or before the first day of s tembper cent., If paid on or before the first day of Seper. If paid after the fret day of September, and on or before the tint day of October, no deduction will be made. II paid after the lint day of October and on or be fore the ern dew o Iblovatober, an addition of eve per cent. snap us adorn to anti paya ble on th e mime. After the arts or November. warrants will be leaned to enforce toe ocoseetton of all faxen remain ing =mato. togetner nun too percentage accrued thereon, and the corm far'..D. .21AUTEItlION. City Treaeorer. S . S. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, [BOND! AND REAL RBTATE, 57 FOURTH STREET, (Burke•s HoUdltigo c ouu mplan DA.Ng. PAILIWA D. INNtIIIA NON PETRA/lAMB STOMA. .ad MIINICIPAL, RAILIIOAD AND OTIIEIe Doti 1,3 Orders executed by telegraph aL the NEW YORE and PHILADELPHIA STOCK BOARDS at the rates of eomialsolon errant In those titles CONSIGNMENT. BO tail.. New Potatoes; MO boxes Meow, • 150 do Messina Omura.; 60 do do Lemons; ra kegs Prime Butter; Breen Apples. Cabbage, Green Coro. Coeom bora Tomato. Le.. de. --Arrtylog by ea prom daily and for sale try W. J. IiTZEL. & 110., JYIi No. LIG Tetrd street, JPlltabursh, Pa. MONEY LOAN OFFICE, NO. 11 MONEY rittabur YIELD STirEET. comer or thsth, gh. Money Loaned. on Silver Plata, Ocull„P/tols, nstaods,. Jewelry, Oold and lallyer • Watches Clothing, and ralnable articles of every description, TlWlDOds:caanoibe dellaered zwltdont a ticket: Not accountable la ease or 0r! or robbery. (foods or every dfacrlptlon -for selo at lowest pries. 111,11.2(UNIDEROY. _TAM ICEUIBILILTED --SMEL •11=1aex 1tAX.1126 ',MLR. 411 rd" and !Liuir. Ark.seeitatastureti CronaV DUIONSIVIAI4MURt "Fltus"attbatiari, Ant 'PLHWinp; grit sis-;vle4blnlii-emisOiteltekr ...sautd.Tru beet - SAIMBIZII4WIMANi ME :f4oNl Ildirilit10:4:11 W"' THE QUEEN! THE QUEENS THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! MRS. WINSLOW'S QUEEN HAIR RESTORER It QUEEN. not only la RAUL bat la VAIETL7I.. lethe Best Flalr he Restorer ever offered to t Public.. kin Infallible Hair ItisT applf One e,d.n and rnesynvEn of the II is no Hair Dye • 1t... directly upon the roots of the hair chant ing grey hair toil. original life color arresting pre mature decay andfaillog out of the hair; cradleat- Rrtrf and dandff ru, and curing all homing of the It hill change dry and wiry hair to soft and luxu riant tresses. It Imparts a delightful fragrance to the hair. youth. and reta ehort. If y nlt •Vibil to to through Ilk, toteyour hair, as In l IRS. WINSLOW'S QUEEN BAIR RESTORER Price $1 per bottle. Bold by all Drogghas. R. E, SET.T.PRS & CO., Wholesale Agents =11:3 la,- WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. 20, 22, 94 awl 96 Penn street. !snug secured s Wye yard, and turn Imbed Is with most approved machinery, we are prepare., to Man oftettme every .1. serlptlort of BOILERS, to the beat aual warranted equal to any made m the omantt7. CRIBINETIL BREECLII.Nti, VI.LE BEAM, STEAM PIPES, LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS. CON DENSERS. /SALT PANS. TANKS. OIL STILLS, Ati/TATOILIS SKTTLLNO PANS, BOILER LEON, BRIDGES. BUGAR PANS; and ame muteraetnronn or PIAIINRILLI3 PATENT BOILERS. Renair ll 4 done on t h e thortest notice. )es: lar LAME SUPERIOR COPPER MILL ARO SMELTING WORKS, PITITSBITEti tl PARK, McCITELDY & CO. mAnolactstrers of SHEATHING, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER B(YrTOIDL RAISED STILL BOTTOMS, /WELTER BOLDER. AI Importers d dealers lo ILETALS, TIN IRONPLAT, WIRE, AC. ConstantlYon band, bNNEILIP KACIILNES and TOOLS. .Ware house, N 0.140 PlltaT mid lib SnCo,to Ilertlictrel, PRta burlltth. Special order, of Copper cot to MIL deairrd LttW•n• myl4le9kidwT Gr - PITTSBURGH SAW WORKS, IwPOA&D,_Arto. & co., at...p, or• ers of PATddr WWI/ ClitC CLAES, a t ea CAST STEEL SAWS, of every desertptio Noisy. Cross-Out, Giang.and all other tarle All kinds of KNIVES and SCRINOS, Sheet Cast-Steel KUM ltellned REAPER 1101VINtl KNIVES, de. fl' Warehouse and Wm es, corner WATS& and BOOST OTIULISTO. I Itt•burgb. Particular attention paid to re-toothing, gumming and straightoning Circular Saws: alsc, repairs of kinds. Punching and Drilling Ill.kon at reasonable rates. IarIIODINSON, REA &CO (Sue op”ore to ROBIN/ion, MINI. & MILLN&O, rounders AVIDInav a EGJ WOMS. Ms, &Johann. lianufactorers of BOAT AND STATION SRI &TEAS& rstrtil_ .NES BLAST ENG IN Ed, MILL MA 311IN /LILY. tiSAILINO, IDIAITINti, CASTINGS of ail descriptions_, OIL TANKS •a/ STILLS, BOILER AND tirIKET WAIN WORK. KrAgetits fOr I.IIPYARLDS PATENT UNJECTOII or Mediu,/ boilers. afrIOILN COCHRAN A. Mannlactnrenof IRON VAULTS AND VAULT WOES. IRON RAILING, WINDOW SHUTTERS, WLNDOW OIJAILDS, de.. Nos. it SECOND and 86 THIRD ISTIIKET, lioetween Wood and Market, lute On band • variety of new patterns , fancy mad plain, suitable for all ports/sea Kir Particular attention pald to enclosing liras, Lots. Jobbing done at short ILIYUCC. C' MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, bleu.mny Ill Warnin g Ab u se.trnetion for Young Also, eases andwhich pros trate the vital powers, with means of sure relief P ant Ore J. ocge sealed letter cove l, Ad dress, Dr. SKI LLIN iloward As sociation. PlilladelphLa, Pa. turfifibitnavrT. POLITICAL. fa`UNION REPUBLICAN EXEC- , UTIVE COMMITTIiE or A LLIBOHENY COUNTY FOR 11.010-1. JOHN W. LUDDIII.I. Chalrtnsb.-I..strretiessllte. VAI - r. W. N. r.lnylki Tetnner•neevllle. WE:ttlltt E F. lill.lltttLF Pittsburgh. •• • • -• 1/%11..11.. . COL. 1. IL 11A ThlE. Pittsburgh. i:ii. - ifrOiii....: — 7i.;;;Giii. DAN-L.. 1.•NINI I Vltlabargh. STEPITEN H. USTI:IL. Allegheny. CUL. J. H. INH.Y.I.AND ElLubeth. C. C. ibi TAYLOR... .... ........ . .llcKeennort. 3 AS. U. 41UNII.AY ~.. Illpper ..... Hen. To., a p. HEN. E. 11. H. YoUNO Ham own Tow.hlp JulIN bIab:ELY 1 0 EURO 7. WILPQN.. ... .... Wilkie. To e lt. ae m hlt Zi ti JONATHAN NEY:LY Haunt melon. JAMES DICKSON Ne7llll o stp. J. H. bltop..l Llbertl:avre m w E . L . lifil . i m iIt iL V I E ,E R , N , ER...... ..... IteHorlY.;•l44":p• . .......... ..... t. ollla. 70 JOSEPH A. BUTLER rtabgh 1711‘. - WII. H. 11E11iH........ ..... ... ..... Plitehue,,h. Cob. J. 1101.1.7NT1 N E....... .. . ..TempareaCtellle. JOHN A. YINILEIt. .... cllAlil.kg MA KEN gN .. • • • • •• • li .A•lielrb"7. ..Irtelaghasa. •! , '.!. 1 ..."..1.t....V.'111": ... ris96nr,' 56;1.1i PIILNCII...„ eittigurgty • • • . ...... . ..... —Pittsburgb. Parr. JOIIIS H. STE WA RT .... Valli. Town.tsly . W. s. PUKVIANCP. Allegben Y car., JOHN I/I LFILLAN . . Upper at. Cialr Sp. W al. MITLEBBUT Birmingham. JOHN W. ICIDIMILL, Chahmam. A. L. P1A..1.4,N, i T. M. Bergs., 11• r...".... ly7,Pla . . _ - - - W - CONGRESSION &L. CORTEX.. TION. 22d DISTRICT. The UN lON REPUBLICAN VOTERS of the T. 4 r' :lto ' ' XV/ rl idlinyV•ed`,Zl7.`:,:lto:e",` at the Ward. Boroughs coo - .townships, In a . aid District, On Saturday, august 11th, A al elect swo delegates nom each election district, ineet In County Cithwention on TUSZDAT, Au gust I4th, at JO o'Tguck •. it., for the purpoge of .placint la nomination • candidata fur Counts. The primary elections In the townships will be Meld between the boors of four and aLs o•clock, and in the wards and borough* between th e hours of (One and seven o'clock p at. In the wards thd Um onghs the civet°. .11.11 lw by ballot, and In toe townships by marking ur by ballet. Hy order of the CO QM ill!, . . . W. J. (FILMOILE, Chairman. Wm. AIIDZELSON • Secret arit■ H. W. T110b1... • anyl2:be6-lbram ay - CONGRESS, 224 DISTINCT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD Haring placed himself at the disposal of his friend., In mammas to their call mace on him, elte moms la tura rentad by theta a a a candidate for uomlna- Mon f ur l amen", for the .. ..Jai Dlatrlct, ambient to the action ol the Union Itcpublicast County (Moven tine. agate IarCONG HESS. CENERAL JAS. S. NECLEY la a Candidata .to the 211 d insole'. 7:4 — CONGIRESS.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will present his near, to the Convention of the Union part y, for outnttlottuo as • can Ildhte for Con gra. lu the Vtl Itistalet. 10613:6w COAL, COKE, ace COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed their Clittre to DaTo. 13437 Elltarecot. ately City Fhtur 111111) SECOND YLAN tit, re now prepared to furnleh good Youghiogheny LUMP. NUT COAL OR SLICK. At lilt lowe't Market price. 46Y - All order. tea at their °Hire, or addreated to them through the man. will be titia:Wed to promptly. rn yrt ;tea. CHAHLES H. AILIHSTRONG, Youghiogheny and Connelleville Ooal And llanotooturers of Cool, Slack, and Desulphurized Coke. OFFICE AND YARD Corner of Butler and Morton; drat yard on Miser -17 and Cigtnor streets, Ninth ward, and on Second street, near bock Nu, I , Pittsburgh, P. Famil.es and Manufacturers supplied with the best article of Coal or t , uke at the lowest cash rates. orders left at any of the yards will receive l prompt attention.lSiti2N AUCTION SALE Z T.i`.LECIA NT SUBURBAN HOME A-s AND Olt* AIdENTAt GROUNDS ATI:II - LADY SIDS STATION, rEN NSV A WAN IA R AILROAD. -.THURSDAY PTKUNOUN, July lab.at 0)i o'clock, will be sold on the premiers, in Liberty town.hip, the elegant suburban residence or Jos. Pennock. Esq., (rooting ou inn Seventh Street Road and on tau Penneylvania Railroad. Immedi ately opposite Shady Side Station; Unigrounds con tainted Mx acres more or lea., and Roamed great natami beauty, tastefully laid out In elopes f and graveled walks. and grown with untie° oags, hickories and other forest shade trees. The groan ds, also planted in ornamental ahrubbery, graperlea, goosherry. currant., do,, with kitchen garden on der good altiation. Alpo, *thriving young or. chard In great Variety of Pears, Apple*. Peaelies, t: berries., Quinces, Ar- In aditionlea welter good water Is n line spring never dry. This Is the love liest situation, and most earefully Improved, clay In the beautiful Eat Liberty Valley, Commanding facility a access in few minutes by various pada to the city. The Mansion to on ornamental two-story hick % with half story or attic, ands urmounted with ob servatory; all built to Use Meat elegant litre of art. lid the Interior of rich and tasteful dna and de s,. complete and perfect In ell the lamer* prelletncille; containing an Ii spacious enema and two pantries, wide balls d liar ales, weatibulel, mosaic laid In marble. oiled oar doors In dining room and kitchen. bells, marble mantles, inatfe Verdian cab, , throughout; bath coo lop piled from clean); Benton s *team beaters througns oat the hours; iron sat for silver plate. AO.. halt In the wall; excellent dry cellars, with cemented doom, is.. It. The out-buildings comprise Ice haat and cooling room., stabicsand gardner'a dwelling, with cistern at stable, wagon and tool house. In, TERAIS—Cash on delivery of deeds. or IMMO can remain on mortgage If dealred. Parties desiring' can view the Drenthe& on Tuesday and Wedneiday previous to ale. A. IioLLWAINIL Jeld Auctioneer. 19CasilAa941 Prrnummou, THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF Ting n n U ngl i a 016 ,;; lumelsaktedmWiMlTil4lo.lo4l24Mt -Sire stieviatit4M ifrokidat* plara L-4 • FOE SALE. I)ESIIULBLE COUNTRY RESIDENCE FOR SALE. FUR SAL A beautiful country residence on the Perryarille Plank Road. about coven miles from the city. and situated to ►delightful neighbor hood. 'I he house contains two parlors. wide ball, ,lining room, k lichen and Syr bedrooms, with porch In front. and is embowers.] In shrubbery, making it altogether one of the best located and most de sirable residuum:li in thin vicinity. There are some Thirteen Acres of Land attached to the house. Including a nos bearing or chantt well stocked with • Mile, peach and wainre tr e es, ands garden Blied with gooseberry and cur mut Are., grape vines, de TMre la also a very snmirlor stable on the prelate., with cotsch house, cos/stable. and sttaehed to the II vreli tag are twO large cisterns, and a never falling Well rattle held seater. The properly is the toast desirable. In all respects, nod would make altogether a most cunt eulent and Mold some main!. 17 residence, The Furniture will also be sold with the house, If de sired. For terms, dc.. apply to D. 40 , " rirZlirna, lyl , ` DISPATCH OFFICE VALUABLE COALMINES FOR SEE. The raltsahle e-st mines osthed by the , outliern Coal Mining t onthato . situated In shell, ....iota. l-.. t well e tulles northeast or kfielttiValio, a.... a half mile* from the Nog eeuth ifatithasi (now In fir ning order u. this one-quay torsi( a tulle from the Brunet. Moth the Red Mountain Coal Alines, are no w offered fu; sale. These donee hare been In ththessful opera tion for some years, are situated In the bean of the mineral nigion of the State, anti are only sisty-five mites by rail from beima from whence there is water transportation to the CM. There is not in the United States a better Oppor tunitytor a Baru and profitable Investment In the Coal f o r e". 117214=1E11 tine half each. and the balance at the expiration or .lt months. without Interest; or. one-stxtreash and the balance, in equal monthly payments, with out Interest. G. M. McCONIVICO, ISM Assignee of IL 0. JECrsecis. FARM AND COAL LAND WC:I.IRt. MALIBM In Robinson township, lie miles out the btouben rude Pike, three quarters of s mile from Ile nsfield, farm of thirty-one acres, of which tweutpdte scree le underlaid with coal. From S to O 141191 of the tract Is well timbered. The improvemuits are e log house and hem, nod a frame .table, and all under good fence. It Is well teetered. The 0 sal Iles at such as elerollon . will render the ship ment of It on the Pittsburgh and litenbenellle Rall roup eusy. Apply Mr further particulars to S. S. BRYAN, Broker Is Stocks Auld Beal Estate. 177 57 Fourth al., (Burke's Building.) FOR SALE. A FIItAT•CLA:IS ATAND The Muiek. Fixtures, (loud Will, Mora Rouse, Dwelling and large Lot In Sewickley. Cash sales 13,000 a month. Possession given immodlately• SIX small Houses Mid Lots, very clomp. Several Lots at Edgeworth Station, from ono to goo sores in each. Apply to JAMES T, SAMPLE, Real Fatale 11raker and Inattrance Agent-, ice No. Dit Federal street.. Allegheny. 10,000 ARE LAND OF it LAND YOCU S S ALR. -- -ELLAL TKR 3 SKTT LE Hy,--.(towed in the fertile Veiny of the Kanawha, West Virginia. unsurpassed for richness of sell and quality of timber. Coaland other min eral. la great quantities. borne of the tracts but • short distance froan the grt Kanawha and Hanley riven, -Several farms with ea houses, orchards, Jr.. Ingood condition. Prices according to location and th improvement.. Timbered Mad , unimproved, at e extremely low price of four collars per acre. with priv liege of choosing out of wadyve number of acres. A largo oettletuent has been form ed, and is daily 'Demoting. Clear title warranted. Yer further partleulat • addle. WM. H. UDALL AlleghenyPa, or call at PARK & nau..L•s UHUO STOILL, No. Federal VI- .1)-17.1g1edetw LOU SALE—A Farm of about WS u acre, opposite rot Townsend Station, North re. o rri clewed; Stance Wand timber land th acrietiea• 9 fof coal, good vein, pit open: a ream. demons of four rooms; good spring of water 30 fruit trees or varieties of fruit; is a splendid place for • yin, yard. Also, • lot Si by 191 feet,on Peebles street, In Wilkins township, Allegheny county. Will be sold cheap. Yor terms. &c., apply at tile Real Katain ariJ Inwinince Otheat of (I. S. BATES, 'ell Butler street, Lawrenceylll. VALUABLE. FARM FOR SALE.-. a Vara, containing about 130 acres, near the lilt title Ferry, on the Monongahela rinicr,rat which Is emceed • two-story Unica Mansion Home and cart, and other Also, several other farms, well located, In Allegheny and Westmore land counties, containing froth Rem Ea acres- Coal and Lime Farms forsine on the Steubenville Rail road and Monongahe la river. For further mettle ethers, enquire en WII.LIAIII WAHL,. (OPPemite the Catoedral.) jaatcat No. 110 chant Street. EVERGREEN HABILET.—VaIua .--. ble proper, for tale.tWo glory brick dwel ling bolero and Inc aorta of choice around altuate Ir this beautiful village. The Itouse la arrataged with ball, ining room. kitchen, cellar, and four chamber*, porches, etc..sprlag smac, fruit anti shade trees. nre• of land with deeding house stable and two s well. of water, .les miles freor t Allegheny city Price IM-200 , Termaeuy. Jyti CUTHLIKUT A SONS, 61 Marks[ a t, a.OR ' ' SALE.-209 acres 00.1 and and surface, allotted about XI rods volt of Bo ger besilon, on the Pittsburgh and Ydeutmuyilllo Haltroad. The railroaddirectly through the property. line hundred mad runs ally acres of the sue- Saee is untie, eel 'Oval km, the retnalniregaft s . nee ,. In good white ore timber. JOHN Ll. HALLEY. No. ICC Fourth street. Or, E., C. KRIS, Sc, a Mil , . Moo, lye Diej2.e_sne Wu?. FOR SALE, 600 Acres Coal, near Nablesown, VI PU4Aurgb and dtecibeWnlle Banroad Stook .. J a O ke EiN ni L at. . BALL ar t k Y 4 • 174 No. IDS YoUrth street+ FOR SALE, 500 Acres Coal, near Mansfield, (4. Plttaburch wad litoubenvillelroild. JOHN D. Bazar; • Stock atid Real riatate Broker. 134 Nu. 1r Yourtll street. no Patent' Steam not 'III f',9141471MT,P371,V7314:1. di eter, 14 feet long, wi th Smoke Stac k: thieLlTlLltht tioar ILETTLS, hOlda.Liffhlulelll One •` •• . • • . 1,010 • OHS ET DION soap A' itllity.B. • 'WM. h.EICN MY* CO., _ e 150144 cal Liberty tenet, Fittabergth Poll SALE—A very desirable two .... awry Drlek Dwelling ol.tive moon and good cellar, situate on Allen street, Lawrenceville. near Passenger Rahway An excellent - well - of water on 1 the lot. Igill be disposed of on liberal terms, nod the poasenslon glace If applied tor awn. Yom terms apply at the neat lratate mad insurance offme of • . (I 8. BATES. lee Butler street, Lawreuceville _ A CHEAP FAWN FOR SALE.— ....... Contalas Metres of rich Fanning Land, all un der good greuce; well Improved; bones, barni.er chard and nomerousout.bulldlogf t alittlital in Der ry township, Weattourelaod county. three miles west of Blairsville Junction. Pa. Hallroad ;muses through the faro. to • good neighborhood. This place ~ o f at • low norm. Apply to p. 83 U. eIeLAIN .1 CO. FOIE t S On AL mEile. —1 a 0 6 of ac l r g e e s Sta oa on, si te Pittsburgh nod Steubenville Hailmad. JOHN . DAILEY, No. Itli Fourth street, . Or. Z. C. SAYS. N0..318111.1110cit, / 3 • Do.. esnollra . CARPETS, OIL`C aCe. ijail-P-e:FaBCaiIiPETBICABPETBI McFARLAND • & COLLINS, • 71 A 73 FINN Street, 2d floor, „ . Are pow In rerelpr or nn ununall) large and thole*, stock of - Carpets, Floor Oil Cloths, Window Shades, Itamasks, Heppe, Terries Lace and Nottingham CurtiMS,. . . • With • hoot of new and elegant _patterns °Monate to match. Velvet. Brussels, Whine and Mosaic Musa, all of the late at design., direct front the most cerated loonier Europe and America,and to an leb es.smiostlonnflehtch-, the pubitc ire caUltalb . Invited. Aa this Wittman etock woe purchased before the late rise In gold,lt VII readily betaken thatour pat rons share equally with tul the" advantages of,par °hailing at the lowest market rates. .• ro McCALLUM BIROTHEIIS, 114 A 80 As.A. rtiltltTE stmer.T. WnhaVrow hamlet' very . uperlur stock of a.a..z.upinerszret• .. Of oiniZTlTZTtir47:l=7LVOgi to NIZAVIND . Imms -CoVanszuven , Iliad la !Tic* UT!! latue -rniio the tkoe.i ?natty to toe! 1 .. ' 7,:fiC a lr l ki STING, dUCtla AND ItalilLta' MATTLNOS, a MeGALLIIIIIIRMIZaa. • • 01.1 Fonaerly Vi. D:* Et; Dictaluni, oupe aNDIII43S r 1 i Aro .. 1717 ..01 : t* - V .; PAlNtglif RAINEtINCEILIZINt- No. 64 rid 14 . 4 1 PittibilithZi'.,1 MITT Mtn. nod Or eats!' Sinnink OtAeneelidirtni done to seder. • warn done'prinn rja rom en v, ale este& _______,........_..........._____• • -•-: . • leincia.; WILLLI*II4 :. RROWNiz- , -=' , - . a..ii 4:ol4i _zaaciiitiii****loliit -. 1 * --- nu o o .0g . rmi . 4.11: ~,-.:. Nonik...o 41.140x14)1)q.,tite*itt-). - . ~....... ...... ~. ~ • • .r.,„,,, -J.:.--;,::-i,•--"..'..;.:Prrrainisaili.-: BELTING! G BASILTINIIM—Len Melt ,evirs,:tet,usru-am voi,`,2:jig.lll.4lyloyeael BAILIFF, BROWN & CO, PLUMBERS,CAS & STEAM PIPE FITTERS, No. 55 Federal Si,, Allegheny, LAND 672 Pent Street, Pittsburgh WATER AND OAS FIX TURES cOdstantly on hand. Houses fitted up with OAS, WATER. or STEAM P lnt RefinlPES aedt sho. 0 rt ttd noticei up at short notice and to the '' A u' l l ig r Tlll7 l :VAMET. E.., lined with Sheet Lead by new process, with Hydro-Atmosphertc Blow Pfpe. W. keep constantly on band a larke supply of SHEET LEAD LEAD PIE S . lit" ." . HASS COCKS. FITTINGS OF A LL RINDS, HYDRANT ffuy c , and In fret all material kept by a first-Class es Wewould tab Invite the attention of all who have auYY work to do to our of business, as we feel confi dent we can give the best of mttsfacliOn as rciards Material, workmanship anti prime •IY AJDY,WILLIAIIIS& IaRTLEY m•xxcratriummus. GAS AND STEAM FITTERS, Or. Sixth and Smithfield Streets, PITTBBITRUH., PA., Car. Beaver and Chestnut Streets, 1= hods >r IVnter, Ono k.ures non stoutly on hood. Jetnole ADDY, WILLIAIII4 & BARTLEY, Keep on hand • superior article of WOOL) T.U.31/:;°S, All kind, or IRON PUMPS, HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC. LEAD PIPE. BATH TUBS, SINES, WATAS CLOSETS, WASH BASINS, WASH STANDS, de., st.Shelr Wardroom, Car. Stith and Smithfield Streets, IFir All al , de of ILEPAIRINU done promptly. 1/0 - All orders by mall Immediately attended b. Jeo:e3l NoncE. Private Families and Hotels Clau be furnished with best quality of HYDRANT HOSE & PIPES, AT SUOuresT ITOTICT •ND DM? TIMIS, By sailing on JOHN MAFFET, Nos. 127 and 129 First Street, etrran HU IC PA. nTl7:s4O WELDON & KELLY, PLUMMERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS A large asperlatent of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead s &c.. I= 161 Wood Street, Near Sixth. mrz,b7 T. T. NWIN; - pLumuNG, GAS AND STEED FITTING, HADRANTS. ITON PUMPS. SHEET LE eth s r ZINC. LEAD PIPE/3. !RHEAS, BASINS. WATER CLOSETS ASH WASH sTANDS, .13‘1117111117Ei db 00.. (Successors to Addy 1 Eereus,) No. 155 Wood et., INGaborgh. Po mv7:548 Wit. RILLLIYT I.JOIIIitIOX HEHLEUT & JOHNSON, • PBACSICAL Plumbers;' Gas and Steam Fitters, F.fth Street ixtensloia, PITTBSVRC+S:IPB. All order. by Anil eneonted utlstsetortly and promptly attended to. A fall line of Eath . fobs,llDll, Bubns, Weser Ctosedn, Munn, Chandeliers, Fendants, and ties Shales, for sale at rho most reasons ile prices. Orders from country patreml by MCI PrrnnittlY tended to. Gem Rose of everfdesern pt!on pEIEIMBING, GAS AND STEAM A FITTING, LN ALL ITS BRANCHES, I..trellalgatier=o . g:Amenced and practical GAS FIXTURES. SINKS. BATH TUBS. 81106.8. BATHS. WATER CLOSETS, sanstantly on bond and made to orderHYDRANTS.. TATE At SEVILLE, Ht. IE FEDERAL STREET, All De And Ed LIBERTY' TREET . 211taborgh. mhlldandle B. P. BROWN, La. Local Claim ..Agent, Q. s. SAN. COM, 00Ice, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECOND FLOOR,) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, llonntier, and Arrear of Pay Promptly Collected. N. elualre mule until slums are settled % and the but a nunlerate fee. mra:bw L . D. LINDSAY. AIkSa7.233EiiSMALIT e 01See, 03 nay]. Street, Allegbent: Special attention given to drawing Deeds, Leases also other legal document.. Alt collections intrusted to him wlti re Jel-Sat !al and prompt am:salmi. JOHN W. TAYLOH, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street, my2l:teo - PIITSBUDGU, PA DEL E. DONNELLY, 0111 m, iiiiitiand Grant Streets, PITTEBOliall; PA. • q'BpoClat IMmutloti ■tnn to all ousel regulrlog Burgleal operations. lo?2•d80 n. C. aucicaraa. .r. C. 11'0031716. MAOKRELL & MeCOKI3S, ATTORNEYS 1 COUNSELLORS AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, mrautes rrrrannacur, PA. jonmr A. Mawr. ------ sx-IP:MalitAiLsahr, Ex-ozactO, Justice Ot the Peace, AND POLICE itANISTRATIL • - °Mee, 112 , 1111 th ft:9lmm C a ikedn ' L D eeds i 'Mandi.,./Norl•gages, Acknowlediraanti. Depoelt cos and sit Leo! Badness exeeuted ieltp PrOMPtzlees and dlapate IdT19:181 WILLIAM' JANOEW. : NOTARY- THE PEACE 7W!) .11,8411,1 1 1 MATEALOSINT: .thee, earner of puller.. sad Draw* streets. Loorraneeetila • hpehtelattehtioue lien to Abe .purehhoe azol=sahe of meal Estate, the olleellon et Rents: and the pre pration sad ulna...lodgment AA all Untie of Legal. tahlTePtheet.. WILLTAIIRT fie [the 6 Peze d A11CV1 1,...: mrahm . utt 0 EIJSTAC,F, es MORROW, ALOERWIAN AND ."C 01 0 110 A4E11;: J PetsitigiOcciti#:lftestuit, Pent et .1k mra . +a ,faituia, sai •ppesilc, „Out CRALT:ArAIki 110111 eY at Law, aoAtocumut Street, - Mist) h-PO. ibi 4.k iidui!!iirr;weitiii- , glum intsoun Ana other Awe.. nrrie,eaa MILITARY. CLAIMS; PENSIONS; VI rAT. sad MW fur MIT MW gr rlini" '"' d b aLlt O d on i asElcr z :nese al, nal= habrmzuon Antis. -; weir, LP4magr. • 4*torp ey at L aw; . onl ol i, * imoo, enamea7cl,p. ,72.';; ; ;%::zif I tztzt 0),71 JOSLV RHIPTON A. NIALL.LC6. SIECIPTOII & WALLACE, Whole- No.oGROCE AND PRODUCE DEALERS, 3 Sixth Street, PlOabonth. 1121. J . S. NEWRIVER & CO., COM:MISSIOB MSRCHANTB, And dudera In Floor, Grabs, Feedsad Produce. Cush advances made on umelguracuts. Warebottse. No. 396 PENN 6TREZT. opposlte Union Depot, Pittsburgh, Pa. Db:ll3 • • '. ...... cQ•AwLLD. DAV. CILAWFOII (.:Oseassission Afferchant. And deal. Iv rIU METAL, W ftODUIIT SCRAP 1K• • YULE BRICIL, and all kind. of Rolling 18111 supplies. Warehouse and Unice, hos. 366 and 368 PERR bT.R.E.T. litoralo to Irr Lad. Consignments solicited. WY. J. BTXT.I. CD. T. STILII. W J. STEEL & BRO., late Flew- V V • LNG d. [vim-, PRODOUB COMbillisi,tr, liElltittAlSTß,reeel se and sell Ylour, Core O. al, Oats and Core, IM nor, Bacon, Lard, Butter, C10t.., L.% &It..trAVl:Zri,titrAi i .,tll,l r.i'::, I. Halt, Ac., te. Particular attention paid to th 'le of Yortigri.o Domestic Fruits, L4O. 138 Th street, Pittsburgh, Ps. ielsrlii BREWER, RUBIO & CO., COMMISSION MERCUANTS, AtIENTS FOIL ?kid Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oil Wo ks, Ample Storage for Creole mid Helloed OH. I.llset• al cue advances math. On constrettneota or Crude Or Regard Veiroleon, Y•rd• for storage and ship- Ile ertole •••• .c Laerreneertlta . . . ADSCorner 01 DUOMUM Way ADS illtribisk Wert. Pittsburgh.l7lSAlro rAglat AXIL JAS. I. bighliAltr. KEIL & It/TEHART, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Flour, Grain, Seeds, Mill Feed, le. 3411 LIBERTY BTBEXT, Jay74:617 PITTBBIIR6 Li, PA. WILLIAM C. LEE, SUVA , 0 0 kLEX. GORDON, COMMUNION AND FORWARDING No. Ilia Second. Street, Pittsburgh Pa. ANPAgent for the •'Bt. Louts•' Lead - nyeand bagel Lead Works. Dealer to MG and II AR LX AD, EIIIOT, HEAR, FIRE CLAN', Re. Conetirnreente,,,,.. United and Orders prompuyalled. myS/dol - Y. oonne .J. 11 113.N.142DY 0 .. . HARPER . WENS, KENNEDY , v." PRODUUE 00SUISSION lILIERCHANTS. and Wholesale beaten In VUREIGN AND DOliitsi lO 'SUITE, BALT, PLA/Ull, BUTTER, Mill!, I U. TATUM, an., and In Provisions and Produce gen • aridly, No. T 6 PEDItitAL tITILEET, oppoatte Inc Railroad Depot, Atczonslrl, Ps. Asente (or the sale of P. E. Hite'., Donnell d Ellman'e sad 3. Karn.s Halt. aplolyd 8 C. BALSLEP, Produce MC I 11.° and Merchant, Warehouae No. On LIBERTY STREET, Plashh, Pa. --Wholasair dealer to Butter. Chem, Lard, Pork, Dawn, irTallow, -Feathers, Brooms, Potatora, Pow tr tried Fona, Green Fruits, Onions, Flour, Grain, (Borer geed; Timothy needs, Ylar-deedr; Gan. and Poultry. Particular attention given to Produce ernialguments. sun AIME. WiiiirnE AL J. B. — Tazir, COMMISSION idERCIIANTS and dealers In PLUMS, suet, and PRODUCX, Second street, between Wood .no Smithfield. Plttaburah. spit Ay - - THOIL r0711111......J0K1S AIKEN.....a. A. suErrAnD erEFL, AIKEN & SIIEPAU mmlaidOct HaoTl.ota, and dealers to Foreign and Domaallo Pratte, Flout. Bauer, Chen 86 _ell BP411."KIT". I.."'4l47C"PaaleTger'Llilialid,'Part.taillitrgEb. nuir & SREPAIIII, Comintsaion Ptyallauts and dealers in Flair, Gran mid Pro duce. no .+/Liberty street. Pittsburgh. Choice strands of Floor for Bakers and Family use constants, on baud. Particular attention bald to mune order o r Merchandise generally. oahly LITTLE, BAIRD & PAT'rON, WoolearloGroront, Contrulasion lierchanta and dealers to Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese. nab, Carbon and Lard Oil, iron, Nally, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh manufactures generally U and US Second street, Pittsburgh. altos. lima:mu. WILL P. HECK & CO" No. 1S Llbhrt) street, Plttabsagh„ W holesale Ore= LowilsX ,. .iderellutsanddeaters ChM tk-• ROOM, U n " ;b, `° .to.. itetee°°V L "'" E 9". lour, Grabs, Bee to, Green and Dried rratta.t., Balt .d Lime. Die & SILOS" (Successors to Remo. Asteo6l) = Wholesale Dealers In For te eign Prone, Na &add Confeetionery. Fireworks. tr., Noe. 123 Wood dtreet, ahoy. Filth Pittsburgh. tv2Za . .A.NDZISW EllOl. P KNOX & SON, Commission NLERCELARTSonOiDeaIers In /WU 01/AJN, YELL PILED and PItiIDIJON, 7, o. 211 Dlasernid, opposite City HALL, City. JOHN B. CANFIELD, Commaission and Ramanling Merchant and wholesale dealer In Western Reserve Cheese. Batter. Lard, Port, Bacon, Plow, Flab, Pot and Pearl ashea, naleratus, Linseed and Lard Ulla, Dried Fruit, and Produce gooTmlly. 141i1241 1111 Pleat street. Pittsburg h D. =TES OILli/r. GRAFF.totr....Ik9TER PRODUCE, arta Ill= and Viareholisge,T. Matibe l gtree ' t7 l , Plttabargh, ° P... sonar I. novas- ••I:DRADD ROMA. -Wit. A. BOUM JOHN 1. HOUSE & 111101, aucces sons To Joan L Rocas & Co., Wbelaule tin. maand Commlasion Merchants,orner of Moth geld and Water streets, Pittsbu rggh. fele JADES DALZELL & SON, Dama torturers of Lard Oil, and Connalsalon Merchants for the purchase and sale of Crude and Refined re. troleous, Nos. 65 and 70 Water street, Pittsburgh. Advances nude 011 Consignment. SC/ 1011 LuiLEll&LAWG,Wholesal e dealers lo Groceries, Flour, Oraha Prodoro. Prb vi 01..., Flub, C l uteae , Balt, Carbon 01, Nos. DS and 174 Wood !Arcot. near Liberty btreet, Pirtoiunfh. P. sent y 0108011 B, ILIAD ITEMS & lIIETZGAD, Grocers and st.A Clatnadsalon Merchant; msd dealers in all lauds tlif...Csioninr,Pryoidurzt,ag Pllstmhol.fanuDetures, Pittsburgh. r WW4 a;1417 , FtTZER & ADDISTILOPG„ For arding and Cenualssion Iferchant=l . 7 asie of Droln„ Bacon, Lard, Hotter,_ Dried Fruits, .a nd P generally No. 16 Market Met, corner ist, Pittsburgh, P a, feZkly = R A. Y. para.:Ls. & CO., Whole.. ~....45.11. T —__. DAizEILL Whole- We Brawn, Commission and Forwarding Mer chants and dealers in Produce and Pittsburgh lbw %lactates. No. Z.l Liberty street, Plttsburgit Long WATT WATT & WILSON, Wholesale Orocers, eonuntaslan Merchants, and dealet. to Produce and Pltsabtorde Manufactures, No. IS3 arty Meet, Plttaburgis 111131DLF ? No. 183 Liberty St wt.:Z I A= in teanWth'irraur Merchant, t.l Plttalmrgh manufactures. Cash ad s :laced on Con signments, and pald fer Produce generally. au9 ISAIAH DICKEY &C6N,WhOleßale Grocer", Oommlaalon Merchants. and dealers in P P roduce, lMsburgh No. SO Water street and 0 Front attest, • VOIWIT. E VOIGIIT at t Co e (Successort to ch era%) Produce and Commission M. thuds. la Liberty street, Pittsburgh. "WILKINS LINIELIBT, (Elneeeeior to ILsekeoarn tLlenart) Dealer In llour and Grain, Produce and 0011= 1 / a loe krehanta No. LIIINNTY BTINSILT, Plttaberea re/ :Ir 10/1211L0111) JOHN FLOYD & CO., Wholesale (12.00EILS, No. 171 wood and =l:3l.lberty . Rost, Plitsburnh. Pa. annavd atc. THE EBIDIIIIIRYSrEW WORK, MI Schomacker & Lb. .Philadelphia The Estey ds Co. Cottage Organ LMI • AMERICAN ORCAN, Acknowledged by the best musical talma in the llaltedBtates to be superior to all others in power, and quality of tone, and thorough workman shtta, ChM instrument* have for years taken the drat Minium* Ya le.. titors theye various State and County in priers are lower titan any other. All warranted for nve years. ~~ IVMARE cumin PLUM -9 -The eub- Am. serlber hasAust renelyed front Wm. Kissbe L tia • superb HUBILWOOD UOTAVE FULL (MAIM PIANO, with solid Halewood Mouldings, d pedal% three Whin to e g ZAT l ngt e glhi c i e trgfr g eratt . paw . sees all the improvements paella r to the steam Kaaba, and is unquestionably the finest Piabona r brought to .this city. The attention of the panicle especially directed to , the above ins trumenL -11 PHIL streetesole BLIIMBa agent Oqr Matte9o. , au rand. - !Übe and • nese Panda. . e 219 1,1,3;1:1:4;1 4:l:plwai 10frE::TRE SVBSCIIIIIEitti, have .v* )Llazitt4 Partneisidp„ to)lbCproyisitdd of the act of /Useably ;Meld iha Ithitiyntlitarch; • • Alleplielnisriblii to Deem:Owned snider the, came br.MILLEIk Wks& & pABKIN, in the City pt Putibaigb "skid &ion pirpose of manufacturing and STBET. and Its products. Thesenais. are naps= MILLMILand CRAB, FARMER', of. the City of Pittsburgh. Ind .OEO.W. BABB., of the Borough of Lawrenceville. thoMteeial• Palm:rine HAIM= /t- JEW% and IiAXIIXVDIINA, at the Boreitsb at Laiwreace , thi'speital imistierl bare contribauxt Twelve Tholuinatiltlys ,thaared Doliars to dash. . 'lbeuttavattnersttlO to;eommenee on Um POUT DAY OP JAAVAXP, Jos, awl talerildiLlte on the TILOITT-VIROPDAT OP DECKISBP,II;I6Is, ' OSLO. W. SAltta• ' General Pythias. • ' SA,6II7ICL 81) 0 .4ar Panne's. TIIE Fompir1101111“11:113111. lce Cream INWOOD, IME thilnahiEßllll, rinein street: near anutilleld. I. ix immix bnitrAill,lggicine/Low -11,5,FI,hciuwTil .o°lett,n 4 e* &Iwo. op - A *VA OBTIVIL au twee errzetfinn the be stineanneeleir OUT. r ?Yelk =" j=, fr. rnutt gewa' s slittin , :3401414/4Var'e NaVelnig.l PATSBII7IiGH THEATRE., WILITENDERSON • Lama. OHAS. IL DIYPREZ .x.mcanan. Unabated triumphant anceata nightly: DICK SANDS will Friday and ap Sanardap ear y n In o his Chlunplon Clog Daum on 01111 another entire netVrollhred by the artist% and aver popular ,, DUPRE/ . & BENEDICT'S • If A WROTH Mr ORLEANS & METROPOLITAN ra ßos iu l A tir r el ..l y I.l A i r ast ru tkl A xe l e , E XIVII KN Is ix • T u kkU a ßr y A lto. ribeLat. l s r VlT k' s g rPriTgl:: " fo ' -itig etilpro w grasn asu ino .g. the following sensation acts. new sown AsSis U .le Extract 0 IV Virginia. La StTene Opera. Desarrente. Take It on the Wing. Wl5 'Hare LitlOOk Oil. New lialluis by Bidcaux, Holmes and Bishops 01111 a bort of other pieces. tined itsikwn Ascension In front of the Theatre ou Friday for the benefit of our patrons. JTI 2 MASONIC HALL,—Iror Six nights PA IS'l°,lll.dAY,lol.AileAskYTll9i Nii"AiticOwltoTrliidg"inrkNed. Comolenclog BON 11J•t; S lIT July lrth 1.930. Adwisslou. Xse; Front Scats, us it - 0 pen' at half past seven. I'moms... a r s . r . , s I.l ' s 0 ", Oldrftd o•oloo_k lota, 1 - IAURY 11. ItA VIA 'Artist, pro,. s Tickets for itesert,l Scats at 1,1. kV Wood street. iyis4l7 BlLLisitns t ri.a:v - xx) 3E3. lEr...sy,X. Respectfully announces to his friends and the pet.. lie generally, that be has Just opened his new and commodious BILLIARD IttKidtb,, CORNitit of LIBERTY AND EST. ('LAIR tintEETU, entrance from bt. Clair. The tables armee+,and...trust ed in the mote approved and eleg int Style, Andall the appurtenances .re new and complete. Every meet hic may conduce to the pleasure and enjoy - of his patrons will be &trended. mythalt ' BOOTS, SHOES,. MEN'S HOOTS, BOW Boots, Youth' Boots, ladies' Gait,era, T.atrAie Balmorals, BLESSES, AHD 011ILDBEIMPS BOOTS, BALMORALS MI) GAITERS, At Reasonable Rates, SOUTH & ROSS', 6.3 11Xesz - lsoot Eftrocot. tor.V.:INJ SEMPER PARAT-6. PBO BO NO PIMLICO. Yet they say 'idea heinous crime the way bind new, Ls cltlucted: Somesay It Is murdering the trade. Where say It is against his own Interests. We don't believe it. Let no see what the true state of affair. Is. The truth is this: That there Is a new establiahment, neatly fitted up. at No. 87 Market street, Pittsburgh, over which W. (I. MAMAFTEY presides, and In which boots and shoes are sold at prices so low as to astonish the natives. Hear Me wCite I give you the otices of a few articles, white all other articles are sold correspondingly low: La dles' Congress Lasting gaiters selling at µ.50; La dles• Sewed Morocco ilootsat 'MOO; Men's Congress Lasting Gaiters at CLUJ; Children's Slippers at fee; Childrena Morocco Shoes at loc. A large lot or gent's prime flue calf balmoral• stud gaiters just ro calved and selling exceedingly low. In addition to this he keeps any article in the bun or shoe line, and nuinufactures to order Ladles' Congress lasting gaiter mo re hoot. ladies' and gentlemen's fan cy cloth embroider.' 'dipper. Likewise Font'. first class calf boot made to order el.Bo lower than onyx/tiler first clime house the city. Lasts et np have t the feat, which we would advise every man to of Ids own. Ladles' and gent's fancy cloth slipper uppers, silk embroidered, for sale. Where in co.ists the crime. If In selling low, we plead guilty; and by selling low weexpect to preserve ouwn interests , and make quick sales sad many orthem. Inviting you to call and see for yourselves we leave the subject with you. W. G. EIAIIAPVIST • No. S 7 Market Street. LADIES' BALMORALS. Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Ladies' Kid - Reel Slippers, Men's Calf Boots, Men's Calf Ba!morals, Men's Calf Gaiters, Men's Calf Oxford Ties, BOYS', YOUTHS', MISSES AND CHILDREN'S 130 07C59 ..ffk-N*3=i 1333031111/31 la Eiery Variety, at iteasenable Prices, at 61 MARKET STREET. /Y 3 A. ROLITNEipN & Co. JUST ARRIVED FROM TM EAra, BOOTS AND SHOES. .lESO33.IEt v So. 88 Market Street, Pitt.sburgh, Pa. This old estibllehed house B oots instore tbirty five tlfounstid dollare worth of and Shoos, tine sLyles the latest, the quality the best, which we are determined to sll so VERY LOW PRIDES. )V have resoiyed no t to be undersold by any In the bun e - Ines, that keep goods worth baring. Dail and examine our stock of goods, and we feel satisfied that You will purchass what yon want In the Boot mud Shoe Line. Do not forget the place, 89 Market street. D u o JAMES ROBE. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT -j r : -. 92 Federal Street ' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, AT REDUCED PRICES, aeLogozaasrrociwiEs GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street, illegheny, Pa. ).21 A LAJIGE AND FRESTLAIIRIVAL Olt SUMO BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS, 4nd Bcdosarais, • duet received, and Nit be udd at the VERY LOW EST PRICES, either Wholesale or Retail, timr. CO A CALL Barest rtIRCLUSINTI J. IL & W. C. BORLAND, No. 08 Market. etrect, 'AI door from PULS St myw COOPZE WIELDIIM C. FIELDING & BRO "mi Pi"DI" ~ Manufacturers and Dealers to ChiaortciassLevia.n . BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, No. 140 Ohio St., Allegheny. Repelling promptly executed on the shortest no tice. .1e7.c.52 CIENTEPFINE CALF BOOTS AND CONOMEOS GAITERS. at rs;rl9 J. W.-CALUNAIJAry &CO , S, 31.arket st- ADIESt FINE RALIBIrgug. AND CONGRX&S GAITERS, at myl9 J. W..CAUNAtieI , I6 CO'S, 83 tlerket et. LADLES' FINE KID BOOTS, at J. W. CARN•Ra..% Cll•S t 83 Market at. I,:iiiires i i - Tnik KID J. W. OaltriAll Ahl & CU'S. ID aarketat. I=l OAHE AND WOOD OHMS, manascussed and for we, Wholesale or Retail. JANILES WOODWELL, Nos.. In ale Tanen stiiiisz ()wilts E. idimneldson /I mbl GOMM: DitiUGHTII9GOFFI -- CE. H GENGERIBIW, Ci v il - EB- • (NIENIST AND somorrou Or PATZNTS, No. IA Isr..m.us drusurt. ram o f i ki , B 9 owHost demo, 11Nsy street, PITTS BURGH. PA. " • yemulls O 1 PS INOR'IGAGES want. ed for the $6OO, $ 1 ) 0 00, 4 0 00 i .$59000, $10,000; , :::: For one.; two mud liana, years; GEO. M. PETTk. • 138 t. caursueet,': - Erplir VARIETY. , , • • COPPER, TINNYM ANDIIION; • stDDLIES , , untoLsrans. ernicriurxr.‘- -- " JOSEPH ,WOODWIILL fat • T' Corner Wood eudieeood eta., Otto . * o4 - .AGYINV I IrOIt FAl;trapyix.w. 80,t4is. , , tAII:BEAT.THISTV V() • I am 114/1111 rear4OECOi,VOWT,II1 0 mr own make, Art ifkiS47o.lx!9osl ,c.P . r.r.404!, 'LAMS; ai.NO. 36 IfaxtetsUvin, , .. itiv2ltaki ' ••• • • • ,- - v . • I. R . • F° u4.1,027/)nu'2=4l,•,-" 41;11,011r0,;,44,4 Wig °54r1.;,, • --r,y4..e.taa----c • - M