I a 4......0 MI 1 4 1- - • - ` - .4.''''';. 7 7-':' , _:_''' . :. : : - "t.:4 , .-:•:1, v ,, :5 4, 7, ,MN 3 .,F t -, :tVi ., ' , '"4'.'.'. - ..: ,7, . - : -. .;' 1, ,....• -. .',Y"i - : . :,Y 5 ?- , ..-7r.k-rj',..;..::!..:,... - ...*:-: , - . ::-,- - ', T•:.:' - : , ;: - .. r . -kr - 7.:'':11•:`::.:_:::' , :.a.;: , ,:';:i . ;:' .1 •1-: , the Vittoburgle6igette, _ runzunteD sr . ITIMEAN, REED & co. F. n. vansoutn, I T. v nonsvi. t l , l~t cutors• ns g. ..r.... ME 7 . IIURDAY. f .,JULY ID, MG UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. 10111.17111MOR: :MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, 01.413k6IALAD COthi TT. =MEI s. CIXLICT, City, 01.11.1111 01 6 C011IIT: • .. - JOHN; O.IIIIOION, 14uapton CLIME 016 0 11PIIANII ALEXANDER .1111114SDS.Oty. 0111COUDI111: IllYNtrr SNIVELY, City AI VII %Tit • JOI4EPH I'. 11.011 TI ~ 1 ,11, IL. 6.4. still 11,41.1111:10h1.1.71lr. onntoron or ronn: s,otIR P. DUAVo, IIIn To A.656.1118LT: • aaleN I'. GLASS. City. , tipoltalE,lll,l6BoN, Pitt Tp. Cl,l6olZOWiTAßSeill.FlC,rortti Fayette Tp 14.1111U1IVLIFULDWIClit. Optima Ip. win.z.vatia rawly. / 1083 Ti , . COLITLIX, OW. - Thu SCAM CANVASS There was a time, a-few months ago, when the prediction that those Republicans n his shoidd follow tb, lead of the President would bring up in the Democratic fold, was not only . retelved with. general distrust;hut attlibtited to a morbid stispicionsaess. Thailitne has gone by. Eyents have de. monstrated - the perspicuity of those who first detected the projected defection. The National Convention, to assemble neat' mouth, Ss one of the appliances by which the-absorption of the Conservative Republicans with the Democrats is sought to be accomplished. As the day fur the convocation of this body approaches this will become more and more apparent. The. annotamensent of the names of delegates, Indicating the iulluences that must predom inatc lathe proceedings, will have nothing to unravel by conjecture. So far as this convocation shall exert any control in the gubernatorial canvass • lit Pennsylvania it will be in behalf of Mr. CLYILEIL The Democratic members of . Congress from the State, and the Chair man of the Democritic State Committee, established confidential relations with the President months ago—lndeed, - entered into a treaty offensive and defensive with him. This National Convention was called in fulfillment of the stipulations of tliat agreement. It has no other aim than to detach, if possible, from Republican • sykipalby and co-operation enough notes to surrender the government into the con trol of the late rebels and their northern allies. • We not apprehend that this movement perils the chances of Gen. Gen ny. A plot exposed, is almost invariably a plot battled There was a time when it looked as if the intriguants would succeed in deluding sufficient number Of Republicans to give them a reasonable show of success. A thoel,wiexposure of their schemes put alt ' tree men on their guard against their lep ronadistiliment. But this coalition of ele ments will snake the canvass active and Interesting. Matters will not he allowed to drag along as they did last season, with little manifestation of life, and less of paw et, almost up to the day of election. Next month, or even the last of this, the cam paign will he opened in downright earnest. Muss meetings wilt be held; a searching and exhaustive IIiSCUSSiOn of the variom plans of reconstruction which have been proposed, or which ,may yet be devised, willhe entered upon and concluded. 01 course there are inconveniences and inreli cities in this sort - or work. Some must de vote their talents to the elaboration and preamtatioa of, the facts and arguments . Ix:tiring on _the question tit issue. Many otlMrs must give up their time to- go amt hear, and to inducing others to do like , wise. Oat" on these condition; can free government be maintained. Public dia cussions'are as indispensable to the vitality nnd the health of popular institutions as air needful to the process of respiration and the continued life of the human body. As the case now Stands wo have no doubt whatever of the election of Gen. GEARY. Bat we hive some apprehensions that com binations may be Made endangering three . or four , of the Republican candidates for ColtreEs. There are always people who arc in a dissatisfied frame of mind about one matteror another. These sore-beaded individuals are more likely to be led off by sinister animals, than others arc to be mis direnkd by ititellectual subtleties or the sug gestions of a mischievous lenity. We de sire to impress on candidates for Congress, and their more entice and vigilant promo ters, that this is the point of danger. The great.. Issue, as it unfolds .and gather. strength, will take all the,.spUud•heartet men of tiro party along as . b.ra sponCaneou and irresistible impulse. The men who Mire trievances, no Matterhow Imaginary; whose ambitions are ungratified ; whose schemes bare nut been accepted or TTCOted with sufficient deference; these arc they wLO itra must, likely to bolt. • Shall we ho pardoned fora few words on another point 'r Some of the Democrats, who claim to have been initiated into the mysteries, of current intrigues, aver that some professal Republicans have been, or will limmerninated-for seats in the Legisla tare, who are secretly pledged to co °per atc with the Democrats in eleatim; a Milted States SigtrdOt. 31r. has any • hopent alk.of nyenewal of his lease, it must be protlit'cil on an arrangement of this die - tletnoerats should happen to Juvii flap:4l4olsT: Joint liAltok-ho not the matt they would select. They haie tuen, eminent flrticatititig*Alvitat inave stun mereljun),:winterett.wit It them, never besi tutingliinnittoetriite-nrmenanre. From ntnona dirt elft;,, hiving full intwer, they will make thrr-ficnittor.' But, ft' thershall thuLtAtentrives in a inlnnfity,-c.4,:we tlnubt not Witc—autt CO - tv.eti" chance to have attrateelled in- securing, the election of enotigli shaky Republicans, Piridgeit to Iris fortunes, the Mintier:its will take him, rather than - Perini( the bleetion of a genuine man: it puty Shan. be " sold" at all, it will, moat likely, be In thin way. 'There-is time yet for prevision. Let thisi matter not escape attention. In Gov. ORIL, or South Carolina, thinks tt hatilitiat ?lie and his brother. rebels, since - .they : pave taken nubs to support the Con , stitutiOn:antruinitttaln the Uninniarh look distrust. The G,rrerrior forget that he and Ida setitook 'belch oaths before, flid.rwt nican 44:‘3;;;e1.):9em. Wiien Pie.L° l *)"i*it: 46 perjury ahoy fie. - morieit 4 1 ,' - _ '=-10Mwt. 6414 locrata - 840,tiiiontivo **iis ,l Pl l 94iliegia/ 1 44,.., - ~-04uT:4 2( opide11 : 'reudleum, :` PcPmq dolegites , go to the ,Coifointion. IMIN ••• - GLINEINAL NZWIL —The Russiexus are restoring the Male koff. —A Reneral election in England costs two millions sterling. —The burnt district in Porthuld coin prises eight wiles of streets. —Two hundred British officers yet our viva the battle of -Waterloo. —The king Of Saxony sent all the pie -tares of the Dresden gallon' to Paris. —A. combustible stone, said to burn like tinder, has been discovered iu Wisconsin. —The total number of battle flags pre- sented on the romp, at Indianapolis, was 357. —The great 'elm tree on Bolden Common is so much decayed that its speedy fall is expected. ' —A. story in Harper's IVeekly commen ces: "A deceased judge once addressed a jury," eta —Paris has' 'become the depository of large quantitlis of belligerent plate, coin and jewels. —One of the captains in the Tyrolese rifles - is a descendent of the famous An dreas Hofer. —ln Mobile, on the 10th, a warehouse ,unteinlng 10,000 bales of cotton was des- tioyed by lire. , The Greed Duchess Marie, of Russia, has 'received orders from the Czar to return to St. Petersburg. —A memorial chapel is to be built in memory of the students of Yale College who fell in the war. —The Meteor, of Chilean notoriety, Las been condemned in the United States Dis trill Court at New York. —Ex-Governor Henry A. Wise is to de liver a lecture, in Norfolk, on the "Re pairs a- Southern Churches." ' —James IL Harrison, a native of Vir ginia, 'was lately murdered five miles from North Carolina. -Five, cases of sunstroke occurred at li.illwaukee, Wis., on Sunday. The ther mometer stood at 102 in the shade. —The professors of the University of Virginia have had prepared a set of school books, which are in course of publication. James Dougles, a Baltimorean wha.vras the cogiueex of the steamer Stewart, Van Vilet, died at Richmond, Va., last Satur day. —Au employee leaving Ids employer without going through certain fbrmalitles, must pay a fine of ten dollars in Ottawa, Canada. —John E. Owens, a- liquor dealer of New York, was attacked in a drinking sa loon there, and robbed of three thousand dollars, —Hr. Bagley, one of the oldest railroad men in Ohio, and fur many years agent on the C. C. ..h C. Railroad, at Crestline, died on Wednesday. —Rev. Dr. Wadsworth, late of San Fmn cikoo, has received a call front the Third Church in New Haven, Conn., to succeed the late Dr. Cleveland. —A little iu Shirley, Mass., was buried In fun in a sand hole by his companions, a few days ago. He was dead when his teacher dug him out -Professor Allen, of Oberlin College, I, making a tour of geological observation and exploration on the Peninsula, and the group of Islands off Sandusky. —London publishers are complaining of slow sales and hard times again. Ameri can publishers are also muttering. 'The fall threatens to be a very dull one tor books. —The Uhrohiyue des Arts affirms tha Gen. Cis'haul was recently u medical num and subsequently an engraver, and unfit. utes to hint a portrait 01 Poniatowski, dou in ltklti. -13ridget Connelly died from the effect. tt - injuries received Waite kindling a tire y throwing kerosene oil on to utake i turn, al Mamellus, Onondaga county, Sun lay lasi. —An election is to be held at Baiato, on the :Jist inst., to deterinine whether the city will-or will not subscribe tor 'it2,o;tion worth of stock in the Buffalo and Was!, ingten railway. —A little sclinol girl, nine or ten years old, has lan seat to, the penitentiary iu New York, for attempting...to swat seven tlollor3' worth of ortilictal flowers sr school commencement. —The Prussian Parliament lit to meet oh the lath of July, and the primary elections half of which hat•a taken place, are dell dcvlly unlavOnthle to J3lstreuk policy as ho aN internal government goes. —At a Sabbath School Convention lately held at SL Paul, Minu_, the singing to Miss Dole-in-the-day, daughter of a noted Chippewa chief, elicited the highest encon• buns of the musical critics. —A "run" on a London bank was slopped, and the crowd in front effectually dispersed in a ludicrous plight, by the sim ple expedient of emptying :a bag of dour over them from an upper window. —At Cincinnati, a laborer named James Gillan fell out of a third-story window, at Sheehan's boarding house, Walnut Hills, about ten o'clock Saturday night, and was Instantly killed by breaking' his neck. —Elmore F. Studley, a young man of seventeen, who has been clerk in the New Bedford postoMee for two years, has been arrested for robbing letters, and confesses that his peculation have been in progress for several months. —The negroes of San Francisco have been testing their right to sit among white folks at the theatres. A judge holds that a proprietor has a right to enforce such regu lations as Would be most conducive to the prosperity of Ida business. —A man, Supposed to Le named John of Neal Wilkins, was found on the line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, neat Chester, Pa., shockingly mangled, and taken to Philadelphia on Sunday, shortly after which Le died. —Authorship has paid Dr. Holland, (Timothy Titeomb) very well. albs in come for 1865 was $13,608. , Robert Bon ner,of the New York Ledger, has found that the publication of sensational stories is productive. His income return is $105,- 609. —AM 'clop:anent in high We took place about two weeks-ago in Atlanta, Georgia, the daughter of a wealthy citizen running away with Lieutenant Colonel Peabody, of Um late Confederate army. A warrant was issued for their arrest, but it did not catth them. - —Hosea Merrill, of Pittsfield, was mar ried brit week, aged ft; years. fic gave his bride IMO:Web° being somewhat young er than blai:setr. - lic was unable to get out of his carriage, "and . the ceremony Was per formed while the parties were eittiug in the carriage. '• • : • --Over two hundred persons are sick, and one yeaing man has died, at Abington, Mass., frouLthe ellects.of lemonade and re freshments pnriakuu 0..0n the fourth' of July. They - were *politofied in 'some un known manner. A coroner's jury is in read:gating the case. —The English government has an nounced in Berlin the speedy dispatch of a circular note to their diplouudic agents abroad, accounting for their neutral-policy in the „preseot . struggle, The circular is ex peCutd" , tit cbritahr; certain reservations Inlallvo,tolheyossiblo - revival of the Eas tern c l uctfon.. _ • —Titer - 414AS' ilin . &mforence with the Indians Eatbeita itt' Fort Laramie had PrOYeAtt tailtiqtjuld that they had returned to. the# 7 lkOmes au, a.hostllonttitude, proves untrue Fnidderithris 'received notill - cutlet% OW ; satisfactory treaties have beerf mineliniarrivitEthe — Upper Plates, Sioux and PicyCiaiaa - ""' , _ 'eratt _arrived to, Qalveston harbor Mt die 341,44 pottring , ;Idiot, black ettiryttlig gueskitet, eiieh! side. ,citY.ollieera,rolvettout,toberin a row boat, Lilt irerirlirbd'`ttlibirAhrfOreiii 'to retire. The pino,c,e thertete i s7rioway.,-, A Unite d Statoeliviribotit °Wed' same "tittie;`'but. could nutovertake —The Court of Inquiry has fully oat:Me -1 rated - Mitg. ,, Eniergon, Paymaster, fro any Alamo - regard Le the robbery of $75,000 froth his safe in Naalitrille' a few nights since. No trace:hi - el Welk - Aland of the 'whiter who , Wits en .gu . spithat riled before Alai. Emersou'w, lei* and who la i.ulp.'.ed Ulbethe . gtrity. —A young colored boYtuatned..Wlllllo 1111.sos-o - Whilo t iawaltipA l iczatitle t atio n on.i charge.. brilltlittglng, is Justice Dalley's Co,iti:NOW"Tpfiti l •walalagtple ° m eet Wined or an Open wludilw he r .ot.-.wercoliii toomi- and inadc - kood sestalulag tom._ ....... ... .. a _.r..,r.,_ :. ~.;1:'r EMI A Ghost ht Kentucky That &Oat, whose nocturnal peregrina tions in the neighborhood of the railroad bridge over Silver Creek, have caused some considerable excitement, still insists on chasing people. The New Albany Ledger says that on Saturday his ghostship appear. ell in true form and sepulchral attire to the -man at the bridge, (not the one chased away on Thursday night), and, as the watchman says, walked up to hint deliber ately and laid his head upon his shoulder. Human watchman could not stand such supernatural familiarities, although heavily armed with two or three revolvers, and so he cut and run. The race was an exciting one. For a time the watchman was ahead; but soon the ghost flanked him, and then it came alongside, anon darted in before him, then seized Itim by the coat-tail and moaned out In doleful tones : "Lost ! lost I" Mortal watchman could not endure such a terrible visitation. He fired upon the ghost, but his ghostsbip only replied with a loud defiant laugh, and sprang upon the shoulder of the frtghtened watchman. Soon the watchman reached the city, and all ellints to induce him to return to duty failed. He says the ghost is a veritable one, and that all the money the railroad ever made could not induce him to watch that bridge alone after night. The age of sop. , rstition has not passed sway, as this_ Silver Creek bridge affair plainly demon strates.--Louisrate Journal, July 10. —The Prefect of Police in Paris has is sued certain regulations under which the sale of horse-flesh is permitted in the city. The animals are to be killed in public slaughter houses, In the presence of compe tent government officials, after a previous examination; the meat is to be stumped be fore ita removal, which is to be effected in close vehicles, and the shops which are al lotted for its sale will be indicated by spe cial signs. Any restaurant selling horse flesh Without clearly announi lug the tam or who shall fraudulently !nix it with other meat, will be liable to punishment under the penal code. —By the late treaty with the Cho. • 1111•.9rs. VI/Iton,, 80. • Co., 91 fineoDA 4••••-ri: 11.•••••na. La. 41, tlllcar • 11,111 p., comer Marti, t nad W•t.r .Irevls, 6:rep them emooltantl, Pa ha $. • . Mesta will l. add tar caa-I3 at low rite.. bat ril nab, rral or personal property. such aa lawn or rlty rral Runes. carrtares. •c., 0111 la/...0 at .uch rates to snett eiteat aa ma) 1 , 41 oar.. 1 upon. A.l.trmt., Or 73 7ACK 717 STILMILT. Ilreektyst, New York gr: 1111 , 11 , nr. COLL/A - 11.44 Mire" WI C.0.461-TION 1114T41aY, PA., Jbly /41h. I. 'l'l4E AM:IIIAL LISTS OF LICEN sr-lAN DTA MID 4 INCoIIita.CARILIAGICS, RAT , II Itn, PIANOS, nII.VEkt PLATIt. Ae, 1. now to Ito. offlro. and After ILIA dote pain.' Will recolv.W thereon lor the City of l'illobargh.l.kw , A , W(l‘ of LaWrerove•lll• wad PHA township. I A,eniire utiutt be taken out before the Mat teat.; .nee LG. dm.% 10 per cent. wad he added. Taali on Incomes. Carriages. Watches, kr.. most he paid Wore live 0010 al August: after thalitare tlw penalty will he added. Deputy i olleetoto IY. 11. LAIIIUIV St and JOlll A. SKIM CA NT will be ready to ...melee, liter the lAtit ;ottani, for that portion or the Matadi not in .•laded In the above Melt, •nd will post notices i ;trough the different Aoroogh• and Toeinehtp• of the times and places when and where they will he prepared to receive tale*. /1==1:223 J. D. RAMALEY, 834 Liberty Street, FASHIONABLE SITTER =9 ZIE.A.TI3 ALSO 7:1 CIALMNES, FOE MEN, DOH An UMW The Newest Styles always ea hand and nt the Lowest Prices. . Look out fur the MON LARUE WINDOW& oil pegto Wayne street. I.SINADTTS • FOR. —7- THE lINDEESIGNED. eio fir rent, mufti flao let of Jatnim next. U. hon. now ocwolAnn Of hi.. No. 66 Smithfield a talpat i r waloWel a ttr i Lo t tle d v i it ft"... I u roo m,, ;. 1 I a 'Or er 4 1E 1141 6 ff Tx, kvattli. Tt. , Nu- Kißniez, oo o l / 1 - itr,4"B`," ae., be aultt:orltb the ' IP:PU=I:7;I4 to D. o i pa i ict, • DAILY DISPA7OII OFYIOE. II111:1;15treet, l'lttsbargla 1/I=l Ore Ica or gel lrOterwnenn AZIO Oiliptlo RAILWAY 00/41 9 1.11T.. gircanint.ll.4 JIIO. MI, DIVIDEND N0.,. . .•-rinte Board ay Director. of W. thnotnitiy_ Merle deelsrisd the regular dividend ortWee 4/NIALAILI. PNII (lENg on the espitnt stock il So. guar ondlftg June . llo, payable; tree Of lilted Mail/ rite. on and after Only A. ceext , ,„,i•u fk ii i i b i n d r , or OtiObtr with° third tiler bonds• leaner ()Wend Pad. Oda United eta et tar. In 44130 llallt` at Abe woo etiiirebokiers and bondanidevis IttOtbittAidd4 York. will ite.tve dud. ndlo. Iluus. or •I VtilrLOV.,,lf..ll9l.li realrtered %to gee. O. . 11 . ,:l ., rl , 4lsiat-tmots will clots inta Mat ONdrien By entre inir=l: 7 l1 O. . 191/1:14111111dOk , _1_71244 Searataxl. llyarov:A.L.„ , 160. 861111iilield JOHN ZIMDINONai:, - -- yormaly 01.60,rts trt , , o. 160 Two door' siave tll7ttb iiFt4, *bete he bum „w en t static.lo7 l , Mande, ito on *kW • - INlSTitilllZitig And - - - ( Si: ^: G: NEW Arovtimat.' Copying, Seal and Canceling. . - WRITING FLUID, ...._. Arnold's, Laughlin Bass field's, Elolden'a and Maynard 4; Noyea'. American and French. Black Lead, Red and MUG. GOLD, STEEL AND AMALGAM PENS. Cold Looted Pencils, Pen Holders and Rulers. jr19418 corner of Wood anti Third streets OE l 'O S I, s. = Agricultural Land Scrip for Sale. TIUNITED STATES gOVEEN , w lITNT leasing granted to the Commonwealth of C,•nusylvanlaLulled Scrip. represeff [lug PettOtt , seres of Public I.and, for the endowtnent of Agri -1.1/ I nral College. In tblel litate, the Board of Com -0.1.41,,,ters now offer thin Land Scrip to the public. It. Tussle, for the purchase of this Land Scrip. ad dre--ed t,, "The 110.01 of Commissioners of Agri , Ili t u ral 1.1\12.1 rterit,' • will Po received at the Mar t , or General'. Chico, at ilarrisherg, until Wednesday, August 15, 1566 This land may he located in any State or Tern I to ry. by lite hoiden of ibe sooty. upon any of the an appropriated nods (except mineral lands) of the I Tilted States whirl( may he solder, insolent pri vate entry. Karla piere of scrip reprerents a quar ter setion or one hundred and noty sere.. Hills most be made as Per acre: and bid, will hi• re ceived fur les,.than one waarl, sec ti o on. The Sent. wlirbe issued itaniedla o r on the pmy t of tine money to the tlllorryor ((ellen!. ..ne &laird of w hleh mast be paid within ten stays soil romalntrig t wo-thlrds within thirty inys arixr noti fication of nhe acceptance of the hid on bids by the Bolted of Commissioners. ST H. 1111.1.V.1i, ekanapteiulax. HILLER & RICEETSON, Wholesale Grocers, BRANDIES, WINES AND CIGARS, Corner of Liberty and Irwin Streets, IRON, NAILS, COTTON YARNS, &C.. 3. D. - RABIALEY, MEV FINE CLOTHING, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHINO GOODS ant Z!4l,lRc•;';. '"' z a "" Remember the NEW IRON 1 'Nth T. ebtetatt Wayne sweet_ STEPHEN M. OTT. oemrant. Die Stoker, Seat and Sleds! F.ugraier STIACIL IH D A3D SHIL LETIER CUTTEI4 SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Cancelling Mang= and Visiting Cant., PLATIM COIL MAILKINCI C lA/TM:VG. 93 Wood St" Cor. Diamond Alley, J. It. lIARUINGTON. rrettuttuu. r INCREASE OF PENSIONS. BY THE ACT 01' JUNE 6th, 1%66 $Ut per month la Muted to oso il l.llorsot talon woo have lost beta gyro, or Lunn band, ar pm...mostlydlsabttut to the moot. .10 al 'who have soot butt, too:. or • hood awl afoot. or kayo Um, some perroott.oUY w ea di ttp o rhavo t i• Oslo]. or I foot, ur other- Alto, penkrOn. w' are ''' l o s t tended to dopet.trul Y/LTHEIth ANL. J. 11 2 71 Grant fitmn. 11 . 1tuhurgh. 1 . 61- 'UTILITY WORKS. MoLEAII & SIATOR, No. 83 Liberty St., opposite Fourth woccrAtrrmexe or CABINET MA WNW HARDWARE Tbey mak, • apecialty of Iran Bedsteand Pivot Cutters: Porcelain, Sedates , * and Pivotd a Castors: d.ktcd Slops for E a tension lfablrs, de.r hue also IlilDllraCtlltt , and Date constantly on Sands Thumb Latent., Spring Latches, APl.can.s W hallow ti.sh Supportett , hi'Lean'a Eccentric sash Sotto% Utility Shatter ad Mott Bingos, Grind stone Hanging's, Sad Irons, Muth WeleitS, do., Jl.e. Tloo' irk.l4) 11113.E.E b. CO., W. LITTLE. Collector, 124 District, Ps. KANUPACTIMIAA or ALL SIN. Ul' FLINT GLASS PRESCRIPTION VIALS AND Bonus. OAKSVPERI sTR On ur N r i l l ili e ra PAT LEATBEB BELTING AND HOSE, liaaabatarad at .730. BB .EMITUFLELD bT., by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO - 4131-liza .Ws or uAllt of LACE Uthil i kky/1110x0§1s, cppriu itlY Kb. 410043 ow. ( wa,A) • . _ Shot Guns, triAZiets"`". v" . atamistrzrwrxcaxv. , Aii&ol3lsl SIATERILL. lifilitary Com- Celia nor vr ?" 1rrin".1,2"`."." - • " "" 411Witamember the place, Corner Penn snit Weill. Streets, taloa PITTSIMILOCI, .1866. BPII3IIII-Ts ! 1866. M4:O ORD: & CO., • scireob• sramer, *who can WpOptilarittloll took at their Urge and lilati,./Mirlin• -, Spring and Rum.. .; , • "NW- .1111eigro • 416.12.11imeszioumiNrisarzeity , .. atit r esga , ll2 r tiMA i l l a ß alei, lD EAki THA.T•Ie,. BUISMiXn. milltTo/114. DICRISPaI.;)XT9II.-I.c.apa. ISTRANS MUMPS al arm description ; to Winn , Wee . to liviliNrensioners. ALL INVALID- ... - .PNZIAIONEILS whowvoir ToYingsyeAsioaqr4 3. o" $25; drioditi a ..aeemt orJr4. 1171.1 W. z £PA>t+~ of f4dtk4 37 1 101 1 Oi CARMINE INKS, mnimw - c,3=niss, RUBBER GOODS. WOE SALE BY W. S. HAVEN, PRINTER AND STATION I It, r7.'_ J. M. CAMPBELL, GarveyOr General For the Rased of Commissioner.. C. W. HICKETSON s Pittoburolt. I=l Nos. 221 and 223, PITTSBURGH, PA Cowie° n tI3 on hall 111 336 Liberty Street, 114 I=l E=l =1 Cl3lB I= 062 c. No. 00 WATER. STREET, 134 111,03. Weene. LU.IIOEIL IiTILEET, near Penn. Aar Jy7.o44vars All ware wnrrutted equal to any In the City Woo, 4sCits for NOW York Rubber Co GREAT WESTERN GUN *Wilts. J. H.4OIITINSTON, Atter and Dealar lu :9)it.:13y,1a4004: DISSOILVT/ 1 61 4 1;" ;- TheEllo Of O 'NEILL lb DICBSUN . ook and Job Prlbk oda Jo diaaolvell; by routnai consent. All forties ho log claim R again. the same can present ders lßM them to either of the unhuod far se [lenient. DA ... O'NEILL. WILLIAM ANDERSON. July 14th, INA Havig dtsposed of my Interest' in the Gazette &team Job Printing establishment — to Mr. hoaxll Errett, I desire to retarn my thanks t ooy friends for the liberal patronage bestowed upthe ot h, during my connection with It: and I would further recommend the new ilrm to the public as la every way worthrof theircontidence and support. Their fat:1110o foF doing all kind/ of printing are all that can birdesired, and any work sent to their °nice will be executed with neatness and dispatch,d on .the moat reasonable terms. D. trN an Errrenc Mill, July Init. 1969. Jytfonts I= ERRE'TT & ANDERSON, Book and Job Printers, Will continue the 1100 and dOli printing business In all its branches, at the GAZETTE STEAM JOB PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT, 84 Fifth St., Gazette Building. And reorertfully solicit o share of public Dotson y;c. jyl6:ne DAY, MeABOY & SPANG, ME= IRON CITY hal' WORKS. OFFICE AND WAREHOUSE, Nos. 41 Wood and 102 and 104 Third St, IMPORTERS OF N DEALERS IN Saddlery Hardware and .Trimming, =I nuperior W 1 and Iron 'lames Wrought Post Mtn, Ring Bit, ?iodates, gramloons t Wheel Bits, nlnct n Mts. he.. Se. Keep also on bawl a full and complete assortment la goods lu their Hoe, all of whieh they offer at as fair prices, and on as good terms ae are offered by any house In the trade K AST toll W EST. J. D. RAMALEY, 334 Liberty Street, = 13.cocote4 Slioeict. Always on hand !ante and saris-i wmortinent of Ladies', Misses' and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, =9 And at Lower Prices than Down Town nettzem lA,ut. rncte t.AIZ,W I NI)(•WS. te Wayne. etn-r, JeT;:e-11:1. T E I'NDEIZSIGNED . &soonsrisolonod olsor for the tin,, of POlt- TI , U F A lk A t it.. ..1 ID. 1/I,rl. or "only, Ma.. all! 0-11, pol.lic sale. a.l Oho promise, os tlar lot day of Atiliutg, without Tomo, ••• :Ind tho Itlghtoa blade}, the rot low lon doseriln-al on,porty. being the well-known Ira -UP U.ift URA' CR, 0110011. at W nos nu in ”t Alan, on l its illtaborgh and Krt.. Rad . 0 to 1 los northrs...l I•lttsloirtel, o Itn :Po /• • garb OIS or loss, anon sotl tag with rl.. Iron 11 I. and. more Mato, Fin. Clay, r., sod alit never talleng ape In, or water. AAlrl . l2 Fb101..11 . V. 14 s ...anal:LT.2a stout. Not 1.111 to f „ el al Intr.., and II foot ts...h. Tana 11a, 111/1... , not, I, 102.1 too, of toots! in, dsy. *Well Cat, r.,11? rosnod The, /21 I to; tau,: ntl slat,/ ol one Easlno. of 175 non, oovror, sod a Ilootor taglno. Iron 1t...t0ry . ..1r. &r. Abot. .Isla 5101 catalog bourn, rosl srol tats b0n..., weigh loan., ~air., Ac. Alan. 11 wt. onel) of I,: foot dlannnter. doubly mad ttle tottotnen ta. bo•ralng Loos, 'Aare 11011se sod art room. lalsolonettlit stables soot other 1411111th,, onl Railroad, sod stag - lon cars to cony., tomer:tin Se.. to and train the furnace. The tampsny also halo i'avoratote lesso. for the principal mlnorat lands In ills t letnlty. propory trout- MI float or rlvor. and Beall!, sat Krio 'Anal. Is esol of *noes. and otters to Ufa lat.. a es, chant.- 10. Init'ainlent. FM' NW.' partl, olsr..oldrroo. sAMIJIRL 91. KIER, J,14.1..' I'l4tfl,ur.u, Pa. BAILEY, IFAIIIIELL l'O., No, 107 Smithfield Street, I=l Lead and Block Tin, Pipe and Sheet Lead; I=l Brass and Steam Goods, lAD PIIPS OF ALL DESCIIIIIIOIS. 107 11511tralDt .1) rn P4:WWilEiril*X:l4:33sv,l3:4 . JOS. NS( LP JAN. ?...Plblfil . ER A:. RESTERS AND BREWER lPf Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH. PA. JIP-. 11111 4 1 1 . WATBON,Dlannorr. iel9:clt6 LIVERY AND SALE STA IMES. AIORELIND & MITCHELL, Nos. 125 & 427 Liberty Street. The very brat 1101:231r... ' C/11/ILIAGES and 11111:- IllEs trill for burr at all times. Tile an.t I(KAIL'3Ka to slut city. Funerals. Se.. attended to On short notice 11l the best manner. p c rel y icisg to engage anything In our Ilno can rely upon helots turned out. 10 she best ntyln. no tin proprietors give th eir personal attention Wthe business. JyTtesl. to. MAYI.OI4 rres . l W. H. ICSI,BOT, See'y. PITTSBURGH BOLT COMPANY. lATE ARE PREPARED to make: all kinds of Dolts, (rum Nt to 9 tootles to ttlazo- JOINT BOLTS, CAR BOLTS, PLOW BOLTS, CAIIRIAOR BOLTS, BUILDING BOLTS, FOUNDATION BOLTS. SPLICE BOLTS. SET SCREWS, NUT WASHERS, Ac., Corner Horton and Enlaced., Ninth Ward. Or dere left et Fort rut Foundry. Oen.. 111...1110g proutpOy attendol to. 371R04 BUY IT! TUT IT! SCULL'S BAKING POWDER Is don the beet In the mat ket, taking preerdeuceof all other makes. Croommeed by the most expert* raced Bakers and Vona. to be tho BEST IN USE. It le QUICK, SUITE nod NUTRITIOUS: 10 Iroulib" teed free from anything bat What to pure and healthtel. Don't Fall to Get It. For sale by ell lirocers In Pittsburgh end Alle gheny. °Mee and Balesronm, Amen graFat, Flaladelphln. .T. C. larTrtnn tt.w. Burrow. Jc. nicrrurnt 7 1iiark . . Jurors or Sarsaparilla. J.rtnolt and.ltatpberry osco3D.s. vur.tx.T.ursuis, Itaspla2rry, iitrarrherry and Lemon STl'llPalikg oo2, chol. Al., thrown Mont, Lagar /leer alallt)tnuti- PNtna Cider: elder by the Wont, half harrtl orteg, Nos. NN and %•1111AntiETbT., near Sraond, 1, Ma hn rah, Pa. Orders ailed and gapped to all parts of the:fault try. no short hotter. lotreti•daw/T EVERSON, PRESTON A . PEArlirsrilnt Girl I.3ELOINT WORKS , ;' p . ottell=g l 2:6 l lllgßlAV,l7° 4 op - Jc161.140 J. wil.rxm, Jr 0.56 Pederui Streei,•filigheriiki; •CARPENTER AND - JOBINNO, crotk activated tct . bli clrn meet wit!' prompt attectloa itt elittec city. • 3,712,fm FO n ff u ltatF" — T he g °4 / 4 'Win and 'A GROCERY STORE, • Don ut pod beam irreargirt of ihe Se r t , ark1.00.176:11Z71611.Y. 1 1"°'?!44, 1 2'"102MIT'"*1 ORDER imenown.or, • D /RI GTA tt ; blr4kryi , - 1 6 6. i1kt a :',1111111010.1/WOCI-51t. ge ileortsiniar ritotiwit. to iratmathers forts rate Or at .51 ',/3401., nnigittiAlt W3COBRAX, , . . . . ,„„,...• Su4__ . '-;' , e,';-•'.A.F. , ,, , =,:i• - ?...2g,.., ,,, :q.-....c.•• , • MEE NEOP ADV R MUM NITIONE No. 33 Fifth Street. Capital, - - - $500,000. DISCOUNTS DAILY AT 12 N. ec. lLe t tr: . ll , Is ,o rccelv ell and eolleetton• made on al se tu t o ma the most reasonable terms. JOSHUA RHODES, President pro tent. R. W. MACKEY, Cashier JOSHUA !MODES, of J. RHODES I CO C. C. HUSSEY, of HUSSEY, WSLLS & CO = = I= TUOS. S. BLAIR, of SIIOIMBEILGER & CU =l3 It F. SMYTH. FMNTM ♦ CC =ME NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, 4'23 Penn Street, FIFTH WARD,PITTSBURCH Deoohlts rcotivod {Oa lutprokt allured on do p .lts. Coilectlono made on all the prlaelP2l polate of the UtilLed =I GOVERNMENT SECURITIES 134=r12.63=Lt erxkci bold. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY RESPONSIBLE. ROHKItT DICKSON, President. JOHN H. unt.s . rult, Vice President. ROBERT J. OMER, Cashier. DlESerons: It(IIIERT DICKSON ; I I:HAI/LES MYERS, JOHN H. It.LSTUN, J 067.11 LAND WILLIAM SMITH, I WILLIAM ISRI6SELL GRAS. ARMSTRORCI I WM. URA VVFORM, Ju. JAMES LITTELL,PAUL SIEURILT, DM J. AIIL, I JAMES TAYLOR. y6SI7 OUR GRAND GIFT CONCERT Aavvritsed for ..uly 41.11, willvositlvely be ;avg. at CYTY ovir . ir _or ~ PITTSIIURGII, P. 1., MONDAY, JULY 30th, 1366, AT 8 O'CLOCK P. M. =1 Gills to the Asnousat of 8740.010 g, Will be pet:soiled to We Ticket notilers, looluding COT Proixrty. Uresobacke, Fine Farms, AA. TICE ETI4 ONLY ON E DOLLAJE EACH. No blanks. A gift for every ticket holder. LIST OF GIFTS: I Fine Three-Cary thick Residence, corner Canal and Chestnut streets. Alieghemy 414,000 I Thick Ilealdence, No. 17 Grant St, l'lttsbargh 0,500 I Brick More House, No. 17Anderroon street. Allegheuy 5,000 5 Flue lluilding Lois In ceutre of East Liberty, near I'. H. It Station 2,800 5 Guy Lots. No.. IS, 16. 17, 16 and to Ridge. at.. Pittsburgh .......... ....... 2,500 I gift In GreenbaCks 10.000 I gift In Greenbacks 500 I gift In Greenbacks 250 1 gift In Ureenbaress 125 1 gill Iti Greenbacks 75 1 gift In Greenbacks 50 100 gifts In Greenbacks, $lO each........ 1,000 1600 glees to lireeMilliC.,ts each 1,000 Greenbacks, 4,50 each 400 gifts In G-- 2,000 2,000 gifts of good Interest ng Books 2,000 IGrad Square Plan 800 Flue Horse and T o. op buggy 700 10 gifts of Wbeeler A Wham Sewing Mgchlnes 1,001. 10 gifts of excellent Melodeons ...... ..... 1.0 go U sifts °ALT In Jewelry •",Il • 0 Vic: 3 Ulamond Rings, 2 I)Lamotul 'Nat, 4 Inc Gadd Watches. 11 gifts of Western Farms, town: 3721.324,,132. , .Algliisapartarl. LOCATED A 0 ifitLLOWIC Your in StWtno . on thurity, .Ineitf 251 acre, and Three of ignac.res each; co un ty Texas eManty, Two Inaerea; oue thole) , of Reams, and 'two In Oregon monty, each HO acres. Also. Two Varro• In Marathon county, Wiseman, Itheod m emea stwctlyety. All Oen' Farming LArid In good settle ments. Also. lialntemitth (1 Meech) in 011 Wells, located on ding amous 'ldiots 4. rect. Tenant o county, Pa., IncIiIIiERATLOWINIi WELLs and o th er rroductive wells in that wonderful region. These Interests will be presentedaa lofty gins, valued at from saw to Akan each. Not one or them la anunproductive well, but to wells p d rodueing, and other. yet to be tested, cloth to producing wells. all sober contract for comple tion, free of farther expense. Maps showing the location of said wells, an. on band. Persoue wishing to estaxidue deeds, or certain ar ticles of the above property con be accommodated at our oilier, where airtime particulars Mar he ob talned. Warrantee Deeds given for all the above Heel Estate. A CORILECT LIST, INCLUDING THE TICKET HOLDERS' 27 AMES, ADDIUMES, AND THEIR TICKET NU MBER'S IS KEPT AT 01.1 It opium, SO THAT ALL MAY RECEIVE JUSTICE, WHETHER THEY ATTEND THE CONCERT Oft NOT. Our struallest gifts are photographs of distin guished persons. The drawing will take place after the concert. fear nights In snoce,salein. A committee will be ap pointed by UM Ticket Holders bill to aupertntend the same. and see that the blll lo s are dial [ ImpartlMlT. end the result published Immediately. Uri enbacks, Deeds. As.. forwarded by express. lILLI A ISLE AGENTS WANTED In every town and Mange within 500 With of Pittsburgh, to wiom liberal Induce L ments an T t offered. CUB RAES: . . O Tickets to one address. 4 400 10 Tickets to ote address. v U 0 50 Tickets to out toldress 43 50 100 Tickets to ono address.— ... . . 435 OU Ticket* selling fast. tlet you...dubs and send on your orders with the name and address thlitof each subcriber. Notolwr of tickets issued. 30,000. Priee s 4l. cacti. They are forests at enrollee. N 0.1071170 Stitt:ET, kid.Yloor, .43.trunicie itutiduts.ole'S And at the principal llote4 ItOok, Music and pros enres of this city Strul All tem.. bent by mama receipt o price and stamp for /*- taro pintail., Send Tor Clirendara. • Money maybe sent us at our risk. either by draft, pi:outface order. express or registered letters. We Linn,xceilcat relemuccs, with which our wrenss ens fur e nished. N. —Although our tickets issued for the 4th inst. were nestriy all sold, yet. It became absolutely necessary &silkier our Concert a few days, to allow r tickets agents time to correct their reports. We must poslticell hare tho Name, Post Oilice ad desss., ood Number of euh persoo's ticket. or we minnot do Justice tootle ticket holden, ourselves or our reference. tat course, tickets issued fur the 0.1; Ins., an stood fur the Seth, and hare an equal interest in all Um gifts. nub 9' ,l " ti s t t li be int. M o n ta l OUP r e:21 ' 117:1=11 lake place on the 30th without OM. No extra chaste for adiaLtsion. • • • It will ho seen that we have added some Serf sal eable city property to our list, al a Moderate prior. All cuumumicadolas should tratulginsisotito nrooldwT XVI! lIIRRICIN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS IPITTI333I73ELC3r3EIC, XANCITACTOIMBH Or AMERICAN AND CLAW Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; • , Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; - Coal llerieulroni T Raus,l6 and 20lbs. to theyard Tratu lialls,"AnusettedUnd cows ter sunk; Boller, Bridge and Tagil[ Rivets Cut Naps andSitikes; Ship and •Boat Spikes; Railroad spikes;. ' Ballroad, fish Bars aul Bolts; • Railroad Car Wheels and A 5.104 Street Car vnieldi and Axles; Coal-pit-Car Wheels and Axles; Patent eiAd Patent Cold itolledtristoltitode;, mower and Reaper•Barl„, wAlizitoyeac , • • 120. Witkr, . tsB:Frout StsF IlitAlit.:ll gouts!, - Nos. 22,21 and 1811 Iver Sty . ' Yetis rnncAao. MG. JOHN` ROSS - .C0.; _ nWriftll:-OCDF.PI es cO., MANCIPLAG•TURICItiI A.ND AZA7.13.118 Ix Caibon Oil LaMpii and - Eutaw; . CHANDELIERSi CARBON Olik AC. 24:4:". 434 . 21Er-wriirowt. 41311amiot, PITTBI3IIBOII, PA. pyrraunaltlllaN,WOßKS. j,PAINtER:&,,somi. ;a►mrr~aetratae of ;' iron Becket, T ub`3n d Tru uk; imam, „ PA: 8 inir*„Nirevirlavn , CANII4POU rye ~7..r-25.1_!____,..'.)F,11•36.34,44 A 20. PadasZariles. JIMIN -..,,,,..--,-,,,:,,,-,:. ..•r,,,,., :_ • sii~.' WANTED.--GOOtt • ..4411101414441, to sell try sample Alll)llMattc s kffi1a u . 1727.013.N0 . P . ET WtU tight to nee It. • rare eltsaoe to make =eel' awl nn rWc. AMU,. i. O. TILTON. .1Y1•44 31 11nli *treat, (ad Vloor. IT G WANTED.-11T TWO simpLE ENTLEMEN, where, the. aft no other boucle., • .1 SUITE OF ROOMS, , earodatthr or two bed rooiwa, bath room and par lor, runraireoi or noturrarazol. 10 • Rie..a.t bee . ' 0100 Plttaburgb or Allegheny, w hor without bourd. Addreu i parllealara, J tt, 8., ygw.ft3 itoB, Pttsburh. "ANTED--MMEITS—BIALLE and FEbiA_LlL—b. ow in press, and will be ready soon, THE LOST CAUSE, • new Soutbecu History or only mhoE. A. CAUS E, of Virginia Sold only by iption. be only stantrard and of ficial Southern History. published. Exclusive ter• rltOry and IL Largo commission paid. Send stamp, ffor - tem. Address, A. L. TALCOTT, 351/LlbertY St.. Pittsburgh, re. ANTED,ALSURE FORTUNE,. V The advertiser, o clievalet of twenty-fife year s experience, both to Europe and America. wishbut sontire from the profession will sand to any soaluable recipes, from the use of which any in ductile. young roan or Conlon, with. little ors capital, can make from shims t day notouly an Gene. lining, bet In alert realize moderate (odium. Address, with IWO stamps for return portage, P. CHESTERFIELD, Chemist, Prune P.L. Philadelphia. Pa. bGOSTB VVANTED--AGENTs—MaIe and . Female, to .011 the Picture “110M11ACIAINt" eta° for the beautiful Match .W.ngraykrigs “Clithard PRATER.' and ••I , IIIST LY.BbON. ' A few goo-I 0 10 01 . 1000 motto from $lO to COVer de&Ld UAW/1 0 . 1 roiteriey for one of the beat Books In o country •.,1 RA NT AND. H AN CIAMPAION.” Cho!oe • Te rn tory to not applican L.• App I y WOll. Addrets torMvr . rr A. VAX& Q 6 Thlrdsereet. MOM WANTED—S2OO per Month paid IBA 0 t' ;ig gtii) t* ll l eal d l76, " ;Eet 6 i l Wg Adctrase, with stamp. MONADNOCK IMMDNIIe hi TUNE CO., V Intheadon, Mug, Ptifildel. phi Pa. MIVIA ft 9 :01 v 01:41111 ThOMAS PALMER 111101110 sma DUN 13 WALL P.A..1 3 101 t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. MI iErm. 30 00NTEl R. MS Warehouse. SI Wood Street, Second door below Diamond Alley, teltedlmd PITTSBURGH. PA. PAPER HANGINGS F 0111866. A great collection of .elnserican Wall Papers. For the Ana time In five years, .AIE lir BAWL ISM JP4PERS A choice .clection of the Newest French Papers Eat=ll WALTER E. MARSHALL. 81 We of litreet. p AZILOA PAPERS. A NEW IdILYr or Standard Gold Papers Now reco.ved, of beantlflul deoliros for reitlors, at No. 107 MAMA= OT.UXET. NE/111 FIFTH 30 4 3. E. HUGHES & NRO A N 01111LVANCE relating to Nat ....MM.. liscries ft ordained and concert by the feet and Common Cotenctts of the Vito of [ca r bon,. mart ft is hereby enacted` y the a ottiorev ells aur ae . That any person Who all permit any earth, Mick, • stone, lumbet coat, wood, oldie., mortar, rubbish, lime. shvings or manure to remain (except In tht erection a , repotting or removal of buildings, hi front of any property owned or occupied by timnr, and upon any attest, lane or alley of the city, shall tor ten and pay for every offense. bealdes the expense of removing thenanto, the sum of not less than five nor more than ten dollars, to be recovered summa rily n .p on conviction.OSC 2 . Any cocoon . eeping a pig sty or nlaußbior heu/e a One of not than five nor bite Itmlts of tna more than ten met iers, to be recovered summarily upon conviction. liar. 3. Any person keeping a stable 6f any kind in a flatly condition shall be liable tea One of not less then lire nor more than ten dollars, to be re cered autilmartly ripen conviction. ear. 4. Any person who shalt suffer garbage, ashes, rubbish, offal, carton or 00th of any kind to remain upon any part of that half of -any street , lane or alley In (Motel or bounding open any lot or ground owned or occupied by them, orupon any lot or private ground owned or occupied by tuenuaball be liable to a lino of not less than live nor more than ten dollars, to trio recovered summarily upon con viction. Sze. S. Any persons who shall suffer their privies 1 or any put of their house or premises Lobe in.anch condition that any stench shall arise from thesame, lcod be offensive to any person occupying au adjoin ng lot, or who shall suffer their privy to be tiled w.utin two feet of the surface of the ground, shall be liable to a fine of not less than five nor more than ten dollars, to be recovered summarily upon *bun elution. Ser. G. It ninth be the ditty or any Pee.. owniti6 Or occupying any lot abutting upon any unpaved street or petrels, alley to keep the gutters t t said street or private alley next to the lot owned or oc caviled to them free from all obstruction., and upon failure of any one testa so they shall to liable to a line el' not less than Oro nor mor donate, to be recovered summarily upon c onvict i on f. Any person owning nay vacant or openlot Ana hsve the same fenced nein such a manner as to prevent It frourbeing tilted as a place of deposit for rubbish, garbage or other illth, and any person offenoing againet the requirement of this section shall forfeit and parthe am of not Woe than INC nos morn than ten dollars, to bo recovered autumn - Illy upon conviction. bEN. 8. The oath of the Street to and his assistant abet be suMeient to convict in any case arising under the above ordinance, and under any amnion of that part of the slay code relating to nvilsanen• embattled and enacted Into a law, this 12th day of dune, Anne D0711113l talc an d eight hundred and slaty-nix. P JAIIY.S resident of Select Council. Attest I). Maryanne's. Clerk of select Connell. CHAS. W. BENNT, Prtuddent of Common Council. AttestROIIIIRT Dix.WenTu, Clerk of Common Connell. • A N ODDINANCE to authorize the .., J.-. Grating and Paving of Obestant street. .Common Be U original ringenoctegbytAs Belied and .. (kninot/s4fiks City ✓ ql dieepheng, mut fete tuereby ordoinedandenneledbm custAerit le of the saran, 1 That the. Committee on streets, he and they art hereby authorised and I directed to nviteand re- 1 entre proposals , for the (trading and Paving of Chestnut street Irma the sonth Line of Liberlystreet I up tothepoint where the paviturdone by the West- .. i ern Pennsylvania gallant:4 Company terehiStes, and to contract therefore with the lowest and best, •.:i bidder or bidders. et their discretion. . dec. 2. That for the par, Ise of defraying the coot . 7 9, and expenses of the said improvements. there be, and la hereby levied, aapeclaT tax, to be ennally sur sensed upon the street lots bounding and abutting urn n theaald street respectirely, In proportion to. the feet front to them respectively emerged. any bounding and abutting. aforetsid. See. 3.Mat at soon as the cost and expenses of said Improvements shalt, be hilly ascertained, itsbal I be the duty (lithe Street Omumissioner to=s d til gr..az4_,theusgtestme,gzer-,14,....if ~,, 0 log to the rule above Indicated, and thereupon pro-. teed to make demand and collect the same, se- t', cording to provialons of the Act of the General At• sembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, entitled `An Act :leaning the meets. , ni collecting the expenses of grading and paving of the streeta and alleys of the City of Allegheny, arid for other purpose*, ' passed the Mil day of March, 10. M. 1 SEC. 4. That so Much of any ordinance asmay con. Met with or be .supplied by the foregoing, be and the asmois hertawepealed• Ordained and enacted Into a law this, the 12th dug of July. Anne' Dotobal, one thousand eight ban. steed And sixty-4U. • JAMES MoItRIEIE - . -- OW _ Prestdaut or•theteeleet Emmett. Attest: D. MAttrenuos, - r Clerk of the SeleetCounell. CHARLES W...IIEMMMIf. President of the Comma Connell. .1 Attest: nougat DitAronur„ Clerk of the Common CesholL 1 .107107 An. ORDINANCE to authorize the sgl°7l4=BlatgaTivaa.l... COCUSOA °tweeters( Ussiliry of AtugAany, arci tr. is hereby ordained end shaded by ntetborft qf the same. 'That the. Corranltto onntreets be, cod they are hereby eta/write-11 end directed to Invite and metre • yroyos fo S t o ut mailig and_ parte& of Loehr' Alley to the ward , end West Alley and of Tremont Alien Ind to contract therefor With the lowest and hest bidder or bidders, at their discretion. - • B cltO:l2. That for tho purpose of defraylnithe cost and expenses of the said improvements, be, and la hereby a oPeelal MA, toimmlutV assesseitupon the several lota boundlng and abuts. log upon the said Allays respectively, In proportion totbe feet and s h u t tin g respeetely comprised,. and bounding as aforesaid, tiscnoseli. That as soon as the east and expenses ' of saldlimprovements shaltbe folly ascertained, it shall be the el+f the Street Commissicener to se ' aeas and appo /henna, 'among the several lota hounding and a utting upon laid Mleys respectiven, ly,' recording to the rMe above Indicated, mashers upon aroared to make demand and collect the same, sce•smns to the prodatons of the Act of fine,ral. .Aassredy. of the Commonwealth of reawrylraula. 'entitled 4 'AS/et defining the manner' of collecting ithe expenses of grading •and i rving tbeatreata and aileys otthe Pity of - All beny.•and ibuother ttuarm,,..ptia , scathe thirkla dayht ma} X That so meaner any erdlaanteas exinglet. With,or be suppliedAry the-ihregedng. be. and the saw', !whereby repealed. • • ' - Ordained and enacted Into alas, thistle-Mb day of July, A. Li., one Ihmisand eight hundred and stray-Mx. • • • •• ;AMPS MERRIER. • President of Select Connell. Attest: 1). 11Aariudirdr. • . Clerk of !Select Swine 1. . • "Preuldent of Vommou Connell. 'Attest: Rpltltjer pwvrolrr v . .• Cosmnon Council. I= AN oitiNNANCE toancreaae the Idth at ride . 1 , 14 .1 k. on Central Street-. " aintersucted Av Loe fie. fret anirLboiton - blyia.,ll4 et'' , 0. 4 - it._itholds Sad U b i .• authority of law Marne. That - dui aide walk". orr ellieattle ot Central street. from Vilrtp avenna westward b; -"Weak?" steno be eats shed add' birredbf a up: taste of dr. won tent trout earbto 11de0ry51ya".147frj.. 4 4,... ticctios That all Oraluabeint - eon. **".. with are hereby refunded. - - - . " Zt ia (Sealants= matted-Into a taW ibis, the daY Jain - A• D. 11 , 10usand eight nand ~, laxly-Sta. - ' • . prch JAS. eDitlErt, Attest: • D. .11theiannox , c"of deles4(.°°°°ll. Clerk of deice. Caddell. • • - C. W. llresiden 'C° ° mak °c abed_ Attesti••le. tlttwoer Jyt7:ll4 , Clerk of Oanniton ZI 2 V.CUSEGdii3XCkIEt. OMNIBUS AND LIMY STABLE, Jr% 410 , Pents• Sired. TAMES - 11: DAIN ''Proprietor , 4r e m°lbliges likall4 ll / 4 01 for al , 4 1110 . 2P 811 !* 1 AM/ ei. ,.-14 :#4 1 11 .t f€ I ,# . " Ha ' le ! at "' bitioicoilbaSatwmghtr _ : " i. 121,' tow 01411111411.1' 111110il y, 4f.4, susPe eIT the' ===A II UM CEI2:I ''t ~,....; * :. . -:,. i'',--t -,'', BM