The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 18, 1866, Image 1

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Pew:Oman, Reed & Co.,
imam rmestrios,
su iis"ii .iYEtNk~:.:.: t~~~:
us efte.
:TOE; GilbernatOria campaign &boat
opening In earnest, and pub*. eetings
for Geary and Ellynter, are announced to
speedily come off at different , '.points
throughout the State. In Allegheny coun
ty there hail, as yet, been no public demon
' aration by either party, but we learn Abet
the Executive Committee intend holding a
grand opening rally .within a, few days:l
From this, the banner county of the talon
pgiti, &the State; General - Geary will re l .
Mite en overwhelming
,n4i-7such.: as was
relied up In peat ertinpitignis for taii great
rieta 'goad LineolM '
... . '
Tog cougressionnl confere . cs
y. Tarentieth District ill', on Friday
neat, at t'nutiliu,Ve:pithigo,Conity._ Craw-
Vetiangoi 'Mercer, and Clarion cowl
j.beware repreilstited. Intite , districti- Clarion
and Venango, counties
.having each been
•roprepented ts„sirt9o,.the fortes
_ don of the district, the. cootcsttOi.the elle
,cestion ME—naturally tall. -.between Chi
cotudias of,Xercer :,and - Crti - erfaril. We
wtderstand, hoireyer, that Mercer will pre
sont no candidate;-and Crairford county'
will press the . claims of. J. Newton Pettis,
Esq. -
• Tau Memphis' Argus; a violent
per, sofa of ,indrmy ItilMion in 1.861k: 1 ,
. • "W43"0116u..143:11ire' see',"An . dieti John
son's lying tongue tom froinhis Paid mouth
and his =actable itareass'Alircrien. -out to
poison mad . dogs, or hung on a4bbet -as
high as Raman, to feed the carnets huz:
martial" - ;
Since Andrew, Johnson has "determined.
not to "make treason odious;':'' the Amus
t "hintis better of hini; nudnoiv says:
"The iron ftritutesa, the undismayed
is soul
of a single man, (diadrew=,TOhnsan,) all
[hitt stands between usnud the fateltd vor—
ter; of anarchy and reseltant despotism
which has engulfed the lases and fortunes
of an Many millionsbefonsms. Let 115
to the side-of that man, determined to
save or perish with the Republic."
FOltrit. Tani:mann names appeared upon
a Petition . reoently
,presented to the Corpe,
Legislatit France.: By ;the request of
the Government it was laid upon the table,
as the English GroVerninent Is collichrig in
teresting statistics regarding the question,
and n special commission is preparing an
elaborate report. So soon as it Shall have
been published the important question will
engage the atter:4lm of theCorpslegle:latit
Tug rintakielS.rof riumbir of able
Min have.. been!" presented for the Union
nOrainntlon for Representative in the 17th:
- Ohio Distrjet. - Among them, Is that• Of.
General Chits:, , who adds-to
a ilmlaPal atian aa . laang lav er,no In
c:..4110Mo: fernevon;•is com m ander of
-the 19th Ohio Ite±nt, ; neiit:"..
, ,
a -
.'r .. ,11311ES meeting, of Oto
opponents .• of tns "proposed, Free *fade
bill before . the Canadian Parliament * tam
ILayOr of MOntriitl said if:oe :new Awn! .
was . eairied drivp.NritYthclisal/d .
men., oat ' - of tlett ' to the United States.
EiPuntora duplicate and
taiduplicate,_:epner, 4,teich„ goy.d..bas
ritelrisro being presented' at the Treasury
Depiririient: large_eniubCra: Ito weeder
the public debt keepr,on Swelling. • '
tr las been asciltrined that . large 7.lum—
bars of, army officers icceiceh pap sewed
times foi:the same' month's. service, ;: One
fortunate folteire - gotinAd thirteenthn ' eithi
one moat's sertic-,—.
Govwnson _ORB, or, Sotith. , ` CarOlinti,
writes ttiere len great destitution in Iscinie
r .
parts of , thatl3tate, snit requests th at
tions aiR4-Ibnte4,TotO the CceeOf
bureau agenti, • • •
-ozailciuzlcs% , m
. . ••.
is iluurappgoiggain... •
Atiinting or.
' •The greseinimel of Chicago is nearly
finished. , • -
• •
—The book,trade said to be very • dull
—lt costs Queen victoria $5,000 to make
a Scotland. tour._ , • ,
Forrest will ,'return 'to this :
country via Australia end England.
• - —The Austrian convents bavo been for
riiestio contribute liberally towards the war.
:**' :=Geneird L:tne'e remains were buried on
• •
Friday, du recount of rapid decompositio n.
--Qui eksilver in large quantities bas been
discovered on an • island off the coast of
• —Citicagoecording M the new Dite.c.
tory—sees .her last year's population and
20,000 better. : -
—A man was mortally stabbed In . Troy:
N. Y.,,tor,attempting to get a peep at a
• face on the street. . -
• —General Sternum arrived at Boidpn on
Friday, end was enthusbuttically-rOvtd:
by the eld.zerus of that :' •
Paid paper iIIiVAIICCB as an ergo.
• •• : melt for buildhirc a nallroral, that the Mis
t:— iissippi river is drying up.year by, year..
• —A Kansas paper is 'very . " compliMents
ry to the •revenue officer of its town. It
thinks him a man of the right stamp,
• though a •little. two-cents:five, in some
• " —Viten General Gregory went to Texas
he visited a lawyer at his office and asked
• • . him for a copy of the laws,of Texas. 'rho
lawyer opened a drawer:took out a Imp
• ' and handsome boWle.knife, and '
' the General.
quarrel occurred Knoxville, on,
thelath, between a son of Governor Brown'-
. low-and another editor, in .which , young
Brownlowr, is said to •have -been worsted.
• : He armed himself with a revolver, and
avowed his intention to PhootAls opponent
examination thdtad the fact .
that a Chicago quick ordered for consumo
tion i compound of tar, vinegar and sass=
fredita, to be kept at the head of the patient's
bed In a Jar, and constantly stirw*; end for
Gorr eyes be used fan ointment made from
the fat of a ; black cat.
--Reliable intelligenceefrom Brazil I
dons that nearly every American -emigrant
' Who lies arrived i 3 that .country since the
' ! close a the icer has fared badly,. and quite
number have already eel sail again tor
- , home. , 011 ems would do. sobut for the fact
:they have not the means wherewith to re
—Qne - ormoie tinrttlare entered the house
•-• -'of Mn. -Brook; at Bp ingtoldi Ohio on gett.
. nrday night, making : their fi rst visit to ;net
- mom or the serve,. girl, whom they
taektal andendeavortd to choke:"Theeri
-was both courageous and physically power
, <hal, and -the ruffians wet° n
beate 00; the
• • fatallY miamia, and inv 5
ade conipelled
•to take' to flight; 'rb L ey'escep r ed, but Pi=
• Fled 11 C 41 4a. § 61 r - -
, controveny in the noted "Moore
011itn;" at Soot Francisco,' luta recently sa
iudusi a. new plume, vrldch eternises to
.• • '..''''dottd• • the title to ono-half the pwperty
that city. This claim Is made by J. E.
~ • - Moore, and eemPrises. the territory. bound ,
od by - a Ike sretching,trmn "al it tle island
theXiseion. CreeN' on south, "to
th es here of the bay, on the north, "in a
line With.iiiesuaa,Uland,'' tad as far west
414001 •
ocean, and 1. 1 1 0111 8
of. two =lies."
- mifttri'the'onitto Ot Sati4hati,
I , , ,eiser.i for tifelvp months poatiosul la wont°
es. Shoe .
xn ibe atty for isoo .
Ro. so TiOisireet.
P.- Shoes
Those *waist ArFir Brawl' tt Ka GOlll.fla
Like those Ugh&
Bc!otluid. 131a9e14.*
iglus 21 . 6;t50 nth street.
Mare itatlithatinnicii*,o); than a pay Of those
Phtilishltrogana att No. (JO Fifth street.
Intan , o Cocoanut Create
.Por.ltholuar. ' has no coal viomottng
the Otiriq bar. • vor mai it *DV*
Eithro, corner lith and' hadthithalc , At,
Ar:sPlendia n010w9° 11 , 1442° . t i c a --Wasted
iainge,lall 'bevy:woe-we, ida bind.° • ely doe
Lobed, price very low, as Cisodbler , o groat
Boot and shoe House, No. CO fifth our.
• ' Plttabursk Offs . • •
To take place at city Hatl, die . of
the 20tli is" drawing near. Nos to the
tbnotoldocure tlekets, when they c* be ro!
cltdariftwidstere d .
The ticketslire seamy . fast, and all the as.
iitntianalitg*ln ber 00,11411041-Pr j Ulna ap
pointed, The frahlict ;Coed . nst Imadtne that
ker girivieteribmi cie* iiiiethecr
po!tporteraent. We ere assured that the Con
cert, will 'pbeltively`iake ph+ of the
WM10141311. •
ltrap.ortaut to Toting els.
!%M•a1f....:•,. fOluilf tan gifted with a trong min.
ninth:in, sinfjull Of healthand r, It often
-doses made to grow- thin and p 0 without
his tuna aware of the canoe. It m be indu
,Sid by *l-11206111M1 oflabor, or by Illation,
4mder whin a ,strong constit=must wne
ciiteb. In such cases many to stimu
lants in some 'form or other, which! .if Pettis
nd 1, , will gradually undermine the health;
Slid•:-Weir °nth° hintlons irtil sustain a
swaths , . organization. ' There Is sure and
'aril remedy: ter this ante of . gs In DA
XeltseesinoodEisardier. A. tln itself,
st .slowbut mink powers; 'that will in "nearly
.44 3
scary.:case,. if the •. directions followed,
IteCi irOftaiP6 - Di: Xerserroalli ' Searcher
a introit/int witiMut the depression
`: And . ; mitt:idlest which, is
. In by many
'osier pretintithiii which an n w so corn
y:mi. It i.ll IL mar genuine medicine, PrnParrd
with great care, -andcompounded of maters-, -
OA _, 'of 'known . and tried efft.
-lacy In the heali ng- art. There is no
. nurrn preparation-with which we are SA •
ttuditted that hates mach true. genuine =si
t, god hascuredaiinany Manna of a citron- ,
- 0 cLaraiter, as Br. Keyser% Blood Bearsher.
Wetriunr infiSdreds Of panne. yams and old,
.-rho taut' bola g
- piste, emaciated and sniff , '
tiiii, by the this grenramOdy. hadthe
Ine . :,of .lcialth - return: to their ommuenance,
.:.ell ihe once. ontitt - elided limn nearer their ,
suppleness-'Mid - vigor , . This is no sketch. 4
therfaxitior.,-butred Mani facts.-whish . 4 334 ' a
4trgf 8113*icein•-witmbers of our eitizaus,.
she, by - Dr.ittentrri Blood Searetter, havro
beau resteirn to bialth and unfitness in. ini.
community. - -•..-. • S'
Prior $1 per bottle, or sin bottles, for {S.. 0%
' for Di„.tieryserhißtood Searcher, and told Uti
. .,3ther at the initoris Great Malletnn,Starr,
tiD Wind Stiti* - 10 1 , of the Golden Mortar.
, . . , .....• _ __ ,
oostsitter , * - trio simela 111111es.--/t,Dino
' .
Go • _ , CMG cskValtlvlit ta4sess.
itke bait - airframe merit. of llostertteet
Jelatinited flitter. is the wide swig* Of their
Tomtit:in as iptoVentative and remedial or, -
thratton. as 'a 'prOthWith eradlefas they wail
,Kull the disessegi--una their name is legion
;that originate. Ist unwholesome air, imonth
"star, Cabausting•heat, or other .leical aid
:Montle, causes. This alone would be midi
:teed to secure for any corrective and alters.
Ave medicine a 'woridoride atud undying
lob:hely. :Ent Hostetter's Great Specille has
hundred Other claims to the tonlideolee arot
oigh"consiaeration of; the public. - In Dram.
AA. Liver. Comlilaint;Ctats sad rarer. Bilious
'l7.antittent Ypres, Ogden Berms. CIMIDPS.
tiollaaaglitiPlakill..9llnOral Debilitt;. Proms
'.tire- Decsyilfernale Irregularities, Canstitui-
Goma Weakness, lies sickuess.Diarrites, Ws
eiatiuT. 3lattlieliM,-VOrlllio, -Tainting TUN
ifYsihricl, entail Complaints prixttheUi:lg fermi
Orr Di -
my ect gestion, wale - dlVOrdereet condi-
Gnu of the liver =dhow's, Eksiwitteeshiorn•
ion Bitters are;the:TtiOld powerful, speedy,
hoe:ideas Mai agreeable of ell remedies adver
timid Wine press: Or administered in family
• • Noeseues s e Ettore •
'pro told idtolessle afferetatitatvery lcris rates
A sizatiag'slirrei sad rateat liedisineilepot,
::90. Ii Market at corm= of the Dliatooe
.124 hiarbot,tieSr PXIII3 I street.
Illbertleliefeeeehld‘ Seala ted le Keefe,
- 41elqe te" Fantlele Writs or ejectment
—Annan/ Oreadroo Oat—Exeitement
i. as Alhamy.
/assay N. If. July 17.—The Anti• Rent
tient:Me hate broken out afresh in the twen
ty, tad have thannied Qu . ito a serious charm".
ter. Stietiff Pitch, while endeavoring to ere
• cuts legal oroceseithas been forcibly rotated,
end he and has deputies easaultod. The
• :Amid left here, yesterday, to ejuct. One Peter
fr°ln ]ie Jae tn.P'ertrlizniUoPPedn DYn. him.
rrival ht apo t about Ova miles front .the'
*eat of war." was in some meaner
the disaffected, and froze.
Xnowers ;Station trot they were met all lama
the road by parties who gave expression to
lesitr feelings by drionstrationi of • varied
cliaracter. Anteing at the Mama M. War
ner, they were confronted by a party of twee•
ty men, who, bovever,aftered no opposition.
She doom were looked, and - although the
:hull! informed the Inmates that the matter
-might bo amicably adjusted, they would not
admit bin , . Ito then Mast open the door and
intheolded in getting one of ideas Inside,
When the door was lo mat elint . its limb
Very severely' squeezed. Finally be teemed
ea entrance, when he again attempted to
ocinoillate. bat to no porfasee•
lie then di
,nOtot bin deputies to escoute the writ
eject•nent by removing the funuture, 'but a,
noon as they.proceeded to the=ork, they were
surrounded ea all aides by upards of *even.
cyullye resolute and deterinthed ISOM4 WOO 41/.
whole welt imaged or In the Islet
Toe therd . received mayoral blows, .I= r =
ty J 661611 isilleeplo was resurbly need. ,
Finding it
imp to Manta the writ
witty email Lome at tits disposal, the Sheriff
withdrew from the premisot, the antleentors
. opting fit him sad oh:diens= Mtn tomato
on =es They were armed. with elute, but
I.:splayed no droarms,alttiough lt is believed
they mid them - abut: T. no - dental the Sheriff
to avant) any wrila,tind Viva him Mande:-
, ataud toe , nnZ SttOnmpt to wout burro-
' =Tee lidos DO Mat mis be the
The Sheriff end Ida party then retained to
chit city end at Mee issued an order to the
oommanolnr ofdoer of the Mat regiment , of
the flew York S. N. 0: to detail one hundred
man, fully armed and equipped, to proceed ti
the tont of war to aid him In amouting the
writs of ejectment held by him. . • -
.T.t throe will leave tommnpir MOrtallif
7:30 o o, olmar., under oototaand or acting Colon , I
James alelfarland, sad win remsia to the
district MI long as their serettion nag I
XI Inquired. Should th e foree be humfacten
,to cope with the earmy, the whole of the mill
.ary in the county will be ordered out. There
co in the city pier
Ufferent enCipanY. ern:Wiles are busy s
Ltittatagmrs Letise lye Itertirbeterry Mao
,iaar, 04..truettiog gluidueartiorersor
t Brawl:dew App/es SO fitll3. Y4oais. for.
Allumiatases— lie.aral poems
Lake Ikea- OralasS WksMar ke
Wee iforiff.croiary 81autina
31,43111-mnos; Jul) 57.-11 to /0.1101 , 114 . cl'
I &Wilms roomvoti bore to4sy from tirmersi
Nainsvu.r.a,Tenn.. Jai) 14.1146.
"./..brat, GM; Gros!: Washington' Some of the
di embers of the House of the Tenuesase Gen.
end Assernbly conduct themselves in a very
relnictory mower. absenting tbeinselves to
prevent a quoit: w a l la tin:mot:situating business.
The Governor ot =nap theta with %lie
rattans at. hie disposal. and nee applied tome
for military asaistenca, Unit I furnish lit 1
, Ciso. H. TitowaS. )114 , Pen. Goin'dii. •
The . ' following answer was inannenlately
, Was _ July l7.—Gen. Grant will in.
strata Gen. The .that the Letts stated (n
his telegram do not warrant interference of
wintery itutuority. - The ir.dlnialstration of
the Pomo In Nashville bolOngs omPerlY to the
Mate authorities, and. Lb* duty of the , Gated
twits* ranee is not tO interfere in say way in
tne controversy between the political author
-1 ass of tins State, aryl Gen. Thomas* will strict
abstain from any interfere: o os between
"CU'.' '- t ' . , r. Si. nrslrron,
•,. . - Beet-entry of War. '
• - Weattier Baltbsurre.
-qtaxstwoar, Zeit% 17:—Thu haa been the hot.
teas bay erwiemast here ha mazy years. the
thermometerleoltatma olosty-loor to •0110
Xtuatrel and three degrees the etude: A
grala maze PAMems Were prostrate/ Wee*.
• -
" • -.-- • v i., , , •,--` ,"- . '. -. 7 " 7 . •• • --, ," 7- " t ' 7 27 . -- 7.1 7 = t'ti.2.:`'7 . i . :.`., 7 .:: '1.',.q.-44,, , %-,0...ct".,,..1. 0,.. ±
.„ 7,.. ...,
~,, . : ,
.- - -
. _. . , .
._ . . , ,
. - .
- .„ -
. .
e War in Germany
Benedek linpereed,eebr.Areh
Duke Albeit.
•., , -
Another Battle on the 4th.
Preach , Play to be Hoisted Over
all IY:wit/led Poste on the
Venetian Coast.
New Yong, July 17.—The stattnecr Perini
from Havre on the sth, via Brest on the 7th,
hal arrived. _ '
Bans?, July 7.—Prussia said Italy have to
ths armistice. The Italums have :Dressed
the Po.
There IS nothing later from the Liverpool
cotton • market than received per the Nova
Our telegram from Liverpoo l oath() morning
ef the 7th gives the follow rices which are
probably closing rates of the Oth : Cousols,
tilt:oss.g U. S. Five-twenties, 6707%; grie,
57 gigtlllinois tlentml, 77:67754.
he Derby Cabinet has been installed.
The. Nemo ootton marker to-day is very
r,let; Terte Bap, ordinary, 1701217 N; Bea do.
Prom Paris papers of the 7th: The Augsburg
larvae says that. Denedok has demanded thir
ty thousand reinforcements.
The same paper bins a repoil.that Arch Doke
- Albert has been appointed to supersede 'Bee.
The ferthicatioas of Vienna were bein no e:reseed, sad ave thew:and moaners are
A Prussian army, debonching from Electoral
Hesse, has entered Bavaria.
A fight me-aired at Moinneigen, on the 4th,
"...Meet= a Bavarian corps and a Prussian
Army under Earl Fulrensteln. Noparticulars.
The Austrians have entirely evacuated Lour.
*iardy, end retired across the Idintio.
Vienna, Thursday, July s.—Gen. Bone:Lek ad
dressed the following dispatch .to the Emme
t: Yesterday at three &mock in the morning,
titer &brilliant contest et nve noun demur ri
nsfore IConigagratz, with our centre at Lipp,.
the enemy farored by the rain, succeeded la
nitablisbUig himself unperceived at Chime.
oar lines being thus broken through, we wee ,
zompallod to retire. The retreat was effected
iomposedly oa Pardubets.
Thelling decoraterl the Prince on the
s old
of battle, with the order of militarymeri.
Thelma*. are not yet Arnow., but their at
• Persia, Thursday, July s.—it ardsounce.
duis Genera Clam Gailsa, in command of
Mr-corps -jibe army of Northfield, inert a I
' hero
01 the Mad, and Y..
-.Mr.. Visceral Neysinantez will be brought
r. ions shourttuardia
'Berlin; Jigy s.—The Queen has been sever
Awes to see the wounded, who have army'
nem.= 1 has received several or-daces fr I
the pablui. The victory galaeCi by the Pre,
MUM has produced great, enthusiasm is.
Prontenors, July 6.—The army, under the '-
Sera. of the . Prince Eoval, although 'Este ,
tom the field of Matte, succeeded, by the
greatest efforts, In entering In line in tiro.
=rough to direct the attack against the riga
wing of the Austrians, which act decided ill.
'the Paris /bye of July st 0, says
In Austria the people ere so dbizaayed
the success of the Prussians, that some Lis
found suniciently lost to all geese e ra ;remier:
'as to designate as a traitor Gen De Os
Meat, whose cowl a as. destroyed at,Vfari ;
Gablant., tI2O bfilltaat, atuttelvi ,
hero, who not long since could not be snit.
cleraty feted, soma who Is chivalric loyal
mar t il e ed. Bisinisfor
Prussian =e
y was
toot a vii
dial of force.
marchAwas enabled to by
pa his Moil,.
Origin a in Italy was °dere
him, hit declined to servo= Bohemia that
belated Inseam opportunity to tale Ms re
nevem the Prussians. who chased - him iron
Goliaela, and who hails now so complete*
coam him.
Federal troops have entered the terrl.
May Wetslan, a detached_portion of Prof
Tl,tttweeneattz tat
call.ool the troops they have seat to Bo
Garthaleirs headquarters are at Loma*.
has about nye themstaid men ander his ma
man& They Millpot,poistplatelyzapped but
are waled and have plenty of so dons. Ow
ing to the appearance of Garibaldi, the war ls
likely Menem* a peculiar chancier.
Some Tyroles priests have roused ups por
tion of the peasants by rep_
_resentirg a g s e Ital.
nes as tandlts and Garibaldi as an t.
Gifschtn , Wednesday, • J,kly I.—The follow
ing onleisi newsT.bas7beft rat:Mired. rester-
Gay morning, at seven o'clock, the rrtuislae
army under the command Of the King In per
son encountered the Austrians ender 716111./
311LAthal Ilenedek, between Horded* and Ko.
tiggratz. The battle was bloody, and the
last twelve hours the enemy Maintained his
position behind Mainz with the greaten. ob.
itinalley. AV two o'clock the mango MO
carded by assault, after which the enemy was
I rapidly driven from his other pos
dui :fvfhlentrut Iro n , = i nt ' full tl'tel.° rint &
The rout ot the enemy is omelet".
Mara, July 6.—A corps of the Bavarian army
has entered the Austrian Tyrol, moving to
ward Italy.
lt statedirtively that, the Austrians
have -abandon all the isCeitlOns recently co.
erupted on the databank of tholdlncio.
lorertm Ifreeligarrat'r ho public
Journals declare that if Austrian troop. evac
uate 'genet% ta,mareli against the Pnissisne.
OA Italian grulY,Wallarrime tnerm closely en
-tile junction is .effeetett between the Banns
mid Prussian =Um They • believe in an im
mediate rosuroption of the campaign, which
will becoutinueditmtlithe Austrian monarchy
is dismembered. '
- An Eisettbach dispatch of the 6th says: Some
detachments of, Bavarian troops bare been
driven from aellehilt. •
A Vienna dispetch states that Um Italians
lgtfive lamdred killed and wounded in the
attack on Monte Studio. •
Amuses is being decimated by cholera.
La Pr4sse,' of the 7th, tuts the following
Bins Victor Emanuel has not at once acceded
to the armistice proposed through France.
He alleges as s rectum that he has to consult.
with his illy, the` ug of PriUdla.. in conse
quence ihoitillan government has been ad
+Mead that it will have to °elute, iinniedistely,
every net of 1,00011%7 against Venetia, it being
'French territory. A. French Commissioner
Sang at once to Venice to salami° its govern
moat in meagre. of the Emperor.
Orders have been Wiled tO the French
squalUMuln the Mediterranean to immediate
ly repair to Venice and hoist the French
instead of the Austrian upon an fortlilehpoo ,
on the Venetian coast. Tem cession of VernatliZ
to 11211nCeis complete and denniteand with
ant any other conditien ou dieted:of Austrbito withdraw the guur_, arms and rat
munitions of wat found le fort pla,
width; forty.eight hours. - The whole of Vi.
aids. will be French territory, and it, de.
peed upon'. Unsigned will of Trance either t..
keep or to part With it.
Ir. Is the intention of Austria tecontinue
War against Primal*. slie."persevers in her
PreteandOn; as asserted In her Violent of fed •
nal Worse, commardcated .totee ittiVeri.
nienter Of Narthero .GermeW,,.e Emperor ,
Frond* SosePh, deelaree ,resolotion
transfer his capital Pesth, should ho
unable to defend VICIIIIA., audio call to arm.
the whale populations State: •
smar....t of attorney General Spot.
—lleslassastoo of freeman clarets Ae•
espied, Ina ece.
WMLIVINGTOW July 17.—Yr. Speed .retlrn; t
yesterday fro m tbe ogee of Attorney Osnrt at
immonntely upon tilispetotilng tits raisin:
then to the Yresblent. He is now at his prl•
van lesidanee in this city, en gager in prottat
Eon.leave for Sentuoty next Monday. •
rrestaan Clarke's resignation of tits
°Mos of Comptroller of toe Currency en,
Celeit soosptod. by the Fronde:it and referre,
10 the Secretary of the Treasury, stao,
the law, will deshinttirThls thocessor.
:0 Thetl
the new offioe o of Com=er oftfitrytertit
"ALA item. A. Web . now (leanest: of th e Unite(
States gelatine Cedmaission, This ts Winne
to be aniontbe Snit instanoom our politic .
ihstary.wharo a aim civil office bets boon ena•
ten by Congress in toner to resale the servim ,
e{.a. realer infilvidnaL, nib bill twin
thnstesa only On "toe understanabot I
ted the appointment would be Made ea lath..
Ttue Bevenne Commission expires by Oita.. I
of the act of July Uth, unithe first co
the following Tbe boerstary'Of the
Treasury taday addressedlo each etas mem
bers and In seneetery • now of generou ,
acknowledgement of their Derriere, sod au
setae notillWtlon of • tonelluttlon of their
he reports of the Cou d
nninion are about to .
beissued entire by Congress, making a fin
tone volume of four bundreal . And eightY
g i
ee. • •
The 'Win
erg Department has waned. et the
1141.1200 of the rregident, thee
by Lit persons who
undoing sentence niUtary rt, I
a bre nd lune been Mediated ins. months, eC x ou cept
those who are Under nut eine for the Urthie o f
murder, arson or r a ve. and-tame who- ao
ruiner eent=op at the - Torngss, be afrooorged
from impriborfrooot, Ina the rename Of their
anntertos be remitted. Thine who • belong 10
the minters sentre, and that+ term imeePtr•
ed will he ratnrued to their command it .
SWIM service, and th eir release is etinalt.
arepon thee - serving WO tau term, Sad be-.
Ins cdsootipefunion
. -
W.MIBINOTON. July Ms./ 286 .
. ,
Mr. Anthony, from thelCommithea,ort, Print
log, reported a resolution for the printing of
five thousand copies of the internal. Revenue
tax law as atnended. Adopted.
Mr. Wilson collector. the House bill, to revise
the grade of Generals in the army, which wax
read tis =elided' by the Military Committee ,
of the Senate. It prorates that the pay ef`
Generale shall be four hundred dollars Per
month, and three hundred dollars per num=
for-taut sad quarters, . while stationed In
together with the allowance novil
provided for Lieutenant General. • •
Mr. Yates favored,-the bill, and
spt+ m
terms Of high - enoomiums the *ter 'of.
General Grant.
Mr. Grimes moved so to amend the section 1
In regard to aides on General Grant's staff SA
to provide that they shall be selected from
the lino of the annyourdshall not exceed six .
in number, and shall receive tne pay and
emoluments of colonels of cavalry.
It was agreed to.
Iho bill as amended was perused. it 0 8'5
to the noose for concurrence on the
Thu ,Jolnt resointion rellopmg the Caine
Mali Steamship Company from their oblige-
Wes taken tip, amended,,and Med. It
the Company from ,obligation to
s ' l7);:riesVvessels Honolulu, en thir
teen &stead of twelve trips a year„. and gives
fifty thousand dollars to establish a line 'of
steatrient from ran Francisco to Honol ulu.
• BLY:TOOSW10 11 , from the Committee of COD
ference, on the legislative appropriation
medeSrenort, width wasagreed
Mr. =ward called np the bill to insure the
-- "Av .CoMpletion of the Northern Pacific
Mr. Sherman said he had a great many
amendments to oleoe bill. and he moved
*it be reetimmittoladgetßailroad Coin
ratite& • '1 • „ •
ShortaiMimotioh wait to.
• OitmOtOn'Of fir:iberuuM, at our o'clock,
;he Beasts wentinttidgiscittire. on, and at
403 took areCeseto meet at say p.m.
Erelong Heasion.—The Senate mt 7 r. and
under the' resolution -adopted slerday pro
ceeded to thee:lnsinuation of reportaandblUs
from the Oomtaittee on claims.
A number of private claim Wile were consid
ered and passed, among others a bill to pay
a ndlumbia, South Car
°Dna, for food ' clothing furnished
Union Mincers and soldiers while in prison at
thiMplace during the war.
A bill to pay the contractors for the thin
Come of the Capitol 109,000, to makeood g cer
ainlOSSee on said contract. occasioned by en
Increase in the price of labor and Iron, was
called up end led to a discussion.
Mr. Trumbull moved to rater the tall to a
Court °M aims, which was disagreed to and
t be bill was passed. •
The Senate then, at SAS r. x., adjourned.
Mr. Bidwell, from the Committee of Confer
cum on the Senate bill to grant land. in Call-
In.—pdere,-.7x4 tohm"mhivre.tir-11.intfin'g
and Currency. made a report to the
case of the Merchants' National Bank of
Washington, ending With a resolution direct
ing the secretary of War to Institute proceed- '
Ingo against those who bad been engaged in
making improper nee of the gmbllo funds. The
resorotlon was agreed to.
• Hr. Hooper then offered a resolution that
autnentirated copies of the evidence taken by
the Committee br transmitted to the Secreta
ry of War, and that evidence be re-commit - id
with authority to publish such -pert of
might be deemed necessary.
Mr Sandell of Pennsylvania, and Mr.
ding of Kentucky, opposed the resolution, as
contended that all the evidence should I.c
The tionee refusal to second the prelim ,
question on the resolution and then; ni ea,
Floe of Mr. Lynch, the testimony was order
be printed.
Mr. Ward introduced the' following 1. I
..csolution, which was passed: e.
the general order of the Mier Depaatment, •
eaUratry lith, lafa, rations tO Union eoltbec,
.veld ea prisoners of war in the rebel Opal
sere commuted at cost prices during the p
.MO of their imprisonment, and wheross.
large•nenther of the said prisoner* have bt.
peat under said order, but many equal.'
vortby stalk then and :who lave suffered .;
•ne rebel priss, nave not been math Then
iore be It
Ratorr..., That all Union soldiers who sou
held as prisouers Of war in the - rebel Stair
end who have cot received any ooramutatio ,
nave commutation of rations Turrusheil i;
cost price during the ceriod of their imp.
raiment; provided that no person who
,old or transferred any lnteteitia the Ma...
for commutations snail 'be bent:fitted by
resolution, and no purchaser or assignee
such claim or interest shall be banal:Med j
the resolution. and that soon commutation ..
paid out of any money in 'the Treasury
otherwise appropriated.
The House titan resumed the oonsbieralunt
- a UM Sibessesoaarbenettesse. .
De Raymond then addregled tbe House
anppOrt of the resolution reported by the
and Sir. Hogan, as the minority of the com
Mr. Raymond admitted that Itr. Reusseat
•vas guilty of &Breach of Perliameutary pno
nlay, but said Mr. Grinnell's remarks were
en outrage. Ho spakeOf thenumber of scrim
mage. in the House, and said that no one bet
aeen er pelleds andsakest, weathers anything.
m the cirenMstances of his case calling for est.
Inlsiont Ho did not think It fair to punish
; tic.
Itanseeetl, and bathe Mr.-Grumell without
Censure. In concluding, he intimated his
mutton to offer a, resolution which would more
clearly berlDe the duties of the Speaker In
eases of violathin of order in debate.
Mr. Price followed in an argument In Obs
cene° of Mr. Homan, oontendin g that the in
sults which he had received justified or palm.
led the course„- he had taken in resenting
ment on the
Mr. Johnson followed in =argu
mule side.
Mr. Raymon modified his resell:aloe by
making It read that Mr. Homan be and he
hereby is reprimanded.
Mr. Stevens modified his amendment by
striking ouif the resolutions reported by the
majority. and Inserting to' .len thereof the res
olution reported by the minority.
Mr. lierneld next addressed the noose, In
sappon of the slaws reported by the
bail j or.
ed ovrw n th nd t ed n hat o d r t n m , hat p th s
arse some of the mooed act was opened by Mr.
11011116401. referring In a speech made by taw
is Hew cork, to Mr. Grinnell, as a pitiable
polltkdan front lowa. and that on the -LW of
June Mr. liOssOsO reopened the matter by
Mr. n ing that t a s
member believed & w ind t a hat t he (tintaiel a )
a Lie d ( G a a n r d f ehlat)
ouGldrvnteell t o k r n
It to be to. •
reported by the Committee, and he trusted .
that the House would have the courage to •
adopt them by &nearly nasnimous vote, so •
that no member hereafter should even hope
to gain any glory by becoming a bully, and
ammulting another member when not
ilea with the results of debate.
off Mr. Alley rose to a question privilege and
ered the following resolution of
Seseterd, That whereas • violent personal
assault huu, been committed within the Capitol
on W 61401100 Of Painter. Clerk of the
in .
Ctuat tofte
tee on Poses d Poet Roads. by .
word Towers ncirati an
of thit pollee
oCeera of Om Lamm), the Eiergoantebertne is
hereby directed to take into to custody the'
au/Manta and detain them until the further
orders of the House on the subject, and that
tee metier be referred to especial oemialtteeof
fin., with power to send for persons and pa.
pore. The resolution was agreed to without
docusalom and the. Speaker suuseeneeitly
appointed as *special committee, Messrs. Al.
lep Parnsworth, Trimble, John L. - Thoteat
and ean.
Ur. Stevans,from the Conference Commit.
tee on Legislative, tzecoUve and J whi aid
Aperopitations, Made • repOrt, ch
*greed to. The most orooabieta points of die , '
agreement between the two. Howes venal*,
egged, to the compensation of funte4.-
sad to extra compensation of mean In • the
Trmenry Department. In regard lathe first.
s pro-visit= is adopted Inersasing satarice
of female clerk* In the Treasury.-aud Poitof-')
Joe Department& from $790 a Year_ tcr VAT
Us regard to the second a p.m/Laos is adopted
fertile wane payment out or the faience art
the appropriation to the bill of klaretiel,l l l 6 6.
f one hundred dollars to each of the claire
the treasury devolution% of the Out And soa
red erases, wee have not no:waved addltlodwl
..vonmeneltion Out of sum, appropriation, and'
eito shah nave served One yam' previous to
Julyinad, and Oo• bundred dollars 10 CIA I
suit:Wyse appoint. d by.tho 'Secretary of o
: Treasury at at anneal
el", and who shell have sorrel:Ito? one va.
;previous to .1 aly Lt, IBW.•
The Mouse again WOk im the goseelv.- I
Grinnell • mow - liebste wa• contlimed I y
Mr. Hogan in support, of the views of '
• ititiontytby bterverui m
ay ...dyer:stayer his sin e.t
meat, and by Messrs. r aad Spalding
pport of the majority reprt, The detwe I
,w.oloesiy Mr. Henke, o n
en said that wry
-somber who, Ithe Mr..ltosseam shmed
privilege mat the dignity of the House, (milt
nett° sit longer as • member. It was ep
jaitice to the gentleman MM . Hothltiolry that 1
nu should take cons
own he tr.-
demo% elndloato should nitrite ll-
O and as I man, he e w dill 10 pity I
the penalty. =Wearies no pbtloaeph arol e a.
to the caw; but that of M'Oregot. " et hm* ,
itil4_has gime boldly, but let bum pay also the
taardully. a • • •• • •
.11onsei proceeded to ewe on the taaoln• I
T and the amendment thereto. The 11/.1
vote was cm Mr. Stevens , amendment to suls , l
.stituto the 'minority. reaointioua for those ell
the majority: The amendment wia rejeettt4 ,
.yes ii. nays pi. Tile p iemocratevote4 gene,.
Ally In tlieumpttlYli, The neat question , WO I
an Air Waymonds aitand.ment ,
• itereteed, That Lovell U. hesitate be, and he '
is hereby reprimanded for vioiatlea of • the
tights and privileges of the House, of widen
he wild guiptyin a personal assault upon the
. hue. Joshuall:Cfnallep for IfOrdl spoken in
The amendment wan releeted•;-yeas
ea, the Democrats ellsuiti in the ahthaative,
The question was nakt %akin on amain Tea!:
elution 'reported by the COMmittee, an fail
/Own :• .
fitemfartf, That: be. aidm's ft. 4 06 • 41 1 1 1 4 1
representative from Hentuelry,by commit I
an assault upon the person of HOD: J. 11. Grin•
nett, a reoresentatreefrain the lista of lowa,
for word& spoken In debate, has justly forfelt•
nil hie irrtegeges as a member ot this
'ma It h ereby expelled. .
A vote was taken eaS T01115 03 .1_ 0 " , ,_
Rays, 49. SO two-thltda not 'Mink in ml'ar •
thereof, the resolution was rejectett.
Mr. Banks
'De his Vote Dom Yea tel flay
in ordth Thal • IgliV move 10 rocatudder.
lie made th at ppostiOnPlaurred
01100 second
. titksi ropMved:lty the petui.
Ratite ga follows i • . _•; i• • • • •
Mu sed, Th eis, the heraontd teneettans made
br Grinn - a Itepreatilitistlye' tram the
-State of :lowa., In • ttto .preaano6. - of the Koine,
RPM the character of fir. Ilossiese,* Rom
Wtotly.• from the Etat* of Ketaufh7, was in
..~.,,a.. , -
3. - r...?r •
- - I
violation of „the -rules 'regulating the debate
and.privileges of Act
candsuitrilas the disapproval of the House.
,Mt... Benjami- moved , to lay the resolution
an the table, - which was 'carried without a di.
;Mite question ,reentred on the third resolu
tionreported by the committee as follows:
Recited, ,, That Chas. D."Pennybak - er, of Ken
tacky. D. G. Grigsby ; of Kentucky, and John 9.
McGrew:M . oo l o, bytheir Oresento and parti
cipation in a premeditated personal Mann
between Bon. - 111 r. Boliseaniof Kentucky, and
Bon: 111 r - Grinnell,' of lowa, on account of
words spoken in dehate, in which the persons,
11 nottheilves, of ratrabertrof this - House, were
guilty of Co ny orderediolaticni of its ptivileges, as they
are here to be to the bar of
this Monne to anaWes far theirbrought
contempt of its
Mr.-Eldridg3 movidto lay the resolution on
.the table s iw Mt was negatived.
vhemesolutlealmis then agreed to by a vote
of 73 to 49.
hir s ßanks called up the motion toreconsider
the vote by 'which first the resolution was re
ported, stating that, if reconsidered he would,
klegbatltatelOtthstreSolutiOnoliffer areas,
lotion reported by the minority.
The vote was reconsidered, and Sir. Banks
°gated as a substitute for the t resolution
resolution appearing as an emdmestof
lar.litetWs . . The resolntion agreed to;
- yell/ EC nays 90.
Mr. isnu desired to offer a recto Mien denier.
inelfetiabgnage of Mr. Gila..
of the rules, which was obi.
The Rouse, at r. attionues., ther
mometer be ing then 93 degrees.
, •
• • S i ,.. • - .
Cason of ewe* rtte--.aceitrY Storm of
Lialatning- Assignees of Culver & Co.
ry for s Receiver.
NE* Voni, Jnly 17.—Between twenty ana
tirtyniux-stroke eases to.dayi only two were
A heavy storm of lightning this evening,
rendered the atmosphere mach more endues.-
140,thernionieter ranged during the day,
.temeS to lOodegein the shade. Gold closed
r•An. Supretali Court to-day. a motion was
Madoto remove the assignees of Colver,Penn
.II:Co.0.101 appbbit a receive. The deetsitm
ene,,i4ribendMed. It was stated that dearly
fete Mt lied palmed through the hands of
the dem for which no amount had been give.
• r Baralis it' or an OH Refinery.
012COITNATI, July 17.—irhe Union coal and off
compenrs refinery auldayerllle. Kent - Data
• was partially destroyed by fire tills afternoon.
Lose Drur y in oIL Insurance unlmown.
Camas Sinsaatroke In Philadelptds.
Thnianiusins, July i7.—rourteen fatal cases
of sunetroke occurred la this city to-day.
ittilltlostal Local Matters on Third Page
• '
lionitssulleted—Desibt and Anx
iety Zelt.
The city was thrown into a state of wild ex.
otteralnit and exultation yesterday afternoon.
by thivreceiPt of the following telegraphic
lispaitiaby lir. John W. ?Mock:
New Yong, July 17, 11165.
Dear-john—Steamer Ferirl just arrived. La
test news. Jimmy Hamill won both nava
make The purser of the Nova Scotia bnbed
a false report. A betuug dodge. Si.
This was Immediately bulletined at Sir. Ph
took's, also at onr own °Mee, and Wan ineredl
aly short time Fifth street wes thronged by per
ions On MI sides could be heard lamb excla
mations as di knew It would turn out ad."
-Me little engine is all rlgnt." while skeptdeal
dersone shook their heads and proferral to
;dealt further news before giving expression
to their joy. Is the dispatch reliable 1 was the
.no general enquiry Mier the end outburst of
;ntattabisin had somewhat subsided. In
daitiig the elaps24l3 upon the bulletin the
m• me
Use idealiser had been put down at
.1 Premier, but, on unitary, it
li,COretela that there wee no snob a
daiuser es the one named, end for a
intr. the-Whole Thing ~ wtis deehtted a context.
ad looking over the - list of deplinarea fn.)
foreigitpurte, bowever, - we observed the rata,
of the. ferhi, whioh was aunt:deiced lb leave
quern, rnitiCie , an the toroth of July, touch
ier at anuthampton on the 7th. Another and
s elowareerutiny of the original dispatch fel
mwed, and alter a little difficulty the name of
:.he et s einer In the dispatch was found to also
he ttoo.Perirt. This feet spread with tight
ding-111J re !iffy and the filends of Elmntil
weteasain Int:Mont. Beta on the result vat
talland taken, and up WI midnight
tall nlabt,., the excitement felt but a *heti
!itlatetnoit. At. half•peet ten o'clock we re
anbißeitti announcement of the arrive.
of the 'Perin at New vork, but up to toe
prodemeWriting wo have no contlnnatlon
the :Awe of the afternoon.
teogii atom Sltteke—A
ellirluage rautily.
- -
.He are called upon to record two more cases
of Coop de *odd, or sun stroke. It will be re•
merlibered that Murrain and Cartlull, whose
cloths were noticed In yesterday's Gazette.
Ilcod in Miller's Block. on Boyd's ail , , and
were employed as laborers in Matthew Cos
rid's brick yard. Strange to state. another
Ulan. working in the same place, and also re
. icang In Miller's block, named Karlin Cum.
tcl= l . fell a victim to the beat on the same
elny and almeet under tho same circumstances.
Ile bad been 'mottling on Monday morning but
snout eleven &doer. went home and asked his ,
idle for a glass of do, 'which she gave him.
fie then Wont to work, but In the omit= of
Italf an boar returned, stating that he could
nand the /1111 no , and would therefore
be forced to remainlonger bob= ter the remainder
of the day. Alter eating his dinner ho pro
ceeded to the coal shed and laid down on the
damp earthen floor and fell Into • sleep.
When be awoke. he complained of being vary
slot, and at the request of his wife, went to
Led. About one o'clock hire. Cummings also
retirod, and being mu= fatigued was spoon
asleep. At dot Break she was aroused by
some not= outside, and jumping from the
bed, endeavored to awaken nor husband,
but all bar attempt. were ineffectual. Light
ing &handle, abs discovered her husband was
still and on'A In death. The deceased was but
a few months In this country, and WEI th.
father of t tireo children, who by his death are
left In Indigent circumstances.
The other case was that of Peter Mills, a
Dull.ln the employ of Reese, Gnat' and
Ile was struck down while =loading •
wagon at the mill, in the Math ward, about
olovon e'clook, yesterday. Ile was Wmn to
his residence on Baldwin Meet, and at last
iscoOtintawas rhooreuins.
Clirlol4lad MIMI& vs. Pittsburgh I
- Muscle.
-The greatest feat of strength ever perform,
ed in Cleveland was the lifting of v. dumbbell
welshing one hundred pounds. The Menlo
there take no pleasure in gymnasiums, and
hence what is child% play hero, Is considered
a wonderful performance among Clevelanders.
Now, coo of the good citlzens of that maul.
portentvillige of Obto—thelocel of the Herald
—takes occasion to get off a column of “smart
things^ about - the International of
mate Ile calls Jimmy Hamill John, and
speaks knowingly of aquatic sports, ventur
ing the assurance th at eorry, but can't
cry over the tierce?: Jimmy wants no tears
, from the race of pigmies ye Hertdd local rep ,
resents, and if ho is defeated. he is still a
credit and nonor to this, his native city. We
ven Har ol d wager our unpaid boardill that
the man le a Britlsher, or 000 In whose
breast a single spark of American pride finds
no resting place. Let him go leeN bp that
hundred pound dumb-bell men and put 1.110 In
training to 'taw wherry , * 'with one of our
„Pittsburgh school boys. •Ints' will be better
sportthen poking Ina et _the bat *amnia in
Deseruetive- the IrigaglitY or
SIIIIOI.WIC reiryw , tteller Oil Weller alornati
:.apron mad .Two atorea Dr
• .
Weleare that t it tare o'clock yesterday after
noon a doe brohe out at the New Brighton
'ell, near the moth of Island nun, in the al.
Multi of Builth!sierry, in BeaVer county, acs
rapidly spread to the adjoining walla. Ten
wells' and a large. nianber ;of 'derricks were
Maned. The total lots la estimated at 6.50t00.
..Toe loss in oil la estimated - VI Salome N-tw
Brighton wee 1,144 barmlaf a ewr WOll. ItlibbliM
M alight well, 75 bbia.t Manley well, lose tot
aMledl Two-Twins vtell,74bblei Daween
wt 11,
"10 auls.; No, latathbone; haw not marl w" ,-
mart weib No. I, Lia bbitrt Belmont tut
ot4ted. Welt No. NO, :01L The Lupton
410 tee and awe stores were trttrited.;One .eao
.was seriously:injured. The ' Are originated
from 'drawing the :tubing with - en engine ni
the Marie]; of the New lirtghtola well. The
- Are was egtintpdahettat, 4:SWOI O 9a P. Tn.
•• • -An Aug or latisratitude.
Henry Willett& .vresillaild. 0 arid costs, yea,
4ardu ql .b7 *g a r WO th Ya tot violating the
thinilay *titer lair. Theparson who Made the
intornuttliai•wait'a 'boarder at Willett. until .
Yeatertitty, when ho quit the preinises,_having
quarreled wltb. . the ..IproptUtOr. WilletVi
=Lenient, 'which, bYtnet Worrobors.4
toa by several persons on. esti), goes to show
that lie bait no isteni4onttivitll4toPtoiew, hut
we. only performing work of worn! 0 7 Outt•
;tainting to the pillar of afal4olV-111141110 dist
Wean.t _appears that the : boarder above el
'laded'had been , talceti , auddlinly - skit On
wonown- and requested , Willetts - to;
' porno OtandP and red pepperfor acute. Atter
*owe entreaty Willetts complied, but refused
to r iocitot any compensation tor , • She' - liquor '
'WhateVer.: the - reward AvOeiwed• for hit
gt aercalty hi already knowd,'l'ljoder - .stab
olltlOttetr.elrournstances, llis 'Honor 'saidill,,
ores hard tow= the peonalty, butt the law - •*as.
so explicit onlbis ROint that he ItswLtio oltett
Poiraldeou heiglin inquest OD the
*bogy orJames manesau was sae.
stroke on Miley, etteat on Monday. eveateg,
Pate reildeacei la 'Millar% ia took w on
/Supra #llll. " T be jury -Mamml Vardist
asmillance with the ,
Thetis:be magistrate Mae bola an inquest on
-416 body or Dennis Doyle amtliiabseijitUr
itain, wissaa'deaths.'lly the mina cause, we no._
hoed in'yostablarilow:• , 4slunitar ver4o9
ireyo teutleTectiu'eattrszut, - ; ;
#_*toelgr i• n ji n t b.
la_ belitOkhorledett.cxhatudol. an_d_
tar lititzr3VateM: EzvAela
tetv, ad,
310 0024851141?"8401Trenurr°d'
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Robbery la 'Sao .11,1110 a Ward -la Sharper
Mr. David.Parica, the proprietor et a board
ing house on the corner Of Walnut and Pike
streets, in Me .11fMt ward, appeared before
Mayor DicCarthr, getterdaY, and made the,
folowing etitementi' About MUM last friday
a well dressed, intelligent looking Man ealled
at Parka' house and asketi' ferboarding, stab.
Ong that he was going Lai: work in one of the
culling mills in the vicinity; and that he was
desirous of obtaining a-respeetable• place
to board. Mrs. Parke refased tO Increase the
number of her boarders at first, but attar some
entreaty on the part of the" was
admitted and assigned lodginigiu &room with
young man named P. B. Parkinson. On'Sat
urday and .Sunday he remained .in. his room
almost the entire time, but about nineti , clock
on Monday morning he went out for. the ois,
tensible purpose of seeking emMOYliamis;
since which time he has not' returnen-'
On going to his room yesterday morn -1
nag, Mrs. Parks sound his carpet Sack
lying empty beside the bed. This aronamd her.
statincion, and on making an inspection of I
the apartment it was discovered that the ab
sentee had taken with him a suit of
belonging to Mr. Parkinson, valued at a. 37, to-
In a ,noinh t a o ti l arirra d . Pea Ma ng w r
n char, m ore .
a-ruota haul been entered s• •aiechange,
to the amount of several dollars, taken from a
private drawer at the bend of herbed. Search
was instantly made for the etranger, but no
trace of him could be found, and hence it was
thought advisable to place the police on his
track. The foregoing proves conclusively
that the missing individual belongs to a clam
known as professionals lmgoers whose arotoad
the manta; seeking to, and often succeeding
in taking verdant and wise people.
A.wo , • • Ban toyer on SR Clair Street..
Yesterday evening, about six o'clock, a
wont= named Barbara Shaffer - was run over
by a wagon on St. Clair street, under the fol
lowing eireentstrumes : She was sitting on the
front seat of a wagon, with her husband, who
was driving. When in front of the waiting
room,, of tee Manchester Passenger Railway
Company their vehicle came in collision with
Rhodes & Verner's brewery wagon, with such
force that Barbara was thrown from her seat
cuede pavement, and before she could be res
the rear wheel of her own wagon nagged
°Voir tier breast. Several gentlemen ran to her
assistance, but ere they could reach her she
was upon her feet again. On being question
ed es to the extent of her Jejunely ehe an
swered that she had received noneoma jump,
log into the wagon drove oft. It was by
the merest chance she escaped falling benea
te e s!dm:M th
the w
ha els ofe avy tt eindeß with more eeri-
wagon, whien would
been a
out C 011.50111011055.
. meeting of lirelamina.
On Monday evening a number of our Welch
tallow citizens assembled at the "Fort Sumter
House," aiirennsylvants avenue, with a view
to a consideration of the present aspect of pee
illicit affairs. The chair was no:opted by
Charles Jeremy Esq., and Alderman John. of
ablated as Secretary. A number of patriotic
toasts were offered, and responded to, several
abort and eloquent speeches being made, con
firming our conviction that the Welsh people
stand firm and true to their adopted cou , itry.
The proprietor of the "Fort Sumter," Mr.
Rogers. in catering for his guests on the occa
don certa manifested good
taste and a
d inl
egree of hos y
pitality entitling him. to the
crediteof knowing how to keep an hotel.
• A Pete Matte tenant.
Witham McFarland was before Alderman
Morrow. yesterday, charged with assault and
battery on oath of Thomas Keefe. From the
oidentm at the hearing it appears that Keefe,
who is the owner of a small tenement in the
~, ereuth ward, occupied by McFarland, called
the latter Mr sumo rent that uad been due
over two months. McFarland trade some re
itima about the hon.: notating some repaint,
,thicti brought on a quarrel, culminating la
Keen, and Ills daughter who bed accompanied
:dm, being severely beaten by the Indignant
u M
ant. cFarld entered
trial. ball in the stun
of throe hundred an
dollars for
Arress.-6 for Foressfstling.—JainesTlimr ,
as, the market constable, hall the following
oamed pereons arrested and brought before
Mayor McCarthy yesterday, charged with'
forestsUlogf - Healy Berger, itelts. Sloffat, J,
Friday', Henry Voskamp, and' Henry frisker.
The greater number, If riot all, of the parties
aceu,ed are the prey decors of grocery stores
in different parts of the city, art bad repaired
to the market, as was their wont, to buy veg..
tables for- the purpose of Twee - Inns duram
market hours. Its it was a clearviolatton of a
city ordinance, they were each fined Si and
costa, on payment of which they were dm.
coursed. We are mad to see a determination
on the part of our ruZhOrities to curry One the
law to this respect to the very letter.
Wotwi ittisselx—Yesterday elenleg about'
six Welook.!abinetndated
Uhlman , * beer twirl.= on Pennsylvania ave.
nue,nt the f of of Shigeo atrect , in the Sixth •
ward, and denninded liquor in exchange
for 001130 ragged postal currency. The land
drunkened the demand and ordered the
patron Ont. The latter paid no at.
tention to the order, whereupon Uhlman rais
ed a heavy beer m ug and struck him on the
head, felling him to the floor, inflicting Mn ug
ly garb above the right ear, some two Inches
in extent, from which the teoodllowed freely.
Te injured man was then abetted .Into the
str e et where be was met by friend who took
I him to his home In the Illatith.ward. Uhlman
has not been arrested. •
The Ifinahrelle—Lew. Bestedlet's Bane-
St.—Another immense audience was assem
bled within the wallsof "old Drury.? last even
ing to hear and see the performance of Lae
celebrated Dupree and Benedict's Minstrels.
Troupe+ay anything by way - of - eulogizing thie
now, would be simply,. auperanous,
every person having heard of . their faille,
while many know their excellence, To-night
• Kr. Lew. Benedict, one of the managers, and
in fact ono of the, Nast delineators of Ethic•
Dean characters on the stage; takes a benefit,
on which occasion Dick Sanda, the • Champion
Jig Dancer United States, wild - appear,
having kindly volunteeredlits aervisms.
Stoat Matem—On Monday evening, at the
Commercial Sales Itoomp.lo6 Smithfield street,
the following stoats were sold by A. WU
watne, Auctioneer:
Pennsylvania Railroad 56 NI
Pittsburgh. Pt. W ayne A Chicago R.R. 96 asy,,
_Allerue? GS 25
National Bank ' 65 75
Elm °National Bank
Second ational Bank • 116 00
Monongahela Navigation Company.... 46 75
Marine Oil Company 1 75
Eureka Infmranee Compony 45 00
Monongahela insurance, Company 31 M '
The warder—Absenee of
boroner iUlawsea.--Corener
tm thereb
h greater I p aw so n
ter b da n yh o vng gon yt o e e g kly farthoyuor
pose of -thorongly. - InvestMating the recent
murder there. 7p to the.preeenttime noth
ing tulditional respecting it tuts been obtain
ed. The tour men arrested on suirpledon ill
have a bearing to-day. Mlle Coroner for the
indefatigable energy be hw displayed in en
deavoring to Inman the mystery that mar
rounds this dark crime, Is entitled to the
thanks and commendation of the enure com
Worth Tlaitiog.—The great panorama of
the war now on exhibition at Masorile Hall, In
therthy of a stall. It trutbrally-portraya
all memOrable, hard: fought land and sea
:=l,lelry t t iref.lolll%. ° TiLiva
nee It for It repeats the tale of hard suffering,
fatigue and lighting; children:should see it for
lessons Of history yet to be teamed will thus
be fixedupon their youddid minualeverybody
should me it for It, la the politest pmue of art
ever exhibited bore. This:atternoon amatb
nee will be given for children and ladies..
llialmesober th e ..Ple-usie.—Oetr reading
will bear in mind that th , grand alertly plu
nks of the dot:let:riff at. Winona de Paul, will
take place tomorrow at 'llicrarlandw Grove,.
near. Oakland, This promises to se the most
pleasant affair Of the sesson 3 - and.sla the.
-general, everybody should . attend.
There WM De plants cadencing upon the bal iu
110 W platform; WWI& ttie refreshment , tables
will hr plentifully supplies. with-the elmieeSt
deli& cies 0 the sewn, The tin Pinata ot
the Wood° will DO opiate° Co the worthy poor
et the city.
Slaughter House. and Hog. Peus-The
AnegnenY CltY Street Onntmlaincaser glees no
sloe to owners of slaughter homes and hogs
and nog pens, that they mutn.remove them
ouudde thu City Smite :within ten days, and
(bat on - failure CO to doithe ordinance relating
so nuisances, (adopted July Itch; - 1806,) will he
rigidly butorood. ;Owners of open lot 4 are
also swatted to have them fenced up uotoodi"
emit, so as to ,premt.seausaolst ,tyxo of filth
-111audsonie Pronts.—The ladles of tho
Fourth United Presbyusrlan abwoh, who re
cently held La fair and from's], s,nawsneW thas
they have Tealizod oitravo bniuttent`do , lars.
This is veryiparge amount Lo olear,,when.3lo
ugh* into' consideration she libaraLarridago.
mesas they had for esdortaloing the vleltore.
The ladtes„ however vrera shrewd hud onto ,
prising, and meinoad to "clear- very hand
trownwront trod their
,rnirpleassakt, Pearl,
Almost oi Colltlifotie-The.oleireft.eka
Walla iteeortunodation train' tery Pearly
collided with tlio elfditteetitraln, at' tho outer
depot ot the gounayivittilaltatiroad; 3loai
day - isvonfulf. - Tho hairan.
ehOr Thosvoidarieo of the acct.
.411:4*vtasixtainly - owing to - tho , promptitude - of
the conductor of the accommodation twaiii
. ,
A Steittatrait (dva action) occupied
the attention. 0! 4.lderouui Strain yeeter4er.
stfterneon, thelneglslocete kelexpg, or at least
looking, COO!` ietwlth*tandlor the heat, dor
lug thoossarattecUra of wate a number otant
nettles; end.the..orengllng. of opposing - coup
eel....No criminal btleitteas .avaectraneactel,
.111 e OIDCO Miring the day.worth7 of,ACte..
• ,ItewdytetuTesterday - au:neon' about.
Itve Velma Acpartg_rot teak. drools= • men
made : a ' diagram/al eLleotor. on the COM - or-a
Federal and Laconic; stream, AllogimaYV tff ,
tesu:log the clothing or-ono-soother and TO
ing among tho eirt on. the VIVISMINIt.. They:
Nara sloolly arrested and loa - ged in the tombs.
raisurak—we, /earn. Atiat:tho `Dena
and Coppar4obasonabave conotadaglo past.. I
Dana bo dln6 a County -Covveationt_to Donk
nate a ttokeria apposltlo4 WAG id* l,ll 4 9,
P l , T')A l ' o4 ! , r
'RUA ICarial' xich. SMa 'Varied AXintelit.,' OW !,lletdet► foe' .
sa.Ator , ieleic o 4 l3 ,s o : o )s 4 !?irgt!9!Y°o' . .
' •
Left His Wife for a Joke.
Philonians Beckerman appeared before \
Mayor McCarthy, yesterday, and made oath
against her husband, Charles Beckerman, for
abandonment, stating that during the last
throe weeks Charles had refused to lire with
her or contribute In any way to her support.
The accused was arrested and asked to give
reasons why be had deserted the partner of
Ids bOaom_, when Charles smiled broadly and
replied that he. only did it fore good joke.
But from the manner in which Phitomen a re
ceived this explanation, we are of the opinion
shedid not rehab -the joke deba te gety as did
Charles. After an animated between
m end wife, the matter was settled by
Charles in the coda and promising to
cling to the rib g.
he has chosen until death Both
them part.
Lion Dead.—Vert,exaberg, the menagerie
man, we learn, lost try, death hle largest n,
at New Castle, on Monda. The bang of the
Ibtest Is said to have anoeumbed to the Intense
19peeial Caution.—.lllol. Winslow's ,Booth
ins Syrup
'has become K. popular that various
parties have not nut articles calling them Mrs.
V...." take notion that the Mrs.
Winslow or tne Soothing syrup is not amnect
ed witirany.otherurtic4e. jylixtitir
DONALDBON. -- At I:AR M. TpeianF, July 1 7 .
liet, PREMIX IL, sonef,Hooert Donahlson
, aged
19 years, 1 ir dsys.
Funeral Tula aFTIroIIOON, at 3 &dent. Mit the
residence of his brother, John C, Donaldson,' Bel
mont street, lselow the a. works, Allegheny Olt).
The friends and relatives of the family are reapest
fully Invited to attend.
besiitlfut .fiod'iShere.” the Isreciit subrin
plate of sepulchre. except one, In this county sit
uated on Wee Brighton road. Immediately no of
Allegheny. For burial lota, permits Or titIOS,I
ot uontrel Drug Mors of iUMAL CLANEY, All,
No. 196 Smithfield St,' eolt. TM,
(Lamm framßeventA Street.)
_ _
tii"ti,":p.'olutflMthiuvits,"ll4 P. COTIIPe of
ocgrthr.cdmigtv%rdc=l._ tastasbett.
gil iletr'et 'l awn " gwgrni. TicOt!it
TitsAfrintsii , a whim lane 7 Mei.
Notice Is hereby Liven that the ANG11•01111.0 no.
placed in the Treasarer's lance, the 'Main:ate , of
City. Poor. City Btudnese, echool„ Balldlon
and Bounty Time, and of Water gents for. he w y
Poe. and that said TAXL• .111 now be received In
parsaanee or the Aetna Aseembly of Febrasry Nth.
IMO, and a April 14th, lets, =Meet to the faiClWing
rettolatiotte and allowanrea.
.Ite per cent, lipid on or before the fret day of
Poor per cent, if paid on or before the fleet day of
Tim per cent., if paid an ar before the drat day of
?Tr;r ?X? " F1 1131 ° ;
beforeZ:es day drat dal)
11 paid slier the brat day of °Maher and on or be
fore the Ent day o 1 No. ember. an addition of ll.t
per tem. mau oe mom w ano payude on the sem,
fur tut met of November. erarranta
Mimeo to [111011:0 me coureraon of all mum remain •
leg unpin foamier pereemage accrued
thereon. sad .be
fey D. YADIZIIRON, City Tramcar.
1:): (0:9 Eirli 0 At's
;14..NcE1l & 11.clUT,
Ale, Porter nail,. Bri*i7.; Stout,
Niei. 425 & 487 Liberty
The very best 11011 SIS, CARRIAGES and BUG
GIES kept for hire at all thnes. The dneit
11BARtlEa in the city. Funerals. Re, attended
to on short notice in the best manner.
Tenons wishing to engage anything
our line
ran rely upon being tinned out th %ha style,
the proprietors give tnelr personal attention to Ob •
business., Jy7tes3
T.D. &Arum, Pron't W. B. 10ZLILOT,
rrrramma BOLT COMPANY.
all kinds of Ilona, from If to 2 Mehra In dim.
NUT WASZEILY, de., de.
Gorder.NorWn sah Buusr Ms., Ninth Ward. Or
den left at Tors Pin Foundry.
- General Blacknolttstns promptly attended to.
Practical Furniture Manufacturers,
Lateit styles of sumuyincE emirtantly on hutd.
With term rooms and ban, FacolaisblAt
water at tile door; situated on Ms old sablagto
road, about nTs Wk. QOM. the titY. remold. •
For further partisulars, =quite of
No. 104 Poona Street.
240 poandsorlow Fresb Bettor;
201 bores choice Oottlag Crests CbeeSe;
300 DNA. prime Peach blow Potatoes;
310 doyen Fancy Brooms. U. Moro;
SuOs pounds clews able Boom In store;
SOO pou es osinds Hard
oSoap. lo sto Cowstry *sap. Pa store;
10 barrels calm Norghosa;
I:oobasbelsUmall Beaus;
1 barrel pure Nocustala BlaskSarreNrlae
In store tor siBe by /L DULA,
lash No. 183 Llbetsy street.
22 Milnsflatlff6. 22 ,
BUSVE.T.I.IO3I ENS rauxua ,TB'
Tutsiaciwaras, BAnom . tAgOktita•
ET P "," rrAllrilt w rz2Ll l OPU IZ'
3712 • = lst. Clair street.
HENRY .11 , 111 A, JR.,
. .:C0M1118131611 MERCILVIT
I 6 ILUOB~ - gu'VePwil LARD
.T.3ll3ekrity GS tweet.
lifillrns • 111.11311111[UIR. PA.
UtiCS , 4.21 V C011L1.11.11 , 1
.11.3,1.A0 45 federal 4.42:r_it
. 3 Ea
:,&:13111:iiro:FiSaircoe "e
r.....t.kag, Har
..nedratu....; •
eamffne 4151411142% •
" •
2 cart 7.4 211441122... -
" & Lalißor•
D rATTEresott b. co.
&Awe= Bower striet•Aul OW* River.
omenfaW kindsot Lumber tarbuildiag boec
slAtott 'Usk. DM*. laillUniug‘ 4°.
A. 9 Dl 111L1.P14
- riiiitothAerr Da.t.*lttes
EATIO al Bitildluo, .10. P
and 4,
Wads' ervetlan: on. repaonaldit kensts
-I.llllne on ANDEIfasON ETELET,
Ana /Robinson streets. 'ALI.. tfIIMNY .reavra
. •
11 . 300. 1.1 PgyirPICITAT.OES.
For We vu lOW to dB" conalgumept.
28.5,1ABICIirrtiT. riopodti Scientiu
.of. AU dceelpttons
- rilfolAtc styiet.•
OK* 15 * M
. B. X°. 4rt,:i
11OLNEC!1144' & CO.,
Anchor,Caton Mllls t Pittsburgh!
itgunitsitmict. or
,rr acetiS iwISANNSAIrtigYIT-Eit. t=A47l4742t:N42,27frtt:FV:t."`l
tiorwieta iimfasSlarstzti4s. tralleaVran ac"7Vgla wtl=l4;irli,'"
glow sad Callsgel 04 11 / 04 6 ' .44044' leregyjalSlttAO*Calaltirts-Vl' :"tf
. „`\`~
The edition Is forwelded3ol4l/11X neat Ito gab
earthen softest ma theme riut.;' , - 1 - •
eiNtitX Meths, TFAI X 111 50.
111,1) SS or ma...—. • - . 615
uLu he 01. TAB AND 113
eles IPSZLIa. Street.
Fine Wat,oheis,
Silver aid Silver Plated Ware.
We are In receipt dotty of new Kenn of GOLD
CkLifto.e, rums, KAU. HINGS, ge.
Call and see our .1001 nod get pekes. 107
WIT—Ms P. ‘7%7X:CiErlr7Bi.
00 TO
FoWls GOLD PENtt, wirar-
Portfolios, Tourist Cases,
Blotting Pads,
Check Books on all the Banks, •
Time Books,
Pass Books and Memorandums,
Letter Books, Invoice Books,
Copying Books. Receipt Books,
' Dray Books, Stationery, dtc., he.
BLANK BOOKS of every deuription fa Acme nun
bade to order,
89 'l2th Ilatcremet.
Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street
Soop Skirts, all sizes, Rosiery and
Gloves, Ladies, Gent's & ChiWrens'
Blab. Clotbs,,Dres Goods Ad
moral lilitrts, House Funitshing
Goods, IlothreOas t Parasols.
Men's Straw Goods
Misses — and"Childieri;and — lne --
1 usual large and elegant stock of
LOCK sines
We "meld adds., •man to forego &thresher •
and thresh wheat with a gall rato er then to
we & wife wear her health, viper. and Ufb
away tre the everlasting "stitch. stitch,
sttteh.' , when• • Sewing Waite can be ob
talned. The WHEELER * WILSON II an •
invaluable ald In every household . .. We hive.
had several dlfferentitlnds on tcial.l and after
six. yeen• service the WHEELER & 'WIL
SON tuts taken the precedence es the best s .
where all kinds of riming are to Se dote In
These - machines here MORN IMPROVE
• YORE SPEEDS and STUPLE In operation
than any Machine In the market. .
No. Fifth Street.
T ag
Pronounced by all who pate seen It the simplest
msehine now before the.public.
It is as Outlive and duteble as it is simple, end
as practleal as it is durable. It has but to be seen to :
be admired, and used to be appreciated.' It
the elements ot
Perfect Practical Machine,
And la offered at • pike within the verge 01 nearly.
eiemfamlo In the land.
The only low prloe4 Idaeldee to the Urlted BUMS
Seemed to use the WtIEELt UA. WILSON GEED
—the twat and only reliable feed ever constructed.
airs.ALEsmEN Vriarrga.-
331214:ECErlt—dis 3301;4711,1E1,
. .
rib. 410 P enn Street:
.TASEEEV S. DAI3I, Proprietor: , .
iiradpObliseo , sad oUrtaires tondidled for ail
ocalimo. ,Coirrliores for ll'onerids.. - Woddloks
surLpartes, ao otort Auld relualtols lsta
a. selzrumert-x2r4:ll"'',
ciati of la3elli ad tedcnlSeek - •
Hear the suspension urldge,
nerome - Aliustottry CITV,. PA.
1M t . ser.E, . r:"• . :.•,::: . : : ';'•:;:-...: .. ...
-. :...?:: g.itp44•pluta ; t:oo.l ,- ;'
... • ~.L , - . „
~ -..,•.,...„..,..„
Ail..axixclakoona.s. r...inisj'/i,:••
- . •
loasuka... •-• • alsa
Anaferi Sn rtioi ta. I
.revelne conelgornente of Wliti t Vie !I:And
EnELOarrct (rota Lakera.periordw Sae
Into= Intern late incur ... CounC7 - BlezenanrAnotta : l r ;.l l „ ,,,
411ted st.theroneet Woo.
Moo e. ter Vierelbonne.: corner neeona Ana
treta.,Yittsbnrets. , Pe- .
Etvie rs..,oted to Wa . indiabsocuition Balyiti9... •
Nos. fatal 13t. fair strict,
What 4 tboy be to .'"! b "..t?g,Trit t /
-NEW BOUT -ALSO 1000 E tFrOnEi
li St: erair str:ett. • .
olliroMsal TiciiDlV eLett
Vitae°"7ol7godi :I°44llrlSMAC:h!t•:l.';':
_ .
140.6 S Firth Street,