The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 17, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
No. 8$ PIM' Elmarr. errrintuabu
ME WEEK. VERNET) ET tl.A.limjEtt. 181 g.
gitc Wiftsburgit 6agrtte.
TUESDAY, JULY 17. 1866.
A COMIIINICATION in another column,
signed W., will well repay perusal- For
such veteran laborers in the cause of right
and truth andof human rights, the down
fall of slavery must be a subject of profound
gratulation. For such the miserable sub
serviency of the chief magistrate to the
whilom slavemracy is equally humiliating
and mortifying. It is interesting to all to
read the opinions and thought: such men
as W. ; they have the right ring.
IN the northeastern counties the Demo
cmts have hired agents and are sending
them systematially from township to town
ship, organizing ''.;lohnson and Clymer
Clubs." No trouble is experienced by
these agents in obtaining an abundance of
names. MI the Democrats' sign readily,
in the hope of getting posvession of the
federal offices as soon as Congress I jou rn,
We do l t. hear of a respectable omnibus
load of Republicans who ar.s seduced into
the movement, even including the whole
staff of placemen.
ToMouoli the gross carelessness ter stu
pidity of the Washington agent of the As
sociated Press, we, in common with all
journals depending upon that source for
telegraphic news, were led into a gravd,r•
ror on the 13th lust. It seas in putting the
speech of Senator Orioles, upon the Tariff
bill, into the mouth of Senator Fessenden.
Knowing the consistency of the latter gen
tleman upon that vital question, his strong
and favorable views of home protection,
and his earnest and assiduous labors to put
through the Tariff bill, the speech alluded
to placed him itt an awkward po,ution with
his friends, and sounded very strange to
the careful reader. Mr. Grimes made the
speech accredited by the telegraphic re-por
ter to Mx. Fessenden, and he alone should
have reecived the credit due. We ohscrvc
that some of the antidariff journals are
making: capital of the blunder, claiming
Mr. Fessenden as a convert to the free
trade policy. This leads us to believe that
the gross error may have been intentional,
and not the result M . stupidity. The cir
cumstance is worthy of rigid inquiry by the
officers of the Associated Press.
We js curious to know how the news
of the Austrian defeat was received by its
German allies. If the great Austrian army
could not resist the Prussian arms, the
Lope of the minor allies is reduced to noth
ing, and they will do ad} - thing but fight.
Nor, indeed, are they in a condition to do
so. In spite of great sums raised and spent
for military efficiency, the armies of the
smaller States are in a dreadful condition.
When the Hanoverian army left Hanover,
-they forgot everything. Citizens had to
carry the forgotten articles to the cars, and
even when they wanted to fight they had
no powder. When the Hessian army re
treated before' the Prussians, not a single
gun was charged with a ball, and no
halls were to be had in spite of efforts.
Hesse Darmstadt is in a similar condition,
and although Bavaria is somewhat better
prepared, her troops are not at all 111.13:1011,1
to...fight. They atitie Blsmark and the
Prussians, but they are not at all in
clined to fight. Nor will they, but
every State will make its peace with Prus
sia as best it can. If Napoleon's inten
tions are honest and his efforts successful,
a general peace may soon take place, and
again prove the maxim of Grant, that, in
orderto conquer the enemy. you must con
tinue to hammer him until he gives up.
We should not wonder if the Prussian
General learned a lesson from our great
ANOTHER NAME has been put forward
for the honor of representing Pennsylvania
in the tluitial States Senate. A corres
pondent of the Franklin urges
the election of Colonel W. B. Thomas, Col
lector of the Philadelphia }sort, and says :
Colonel Thomas is no new recruit in the
Republican ranks, but has always been an
ardent anti-slavery man, voting for John
P. Hale in 1932, and for all the Republican
candidates since that date. in each of the
years of '62, '6:i, and 'O4, at periods when
the National cause looked gloomy, and
when the Government was in pressing
needof troops, Colonel Thomas raised regi
ments for one hundred days service, and
placed himself in each instance at their
head. These troops answered all the pur
poses of veteran soldiers, by relieving °tit-
en of longer service, while Colonel Thomas
was charged with the execution of important
orders, and the discharge of delicate duties
at prominent posts where he was in com
mand. Boveral of the companies in these
regiments Col. Thomas equipped out of his
private means, at an expense of $7,000, and
he spent his whole salary as Collector of
the Port, on patriotic objects during the
war. In addition to this, by the faithless
ness of his cashier, in the Custom House,
during bis.absenee in the army, lie suffered
a lostrof eighty thousand dollars, in mak
ing the defalcation of that officer good to
the United States. Verily it cannot he said
Col. Thomas 1118 grown tat on the spoils of
cake, nor was enriched by the misfortunes
of his country, but he displayed unselfish
patriotism that other public men Might
Col. Thomas, besides possessing business
qualificatioinfof the - highest order, is a gen
tleman of excellent practical common
sense, a forcible public speaker, and sus
tainsa spotless metal character combined
with the sternest integrity. As a busincss
man he would be a most valuable acquisi
tion to the U. B. Senate, and he would sus
tain the great interests of this city and
State, as well as the principles of the Re
publican party, with unswerving fidelity.
—James M. Mason is at Niagara, with his
—Juvenile "till-tappine" is quite petal
/at in Cincinnati.
—Mr. John Walker, ,of Columbus, Ga.
died from the effects of rat's bite.
—General Grant has again been arrested
and fined for fast driving in Washington.
—lt is stated that the rebels at Gallatin,
.lennessee,. battled. down the stars uud
...-:stritics, on the Fourth.
• ' Ilts..Charlotte Corey killed herself and
cYdld by taking poison, a few days ago in
St. Louis. Cause, no plussure in life.
—John G. Saxe says it is not necessary
to be a profligate ; a mendicant, or predis
posed to pulmonary consumption, to be a
".Husband," said an exasperated wife,
"I can't express my detestation of your
conduct." "Well, dear, I am very glad
you can't," was the cool reply.
—Mr. John Biller, of Beaver, Obi°, re
cently died leaving a widow twelve years
and a child nearly six mcniths old. She is
the youngest widow in America.
—Among the finery displayed by an er
ristocratic wedding party In Paris lately
was a small parasol, the extremity of which
was tipped, with an emerald worth t 30,000.
—The Smith, family have had 49 mem
bers in. Congress, while the Joluisona num
ber 29, the Browns 20, the. Whites 22, the
Thompson 3t the Joneses 20, the
...OW 30, the Millers 18, the Moores 18 and
Abe Taylors 12. Of. the 232 members in
both .70. were born in New Eng
-104'40, /Yw Turk, while the remainder
are A licia 04tially divided between the Mid
411e and:Western. States, except two bomb)
Ireland, one in Scotland, one in Bavaria,
• ,„ .
.and one in Canada . -- , ,
es: VOLUME LXXX.---NO. 167
4 14ireliVaVit:
If You
Would be free from Corns and Bunions, buy
at No. re Finit street.
on Potent last
Ant/ warranted to last a long tlme.—the Shoce
al the Opera Rouse Shoe Store.
Corn. and Bunion.
The Shoes cold at the Opera House Shoe
tore are cure preventatives of thaae Peet..
lovolee Therelved
Of over I,OUO patrol English Brogans. IV 111 be
In store in Clow flays and will 143 told cheap,
at the opera Ilouwr Sboe Store.
Imbites Cescoanolt Cream
For the hair. It. has no equal (or promoting
tho growth of hair. For sale at FaltonS , Drug
Store, corner Fifth and Smithfield streets.
A 1.1 ROSOWO4. Plano, of a celebrated
ma), , lid 1 -40-co-octave, and luttob..otoely II
price vet') low, at Gardiner's gust
Boot and Shoe Ilene, No. 60 Fifth street.
Fleming, druggist, No. of Market street, In ad
dition to Ills large stock of drugs and patent
medicines, lies added the Itnesi qualities of
English and netitell 1 , 1,11.1, and lirotrii
stool. As It has hero extremely , 11111,init is
procure these articles to thls city, re teen 11041
this mat to (or the hen, lit of our invalid read-
ors, Firming Itt , o keeps it very Neleet stock of
pure 11 , itiors for Inextfutal purposes.
Four nod five trunuto Cream Freezers, lee
Pitchers, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Meat
Safes, Lath Tube, and a fall lore of goods gen
rally, so 'tattle for the heated term. tett stoels
is the largest, 011 r ViLrlet V the 1•4,1 , aml oar
prices the lowest to he tound anywhere west
of the mountains. Call and see, at 154 W 1.1.1
street, south side, five doors above Fifth st.
W. W. Ito A l , B n
The Three hest known tonics, skillfully and
elegantly conduit.' in an amber-colored cor
dial, heautifolly transparent to the eye, pleas
ant to the taste and acceptable to the stomach,
In CaseMl, Mack t Co.'s Fem.-Phosphorated
Elixir of Cal Way. 'Lark.
Each punt contains One ounce of Royal Cali
says nark, and each teaspoon lot contains one
grain of iron. Samples furnished r rev to the
profesmon. lid ace t Co.,
Sole Manufacturers, N. 1".
For sale at wholesale In Pittsburgh by It. E
Sellers t Co. AL retail by all Druggists.
Il°stetter'. Pitlllnaell Bitterig—A lion-
dred Curative,. In One.
Not the least striking merit of Hosteller's
Celebrated Bitters is the aide scope Of their
operation as a preventative and remedial pre
paration. As a proternor meheole they ward
opt all the diseastag—and their name is legion
—that originate in unwholesome air, impure
water, exhausting heat, or other local and
climatic causer. This alone would be Ruth
clout to secure for any corrective and alarm.
Live medicine a world-wide and undying
celebrity. But Hostetter's Great Specific Las
a hundred other claims to the confidence and
high consideration of tee public. In Dyspcp
ain, Liver Complaint, Chills and Fever, hiliona
itemittent Fevers, Cholera Merlin., Cramps,
Celle, Constipation, General Debility, Prema
ture Decay, Female irregularities, Constilo
timial Weakness, Sea sickness, Diarrhea, 111,,
rotary, Flatuleney, Vertigo, Fainting Fits,
Hysterics, and all complaints proceeding from
Imperfect Digeation, and a disordered condi
tion of the liver and bon els, Ilmstettei's Stem-
Bitters are the most powerful, speedy,
harmless and agracable of all remedies rolver-
Used hr the press or administered to family
Hostetter's Hitters
re told wholesale and retail at very low rates
at r leminfVe Drag and Patent Medicine Depot,
Co. H Market sts eet., cornor of the Diamond
sn•l Market. nets: Pourth street,.
Cholera and Coop de ltollel—Warrant
leaned for Sunday Blerenry Editor.—
General Grant and Matt' —Billiard
Tournomeat—Ftrensen Goleta to Part.
Nrw Tort, July 16.—District Attorney Mor
ris, of Kings county, has issued a warrant tor
the arrest of the editors of the Sunday Akre..
re. An officer to-day could not and either the
editors or proprietors.
Tao COOI.IIII cases and litre, MOOS 0r eon
stroke are reported In this city to-day.
Lieutenant General Grant and staff are at
the Metropolitan.
The Firemen's A.ssoonttlon have voted to
take tarty men and an elegant steam Ore en
gine to Paris on the opening of the exhibition.
The atemeiation of billiard champions he
day v tad to hold the first annual tournament
in New York In SCOLoll3ber.
Salting of Armed Mon for Sonora, Me:l
eo—Mining Snit Settled—lshoek of an
SAX Faasoisro, July 14.—The hark hooka
sailed on Saturday ostensibly for Colo, ado, MA
really for Sonora, Mexico. After gutting out
side she received ono hundred andforty-seven
distianded California soldiers, well armed. and
with plenty of ammunition and mousy. They
were commanded by Captain J. Burney, who
has a rommienion of Brigadier General in the
Liberal army.
In the suit of Lowe vs The Crown Point
alining Company, the parties nettled the mat
ter fin faiyale.
A nevure shock of an earthquake WWI felt al
Sacramento and Itockton hist night, tint was
hardly perceptible here.
- - -
grtansboat Arrival with POISIXIB .....
and Gold Dust—lndian Trentle• Con
°MAFIA. June le—The steamer Lillie Martin,
from Fort Denton on July ha, arrived to-day,
with a full load of passengers, and tom thous
anti five hundred ounces of gold dust.
The Government fleet wee three hundred
Mlles above For. Union. No hostile Indians
bad been seen nines leaving Benton.
The river was falling fast at Benton, but ris
ing from the mouth of the Yellow Slone to
Ship Bin teed at Sea.
SAN Fitjtscisee Cst., July %
dispatch, dattal yesterday, aunc•uncvs the ar
rival of the bark Evelyn Wood, from louden,
and ship Mohawk, from liravesentl, with wire
for the Ituisslan-American Telegraph.
Honolulu advice. report that the clipper
ship Hornet, Capt. Mitchell. from New York
for San Francisco vas hurried et sea May :al,
In lat. 2 north, tong. 2.5 S west. The Captain
and twelve of the crow and two passengers,
named Ferguson and Lander, arrived at San
Palaces° after being forty-threadaye in a long
bout. Two other boats are yet out, containing
the nod and second mate, and about twenty
others. The boats kept company for nineteen
days and then parted from one another. The
.hip carried a largo quantity of kerosene, and
burned Tepidly.
Public Fonda In Various Ilepositarien.
WABRISOTOtt, July la—The following in the
tiaIOIUIL of public funds in various United
States depositaries, In May last, an onleially
furnished to the Committee on Banking anti
Currency: In the United Staten treasury and
nub-treanuties, 6193.78; in National bank.,
W.,76s,bee—total, fate J,M. Ot the above
there was to thetpre it of the United States
treasury, $192,077,999; do. disbursing officers,
IMS,sls,l7ll—total 02,405A11,090, distributed as
follows: In the Ireasnry, Zi.e., to the credit ol
the treasurer, tati,592,640; do. to credit of din
bursing °Mears, 1.10,254,11:11—t0tuJ, 11193,1+17.575;
to National banks to credit of treasurer ,
1 ,- ,f.r.s3sui in Nation albanks, to. credit of ills!
burning °Dicers, 41.18,=,239—t0i5i1,a46,7a,,Na.
Virginia Democrats and the Philadel
phia gonventlon.
nommen°, JUly Pl.—About twenty gentle ,
men, members of the State Executive Com
mittee of the lireekinridge, Bell and Douglas
parties of life met to-day, and adopted a reso
lution declaring tint the pimple of Virginia
ought to be represented in the Conservative
Convention at Philadelphia.. A committee of
five wise appointed to prepare business for a
Meeting to be held on Wednesday next.
01110 Democratic Delegate. to Phila
delphia Coareatioo.
CoLvxnvir,O.,July 10.—Tne Ohio Democratic,
State Executive Committee today appointed
William Allen, George H. Pendleton, George
W. Morgan and M. U.- Willett, delegates at
large to the Philadelphia Convention.
Internal Be Deg:gallon.
IV Aetna °To*, JulLl6.—Tbc Rorombisloner of
Internal Revenue decided not to collect
the tax of ten per cent upon notes of State
„haulm imposed by the Act of March 3d, RUN
alter July I,itice, although that clause la not re
pealed an the new law goes into effect on the
hit of Austell.
Arrival from Europe
la tw Yoga, July la.—The steamer Mannton
has arrived. News .antielpsted. She reports
that at 10:30 r. lc, oh the Mb Inst., she exchaultell
sigmas with the Great Y.satem teu ranee
southeast or teamed. The Marathon saw
throe icebergs six miles east of Cape Baca.
• ken Yellin Bank Statement
kinr Yozn,ly In—The bank statement
shows an. lacunae m Leans of at,sen,eoti do
81/51e,.tiMiato d.c eirculztfia g fine , J A. do ,
AW 6I"
Success of the Prussians Due to the
Superiority of their Arms.
The Reault of the )intern ational
Metalling Match Repealed--
11n asa ill Brains.
?," 1 oak, 'lllk nva.crtints
the lighting in tremolo), renititned in the
coreespoielniee of the teiper, attri
bute the re...kalifs sueress or the Prussuois
to the 4 111 , 11"i - fly nl th, n nrue, The needle
grid In hurt. filar, 111,11,01101 it , having
Leen very site, IN i• .1 in ti II ary rnrrenpon~F•n 1.
ho natt thu fightion ul tholifli. says that the
Austritooi wh , . fell under the aro of the in
fantry were efiruinireil to the Prussians 'it ti I
Prof. 1.01.1 s in stoat, In :t letter to the I on
don /Amu A , / , t .11 y tin, •ttegtsts chat
the adnorable WaV in
tO „loch
Amerman lot„. helms...! alllt. the
Fenian 11,1060,1 of tkii.llla The pr v,“•111
11111ret f 1111.. to 4,...,1 ft,
ryll the Alabama ,neat ion IV h.ll the Amer
i,ll.lll.l 00111:111oi, 11111), l he pi tliovs.r. it fair in-
Agtor) into a CUM' In the) 1.0.111,1• they
mfr. - red wrong... O n -11 1111.11 , 1ry 1.11101" tired
not refuse etnd as the most punch Moos on the
vontrary u.auld court for its Int TI
1411Vell Victoria Wu. 111 html,! I. f . “llllCti 011 ill.,
OrlfalliZe the new' Derby vanthet A net.
Ilement of the programme of the new Mote
t ry tram not expected to he 111. h. In Puritan...tit
not it the ath.
Theonti boat ram. lust met, limn
American, anti the tali:Mamma, tin Int
Tymt, look plane on the 5111, tint agar it ....lilted
In an envy victory for is el ly
It tamereportea I that Sir Ed w or.l limit., t,
Lytton In 1,0 Lnmisty! to Is Pee 111.
London Mont.,' lin rkrt. —l-'lllllin n III
under peace 11111,11.00.5. T ihstsitui I marital
wits unchanged; the hank rat r a t at
The Bill Passed Over the I eto by both
HOYISPS, and is Therefore a Lau.
tlro ri,iinte hulal.l evening' ...,01114,ntortou
for rhe cohistdvralloo oh 1,111,4 bout the ..on-
Mr. ,umnivr, from the n,•lrrl leommtt ev
Coinage umllghln am' M oxen rt.+, rn orital
favorably a number of mill., nl I a tthont
The senate bill huthortzlng the ekohstruetlon
Itt Image avr•es the M ele il.ln at
•ith the tiou , .e aLlneudtheote ahthornzlng the
natrortion of held gee git Prarle .1u Chleh,
eokuk.:old Dubuque n,
otn the Bow:, It vi as rt•terrt,l
The OW tor ihe speedy cool {eel oel of t
Northern Pncif*n Urood N taken nn
unthilehrd bust nlhn of nn i urtin
Mr. Howard took Inc floor in rep') to Nr
elierman's argument of . auturilay 1.1 iuraliost
the bill. Mr. abermati'a principal oblietioe
was that the Northern Pacific road iv..
a rival line 1.11 the i 111011 ?nettle rolol. Ito
(Howard) dill not a. regaril It. There wig, a
space of uot lens than six hundred and t al:My
th, miles I.artween the IA llnca. The only
rivalry that could Neuf til) caoit bet worn [loon
wax a rivalry for the 1,1,4 belle,. Tire aireon.,
objection of Mr. aberninn K. that If gave one
hand rtal and t wen y-L to intone of Obi ht, 1..
the ritmapany w !thou( ruefully. Ile /Mow 41 , 11
LVru 1.1 001 vet upon what tlll,l ul.l
Mr. Shm'imnh nail he Mgt the data from the
bill Reel!. IV actual eomputatiou, the exact
turrount was 3121,571,5 hi.
Mr. froward xxtd that the gistimatc wit, treea
the assumption that the goVorntuvnt would
have to pay interest Isl.'s the .tot I. 1,, I v vss
years, and receive nothlngin return. That
w. not it (Mr tittpposttlon The tirtuilxrn
would be compelled to pay tile govvrna.ul
whatever they rtreelved for land, lying on the
soolli nide of the. mail Sllerma.r. siki/ke 111.3 1.111, cl.tbot
Ling the polnt..l muctc I,y nlin on ,ntu nifty.
111.r.McIXInical eti,xhice in 11,
- - -
Mr. Morgan hope 4 the WO wouhl rro"ul
!LOA to the CoinnOtiee "a Ho l'aclfir hall
The debate W. further wet: hued by
Wflame, Crattan, Itxttfey, ,n.ll , .bury aud
tending the diseession, the Clerk of the
Senate announced the rkettc.n or the Hue. •n.
the F • retyltnen • e Iltlreztu 1;111.
Mr. Wilson moved that the senate postimie.
the Pacific Railroad hilt and Itns cr,l to 1 1. ,
consideration of the 1.111 rettontsl ey the V.,-
Mr. askrd st w m de:sorest tea htIVIJ
tints On tile veto to-tlity.
Mr. Jr/hum:in Feld he wool.] object to the con
sideration of the hill tiretlby
The motloll to pleitteine the !',trine Roll fowl
bill prevailed, boil the veto ine-einge w w reiel.
The Choir »toted the 100 to I• 0
the bill base, the objection of the President
not willtsbuoliug
Mr. JOhlll.lll morn) to yearn - me 1.114. 111r1 ilci
consideration of the Intl until toonorrovr,
which was dirugreed to, yeas neyc al. alw
went. Messrs. (;lurk, Dixon :old W right
1,0 Lite :suntan refused to postpone the lull
and nietklarte.
Mr. Hendricks took to floor in OppOtsilloll to
the vela.' bill. Ile dl.cusec.l the hill et Neese
length, characterizing It tel I...arranted a n d
oneerintitutional. lie did not believe in poi,-
lie Or private repo...attain, but if Congre.e
pernlatod in then kind of leginlature, If ion - -
done were to be inlimmed for tint objecte pro
pene.' In thin hill. a party would seen for Whey
on a plalfortri of reptelintion. He bell eVed
there were those in the North who would like
to see Mot portion of the debt wl o ell eel:rued
for the eeppert of the Jewrnee Wiped nut_
The vote was then Luken on the tpotstion,
- -
shall the bill ho passel, the rresiden °Wet:-
Grins nOLwiLltstantlffigl IL resulted ue IuIIOo n'
Yeas—Messrs Anthony, Brown,' Chandler,
Clark, Conners, Cratglit, Caswell, Etitniimis,
Fessenden, Foster, Grimes, Harris, Hender
son. Howard, Howe, Kirkwood, Love, Morgan,
Morrill, Nye, Poland, Pomeroy, Mousey,
Sherman, spragne, Stewart, Sumner, Trum
bull, Wade, Wiley, Williams, Wilson and
Nuys--Ale.urn lblekuleW, tins ie, Doolittle,
Guthrie, Hendricks, Johnson, McDougal, Nes
mith, Norton, tiuubilmry ~ml Van
Absent—Cowan, Dixon right—t.
The Chairman tn antiounctng the vete, notethat the 1,111 having nnsilvetl It two-thirds vote
bOth liounen, it bum 1111 l a law, notwith
standing the 011ieetiOnri of t h e rrualtlels
The Mell/ILei, at adjourned, tin; pending
linninvan being the Partite Railroad bill, pint
aside to eutinider the veto.
Under call for bills and Joint resolutions,
Line following wan introduced, rend twine and
referred to tine Committee on Peddle Lamb!,
By Mr. Perry, is bill amendatory of the pre
emption and homestead lawn; by Mr. Donnel
ly, one making a grant of lactic to tine Stave
of Minnesota, to aid In the conntrurtlon of as
brunch of railroad from the winters of Lake
Superior to tine British Provinces; by Mr. Hen
derson, one ceding public lands to several
States in winch they
The following Mint resolution, Introduced
by Mn. Raymond on thenhl of April, and which
linen went over under the rule, came up fur
consideration, anti wan read three UM. and
itexetica, That a commission of live persons
he appointed by tine President of tine United
nudes to ounslder the expediency of a clump
and reliable mesas of transportation between
tine Western taut. and the Atlantic seaboard,
and subunit souls plan either by law or treat)
whereby the Nut Meal Government can ulni
providing for said neemdly, should it. be found
to exist.; provident that saint commissioners
shall receive ontopensation for i heir services,
and no payment of .nity kind, except for such
traveling expenses as they rimy actually Incur
in discharging the 11111.11,1 111th041:1/ 111/0/1 them
by this resolution.
Mr. Ingersoll introduced n bill exempting
pensions from Interim! heck:rum tax, which
was read three fifes 1/./111 1111.15111.11.
Alr. Faresworth offered a few - trillion, which
was adopted, directing the seeretary of Wat
to furnish the House with conies or n.
ions given by the Members of the Inseulled
axinfellemte litatos to Jefferson Davis, at. or
bout the time of the negOttations preceding
the surrender of Johnston to General ',her
man, concerning the Wrest of f such surrender
Oa the political rights of the eople then In go
hellion agidmit U.‘l] United States, 1 other
papers on elm subject-
Mr. Harding, of Kentucky, offered the ((d
-ewing resolutan
eavived, That the debts and obllgutions of
the Government should be Wild sacred, and es
pecially sues as have been solemnly
ed by law as just, and ttmar payment provid•
ea for by appropriation and setting apart a
fund for that purpose, awl repudiation of any
such debt, whether they be for partial com
pensation to loyal men for slur.,
th e and
employed m the military service bY the Gov
erument, or for other property, should be atlio
nxrnuterumecil and condemned by all loyal
men, and try every department of the Gov
The Mouse refused to second the previous
question, and Mr. Farnsworth rose to debate
the resolution, which would cause It to go
Air. Aillilock la Order to get a vote on the
re solution, moved to lay It on the table, and
called the yeas and nays, The yeas andnays
were Wren, and resulted, yeas 81, nays =;
Botha resolution was laid on the table.
m Th rca Si tloll d T t rte e thl at
of War, wilt% papers fa tale c
Of 1)001100
At eater, a limb note referred to a Select Cow- those military tribunals, each haring concur.
out te. on Ihe subiect. From the thine, With rent Jurisdiction over the person and the
a report of all brevet ranks conferred on oth- cause of notion; the ono Jurisdiction adminis
et s et the tier:filar truly', moire April 1711,, Lured and controlled by civil law the other by
a hien was reterred to Illy Committee On military. How is the conflict to he settled,
I try A Rat rs. From the Secretary 01 tho In end who to to d etonator DetWeeil the two trl-
erlor, it the report of the Commissioner burials whoa no see I In my opinion, it is
t,eloirs.l of the Lend littler, in referents., to wise Lo guard against ouch cos:there by le/v/-
1101,11 c litiOlA within certain limits or Lida°, Jim to the courts and juries the prot.tlon of
zila, which woo refurr.l to tile Committee 00 all civil rights and the redress of all civil
Mines nod btrniilg, grievances.
"floe House riteumed the crittattlerathan of the , Thu taut cannot be denied that since the 1
report of the Select t unanatteo on the ease of netual cessat ion of hostilitten many nets of
the assault of ttoaxeau UpOn Mr. Grinnell violenee, such perhala as had never been
Mt Ilan midi . ..sod (lie I fottatt, argning Witnessed in their prey mon III:dory, have Is.-
molly that the provost-anon given by Mr. 'lto- ' eurreil in the States involved In the oteen I re-.
was such as, if not tojustify Um assault, hellion -I believe, however, that public
a i l lemsl to 1 1 411111. U. tt. meat aull sustain me in till' assertion that
' During his speech the II resitlont's Secretary such deeds of wrong are nol confined to any
imports' atthe Itar of the House and dolly- . particular Stale or -wet ton, but are inatolonteti
8,011 a message in writing, hang the presi- , liver the entire email ry, demonstrating that
y„,„ of the Freed „,,,,, Bu r eau bill. toile cause Mint productsl them does not depend
Mr. Male concluded lois remarks, allot Mr. Moan any particular Meal ity, but is tile result
Raymond Look tie nom', but yielded to ale. • of Ihe agitation tool dm Illigenient incident. to
Elton, wt'„yelled up the President's message, a long mol bloody war, While the prevalence
vetoing the Fr...Om:Ws Bare/tit bill. The of sloth 111501,11,S 1110.0 15• greatly dej,k,,,i,
message hat big been read, Me. Eliot'. mtoisi their 0e,5,11011111 111111 temporary recurrence
that. Moe 1,1111 int the table, and co- , would seem to fn rnlsli nerot,Alty for the en
der.' to be printed, and he guru notice that tension Of the Bureau beyond the period fixed
M. would call it up tcYmorrow for action.: 111 Lhr ori g ,,,,t
The ntotlon was agreed to. ltesities the objertions I have Moot brolly
air. Niltiock moved that MOW extra copies stated, I may Urge upon your eonslderation
el I l." tne l lsage Is. prlottoed s as II wit- a vet Y ”,‘ U.ltill doled i1,t0.1. 111,1 ree.nt
• I,n oo ..
.„:.• I , • moots inio•goo .1 t..• 1. • to otelleal °tomtit toe 00l
•tt MO Let& t. 1.1, net ma niam Mo• to I,a ,i i
oil the states, allow 11,51
.%-.1 might he mo late in hi...toms Instances It 1. . Itn oge, s.
as it means ..r J., itol
vantage nod Una the aorslutent nieboy e•ll
for the 101 vaneemen L lit t 11.• per riots of
the 111,414 - 111i1 111 1.11e11,111 improvement
and welfare, thon eontirnting the telt.. orlg I
ntertained by many, that the volt 11111 a.
11.111 01 .0.011 hureau foe any 11111....tasary
Moat lot time would Imo Itably , result in
con 0 Worn oppress-,-fill
IL Is oroper le
ouch , that in tut.-.. of the . haracter Ventitztt,
lions hat .• bren mount! it orolered and the .41-
lender punished w limiest, his guilt has been
As another rtholon agoliont the necessity of
oho legtothit too 1`01111.11111151,41 IPV this toettenre,
referent, may be hall 11l he tA l vti Rights 1.111,
now a law 01 1.111- land and whlch wall I, fait le
I idly CAl4.lll.etl so long an 11411PN retimin
re and not be de:Oared 1.1111 , 1115:Notional
1/) . 110' courts of competent jurisdiction Illy
that art IL Is tutor:tett that ell persons born in
lII,' I . a itlfd Stales, and not subject to any for
eign power, excluding !odious not taxed, are
br.relty 111.1.1111 . 1111 1-11 111. 1.11.14,11, 01 the oil
led stoles, and such ell la.n or evet y ruer and
tsilor to. ithout regard 10 any I/14,1011A VOlllll-
1.011 or slavery or involloattry servitude, ex
eept nAn palish meal tor ertn•aa hereof the
part:: shall hut , In: ,lola cant toted, shall
have the same' In every
State and Territory in the I ;Omni States, to
makeant: enforre 11l 5111, be notifies
and tri>e evidence, to lone. it. purchase, !ease,
hell, hold ant/ vonv ey real tool personal prof.
ea ty, and to toll and .1001 lemellt of all 1/111,
and 1/1 - 01,041111, 1111 . 1110 seettrity of lotratto and
property as IS enjoyed 1.1 White 4•ltiattits, anti
not> wool shall Ike 10111)1,1. It, ptinisitmenta.
ram penalties and 10 110110 tither, any law
statute or ei Mount,. legislation or enstom, to
the font rury not 0 Itlist ~,,, Mug.
Ity 11,1 ;troy isions of this aet, tull protection
in a Ilorded through the District 11,11110 co the
Palled .stales to all persons Injured, and
wlst.t• prat sieges an tin- disposed nre 10 any
wa> impaired, am! limas y penalties are pro
nounced teralnst tl,v 1114,011 who wilfully vM
int.. the law. I lie.' 1101 411111. that plat law
olio not reive to> approval. let Its em.
dies are tie 'nor , prr ler - nide than those pro
pos.' In the present bill—the oil.. !wing civil
tool the other military.
It> the sixth ....awn of the bill ret tatted eve.
Mho proceedings ha which the lands in the
parishes of Si. step' and st were
sold tool 1.1 in. and al Moroni tis deposed 01 by
the 'fax I,4nttmetsionets, and ...Mt tn.' by the
seventh. eig lan, ninth, tent II and eleventh
nections Provisions alre noble by lawn for the
doom:olio:1 of lands thus acquired ton part le
oi ar Clan. .1 cal/ens, while the granting of
1111 a, Is 000111151 101) Itnportant
The olisertmitottlfin nook in the Oil seem. oil.
}rot lonaltle. as Ms. also Ito; at tempt to eon fur
upon Conant.loners 111411,1111 piatet s by which
ell lochs of the 1 011.1 Mules are In ne de
loused of theit prom.. v in a mode ...I trary to
that ;too C
Ott I'a ant motion st loch ohs
elan, that no pet son shall In• deprive,'
of life, Ittirrty or property with
ont due prlpt`,.. of law. As a general
priomple, sm.!, lec s tislott ton In 11101141 e, 11114114.,
11111,41 6101 unconstitutional It may deprive
pers./on t hea properly who...lastly de
servinw objects of the nitt ion Is - unity as those
w than by this legl•lott bun toneress seeks to
senetil I lie I ale to 15101 thnsn he port...meal
01 10 H 1...tr0t class oif rill/sere ta
ens ust depend
en a regularity of tan sales under the law as It
.1 -LI the taste ht sate. 00.1 tot suossectueol
ic o rtsiottloot ran 014 ,• to the rights thus
A: i ota.] skotiost Mir 4.1 weal einontoo.
I he altvot ion of I. 1.4 therefore Oat
led to a 1111,0 noon,consideration of the
011.1.11,5 op.,Sed ill 1111.1 .001.1011 Of the 0111.
111 eottelushou, lagate ttpon Congress
the danger of Mass legislatio urge
n, so well rldetllll.
1...1 111 I:s{,eil 11,0 11011,10. 011101 In tt state of un
certain 4M15 . 1:1111 1011, , 11,4111131. and restlessness,
Awl to tmeotange Mar.-led hopes 11101 (OW,
Mutt the %Athol:II itoorrnment 0 ill continue
to furnish to , 11110.1•.. 11l 1111 tens In the sterdral
states nosois for sotpport au.l maintenance,
rortartile. U Miry put suwn Idle of Mrs
•Itisteimoso, and o easing.. also of the
Conan ut lonal loth Ital. lon of the 11011101151 all
-11101 11.3 111 /1111• pl,o`l , and ti Anquillty. 'rite
1,111 is het slth loam aril 10 111, 110111.4. of Ilrie
~111111 11', 111 whorl, it originated. lon its
1111111 net nn
Mr. Ell nt. a sant be Inn I no obi entton. ritn.
f - now, n0w...)
Mr. Itogerh prof... Ono 41404.144 M taking I lie
oto 11111%
NI, Elliott the vote ht . e bleb the
Ittteetge vs as laid lilt Lill. table and erdt•fe4l to
• printed, Ito ret.toe•ldeted. A gn . eti to.
The speakerennount tel the question to Ise
hall .11h. Intl be iet-eeel not tt 111.11,1,1141114 the
tl,wetiot t el the P1 . 1.01.11•11{ , 011 0,011 tilt . COI, !
lit ittlf on required the tole to lie Wl,n be
ten. e
and nay's
Th V I/14. alts taken an•l restiltetl In yens Int, ,
the 'Teak et having tilt rebel hilt OM 0 1101110
ohe :And hal leg voted aye, 1 . 11 . 100 • 0
o•re 110 111, 10..000 . 0 44 0 nutnlow of
nettibe Inte.tly ttat OI and
11.0.011011 aforellllllll l llo,l.lon 10 tut. not. ant let
dint two-third. bob
ug voted In the aIIII,IIIItIVI., 1101 ttllrtattlollnll
ht ~t tJeet lone. lot the l'ettttleet, the 101 l heal '
wen Desert].
. .
TINA w grcttletl with vittpi.lllg . ttf Imuti.
010( ht.(' ‘ll2oootmlratloo... tbf pli•s,bol, 10 111 t.
A•IIII21)... 111,...-forrl, ..lddev,
1..t0, Ranks, Ras ker. (laxly, hvnjasn
lIIIt 1411,11 , 1,
lark., of ohlo, (,10, k, Jobb, tottkllit, ;
,00ke iJawe”, Ilenololf, Don
y, /.11401. Vot r),
t,lar torten 11,fle, Mart. Ilenderbon,
Itoopor, hotel, Cu., II trbbartl.
of lowa. litalbard, of 111,f00..t. '
of Jonlo.f-t trot, 11n1,44•11, of 01110, II It lI,U rt e.
.Ittllan, ~,, , 1.1.111 1 / 1 1, Lett,-'
1.1“, !AU tone..., of 1',1111..,1‘11.1.1.. all% rent:,
Loan,, I.) nob, Af arftton, Mar
ln, g,
Aloof - hew!, Morrill, ' Mot .11oulion, Myer',
N r`f. Vo.rhant,
iranflall, of lionlooky, of Matwa- '
0htn.01.t.,, try or, ,eltolleld, .lo'lln
-I,rear, ,pnal•ttng, Steven, Thayer, John I.
Thor/111S, 1 roe 1,1,1fr0, \KU A ninon, 1 an Horn.
,if Now lurk, an Horn, of M,,,outf, (hard,
Warner. Warcht,urna, Illottn, 11'ashburno, .
of Ilin.....achtowtt, IValkor. entworth, '
ley, 1V illlnftiN, W 0..., of 1111,t, Ilnon, of
renn,lyanla, SVltolotu. \Voodhri.lgo, anti
ti lohylor
Anornta. Bo) tot, Ila,r+on, Eld
rldgo. Flux, illonobrennor, I.rlnder, Harding,
Ilot:att, II nolphrer, JIIIIIIe.OII, ken, (icy. knit- ,
.1.111. itloml, ',lock, Nicht - Anon,
\ 1•11elp+, Randall. Raymond. littler,
Taylor, Thornton, runtlaxll,
and IVrtgl.t
11, nomne then . n1...0111441 liar UlClfllt'n
.4 the Itu,seall-ti rto nel !natter. '
Atter further ,lehnte, In a Ittels N 11.
black send Steven , ',art letiue.l. Mr . MAW , .
ntnethl N reject...l uithont a v I,lon.
311. ens MO% mi to amend by At rtklng nul
the tlr,t tn. tor. renorteol the. nos
noltenno isle for thenne h'l.,l l') ti.e 'woos sly. w Islets uould hale the ra - ..<1
of u hor Mr. t;rsnstell per.onally trunk
till. all lon 01 the Hon.,
Mr. .4 I.outut4r, augge.tcul that
.1 all till. I,roucro.langes connected
111th the. ruoo, un.l Alt heugh 1,11,,Wat
11011 Lovell II ICrMea•:tn wt... grout, the
House Uhl not t • aru-t•, hlll .11,upproveal Lite u.-
.tell outdo !•c him rut Mt t4thnoll.
Mr ita, woo! uhluloo..l the floor, U:1011 the x.II( 10%
Isavano, I rnnk Ilse Int ill. ;
iennrte.l l•arl. 11. n ,nnaln
:tit In 111411 I ttollein llr
rn,antnentlell Mai Inanruocn an ihc) tnt•rt
Inn approprlalhan , hpnen, ly lan
lollar, arisingo l ll ni new trnaLten a nn
In4lan-, they he, onn-ron, ,rrt,l In an./
(WI lee CI • Mt Iltrnitf t e lona li t ittl
Toe were now vonenr,.
and al 11111111itten nilnnt, ryncr• -v.",
Mr. 'Wynne , intro.lueen n Joint n-wonoron
gl O lag con%truntion to the inirn.gtnph In ling
earn the ternal revenue Intl, no a., to
, alritlate the a.I storm,,,taa nt 11,0114 pet
tent nnly on the 101110 (11 . clgat, in•yond the
flint in . .l per thonnun.l clultnn 11.11 yr*,
Intentom nt the lion.. when the porn
'n":';n:f1.!;',1.11".:•"1,7„.71.1?o,k." ""
• r A 1•4111 thfnlgilt tiJel /o'4'llllo MI,-
takt, ttnil .t. lilt, prokly.
- , 111”1 lislia.rtatril .011 V It
stl4l oitlert..l
The 11.1ti.t then .01.100111.../
The t... Ili 101.11 Wine 01
11110.111, 113.110M...11
Preoldont Object.. Continuing Ono greed
nten'o Ilint - onn dill Two Year. Longer.
Wl..Fir:wt.., I July 16.—The I . ; ...title,
Ott. milt:row.. u rned It, the throw, tot ith w.
olonetton. 11,., 1411 to I tollllll.l 11, Inf., for t
Yl•r , Ihe Free.ltunn , Iturtnot fie ••• 0010 /tle , YI
11111 u 1 tile leg11111“1011 a II 1.•/1 It 1.111/07, - .
mot he etottAlmt,ttl with the .eaten. of t
A careful conxideration of the 101 l ptermul by
the t houses 44 Cougress, entitled "Ain net
to continue 111 force and Inant! In act to I
e noi stablish a bureau for the relief of fre n
sail for intim purisinus,” has 0011VIneed Ilse
Halt lll.,legirilltloo lell It proposed would
tint cousintent With the welfare of the
acre try, moil that it falls clearly Unlit the
cram.. iv...initial In nitesietge of the loth of
Felon:in, lost, I eterning Without my signa
ture trusisere, width originated in
the Senate. It is net Illy purpuao to report the
otnisitions Which I then urged. They are
not fresh In veto reneileetiOn, nod
lie re
:only turtle Mal as a p A art of thin re-
coals of one branch el tile rmorial Legis
lature. Adhering to the principles set forth
that message, Inow reaffirot them, and
the litre of pulley therein indicated. The.
Only ground upon which this kind of mgrs.
irmon 4,11 be In that, of the war-mak
ing pos.,. 'I he act. of which this hill Is In
tended ILS ittllelnittLety, WWI passed during the
ex airmen, of the war. By Its en' n provisions it
is to terminate Within 0110 year Igo., Inn glee
hatlon of hostilities nn,l trio declaration of
pram, It IS therefore yet In existence, and it
likely that it will con till Ile In force as long
ILA the freedtl may require the of
ids provihiOnt, IL 11 ill 1110-1 L eegittinly
remain In full 1 . /pertain. 11. It law 11 'I
LI I nettle Monti. subservient to the lilted Ing
of the next gelll4loll et Congress, when, If et
perkince shall niako evident the neceusity el
additional legislation, the two nous. will
have amble time to mature and pass the ni
rialto measurer in the meantime. The ou 3S
-11 Udell, why should the war measure be
continual beyond the period ileingmittel In
he original nett and wiry. In time of perm.,
should military tribunals be erected to con
tinue until ouch State shall he fully restored
inn its enlist it mimed rolutlons to the tiovorn-
v011111•ry, and that It fall+ elehely Ithln I.lle
reason:, annigned oft h. vel,•of a elm Jar wean
urn ill February last.
The hollowing In the veto of the
Pre...dent. eommunlente.l to Ll.o Hoene of Rej,
meet and shall he duly reproseutod In tha
Cong . rees of tho United Siateal LL Was aslant
fest with reepect to the act approved March
Ld, that prudence and wisdom alike to
golttul that J ttrimiletloll over lilt ca•ea Coll.
,ontlila the ouJnyrnontof Line Suul
. .
rights of istizenship, in well US the DIOLOOtiOn
of Vellintl end properly, should be conferred
upon 501441 tril MU every State or dis
trict, where the ordinary course of lit
andel proceedings in ti 3 longer Interrupted.
Courts, both State and rederal, are in full,com
plete and satievissfal operation, and through
then. every person, regardless of race and
color, In entitled to, and h oar d. The
protection granted to the while citizen is
already conferred by Jaws upon the freedmen.
Strong and stringent guards, by way of penal-
I les owl punishment, are irown around his
IkerSoll and .. roperty, an.l It is believed that
couple protection will be afforded him by due
propene ol law without resort to the danger
ous expedient of military tribunals. Now that
the war has been brought to a close, the neces
sity CIO longer existing for such tribunals,
whieh bath heir origin lit the war, grave oh
jellt 10114 to their ecintodumee must present
UlollllllolVec to the minute of all.
I ['dependently of the danger of represcat
t el! republic% conferring upon the military
In time of pence a xtraordinury powers, so
cm - Pinny guarded against by the patriotic and
statesmen of the earlier days of the republic,
no frequently the ruin of governments lormed
upon the same (Iced prmelplus,and subversive
of tire rights and liberties of the citizen, the
question of practical economy earnestly COM..
monde Itself to the consideration of the law
making power. With an Immense debt al
TPlOly Lurden Mg the incomes of the industrial
and laboring clam. is doe regard for heir in
on.cparuhly connected with tile wel
fare tit the country, should prompt es to rigid
eentiotny and retrenchment, and to ale
stain frown all lee islation t h at
would unnecessarily Increase IJio Pu b "
lie 111.10b14.1110,. T. , Leil by tills rule
of sound political wisdom, I can nee no reason
for the establishment of military jurisdiction
conferred upon the officials of the bureau by
the 114 h section of the hill. lly the laws i>l the
Clotted States and of the different ;states, cout
petont. courts, Federal and Mate, have been
t.tatillshed and are now In full practical op,
ration. By means of these tribunal., staple res.
dress lautrordixl fetal( private wrgugstwh,.th
or 40 UM person or t
unnelsropertY of
wituout. aeulta or snetry 110. Y. 1110)
arm open to all without regard to eOlor
or race. 1 feel well its.ured that It will be hots
ter to trust the rights, privileges and immun
ities of the CiLi sus tot rid els thus natal"-
Ilsited - anti prealticti over by to>mpu tont ate
impuritui judges, bound by fixed rule. of law
and ovuleuct, mud tyncru the rio u
t of trial y
Jury la guaranteed and secured, than to the
I ., :il r., % tb o o r zti l , u tb al em g
. in ppcs eLto bo f wes i:n mu st .i ll a l y e t c t r twnd f cerni li tli l.t t i ek ci ,,
Jost administration off law. Theta is danger.
loo,• that conlLlots of jurisdiction will Ira.
sunnily false between Willie OiVil %MU 144
The Cosegreoodonal (*elem.-Raymond
and the Philadelphia Inneenelon.
W s•-a, soros. duly 1 , . —Ti,. Sew York Tines
polnlshcs I. toll report of the proceedings of
heongtessional l'ances on II anlnesday mot
sal orday evemm, I ed, In which Mr. Ray
mond r.ind-rnd to have -AM that when the
1 • 1111“.1••11, It L.L 1_010,41t 11011 %Mt tlrnl summoned
In te, ed It wontal have a manl effert In na•
Inman 'nig the I nom per), and in pluelng ILn
artlon onim n broader and safer tnu is, he
IMO never concurred II In 4,111 V ICtlral that am
le•-• lo- parl) an- 111.. nal tonsil/elf, and Ills,
onl.l shorl-hved, .30 the pow
.•r °aid pas. loom 11, heroin Lo those ,t( Its
~ponen tn. W horeason to
'ionic 1.4 opine.. a, to an object and effect,
tie •hoold set aveordlngly.
II It .11011 Id loc.mme 4.pintrout that It Was In•
model h, Meal, up the Unlon policy, nod
throw the power of the 'multi Into the luturis
of rrhels and enpperheads, nelthet the TIM,.
;Mr Its editor would support It, hot Is com
pelled to dismiss all ploasen of public alTaan,
they arise 11 lay 1., .lay without want,.
tugant thong tor stneetquent develapetanta.
The E.dltortally, lital as the
reeolu 1.11 Offen,/ hy SiCVI,I3B vv....evident
ly alined at 111 r. hayttiond, it would have bee,
neither delicateleo proper for the latter
get, tletneu 1.11 have voted upon it.
Hoorn WV.—Lows $lOO,OOO.
Aon, July la—A fire today tlestroyed al
the frame mm 1411311:. on State street. SOLltil
for half u block, and south of Peek toy
!nu same distance. Thirty frame building
acre pad as stores and saloons halos, and ten
ements Metre, wore consumed. Fifty futni
lid, are. rendered 1100PleiCelq. LA,.. 4100,01 X).
Canada florin(/' the Friar( Finaro.
N lw Lein, July T'ribitut's nipeolal
fiorre.pimilont from 4 Klemm C. W., buys that
Rriwinifiriilge unit "flier miufberri reffiqemi 01-
I , •red their id, ler. fo the Cimitsllll.ll tmvern..
meet, during the 1111111Ln ruld. They Were of
llelelly UllOlllOll uml told that they w uol.
Clllo,io, July 11,—The iolloolog dismal
W 11.4
101t•grIll$11e41 1 , . the Presplent to. ,101
hook., Juty to.-I,l.lslattory ttentlun of pout
have 10,11 Collltilllit,li with the Upper Platte
Moy.s., tool Choyetotes, Fort Laramie, Cot
In/Air:tory reports wry without Pruorlutto
,igittol— 1,. 1L Twylor, it. N. Moissrew, Thom
Wiqtsr, United :stales Cothrumsiouorn.
The Cholera In !Yew York—berth■ from
nil Causes Last tweet,
NKW Pone, dnly le—No rases of cholera
have been reported to the Beard of Health
day, though the pollee say there have taxis
several caret. There were eight hundred and
twenty deaths front all callolla last week,
being an Increase of ever one hundred per
cent. It nee weeks.
11 Aurli x,July 16 —Lower t.ltll lllg was burl.)
on sutur.tuy night. Over 11f1 y stores au ,
dwellings were Alestroyell.
North-weelPern Branch of the Pen
Central Itoilrond Completed to Fr ,
Thu Northwestern branch of the Pennsylva
nia Central Railroad ham been completed as
far as Freeport, and trains now leave Free
port direct for Philadelphia, Baltimore and
the cant, Mlle oily hating t necefudty that for
merly ex Isted of having to come to tins city
to Lake the through Lrains. WI)! kmen are
busily engaged in completing the road LO Al
legheny city, the COM pawy having bought the
old canal route along whi ch the hew trick
will be stretched. A few candle wall 811flICI
tO have OVOryl/11Wg peereeteil, 11 bell We , 11 . 1, Will
lie 1 muatutsitlit or a no outlet to the Pe,
hoard by way of the A lle gheny Valley. The
now bramell crosses the river ut Freeport by
way of a sithettlWll/11 wooden bridge and pro
ecoda up the iiiskitntitet. to the Cone
1111111gb, rennecting w ith the main or
Central road at Blairsville, In Indiana county.
Passing us it, does thrhoith rich
111,-trati, abounding I,ll.llleilt and oil wells, It
vi ill have benelleial influence in enabling
manufarturern and prcuinceraito roach a mar
ket fur their COMUlthfiLletl, without tho rich
e‘pe(lBl.l Ut teIiWWIS With no
other locomotive power than a pair cif hon.,.
of 11 yoke of stupid oxen.
Another Noteitte.—lit about half-past ten
yesterday morning, says ~.iiturtlay's Cincin
nati Commercial, a Mr..% T. Warren, of this
city, and formerly a resident of Shelbyville.
Teen., and Covington, Ky., committed suicide
hv drowning. Jumping Into the river from the
lob street ferryboat Queen City. lie left on
the beat his hat and pouket-book, and a letter
directed to his wife, hire. lisle Warren, who.
wit!, her two children, lint re. Theee arti
cles are now in the lade . Steelman, .ft.,
collector of the boat. Financial embarrass
ment wan the cause 01 the act.
-One More llstfortunate.".L.,Thare was
Out one "unfortunate" before his Honor yes
terday morning, and he was charged with the
venial offense .of drnnkenness. fto =knew!.
edited the corn, showed idols of coutritloa,
and wee discharged on payment of costs.
Special illacillea.—lre. Winslow', ',both
tug Syrup limbo:tome so popular that ',vetoes
parru.abave Cutotit articles calling tlomalre.
Wimilea's. Please take notice that t 1.1., Kra
Winslow or the Soothing Syrup 13 not whitest=
witlretwot4er AM:44w
i. 1 • 1 : 11 . 12 LM 4: . 1
Additional Local 3latters on Third Page
The Sewickley Murder—Death the Ite
null of Wlotenre—Forther Testimony.
The Sewickley murder remains still remains
enveloped in Impenetrable mystery. Evi..
denee obtained thus far is of no weight be.
goad clearly establishing the fact that the
girl, Caroline Ford. was ravished. Mid then
murdered In cold blood by two or more human
Steads. The Coroner's Jury• re-assembled yes
lei lay at Edgeworth station and the follow
ing further testimony was adduced.
littbett AteCrmuly. sworn—AM practlac
mg physician; made a poet mortem examina
tion of the sty of the deceased with Drs.
,belt sun and Murray; we found unmistakable
cvldeneex "1 vtOltnert, and were convinced
that the deceased had been murdered; found
the pectoral muscles in an echymosed condi
tion; cur eonelusions were that she had been
murtlered by HIIOIO person Jumping. on her
breast; the muscles on the back part of the
head and !Mgt.; Were ItiSO e 011.111041; I 1•05.
1.11.1 , 01 4 were In ..I1101 . •11 10 . 11• It• •I• hod eki
-1,1; s• o• .1i••••• • 1,41 a'al. 1000. or incised
toiti • .oty part of the issli t 111. - monk
et crl Were, I In pt (Attlee.• t• 10 con
nection will, the entittillon of interior organic
we 10110 d the heart empty. n ell Inu all the
Other 1//LWAi VeSSehl . , 11101. - 110 I, 1111•1100 0(
Strllitg - nlat het tett welt: MI& a 10 lieu,-
11113.• dentlit.Oly Manner the Mead'Wide 11, exit; the Md. - MAO/1H 01 V 1011,11.,
.10:1111 011. COIIIIIIOI to the
client; the decompo titised eottion 111 the body
mph! it mipossible tel matte an critical an OX
In Ination im would hat , been ilentrell. From
Lou examinat loa Wa are of lite opinion that
person had imen outraged prey lona to her
Have no whatever, that d MOMS-
, .
I came to her death front violence.
After hearing tile above witness, the jury
roeemleil II) the resident...of 1), K. NPVill, Esti.
lime the following testimony was elicited:
Mrs Sarni) Mc intire, log with Mr. D. E.
Nevin. nworn.—Dereaseri was lit home on Mn 0-
evenig, mot miter getting through her
work, went out; think it was itbotit eight
o'eloek when site WIITI I out; about tell o'clock 1
Int to to haul in d yet Pottle in—and
t the light burning for Mir: about half an
ur later I heard her In the yard singing; did
t hear her COMO Into the house; neat morn-
ine I found her apron in toe kitchen. Didn't
hear tiny noise; I was Sarleaed she was in the
ho tlett, colored turn frequently tolled to see
ileecasedi don't know their names; she told
ine Thal she was to tibiae been married to Run
soli thought nit. Was Denting: did nol see any
colored Mee about 011 tilt evening she dinap
pt•nred: nn tile evening following Dabney came
null Inquired for her.
llclvitnl Alexander 100101V1i) aworn—Live at
IL. I'. Nevin's; on.Mooday evenlng Ben. Ford
Fame to our house and Inquired for Caroline
orth llama IL 0111:tbplit hall-past rtlne• told
him I I lam,cht. she 1111VC11 at Dr. Diektra-
son's; he said he had soniething particular to
tell tier and rtsintistisl me II I now her to In-
fortn ner thuit no would like to see her; didn't
see any strangers nit that eventing; there
10201 no p int Foal; didn't see 'mimes
Ford .01h1 erson
g 0 to tn. in ~
ektegoni, ;
he left our Mince atniia.i.en Lanett's before ten;
I then went np stairs, and some time after
Itol I heard v, in the lane; Unlink the voi
ces were Won ote lialeley and Ben. Ford; wit.. 4 well
...ninth emit:minted Ti, know theft volt-on;when
I heard the 0101, l cause down minim and
went to le. brow 01 the hill overlooking the
lane; [mild not Nee any liertinni I heard voices
then In Mr. It. E. Neviii•s yard; appeared to
eOlllO from the illreetitin of a bench winch Is
vstally mewled to; did not distinguish the
oices; Opt not pay particular attentlon• I
started to go Iti the 10 . 1101. lint when about
half way from the house I was called and went
buck; alter I wit it back to the house and had
gone into ray room I humid a 00[011111. appar
ently in the ding:don of the road; went to the
window told Moked out, but eould not got nor
hear anything further. nave seen Dabney
and , coit ettice deeensed disappeared.
They said it vas strange alktut her. Deceased
told me that Archibald Leg had mantle indecent
proposals to tier; site said She refused to have
anything to do with talus on that account and
she always all pant the 11140,0 whore he lived.
she toll me tilts early In the summer; have
never knOWII her to apenk to him slum, only
on one n,11; that was Mi last Sunday
week, at Mrs. iloward'ek colored woman liv
ing lu the village of Se wlckwy.
Kworn—On Mod
. .
eVenlay, some time bet ween eleven and
twelve o'clock, heard a em-eam on the road;
was Xi art.. 1 0 ,1 lor a moment‘shortly afterwards
heard a second cry, hat It was more faint than
drat; IL was about the time Lite train eamo
down trona Piteriburßh: thn Ann. Ur)" eoerned
be below our house, and the, Heeond one •ecin-
.. . .. .
.. . _
el to be further up the rote!, toward the vil
age, hue, frequently heard seroatne , and the
•Ircutuetanee exelteu no suepleton.
It. I' Neein, Sworn—lnn loot tteturtlay morn
tog nftor'twu buly Vian (nowt. I wont .down to
the creek; while standing on the north bank
and looking 111 the creek, saw foot-prints on
othurole mile; went ON er and examined them:
tittle appeared to be two markstogether, as if
50.1111 In'l,lll had JIIMp<III from the bank above;
;mule hoanee from thbn were similar marks;
noticed loot-marks lending to a place over
gn by tall WelYi, the trail could he easily
follo row wed through that woods from the creek a
likbiallCO Of about one hundred feet ; there
were font-steps of soother party, but they
wen; not se Instinct, nnllla,ulll not be follow.
. _
ml; minced a single taut-mark, apparently
that of a female foot; it was over eleven inches
long; these wore the only marks visible; was
the and on the spot where the tracks were
wt,rli; noticed slung the bank of the creek fedi
vatems that a laxly had been dragged Os er the
grass. 'rue fraittuarks indicated the presence
of three persons.
Waiter Nevin, itged about twelve yeare,Aras
called and made a statement. He hall been
down to see the body of the deceased; after
Coming up from the creek took a seat under a
I roe, while there Dabney mste along with two
buckets of lee; told him that the body of Car ,
cline bad been found in the creek; be ex
claimed, "Oli, my God;" he walked two or
three steps further, when he said, "My hear
en;'• told him that my lather bad measured
the tracks on the chore ani that the foot was
eleven tool three-eighthn inches long; he said
they were not his tmek, an he wore tine gait
ere on that night. He then ..torted away
Robert Warnrop, Wo2 . l%—Was with Mr.
Neill when the colored wen passed Edgeworth
stalk/Li; Am certain it was on Tuesday eve
ning when they were there.
Owing to the ILN,C1:1013 of some Important
witnesses, the inquest. was postpone. until
Wdenewlay afternoon, when the Investigation
111 ho concluded at the Allegheny Mayor's
A VISIT Te Tnn rnisessas,
The prisoners, William Dabney, Archibald
Lee, Benjamin Ford and Scott Russell, are
still in the county jail. Our reporter visited
them yesterday in their cells. Each tells 11.
straight, direct, plausible story (which is fully
substantiated by the testiniony)of their where
abouts on the evening of the murder. They
may he guilty, but certainly their present
deportment and past conduct does not war
rant the assumption. The verdict of the Cor
ner's jury will be looked for with Interest, but
unless more direct evidence be obtained, the
gollt., of the fiendish murder will be fixed upon
unknown parties.
Wedding at the Mayor's Ortlos—A Choler.
Between two Evils.
few days since we noticed the arrest or a
man named Henry Coleman, charged with
fornication anal bastardy, on oath of Caroline
Becht°, anti his consignment to the county Jail
to itivaip trial. When Henry was arrested he
expressed his determination of remaining In
Jail forever ere lie would stoop to make Caro
line Ms helpmeet; lint five days within the
gloomy prison wails, with scanty fare, and the
intimate notripanionship ofsome immense
specimens of the vermin tribe, wrought a
wonderful change in Henry's unstable mind,
and the result wan that when the Jailor arrit ea
at his cell yesterday morning, he asked him,
In supplicating tones, to go and sue the In
jured Caroline and inform her ho wan prepared
to make all the reparation in his power, in
short, that he would marry her.]
The obliging' Jailor did as desired and In
less than half an hour after anlnterest
ing group were assembled around the Mayor's
coat In MN °Mee on Fourth street, ootishiting
of Caroline, Henry, Aldermen Owston, a
couple of reporters, and an indefinite number
of pollee and spectators.
After 00100 preliminaries ; and in order to
adhere to the mandate of St. Paul uy having
everything done in "order and with proprie
ty," the istrate stated be was ready to tie
the hymen lel knot. Taking the hint, the pair
about to be made one name forward.
but Just tm the ceremony was about to com
mence, Henry, In accordance with parliamen
tary usages, asked the privilege to define his
The permission was granted, when
Henry astonished the spectatoreby declaring
"he did not wish to get married under any
circumstances; bult as there was 00 alterna
tive but to go to mil, he wus willing to take
the woman in preference.“ After title point
had been satisfactorily settled, the magistrate
wont through with the duty Imposed upon
him, and linery anti .kiroline departed "flesh
of one ;Mali and bone of one bone."
Judging from the commotion on Peunsylva
silo avenue, last evening about seven o'clock,
the sPeentla "le grey" found some exercise
In endeavoring to arrest the inebriated indi
vidual., who occasioned it. At about Cho hour
mentioned the avenue for several squares was
crowded with men, women and children, and
to a passer by It seemed as II something un
usual was going on. It was nothing more,
however, than a gunnel In a saloon betvieon
parties in possession of more beer than discre
tion. No arrests were made.
Threw Water on Her.— ELlealx,tl2 Logan
appeared before Justice Barker, of South
Pittsburgh yesterdny and an informs-
Ilea against Ellen Darning for assau:t and
battery. it imp ears that the proseentruf. was
passing the dwelling or the accused when the
latter throw q Inickettai of dirty watt:roe her,
completely Saturating her garments anti ruin
ing theca to a great mama. Ellen admitted
having thrown the water, but Stated that she
had no intention or Ilona= to throw It on Mrs.
Logan. There being no evidence to show a
malicious intent, the accused WAS discharged.
Thief Aereated.—Sunday afternoon' the
Allegheny police arrested, after a sharpohase,
a man named George B. Glenn, on a charge of
stealing serenty-flre dollars Irom.Georg,o F.
Kurtz. • The accused was locked up for a haat.
ing last, everung,' •
Before',Alilerman magto..
trate. bum eventuvuouuult ted to: is 4 Jabu-.8.
rater. clisruett ImuunituAnir uu utukault
and bOtury upou.itaympudiatasuel.
. .
_ -
The International Neulllng Match—How
the News was Received.
The news by the Nova Scotian announcing
the defeat of our follow townsman, Jimmy
Hamill, In his contest with Kelly, the }lngli.h
oarsman, for the equal lc championship of the
world, which took place on the Tyno On the
fourth anti fifth of July, created an intense ex
citement ir4oUr City yesterday, not only anions
sporting Men, but among all classes. During
Saturday and Sunday nights there we's a fe
verish anxiety in the minds of the people to
learn something of the great event, and al
though some expressed their doubts as to
the result, the greater portion of the commu
nity reposed the. greatest confidence In Liam
ill's ability to beat his contestant, who, it
coffins, we have been under estimating. Yes
terday morning, however, a brief tetegtam,
which appeared among the European news,
brought by the Nova Scotian, announced the
unexpected intelligence that Oar fa
vont.° had boon defeated ra=lly In both
races. Very few placed any credence b. the
news, while others deelared the whole thing a
fabrication, a Melt had been promulgated he
.wd •.1 sperttne .. 11 In New York who had
their ao Kelly and were desirous
of winning book their loss he betting on
Iliatuill a Several other theories were set forth
as to the 'gin of the dispatch, while a few of
Jimmy' enthusiastic admirers made large
wagers that the news was false, and that their
man had won. One Of the hatter, ante. named
M rray. as late as three o'clock yester
day, het ti by dollars that Hamill had boon vice
imams. Towards I, enlngjbowev.r, this con
fidence began to die out, and as no contradio
t inn to the first news had arrived,people reluct
antly acknowledged the tact that be had lost.
Never before ha, we heard such a general.
expression of regret, while we have failed to
hear, as yet, of one mstance where Hamill's
integrity was ref , . on In any way.
No one regret toe termination of the match
more than we do. We had itemsi for victory
—we hail hoped to see our plucky little towns
man bring home to the City of smoke the
chaplet Vault has crown.' the brow of the
aquatic champion of the Old World, but as
fate has deemed it otherwise, We can do
nothing better than submit with as good
grace as possible to his defeat, and hope to
Roe the contest renewed in the near future--
and, If possible, on this side of the Atlantic.
The Intense Heat of Yesterday—Two
Deaths by nun Stroke—Mechanics
forced lo Qat f. Work.
The heat 01 yesterday was intense, and des
pite the breeze that blew at Intervals, the
thermometer reached ninety-seven In the
shade, being several degrees warmer than on
any preceding day this season. The sky was
cloudless up till noon, and to our aching vision
presented the appearance et a great brassy
heated vault, from the centre of which the
sun poured down its scorching rays upon the
earth, making all animal creation wince be
neath Its ordeal. About one o'clock the great
er portion of the brick-layers had to succumb
to the heat and leave their positions on the
buildings, while the dray men, or a large num
ber of them, also .11111 Weir work, fearing for
the safety or themselves nail horses.
As might have been expected there were
several deaths from sun stroke. The first
ease that came under our notice was that of
Dennis Doyle, an employee to Parks' Steel
Works, In the Ninth Ward. lie was but three
weeks from Ireland, and yesterday 'arcs his lest
day at work. lie Deed only about an hour
after falling, although he had beam iraltml on
assiduously by Dr. Smith of Lawrenceville.
lie was a young man or twenty-two years
and unmarried.
The next was a man named Patrick blur
rain, and, as in the former case, ho too was
but recently from Ireland. He was employed
In Matthew Coward's brick-yard, on BoylPs
11111, and becoming Suddenly ill, he started to
Dr. McCook's °nice, on Fifth street, in com
pa.ny with a friend. The physician told him
he was suffering (ruin an attack of sumetroke,
and that It teas Imperatively nesemiary that
he should go home Immediately. Ho complied
with the advice, but Just rui ho reached kin
bearding-home, Boy,Ps Hill, he sank down
and died almost immediately.
Henry Trago was prostrated on Perm street,
about eleven o'clock, with the heat. After
lying (or some time on the pavement, the Ima
gers by supposing him to be drunk, at length
he wan packed up by a gentleman who nuspect
ed the true state of affairs and taken to Dr.
ClirLaty'a °Mee on Penn street, where, after
remaining almost an hour insensible, be re
covered aunimently to converse with those
around him. lie will probably recover. There
were other cases, doubtless, but. these aro nil
that came to oar knowledge.
ConOdenee Ramon His Travel•
A young man of fine address, well dressed,
and wearing a plug hat well covered with
crape, was before Alderman Strain, yesterday,
on complaint of Theodore McCune, of the
Scott House, on a charge of obtaining board
ing under false pretenses. Us gave his name
es George Jeseups, but it would appear he has
been sailing under different aliases, among
others, those of Harry J. Salsbury and B. 1..
Chandler. a memorandum book, lie
which he aubma to have kept a diary of his
movements, IRt would appear that he came to
this oily bat recently, and after having spent
twenty-six days in the Washington county
Jail, where he was detained ou scourge of for
gery. He wee held to await a requisition
from some place, and seems was
discharged on a writ of hate. coil's,.
Upon leaving Washington his funds had run
quite low, and In his pecuniary strait eoutem.
ranted reforming, to quit drinking and "other
vices," and seek employment. A friend re
lieved his distress, partially, and be took
lodgings at Hare's hotel, "Itoom Failing
to secure employment he thought of enlisting,
and seems to have grieved over the circum
stance of his father having published a state
liest, "in the Evoneehst,” that lie was dement
ed. The memoranda closed thus: "l am under
erred again; wish I had enlisted." Aln r leav
ing flares hotel he went to the Scott /louse,
and whilst there made 'representations con
earning his trunk, which proved to hc Chic
He stated that he came from New York, but
said nothing further concerning himself. The
magistrate committed him for a further hear
A Celebrated Detective Arrests two
Girls at the Union Depot.
Detective Jones, who has gained some notes
day here as the captor of Stem, descended
from the lofty pinnacle of his fame yesterday
to arrest two youthful nymphs du pave, Emma
Clark and Mary Buck, found In the em
brace of a couple of colored waiters at the
talon Depot Hotel. They were taken before
his Honor Mayor McCarthy who, after stating
the Impropriety of white girls associating as
lovers with the descendants of Ham, sen
tenced them thirty days each to the county
JaiL They were escorted to the institution by
the ..etective, who gallantly extended then,
an arm each, and proceeded up Fifth street
with his charges, seemingly treating them
with all the etiquette of a loving swain.
On His Travels.
Our quondam friend, both In clvU and mili
tary life, Capt. George W. Smith, lately con
nected with the Notion House of Eaton, Ma
ar= & Co., Of this city, has removed his head
gnartere to Philadelphia, where he is in the
service of the firm of Markley A Shaffner, Se
North Fourth street. He Is at present on a
visit to his many friends here, and will short
ly depart on baldness further west. Capt. 8.
is a gentleman of rare business qualifications,
a 1 possessed of suffictent energy and go
ahteadltiveness to command somess under al
most any circumstance. We heartily wish
he may prosper to his satisfaction in his new
relation, and commend him to the trade every
Another ntse of nun•StrOlte.—ln addi
tion to the cases of sun-stroke cotleed else
where a man named Carpenter, while passing
down Wylie street about five o'clock, was also
affected by the heat. After reeling around
once or twice he fell on the pavement and
relied in the getter, from which ho was taken
up and carried to the office of Dr. Rogers,
Where he recovered his consciousness soul
elect to state ho lived on Boyd's Rill. A short
Lime oiler dark ho was taken home. At nine
o'clock last eight he was still alive, although
little hope wee entertained of his recovery.
A Grand aneceas.—Our predictions of the
success which would attend the engagement of
Dupree ft Bonedlet's celebrated minstrels
now In, their second week at the Theatre, has
been more than realized. Notwithstamilrig
the intense heat, the house is crowded nigotly
by large and fashiomthie audiences. This Is
as it should ho, for never has "cork opera"
been rendered with more perfectness In every
detail. Their acts are new, witty and origi
nal, while connected with the troupe are sev
eral vocalists of charming sweetness and mel
Itecovering—A Risery.—Michael O'Neill,
who was .0 horribly beaten on Sunday afLor
noon, at Um corner of High and Wender
streots, in tho Third ward, was slowly recov
ering last evening, but by no means oat of
danger. The perpetrators of theontrage nave
WOW. , up the Monongahela river for a brief
13.1.011, until the affair shall blow over. Will
some one be kind enough to Inform us wily no
efforts have been made to arrest thorn'
Cro.. Nnit..—Jorogno Lanni was beforo
Alderman Taylor, yesterday, charged with
surety of the peace, on oath of Christian Men
nen Jerome gave bad for his appearance at
Court, after which he entered suit against
Mouser, for malicious mischief, in entUng
olothus line belonging to Laflin's sister. Men
sur also entered ball for trial.
Promotion.—Dr. Walter Cre, a resident of
Ohio street, Allegheny city, and formerly As
sistant Clargeon, C. 8. A.. recedvedbls Ootnetis-
Mou as brevet Captain In the U. S. A, yester
day. The promotion was in every way de
served, and Itgives irs unfeigned pleasure to
be enabled to chronicle the fact.
A Ferocious Mon.-James McGinnis was
'b e f m n mayor McCarthy yeirterday, chatged
with keeping a feronlowl dog on his TircWism
in Fitt tow nehlp.. Alter a hearing he was dis
charged, there being no evidence to substan
tiate the charge. •
moionc—auutiel Williams, whuesuirering
under a severe attack of Old Monongahela,
Yesterday , raised quite a disturbance at a
saloon called the Gorden Age on Market
meet.. He was arrested and locked up.
Urn abeop Thief.—David Daly Is the name
of the' man attested on suspicion of stealing
nineteen heed of "hum from the vicinity of
l'airystrine, lie yet 1a the AllershtmSr tombs.
. .
fight.—a tree light took plate at
rao Ilenwety saloon, on Fifth &treat, Iran night
ealear, Vrretre redaek. Zio wreak
Two EDITIONS issim,
The edition Is forwarded whiehwlll mash the sub
scribers somseet as the moll raw.
rib s
CLUBS Or FIVE, .• 1116
°LUND OP TEN A . N 115
HAY Mood•y Morning. 10th Instant, at I
.',loct. SARA H. relict of the late Thom. Ham In
attll year 10 her age.
Futh.ral from her late r..1.1en, ohto a,nue,
M. ° .. fl , ete, Tilts I Tuesday.) 1101ININO. at 10
'clock. The frtemlsof the (1111111) are roAPret&lli
11“11 :4.1 to att.&
TI , Mou.l• 4'N' nit) • at nine trclocit.
CRISTIN K If Ak.I , ELIZS Utt r nTI mm
daaghter 4.1 t, late v ijscr.ntlrr ' . 11•. the SMI
ear of her A,
l'un,al wlll tn.], plc.. on \N COVICSLIAT
nl 1 0'rt0..1.. Iron. to, I*, rentartlec, No-
Y 9 l: olwell xtrevt. TAr frirn4l, atA nequatotances
of tAr faml.,p Or. re.twetrully Inv!, to attl-nd.
beautil •. lionbt-acre," the litrgeat suburban
place of sepulchre.. eSee pi one. In this county.ll
°nu.. on be+ Itf igh toe roan, butusillately north of
Allegheny. For burial loin, permits or titles,ll
at Ventral Drug Store of ctn... A CLA KEY, Ancan
n hen y Utty.
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th,
(Matron. from tlevontb Street,)
Jp , x7c“ro9iaicrzLot-xx.
611 Fourth street, Plttanurgh, PL. VOFFINti or
all kinds, eILAPM., GLOV 6>i, and every description
of Funeral Formaidnir bloods turnisiseil. Boom
opend s 7 sod nlgbt, Keane and Carriages Ihrnlatted.
Kireneriete—lier. David Kerr, MD., am IC
W. JSCOMIS, P.D., Thomas Kering, Sag., Jacob Id
SO Wirth Eitx-e.ert.
Fine Wateheti.,
Silver aid Silver Plated Ware,
arzuw , i iimni t A .a.i llNv . L s . tyles of GOLD
Call sub see our of ock and get prices.
virxr_or... T. vcr - mr_alrirlei.
gEIPM 4 I= I T-E1.C31-.31119,
Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street
Hoop Skirts, all sizes, Hosiery and
Gloves, Ladies, Gent's & Children'
MO's, Cloths,.l►ress Goods, Bal
moral Skirts, House Farn►shing
Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols,
Men's Hats, Straw Goods for
Misses and Children, and the
usual large and elegant Meek of
No. 4 St, Clair Street.
We have engaged the services of an experienced
Leacher expressly for the months of July and Au
gust. Students entering ou the tot of July can east
ly complete the course by the last of August.
For circulars and specimens of penmanship, apply
at the College Rooms, or address
JeN:ett:awe J. F. NeCLAYMONDS.
+ ALLEGHENY COUNTY.—In thtrtillon. No. 3,
March Term, Isau Estate or SARAH STEEL, de
And new, June 23d, neK— -
And n, June 2Ad, Owe, on motion of A. M.
Il ROWlt, ow Attorney for Port Wooer, Court C 011.11.111
toe Inquisition awe In theta , proceedings, and
grant a rule on heirs and parties Interested to be
and appear before the said Court, on
Saturday, August 4th, 1866,
At 10 o'clock, A. 11., to accept or refuse to acc7it at
valuation; and direct notice of Ude mile to be yen
to Lizzie Penton, wi th Sa F. Conover and Jam S.
McFarland, not now an the Jurledictton of the
Courts of thia Commonwealth, by miveritsement
once • weft for cii successive weeks lu the PITT..
HOLM" DAILY DAZleher . . .
J. W. JOHNSTON ..............
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
Pl:ttislaurs.b., 3Pesaxia..
fir Particular attention often to BnPattinit
Watnues, Clanks and Jevralt7. All work warrant
ed teikeni
And Best Photographs
Lite-Size Portraits,
Miniature Pictures,
Abs. 2 and 4 St. Clair Street,
Mallets, Hoops and Stakes,
Practical Furniture Manufacturnrs,
Latfat styl.of FUENITITHE constantly on band.
Plows, Cultivators and
To be bad at
s. MUM/Man%
Noe. 'Ai .4 Of Ohio otrect,legtienY
Have removed So the Pratt Association Building,
Nos. 2 and 4 St. Clair Street,
Where they mill be pleased to theettheir old friends
and others desirina their services. lellmeratiten
r°. 24 St. glair Street.
A hinge and well selected stock of LADIES.,
'S and - ORlLLittated OAIT£ItB , dial44o-
RALIi, etc„ which will be sold et the 140WILIST
PRICES.. - (aralilloseod) JOHN BNODeIitABS..I
lIIONAS 8. BXITII J3co. ' s. 81[811/141..
• 7 aleaskozwel. Aialcin
the/ow the Markel,) lITTSJUROIL ,
TA. -
'poles wicnimp. E.-THE NA
TIONAL STUCK M MIRO. =thee. with ante"
_power, linthe Rt did Bricks per
with well glennalethipos and nitbrinlenntn. litho
marldno does not pertorthwttot we elann for It we
wllliake It beck and refund the mow'. Aildrelle
MSSASSAY R.StaVit„ thrueral /Lout, 141 Broadway
Yark. .
A Lwapiranr, Pd.