cm o_,Yhe Tiltranitglt 6iurtir PirBLISIIICD OY PEN Nai.,9.N, REED & CO. F. g ZAVIV I }ed ato s. J111..1A11 KING.. A. E..S lON P. It E.D SATURDAY, .1 L I,Y 14, 1:16” UNION REPUBLIC NOMINATIONS. FOR GOVERNOR MAJ. CEN. JOHN W. CEARY, I= SAMUEL B. AMULET, City I= JOON G. BROWN, 11111.61A011 Tp C . LCHR or 0111 . 11,10. OL.VILT AL6S ANDER lIILANDS, City. „, v111„:11.11.:.144211„0. =Mil 4:Lit as{: CI AMILTOIII, City DE. , v. ,- nAtTor:roost: biZN P. DRAVO, Mifflin Tp Jou N Y. GLASS, LOY• tosOIING WILSON, Pat Tp. 0.POISOL: T. NoILE.E, North Foyetto Tr NA.r...rEL cuiLDlvicu, Collink T. Tp. r, P. COLVLLLE, City. =l3 a" , we are, n,. CIE II not help feeling ;?,••11. 'inns verified in T!, ender =II •,!,' Yrusian ins,ks• an.l sleAuler Persia has the news of I:. It was CCrtaillly inovenient, bolder titan tiny as net Ca ~:aled by the Pru,situa army. The Prussians must either have had relia• Lie informatiun that the reported strength A iti.rittzt hen exaggerated or mu.: I, c very aril .4etuselves, Good judg e, roe 1.,%,,1ing army of the Crown Print •. to consist of ,alv three army corps, cr about 117,000 men, but we can totshare tins nititina . Benediath stands with .100,000 men in Bohemia, 100,000 of whom ,attilt the Saxon frontim in the west, and the remainder the Prussian frontier in the ;tat I , f Bohemia. Now, to venture into n I. ,it It. country, covered with mountains and defended t,y n great finny, would dr more than boldness. It would h e tnadne e •, it not founde,i upon very good reasons. Whether the Cr' iwn Prince had there rea and whether th,• invasion has been 'liens or a failure, cannot as yet be stated 1111 certainty. The news lirouglit by the Poz is euntheting, both parties I..tory. If we credit the news how ri Prussians were vi ,orin,a I liree engagements fought nn ila '2`stiE and •inth at NE:ch.] , ( not Tr:mini:tit, as careless tE IE • gr.. E ..iie reporters have it, 1 and Munchen gr•E• !Int the Austrian despatelnis LE II a dEd• lent stun. They admit that they wen p.'• rit but that afterwards tin v di•ov- ilie l'iussial k s in turn, takiir, Is and si . uns. It is idle ti c l, l l,, illt•llve , , Until We n.•‘s, But 1.,111/•!..11 v, - ,111/1 err:aitily Ix/ mot, Pru I I.all 11, the Au. = ii of l ged 1.1 prm Ipitately mil.sumi 1,3. ,trom •Mtm immut, "r gat airy. L, it flight might 1.m...u m a root, am thm; scmtld 1,1,1 V Sji...ria 14• ope, i,ll 111% A.j11,, •IL wt•r, not .let Prtt •1811 a./ alit, ha • I Pro tvett .1 k :tl.l ot uuaFe may L. away %val."; hrmcinr further tl , •, clopmelms. Ity th rrit•nd, Au , tria. that 1.11. iEtS for the., movement 4)1" th • I.tir! I i w 134.!, upnn tlwir q!‘an, and h t . I I/: I ;Or lin , , nil 11.. I). w. B. 111 u1:1) 1•1' , 1111:11! . 111.1 I 1113 1111 Ve !.:,1I bf 1,9 I .%!• WtP tho. If N 1 t• 311 •in:t:•ltie 11,1 the 1,,11111.11..rr 11:11, 1 4 ,11 (..lilll. . . rIAMCF.S, , in li 1111;.:1 pr ,, re alit! ;het , I ,, rr re, rive ttte Irian ti,•:' lltlICIOll nN W do the 1,ez.,1;1•L. thi ' a.- IL 1,, ,tll.l i.V.1111 ing Ity lo• ks, w cannot !lett Ihe Pru.sians liar gained nonieliee advantages Without lb lots of a Ki;diLf • t‘oii y That, at. compliNhe, the i otnitet tho-e_ ly in e 1.01 Wee! her eastern awl ; important tl/..11 cannot ove; Hcsides •:r ..nerni,,, slay consolixl,ll4 , .. ' 411.1,rol a position ;Kr to throw al least one hundred OVI . ItICI) iu the lid t h an she Late d•ele Slie also I t.mapper German stales, and Coe w1...1C goers in 1 ,, ,g.11111111e to de, iart, iu her favor. The Prussians scare everywhere rEt ire 1 as friends, , jovially to Hesse Cassel, whose Elector en. jovial an un ouri^Llc reputation a s a pm ) tyrant of the titi , ridlioll. II , : non r. fleet s Ott the rktitalii;oy of human affair,. in a castle o; . tbc Prihoildri city of flettin. The or the Prussians in 11:1110Ver was also of a friendly character. and V they continue to keep up their present strict discipline, this favorable feeling is apt to increase. The King of llanover committed great blunder iu leaving his country Tu relllaitl and submit-to 11111,1/ superior, winild have been no disgrace, and he would liarc been an ugly stumbling block iu the P1112,41:11/ airy annexation, but once gone. it is not v; ry likely he wail evef return, rsrrlit to 1,0, of a berth de teat at tire Prussian :trim,. As we said before, of the Northern Cul - man States have tic •utred in favor of Prussia, and their prepariugslo rin garrison servicr lirthe Prussian fortresses, thereby rellev • Mg a large number of troisps that ran be letter eniployed in actual service. The. position of Prussia is thus very ailvantag. and their Generals should be careful no; to risk anything• try rash movements. result "1 - the first great battle in Bohr (Ail Will not only bear upon affairs there—, it will a 1,,, inthieneti the crinipMgri near I Frankfort. If the Pru,sians are victori• I ous, the Conferioes will become disheart• - • enud and try to midi, their pr•are whit the vic t,or= as hest tho y cast; it they are defeat 1, the 4i;ies of A 1110141 will tali,. heart and op. ate taltil 111'W vigor and energy, in east of a Prussian victory, we expect DO ean'rvairm at Frank lilt whatcver ; iu case of their defeat, we may reeri Vs early news of a' bloody battle. la Italy things seem to h e The attack of the royal troops Wit, under taken to enable to emits the Po the attack having miscarried, Cialdini did not endeavor to cross. more details we receive concerning this advance of the Italian army, the more we are struck with its temerity. In the Mee of an equal ene my they move across a river, enter the fa mous quadrilateral, and attack the Austrian army with only one corps. They are de feated, and drawing up ono corps after another; sec them all served in the same manner. They retreat, and are lucky enough to accomplish the crossing of the Imo ° , with a victorious army in their • rear—a feat not very easily executed. Now the King stands at Brescia With pros ect-. not quite so bright as some weeks et; , . What does this ail mean' Is it treof bad generalship, or is it something rlm , re '! It is perhaps the secret Os arking of the man in Paris, who would like nothing bettct than r nlausilde pretence t,o pilrh iii` We ,rc almost it to brlies e the Id: let. Either the land move at Victor ~ rdnannel was e.,•, ,1111 and the objeq : of rampalgu at 4 , 111, aeeutnpliAhed, 01'--- and this was more probable—lee was Wild a ,10.,r was opened by whirl! Napoleon might appear upou :gag . e. We look fur his early debut. Awful U, Cuilteuiplate The Augusta, Georgia, Chefrniele contains the following melancholy communication: it. EDI TOR—Si Where are we drifting? Are the Southern people ready • to plat'e whites and blacks on a social etitutlity'• iun induced to ask these ques tions Noon Beetles witnessed in both the Episcopal churches of this city on Sunday last. The right of confirmation was ad ministered in the morning, at the Chur c h of the tinent, to several negroes at the MLitt. ' . • IV 11 . 0 e, nil kneeling to. getter around the Salute :Ind in Mc afternoon, at St. Paul's, to one negro, and she of a very questionable character here tofore, kneeling side by side with the w bites. If any tlistinction w,o. made I ilid not discover it Th, next step, anal very natural one I think, will be to see them together at the l'OMlAtillioll table, and in the ,1111 e one is : 11 1 0 Welf the other cannot be prevented. If this equal ity ,wits the tastes of the pastors of the,, let them Loth run to their native dime, where such things will be more .Om . genial. It the Southern men are not will ing to see their wives, their doughtere, tiuti themselves, kneeling ;trountl the satiate al tart , with the negro, lot them rebuke, in Crane 11.1111 S, the action of the plague: of :he Episcopal churches here, Sunday. II they are willing, thou the! help 11 , , we are ill n deplorable 1.1/11-11114111 A SINI:IrI.AL EPISODE.—Hf Dr. Craven's earevr in the army, we find the following singular episode "Every spare moment of Craven's time Was employed in making collections of rare insects, fishes, herbs and geological speed tens or other curiosities for his own or the Smithsonian Museum. 'Mee, when a very scoundrelly deserter, convicted or goin g over`to the enemy and other crimes too abominable to be mentioned, was 'shot to death with musketry,' in pursuance of his sentence, Dr. Craven obtained the privi lege of skinning him and tanning his hide —the skin itself, tattooed all over while the fellow was a sailor, with pictures too blas phemously and obscenely horrible to con• template, 'being a dreadful commentary on Ilee multiform crimes and otren,es whirb the soul therein dwelling had been g - reedily guilty. tt o his breast was our Sa flour suspended on the cross, tattooed in various colors, and on each side of it, men and women—and even worse thin every conceivable attitude .fpublit—thaill, It was so, also, I have heard—for I did not see the execution—over all the re, of his hotly; and certainly such II hide , N the eighteen holes in it through which Mite bullets entered and passed out, is 110 had sermon on such a life as had been led by j IN TUE 111 sit.—On M onday after ' noon a man and his wile were walking toward-, Jliis ell) (row a southerly direr• , 11111, intending to lake the tare for Provi• dents. NV hen near the I insine of lhr I b rovidem, ,h or, .ter railroad, on Soul hl.ridge the Wnlll3l , inlln• " , ,1 re 1 1131 an interesting event iv.II about to Iran•pire. Slit. took refuge in a clump illdt r, an the road..dtie, and sent her hit, 1.4 c ' k the eity tor animal. I. Ile report • ed hiu:rclf :11 111. 1 111 111 n 1 1 fflt3 . :1 1111 C3llllOll Am , ' in pro. tired a physician and er:‘,l,•Lieti to the same. but arrived to late to he ul in•tteri . ll sect ice, for thiy unto, the woman "a , well as k LXpekLeil,'' and loonticim, wayled dreswd by the Lind hands of !he ptople living near A , irriage into procured, tel the. ititere , timg t rt,t were eon ve.t ed to a 111 M lOrthi , ll • .1/11/i 11, when. they Will remain till they are prepti ed 11,11111‘• 1.114•11 - . p .11 rney . At la , t .1•31/11111.1 the Intl.: lni , liwlrieker was doine W 1•11. - • ll' areesie Spg. IMPORTANT IN, :: %NI 1, DECISION. t Sr rune at the K eutucky Markle and lire I asurnnee L ' oulp•tny vn. the Security Fin• Company, the . murreil to the sietitam, nit the ground lil3l it set liirtit an '',,ri contract or instil:o.w,, and that the plaintitli, under their charter hail uo p lWer 1 ,0 Utak,' SIR h kill.' Of von trail,. thancellor Pirtle ileehled that iira! MR racth Of insurance ivere legal its ingr mid that there sta.. nothing in the• le.rter 1 , 1 the plaintiff's prohiliittog them Iron: making them, :tad that such a r•uu t gave the plaintifl: the right to 'trot., - t titentß:lvet4 from los. by rei”. , ,, - Ing wills the dc•feud:tul.:, Mud Iherefhrr• overt uled the demurrer tii the petition, to will, Is the tleii eu•epted, and then filed their an io.ver --A ktlct front Maly to an English paje•r say. that lireast.plates are to be re iTchl as in the glorious times of the 1 the HOllll,l Table and the Plan -I.lg. net.. E. 3lttratori, the director of th,• i;aioit Penitentiary. ha, suceeetied in dr. ng a breast-plate for n ..ddi er , -cat rely weighs three English pounds . Alter repented experiments, pructh•ed on it with heavy 1:11Ca Iry pistols ill five pace s , d 1 / 1 11C1.',, bayom•la and swords, it .1“ beett discovered to he utterly impenitrable both by bullets and 11111044.. The most st ri I, ine niece curtly of this . ortault•plate, will, It can iu 110 way inl pcu,. 1110 • 1110111 S of a soldier, is tltdt not the slightest atom of metallic matter enters into its com position. The Minister of War, and sec era: superior officers being present during 001 experiments, were highly satisfied with its practical usefulness. —The Milwaukee Nentiarl, of Monday. sap. an old lady arrived in that oily in the lasi company of emigrants from Norway, w is, is now nearly a lot Mired and tive years of age. She had in the company, foul children, all inarried, twenty grand children, fifteen of whom are married, forty 'tin great -grand children, six of whom are married. and ten great greut-grand rhti struts, making in all seventy-eight ilesmin• darts—oil of them its the party ninth 1:46, 1,1 through this city the present week. If we odd the wives and hushand.s of thew. direct descendants of the old laity, we will have a family. .of one hundred and three member - 5, the aged mother Of which viii) lives, :111111, in very good health, although • ' , maiming quite infirm. The name of W l lllllerful woman, "the mother of a migh ty race," iv Katrina Jansen. —The following is an extract from a let• ter from one of the leading war Demu r rat, of Wisconsin "We are going to have a line time in Wisconsin tins fall, if Dot 'Hale and conic, as it is under :Amid they will, to stump the State. They have no strength here, and will be I . olllly I ctl'i Ved W111:11 they rune, and will also ' 11.111•I‘ I:0 I in their mission. The feeling in Wt.-cousin against both of them is intenee, especially against Doolittle. There arc Itenlities in the Stale where he would be likely to meet with 111,11.011:11 violence, and in Racine there arc many leading men, who have been his warm friends, who say they will not shake handy with him. Ile and Randall evidently think they Can ecru° here and walk over the course, but they will find it rougher titan the load to Jordan.- --The Cleveland 11, raid of Ullj 6tL L4/It., gives a thrilling story or a brave mother's • devotion and peril. The dwelling house Mr. Su ttle, of Huron county, was limned ou the &I, with its contents. The parents awoke to find their premises wrap ped iu ❑awes. Mr. Smile having breathed I the hut air was unable to do anything. Upon seeing thin, Mrs. Made started nw th e ehildren, and siterreeded In rescuing two. The other child, a boy golue two years of age, was still in the house. Again 111 rtk buttle, at the risk of her life, started lor him. While the tiatnea were rolling in the tipper part of the rooms, She crept on her hands and knees tinder them and res cued the little billow. Thus three lives were Raved in the dead of night, by the ex- - unions of a woman. CAUT/ON.—A Tory paper invokes the people of Philadelphii to "open their house," is woleinne dent sates" to the Itandall-llooiittle power. If they do, we advise them to "lockup It kpoons." I= —Turnips are now made into paper. —Adult Isaacs Menken has recovered. —Nebra,ka has elected two CLOOLI Sena are bri4114..1 by steam iu hug I laud. ha. iwcu k ur ,svcrlon ). a. twg badly ILL Eu 1 414:1111 plan a. - A iiir working girls is Le ago. K Bar:irk is 1,1ri111:111,1. - in New• 1 orb ainnunt, lik 1,,r 111)1111111 new uaou• ful the petroleum aristocracy Thf.();l,, r ,hy. --George lie \bat died in \Vest Hobok en on Friday of tijdniplailiia. —lt is underitooil that General Sickles will accept the mission to the Hague. —Paul Proti, the largest cigar maker in New orleaus, ha, committed suicide. --The l're- , blent proposes to take a west• ern tour on We adjournment of Congress. --General Grant will spend the month of A ligilol at the International, at Niagara h'. 11. Morse ha, sailed uo rape MI business connected with the Athol tit. cable. --Last Tuesday, in Chicago, one hakery alone turned out in one day., 1.5,000 of bread. —The plasterers of Indianapolis are on n strike for higher wages. They demand tour dollars per day. —The President has sent le th e senate for the third time the name of Peter to he Postmaster at St. Louis. —mineral Lee trill not visit Kentucky, as has Lien announced, ow ing to his terms of , whit!, coutin,• Iwo to Virginia —lt is stated that rt,noo designs hart I.een presented It unlitious the decoration of thy• 311.1i1, 11131 of !lie new opera house in r„,l, (1111 , 11,31 , ub •k:ribuAl in ,i;y of Nuw York 1.. r the rc lirf of the ,ffiru:uz., 6r th. Portfuntl gration; ia Ago, $!.;.,004-1 —A solkiier ut tllv Gil: United SUlleS reg ulars, a few nights since, rotated the army latyinaster's sate at Nashville „r tt.4a1.000, and escaped with his plunder. —A New York paper wittily rewarks upon' a grave subject UM( the first dead body which entered Commissioner en's db,r :: er at Bellevue, was the Common Council. —Genera! Neil, the Itert, o! the late Fenian rear in Canada, reaidwil hid home iu Nanhcillu a few days anii. and Was fnin iilinieui.t .1 with a by his Iriuuils i and the round s of Irian treedoin. T'OE'S DYSPEPSIA CUIIE is pife iirlittnat 4 / or lb, Jii.tly crletanicel toc'• Ita..ttit. Mr. ov listr. pre! 1 ♦lll.alrllgli artistefor public and tie nrr•i us. tint "bat Aar stool Um “.ro.igoat lige,, and liar. oVIA) Lorna the ;1311,1 of tutor, oae, cterr dime It nem Lorna Cc las ...v. ih who •rc pont, tig from ilyein 10,1, • 61ok lie . indera mitritm. ierntrry. and gi urral Ili hllll . , 111 c Whole. .1,11 I, hr.: 3 •Illgle 1041.11, IV. will ni•vtir Orr.• .sl• 11 . rall I.lln ..A4 • . OOw kneVirle•lgi ?its tcellniony .ttlatio 1;3, t•er tricd it. tne oronto... tin. id onr ' , sou teelglileorT. 'our du" e and thr re,tilt., a* Tcrtato me .110.11111, all 1111.,1111,. iirgi you to .itie !met tle. If NI ill All szl% ~ r ,ct tinier etitivinent• concerning im int 0,111. Att. 11, li• I••• rn ,- 11 you • a...di cite t o teiel the operation of It, edicine. lei leietantaienote. nd ier•rfcclit monde! itil —a, se 3..11•01.111., 01. r prof., •Ito/1 . to it., yule re . . Irk/113 Orli,. admitting tini 001. 111',11“,rt. 11.414'1110 pre paralliiiialittli toilet ientitte it to ten, coun .I,agglnt..wt.. rr. Sf. i• 1,011%0. I , rug - gt.t. • }lark. l'F• NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W.II. I? 1.v , . ILI 11, Jr.. Adum. I FV(I. N....v.', 1,1 II "NM tivcrfr It-oe • ntt .-• .1 Itrtgl (14: Lotdrvi urs.l the (1/ madtts. r PLI MO UT!' 11'011114111Et:A— -* .'/11 1,1 la M.. NItI \• A ill,Sll ‘ , l MI ,It. H.. lit N ICY I. 31110 a- I • a.W. , nlll ,1,3,11 tw.l/4•,- IwW MOS, /I/ al IU . an.l its ~ AI.I tolU 111. 1.. \ • If I I ,P. 1.11 P , t an•l7 p Pr t, r 31... 1-.1,1,--1,11 ..r n,.pra 1143,4..: 144 1444• 1 'lk,• • MI I, le ry BOA 111 rru au. ,113111ir it. • p. nitATit , 11.41 • p All Jar. ~..,11,15 ati• 11 l AI 0 .1%,',1A41.;n11.1,..11,!...1iq: n St , l,/I‘l • .1 , \ II P. •1: Tll PI 1 P., /. 41111. IVSII, S. r arrl.l.• • ..r.1. , , p4l •• • II Sul: 111 OA,- .\:11,, •,... 81.)5 It IF:VV A 1113 ,, 51F I 1 1 1.... ‘ 11 , 1: PUD is 1...1.•, wit.. 1r•,3 :I.• ol pc/1. A J I% A 4.0% A • 1 , 1117 W lIA I:V. CI FOR SA L 1 11.104 EN 11[44N 4 II; 114,,144 4 4TEA144 44 I ES )1A 11/Ah, 1•11.1,% MEM I=lllll r 1 27 NOTICE.-- Vl' iterctu• letters in f Ad- Veit • " ' "'"- "' I"' EL, , • S:111.11. WM, BENNETT'S L ODOR STORE AND GOOD WILL 1:103:1113 LA,161: olloe , loor ,o-rozol St. allove Wood Gout stock o( Ilooor tad 11, tyro.. K.,. re of ML 4'lltt, T. at', thelll:rket, eeitherllta s kr n tzd a o ci f of De ure. me. ti ISPEUIAL ATTENTION PAID TV FINE CAST AND ME STEEL. Office, 38 Wood Street, IN ST. climax% HOTEL ill/iLDINti, 19 ttsut_rsctt. Joss 5tb,185.1. telsal49 1866. - spzeuvo MATS. 1866. moCORI) .Br, 00 ., 131 WOOD STREET, Wish to call special attention to Liters large and lendid stock ori Data, St., f or Spring and Sum mer Wear, .41.23.3Etzialueaes li7eas-lut3r. LADIES' HEIDIEs, YACHTS HE:AMIDES, Ete.l oteroT•li and BOYS' SAHATINIAS, "WIWI& THAT'S " EItIHIITONH . HUSHEriii. SIMMONS, DERIITS, rifir" sTRAW HOODS or every description, to salt all AMAMI. GREAT INDUCEMENTS OFFER ,. ED to agents to sell Littlefield's Hreat rieturo of the DEATII-BED Or LINCOLN. An energetic Wan can make Iron, sto tpo per day en a very mall capital. • CLAGETT h DIJSEN lOWA% yynkfC Trard tOtiftlehlZa„, 1%44:11411. VARM FOB SALE, OF 106 ACRES, underlaid With COAL, 00 acme cleared, Lia acres rich. bottom land; young Orchard of WO apple and peach tree.: tro-atory Ronde Of eight a nd yard well Cled.vrltli ebrabbery; large Darn and all neocaaary out-bend/on.; convenient le Chnrchea. Bchoola at.d MILLE sit:mite hap nen U. at no minalism, on ban MITI Run, Italdwl• tont/Oat , POT len.. en on the et en iv,. Ina:ct. , 700 EMPTY, FRUIT CANS FOR sole cheap bn the gross m dour, by WM. RHODES, .Wholerohe, Confectioner, N. M'fisdltltneld,..Mteei.' vuzo I=l