THE DAILY GAZETTE. PIIBLISIIED BY Penniman, Reed & Co., ri O. HG nrazirr. Prrrastracm. rig WIC.III. I ISCUVXD BT dAltlitiEit::::!Mg Wittalurgit (a Bette. SATURDAY ; JULY 14, 1866. 11015. ILO/LACE MAYNARD, one of the ablest of the Tennessee Unionists, writes thus to Gov. Brow - 1110w: "I shall endeav or to be in Tennessee shortly, and at Nash vine by the time the Legislature tuner. 4 see the- rebels howl over the proposed amendments to the Constitution. That ought ¢b determine the Union men at one, Gov. l'ierisint sent me, this morn lug, an editorial from the Richmond Tim,. of yesterday, the most violent, wicked, tnalignant and devilish. The great fight will be in the coming election this fall. If the Union men sustain them selves, the owuward Course of events is easy and pleasant for the country. If they are overthrown, then the Southern Con. federney revives, and starts out on a new Career." A 310151 the resolutions recently adopted by a convention of disloyal editors of the Mississippi volley hold ut Jackson, was the following " Re.v.l red, That we recognize in that portion of the late 'Republican ' party now led by Stevens, Sumner not (freely, a di• reel attempt to overthrow the republican Principles established by our fathers for the Government of the United States, and to build upon. its ruins a consolidated empire, whose irresponsible and despotic rule will swevj away every hug-mark of the con• st inn foil. ' This decidedly impudent, Emanating from the yen' men who made an armed at tempt to overthrow not only the "princi ples estahlidied by our fathers, •• but the very Government itself, it is, to say the h•agt, rery cool and impudent. Tax soldier citizens of this District are almost unanimous in their support of General GKARY. This is hut natural. If they, by their votes, designed undoing the gloriotis work accomplished at the peril of ‘ their lives, we might justly expect a fill; support of C1.r..11-1. The principles which the patriot's the field of battle, ll e to fErLci. his Tote in the time of pence Soldiers know that GrAItVS. triumph would not he pleasantly received by the men who confronted them upon the field as foe: ; that the success of CISMKR woad .1.1]..c. rejoicing Where the name snd I:right deeds of the Union sol. Bier arc detested. In several cities of the Union we unties-% that income returns of the citizens have been published. We trust more discretion will be exercised in this city, as such pub. licntious have no good results, and only tend to clog the machinery of the Govern ment. Yerisons Who clamor the loudest for the publication are least interest/hi in the welfare of the country. They are envious of their neighbor and would expose his busines , figures, no matter how much it might injure him in trading circles. While the publication caters to the pride of sonic, it certainly is an act of injustice to many others. WE would respectfully inform the editor nl the Ruder are nut pied - judiced against Gov. Curtin, hit (-kiln our right to preferelli, in the Senatorial ron test. lie.garding the yucxtion of the en ,irm+ement and recommendation of that gentleman for the Senate try the Union party of Butler county, we adhere ti our original assertion, and have in pos s , sis ici i i the neivissary certificates to prove it. Will this satisfy the Cifi:ic Jourrsemsm.—The nett Johnson party does net thrice. In all the Km-et-dings of the potpie or Philadelphia, in their impos ing demonstration en the Fourth, there was not one mention Of the name of ANDIMW .10k1 NSW, There was no preeeneerted de sign in t hin, 1.11 everylntl IVInl spoke /t/ et tile people, seemed to think that it would he out of time Inc a l. ludo, on such a clay, to a man who Inns been false to the people who elected him. THE Democratic pttrty of Lawrence county met at New Castle on Inc 2d inst., and nominated David S. Morris for Assem hiy, Samuel Shaffer fur Associate Judge, A.. B. Allen for Prothonotary, Chester W Ballow for Commissioner, and W. P. Mar tin for Auditor. Among the resolutions adopted wax one endorsing Senator Cowan and the "humane and statesmanlike policy . ' of President Johnson. SOUS:, of the President's recent appoint ments are disappointing him. They do noiling he says to support his policy, and he might as well have retained the old in cumbent.. As the President aimed to be tray his friends in the new• appointments, ho ought not to complain the nese up pointments betray him. BY telegraph elsewheie it will be observ ed that the Senate has confirmed the ap pointment Of W. G. M'Caudless as Bei - - cone Collector of the Twenty-third dis trict. Major M'Candless is a very worthy gentleman, but we can see uo good reason for the decapitation of the present incum bent. FROM CANADA. Parliament Protocal tm—Financi a I and Commercial Policy of Mc. (torero- Meat Rastained Aid fur Pocliand atdieretn. titroe:a. July 13.—.A1 a:l5El2lm morning a vote was taken on Mr. Givorn's motion of want of enntldance in the financial and commercial policy of the Government, and tho resell WAR: For the wovermen t, Wiage.inst it, `1.6.--a major ity forth° fdlundry of TX The debate on the motion has lasted three days, some mem bers, such as Brown, Golfe, ,Wen 11.11 Melyor, speaking for hours. Mr. McDonald will move to-day test there be twe sittings of the nous, na Government days. with the object of expediting the progress of the public neatness, that the sesakm may be brought to an early close. This la the lait ses sion of the present Parlhament. It wills ' , close In about two weeks. IL L 9 proposed to start a subscription hero for the sufferer. by the Portland are, In Montreal some 111011 are subscribing liberally. Mr. Frothingtuun gave 0,000, and some others VW each. The arab au American. A new office, Minister of the Navy, has been created. The navy at present has one vessel, the LtiCanadienne. The Plasterers' Convention—Report of Committee en the Mate of Trade—The Appivullee s ystem — sub -Conteneting Condentned—Eight Hone Question. Puitsystruts, duly 13.—The Phistorers' Convention assembled et nine a. M. whw the Committee on the State of Trade made o ro. Pert, reeemMteidlog that apprentioes In all eases he Indentured; condemning all out.uimtructutg, and recommemling to owners as being to their interest to centrum. direct with Lim "boss" plastorem; defeuding the lawfni WU of strikes, and condemning their stmw..'s It says the greatest strikers are those who condemn them most pointedly.. Re ferring to the tneuufacturers, who by high tw igs are striking against the consuruere of the country. The konvention are in Committee of the Whole, discussing the eight hour question. - - - General Sherman in Boston. Meares, fray IL-General Sherman's rece Lion this afternoon was very enthusiastic lie wan met at Longwood Station by the Mayor, u commiLtho of the eitY government, andoto cm con 00nebiting Of two colnpauleo of comiry. The streets tareagbout the route We lined with citizens, anti rife reception they gave to the great tionetul was of the Mont enthmiso. BC CUOMO...T. De of IMAM Island and the 'eViadelphia • Don. a. R. 1. July 13.—The Rhode 10- lalMlR=Me-ocznlio State Central Committee this morning lnsuel a call for . : ittiVc o ur A e . e s tio . n. tO meet in rroVideorr r ° to. to ropy t, for the purpose of electtog digattipti. i t Rhode Island in the Waal Unlott ettmentUte,. THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. VOLUME LXXX.--NO. 165 ktV*4 4 311i'd1;) Ire/Cola gradbur Matter At Pittock'A Hargidno Extroordloarr Nn, co Firth AtTCCOt. • Base Ball Shoes. At South & Ross', MI Market [trait. The Model Rltba House Of the world, O. to Firth gtrret Ortater Inducements Than ever, now offered, at No. ro Fifth st reet (40 to South d Ross, ori Market Fitreet, for your 12123=! The Beat Conducted Boot and Shoo IiOURO In the world, at No. re Fifth !drool- _ Pleasant Hours And ibliio , l*A, for A PAZTO t, at Plttock • r , npn, Pitn.Postonfre. 0).1.50. lientA' One (Alf geWed BOOLS, IL/ h noes', ti Markot ntreet• Try Them. Thaw fine Calf sewed Boots for gentlemen at SoutaS Rosa', 63 Market Arcot. Only 02,00. 7120,0 doe higb-eat. Conart , s , i a South S. 110*!', all Market st revs. Sn.ramber Stock or on goals, rIo tnlr out without regard L. emit, on 010 northeast POriler of Fourth ant Markot streets. C. If ems°. love tino. Dr!SII Good• At et neat burgaln, ou the northeast conic of Fourth awl Market streets. C. Ilsssos Loy,: .2 n., I= 11l White heap:, Malls. Nottiscaoks, Jacon eta, I'. K. Victoria lawns, 21. c.. 01 the Original 800 Wye eland, aliellahY SI Bar clay, 74 and pt Market street. lace Goad• Black and White Print,, and MotMutat, .t veiling cheap to lose them out, on the nortl east corner of Fourth tool Market street, C. It A 1.031 LOVIt it Bum New Prints: New relote I New Prints! Pink, Blue, Buff, together u,th a very ham •ome stock of Dark Merrimac, Pacin Sprague and Coeheon last opened at Shelled Barclay's, 74 and 70 Market street. I= A splendid Itosewooo Piano, of a celebrated make, frill seven-octave, and handsomely fln- Wind, price very low, at Gardther's great lloot and Shoe House, No. CO Fifth street. Domestic , 00ds of the best brands always on ban .1 and sold 10W, on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. L1AN.. 4 0,1 Love et BRO Money Saved fly purcnit.,ing your Woolen Goods early. A large stock of Flannels of almost every make, to make your selection from, can be I.rnt at Sheilah). & Barclay's, ;4 and 76 Market street. OEM The latest styles of LOuliPS' (inners for summer near, just received at Robinson's, 61 Market street, are really elegant. All descriptions of pedal coverings at rates lower than those of any outer house lu the city. =1 All the delicacien of the semen are served up at tot, Erleker limning Rooms, next door to the PosteMon, on Fifth street. It to the cool est place in the city to obtain a meal. The prices are the most reasonable. —...-- Ittonontratteha Bath Booms. By referring to our advertisement. of to-day -cmr renders will he pleased to see that. Mr. Christopher hienstriger has refitted, in silken did style, the liath Rooms In the Idonongishol. Mouse. where hot, cold and shower bathe eau t* had in good style. Very De•lmble Good* And goods that will he higher In a short Lime, such as French Merino. single and 'double nridth lie Lslnes, Flannels. dc. Call soon arm see the stock that has Just been opened at Shellaby Zt. Barrlay's Original nee Hlva Stand, 74 sod 71 Market street. (hood Health IS paramount to wealth. It the ayetern IS In 1.1 order, purge out the vile humors and Mar tediiper,-wlth 11.01 Jack's Mood PlllO, and pet the Internal orgune performing their regular tunetions, and, Once In order, keep them eo 1 with Itotinvie. ST0111,•11 livrren, Shea h Nlschinew. The atteutton of our readers Is railed to the feet that Shaw & Clark's sewing Machine, ,old by It. IL Long, No. I M groat street, Is snix.rlor W all other machines to the market, They are the most simple and cheapest machine of fered for sale. T. hem, fell, stitch, hind, em broider, quilt and Weir, their equal can't be found. Call at the above number anti et•c them work. Refrigerators. Ice Chests. Four and live minute Cream Freezers, toe Filchers, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Most Safes, hall Tubs, and s full line of goods gen erally, suitable for the heated term. Our s toe k is the largest, our variety the best, and our prices the lowest to be found anywhere west of the mountains. l all and see, itt 121 tl'•sel street, south side, Is, doors above. Fifth 'I. W. W. tins ants w. Selling of Sommer Mats. At Wm. Fleming's llrst Muss hat end eup house, No. 1:19 {Veal street. We ore a•1l ueg ,of our stook of gent'n tine nilk und m."111.11'13 hut., gout's Atm felt hats, men's and hope for and wool hats, ladles' and misses' hats, llillll.llC4i and untrimmed, at a great reduction, in order to close out our summer goods. Those who want anything to the above line will do well to call at Wm. FIC-Iniag'S, IWood arra, for great bargains. The dale at Fort Ilerren. This (Saturday) afternoon, at a o'clock, T. A. elland, Auctioneer, will well the remainder of those well located building lots adjacent to Fort 'Jarrell. Th( two previous sales resulted tv his disposing of quite a number of the lots, and at prices so favorable to the buyer that we do not hesitate to predict that the sale to-day will exceed the most sanguine expectations of all concerned in the same. Thin property is, beyond all question, one of the best, if not the eery best, locations in our immediate knowledge. From prices obtained at former sales, we can - truthfully say that it In cheap property; and to the man of small means, who roe Mies easy payments, we err safe to saying that no such opportunity has presented itself for investment for many a day. The executors of the estate, in laying out the plan of lots, varied tho size, so that the man of moderate views will be as well able to secure his home lot as one of more plethoric Railway . purse The llinersville Passenger l niches means of communication with the city, , ears leaving the station (Which Leon the estate) every ton minutes; and mithe day of sale this will convey passengers to end from the gralunde free of charge. Ladles of Delicate Constitatian And uncertain health are strenuously advised to throw aside the nauseous and useless prepa rations with which thevare accustomed to drug themselves, and test the hygehm, body-and mind -strengthening virtues of llosrwrrsa's Cate ..... D aromaru itirreas. in all the complaints and disabiliticn arising from va rious climes, they will Mid this cheering, re freshing and invigorating preparation of ex traordinary efficacy. Ito regulating proper ties are wonderful; and as a remedy for the languor, nausea, tremors, convulsions, hyste ria, de., Which often accompany the develop ment of womanhood, it has no equal among the prescriptions of the faculty or advertised medicine. For the many distressing feelings which usher in and often follow the period of maternity, and also for the !;sinful and dan gerous symptoms which se metimes acoem finny "Miami° of life," .I.IOIIT grira% BECTILIta ! are earnestly recommended. other resto mtive seems to suit so well the constitutions and the organisations of the feebler sex. n all cases et Female DeWitt y, where there is a want of brisk vital action,, the Istrrsae pro duce a most important els age--relieving local weakness, and re-establl rßateg the general health. _ _ LLoetetter•r i Bitters Are told wholesale and t %tail at vary low rater at rlermingh. Myna and k %tont Medicine Depot. No. E 4 'Market stlimit., c miter of the Diamond l ad market, may Saar hacrset. CITY ITEMS Great. gamely Are offered at Robtneon's Boot and Shoe store, Market street. ESE= y purettaqing your Boots,, an a l ~a lters t GI Market Street. =1:1] The Chandelier+xt Ewons tt Co., Wrssl street They have the hest assortment In %he Steam nod Gas Filling. Ewens .t Co., Wool ntrcct, allead to all of of '-Ica4L anal 4.10.4 Fittmg AIL aork Wart.lll,l. LublU l'4wronunt Cream For the hulr. It has no equal for pronantng the growth of hair. For RU/0 it Fulton's !brag Store, corner path and Smithfield streets. comfort t le a comfort to take meak at so ronl and ascot a Blare as the pooolar r Fink nt reel. nett 41001 . I Ite Displety. Robinson. No. Market street, Invoke, it beau tiful display of till the latest At) of Itoots, shoes and gaiters. The inlet,. 111'0 the cheap. cs.l In Um city. Take n Ilwth The beet preventive of Cholera known In eitellneia of person 10111 temperata wet, AI 0 Fl have large supply . f 'tablet, improved Ruth Tube. P.peodld Dinoerw Are served up daily at the Fricke, - Diu tug Sa loon. Fifth strvot, next door lo the I . o4ioMe". Everythiug on the lull of rare called for van he °Wanted. Moats art earted up or ery hour Lent .t yle et the Incl+t ree+temble rules All ten Flew docks Fat ritteck'n. l'holographe, the grettleat antortment In the Iv, at. l'lttock's. Call and not. Wallets, Gold Peas. I'lttue ll:until Photographs, Itt ?Mock', Alban., Photographs, at I'lttoek•+. I avaable Photographs, a intrarle, at PP I= \t x' \ ..r II intlll I. •hotOgraphek, al l'lttawk ry, at rillcalle, I= = Young America Pholngraplis, ILI Plt lock A New restore In Dentlelry. \n discovery of modi•ris date• has tit Vl . ll itch satisfaction as the introduction of the arrun oxide gas, which ha+ become so r in dentistry. It ~ ,C lll4 almost Impossible int by inhaling this plea., tit and harmloaos apor, teeth ran be extracted without pain •e yesterday wittietueol an operation per ortned by Dr. Spencer, 25-1 Penn Street, e n•rth extraetial w ith one drew of tlo• • hole operation consuming about too tide tea. The patient being .urprlinal on awakeni ng, to find his teeth ont, exelalme.l. •nperfeci y delightful; 1 nlreaming." Dr. aponeet Is an expert operator, us wellits in other branches of dentba ry, and his in charges, gentlemanly deportment and mover sal success, has won for Mtn the largest nut [mange of any indtridua4 Dentist to the Vn ilea Slates. N. B.—Dr. N.the Artallretl Iluwrtll Eye Wlthollt the slightest pain. lAghtning Maceroul, a celebrated Freach clectr . •• - elan says: "I have seen to much of the saving powers of conOuctors tot to a - 1411 that every noun, setts protecte , l by one:" Wel Among other Instanees cites the tact that after On erous conductors wore affixed to the .tre mit and most prominent angles of it. Peters, la Rome, by the French, le Itte, an electric discharge Wti not known to (al on it more titan three titans, and then no damage en sued; while before that time injury was con• tinually being done to that eitupeinlon , ede nee The same author says that a trine is bet ter than a solid rod, hecsuae it L. to the surface of bottles that eleclrielty adheres, and that proper and elevated conductor will generally carry Off the electricity silently without city apparrent discharge. Lori: hurt pa uy of this city, ?duns.. Comte Tubular Lightning !Lai which no doubt., 1. the best conductor Wore the public. set advertrscnienL Ile.ntitol Npeelmens Thr pedestrian on St. Liao street in lever' [ably attracted to gaze into the art Mill.lo of the well known photographer, It. 1. lOWA.. At the present time there Is upon eI- Itl tiltion s number of photomiphs Ilnlsheil by the artist Wenzel, hitch, for beauty 4)f el, cation. are superior to anti ping ever turneil out In this city.tine cabinet photograph of it little AOll of ttev. James Is Wort h of specie) atzention. It O a master-Piece of photographic art. Another, tile pletare of a little daughter of SW. Burns, ts ill , most faithful 11Zellenif of earth ly iingel we have ever over,. Tile crowning photograph, however, is that of a young holy of Alliance, Illtlu. It Is a life-size or cabinet photograph, delicately colored, and ILA natural its life. There are many other spec. 0T0,14 tt you 0, 110,0,, and the admlr , 4.1 the healitl I al it ould do well to rail and closely n1..110110 the malty onporlor corb. of photo. graphic ail in Air. Dalai.. pitiattal ost/0.1121h erit. Ile charge , but reroomatile prices to photographs. and every plranrednishei at lit gallery bears the impress of superiority. hblot are lis.ateil at No. 'At rd. Clair street. Tired of NeelOG ft And t am almost tired of presenting myself to yon, my friends, but as my object is business, I trust that pin will tolerate me :nee more. for It Is the ex pe,illlloll of meeting with new reader.voi in ttfniting my appearanee in the pawns. Many of my dear and jinlielous friends are telling me daily to desist this use less expenditure of money In news Items, but they will pardon me for leaving that monoto nous profession and iton-ailvertising life, which I have followed for so Many years, an my sign can be exhibited to so many more by the adoption of this ,xiorse. I have thought, and still think, that Laughing lite, Is entirely free from ilanger, and the best known agent for extracting teeth without pain. If every body could believe as I do of this plennant and Lennie:is process of being so relieved of ach ing teeth, they would overwhelm me with be slegment for my services; but fortunately for me the tbOusenas that hare come first most serve rof testimonials among their friends— skeptics, which aril as leaven to leaven the whole loaf. We give full sets of teeth for ten dollars and upwards. I presume that themes of people who can afford It alit prefer the fat Ice. C. Sill 3M. E. Glib:spin, 245 Penn street P. o.—That White House, directly optsisit Christ SI. E. Church. Get the Best—They Always (live Matta- Every . week, Dr. Quincy A. Scott is called upon to insert Artificial Teeth In cases whore other dentists here tried, been paid, and fattcd, and in every case his work gives entire satis faction. He is quite an artist in his line of bosint.s, and has merely to examine a case to know how to articulate the teeth, so that they will present a handsome aim natural appear ance, and will renntiente the food thordughly. The prices (v . v .. loser than those any dennat In Mc city, and he will year/twee his nork to be auperlor. So it would better for any of our readers who ere in want of teeth, to call upon the Dr. In the area place, and thereby rave their time and money. We would also assure those persons who al e suffering with diseased and unsightly tooth, that they can have them extractssi ,eithool any pnin whatever, by calling upon Dr. Scott. lie lies extracted for over ten thoumno persons within the last towen yearn, and among this largo number there ts not one ease In which his process has proved injurious, On the emitrary, he can refer to numbers of h a patients who claim to have been benefited in renewed health. lie extracts numbers dab ly by the riewtbßhigolone or Vapor' , process, and gives pore Laughing Gas to those who desire it, without charge. Ile makes no charge for extracting when artificial teeth are ordered, and gives a fall set on Vulcanite, , with beautiful gams, for eight dollars. Ile- Imember his number, 275 Penn street, third door above Hand. Saeresary Well.e to tiloootor Doo ,iir•BUINOTON, July 13.—Tlut latter of t•een tart' WelleS to Senator Doolittle lwatlis than ~ "1: cordially approve the movement womb hits been Instituted to sustain the Admlnistra. then In maintaining unhrn4OU the' uhnion you of Staten, and I recoize in the call which you Iluva sent. m enthe principles and slows Ith Which the Adulinistrutioll lout been. gov, ernod." Tennessee and ndment. the Conettsiatlonal Ame N Tour. July ti.—The Post , spacial save the Tennessee Congress delegation are advis ed that the Constltuttonal amendment will be pasted by the Henso of that Mete. PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1866 SHONII EDITIVt. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. VERY LATEST TELEGRAMS. CONGRESSIONXi,PROCEEDINGS. A.utsuros, July SENATE. Hr. Got hrlo, from Io& croomition no nance, reported the joint resolution respect- ing the payment of interest upon the Wine .10.111 .1110 to the .everal elates, with in amend ment. it being on the eeolloll section,) Section The sail accounting °Mears shall in lite manner report the claim of each Slate for interest On 111011i08 oorrowed and all enienite.l for the Ore of the Ilriled :Ova Onring tho rebellloh, and that th,4:110.• olutOrVl,l ‘k bleb Were pr,—.4,11,041 ~r 1 for Intor.t mon to. tut'. 11 , se nrol nonefti Of fly, 12131: United Staten during the late War ntlit treat Itritidn, and Chapter tr.t of the iteto It tile Intlt l.ongress, first Mentiioll, A I Mr. Wilson introduced the following, wheel, carts Mdected to by Alr Joloinon. nail goes over Resolvni, That the l'residont of the t tilted States be rmine.lml to foritinh to the ,41111Ite the reword of the court of triontry upon the murder of twenty-three United ' , Wen not them at Is ~ in trod, by the Itehel Generals IliMe nl,l Itieket in, under the charge of having deserted loan Lim Rebel arm), to_ gether with the Molting tit the raid court tit till my, and the action, If inn!, token thereon. Mr. Wilson reported the litil renpocting three nionilis• extra imy et iolunteer. when Muntered out of kervice discharged. in t unit lon of Mr IN 4.lkburtle ofMinot., tut ameniltnent wan adopted repeaMtigthe t went 3.- !mirth NOVtIOII of theit, of July Mth, Istri, al lowing the payment of Intent les to the loyal masters of °Minted Maven. Thu committee tone whit retie toil the bill nail 6.IIIOIIIiIEIrIILS ttl the Bonne Tun amen t-- were railed on Mr, Wastiburne's unwed meld to repeal lino tweitty-fourth nevi win of the met of July, Isnt, allowing tile payment of twddle:. to loyal master. of enlisted slave.. Theamendment wits agreed to by yeas. nnyn, sts. All the othei ametitheents were mo evil to. 1 lie lull was then rind a tlitill i tole pievesl. The Monne resioned the contested election ot /12LW.111, i rom tho I'w rule' Sent I, onp-es.,nal 111.trict of Vetionylvali la. 31 r Wltnoti reported, without amendment, front the comittee, the tell to amend the act providing tie thin p ry of t homes and other property lost In the Staten 41,VICC 31r. linthrle, from the Finance Come:Once, reported it 11111 to unwind the nets to Indemnify the Slut, for expennes Incurred by them in defense of the United ntater, w all an 41E1,10- • • MrLb.., apt ri•pm-Le.l It tho MilltKry oululatee a joint nel•olutiou Ovum to the !lion Itallrou.l the tight 01 eay iroU h Inlittary emerVaLloll , , which uas ND. Pomeroy, 1 rom the linnntlttee nn rithlir reporte.l two bills to recite 0, ,•orts.l,l eithern 01014`0 the henellt 14 so act grunting athlte lands ut minstroct railroads, which ..r e only red lii 31 r. Wilitatux Mfez,sl a motion to retroushiiii totem, the 101 l In reatmex Metal:thin to lie District ut CSillitliSS, which was defeated o the `caste Ott Tuesday lost The a lorrara elill , CAW. bill was talon up on he expiration ot the W.i..roltie hour, the trend. og question 001 g the motion of Mr. ?dor 111 to postpone the hill until lioemutair next Mr, liar, to spoke In form ta the motion D wediame. NI, T muted' e against the jets( poi pent, and ,poke of the great not ..... al helm toes of If.e propocetl work an sufficient to urge he Immediate pa, , age of the 51 r. Ilendrb k Intl''' the ould he post test. Ile u• , ; not I.eloe vo its para Age et the percent ,ecrdon could aroompltch molt wit Or s In favor of the poidtementent of till and Whet Pend tog Mr:Mete% of Importance- It van lithe fee adjournment, and there acre IS enough trier,' the country. t winces, Mel neglected its !Oust Impt,rtil .1 duty, that of rectOrlitg hartitotty between the two neo terms by reliuttl tog the Southern State. to rut, reset:Patine to Conan... Mr. Trumboll w Iched to known if the Sella tor from Ind Won wit, Au favor of Weems the control of the states lately' lit rebellion 10 the luvridc of rebel,. is the t lee Prwident of the ate Confederacy to corn° in here tv. u Swinton his colleague, Herschel V. Johnhon, tread 'rem tow rebel congress, to COtee here nsra h mator legislate for the loyal people of his conntry lot the hellllfOr from Ind Mika j hake nil ill, party sheet, lea met arlaete :hit UniOn.CMIOII.OIL of the ce•mtt.t). Let ray to the people of the sow ir, you reb. alto brought on this st ar , wile ocetodoned Alto, leaolationllll,l woe throughout the land, toted -land bark nil 1,, th e; loyal men of I lie country rule the country. Lad lout unite with us in dertrun,ling that loyal wen Aaiun control the emottt y, ono I will unite with the senator trout lndiann in ar !coming their represen tat lees to rent, herr, and the passage oi recognizing these state t. s I root .1 I y relut to this harmo n to the .Sha t. , rn - :tien II the senator si ants ny e re stored: he wants ft' riel v te reourne enema the tocaluitotto id t lie :ate idol state, lest ltho MSlll.Ot Ile% elt to 1.11 rho re Is a I 111011 ,010,11110111 t. tile 11 that 111 molt,: the 1111111 Mell 111 the so le lie ...Idiot have it A hen n matt, for Ills personal Atatety. I ralel.l. lig through Ile late rebel 11001M.L., ha, duicenl Lls love of she I nee, Ile 'mown have tt w hee the oat found flag eau tot he borne lit sadety thrOugh the .trert , ot Mobile. Ile eannot have ft when loyal men trel women are not permitted to go and ier flowers upon the grave, of the herrn.- .1. !ell to 110011 lain the 1 Mon. The loyal element the woo tile Unlink 111110 of tit l, ne thm, hae , • coffered too much ILllit too long to Imt e and frletelch tit ti all the I rail' or, who to - might rum it niti the count ry . , and still persist in oppressing loyal own. Mr. Hendricks sou 11e W 01.11.1 nt prolong ti ditatisseet, one:dims not dire o ctly t eleven' to the hill, but he would reply briefly to the sanator trout When , . lle (Trumbu) at., the ',mullion. or rather date, Um Au-ep ll och i m on. that the I elation between these stales litollo.o be restored while and other, who t Wok i do, are in favor of Wavle Af the Southern stitt under the control of rebels, anti giving rebels a rib lit to representation in Congress. I think that Congress has rwittroi over the awe t ion of officer, of Ilse different State,. A, an Ino lank. I am not w Ming to give up to the Federal government, and I think at', an I n, Ana the senator would hardly ask that Wino, dortll,l give to the Fed eral got eridie•nt, Ih, emit rol of the eel -et of that ,uttr, or that the Federal todere !omit shouldto any way vontrol their elated too: It may ,od re the Sruater•c jourpo4e 1.1101000,1111f5, but it hat dly ,erve hi, purpose here, le , fly that I, or any who are with me In °pink el, nth bow advocating the ado, Xeres to AeiLIC ill tills botly,of to the llon , e of Itepth,entat, per , oes illreetiv eon made.' eit 11 the rebellion. The Settitty 1:111 , 14, eel-, well 0110 there MM . 14111111 G MOM the sta tute lawks M the tilled Sete, 1111.1 111,011 the rule, person the Senate, a pal boon rertntring every person who claim. lent 111 thr Sellete to take a imedeoletint .att Iv Mr. 'Cruel the Sonatot from lteltauti 10 favor of I 1111 t lawan lo d that rule I Mr. endrck 1. 001111 1- prAt , his H v le i n , 011 that illlertloll. 1• 1111 , l not asked to repeal the law. Does the seenter Iron Illinois eolicent It, Its repeal Mr. 'Crumbult—Certalhly not: and the Senator front Indiana help me to keep It in forcer Mr. Hendricks replied, that while the Lis remained, although he might have doubt, I. to Its constitutionality, he would not vote for the admission of any man who could not take the prescribed oath. If be (liendrleksoknew it man to be unable to take that oath, be worth) be opposed to Ills tidnilsetion. The question wan, however, not whether rebels should talc' seat, in Outgrew. It wt. not whether an 3 man who hurl been connected with the rebel lion In any way be witultten; it Was Whethe men ,wlected by competent authority in tie Southern StitteS, should be admitted. Heinen rirleks,) was not 111 laver of the admission o Mexuerier LI. Stephens or Hershel V. .1 °Moron while thin Tent Oath stood. If troy could tak that oath, he would he In favor of their artful , Won. Mr. Trumbull replied Hendricks, an ndiscussion sprung up between these twit get tterneu, the whole question of tin late rebel States was treated. The bill ws postponed by yeas 14, nays 11. Mr Wiley Introduced u bill to provide ft restoring to the States latel,y In Insurrection their full political rights, which after reciting in a uneatable the last constitutional amend ment, reads us follows: Resolved, That whenever arty State lutely In Insurrection shall have satisfied the above re ciltsl Constitutional toner.' wont, the Senators and Relecte d emote:Mat-lees from wild :Mutes, I f found duly and qualified, may, t a tted having taken the required oath of offlee, he admitted into Congress Ile It was ordered to Ire tiled. She. Fessenden offered n Joint resolution authon the Commissioner of Internal el., to to riz i sUspe g nd the collection o( internal tariffs due prior to July sth, filM, Ili the first collection district of Manse fret. liera"ni , owning property or doing btuuffness in the. burnt district of Portland, until the close of the present sessionof Congreini. Tina resold: Lion was passed. Mr. Williams moved that the Senate take np um bill to secure the speedy completion of the Northern Puerile Railroad. Mr. Sherman said this was a bill to guaran tee about a hundred algal:1ln of stock for this road. He hoped the Senate would not take it up, The bill was taken un by the following vot , ayes, 20; nays, hi. Without further consideration of thn the Senate adJourned after au executive s won, IMIM The House bill to incorporate the National soldies' urnsailors Orphan Home, was read the third and passed. at, Woodbridge Intrral coed a bill for the re lief of the St. Albans hank, of St. Albans, which wits read twice and referred to the Conainittee on Ranking and Currency. It a n the Commissioner of Internal Reve nue. to suspend the collection of duties on texas accrued or accruing from October Piet, to July lot, Intiti. On motion of Mr. Stevens,the Ronne resolved itself Into Committee of the Whole (Mr. Ray mond in the chair I and proceeded to the con sideration of the bill making appropriations for sundry expenses of the Government for' Considerable diseu.lon sprang up on ss motion to strike out the appropriation of VW: de for publishing the mystical sod surgical history of the rebellion, and insert kaNOOU for prearing the name And have the book printed thein Government printiny, office. The prop. Dillon was rejected, there being only 14 ayes. The bill was amended by inserting other ap- ...._ .. _._ _ propriatious for Custom, I.lght and other Gov- Progress of the Freedmen , * Stir.%Vl ernlnent houses, COtitilltirlionera. Mr. W them, of lowa, ugly tot holgtrlklo out the Z , t.i t tl l o ,, g l fr . c n r ) th m e c c , u nb r o e r nc ,.. y h t , t , ri l lt , t i nn . t . a . l i re L a h t , l ! . 1 . .... T 1 .N TON July 1.2..-Cenerals S.ciel man para.:raidh tiProolffisting it -15... torn tf reproof Fuit ' l . :l .ll .'''' - . hart, to-dat for New Orleans. llertOn . I Orden; of the interior and g.Potr.tedetfhteltettnemor,ial .I.l , ou t t b lig 1 .i ,, , . i . :0. 1, g., 1 , ,, ,, ,, ; ,.„ ,, ,, ,t. , ,.; , r s : , P '' , Y ,, , •:: ut ,: . ::it:l... , :f e a ltr e n r t i. l lo: l :o f v 0 ' , 1 ,, t : 11 bt„1,...,:1,0171uNe0r LihttlindgPOha.c...,- yars ago, Meat lee Plaintive( that 11111 il 1 11.1, ''." h'ee'l ." ."ener'i 1.'"0"... soul SWIM Change Made In it_ male , no expenditures should toe male that would ' Funeral of Senator lane. reader it a permanent kluyarttnent of the Ii te at , ,IV Aro Jaly lt.--General Lane's; ~ Government. Interco' etas It toil for Sunday next. but In COO.' After snore debate the aragrriph was, on 5e , ,,,,, of the rapid deeOmpOSlLion the re motion of Mr, tveshourne, 0 1 Illinois, a gge• t et. lames were. hurled to-day. All business sea. oil s o a. to approprlata effetkOte tor the erecteng t•eueponele.l. Tint fun crud wile largely attended. oil a liteprOOf brick building to afford addl. A pproprhoc -erviee will be Meld in the Mote t:tonal oats the Treasury Department. Gist chnrch en Sumitiy. Mr. W deam woo rebtettal. The co W committee rose temporarily, and )Ir. ,77.7.., F reedmen In New 0 . 4 . 1 .... -- ..hnua 1-"-........ Closed. Morrill, from the Committee ott ays rtiol . Nimes, reported the 1111 to protect the 171,1`. nue and other purposes, whath was read twirl. ." ' 1 171•11.1 ,, .1 niy I : -The people are iti isnil ordered tO he printed, and made th.• Ape- 0,1 1-7 1 . ,,, .1 I L I, I,loolker of fretaltuen vuotTants del order for todnerrow. ,im pose , 1.71 a partial Pldroolo .,l 1 , 0. 1 1111 11111°171M. .riot charged upon reetelon of the tariff, noel the follow- 1, I . , s r od'r tot. l mlaullarieg. !hg sotto.: Cigars, cigarettes and cherotes lit...Ming ham,. have oven ordered to be $2,10 per 11001001, and Ilfty cents Rol valorem, on I ~boned by Lb,. m,,,,,,.. Cotton three eunta per pOnurt; on oil Coen-' pounds or preparations of which distilled 1 spirits is a 00mptallitl, port or the chief . able., : CITY AND SUBURBAN. taiii.\To‘p'ottrltloes'ltthAni'llatLhian. i t. " l:e r s ' e.. ' t ‘ t i to ' sn i."' o n f I t ' l l i s e: Additional Local 317 , ierr. nee 'thee el PA e. tarn" 1011 17110.170 I hII, eth 111 er .I.)' . . 01 0... - Ing goo 1, m otel 1.7. o e . der., Siren His %reit al In tae the'. u t ot in the Itrit ode provinces t .•, •.4 3 --Atoutoni of li e• • • . • et. N. . 1 oil:, Bodeen and I 'the payiteent ill duties, \ I , , w ,_ Ilseepetetow ti th. I . ..„ ~ . . , . limn', mg the refunding eet 11111 11, 11:1171 111 I,- hel N i,ri • ohle 11h.1 Iholo . . oo V.. 10p0..0 1 11 , 01 t 1 11.1 emes. Also, Ihe neet too pro, iding !lad mitt- of 111. 1 . 111110.11111111 I. t.te- tile revenue of goods is to, he ascertained ley i t emeng nth, passenger., t leo le. II -tem, t to• adding to tint value or cost In the prineipal .u.trkcis of O....wintry from 0 lOch 01111101.11071. 1111,11,11,1117 .1 gat 10l 110 , 0•1 i.. 111 II.• I nu•slt,L of the vest of transportation , 7111111111 V llt, l°lllll- 1 1,1 . e , 11,• Th.,,,,, 1...1,,,, „.,.„ 0 .,_ .„.......„.. O MISSIOII. lot, Al/011, ter woorot loot, 1 r a n ,ll 1 111 I, ~.1 00, ..., ~, w „..,, ~„..,,,.....„.,....,...., . h.. ma 3,, , , ,, fr.. Of duty, nineteen, y for the .101Ot 10171 111. O • of roger Irons lands, and a inn tee seeMu one e elerks .1 earritege wet- procured, 0110 the trot '1 riding Inv a Bureau oh statistic,. prOeeeoll.ll to the :11,1Y0r 7 -• other. This 11,1%7111 Th. Douse again 00 nut Into Committee of the Whole and resomcd the .0111.11.17111.1.11 of r "r." rd " . ' r Y ' 10 " ..° '''''°‘ l" '"' g' , ..trallY the Mlacelltimams Appropriation 1011. 1,1111,11 tat the •ilopot, tool hone, there WIL7I not Mr. Payne, Itimirmatt 111 the I cintoilttee on 1, teal ~,,,,,,,,„,,, ~,- ~,,r i ,,,,,,,, „,,,,,,,,,,,,,," C10C.1.101120, 010,10.1 Ihe debate in a sp. etch sup- I w hi. t , ~ . ~, , , porting the right on Mr. Iht N.llll, 111.011 tlng I ' ""' . "1..'" '`'" ii " '' '"".". 111.17111. , t. 1117. seat. 'rho re:44,1.1t0n r 171.11111. , At th e ) M a) ot •s office a 1100 t 1 001 , 11 o.llllertOd, t og M r. b,,,,,,,, to , his 0,.,,, ~,,,,, .d., 1 ,,,i ovlth- ; hot the door of the prit Ale 011100 hetng locked tint a division, 0 lie wt. , desired it et e nol permitted Mr. l'ill tett from the C4111(0171•11.. Committee on the 11111 further to. present smaggllng, :to gate upon the letineheinted homicide. 1111111 e a report whittle wan eierimet tut. 0 Nlayor Meel'art lev i tut) soon notelet his I The Romeo adjourned, 111111 1 hr. 1111 101- I , , na tions wits nniele that there would he x' """'"'"''• ."" 0 " I ''' ".''''''''''.' '''' - '" u ‘vii-''' 1 Cations of Union Senators noel h osed.eta. locked o , Inn cell Ite the totentts Following' ' bate, In time 11.111 Ostler, ow , satestelav eve- , llt ,s, 1 1 Iha eta,. e " tone., 1. , a lean alone it was I 'tog, at 7.30 o'clock. . generallt imilernt.e.: he vrenlit of Ilse honor- , mut arrest awn due, need ve let.• 11, It was Molted about, Mt heel • 'heeled a f tvi a •Nlespertitt. _re- ' sedate , c, - bcc,ooc 1',.• centre . of 1.1.1 111711011. Ite Letter Iron* Paris ..Loont Bismarck the ' ~,,,,,.,...,..,,,, ,„.,,,,,,,,,,, ~, ~ i ...,, ~, , por _ . -Evil Genins"-Probethle Deportore of ~,,, ~,,,, „„i 5 ,„„,,,,,,,.,,,, ~,...,,,,,,___,, avow ., Napoleon From Ws Nentral Yeller- ~,,,, 0 „. „„,i ~.1 , ,_ ~,,„,. ~,,• ..,,,,...,.,,I sng pi., 1, 0 1 Italian Etretris Improved-•Ranntred 0 .. • ~ ' , ~, . _. i •, - Ads SUrf. In Italy It, the Itothsch tide i ',;. -t ,. :‘,o"loltl,,t':_tt,tl",,t„,t.”.o„.tit ,y.? , :, r ,'" ) ,'"; . ,::4 , ~i,Ttr,..,,' to of of t 0 0 .00 , 4000 Eroncs - "........ 1 ".."- Ire 1 hem rotterlng upon et eletidleel , aecoutit ' regard Received lo a Harke d Manner .. , 1 his It at . 1.1. am! the es petilentn resorted Co by Napoleon. by hoe Ncw 0 000. Jul) 1.;.-LA Patin let ier nays The 11111,11.1 WI, o onoott teal at the saloon of The Prussdan I.°, ermetatt .ON rtl atejthe outset the etettunenl, in the lemeelegh of Temperance , s lite, em the night of the - .lto id May. 31111 hot -01 Iho O.r. 1 ° 111‘011-7 , 10 7 ' 111 . 1 0 o'rems el''''' l '`'' ll ° a ohs:mailed: extraordenetry 1,11-1 1.11 .4 1111 tile defeat, it. rah 01 1111114.4 1111 01.111. in the lol o utwei l o ut of Ihe police, niem -tanutiteleel In getting th a noter t w o,* ratty returned 111 11,,. rOololor. emit II an. amen a-veils...l 1 nal lei heel tat. of ash. to lox, 'int- t 0th13111.11 toolo 111 e•Vo71110.1 gone .-,..1a ,Irl o 0511.! SOllll. x'1,.17 .11(.0 .111 vitalti- W4lll 111, to 01 lean nrioeruptliou. man o'l In I omit 1 ~.1 the oche!, tip to the a nnouncement of los Itlrmar , k, act an a etoteltinate , Mil 111 , 0.0 I , arrest, that he haul departed tor Ms native genius of the Klieg ts tle.errnintsl to meek the moods, idtrueetiet , told heal tie - rads' eirrivenl cheek ley I.rlieglng YO/000, 17111 111.011 Ili7 no• 701.1 1 ht.., Franc , -, II appo , ar. seoas , too ro 100.-0 0000.•• 1.. 110.1471.11 1, Johan .lot!'. heal he teed. 1 lee rase take th.. move, at leant It t. tot not ,1010 'Ol eneho ~, Maned , * o e h„.. 0 01 1 .0 . .1 eiee ,.. e even- og, In forma tea. Ineu rem, where. oh Thitrndat , 11.11. 11 fun is tutu shoot i hal date' 1 hal stem aan In New sightly osato e ,l, alt,t, moo., 7....1 111111...77 lock.lle went tootle, temered the mervleen report m all the emeters Ile the eeut ve 11 11,11 11. 1•1 or , - ~ill ,online ,VI II 1.11 111 ill° success. re eta lented sine Were, 1 o irepttre On- pabllc tot . demo - to lin Inhurgli to 1,0,1111 Ihel II t 1111111 111, of some tat,• of th e Eiiireeno (Tote his Allem, moo eAI 1 0,000*. 1011 Preto). last tide -'omen" telegraph police. others, ei, iterthion lenn tome,. toe, tat .10000-n 00,1000110' Ohl Outnetilately, I hot he had sserlisid the minleney ett I ten ean duct to re- :wen le eon:pant 0 0010 stem, lie left on Suter- CoN er, to moo her reeeet I, tn. the n.1111)11.1. duo last, ens lii N 1 telt on Monday, met butte agreed to :1. .1.1•O°. Myn , ,nke rem, $ ti , 11 , 10 is ateontant, tool 000,1 0 in pursuit et( their It:than Ito verionv of on the i ecently ronlbtea.. g a m e A t et eigilde etue a- otetaincel ley their led chervil prep , 1.,,-. est., latotug that If 1- 0117011 . oho, ley the way, 1. 17.11 11.7.110. 7, Oh l.l° 1 1111 1.011 ito•N 7 I 11,71 1 1.1 I for New look al the .11111. I mitt :louen did. arid that the Ifrttice • 0 7 I* ' e r e re- w on, we t w a t ete, on the natio. tram.) hod Goering from tlev hret, aunehl Ite re eel r,I slowest leaggage to a vet t 0111 lohletoo over .hich at i'ust or ra. liter k et,' nt lea 10 tool It, 1.11 Nll 010111 011er.011. The but 0 1. Itun agate -1, ,,, I, lon ...Whet II . .1 0111, I heti to-sunonl ohe vino :oder of an ex , menthle.. TII 0• 0 0-0, mark , I tortnhet Ile of- t e,- 1111,7orlIget . oot ;10 Iro 1. .1.1101 1,1.1,10711.1 g 4r,,1 0 ,1 web 111111,1101 0...107111) I•e11,1 It 1 114•101- O rr r hat ',rpm I.s to he a 110111.3 ptufkage n 11.11- regard. who , 177 llooN -la) in at 11••••' 1 . dressed test.... 111 Ihe 1711,1° 01 J.IIII kiatt.l. atel sent a chattel...risen to -hot , 1 , 1.1 too .71 l ie -ottani Iseetatr. al Eight 1. ntreet, NO.'ll . York, imp- Lemslatif, a here 1 ne, rt liaptsme , l to he a. here stein had twee slopping, a ent there got,: ou Jet -I them a pet." a, detuonotration, to deliver It. lint 1 lie,telec lye wan airman w h n I, o , o t ~,,,j,l 01 100,et 11, 70100°471711 oof Mr. lotted .01 lion-ern he met a ltd a man who Lartattore, a 1,1 01 1 0 ~1 11te 1, , 10,. ao it .it Mee d 0 new Melt, 011.1 WI. , adult, hal that he ceold titiiiiiidEratii 0 )0 , 0 01,11 1.; 01 0 11 . .5.0.) . 0 the Ifffirtri- and him 1 u at ollty Or 1 N.. 0.111 , 1,011,0114 011011 M •rent poWers. tor dr. , : 0. ' , ogle 0 0, . Cole 111 re- of tiftnt,noil fie a ould me ttit.e 4:. ,, ft tin a eon ., cr) of her ancient roses in 111 , ntaleralsei ion tont it, .1 errs , ering loin where. • ,o n u t i., a ., h e 'stein, was a lelloa yountry molt Jonen 1 etut ned to Got 0111 , 1011 In tlitatiose, leigned tato:S..4l 11.1. 11101 11111-- 7 ponely armlets' on the Floor the 00,0010 pnekage I s hied he Mel pre, 101177/V prepare.. addrensed The Rebel Illattrmler Edlthig a Paper In le stele one porportlng to contain three bun the..,olly of )loa m / 0 . 1 % 14 " MP: .' I : ~... " r 'I red dollars. A vterintrn tee ked 00 tip, when 1 tt "• ,,..-..1.1 ' . t'it tu it , '"""" -- " 1 " "."' ./.111.0,11-07101.1110g Is 11.111,7177,111.atit.1e demon dent Apprlttal Mat the liadients of _ h.. , ~_._ 01_01„11 ..„ „,,, , , „ , ~ ~ , a...a„..a....1.01,,, N 11110•0001.101 are Ileteredined to tarry ihr E'e r " ... by Intro- A "flmi " "" the t't[l:::'l::•'k'n' ih,'"..l*.l:4n4o,ll.llo:nt"l'l'e''o.l7l*.ino:l•l'.'n'tt'rt"!:',gg an/Orel,:m1.1M.1•11l1,My tot sal toste.v, and that tat, or 101 l ft oh, 4 el? t ,0 .-- 3, Bank tioiii , lI , M e ,•• int eies to . .beady to had gone to iimintan 'ha , 11 4 th e late i e 0 , 1 111 111, - , hat yea CI 11.1 11,,, .., . „. ~.....,, .1.0. „. r. TI „, ..,,,.,,, .. ~,, 0 001 . 00 1 0,00•0•.••.• 0000. ot 0 tot / ~,,, t lota spatter 001 th e lat 1 , w „,, „ „.. 1 1 111 , 1 e1,00,', II„- 011 . 0 05001,0(0e, an! gO, 01 Nieto.", t Mee the death of lien rt Wet k 11 1. mg it , the pi w t i nt.ed, teat lost 11.:11 11 171 matt A1!,',,. fortnerlt The 1 oniederale t 'ore. nor of a to. -ft-attune It the vaindly. Going to the Is/nisi/ma The 1' ,, 0•• lilmiii `ii. 1 .. 'meet' , tt' 0 place at kt 101. 110,111, lie .•, tel. olver on atlinsillstrid len 0.1 1' , ..^ ,, i ,,,, . 0 "h"..•.‘ .”., ll,' hoed, told enntuntered Mr. strait, this el, vors loin teconstritet lon volley. tatte.lanee co,. vlizeing lout t hat he W 11.71 wi thint l'olrty-four th 0,11.1.1111 ellolly, 1.1111 too 101 1 1\4,1 at . c ,„„., „, ~,,, ~,,,,. 11,0 0 , 0 a sking r this port from latt.tpc tlot'org fit" 1 '''''' " 1 10 f a as. he a:1-'.si r upon 10 lour or lire 1.111,11/1117., JP., . 0110 loirti lion to the floor and held him. '1 he 11. r.... , s W,11in.1,, . 1 , 00001100.- j 0t ..., managed after a toile a Idle , to use ii , 0111 ". 111 if A it""tit""ttt• ,10 0..'11 "t III" her !evolver. and to gong .Ore al abet., de. um olhol 1511 0171 1 171 , 101 of Mr. Johnson, called +tit:many a nitwit effect, secured tots release, at the While Home with Mr. Thole.. E. •••11 11,. 00 ,„„ ~,.,,,.)„..1 th , 01 „„,.... 0„‘, without tit relation to the tr.-lather p o liihatt condition ttvail, Outside he noticed a pathway leading of the stale 0 , 1 Me...our , Ihe ohjeet of these 0 , 0 0 „. „ 04 ,. , o „., .51„.„ hoard ~ e „ euh „ . gentlemen won 1...pp• - •••.•th.• 1.•-.••.1.1.•..t .•t the 1 .,,,,,,,i,,,, ~,,„„, ~1 , , i ,„,,,,,,,,,. 0 , 10 , 01. , di .; . ... 1..1 that Governor Fleteher and the Radical , ~,„n c, , ho . ~,,,..„ ~,,,,„ , Le 5,,,,, ,, eye ., ~ on _ of the `tele haft , 11 1 1 ,1 ) 0 it , r l iteff ed "f I.l fr'' 0110- Itmtly than b.f.,. 1.11 11 I. revolver proved a venting election tot tort , .0r orint, tohl that. potent. 110 . 101e0 0 0• 0 1 1 00001011 outhouse, In op tion were organtring I hen . t7ll l / 1 10 anti oa re, pear:twee like it 17111171.... 1.010110,111tt11.1 7 , 1 1 to S Mt -I.llgOlroo tor that putt..., Th., 701 111141 1 1101 1 1.1151 ''''' bout 1.10. tact thot It was covered with arms were bettig shipped to dirr.. , eht. P.‘ ,-,- ~ I hrhst•. - ...1 freshly cut. Falling in an attempt the state, and that et. sport tot ont , l he made' lo h .. ~,,.,,,., „ eh Ihe 010. „ he p ” iled „ff am .0, 0 1 0 7.1141011 h , of nomad ottlttut, ere.uc , ' brush, and thus mode 1.1.11t1e the object of his Id al 1 1 0 . 1 nico" of I °' ol, r l . l Vie"' lo ° o • a " "r o r,r" pursult . Stein refused 1.. lor arrested avowed ',op:l, 11101 th e large consers at tt ettottetorsofr that he a oul,i not otrompony the °flitter, hot Ult. purpose of ticlerro oo m the neoPle 1 1 ''''' v.° , tie 0 oit'q patent, and tot exprensed deter tug, for forcing !lotto to vote the rotiteal ticket ' tolnal Ma to take Mtn ,Irani or tan-e t ...U0.11 101 1.11 t•mt.,•1..... 'rhhy ..•1,,,t the Prtafident loin It, s elent. lie wan '. h hateleutitnl e This vt Itetteer lie Intended I hat o:ooverlitsr Fletcher. was 01.11Yerly 0,1111. Or 001110. persons , mine control, and others titre then, .11onld have the . i „ ) „, n „, 1 , 0 „,.,,,, hy „.,,,,,, 5 ,,, ,i ~,,,h 0, ,,,, i „ di. control of the oil lame department, 111111 faded their 11.010, 10 1-...11. the prlsoner; hot merr y e the peoule w ere to 00 " len. I" the Galen +neve/oddly defied them, and securing merr of Flcietter'-. cilium nil negro trlloll, all 1,11,00 N. 1„11, 11171,4..1,1071 I. Newark', tak - The President replied that without tritetid- ore woe h him, ILI her mess.. reoneet, Steel , 1 , . mak o 0. 0 . Y Pont I rol uo ‘` ith 1 2 .'" ,11 " , t wee. . tit the wa) stein tetrooly extracted Fletcher, he would ''' Mute I he l'""Plo w° o ''',. trout ti shirt pocket the detectlvefn pistol, su n proteeted In the In' , anti i r'r o.ol '.l" , iiii'iit . 0 1110.1 , 1 the 11,11 1.1.10 10 11177 11101111, Nk Itn the desig their °lt'll toot I adilll,l rights. to kill li ontatll. Fortunately, donee had Ili-- Mr. Not I hen saol " 1 ". 000 1 0 1 10- e• It" rt . ' - ' charged all the barrels tn opposing the r., , ist- Ident thal lIIr eiltzen• of env count)" 1 11 1 1 11 Y, 11.11 r. otTertia hint en Stein th a h ppe.iled to t., to the ComMunder of the l"rh 1. f " l,o'.- , captor to charge the tontot that he might Vet partment, and lie refuses to I . oo erlerr "'r lau end to los Iffe. lie O li n 11011. however, that their protection.- It different fate aan Inn .rt e• for hem. oThen apply to the Aecretary of 51' ar, ' re- 11117 .110 V. 10 In suhstanee Ind.... Live Jones' piled the Fre-Went. hut ttOr la 'hi' ff• 10 aver - mut of ht. thong. le etreittilig tote, rrest. 100,1 apply to hiro.'' Mlllll Mr Noel. ' stem's account et los Imo elmmts sp asm the Then apply to UlO, 7111111 the President. It 174 f ,, f „.„,„„ ,0 hi, our i „,,,,.. .„,..,......, to 1111• .1111)' a the eSeentbe to protect all citl. .., ~,,,,, ~,,„., 1 .,,,,,,,.. 11 , 011. ~,, ..,,, y 0 Leal (ter ,,, /aro , or the I'n doll Slali , l , Ithlo ‘"ill'il , lionl -r- +ll.Ol ing itoteertn lee Aufilil 11117 :11.71110111(1111.111. terence. while on ihr mum mead of Limn 1 -1 11 10 " 1.01,00.11 liglOll.ll 01011:110, W.lll to the Union ...telt I,l°ll, Dollog. lanlght a tlcket tor New York, and onl) one case 11 1 ridel , 000 lei , rdY. god ". 11 .' took the I: ',muss trait. Tic. conductor, as M in itro 11 okI) , are tettorted hellat . nt reeled lov telegraph, 707111,11.11 the trate, The Atlantic 1.1.111 steeondop company have 10 . 1 .1,,,,,, ) h, - . l eg , „, alt 0 ,,,, 00.00 ,. i „,,,,,, ~,,,...„ 111.1•111.11 111 ihero•ll.. their ...init.! stock It sr e tn sat, he metalled delete:tem ley aelreeitly tdOetyou to en,iltsytett . It O row tag ids notelet. leg ewer the waled one T he failure of .1. I' .1 rot:ins t ate , ensot to s. p.,„, SO „„ Lre ,,„„ , ne ,„.,.,,, . 0 , 0 „.,. m ,,,,,,,,„ . Marshall Al,'',, pent. , and pre , erie him- , ~,p, ,otpled lo great eueedit, and he tolls sees - .1,17, Wantteregtem ide eel, is 0000 11 0000.0. Ills 1 ffff talued the t eputat ion he ett111) , 1 1 0 the Ear. , Milt les ore large. as a dmettles v. -0.0,110 10100 'O il a coilc , liens 1.1 aid ol the Port oted ~,,,,„„„. .„ I „.,.„ ‘ 1„,„.„ ~ „, to „. , unn , „, sufferer. at ''''' Int to 4 , 41.t0r the „collo, 7.1•171 ler 111 1 termany, Whleli fact The I Moan ed .it s it. to.. eat the 001. a 01 um , „„.,, h , ~,,. t „,., , 0 „.„,,, ,„ ,„,, 10 , 10. 0.0 . 11 h, the Associated 1 1 1 est stood at ft - ,-.,,i.•, tug appteliennlon. Ma) or MeCal thy, On 110 have Intimated, has retuton for gimlll.ttlen iii the Met that LATEST 1 7 110 M IV ASIIIING lON. h,. untiring exertions mods neater here - - • - , peen mowned w Olt so/reuse. Appointments Modlrnnid-Major W. B• • Stein, lifter 11 formal hearing, will be eom st•04111011141100100 fiereritlO Colliector In 2:111 milled to Mil hot trial ,it., the next term. Ilistrict vice D. N. White. 111PM01 . 4 41- PI oster Out of Freedmen' Bureau OM- _, Strange Serenade-Riotous Proreeds tots. lugs. Wl ' n "" t"sti 3 " I Y 11-11,,, St`ante t " -tit ‘ A party of num and boys, nuethering nbout eonfirmed the Mllowlug toffee... Gon e ell Go - , looters Of internal il avenue W tli.itnedialir)SS::tiricrilisnetrhi,i,iaotii,ife2l,tioadvt....l ill: l la m a t , S,: f it. , .ll:ll:r n t - 1 ; , ° l ' . ‘ te e r h o u:.l(lll,rieltl.llage'lllLearlel'al it l l n ier l ,7fo ti,: :"t 1 c ' e h r ' . ' n• r r e' o ' i Illgh and Wetertcr streets, last night, armed James Atkins, of AU ant[, 40h district of . Georgia. Simon stanalfer, of Cohtmliu, 311 di, 1 snotty , !..j11.1,tia1,,..tartie.ti0,...prh,..nici,,,t1...:,..irir.,,,..enf ar lC a n T. i i'n o ` g : t h ,",; :,: ‘ 1 : ' , ° , ,,. ?: ‘ ,:t,:t.:0 1 ,`: : :! , ,: , :a; ' , q 1 1 : ( : : :t.: 1 ," , , g r , , ,: . :.:t . , t r.::: , ,,;:e . Barris, Ist tiltrlel et Ohio. The cause of 1100 turn Out was Lilt, Mal 1 iago of fo g , eitheA,•er,,soi f i f i. u t l , d i l e e t t o ti f oir ii er , - . 1 . / i . n t , i: B A i i ii . i b i ,, i7: , , !: 1 0 1 ‘ t , i , 1 0 ut , .. , 1:etni,a.,u,,,g1,!..r,,, 0 4;111 , 1 , the ,, ld 11.1 1, U ,, s t i t e i tt e ll b ta ri h d a . d i J. lie :11110vr,..11,11:oLgEtollz, rlt r t k ll . rit n lLl . N . V . ... 1 . Thou, l. 1 0,s1; ~ ,T, r ,ve iii ti , , i , l i t r d t,ptilio.,...erTvt.,tre:.,T.SX.lctriii:t,, ounwti I IA Ith at nen. Goal:whet repaired to the Mayor , . II utebinacon, at Clark - vibe, Admit.. ln A'lo"litetTrittr.'""e-4. r..s'n",; rrl,Trtl, ~,,eVftloe,rrtiCe for tl7tri th G e r i oe , o rr yLity rs l3 , ta ,f iV i i , , , o u lLE „ Tt . tnekr. Governor of the rt rs bad 11.1. Deputy Postunisters-itobert IV. Talitiferio, , The Minstrel Troupe. New . r.""'• l ''' , Jame ' I '' Cr '""'' I '' loo ' ' Wed 11,..1111111. Dupre, ,t. Ilenetlick's popular Mese Drake, Jr., i ort Wayne, 1 1171.1 11011.011 , 911.e.}1;tiretlilnetir'y'ls1itliill'S. ' I Minn. ' II.'" ''Y 11 . ''. 'l'."' : ::::.I n .' f I ll 'i ill 'I t( t :01 . 1 " b P 1: " 01 . 1.711 I g el7:ll l . ed J U rt . l ith in " ;;To r til l'r th: A nPecini order 1000 the "'" l " Ler"og 00"5 00. msein. r their entertainments lave been pat - thoSe °Meer. of white (lamps mg duty in Il,° Freedmen's Bureau, whose regiments have s ir- A c t, v) , ,, , c 1, 0 , u1.140 , , afe1y guara t o in , t..1: . :03 a been Ulthitered Out of serviett .invured months 1c... l ei;..:ie' 1 e .„, . nitgag . .2et h i t .,, •1111 itieetr,"°:moirt:Er, Y:Tnjore:ojnlner‘r.',ll:,reitette[E'il,nit ithr;:11,..1,:i1.,,1,1t:5r1. 1 yet l l , l.:7llC T llll , lll , i 1 , 1• 1 1:1.i gr'741r.711 spumy.C:rt.l.ll 0 1 1 , 1 . 111. „ t , 0 ,.. 11 , 1 e / r h l o . l l o- , tiliere 1, and Malty songs and beriesques on aro in reduced. It. most he remembered that eihi:rrntgri:tr,kr:t°liy‘fi'r'ultYrAltins.l.ob...ont.ritt''rl'owlr,f, .. j r‘e'e li i i i t : r o ' ii " 1 ; i: " :• r,:e, f ''' , 4 l ' ; , ,;l:::t 'r e ' l . ,, o u ll n l o t i I 1 ii. : , : ,. : ,, e in, t ,.11 3. 1 1 , 1 e 17 117 ,,,,r e t , , e , : t .: „ la o l b t r o7 n t,r t i, i i, • , ;l et. t 7 r , i y, i: la ix kb t yi ti nn t .o l . , k e i ni tt - ,,,, 0 gi, r ,1, 1 world, vice Of the United 174.11t0, g "n r red uircd. idicat inn e at, tbe '' treaStirer•l °Mee In the of their nerylces being ' T bent re, during the 1111 Y. Election of Teachers. There un, an election for teachers to serve .1.:a r, L'1"1 1 1:4 :, 1.-0 : ' ' ' r - i' en' ' ' '' L ; I : ": : 0 0 -11- -cl'lrr:::':lr::::';:lL'l'::.:r::''4l°,lstrrl'r:ll.:eln;l::.n:l;:rsi:'''t.s:::'ll7:l'thnt.::"Fer'lr.:::::%:ttra:''lliriurfi:iipi'g".al'el:-.' 1.11,1:.,11,0;,};,1117,1.1,11° e l,, , :r , l , l l,og gll y i n g . /C r., 1101 .4 h te 00 ,4. 1, 30.7 whichP ellti ... n." : l e er ,, l- ,.. 1. ii - 0 .- e ' at '- t r- r -Y e t i 'o ie 'r t lf f%f t; i e i f 6 ;: : ' I'n7. : 1 : 7 : 4 ::":- N ri : ' , F L 'i‘‘ .. ;q : :- IL : ; resulted as follows: Principal-Peel...Or Jos. M. Logan. Gratillailr Department.--Mbla E. The Ohl* Penn/erne! Linton Con% oat tOu. Moore, Mills Mary Ward. Intermediate Do , oly 11 . -At p. meeting o f pertinent-4.16s linehel It. Crooke., MIAs Mary e°"'"""' t011"Sla. Ce ntral Cotionittee o.f C. Manspeaker. Prirnary Department-2084 the POW°e r.--e I.° IM 0 woo 0 .1 0 , 11 1,01 • FollgtalPtil Biller, Mrs. S. N. Miller, Miss Fan -0,,,,,, . 0 , 0 Altai re , . “ °M. of .. t . , lay AL Martin. The selection. in each case a ked., That for Um purr ., a..xi-imo . . , ,i - ; were eminently Juillelono, and parents may out the co-operatiOn prrlioSe. l gltr, , ,, c on feel cOntident that their children under such wielded at tbe rec . stuto Democrutic Execu• tutors will be propcirly eared for. TlT.cioni'r °.brutiMilseti. 10 aPpoint [Our s i•ii. - ..,,, - - r - tba ini freg a to the rilllndelphis Na- Now SHileb.-The Citizens Passenger ust /Mit. Members , Railway Company aro constructing a now l it. accordance with ' .which St the St. Clair street terminus of their o t : i 1 the al . D i ,. Cua i 2 re tn :tr e : ll' : 1 . I °°l‘ .... 1. r- tll- ' IA u. -Randall. Campbell road, by which the ears wIII be druwn up to Of the National oleo the curb stone, thereby obviating the acceam• fiat r, on beha lfs Cottle Demo , ty of notitng through the mud to re.ach the C... 1.1 “' °° ,,,,,` ~.,,,I"r,aus an Whir°3loo4l.l Districts oars, Besides this con venionee , it will afford rlieY of -- - - e g ong m ut by their see- egotuo eight feet more room for other vehicles re...emending the appoint ° ' 10 1111 1 71;e1 "- oati IlliscblettnYer McCarthy [clots, c l'l: o l: ,,,, n:r' w ‘e i iW: t :( 1s t : ‘ :1 : - S 'Y . ..0; partyCi e ne 1 g ° , 0 si : an si t t .. ' s d i° u :1 . iT r i ' w o rn : i t ; 7te N "l l l ons t r n ol o ,I rB u bc° U Yhr ll' 1 1 l hi ct i t t 'e .. It r r t t o b tfj r i a b y ., eo r i rr ic l o i t . t , e . d , J , h u . tu r g et Ne . oo w r i n: ,,, t c u. , k f m or b :t . ' Chief, preferred by John Demmer. TILE EUROPEAN WAR. FROM NEII YORK. . _ Flour for Portland NalYerers. , i thrwaoo, N. Y., July 13.—Tbe Indians On the i road the Costa.--Floreithe Acker charged oast aide of the rivet In this city will all mead Josoph Beek with assault and battery bo• harrete of flour to-night to the PorMarid suf.. fore Ilnyor McCarthy yeetroay. The matter facile. •1•83 adjusted by Bock paying the Costa. . PRICE THREE CENTS Intenow Snflering from f hot , oo of Drnr., VlTr. r;v We learned the following facts coneerhoig s.• rw•eurveure that took place in Alleghenv co y a few days since, which low resulted in great liodtly suffering to well-know nCt iirn, unit may possibly Cantle his tlelith. FInTII ttal moth tt.+ e withhold the names itt the pat ties at present, but as the matter now: Ili he hands Of an al 101114 y for in will doubtless he glt en to the Innate Inn days. A gentlemen itlllleted with bald nine was Infonned toy aft ientoi test the COM 110011 1 ! - lug of certain ingredients., among burgalnot, would cause the hair to grow 111 the short space of fietr weeks suer they hail been applied to the hettil. ' lletennints I to tr . ) the remedy, thegentleman veiled on 1111 l thee, y friend, who e pr Pre a drug entr and gave bile a verbal enter for the mole. When It had been prepared the purview., tendered money tin payment, hut the druggist flatly refused to c nit) want petwation, slating that lee would bey It on some other inanition. Thanking him for his generosity the gentit r 11111,1 rpasic.l 1.• It a house, where uppinst . • nth to lens clilte r.s the ti.•• ••ti ..loruing lit 4 head anti fan, 10g,31110 esconovely sOre mad itch), 11.1111 1/1,10,. •1. einn Int' • 14.11,. ninnuip unit two , was out ' •nl, NUB: or the mast disgust iii not Lit. ell:smote, A phyatelan was cell. •.n, ,••• e:0•11.1 What remained of the I), 1 Al nil aln , l discovered that the shut lugre t eel lln hta composition was eroton oil iden as. en n inidleient timsnLlty to eaust drat 11. If th, td tire investiguLiOn strong crlintnlti Intent ran tile or it 1 . 01111101111. i., l 3• .11i ~ e IliErsiedmiel • arreNte Is, Use injured pussy Is liell,lllllllt . VIII, 10 ale' 11/111,11•III of Lilt la,. =I Now that the warm tlxys are in, ill: emit e to clothe oneselvett In apparel snit:AlM the coml It ion of the atmosphere, ts heroin g prevalent. Thin In more especially lb ase among those of the gentler sex, who ar reparing their wardrobes for a trip to th S4:l/.14 , 1n.0r soul , COUntry retreat, as dictate , ' by the decrees of comfort. To the latter a P. 011141 recommend before starting, a visit to Bates t Itell . s dry goods establishment, tit . 21 i"11 - tit street, to examine the !smut dui anti varied stock of ,liks, satins, detainer, et I chintz, linens, flotsam , and caneos that are now on exhibition there, and at prices its boa its any boner in the city. Iteslde the artieles mined above this 11l to has nn hand it lio•tie 1.111, ply of ladles' furnishing goods, that in nuttllly rti quantity are second to none, comprising ibbons, gloves, trimming, point and lion loin laces of the most unique pattern anti Moist texture. To um..o who have hso dealing. oh m dIeYNTS. Red, any weird in prate could utter of the would be regarded as a repetition of what they alreatly I. now, but 1,1 those who hose never stistatned too-'' t, ldt tont to these gentlemen, we ould say • hat In .111 mil . experience we have never come Itcri—. more urbane, courteous and ell' r gvntinun while the Maul.' may be 410 , 1 41( their +1.11,1111.11 at whose hands l ust now L- ays to receive courtesy 1,11 , 1 t ton I:=1 Alter writing the article about ntein, tit homicide. a hunt appears clew here thi isime, we had an interview with hind 11l neconnt rd the arrest differ+ materially trot that given lip •Itleteetlve" Jones. lie learnt , lie Pays, of all exprens man with it package money hunting for him, and at once Judge that an Oliver W:lee on hi+ track. lie den,* that ant +crime. or violent resistance w made to Air. .Totem, Mei rays that a the 11111 e h suppe e eat at the house he ...too We, eat lug r with hi+ wire regard Ile.ooll dinned what a have Mr.+. +tubed. etcept mg that Ile .1)1 not 1101711 II Monongahela t Iv ertilit erosid+l In a+6 ilfmlon to the illing of tonertik he doe+ 0 deny it, a and +ay. k he M - 01111 1 1 do the iettue tilt, over ittratn, under Ilkemreutustatiee. It berts, lie +aps, endeavored to got liehmil II liar In hi+ saloon +tiveral Ulm*, anil gnat bulled a lighted cigar out or it mouth, Ile that the other mat, at whom he tired a +Li his wile OW, Oil the thair. Ile renntia 11l the tomb+ tall night, but will likely be eii Mlleell to Jail to-day. Want.e.d to P6hoot Htmoolt—A young woman named Call.lllle hcahle, appeared before Mayor McCarthy ye,terda v nu.l uoole oath against lleory Coleman for (01,1111 • 11.14 1 11 and lowtardy. The patties inside on the old National road, about seventeen miles from the city. where the offense IS alleged to hate irt•••li committed. Ofer* Mishit hell ,eOll WV, t• 411Spatche+t to Coleman, Anil found hl working ln his Ott being Vile., into custoily he appeared great') doteoneerted tool hugged the onieer, to Allow hue Illy 111 . 1V11 4 ,{OIIIIZ 1.4 , 111 n room in order that he !mgt. Mow his Mattis out. Of . cour,e the limo- ta the law refused so,. ..I.lolllllry ref,ll.•-1,1k:1•1 against 1110 tMrll,4l, ',ff....111111.11M, of 1.114 . 11 pll , Ontlellll -1 7 0011V0V111111101 1,0 this city and linked him in the . totlllPl. lie will have hearing today. A Vocitliful Offender.—Merian Lindset itas before Justice Lipp, of Birmlugham, terday, charged with the Ilteeelly id a silk dress from the residence of Mr-. Amelia rot 1. in Lower St. Clair township. it 1410e44, that, Menem wasemployed as a tiCAlleetlein the fatmly of Mrs. Pottheld, and in the hit ter ~ absence took the dress and secrel.ed It to a hay stack, where it was iint,iequently found "wing to the extreme youth of the aecusecl tieing only ten years of age—and lie former good character, the charge was will drawn and the girl discharhed. Will You Rmoke?-1( you will, pendia. , your tobacco anti cigars at the favorite place No. 4 Hand •itreet. The put 111 tied th best Ilayunua, tile. titled linvored limeys p.•. and I ue' intuit aromaile. of 5113111.10 rolvicei There also you will find the finest of nicel plpitia, the prettiest of elpar tub., n. the latet +Lyles 01 white., pohes. Mr. J. 41 lilograw s is the proprietor. He uc know. sits ii• oesy and lit, established a till-top repotatto ncaterer to the nicoltan appetite of mat Give him a call. Itierensto Penals”is.—Nlr It. Brow, a tau-tathy told responsible claim tigeitt, Ft... 111 ,1... L, nacrrusnx tin Increase of Pensliins due our gallant Mlikill•rs, or their 1e t...1 hors. Brown has Isml unsurpass.l experience in AM. bustuess Reim; the ewe( cleric lor the Sanitary Commission here, he Is thoroughly posted .is to the most reliable and Jinieliest way procurtng them. Lail and see Mtn. Noeltarge for ilirlortLlaill.l l iniArCOTCrioc.—lienoriLl Wllltatu ltolllll,oll, of Allegheny city, w ho has been Icing danger ously ill tor se n rural days past ts ow laphlly nig. disease IA of .1,111... cha racter whieh, in Clew or 111 , , icier that It.. 6,.,11. is now over eIyOILV years of age, Is well calcu lated 10 test 111,1 ctt 15L11111.11.1 to the ntlllo-t. In etnntsion with the gentleimin's mince rows Irt Is, ae are rejoiced at the prohnt/1111) of Ilia rowvery. - Explomion of all.—A few ilayb elm, a ter tile 1,1110410 n was heard 111,1 U OW borough"( la reneeville, oo the bite of the Allegiten alley iefind, about two oltielf tti the 111.'ll Ingtafi. invattgation ft was fiboitiv• soinwoil hail exploded lit !flelLeon ifs I . IILIIM S . oil refinery. (drooled In the above The damage was lint trilling The: wa no one of the Intilillng at the Utile of the urreffee. For False Yr. , Hiker Seth ‘Vilmot of the tmlepioldest polite, yesterday arrestm George Allinphant, of the Sloth ward, on warrant lamed by Alderman Strain. Ailing ham In kLe-CllNiiii by by Helena Dowling, 01 Con gross street, Sixth ward, with obtaining Iron her ninety sins dollars and seventy Cent, nu der false remmentations. In default of hal he was committed for a hearing. A Calf In Troablo.—W 'alum fileF made oath against Thomas Calf for assaul and battery, before Aldermrn Morrow, y tertlay. McFarland testified that Calf, who by no means as docile us his name would lu ilicute, struck him in the face, indicting painfni wound. The accused was arreste and gave bail for in hearing ttcilay. The pa ties both ratable in the Seventh ward. Vl°tatting an Ordtrietnee.—John bleClar ran yesterday appeared before Alderman Morrow and made oath against Hanlon, for violation of a city ordinance The offence consisted In Hanlon erecting a wooden build lug at No. GC rennsylvtmla avenue, adjoining the property of MeClarran. A warrant we,. issued. tilated lade information against William Ale More Alderman Morrow, yesterday, eines mischief. It appears that Alt •antonly mutilated a sot of harness, the prop rty of the prosecutor, which were hanging the stable of the latter, In Peebles town hip. A warrant was issued. Ili...Oct.—Ur. W. IL Leak essayed the roe of Hamlet last night nt the Opera floase, the occasion or his farewell benefit. As ill melancholy Prince, Mr. Leak Is excellent, hi rendition being folly up to the standard 4 most of our stars. Mr. Leak remains nil season. The klanitallield Pittootism Cane—John Leone, churned with assault WO buttery wit n intent to kill, by shooting E. It. Sharpocek, last week, to the vicinity of Diansflehl, und also accused of larceny, was rat-committed by the Mayor yesterday fora hearing on the tnith. Violeol nod Aboodve.—Alderman Stra evenmg, on cOmpinln I. of Michael Olio issued a warrant tin the acres of John BIM brand, charged with unlng v iolent and ni site language, and acting otherwise In a m nor tending to a Itraenh of the peace. Barnes ea. airgrable.—ln the Sixth ward yesterday, Thomas Barnes and James hrGuir • had a difficulty, which resulted to the forme prosecuting the latter, before , Aiderma• Strain, for assault and battery. /Wt.: mire w • arrested and held for a hearing- Nestled.—Charlos tV Inter awl before Alder and Morrow yesterday, charged with assault and battery al Oath Of 1123 wile, Catharine Winter. On being control:iced hy hot lieu. lord. Catoatine relented, mid the matter was settled by Charles paying the costs. - - Fad a Ileartrair.—W illl. atalon MI./ John Murray, charged with stoning John White on reun street, in the Ninth ward, few daps since, had a hearing before. Alderman Taylor, tordaY. which resulted In each Meng bold r ws n o w to answer at Court- In Bandon To-1007.—The District and Common Pleas Courts will be to session to-day for the purpose of tntosactiug the oral:wry Saturday's business. THE WEEKLY GAZETTE TWO EDITIONS ISSUED. ON WEDNIENDAYS AND NATUILDAIrit. The editsooion n ls forwardedn rhn.el: WMreads the tub eerlbers est as the ma Thrt3l9: SINULK ::01•11CS. rKli 1 RAIL...-. I'OF FIVE. • .... lA. It, Dr 1 AN AND UrWAHAIS. ,1116111.111131.1g1t VI IMt reel Co , :- i:111L 11:et i••tmr.l i•.•i: 1101. ,1 = For —Emma Nte1.0.111 , 1. ne. , "" l M. k..,,c.:‘,1•1 out ill !111 t• 1 1011. Ili 1 , •.I • 10 1 , ...,11, IL 111‘ . ,14.1.• 1/1 1., 1111 till, 11.'••• 1,11 . ‘ MASI ,{1,1•1111. 11111•b1.11.1 - tLer lit, ..... A..1.•r1t; I r..wk 1:t • 1..1X 1,14 1.. r the • %ol I tom t. 1.1 nor on nollalny - S,tt Iq 1110101 The 0 , 113.1 1111.• Of „•„.. ~000-o,i, .11101 - `l6itl, ink.' ...I W . " t,cl,.rged Fin I COM . ", —4lOlll IV. 1.11t1,k, art. 1,.• 11It, levels eti a .ctrl t , ' , • ti :rout F:lngiuntt. !ipeelmsl t not I t-,$ g rut; Llint arloot i• out on, :Li licies them Mr, t..kv ounce that Li., Mrs. .i( tu. "'ow hing r 3 Luj. i. not routit , l.. ny other artleie. )3,11.0 ECM MI Tharalay Morning, at o•cloi. Hal Kit. In Orr year. =I 12=1 lIMIIIIIII=I 11=!1= NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, I ILLDALE CIEMETEIII(.-I'aio aot til re. ' cite nu tat rt...a I.ter esrept one. lit tit Ig etw [lt v. t ~,,, I An....11.ate1) nor th .•f . lot . or 11 11111..11trug ,tor. of lA/.,t.& CLA FAIRMAN Or. SAMSON. UN DE RTA_IKERS, Pio. 196 Sin ititareld tit.. cor. 7119. IMS=MEM;I PI7L-""rtr.33-0-1=4.10, XI. ANL , 13.1 >ANIPIJ , KY ...111 eA..T. AI.L.V.VIIENV, PA. A LEN. AIKEN, 'l7 la" 3C/F...FLT 66 Fourth street, Pittrburgn, Pa- /FPI Nt , of klo rl., t•RAI . K.,, l ; Lot: tool 4• re ,1.,.rip11 4 . I , rral liurnlnuing !•1,01. lo m rsnen. Rooms n I ,n4I night, Hours nod •arri.res luralsbr:e. csrnlrs.,,, , --Itrv. 1,61,1 Herr..l.l Thonrkez Kvrlng. Keg., Jacob H DUNSEATH & CO., sa "E".l.l"th 791 t, aet. Fine WlLtelies, CLOCKS, JEWELRV, Silver aid Silver Plated Ware.s. • , re , elpt •11111 or u,• , ...tri.e or 001.0 3n,1 jr7 AMES' ANI) GEN•rs NriT.La.rig.C3EIEM.S. LI, ziTVT.E., AT GREATLY REDUCED PILICEM wxl..l_. T. WIT-a-Eir'l3 I.IK N F.AII. YINT ti.l FOIL CHEAP gE;x.mcPx...eLC,M.3IE3I9, , To HASLETT & CO.'S, SMITIIPIELLI STREET. ,114 KEN NEOY•s ohlo SrAND II LER. CLOSE 6, N., Practical Furniture Manufacturt CDR. PENN AND VII AYNE STREETS, L.r-L .T. NVII Federal CARPENTER AND JOBBING, ...tru,ted in his tare .111 rgic;.l w Ith tblu al. n t.tio city. J 111-llG(>A.n:~x.' The Greatest Discovery of the Age. Better Than Laughing Gas I=ll 1!I= ymine that I- troiltg tttt." aft.t Y. , ‘ltt rt • the •11,t11P-st polo. 'Tts -trongt. lftzt null ttlitot, Dr. quiNc 1 A. ”O.T . r, 3114 - anakalog lii pretev.... to li a $1; av runvlacvd. Ilv • a rail at, of r11a..1.,1 Terth. with Ireatitl (al Is a , otha ra $lO for: is .n 1 1., 61U n Wen h•t . ,.. 612 fr, ..1i ilir rAnu 612 to Sir.. nlll guar.n to In. lrrlu r 14. can in), s,'r!llr 3.magliing malt. no change nt, ..1 chAng, . In n) ry t u. r • Alacttug. whyll tttt I lit, •I tee th art ordvr..d. N. It r .—Utho, pa r. have athrrtls,.l thl, n^. ho-lore that pr.•pare.l to are. LI, •fore werethe nee....,ar, appar 1,111 the pubile are aaalltatt that DI. Scott nev r anythlng hut .lA.vt he le prepared t, •lu. I:ememlwriaritumb , r. '27 l Pooh ntreet, tUlrl 20.0 01.000 fiend— Pltiaburplt Post. )31, LIGHTNING RODS. likely mice, THE PUBLIC H ITE LONG **ELT the need of a Morecaleient rut the Iron one. In .isty of e tnylons forme or eneer- Ing, Many Mei:dings hair heel; hy taltt a. uihß•although p ~,,, trted of the rod , wit. tbe accident to Col. Leed.' reoldifne , at cheri • tlati, Pa. , a few tire,. xlneet the it igh tichool building, at ii,•okiiat the nen/more of Air. Whit. 1110,, at Xialparalon the Imre of Mr. White, In WA.,•lngton runnty. etc., mo.. rind tortoni; can hat , aeon sastoned for their Inefficiency. Lark u • eonthooty. Imperfect .4 deteein rat lon of uxydatien, or , poor I tabulation, have on. , in tarn been urged it-Int o Ma, Soolll,op, Tit:mho ma , have been madly., iln tidiny eaers prole disaster. but a mere (return t Cone In In in .oultil the low conducting power h id 'hi. meta, used. Ic`elitar log ten year.; ex u tr . n r ol i er experience with ••Moii • 7lntin,g(errOrut with pim ' , glitch it Wan erect " i o" Ini'n ualectrlcal conducting reacticold, and Iron 11. only eo.. Mystnein•S enA b. teen erected thio opting and monmer on hundred iMildiligs it, thin city and vicinity, and hos a r c e d highly endorsed by all win, have exanatued I among whom ore man liaine I. C Perouln PrcAldmit Pittauurge Frioale College . l'hiloi Demi. Prof. Natural .neletices, Plttaidirg illy hcluoil, and Geo. l'icas Univers! yor PenuoVivanit , It reerireil ors,. premktirii at ail titMe Fairs and thollutex veer heaUSCOUtinendeli the Ore every "'bent, and be lover Geo Innuiri .1 pro • vow,. Colleges mud otber octcniltir nieu as t netted roil I , et inveuted. and poyarasing all the retold. , for perfict protection of buinitng• dismiter lightning. he price of tlt. rod di Tiriitry rtgN rs gin iT. and three doll., ploty Inched all clump , of attaching the se to buil.. Order. May toe seat add ough tue watt, or lat. our office. LocKuART & co„ Dadoesne Way. below Hand Street Bridge, OEM QUICK MACHINE.—THE TIONAL MUCK M AtAti NlS:natal°. with tw ,bothe power, MA TO spltts.dl.l Inlets ppr with well dal...leasha and nalformlehietem:„l ' All i eltrotTagrhn 9 7 ' ;l7:. 7, lZU ' re i t Pr- 1 ABILIthI =Au: dental Agent. 141 800 • gew Yol4. . 14714:148; Sig - •1 DO «.- I D =II= =lir ill A Ntr.te:.• • l s.lll,re Manufac t.rero Pittsburgh, P.