ri M=l Viitobitrgh 6fizette. MONDAY, IDLY 9. 1866 CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional on Flynt and Third Pact. A .",..cketab In the neld—Tortnatten of A Temperance Lemple. We paid a brief visit to the office of Allier martMorrow ou Saturday, and Judging from what we saw there were led to suppose that the worthy dispenser of justice bad re , tired from his position as legal pacificator and sot up a home mission for the propagation 21 temperance after the manner of Gough. When we entered first, e _noticed a reilfaced demure looking indiaidual standing .in one corner, while tho Alderman busied himself in tilling ups blank clothed in all the formality of red tape lihreaaology. When he had fin ished reading it aloud he 'called the gentle man with theraddy taco toward him and pro UEN ZVA U. S. !ANIL,. I * CUMMIPT , 0400 3INZIE , . MR run .ASL three daily eldo-wheel steamer* between Pittsburgh, Monongahela City, IlrownseUle, Hire's Landing, Orreneboro, Urnees sod the Dunkard UII Regions. This line Is composed of the following stdamere FAI'ETTR.... TELEORAPH FRANKLIN CIALLATIN Three prsekets wLI lege., Pittsburgh daily at a a. m., and 5 p. m, except Sunday, when the departure will be at b o'clock, /1.. ID. The through packet for the Oil Regions will leave Pittsburgh claily at 5 p. to.; Browlirrllle daily at 5. m. ItrutitlSO—Lcaves Brownsville for Pituburgh daily at 7a. at and p. Leaves •nd ltelaers at 12 o'clock; Illee's Landing at 3 p. m. The line Is composed of 11t.e.11.815 slde-trheel steamers, bullt expressly for the trade. They are commanded by °dicers of long experts . .., who will pay particular attention to the want• and nom fort of passenger. the Lost, will reeve promptly at the hoar ledvertanud FUEltiliTtl ILEMEIVIdi AT ALI. Yor banner perttetstars, enquire or J. 11. ItOltElPre, Agent, At the Wharf-Boat, toot of Grant et., Pittsburg L. h. " l i t ' r V o l er N o ' s in. mTal big) PEOPLES' LINE OF STEAMERS, Plitsbargia, flononga Ge tiela City. Browns ville and neva. Tbil Company will run a daily boat between the above points, romprised of We new and splendid slde-whorl utearatrs CIIIF.IFTAIN, It. IL APRA,n conamander, and ELECTOR, ittuocue Pill Lk", commander. Cfne Elector Is now Lola completed and will Lake bar place In the line In a few days.) The Chieftain will lento Pittsburgh for all p,oints Tlitilt.DATe and HATIII.I,AVS at ar. r. Returning, leaves Urbana for Pitteharglt utt MONI , Akn, WKI/1 4 ,}CliliAYI1 and YRIIIA Ys. at 8 a.. a. and Brownsville Ater. S. Tit; Elector leaves ..UtINDA WED:MaI/AY and VIM, AT.at , U. Iteturatag. h.nv,' (toady. for Pittaborgh TUESDAV, 1 111111.111 AT nod SAT- Ultll Yat9 •. M. and Browns% Ille at tP. U. - • • . . . Ibe Curanahy nave a 111,r-clan,. W hart Bust at Monongahela City and I . ll.lallargh. Freight re ceived at all hours No charge fur run...talon on Eartern freight, 16=1=! . . . . . . .. For fOrthor portleolor• onquir‘• o . n board., or to 101.1 ti S. CoN NI Nitillobt, A[.... . the Wharf Ito., I,t or uront atzvet. lablOr.tmd I,WR CINCINNATI AND okplenilld pas stcw.er .111 lea, a for Ihr ata•ve and all 1 4 .;t 4 e P Aria L c i lla v I:grl. Tll2 DAY. allr. N. THE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine ► 9 1 9 l 9 ' I • • • • COMBINED WITH lodide of Lime, ItErA It II FOR G. W. PETITS, BOSTON, BY James R. Nichols & Co., IMANUFACTURINO WUMILSTS, A4o:4Ell;j:c4il'jEES:f:ll: WIWI Protoxide of Iron, Which has become so favorably known as a Tonic and Restorative, By Pitysletany and ham/ids in ail palls of OH country. The new preparation, "IiAItSAPARILLA IN COMBINATION WITH lUDIDE OP LI/dlr.' presents one of the moat prompt alterative &neut.' In a form capable of exerting full action upon the system, mid this In minute and pleasant doses. It la conceded that the alterative. resolvent, or tonic effects of lodine. are exerted most decidedly when Lei° . elated with other alterative.. In combination; Led the Sarsaparilla see= to Mel perfectly all the favorable requisitions. The end effect usually observed when ...SARSA PARILLA WIT)/ lODIDE UP LIME'' Is taken, is an increase of appetile, showing that IL Lou tonic properties of a marked character. Its alterative ef fects are menden in Its ready combination with the blood and tissues. Hale, scrofulous women and children improve rapidly under Its use. sad the vi tal functions assume a healthy condition. 1t is admirably Wanted to ' , large number bl chum le or Ilen. affections peculiar. tb children. It is suited to them, both by the mildness and efliciency of Medicinal cifeet and the pleasauL attractive form of the, remedy it may he given fora long period where constitutional Influences are desired, and no repugnance, or disinclination to take the syrup, encountered. In White-Swellings, Hip-Joint Dis ease. and Distortions of the Spine, It should be giv en Peral.tensiy, In moderate doses, until relief I. obtained. In the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Weather. Thu accomuletton of morbid matters In the system *acme to become manifest and very troubiesome. Lusitude, Headache, Polls, tiostivences, Loss of Appetite, Palms in the Joints, Indigestion. etc., ars vary common. Nothing over devised la better adapted to exterminate or area off these affections than this now Combination of ISAIWAYABILLA WITHIODIUE OT LIME. No preparation ICU Ift, or *Aids appratintatesta St, as an Alterative, or Blood Purifier, has ever before been phteed teltbin um mach of Moat. Ma. Indeed. tile sit •entireir nzwand-nelleriTiVio combination. In no rinipoetertiombilnit anything hitherto employed. The opinion Of Meallanionon,COncartilatt IL the description or hi cantata , / ammeter. therapeutic Vnioe. ner 'ham euhetro Oven tn a rimier. which cobe bad at Om atom at any and all Oral claim Drognlate. dfa. /tor mic In Pittsburgh by U. E.IIILLEFta CO.. AND ALL ' nqiits7:etWir FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA. Combined with lodide ofiLitne, E LEMING'S DRUG STORE, No. 64 Market. St.. Pttbtwrgh. prirvATE DISEASES. No. I%XOUNU Ueb rd.; sate inseams with unparalleled sueeli - • Varticular attention Veld titierinatel7lloeatV diseases of Me Urinary Organs. lib treatnoto the earns Laing - the most etleaeurlitairlateialgair.• 11111:=Ithn aTi n g i t=atep t° 1% aPi lir att other hroparstieh renunisla . 0011 Semite 10 t hettlG Ir. rridn2l,4l44Viarpriis limed tor. übotlaato - . 1 70 1,011 , 14 P e r • ' • uses heondi A %mil . treaters's= . STEAMBOATS. CAPT. M. A. CUX. CAPT. U. 11130IIER. ,GAIT. Z, W, CAIIMAC ..GAIT. A .8. CARLILE. =I FLUID EXTRACT OPT) OIL WORSE. SOHO OIL WORKS. Burrum,HEREW & CO., MANUFACTURER.. OF TIIF CELEBRATED SPERM LBW; ,CATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATI . OILS. Sperm, Lard and hale Oils, BRAD LIGHT, lINNIES' OIL I DWINIL GRUBB Standard White Burning Oil, No. 33 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA I= AGENCY PARTFWBURG LUBRICATING Oil Company Keep constantly on hand a supply or STEAffiED Natural Lubricating Oil, I= Free from all Impuril res. Every Barrel Warranted, OR TO BE BETE KBE() AT MK A'OMPAN T'S M=MI Address JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. 11. NEVIN & CO., N W. Corner Third and Market Sts., elrrsituntai, PA 111r3.:1 , 7S W OOLDLIII/OE OIL REFLYLIiiI C7l 40021EC1P.8.57 'lt , OF PITTSBURGH. PENNA. JOHN WATT, President. HENRY M. LUNG, tine . ) , wsil Treas.. WORKS IN TIEMPERANCEYILLE Office, No. 2 Duquesne Way, I= YLANUIFACTUILERS Or PURE WILITT. 131[31-1,-NIN-413- Brand—"Luoifer." rills MI canno L. excelled for burning properties, color or are test, and is put up in well seasoned bar rels, suitable for Htla USE, sr EXPOlef. 1011.- DEM eu,LICITED.. • Dtaactowa—John Watt. Robert Lea, Geo. Black, C. H. Iterron,C. L. Caldwell, H. H. Collins. J. W. Porter, Heat. Wallam D. W. C. Carroll. .1 .2:Bout WARING St KING, 'COINISSION MIRCHANTS AND BROKERS IN Petroleum and its Products, 4 lIILIQUESIXE war. PII"i`BBVRGIFS. 1.61;16. = WARING, KING & CO., mtntan IST Walnut St. Plana SUPEIUOK OIL ENGINES. We are congiroctins, and wll keep on buol. perlor *Wit of OTT. .111.1 0 7G-I=o2 - Xl/13 Mil LIMB A 001101 OS THUM uOILI BIeCLELLAAB & CO., Corner Federal and Larock Streets, .41.1.a.L.1340,33.33CeiTir„ Wholesale wad Druggists, Dealers In Paints,Oita, Vandal:ma, Dregs, illye t3tulla, aron MI, etc., Flandard and Patent land Their stark Is large and well selected, and will Itr aold as low nanny bons .ot the area. PETIIOI4_, U M. I J SCHOONMAKEB 141. SOP, • We Invite parties needing engines roe tros pars.. to and ere them, corner of EIKE and O'HARA STREETS, near City Water Works. Irk MACKINTOSH HEMPHILL .t Cts A. D. AVOILDRON. EAGLE OIL SVOLtKti, laww - re,a3.43,erv131 , 0. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Refinerma and Dealers in OVFILCK. SICCONUST.RY, I:ORNEIL IRANCOOK NT. AND DUQUILSNY. WAY. ivy 1.6,.13 ............... j AmEs IRWIN & CO" MANUTACTUREMUM OIL OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. COrliac", 1.61 Ma ea als.c.t 033=GIM:1 iii.ANUFACTIMERS. 111111141,14 No. 118 Water Street, mtogrrmnumis or PATENT iIIWUNI), PATENT TEMPEEF.I) PATENT POOTIIED CIIICOLAR, MOLAY, MILL AND CIIOISIM-VITIC gB • i'llra w BOILER OR S UI "" MORROW Sc BARNHILL, =I Stearn Boners, Oil Stllla, Agitatora, Tanta Salt Pam, Gasomete,a, Wrought iron Bridgea, Sheet Iron Work. doe., CORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH. P.d.. earl{ EP A I !UN DONE PROMPTLY. roy24l:b= STEAM ENGINE PACKING. LUBRICATIVE PACKING, 1,011 SAM STUFFTO BOXES Of STEAM r pOlliES An art e recommend*. by al the ro corn pante., who have thoroughly tried it, and la in gen oral use on over two hundred and Arty of the rail huads In this country , and on trial by over av , ndred others. ADOPTED BY MO.OOO BTATIONEILY ILN 01.N123. It I. s ant-class article. 75 CENTS PER POUND. LUBRICATIVE PACKING COWN ==n!M7M! • • Nos. 1. a• 14 and 115 ATER oT., f RO li yarntal 'NOV /STRUM WORKS. =CM r. 1301.1.../.1,11EM SiLLHOW...OOO7III Oita. FomilltUCH M. BOLE D E N. C2S,. Cid - RAT/fat N it L gers B of rTEAJ4I3OAT KS: OIL WELL ENGINES, LOCOMOTIVES for Coal Works„ all kinds of Land and Marine FIN GIN ES.rnade to order. From the well earned reputation Of the Manager, Mr. JAMES la ELSGN. wo hope to moire a liberal share of patronage thorn Steamboat builders and others wanting good machinery. Our MU) will be to do all work in the best intonerr. Mrs fair conipanser don, and to do It in the time we my. All kinds 01 CASTINGS made to order. Itepalrluir Machinery promptly attended to. We eon turn a Shaft at Seel long, and bore or turn a Pulley kJ feet diameter. • itsrlihop on Duquesne Way, near the PoinL foundry on Third strest,near Market., Pittsburgh, Pa. splOiltind piftuouLa MACHINE WORKS R. S. 4. ND. MI Ohio Street, Allegheny ManFlMturer of 1111 0 110VS1) BORING TOOLS, AND YIETISItIig VIM) IN ((INKING OIL AND HALT WPM A. Particular attention invited to his Patented proven:tents In Jars and Joints, made of Juniatta. U. 11., and Low Moor Mon, to standard sues, and numbered, so that tonna eon to orderod_..ny mat. of "'47•l:l 4 fit%dirrnod tT asPre tittg n , t :m t !:ll to those who may Isiah it. Emones and machine made to order. Orden by mall promtly attended to. lam prepared to grant licenses to Other manilla, tarers tor these Improvement. on liberal terrob. W. U Allegheny r. 4.). Jegihd73 N. LEEIIt ARSENAL GLASS WORKS. MODEL- RYRIE a, CO., idannfeeturen of BLACE„ and IIIi.S.LN WAILS, fireggiste , Ware, Bottle., Demlionne,_Oar. my*. Warenonse—ero. Vr ATER between tindtbeeld and Want etreet ,rittaborgbi vro ivarraatour Wares to be rope . or to ally man. Lactated west of the Mountains. always on hand s Woomera of the above deacrlvirfoo. All order, promptly attended to, Particular atteigloo paid to private monhdn. road) Fin hut' , - - 1.19,94,i1FP51m , BM, mod Sheet Lard Workers, Ibrittiodu tlst. tors, WWI, sod Lard UN Burners,and all =emit Order. of Ilrittanbt used by Mato Msnufactorers. i a t rarealed. No. LW lilEoll2ll> STREET, old di SSEVERANCE,' No. 68 WAVIER . SWM,dman inanftlnctarer or HOMER IaTISTII,WHOUWIT PP common and rotiros4l of every description. oggrlillgtVgAglntigttlignilt= .sortment constantly on boat. Ina A. PTRUIat _. _ milts. N. C. watrt_AN DuctuNE mo AperiorßßEßiu GRAglit do. 00 . 64 Aighb.-....---,,, un 'd en 'aid . Mactdu o l grn .... i02 4,„=„, or • • - , ,4, 2"sli'' Oil TOOI/1, talhigina_ ~,r Boring Vn W 6411. voilubeglNlF '' 1.4rf•r104 7,1 ...N1414 AM ~,,,,..4ttaiitr , . .., - 4,41,, P r u nrsasei., ct • .„, i, purofb &a. r0.1:11,i-Avelkol'164x7)41- . ." ;4, _ ri:,-,4611 ...... Ap,00.104, 4 4 11,- . . , ...--”,''a''''' , l•r• -4 , ~ ,tl., -..ia.;.!•';', ' • • ,„5..i....ti". , = INSURAN CE FIRE ACIi'D 111ARINE INSURANCE CO, OF NORTH A HERM. PHI LADEI,PHIA I==! Hartford Fire Insurance. tooapaity, IC= rrolxrtiors Cfn 1... , e1 - 1. re, In 1.1,•• nann, • reliable Corepan IN= fe72:17 sl Water street. tett stairs ) A LLEGHENY INSURANCE CO. OF I'LTTSHUItCII.--001ce. Ito. 37 filth sue, Bank Block. Insurethgalost all kinds of Fix sod fdariste ILLS st JOHN I RN% IN, JOHN It. MeCON.I). Vlce Pershlent C. D. DONN P:1.1" nt , tetan. Capt. NI, hl. IDEA N. litneral IBM tr.VrOltfl base Jones, ; John 11. McCord, C. U. Huai Cleorge B. Head, Charles Hays, T H ,J " Acts C k h intn, Capt. Wm. Dean, John Irwin, Jr.,lt. McGrew, B. 1.. Fahumitoek. I Robert H. Dm ta. WESTERN INSURANCE CO, OF PITTLIBURGFI, AI.F.XANDItIt NiklICK, President. WM. Secretary. CAPT. liEk/ItliN. NXELD, lienersi Agent. (Mee, 92 Water Street, Spang 's Ware House, np staira, Pittsburgh. Wlll Insure against all kinds or Fire and Marine rtisks. A home Institution managed by Directors who are well known to the community, and who are determined bi prompinem Pharr ruliy, to main tain the charneter which they oSSMIII4I, no of fering the best proloction to those who dealer be , Insured. DI ItreToll4, Andrew Ackley, Doreld N. Long, lleea J, Thomas, t'llaa. .1. Clarke. John R. kleCnne lames I% 11 antn. NW, Nlml c K. d r. =cos 22CEINC!! Alczano Ce.mpb..ll MarronC. W. Itlact.ron,.. . . W H. P. HERBERT. necrotary.. INSURE TOUR LIFE IN THE CHARTER OAK LIFE IN Stilt 4. NOE COMPA NY OF HAIITFORLI, CONN. TILE ONLY [Art INSURANCE. COMPANY IN AMICRICA thttl. DOW 11la ke• .01.11 pale an AI. (MI CASH Di ViliEF it on the drat and each vol.'s...pent payment of Cum. Ito CA tql CAPITAL, an ac cumulation-ym or r.. eOO,OOO. Is securely invested in ppb- Ile stocks All4ll mons - Ages of REAL ESTATE. It Is now In [LAMB year of business, and has paid to t h e winows AND ainreLarin of its members the sum o ONE. MILLION DOLLARS. To Chia date not • sin gle ease of litigation has occurrod, an evidence that liberslity and fair dealing Is a specialty with this Company. The policies of tills Company are not forfeited by reason of non-payment of premlam after the second year. No payments required after LH. yearn but policies continue good through life. OFFICINS. J. C. WALKLY, President. N. if. rALmzit, Vice President. Z. H. WHITE, SeeruturY• Branch Mime for illestorn Pennsylvania, where Circulars nod blank Applications will ho Davi:A.6ll.l, 68 klitt, street. Pittsburgh- Agents vented throughout the State. Apply to nennay Y. E. Gin/DS:LI.. State Agunt - NORTII AMERICA LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Widows and Orphans' Fund. .No. 63 IF`aHalts St. f aretv Fork PRESIDENT-N. D. DOILDAN. BaCIt.TAIIIC-J. 1.17,2.0tvran It. M. TINDALL. Medical Examiner T. COOK, EMI SPECIAL AVERT FOR trESTEBN PA.. 61* Fourth St., Pittsburgh. Ali ENTS WANTED. mvW:bs3 FEOPLE:II I / 4 - SIiIiANCE co. omen, N. E. CORIsIZR WOOD A..ND FLIFTWAIS. Wm. PhMips, John Wet., • John Y.. l'arim, las.Mille:, % tn. Soo Kirk, •Istrms U. Verner A'll. 1 .1c nix V. V. L.A11.1.n.i Eli, Deem Julllly Capt. SAM DRUGS AND CHEMICALS =I rittebargh White Lead Works, PVILE Wk.U.T.b IMMEIM2I .No. OS Wood. 11611Mtraelt. T!(E BEST EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, In 6 us. bottles, so toe forts of POWDER, fur pale ti) aU Wholesale Druggists. Dreimred by ARTHUR ROGERS. Internist H. I. .1192:93.1 CASES CHARTER OAK 'LEAD luuL received and for sole by GM/110E A. KELLY, nigla Wholesale Druggist, 4/ Wood street. Al KEGS FRENCH ZINC, In Oil, lost received and tor sale by DICORUE A. EEL. 7, my2.l Wholesale Druggist, 37 Woods' Oct. 911 CASES CASTOR OIL, , Crystal; '..‘"J"" received and dar livir3E A. KELLY. my 24 Wholesale lirogglot, V Wood street. a DBES. SPTS. TURPENTINE not •-• received sod for sale by IIEORGE A. EEL! 7, snit/ Wholesale Druggist , 37 Wood, eet. FOUNDRIES. M FORT PITT FOUNDRY CHARLES •KNAP NEPHEW ■ANUFSCTVALUB 07 HEAVY ORDNAIIICE, mai ALL:RINDS OF lI:EAVy . .CANTINLIK. Special attention paid to R ET O R TS.LLL WOR.II BLAST MACHINERY aro! REVALII23 attended to ti}. As heretofore. the best mswrals will always be toted at this Foundry. Attention tadalled to our NEW FLY WHAM PATTERN increased twillitlespe Ottlnituptil saute.naltayd . VALLEY W ORK S L. Jew. STOVE ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., ediee and Warebonse ; 301 Liberty M Street opposite of Manufactures a great variety of COOK, PARLOR and HEATING bTOVES, 'among which are the eel ebrated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cooking Stoves; also, the Autocrat land Sentinel, for coal or wood, and the unrtvalleil .niar or the Empire. Au ood; also, Arches, Orates, accodera, Sugar Kettles, Dog Irons and Hollow War Amorally. mhe HHADLNY... ...W. VAXVIIWC I. 8. StilhJ)l.B7 "ETNA STOVE WOMBS. A. lIRAIOLET & CO I=l COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES • Among widen al.e ((Cod bted Elgith) . .ll4, TIMInc and TALLSIdAN 1314.5 9, VOSEANA, yr:L IMAN and IHOISIBLDES (WOod Coot stoves.) Also manntantore GRATER, GRATE FRONTI4,,dm.. When and Warehouse, corner of Lteeniid and Woo streets. Elttabursh. ihntrwyDa on Second street. 14:Ivor :9 4 r 4 2 filiAo) :A :*: FITTSBUIIGII ANDERSON, COOK & I= =lll bianiliacillrers or th b./ centsl4,ll &pare', Via% and °Mane,- e exit slree; Su* Plates. doe, 10rIP and Sheet Cast Steel, cut Neel for REAPIRG AND MOWING MACHINES, !MEM PLOW WINGS, O'PliaTiOB. • • CISLOICILALMS, dba. C 244 and Coinnuni Plough and Spring Stan 00co—COrner of Wt Monongret and Rams-meets. {wahine. above the ahela Mouse. - aell:dy DIAMOND M.N.MMENXA 1MTC.111.11340, • MM. CA: ISAPAC. IYROnEi P NZ:dh t Manntactaren of SEIM QUALITY ItSVINED CAST MAL. here,sq no, and outagou. uf 111 Woo. Waryantod equal to any Imported or manufactured In Ma count t llipOntee and warebone, No. 10 and MISInt, an and Enlttattond atreeta. Pittatrunth P. 11 1 0 1. 14AIAT l i tinWrZrEt CO. przawwits7. ramtg,s2wix•alr Moe. vt — vnut - niTuicr tap ) tent 6416 W WOG 'EMMY 11 - .. VOLLTICII• Limaicampro otr-I=emicichts.rA ivesdeur: aismbiru..eohu DASKET WILILOIII*-410;b1thilit*" IA sum sr "ai !xy 24.1.AUIDLOCIT MOO. i • DR. KEYSER'S Pectoral Syrup IMIZE=I MET= Ciaret4 13rconehi i - b meL-i M 1 Diseases of the Lungs A rise of five Teen , sdanAllog cared by Dd. KEY •ECIPS rEcTIMAL BYELUr rrnsaunim. JannarY U. MO. Da. Asnora:—aly wife has mull *Meted with It by cough and didlculty of breathing for live or MS years, erhieth_tersoyeral yearn back, had gnainally Increased In vitilence. The complaint has been her edimry. sod she had been treated by several physi cians without any relief. In this state of her case ermined some of your PECTORAL COUGIIBY It Ur. I bought, the first time, a elty cent bottle, which re Ileved her very much; I then called and got a dolls. oqttle, which cured her entirety, andtbe nes now no trace or the former disease, except W.A..... I Mies state that I used the medicine myself to a . . . •• • eyld and cough. The medicine cured me by Ming one don. I express re my entire satiantetion with the medicine, aud you aat betty to publish U you desire o. WM. 'WILLIAM, Alderman, BMA Ward Prrrennsont,.April 24,1827. READ THE TIMTIL—Da. KZYSItt:—I have a daughter who has taken feversl medicines for a bad cough without benefit, among them Ayer'. Chain Pectoral. I purchased from you a botue of 74tit Pectoral Syrup. and before she had used half a bout tie sbe was relieved. The second bottle cured her entirely of her cough. Ro JOHN DARIN, binson st ree t, "'bony. MTISBURGII,DeoemberJt A GREAT CURE BY DR. K.SYBEIPS PECTORAL 8YR1.17.—1 live In Peebles township. Allegheny county. a bo ut • cough aud spitting. whi tontin eenced the -ith of irebruatilast. andd eight month.. I employed the ben physic.. In the-country, and my cough minimal unabated until early In October. At that time 1 was adra,ed to try your Pector•l Cough Syrup. which did. mot after I had taken one bottle I was entirely free from thv coughing and spitting. I had deepaired of ever getting 11, and I think It. should oe Whiten that this valua ble remedy will do for other. what It has done in my case. JOHN C. LITTLE, Witnes.: B. 11. EoEa. Peebles township. PAYTON Toirneutz, April 11, 1813. A WONDERFUL CUM./E.—Some time ago an old neighbor of mine was ve,y 11l with a cough, which every one stipposed to be consumption. His relatives told me that be had tas.en every remedy • ey heard of without benefit; his brother came to see Wm dle, and all were conkrmed In the belief that he could not live. I had about the third of • bottle of your Pectoral sy - rup, which I gave him, and It en *rely cured him , to the astolgahment of all. What makes the ease more remarkable. Is tne extreme age of the man, ho being shoat elghty years old. 1 have no doubt the reetosal saved Itls life. kLcULINNLY. DILKEYBMIDBPECTORALI3I2MUP IN BLdlati viwd.—Plea send me .othersupply of yourval uable Pectoral Sse yrup. Jawed everybody amend us has the cold, end are enquiring for "Dr. Keyser's Pectoral tlyrno.%l We have sold sixteen bottles the ant Week. and are how entirely out. Mr. A. Altar and Mg. P. Maher. both of Blairsville, Pa., told us the w Yo ould not be without It la thelr famines. IN ilia. all 1b5.0.1 use It on etrally ce went It again. %. sespe, J. B. WATTZEBON • etible. January n, IBM. sitisCronfl. Capt. Joint L.. kituada. Samuel P. btu - leer, ' Charlee Arbuckle, Juhn V. hirkpatriel, Frank a. Ilisae C. Lisitson Love, •1111.1,1P5, President WATT. Vice Pr.bier, ;Lary. ot),LIA,N, AgL. illa - ritorMOll, November la, 11161. On. haltewie—Altletneh not an advocate or Patent Medicines, in general. It affords me ',tenure lade. Serf bablc to recommend your PIf.OIIIHAL.LIY HUY. An a medicine, it Is weltworthy the attention of any person .alto mar In any manner be ailllcted with tanighs, ana hoarseness or any tind,and for inn peculiar qualifications for removing till that die, greeahle sensation attending a severe cold. I have been, morn or less in my life,talrectet l ith the severest of colds and hoarseness. At tin. throes would accent so closed as to prevent m, speaking above •wh per, and by tahingAfew roses et' the above Syrup It would relieve me entirely recommeuding this medicine, I myst unliebita• viugly •sy that It IS the best remedy I ever 11) tad, parvortlng sneers the above, nor should any 11Allii• be without thin remedy for diseases to hrkvaleat. Yours, most rentectrolly, EMWAllll .1. JONEN, CuttLer Citizens' Deposit Dana. STSVILItiVII.L2,. Ohio, March 14. ISO. I have ueed .1)r. Keyser's Cougb Syrup for • bad dough Of several rears 6w •s eae cheerl.ll4 say it la the best medletne for Ine same that hl ever Laken. .1. W. FMCS.. CUL.. ritAl-r AND Ult. ILE YhEilli PECCOII 3Y ' , ATP —l/a. KaYSsn—.l.lWar (Mrs c ur e the delay of tny weicnowledging the excellence of Your Pectoral liZt u fkal Y iri P s I.7rgr;uilly take glifitnter.37LionnMe out of toy cough, and the worst one I. was ever adllct ed with. I haat/ not used more than one-ballot L • Dottie, and 1 can and do wish that all who are AmA. ed would give It no fair • trial bare done, and they will be greed Loamy, 'qt lsnoquact medicine. would not suffer another such an attack for soy onsideration, or at soy cost. lam confident I own reathe more freely than I ever did. I shall always acknowledge a debt of gratitude for InVenting so cam:heat a remedy. l'ou are at liberty to use my name in this regard erYee thin-1..0.11er. n. r. PitATT. ANOTIIRE HEW CEIPTOTICA.TIL—DR KEY SEIPS PECTORAL SYRUP.-1 had been troubled with a cough d cold for Several weelm--so bad es. t that I could an not sleep. I had the advice and pi e criptions from three of the best physician. Cu the city, who I could name. but do not do so. 1 bunny procured a bottle of your Pectoral tlyrup, vitteh cured me entirely. (eigned) J. W. 8111ONTON. No. NS Liberty etrect, rittsbo.rgh, Pa, January nth, 1860. •11TOPTHATC011tliillifi.”—“How can I dolt?" tio to Keyeer's, on Wood Street, and get a bottle of his Cough Pectoral, and if that don't cure you, your case must he desperate Indeed"` This is a specimen of the colloquy one hears every day In cold-osmium, periods of the year. And we can, from actuarexpe riment, cheerfully concur In the adviser's admoni tion as above, for we have tried the"Pectoral, , ' most stubborn ease, with entire imeoess. In two weeks ago we went to Pittsbmh, with one of the most dleiressing, costar? nn subduable cough we ever experienced since our advent upon mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and le boriously for one whole tweet, In normal, oh tiring It out, but it was no go. to feet, It seemed rather At have Improved by plne, and to have aspired strength, potency an treasibility by the opera tion. In Wm stage of oiler.. we coughed our wet to Keyser's, No. HO Wood at set, procured.flips cent bottle of the “to"' took w ere g th directions, and In forty-eighth hours were master of the geld, the enemy having unconditionally sur rendered, after a brief, bet unequal conflict with se fbrealdahle ad &learners as heyeer'. immure 004111 Pectoral. —Lireleanritta WO per. Dee, 14„ , , . EDICIU. CURES DINSUMPTIA CURES COLDS, CURES Ilesseater Common Council, Pittsburgh, I. N. 13.—1 am no atranrer to m 7 reLlow-citMea., an IL .bo entertain donbta um COMM% Me Venous' ly E. F. r. DR. KEYSER'S PECTOVL SYRUP le prepared and sold by DR. GEORGE a KEYS. Va. No. 140 WOOD STINCET Pi Et~bzari~ • 3E•c)3;ia,a94 T HE Great Nervous Remedy Dr. Keysert. Nervous Antidote Will retire, ,tithes!, flit, soil often perms:ten cure all Nervous Irrltabtllty. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WM Care Hy.tort • Ur. Kejsees Nerqous Antidote Will I.lare . Twltchtni of We Nervy Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote "Wilt Care Nervous 1104. ebe Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Core "Nervous CroroP of tioo Bevels. Dr. Keyser's Narrow Antidote ' , will Cure Neuralgia Dr. Keysees.Nervons Antidote Will Caro Neuralgia of the Yaoe Dr. Keyser's Nervotis Antidote . wlLLCare Ntarales of the !nomad Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WIXI Fat, Henrililt of Um Haan Dr, Keyser's Nervous &athlete ewe Nei:v.low um Lim we men 5, " Dr. Keyser's Nervens Antidote Wtll Cora zi.trogie Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure I'stritaikaa of I#n ►teat. Dr. Keyser's Awns latidoto Cara Yatat•.. • • tcmtu •114•mM Dr. Geyser's Derr. I It ad.% Wlll Cam SIZITOIII Wet, *440(004W44 , , Dr. Keyser% Denies Ail eta win roetwees via*, vivrotwee Writs Dr. lieytor'ia tietThas AVMs* Vitt anrc Anybohynamo... Dr. lityiteo brV(44 MAW* MlMd•w'‘kiektk )1„ ROM, 1 II PENNA. SALT MANUFACI UWG CO. PITTSBURGH. PA ENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. PITTSBURGH, PA. = .. - PI..MIT9C"B TIME .e . p.P. ..",..,_, ... ~.. On this Continent. TN SO PRONOUNCED BY THE m st •olentille A nnlytical Restores Um Hair; It Prevents Hair Falling Out: It Changes the nom., to their Original Action; — TCEradlentes Dandruff and Humors, It Keepslhe Scalp Healthy; It Contains no Injurious Ingredient, And Is universally uceordrei to be nplendld Or ,B , ll7 , llattlr . Article. ITS MERITS II rt. Every bottle CONTAINS MORE LIQUID than any other dollarparation. NO LARG E re REWAJOM offered to col abilals Ita edlcany. hut WE DO CUARANTEE to refund the money o any person who will use two boob, and then say that our Itestorallve bas tailed to do all we 4. R. RAMA KTT & Propr, letons, Menet:meter, New Itasupehtre R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa my 21.92 - - CHOLERA DISARM!! The Chief Cause of Pestilence Destrovcd: nil. E. COUIFITARET'S DISIN -,vrzeraNca FLUIDS, secured hy haters Satent in the United states and Seance. l'repared solely hy the New York Dislufeeting omps •t their Laboratoty, Nos. "atli, *0 and a ir Henry rtreet. N. Y. titles, ta Cedar Street. This Company organized nu n permanent bads, with Dr. Courtaet, the celebrated Small Chemist, In charge of its Laboratory, Is prepared to foretell its DthISTECTINO FLUIDS for sick rooms. nurseries, urinals, water closets, privies, cesspools, sewers, gutters, ships. railroads, hospital., prisons, And po.itie Institutions of all kinds, slaughter-house, offal and rat-boiling e•tablishments; kials of ma nures (itaturnesty Increanlnz the tal ee of the latter to every forma). and a-beret er aften shre stases exist. Tne-r moat..e drodortsers, antiseptic., ant I int tre.rent., a ar , and dis,nr...t.tnts In the acientille inentoltig or the ,vort., rhey remove noxious gasses and tty •Iwutical prtuciples— leaving In their placer, h,,5111.10 t.Ar, the) err tit- Wrltta ann. and tat 4 inr-r•tte of lawman. aura—not InJurlta , nor 1 ,11: In ntstit.li they are used. The attention or ntettlya I mull scielltlfin mess Is directed to these 'II-inter:anis. Allarionl are tettlsnonials in rat ~r ihl. diseovert - which. with lout Irt •t 4. tt , ' to ht •• it .tt tin t man.. onice. Dab,: ”a. ti.uto. 1. March at, lilaa. To the Prrxs,l , lll l, 10 rttrk Dlotnpeting 0 Dear Mr: Lt It ail it is r.R . , , ent..1.1 to be. Wr hay matte natty vial,. of tits. , q.t.. hut now tatualtter that we have found au art cla with:h torpataet qll =M=SIMtE/MI NKW 11/11.1i, Aprll 1. .71. [ha Presider., Nrao DlRsup rt lap Ou.: Dear Slr: Wt. pr.reouncr It, without rreplloo. to be the best we 1,9 v.. CV, J....we. 110 eileet every matterie coloi.lete aeul I...tan teertrem. . A A nt,,r Hon., N.H. — Thew GI. on I, Lan, art. n• - sNrs is titiler tt h ir dillett..T i di the Stultit4v Pollee POW Azrvinh, Y.. General and Sole Agents for he United States aud the Canadas, to whom all ordera aliould ho ad daesaed. got lads by MeCLAJIAN h Genii:NSA N. Greg gots Pittsburgh, It. ins Ilealia RUMPIIIIEVS HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Hare Mired, from the meet maple experience an en tire mooess, nimble, ellielent and reliable. I hey ate the only medicines perfectly - adapted to popular tie —so simple tbat to - Intakes cannot ne made Salon them; so harmle,s ae to be free from danger, and xo enteient a, to be aepays cos, , No, I curt. WILVEIto„ t.ougoltlona, Intlommo.. `.• ' ' Moto I • D1A.11.11111 2 . ttl 26 6 1.3 I,I2ENTEI:I . 0rt,.12,6; Cot .5 6 •• 4. , 201 ~12A .110128101, Nast 76 7 •• NEUKA.LUIA, Toothac Colda, !gnomon to4 ,' " Fact:- ache 26 g " HEADACHE, Sick Headache..... ... 0 •• DYSPEPSIA, 111111m/a Stomach 25 11 " SUPPRESSED, acanty and painful periods 55 2 •• LEUCURRIICRA, or Whites.... .... 26 II" . , hoarse cough ze 14 '• SALT RHEUM, Erysipelas, Kans. Rows 25 15 •• RHEUMATISM, dl clicateatic sales 75 16 " PEVP.R. AND AGUE, Rhine and Fever 17 .• eti.Krt, int. rual or extern/ a.. ~ tielllALsl 1, sore, Inflamed el e IS '• CATARRH, sou . 0 chronic, Inlhe -20 •• W=Pi:4l./ 61.11112. spasmodic ° 11 •• ASTI& re Zr "' EAR DIE4SIMIC ° I49,II;;P:sei 11 . ;;;-: Di 16116. i , .... .... ... ....... L • tiEN.shil.r.iiriVi.../s•Vic, ...... weaknesa 2 " /JROPSI and &may Secretions • 26 " SEA 814;1416E5:5, sicknesa halo rfdingg... ........ • ..... '•••• •••• • `• EIDNE.Y 1/ISRASIL, (+mach .. 28 " NERVOUS DEBILITY, 1161151nal emisaloncluvoluistiery discharges V '• SORE MOUTH. or Canker.— .. •• URINARY INCONTINENCk. . re 21 •• PAINFUL PERIODS. even selib 22 '• 1311 8 iMINtiS at Clottego_of Lite.... CI Si EPILEPSY.Spasuss, St. Vitus' lhari- =MEIMMI Cases of Oh m morocco case and book com lete idO o • Caro of 201arge vials, to morocco and book 600 Case of 101arge able,case and b00k.,.... 500 Oast of 10 boxes (No. Ito IS) and book 3 01 B. L. FAIDISTOCK 41L, CO., Wood St., Wholesale Agents Pitairih. Fa. AIL TO Corner of Fourth and Market streets. For able by C. MlNElk=dmlthneld &Leech; Arn. 'LENIN kk St Market street, corner of the Montana Flttsbnreb, and J. J. EABT, No. 164 Federal streak Allegheny; kreCLAILAN McK ENN AN, corner of Diamond and Market street., l'lttaburgh. DELISTRICKLAIMPS .s OOUGH DALIiA.3I warranted to he the only pre- . aeration known to care • As ' pw, calls. g . Mt, I Chronla Coughs, ,0111,111 M- I N o . Don, Dronehltis and Croup. anlige. Pn lrls ' h t e r Vtag H" , rely • , ORE Ilejs‘anlitmt . o t Tht nig lons of the Throat and Lenge . /or talk lw Druggists everywhere. /f..I6ELLSkI2I V 1.1%. WIIOLVIALX MIMS STMCKLANws PILE DELI.. MDT bu CUItiLD thou sands of theworst cases of BLIND AND BL ILEUM) PLUM. It glees lannocllate relief, and effects a perm neat once. Try It directly. .1110 ..II Is warranted to cure. Wor sale by all Urniataa. T 6 1 ". • Plaints per bottle. U.L.. 11 - 011A11.11Akirsrt ITSPErSts.--- Dn. Striclasuirk romc% . mt ; fllr d r4 al ti: 4 AVt. 404 acids end oarataattre arcorta. tae Mond.. and trewsll4o %Catty or Indlgoaliolt, horvlon- • .„.„ Jew ct ti ot e Aprett %, ba, • sttorn pur.t.w.r and te; 04 •,144.,4,,, Is: ilAerrolWA pAtallartratlreAlt sri gift. eah tar, w,tea. *re =M foitrt WA*** 1 , 40 ii ry x l eArt SO,tI.4)..XVI,,a,SpIEStc?,YVP iv A ry Vryl. otr ...•ry "2.,ryrtt..11? ? Itrylgt (llofOr, 10(1.V..-6,-ncx.ftlMVCll.3.,irtitxilmtuntrryttl t er TIA.-Irerti .{ tryn lanlmbliy try Mo. Ary xrytklllc fr at " MAW. • t 1 6 4 - 4 , 7 0 , ,,,4 ~1,, ft:r„,,,,„, ~a vi3r,witvg6h. Wm . b.. -412( flt.r:th A. IcrWrgKrtStf dtt l ry Ift. t. 1-prr.vv; vool*VniVekt_Tmt,22,_7ttry, t gUeigNAiK':r fTi t I 4 1 -. ' ,l7,eri ~, 1„,, a, i w . - .... 4: „.i it. I:AiliffA T tA Voi*tkYtiiSN ---- a tivirthsLital, - Ivo,f.it , ltivp.r:L ..'rein INV& Vtg lri veWAMV4, 4o lV : w,ttarlS.ll sVaa INWalptnfAft sttt tu4 4.1MAAta„,, , ,, , .:,,,„ • , c eM.6II.PAMTr ''''tl'r!'L''' t WV .. ,: -11.5.‘‘ Zreriii'lly- 'M -t114"; r • try. aia. t o , , .hy , '. •1' ..0.., II , , , ~:`~..--