II PRY 1...6.111311N6111 . T 41116. -- 241emaistitial . Waes , of Di BEAD TEI BEINGB L agia p 8 ,00F1ET BIPA•091, etc.. etc., NM* ioMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES , N NOITIENT - N•nosizai• • • r .DOYMroN Hosimir carroar•uALTO nal% GENTS I.4ILE.TILE . LADIZE. WRITE IDLE. GLOVEB, "" —°sW. DUFF SILK GLOVES, ty.,IUARE.LAGE VEILS, ELAM , RIPOTTED NETS, DEAL LACES kND LINEN OOLLkics & WIT,II ♦ V/Xll.lrllt STOCK or 1111101D11111:11111 GOODS. YiNCI GOON. 4.11 . 0 .7rorioms, At Wholesale or Retail, at F. H. EATON'S, 17 Fifth Street. GAUZE MEHINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean Drawers; _New Kid Gloves at 75 cents a pair, Waits Cotton Hose at 14 tints a 'pair; Five Pair good Cotton Hose for $1,00; Parasols and Silk'-San Umbrellas; In every varietyafill :'price; SEW srat PUFF WAISTS; Puff 13erlin:-b-loves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY AT Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. MACRON, GLIDE & CO. A T • JOS. HORNE a; • CO's. SUNBEAM AND DERBY HAM MA r EN , DEW DROPS, UIPSIB, DAMES, 0 0 E AND DAVID:MN HATEL RAUL STRAW RON NETS In new ahapes, Prumesit allthe fazbiunable atyles. RIBBONS. plain. figured and checked, all widths, VLOWERS, REATIIIL RUDS and ILDSI. STRAWIIOODS, TREILMINGSandORNAMENTS. IV" 111 T. SW/SS.' OIIECES,' 'BRILLIANT; NAINSAXIES. TARLATANS, SLURRED MUSLIM. LINENS, and &PiIIWHITE assortment of • • GOODS. REAL AND IM. CIIIINY LACE COLLARS. REAL AND 151. VAI. LACE COLLAIDL REAL POINTE. LACE COLLARS, NETTS and RAND KREMLIN" lIAMBULtd • TRIMMING AND FLOUNCING, SWISS AND CAMBRIC EDGE AND INSERTINGS. LINEN COLLARS, CUFF* 7AN D EYTTII, varlurts 111nedm, 83Tlie at 4 French Citabrie E=l PA/US 111IFFLINGS AND !MUFFIN°, COL"- LAIC% sErrs, EDGINGS,. VIIILLINGS and BBOIDEIII F 1 4 ., DRESS TRIMMINGS IN CI VC It}: AND CHUN Y I. ACE, GALLOONS, FANCY IMAM. BUTT° DALL AND DIto? TRIM MING. Bend Streamers Ornaments and Setts. 31E117"X"rCsAllet, Io the choicest styles Ite - DEAD. BILK. FANCY ClttercllNT, BLACK AND WIUTF. PEARL, HALL. GLASS Al/11/ CAMFO, Di el ' ltratt NETS 11Allt PUFFS AND EMALPfS i tli . , * Vl i el i .:ll Tl Alg, " (, P lYl3? l g li ra BUCKLE-7N FAINe.IO great variety Prom paha lest to Iyto7;NIJUM nt Etc UN nr.loy ladlell so. , siontsA ODDLY FRONTS, "STAN , 011111 TS: IMTTNIIFIAIRS BrANISII LINFY /MINTS . TRAVF.LLIND 'BAGS and SATCIIICI.N; RAIN BUISMIES; COMBS; sod a • PULL LIME 01' JrOTIOXS IT= -Vbs. 71 and 79 Market Idreet. Je15:4121 NEW GOODS! MACRUM & CARLISLE, No.. 1.9 Filth Satz-43.0t We am glow opening on elegoro I.•Sortilneo t of NI NW litelDS,onneraelog toe MAIM y lea 01 REAL LACE. MOODS, MICK ANT l'A KABOL AN S, MEGA NT PARTY VANS, FINE' BONN RIIIIIONS, NEW E TI.E DIUMSTRIALMIN REAL KIIIPUIDI LACES, VINE MAUL OUTTONS. We knee 4 n, st opened • beantlfol lot of REALcLUNOr LACES AND INSEKTIAUS. We would Invite one's] attention to a now and splendid assort mot of ' • ,ADZES' INIJFY AND BERLIN GLOVES. GLOVES In the new Patrols= and Havana Shades, An assortment erne. colors In EID tiLuv EEL BLACK. LACE UV/TS—new stains; A most co ;Tinto assortment int' LADIES , end CIIILDILEN'S COTTON lIDISE tIENDIS VINE SKIRTS, DERISY TIES SCANS/It CULLS Its.nll HALF HOSE, sUerEivilEus, . /t. LADIES' nod GENT'S GAUZE MERINO UNDER VEST,. To 'Yterehants and Dealere. • - Our Wholesale Department, now well stoeleed With eves ythltiel 111 the /1 JAN IL, which we offer tot. a Tradt as low as say home East or West. MICRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fittlk Street, AjeLlt II /or the •.LOCKWOOU MANUFACTUIt iuti cOICPANY." ERMILICY , e DUPL ELLIPTIC SKIRT at klarinfaelarers• Prices EX . mill _ AIIBTITIINOT..W. T. 611ANNON.J.. a. EIZPILIBSO2I ARBUTIIIIOT, SHANNON & CO., • N 0.115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Have Jost opened • tame vets stoet of FANCY - RAD STAPLE DRY GOODS, Adopted,lt r flPZte a " I :lat rlsqiris. New Prints, Ihdaines, Lawns,Ging ham, White Goods,' Dress eeds, Shawls, Bahnorals, Cottotuldes,. Farmers' & Mechanics' Cassimeres,Jeans Cloths* Linens,. Drills, Bleached and Brown Sheenngs - and ehirtings, BURLAPS, COTTON & LINER DUCK. &C. Merchants are Welted to nin and =wane oar Bloat and Jell CARRIcOAIg)LESS & CO., u..a&AVELicm.V.:&&& 00_i WLIOLESILLE DX114.14.11 . .111, FOREIGN 'AIuIIIONEsTiCDRY gOODS, wro. 04 PoOcl at., aboventiiniciitt AUey,Y e.sx.ll BACCO. CIGARS &o. Exciusion TonAcco - Wiiteu.s. R. &JENKIRRON. • ormactentifi 911'* - lEnfp ' TOBACCO, EINUEY AND SEBUM, Ft). O PEDISILS.L. STILLY. Wed door from Suspension Lirldico. • A.LLIWIENT: PA. BMUS% More at Salem, Ohio.' • . dee. JEFF„ DlLassafae Deal er IWltAlesalaiwalMeta Ds all 'dada at. , - TOBACCOi. SNUFF AND SEBARS, No. 6 6t. Clair - Street, Pittsburgh, Pa ApiA larmisinotiinninbnl64ll6CllAlThely and SMOKINU TOBACCO ot the boa quant kopt on hand,. _ GEORGE ELIGEENSCERI3, ALUB IN MU N DOOM SEGAM OtthwitAG TOBACCO, - iiiiekteg;:tobacce, Pipes, mac,. 43. sesegremassalENtrocrt, PlMlttir "bergi.!- JOHN, CrIVA . Ur, KC atuturimyrtraine,VP - AM) WOOLZA11:14 AND ILATAIL DiatEl4l2l =LEAS Or I.ROBAHOCIR;;SNEJEIF,AIIiD *EGA*, A enend assortment of AmAklig Totowso, P;Ee • awl sobsoto Douche. always on Anna. =.72‘... BERNARD lEMAN, Nannlkelnrer and Dealer la ' ALL, ,KINDS, TOBACIOO , ; FF' AND_ SECARS. NO: NOS Ohio JOHN P. GRAY, HOUSE. AND dIGN FAIITEI4 •Alkir GLAZIER, No. 64 Hand ' St. ; Fittabnigh; Plain end Ornarnonss4 filgoeq. to‘ery 4 rtpuos done T.O duke prornr , lY renonno, imMILIJUS. IL BROWN , • jf„„u, thitutind'uithiit • iosnow. ;la L 7 `notribt PlKi*?,l4l#l4 1.11"20 )4%IMA 1• ..-70 ,-,,,...:,.;.....,...-..,:z5z1z;i7.7.1_,.. G$ &a 6azetit. MONDAY, JULY 9, 1866. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Local ltattors on First Page Tye GlSSOSl6.—Forsons leaving the city daring the summer, can have the Ciszarre mailed to them by leaving their address at oar counting room. aentences In Quarter Sessions. The quarter Seaman. Court not on Saturday at ten o'clock, with Judges Sterrett, Stowe and Brown on the bench, and the following business was transacted: rot smOnavarlso ASSAULT Ann lIATTealt, tta. Thomas Smith, keeper of a licensed tavern cuceirant strict, at, thertorner of Second, ap peered In - Coart, according to mumble, to re ceive the Judgment of the Court for an vated assault and battery, of which an C u r i; convicted him some time since, anti also on taro Indictments for selling liquor prior to re ceiving huillocutse, to which he : had pleaded guilty. For the aggravigod assault and bat tery be was sentenced to pay a lino of two hundred dollars, and to unftrgo three months imprieonment in the °minty Jail. Upon one indlotment for Mir honor selling he was required t o pair eof thirty dollars, and upon the Other to pay a fine of one hundred dollars and to undergo an imprisonment of twenty days In the Jail—the Sentence last pre flounced to take effect after the eroiration of that given in the assault and battery case. FOE STSALIXO • GUN • Jam. Dougherty, for playing the thief in the midst of calamity, the destruction by fire of Lafayette Hall, In feloniously appropria- Una a valuable gun, teas sentenced to the pen itentiary for ono year. SW? TO TEE MOOSE OP RETOOL • Rear Mayhew, the youth. aged fourteen, roe sak i. ) who hurshulotudy entered the resi dence o WWI= Penn, and office of Dr. Rob. arta, In South Inttsbargli,and feloniously too k therefrsm, a lot of ladles and gentlemenV clothing and other articles, was ordered to be sent to the Hence of Refuge, on account of ids apparent youth. Thomas McDonald, for telonionaly appropri ating cheese from the wombat of the PM, burgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago ilatlraul Company, tree sentenced to the penitentiary for one year. I=2 John (or "Johnny") Wails, a resident of the Fifth ward, anda noted law-breaker, was the next prisoner cal Led up for sentence. He was Orreat. , but a shall time since, atter having long trusafully eluded the law ofacers, and following bis incarceration there were brought forward a number of charge., for him to an swer. Last week be was tried for riot and ag gravated assault and battery, the jury con victing. ThreeL.ndietmenta h fr serm tu liquor illegally hich he ware also For fr om riot, de., the court required him to pay a line of three hun dred dollars and founders° one year ands months imprisonment in the Peniten Upon each of the three liquor Indictments he was required to pay a line of One hundred dol. tars, and on one of them, charging a second offense, to spend three months in jail—the ag gregate is lines six hundred dollars, and im prisonment two years. Benjamin Johnston, a bright mulatto, hail ing originally from Cliarlestown, Va., vtas next called up to hear his doom. Through the Influence of others, (he said) he was in duced to take a pair of pantaloons and vest. fie said he came from Charlestown, Va., and that it wee the tint time he had offended or been before a Court of Justice. lie was sen tenced to jail for three months. eItZITSXCED WOE ... enures' DATE." William Smitor the larceny of clothing, (recommended tomercy by the jury,) B.nd glary J. Dougherty, for the larceny of clothing front Daniel Harr, were each aenteneed to thirty ,lays imprisonment in the jail. William Bootlace (an old ease) and James Kerman, tried separately and convicted of at tempting to steal a boat line or cable belong ing to Mr. Sholicnborger, item the Allegheny river, were next brought no. Their counsel' calks! the attention of the Court to the evi dence of the Cact i: that both the men were at the Limo ere drunk, and mama kno e what they wore doingmight be some doubt as to felonious design. du Sterrett said it appeared In the evidence that the accused were carefully coiling the cable when dis covered. Bootlace, when asked the question, Admitted he had been before the Cour= Mouldy, in Judge McClure' time, and that it was not their intention to take the rope, but were gold g to use it for the purpose of shifting a barge, having been employed to E. do by "some man," whothey had nab:Down before, nor SUCII 811100, ma they were immedi ately arrested and bed been incaroerated until the present time. It appeared, however, that Kerman had been released on ball to answer, but had been apprehended on another Charge of stealing. Both men, who are fa, advanced in life, were consigned to the county prison for ninety days. A 811 ALL LABOfIY. Henry enniiingham, for stealing a pair of Mid's sham from 13orland's,in Market street, •as sentenced to remain in jail thirty days Incur He bits been In prison two months. AIOTIII.I. LIQUOR MILL= 81LINTSINOED John Idulherron, of Urant street, for selling liquor without license, was sentenced to pay a flue of seyentyipre dollars. There were two indictments uodust him, but neither charg d a second offense. TOILE ICICTILKOILD. Cecelia Jeffries, for the latcony of clothing from (MAMA Ann Albin—a woman believed to be of no better character than defendant—had her term of, Imprisimment extended sixty days. Jobn Boyle, the man who was wounded nigh lento death, on the Monongahela bridge, a short while ago, by a pistol shot, fixed by a Sto we, ad Mitchell, addresseda note toJudge Sto setting forth the facts in his ease and desiring nth redenso from prison in order that he might go to his wife at Allentown, who there resided with her father. It seems that Boyle, before Ws wound had healed, was ars rested and lodged in AU for assault and bat, 111%he an It 5 -Th r Tfran .7 " imwe ' °ll etWe b"" u sa c li. and battery bu i t nma ry t, tor the reason that Mitchell lent il to appear as required. The surety of the peace was therefore the Only cent. Pending against him, and as there seemed to be no prospect of its being further prosecuted, he desired to be released. Boyle was brought in, and afte r being ques tioned, was remanded, the Cann. remarking that his case would be attended to on Monday. Mitchell, the man Who did the shooting, had a hearing before the Mayor, and It appearing that he had acted in - seltdefence, was dis charged from custody, after Boyle had been pronounced out of danger from his wound—a more summary proceeding than hall been usual in such kind at mica Messrs. Lonnie, Eberhardt, Einstein and others, under canriclFor liquor on au Sunday at their. meats, in the stein itY of Ttoy Hill, woke lod t and not respond ing, processes were ordered to be Issued to compel their attendance.' Court adjourned UM Monday. About sin o'clock on Saturday morning a bright-plumaged canary bird sought refuge lv um cool quiet of Alderman Lynch's office. The visit of tisotprial &quasar caused same cur- Prise to the ruaglitrate—Who even at that early hour was at hie post of duty—but unlike treatment of his feathered visitor, tub Alder an endeavored to capture the intruder, that he might secure hie presence and song to graca bia tiny (Wirt, where so often the lib. QOPIIRit ,11.0103 of plaintiff,' Affiendant and wrangling anorak:a are hoard. But Just as he was about placing his hand upon the prize, it spread Its wings and soared above his head, showing it bee' determined to Canape the clutches of the custodian of Justice At title Juncture Officer O'Connor Joined in the pur suit., which continued for over an hoar, the bird in the meantime having bought the open air and taken its poeltlan on oue of the diode trees in the Jail yard. Messrs. Clagett and Dusenbery, the gentle manly general agents of, the deservedly fam. oaf gd~ttp hatitboldrlghdd psltHlng of the "Death-bed of Lincoln," by Littlefield, ar rived in the city Saturday and are stopping at the hierebantsf Hotel. They kindly pre vented us with a copy of the photograph, which is a mattor4doee of *YE trUthfuEr protrayldg the saddest event of the nineteenth century. The ever lamented Llncoln - ropasos upon the death-bed, the central - figure of the grcmp, and is surrounded by Ma weeping wife and all the prominent men of the mitten; Wild were pre* out at the hat moments of the great and good man. The Likenesses of. all are remarkably accurate, and, can be recognised with perfect ease. It in levblume Of history in Itself. Every comating.room, parlor and sanctum of the loyal North should contain a oopy. Iron igeuldera' Awattveraary.—The Iron *loaders Association celebrated on Thursday, to Cu:minus* ,thetrinoudeersary. 2XL grand procession and jandcation. Several hundred delegatee were luattandan .c t u ftWaiLoulsalle, Covington, liewport.ind arida. In the procesalonwero a anniber of wagons beating appropriate mOUOm, and carrying rarione articles, the production of the labor of tue craft. *NW ',twang itteng•lhe line of march, the moulders proceeded to Soneireacteial W Glartimi here th ey were ad dresisxiby Elencuutl„nadd, , ..10wmunibly Dlardiarged,—We notice In paragraph tenor tipeend Orders N 0.308, leaned from therWatinderdateatJune %kb, that /400 t. Jolla G. •Lougherty, of Com , petrtati Otte - Hundredth Pennsylvania Itegl, ment, henber i MMS, 40eb*V o i,t re aor' vivo of aid' tette the to date isepteanDer 11914 - 7 1 / 6 1. Lent Dougherty II a resident of gllsaboth, Pa.., bat Is now em ployed In filien.d: afeee;bl Washing ton qty. • Passtes Alelly.wcrterilieHtTio, an old and highly atteereed ditigen of Allheny, died at his residenervlfigaillairretreet, In that city, ac g t x o ,o, 9 ag;gioardsy morning.- The dooms ed had restehddtheVtveaded age of sesventy• two years, He served dozing the war of 1812, Ho wee Sorted, yesterday.... . Rasa '&W—Ai:latch game al balm ball will Ord tomorrow A.tWooon between Ilia 1 - tic suallgetual alubtaf.Aneghbay. The game will come *got% the grounds ,a(the gheay antics are °lab, on the "Weet - Oomnorie. The la. tbe oballeasers • ; 'Poriatalliag - the' Market.-4.leorge Flee was arratental;.belorethe, Mayor on .astarolay morphchantedwith foresta ll ing 'the mar. kat.' -HG melt tieing proven, he was aced aye upon payment at watch he was die. 4z:uni ur bstba . ..aule a c Weco t um =i istrizraaw. eh of I gautroaus uts scaucwiraun a sig; MUM <;;,:., _ l > f" EARLY TELEGRAMS Coition Call:ore In Callfarrnis—Paelae Railroad Rill raignod—Soathera Loyal New Yens, July 7.—The morning papers contain the following special dispatch. from Washington: It is reported here to-night that Paymaster Paulding has temn sentenced to be cashiered, to pay a fine of $.5,000, and be Im prisoned for the period of one year. Ile is still in close confinement. C=2 A Ilkmrsiele Betinting' work 44 Art. FROM WASHINGTON. Union Convention The Committee of Agriculture has Just re ceived, samples of cotton from it. IL Dunn, of San Francisco, California. One is a sample of Takata cotton, grown from the Sea Island seed. The Quantity raised in ten was about 200,000 pounds, the whole of which was export. ed to Prance and England. The other sample is of California grown cotton from upland or short staple seed, grown in Los Angeles cowl. ityity Livingston & Chester, who ginned some pounds. °Ramses branch of the Pacific Railroad to.day triumphed in securing the signature of the President-to the bill allowing them to mu their an d up the Smol.) doll river to Denver City, and to allow the California road to mind I eastward. Heavy pressure hid been brought to bear to defeat it and secure We veto, but I they all failed. There is no probability of any action being taken by Congress! to prevent removals from Milne by the President after adjournment of Congress. The call for a convention of loyal Union men of the Southern States to be held in this city during the summer, is, now being made out under the direction of Governor Hamilton of Texas, and several other prominent Southern Union men. FROM MIMEO. Defeat el the Imperial Forces—The Mt/ of Tampico Besieged. de. New Tenn, July 7.—The Heralds Mexican correswondenee written from the City of Mex ico, under date of the lrld, and V era Cruz, of the 96th, and Tampico, eJth nit., goes to show that the Mexican people were becoming more and more united in the cause of the indepen dence of their country. The Imperial forces, French and natives, have BUSULIIICaI a number of defeats of great er or less severity In the fleld,.and the cause of Maximilian was still more gloomy In con fsesuence. Santa Anna still engrosses a large share of the public attention. The 316XICIIIJI Liberals proclaim the theory that an understanding has been come to between Mr. Seward, the Emperor Napoleon and the Pm-President, by which Id avireiffsu would be let down grace fully and Santa Arms teetered 11.1141 elected Pres ident, the United States cabinet holding It self ready to approve of the eventualities ari ring from the change of government. The Lib erals who were imbued with this - Ides, did not entertain such au implicit confidence in Air. Seward's friendship as they did some months ago. Santa Anna, it is said, will remain un popular with them, no matter in what official form he may be presented. The city of T 1113111101) was clearly besieged by the Liberal forces who had made a dashing at tack, riding into the very streets of the place at one time. Desertions from the Imperial to the Liberal army were frequent. The idea of summation to the United Slates was widely toste_rod In the Liberal i auks. The Estate of VOL A. J. Butler. New Tone, July T.—Surrogate Tucker sum moned General B. Y. Butler to amount for his administration of the estate of the late Col. A. J. Butler. The General yesterday obtained an extenatch of time until the rat instant, when his amount of receipts and disbursements Is to-be insisted. 'Among the claims mod I c the Surregute's office is one for eikine for cotton, inigar j etartfisgea, dm., the amount alleged to have been seized by Col. Butler from one Rob ert M.ltaytte, during the military occupancy of Now Orleans, Other claims are awaiting the rendering . of Gen. Butler's amount on the Mti instant, the adjustment of which Is expec- Led to Involve some interesting questions. NOTICES. NClogrl.CiE To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. THE CITY TREASURER is now to rooellre all taxes payable at this ofbee-. No. LIU Fourth atreet, tableau to a reduction of rivr. PEE CENT., If bald before the FlllaT LILY Of AUtilhaT NEXT. The llercantlle Licenses are dne and moat be paid before the FILLIT DA V Or JULY N JEST le order Lo save coat and expense ol suit octore on Alderman. jets:ds Wk. =CUBA UM. Treasurer. N CYJUICEI. THE SEIKATRING PART of the plati fralartil * th A PL - %! Oplendld for gardening giorpouris or for elty resi dence. Apply to WA. b.HUYD at the ogler of kilekpatriet • corner of Diamond and Omni'trout, or to RICHARD ALLEN, ou the properly, at Lower et. Clair Hotel. mviiiaal NOTICE TO THE Titar. Payers I= Borough of Lawrenceville Whereat. by a nlement of the get of Assembly to Um 4th d.y of March, A. Li.. 1,184, relating to the payment of the Borough Tax to the Treasurer within the limits rif told Borough, the undersigned ' • • . ow In possession of the Duplicate for the payment el said tax. and ready to receive the same. On all takes paid on or before the not day of An gela, LIM, au ailowance office percent. will be made. On all tame paid mbsequent to the lest day of ge r:dror to th e first day of beptember, meet CM ail be times paid subsequent to the not day of September ho Muth add live per centinn. And on the knit day of October In each year, the Treaaurer • steal make out • Ilst o f delinquent tax payers, with the amount duo from each, with ten per centem additional added: provided that noaddltion al amount Wall be less than tun canto, and place the same in the hands of the Constable, whom duty It shall lx ye reoetve the same under a penalty doisarsi and the said Treasurer is hereby as thorizeil to lame to said constable his warrant to collect tattd grainisc Klee all the Power. sad immunities now by law In collectors of coun ty rates and levies. Provided that 210 Danner addl- Menai notice to to payers snail be required than , the advertisement In one or more pees and.by handbills. WM. J ARCM% Borough Treasurer, Corner of Butler and Otero rumet, The said Treasurer respectfully lulorms the tat - payer. of said borough Mat he Is Itoilector mad Treasurer for the Law remeerllle Celtoot UtstrleLastal is also prepared torecel•e their hies, and I write. them Le call at las °Mee to the Borough of Law reneeville. at the corner sf Butler and Drawn am. . . WILLIAM JANCEY JeM:e4 Collector and Treasurer School Fun a eNkIk.o"FAIII2III..B, BEN AULLEE, wail. AI. M tiEI.I. REU W. BARB, tIAM L. DUPV. E ULIA/3...PARKIN. ii:IK , PGICISHMISTOPIII MILLER; BARR & PARKIN, 111 ANIIPACTUIII63 OF BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Warranted Equal to any In the Market Other Inaportod or of Domestic Hannteetnre. :SPECIAL A TTENTION VALI) TO YIN!: ANTI BILL raKEI.. Office, 38 Wood Street, lEE= =M=MM FOR BEST, & FARM OF 130 ACHES, eltuaterd in Jefferson township, Allegheny county, Pa., on the alanongahola river, It ladles from the city. The Improve: nuts are gond. The land of the bee n t gen d tly; well Igoe. Wanted for gardening. Posse. no Auen let, 1 1 2E31 AL IPMLA:ZIAZIEI MILCOI7II9IN.L With wren rooms and ball, good stable, excellent - rater at the door; situated on the old Washington IW, about 6 miles from the city. Poamssion edlately, ro, Arrthet partleularat, oo ulna of W no. lii Vourtn street. rEEIM STEPHEN M. OTT. GX.N.ILAL Dye Sinker, Seal I ledal Engraver, STENCIL, BRAND AND STIR LIMB CUMR, SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Canceling Stamps & Visiting Canis. Also, PLATES YOU MARKING CUMMING. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond Alley, (ABOVZ Davis' Boot 5T0K1,1 Er= The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON In Hill. Fourth street, near Smithfield. Is DOW open. The ADEN Ied. coolest mad most Inducing Fidkihr- MR G ISAL(X)111n the Mate. lOC CINALITI, Gate and confectionaries alway• on hand. A o n, 0134:11YSTKA has Watt engaged for the season, and will be In attendance it V KitY N LOUT (except Sunday) from seven till Metre o'clock. Heat lee cream, fruits, and harrls% an.r on hand. MADAME Rua& Manageress. SZOORni iir ntineu, Ju ek Me RiauLayn'a , Of77CIN rirran Oe 212th ASSESSMENT NO'rICE—NOtIce la hereby given that the assessments for the grad ing Andparthg Wei, Hoag and Logan streets and Beech aliey have been made, and nut he seen at this ernes ant.U. the *Yfl DAY OFJULY, 1800, after which limo they will be returned to One City Treasurer fur collection. CHARLES ILYICHSPFAIUZ, Becordluit Regales*, pz=ll HOLMES, BELL & CO, Anchor Cotton Mkls, Pittsburgh, . szlessAcmusisor ANOUOU (A) SkIN/M/NG& Ar (B) (SUMMING& ANOIIOII (0) SUMMING& And BA. u. '1 Y & LOTIIIIOP.—Pro- A. 00121 _AND COMITESION • WAR-MOWN. 4S aaG V a t u eez.ar .. flll.l , . - elcontsftts; t. doe tax eislfallow Ear Coq* MT ff *" MINN : ----- / - 11G.141 - sax a mermactr. SPECIAL NOTICES. QUEEN! THE (WREN. THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! MRS. WHISLIA"S QUEEN HAIR RESTORER QUEEN, not only In NAME, but In VIIITITICS. lathe Beet lids he Restorer c, ever offered to t Publi lie It tutaillb althfully applied. le la.:STOLLER and rhssltuvrat at the lr f It to no Hair Dye. ..cte, directly upon the roots of Oa hair eltanit rig grey hair WI, origroal life color; arrest ng pre tore decay aud falling out of the hair; eradlest• rig scurf and dandruff; and curing all humor • of the scal It will change dry and wiry hair to soft and lu dant tresses. It imparts a delightful fragrance to the hair. In short, if you wish to restore your hair, as in youth, and retain It through life, u. US. WINSLOW'S QUOIN HAIR WHIRS& Price .i per bottle. babl by all DruSCIII.,6 R. B, BFLT FRB & Wholesale Agents. ZEE gar Will. ISAIINHILL & CO.. BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Nos. It% 92. 94 and 26 Pena street. id , ruag Dammed a large yard. and !tarnished It with lb. meet approved mulainery, we are prepared to rennufeetnee every description of BOILERS, In the I,...GmAnnor, apd warrAnted equal to assvmade to the :country. CHIEN ETB, BREECHING, YIaCE BEDS. STEAM PIPM. lAILIGHYTIVE Butt EISI CON DENSERS, SALT PA-NS, TANKS, GIL STILLS, AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS, BOILER IRON. BRIDGES, SUGAR PANS; and sole manutacturere of BARNHILL% PATENT BOILERS. Iterating done on the shortest notice. JeAtoti lair LAME SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' =l3 PAILIC, McCIIIIDY dr, CO. Manufacturers of 811EATI111111, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COPPEII, PREMED COPPER BOTTOMS, RAILISED STILL. BOTTOMB, STELTER BOLDER. Also, Importers and dealer's la METALS, TIN PLATE, BUEIGT IRON, WIWI, de. Constantly on hand, THIN MCC MACHINES and TOOLS. Ware house, No. tb PIuoT and LI3I3MXIND tlruasrß rut.- burgh. Special orders of Copper cot to azy desired pattern. Itgr'PIT'rEIBUIIGH SAW WORM" fIUBBALID, ROO & CO.. Illanufactur• . tor I'ATET.T Uncut.'" ia 'ICU LAES, ed CAST STEEL SAWS, of every description. Muleq, Cross-Cot, tiaoit,aud all other varieties. All kinds of KNIVES and SrltlrillS, mad. frog. Sheet east-Shrel ; Extra Marled HEATER AND MOWIN,O KNIVES, ie., lir 4'lirehouse and WetkLll, corner VP.%Tan and Silo= STUfITS, Pittsburgh. Pvticular attention paid to re-tsaditlng. gumming and straightening Circular Saws; alw, repairs of all kinds. Punching and Drilling done at reasonable r ates. leSze.3l OF - ROBINSON, BEAR CO.,_ (Sue. eesaors itkoHIISPON, MINIS I miLLIttS. WAIHEZI WORKS Founders sta, lismargb. Slanulheinsera of BOAT AN D STAT/ON BUT STEAM ENO IN BR, BLAST ENO ILS, MIDI. MA CHINERY, b RABIN LI, __IIHATTING,CASTIN OS of all descriptions, OIL TANKS and STLI.LS„ BOILKIL AND SHEET HAM WORK. xi - A gents for GITIf AD'S PATENT INJECTOR, or ferdlns boiler). . . OF - JOHN COCHRAN & BRO., Rano sacturers of IRON VAULTS AN D VAULT DIJON.% IRON RA ILI NO, WINDOW SILUTTELBS, WINDOW HUARD'S, ke., Nos. sn sgeOND and M THIILD STREET. between Wood - - and Market, lass e on hand • variety of new patterns, fancy and PPlain, suitable for all purposes. air rwraeulat attention paid to knclosing Grave Lots. 'Jobbing done at short 'tulle., inhatly, igirBLARRIAGE APB CELIBACY, Essay of Warning and instruction for Young Men. Also, Diseases and Abuses Which pros trate the rftal 'Kuser.. with sore sof rrilef. ge Y rot free of char In sealed letter envelopes. Ad . rvss, Dr. J. SEILLIE kiiitaillTOri, Howard As oclation. Philadelphia, 1... mr.=:iga,t wT. POLITICAL. WUNION REPUBLICAN EXEC UTIVE COMMITTEE OF ALLEGHENY COO NT Y FUN 11N66-7. JOHN W. RIL/DELL Chalrman, , Laverencesllß. w. N. ERWIN Temporameevllle. GEORGE V. GILMORE. Plttsbunch. GEN. A. 9.. PEARNON... . ......... Limmucevllle. WM. M. WILLI , Elttsbor kgsag cot.. J. B. COPELAND ELMO Upper 't. Clair l'onniatip. ... Township. Wilkins Township. JAtl U. 111131111.A1' ti tl. 11. !I. YOUNti Juttti YeK_ELVI ttell=lLWM JONATHAN Pi EEl.l* JA.lll&ti DICK-SUN ... ETA' HlJii VERN KR. ttoldn T....rnehl WM. I. MILLER Towtieh 1 WM! Mt=ld . - . - .• WM. M.l - 1161V4H, cm.. J. BALLENTIN JvtlN A. 111EYL taftffirts`fttitnt , M Mal .1155EN1 PRC.NCII l'ittsborgh. l'ArT. JOHN H. STEWART . . Cunha' , Township! W. 5. PU.VIANCE Alltgh.cov CAP., JOHN I.III..FILLAN . . Upper bt. Clair Tp. WM. MITLENZUY filrmlnKl: - JOHN W. MIDUKLI., Chairnsl - A. 1.. PiAnAt.W. T. M. BA r a .-• I 'l / 4 ." " I.'" " CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION 22d DISTRICT. The UNION REPUBLICAN TVPZILti of the =I Congressional District are requested to sorts at the usual places of holding elections ha the various Wards. Boroughs and Towushipa In said Dlstriat, On Saturday, August 11th And ,elect TWO DIELIIIIATES from each election district. ho MCC/ In County Convention on TUklii- DAY. AUGUST 14th, Si 10 o'clock a. m. for tile purpose of placing In nomlnatlon a cand i date for Cons. Th grese primary election. In the townshlp• ill toe held between the honn of four and Ai oclock. and in the wants awl boroughs between the hour. Of four and seven o'clock r. on. In the wards and bor ough. the election. shall be by ballot, and In the townships by mart Int( or br al By order of the (*nominee, W. J. 6111.11URIL. Chairman. WY. ANDI.II.BOX, It. TIIOII.AII, r — my :1er..48-oller CONGRESS, 2241 DISTRICT HON. J. K. MOORHEAD icz placed himself at the disposal of Ms Mandl. ci In re+ie.a. to their call made on him, ails name It Lon I.v them as a candidate for nomina tion ler Conaress ior the aid District, stihrect to c action or the Union treicilitican County Conaraven slition. itc IW-CONGRESS GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY IS A lAN TUX 220 mwriLicrt utficltild 161t," - r - CON63RESS.-I`he frsOOdm o HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will present iliae to the Con lla vention Of tlin Union iiorty, (or nomination an a ratoate or Con (re. In the 12.1 Diatrac,. mialiniend LIV.ELIN AND SALE STABLES. MORLIND & MITCHELL, =I Nos 426 & 427 Liberty Street, The very beet 1111/3.13gb, CAItIIIAG IGO and SUbl kepi for hire stall awes.' The finest 1-lEttltSb: In the city. runerals, tr.., attended to on short untie.. In the best meaner. Persons wishing to engage anything In our line ca , rely upon being turned out in the bent style, no the proprietors give their personal attention tothe tinniness. JeT:e63 • - - - -- • M CCAJLLUM BROTHERS No. SO YUUItTH SITIMICT . We have on hands • vas* superior stook of 40412.13PMTMDZCir ur1 1 ,7: IA feel Wide. PIANO AND TAB Lir COVICIN- N on hind IA ust. HGAItTH tf.l.llls—Yrom th e 012.411. roallty albs htlifiirTTlNra.Tl'l Nu, eucon AN, d A Nl.l MA c • MeCALI.UhI uiurr~fJ U., romerlY W. u. & 11. M,;uio„ H. J. LANCE. STIR MID WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER. ALSO, Chintz Window Curtains and Chair Coven Cleaned and Reglazed without unpacking. Nos, 33 and 37 Third Street, Botwool Wood and PITTSWJUOU, PA. Tml A. A. OF CONURJESS, approv -. led 2nneli, ma, gives additional Tenn on to the following class of persons: To those who have lost both eyes or hands: To those who have lost bath feet; To those who have lost one hand or foot; To those who have been deprived of their pen sions under 1141. of Starch sd, MI, axe restored: Ponsionsare extended to dependeet fathers and brothers. Appl y M mall or to person, to I= MeM&STES, GAZZAM & CO., Office, 98 Grant Street, errri4ntniten.` -r- V as u A MINE relXjllNT.lllb,;llolU—lt In the SAHEBr t made. WO self operating, perform, lts wort In light ea veil es 'ln thobearlest her toter range oretooottrgronnde tenth ate neer and watranted to be *ell temperedsad not to break' with Mr ascot It Is eery s ple In.lte, construe, Von. Anblld lOyeats old, of aged antllntlnn rwr-. AO= can wank as itul borne Teller and tlepresses• the teeth at the win of the operator. 'tor isle.' wholesale and r troritalal.'Mlont orA:rair4.,,r7,rivAr42,h2del !EMI egRIUMBLESi tor oaltisio - FOUnderss arionad Wes. 113=1" COLLUM NEM FOR SALE. I vAL"BLE COIL MINES FOR SILL The valuable coal Mtnee owned by the Southern co .' meant; Company, situated lu onelbf county, Aia.,..twelve north... of Montevallo, and - Le •lialf mole, from the North and South Etalboad in tne6lns order to Cols bob.). and one-guar s mlle from the Branch Road to the lied sin coal Idiom are.tiow offered far axle. mince have Pare beau I n suttees.nl opera. some u years, c are eltuated In the hevt of the -- Ie of ;;;;r mo?ut.t. chin for B mineral region o - f - ao ntol are only eriti:lie ashen by roll from nein., twin whence there le Tttransportrtion to the Out, en la not in the United State. n hotter nppor toothy tor n safe nod profitable Investment - In the Goal inutile... = One half rash. and the balance at the expiration f Oa months, without Internat . . or. one-atoth each, .4 the balance In equal monthly payments, with at Internat. G. M. McCONNICO, J k21:(18-1 FOR SALE. =EI The ;Stock.. natures, flood Lore llouse, Dwelling and Large Lot In Sewickley. Cash sales Ill3tooo a month. roaseadun given immedlatelY. Six mall - Houses and Lots, very chest• Several Lute at Edgeworth Station, tram oue to nye wren In each. APPLY to Beal Eaten, Broker alol Iniurance AgenL - No. to Federal stmt, Allegheny FOR SALE, SO Acres of Oil Territory, Located In MuskingumCOUllly, (Alio, rom 'Creek. TWA perty le "Linable f the feet that every well pro bored. Oil in paying quanta/I.m le obtelned. The orpth of wrlle Is only about ISO feet, and route shout N s l 6 t battuft• L ta,,,t of VII tal6 be gran at 164 Fourth aterot. 1 or iurther pegticulars, enquire of, ..pOll SALE—A Farm of 216 acres, situate In Pluto township, Allegheny county, Pa. The Unp - ovetneuts arc a two-story Frame Ileum with six rooms and kitchen; * large Bank oulnbuilitlngs; good Ur el=tlT7iPag s ' eTe . m ? ..J ' tfod in snood state of eni- Uvation. the land if( the best quality ; well adapted for gralu or monk, -no la all underlEd with Coal, a very larse amount of Locust timber., Pos session given laanctlluteC, convenient to churches, school* mills, Sc. tot banner particulars, an (intro of 11. TOW O. 04.1 k.stste Agent, No. 104 Fourth street. toy Male 1.4`011 SALE—A Farm of about :44 opposite Townsend elation, North We. t cm IL IL, Muth. Irmo Citt•burgic •tonit oacres cleared; balance good Umber Imni in varieties, ZS acres of coal, good veto, pit opeo. a frame Jaen ing of four rooms good spriog of water, au ituit tram. of varieties of mutt; Ma stdcnOld 'none [or a nr.e. yard. Also, a lot 60 by 1111 feet, on Peebles stmet, in Wilkins township , Allegheny emus , y. 111 bc golf cheap. for terms, Ac., apply at the Neal Estate and lemurauce 00100 of G. h. LlAlkto, loa Collor street, Law rence v idle. volt SALE—A Farm of 1:1No acres, A. in laisabeth township, kilt:anent county, 1'.. , near the Youghiogheny river. •be improvements are • lic•ed Log House • good Barn, stable and other out-buildings; feticxns gendrallY rood; wen watered; lIS acres cleared voles of Limestone, the under vein about AS feet thick; the r vein MS feel; very convenient to the river. Ito well tim bered with the hest white oak and black walnut timber. PriceAV acre. Icor further particu lars, enquire of Si. 11. per TOWER, Meal Katlic Agent, No. 104 k'ourlit street. cayll:a4k_ TVVALUABLE FARM FOB SALE.— • Farm, containing about ISO acres, near the biz Mlle Ferry, on Um Monongahela raver, on which Is erected a two-story It Mansion llouse and lime, nod other out-buildings. A 1.,,. several other races* soil located, Allegheny &nil Westmore land counties, containing from len to=t acres. Coal and Lime Farms forsale on the numbenville Rail road and kinnougaltela river. For further portio n:am, enquire ci WILLIAM W AMU. toppostiC we cavh;ina. uO:rol No. Ito Groot won BALE ALLEGHENY—By order of Lilo Orphorm• uourt., DWELLING HOUSE llf Istr ROUT. DUNLAP, Jr.. dete'd, No. ILO Sandoiky street has every eonvrnleocr. Tor par , Licata/la, enquire ol eIIAS. lillitiS, Es q.. as Second National flank. ilthilm rah , or lb. 31. a 3i. Na. lion. flank. Ilttaburgh, of 1.. MILLMAN. - - Von SAIAI.--200 acres coal nad and furnace. shunted about at not. a... 1 of Bol ger atallun, on the i'lltaiirgh and Steubenville ilediroad. The railroadrusts dlnvtly through the g,roaferty. Oar hundred and hilly of the nor face in under cultivation, the remaining fifty acre* In good white orb timber. JOHN It. BAILEY. No. lin Vourth atruct. Or, E. C. KN.Yr. No. r. Sail, It ),J Donne... Way. FOkl SALE, RUtS Towns p. littsfutrxh .Alleght vy. .. Isabettk. 1;M=1 600 Acres Coal, near Noblestown, ~t`uun¢rgi Mount Washthoct, Towo,plp. Ua ilitaburall and 81.oubenvilli. Railroad Igri;llM=l INIZZitt rittsbu Tempernoc., . Allegt FOB SALE, =2= 500" Acres Coalinear Mansfield, r== Oa Pittsburgh arid `Jtcob•nvithr 11.41iribui FOR Lime. MEI PI ME CREEK ICE, At TI3OIIPKON "A ICC HOOKY.. Enquire of J, MIN ELIK.AIIT. No. 180 Federal street, Alleghelll City. J AMICK POUTER. _FOB SALE-One Patent Steam TANK, for rendering Tallow Of Gresay: One TV LINI/Eft STEAM BOILER, M! Inches di ainstor4 loot Of with Kraal. Mack: 0114 stl' AM, ethk.P ETTLX, holds adxs, pounds; One KLIKKT IKON 80AP FRAMES. je/Cul :1511 Liberty street ! Pitistiuritl , J I OR SALE--A very desirable two story Brick Dwelling 01 dye rooms and good cellar, situ et. on Alice street, Lawrenceville, near reassume, hallway. An excellent well of water on the lot. Will be disposed of oo liberal terms, and _ . , istmedlatt possession Klee. if applied for soon. For terms apply .t the Real Bata., and Insuraum Whoa of ti. B. BATES, Butler street, Lawrence v Me. - - - ACHEAP FAIIIII FOR SAILE.— Contains 85 twree of rich Farming Lund, all nu des good tenet; well improved' houses, barn, or cbard and numerous out-buildings: situated ill Derry township, Westmoreland county, three tulles west of Blairsville Junction. Pa. Railroad Dosses tbroUgil the farm. in a Rood neighborhood. This piste is 04cred at a low legure. •pply to }ems B. M,LAIN A CO. VOtt SALE.-106 acres coal, sit tinted ono tulle west of Bulger Station, on the Pittsburgil anti Steubenville ILaUroad. JOHN B. BAILEY, No. lit Fourth street. Or, E. Z. No. itelllte Meet.. I ttopie..ne Ws,. SEWING MACHINES WHEELER & WILSON'S IIILLPMILCIP2111:1 FAIRLY SEWING ILiCRINES An examination will wove that they we the , be Machine In the world. . Saiesroossa;2"l . WM. BUMMER & CO r lI:cY7:JQ w7' I'~ BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pronounced by all who have seen It the machine now before the public. It I. aa effective and durable a. It Is shortie, eed . as practical as it is durable. It has but to be seen to be admired. and ueed to be appreciated. It com binea the elements of a PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE And Is afforded at a price within the range or near ly every hilly to the land. • The only low priced Madan° In the United States WILACMIAIt. & WILSON FEED —the but and only rellable'reed ever constructed. SALICEME.N WANTED. ;”;•i; '• ( - 4 r : • feS ; 7 t '4•Ar 1 WHOLESALE AG E NTS , ___ mY X4r llual. a " -11111T111Brthi:W% MERCHANT it'AILOBB. NEW 4 0 - CiCWS A Very LiWgi- idea ': 111: of utriev4Leturimi. LI.N . EN, ALAPA r4A TA kiii , early and Mut MN R VA'43lll-ER" 47.t1i, laticstreet.' JENNY G. BULB; Isamu utug4BLcuaaWm, Dards' torettintlukas 10' VA Yrre4 dy rad the tee OP (r - teethe"' lieer4, mammy- d mull"! =Mal= i t stXtri t 4. u r.4. - za u ::. Goops. &tofu= t "247.."3" _ - - ' ADDY, WILLIAM & BARTLEY, pi.tocrinamunzus„ GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. Cor. Sixth and &Diddleld 813. 9 3P1T"518331711LC31131C,,, AND Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Sta. BIANCRESTER. All kinds of Water. Gas and Mown Fixtures kept constantly on nano. je,S:ca ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, KEEP t N HAND A SITPERIOR WOOD W . 113 . 2610E P 1EL, AU EDW. of MON PIMPS, LITDEAIgTS, BILLET LEAD, SHEET ZINC, LEAD PIPE;BATEI TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, WASH BASINS; W ASII STAN US, Ac. at their Iliateroo.4 Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets, Sir All k lads of REPALICING done pridnPtLY• fir orders by mall Immediately attended to. 11= SCHAEFER: & BUDENBURGH'S PATENT, JAMES T. SAMPLE, d=l No. 164 rularth atmat JUAN O. ItAILEY, Mock ukd kcal P.state Broker, No. ltr.l Fourth strerl. JOHN 0. BAILEY, 1it0c1...1 Heal Estate llru►or, No. 10 Yourtit Wool. i!= - ==2 YOB CORDING, 'hat ate admirable. FUR QUILTING, They are unexcelled. FOR They are nnapproaalrab le FOR. FELLING, Tb.y ►eu unsurpaued vu" STITCUING, Therm" faaltleat. PLUDIBIIid. am STEAM GAUGES, TISK STANDARD Gauge of the Navy Department. OM The best and most reliable in use. We have sold large number willan and oil refiners here. to whom we refer any parties nualoiently inter rated to .11, BAILEY, FABBF;LL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Filters AND BRASS FOUNDERS. =9 Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead ripe, Pam ikb,Eib i eet Lead, 164 Wood Street. mar Sixth. CCM rwconrifom. Private Families and Hotels Can be furnished wlth boat quality of HYDRA NI HOSE AND PIPES I= =I JOHN MAFFETT, Nos. 127 and 129 First Street, , y17:A10 PITICSBUFIAiII. PA liiA GA EII smn PITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS., 111111LIGT LKAD. StiZET ZINV, LEAD " Mk.l, 13AtliNN PATES CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS, 19 c*, CPOD., =I No. 183 Woodxt.. I . lllAborgb, PLUSIMING, GAS AND STEAM Y 11112.111. IN ALL ITTS UILANCU $. siarefully attended to by experienced and practilie Workmen. A line assertment of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS. BAIR TUBS. SW" ER BATHE., WATER CLOSETS. o..nstAtttly on hAud and made to order. TATS & SEVILLE, by FELMILAJ.ISTILEET, AlLeggen And I= LLISKIITY etTlLKETAnteburgb ao.tallaawdly . • PROFESSIONAL. L . R. LINDSAY, 411L.I4123DEL2hiLADDT, °ewe. SA Boyle Street, Allegheny tipeetal att.:Won given hi drzwittig Dee ,M, Lemma And other legal document.. All co. lectlons Introsted to him will receive oat— tat mid prompt attention. IeMAI „. JOHN W. 'TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. .P.X7M*II3I3I:IIIFiCh3I3,PB. DOCTOR E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PITTSB URGH, allirtipenial attention giVe4 to all eases regutrinit 6. 1 0.1 operations. le=•dbv U. C. 11.ACK1121.4 - J C. lieColll3t. MAW BELT. & MeCONBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTsIitURGH, =ZI W. J. JrATTinana, .21 $ UALL. I ATTEtwOI, Notary Public, j GUA.N . I' Or, i Attortiey•st• L. W. J. & HALL PITTERSONJ , Law and Claim Office PITTEII3IIIGH, renalcos, Local and tioverument Bounties, 8.4 PeT, ae., collected. OFFICERS' ACtOlifiTS 6DJCSTED. Collectiont made, Deed. Letter/ of ...Hamel, Hood*. Mortileace, ie., written, and all legal bust fleas promptly sitooded LoylinsaS r. BROWN, Local. Claim _A.gent. MI. 8. SAN. COBly Office, No. 62 Fourth Street, (SIMON') FLOOR,) Pittsburgh, Pa. Pensions, Bounties, and Arrears of Pay Promptly Collected: No Marge made until elm. are settled, nod then but amoderate fee. mya: JOHN A; .STRAIN. ' Ex-Officio, /attire of the Peace, AND POLICE IIAtiLSTRATE, Other, 112 Fifth 14t, opposite Cathedral P/TTSB VkW 11, PA.. Desds Bonds, Jdortgaxes, Acknowledipnentai Dalmatians and .alt toga Busloess executedvalt promptness and dlsPaca• . tuy.l.9:sal . . . WILLIAM SANCEig t. _ NOTAICK £IIIILIC.—JCUTICICOF.Tua AItdaLIN N. A.ND REAL agSTATXAGENT, of and Leavy streets. Lalypja l jNras 4 '' r o i,mlsl=latt i Te i rgs ;Impurely. mod, said I Fount Rents; and the pre- CWr and sclui9wiedirmant - 5 all kind. of Legal WXLLIAM mYSdH • J entice of theteaco'and Notary l'ebl j c. EILISTACE:A. mosliow, ALDERMAN AND :CONVEYANCER, 12;0* kivietiosia 4ves,ue, loot ittheliemieu ad omits Stmt. . WILLIAM P. ROBB," • NOTARY OußLic, , Office, No. 93 Diamond Bt., Pittsburgh. CHATILINI. T. EWING, • Attorney at Law, N0..69 GRANT ST., PITTSII WWII, PA. • Alii — Commusioner ref Ohio, Kentucky, West. Vire3ll taw other States. 34.11dm ,. ; DaILrrART CLAIMS, PENSIONS, BOUNTIES, BACK PAY saE/OINI.TOOIOwI tgrOMUZI Vrtrieakkgrotst elstsos, ELM • Q. a liti ow Illaxiwad Meet. ODpiiillte %tie 00021410ae• Isialsdilthmeti=iavgroolr."ai L P. lITONIEt.' :2ATTOONEY AT 0,15,1111004 ew.e.aa DIVIDENDS DIVIDEND. PITTSIOUOII KW/TONAL BANI or Comiou Pirranunan, Et.. July 5. Ism THE DIRECTORS OF T Flank hate ttilkday declared a dividend of FIVE FEB CENT. n the =Wel stock, Mee from Elovernmant net) ot of-the pewits of the last stx months. .107:f1.9 JOSEPH - 11. FULL. Cashier. • Birmingham and Pittsburgh Bridge tie. THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECT OBS of Ms Company hase declared a alrldecel of ONE DOLLAR NHL FIFTY CENTS lilt MANE, out of the carob of the last sta. moils. payable forthrettt, NOW AND MOTE, Treas.. at Cadres,]fors & C0.'24 1;IMIEMNI DIVIDEND KILNDISTnisi BRIDGE. Prrrnavuou, July GI MOLL TILE PRESIDENT AND DIRECT OBS of the PlTTlißrlltill ANL) ALLF,t; 15.$ Y BRIDGE. CvmPANY hay. dectAred• .31.1.. FIVE MU CIINT. out of the proni.• of Luc lulus months, payable forsb.lth. .114:11 F. A. EISSELL, Second National Bank of A ilegneny, ALacuite. , T. July . 1.1, tare. 'IIffBOARD OF ORS Of Bata have d. flared a .IJetel PER CENT. on the Cuplmi et ca. C.l oat el the ' , rya,. of Me Mat six months, ym a; curerthwa.t. tree er Government tax. Jy6:111 J. AVII,S.EN , ril6lll. r. ALLOW/INV NATIONAL BANK. / i'ltl~4uttg t 4 July 2.. ISW. Tar. BOARD OF tit ECTOIcs uiF UAW Bank Ilan till. day declated DI, Uto.Lol FIVE PLR CENT., oof of (ha Drains orAbtrt kiX n O.EnS, pay-Wt. to the • too,holders, , etr le It Al repreaeutatlrt, forth r , tth, fret 01 Govatilment LAX. K. W. II /LOMA'. C./.1%11-r. - . RICCIIANICE NATIONAL DANA, I • iTT•alialLiil, ;s6d. A D/TiDEND tot ISIS rk4l LEN t =1 = 112=M 31EI:CIIANTS AND J[A;ll r uutTa ,A(. itA•K, t l'lTTStri,it. July 2, lag°. rpiE BOARD OF LittEcToits of this Bauk aka[u tlaclaira a diT le..ua or d'E PEW. CENT. iitt the Capital Stock..f or the Pro. or the month. imywolii forthwith, tree at U. L. 60 , • ernmeet•an. 1,3 OTPISJI OP PILISSSYLVAN IS Iv SUSAN CIS CO., PriTtalonoll, July id, yea. TUE DIRECTORS of this Com pszty have declared a dividend of YIVE PER CENT. out of the profits of the last elc months. Fable on or after the 10th Inotant to holder, of Id stock, bee of Coiled Statoe (forerun:tent jr2:oo = BOOTS, SHOES, Sze. LADIESI fIALMOILLILS, Ladies' Congress Gaiters, Latiteal"Kid Rica Slippers, Ben's Call Boots, Mews Calf 1191ifiorals. Meals Call Gaiters, illess , s Call Oxford Ties, I=l BOOTS AND SHOES, U.WAOnoll =I 431 310Leaalla.,ot ISltzroat. J. A. ROBINSON & CO. HST ARRIVED FROM THE EAST. BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES KOBE, No. 89 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. This old established home has now to store DAMP' fire thousand dollars worth of Hoots and Shoes, the sLyles the latent, the quality the best, width we are determined to seU at Vaal' LOW PRICES. We have resolved not to be undersold by any In the hu- Moms that keep goods worth having. Uall and . exam.Me our stock or goods, and we feel sailoiled that } W porchme what you want to the Soot and Shoo Lino. Do not forget the place, Sit Moroni street. JAMES RUB& GREAT EXCITEMENT AT 92 Federal Street. Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, AT REDUCED PRICES, .A.SL• ihadoClX-11 , C113.'1Eli .GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. A LARGE AND FRESH Annii-Aa, SOMMSB BOOTS, SHOES, &UTERI amid Raiaitorat2. Jost received, and will be sold at th e VEST LOW -6lTitiOn, ether Wbo/esale or Retail. E US A CALI. utruns rtalcuas.o.vi Etsavrusex. J. IL & W. G BORLAND, • No. N barter street, 24 door from alb n TN coo ruz.orco 40115 r I.l.DtAtt TWILL/MU & Strardlirtnrers wd Mal,* to Chmortcwriak Ifatado BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS, Po. 140 Ohio St., &Llegli en; . repairing prompty executed on the shoelet.t no tice. te7:eu.l N EW BOOT AND SUOE STORE .3 - o. 24 SL Clair Street. A Isere .aud vrell selected stuck uf LADIY-I'. Uit al and e.a.ti bed, lial.ttUtt- ALS,. etc., 'which 'slit to •nul at the LoWEwr Op112114M) J. 0 11:1 uNins • 4.ENT 3 S FLNE CALF BOOTS AA D •••••Oak= tIITI./Ld ut,l9 .1. W. er.B.. it ..IIMAN r CO. `& MI Market at. I AMES* . PINE BALMORAL LAND OALTEIO3 at m 719 J. W. CARNAILAN a CO.'S. w Market ot. I ATMESP.FINEKID BOOTS at 4. W. OASSAIL&ISI a cu. 81 Market et LADIES' PRIM AID SLIPPERS at J. W. CARNAHAN A (U.'N as Mark s t COAI., COKE, &c COALS COAL!! MAUI! DIMON, SMART & R.vlng removed tbou.o6leo to No. 867 railbocartsr Eltroot, (Lately City Piour ALIII,ISECON D FIAION, Am now wowed to throbb good Youghloghomy Lamp, Nat Coal or Slack, AT THY, LOWEST bl &BRET PRICK. aik • All orders lett at their office, or addretsed them throibgb VA mall, will be attended to promptly . mZ:b29 OBLUZLES H. ARMSTRONG, •••• D7J4.1-V.2 is Youghiogheny and Gonnelbw i Ile Goa =I Coal, Black, and Desulphnrized Coke OFFICE AND YARD, Coiner Of Butler and Morton; drat yard on I.lbert and Clymerstreets Ninth W ard, and on tiecoull st., 'near Look No. 1 Pittsburgh, ra. Flualltet Mid Manufacturers aupplied with the be!! article afCoal or Coke at the lowest ouch rates. att ALlrderalett at any Maw Yards alit receive pronw ;j O L/4110§. ORP-ANS, &c. puenuiDoviti, NEW ORK, Efchoo‘tic,lstr IS Co., Philadelphia r t NO S. Thelletey kKo.'s - Cottage Organ ...4NDAMERICAN ORGAN. —Acknowledged jig 'tin; beet musical talc. In WO .0 hated Moto to bee uperior to mistletoe:a 43 power., nadir lipd unslity of tone, spa thorough wort liwittblp.. , Theselorit=imis ifsre for gear. &Lou 000 Orst Werniews, over all•••,11 tiompeurorr. at tharo e various -to eat Musty Pairs. • Lula _dors they lower thawany OlpUtts..•ALU wurrantoo for yew, • • ", . WAKE INK si-w tat, aro.' ;treat, irataburga, • srmumuo femur: , I , , rsism — The sub: .11.....ssuraM at fit * • Parti'sus oast issassod Moulding., ele aL ganig .awed La o , l o p pedel;_ three etnaga t‘i e.elt iscite;',Tltte Instrument postmen. alt, iotpro;.o. *mote poentlar to tee Ateuralinabe. and to unton. - Inonattir the hods Plano elet helmets to t i l -eoR, The attention at the pantie te eepeetallv the above lustraroent. - to A 3 Ylfttetreet, hole Agent for Anabe A Co.'s Waste; Uptight had Inmare.l44llo ratter. teln • , 01710 X OP I:MA=OW OIL CAM r ANY, j 4 pimborgb, J boo XI, I isekl. 6 Artint/E. , MIER*IIII GIVES to all ro l M e g ,u L. capital iss speed ea ate swell oi cl•ntee...ouolers 016:11i= 10146. AbEa, kr-16bl= tin reserve area writ • - be 1 444 eaa NULL 10. pall wisely" 4.4 a freak, 'Ol4 dabs,. bo bsoclio4 .1= .tock. of Um slue. dell, • .Sltterwes arwa bereprino4 re pey..saul 'testament arteeisSeyo.ce 'Seceding' the tea.' Oa . lirO• .10414 se Slaw be ioltL Wages Otts 44 }Manor:. 11.0 " ral.a. Trellaira. MEM OPERA 7.2C-TEL.AS- NOTICI23. Monday Evening, July 10, 116.2:2. t n• MR. J. E. MARTEL, Le.l.r a the 0.0. , % . ra. Grand llastr it mc ntal g•ltt rorra C,C).1•1 ' 40 PEIIT , I:m • to. 1..t111 - RINE ffarm , .r" • s . . .1101.1...1./. WILLIA.Us. 1,. 1..1,AF, 1. H. 1.1k.n/h. and other For panlewar., pr...zram • PITTSBURGH Till A'lll F. LILSISILZ AND 51.14),(0,4 ....... .1 ti,S. 11 /at.; l'a.hZ TEMLENII: ntEL. W e ,ovn“, Monday Evening, J l iu, 1866 1 11 „.!•t be pc, Duprcz & ]3nedict'6 bLS rIASS Ap.c.r.l,lu 114.,4 0. t•I.. 1 Ellf f tffic..f Intr,d,tluo on I'l /I ' l.. Nt , =MEE H U., • l l DM ~~ CHARLEY REYNOLDS, THE UREA yhl il,iirl AN COMEDIAN, alter two y' , arS r. la e.l.ctu. Ira, the taro, will make hl ppenranoe he• air IC to Die acloowl edged Ethiopia I IT .•Mi r otates, and now his rent oni liter toniVor.rT "llr e irienl., will be hail, ,l all .01tior. of alin.trolny the Whole tinder the imnie,liato an-ore., of awl con trel or 111/I•ltn.Z. 0 BEN , Lao,- erly Dupre. , Orr or ADMln,oo.—Die a C 1,1,. and Balco ny tltlc , Family Clrch Thira Tler l•rlynte Hose, 116.00. Doors oiven at 7, Cortalia rho, at n o'clock. J'V. U. Xd}:7l', Ca Uftr. Cu A,. 1. 1 , 1'1 , 14 i A C.!: Fit , I t "1 . , rroprictor, = (411-i"r CON CERT Advertl.,lior git. a at CI'T'Y 3EIALTOL., PITTSBURGH, P',/, MONDAY, JULY 30th, 1166, =Ell GUIs to Use atragaunt of tr. Cir Will be pet...noted to the e7oo.oo Molder, Including tireenbacL, Fine Furies in the wear, hewing Ma chine, Melodeon, lie. TICIEJETM 0 L Y ONE DOLLAN EACII. LID r t:IFTS: 1 Fill T❑re, -,tory Brick I:1,14v i.o, Ina] 31.11 11,411111 311 1 ,13. 1 lit It/. No. 1117 1,000 1 Ilrl c 11,,,c. :••••• 11 rt...t. 0 4'lll. .111111111. /...• , l 4.11•4 1.11, rt y n.r I•,If. It,/pr1 1, ... .500 I fill 1.01, •1.. I'll,ol 500 I gill in 11,33 . /lbacke 1./.0110 I gift In II rrt.nloat.ks 500 I gill In litc , iibackb 250 I gilt In 0 clacks 125 10111 It lirevnbaclot 15 10111 it t..” pack • • 50 lOU gin 111 0 aen ..... 1,000 1100 gilt. in I 1,000 400 gilt. In Uri./ u 11,000 2,000 gill n ot good I LI g 2,0011 10 gilt. „w 11115 .111 , 11111, mOll li gilt,. ~t il• ut 1610 , 1,ue 1100 • J. , 13:11 . ) 2,000 Vl4. 3 t il,usiun a Kings, :I I , llonutui nos. 4 do, bold NV 110111.caturn Farms, I'. wit: ZiT.l-7:Lt3 11-u .1111-lisliacruarl. LOCATED AS FULLOWI3I Your In ninan non county, Often( 2.31 acres. and Three of Ind each: Two lu i eonnty. each lOU acres; n Poe In Unpin) county of Lures, and Two In Oregon count), each Itinn acres. Also, TWO Yams In Ma. atboo c, Wisconsin, lin and 03 acres re spectlecty. . All O ounty en, Intoning Lanni In good settle ments. Titles perfeen • aud to be writ It our Wale s. Ala, iv Int. rests i I each) In Onl located on the ransom. reek. Vousogo county, l'a.. Including It celetwateni Flowling 'l% cit. lo on lioltodeu Yard, sod otlo r d, roe 1 c wells In that wonderiu I regnont. The,. Int n.sts *O. he present ed as bony gills. 1.0,1 11 troll, to Noloueolt 1111, LS well. huh In wells pronlocl flano 0.1 Ut . l: r produ.lo, won, al un.d.e tn t tor 0•11k131, Lion, free f Latin, . •aom..g 100 location of tall w,. .1... •01. nervone 1.1, .•erl,l” tir-lea of the liwl'r Ist oar °Plc.:, I • Ow p.alllt nlJr. • . A I_, ilitr.o I ILALI 7.. • •• 1 . . A f %V.l gulelied Tim ~. in alit( ni,ncert. rour ulghta it Coe ais• ter .11, :le ap pointed ny the Ticiaet thr lama, and gee 1.11.4 ti .1.11 eulleti leiparllB,l) , rael inn rt.," ent•nelia, . .1 I • • • in, lawn and in. i.aia •li/R) lel I.: 1111.: • . . . . I hi,. 1,1•1 1.1., 1.1,• 41.4 WWI Olt lorartor.lcra 1. ..:L. ai• aa 0.4 r• . . • . • . . :••• Juan, of :iv:, 70,900 Price, ca.: , 'I Ice) tte 19 C.l t;k: locr. Itun•l :•11.'1( x.+a ...rag rc. MffI3 I SEiY[EN TS. kt k: r I= I=l 1... w I:‘ .d In Ev =I • •tAtt KALI, - tattil rood. t . I . l'ltttet hoehi. Kochi, %V M. %Vat It. Atttorgtt El= I=l l %Lk r MMMEMSI • L 5'11,,1, to t .. 8223 !mutt tor Cl rc "la r•. Almtey our rthk,(ltlltr Ly el aft, y.... , 14% , or., • ,si• 0 kl 30 • tilr,a .3. N. s 4 . — oi•htt•h.. our 1/ ,,, t. I.eue.l (or .he 4th .. wen. too, 3..0. It I 00,A. 4-40 tr...ty .... r 0.30•3,, t tee dey., .I a 3.. ca • • • 1.3.0 0, r: •VI 1.. • . , -' 316. c 0.0.1 130,11, ,, •3) I. , !Irk N.... - . %I of t r m. 0.. or We 01./rlolt el Or • 000.0 . 0 lit l• I. t.e.: for the Oth Met, vac good La Z. LL, 0.3011 toter..at to all the it el I ee tet t. that ae 11..ve added tome very val . qt. to . ) ...0.•1-1..3 Otir AL moderate price. 11. 33000143 130 addresoed to tdet...,NALLA, T111)).1202. CU.. 139 .11 w'r Ito. NO. 306 . rittaburgh. 1 'IU BL 11' &BEETLES THE. 4.• /la: Proprietor Brat. T CHEAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. HULLS NEW 01 AI I i. ES f ADDED TU THE VAIIIE TiLIJUrli. IMMEMEI!= world, and JvIINN ILKS the !tampion Jig Dancer, WILL APPE/01. ETKILY EVEN] NU TIILS y.I.I.VJU -B►LLiwxliaa BILLIAILDB/1 M)..9.41-IZI D. MrASS& llespecenertlLll) announces to ,Itis • Irtendo and the nub- ile gally, that lie has lust ot,ened bla new and comunkyl !ULLA Alit/ lterthlld, Cl/IMM: 1..1 , 1,1 It lous ANI, et. I:LAI It driti,E.Th, eneralten Cronin, I. lair. the Tables ate new, and Conbta net. ed In the Munn appruVed and elegant ,ittyle, and all the appurteataittes are new and humph... Crary tug which Ina) conduct to the pleasure and oi:tiny meat or tile nattuns will he adorned. merieMl CO-P,U:VENEIIB.IIIP. Dissolution of Partnership and Removal. X 1 ALIAIFFEV & NEELET, No. 4.3 D'l'. I,LAIIt STI/k.F.I, have dissolved part. serslith lu the flout cud Shot busluess, sod %v. G. MAIIAFFEI I i ISJCAIOVKD TO No. 87 Market Street, Alta loss Increuxrd to so Immettlicassort eneot ot BOOTS AND SBOES, which comprises every article In his line, from the eoarsest t, OW nue., either Ladles. or tientleman'• near. Ile will abet cOlttlitett to manufacture toortter LAD.INS' StAiliti, of every tieseriptlon,. Teen Cloth SLJPP.EIGS, either liti..V.l"S LADIES . • ate tome OENrs Fißsr Ch.M . ' CALF BOUTS thin ly ? Mau arm other /fret c:udre ournufneturer let ttti day ; Ills own manurneture of LolDLifir hnetrlxu G..- TtiltS, a superior article. ftlWitys on bmvii hie n:hoe FIAST CL.46$ IIUOT L45.113.9t op tit the fret, welt thtlnforthhie of far wawa, Ina tut ther buttion. on their o il he a lump on loot Ear ovary lump ou the teet- JeMzolli THE svilsciritaats, have * 1 : ilia tiny entered into • LiALITED PARTY: kit hilitctilircseahly to the provisions of the. Ant of Alt sembli Passed the Mt tlaY Of liare.h, les he conducted miner toe name o r jthy,;Lp_it, uaßic a thii.Clif of piiawko, l L e r the piirpo, of manu4ctaulag 00 ,1 j iota, tiliEettio and Ito products. . - The general partnere are 1tt12.V.1...N. 1111-Lifir sod 1 . 41.111i1:i. or the 1_1:7 or eittatlorglt. OYU. I.V. -grant. Or the Itorotigh Of Lawrenceville. The alualal partner, are n.tri and AAA' Li.EL DUFF, or the borough ar Latercoet villa. Eaeh of the aitaelal Partners tore covarauts4 Twelve Moamar. t t., ttoodred Delis., la coal The raid 1/....tner..1t1y “ti.k,licu. tar tro ytrZY DAY JA IN (n6ll. ae/1 10 ta•rnitaifa La the Ttillrl GUital A...Z.:, 1;473. ltEl3likaaLk.a., UV.). . itic a eral l: fiAatUf:L I.ll,eig, ray - triers. • DISISOL UTION.. OF ik-EARTNERSRII I . • TIL -- E *inn ov , cutu.rat4 ; • CO:Naedl4o:Vutl 1t,g,„1., • outoUer, by IllUttestAt•4s/ 7 u 4 Lilwartriblauidgu Law 11 A)'1 rAtt.Ytl)UlLl'li 14: u:illUt3l du,: to Nld ram, katd 11144 thin:l%7l7A .Alt Rase, Attirg:ty,t ut ' • tug, tub %vitt Itettteutsuluatt.us t olk ttrti stat . t;i4l4,... 4,411011W/1 !•:;-; .6.:411...k.: A, tAtritit, • EI.IIA, . 1 41.0E4414 . 111.11,04(4 • • juniu9.42 -•- •••--•'• • . TUE CELgEMIATCD • .EoT.E.l.7.lC iwrit Ito ktO h.Owi ••,1+.1,10 Vtazlo.•' Luau.. iotuarlotAmly , „tit, &o t• woovattouti.ir:, AUL ,mouy . VAT. V o to, oprinostrilna!O VOLOoO. Wtocib , '- row 'ruck" of otor7 ir mutt ,orquo best metes it. abort nowt. ono wirnoutid. .• IsoatOT VOLU/LUUD-INLEMA.S. MI M . t6:'-.' , .:,f , 41':1F,,4 - .t'4(6': . !,;.f: . ;Vt,' I . .:.I,t-,‘. EOM MEI 460 0 UV Mal