The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 09, 1866, Image 1

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Penniman, Reed & Co.,
No. NB Ptrint &num, firralstriciu.
pzll, WI,. 61.11%E1l ue.tuuEE:::::!"l2
Itc Wittsbur
MONDAY, JULY 9, 1866
. _
Rim.. W. a KINCAID, who has long
been connected with the O.4.zETTE, an
*minor of the weekly religious column, was
honored with the degree of A. M., by the
Indiana Asbury University, at Greencas
tle, Indiana, ut its late commencement.
We may further mention that the National
Association of Local Preachers of the
Methodist Church arranged at their last
Arausal Convention for the pUblication of
a Magazine, to be managed for Promoting
the imprOvemen, and the interests of Local
Ministers. The ringing out of the speci
men number 'wa confided to Mr. Kincaid.
SECRETARY LAN is carrying out in
good faith the joint resolution of Congress
and the orders of the President, in displac
ing civilian clerks to make places for disa
bled soldiers. He does not seem to have
an easy time of it. Complaint is made
that some of the clerks relieved are sup
porters of the President's Policy. In an
swer, the Secretary says no inquiry into
the political leanings has been, or will he,
instituted; and that he means to ober, in
spirit and letter the orders of his superior
touching this matter. He is the only Head
of a Department that acts fully up to the
SECRET-JAI SEWARD trim! to make him
self ridiculous in a nIIEOIIIO letter he ad
dressed to the Tammany Society of Neii.
York, in response to au invitation to at
tend its celebration of the Fourth of July.
Ho succeeded. In consequente the New
York florid pokes fun at him after this
fashion :
"We assure Mr. Seward that his Miss-
Nancyish praise is appreciated ut its tree
value- Democrats have seen too many
specimens of his lacquered ware to mistake
it even for gilt, niuell less for gold."
WISCONSIN.—In. the first Congressional
district H. E. Paine will be re-nominated.
In the second J. Sloan will be returned: if
Vie wishes to he. In the third A 11111143 Cobb
will be re - nominated.. In the fifth Philetus
Sawyer will probably be nominate d, but
not without a contest. All these ire Re
publicans, and so are the distriets. 'rho
fourth is Demi:Truk, and Cnl. Eldridg,
will Ik re-amain:lied by his party.
THE Johnstown Tribtme, in an article
on the Senatorship, says:
"'We greatly admire the frankness (Wino.
W. Forney, in giving hia views upon the
issues of the day in an elaborate speech re
cently delivered at Lebanon, and would bc
glad to see his example followed by Gen.
Cameron and Gov. Curtin. Where do you
stand, General?—with Congress or with
Andrew Johnson? And you, Governor,
where are your The people have a right
to know."
Tim citizens of Wayne county, Pa, , pro
pose erecting a monument to perpetuate
the memories of the soldiers of that county
Who tell, either by death or disease. Con
trihutions amounting to 020 Were added
to the fund on the Fourth.
Dr. 'IV. WouriuNwroN, of (A mite r
county, wunui the imnomination to • the
_ State Senate. Mr. nenry S. Evans, editor
of the l'illage Iterwrd, al o wants the nom
ination. He closed atmm as Senator come
fourteen yearH ago.
THE Democrats of Blair county have
nominated Colonel John Cresswell for
Congress. His erampetinfr is Colonel 11.
L. Jolmson, of Cambria, who made the run
against Mr. b_.l. Barker two years ago.
. . .
• THE New York World objects to an ap
propriation by Congress to repair or re
build the levees on the Mississippi. It
maintains such an appropriation to be un
coast itutional ••
Gsizsr. Jotiris LOGAN, in a speech at Cairo,
fitly defined his position. He stands, in
effect, where the President stood a year
ago, bat not where he stands now. He is
TELE Portland lire was caused by a Chi
nese cracker, lighted and thrown by a little
boy. It ignited sonic shavings, and these
were swept by the wind into a cooper shop.
Iminors.-13. W. Moulton is the Repub
lican candidata at largo for Congress, and
J. F. Farnsworth has been re-nominated
in his district.
- _
lows.—F. U Warren will be the John
sonian and•Detaocrutjc.eaadidate for Con
gress against J. F. Wilson, Republican.
Tan Greensburg Herald, which bas
hitherto shown a disposition to sustain - the
President's Policy, backs square out.
MR. FULNEY has resigned the Presidency
of Oberlin College, and been succeeded by
Prof. J. H. Fairchild.
TENNESSEE. —When the Legislature met
there was not it quorum. Adjourned for
one week.
Few York Italie&
At Plttock's.
Photographs at PiLteit
• am ul
Photograph. at. YitU)Ck's.
Photograph at Plitock,x,
As issued atalttockos.
leviable Photographs.,
At EliAonro only.
latesCat Plttook,e.
- • fig Ataraerrotas
At the Opera House Shoe Store.
Prime Goods
At Gardlners Opera UOllBO Shoe Moro.
Princely Feehlens
At Gardiner's Opera Gousnahoe titoTe.
. Pleasant Plains
4 . l9.47 V#M lo #'"tg..g.thOe. , htgli•
.roc? Prices
ev errUalig, at daraineva ODera Rona°
Shoe Stare.
tioki ; nOle Or Tali..
/Mak --
Pittecky. ena • WaUotd, nt lowestpnees
- - -
Lange Albite Room
Lin rift& aireet to rent. Inquire of Gardiner.
Na 60 pink street.
Lu bin's, Usecimun Cream • -
For the hair. • lt bee no equal for promotlag
the growth of hair, or sale at Fulton , * Drag
&arc, corner rtfthittra Smithfield latent.
Parr Stye lir4i n k. 3 ,
L . an exceeding &Munn article to gel at.
• reasonable prior, bat when 904 iMat it, go to
841504 WhO P 3, 79' l° T fA Y M ge,h4l.g a bat-
Ur art WO for'lass mum, than as env o tl w
'sauce lu the altzi,—lrtier, you rasa idockpre x 6
Ui.beit Kediabliil /facials.
Iteziamboc thel p100th. 8 1,10494 titsieW
All the Hots es,
speetaltlea, &e., in the Collection of Photo
graph,. et Pittock's.
Nieversi ROOMS
In upper stoner of the Opera Florio to rent
Inquire of Guru'nor, No. ItO Fifth street.
Between "Annie Laurie," entered by 6Huauci
Boagreve, and "Charlie," entered by Mareua
Mush, for the arnt 000. on Tuesday the 10th,
at 3 o'clock.
. _
A splendid Roaewoou Piano, of a celebrated
make, full soven-ootave, and handsomely nn-
Inked, price very low, at Oardiner's great
Boot and Shoe Roue°, No 6 ° FUlb street.
Fluid Dress Boats at all prices. from twenty
five cents upwards, on the northeast corner
of Fourth and blarlies streett.
C. Hansom Lore R has.
In the prima( sentruor Dress Goods, closing
them out Without regard to cost, on the north
east cornier of Fourth sad Market streets.
C. Ilassots Lova & 13ao.
Domestic Dry Doodle,
Beet makes, always on hand, and will be no!
at popular prices, on the northeast corner
Fourth and Market streets,
Tbe Use of Tonle.
- .
There is hardly an individual who does no
feel the need, in the spring or sumac
months, of a tonic or alterative medicine
The kticirsupurilia combined with lodide o/
Is a valuable remedy, and differs from all
others, Inasmuch as it is a ahenti
.11e and ay,
couthMation, which is adapted to the tender
est infants as well as adults.
fly an advertisement in another column. that
Dr. Itohnek, of Cincinnat 1, 0.. to hose stomach
Bitters and Scandinavian itemedies have
achieved a world aide reputation, solely by
virtue of their intrinsic suit uneonotled mer
its) hao sold out his entire business to tine 011-
tcrprialug firm of Prince, Walton t Co., Who
will continue the business at the old stand,
NOW slt , ay. 40 and tit. West Third street, Cin
cinnati, O.
The 411 R Concert
Parties who have purchased upon credit,
tickets of participation In the Grand Gin
Concert of McDonald, Thomson t Co., are
hereby notified to make prompt settlement
for the same, or the num burn of said tickets
will be thrown oat. The eonvert will posi
tively come err as stated etsewhere, and no
more delay can be endorsed by the managers,
' throes!, the Tamil:ie. Or a Illful negligent.° of
their agent•. Tilcol, of admission, wide!, en
title, thr hearer to a chance lit the tictraord,
nary gifts, eau yet be obtained at the office of
the vontintto in the Chronicle Building, FifLu
N. It —The .•onnert is deferred only until the
:Uith lust., at u - blch time punier bolding tle/i.
eta may confidently rely upon the fulfilment
of the programme. °niers by mall promptly
attended to.
The...meetly of Floe Photographs.
There le nothing inure lUNenit totobtain In
the city than a really One photograph. We
weile ashamed of a number of specimen. of
Pittsburgh art which were recently upon e x
Whitton in an eastern city. They were mere
taut, and w bile they were put up for INV
rmentative pictures, dmerryed no each charac
ter. There ore only two or three artists in
this city who fully understand their business.
Tile roost prominent among them to B. L.
Unlit's, No. at hair etreeL The photo.
nip's catmint ing from hie estabLialtmen t bear
Abe Impress of superiority and compare in
p Of virell,no with any specimens from
the etti.terti elites. iiver3- department In this
ratonoivi. photos rapine depot is under the
inanagettiont Of the best and most skillful ar.
fists, and all style, of ittetnres,eheap or costly
tear the same 4impress of superiority. No
nuttter what may LIN the character of the
weal her truthful a n d beautlful pictures may
IN, obtained. We cheerfully commend Mr.
ttablis LO the pabllo, and for any style of ens
0111,1011 rueolOtOrOtl the reeler to his palatial
The Great Airellsvotfstg Toole.
Wherever Hostetter's hitters, thecolebrated
Amerman prevention of Climatic Diseases,
have been introduced Into unhealthy regions,
their effects in sustaining the nealth, vigor,
and animal spirits of those whose pursuits
subjected them to extraordinary -lake from
exposure and privation, have been idertai.
In the army the superiority of the, article'
over every other invigorating and nitcn,l ire
Medicine has bCCOMO so manifest
that It is relied upon, exclusively, as a pro
. Lect.loll against Itlllious lever, Fever and
Ague, and Bowel complaints of every kind.
The soldiers say It do the only stimulant which
produces and keeps op a healthy habit of
body in unwholesome locations_ For the an
acclimated pioneer and settler It is the most
reliable of all safeguards against sickness.
Throughout the United States it is considered
the most healthful and agreeable of all tonics,
and altogether unequaled as a remedy for Dys
pepsia. The medicinal ingredients are all
vegetable, and are held In solution by the
moat wholessome stimulant known.—the
donee of Eye. "Hostetter's Bitten,. re man
ufactured at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and
no lens than 50,000 dozen bottles are sold annu
ally by druggists.
A re sold wholesale and retail at very low MUM
at terming.' Drng and Patent Medicine Delon,
Market street, corner of the Diamond
and Market, near fourth Kraig.
Spec for Eorope—itomoval of tkooLroo
tine ie
Itothflogo—Arrest ofCoooteriellt•
ern—Shitti Stab Oltdo of Illorsoono—Tax oo
Urea& Notes of Sle Simko
2lie Ilr7 aids Trade for the Lost
Fiscal Tear—Enorrnons ilermse—
Unmet. by Wire in rim United Mater.
for the Loot Ma Mouths.
New YORK, July 7.—The steamers took out
for Europe to-day nine hundred and eighty
seven there:mud Ave hundred and seventy-nine
dollars. The total for the week was one mil.
lion six hundred and thirty thousand seven
hundred and thirty dollars.
TIII3 hoard of health and quaran tine com
missioners have deternitried to remove their
nuildia=fm Seagni's Point to West Dank.
The toot , . special rays: The parties
concerned In getting up a dangerous counter
feit plate on the Highland National !kink of
New York, have berm arrested in Baltimore.
p Ono of them le Charley Letair,ds, William an accom
h eounterfel, and
de li r s allin Wilson t , er who Is a atiodd
sherilt.s oßaer Sny-
New York. The bills bound on them are let
tered A, and mostly numbered Se"
Four ship loads of Mormons have arrived
here within the month past, and five more
vessels with similar loads aro now on the way.
United States Deputy Marshal Green has
been arrested on a charge Of permitting the
escape of the defaulting French cashier.
The Post's special sayer Under the new In
ternal Revenue law the circulating notes or
State banks are exempted from the ten per
cent. tax until Jumped Ant.
The first Oomptiroller of the Treasury has
decided that from the first of July until to-day
these honks must isty . the tax.
iitri:rgaGye for tie
the Übeen scal y Or e timefigure of
reitkiXe. which
theo6,ln excess of the
eeriest year in history of the past, the
reoelpte for IND, the next 'ingest year, having
been 4107,000,000. The average Importations
for the Ave years preceding that just closed,
wasll,theand for the ten years ending
with 1-0 . fn ~0. The Imports for the
last year are Dula MIA per cent. In excess of
the average of the ten preceding years.
The losses by throughout the United
States for the six mo nths Jest °lapsed exceed
those of the whole of soy previous year. The
losses up to date are reckoned at 114N000.01:10,
Hot Weather—Parmarder
Atone Odlity—Preedisen'is 11 - urea% '-
Teatime. Medina Up—Overdraft:
oftfattonal Banks.
WAS/LUMMOX, July 7.—The weaLher here Is
the warmest known for some years, Cho ther
mometer standhw at 100 . 1nthealtade. Several
cues Or stuletroko have occurred, one proving
General Ptak, Assistant Commissioner of the
"'reunion's Demean in Tennessee, says he has
=lell the medical •establishments of the
an in that State, and /Meads to cussethe
lame of rations, except in the most urgent
oases of Imeessity.
United States 'Treasurer Spinner. to a 00m
munication to the nuttier of the "National
liana of fangetoni New York, says it has not
hitherto been supposed that any bank would
Maim to be allowed to deduct from its depositS
amount of ita overdraft in the sums due
from...other banks, virtually overgralte.
The Lueflipenow teams that Paymaster
Paulding has been found guilty or the charges
preferred against aim and senteucted to be
cashlerrotl. to pay a fine of five thousand dollars
and be imprisoned for one year.
./allaniemo ea Om irde Grupo.
_GALizszair, auk IL—Mbe Milan ticket la
Yak.memo% ateeg the . I,o 6lllMode t bra two.ththl
, •
6 3 Y4'41)141016 OZ
Brest ReducUon
C. lIANS'ON Love & Rao.
11 will be Seen
New Yong, July n.—The steamship Saxon,
from Southampton on the 117 lit ult arrive,
here title afternoon.
In the !louse ot Lords, on blonday,June - /St
Lord Ensueli announced that 111 C0111.41.1(111(.•
of the hostile vote of the Hon. of Common
on that day week, the Ministry had felt it to
ha their duty to 1.1,11C1 their rmignation, bui
her Majesty having invited them to recousider
their determination, t.tey awaited n result 0.
an interview with the Queen on Tuesday
I fore declaring their definite resolution. l n
for thooc cacurinstance., he proposed
Joitrument all Tuesday evening, which was
agreed to.
In the Rouse of commons, on Monday .11.1 M.
tllth, Mr. Gladstone announced that he had re.-
4 ed the Queen's permission to acNnaltit the
Home with the vote of Monday week,
and the debate which had precede,! It.
Lord Russell end his colleagues had tender
ed their rn.siguallons, but tier Majesty had
not deemed advbsable to accept them wills
oat further conaulcration, and without 4e
advantage of personal commumostlon, 7hr
queen was nose on her way to London, and
world gas, 1 , 1111R03.9Cil and himself mullet.
un Mond..- niter the cireumatances, he pro
posed that the Rouse should adjourn anal
Tuesday lsmiti.g. The tiouse accordingly ail.
Prug, me, June 2-- r. L—The I . n/seine
have pnesed across the heiglithe of Ilelledut
where they bed an census titer with the enze
troop. They have selsrd twelve loemnot Ire
in Pittner helms.
Saturday, -rune hair keel
commenced by the Presence array torte
ellmia. Early yesterday morning. three Pre`
Han detachmente it ere sent riot reconnoit,
towards Zeuekinstrall, Friedberg ant Jr,..,,:
.den. The last of three detachments, bet
Itreuteadurt end handimbel, ranee useas
• marten segiment of Iluseere.
The Pre-laden needle-gun was very tie.•tfee .
and enabled the loth Fuelllier regiment to e
pulse the elterge of the /lusters.
The Amu - inns lost right men killed and th
wounded. Ni, cassunlum oecurreton Ho
Prussian side.
Berne, June Mund•su —The folios leg of
demi telegram Luis been received: Itelehen
been, Jane slight skirmmb Mug taste,
place bete een the Prussine Magdeburg rag,
trent of Humare and Brandenburg Dragoon s
and the u.trian Halt/cal:I and ' , waste.]
Humors. One PI sense, Lieut. lialor LeseL t,
wee woundoel. The enemy lost emend Dr!,
It le officially announced that two attempts
bare been made by the Hanoverian army to
break through the Prussian line between Erse
mace and Gothss. The second attempt, which
was made, not withstanding the truce agreed
upon until a a. a on the tote time, was repulsed
by the Fourth regiment of Pruralim Infantry
Thu Premiums sustained no lost, but sfeveral
of the Hanoveriens were wounded.
(MU., Sunday, June g4.—The commander-in
chief of the Hanoverian troops bee declared
himself willing_ to capitulate to the Prussian
ti sops if the Hanovermn officera ere permit
silly convinced Chat the HatlOVerlan arms
completely elan In by a superior number it
the Prussian troops. it m believed that the
officety terni,e permitted to withdraw with all
the Isouors ut war, together with their arms
and Ilona., and I hot a 1 . 200 Chin.) Of a future
reeidenee win le. b•ll LO WO Bang and Crown
Priem, of Iran,, ei
Istette, Afonthry, lit rt• --it IS stated on Siiod
authority that the ileum 1(.r,4 for the melte
latent fa the 'leftover.n bane remained
Khan t results.
The hies of Ileum er tele ineistf ~, n free
passage for tits troops tats Bal. arta. ifs
Austria against Italy.
Peru. Monduu, Junc 25 —Thu iffmarer eays•
The Ilenoverlans hai e succeeded In 1.1!“1,11ing
the territory of Mein! emits, niter having sleet
ed the different Prussian torte., •fy which they
were surrounded.
Prank/art, Monday, June asinosseesel
here that the Maramerlan army Las evaded,
near %%rotten Houses, the PI urames, by *Mau
IL was surrounded.
Venice, Saturday Jury 'M.—according to the
announcements made by the Austrian out
posts, the 'Milan army noised the elinele
thm mmiang near Gott°, and are advanentg
slowly to lieverbelln.
()oda, Saturday June . M.—The Italia], army
ertessed Cite Mittel° today, wllluest meeting
any resistance from the Austrianss.
I'erasus, Saturday.—At two this afternoon
the Ausarten Pule Brigade reached the outlay
log forte of Verona without Las, having been
pushed back by to greatly superior Puree of
Italian cavalry, which, however, del not
charge. The Hallam advancing upon teeth
banks of the Minch, tow arils Peselderti, were
repulsed by a short cannonade from the outer
torts of that stronghold. Judging from the,
preparations upon Use lower Po, Cialslie will
ttirow a bridge across Dwight uear Polestars-
Veroma, Scructup, 2 p. m.—A great battle has
been in program mince morning between the
Hallam and Austrians. lietti weep. of the
Italian army have already been repulsed. The
battle atilt continues.
8 .nd ,, 1/. June 24.—The A extrines have
occupied the !!nights of We Stelvlti.
baldl is near Lake Garda.
/Satan Headquarters, Saturday Er-Meg, lUM
24.—A desperate engagement oat, /Ma taken
place le front of %strews., lasting lmoat the
whole day. The first Corps, whiels was in
tended to occupy positions between Peachier
and Verona, did net telecom] in the attack.
The Seamed and Third army corps were un
able to deliver the First corps from the assanult
It had to enstana against an overwhelming
force. The two hater corps are almost le Met
Mdars, Monday, June la.—An Austrian do-
Mehemet has descended from the Moles° Pam
and oceupled Borneo, in Lombardy, blot
Official Austrian dispatch—A u erste, timidity,
June 24.—The Archduke Albrecht has forwar
ded the following despatch to the Emperor.
The Annetta. army while alt anetng towards
the nieces wan attacked to-day by the forme
under the command of King Visitor Emu:sae!.
Our army carried Montealato by assatill and
Iluetarea. At the clone of the engagement, at
6r. se, our forces took several rannon, and
massy prleonera and behaved with extraordi
nary valor and endurance. The King employ
ed in the three corps of the army of the Min
ch, and the reserve. Prince Aumdem and
Many Generals were wounded. The enemy
appears to have brought all Ills troops In sue
cesmon ender tire.
orrimet DIBMATOII PO. 2.
Aurtrian Veadquartera, &retro, Monday,
June/I.—The imperial troops have repulsed
the mien:ly, at an points, afte.r a hot light, but
not without considerable /OWL CUBLOZZA was
taken by storm which mused a treads swags!.
before that position, In which two thousand
Italians were taken prisoners. The troops arc
sun:hated by the beet Spent.
The Austrian flotilla on the Logo Logan's.,
numbering six gtmboatio, nave cannonaded the
enemy's entrenchments on the Lombard
shore, without austalnhigAny losses.
On the 29kl ult., the enemy, In groat force,
crossed tho PO at several points below Polo
mato. Thu Ltnporlol outposts withdrew and
come upon a reconnoitering party upon the
Lino of Curtolone, which they drove tack, tak
ing several prisoners.
0/110141 DLOPATON.
Kenna, Afonday, June 24.—Iine Mel Duke
Albert telegraphs from Zanier°, yesterday
evening, as follows: "On the 231 mist. the gax
rison of Mantua made a sortie upon the ene
my's corps of observation at liartelonei rn
pulsed It and took several pr humors."
The following telegram has been received
from the Arch Duke Albert, dated thin morn
ing: "The enemy's fumes are driven trek and
ours recrossed the Minato yesterday. evening.
The imperial army tb In the beat condition
and In excellent spirits. The battle of yestor
day is called by the Arch Duke the battle of
TIII;II,.LLAN Ftmar—Ptorracr., Monday June
2.s.—Tha /tattoo feel loft Tartmto on Um t ad.
Itirdeatlnation 11 tmlolown.
Anis, Monday Evening, Jura 23.—The Moist
kw says that. Lb° advance of the ' , mustang
Into Bohemia wttl have the affect of prevent?
MD 011101
Four Days Later News
The War in Germany
Hostilities Actively Commence(
Great Battle Between 4ustriano
and Rattans.
Overtures for Capitulation.
Desperate Engagement at Verona
The Italians Defeated After a Severe
Struggle-2,000 Taken Prisoners.
O/1/lOTA.. D 161,108 O. B.
General Bene,lek from entering.
led that
shortly take
place In Bohemia appears inevitable.
In the skirmish Whit+ took place on the Zs',
between Breiteufehrl and Landiribel, the
Prossiann had the advantage.
Monday, ./n. Grind I nt Rt. , 1
Haden has broken all' Ills relations wi4 , l!
N. ' Ysge, Jo/Y , '.—The London Times of the
27th contains 111., oral dispatch.
A Leipdc dispatch of the ISlth, states that
the P army corps arrived, destined to
pm ate against Bavaria.
A Berlin dispatch of tba "Nth states it is post
itively anortinicen that the Hanoverian army
was Completely surrounded, and the liPtlialtd
of the Ithig for twenty-four hours' delibera
tion on terms of eapitulattou have been gran
A Florence dispatch of the :Mill, says the
papers there assert the want of success in the
first battle Is but a new motive for redoubled
energy and perseverance. The country had
full confidence In the army and the war
against Austria would lie continued until the
comp/etc liberation of Venetta be accom
Au villein./ dispatch dated Brescia oft the
oven i ttg of the 25th, says ; To-day an engage
met 1, took place between the Italian voiun
tee.. anti Austrians, between the bridge of
Cedar° alid Sandstone. The Austrians were
retadsent, leaving several killed and wounded.
A Paris dispatch of the INitheays : A. Madrid
ti•legram announces a proclamation of O'llon-
bell, ex - Brea/ling his determination to vigor- i
' tastily suppress all illsturbonoe.
A letter from Madrid states that 1,715 ptrieon•
err were taken during the revolt, IV of whom
had been shot. The total number killed w
one thousand. its
Cracow, Afaiolay, June 25.—The town of Os
wiencin, in lialecia, was attacked yesterday
by a battalion of Prussian Infantry and two
Idivisions of mtvtdry which retreated after a
lose ol night killed and several wounded. No
loss was incurred by the Austrians.
Ilerlsn, &doming, June ttl.—The offici ry al Maul
.niunger of toslity, says after the ent of the
Prosstms into Itlector.l Hesse, the hing of
Prussia again made fresh endeavors to mule
to an understanding with the Elector.
On the 220 lust, tire Prussian minister offer
ed an alliance on bases or the Prussian prole/-
sato° for the fountlati,. it of a new confedera
tioll, en LaaailtiOU that the elector should
have a Minister which .110 UM I:IL/MI/Me the
observation of the constitution of hal. Had
this been accepted, the possession of lie
throne and him sovereign rights, would have
b een gmtrasiteed to him. The Elector, hew
er, declined the V011111[10.4 without further
hesitation. It win therefore neossary [hut
measures should he adapted to eonneut the
two i.rtion s of the Prussian Kingdom. the
paused military r..itaol. of Prussia IV a sore
guarantee against n relent to the former state
of things
Liverpool Couito Iforien.—Julic 3 ;.-117..fung.
sales Monday and Saturday, .2.vicin bales, In
cluding ii,sl/0 balm Ipulors and expor
ters- The market is buoyant, with nil advance:
of !‘ 0 1 ,1 two li,, bat el-tee,! wMI less IlrumesS.
Manchester market Waa quiet.
Flour quiet tent n rut. Wheat El rut. Corn
less firm. Beet Brun and upward, with an ad
vance of . Stilirtd per bbl. Fork Orin and ad
vanced losid per titil. Haven firmer. Tani
vet y il ul 1. - fallow
Loncam, June ,Y, — A'nuting.—tonsiii, store , '
at ss , t,trwitt, for motley American stock. l I
S. s,Srs. .141.; Illinois Central, 14 07415: Er ,
K. I/ , tlise3sl,.
The .thintLeus save the Italian volunteer
who it ere at Como line, passed through .ear,
Oil their it ity to the Tyrol.
The Elector of Hesse MI. been sent to Oil
The Kl,pg of Prussia Ibis {deceit the rustles ii
Mei Ii ng and hon linotherg nt 111. disposal.
in Om fury. Legoilacif Mr. I...rnbare renew,
the attempt to rune it diraMnAltlii 4/11 foreign at
fairs lie declared that. the Chamber cought
not to separate without expressing MS deed rt
for posse, a hich he stated was the true Interest
oft ranee. Tire rratsidpllt rem/mite-I hint that
the Churninr had resolved not liblrliss the
question under present eiremnstanees. Ni
Berger claimed It sts Ins right anti Blot duty te
discuss a question to which Fistice nitglit be
c apronto Interfere. lie added, now that
discusr exists, reserve on the pan of the C ham-
Inc is no longer possible. Shouts wen, rained
.I,:at/ra,og the speaker's tutee, and the mutt. ,
The Patallll/lirsa Wa‘lirrn, and rentscieli
t .11•
...It...lL—The Unarm. kinlAtry bar Illsignc,
ha. 111,11 finrut,l With 21 114.
1. 1 - I , l4lent and NI intAtoroithe
g. 01,- A 1.1 !CFO 11.111 EtrllMull. ti U.ll
LIAM( 14 H arder. and gone to Oetend in order
le embark. fur Lngl.
Tun I • ros , grnLil !:, -Prroce lit liot
emelt, rt,, .I,lllod is pr.:lam:illen calling
for volunteer. to koin the army, m tnllllury
action for the dyrr,,, the country will axon
...nue twee-guar
Dam ea AND itt , SklA A , 11.1.1 , 11 trim, Co
;mother:co or .1 use ), Itaron pie..
sem, ltairisli lloorder 01M. reter.tpurg. lots ar
rived hen. Irmo had 11, l ~r,.,.led111114101)i-mtely
mtely to tire Vale, • Ile „• he had An audren t
of the ing
k lint" w Imp♦ sae It ks.v.—A
from V /curets/. ...editing au thent 14 it Is,* oasa It
respecting the natal,- Of the Vi.lll[l4l/ Witt 1.1,
It by the t reach mei...odor too t aunt
Menordorf The Mama Yrrsti Prrese net.
the foil un mg to he W. mealy.. re' 1-
USUIStebIiOSS2I. here et, sort agreperne
between k'ruttee =ld Press. or Italy, rrhyret h ) t
France vould he compelled to eart In the
war. she ha. preserved het 11111 liberty Of w.
lion and as regard. the Italian gumption, .11e
will not alatioltet her trr.eut reserved padre,
,41 king 1.. the 11 the la/ lea King
dom m it. present
to is not menaced Si
ars A i.trierp N 11•101) It .‘lO4llll. 14 In under
take that, le tily event of her pmeta.fully
repmilittl; Lln ittlityk nd rumeh rag
Intrt Italy, atm 1.,11 awl Varlet, no n further than
1,111,0 Vrtil Mot .Ity INlCrti•re,
a al it eliag the ire
for em, .-
..l in Mingo., about a tiednitrve talon,men
of the betweate A mom. and Italy [
end on the conclusion ill a ,imatdo egee shy
will further propose that Italy shall l A..
trot en adequate Indemnity for the le aty
run of till, fry Its of vlctoly.
A telegram (corn Madrid of -lune 'Ltd, 'my, -
1 esterday the .d, regiment of foot artillery
and it reading. of bonne artillery, revolted
without their odium,. The burritoka they oc
curred 111,1 - 0, heat -yid, retaken by the troop
remaining faitlifel to the thrverrintent„ and
afterw, obstinate realm -eh. The rebels air
rendered at cliarretion. tom. ?larval No,
.lightly wounded The insurgents had t)
4et., and furnialad arm. to the popubsee,
ho throw up barricade..
The troop. YlUWoCdeit 111 dominating the
movement,ls/1.1 order Is completely resin/n.1.1.
VII hundred Inateanuts, have been taken pris
oners. Public order UNA not been dlsterbed le
any other part of the peninsula. Measure.
have been taken to Insure the maintaltatnee
of public security In catatonia, when! imsur
recllonary. 1110 VOWen LY are rtpprehondol
rtuterg the garrison. Menthol Contemn has
....reed telidary command In Catalonia,
11.11 laMll.l.i Serrano it, 0.1.1
A tr !rem Barcelona, J I/Ile 'l4th, say
some y 0 ,111.1111, rir
Loop" h, a Gen. garrLese
i,o paved pun
tot P. r their •übadtern °M
yer. ,letpeceduel lA, I 0 1 , rontler. Ti,,-
trtteps rental n Inc; fellatio! I.• I,IA ment
rtre rearelting VIII. on their re :rem.
Barcelona and I 4:41.i0111it u I,llltft.
A teiI•KrISIII rrI.III ntSreeio6ll, .litted Jinn' U.
say. The moldier. v, Ito it., I Au., at i•niont
have takes refuge to Fr 11111,., lit lb., number Of
Siro They were immediately disarmed Milt
L. Creel..
A , 11.1 , 1,te1t from Madrid or .1 rote tint h,
Tranquility prevail. throughout Spahr. The
supra an Milt:era of the till/J[1.1114 wbh.h le
volLod at Mat/rid did their duty bravely. Thit
teen were killed and nine fennieti In melear•
oiled to mile. the Irreg. to retor t , to th e i r .
rilleglaneti. The total toutiber of kiterl t
wounded at Madrid was UllO,ll/11tirrol. 00l
The !innate.. have oceupied kirtimiti, in Bak.
hare, after seven days tightlitg, The 10..
the BOkharlans w. considerable ,• that of thy
Meseta. only one Istmdroti worm killed. The
latter have cut MT the reed., thereby placlug
the hater of Bokbaru In a met critical post
A telegram from Eieritn, June 25th , eaoa It La
elates! that the Pros/Mali lieventlnent intends.
to Moll . that its representatives abroad to do
t:lure to tbo government to trilith they are no
crtall 1,11 that the •irculation of faint intsilli
glttleo by the Austrian nuthorltioa rotative to
the forcible enrollment, by Preside., in nob. ,
min, is a bronsfb of International la w,aini that
their Objoet lato prt orth utrian pup
elution the war esenlll. br o k e n s
out In the
light of a war of ex term itottion against the
Inhabitants. Ornesin decided not to oarry
out, in 11111 of itattover, the mettsnres al
lowed by ititernational law agalnat the trade
and slopping ol a hostile uottutry, and has In
struet ed p
ih e nutiolera (be l'r son o.° mon
of-war to neither blookfule ifunovernin
nor Parts
seise private property nt 1 .1 1111., ILI, tile -
°opt ion Of COIII rablonl of war, belonging to the
lirmuswlek has nottilml the l'onstmlits tioVUrn
ment of het WJlWRucnx to muumort thus l'rum
alas prOlNlvialg for ruinous.
A tolowrum from Boobs Kap. It Ix onieiany
ftIIIIOIIIICINt that the Prussian alllininu Ism
beet aceeptuorl by all North Giumnuto Situttom,
with tile OM:OW.1011 ./I nmsony, 'taunt or [lease
and PitMlLitl.
liungarixn deserters 111550 51.1110 into the
Prussian M 14104141 with their horses and we
eoutrumen is. A department has bean formed
of tileM at <Hogue. Hungarian nines". are
expected U, arrive in order to orimnize them.
been Mecklenbur
se g d
. and
Th tudentear.; armies
mobili e y a ill orm re.
nerve corps with the other troops ot f Northern
ixermany near Torgun.
A telegram from Florence of June 24th says:
Baron ihiseasoll rUCCIVOII dips lntlons tmday
of citizens ot Trieste and Istria, who pre/lent..
ed addresses expressing the wish of those pep
' illations to he united with Italy, Fresh moan.
urea of rigor have been adopted by the Aus
trian authorities in Venitia. They have or.
dorsal a large number of citizens to leave WI.
este and Istria within twenty-four hours.
A telegrm from Vottkla Biwa it le thouht
likely that a Marshal BeneetlekWiirdescondarogM
the Bohemian mountains, with the main body
of Itie army on amine so as to compel tIM
Prussians to evacuate Saxony, by a flank at.
tack. The moveweritii of the Autariabili sips
Silesia,Berlin telegram, on the frontiers of it
are re:minted us a feint. Tres &alit.
tuck is expected farther to the west, it is am
tietputed that this Italians will makes dive,
slop in tavorof Pruasla by attacking Bavariathrough the Wynn. Pr. The ussians are arming
the fortresileS of Coblentz and Ehrenbrelta
a defence against the Southern Germans They
have withdrawn t b ti garrison from Lezemberg•
apprehending no attack from France.
Job. Minor Sous and the Vist-Lula Se
cession Coneenllton—llls interview
With President Lincoln.
BALTLyorts, July 7.—John Minor Botts will
publish In thei dmerksm next week a reply to
Inn pamphlet of J. B. Baldwin, of Virginian
reference to alt interview with Prealaent , I
coin at ew esme the Virginia Secession cou
ventionn e culOn. Mr. Bean cites n am•
bar of wit:teases to refute the atatements
Mr. Baldwin, and strou.gly defouds President
Lincoln. The article will probnbly appear in
ono or Lou Now York papers simultaneonaiY
with Its publication here.
. .
Death of on Aged Lawyee.
YetteastrezA, July 7.--Jadge (fill rick Mal
lory,the oldest member of the Phthulelphht
beritih4,yosteate,y, aged ea roam
Gee Ignited by I.lgranlng--011 innik
pied.„_oprning Oil Flows Into Ben
nehoff Bun—Oue or the Benvyest con
0/1 flayprnillons Ever Experien ced the
ilegions—Elghteen or Twenty
ineve Producing Wells Destroyed
—EstlmnSed Loss 20,900 listrrels—on
Unit n Fool Deep to Oil Creek.
Ternsvf Ps., July 7.—A great fire occur
red on Ilenneholl Run last night. During the
thunder storm the lightning struck the gags
Aire In the Western Talon eornrn uniffa
flog the fire with the tank which exploded.
and tin, oil ran flown tile run, eOrnmunina-
Ling tire to several oilier tanks, wich explo
ded, anti caused one of the heaviest conflagra
tions that the oil regions have ever exec,-
R't~ learn
that between eighteen and
' twenty large producing wells were burnt
up, Including two or three large flowing wells,
among which were the Sheridan and Western
Onion Telegraph wells, both of them large
flowing wells, The Sheridan welli had three
tanks ailedwith oil, all of widen were des
troyed. As far as we can learn some I•. may.
thoasand barrels of oil was destroy( and
smile portico estimate It u mile! larger
figure than thin. The oil wan a foot ...lop as it
ran down the run to Oft Creel, There were
also bet wean twenty and thirty di rricke des
troyed, the wells of which were In various
stages of completion. The loss cannot ho esti
mated at present, out It Is very heavy.
FROII inExile°.
alazhnllllnm Not Preparky. to Atoll
woe, Not ban Ordered a Conscription
—Oaravaint In Command at Ntatanao
rm., he., he.
Saw OnLeAlfil, Jule 7.—Last ativices from
Mexico Male that Max itnillinn In far from pre
paring to vacate his dominions, and that on
the eteitritry he ham Ordered a conscription In
' the Empire to lake place on the 15th of July,
which, with the aid of five hundred thousand
trance per month from France, will Ire seal
cleat to keep him a while longer.
Caravapal in his proclamation on ...Ming
entlittland of Matamoros, said: .. 1 an,, happy
to salute In peace the hoetilo attitude to he
kept by the side of the minerables who enatal ii
cl the no-called Mel man Empire law fIIn.
banded, and I admit, to I.lle niatenal bowers
eon airy of II litalgli the Queen.,
The Matamoros Inerolinrits a ere impret
otosl but neat b,u - k by Enaufballo, with the as
du ranee that their cam tired property would be
sat infacterily adjusted. The train at itugaana
Catial has twenty-seven wagons. Tarlton .101
all and escaped beyond. shot by swimming
the river.
Meilafx invision left Haddad on the Mth in
two chartered summers am) three schooner..,
conveyed by the French war nteamer AnCinlii.
A blockade Was expected on the same day.
All the eatholle clergy Were put 111 prinon, but
released neat day, by Carifesdiol, who agrees to
consider them non-ettru putouts.
Bagdad let tees .itt the tuitional troops were
taken off by the French. The ofneern wore
their sick arms at Ilagslad. The Liberals
wure peenpytnif Matamoros and ptirsulng a
mpecie train to Monterey.
There are great expectut mon of renewed
trade with IS nrther - a 111 e a we. The whole
country in now opened.
failure s
at liLond ondurae
had lette
a r+, nay the finantdul
on f
on trade at Bells, lepriwniug intimmee
The Indian,. continue their depredations
Aland nelzures people, an, cloluand large run-
The Douglas annonient—tieceentry heer•
lied to Oehler the EnloaT--tioveen
went Financial Flatters.
Toga, July a—Speelalli frout Wniang•
ton Kate that the Pr.whient and seem:tall
seward have ntgullhol their Intention of be
ing prenent at the laying of the cornor otone
of the Doualas rnonuntent as NOON an Cone - runs
adjourn, Mr. Seward will dell vet the eulogy
while net. The President and Mr. steward
are expected to visit fdadlnon, IS 1, 4 , 0.111, amid
ponelhly OLIC Or t N 0 Othilr western o•dwa.
The followtng numun Lei are now In the Wools
or Treanurtlr spinner security for Haw-m
-at lamb eireuhrttort, slff,fign,abe; m neeertly for
dcpoeltsof public 1110110 y, (1. 38 .24,500. The fol
lowing Is a ritatement of the fumla la the cash
vault. of the I reanitry eu Julyy I, Intgli United
Staten notes, le. ill tenders, ibi4.11.,400; Nat tined
!tank nines, fraction; current.) of
all 'I loath:inn, Vion,ltC. gold, $..1),:171; wily er,
412,1 , 1 ii; live cent reserve rand, tempo.
nary lit, $1.14r0a40 ; noisome foam. nurplun In
man. United /into-. notes, i15r.ar2,420. Insert, •
r.“1111N1I111,1 Ittlerest notes,
pound tit terett notes t etleitipt .11,:tslon
and in sheets, Wit/tont 111/ILliPer Or date, $14„7...t.
:ion Total, el1e1871,:in1. Insburnentente on ae
ettunt elf I , emrtn,enln during lUr week aere
We:, brst,aroi Nary, ligibiiicin
Th e T reastorn . Del/al tturrit slot Lag 1.414, week
11 , 1111t,1 hnetl..ON etlrleney of Lite several dot
tonnlttulson• antouttLing to ,Irfx, and the
amount ditprosil was ..1.12,Un.
An attaentornt I,.•aed for Cleo. 11. E.
Nicole, for Cootompt of Coort—The
t:oceroor of Poona. terolino Approve,.
of the Objort of the Propootof Philadel
phia Convention.
cersts, /3 Ilt of babeae cor
pus has been err. tsl tot iseuural Mello., by the
Utt the! Slates District Court ut Charleston, re
outring lino to prsd ace the bodies of Ft - solids
It. atrawitts and others, tooter nonteto t e of
death to Castle Ponchtety tieneral Sickles re
fused to comply, on tho ground that the itrise
oners Were convict.' by vourt-rnartlal of tine
murder of Ihrve (vaunt! snifflers, and that Inc
''ifileges of the writ. are still suspended tit South Ctirolitta_ Judge Bryan ordered an at
tachment to titsue usialitst teener.' :sickles for
oontron pt of court. IL Is matte returnable on
loivernor Orr has issued. au addles to the
people of South Carolina, In which he heartily
approves the objecl of the proposed Philadel
phia Convention, mini ores Ito Immediate
election of delegutt to a -Mate Convention at
Columbia, on the find of August, to appoint.
delegates. The Uoverrint says there is not one
principle of the atitirese to which eouth Caro
-1 canned subscribe In honor atm with sin
Eigatymine thousand and eighteen bales of
1,0110,1 were exported from Savannah to kturo
peas ports during the year end mg June JUtb.
The CIO. Fell or elelepeekets—ltobber.
Iles—Ad Loosen b 7 the Confine
1 1 .0 - o.ann, Me., July 7.-The pr./party of tam
NAN 11Igx 141.11 k IS .paved. Thu titluens Inutk
nitre opens all right. Thu city l 111101 with
tuchtn - whetn [rum Ikkquo and New 1 urk. Mo
n n. ILunnell had hls pocket waked In Collar.xn
reel, this Morn lug, of 0,31 , 1/.
mail wan rold.oll of OM nu hlldille etraet
fu1 , •”414.11.
1 . 1 . 1111‘11 'ILL% II 1•., /•.1101,1
'rut. are Ma4utwn»l inneirn. mar
11. Frumli huler Mein nein hoku, ham tr,Ulh, It/-
pitmen tor 1.1,0 w; Ii 1.. Bailey, trunsfulth;
$1, 5 u, fully lammed; Ily ion, tirernaugh
I Met ulmitit triti,oetti 4s l ,ouu I'ortlutiil,
Ila rtfuril Mpringtlultl; Jun. S. tiLuplem Prte
ring ntfleti and remittent., Ituntraner
V...., I' hum Unitive, real eel ate £n.., helm .le,immi;
/1100 ranee $3,Ut4/ In the l'ortlatel Mutual Linn
puny; Cttniulluti Ea tires., lone uu lemur
Odd Felle••• to Rebuild Their SIMI—
Cotton Markel—Jude° Unwell Celle
a therentitin mod in fildioloC.
him WiIk:ANN July 7.—The Udn Follows
of this city have resettled to rebuild their !101l
In the gritudest styia
Cotton Adler; sales, WO hulas Low liilddling
ad 302.3 e. Toslay's receipts, lar) bade. Sterling
unchanged. Now York Maehartge ;i6 peouldnat.
Freights dull.
Judge Howell lola Issued a ' , reel...Woo
calling a ilouveutlmi. Ile Is
ridiculed boy Lion
people and pre..
liatertal Aid to the thilferert by the
Portland Fire.
N an lona. July 7.— AL a meeting. it the
Chamber of Commerce in Lathan - of Me Port
land sufferers, Mr. A. A Law, President., and
Slndtherd an Secretary, on motion
of Mr. II Grinnell, a CCPUMMtee Id lofinsty
dwe wad appointed to collect emlweriptionn.
Capt. Noyes etanounood to the cueetleg that
h tumeit and others had already etilleeted Ey.
nue upd forwarded It to Portland.
Itnadon„ MAIM!, July 7.—A pablle mooting
wac held here lust eventug to take Illeaaures
for the tlit of the Portland autlurern.
7 he
Mayor ' , nodded, and Um principal n111+,4311.6
prcsoni. stnrinuty-livo ham areal
were rained, and a Committee appOlnted
tmse name. It way, votet LO mend 1100, , Mil till,
lionron, July 7.—Thu mooting 14 thu Ex-
Omani, In ant Of Portland ww largely tattoo
dud by our loading won. Mayor Lincoln pro.
sided. lirlef apeeohea appealing to the syn,
lottliy of all eitinenn worn Menlo by several
guntioinou. Iteimiutiona worn adopted, pleas.
g the !limiting and the oottimuul ty to do all
they eau to allovlato atifferlug untailed
upon the people of Portland tho tomnblo
vialtation ol Ore. A Committee of eighty
prominent (Adam., appointed to roeUiVn
ontaioriptloaa and take other memoir° a to ex.
tend peat:aloof aid, the Mayor being Chairman
of the Committee.
Chinaman anna--a itc eme p liuem .f Mantlagoby she Rbm
Saw FLIANOINOO, July 6,—liltang Wan, the
first Chinaman ever exeouted in gnuFranelsou,
information has boon received ' from San
Blus by way of Acapulco, stating that the Re
publicans have taken the city of Santiago and
thmaten Leplo.
Mining Stooks axe generally loner, &wage,
9,10; Belcher, 1,81; Yellow Jacket, o,Boi cinwp i .
1,80; imperial, LIPS; Legal Tendons, 7u,
are Davis—LlM Friends Visit
Daily In slla quarters.
Foram s:sr Mormon, July 7.—Benton liarrison,
formerly Private Secretory, and Becalm W.
Brown, one of tho
counsel of Mr. Davis, ex
rived one
morn/ea. They spent the day
with Mr. Davis and his Manly. V bo visit us
supposml to Lave been merely. of a friendly
nature. They left to-night for Baltimore.
The friends of Mr. Davis are visiting him al -
most dully, going and cambia unobtrusively.
Tim; precludes the idea of any sigmucanoo
being attached to them.
Ilion of Geo. Loop-Coveter Beal
meat latuatered Out.
ST. LOMB, July a — General Lane was a little
weaker lest Want, but hganysickula do not
n art ir' s to
2ittB=Pront'ktitCartdr7 lOtia.mlaaenal
out at Denver recently. Moat Of its members
doserfausr zeutaLu lutadorado.
WAsat N1,02i, July 71.9
A discussion, In which Messrs. JohnsOn,
o port or tilt, te Sumner
n om t r i o
tt F ilo, c en s si,te,:nnr
tn p m .
te t u t o i ,f c e i r p rie t
teem A resolution was finally adopted, that
the paper presented by Mr. Johnson be re
calved as the views of the minority, but that
in receiving It, the Senate do not establish a
preeedent for the future.
Mr. Trumbull reported from the Judiciary
Committee, and asked to be discharged from
the foother co nsideration of a number of pe
titions, unlong then, one for the expulsion of
Garrett limy., ain 1 0110 for the speedy
could. Inert lal 01 Jeffer o on 1/001,
Mr. Trumbull, trom the Judiciary Commit
reported, With amendments, the,bill in re
lation to a pp o intments, and removals !rote
A joint resolution ter the mettlenient of tile
military einitns itgainst Nil:Veda, was passed.
Mr. Wade Introduced joint resoip lion guar-
an teeing loans to tile R epublic. of 31.13.100 to
the amount of fLO,UU,OOO, which One referregl
tO the Lolunilltoe On Foreign Iteiations.
preSen Leg u petitio n that the
ImpOrtation of Indian are c ruel:ere,. ung other
foreign lire worksdm proli 11 , 11,1, .1 ill,coUlit 11l '
their dangerous Character, being destructive
to life and property. Ito erns/ to Ibe Plinmee
Mr. Trull:it/IM's bill to Mutilate NI/0101 talents
to and removals from ottlees provoles as fol
lower That no officer of tile United states air
pointed on the nomination of the President,
by and with the advice ancl consent of the
Senate, shall bet, removable, exectit by the
*rime agenelma which cOneurrogi in his appoint
ment ; proculeol, that in cases of olhethility
iniseonoluct the President may suspend a dome
or del/tutting °dicer and designate some
other tO perform the duties, until the Senate
shall have load un opportunity of acting on It,
the Prealdent to report the farts in the text
tile Senate within thirty days
Smtiou lid. No person aptmin Led 1/ an °Mee,
the term of which In limited loy !tier to a Linen
period, and till a stiecemigOr shitil be appointed
and quiddled, Audi Ir permitted to bold oor
exercise the duties of sch onto, exceeding
sixty days after the 'fled u perio,l for which he
appOinteil hits expired, and wheneverprlletll.ll.lllV It will be the 1111(1' Of the appoint
ing power to appoint Mileremsol. to lake ige44
session at the tertiilll4lloll of the ti xeal perigni.
Suction 3,1 provides that in rase of a vacancy
during the recess 01 the select e, the President
shall nonsinate peroiiii to 1111 said ' , Caney
Ithin thirty deoys after tne meeting of the
Senate unmet:ding the happentlig It the va
cancy, and no 011011 Vuenney w bleb has been
lilted by granting a r Iloolanion to expire at
the end of the 11... xt session of the senate shall
Ist filled after the close of Lill. session, except
by and with the advice and consent. DI the
Senate, anti the expiration of the rolutninelon
,Ln pray pled by the tonsta tut ton, tat the en 41 of
tile /61.(Si.(10111. shall not be gionotrued so. Creating
:I 110 W vrieancy. which the Pio, eat is
1..1 to 1111 without the all, ice and conse author
nt of
the Sunlit-,
section oh pro, eles Unlit floe President
shell not be authorized to till vacancies dun rbg
the recess of the tonate, on 11,00 they happen
during the recess by dealt., resignation, expo
ration Of term, or other e , mintity not depend
ing on the Will or inillOn of the
Mr. W ilieY rePorted a hi/ 1 for the saM of the
Cove riontuit prOpeo t I', a 1 !tarpon. Ferry, West
Mr. Wilson ~ ,abed up the bill 10 vegultile and
by the 'sultry peace cm l . loll, flllllUtit of the
tinned States. von 11.11 re4llll 11l length, after
which Mr. tie Imes said the Senate was not pre.
pared to act on thin bill 10-11111 - .
The. Senate adjourned .ot :SO, on motion of
Mi. Unities, wllu said the heat. had :dread)
prostrated several Senators and threatened
Mt... Moon k vitro o the Ronne
Jri regard to the vat .11Dariny hall. pending la.
la eon talc trio eto .1113‘... Ile Kira he had J. In -
torviow a ith lien (Irani /mei the secretary of
War, horn in a horn tinted the neernoilly 01 a
I hill beteg paw,al iturrietlittlnly, an there vrai.
prmairig demand for more troop. than CUB he
"al tsted under the pre:omit hew. IL appeared
to Mani that the hlllitary l • onitnlttee in the
Nernst. wit, Oelerininell to ecotniuerni action
rin no am) . bill front tire Molise, preferring,
he Nuppeiseil, have the' redit of originating
IL Lie therefore Mae Unani
mous oarixent of the Hooke, to report hack Llie
Nitrate army bill re:erred :wine ago to the
lorntnittee on Military
. 1 .1.12 a t e a. a
Mte.t. l on, eai..M Oil,
rn t, t e mil th u p r
untended, tool toe,, 10114 theinoigreettintneo
-10 tiers the tau Mono,. he reconciled I iy a 1,011.-
In I lteC loniertoteo
M e r. F.ilititi 0/.ierelo U 01110.14,0,
On OW 1,111 further prevent ~ineggllng,
mode a report, whiel, was agreed 1,0. The
palm,. of euutruversy Were ISO to mere mat
ter. Of detail.
The Hots. rsnuital, as the regular order of
business It) the thorium; hoer, the conaidera-
Lion or the Smote bill to , 11111 land titles th
California. A oinoderable .1 iseussion took
place on the hill, yr. .1 ti I tan utak lug tut argu
tuent asultot it, and the California auettilieri.
advocating It. The bill was passed w ahem
The House then Neel duo 1,,01.10 Oi the
Whole on the Audi) of the In lull. Mr. sotto
geld In the Irmo, mad restmital the considera
tion of the 11,11 i hilt. Th e ,noe s ti on toin g or,
Mr. sieve,,,' amendment to Illere Ihtly
on lave an weals font) eighteen Inns'thirty per
cent. Tne ameinl men) w reyeethil.
M r 1101 s moved In, illeeea.e the duty on ap
ples, garden touts and v . ..getable from ten to
fifty per cent., using the togument of protec
t...l.LS that It would have the effeet of pro
eking greater eiminWlillon and thereby
elicapentug price».
11:. Thayer suggested that It the gentle
man's amendment It:m.llWe.l on
all potatoes he
rulght vote for IL n laughter/
Mr. Wentworth suggested that the duty
itimuld,lm thirty nier
Mr. Moss moved to add nut ad valorem duty
of t wet:ay-11re per emit. to, the paragraph tivx
wg burley.
Mr. Morelli appealed 10 1110 I ommi thee nor
to permit the opp ttttt of the hall to load
lowa so. 10 awake It entirely ob.lcotlenable
Tire amendment seas rejected.
non motion of 11r Dole.), thlrthteltPh lett
added, lacing preserost fruits V/ a gallon
an_..1 , 35 per uncle ' c f Olureet,
M . lost a, moved to a p ld it Jima)
graph taxing eotfue V., cents per
pre.. :s
Mr. Morrlll It
to amend by mak nig it
I' s tient., he maul he Imo no blot that be tali
would prim( either the hot.. or senate st ab
out having the duty on ,01.11 e item. ecJeNllll.l-11.
lei} redtlerri
Mr. Moroll's 1011agreed , 1a11/0/11 11 , e- Imp, led and
11 r. Wilson,* to.
Mt. Roma modified his ..). 44 444 totem by mak
tt ;to' s''):re't.l7).Tl:.'').ilii“iii'i.T;il'tgsivit'o'flsiUt'titt„-
of CI per (tent to ln
lk' lellagettpli tailing the
duty OU tea ti .1 ..t .4ono nor poem',
After debate, and the re)el:two of aeveral
t ) lldmet.i. n the duly on coffee wait reduced
Isom /.10 O. vents per Oohed.
Mr. litudiug, Irmo Illinois, moved to In
- 1110 01, buckwheat front to Ai
Mr. iner bushel, w Men WWI rejeeted.
hll. moved to Increase line duty 011,0111
(1(1111 tell 10 IWelltV reeltt per bushel, nu hay
from one to Iwo dollars per ton. and on pota
illet from toll to Lamm) tom. per buithel, all of
who'll was agreed to.
11r. lion nam t,l tillle•relL, the duty nu flour
n and mad from r weary 101 l llty le forty per eht. all
' valorem, on peas front 15 to .Ote por 110141101, on
trees from 111,11.0 1.41 ad valorem, and on
tallow from two to four rents per mted, sit Of
whin; were re)initaal.
on motion of Mr. Spaulding, a paragraph
1011, added taxing wheat the per bushel.
IL/II motion of Mr. liarileld, a puragrathb WWI
haded taxing malt thirty percent. ail valereut
Il h htetlo.l rt . Mr. Relent:in. pileattrllph W.
141111141 I.lllit 1/0141111th htollllll Ihtl.lltl two
tents, awl ?Melted novo. tus four c ents per
tin mutton ol Mr. dl I Wnu, tthelinty 011 clover
sued and timothy seed wail inerintsad from
twenty LO Unrlystive per emit. 441 valorem.
Mr. Rieke, of Alusitacuretts, moved to st x rike
out the whole of the twelfth section 'aing
agrieultural product,. The chairman ruled
Lhe motlOn out oforder.
Mr. Ferry Moved to amend the paragraph
taxing Itintber by teak lug the lowest rate two
dolls per thousand teal., instead of one dol
lar. Tula 11111.1d111011t gar' ritltl to debate;
Messrs. Ferry, Muftis mud Trowbridge sup
porting, and Mr. Cook opposing It, TIM
amendment WILY agreed to.
The free list came under itonsidevuti on.
On motion of Mr. Latlln, the paragraph
about papers wits miteutled no its to read
"waste or raw material, of whatever kind, (or
manufacture Intl/ paper, and not for any other
On motion of Mr. O'Neill, the paragraph
placing wearing apparel on the tree Oat, was
amended by adding a prove. that it wan to be
for pen (tonal use, and 1101 (or mile.
On mutton of Mr, Dodge, It proviso was In
.,11.0•1 10 11110 W draw look tin worka of art Im
ported for presentation to the United Santee
lioVeritment, or any SLAP, or 111.10iphilty
Mr. Wilson, of lowa, Illoy to strike ont of
paragraph peel
• •ag wearing apparel on the free
list, the words • uti other
Disagreed to. personal effects."
Mr. Breath moved to strike out 15th section
Placing Machinery for the manufacture of sn
ow trent beets or mu - allure, on free list for one
year, which was rejected. •
The ConnulLtee having disposed of five pages
of the bill, roam
&tr. announetsi that any toomberx
Who desired to contribute to the relief of the
sufferers by the great conflagration at Port
land, could hand in their oontributtons to Mr.
Mr. Myers presented a petition of Die Selo
vonle }return ity of the United Stales, stating
that •40,0u0 of those mxmlu, spooking from fif
teen to eighteen atoms, are hiSidents of the
United States, that no book in their language,
or any of Ito itliotus, are publialied here, and
asking Lint books and publications In the Selo
voida languages limy be adrolLtml Imo ot duty.
The House adJOurned.
The LlieraiOnieter In tne Han to day ranged
from EN to 90 degrees.
The Breed Heat—Twenty Innen of Coop
(lottollel—alerenry 100 at Moon-4112.000
for the Portland Nollerent—Mayor of
Portland Antltorleed to Draw on May.
or of Brooklyn for $lO,OOO.
nw Yeas, July s.—The hunt yesterday was
intense, the thermometer ranging from 70 to .
es deg.
There wore twenty eases of nun stroke In
liew York and Brooklyn, a few of them tataL
A number of eases arenas& reported to-day.
Thermometer ha deg. at nom.
Over $12,001 was collected yesterday for the.
Portland sufferers, by oCuranittees appointed .
by the mercantile community, to solicit sob.
scriptlons, and it was raised.
The Wizens of Brooklyn also appointed a
committee to receive subscriptheis and au
thorize the lift or at Portland to draw on the.
Mayer of Brookyn for I.loou. . • -
11 Add/I.lollml Local '!(suers no TIMMS Page.
Attempt al Nei( Destruction,
'Thu wife of a well known citizen cut her
throat about seven o'clock on Saturday eve
ning. Mrs. Mary 11. Shaw, wife of George. E.
Shaw, the proprietor of the well known optic
ian store, No. Is Fifth street, made an attempt
at self-de.truction by cutting her throat with
a razor while laboring under an attack of in
sanity, the result of habitual intemperance
The facts in the ease are about as follows:
During the greater part of last week Mrs.
Shaw bud been indulging her appetite for
ii.l I.lor to seen). c.l.Lont that. on Saturday she
was in u state of maul-delirium, going into het
husband's store, ordering customers to /Mine,
declaring her desire to Save the store cloecd„
and finally began to smash valuable optical
articles in the allow ruse. Her step-son, John
' O. Shaw, remonsttated with her and endeav
ored to pacify her, but int to no purpose; his
Interference seemed only to ex.persto her.
Seeing the law was his only alternative, lie
proceeded to the taco of Alderman Humbert
and preferred a charge of disorderly conduct
against her. A warrant was issued and placed
at the hands of 011Iket. Ponder, who, is MOM
pally with young SLIAW and officer Barber,
pr.:vetted to Me store, whore they found Airs.
sha a, t ethnic:it an ever. Auptoaehlug her,
officer render stated that she had been charged
v U./id/von, et ly votelllet, and that ho had Come
to tube her Mt" vevtmly. When told who had t
made the 111101.11/1141.111 she said: "All right.; i
watt until 1 go fill Into lily room and dress WW- A
Accompanied by the otlicers, Mrs. Stms
aSlit up idiots, tile former remain lug in
nte Mon, Willie she v. Ith aervitut au
went into an adjoining aparttnent for tile per
pose of dreasing herself. Presently he door
was thrown open and the girl. ruebed Out
saying, "she loss cut her threat" The Memos
without n instanCe Ileanguicy, entered tae
roost, where they tuned Airs. Shaw Standing
by the bedside the blood streaming from a
',Jeep gash in the left side of the neck about
an Inch below the ear, exclaiming "I have
done it,—f have done IL," and clapping her
hand upon her throat, she sank to a chair un-
Or. Walters, was ililinetlinte/y Sinn-
Mooed, and tire seed the mud, which, al
though very serious, is not neeoluittrily
fatal. Mr, nlittW relitanied 11i1e00.10113 until
a little after midnight., since which time elite
has been recovering The instrument with
which the woull,l was Indictee, lean old razor
which, from the runt on it, we Judge has
Imam aeereted In some damp place for a con
siderable Lone. The servant null. that she
weapon Shea 'S hand until after
the c no utting way done., when elle the razor
drop to the door. At the *line of tile Meer
retire the b.uand was absent from the house,
havinggone around to Milt:rattan Munn
Uert's office to aWalt her lappeuranne. For
SeVeral 3Marti hank shwa anti h is a Ifs have
lived in one perpetual quarrel, anti have °cut
niontally thru.eil in 01/r roll., courts. It Ls but
a few weeks .susee alit. charged him before Al
derman Strain with aggravated annaldt. null
battery, nllll he Is new under In anaWer
the eliarge at We are not in favor of
II"' law interfering to simile.. the Lies that
form the warn/tee relation, but in thin In
state, we think a writ of divt.reement the
only panacea for both parties, while society
would be benetitted by an end truing put. to
these ceaseless conjugal brawle,i
Drowned While Elislhhokir.
Thomas Watkins and John C. Thomas,
Welshmen, went Into the Ohio river, below
Manchester, on Saturday. e.t.a t One o'clock,
for the purianiii, of brthing, IMO It being pro.
ponist to swim to Brunet's Island, opposite
where they went In, they struck oat for that
glace, Watkins taking the lead, as the bent
swimmer. They had urn proceeded tar On
their way when Thomas observed Watkins
make an unusual movement, and stuldettly go
IIOW /I, and upon rising Lo L O U surface heard
him IN
tor hep. Thomas called to Borne
men who were Ol i n the river bank, but they
puitl uo attention, for the reason, as they aut.-
aeimently stated, that they seaweed a trick
was intended, a man having a day •or
two provimiti deceived them into the
Leder that ho was drowning by shout
int; for as s istance. In this truitanee they
were also deceived, an Watkins as in real
need of assistance, and drowned by reaeou of
its not. being atforded hum Tee body was re
covered by J amen Luis and others, wile drag
ged the river for It, and on Sunday Coroner
Ularnion heal an inquest, the jury finding,.
verdiet act:Meet. drowning. The doceas
to have been seized with cramp
I WI. We o . nt y ye ar,, ot ego , unmarried, a roll
,r by occupin inn was euild'eyea at the
ru Iron Works, 11.1111 hoarded With his father
and brother, near the Works.
A • &me trom Phllodelphla Firemen—
Cone Fresonatmlom
A delegation of five members from t h e Goad
intent Hose and HOOF: and Ladder Company
of Philadelphia sus on a visit to our city
during the latter part of last week, but owing
to the fact of their arrival being kept no ex
ceedingly quiet we learned nothing Of their
presence until Saturday. They wore the
guests of the Duquesne on Thursday, and of
the Relief on Friday. committee from the
latter eotnpany conducted them to their house
on Pennsylvanht Avenue, where they wore re
galed with a suniptuOus repast, after whieh
.11r. Ale.. Hook, on behalf of the Belief, pr(-
minted one of the visitors Mr. Green, with a
oeautilul 'Thugs CADA in a visitors,
ease, on which wax ilOwiribedi "To Mr. J. Green,
the Ultima Member of the Goal intent HOS.
Company of Philadelphia, from the Members
Relief Fire Company of Pittsburgh." After a
visit. to our principal manufacturing .tab
lisliment.s, they ware est:oiled to the Untoti
Depot where they Wok the cars for horns.
A Few Word, to the Ladles,.
There are fee things more attractive to the
ladies at this season of the year than a lirst
class stock ail ;try woods., comprising dress
goods m evety , lescriptlon, suited for the
present heated term. Just such an attraction
may now be found at the popular shopping
em,mrl tries Messrs. McCurdy & Drinkle, NO.
21 Fifth -I rrat. In Justice to the good tasUi
dupla) ed by thetas gentlemen, we most stxte
that their assortment of light summer fabrics
such as organdies, linen lawns, white and buff
oboe, tourists, etc., etc., excit es much mind
ratiou from ail wr.o examine it. They - seem
to hate monopolized certain desirable styltsi.
which are onl) to be had at their .tablish
utent. This may account for the throngs of
lad les that are daily seen at this establishment
sideettug suitable apparel for the present sea
son. Lathes who are preparing to leave the
city Um! a large and van amsortruent of
/raveling dress goad. tourist,, stripes, also
plain and fancy gannets, suitable rot . bathing,
dresses, etc.
New Way to pay Old Debi..
Gideon Johnson appeared before Alderman
Donaldson on Saturday, and made oath
agulmd William Conn for assault and battery.
Gideon, who is a colored individual, stated
that he had been lured by Conn to drive a
team, but the latter being diasatmlied with
los mode of handling the equine animals, din.
charged him on Saturday. To this Johnson
did not. object, but slightly hinted that he
would Lae to have ids wagea,whereupon Conn
pitched Into him and beat him untii be was
forced to cry for moray. Conn was arreste4,
anti made to give bail tar his appearance at
Pair alma PealivaL—The Ladies f th
Fourth Urn Led Presbyterian Church are o busily
engaged to preparing a grand fair and festi
val, which will open to-morrow at the Plitt
ward school honso and continue for three
alUpl. The woe ample arrangementa have
been made to secure to all who may attend
plemmnt season Of Innocent pleasure and en
joyment. Meals be served each noon and
tea time. and liberal supplioa of ham and eggs
and other choice delicacies of the season may
be ematidently antielpatmL Members of the
churches of the cities and neighborhood and
all others who can convenientlyfa
cents are earnestly invited to attend, y
Meeting in Ltd of the Portland Sots
ferers.—at the request M a y o r] umber of oar
most prominent citizens, cCarthy has
issued a call fora meeting to be hold at the
Mayor's Office, this afternoon, at 3 o'clock, in
ant of this suirbrers try the recent terrible con.
OMA - ration at Portland. Janine. When our city
was simultaneously afflicted,
In 1845, we re.
calved a genenMs ammor from almost every
city the Union, and we boo the memory of
that aid will stir the hearts of Our citizens
now, and prompt them to reciprocate by mad .
Mg the contribution from our city second to
none. No idea sympathy , but prompt and
substantial relief.
Aeeldenta.--On Saturday morning a little
boy, son of Mr. James Gleon, residDig In the
Fifth ward, had Ma arm broken by ralllnguato
the cellar of a new building In course oferec-
Don on Mulberry alley. Dr. Myers wits called
in, and reduced the fracture.
The same day a little boy, aged about three
years, eon of lira. Fitzpatafck, residing on
rine street, ?MTh ward, fell on the sidewalk.
lila left hip waa knocked out of place by the
full. The little fellow woo attended to by Dr.
Myers, of Penn street
Important Vordlet.—The mum of Polley,
Woo tho Baltimore and Ohio
Railr dy oad Company, being a snit to recover
$16,500 for aiding in the conytrocflOn of the
above road m 104 was dockled In the Brooke
County Court of Wont Vi.rguila, last week.
The Jury returned a verdict against. the Com
pany for sle,tou with tutereat from Pcbruaryi.
111.33, which will amount to almost 05 much as
the capital.
tham.,.4 wiatigatweeny.—Mary Ann Byers
was before Alderman Lyuch,Ton Saturday*,
charged with ti larcany_ht a scrubbing Mush
from a neighbor limed =lra Dtinley-,At the
hearing it was discovered that Eliza hattiosit
ed the brush to the accused, and Idle wairthere•
fore discharged, the Proffecutrla bein g m,.
od to pap the costs.
. ,
. .
. .
-- --
The Leaer.=-The ! . ender of yeatordaYlraii
au unusuall tl y - spicy and sparknog issue, and
reflected much credit upon Mr. Kam, tho loa•
cent editor. We are pleagedto know. that the'
imder ie rapidly growing into juror. end that
I i in now a pecuniary Racoon to Mr. Pittock,
the enterprpung proprietor. .
, Charted wish fiedutritiene,--Yatriek Dva
was Ch 4 rged heron) Alderman Butler on.
urdry with inaluction on of Athos Mary
noYa. The accused rgaidee,in pita township.
He was arrested sadentered bail for trial.
elpeelal Term.—Tne_npoei,al.tenn,. ,
01. The
United !Mates Court WU.I OClMMEtnetr la - Ude
city on the first filinuinpOldrnifoSto'dnamber
of ocnuaturlpll eaOeF CA
The Wu/. J. torwarded 'Mich wW re.ah sae amb-
ktrtbars ...mat as the mall Ma,
• •
"..flas of Colonel Riseles Remains.
/dr. µIII Itiaak /dad Captain Crider, who
wore at Philadelphia altnesalng the tlag re.
caption °areal:lonian, mztazeled their Journey
to the hatUeatlebi at Gams' lin); near 1/inh
umed, Va., with a veer to recover the remains
Of Col. Sam. NV. Clam, oho fell theca ,n Jana,
lej2, al the o.ll3 ¢ ll2ll lCCluellt of tha memorable
seven d.ll liglitiug. The reault of their visit
WAS . 1 111011.11.1 d LL u Lillinstah roemeoa o
malay, as 101104 n Sat.
Wasuisinron Uri . , D. t..., July 7.
Ifni. W. I. Hooray/4,k
Will Blank and Captain Crider have forted
the Colonel's remains. J. K. bloom:man.
Will Mack returned to city yesterdy,
and we learned from hlm [ twat he found th a e
Conmei's remains under the tree where the
body was left when the 61.11 regiment was oom
polled to fall buck, and Identified them by a
tlag handkerchief found to a pocket of the
clothing. ..Thu fact will be remehibered that
Col. Black was one of the first to mount the
ramparts at Yorktown as the rebels were flee
lag, and that he hoisted th e hag, placing It
upon a polo. This was the ono found witlehle
routine, and Identified thorn with reaaonable
eertahaty, as, although much tilled ,and Ile
' caved, Its similarity with a luint=l*.blef In
the possession of the widow of th e Colonel, Is
remains will reach the City In a feW
clay's, and be eon lined to an opproprinde
place, attended with all the honors Mae to a
brave, good, heroic soldier. Their recovery Is
source t or much grILLIII.II.IOII to the many
frienus and 'admirers of the Colonel.
William Dial UQu ruaclaup of the Fifth ward
w. admitted to ball by Mayor McCarthy, for
assault awl battery, a short Limo since. On
FrMay Ida hall-piece received information of
Williams' departnre for Wooster, and fearing
that he went thorn for the purpose of evading
law, "Ricer Cur/Dior. any tent la quest of him.
sin rencimig It 'rooter the "Moor found smith
In Jail on a charge of 0ft404011 mid battery, pre
ferred aguiltot torn by a young lady o. that
place, a bow he had knocked down In the
/street. Marl•;; a prior club. to the pri,nor,
°nicer I.:wade, took him tit charge tont reach
ed this ett 3 with Mtn in the afternoon tram on
Saturday. He ass locked up to await hall.
Judging iron, LL, past conduct, there will be
some difficulty in procuring security for lila
Clothier and Roney PooOd.
Oa Sunday, lying on a tint to the Allegheny
river, under the railroad bridge, was discov
ered a complete suit of man's clothing, and in
the pockets were found SOME , stzty-twodolLars
hi money and a pass-hoot,. From an Inspec
tion of the latter it would seem that the cloth
ing helonged to a man muted John Atkinson,
a miter in the employ of Herron .tt l;0. It Is
sOpposed that the n nner :1.4 , ether bean
drowned while Lath tt, 5, et toe: committed
salads—most toe ben., No .....areh
had been made (or C, hod up to Sunday
evtn log nor thing further aseertuttutd
about :Ca matter than what we have stated.
• ----
Tlarentettett II lea with Vloleuee.--Chm,
on TSVIc; made a b g a u t U " aln " i r n ; ti t e lkt=
McKenna Sur surety,.( I„te peace. It appears
that the secant,) had been In Taylor's employ
some time sin,e, tram which he had been dis
charged, la)lor, however, refusing to settle a
trilling tin un th. I Idelienna held against tdm,
alleumg taut It was illegal. After repeatedly
nuln c Taylor for the amount, McKenna met
him on Saturday on " ( moth street, and tin-eat
ened him with penional violence if he did not
IMmediately pay. McKenna was committed
to the lock-up (or a further hearing on Mon
Lareeitf.-6 colored man mimeo Henry
Gates employed ns hen - lags driver by :Simp
son Horner, EN., of the Eighth ward, appear
ed before Alderman Morrow, on Saturday. and
made oath against tierce boys, named John
Kelly, and Patrick and 311elmel Dunn, for the
larceny' of an old pair of pants from tileetable
where he is employed. A 11.. ring was had to
the case on Saturday evening. whirl, Penciled
In the Altenburg° of John Kelly nod Yatriek
Dunn, whit° Michael was held In the stun of
three hundred dollars for btu appearance at
the east term of the Criminal Court.
hisiner !tilled. -Charles Boyles met
with death on Saturday, at Hays' coal
mines, at six Mile Ferry, where lie was em
ployed min miner. It t 5.1319.1 that he entered
the pit alone, In the znornii%, and some ttuie
alter others entered and called to him, UP.
Celtic,: no messier, they made search and
fotuid him crashed to death by "horseback,^
which had Winn. Deeoused was about tWort
ty-soven yours of ago. :to tudwast was hold,
and the body was interred on Sunday. --,
•-. -.-
Fire to the Eighth Ward.—The alarm of
Are on Saturday at ternoon, about throe o'clock,
was occasioned by burn in of n mook-shed
attaclual to the rcs the
idontm of John A. Becket,
at the head of Magee street, ht the Eighth
want. The fire clekurtment was promptly on
the ground, brit their sort lees wort, net called
into requisition, as ilia flames were ciLill
gulnhed by the Ala of scrotal Lei:kola of water.
Concrt, Exhibition mid Inbiesixx.:=On
this an. to-morrow evenings, at Mayoras
flail, the pupda of public school No. (color
•d) `Samuel A. Neale, Principal, attained by
livery College Seeolara, will give a concert,
exhibition and tableaux. A company of ru
turned colored soldiers will appear on the
stage and go through military evolutions.
Refrooshing and Coplost. Shower. fell
yesterday afternoon and evening, venting the
nitoosphere to a most pleanurniqu extent, and
relieving suffering mortals from a tempene
tore almost equal to that of the torrid none.
lIM n Ilearing.—PeteL Venn, Minfirml
with keein a ferocious og, oa th of Dn.
nis Drtsc p oll, g
bad a bearin d g harems Alderm u an
Lynch on naturilay, which resulted in his be
ing held in fSMO bah to answer the charge uL
Sent to Jalll.—Aartle Thomas sued
Morton, before Alden:tutu . onaldson, onJane
urday, for surety of the peso. to default of
the requisite ball, Annie was sent to Blount
Misery. Roth parties are colored.
Baltimore and the Portland andarero—
The Intense Ural.
BALTIXOHN, July S.—The subscription for the
Portland sughrers will be opened to-morrow
at the Corn Exchange and the American news
pa_per °Mee.
The heat to-day has been most Intense.
Rope and Cordoce Wok Burned.
Pllll-LLILLP u,a, July Ore Last mght de
stroyed the OS 4011144Ve rope and dordago works
of Weaver .1 Fidler, corner of Ninth street
and Germantown road. Loss heavy, probably
.1.1e,00e, with little or no Insurance.
01 cMILIAN.—Ot noon on Sunda, July atb, vins,
PIiOISHE ANN, wife of Capt. J. S. ifeM Illn
The Agenda of the nuttily are Melted to attend the
funeral, from her late residence, Mount Waking
ton, on TOssoar MORNING, 10th inst.. at 10 o'moCk,
to proceed to Allegheny Cemetery. tUrriages
teat c the corner of roonb and timithlield erects at
beanUfal `'ltud 6.3 X fp, " the largest sabarhan
place ores pulchre. except one, In this coanty, sit
uated on N u Brighton roil, Jugotedlately north of
Allegheny. I , or burial lota pennlia or Utley. eau
at Central Drug Store of COW, Ot CLA VEY. Alle
gheny City. 1y71121
- - -
Na 196 31133thGeld St., con 1114
(Ent,.,.:, stmet,)
m a x u r . raimrcrirtai-az az ra:-
No Se Yount' street, l'lttebargh, Pa. 00iffing
sh Studs, UltAYKS,43l.ol , ll:B,!sed everedeseript
of Van erel Farntsoltot tiooas tortasoot. 'Noon* •
mmt , mtwftnmantrentra
yy, ambits, LLD. TbanisoNwlog,Asq., o
, 1111er, Neel. " Jseist.
86 313•11'&12. 'Otroot.
Fine W./Ale-hes,
Silver.aid Silver Plated Ware.
We. vele receipt. keally_at,neer4treeiellGOLD
cuatha t ruts. EAR RiNUS. &C.
OW tea Nee one NI ocY and get prtees. )e7
ALL 13Tr....E5,
Air onsuerwr asnrcuiD maces,
VV . MraLliginfiki,
033 i SalrrilstirLD STREIZT.
3eZ ' ' Xspisvons'or.o Bream
fractical-Furniture Manufacturers,
irtissz u
able fol. Xtr i leanle, 'Ott - Itellnerbia. &e:;* .
CMPlizir *ad pea astatbe4So abirct-no. •
. 1 " 14 t tAq.. ...,„
..• aBO
I 5
1 LI