The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 07, 1866, Image 1

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s'o. SG Co,
/ 1 113W5.4AiDliraiu-da, 4.10°-
Sitisbuqk o,4zeitt.
SLT I7IIIS 4Y,,JULI 7,.-1888.
mooW otiniik.-iii':Tne milscopAT.,
~..::-••cliVitcu; .
... . .
it is flally twoYeatasince anew religious
, •order, called:Bte' Prutestant. Episcopal.
i 'l 3 isterMind of St. Mars," Was established
in New YOrh,;;*ider the.'intalaties of the
„ • Right Rev. Bishop PO4rnichl : ' of the
• leading clergY of , thepli*C,` :yet very
little is known: of the: of tion; and
the character orthe' work, '-' them.
Teci r
According to :one of theTj ' 'of the',
• Murat, Its members ere' ' to devote 1
-thaniaelies eicirfaivelylo Ivo Of mercy,
by attending the sick, aiding the poor, and
• disseminating: Christian instruction among
the young. The membership is composed
' 1 of uninarried ladles or widows over thirty.
I ' Admission to Membership is grouted on
promise to continue their pious labors until
',. either the urgentlntoessities of their kin
dred or some Spetial •prvidence calls
them from their ; sphere .. - .45t .duty. In
• such cases the bishop was orapowered to
, releakelhem from their obligatiens. There
area number of sisters in the society, Mad
others on probation:- - 1
Recently a lady, who had been a amdi
date for admission into the sisterhOod for
- sometime was admitted with impOsing cer
emonies. Biishop Potter prepared a serviee
especially for the occasion. Quite a num
ber of distinguished tuktisters were present
and near the altar. The members of the
Sisterhood were pregent, )ttired in the
black habit of their order, which resembles
that of .the Catholic Sisters of Charity.
After singing the hymn of Whitsuntide,
closing with the Gloria Patria, the Bishop
offerella few words of exhortation to the
lady, relatink to the worlF., closing with the
itapiir' y, If slie would devote herself whol
ly to the ofikies of 'charity and mercy in the
Sisterhood of St: ItLary,. and obey the rules ,
. of the Sisterhood : .- After prayer the Bilk
op took her.lollietright band and acknotel
edged. her ash menibe and at the same.
• time gave her the title of "Sister Agnes,"
a mane different frOm her own, „and by
• which she will be hnown in future
"E,ifq - DiTNKERS.
. . _
This strangebody of poaplit recently herd
their annual gathering near Waynesbe.
rough, Franklin county, Pa. Its session
lasted one week. It was compoeed of del
egates from all • their church% scattered
throughorit the United Btatett.;:' The dele ,
gates were lodged in the neighborhood, bat
all were boarded 'on the ground. • likter:
Sive preparations •were made, SuffiCient, it
is stated, to. accommodate one, thousand
persons.- Delegates; and..the multitude,
werofed in imitation of our Sttifimir's feed
ing. five thousand; r - itaii - inilike such Ikea
: mons, instead of a fowler:ll , mi of bread, they
cinurnmed about sliti harm's' . of tour, be
sides a vast amount of other eatables. ,
The muffle:of doing 'Main* was sing;
mini, consisting in rendering decisions on
the . practical_questions that the times and
circumstances renderednecessary: It was
decided in the t he. right"of eating
, ordeito obtain the sense of the major-
' l ' IV; &Minna' as voting was a custom that
belonged --, to the world; Decisions were
left to a committee of fifteen,. Who referrtd
each ['lye:glen to sah:copunittee.„ which
anheoziiiriittee fnitimi a:decision. The com
a mitteetheu presents their action to the as
rembiy ApprdT a lliOiriaidfeite noel=
Xing; rdiSapproval: by 'shaking ..the head
Dismission usually etithaes when:any signs
of clistpiarovalnre;r*tileited;;. , ll.nioeg the .
.questionsi says.* bens ear Wes.
issuer, decided, were Shall
' receive 41Ored persons' into , the' ; quick
and shall We Salute them with die holy.
. kiss? It - was . decidetithat they. should be
received into the Church, bat , that all the
members were: - to' be to their own
- .
ebolic and taste in regard to saluting their
colored brethren; witiCtho tuilerstandit4„
however, 'that all Who to.doso were
to be regarded as tairsk - eof theirmem
bers Out West leaSed apiece of ground to
an agricultural sociptY for a, number of
years. ; Was it_right for him to ido so? The
answer was not aalto:thsrchYLiiClik,to'fos-,
ter the spirit ofiriitc.. - -
IitV„ , I3I3ENIIonGIA7 . I3,-
The General Convention of the New 3e-.
rusalem Church tite;United. BtateS Was
held in. Boston some time since. over one
hundred ministerial and bsy delegateswere
.11,eir. Dr. Worcester, of. Boston,
nresideskanti eliver4the annual addresa
Nev. Mr. Ekablard preaebed the
Mon. The Convention supports a hook
publishing and printing esiablishment in
New. York. The - . 2lreis- .Thruldism- Hawn.
ger, in its eleVenth4esi, Is published there.
A monthly periodleal, 64 pp., is; mimed at
Beaton, and allied The derugaiem Nat
aline. It Mts been published for thirty
nine years. The total membership is esti.
mated at 4,000: :laPennsylveniatheTeare
ten soeletleN two Ministers, and 400
members. In. Ohio ten; sedates; six min-
asters, and ImM . OOO to 100 members. , '
Rim— Tama G. Fan, of Kentucky, whose
name is associated with some of the noblest
words and deeds,ollired. and perfOrmed in
behalf of the ,Oppressed of per land, and
whose elfoint have been' rewarded and ere
still being bleit on the soil where he !ought
his brave battles ; is . now on ;a brietvislt to
oar city, and will preach for Rev. Mr.
MOORE'S Congintiop, in the Academy of
of .Music, on Sunday moming, at
o'clock - -
—lt is stated that Gen. Casa' large for.
tune of five million 'otvlollars bad its - oil.
gin in hiti inveStnient iMmatlestate la What
Liu new the hearkaf the.citiof Detroit; and
*heirs of the deceased statesman may
thank the late llrs. Cass,. who died in 1855,
fin the great wealth - they inherit. -Repeat
ally, wlum the property was rising in 'ni
ne ye:are ago,. the - General wa,tt 'ltat-dons \to
sell, and was only restrained: bytife_ earn:
est advice and remcmstrance of Idris - lib.
, ... i „. , -
--Samuel gniUN of Brated, - -.died ~
Thursday of list week, aged: elghtreigh4'
and his.wife, aged eighty-81m,, died' the day.
_The , couple had been married for
siMy4even - _ year; and- during the Whole
tune - bid been separated only, Gime nights.
The inneral was observed, on Sunday, and
they were both buried in one grave. , - , _
.: -7.. --.__,
ty' -.----
-A ~.,-
movement is. in , Progress In - Finnee ' • - PROW . Illkiii , ! , „
to secure the-'abolition of the punishment ••• , ?--T-....-L t - '
_. zweu .
of death.. . The question, which will short Palma 'Como of Cholera yet Twoosy.four
!y semen p for,.. considmation,in the French' tr-moczt,==..Distrifeeted
b=„ste, le %molting. great. interest, and 7:11., ~u n, a Timad--Aketrn
several leading tienatora are expected '
to: . oer sad isulloddo-fe i er u tr i A day
speak iii, TIM r of the abolition. . '' . nostureatnad (M t% j aw - . 'Us a ceeiern
-The cashier of a' batik 'in' Galveston; Z til° P ' 14 11',, F 1,1,i.„ ( , 0 4, 2 la tie :Bonsai
Texas, carrying a , bundle of. bank notes Is n o m 2„, r u' d , .
. 1 , _ , . .;:i . „ - ,.•_
amounting to *VW; was . knonkof down VN"..,,,,,,4.*.th last - t;,,,,ip.viiii - hoursiireiitii,
add sobbed, a tow " days ago While the YID v;,;' - ' - ' 4 wwk a wife. zeportod. ta- th e
Mina succeeded in' - escaping with the plun. once o r De-pene ek , ;watery supi§ryon,_
-der although several shot% - were Bred at . shot which were deaseed genre. a'a=
v them ,.
~ , , -, .. , .... _ - -,- , awe the =roar eurnTenthnet esaY ~ , i
' , were duly fainfeceet.
tiar - .- -• .
The new edition of the - Ring of_Saxo- 1 The • tarots %atm, thermometer
ny's German translation of Dante has Ism Mantling on the gr eets ..,,i'..
,i c ,
it—b3r thi" publication Of the third vol.t 1'111:1:=4.1 o r 1,4 1 , 1 "7171 - , Imo.
ttime,, ? ,,, ,Ttia Partates..l',
.-'„ Wrointittdiona sear stair taaming r ; making an satelnOt
are said to place the royal ,c o upon net the a 2 ... _ le ten_snmood caw :
the gist rank of Dante 60 4 0 ,,LT„,1 4 L , .....--=.- , ailfl,lirt=l -141:3:Zgt=gi
-A boy in the eillploY oi A.Puri uuman to4a . y. ,-, ;,-- , .: .
..ik Co.. bankers, in chictiga: leat'n , package'
~____., *leaden Liter to Id rtunoreatZ: i t i. fgzi ;
Pnltaof4KODik. a: 4 11 , or iialn'slllc°,'lvkik:sl.k ---- ' 9 ' , '"aust ,r. Tk* H i u d ery o is on
t 7 ? 3 1 ine 12f .* r':;-''''''''- '''' 2 lt d °.Mt. ) .M t , ~.....V4.- ;',...:,----
. . .
„ .. ,•. i ;,7 .
. ,;...-•','.,T:,:,::- ';'.‘..:'•!'.'''. :',.i'''4:,
'.. i•:,,,,.....,..--,tf.;,s‘ts.t=i'''Z:a7iiv3'''''Ll''''
• Lubin , * Cocoanut Cream
For the hair. It has no equal for promoting
the growth of hair. Far enlo at FultonW Drug
Store, corner Fifth d Snafuleld streets.
Suiluiller Dress
Closing out very cheap, on e northeast cor
nes of Four th and Market eta.
C. Hanson Love $ Bno.
Black land. White
Lace Points and Itotundas,' on the northeast
corner of Fourth and Market streets.
C. Manion Love a Ban.
White Domestie planners.
One ease opened this day and win be .1d by
the piece or yard, at a great bargain. Gall and
nee them, on the north-east corner of Fourth
and Market street.
C. Hannon Lova .t ttno
I =3
That. much dreaded operatiun of tooth lIMW
lug bits beau changed from pain to pleasure,
by Dr, G. W. Spencer, No. 254 Penn street, If
the report of friends can be relied upon. Tho
inhalation of the nitrous oxide gus, being tree
tram the ihowers of chloroform and ether,
has become quite an institution in our city.
Pare North INuallna Tar.
In Bartels, Ralf narrate and Kags..ean
bad at FLEMING'S DRUG STORE. No. 84 Mar
ket attnet, at lowest rates; also Turpentine,
Rosin, 011 e and Vantlabes.
Remember that the Tar is the genuine
Southern article, and can be had cheaper of
FLEklllsiG than elsewhere to the city.
Refrigerators. lee
Four and five minute Cream Freezers, ice
Pitchers, Water Coolers, Water Filters, Meat
Safes, Bath Tuba, and a full line of goods gen
erallY.suitable for the heated term. Ourstock
,the largest, our variety the best, nod oar
prices the lowest to be found anywhere west
of the mountaln.s. Call and see, at 1.21 Wood
street, south side, five doors above Fifth al.
Pagt.bunch wing co.;.rt.
-•• • -
Attention as directed to the advertisement
of Messrs. IdeDonalil, Thomson & Co.,.in an
other column. They have added some very
excellent pretdirty to their attractive list of
gifts. Setae have heretofore objected to their
eictledido because they had no city property in
It. They have now removed that objection
. eiTeettially. Their Concert will certainly take
place on 2410 30th last. Every one should have
a tleket for It.
Refreshing to Lager Beer Drinkers.
The use of this much loved beverage is to
be prohibited by law, the Tempenume Society
:haring Laded to ustoblish a Maims or piohibi.
totyilynor law, a substitute has been intro
duced and adopted by tee Congress of the
United States, and after six months delibera
tion lies become the law of this Government
to use Dr. C. Sill d Gillipsites Laughing Gas in
place of all other stimulants. all agents and
persons wishing to use this delightful agent
for drawing teeth out without pain, will call
'At Penn street,.that there may be no mk.
• P. b. Phymenuu3 will please take notice that
all stimulants other than Laughing Gas will
be excluded in their prescriptkum under penal
.. •
ty' attic law, as made and approved.
• • Get the Beat.
~They Always Give Staltstatettess.
kvetY week, Dr. Quincy A. Scott is failed
upon to insert Artificial Teeth In cases where
other dMitlsta hare fried, been paki, end fatted.
and inavery case his work gives entire antis
factiOn, HO is quite an artist In hie line of
business, and has merely to examine a case to
know how to articulate the teeth, so that, they
will preSent a handsome Jima natural appear
ance, and will masticate the food thoroughly.
177sprices are tower than those of any dentist
Lathe city, and he will guarantee his work to be
superior. So it would be better for emy (doer
readers who are in went of teeth, to call upon
the Dr. In the first place, and thereby save
thelethne end money.. We would also assure
them persons who are suffering with diseased
and unsightly teeth, that they can have them
extracted without anppntneshouessr, by calling
upon Dr. Scott. Ile boa extracted for over tea
alltiatrAcepersol2l.l4 within the last seven years,
and among this large number, there is not one
=felt which his process has proved injurious.
On the contrary, he can refer to numbers of
iris patients who claim to - have been benefited
in renewed health. Ile entracte numbers dai
ly by . the ram s 'lthigolene or Vapor" procese,
and gives pure Laughing Gas to those who
desire it, without charge. makea no
charge for extracting when artificial teeth are
ordered, and gives a fell *set ma Vuleardte,
with beautiful gums for eight dollars. Ile
, member, Isla number, 27s Penn street, third
door above lined.
A Splendid nansloVes Selo,
1 ' At seventeen thouaawl dollars, five thousand
seven hundred and.fitty, dollars at the time of
, sale, the baltmeeM One and two year e. This
property is bealatirtiny situated on Mount
Washington, apposite the month in Penn
street, In full view of the three rivers, Puts
burgh and Allegheny cities, and only twenty
minutes walk from Wood or streets.
There - are Caen acres of rich soil 004 a bean
tlful grove of huge trees, with an abundance
of IMOice fruit and rare ornamental trees.
Also &never failing spring Of Water. The
buildingniind Amprovcruents consistsof a first
rate modem, well finished dwelling house of
lour toen,rooms, is large sized wash. house,
with copper boiler arranged to .use 'coal or
wood; a large chicken lxnuto end a com
plete stalls and carriage house; a green or hot
house, in a moat splendid condition, with
double glass roof; boiler and pipes for beat
ing, enflamed to have cost five thousand dol
lars; Uwe* urge elate - ma supplied with
Pumps, all in good order, and one of them
bolds a tbeasind barrels orwaterta large and
complete le. house. finch olnuical for a good
home acre sallow offered: Per particulars en
quire of 0. 511, PAO Pion street.
P. B .—ldeastres are being* taken for the con
struction of to inclutittl . railroad running up
the hill.frens Benth.Plttalmrgb, which. ill•be
completed le tie course of a yew?, when Mount
Washington wit become ,the matt: needle/Me
lot:attester prtate residences, It being en
tirely out Of the smoke and dust of the city.
.: . 'The Gress Acclimating Towle.
. Wherever Bodetteris Bitters, thecelobrated
American proveatlon of Climatic Misuses,
have.bres Introluceil into unhealthy regions,
their effects in Sustaining the health, vigor,
and animal spirts of those whose pursuits
sutdectect them to extraordinary risks from
exposure and privation. have bean wonderful.
lathe army the scperiorttY of this article'
over every (Cher invigorating and alterative
medicine has become so itianifaitishere used,
that It hi robed twos, exclusively, as a pro
tection .likairst 1111.1.hus Fever, Fever and
Ague, and Bowel complaints of every kind.
The soldiers sty Uhl t'ne only stimulant which .
produces and keeps up a healthy habit of
tiodylrinnwhok.ecrate iocationS. For the, an.
acclimated plower sealer It is the most
reliable of all triSerrtanie
.against: sickness.
Throughout the 17n1tel Stites it Is considered
themes*. healthful ant agreeable of all tonic '' ,
andaltogether ansqusled ass remedy for Dys
pepsia.. The ussilicitat Ingredients are all
Vegetable, and era 'told la solution by the
most'wholesome- stititilard known—the Be
set:Me at Bye. .illostetter's Illttersu.t re man
agate:red at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and
atilt= thara.o,o3:4lozen bottles are sold anon
ally by druggists,-
Aire Saki irhplesab and nihilist very low rates
o, 4 ,l,,selngieDrugandPs.tent Metheino Depot,
Marlille Alia. a mum of the Diamond
rontkiialset,nearifirtutti urea?.
THE - •PlTTSlitTßGlf''''-i,.I:,GAZETTE
Car Loads of Provisions Siefil
frown Boston.
The City in Total Darkness
Ponria‘n 0, ME. July e.—Flue ear loads of pro-
visions came down trout Boston last night
and are being distributed to toe people. A
lire company to strong, from abroad, have
been working all night on the ruins. Large
amounts of supplies have came In from vo d
oes maces. They were greatly needed. Most
of the provision stores, had been burned.
There ens hardly anything left to be taught,
and our people were mostly living on uread
alone. The Atheneum library was totally de.
stowed. The city building and Custom House
talked up again this morning and axasloned
another alarm, the city was in darkness last
night owing to the gas being out off. A rain
Is falling now, but it is scarcely needed . the
homes were so fierce that all vegetation is
burned Off the ground. The First and Snd
National Bank fund and securities a reall
saved, and there is no doubt in re
gard to any of the others. im P. Farrington,
should be added to the list of clothing dealers
who have suffered. The brass works and
tabilshment of L. Rockall was not burned as
r4r . r i tAl. a T i =e ti m p =ma g
t • r t.a . a ? l rt ,, to , m r :
6 1 n u
ful, which aaved Commercial street and the
lower side of Free street. The National Tim
tors` Bank papers and money are all safe:
also the papers of the Ocean insurance Lout
pany. Workmen are bnitily clearing the ru-
Ins, and everybody Is at work getting in WM.
porary residences Ana places of busbies, Our
*Made trees are mostly rained. The newspa
per Corneae are Issuin slips, and will probably
go out of town to p rint tile the present. ow.
hug to the noble Charity of other towns and
cities,sto one is suffering tor [cod.
enCenD D . Se ATOM
Iroartann, lir., July S.—Everybody is cheer
ful and hoot:dol. No very heavy failures w ill
Occur, and not many of any kind. Ti,,, city
will be rebuilt in better shape than before and
as rapidly as
e = i l L e. Contracts are baulk
made and lots _ . Securities were mostly
p deposited In the hanks and are safe, and will
: be quickly put Into brick and mortar. The le-
I serene. Convent., with a few excepthms.
I are respOnsible. Thu are canget from a
i cracker thrown by a boy am
oug netins shay
' Inge to Degnouts cooper chop. The
sugar house adjoining was es 7nsfe aim
well protected from fire as any building of the
kind could be, being built of brick In sections.
with a slated roof. Beyond this bottling was
the most populous Irbik quarters, built up
with very uld wooden buildings. Bnyend this,
the buildings ware safe and well apparently,
but nothing could withstand the trealatinteto
gale of wind blowing. The strongest and
thickest building went like timber. The fronts
of the best buildings on Illathe street
did not seem to stand flee minutes. Alter the
flags came through th e side of the street,
before they were all ablate. The name*
roamed across the street title a huge wave on
the ocean beach, either through or over every
tiding iti ilis path. Out of the , direct block
much mig,la have been saved, but the whew
fire force were obliged to'ileht the lance sr.
front in impart did the water fail until the
tisanes had passed up. The whole pasdige
was made in less than twelve hours, and n
only stopped al, the open pastures tit 'lllenjrn
The fire proof buildings were hardly safer
than the wooden moat
The Custom Reese In which are tho Pilot-
oftlees and United states Courtin, was built 13> '
the Government to be entirely lire proof a In
nothing inflarnable about it except the fund
tuns and contents, and with guile an open
space in trent with open streets on two side,„
but the upper part Le mixed Donde and masses
of stone work pooling from the Maniac. to
some Cana% wooden buildings were navol while
brick buildings were bunted: on the eastert,,
: corner of Myrtle and Cumberland streets A
wooden building whisitavisl, and every brick
building in the square was destroyed
Heretofore we have considered the city pm.
titularly sato from conflagrations. Our aev
department, Is excellent, and the celerity a iu,
which dangerous aro, have been atinalled
seemed sometimes marvellous. All the cod
and dangerous buildings are swept out cleat
and the city will be rebuilt with the greatest
attention to future security. Onr shade trees
were a winnierlui Proteelion on the outs!. tri,
Of the Eire and to them some houses owe en
tirely their safety.
Our Moliness pieces are getting consider..
bly mixed. Wood d. Son, broker , * are In Ma
cbeth,' wholesale grocery on tot,, .tenet, are!
Darla llrue., stationers, are nappy In a el, uoa,
gum fattory-with their works.
laud hank promises to have a dding,
and Lowell .I:Soutar, the principal Je welers,
will have a tie• store on their old alp, in nrity
It id repot - t.14 that fishing vtaanla hare <w
end away burnouse QUall[llis of goods. and
chain:web wY vutied. off Into lac country,
but moat of It was not stiller,
Tbaromaro Mown oaataiof axtortaon by team
sters and hackman. Ono man pal s a hackman
sixty dollars to carry Ws wile and chlalren u•
a Waco of safety; but mast of the moss wot . t.tal
at the fa:galal . rates.
l'onTLattn, Jul) 7-1 A. al.—Fluu:. are end
ta.L.tietlOott t .',l 0( Lie., oe front ether Vile*
May attetupt 14.
rub 40 tl of the hunke. Ti
citizens have arum/ thrW.:lrea fur prob
ttoh of property.
Communication of Iseereiney ittanion
to Iloam, (Attlee. loiorinsi
Relistilve to Commutation of liatioos
to Onion Yrisonero—ilestean
*Asliirsoron, J uly d.—The Secretary of War
has Bantu letter to the limos: In relation to
the resolution of June 140, calling for tram -
nation in regard to the commutation at ra-
LlerllallOWed to Union soldiers oho were ;iris -
Mere of war, stating that by a general order
Of Feeruary 14th, ISO 2, rations to the Gunn
soldiers held as prisoners of war In the rebel
Staten were commuted at Chet priemr, and the
sum paid was about two and a half million..
After hostilities terminated and the prison
ers were ail released, I t • bocione num.
ifest, that ctimmutatton of claims were
becoming the subject of specidatom
and trallin by agents and brokers, and In tire
abtience of. any specific appropriation, the or
der for COMMetatien of rations was suspended
until Congress should make an appropriation,
if deemed proper, and prorolli regulations
whirl might secure the money to the persons
properly entitled thereto, and protect Meet
against fraud and silent sp.:elation. The
Outstanding claims, principally In the hands
Of gents assignees, brokers, ite., were esti
mad t00,d)o.
Lawnsfrom Vara Cruz, dated the list ult.,
were received today In this city, and imam,-
ting from reliable sources, contain the 'mein
'genet that General Ilassaine bad made an
agreement with Maximilian by which thy lat-
ter would receive from the ',French chest 501,-
COD francs every month for kis most urgent ex
penses, besides having his Austrian eau Bel
gian troops paid by the Froneu Government.
Decision Under Civil nights Bill—Mtote
dent of the - Case—Spunky Defendant.
IlAwrinotur,July 11.—An 'lmportant decision
has been rendered by Judge Bowie, Ulla a ex
iles of the Court of Appeals of Maryland. un
der the Civil /tights bill. The (luta of the
case are briefly as follows: Dr A. 11. flomera, of
Rockville, Montgomery county, committed an
assault upon a colored man In the streets of
Rockville, beating hint very severely. The
tailored man's wife sued out a warrant before
a Juitice of the Peace against. Somers, on
which be was eructed and - arraigned before
the magistrate. The counsel of Dr. Somers
argued that the warrant was illegal under the
laws Of Maryland, °outs:Wing that no negro
or mulatto could be a competent witness
alimu rlioltsriori bi rleellieri n ihatmaid State law has
M abrogated, and was null and void toiler
the Civil Nights bill, and required the accused
to give lei. to anaWer at tau Circuit Colln.
This Somoza teflued and he was
Ju l.committe
Thereupon ccrunsel applied to Cider tion Bowie fora writ of habeas corpus, which
Honor refused to grant, giving a w rage. opinion austalniug the docision of the
trace sad maintaining the constitutionuilty of
the Civil Melte bill so far as relates to tie
question in dispute. The Judge, In conclusion,
sa g a:
1 am aware that there are many and tier la w,
an d to the constitutionality of the law,
bad upon other volute, yet as it la uot clearly
unconatituttonal In the particulars in ques
tion, I am bound by the usage and decision
of the highest courts, to assume that Congrebs
has not violated ita comitttutionalobllgutione.
Not being able to perceive clearly and un
equlvimily a breach in the federal constita.
blurt in the set of Ceaittlitel entitled an out to
protect all "persona in their .rrivil righte,
in - making noir TO& comnetent tO teAlfy.
Without exproirsing any opinion oil the other
secitlOns or tholaw - /mtta4oterrnin the metion
to glutei the Warrant and remand Um prisoner
LO the custody of tho offlecrJr
The inglibtlatro noel, bats Have No
liatornala—DbncillAy SVlth Negroes on a
,rpuOntion, One allied.
. .
,Wasaymms, duly 0.---The Legislature tact to
4griblat there:was no quorum. Mr. poem-
Nrmyi drßearord county
.10 the"UOvecnor :: , sent in Ms room/Atli=
:..The Drat cotton bloonird the season was
.Colved tore tO4ay kr . lir. Curry.
Two-move!' on thd,phuatatlon of W. F. jka.
buitinoirofoslowto work, were, ordered °IT by
:the siipariutsummt.. They armed themselves,
Tett/road Stud .angnastis 4:llirkt..witattho Bu-
Jung 'agilltants.•7 Pao negro
iriVatr it a - another woorided. Tko !attar
-was 13wilor
IrAsn,o,m, July t;, IS,EZ
Mr, Edninn.l, r)inn the Committee on Com
merce, reported 11. nom, re , olution for
Joint 011
Mr. Wilron, Irma the Military Committee,
report a lall for the i . qualizntion of the
COML/Uttllt• 41: •ontertnlee tthe Tux
11111 matte a report. Tice erantul tree report in
favor of a otanprotnive nn the Ittv m vott.oll,
making It three tuna. a pone.!.
- - •
Mr, Wile°, In the eotirtioof the debate°n the
11111, mid he hoped the preetint TarllT
would be defeated If it Won not very - much
MOdin.i. 0 , 1111 null •liti not want the
Her intem,te M el, 11111,11.1 Y auflhaently pro
tected. Tilt. Li 1.1,141,1 /0r the new tnrlli came
tram r ~,y v la. and tin. nerthweit.
The Senn, agreed to Lite Conterenve report
on the tax bill.
The 1.111 Lo provide for the payment for
quart.. master stores and aultamtence fiuppliag
torn, mil to the army was then taken up.
Mr. Ft... talon Isom the tient...tee Corte
10111 nt On the tax hill, made a report which
was reel at length. Mr. r
es(,ux). len at the
coe ilusion nil the reading emit thore were a
in' at litany alitelkoltuenle to toe tit I, lint most
m themaut, verbal. The Cernmitteee hail
m inded the subject wait very groat care, I
.and had no tlitheulty ln L . 1 ,1111114, tan coneln
elon. except Ltlent n len pond, winch Were
finally tatttltet to the sateeri te tte tt „r
word.) kw Into Moult to it lank tor lout I Feseen
den) to ital tut, to 00 titno4kit the whole
bill, and «xpluiti all the tuitentlmente, but If
any f i tenatots had :my to ask In re
ita.rd to any tirtlele iii Link hill, lie wooki he
happy to antiwar him Mr Sanlebury sahl
and when it,. Intl calm- Irian the lionee,
there was a tax of °coil. per pound on cot
ton. The L.:mu...filet. tin ( toren, had rude
red It to etude, the nutter wne glad of that, ;
but coni-Idero, i lie all nation tif the people in
that seeLlun wnertt rotten an.. grown, red.- I
red ati Lacy were to abject IN ,, a,rty, arareoty
able to get bread for their laindlee, en raper
Bented Congrene, he thought It tutiust to
single out an nanittle of ugrieulture for taxa
tion. He watt total oppoeed to taxing cot
ton, unleee other le oduels or that (arm were
taxed. While Lee 1,111 :31,24.11Lei by the
Co.tte mime. t,ornitti: wne lofInt• larldnltie
Limn ae It mete front kink House, pot as the
single art 10/1, 11; ..OLIOII wn
1 not stall
agricultural prtelittne tor lie retold
not rut, rot Its. .nd
Mr. limelriekt, e5...1 that the •eriate was in
formed early In the sen,hm by the proper de
part :nem. of thetot eituth ent, that tile COrl
tlition of the harm. .1,, Such u too t , allow
ver) large rettielati. oi taxation. Ile t Hem
ilrtitlrst Inforuittd ht Alt . 'het than him, the
revenne from Interim] tax, tittelit tiereitueeil
00503 "it the Itoptol
then to see omit• rod lieLia,n ht teyst, 1110.1.
been upon the agi !cultural iniviestm Of the
eountr), lint ; ;mite wit. at) mach ,11,1'. There
teas an ettritordular)l .01b ,
1.110u4t11 be lc" t...sp•l' it' R.,' 111 1,1
yet,. 511411,/ that that let lilt deleateil
the re, urine. Ile LI/eil to oppusittee to
the cotton tax, anti llaruelerllattl tau bill un
favorable to awl leultbral interest..
Mr. Sherman ...eel ttat the net letiltitrua inter
est. were hotter eared lor theft an) other in
this bill, nearly all the lturtlet.. of the 101 l were
put upon wealth. Article. .of illNgiry were
taxed heavy, agrtrulturM Miplementn were
not tire. tie ilOttliteil the lota ei ity of Mr.
Mendriel, n Mill lie i.e del not °ppm. the
till from nut , itet tonal p01i0... aunl,l he with
in bounds to otv hal it ill." liana ten intl•
of tat under but bill Ito. Ixty
but five million. liet.lnr 114 e, 1,..114.1.1 Would
1111 one or two uittimits le..tot ter ~ 111, than
under the former MIL itud Of otltet Plates.
Mi 11ee.truh. riptiod ta Ili,otoithatt • ., r y.
tit maim-toted that t ',III II of
!Ulla Mlle/ 1 , 1” to ei
.0 the cotton
lax; It Sia W their interest lib prontete the
zro.til t,t11.111,111, thelarintow
tie. Not th n flint I. em.t tee, Iteatipartztel,
Use 0•.4111 fee ilea r.rn aml ether,te_
Mr. 11 tone v.a.s.l'ilsnt bit . 1 11.,r111. reported
the 1011, but men from the Northwityt in the 4
wool MI, 1 L - nt tg: Aztled .t. .1 (1,
pre.e tit pterra ~. /11, r../11
• ••••Vr r
ti tai
*.u. nil t
Mr. 11,./I,lt letktt ..31.1 ti.. 43 stll, t erfe , tte
4,1( Mr. % :tit tt , .tt th, nria
tt "01,1 Cut ololett,-.1 tl,
u. 0,1 , 1 lottt ta. t, 1, 31; tt ,•.,
lit, c. , tltl "Ji /1,g:4,d itt
ttl, 14.1 tr etztitt
trotet'Llott etttutgll 111,
Mr, t ttrtt tut , h t,/11 .1 tit t tut wort;
in,/ tram It istl/ 130 th. ttinttl...4nttt...l, the
••'1,11,-, of ill, 1-It.l.llllll.utt u. the L.0{11,141,,Lce llt
he //ant....
Mr ..tiltlrtu It
~,,, /and 14::••• 1
t" tttP tar
•k, r 4•11 1 ,1. 111 , 1 .
,t,rl y 14,14
Mr Jul..",
th 0 ,141,
.zom by the • •-,
.4k agret...l amt. th 1..
PoIAA,/ t.ll, 11C1 prenrl,l 4 , lot
ell..t.t.chea• "nr,
Lhe. ;:11.1 t
Toetqttent tun Ait
to ,t 1 1 14 pt., IN°,
tM; si l e nt 1 0 1
hot T , r , .11 . ..rt,.. fer.vl;•,,,f3 ter.
plat, 0A... 4 1 , i,, 111 ‘ry
'4**A, 11.,,
11. ngt,..l t..y
•. a •
n Eorn.a.,- 41, ..,akat. mr 7 r
.6,10, to 1.1.• r , ,0{111 101 l ..t
..t.r‘tak) :•• trg. ttL. I 'l,lllO WC}}
Iron, Lllc 4_,:st
.t attln—vr
..1 (.111.4 grroll I,g (.. I, MO.. 13,111
vr mar Ir II , 1 - 4 ,
I aft
voro. Mat ”Iln , ute , aiut i•; Mar
ta.4la, 11 5,...,,1
1, IL, ;on.e, a Capthitsa, st.l
Tim - tail, 1.. t Otori.%/11,.. tarm• L •
bit, natll4 111.0, it 1.1 {lll,O AI L.." 10 r:l.lost w
of ..olOirryt f..r L ts*itl tinik, y.
pi-flOlll lirm ,Jpi..,rt
A 4.-. Le r r , .I,l)l,Lxrur.l.
Jr. ,losttso• to,: got .ogs rout,
*tot& orplannliott 1.1,1 Ito ottoltrutton to Lthr
,rt ruht tot to out.hrr tioh Will, the
otaLitrottot of Si, Igt tl loot!. nti. rtar
of Mr Marto.. to •rh telt it tied
the r 14.'n • 01 la, Matt 1.011.1 .11 ‘ll ....VV.,. It
regunl to ...yr...otos ouOseturti
dratted that during the- four I,ttnr.ot the war,tilt' runtlll/01/4 1•••11., In no> •ott.e. li. thn
n lora.
'I Or bill to gt.nt. two. J JJ • i. 41 I tie oOi e,a.anti
riot 0 8. 01 I , u. 011010 op to ardor.
•,• t.“l was off to In
Its 11.,P94,:tr0nn
11 •
.1. Atli.. .1. • • a 1.1 .Illtialt.l.
Lt. Ita 1 WY,
1 . 4.111..t0 •4 ,••••.• It 1 r 1 , 111
gt..ll.llitg 5t11.,•,• .(1.1)..: ,
Mr. Holt. r 111.3 1.1.1 /1101.1.1M1
•I :It.
111. 1 . . ...I tt 11..1.
Alt. lid , 0 1 .1“..trd t•.. tltal ,„it
001.00.1 illo• .nott• ~Itt tit" ../1.1 tor. 13' USA,
lair War 11./4 10 atty r W
Mr. Hubbard, of t-otta,l, IL 'lt. from the h
mina.: on Par.:ale, nail LO allow'
Jam:. I:. Cook to h titi) It.r.di .L40 . '4.1011 of lit.
p.trAIL t talon La Lt> an ottarta
Th,, non., ..
..I Into LA.Uirult.l.... IL. ,
WbOlu, 01, .rttottrld c' a.. g
wanted Inv .-ott•I It roll , . or lite Tarilt 141 ,„ 1. ;
Mr. holly 0104 - lot tO ro.l tire LI.I> ts tar u.s Ital
hnn Marble front Otir dollar It/ rot) roots
you rabic foot...and Apotto th IN +U ittlnrt
Afire eon/tolerant. debut, IL
Mr. %%neon, el 10,4,, 11/1/VOLI to rrilart. (lotto!
ralonnn duty Ins Vanish from Foltrettly
to pc: 'ant.
Mr. opnotted the atortolioent 'rho 1
(11010:1e Lint dobatr, and dins
Gutbrio LLII. 101:011. 01 nth Coulee
Once elhrillllll.4lll 011 1111 , /111.4•11111, itCrerlue
111, and pro ...tied 1.0.5101ta Lau awn°.
Mr. Stet . .. 111101,116 010" 110.1 beet done ,
Walt Lbu prool.ol to•intring rant. , Of allot/oil
!Mad. on the rd.' nu. lobe 11 - 10 , 1 befOrna Val . I
tot! State. Court, to•t,ad Ul briery: decided by
Mr. )10.1p1,1. reCIXIed
from theft pros - Imi,, briim iissurog by that
, A I . t erne Boron so Nest teens
worn sufllciont jit ivisious of the MMUS] kind in
Other purls of the bill.
Mr. Stevens thought thin was 1110 :mast 1111-
portant poor islon In the bill, $.04 that Clio bill
should not pm, without It..
Mr. Noss in/Introit whet disposition 1,..1 Weu
made of the pt....don about tho moons tax.
Mr. Mooner en plattiod that that Konate Intel
Struck .11( that ohuk. suet bunt, nv Ili" /110010 g,
tax for this rear haul urea lulu , 1.1.M1 the Sri ititto
deemed IL ox ped holt that there Should hat 110
action On the subject till next mission.
Ls that Ohio . LlO, Mouse (imamate°,
roil. in regard to cotton, that Wx 10111 lixed lit
throe cents per pound tasteful of two mints, in
tLxoil by the :senate, and fire cents Ilxou by
the Mouse In lelution to gnu companies and
borer ralirmuls. The Seitato provision allow
ing them to ,01,1 on the lases, was agreint to,
hut only to continuo till the :loth of April next,
In order to giro Mow Uwu LO apply Liti 1110
Stat. Logmlatures, the horse Illthltad eninint-
Faun In that muaw !mu being 005011 to sell puck
agoy of tickets of tut less lima tiVl3/1 lir at the
legal rate, WILIt 111,, neLlllll LUX added. In ro
tation to the exemption of small tnanufaCtu
refl., eats 1.1,11.14.11111,1411.1 shinnuakers, this Sou
limo 1,0101,11(4.4,1110d llMlVUrreti 14 - 1111 the /1011,1
In lmeinpLing not I.lll,llskuln , dollars' worth of
work, fowl ilslrti of this value of hits material.
Mr. Egglestou protested against acUOn
of LI. ConfutlitLeo of regard to Gan
caul C005p51.1.0, nod be hotrod that Congress
would sit I 1 ,5.501r0r next rstlier thaltaUb-:
mites It.
Mr. tiehenek Mad. all argtlcatna. in UM Saute
11011/4.1,111111 tutu Il thorn wore no other °We-
Moil to the ropert, ot the Colmintteu, he WOnld
rote against It On WILL gruun, 1.
Mr. Morrill expressoo elan opinion that this;
WWI a very anutu touttor to mum, a fuss :dant(
that Ulu uoLien of tint 1,11 111l111144:0 WM. uirreet
and proper.
Further debate eras closed by Um m.0010114'
question, neat the llothie proem, cal iu vl , lll.
IlleCOnlelolo,,,llolloll, WW1:1111,W agoast to—
year 71, nays Li. ~
The /loose than wont lulu u Conunittub
the Whole, Mr. lichoituld In the Chair, and rt. , l
stoned the consideration of the Lurid billrhav
ina lira, 'ordered till conning session.
The amendments pending to the paragraph.
timing rnarblo Wore rejected.. .-
011 motion of Mr. Hogan the tot inTorelirditi
on polished marble lots increased, (mu, iS t o
Dyer Mat., and a rein paragraph addeq,•taz.
lug autrbla alubsand tilos owl dollar per cubic.
foot, Sind 85 per coot: WI, talore.M. .70gisurpogusgsprer..14-Innivilluarinitnedij;
Mr. Itubbard,..oPlialatintititalt, 'Moved .to :Lan.lcord,l4l4fia:-A,Par_bWC*ltopln the
vtrlko oat. the pilixritialib. tweak :mon.l,•Allettlit r ,Y4,l:4o,glinradM;4:llottlrbllo:
'Zdr. Garfield' utoVigtle Mlle*/ z 44 . 0 . ' /WiskritPU'f. l oAltulg.4 l ol4t4 , :ta t . ',lna nen toll
makAng theduttomutetelW per. ci.inD: - .. wkipteket .
a.l . ooo:roJoftllfitto Abe Vroorletavor
valorem. •• "• • • ilalOOW.Aftlft}*arresttiktuatlttuatitowiya
Akir.4 lo Ortles4 moved I.o:••lisalinitbkitifotatkstairAu:;.be.'o4o2:ol:43.so4.oP-Jibt.appytute,•?,- 1141.11)411.1LIE_
ins tbu - duty from ,Airw.,4o%,llll,y,' tOttalVeitcoliti;`,,r,g;,i,M.Y.,,,jlKW: ~-.4.ll;bissbtifill,tNEWAl•kalkr
p0ntiit....,417, 4eoorattoddi r c otqpi
uua tliter4gra4"l"464,s44*-410it,'"> P jFilikedl7 l l,- ,TP " ) : 2 l 9o ,l ollneiPt; , Initedatt.2oo 404 m - ( A i!
- (win • pant - ..T.turyoopput•Ax,airi4r.btabit.oiimio ti.o%sli l c itz enc,club ono-myth* .A4eirbmor-4tor lowAxgtoul o r
with leluilvero - tawAstri%iittiver groakquid . voollega.ll4o; etrooti in vat, 1, 1,...,_thm,•,t ,41 ,..,PP1, • !!-Y,vvv4.&C'“NEY:-
- •••• • .•
- ,
• -
• •,••• .
S) percent. all valorem, for eaclrdangth of six
ataltbraesfuartor inches.
The COmtnittee rose. The House then took
a receq.
Eicidoo Nanion.--On motion of Mr. O'Neill,
the duty on metalic pcts was increased by
adding Ca percent ad valorem, the gross to
consist of 144.
On motion of Mr. Morrill, the duty on per.
cession Caps Wlll3 increased by adding 40 per
rent. ad valorem.
On motion of Mr. Garfield, a paragraph was
added taring hair pins of Iron wire 50 per
cent. ad valorem.
On !nodal, of Mr: Kelly, a paragraph vas
faiths] taring gold wire 01 per cent. ad Natio.
ue motion of Mr. Spaulding, a duty of live
dollars per ton Was put upon grintistortas fin
ished, and is per coat, tid valorem on Bristol
stone and Bristol brink.
Mr. Grlcwoltil taeive.l to strike ont the tax on
anallne dyes, and to tax anallne oil 10 per
cent. ativalorem. Agreed to.
Mr. Rollins moved to reduce .the tax on
preparations or fluid oxtracta not provided
for from ten to two dollars, which was agreed
Mr. Williams moved to add a paragraph
taxing soda ash, solleate of soda and sal mad.,
and caustic soda, Which Was rejected.
Mr. strolls° moved to reduce the• duty Orr
living aaiim from &I to PO per cent. ad va
Mr. Wentworth emptied, and
Mr. ROM moved to Increase the duty to fifty
per rent., whit:eh, he said, would be much be.
low the protection claimed by Maryland for
her manufactures.
M. Pike argued that this wall a Western
tarn:Flail of up for the benuilt of the West,
nb• Into Pennsylvania and leaving New
Kuglantl out In the cold, which was careless
whether this bill was passed a year hence or
Without taking a vote on the amendment
the Committee rose, and the House at ten p.
a. adjourned.
Public, rieettoge for the Stetter of Port-
New You Jr., July 6.—A meeting of prominent
citizens la to be held to-morrow afternoon, in
behalf of the sufferers by the tire at Portland,
New lintimiNtes, N. J., July 5.—A public
meeting was held In this city this morning, to
take inanattree for the relief of the suffers at
Portland. Maine.
howron, July 6.—A public meeting will be
hold I. tho EXCL.-WU. 141-morrow to devise
practical means of aid for Portland. The
~tedi non tributlona la Boston for that purpose
already amounts to 16.5,090,
The citizens of NeWburyport, ralaad
sr. Lotus, July 6.—At a meeting of the mer
ebsunt on 'Change to-day, a commlttoo was
appointed to solteltsubsertpttons for the Port
land auderors. Much sympathy is felt for
hem by tbo citizens generally, and a hand
some sum will doubtless be raised.
Canada and the trolled States—Coss of
the readout held.
New Vous, July tl.—A special to the Tribune
item Montreal, July say s : The bill intro.
duemt into Congress to establish centiliters
for the admission Of these provinces Into the
, ihm, has closed an angry feeling in Govern
ment circles. The bill la /coked upon an a bid
to the provinces to throw off their allegiance
to Groat Britain, and join what 1n termed
hero "the - Folitleal ounfnmon of the United
state." The foaling to against any such
The Cominiasiolior appointed to ascertain
the damage done In the law raids of the re ,
ulauh, report that In the east It will amount
to from ett,ISM to SACCO, mud in the west from
St:WOU to Ce,ooo.
Stab 4.42 by a fietiool Toseber—Probable
LeelsvlLLotJcily McGinnis,* teach
r, recently °bast - toed a KM or Doctor Roberts
for ref..' to partfolpate tu gymnastic aver ,
eases, and nos slumalsaod from tile school. I.r.
Roberts pubitaltotla latter In the Densocrru In
relation to tho Matter. Metlihutla overtook
Roberta owl - stablest bun. probably totally.
McGinnis bas not yet beenOrrenton.
Arre•telll,4littaais• of Res Theo.
dare Clapp
h toe out.t.ut,•, Joky li,- lwale° Itettal. of Om.
lira. 4111,114?:/ ItUdOMIIR to New Orloaste,
to, to, tut tog to eseente the l.4gbte toll.
The r..• 'maths of Bor. Thlnhiorel- 1 .41P *tit be
to .
reOvtel to hew Ottleetst,,. front Loubmille, anti
tt to..moment erected_
Greal trot al llostan.
flo , coNc.f oly 4 .3.--t)t - er oft thou.:Lod persons
wrm tartarat to lettuces Lite trot to-day over
the Itlytwode track, between the litalttoa
W ether/ nod *Ate Metre Lady Thor.. (or
. poigo of two thativand tloihtts. The race was
00, Ist throw ctretlitht hotaa, 43; Lady Thorn.
to/q, had 27.7-N.
Ktatue er Waitbtu/leap Ilemtakre
a,ut.4.4-ros, 4111K45.,...Tiin statue IA Witab•
rcolorre, -- tho VlrgLuin 11111 Mary
In„ti:nto at LeXineinn, Va.. by Gra. Itnntcr
911Tra4) !fp ttuy VAlley or Vlrgtuln, her. tenn
r.-..1. iltrongb Attruoultto: by esprem on its, ray
ittni plro, asrorglttli4vlnglmAn
.I*Kuott far
ILI ',Montt/no. „
traiantac Itettalti ruhriaialkeepaLe.
l'orartaltarOla, N. Y.. Jnly moat Irk
ter.po'he.l hero re-day. The moron.
at enon one headre.l In Me hhatle.
14, 41e4.21, hi tyrant:4 thu. fat r.-n.
Anuttter Shaunleen/. Bequest.
I , J tily rellbaViy On Tien'.
meol, emotbee owe huottrcal ibon
to Um Frat'ocly hutttute,
1 , 4111. y NW at ...tali thutvorra.
Biter alai Steatite., at Latsiatitle
• .
L..ecov i 1-4 r. July ti,—Rlter !Wing ...lowly with
its, (nut wuter In L*ttyl,
hicrlniry n.lo c . At 11.00 n.!c cloudy.
in.)ll.,attrtg 4tstutm. hammetar, xirit
Ite•eorery of Gen. Lime.
tieits:ss.Wvl;;KiNfti July
an< his friends are hopeful
4 . 841f10nal Local KAU... on Third PRI". •
Akid fur Oho Partlattd
. .
I nor last irtme we auggmtud the propriety
of the anzhorittes calling let meat a public
meeting of the citizens, In order to forward
'auitetsutf i d aid to Um imamate. trout the late
destraetlou, by Bre, of Portland city, Maine.
X. yet the 'autlooritios haves not acted upon
the flaglinartion. We learn, honorer, tital, lies.
'Loney L , Moore, of the Plymouth tkragrosti,
'Muni church, has already forwaniodienbetan.
tial pea - notary and from tilts city, the 001104
butionswi nun:titer of eharltable citizens.
Pit faller:glum, should not forget bow thank.
taffy levy remind the aid Attended them in
the hitter tiles: of 1111 Irelitlgattendant upon
the great conflagration of Isti. in Portland
t hocenuids of families are In destitution anti rt.-
ally surforing for the. nee...vies en filo, and
now is Uze accepttal hour to forward aid. No
time should tzu lost In Uto good Work. Qin
trit:U.loos In money will NI promptly forwar
d.: by Roe. U. It. Moore, nod it Is to be hoped
that our oitteeru will du their full duty to
wer-Is aiding tiro suffering people of PorUand.
Contributions left at thleoglon wilt bo duly
aelizzonlodged and forwarded.
Court of ttna.ttr kleasdoats
In this court, 00 Thursday, the case of Lee , .
' pia Burt, Frederick Tatample and John
Wail , , ndieted fur riot, was tried. The par
ties were Charged with acting in a riotous
manner at the house of John Froupolte, ot
lawroneeytile, ou the evening of Slay list.
Thu Jury found it verdict of guilty. Sentence
Yesterda John Frounitoltz was placed on
trial on an f n dintincnt of assault ono battery,
Leopold Hart, ono of the ilofeallants in the
preceding case appearing as prosecutor. The
r. auc t irn pr e o d ft: t o o rc r li t e c :, t i tf4ltteullt t y s ,. and di.
Richard Smith, proprietor of a drinkinglui . o
loon In the Fourth Ward, Allegheny,
guilty to theta Indictutonts fOr selling liquor
without Mena. Ile was sentenced to pay
Muni aggregating two hundred and fifty do..
NO, the coats in rack case, and toll undergo
forty days imprisonment In Liao county Jail.
Food. Pinkerton ohm plead guilty to a similar
charre, and WOO sentoncod to pay a duo Of
ollars and eons.
Walla plead guilty
on Into Indian:units for a fliMiltir oteence,
•Thonma Smith on two, and Rudolph Bechtold
on ono. Sentence lieferreu.
Thu business Of the court was concluded in
the afternoon, and the Jurors were discharged.
VOrmeriltone Lold.The corner stone of
the now (Mihail° filinnch at Perrysville was
laid ou Wednesday, with all the pomp and
solemnity usual - on swill occasions. Et. 11ev.
Domence,asslsted by several clergymen,
ballehitetl The new church will occupy -a
eautiful Sits in the centre of the town, , amol
will cost, when completed, the handsome !MU
will t i jijaf i TtitZTAO golgthrognarjiiin7.
Sent to :1141.—W1lltain Itarizer and Alfred
inhatnni, who arrest ror tittarkiug twohm
O ort Liberty street' While rettirnlngTrOin
tho Theatre we notined. n yealordura GA.
_Were arraigned before Mayor CartbY
P - "jtar oll Y• lint the Indian declining to.prOso-
Cute, the various charge of assault and battery
Wan abandoned, the amused offeuging with a
thirty days' scionyn in the County jail fOr
Plead lidillty.—annle Lindele vies before'
nation Lipp, of Biruinigharai, yesterday,
chanted with surety of the peace, on Oath of
tharistinti Sehlld.,: In tne absence of the prose.
cuter froM hlS,hot l l9 on ,the "Vourtbr. Annie
entered Ws dwelling, and abused nis wife,
callina_her , thief, and otberierind names.
dmile put ln a plea of.guilty, and gave ball In
the 151/111 Or Vin tetkeep the PeatM. • '
Zortenvoreit to Steal- o'lloraet—Brotrn
Daiwa entered 'Andrew ' qaokman'a Irvory
•swan, 04 rol/lt strecil, in' th e Itoratb_wliza,la
• a tato hoar ort.raunelay night, and endo ri
LO'citeat. 'norm by talon It throelvan
tlor rondo, whore yet
The Pollee Note s_Deseene on ElTer
Yesterday morainglate antheritietrgained
some information that led them to belie?
that a gang or desperadoes .had lodged-theml
selves In a small trading boat, calledthe York
State, lying at the root of Wayne atm% In
Alleghot4. river,
The police were placed en the alert to watch.
the movements of the gang, and sben*
o'clock, officer llowTy, of the special Po
company with several of the night wan Ob;'
served throe men go down to the wharf and
enter the boat. The police followed close
upon their heels, and ore the door could be
closed they succeeded in gaining an entrance,
and before the trio could make anyiattempt at
resistance or escape, they wore captured •
a posse of police 11 . 2 . tete . !
to take t toe to
weret e
or whore, th tat
g. g
half an hour they were safely lo dged, -AZT
had not yet been captured, the police deter
mined to wait for further arrivals, and by way
of killing time, they employed tnetnnolv en
making a rigid examination of the craft. In
ono corner of the cabin, winch contained only
a few benches, which laud Iwo made to • serve
as bed and table for this select coterie, wasoiled
a lot of iron such as capstain pine, rin g wit s
and stove plates. in an opposite corner a lot
of clothininaivutenngilkmfri—mtogether with
a ipilloqf n several yards
of tarpaulin canvass, a couple of small LOW
lines and an endless variety of small artielea,
which have doubtless been pilfered from the
the Allegheny river packets. -AIM all they
had finished their examinatiotnA li n ern
about depart, they heard a sal t the
shore. Going to the door, one of Lb cers
asked what the new-comer wanted, the an
swer was to send "Tilly out as they were
going after that." Instead of seeding Tilly,
officer Elowrey went to the assistance of the
individual on shore, who, before ho was aware
how matters stood, had a pair of "darbyd"
placed upon him, and was marching under PO.
con to the "Lewis mansion." The three first
who were captured refused to give their
names, but the latter, with an air of stately
dignity' stated that be rejoiced in the cogno
men cf Geo. Grant. lie farthermore stattel
that their arrest was owing to the =disci*.
Lion of a certain lady, who had betrayed
them, and expressed Ma sorrow that ho did
not diewn,her oh some former occasion.
Botiont and Prostrotatton to Harry
Leiria at ttieiiTeitie.
Tho farewell benefit of the veteran actor
and stage manager Ham , Lewis, at the The-
at re, last evening, was a perfect -ovation. The
bill was good, embracing the Interesting melo
drama entitled "The Gambler's Pate," and
the laughable farco of "The Artful hedger,"
In both of which the beneficiary appeared. At
the conclusion of the drat piece, Mr.' Lewis
wan called before the footlights, when Mr. T.
T. Everett, in behalf of a delegation of the
old man's friends, Presented lam with a hand
some edition of Shakespeare In two volumes,
accompanying the gift with a brief and neat
lion be ItliswlthutMtrc;tliweiloresregrnd:idslotanntmeO-r
Loon with the stage, to which be had boon per
sonally connected for almost halt a cen
fo D un ugng . all
t tht, time iic lie ne f v e e l f
more at home than in title city, and for the
many acts of kindness which he hod received
at the hands of our citizens, he wished to re
turn hobnr and heartfelt thanks. ln con
clusio thanked his friends for the beauti
ful present he had just received, which ho
should cherish as long as life lasted. In bid
ding adieu to Mr. Lewis we canna retrain
from wishing that we were in possession of
same wonderful Mizell. by *bleb we might
restore hint to youth and profesalimal useful
ness once more, but such a wish Is beyond the
power of attainment, and Harry's advanced
age will only allow him to sit tamely down
upon the stage of life and watt until the great
prompter, death ridge Oowe the curtain on
the drams o hisearthly existence.
Let Them be Bezuesed,—lt le about high
time that I:insight!, piles of bricks which
adorn Fifth street upon either aide, were re
moresL Podestrums and others have suffered
stuliciently from these nuisances and we do
out coo why they are pennittod to remain so
long standing, Working up most effectually
our main thoroughfare and Jeopardizing the
lives of our citizens. If our memory oerves
us aright, there is AUL oellnance to tba city
code, which if enforced would long lance have
necessitated thesitieedy removal of these nu
nightly wartO opOri Oar matt prided thorough- I
faro. Will the authorities look to the marten
Meagan asmiwir.—The regular dramatic
season of the Pittsburgh Theatre closed this
evening with a benefit to the ollioers, door
keepers and attaches., of the establishment.
UU sday evening the celebrated thiprea
(hewn'., Minstrels takeion of "old
Drury," fot the parolee oi l = a brief sew.
son of minstrelsy. This CompanyL el.-
..tilt/UM In erery respect, being made up of
the best material lit the profession. The seat
ing rapacity of the old house will be, hilly
tested during their stay.
Hal a Ifearlesig.—John long, Mu=
with the shooting of John Norman
hhareox, at Illatuntield, on htenday evening
Inet, had &hoaxing at the Mayans omee yes
terday. The erhienne elleided &hewed dee
tams to be AA mated in our Immo rit Wednes
day morning. In the absence of several wit
nesse* for LllO defence, Loup was remanded
io fn.: a further .heanng on the 18M. A
charge of larceny has also Mien pre tercet by
ilearpneek against the primmer.
Asgra.ated Assault and llbattery.—Taro
arum named Daniel and TlntoUcyngan Prd.
Volta' anarrel with • certain Jerry bailie=
and Isla wife &arab, id train bastion, on the
elee Valley Raensued J ilroad. on Cho Youth, and
the m that erry and wain
were terribly bonen. The sasatUng lda
party ,
were brought before Alderman Donaldson,
who held Mem tor • farther bearing atbday.
They are charged with aggravated assault sad
Mapped Alla Wlllar—alolse Hu Swag
brought boron) alderman Taylor yyfenty
charged alth Ramat and hatter. y on oath ol
hts alto Caroline. Xrs li. testlged that her
tmwortby toot her on Penn street,
near the Filth want market house, yesterday
and without 'Laughing ant. cause for hut con.
nee.duct, beg to wWp her in a shameful man
ner. In d efault Of WOOhalt, dlolse was com
mitted for trial.
grasilmoSts Tirlisis.—A few days niece en.
fallell 2(0. VI and 2rhi drovr. the largest freight
train overthe PtstrasylVants lbJinetal since
the formation of the mad. Them wore eighty
six loaded awe in the train, reaching a frac
tion over three.marters or a mile in length.
The engineers an this largo train were Plank
Ilanser And Jiumes Spielman, while the whole
was in charge of Joseph Plicklin, Ocradnetor.
Boy Drowned—lneraesl.—A boy named
Joseph Schwellbach was drowned in the Mon
ongahela river on Thursday evening while
bathing. Ills body was recovered y
and an inquest was held by acting Coroner
d Al o d w m n a g n was r a n s a o cr n e .
d A . vTohrecd tra etw fnd m
ed tladl
with Ids mother, in the Sixth ward.
Aswanlted.—James Pato entered the boor
saloon of John Gelb%
the Third ward, Idle
ahemy, yesterday, and called for 601311,
, whim' lin Vt. and was about to leave the
house when ho was sasaultod by a oranKof
rowdies and beaten in a cruel manner. He
how made oath against the partici, and they
will doubtless be 'Tomcat. •
Voreastiled ' for Berghwy.—The ease of
IL McMinn, charged with burglarlousiv en
tering the bouso Of William tins • Stith
ward, and felontotudy carrying elf p
to the Mni= of:slM, was brought nr=
bearing. before. Mayor McCarthy yesterday,
and resulted In Dollson being committed to
Jail for Ulla.
. Itanower.—Thomas Morgan, a resident of
Lower 'St.' Clair township, while driving a
mint Veen alone the old ' Brownsville turn-
Pike., on whilreday, tell from his teat beneath
the . weeels of the wagon. which Palmed over
ids stomach, Injuring him internally. to inch
an extent that his thoughthecannotrisioret.
betting Worms...4l3=as Bill, who w In.;
jurod on Thursday by jumping from atraln
ou the rittramriM and Ccaustillaville liallrosut
—a full account of which was prim la' rester-'
daps keno—is sinking rapidly, Ws life bein g
despaired of.
- ,
Surety_ of. th e Pesee„.—L'dw_ard Atollor,
"nick charged Jacob Metz, &butcher, reading
inn Bninnnanm, with surety of tile peaceyyn,
torday, bc(oro Justice Ammon. Metz was ar
rested and gave ball for hls, appearance at
Crowded.—The Opine lirottee - last 'evening
was crowded to repletion by_ a yery select an
dlonee, otouposed eblefly or ladles. The Han
lon Brothers as wo expected have
immense earl] to the manage ment.proved an
litstsieskilftervlees.—Tbere-wtll. be
a full , musical *satiric*/ (without sermon)) at
Trinity champ, 81atb street, tomorrow (ann•
day)evening, commencing at seven o'clock. Tau public are Invited to attend. ,
. ,
Itittediamtra Lynchon brakesteari'en the
rittoboraklq Railroad, was killod a raw
days since, by being struck on the 'heed.
the:Unbar* of,afbrklge nnderrirtlyk train
" I nw qntr. - • •
.D l viderid,r.2l6 , Pittainargh National Bente
Of commerce .htip declared a dividendMitre
per rent. onn thheerdtalstockAfrerr from Goy,
* ont lax)-"Ulat ;of Nay lent letratirCA
Pro. )
joy. ianenetE-41. itutriiained - Peter: hiorit
gomery was sevekely. fahrouelat Harrisburg on
the Farrah. of July, by..l.lie.:Omplaelon - or .a
'quantity of fire crackers ire. bin_potacet.",
PAWADY. Lk th e Pa th
Athena 414 . tk0l place iitheb 4 .T. 2 YIP"
See; the "reairthraed,of -thetbee:tOket.
Ifeel:WkrOuthrittheurithoiese the depth end or 04
,Athithiejtig mirk:::The !Heade. of the, thiothy
:aro tespeetthily_thvited tO attend:
:".140TLIRI111 . —.01 0 4 thetiAolYeaLithltnith1Ocke;b
-held,;.wiLta.hatficleoriusllAL, roar/Nation or
*".mg 48 ..And1w.r.. 1 4 6 . - Awitumboiftvlzqou l ,
L theo:freleek.' - at,_llt.'
1 3.016,1- COPefir7;-''.7 - ..- , ;,-"--: • ,
p 6 *-1, , ,'N.1111', tV I .7.0 y
Na 196 Smithfield St, cor. 7th,
21,3*- (ERRlnee StandSmati, Stmt.)
‘,m72ll:StS ALLEaustery, PA.
Aura. AIKEN,
', Oil ea r - .treet, rittsbargh,_ Pa. 00/iTilifi at
tatted tuAJTEEMad ever. description
ot /attend Farms g %loon: sonamea. oms
onesula v midnight, Hearse and Carrlages favolshed
itiarantaoss—Rov. David Kam D.D".. Set. it
W. Jacobus, D.D.. Thomas Els Mir, Esq.. Jacob El
Minor. XMU . jafirc7l
Cffir street.
19blebibe owner can bait, by caning at THIS OF
VICE and proving property. , • •-JY:rao
1 5, 5 - reaulton YlaProrlAL BAN'S OP Commlect,
1 5 .75755135015. PA.:Joly 5, 5
I. Bank have tale day declared a dividend OF
on the capital etotk. (free froln Hovers...l Tax)
oei of the profits of the hut hitt month..
JO7 JOSEPH' H. HILL. Cashier.
Xti]qGt:Co LE-NE!
The Greatest Discovery• of the Age
Better Than Laughing Gas.
There Le no [mete any necessity for ynitto "go to
sleep," with the ilea of never awakening, for you
can now have your teeth extracted '"and know
everything that is going on." and yet not eXptli
: eine Lha .lightest pain. 'Tie strange, but true, aid
by calling upon Dr. QUINOY A. scum and ex
amining bin now Process. you wilibe convinced.,
He Meese foil set of •rthlcial Teeth, with beano -
fel gum, forge, such as others charge $lO for; a
mill set for 810 which others charge $l2 for, : nd a
full ....tin, from $l2 to 816, which we will guaran
tee to be better than can be made m any other es
tablishment, at any price. He give. I.sathlitgOas
free Of charge, In every, ease, and makes no charge
forextracting when artificial teeth are ordered.
N. 11.—Other parties have advertised this new
ego et before they were prepared to use it: in 11. et
behire they were sepplied with the necessary appar
atus, but the public are mitered that Dr. BcOttnev ,
Or advertises anytl4ng but what he IA prepared Ito
do. Remember his number, 278 Penn street, third
door above Hand—Pißsherob Part. ' 117:r
No. b 7 MARKET STREET, PRlsbargb.
thaw estas.eaw... Prin"P Po in t. " th.
Roogli and Sold on tiOlUlUMthel.
firtliolar Mention pald to the psuillasa sad
We of
uteL mnsu
°kited dudes Slue of DID
Ito. do 6-30141
Flees of max; a
Do. forfen-Thirttos;
thh. Cortltkales of latiebt,..aest.
Ceders and Votieborz bongator collected. 111110
vacs in. sout....somiteradoscor...)flunneo cime i
soultY sh C _ M IA S s trIED
A L C S •
Coal Works, all kinds oi grtLL
lcan. and D arias MN
ade to order. •
Yrom the welt tamed reputatio to the Manager,
Mr. JAMES DIELD4ID4 we ti.D. Dewar. s 'nen.
shareor smosaiss .from Steamboat builders and
otherirmunlng ivod machinery. Oar the will Seto
do all stork to the best manner lora fair colopensa-•
Una, and to dolt Wile time we
I nziAll kind, of
CACTINGS m o ds '. tb 'order. Bie Machiny
promptly attended to. We eau turn • haring fee er l
loos, and bore or tern aPolley 20 Met diameter.
' airMhop• HQntDuquesne Way, near the Point.
foundry on Thi rd street. near Market, Pittsburgh,
El. $ll. mancowsr,
II n. Okdo litiroets Allethesk7
ha ufaeturer of
• Partlealar attention Invited .to or "
protementa Jara and Joints, made or Jurdatta,
and. Low Moor Lam, to alandard Mock and
numbered, 50 that parts can be ordered .by •mah ao
vela and rosuid a velem east AM Mmes.
alao Amgen ropes, belungi t001a,..2c.; to
inotwarho may Irian te. Savona and Inachbee wwe
made to order. ne by mall promtly Mtended le.
aer. propared to m ant unmans to ocum manular
mars for there Imtwormaeolson Moral tenon Box
17 alleimeny '
je20473 • N. H. LRURT
Itatmdictbred at No. MI dIIVINTIELD bT., by
liAliTrzy/.oztEtlis & co.
• ,
Atedm for New York Natlber Co.
GI-um Jfeltisag.
LgiwTlll4.ll. l atitit_ kirifigkojO i gn
INTETS and MAO, BN.L.T BOWEN ego. leave°
Practical Optician,
And Manuth istier of the ,
Which are warranted to preserve, strengthen and
improve the For . sale suds by
hroAtt filt.lThatr Iltamets
acticat Manufacturers,
.•-• : :: 011.,PENN AND WAYNE STREETS.
zgf.....TAELTHEjif TaFTLltilitti - .
HOl3 M ift*tet L
litti sari:Ail' 6,
N dzeol/101STa near n et a -
cr. ty.-ntanola nrotrialtnideognittiou of tz'
:and ratooredat Alban nottoo. 4, rartlontar. attonUon
paid:to liana for.3todin6 „NW* and:beary - works: -
.Mtworktrananted. - ..onwsreq,7ratly
- -
AusENAuvoLows. wcitas.
11111 V a,404t. , ..
WANti Wkrb4 XOW
*MI onsurrloc.l44 VATatt, tans=
yeti -west or yagaunununik-MwAys ombutd;
elsaswale 'ot 111. '111).?ve olden
4:.13 111 / 1 ICICi* ,111 .41CRINEK1111E.-:' , 7SAi.
....Vniri/311,1911-ilsettunt with ;mat
I ;d l7l == .l 4:e t ratstrzi rku r - ai.
! ;..4 C4. l V itti4 t M een Z 4 az ent‘ l 4l7 4 7 Evin um `4" .-- ' 4 r a l dre t-Ir si t_ l
' ' ..................... ,
tie edition to Imwarded even II
scribers *mass so ibe men . '
COr l / 2 4 P 2,13 Ole
ENO 8f 1 11:7-Ami i
ale wtru s astreet.
DiuAnks t*
Fide Wax Chen,
Silver aid Silver Plated Ware..
CrarlaWl l lerAftligelg tliellerl" .. t 3)
unit •13 lee 011C.10Ck at alms.
mirsiura T. virsmainriei,
Fos caraP
, 4
sartmcovel OLD STAND
Selling- at 02;50,
New Cloak Rouse, 49 Fifth Bt.,
Opposite Old Theatre.
• •
Di. S. Cutting Celebrated Stomaeli Miters.
I " - • The greatest !geni:Acre' , diseoe,,,i. .4,11..
Bon, within the last ten years. of Lr. Cutter's het -
;via* tliscoters to tits Bitters, makes Ito
perfect antliloie to intemperance. Preslona to las
til.ftvery of the ?tenth], this medicine was benne
tbe4ll.4x . public, celebrated as a Tonic end Ai
.teratia e., diseases of the Stomach and or the ltes s ml i ae Mddittl{ ftboo d.
newels, and diseases elision from Impetlities of the
blood. ..te-a mu I. always 'the choice , of the
I Stomach, In all person. addicted to the
I tilants and narcotics, soth as alcohol and Malt
Liquors,' OS
It removes the worm,: appetite, or craving or the ,
stomach for stimulant; La. Headache, Netualgiae ,
add all nervone diseases, it has no:estitas it bet
Ten years 1158 o the 'motored English.Blitcra 1st:: .
St. Bartholomew's Hospital, 01 . Magr t yc l ispetak • -
i i =n e or a :gl s e• P l,! ° . ° F i t " `" l " •
In emperance, sad ,gll • • • • •
for It the approval or the - intending dllrgeonsinAll
the hospital.* and prisons thronghout Great Bitten,. : ' '
*edit prescribed now lip many physlctans, Lin Ott--- ,•.'
Vole Patti., for persons addicted. to the nse ;:•
giralmittitoehdaodatives-' ,trt Paralysis. St, Vitus'i...
- Nrrroulnis l e .
Retail Agent,
A. ToititENcE; • .
m 719.81 xO.lO .11dirkel. at., conscc of Foartb.--
j.c. SWH " 6O A- ITW-Wdcir.
CELEBRATED segintuLtiiilltifroß,
Swink, Lard and Vilialeans,
azu Mit 1, SW OM LIID
Standup, White' Burning Oil,
No. 33 Market Street,
aszen) FORsA.
mace, Rw 139 irollgtft Streit, Vittsboyg y
Has for sato the following itentlCatates
A large thregmnory Ilrlek .none r =M in ing ten
Noun, Dirge halls; Wont room on Aral floor nand MI
a Drag Store; hot and gold water, and gas through-.
out the honso. Lot 11131 I S Act, bitgate an Chest,
nut street, Allegheny CI . - .
VAU LP. -LAN,: situate at
o t ramPennsyla glailroad,
7 from Mg elty, the
o which th isy, . beautif
now frame dwelling, and a large numbernumber of Burlin ul g
fruit %recant lhobest quallty, and a good supply tr
water. The disellingand 7 sensor lie
sold sepacattly if dealred. and the residue in Alla cit
nacres gash, or larger li:renovated. - !the above land
admirably tongued for business awn, ,
ACIAtEI 'LANA - ..gontalning agaitt myna
jtmestone, of a splendid quality. and
s,Then.: oli ol ;be ,thrst_elass, Aultabie.elthe
Mr Arming or:gardening Purls:west good frame
threllint and barA and a good supply of .water,...1111.-
nate Initlea from the city:on thnWashington Pihe.
In Union townsMp f DV part or the Uerter farm.
. 37 ACHES. well improved:.and ander .. l Mak Mae
Of cultivation, on while their are 1.100 bearing ent
rant !maws, 200 bearing glaper-rinet;llXl.sisailar.-.
pegs ttees,,andaissge number of peach, hippie and
pluni trees. Property Mutate on lag OW Washing. ,
bon road, La Scott togrnablp,:sizmUsa from the city: ,
Inc bather pulichlars laqvlre et the abony
mixer and Dale ; k '
Fine- Rifles and Shot Glum,
BUMS sad atiinxxr& !and. al
ft iliri ENK "XC)24l".-
And •S lithium , Com
cial, tarnished with anas at abort notloa.
C. 'urn /l u ta/ bat mauler.
Bauaaaber the Wand.
Corner Penn and Wayne Street;
z. musts a. r. GILULAX.
Begin Builders and Machinists,
ItAz.rtrAcTl*ltE,' or
Oa Engine% Oii Tools,'
Aug, everything ,iteeethary,:kur':gvithie OIL: Wets&
rartleidaratheatlon pelil , th
Martoit Aveiant, near Pt, NV. aD. B.': It:,
S. IL 131 11FA3,:lirolAer in r fitocki,,
wows Aim rms.'. in-4.TM' 57 POUR=
STREET, Olake , a Bonellaio bur. and
Comm*non YIANK,' R AILBOiD, utsuitows,
errnorzum. srocics, nod Govzsiormr,
- execut.d kV iskgraPh .1: the NN W emu ; ;
and tmLevr.LraiW bTOCIX/WARDSatthe,rates.
otcomnitsslon curreut In Mow -title% jos
cf. iszcEtzeir,
Coma of lubelU Io /dud
Near the finspenatop Bridge ,,
zAo poandilßrimo Fresh Butur:,,-. • .
-• 200 Dow eriolerCutibli Cream Omen , : '
mo bus. prime Peach Blow Potasoelq,
' 'BB dozen ancy Broome. la
2XO Bowads F clear Jibe Boom:, B In a re tom.
tooponadsliarikßoun i try 001,111 .Lore
1--2Xlbushels omsll 11taas;
barrel Don Koontain BI gen.:Bev lot
Ia attire foe side by „,,
Liberty strut
Il thtsWvoellellinisA.
ICIamiANT IsuowLpreparee with
the ukort Perfept spub:tents tor -the soceptiOti Ot z
ituesto.,,The Ant vocation among iltkt-dlass Bomb{
villtgle twuntalnili th"....nituroles-ukraTtV
=maw- - , BAN N. A
• -F mugaiCktizi,
kith mrtet*tr---
-eirtreen Tuttsuil and
ChnihaweStrtets,'— , - ,
id; ducd6alibubi,„--api. t! . 11 ta ,
c velJelu WarttrsaguAl7,,w4vier‘ - 4 .
1=111• 1
1 •
v I