C F2yterini) 1" AT EATON'S. 04)0DS `; TL1 414 11[0 1 AX 6°1 1118 P 5.1 1 .3 - NDIUMEALE,, Jt , l.lltaiwatit s ... 4.l.risN JELTIDRA _ ~ i2COLIIIII. lIALtB • • CESNTyI3I4NEI , TS. =1 lialdalftliffOnViitte and colors. KA UINI3HAN. BUN 1111/11CISLLA3, • .r/altanOtsid, at noslt; and lb.ll.llnes of Y.161311011/ERIX.S, Ipsl , lo Ater LACE tiCIOPIP, LINES HAN 011ElteRIEFS. LIKEN, bILIiA L'APEIS FANS, In 'mat variety, at in. retail LOWEST CASH` PRICES. F. S. EAMON'S, 17 Fifth Strect. GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean Drawers; New Lid Gloves at 75 cents a pairk White Cotton lose at 12cents a pair; Five Pair rood Cotton fete for $1,00; Parasols and Silk Sun Umbrellas; Pans in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; • Puff Berlin'Grloves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY NOS. 78' and 80 Market Street, MACRUI, WADE & CO. IM JOS. BORNE & CO's. aUphUWN MAY(I utiQuxuA.AN RAUH:VON li ATI& Mitr e HAIR, ST.IInIV BON rorr:s In now ehape.. P l ' ajab i ltr PrtVillg u nin ' Vit . checked. all A:rns, lams wa ROSES. sTILAw Ovum. TMIINItNtIS and URN A.IIENTn. lwrvil nr. eery Cii , c:ockcias. SWISS. CHECKS, BRILLIANT. NAINSOOKS, TARLATANS, SHIRRED MUSLINS, LINENS, ands full assortment or WHITE GOODS. REAL AND .111. (MUNI , LACE COLLARS. READAND 111. VAI. LACE COLL/dad, REAL PO E INTE LAC COLLARS, oETTS and KERCHIEFS. RAMBUIDI TRIMMING RAND mouNcimi, - SWISS -.AND ummucle EDGE AND I NSERTINGS,. DINEN COLLARS, Cllgrd AND SET'''S. varlons ihdr Ipinqau.. Swiss and French Cambric , • Wadtta. • . _ • - • PARIS IGTFIGANGS...-AND• COL LARS, BETTS, EDGINGS, FRILLIMIS and EM BIRDDEIGEN, DRESS TRIMMINGS IN GUIPURE AND CIIIINY LACE, GALLOONS, FANCY BRAID, BUTTON, BALL AND DROP TRIM MING. Bead Streamers Ornaments and Setts. "JEWICTTWOratES. In Inn eboleett styles In BEAD, IDLE, FANCY CROTCLIET, BLA AND WRITE PEARL, Iat pERIELLE, JET.C BK ALI., GLASS AND CAMEO, 11•112 611 d 14i0lVd. - CORSETS. Con" HAIM FEB AND ROLLS; DUPLEX It LLIPT IC and BUN TON 1100 P SKIIT.TIM IJELTS, IiELTINID 4 , CLASPS AND BUCKLES; .gres YANSInt variety from palm lest to Ivorg OSUUMMER UNDERWEAR, for ladles and guVIIIRT FRONTS, - .STAR" WHIM: TIES. BUTTERFLIES: SPANISH LINEN ' SHIRTS; TRAVELLING RAGS and SATCIIELSt RAM IDIUSIIIZ: COMBS; and a PULL LIXIC OF JrO7lOXB. ALL AT roruLme ruiCZ .ros. 11 and 16 Market Sired .14315:424 N EW GOODS I MACRCM & CARLISLE, MSc). 113 30 littis Eiltroot. Tr; t.ttir:st-hinKTbeVir:sl - SEAL LACE GINGSS . sY.IPtIJ j!PAAATkii FIN it norto •••••• RIBBON.. NEW WI LB Litte Tit' SI W I NUS, REAL 411.111 , ,1itt: LACE", PINE PEABL BUONS. We Inn :est op TT opened a beautiful lot of REAL tiLtifttlY LACES AND INSERTING& We would Write special &Audition to it . new and •tamtdid .sot t neat of s ADIKS . BUY'S AND Wif LYE MYELIN GLOVES. GLOVES la the new Petroleum and Havana Sh•det. An assortment of new colors In KID MANES, BLACK LACE_BITTB — new Styles: A most usortment of LAttflE3' and t;111-LIJIIY.N.SCOTTON 11081 t; GENT'S PINE SHIRT% TIES, SCARFS; COLL& LI. U 13 HALF HOSE. SIITSPBEDESS, UM BIGC,,Ite. LAGIVO and GEN ; T'S GAUZE MERINO OK'D Eft- VEST , To fllerchants and Deafen , . Our Wholesale Dep.tatent, n well id...cited with evet ythtnAl n os , NOTION LINE, which we offer to e as low as any house East or West. MACE:WiII & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, Age. F fur the "LOCKWOOD ILLANUFACTUK LNG coWYATIr." BI ADLEY : II DUPLICX KLLLPTIC dKIKT AWldanalMinvers, Priem 0 • ArtuuTIINOT..W. T. BLIANNON..J. O. frT/ZILTNeox ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., No. $l5 Wood St., Pittsburgh, !lave plat opened a luxe new stock of FANCY AND [ STAPLE DRY GOODS, "'Lt d , RlTSTEZhrtirigri b ig."'“ New Prints, Detainee Lawns, Ging hams, White Goods, Dress Goods, Shawls, Balmorals, Notions, Cottonades, Farmers' & Mechanics' Casslmeres,Jeans Cloths' MIMS,' Drills, Bleached and BrOWD Sbeedngs and thirtings, BURLAPS, COTTON a LlNEN calland DUCKxontoe . &C. aterchante are Invited to e our stock and pNees. .Jell CARR IIicCANDLESS & CO., (LAT. war, auui &C 0.., WILDLENALE DEALER MN FOREIGN AADDOMESTICDRI GOODS, za:cr. 041 1:7176c o 4 tildrd bOi2/16 Dismord TOBACCO, CaGABS, &c. ExeEynon. TOBACCO Womis. R. ••&:-Vif.:r JENKIPISON, 3.A.Aars.cnrsum rar rSUMS ar TOBACCO,- SNUFF ABB SEGAMI, 240. TEDIEVALBTRZET, Tgird door trom*Bispeosiork Bridge, Branch litoreii;ge, attill'EUll324l2r R B. azrritrEs„. Diguraluitr=galchi oleo/arid nesaill TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEDANS, No. Char"Screek. IPlttsburigli, Po at tniggrat iOrgrattoim9 GEORGE BLVICENSCIIEM DIM in DORM BEGABB,• OH IMO TOBACCO, Sueliing l'alnieeo, Pipes, &C., D7c4 Olietroxithiliittroot, 1,.:;;=.r""6“7t1,-I'l,-I'A, Joint j -..razeritacuriri , D DRALIin IN • ,• . • T08A16400, lINO'F,AND :SE(AALItS, 4,ls•:3E3rowiscl Witrecrt".- • ;snare.' assort:meat of Hmoklngfiubectu, add roba•co Voucher alum» On bd. 101/ 1, .. 0 an -- BERNARD .witsmAN, Mnnu(scturcr and Dealer In ALL KENDS. Or TOBACCO' SNUFF AND-SECARS. Witoutaass AND tirrmy., No. 205 Ohio Ilt" Allegheny C Yates 1 ;13 131w1:1:1 Jonas gr. 4akt..A. . . Al01:113E AND OUN . _ , • peirrgit, sitwark - AND No, 54 lima st., rittsburgh. Arta sad °tau:lnit.%) 'signs oA even drrwriP"o° the to Order. Alt wort door promptly rt. reascallio tortstwa. - " • • 1.14= II WILLLtni MOWS Late q4,hellrm pf ttaivwx . tasoisow A/91711Ji Asp stus-rwirricu, „ Picati la. oonuak ot friard !aid Vartertitri,el4;:, rt - A rll ra Susan *ltt Vittoburgh gut*. FRIDAY. JULY 6, 1866. CITY - AND STIBV2:11,11I. Additional Local liallors ada. First Page The tissette.--Persona Leaving the city during the summer, can have the Get - errs mailed to them by leaving their address at our counting room• • THIS ILA 6 PIUMIIIIO3 IA PIIILIDIINLi. An Imposing Demonstration. THE ROGRAMME OF CEREMONIES The grand demonstration on the occasion of the reception 01 the Stale nags, came off In Philadelphia Wednesday. The arrangements were of the most extensive character. and the dieplay ono or the moat Imposing era* wit' ceased in that city. The following was the Programme annOanced: 1. On the morning of the Fourth a proces- AILM will be formed ander tho diroctlou of Maier General Winfield H. Haareck, ou Broad street., the right resting on Arch Stroet, at each hoer as he may designate, in the follo ing order: ADVAPIO■ DOSED. MOOilteli Policemen. Henry Guertin, Capt. Spear. COM OMB 01210 orriosa eau STAPP. Mounted Officars not on duty with troops. Rand. amounted Officers not on duty with troops. Washington Artillery, Of Pottsville National Light Infantry, of l'ottavlllo. Ringgold Light ArtUlery, of Reading, Logan Guards, orLewistown, and Allen Infantry, of Allentown. These being tbo Gnat troops to pass through re on their way to Washington, when the capital was supposed to be In ilanger, at the commencement of tne rebellion tn Regiments and Detachments, as follows: 1. Infantry, • 'Z. Artillery, S. Cavalry, Major (Amoral Meade and Staff, Invalid Officers ln Carruiges, Band, Colors and Color Guard, excepting those which accompany regiments or detachments, U. S. Troops in the victuity„ U. S. !Sarin., Ills Excellency Governor Curtin and Staff in carnage. Semolina' Oar 'isms. 1. Females In ambulances, Band, S. Males on foot. Delegation of firemen in full eqmpcnents, with the chief engineer and ussisMuts, as A Graun ow liosoit, Pennsylvania Militia, Military Academics and Schools. Organizations composed of members who nave Barred in the field during the lute .. . _ war. 5. Officers to take peat aceOrding to I he rank of which they wear the Insignia. Officers in eitaiensl dress to take poet on the left of those of the same rank in uniform. Color guards, regiments and detachments to take post in numerical order, In their respective arras of the service. Mounted officers to move in "col umns of forma." The dismounted officers to move In sections of nine. The-colors to move three abreast; that is, the color rank of three regiments to move abreast. When there aro more 'than three representatives of a color guard present they will take peed as preset"- •bed to the United States Army Regulations. re"Wldut"mfover nine l m Veircoim= th e m. Officers have been selected to command re apectively the cavalry, artillery, infantry and militia, and will be announced in order by the commanding officer. S. The procession will move at lo o'clock s. si.,precirely, over the following SOUTV: Down Arch street it; Twelfth street, dow. Twelfth street to Chestnut street, down Cbdst nut, street to Second street, down Second street to Walnut street, and up Walnut street to independence Square. 7, On the arrival of the head of the column at this point, a tiovernor's salute of fifteen guns will be fired- in Washington Square by detachments from the let, 5d sad ad regiments of Artillery, tinder command of Lieutenant thilonel James Brady. S. On entering the square, the General com mainUng, the otllmrs not on duty with troops, Major General Meade and ataffd the eol. diem' orphans, preceded by a ben d, will take the advauce, and as soon as they are in posi tion on the eland, will be followed by the color bearers and guards, including those of " IsWi il' es ' w " lll thdeud'enterbTeuisq". r T e he remain!' g 9, The ceremonies in the square will be co. follows, via: 1. Musle—Triumphal Mareh. hiendelsohn. Prof. Birgfeld's Band. Prayer by Rey. Thos. Brainerd, D. D. 3_ The Star Spangled Banner by the Han del and Haydn linsitnat Society, who have kindly volunteered their services, ac companied by Birgfeld's Band. 4. Presentation of the Colors to Governor Curtin, by Major General George B. Meade. 5 Reply y His Excellency. 6: b Nome--Hallelujah Handel—Prof. Birg- , leld's Band. 7. Thanks to Almighty OW for victory and return of peace, ny Rev. Wm. R. Grim, late chaplain in the army. s. Old Hundred, by the Handel and Haydn Society. 9. Coronation March—bleyerber. Professor Birgfeld's Band. le. Benediction, Right Rev. Bishop Simpson. 11. At the close of the ceremonies In the Senate, a national enlute a ill be fired by the battery in Washineton. Square, and the colors will be deposited in Sartsom street Hall, the one of which has been tendered by the propri etors. 1•A The melted guests not participating in the procession will assemble in the Chambers of Select and COMlnon Connells at ten o'clock LI. Staging in the form of an amphitheatre will he erected Independence &mare, safe , Mently °ammonia to accommodate about, sit thousand penions. The committee will be compelled, however, to twine tickets for the various sections in order to give place to the invited guests, and the "children of the Cam ' monw and the ladles who have given a fatheros husband, a son or a brother to the cause of the Enloe. 14 In addition to the invitathm, by a epeeist' committee to the President of the United States, to the members of his Cabinet, and to Lieutenant General Grant, by his Excellency Governor Curtin, to the Governors of States, and the manage e p rs of the various imititutions provided fur th orns of soldiers; and by the general committee to the members of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State, your committee , have blotted the fel lowing bodlim end indivklinds to be present at the ceremony: ills Honor the Mayor of the city. The President and Members of the Select and Common Council of the city of Vidladalphin_ all Officers who commanded Brigades, DiVis lons, or Corps, In which Pennsylvania Troops Served. Thu Officers of the. Cooper Shop and Union Volunteer Refreshment Saloons sad the Ladies formerly command therewith. The Officers of all organizations in the Skate which rsiced regiments Or contrthuted to the hung up (.11 the ranks of the • Arta y during the War. The tMleent andh e C .Aleiribera ohielnliatt f the Society a t The Survivors of the War of IBM The Oillmn of the Scott Legion. The Of and Members of the Military Order of the Loyal legion. Thu Officers of the Navy and the Marine Corps on ditty here. The °ince: , of the Soldiers , and Sailors' Home. The President of the Senate and Speaker of the Hume ; and e members of loth UO11114:11 of tbe .. Congress. The Judiciary of U 108404 of Pennsylvania, The Judges of Om Eastern end Western Die - tricts of the United States District Courts of Pennsylvania. The Justices of the Supreme Court of the Unitml States. Another eme.ar Slate John Gribben fives on 'Funnel au mit, in the Thlro ward, add is the lawful possessor of & huge mastiff named Cicala, which on W odnon day, fell 11 victim to the patriotic outburst in cidental to the Fourth of July. A boy named Henry Kramer guAntid palmation of &pistol, with which he amused himself the entire day by firing at every inanimate object that Came within iange of hie weapon. Considering this sport rather dull, he determined towards evening to try the effects of a shot on some' specimen of animal creation, and, accordingly 'Ought , out the canine hereto before mention ed; whom be fotind slomberuig in the rear of his master* dwelling, and fired two shots at him, both balls taking effect in the bead of the unfortunate Cleser, who fell like kis Ultatri ons namesake, yielding' op the ghost amid the moat fearful struggles tor ezhitenoe. Rearing the 'Mita Gribben retailed to the scene just in time to zee the glazing eyes of Caviar o in death. After .comnitalng the cruel act, Kramer—ltko another Thazuvol Giants-'fled conecienee-atrlken from the spot, but retribu tion followed luick upon his heels, and to ices than hail an boor he was before Aldertuan Lynch, who held Min In the am of throe hun dred dollars to answer at Court for the wound ing and killing of the defunct Ciesar, which, 10 legal phraseology, was simply ter medi ma /lams mischlul. Counterfeit aireeutmeke.-1t is well knOwu to Um United Slates dutoetivee that certain parties have been engaged (Or BOllle woo past to mancifecturina counterfeit .10 notes oust least ono Na Bank, and that systematic e ff orts to put them in circulation will the soon, doubtlese, be made b the leader of gang. orpese nom/ y have already ; made their appearanee Ithiladelphla and ew York, and tut' reported to Ise of a mom, dangerous daseriptlrm, so faithfully have the the genu i n e the counterfeiting process followed the genuine bills, The pantie le cautioned against reeddetng any ' National Bank "tons" without the most CarardeCratthy. Ilr. Oregon illilloses, 6rWc or Unelneatt, a native of this city. Is cosseted in presaruer an elaborate 'amigo fOr a-itiOnniziont to be erected by Professor' . T. Keeketer overe au the remains of Dr. Powell: It promises to b etsoorete at:lair, surmounte4 Witit S. _bust of the deceased, over wedollons; oli.wltieb are inscribed the variontleidenceit caught by Dr. Powell. The hest astrAispruitlag the column ts uppriipriptil, eaolog Unit Professor...No*oW replaces the bead be Is so much blam . ed for •LPProndatlng. • Ignatodessys Tooth,-We were yaStardlr shown a fossillzediabid, ado= labaesiduu" outotwonoo, avo - tnahea lbag aorpsatZte /am and lour Walt. &WI .throe quarters !Vaud.. It.,,Wea—tonad , dos 'Melva ursusalp, Moo, 1.11 what tekitown-L se ralus Rook ell reigitimi. wwwlyiawsw,-1, whoa strowitir 412cnibtless bank "MA Val ft FAY* PY 0.119%41 EARLY TELEGRAMS. GREAT FIRE AT PORTLAND. NE. Immense Loss of Property MUST DE THE BUSINESS HOUSES BURNED The Fire Still Raging. N. A terrible f.,61 . 1.1k1rD, Ma, .11.1130 4, T r. e Is raging here, having destroyed Btowro,, gar 001ara, and Is scrcepuor through the city -fore a strong southerly wind. =I S p, s..—The are caught in the building above the sugar house on Cammercisd street. and has swept northerly through that street into the wooden buildings between Centre; and Cross streets, consumWg every thing as It gees. J. 13.11rown a sons last from 3100,000; Insured for $300,000. Stapler Son . s machine shop and N. I'. Richardson It Co. , s stove foundry are completely destroyed. One steam Ore engine has Just come from Saco. PORTI,II4. Me., Juno lk—The fire has COM plowly swept through the city, destroying everything In Its track so completely that the lines of the streets can hardly be tinted for a space of onoand-a-hall mile long by a quarter of a mile wide. Many buildings, perhaps one hundred and fifty, were blown tip to check the flames, but the inhabitants crawl scarcely do more than firm with their families to the upper part of the city, taking such goods as they could carry. The custom house, being dre-proof, escaped, though greatly damaged. The court records, lu the upper story, are probably destroyed. The splendid city and county building on Congress street, which was nearly are-proof, was considered safe, and It was dllel full of furni- titre by the neighboring resithints, elm then it was swept away with all its contents. Half the city is destroyed, and that half includes nearly all tae business portion, except the heavy business houses in Commerce street. All the banks and newspaper affix* are burn ed. But three printing o.sare left. all the Jun eiry establishments, wholesale dry goods stores, several churches, the telegraph °Mises. nearly all the stationery stores and a number of business places aro destroyed. • The tire Is still raging below Cumberland street, working book to the westward, the wind having ctutrig. ed. Captain tieury JEIMILII has telegraphed for fifteen hundred tents to accommodate the houselus families. A Johnson State Convention. P nnemra.rutA, July 3.—A Johnson State COll - was hold to-do) in Sausom street Hall, ladelphia. The North American says that hen It was organized not twenty persons were present. Mr. Martin, of Delaware corm ty, was temporarily called to the choir, which he took with evident reluctance. O. It. Flaril gen, of Philadelphia, Mr. McDowell, of Dau phin, and, Mr. Williamson of Delaware, were appointed& Committee on ' Permanont Organi zation, who reported, for President-11.n. H. W. Tracy, of Bradford county- V ice Presidents—Mr. Foster, of Centre; hie. liotriek, of Northampton; Archibald Robin son, of Beaver; Henry Simons, of Philadel phia; Wm. W. Allison, of Juniata; I'. IL. John son, of Lucerne; Thos. C. McDowell, of Dau phin: J no. Lowry, of Allegheny; D.ll. Har ker, of Bucks; D. R. Davidson, of Fayette; A. F. Swan, of Erie; S Snyder Leidy,: of Phila. dolphin; N. P. Sawyer, or Pittsburgh; Theo. dore Schoch, of Monroe; Col. Tally, of Chester; P. hi. llackenburg, Snyder; of R. Bradford, C of Beaver, end C. Callum of Crawford. Mr. McDowell moved Mr the appointment of a committee of thirteen, of which ex-liov. Johnson should be chairman. to draft a series of resolutions for the c.ousltlemMon of the convention. Thin was agreed to,and the Chair selected for that purpose: Ex-tiovernor John son; D. Rush Bradford, Beaver county; Jo. R. Flanigen, Philadelphia; R. J. Morton, Dela ware; T C. McDowull, Dauphin; O. I' Corn. man, Plilladelphin; Samuel - MeKelvey, Aldo- gheny; D. It. Davidson Fayette; Joseph G. 1/0111.IVS.V; r• R. Darlington, Übe.. ter; .1. R. Coach, Bucks; A. F. Swann, Erie J. R. Adamson, Mercer; U. it. Straits, JULlistB- As delegates to the National COUVerillo.l on August 11th, Hon. F. W. Tracy, of Bradford; Edgar Cowan, of Westmoreland; William F. Johnston, of Allegheny; sod Colonel Joseph , R. Ilfmigen, of Philadelphia, were named. • B. R. Bradford, of Beaver, Wm. H. Blair, of Centre, and N. P. Sawyer, of Allegheny, were The Convention then elected ColOnel Joeeph R. Flonigett, chairman of the state Central Johnson Committee. Gov. Johnson, Mr. lilartm and Mr. Tracey altornatel) made speeches. The Convention adjoureisi at 7 o'clock. base of Jiro 1.60e111 W AtoplitriON, _kit:MOAT, July Lane died of Andy Johnson. He went from here to Kansan, impreaseti with the delusion that hit support of the President was so acceptable to the people of that State, that he could carry it for Johmum's policy by five thousand majori ty. tile tint appearance upon the stcpete of Lawrence shocked him with a sense of his ter rible error. In the town Where he had once I walked a monarch, no man spoke to him. Old friends passed bite without reeogrtitiorron the sidewalk. On horseback, en the principal street, he rode unrecognised and rejected. lie went to his home and sent for many of his old friends to come and see him. They returned answer that they wished to have no Inter merle with him. Two days after his ar rival Representattve Clark came from Wash ingtou. What a contrast and what a lemon' A vast crowd met and welcomed him with music and fiat's. A public meeting applauded his votes, honored him for his fidelity and pledged to him the love and the support of Kansas. Humiliated, smitten with remorse. and latterly desperate. Lane terminated at ono° his life and his career in Johnson pole ties. ==! New loos, July h.—Vera Cruz dates of the of June state that the vomit° or fever was raging there, and deaths were numerens. It was believed that Santa Anna was acting In the interests of the Church party, in con sideration of which he expeCted to be elevated to the Presidency he proMbring to restore th e Church party their property. Maximilian continues reorganizing and con centrating his army. Thu French troops which evacuated Slats morns had reach.. Vera Cruz. A Liberal movement on San Louis Potosi had oempetted it reinforcement of that place by the impart lallele. !harder of 1100 Barsmelear. l labetll-11e Pibel by N COtornt It, Ner rn 12 ROLlla July 4.—lion. Barnwell Ithett, a distinguished citizen of this Mato, wt. shot yesterday, while going to Ids plantation, near Charleston. He received two charges from a double-barrelled shotgun. About twenty minutes after receiving for wounds ho fell Prow hones and died. It is not known definitely who the murderer was, but it Is supposed to have been a negro, who had expressed strong hatred against the fam ily. - Celebration or the Fourth at TammaaNy New York. New Toss, July S.—At the Tammany Ilan celebration yesterday l ry etters were nil from the Pre.Went, .getter Welles and othom. The President'. letter saye : There ma be no nobler work than the obliteration of the pan atoms and prep' hem which retard cortelliallon and prevent the reanimation of all the Mares Lo Warr conmitutional relations with the Federnl Outrageous Assaukt--Claild New Y ;me, July a.-1.11. 'Brooklyn, yesterday, A man named W. Volz, a puinter,cdrAiliamtely tired a loaded musket Mtn A group of chil dren, killing one and wounding two. ?no nw,m4e of earhl ; d tkhiell cdwaWn wouudLeeda mae William Slattern and Charles Bagort. Vole was arrested. • NOTICEa rroPiCE. THERE WILL DE A DELEGATE MEETINU OY COAL .11LBRELli held al PORT YEILICY, on YILIDAY, July .01.0, at 1 o'clock. A delegate from each pit Is requested to &Bead... ba ldness or importance will be presented before the meeting. Jyalef 2 By order °thee URN /MAL BOARD. NILY]rIC. , To the Tax Payers of the Ci of Pittsburgh. 1 1 11 E CITE TREASURER is now rawly to receive taxes payable it Ude °Moe, 0. 0 Fourth street, mildest to • reduction of V up klit WENT. If paid Word the VIEJO HOY UV AUUUnT NV.Xk. The Mercontile LinenSel an due and must Ire raid before the FIRST DAY Oif JULY NEXT In order to save coot and expen. of suit octoroon Alderman. JelltdS WM. ZIONBA Uhl, Treasurer. 40WICE. THE EFJPLUNING PART of the large property Po sale laid Orltln Boyd Allen,. pias. of lots, seal be sold In lots or by the acre. Opiendid for gardening purposes or for city. rest deuce. Apply to W. b. BIArD, at the oMce of Kirkpatrick t Mellon.conter of Diamond and Omni streets. Or to RICHARD ALLEN, oe the proVerty, at I.ower et. Clair Hotel. mymNst A LLEGHENY COUNTY, IN.—The .4E...Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. To Thornton A. loin., glary Johnston, usiorge Johnston, chil, area of Washington JohnsiontUarld Wand, Nancy Killer, Mary F. Wooll Win. H. Wood, Frederick A. Wood, harsh A. Wood, Bennisygton S. Wood Charles Wood. Ely P. Wood, subset°. E. ILLid E. I'. Wood, Minor children of Mary Li. Wood, de. ceased, I John 11PtIleitand, husband of Twiny W. McClelland, deceseed,• :glary McClelland. AIM B. McClelland. Kate 41•310C11 McClelland, Willis. McClelland. /rank McClelland, John Mo. Clelland, Jr.. Hugh , Methelland and .Witthingtoil Johnston: We command you anti every. and all of you, that laying nalle MI [melange sag excueen you be and •p pear to your proper person, befor4 0111 . Judges ot the Court oi Common Plent,to be f holden rOPtilteUrtfithi/SN'L'4fllier 100 0CgiCTL 0.K., to answeruld bill or petition exhibited In our BaIdVOUJIL 10 40 fumes, and receive what our said Coon shall here vonsidered In that' 'behal.f. Hereof fall not at your peril and the penalty LlOOO 01171/00. 01000 L th• Hon. JAMES lITEILIHIT, Presi dent of our said Court, so 1101000010. Min day of JIM.. A. D.. WM , pea:eta:we JACOB H. w AcTssr, A P&R OF 136 Ida,. Wasted In Jefferson lownallp, Allegheny county. Yu., Wale Monongabela elver, if ladles - from. Me - 010. The improvement. are good. The Lauda the Deal aunty; well ad for gardening. . rosier Mon IngnslMS• iSOS. tiBman imorcrieria.::. :Wl* seven I . oololfind big. good nrnble, leanest, .water as the dOor. nituarynl Malta _ant. wanton/04m 'Vara, nhosl S lDe r• Eusectlatla 1 111111 klitlitOW.44 41 01 0 1 .— n * I A " -14.9i.Foroveulgto., SPECIAL TIigItINEIN! TICE (a MM. TOE QUEEN OF H AI R`, RESTORE iis! MRS. INtILOW'S tIOEIEN lIAla RESTORER le QUEZN. not only In N.lbtE, but In Vlteinlsth laths Beat Hair RC1A01457 il e ever offered to the Plab. An infallible nisiOnn.ll and Pitibladynit of the Hair If faithfully Applied. It is no Hair Dye. It sets directly upon the roots of the hair chang ing grey I.lr tolls original life color; arresting pre mature decay mid falling out of the hair; eradleat log scurf and dandruff; and raring all humot• of the nast It y. willehange dry and wiry bait to .oft and luau riaot tresses. It imparts a delightful fragrance to the hair. Inhort. If you wish to restore your hair, as In 000th, sod retain it through We. hos iIISLOWB QUW AMR RESTORES. Price •t per LOW.- Sold by all Drugglals. R. R. SELLERS & Wy Wholesale Agents. mynnialt la" WIC BARNHILL & CO* BOILER MAKERS SKEET IRON WORKERS, so.. 20, 22, 24 2114.22 Penn .treat. . Having secured a large yard, and Ittrnished It with the most approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture every description of BOLLEBS. In the best manner, and warranted equal to imr made In the country. CELLE En.. BHEEUHINU. Viva BEGS. sTEAM PIPES. LOCOMOTIVE POLLEE& C'ON DENSEIDS. SKIM YAMS, TANEIL OIL STILLS., AGITATORS, SETTLING PANS. BOILJUt IRON. BallitilLS, SUOMI PANS; and mole manufacturers of IMENILILL'S FATENT Ituiuraus. IMPsdeng done on the shortest notice. jeSm4t far LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' =I PARK, WORDY dr. CO. Maanfaccurets of BREATHING, SHAZICILBS , ANL) BOLT GOT'T'EN, I'ILESSE.I) L'OrrISE Jun - Tomos. EMBED IiTILL BOTTOMS, SPELTER SOLDER. Also, lade:triers and dealers In METALS, TIN PLATE, _SWUM IliON WISE, &C. Constant Goo hand, TINNILBS , MACiIgiES and TOOLS. W are hm, N 0.140 lelli r eT end HSCoND thrisseire, Pitt. Sarah. Special orders of Copper out to Loy desired pstien, m 714 eS4dAvrT 1-4PIT'rEIBUBGH SAW WORMY, "lIITITBARD.HMO. & CO" lianottietnr• tot VATENT IittOUND CIIICULAIth, warrant e u CAST STEEL SAWS., otevery description. Din. Nulty, Cross-Cut, elang,and all other etriatiet. All kinds of KNIVEN and ISPICINUS, made Devi Sheet last-titeel ,• Extra Retinal NZA.145111 AND MOWINO KNIVES, to. gir Warehouse sad Worn, comer WA Vill and Snot" . granges. Pittsburgh. particular attention paid to re-toothing=n and stralipitening Clreularg o, re o f Clods. 1 unthing and Drilling done at reasonable rates. .p.C:cl3 _ . OrUOIONSON, ILEA & CO., (81Ileo dawn 11.0o1Norst.Idislo 11114.31A11. WASHErf WO t. Vol:traders In AIM, ltsbursia. llardrfocLarerr of BOAT AND STATIONERY efftAll ENGINES BLAST ENtIENISI, MILL MA auORIEIitIAYTINO, CA13'1411418 of description., filL TANKS wad iSTILILS. SWAM AND SHEET IRON WORK. Air Agvnta for GITIVAILDIS PATENT INJECTOR. or feedlot; boilers. _—_ OrIORIV COCHRAN & BRO., lisosnlactorera 01 MON yatuas AND VAULT DOOM, IRON RAILING WINDOW *NUTTERS. WINDOW DU ARDS, s o., Nos. SI SECOND .d NI TRIAD *TRENT, between Wood and Market, ,arson hand a earlatgor now patterns. fancy and plaln, Suitable for all purposes. S Particular attention pnld to ancloslug Orate Lots. Jobbing done at short notice. enhattr - - IarBIABMAGE AND CELIBACY, an Esse y or W.rning and Instruction for Young Meru Mad. Dim:saes and Abases which pro.- the Nal powers, with sun. means or relief. Isut free of charge in sealed latter enrelOpes, Ad o rye, Dr. J. ritilLLIN tillUrillTON, Howard As elation, Philadelphia, Pa.noTlSetunterT. POLITICAL. ("INGRESSION AL CONVENTION 22d DISTRICT. The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS or the =kl CooKressional Ltletrlet are requested to meet at the Vtr'ds!'iro'rZu:lobsldOVolVETtrpr, Irag;D=r, On Saturday, August 11th And eicet TWO VIELILOATES from each election district, to meet to taunt) conceution on TOES' DAV. ALMOST 144 h. at 10 o'ciock a. m. for the • orpose of placing in 11.211.11ti0n • candidate far The primary lections lu ass townships will be held between the boors of four and sin o'clock, and to the wards sad Wessels between the boon of four and seven o•clocIt e. r. In the ward. and bor ough. the eletetiort. obeli he by ballot. and to th e township+ by marr.los or by ballot. By order of the Coco Mince. W. J. ANOT3.IOII. W Thomas, ' utr24:bla.d.twlf OrCONGKESS, 22d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD fleet:pc placed btmaelf at the disposal m° ` is friend, to w sponse to their call made on hint. tits name I now resented by them s candAtate for naming tlon for Congress for lb. IRd 01111Iet, atiVest t. lb. action of the Union Republican Count( Lonrro ap7lTr. ICONCIRESB GENERAL JAS. S. NEULEY IS A CANDIDATE IN TIDE RVID DISTRICT mb.load IM - CONGREKS. — The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will warren hiu same to the Convention of;. Union party, for or:outstation u &candidate for Co. gnros to the l'hl Ulailract. . BOOTS, SHOES, LADIES' BALMOUALS, Ladies' Congress Gaiters, /defies , Kid lied Slippers Men's Call Boots', Menge Calf Balmoral'. Mena Calf Gaiters, Men's Calf Oxford Tles, SUYS, liOUTUti', LIMES ♦NL 14IILDUKN'E. BOOTS A.ND SHOES, N EVZNY VAIIIICTT AT N3LANON BLS ru. 61 11101.verIs.cot eitccoot. J. A. ROBINSON & CO JUST ARRIVED FROM THE EAST. • BOOTS AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB No. 89 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. Tills old established loose has now to Store thirty- Ave thousand dollars north at Boots and dhoos, - the idyl. the latest, the quality _the best, which Waste determined to sell as VERY LOW FRIOIB. We have resolved not to ha undoroolcil by any In the On line. that keep roods worth having. Call and cantatas our swot of goods, and we feel utlseed that yoo rlll purchase vast you Wont In the Ikat sad shoe Ulm. I Do not forget the pls.., /19 Marcel street. .13 JAIIES 801111. GREAT EXCITEMENT AT 92 Federal Street Boots, Shoes and Gaiters, AT REDUCED PRICER, ALT 21XaC7X-01LVWCPCIXCNI3 GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM, In Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. kaz A LARGE AND FRESH ARRIVAL `BIfMDIRR BOOTS, SUQES, GAITERS 4sed Itala►orais Just received, and will ea sold at tee VERY' LOW. EST riflOis. either Wholesale or ktetAll.- GIVE US A CALL OKIWILE rUIiOIUZIWO . _ • J. U. aw. BORIAN% No. ge Market oiroet, 2C door horn WI It. tov 19 COOPill ruzoiNG JOU7 ritßixd C . FIELDING & MO, liumfactarer • and Dealers OO P ChuAritcam Weakly, BOOTS. SHOES & GPM= . No. 140 Ohlo St., Allegheny. tiee. Repairing promptly osteoloa on the Mt:Wiest lerizeag NEW BOOT AND SHOE: STORE . • .ife. 24 Si. Clair Birieß . A. large sad !well - valet lad static tiEl47 . , ai sad iItiILIME 0/41.11:118, - /16./Altllt ftl%.'c"(awngtavellll) >1".: • i :Tirr ' taIatOINLISIMITEftB at • _ • aryl9..Lli , f. CARN A. 11.1.11 R . CU.•B. Farhat it. . LDIE~►%FIIVE " 1310 R AL AND myl9 J. W.'OARNAR B 6 B NI 00.1,4 1711ukeLU. ADIET WINFAUBIit , 4. , W.:o4ultanAtraur.ns, emsnetn, I>i:t : NI" w; gaildWeAftVaglNVA • - I r y ALLPABILFs. . ' • • ... - COIL NINES FOR 5i11ig6,... ' The valeable.estal minus owned by the So: LieMi f .' I T Cool Mining Company, situated in shelby nntY, pla„ twelve s northeast of idontevall , OWL one a hairmiles ril the North and South hoed (flow in month order to this induc ), and on gum ter of a mile m th e Branch Road to t lied Mountain Coal Ines. are now o ff ered for e. . These mines ve have been in success( I opera- . or ...1e 1 •ars, are situated in the Matt of the mineral region of the Mate, and are only sidty-five miles by rail Teem skims, Mon whence there is water tmnspodtrtlon to the Gull. There is not ,in the Witted litotes a better oppor tunity fOr a safe mad profitable investment In the Coal business, - TERMS OF SALE• One bait cub, arid the balance at the expiration f monthe, without Interest; or. one-at:it cash.. d the balance in equal monthly paymenta, Interest• G. M. MeCON ICO, Assignee of IL O. Edwards MIEZI kINE ILESIDENEE 3PC,351. 191.11.5-613 IN ONE Of THE BEST PORTIONB DV ALLE GHENY CITY. A huge and thoroughly finished two-story Double Brick Dwelling, containing 14 rooms, spacious and W.) , halts on ibotb doers: Pan tries. closets and a burster proof ILIA.' The ample • grounds mirrormdLui the resuslon abound in choice grapes and fruit. and shade trees. A Stable and coach House, with other out-buildings, cerobine to make kids a trot-class residence. For particulars, apply tc B. B. BRYAN, Broker In Stocks and Beal Estate. mfr. 57 Fourth st., (Burke•a Building-1 14 -1 0 R SALE. " • ' A FLMT-OLASIS BUSINESS STAND The [Stock. Yla Lures, Uood WOl. Stove House Dwelling and largo Lot In Sewickley. Cull sale 113,000 a month. PoDession given Immediately. Six small !louses and Lots. very chem.. Several Lots at Edgeworth nation, from one to Et= JAMES T. SAMPLE, Neal Estate Broker mad Insurance Agent. JeS No. No Federal street, Allegheny '0 Acres of Oil Territory, Located in Muskingum county, Ohio on Montfort Creek. Th property Ls yob:Able from the fort that every well bored. MI to paying quantities It obtained. The depth of wells Is only about ISO feet, and costs about s4u+ for boding. tramples of UII can be man at 104 Fourth street. For turtherparticulars, enquire of. EC= CM= 14`011 SALE—A Farm of 216 acres, Mutate In Plum township. Allegheny county, , Pa. The improvements ue a two-story Frame Bon., "Alb six rooms and kititheo; n Iwo Bank Barn 00 by 60, and other out-buildings; good Or ; 176 acres cleared and In e good state of cul tivation. She land la of the best quality-, well adapted for grain or stock, and Is all underlaid with Coal, a very large amount of Locust timber. Poe ...ion given immediately, convenient to churches, schools, mith, du. For further partleulus, an imate of U. TOWBB., Real EMU. 664 Mouth treet. nufiia.so Ti`Oß SALE—A Farm of about 25 lrs, u posits T ownsend Station, t"..ourt h , w . 74; Cleared; balance pod ti IL. lt-, lances from mber laud b th a ratietice; a...renal, good vein, pit open; a frame dwelling of (due nentur, troth: prng of water all fruit trees of vorleties of is a splendid place fur a eine , ant. Alto, • lot 60 by 161 feet. on Peebles street, in Wilkins township. Allegheny county. Will be sold cheap. /for terms, Sic., apply at the Meal Eutaw and insurance Vince of U. B. BATIto. 1643 Butler street, Lawrenceville. VOR SALE—A Farm of ns acres, In F-litabeth township, Allegheny county, Pa-, near the Youghiogheny river. the improvements ue • Hewed Log House a good Baru. idable and other out-tivibllngs; fencing generally good; well watered; sib acres cleared; reins of Limestone. the under vein about 6.4 feet thick. the upper vein Ca feet; very convenient to the river. It to well Lltti bend with the beat white oak and black walnut timber. Price Ili per acre Yoe further particu lar. enquire of 1.1. 11. TOWILIi, Meal lisinie Agent. No. 1611 t'thirtil street. mY17.616 VALUABLE FARIS FOR SALE.— A rum. containing about BO acre. near the Mx Mile Ferry. 00 the Monongahela river, on which Is erected a two-story Brink •111.1012 IiOUS• and Baru, and other out-building. Also, several other um. well located, lo AlteghElly mad We/Amore nd commies, containing from lei to =acres. Coal el Lime Parma forsale on the 81,1thenethe Bath marl and Monongahela river. lot' fend./ Parlde 'quire of WILLIAJM WAMD. lOpprodte the Cathedra./ No. LO 61rant street. P5ll SALE IN ALILEGUERY—OF A- order of the thydiana' Court. 11!M1 DWELLING HOUSE Of late 13013 T. DUNLAP. Jr.. dece'd. No. 116 Sandusky street: has every eonrenlenco. For per tsculars, enquire of CHAS. KlOO3. Esq., at Second lNational Saab. Plitshurph, or at the M. AM. Na tional Sank. Pittaborsh. of It. L. IPULLILAN - .ALE.--2011 1 acres coal and and 'offset.. situated about a) rah east of Bul ger Sutton, on the Pittsburgh and Stenbenyllle liediroad. The railroad roue directly through the property. One hundred and fifty sem. of the ser fs, l• under cultition the rental:dux fifty acres In good white orit Il nihe r. JOI.IN 0. BALLNY, 3 No. IC Fourthstreet. 0r,.E... C. KEYS SPCA , No. " Block. Fon &ALE, 600 Acres Coal, near Noblestown, tharlttAtourib Glad Mteu.3l.ll• Etatlmad JOHN D. HALLEY. titook sod Nola [stale Broker, No. Ica Vototh street. FOR SALE, 500 Acres Coal, near Mansfield, tN ritloDurgb and dtruDaa• lite itatlroul. doliN D. IidILLY. Stock sod U No. na Bra\dr, Yourh _ JjOR S&LE. PIXE CREEK ICE At TIIOIII . 6ONA IC 110011. Enquire of J. lIINEIIEANT, N. 160 Federal street. Allegheny 4. or 14cn1 J Ail al MOLTEN. n OTEL As DEPOT Y. AND te TElL eßahl- ET r 1 , 013 MAL, situa o I &b more and o laUroad. Agency for the company guaranteed. Buildings beastly new; Ammon° by 44; storeroom and warensom; • new stable Inc 19 head of horses. Two acres or laud (rooting on the ricer. The best loottlon on the road. Sslisfactorl meson. stoin Lux' Wilma. Persons washing to exinnine this ie Pn et ' .17 ' &171 1 11121 1 1 t xn. 51 Market at. Volt SALE-One iiateut Steam A TANS. for rendering Tallow or Ofrs.: 000 CT lAN DEB (STEAM BOILER, $ Inches db. Sumter, 141st long. with Menke Steal One nTnAll roo&i . KETTLE, bolds 5,00 U pounds; one .• ..• •. I,OIV •• 1111AET MON bvia Fie/alai& WI4..K.C.NNIDY & CO., 359 Liberty street, r`OR SALE—A very desirable two to Wick Jewelling Of flee room, and good Dollar, alto Its Off Alien street, Lawrenceville, near raSsengsr Railway. An excellent well of water on Immediate ill be disposed of on 117 1 11 tering, and possession 41 rea if s pell ed tel moon. Poe terms apply at the Real %slat andlnsuranCe Unice of B. 13. BATES, ell Butler attest, Lawrenralvilid. CHEAP FILM FOR SALE— Clostal. flaatulmof deb Farming Land, all un der good fence; well iniproved; houses. Uerry ,07.1.t.",-v,ox. -1Z g ' u Lbtee miles want ot tlinirtrldu , Junction. Ca. Railroad through the farm. lu • owlg usighborbood. l Tni place a offered at s low figure. Apply to Jae It. bIeLAIN VOU BALE.--106 acres coal, ail sated use mile west of Bulger *tattoo, on the Pittsburgh and eltanhenallle ItanrMUL JOIIN D. BAILEY. . No. ICC Fourth street No. Ur, E. O. NET a 0111. a Moak, Ira S, Dllgtl33llo Way. COAL! -COAL!! f',OAL!!! DICKSON, STITIITIRT & CO., Elating removed their Dace to No. 6167 Lifilbeertlir latreets (lawly City . "tour 11114)aECOND.V 1 . 001 4 Ate now prepired to furnish good Youghiogheny Lump, Nut VW Or Slack, AT THE LOWEBT MARKET PRICE. , orders lett et their odiee, or sildresitodto them ihroughthe matt, ratite attended toprompuy. r"Z drzi 111AULES IL ARMSTRONG, - • Youghiogheny and CkinnellßvOle Goa l ' AND ItAL~DYAI7TIJIt7R OF . . Coal, Slick,. and Detadiduniced Coke, OFFICE AND yawl.' . Corner of Nutter and.,lfortt d ! or; drat yird'on. &Abe and Clymer weals, ?Muth lyard, and orißecond near Lock No. 1 rittsOursin. Families and manufecterere improlcom ...the hest article of Coal or Cute at the lowest.cash rate.. Orden lea at an, tl6o6lrattlyarilletealVerptettl) 6 attemlua. m 1664.6.716 ILIKSOHANT TAILORS. NEW. A Very Large .and ielect Stock et BOYS" CLOWNING • 91IbT613EIVED. UV ' • 1.114". A '4I L A L C IML. Arcot early - Bud smistuXitE,ll eA L , B, "YE , vim CRAY & LOCAN, NV St; Clair Street. 11ENUI G HALER . mEaccErANT ttittat; ' • intim tiOttiti 41 ?fIl Bit C4ll SEMI ite*Fu-eta.„ tw. , t4v44tal ! d ialti t uld ,slisou W 1,502, Am. ust. aqua_ : withte •, Ilia I". . " InCIIIN WOO OW Goons, - -"*"- • 1° cl so n •V 1 A 44 3!.F IuNQ PLUMBING. &o. ADDY, WILLIAMS & BAB,TLEY, PM61:111/CEMOVILIEN, GAS AND STEAX MUM. _ _ • Cot. Shand Siiiiittteld Sts., ,wm.rrxiszstixs.cmc, Con Beaver and Chestnut Ste.. mautuEsTEst. All kinds of Water, Om Ind Steam Fixtures k!pt • nixaullT hand- 365. a ADDY, wituns & BARTLEY, KEEP: :if HAND A SIUPEMOR - . . Nier4ZOCI II2I9 MI k h er IRON rumps,• mivicalwre. sHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC,'LEAD EWE, BATH THEN, NINES, WATER CLOSETS, WASH WASH STAN DS. A. aatneir‘44 44o " . • - - Corner Sixth and findildield BfrOets. sir All [lease( REPAIRING donePronrinlT- Al7 - All orders by mall Immediately attended to. Jetie.39 STEAM GAUGES, SCHAEFER;B BUDENBURGH'S PATENT, I= Gauge of the Navy Departitent. 10E2 lERWLES' PATENT STEAM PUMP The beat anti most tellable to use. We have aol,a largenomber to taanotactaters and Ott I...Mears here., to whom we wlareter any particle anthelendy Inter ested to mat, BAILEY, FABBYML & No. 167 Smithfield Street. WELDON & KELLY, PLUMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. ♦ large areortmt at of Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, kc.. ALWAYS ON RAND. 64 Wood Street, mar Sixth. NOWIID3Et. Private Families and Hotels Con be foruisheil with twat quoin,' of WORM HOSE AND PIES AT SHOitTT NOTICIL AND BEST TEENS 13=1 JOHN MAFFETT, Nos. 127 and 129 First Street, .417 .40 PITTSBURG II , PL. M2;;M GAS AND .SHIII PITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. • suLET tllixxT Zi-NCL" D rIrKB tiLtikti, BABIES. WATER CLOSETS AND WASHSTANDS. zrovi:ComE3 4:P40v., docecuors to Sad . " • Kw.n..) No. 163 Wood st.. Pittsburgh, re. PLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM TUSTIN ti, LN ALL irs 21.1LANCUESS. OMNI') attended 1,4 e eipelienced .ad pezellf. WOlterten. A line aseeerefeen. of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS. BATH TUBS. 31WWILH BAT Z.TER CLOMETN HyD r 6. o Instantly on hand and made to onto: TATE & SEVILLE, N. Anha Lull& IitM I PIMOUrgb total :ILlerdl PROFESSIONAL, L. D. LINDSAY, 411-141:10DIELDSLAN.Ya , °Mee, SS Boyle Street, Slleeches:v. copa.l.l aitlllloo glean to drawing Deeds, Leases deAL other legal document*. • etalectlons intrusted to him will receive cart- N 1 sod prompt attention. iteZztt JOHN W. 'TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. IPILTT/333173F1E 4 3 313 C, say29:Dial DOCTOR E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pd. Sgrepecial attention given to encases requiring tinrulenl °pentium. ii. C. alciut2a.l. TRAMMELL & BieCORMS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. 11. J. rArrsasor. y 71 ) HALL rarrzunon, Notary Public, GIIANT IT. t 11ititraby 11 1, 611 W , W. J. & PITT WI SON, Law and Clain! Pensons, Local mot lioverument Bounties., Sack Pay, Prise Honey, ie., collected. OFFICERS' RCIAINTS ADJUSTED. Collections made. Deeds, Letters of Attorney, Bonds,BurtmormAc., wittinn,Asolull legal bea ns. promptly attended tb. mytataat i:BROWN, 010.ra - Agent V. S. SAN. 'COM, Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, (SECOND FLOOR.,) -PittsbUrgh; ' rellSiOSll4 lionsitlesosnd Arrears of Pay Promptly , Collected. t z , , f .oligyzeniareuntll C 12,11311/ are acttled i6 aader b . &a. • - JOHN s. ter.lwar. . .'..a.x.a2waxsassfaL:=,.. • Ex-onicup, Justice of the °ince, 112: truth t.somkoate-640aral,' • Deeds, Banda Ho AWICUOWIVIInaentik, Deposal° wr end alt w prom plat.. OW Mira' „ minAst, wtfiLtut- .3ANcEIe.,,,:•,INOTAtet iticA tiIIik g. JIAB I O T M Taal& MAGIC D and Drava nreata4,AwalWasiter of wilddizttireattlezagitgranisMFaadaslo Rare...fon and aolanomladgmemt Of antririt i r vonytyances. WILLIAM JANCMY J Italica of the Yana and 2,1 EIIBTACE 8. DIORIIONT ? ALDERMAN .AND, :comygYANcEs 2 .resivussfivaniss ',demise ' ? Foot d l6q ktasto ud opposite Strut WILLIAM ROBB, office, No. 93 D iamond 1314 i1tt.040.. CHATI.I..th T. Elva*, • - Att,opaer at Law. 8901tAlifir., . r4TTSBIIIIOII.,FA:. , iliKkohronslooer' . foe OlLto Nentuakn., l4,4ll Nltirtolt,Ythisottri hike other Maier., • lorthazr biltirmay HOWATILMI. - BAOK PAY -and allltarfOlalms of sway descalotion, collee.Leetri the subscritrearer Ltre lbamrios 'LmusiLls Nag moire— IrlL otbiu, elarltrili O&M ALLoratryallkotf.' rlltsmourt streeOrtmeittourerUorsTs w*, N. B.—Tto clukg errs nra.l. - Lttimi data do not .it weed; sod all IntrouteLl.rn /TM watts. misty., • At-LAWf ovAlaikAlitfabito ET/ Patti. *7711. ..7'4.1*-:12t.1 • 44% tz2-•;‘,4,-14,1g.r4Z-.4,t".1.4.:g4'7;;Z-1? 7:::::::::..;.:. - :::.-.71.:: >j.;.',.,,1.n.,,•''..,tre" . Birmingham andriUsburgh Bridge 00. THE PRESIDENT AND DisigCT -. DNS of this Cotopatiy base declared. a_Olehletl of DNB DOLLAR' AND FIFTY CEIM YEN 1511 ARE, oat of the earsings of thetas% six months, payable forthwith. JIDW Alt a/ MOTE, TTC43.. at CAlits, More &' •s. •st., hot. thalthlldlo cot Seast. !EiM DIVIDEND. LUND Bras= Ponsnuncio, July tul., Ism THE PRESIDENT AND DIRECT.. ORS of the PITTBSUItA3II AIM .11.144EGIIISNY BRIDUIC COMPANY bate declared • .11vIdeud o FIVE FEB VINT. out of the proata of UM last ala mouth, parade forthwith. IYarn, F. A. 1318SEVI., Treasurer. DIVIDEND NOTICE. FARMER! , Darostr ',nos at. MANE. FMMICEIEE. JotrE VW. THE PRESIDENT AND DIREU— TOIt.sof this Hank IiEVO deelared a Dividend of IrIVE PET. CENT. oat of the profits of the last at: months, payable forthwith, hen of tiovernatent tar. R. A. UEOIIOC, Cashier. DIVIDEND. DIRECTORS OF THE • UNION .NATRINAIL , CANE have Ole day de- Oared a Dividend or PIVE (6) YEE CENT.. Do) of CleVarronedit.i. outer the prod).* of the bat Oa monthly lASablo on demand. N. NWT% Cashier. Ulttsbargh, July 2, INS 6. jyamso TRADESMEN'S NATIONAL BANK. .PMECTORS OF TIM BANK have Able day, declared • Dividend of FIVE PER CENT. On the Capital Stoat, out of the !Malts of the last sla. moult's. Jyamte IIZO. yeay.DOß&li, Cashier .ALLOII7..NYNATIONAE. Berm. I Pittsburgh, July 2, IPINL THE BOARD OF D d IRECTORS OF this Bank have this day eclared Illvittend FIVE PEIt CFENT., . out of thepronto or the lest elz fatiorthih pitystili• to tiro twooLhoooo,, or their refiresentsittree. forthwith, free of ehoverriturot I,:hetel It. W. MUCK KY, euhter. 81V011,11.1 N /MON Al. 11 A NU. t rtrrekbllNoll. July IN'S. DIVIDEND OF SIX Pill CENT. FREE FROM GOVERNMENT TAN W be paid on and slier 10th that. =ma IIstICIIANTS AND MANITEAVIIMARN NAT. BANA, rirrammon, July it. THEBOAR P D divideD OF DIRECTORS of thia Bank ha deelareda nd of . _ SIX PERCENT. On the Capital:Rnk, out of thetpronta of the I eln months, payable forthwith, free of U. n. U °l>•g= or rILIMISTINAMIA INsonaaeci - Co., Prrrnuonou. July VI, f TUEDERECTOIN of this Com.- pans , have declared a dlrtdeno of FIVE PER CENT. out of the pronto of the last Ma months. Fable on or after the fOth snetant to holden of CI ni Mock, free of United buttes lioveroment JY2:e45 M'ELEZNY, secretary. :jaivii2/eAT,t:lwili;l 3 l* WHEELER & WILSON'S XXISZEML4OrIi73IIX3 EOM SEWING AMUSES 11.111111/1111G, They an nnapprosebab Iw en elminotion win prom that they are the be Machine in the world. Saiesrocno, 17 Fifth Street. WEI. SUMNER & CO. nil Ti BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pninoeuced by an who have seen it the iambi, Cl ineetiliteacer before the publla \,.... it le as effective and durable se It let simple, an.) as practical as It Le durable. it b. bet to be cub to be adutlied. and used to be appreciated. I \ c 0..- bine, the elements of • . PERFECT PRACTICAL NLiCHIBE And le enorded at a price within the range of near even featly to the lead. The only low priced Machine In the United Bute • I d to ow the WILEEL.EII a WlLauhl FEEI —the held and only relletne Feed ever conetroeted sireaLsratgni WANTED. 38114:11EWrIr isb 13.400‘7117 - 80, wllolloghl-11C Lozano, NO. 43.3 311"21"th_fig. taroat, myth..*.tTriroßLlNAlll. vri D :1 1 49 : 41 Dissolution of Partnership and Removal. • EE . L . E 1 , N e nersblp Its tbe Boot and 800 I b mstneui. and • W. G. MAUFFEY HAS 11.6110VED TO No. 87 Market Street, And has Increased We stook to an Immense assort went of BOOTS AND SHOES, which eompriscs every article In his line, from the coarsest lathe finest, either Ladles` or lientlemun's LADIES' if. will alsocoutintioto nomufaoture loonier LADIES` SHOES, (Weyer( ducription; Many Moth SLIPPERS, either assr a OE LADIES' - sere CIRETti FIRST ULASS.CAL.PIOO.M . loshr than any other prat Mao Incrourocturer Ns au al v. Ills own noutufxture of 1.401.681 , LACIT.ItaI U 4 l- TEEB,a superior article. always on hand; Mc wise GENT'S FIRST CLASS BOOT LASTS. lit et , to Ut the Amt. and comfortable nt for persons ha +- Mg corns or Damao. on their feet, by plardor lorloa l the hat for every lump on the loot. • WE,. THE 811,1BISCILITIEllfl, have • lide day entered into. LIMITED PARTNER 511IP. agreeably to the prOvhdona ofthe Actef itt iambi! missed the let day of March, l I. . Te Partneiship to be conducted under the name Of MILLER, BAER R PARKIN, to the City of Pltuburgh, and for the purprme of Ininereetering and sellingHTZEL and ID products. • The general partners are REUBEN HULLER end CHAS. PABIEIN.of the • ells Of Pittsburgh, sod ego. W. BABE, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. The special partners are SAMUEL IL HIKER and SAMUEL DUFF, eflhe Borough of Lawrenceville: Each of the Spiel* partners hayo contributed Twelve Thurmond Flee Hundred Dollars In cash. - The sahl.partnersidg to commence on the FIRST DAY OF JANUARY: leas, ~ ne, to terminate en OseTliritTY-1111IBT DAYOFDEOLe.DirI, 'Bin. REUBEN, MULL% 1,, • DLO. If. Ball% impend Farther& - • CHAS: PARKIN • • • esmora.a.mia. , • samuira. miry, Partners. pVfow43 , 4R , . . DISOOLIITION • OF cO-111tITIERSUIP. THE =-WIRCI:. - op 110 BlilatiOtt i CU. vas dissolved on the 0101 day Ontobett ler death of ItUItUAN ROBIGHTsO24. ?Alward Dttbrldits basiipstd and adjusted all cbants dna tosald arm...and •bas transferred 1111 Interest therein to ..dearite:Albree s 'asslignee 11.41,3arl- Ina, who will settle tetalmsdne tone b said Mug. of A.:Carlin arrintioug. = Tar, Anew Toiax, Imackfr.xco., Jekisadaphut, - .3E 2 - r - AL:mc - Ao• •-• • The Este) , &Co 'e Co . tt,age:Orgin„ AND,AW RICANORCAN." Ackutitedie4 - i '.the Mist teditta perl 14ieeal .teklitnh. loir rthe . Ou 77 e Qob o l l ? oa V4 a. umi 44l b, wet , Wee-til tun Daytars, atihe V a u nt State rivy. they are layer than any other*, ' trarrantint ger nee Vi • - NrAstraienc Ai DABS, - '_ !to. Atrede. Ateliburit 4 r Pa. IC NAM &BAND PL&NO— HO sub seribvr bss ket neuvea p.m Wm. Raabe Co, nautterb ROM Ultis Tye 0CT.4.1 El& Nu, stun SO Rosewood Idosiftngs, elegantly Wired pee., levant' ptdatc threw*tune .141 note, tn Tale InaUmes t. pelesr all Itte ItaproYe. eat& Weller-to the Aleast R. elm...nate +unlace simtagrte,ierttranoaser %Me city. tee 02/01,15thattninettrLCIaltVITTEIUal " linb , Wed" 'Sole -Agent for amid. & (A • u t. urand. U • stoat and &mars Plena Tortes. WAY 12UE3 EN Giatlesiikaiszlistu, brzczal.Teartmessit riff 4J UI T ' Wait I M ATI S it 154 Vtl4 . e.' W/ lilN- • 013=3NT - STEM •WORKS. eilL4ol4 111111RrePARYIN, xustnrioniumoir-,,,. BEST gnu mr.......,.., Mt STEEL, , m ,..„. i rta r t,„ o ...trin.b.m.lik . a iricuiz.--•'at°,424,Lt!'"!-u° 1 . 1 AM75,1&A11.7 Jusi :::i ' -- 1 . 'ftbe.l3l4tood c Eit:se '' 8 ot ti A ' '12 21'1 C . , " 41 -- ‘ , ,r=lialit4r3k".VlVive - 4 ' :, ((ESA 110 ESE. 11. WWI.. KIDAY EVESINO. se4t end hut arearanco inn One HANLON - trzoimess.' Program:air titifrcly Flat wococ the XAGIC FOUNTAIN. • PITTSBURGH THEATRE. Aso RENUEIGION Last night Lot oue ot the cresoll. Hewett of the veterauJOlLN FOX. to cott)Auelluit 'with the vet wran Actor and Wage Nbsoagrr HAltta 1.1,W15. ho, Mier' a prafeenl.ll.l career of 43 )onrb. retiree Girever from the stme, 41113 (Friday) Ai LA INCA, verformed the ' groat and lustruetive Thirty Years of a Gambler's Life. JNO. U. bLA Cas NTIN, hier AO. SCOTT, dr.,cambier CORDING, TRey are adailretd. QUILTING, They nee unexcelled FELLING, They are clasurpamted STITCHING, 'reef are faultiest. .ORGA4§,_Oq) FID2 EEO Ka. TANNER'S Ulktith AND MONKEY/3 Nkturdas, Urand flo.nloo Matinee. lIENEFIT 1.4%.1. E. HARTEL .parry __.alias Well., .................. to a Parsame, an Infirm 01.1 man. ropnlar 10 - thal r/fChat6 , l3.lr. "frothy, the A nfol orry newt.. atoralay, Bona; of the Officers morlioorkeepers ERA HOUSE, 33-15VEIFIL41. 'OO - CYZICUEI. Monday Evening, Stil3' 10, 11EN p.m 111, ME. J. E. ILARTEL, • Leader of the Oreb , ..ani.: (band issairtsissentatiid - rocaS • .. cicolvozzret. 40 PER VORSFERS. Blg. DEBEIN4 I BARITONE. fro P atr r , N ' ff. " P, "`. Ile E COOL aud others. Jor particulars, see programme 1 ' lIIIIIBLE , B VAIIIILETILES TURA TILE—boIe Proprlctor , BEN. Taratiq.s. REAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. MOUE NEW WrAffii ADDED TO THE V.11111.E -TIES TROUPE. • • T 1.51 LI A lid, t►e ChnotglOo CtOg D$ Cot of the world, sod JyIINNY KEEGAN, the Champion Jig Dancer, WWLL APPEAR EVEILY EVEN MU TIMIWEEK tiA VD: IWO OEII GRAND C3-.1.1 -4 'T CONCERT Advertised for July 4th, W /Lk rvSITIVEL , Y BE tiIVEN AT lr „, I I PITTEDIIIIGH, P 4., WEDNESDAY, JULY 36th, 1.566, Gina to the elszeourit of E14e30.40400. 'ill be presented to the 'Motet Holders. Including 14 ',embanks, Fine FILMS to the west, Sewing Le• chine . Melodeons. it. YoNtivis ONLY oat: DOLLAR EALU. LIST OF IIIFTS • 1 glft. In eireennor_ke 1 gill in ..... 1102 in Circonbaclut....—.... j left In 1/outcome-Es.— ...... . I / gift in Greenbacks. 1 gift In Ilreennans • bU 00 gifts In tirinnbooks, 410 %mob ..... 1,000 00 glita lu Urconbacks, ad each 1,000 00 gins In tirocnbnotai 42.40 onnh 2,0 00 2,000 gifts organ] intoresting nooks 2,000 I ill gills of nice nonring4loohlno ....... 6 gine or excelleto lleloAlootto 500 U ptrfts Uttl lU Jewelry 2,000 V..' 1 Ul amon a 4.l., U Diamond 4 ton Uold Walcha -11 gifts of Western Yuma, Low/t: 2,J122. , 0 iaa. 1141:11som0n1=1. LA/CA.TED All POLLOWM Four In Shannon county, Scoot 11l a cres, and 'neer 01'160 acre.; each; TWo Tex.) abenw, each to acres; Hoe in Ripley county or ilkliterna•tald Too tt Vregon county, coon lAD mares. Atom - T woFarms t; Ha. alb.. Wlsconalu, Maud ku acres/V.. locztl,9y. All rHh Vanning It in good settle eels.. rill. perfect, and ter be Sella at our came. Alec. PI lat.:mats Id each) in 011,ldreils. icteatml u In FiLbole L reek, Yenangocounty..Pa., ucludlng the celebrated flowing id ell, kureks, oft w on der Farm, and other roductive wells In that wonderful Hgton. Tbese It:aureate will bapresent ed as Curly Vita, and at trona 4r. ON to IgL ; He each. Not WIC ol local I/1 an 11111)11:141UCLIVe well, but in wello producing, and others yet to he teslOff, Close to proauclac MI coder cootraot for comple tion, tree of further °Tacna, Mape rhoolad the location or Bald wells, 44... n D.. 1: l'ernOas Wishing A+ cxaminc do le. Or certan ar licit., Make sbOve roperty can be accommted at oar Mike, where I. l purllealati rnoi CCob tained. We have no bogus property in ourscheau'e, which should thereloreComMelid Abel( to Ilia public. This le not same...lam It le marely an er effort to meet tun sale of a ...rd o umouu"of propty at a moderate V aleatlOU. LILT, (.1.1;111bli THY, TiClit.T UHL 1./FRO' Nall OM, AiHfl; Esuliv, A Cl/ THEM Ili; n't• NUbilialto IM ta L r LN • Ice, aft THAT ALL Al Al hat,. J 1... A., Vi Trildk A rt.: , U THE. COAL:MST Lilt N ill . be MI o..ate begivenThere a l , very imam 11501,. 1)00 , u amalleat gift, are photographs of toe distinguished mots and N omen of our Hines. 't Iv. drawing 0111 take place atter the concert, ta.l, nights in succession. A committee will be at,- 11 , 011110 Al ny tit. Ticket Holtlyrs Moue tosuperinued IAw'SA/114 and me UHL ilik Rift. are &Hit Hated ItuusrliaUy. and the result published immediately. Hl, enbacks, Leeds, Am_.._fOrwarded by exprems. We:LIABLE AGENTS WANTED in every town atal village withlu 1100 tulles of Vitt* ourgti, 11 nom Ilberal andUCeureo la WV offered. Ul9lll HATCH: Tickets to one addrews i 4 50 10 Tickets to oLe address. t) 00 20 Tickets town/ address 17 50 30 Tlckcia to one address 20 115 40 Ticket. to one address 33 00 bp 11 lab to one address 43 50 100 Tleiceta to one addrenn 1,3 00 Tkircts Yelling fast. Met up your clubs and lend Le your°Hier* with the name and address In bunt, ot each aubscrlber. Number of tielicts Wooed,' 90,000. Prtee,_llo each. Tway are fur sale at our Mace. N 0.70 Pit KT lIKET, Rd floor, `Uhrotticle` UUUWng, rittib'g And at the principal Hotels, Book. Alusic and Drug. Manes of this city and Allegheny. • Milt by mall un receipt of prier and stamp for re turn poatage. Send for Oltenia...es.. mane) , may be sent us at our risk, either by draft, postuffice order, express or regiatered letters. We have excellent retercdces, with which our welds are tarnished. Special Mottos, Tickets not pall tor are nuttn.orted In oar LBAWINU 1,101, and will neither gain Admission to to • Conners, nor draw sans and aro Sheraton. awns.. ..x.1310 must be punctual in making re turns, sons to riven as on the Sd °I/ My. Ail communications should THUS to abaUtiNA.l.l3, CO.. luta.d&wTtdbll Box No. 506, Pittsburgh. Ps. - MILLIARDS! • 3214167C73r1 3341Xara Itesiketratly announces to {biz Mends and newb lic generally, that be h. test opened bl end counodlo. NILLIAND AUCtied, CORNILIt OP LittNitTY AND ST. OLAIR STILEILTU., entrance roma. Clair. The Tanice are new. and coned not ed In the most Approved sod elegant style, and ail the sippartenancus are new and complete. Erct7- thing which may conduce to the pleasure and enloy went of his retro. will be alfordibl. mv17.141 LiksowsceirEs, City and riuborban Views, MKS MUIR% CM 'MIRY QOM, TAKEN AT ANY POINT, BY 1.93 - EILM2*‘..I2FOMIEI de' CO., ritotioiashinicas, Jros.2 and 4 84. Ciair Street, Pittafftrurrvim. JeZS:III STEPHEN M. OTT. OgRILIIJS. Dye Sinker, Seat &• MOM Engraver, BROD AID STEIL 111111 CCTIEL SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES; Canceling Stamps & VLalting Cards.: Also, PLATES FUR ILLUIgNO CLOT#ING; 93 Wood SL, Core Diamond-AMY, tinOrsnAvti , soox . sTonx..) pirranuskiii. The Fountain Horticultur e[, . ICE.CREAMSALdON In Wilkins' 1141, .Yourthatreeti near SnltliiiiidA4. -• -,rr 7' now Opea. vhe bat:titled, roolert and most ItaltielbirPOrr::: ,,,,,- • Ell UARD - P...IienALOON lit the Write. '• lee ereallanillten and: conteetlintarlei . rani oucarzErriu. hut 'boon iniaged tb kk waren, and:will be In attendance fi Vans (except banday). trout- Pawn tin twelve - . beat lee prat., iLed baud! • m)4:1310 - ' MADAME To .FARMERS.-HAYWELetrbIIttri.A.TENTEE,- - ttAY RAKE made. It Is. self ow.rialnie. log it. Iroxick in light as walla. to the heaviest ever roam. or smoottfgrOtind. The teeth ken Steel and warranted to Do well It= pared and mato breat ), l ,,, ." - - Wiln fair tillage. la Vary ample la eta -noastenvx. , a , (lOU. ablld in oe aged and tagralpar ,,, : .. : - . , ,t. Ulyg can ,aark. 11. S. tae 9.itan Tatatal and deprtrasel{ who - teeth at Univ. - 111 of the. operator; 'pp ..uniasaja and retail, at the' moat* In Cohan tThio,:or at 319 Liberty Street, • o .. ratbilitar oLaSnot: mr.. - coxior; : PIUS ndrEll,' - anne - e, - NOTICE is all delinquent 1.t4CL11101der$1111;11:4:::.15'llnin .. ;,::: teteattant 01 - Ten rat . Ceat. for a Olt .oaat adrkitig capital tar *gr.-tidal:rata meeting of-Dtortiardile_rali on nee zild, 500%, for alitett the . aaervoetnelt.Wali , ' be tamed.) Blain le vithali.odsty, 44, this date,' au math at . .the aux rant quents es will biareeprcd te ltry` . artaartnelit and beeerearrnx ,- enian i attiradlni; the rale, ntPt!"„. '!l l.l " ilge b tleeti " 9 4" ?: Jelar7i • • . titircostuiTaa. YT1V81919911, WO. SSESSPIENT SOI 1t.a.V7 , 7'310 4 1Ce -4 -.:Aereo, given that the atacitatataft !arum grad ? :tall ma pawnor:l4e. V.. 04, MtrA... .117targYatirftrIA .14:r01-q°24:0-itirtrk''';+.`1. 'tfeaaorerfor con .11,r "won time otrru , lj , •?!vir.. ' plugs la. 1 3 4 0611 • - ,ic' ind testi:6d Av'butititor an . tgla.ol - I.l4lxtbii.' luld'inst*! - ; L'" "VJ.M.TklitS' rt= • .ac ' Oa Froblnwn street. ALLSURXMC —v110.11:1Z ni — ig7 - " 7 1.1BLE11_ RATZIPtt I 'gruittV,"!PY.224; tit& .?tf . iad- t • tt.Atk• Gt: -Of AIT" II I 11 11= 11.000 • 500 . 250 135