The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 06, 1866, Image 1

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inratasueD ar
PM:damn s Reed & Co .,
No. Be 711TH 8123/XT, 1177111artaII.
4.114.-itr MAIL
Tuts Democratic 'members of Congress
liayo issued andress endorsing the
COWAA-DOOLITT call for a National
Tmc bans of ma age between the Dem
ocratic party and the Johnson Union party
Lave been duly published. The consum
mation will take place at the Philadelphia
National Convention. '
- - _
JAFFEIISOL—The Republicans of this
county held their nominating Convention
e . on Monday last. Congressional conferees
appointed and instructed for Mr. Schofield,
C. Fogle nominated for the Legislature
and conferees instructed for him.
HUNTINCIIND/G.—The Democrats of this
county, on Tuesday last, nominated for
Assembly, John S. Miller; Associate Judge,
Samuel Brooks; Prothonotary, A. C. Green
land ; Congressional Conferees, not in
structed, but they are understood to be for
Mr. Pershing, of Johnstown, as the com
promise candidate,
- - _
Preis makes a sugges
tion which will excite attention, when it
says :
"Grave rumors to the effect that large
sums of money have been realized out of
the public funds, and that a wide system of
corruption has prevailed among the agents
of the Treasury in the tionthwest, will ne
cessitate a drastic and searching investiga
tion, and will probably render it necessary
to maintain in this city a committee after
the manner of that on the conduct of the
war, which, clothed with plenary powers,
eau take cognizance of all such questions."
- -
Tun Raleigh, North Carolina, Standard
says of Reconstruction and the Constitu
tional Amendment:
"We prefer the President's plan. We
are for that plan against all others. But if
wo cannot get it, we will take the Iloward
amendment, bemuse we know that if we
reject it the termethereatter imposed will
be'much harder than any we have yet fear
ed. Is not this view reasonable? Who
says nay to it?"
The "Howard amendment" spoken of is
the amendment to the - Constitution in the
shape it passed Congress. The vim - taken
of it is decidally-sensible.
Still triumphant
No. In Fifth Attest.
Now Goods To-day
At No. GO Flab street.
The Fondle le Over.
But the bargtuts nt tio. 03 Fifth otreot etre not
The Opera "louse "thole More
Never had a dull Beason, simply because they
sell goody at small profit and give satisfac
tion in every masa
Lubin•s Conant Cream
For tho hair. It. has no etplal for promotiug
the growth of hair. Far sale at Fulton's Drug
Store. oorner Fifth and Smithfield streets.
Gin :Coneert.—Diener. McDonald, Thom.
eon b Co., are adding thirty thonaand dollars
worth of city property to their Hat of Gifts.
Their advertisement will appear complete In
the Gazelle to•morrow. They have on band
a large number or unanswered letters which
will 110 attdfuled to immediately.
If There are A 117;
Of our readers who have any doubt . to where
to get the best Puient A4vllelure, we would sug
amt. that they walk - around to Fleming's Drug
Store, NO. Si Market street, and look at his
well filled store. Fleming does a big ludness,
chungeo his stock every few weeks, so that
you always get a fresh OIrLICIII (no small arm)
and his prices are lower than at other cobalt.
lishmenta. Dive him a call.
Pluvial and Fineeitest
Cod Liver, Oil in the world, manufactured
from fresh selected livers on the sea coast.
This oil is characterized by a sweetness and
parity peculiar to It alone. Its reputation Is
so great that it takes the lead of other oils,
and Is universally prescribed by physicians.
Remember to ask for natant a Caswell's Cod
Liver OM •
CABNIrkLI, bfAce 8 Co., Nov fork
Solo Manufacturers.
For sale at wholesale In Pittsburgh by IL. E
!Sollars & Co. Alp:lntl by all Druggists._
i!ledleed Munebausen•
Abound Inevery any and every place where
there are people to be imposed - upon and where
diseases are rifc. All sorts of medicines are
advcrtlicd as the vary thing that will cure,
and thus the sick man easily beguiled, and
"catching at straws," is often deprived of his
money sg-wall as health alone swoop. Not so
with "Drt;;;• .Mood Searcher." it does
all that it fprontises and more. It has its cures
autong,thet . pethple *hare it Is made. it is
idnigiti* cares every day; and cures of the
most inaligliant and terrible discases—suchao
enflame, irliith swellings, scrofula, totters, old
and stubboin . ulcers that for years have re
sisted all treatment, and have neon the oppro.
Mum of Medical science and learning. Try
Dr. N.eyser.s Blood Searcher and you will
never regret It. If ono bottle don't help
you .-try another, and if that don't
cure you go and see the Doctor him
self, and he will tell you what will. Mr. Boyd
did this and ho got well after three years suf
fering. John Griffin did it and was raised
from a bed from which he could not be moved I
for three years. Elliott Davis did it and was
cared of a disease that had afflicted him for
twenty years.
a daughter of Mr. McFarland's was restored
to health after seven years of suffering. -So
terrible was she amieted that she could not
wear shoes on her feet, besides hundreds of
others whom to name wouldoccupy too meek
apace, and would not convince any one tf the
cares we kayo already publialted do not do so.
Dr. Keyser's Blood Sooscher Is the vary King
of Tonics. Under its use the brain gathers
now energy, the nervous System Is again
restrring to the harmony of health; the once
torpid. Aver Alters the bile from the Janntiload
blood, and tone and healthful activity are
'imparted - to Use whole alimentary canal. The
enfeebled stomach takes on renewed action
under its b0711131-givitus power, and secret,.
abundant of gastric Juice to digest. the food.
What it will dole not half told. What It won't
do Is not. worth doing. In brief, it will re
store ton healthly state' the blood, on, ee l.,
sou sluice of WO,. and with It the healthful
performance of every function belonging
thereto; War. for Dr. Keyser's Blood,Searcher
at lid Wood - street, and take no other. One
dollar per lxittlesda for five dollars.
The threes Aeetitrustlag Tonle.
Wherever liostetter's Bitters, theoelebrated
American prevention of Climatic Diseases,'
have been introduced into unhealthy regions,
their effeete tn sustaining the health, vigor,
and animal spirits of those whose pursuit&
subjectaZt them to extraordinary risks from
exposarchnd titivation, have been wonderful,
In the army tbe superiority of this article
over every other Invigorating and alterative
medicine bee become so manliest where used,
that Ale rolled upon, exclusively, as a pro
tection etitinlst litillons rover, Yever and
Agee. and Bowel complaints of every kind.
The soldiers lay it Is the only stimulant which
producce and keeps op a healthy - habit of
body in tuserbelesome Locations. For the tin;
acclimated plasm& and settler It tbe
reliable of all safeguards against sickness.
Throughout the United States it is considered
the most h ealthful and agreeable of all tonics,
and altogether unequaled as a remedy for By*.
roma.. The meilicinat Ingredients are all
vegetable, and are held In solution by the
mast wholesome stimulant known—Um Ea
laooe of aye. ."llostetteris Bitters'. are man
ufactured at Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, and
rio i „,„, tt ,„ u tom() dozen !mull* are sold nano-
ally by &run:Leis. ' " • •
mesitettees Bitter&
Are mid wholesale and retail ateery lbw rates
Drug. andpatent ittedielaeDepot,
pc. Ss Kay %et meet; corner. *Mb "Dbilitou4
The Progress of the Flames
Yourt awn, June s.—The lire commenced a
little below the foot of High street. It next
burned Upham's flouring mill, and then
Brown's sugar house. with all Its surround
ings, then Staples Son's and Itiohardson's
foundence, and nothing else of any comm.
gammon Commercial Street. It next swept
what is called Graham's corner, composed of
buildings, clean. It then
i ' , m'il lrep r =orr as the old Warnmie House, on
I . lmtalnt street, ono-third the way up Centre
street, half the way up Cotton street, corn
'dewy up Cross, Union, Temple and Ex
change streets, Is swept down on the north
, eriy Mae of Fire street to India street
' off the east, while on the west it
moved along diagonally across Middle '
street and flown to Cumberland, taking the
Elm House, but sparing the F brat Parish
Church; then from Chestnut to North Street.
It made a clean swoop on the southerly- aide of
Cumberland street, and the same was the ease '
wlth Congress street and everything else to
Fire street, as far east as Lulls street. It is
almost impossible to tell where the people
lived, the rule and destruction is so complete.
Davis, Baxter Alio, on Fire street, wholesale
dealers in fancy articles, sot down their 1068
at .25,000, which is fully insured in the ...Etna
Insurance Company of Hartford, and the
Hampden Company of Springfield.
PORTLAND, MR., July s.—The upper aide of
five streets is swept Clean to India street, ex
cept two buildings on the corner of India
street. Woods' Marble lintel, the Freedmen
House, the American Bonne, the Commercial
House, the Sturtevant House, and Kingsbury's
Hotel are destroyed. Congress emcee=
Chestnut street to the Observatoty, is
E xcl
on both sides. Not a bulldiug is standingon
uinge street. Federal street is entirely'
destroyed, as is Cumberland street, from Pearl
street to the kill, on both aides. Union, Plate,
Temple, Lime and Sliver streetif are entireW
cleaned, and Franklin, from Fort to Oxford
streets. All of the wholesale and most, of the
retail shoe stemware destroyed. A steam and
hand engine came in from Saeo, and hand en
gines from Biddeford, Gardiner, Brunswick
and Hallowell.
Boszori„ July s.—'lie terrible conflagration
to Portland excites deep sympathy. A dis
patch from the Mayor of Portland to Mayor
Lincoln says: u nmeant.). of our people are
homeless and hungry. Can you send us some
,rend and cooked provisions'. The response
has been prompt and liberal es the time will
allow. A largotimintity of provisions In
charge of J. B. Smith, the well kuowu caterer,
was forwarded by the three o'clock t rain, and
further su pplie s will go to-night.. Two thous
and tents have also been forwarded by the
United States authorities. Generous contrl-
Initions of money to purchase supplies are be
ing received by Mayor Lincoln, who will see
teat it is properly used. The Adams Empress
Company offer to-take, free of eliarge,sakyoon
inbouotof for the sufferers by the Portland
ItosToa, J uly a—Prompt measures have been
taken to send liberal contributions of cooked
lind uncooked food from this city to Porthuid
this afternoon, where several thousand people
have been made homeless by the fire there,
and whu arc' also without food. Mayor Lin
coln, the pri vate of the city government mid
t of citizens are moving ac
tively to the matter.
- -
The Tammany Society Celebration ►n
New York—l from President
Jobrowns. !torrent... Seward, General
Great Nand °Users.
Yew Your, July s.—The following are the
material portions of some of the acknow
ledgements of the Tammany Society's Writs
tlons to celebrate yesterday. President John
sen says :
Sin i--1 thank you for the cordial Invitation
of fee time honored Society of Tammany to
participate with them in the celebration of
the approaching anniversary of our National
Independence. The national tone and marl
ntic spirit of the invitation meets my hearty
approval. They are indications of a growing
piddle sentiment, which, now that the bitter
strife of civil war ha. ceased, requires a re
newal or pursuits of peace, a return to the
Constitution of our fathers, rigid adherent*
to its principles, Incrauxed reverence for its
sacred obligations, a restored Invigorated
and permanent union, and a fraternity
or feeling that shall make us a people one and
Indissoluble. There can be for the patriot no
higher duty, no nobler work, than the obliter-,
apron of the passions and prejudicea which,
resulting from bar tato aanguluary conflict,
have retarded reconciliation and prevented
that complete restoration of all the States to
their constitutional relation with the Federal
Government, which la essential to the peace,
unity, strength and prosperity of the nation.
Regretting that my public duties will not
permit Inc to too present at your celebration, I
am, Very respectfully, de.,
da ;mum Jostasost
Gen. Grant aloofly directs his Secretary to
esprit* his regret that a pnrsious engagement
will oblige him to decline the honor.
Secretary Seward wrltes: I rejoice with the
Society dud the samdtet of arms has ceased,
that the au th ority of the Government has
been vindicated, and that the Ingot the Union
. now floats triumphantly over every foot of
national domain. On the other hand I mourn
with the Society that the minket Uniongiven
us b y our patriotic forefathers not yet
been entirely restored; that eleven soieremb
States are denied Is:presentation in the Fed
eral Congress, and are not nicogni•el
part of the national legialation. Row
strove this. We have killed disunion
outright, and have killed African slavery with
it, end yet we are not completely reunited. if
I did not feel assured that the American pace
pie cannot surfer so great and fatal a soled**
to continue, I should say, as many others do,
that we are at a crisis, but I have unbounded
or/oedemas in the wisdom and virtue of the
American people. It is said, In excuse of the,
denial of representation, that the States and
their chosen representatives attil continue to
be seditioue and disloyal. I ask, is Tennessee
disloyal Is Arkamuts seditious, Are the
Senators and Representatives of those States
disloyal; I desire in this respect that each of
the two Bowes or Congress will apply. the
Constitutional teat with all rho improvements
or legislation noon it, and thus admit those
Slats* and representatives who are loyal, and
reject only those against whom the crime of
disloyalty shall be established.
"I believe with the Tammany Society, that
the Union was created to be perpetual and that
the States are equal under the Constitution,
that the restoration of the Union by the - rec ant
war ought to bo acknowledged and rasognla.
ed by all the Departments of the Federal tkiv
ernment; teat a @writ of magnanimity and
fraternity should prevail in an our oouncils,
and this the South having accepted the ler
I eons of the war and relinquished the heroes of
secesmou, should just so Mat ea she comes In
the attitude of loyalty, and in persons of l o yal
and qualified representation, be admitted to
her constitutional representation.
"I want henceforth and forever no North,no
South, no East, no West, no divisions and no
sections and no ClnaSeil, but one united and
Secretary Welles replied "To the honor of
your Society, it has in all times and under all
circumstances. In war and la peace, been
faithful to the union of States and the rights
of the States. At no period since its organism
-1.1011 have its teaclunge and servioes been more
required &haunt present, when the victorious
arms of the republic having suppressed the
false theory that the Union can be divided by -
secession' or the voluntary withdrawal of a
State from its federal relations anti oblige.
Dons, we arecompellesi to encounter the op.
posite extr compulsory exclusion, by
which the centilolists deny to eleven States
the representatives in Congress which is guar
&mood to them by the Constitution. This doc
trine of compulsory exclusion is scarcely less
offensive than that of voluntary secession—.
each i Walla the perpetuity of the Union.
After a long and exhausting war which has
cod us so much blood and treasure, the coon.
try needs repose, that industry, oominarce
and the parts of peace may revive and friend
ly relations between the States and peeple
may be ref-established. Friendly conferees*
amongsthe people is to be encouraged and
must supersede hatred - and revenge. Nepart
or the Suites or people can bo deprived of,
their just rights without producing estrange
oadilloits Hall In New Orleans Do.
strayed by Pare—Loan s3oo,ooo—Nexl
ehas Intelligence, etc-. ebe-
New Outcome July 5.--The Odd Ye ll ows.
nail, the most ttiatatve and magnificent build.
Mg la this city except the fix Charles hotel,
was bunted that night. The building intind•
ing furniture, waif 'valued at three hundred . '
thousand dollars, and was hovered for ninety.
fire thousand dollas
The celerabtion o r Independents, Day wax
universal. The shipping and consulates db.
played innumerable haws Tao tauttlen had a
grand festival
The Western Texas elections repudiate ne-.
gro eniffragestrongly.
There nrOoptitinued reports of murder and
robbery by negro troota on Red River.
The Masonic society haXe 'offered moommo
dation to the burned Lodge&
Cotton—Damage' morn general; aafe,,! , v..
bales; prkes unchanged;'s read
hales. Sterling, ON; Now York E:Man y :AT
The steamer Mar°, /rem Bagdad on the
thd, arrived at Broshear Tine steamers
/Lacombe and Regen 'two • schooners
Containing Genera Med ia,
ia leers_ and starts,
together with about one thousand • persons,
consisting - of troops; • goverment .Offletalti,
women and children, Coaled- the_bar. ef.the
Rio Grande, on, the Mtn, bound in Yam Crux.
General Escobedo oecuplest .111atamorits 0/1
the evening of the Zoh. with. two• tignaand
men. Matamorna has been remark:chirp:get
and orderly.
Wad ilwiLualty—Twe Persona Die Wiled:
Ithreow, N. Y.; July N.. AL ltad Calenilty 00.
eurred yesterday eiterm+ , 4 while a Wertl-Vree.
Amnion prooeixung to Rogere'istand err alga
ion in email bents. One 01 the b=WllO
a W aMPC4 two intios Ulla city, Mr.
Frederick A. tittrord,,Jr., AL thekeity, Mug
-Louisa linoloy,
bodies Otrom N M e, Ul I
Atriot irei l W
were bOtti
tirownod. 21t kS
eCrlereat ' e-
~..i' h
.- : _.
1 n motion of Mr. Lane, of
session was ordered for Fri
altierstion of tho Pension bill
Mr. shaman, Dom the Count
enoo on the Army Appropriaq
report., which Was agreed to
mid the bill WWI now substan i
cd the Senate.
A resolution was adopted img upon the
President for information as the number of
American VollBoiB destroyed pirates off the
China coast during tbe past ,and whether
further legislation is name . to prevent
such do predations.
Mr. Wade called up the bill o reannex the
city and countyof atexandria, Virginia, to the
Distract of Columbia.
Mr. Pomeroy, from the Co Dee on pub
De la els,reported a bill to d the Dales
for completitig the agricalt college in
town, for the erection of wtt public lands
were donated.
Mr. Pomeroy for the Committee on public
lands reported a bill to amend an act granting
lands to Minnesota for constructing a Mail
roavides t.d from
at St. Paul to lake Superior, It pro.
• in case the lands along the lino of
the Road shall be found to have been previ-
ously granted for other purposes, other lands
in the State not more than thirty miles dis
tant from the road may be taken.
Mr. Wilson called up the House •doint reso
lution declaring that the detail 'of a. sehlter
and stiller as a cler other post duty shall
not be construed to intorfere witt. his tight to
bounty. Passed.
Mr. Wilson called up the Joint resolution for
the appointment of commisaioners to ex
amine and audit the claims of Mesßashusetts
against the general government for coast do.
Mr. Grimes moved to strike out the words
'Mud audit.. Agreed to.
As amended the resolution passed.
Wade spoke in favor of the repeal of the
lintrocession act. He believed it to be uncon
stitutional. it required the consent of Mary
land, Virginia and Congress to locate the cap
itol, and accept the ten miles square devoted
for the purpose, and their joint consent was
necessary to Justify the retrocession. The ne
cessity of protecting the graves of Union sol
diers was-one reason for reannematton.
Attar discussion, the further coneideration
of the pending bill was postponed until to
Mr. Wilson introduced a resolution author
ng the Secretary of War to pay for soldier.
held to service and labor, and drafted or en
listed during the war. Referred.
Sir. Howard said the Military Committee
was strongly' in favor of some equalization
law. He believed one would ho pasted.
Mr. Poland called up the bill to provide for
the payment of quartermasters' stone and
supplies furnished to the armiesof the United
States. The pending question was to make
the Secretary of War instead of the Quarter
master General, the auditing Metier of such
accounts. Disagreed to.
The Senate amendment appropriating mo
ey for the purchase of land for a 'tort near-
Nashville, was stricken out. Some other
amendments bad been modified, but. not in
anlYhe Sen= t afu e en s amendment, that the Superin
dent of West Point may be selected trom any
branch of the service, was agreed to, with an
amendment to include also other offleers de
tailed at West Point.
Mr. Grimes Inquired what had been done in
regard to the Donee amendment prohiblUng
lo h r e&a s yment of
_the Illinois or Cen v. tral tail a ro rm ai 3 i
po Mr. Shea - man said that the House receded
from that.
The Conference Report was agreed to.
Mr. Trumbull offered an amendment by way
of provisti, that claimants must establish their
loyalty before having the Malmo allowed-
Mr. Howard apposal the bill In a soch. in
which he took ground that the Southern pen.
pie had put themselves in the atZltede of alien
enemies of the Clotted States and t heir citizens
were entitled to no pay for what was taken for
the use of an invading army.
Mr. Hendricks spoke in favor of the bill. If
any people were entitled to compensation
they were those who stood faithfulty to the
Government in the ruidat of the rebellion.
After further discussion, Mr. Wilson moved
so to amend as to strike out a provision au-
thortzing payment for goods taken by an mil.
ter without. giving n receipt.
At half paid three there w.s an executive
session, and the Senate soon attar adjourned.
Mr. Paine, from the Committee on Election.,
calledtje report in the contested election
exact of agal net Dawson.
' Oa Mr. Morrill, it was postponed
until after the Tarn! WI shall be disposed of.
Mr. - Spaulding gave notice that he would
call up the question of oda - liege en the Orin
nell-Itossman matter lunnedLttely on the con
clusion of the Tariff bill.
The hill Introduced Mays since by Mr.
Wilson, of lowa, explanatory of the Pacific
itailmed act of July Ist, and July ?A, 114,
came Up fu order.
Mr. Wilson offered an amendment, Which
was agreed to, providing that the act should
not Interfere with any right conferred on the
Central Pacific Railroad Company of Califor
air. Loos offered an amendment, which was
agreed to, requiring the Union Pacific road to
tryst the one hundroth meridian of trey long
nude between the north bank of the Platte
Riser and the south bank of the Republican
River, In Nebraska Territory.
Mr. Wilson proceeded to explain and defend
the provisions of the bill.
Mr. Schenck, from the Committee on the
Conference on the Army Appropriation hill,
made the following report, The Rouse is re
commended to recede from the amendment
requiring suit to be brought against the lilt
nms Central ltauro,4 for cams paid for the
transportation of troops and munitions of
war; agree to the Senate amendment making
appropriation for the conetruction of fire prot2
more house at the arsenal at Philadelphia,
ted to agree to the Senate amendment mak
ing theof army officers ten Instead of
wx eent ilea ee Senate is recommended to
recede from Its amendment making appropri.
atlon for the purchase of land used as a fort
near Nashville, Tennyson. The wettest
In regard to Quartermaster's stores is
to be amended so as to require articles'
Maned In the Pacific Mates and Terri
tories to be delivered
at the point. designated, and the advertUie
meets for such supplies to be published In the
newspapers of San Francisco, California, and
Portland, Oregon. The confirm inregard to
the tannery ;scummy le to be amended so as
to provide that the Superintendent may hors.
after be redacted and the officers detailed from
.any arm of the service, and that the Supervi
,an in charge of the academy shall be in the
War Department, The section in regard to
tile extra
publicor soldiers employed in con
structing works is to be amended as to
allay collated men working as ArtirlCOra and
norseensoned ofthsera employed as abr
wets,'birty-five cents a day, and enlisted
teen employed as laborers twenty cents per
de Thu reportupeaeent into ct.d Con ' n
The Committee of the
Wholeon the tariff r bill, having Previously or
dered an evening session.
The amendment offered by Mr. Myers on
Tuesday last, to make the duty on glass, bot
tles, vlals,jarai demijohns and carboys. four
cents per ponad, was rejected.
Mr. Myers the offered a similar amendment,
making the duty on glass vials, ac., three and
a quarter cents moundd. Rejeetyl.
Mr. Moorheadto amend the gtary
graph about cut gime, by adding to the ad
valorem duty a apeollic duty of two cents per
pound. Rejected.
Mr. Dawes moved to amend the paragraph'
about window glass by increasing the duty
from two to two and a quarter cents per
pound, from two and a half to two and three.
quarter cents, from three and a half to four
come, and from four to four and a half cents.
Mr. Myers, again offered his amendment
somewhat modified, which was rejected.
On motion of Mr. itubbard, of West Virginia,
a new paragraph was added taxing ere-brielm
thirty per cent advaloreus.
On motion of Mr. Keevtry proviso was add
ed to the paragraph taxin g books as follows
"Providftl, that if the came sdiall be Imported
-in quantities of more than nve collie. In any
invoice, they shall, if written wholly or partly
in the Engitah language, be liable to a duty of
twenty Cents per pound Weight and twenty
live per cent advaiorem. On stereotype plates
of books and casts of wood cuts, a duty of
twenty cents per pound weight and twenty ;
live per cent. advalorem.
Mr. Patterson moved to amend It by stalk
skig out the whole paragraph about books and
Inserting in Ilea or it on books wholly in a or
eign language, !cultural 'and Salentine f list
ports, and periodicals not being American re
rprinte, tea per cont. advalorem. Ile argued
that such books were only purchased by echo!.
ars and scientific men, who should not be
heavily taxed for the benefit of tat book pub
lishers In Bathe and New York.
lir. Kelly denied that book publishers in
this country bad been making •fartUnee Item
their madness, and said that many of them
were having books publieneal In kogland and
Belgium tram American stereotypegslatea Ou
seamen of the relative cheapness of labor and
Pair in opCleep theame Ltd Men t.
Withetit disposing of the amendment the
Committee moss, buying disposed of three
pages a tbe bill.
"Mrsillow Introduced a bill providing that
Where a licensed -MX is imposed upon whole
sale dealers, mulealaulated upon the previous
years aides, shall prove lo be In exams of the
tax ProParly chatileablellm thew:Mum ot sales
actually made, the cicala Of the tax shall be
refunded. it was read' three times 'and re.
[erred to the Committee On Ways and . Means.
On motion of Mr. Schenck, the Senate joint
resolution to provide the publication of the
ankle/ history of the rebaltho, was taken from
the Speaker's table, read twice and referred
to the Committee on Military . Ankirs.
At half mutt four o'clock the Rouse took a
recces till 7:30 p. m.
!Negro Celebratio n .- Broken Vp by Mow.
dy Soldiers.
Num - num, July 4.—The fourth was celebra
ted by several plc-nica. The loyal portion or
the oomnuntlty were ataUtabled at Bealey%
Orme. They wore addressedby 'Horace May
nard and others. Several Protabloor Gan"-
als were present.
The Memos held a celebration at Port GU'
Lea, white wee broken up by a party of so -
bel. , 24lipbut to the nth Regular CValiT.
General staa - rocalved a dwpateh last night
tram Satyr:la, on the Nashville and Chatbtoo
roortlpAlarslarbriftabetrgurw" 01
Ati au
leans and wawa.. ,
;,..jriaglamat- Sad ir i tli s t i er la a Ellibt at
Ga.,. July o.—The rreecheen and
whiten engaged In a tight at Atlanta pa the
pyjama, In which a lew mere wounded. Thu
112=mnAlthe peeyeateat
. .
'-'L .. 'i•::i:.-::: :':::.,:.,.':••:'.'..,;T:;','..!t , ,,''i:,',.:,:;k1:: - ,
The United States to l'artleipate in the
Pings Ex p os ition — lnteresting front .
We:leo—Land ()Mee Business.
WatunwoTon Hirrr, July s .—Lengress has at
length passed the appropriation act, provid
ing for the participation of the United States
In the Paris Universal E.rposttion of 1967.
In addition. toy the many applications
already died, tt is ronmed there are still
others which have been awaiting the result of
the legislation on the gulden, and that the
leading minds of the several States will now
review the report of application', made public
In April last, so that no Important interest or
new invention shall be omitted. Forms or !
plications can be obtained of T. C. Darby, Gen-
eral Agent of the Malted States for the exposi
YorNO. sSpruce street, and No, 40 Park Uow,
The Senate, in exientive sossion to-day,
C o nfirmed the appointMent of Wm. S. Mosley,
MissOurl, one of the three commission
ers atinointelL under the act of April 17th, to
reimburse the State of Missouri for moneys
impended in enrolling, equipping and imbetst-
log United Statue forces during the rob ninon.
Mr. Romero, the Mexican Minister, n.Ceired I
1 1411cial news from El Paso up to the oth
alt.bleat Juarez, his cabinet, and the',
Chrlinehua. It is
GoVernment wa
thoug to leave ht therelikel on y
the t
loth for
they hear of the capture of Matamotha when
ros, the
seat of the Government will be removed to
Monterey. The news received at El Paso
from the Western States of Mexico was Batts
and lieratlan The French
Swalda. hold only Ges,yrunas, in
Lists have been prepared in the General
Land OMini for the reettuution of public land,,
in the State of lowa to the market. Tne oaleS
at the different land Mecum in the State will
comprise nth:Rona of acres, the rate being $2.10
per acre
It Is said that the members elect to Congress
from the Southern States Intend to unite in
an address to the citizens of that amnion to
senddelegates to the Phthulelphia Conven
tion in d A el ugust next.
-- -
The Missouri Conservative Convention
Atipsurn They Request Governor
Fletcher to Retire the Troops Author.
toed by the_ Logniature to Keep
Peace, &e., re , titenang in ,
Southern tilhools.
Sr. LOUIS, Jul . y h—The Conservative State
tion earned yesterday, Conven subject to
the call of the resident and the majority of
the Vice-President-S.
Itosolutions were adopted requesting Gov
lute Legislature authorized to come into ner
vier, to preserve peace, on the ground that it
Is unconotitutional to keep troops in peace
without the consent of Congree, except when
the State Is actually invaded, or In
imminent danger thereof; and en
dorsing President Johnson's action in rela
tion to the Freedmen', Bureau, the Civil,
Rights Mil, and all
restoration of the South to op the
union; condemning the effort of emigrant to
emend the Cons titution idle one-third of the
nudes are presented; protesting swans.
the attempt to have the ameoament ranged
Sy Leciataturdelected One or two yearn ago,
and heartily approving the course In Congress
of Representatives Bogen and Noel. The
Convention elected four tremens from each
Congressional District, and nine for trio State
at large, as delegates to the Phil.lelphia Con
vention, among them tollgreasmen Hogan
and Noel'.
The greatest meeting ever held in Southern
Moots, if not In the State, assembled yester
day to celebrate the Fourth of Jail. The
meeting was gotten up by soldiers, and was
midnased by General Sherman and Logan,
Governor Oglesby, and others. The prise.
eon from the country was four hours In pas.
Mg a given point. The number present
about twenty thousand.
r i TOIY, July 5, mu
fltaarft a night
k ny, for the con-
ittoo of Confer ,
on 11111, mule n
Mr. Sherman
tally as It pass.
.t Near York, Lea7Bg23o, 000-I)aal4
of a Promineatl illerebaaa.
New Yolus, Jnly s.—at he deo of the New
Haven and Ihr.dgeport. at ,‘
boas dep"te thin
ninnnng, both depots we deistroyal together
with the steamer haltlm re and two boat
loads of (ruled.. The prof ble loew is a quar
ter of a intlllon dollarn . colored man haul
ed-Solomon Jacksonunuf dly barnod, and
another troth la Waving.
Mr. Jaw. Keyword, oft a dm of Cornell
Hayward da-d In Inc c. 114 yesterday, attar
only two bourse
Destructlye Wire Its Ph liwielpialis—ltes.
seal Personsst as nursed to
lEr rski .
POILAPILLPRIA, July 5.-1 erteiden and Ba
kens' Saw MIII in the rear of Fourth, below
Race street was horned tit, evening The
walls, sin stories high, fell le the ground.
It is reported that several 'persons were
belled in the ruins.
tl io
Two firemen were earned severely InJur
i‘d. The amount of loss is n t weal - weal.
I.s . res_—The loss by the re this afternoon
W. twenty thousand dollani; insured for one
- -
Eseape et a French AlD•e•mdies Calblater
M—ftemocnstrarre AJOLlialgi Me Tarlo
Naar testa, July —Lamiritute, the allegtsl
absconding Preneh cashier ender arrest and
tu examination her PZIOLtIAIMI On Tuesday,
etteed the Deputy Marshal tutu a beau] where
I....latter was dragged and Lanatrtude emu.
The Chamber of Commerce todny Iconsvied n
remonstrance against the tariff bill. They
Look no action on the Portland fire•
Defaulting Postmaster it - isettarvist—afe
alleaners at quarantine.
New Yea., July 6.—/n the cave of ea-roat
muster Yowler, who was a defaulter to the
Government eeveral years Since, a Soils prat,
yui was entered to the United awes tAmult
Court, by lodge Smalley, this morning, on
motlon of Ithstriet Attorney Courtney and a
recommendation of the United States Attor
ney General.
There 15 noaleltricas of any kind at gunran
Destructive Who at Lawrenceburg, Inn..
Loss s o lo,ooo—Wire at 'tempera, fig,
CI scars an, June 3.—A lire In Law reneobary,
gWane, yesterday destroyed Bryant a Lord's
undry Nevtta ltaior's warehouse and
Lewis d,
Ewbberger's malt house, Stookxnares
saw mill, Cheek's ice house and throe private
residences. LAws .40,1/00, partially insured.
Youngbint , s drug store, In Newport. Ken
tuabo cky, - was destroyed by tire yestertßy, Late
ut 100P3a.
Railroad Vesnonallost.
Puitsoutretk, July 5.—A convontion of
railroad Prwidents Is In session here. The
Committee appointed yesterday to email:eat
-1443 Congress and remonstrate orfoiliot dott
upon Iron and steal rails Unposed by the &aria
hill reported today hi faror of the proposed
action which wok adopted niter a long debate.
A Committee of Aro was appointed to Inves
tigate the new process Invented by Lewis S.
hobbles. of Now York, for preserving railroad
and other Umber.
Extensl•4s rire2sear_Citlea, N.
Vries, N. Y. July s.—The extenalvemachim
ery works of guar. & Co., at Willowonto, Ilse
mil. south of lenity wore totally IX/0111102.
tal are, tfsgether with their contents, on
last Wednesday, morning. it wan clearly an
laceary are. insured in thirty companies
for SIOO,CW. Loss nearly doable that nmonnt.
Death eta Platelet,
PIILLADELPIII,, July s.—Dr. Paul Beek tiod•
third, one of the meet eminent, physicians of
this country, died to-day after u brief glues..
Die devotion to the wounded soldier. daring
the war, gained him great popularity among
the motile.
New Yogi, July 6.—The steamer Eagle
brings Havana dates of the 30tho(June, Porto
Rico dales of the 17th, and St. Domingo dittos
of tho 16tH. No Important nose.
Senator lane iteroirerfloht
LEAVEXWOIRTH. Hattie:Ls July G.—Hopes are
coyerntered that (Amoral lane will re-
Be seetun much Muter todilght. lie la
conscious and In able to speak.
Dee.reetive Fire a* Herten. Nevada.
, 5.1.211 d t aAQeIPOO. July 3.—A lire at Dayton,
Nevada, on bunny, destroyed $123,000 worth
el property.
Slinitniar Freaks of Lightning.
During the heavy hall and rain storm of
Tuesday last, says a correspondent of the
Ebensbitrg Alleyhenkin, writing from Johns
town, the lightning played a singular freak at
the house of Mr. Dailey, of Prospect borough.
It entered the roof of the dwelling at the
cone, about a Toot from the end of the roof,
•and running down
hoarding e planking, shiv
ered the weather o splinters. tear
ing og its coarse a clothes ruck which was
fastenen to the wall of the bed room. About
the middle floor, It Jumped from the plank,
ran along a tin spout, and down the conductor
to o tub sitting on a barrel, and, after mating
one hoop from the tub, it turned ami went di
roctlY through it, leaving a hole wffich might
readily ro ugh
mistaken for a bullet hole. From
this point, In some most unaccountable
ear, itituulnalto the barreilunnediately under
the tub, and ran down apparently between
two staves Lilt it reached the water, which
half tilled the barrel, and there It turned di
rectly through a heavy oak stave, leaving a
similar hole 'mule through the tub. We were
unable to trace Its otanse , fartheribut feel eat.
baled that the tin conductor was the mean., of
drawing the lightning from tae house, end, no
telling what damages it might have done. We
regard the whole
freak Of the fluid. matter as a mat singular.
A Cowardly Act,
An oundoyee of Dan Inca's Circus. now on
exhibition In Allegheny, threw a atone at a
small boy, yesterday, who was endeavoring to
get under the canyon. nominal° struck tho
hid on the right - slde of the head, a few Inches
above tiler/gilt ear, Inflicting im ugly Mai of
.01320 throe inches in extent. Instead ofirolng
to the MISOBtitIQO of the lad. who had fallen,
the cowardly miscreant walked coolly Into
the show, with the alt of a victOrlOus &might
at eh - ancient tournament. The toy was pick-
MI ay and taken to his home in the *mond
Ward, where medical. aidiVras - olitalned rind
hie wound dressed. We hope nr, lilac, who
by the way ls adman of honer, will investigate,
thls matter'
attache. discharge UM over ZOlfOne
Crosswise—neap tondance of summer Mel
ton at Cresson luta boon extremely small Wm
far. At Masten sayallus ..zallabla•Ebenehurif
aueohninan. There -in - but, little attraction
shout tine Intendedie lachltamele Mo "
and se the expense" attendant • hoon.freeMartl
at Cupe /taY, Newport ok Saratoga. Are Out' a
tho people, imakiug,A-plamelf
;Ufevand enjeyntent.'gfve Primeen the'.mMti
- „
From Hanna,
~,~ ; ~:
:,~ gym._.... __.. ~.~:~ _n.,~. -;-s
Additional Loral Matter. on Third Pag
The Fourth of July and Flow It Passed
Tito Nieetieth Anniversary of our National
holiday was ohs.. c I In a quiet, orderly man
ner by oar elticenej The morning was by no
moans pleasant, heavy showers of rain felling
at Intervals, but he remaining portion of the
day was all thafOcould be desired.. After din_
nor the streets *ere thronged, and presented
an appearance of unusual . gaiety. The Thea
tre, Academy tit Music, Opera louse anti
Trimble's had crowded houses at their after-
noon matinees, while the two circuses and
attendant side shows drove an equally pros
perous business. The Regatta so much talked
about was a grand failure, reflecting but little
credit upon the parties concerned In thus
hutnboggleg the people upon a day their time
Was no preclOUs. We do not know with whom
rests theresponidbtlity, but tf each a farce be
repeated, the aquatic, sport will sink from the
dignity given it by the llemllls and Jackson.
'ho Duquesne Pio lilt at Glenwood Grove was
a decided success, thousands participating.
The Regiment° boys know how to manigge
stein alThirs, and upon this occasion
eurpaased all of their previous ellbrte. The
Vigilant pie -ale at Melee's Rocks was also
very well
y attended, and passed off in a quiet
and °the. l meaner. ThT's," an as
sociation about which we e
k- new nothing, held
fAe pionie of the day at the beautiful grounds
known as McFarland% Grove. It was man
aged in a highly creditable manner, and was
attended by many of our best people. Some
two hundred couple tipped the light fantastic
toe to the excellent music of Julius Moore's
band. The ouppor wan one of hir. Anderson's
effgrts, and not wily reflected highly neon his
epleurieuribUltles, but likewise upon the gine
ereislty of the managers. The donee was kept
up ' till midnight, the ground having been '
beautifully adonsid with Uhinaso lanterns and j
railroad roilocto .1)3 Everybody was pleased j
with the "I. L. Thi" ple-nic, as it was so ad-
num b e rtral managed and arranged. There were a ,
rof other p!thrtilel about the city, on the j
various railroad moo. all of Which passel in a quiet and orderly manner.
not little drunkenness prevailed during the
tf; rw d h e e r i e l v d e e r ;bi r d th y
al! it was t , r o tn li o as "
be pleases, the number at arrests upon the
streets Wits unestudly small. &mend Inslg
neleant quarrels happened In Allegheny anti
Pittsbur but further than that we thuld
leant of nob disturbance. In the evening the
places of amusement were crowded to e cuss
the streets were thronged with people.
At the United States Arsetuil the usual dis
play of are works was made, which attracted
thousands of malteds. in the city the display
was equally grand. iittoek, the indefati
gable, appeared to take the lead, and kept the
corner of Filth and Smithliehl streets la a
blase of powder froln early dark to midnighL
Ot her private citizens made equally creditable
displays of patriotism done up in rockets and
Roman candles. All ie all the clay was highly
creditable to the patriotic character ot our
A Lett... from Jimmy IlemilL
On Wednesday last the great race for thi
aquatic championship of the world, between
Kelly, of England, and ILamill, of Ainerico,
must have taken plane. It will he several
drys before we can .11 , 112t011.1.00 tile result, but
ni the meanwhile ipt en hope that "Jimmy"
hue token in and tiktinre for the English lion.
hut Iltt.e motley * staked upon the result
here, as Hamill Ii Silloomensely popular that
o imager against him can hardly he obtained.
If the •• glom house boy," from Pittsburgh, has
to the race, he VIII be the prentleat WWI in
he world, and ho well deserves to be. if by
fly ho bas twit the race ho will stay
n "merrie old Erarland” until hq has delimited I
he champion. • 1
We clip the following letter from the Ham.
ins and Janice Laughlin to the editor of the
New York Clipper:
Far,. Quemw—Lteur write for the
purpose of posting you upon OUT pr....poets In
the forthooralog yucca. Jim to in excellent
health and spirits, and at the present time
pulls down the reale at led poan.ln, leaving a
reduction of bin eight Or nine pounds TO come
"it lie will role at /.1d pounds or 1:4
to t that
ntyle of row rig here in similar to that of
Josh Ward, wlth the single excerption that
slay row crosehanded, and unless that style
is futinitely sUperior to Jim's, we have every
reason to believe that the chanipionship Of the
world wUI he carriod to the shorts of our tin,
tiv• land. We have made • great 70111.0,T
triends here, and the Working people, espeei.
ally, an , anxious for. one success. Thc gentle-
Rman at who. house we two stepping, air. Jun.
owe, Menheins arum, does ell that lies in
e to assist and reader en comfortable,
aw hl' atnli ' vcit the vr, thirry Clasper. Mr.
It will not allow a .Ciad to prepare our vin e
Smut, Fir us mice' linter no Li - snow:nos
wonting out oar 00/OM-a w bite silk, with
holder of rod, white and blism, and Mee mare
oi each of the four corners. The centre Ls or
namenbal lth P.TOh, reprmnting the
Mon, with the WOrd ”PerllasylV ee alile" aver
the emitre, end the ireuiriptioll. "Jam.' !lain.
Ill," Champion of America," underneath. We
UnTO been endeavoring to induce some of the
leading sporting men of this place le! back en,
Vu order that they may become peconlardY in
terested In one winning, and thereby resider
our chances ofhaving fair play ocr-
Min—a fact, however, which we have
no occasion to doubt. do on Satin.-
lay Lola we got Mr. James Wilkinson, no of
two Chambers• staunchest backer*, to come
cud time Jlm from Utah Level Bridge to
ncotwood Bridge. lie was somewhat soden
!shed at the rocult and ounelniled that JlM's
chances were at lesod "lair to middling." The
people bore say they never saw a man do so
I. nett hard work as Jim, as their oarsmen
w 'mid never row more than a nide*/ a stretch.
They never nay dumb belle, clubs, or similar
appliances—the exten g t , of
fluor training exer
nines insist of rowin walg and 1111113111 g.
The boats built by Mackay kin and Roberts, of
your city, would not answergour purpose—tne
former W. toe Light soil the latter mew verso.
themes' has halftone for us Weighing thirty
two ponndm we think she will prove a very
speedy craft, and is her the contests will be
withal. The name weloned by Hamill for hit
boat was "Andrew Johnson," In boner of our
worthy Chief Executive. Kelley has not ar
rival here yet; when we get a chance to see
him taking Ids breathings upon the Water we
ran calculate our ebantott Of success with a
greater degree of certainty. 11 everything
turns up right In the, to us, doubly eventful
Yourtli, we'll celebrate the (evasion by empty
ing a bumper to Amerlea and to the editor of
the staunch bullt CUpper. When we get a
glimpse of Kelley's style, we'll write again,
until which time we bid you adieu.
Yours, dn., Jose Lianti.l.,
Jasms Layered's.
A Queer Case of Ulaiwsx Hobber7-
Among the many strangers who paid our
city a visit on 'Wednesday for the purpose of
spending the "Fourth" nes a lady from Oil
City giving her name as Rosa Kane, alias Wel
ler Rosa, arrived on the morning train, and In
search of the "elephant" she wandered over
to Allegheny City—a community that for cos ,
lain reasons has obtained an euvlaide repute.-
thin for morality whore she met an acquain
tance named WWl= Fence, who, lending his
coffers empty, asked the verdant Rosa for
some money. She pleaded her poverty, and,
by wav of tvarroborating hereto ry, she showed
her pocket. hook, containing kVA, to
stating that it was all she had In the world,
and that she needed it to defray her expenses
until she returned to "modern licence,'
William sympathized with her but the
sight of the lumls was too Much for probity
to withstand. and on reaching Ridge Avenue
he snatched the money, which the unsuspoct.
ing fair one carried in her hand, nd do.
camped. After contemplating the retreating
form of her sordid gallant for a foe moments,
until he disappeared behind the measly° walls
of ten Western Penitentiary, Boss with a
heavy heart turned her steps toward the Office
et Alderman Hays, where she made an infor
mation against Wm for highway robbety. He
was arrested yesterday morning and bi ought
before the magistrate net the Viet= of his
avarice, who again repeater the story other
wrongs. William denim] the charge and en
deavored to prove an allbl, but failed and ho
was therefore required to furnish hall In the
sum of thoefor a further hearing taday. Be
fore quitting tile taco William charged Hose
ith being a woman of easy virtue, whereupon
she beret into a flood of tears declaring she
was innocen cha r act e rpon and that the
stain on her w a worse than the l -as
of her money. Rosa evidently believes "that
he that robs one of gold robe ono of trash ;
but he that filches from me my goal name,
t. ken that which not enriches him brit makes
me poor indeed."
Theatrleal /Sanetits.
. .
Tonight at the rittaburgh Theatre Messrs.
Lewin and Fox take a benedt. The former is
one of the oldest Meek actor* of the American
stage, and as Ws fa biz last appearance here,
'wheys forever, he should be greeted by a
large audience. Mr. Fox, who share, In the
benefit, In too well known to th e amusement
lovers of this city to need any commendation
tram us.
To-morrow night at the =me place, stir.
Hoak mul °Meer Seth Wilmot take spine ben
=t. Those worthy attaches of the Theatre
are deserving of a large =use, which we feel
, sure Win be accorded them. They have pro
' pared a huge bill, and whoever may attend
Will get lu ruturn the Mit value of their mon
ey In comedy or tragedy.
At the Opera BOOMS, the Misses Monk, the
charming and most pleasing actress= of the
Pittsburgh Theatre, will take a benefit on
Tuesday night next. A large =tab= Or the
most talented actors and actresses orthe city
have volunteered their serviees upon the oc.
=soya, and a rare entnitallimeht may be an.
thapated. Prom their modest. lady Ulm eon.
duct upon the stage, the htisebr Monk have
gathered about them a large number of
friends, who Will doubtless show their appro.
elation bf them by aiding with
,their prim.
once at-the benefit. . • . -
1 - leolrel i'antanotant., -
--Fired with patriottsm, luta "OK m 47 a pu.
gilledo colt named Micheal McGee, annulled
John 11cCoy, on TUIIIIOI , 5 1 reet, .'- ow the
ayourta," 'mocking him down and Otherwise
abusing him. Being, bronghtr.befonii ;alder.
Man Lynch to answer forbM ooodlicl. he sta
ted that he made theatanic von &tic tin o r_
- fowling John, for-no other' reason - than to
.createlittle=Went OXlllinerdent. by way
- colebratinc.ladevendtw a boun. „ .. ,
manner. MIN:1 - 110i , to 71
spew:Wig 411/146?.
dOtAkiallloll4a t be ett Iy to to
ta4-arrtalliMislorein Igr er k""a lui_theriel4 e.thUt 6°.
AR* Alr, . court,
Pt.. N "OAOtst.' :
The Fourth In Wooster—Grand Teleran
ment—lPatrlotte Speeches, dn., he.
Wooster, the scot of Wayne county, Ohio,
is a very thriving town of some five thousand
Population. The adjacent country Is a rich
agricultural. region, densely populated by a
very Intelligent and Industrious people.
Wooster, the seat ofjustice and centre of busi
ness for latch a population Is neceesarUy a
busy soil prosperous place, having several
very fine, broad streets, well improved, em
bracing several good hotels, many large and
well stocked stores, numbers of beautiful
churches, private dwellings, and extensive
manufacturing eatabLlshments.
The good people of Wooster had made ar.
rangemonte for celebrating the anniversary
of National i ndependence in a °roper. maimer.
The Town Council and the Firemen% Associa
tion, after some consultation, agreed open a
programme embracing Invitations to several
Fire companies of the surrounding towns and
cities, a grind Procession by firemen ants mt.
lens, a patriotic oration, a balloon ascension,
fire work., de.
The Hope Engine Company, of Allegheny,
having received o special invgation, made ar
rangements for visiting Wooster with their
engine and horses, and were furnished trans
portation through the liberality of General
Cuss, President of the Pittsburgh Pt. Wayne
and Cblcsgo Hallway. They lou home on
Tuesday afternoon, at three &clock, arriving
at ninny p. The Company numbered fifty
men, equipped In their very apprOprinte
Corm, consisting of black pants, red shirt, with
biotic enameled leather hate and Delta. They
were accompanied by the Great Western ox ,
net Band, numbering sixteen Instruments, C and
made a very creditable appearance.
On arriving at the depot In Wooster, the en
tire Fire Department wan found drawn up to
receive them, with torches in their fronds.
Disembarking in the glare of the torches,
amid the plaudits of the assembled citizens,
the vleitors were escorted to the American
Hotel, A. W. Maisheitner, proprietor, where
they were all comfortably lodged and oared
for during their visit. lip Honor, Mayor Cur
ry, with several Gounelimen, called upon the
visitors during the evening, and were most
assiduous in their efforts to render the visit a
pleasant one.
After a night's reneges a noisy salute bYr.
cannon aroused all at au early hour, to realize
the unmanl proalicat for a rainy Fourth of
July. The ground was still wet from heavy
rains during the nignt, and the clouds were
threatening more ruin. With the exception
of a heavy shower between ten and eleven
o'clock. however, tho day was fair and pleas.
ant. Thu town was already seemingly full of
people, and still they came, most by rail, bet
many others by every known species of con
veyance. Farm wagons, with father and
mother and seven or eight sons and daugh
terly of average ages, not forgetting "one at
the breast,") seemed to be the most popular
vehicle, because wh olesal e to the trans-
Donation of such freighte.
The following gentJemen wore 80i0Cled as
rimers of the clay: Preeidenl.—lt. H. Donnelly,
Key. Orator—Captain A. 8. McClure. Chief
Marehall—J. N. Jones, Esq. Asslstrusaa—W.
K. boon. John Bets, Jacob ached.. Committee
iif d eception—Mayor Curry and the Tow-
At an early hour alter breakfast the Mar
shal formed the procession on the town
square to proceed to the depot to receive two
Ore companies from Canton and one from
liasslion, with their engine and equipments,
then due. Alter considerable delay a spocial
train arrived, full inside and onts:de, With
firemen and clvllrau visitors. home further
delay was experienced fn getting the ae
partitns unloaded, but altimately the proces
sion was Conned in the following order:
run rrtoestoocer."
The Great Western Cornet hand; municipal
r epresentatives of Allegheny In carria,ms,
wait the Mayor of Wooster, town Councils,
...tortoni Prealtiont of the day; Hn /Ire
ren,porm of Allegheny, nifty men In Uniform,
"dal engine and hone carriage, the rormer
drawn h 7 four black horses; Rxscue and irk.h-
Hvoivn Ctrospoot., of Canton, with hand en
gin. and hose earrm., numbering about
one hundred Members each, kinsshon Fire
Cornpanp, with hand engine and hose carriage,
numbering about one hundred men; Wooster
YYro DepArtruent throe hand engines and
base earring., with etray companion of about
one hundred such; next civilians, tnt bona ,
back and In earring.. With bonds playing
the "nth, ilnxe.fon moVvti to the town
square, when the entire cortege wits =mod 6 .°
toutet/y apo,euble, and handed over to the
fPresident of the day, who, After a few patriot
ic, remarks introduced
rapt. A. R. McClure, a gentleman of the her
Wm 1.1.044 who procortled to deliver IL very
eloquent and patriotic oration, welcoming the
visiting delegations, and entitling In Suitable
• terms to the occasion. The oration was re
sted with great emtlease. Artnitninclasion;
the President coiled upon S. Riddle, lisq, a
member of the Hope Company, to respond on
holed( or the visiting delegations, which that
gentleman 411a1 In a few appropriate remarks;
whereupon, the vest concourse of daimon and
were allowed an interval of an hour
for refreshments.
TRY Tara cmomms
--• • • •
The procession then resumed the =Mil In
the order above given, and proceeded through
the principal street of the town, now so lull
of people as to render a passage SOIMIWiI4I,
(=cult, and atter some two hours , imuehlng,
reached the Fair Grounds, some throo4eurths
of a mile northwest of tile town, In a beautt.
ful grove, where a halt was mum (or a few
home, and au were allowed to enjoy them.
salve. "at wilt"
The Aviculture] Society of Wayne county
have some twelve wore, beru, suitably One lob
est and Improved for a Fair Ground. The
town authorities—with very commendable
foresight—have also secured several acres ad
adjoining, for the use of the citizens as a pub
lic nark; both grounds are surrounded by a
common enclosure... In this beautiful shaded
grove, with a fine sward beneath, were smut
caserabled a crowd, variously estlnuited at
from fifteen to eighteen thousand people. Mr.
John 31. liinnc7, formerly Prof. Wise's agent,
had charge of the entertainment inside the
Fair Ground; this consisted chiefly In a free
enjoyment of the umbrageous shade of the
forest trees, and looking atthe living pacers.
maw It passed; Incidentally, however, as a
sort of apology for the fifty cents fee charged
the citizens for the privilege of entering their
own pare, there were very "musing races by
men tied up in bails, fall but their heads) who
tumbled about very prcrmiseuously, - at first,
but ultimately learned to loom:note more safe
ly. and a chase after a "learned pig," whose
long tail and been extensively grossed. Piggy
ren around the race track, followed bysevertil
young men, each of whom, with n vaulting
ambitton to distinguish lilmScit, would run
ra n ge,
piggy, seize him by the caudal append
and then allow the twine to draw the .
aforesaid gently through the closed fist. There
may have sport In th but POetililY dvb
Ina to the heat of the day, we could 001 "see
TII6 71.6.111161011 T01:71,1141 MIT.
The most attractive feature of the day, per-
Imps..was the throwing contest, In the even
ing, by the several hand engines, for first
second and third prise silver trumpets, of
greater or less value, MtrinsioaLly. From
several adjacent springs the water is conduct
ed In pipes into the town to supply the rose.'
votra These latter are lowed conveniently
far use, and are mcrelyexcavations lined with
plank some twelve feet deep, and about the
same In diameter , covered also with strong
I plank.
The contest of the hand engines was a remi
niscence of the olden time. Some forty to a xty
men would man the pomp arms ; the foreman
mounts the engine between the contending
forces, and gently at first, but increasing the
power, until with a spasmodic effort of the
foremen's lungs, and the stout arms of the
men at the levers, the maximum is attained—
in the opinion Of the Judges. The bitugnilleant
little brass Imunded boxes, on four small
wheels, "squirted" very well, and under the
utmost efforts of forty or fins' mon, attained a
very fair distance, but with a sadly exhaustive
waste of physical labor. We annex the record
et the thrOwing
Rescue, of Canton, hi class, Inch pumps,
through I'l.o . u:oxid throw a stream 191 feet.
Retiq, of Woost er , lst claw, 12 inch Dumps,
threw feet.
Washington, of Canton, let class, Ii inch
pumps, threw (iirst 222 feet, Inches.
Magadan, took the second prise, at what dis
tance we failed to learn, and
Wooster No. 3, took tha.third prize.
the object of greatest attraction now drew up
to the reservoir, to allow the citizens and tire.
men an opportnmty of comparing the respec
tive merfte of steam and muscle. The ejAgine
is kord In excellent order, and shines Ilke a
now dollar. With somediffleulty, the 'peas.
tors wore kept back' far enough to allow the
men room to manipulate the hose. From the
tone the tire was kindled until 'Water was
thrown, by the watches of citizens markets to
note the time, was just eight tolnutes; four
streams were thrown, through One and aquar
tor lush nozzles, for some time to the evident
astonishment of the spectators, both as re.
gulls volume and distance. As nocompotitor
was present, and as the water In the cistern
/lose bwolning low, from the several trials, the
p made no attempt to throw her ben.
This closed the imblio festivities of the day.
Each seemed to have enjoyed lam or herself
to the full, and no disappointment was mani
fested. The gentleroon of the committee, his
:loner Mayor Curry, a portion of Um -Town
Council, and tale citicens generally,. deserve
the thanks of the visitors for their untiring
efforts to render the latter comfortable dor
letheir stay. Tho Hopp hays arrived safely
at owe yesterday, at three r. sr.
Sudden Dean!.
We are pained- to announce the sudden
death of the well knOwn Commercial Broker
J. U. Cushier, Esq., 'tits*: place at his
residence, on Grant•streeVlAstrday Morn
ing at an earls, hour. -- Heliiiiikbeen unwell
several days ago, but bad 'xiiiMiteroll his usual
health aria was on the streets on the morning
o b f the /mirth. That night, after retiring to
ed i he wee seised With a revere attack or the
oho era mortals, and expired within Sew
hours. He was a gentleman of rare busthass
qualttleatiOns and tolenta, genial in Ms dispo
sition and an upright, and honorable eitirea,
tin leaves wife and daughter to mourn me
`A lrew
Farr° Chi:" at
t b il t r .!rtt i I L
e t:
thedral thh; city, will the corner [done
e( a new Bonuin - Cathollo 'church at. New 0111-
th) on 8u adag, -- the eta inst. Manama inepres..:
sive ceremonies, with an able discourse tram .
Bishop Domeneci will ;mica the Oftweinn one.
et great interest tO sta ptopia •at Jaw Castle.
• •
israiliditt4fathits9r newt,
bgt=lirangsTft" stath— an"—,
P 1 . 46 1;,,,nte
- •
Mtn Drowned—lnquest.
Hugh O'Connor; an Irishman employed In
COE4IB .t Co's tack factory, In Bast Birmingham,
was drowned on Wednesday, a little above
dam No. I, In the Monongahela river, under
the following circumstances In company
with three others ho left the tack factory and
rowed across the river in a skiff, going to
Bailey's tavern In Pitt township. where they
obtained some liquor. On their return, and
when about the middle of the stream, one of
the men lost an oar, leaving them only one
with which to roach the shore. Owing to this
mlsforthire they were forced to land against a
raft of saw Between the outer log and
the main rat was an intervening space of
some four teat, In c- endeavoring to Jump
across which O'Connor fell into the water and
immediately disappeared. In falling he struck
his head agahrst one of the logs with such
force that it Is supposed he was unable to
make any effort to save himself from drown.
ing until he Juni passed under the raft. Search
was instantly made and after a few hours the
body was recovered. alderman Donaldson
held an leanest on the body the Jury return
ing a verdict of accidental drowning.
• O'Cormer wsa but alow months from Ireland
and !caves a wife and two children in Emit
Sturderotts Assault,
An accident of a distressing nature Occurred
on the line of the Oakland and East Liberty
Paasessger Hallway on Wednesday, which will
probably result m the death of a man named
fumes Ne. on. As far as ire can learn, the RC
oldent occurred le the following manner
Neeson, while alightl . 7 under the influence of
Minor; got on one OWL!. Oakland pasuenger
cats to go to a piemle. He subsequently got
into a chillonity with the driver, who told him
to get off the car dr ho would knock him oh.
Fearing the threat would be put into execu
tion, iteeSon stepped from the platform Into
the streets, which he had scarce reached, when
he was struck on the head with a boulder
welghb3g in the neighborhood of fourteen
pounds. The blow knocked him senseless,
and It was not until he was removed to
I a house near by that lie recovered his eon-
aeloutness. Here the lady of the house looked
his wound and finding lt to be of a sos
nature, sent 'mined s ately for Drs. Um ha taetter
and .•aly, who on their arrival made a ngio
examination of the skull, and found that it
had been fractured so severely that they were
forced to re s eve several pieces. After the
wound had bean carefully and skillfully
dressed Heaton watt removed to his residence
HaYardstown where he now lb. in a crit
ical condition. it ia s.ot nacertaMed who
threw the atone, bat .the driver has been ar
ras. I eh rged with felonious assault. He
will have a hearing to-day,
- -
Swindling Dodge Detected.
David Wallace was arrested on Wednesday
by Dingier Lutz, on a warrant sued out for
him by Alderman Rtunbert. It appears that
Wallace had erected a booth adjoining the
Southwestern circus, in the Red Lion lot, and
opened a lottery a., oldie of a very peculiar
character, known among the fancy as "The
Tee p la t Cloth." The mod. opera:wilt
or In ln Saxon, the way in which the ver
(than are fleaCalLl of their stamps is as follows :
A chequertvl oil cloth with numbers in each
block is spread upon nettled. On each alternate
block is written a certain number of dollars-
A tin box with ten dice completes the nee.-
nary arrangements. The 'green one' der:irons
at courting the fickle Outdoes Fortune pays a
hail a dollar: nod Is allowed to
throw the dice One, if be suceeeds in
throwing the number on any of the
unnibered blocks be receives the amount
written on It But we will warn our readers
that Lke Is of very, very rare recurrence. As
Wallace wan being taken into the magistrate's
°ce he threw inthe utter ro of one
dollar counterfeit n otes , g
which, a genuine,
would genuine,
would have been worth tweve dollars. Alter
a hearing Wallace was committed to answer.
Too much praise cannot ibe awarded to 001
ter Lutz, through whose instromenatlity this
ingenious swindllng dodge was detected.
Another Aeeldent—Coot Am — rotated.
about em o'clock, yesterday afternoon, a
young man earned Thomas 11.111, met with a
painful accident addle returning from a plc
010 at Glenwood Grove. The special train
conalstmg of , some half dozen trucks, which
had been 'en to transfer the pleasare seekers
to the city, ha". est reached the end of the
Birmingham b ,dgo, when several of Part),
lumped elfwhile the train wan moving at the
minor eight miles a, , boor. Hill in attempting
to imitate his companions, fell almost under
the ears, his let loot being canght beneath
one of the wheels. • carriage was procured,
and he WM take. to the residence of tils moth
er. Ho 11S.Forbea street, in the Eighth ward,
Where Dr. Arthur' waited upon bun in a few
'moments after. The Deetor evamtning the
;round, found that It luta been Injured ea far
as the instep the toes being literally crushed
to a jelly. Finding that the foot could not be
ehlred, he amputated It at the accend joint,
performing this most difficult part of surgery
with n dispatch and success that would have
done credit to our oldest practitioners in cur_
ilnuessed With lifirainy.
Robert McAdams yesterday appeared before
Alderman Lynch and made oath agaMet Eliza
beth Fleming and &dm Patterson, charging
them with bigamy. From We/Warns' story it
appeared that Elizabeth Fleming quitted the
Rome of her "Rego lord," in the Filth ward,
some months ago, since which time she has
been oohabiting with Patterson in a frame
tenement in that delectable quarter known a.
Rardscrabble, setting at defiance not only Di
vine mandates, but also the established iaw
of the land. Strange to suite Die suit is
brought against Elizabeth averer husband
but by her brother, who else that his sin
ter's paramour. Patterson a wife living
near the city. The Wended, it Is alleged. have
been duly married, and hence the nature of
their arres charge L . Warrants have been issued for
The Fountain Sponsele.
Thu wonderful mecbasucal arrangement
known as the Fairy Fountain, which bas °hal.
longed the admiration of everybody, will be
produced for the first time in this city, at the
Opera lions° to-night. it is a genuine foun
tain of leaping waters, but by mechanioal ap
pllances it is oonverted into showers ld
and 'silver. and columns of beautifully colo u
fluids. It is well worth a visit. The Hanlon
Ilmtiters still remain at the Opera House, and
are &awing splendid houses. The trained
dog. and monkeys also remain at this popu
lar place of amusement, and add consfflera
bly to the entertainment.
Cossin.—The famous Dnpres and Bane
diet's Minstrels open at the Theatre on Mon
day evening for alnief To the lovers
of Cork Opera this will he lad news Indeed,
an this troupe undoub on S t ates very
best now traveling an the United Their
tour through the States since they left New
York lute been one continual series of trl
umphs, their entertainments being of that
excellence that Insures success. Among the
company is some of the best stars In tan pro
fession, while one of the Managers, Lew Ben
edict, would have caused even the melancholy
Dane to smile. We expect tosee crowded hon.
sea during their stay In Old Drury.
root Cut off—As the afternoon express on
the P. F. W. a C. It. B. was approaching the
Federal street depot in Allegheny city, on
Wednesday, and while near Marion street
crossing, a colored Ind who's name we were
unable to obtain, endeavored to leap on the
platform of ono of the cars as it was p assing,
but missing his hold on the Iron railing he fell
to the ground, one foot falling across the
track. The winiels of the rear car passed cll.
osctly over his ankle, severing the foot from
the leg and lacerating the call of the leg in a
horrible manner. Ile was taken to the resi
dence of a physician on Federal street Where
his injuries were dressed.
Ch F u lres— ui Th d e in gn o t f h o h o r G n e e rm oafn
girth streets, took fire on the evening of the
Fourth, from a Ilreha/1 of a Roman Candle.
The games were easily exthigulahett before
any damage was sustained. A wooden shed
in the Ylfth ward was similarly ignited, but
the names were subdued with a bucket o f Wa
ter. Yesterday morning the alarm of -fire
was ocesadoned by the b;uning of a barrel of
turpentine at the drug store on the corner of
Ptah and Grunt streets.
Plc-etc.—The Sabbath School attached to
the, Third Presbyterian Church given grand
.9 today, on the grounds of Ales. Got
n,nken., ro Swissvale. Owing to th e inclemency
of the weather tho affair Was PO 3 tPoned from
the 4th to the GM. -The delay, however , will
not materia ll y . interfere with the future as
rangemeats, and we can premise all who at
tend a day of unusual enjoyment The train
will leave. the Union Depot precisely at eight
I:foto:1k this morning.
Attempt. at Pocket.pliskiiige-A gimps
an named Williams, while purchasing tick
ets of admiselen to Dan. Rioe'scircrus, on Wed
noiday, caught an Individual in , the act of re
leaving him of his .pocket book. Os soon as
the thief was detected ho endarOred to escape
by- running down - Ohio street, but before
reaching the Penitentiary he was captured by
Milner Lampbell and locked up, for a hearing.
now.—A. disgrace rul row took phwo at the
corner of Lueock and Federal streets, on. Wed
nesday afternoon, which resulted to &Worst
of the combatants receiving slight injuries in
tho shape of discolored optics' and bruised
nasal organs. Owing to the efficiency of the
police no arrests were made.
1 iiibie.—Two dom.
t 01j1e . 44 ...
'ilnaratirr,,,. :gam, hailir Ima that peered be-
e e tTl 1 ltiadlic, knower w 52„....t ..i.n4
AL. Bauer. n ~...d,---;;Zach D oorfor _
. 0 sic on
le ,pr
hNd oveedues.
cross indta. BIELBIL Lo it, bill
aUtl"d nit g and lxitteicr; film! . ' s
They were both
Practical panguire litalnifacturoM
. CarPeViae
en the Fount).
151741"a8tevfinte wan 4 toque. All um tonita. •
D °—car
Mall.xtwl" " i *. "I"4"l""ekTh'in
.„, DionDogot..°46„, R o m fcm hearin glntgooassautirea taaa:
D ar4o9°P .
add La t e s t styles etPURNIT
a°B:e' 1.-tigri'll.tnii ill7*Bll
-gabela he °u
F DUR , , ,
,_ •
r, ...,nnure,s. OMin u e *t releftn eceatog la Cho Oiroesele ' si 444betweili runbir•:i4i)d"
'a-- ik--
- that excursion thirmest, /cement of Filth
,•• .
at" ,
P t ( rutitsam Mir _ ~
.:‘,_,, „.„,:,,
coltiPill''.7„ltitinst""stiun'oo...`bususe......4.thoot. ~......,,jr.tim-a„....00.2.acith0....„,,,npri5qt.u.„,4,14...,e
tbeiro.i,- ,/4 latik.vioxou3situfaat,,, ----Nioarftslanzettio,,, -
7 T. - - ----.'`,- -.- ,
... ~...----‘,-, --2 ,- -„,..,1;-,
:::.-!",1. 1 k- L. -' - -,-- .1 ,-,- ., . -,-..,-..., , rk,..;,.„,,„. ~ .„ . ., . ....--, - ----..4 , ~, ,
-,-.,-.- .
~:,..4 ;:..,2 -- s
`--'"--, ,----,---5,--,-,7t.,,._:,--,,14.,...,, , ,,.._. , ...t.:::,-.:.,!., .
The eattlim :too Um sib;
Eusai, •
VOLE CO PER . 11 . 56
88 op F1VE ......
• I a T B B OF TEN Alain - •
Ladle. .111tatitted—,Tbetr
aeptiarell.—Last orrhit, about eleven o'cl
two laydle, whde returning to their homes
from Lite the atre,aceornparded by their hilt.
bands, *ere et:tanked at the corner' of Liberty
and NV twhlngton streets, b y two men named'
John Barker and Alfred Johnson. The boa,
bands of the ladies, 011/3 of whom is Mr. Peter
Miller, of the Filth, ward, turned nrion. their
astallanta, and after a s plritdd'etinfllet
o f
ceoded bolding them until the arrival of
the night pollee, who eentitteted Barker and
Johnson to the
The Fire at Portland, die.—ln our tele
graphic columns will be found ma socount of a
le lble condsgra on which has Swept over
the beautiful eityLlof Portland, lie. Doubtless
thousands of families are left destitute
through the rava chari t abl e drery element, and
it Migtd prove a Stlggeallati that m.
aft! it
mooting be called hero, to subscribe
ald to the thrifty people who are thus left
houseless and in poverty. Who will trinket':
Foot erush.—On Tuesday evening about
seven o'clock tVillb.n illyere, a resident of
stree la the Nth unrdolubl
foot ernahed b t, y
one of the in care on . the Citi
zens' Passenger Railway, running over it
while be was attempting to get on the' car,
De received proper medical aid, and at last
accounts was doing well.
Arrested for lareear.—Don Eckert' was
lodged In the tombs last night cbarglid with
the larceny of a pair of gaiters, a
and several other articles from the ballroom
of henry Wible, in Lange hotel, on Liberty
street. Eckert had an accomplice, who, up to
two o'clock this morning, had not been at ,
Ekplosloa.—The condeneing pipe in For
sythe Co.'s Oil Refinery expilodedyesterday,
eetting Ere to a portion of the stock, which
burned for over an hour, doing but slight
Manage, the loss being only $.lOO. The flames
were extinguished uv throwing damp clay on
them. No one was injured.
Criminal uourt.—The attention of this
court anaengaged the entire of yesterday, In
Ito e trial of a rust case which bad not been
concluded at the hour of adjournment. The
Particulars will be found in our next Wee.
Surety of the Yeace.—Mary Duch was
trusted at Dan Rice's Circus, yesterday, by
filter Lutz, on a chargeof surety of the
ace, preferred against her by Ann Clemens.
he Was adhaitttal to ball.
Accented and Flned.—Two boys named
taloa and Robert ritmun, were lined 1,4 and
1.8 by Mayor IleCanby, yesterday, for shoot.
Pigeon on the wharf, in direct violation
n Welly ordinance.
Woonded.—Jam es Miler, son of Captain
Itslrew Miller, of the First Ward, had • his
'lama terribly hieurated by the premature
!bergs of a pistol on the Fourth.
Rough.—we learn that one of our magis
trates wax rather roughly handled on the
Fourth, at *Ann wood, where he was attending
the Duquesne plc-ale.
BELFORD—On Thursday, July sth, JOHN A.
NELFOOD. only 11012 monuel and Annie J. Bel-
euneraf TO-U• 1 at 2grelock, P. X.
SPILAGV:,—As - eelexief. Wefleei•day rtioh
July dire.
.Sk: 1.1 H., wife o fEdmund
Ntr..sine, agr4l cArs.
The funeral will tale .. , aee from the refildopee or
lit. Johhaton, Water street, te.tareett Beaver street
and West common. All,t.ny. ems trrtdaY)
11..0 5 NO, St 10 O.CLOCk
N ETT —On Tueedar. Jely 'Jet, a/11 o'clock,
{V11.1.1411 11E1.11..b;/ 1, Ee.i., le the 4ith
r 1112 age.
The funeral will take pluctroto his late realdenee,
comer of Third and floss shreels, 'Tate (Friday) Ar-
T.-HAWN, July 0111, at o'clock. The Glenda of the
family are respectful'', Invited to attend.
ho. 196 Stitithfteld St., cor. 7th,
(Entroace from Seventh Street.)
F . X . 1 . r&t.1313 - Z/Ct-73.
T .073a3EGELT93Emzwk,
N.. 60 Fourth street, Pittsburgh, £s. COF,ths of
t:stl,, CRAMS, GLOVE.Y,!and eVersdescriAc=
eu snit Permuting throes 1911115114.1.
opeta la y .ttelght, Hearse.d
11 Carriages feroUbett,
I,.:LOOCEN-160V. David Kerr. 1.).D., Her. M •
. 4 ,o. se, nal., Thomas swing. Esq.. J.tob
86 N 91.2103. Eitrecolt.i
Fine Watches,
;Silver aid Silver Plated Ware.°
fftro I. dioteyleal of:l4LDezB .eAllnskew
Call .a ock and Iles
prices. la
/633e.13 C P X . ..A.C3XaNES,
423 Penn Street,
Deposits received and Inteiv.t allowed on da
p dna.
Coileotlowd made on ali tile principal points of
the Unlied States.
321crezalat soancl. Mc)lci.
ROBERT j Y. ußrie, =47., vteoede;:it
1 4.11LCS088:
Se 11 in g $132,50,:.
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth Bk,
opposite Old Theatre.
s • d.
BRYAN, Ittoket in Steel%
DuNDS AND EIXAL ESI'ATN, 87. rovniiii
STREET, (Burke•. Buildlnn,) burs aJla stelD on
Or4ereeeeeetesley telt:fp:l'o4A the NNW a rom a
and PHIL4D/ALV.WAt3T9OB.BO4IID9 at the ralai
OC luinuablatoi irdstrut la.lhoae ettlos:- •