ODS, TiardMINGSAC NEW GOODS. x Embracing the Novelties in GERTIIMENISIONii (NSA's. -ILEENCN & A ERIOAN SUSPENDERS, , REBIND U usftwEAK., SILK. UN ER LINE &AM ItA I WE R RA, Z G RV I MI P EW Y 3 11 ..12, . Alsol.fall lines of . . 11.1,83kTtLES TR IIS.; in while and rotor. kMUh fill Knee of Elelll3 EltilW nd ELE LACE y, LEIS EN HAN DE ERCHI EFIL BILE t PAVEL. PANE,. In great variety, at wholesale or retail LOWEST CASH PRICES. F. H. EATON'S, 17 Fit lL strenc, GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean Drawers; New Kid Gloves at 75 cents a pair; White Cotton Rose at 12 cents a pair; Five Pair . good Cotton Rose for $1,00; Parasols and Silk Sun. Umbrellas; Pans in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Puff Berlin Gloves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. MACRE% GLYN: & Co. Feu AT JOS. HORNE & CO's. SUN NYWN, AS! AND DERRY HATS. KAY QUEEN, DEW DROPS, DAISIEN, C VMP. I" IIIItI. N I4 , ItP, Frames. In a l lt, the rastdonnble style . RIDBONs, figured aa,l checked, .11 'ld t h o ‘ )WElEß.' VREATI REDS and RUNE , sT n. tr GOD I DS. Tut - SA - fa on NA DV. N TS. mdt llll4, ...Drlr C3r4coc.c:las. SWISS. CHECEd, BRILLIANT, NAI IsSoOliti, TARLATANS, aIIISLI NA. LINENS, and a. Bat assortment - ll' BITE. GOODS. REAL AND 111. CITUNT LACK COLT. A Its. REAL AND U). V A 11... LACE coLL A IL", REAL POINTE LACE COLL Al*, bETTE.; tool AN D. KIUWILIEFS, HAMBURG TRIMMING Ais ti FLOUNCING, SWISS: AND i,:AM ERIC EDGE AND INSKIITINGSr LINEN COLLAILS, CUFFS AND NETTS, various stylus. Put( Illusion, Swiss and French Cambric Wahtx. ?AGM nut - n.1:4 - 6' AN D SLIIRTIN < - 01, LAMS, HETTs, FRILL 12,41, anti KM - .1111131 D p IlE4s THIAMIN u, H .4.11 . 1.1'irr RE AND CHIII , II LADE, NIP DEAKIN Burro , . ites.i. AHD Dic6l , I ria - Bowl StreanterS ornattietats sod Setts. 3313 . X u r fag In the cholemit tyl, In BEA IL SI I. K . FANCY LIBUITELIET, BLACK AN to %V 11/T K PEARL, 1.11- PEILIELLF., JET, BALL, GLASS AND ('AI7 FYI, plain and 1all:M.11. CORSETS, NETS, ('(11 1.5, HMI; rurrs AND ROLLS; DL PI/ EX EL LI PTO; and BON TON 11001' SKIRTS: BELTS, LI ELTINOS, CLASPS AND BUCKLES,. VANS to gteat varlets . from palm leaf I . B 7I.§IJUSLM Elf UK It FIRM Erin. for ladles arta gents; FRONTS. `I.ITAII•' BUTTERFLIES ; SPANISH LINEN 811IRTs; TILAVELLISCI 11.1.0 S and SATCHELS: HAM BICUSUES; COMBS; and a FULLaL/.rr OJP :1-OT/OA.. A LIJ AT i%.)PUL AV. ritlt:F. arms. 71 and 79 Marker Street. JelsAl3l NEW GOODS! MACRUM tt CARLISLE, PO - <3.. 10 FASILIti. 119trerot. We are now'Opening an eleorant winerttnent of N E W 14000 n, 44nm...tag the tint... ntylent It! REAL LACE ItiCt I :111.E .PA VAS, ELI:Si:it:Y . pa ICT I' FA NS. PINK lh/SN/ NEW S. YEK IGiess TRIM Nt.s. HEAL GUI P • L VIBE PEAnI. ItU'r piNs, We have :wit when./ a beautlfnl lot of /LEAL CLUNG P LA AND We Wont(' Invite special CES attention I LLl shltitTiNGS. • new and eplendld Swim t neat of ,lilllll3lJ- HIV V AND WHITE ttEuLtx titkovm erLOVA2f in the new Petroleum and Gamma shades, An assortment of new Colors In KID GLOVES, BLACK LACE AILTTS—new nites: A most ec • (tote assortment of Lett.lES' and CHILDILEN`SCOIVON 1111 SE: GENT'S PINE SIDICTS, DERBY TIFS , SI:AMTS.; COLLABh. HALF HOSE, BUSPEN DEES. UM BEELIi Gil, At.: , LADIES' tot GENT'S GAUZE MERINO U N DEW. VEST:. To lierchanta and Dealer,. Oar Whole/Ale Department, now well stocked with eve. Naval n Dan SUITILthr LIN whirl/ Ire offer tot e Trod, as low as any house Ka nt or Wet. NI ICRUM & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, . Agem F for the "/AK,KWO4II) MAN UPACTIAL -I'AI COMPANY." BRADLEY'A DurLzi SKIRT At )I.l2o4twrrr.• Peke. 1IIGOTWROT:-W. T. eIIASIIIOX..J. G. StGrIGINSON ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & CO., • No; 116 Wood St., Pittsburgh, mv.pst opened • Inlie new itoek of FANCY AND STAPLE ,DBY GOODS, Adapted toiZ7.Vs.ll=44lllriZZlg."" New Prints, Delaines, Lawns, Ging hams, White Goods. Dress Goods, Shawls, Balmorals, Notions, Cottonades, ,Farmers' & Mechanics'Caisimeres,Jeans Cloths' LinifllB, Drills, Bleached and Brown Sheetings and rhirtings, BURLAPS,-COTTQN & LINEN DUCK. &C. illertteude ire Invited . to rail awl meth.- our spetand pritet. . , Jell CARD _MCCANDLESS A. CO., ILArs Wr*lr,CAna it c 0..; WHOLESALE * DEALEH IH FOREIGN ANDGONIUTIC DRY GOODS, wira."64iracHa. St., HESIStoct Be &bore Diamond Allen) LIZOSSU UUII. I.A. 1 - VoBACca, orri kiels.sipn onAcco lIVOIIKB. R. JENKINSON, • • 311/1171.ACIVILIIImPALIACINOS TOBACCO,: SIIIVFJP' A.NEVSEGARS, p`PIIDERALIStRXIM. T dtd door trom Burpeuskan " AI.GfiSiUY Roe PA • BIM ' lilt Stare ASSaICIO. 0110. astyLi:bas R.8. - ' jEFERIES, alatlMll2o}eistla Rad Rend! 'i0 00. 4 .0 .1 6 BACCO,:SNUFF: IRO-Sf.GARS, N. 6 6t. Otto Atittimet,'. P i tt sbArgh. Pn IPA Wy r - tal e...oent of MZ UM I'IPEn and naItMLING Thltal;lX, of the best insallt t on hands. e. 4EOBGE ISLIB 110IFJ6S alt•loitstic , A SEGABS, IMEWING TOBACCO, smoking Tobacco, ,Pipes, ge„. 2,44c: - .4l.'"Eiervcrixtb. asreot, - Re" ." 'ner QX. Ll bert 7. (m 7 WU: I I, PA. 13:taf , --.4013/1t IYLEGRAVST, , - nuanigatOtiasit:Alr _ *.T:f D AIM 11.girAlb DEALER IN ' - 'ALL KlisintOY TOBACCO, SIVOIFF ANII SEGAIIO, 4013Eibria esti=aot.. 'B. ERKARD iw, , 3111 m i -sewer vmd aeuier is ALL KINDS OF . TOBAOOO ErNOFt AND 13EDAN8. W.UOVis - ArAANDBII,4II4 No. 203 Ohio St., Alleglteny Cit y. :IA y - - . JOHI • _ kAgfraiA4AINER • AND GLUIER, Halm aim/ briiiklitetitil re ilescripLlon dome go order. All work dope. pliyA '4Y .t . J.A:1..17 • Aum H. 1311(OVN":;'" bi"k". ' ;44e#""n - 4., L - ~nski..vW~w~ aa~.-~~.~.:e:~rcLy~LYtiT'^'. (Ole -giftrNligrifhlgettc• WEDNESDAY, JITLY 4. 1866 ' The Gasette.—Persons leaving the city doling the lummox, can hare the Giarrni maned to them by leaving their address at our counting room. E.—invalids andothera interested rill an writ t.. preserve this advertisement, as it w in' not appear frequently.) IMPORTANT TO INVILIDS ! THE ATTENTION OF Persons Mingled with ANY fORDI Of IMMO DISEASE, IS INVITED TO Vio. The Only flight and Curative SYSTEM OF TREATMENT. AS PRESCRIBED BY DR. J. W. SYKES, Special Practitioner for Pulmonary and Other Chronic. Dimeaems, at 191. .I.•MENTIT 08T., prrrsnorton. PA. Fourteen years constant (anti arab:mire) at tention to tne above maladies, together with a practice embracing morecnaea annually than most physicians 800 in a lifetime, has enabled Dr. SYKES to perfect a mode of treatment which, ender lovitlence, has proved the means of restoring hundreds of invalids to health whose cases had previously been deem ed Dr. SYKES wishes to P tato distinctly at the mitset, that his success is not duo to the rise of any tangle remedy of trancendent efficacy, I mt results from the employment of a SYSTEM w TREATMENT, embracing a large number of the most efficient remedial re-gmuces, out of which each caw is suited according to its portic. tar requirements. Consumption This disease is eminently curable, but fills thousands of graves annually, because its vic tims waste their time of curability to trying partial and irefuellelent treatment, in order to cure Consumption, it Is absolute ly necessary to employ a combination of :- erne dial measures, for no single remedy or reme dial measures can effect at/ the changes which most and ,to take place in the curative pro cess. Thus the breathing tube and shoulder braces are needed to expand the lunge—do In crease their respiratory surface, anal thereby Increase the oxygen of the blood, and the gen eral strength. In nineties this, they also re move- In a great measure, the inflamation and consequent thickening of the walls of the air rolls, w Itich condition precedes the deposit of the tubercle; and since the tubercle Is depot. lied directly from the Impure blood, it is ne eetesarylo make ease of creations medicines, pure diet, daily bathing', proper exercise, and ercry practttable measure for purifying the blood. These remedies and measures tend to greatly Increase the streilletb. But it is also requisite; in niauy eases, to add to these the use of special tonics and stimulants to in lungete the system, no that She ulsers in don- may Deal. To quiet the cough, an crease or diminish the expectoration as may Ire needed, cough medicines an / inhalants must bo used; to relieve pain and further re line° the internal irritation, soothing inhala tions, external anodyne!. and mild counter irritants are of great value. Most of the above requirements exist in every case of true consumption, and while the medical agents may tie Indielonely harmonised and combined ma that the patient need take but few MlMl eines, it Is absurd to suppose that any single remedy can supply the place of both these and !system* measures. But in many eases still other requirements exist: there may be ex hausting chills, night merles, fever, etc., re quiring suitable specifics. There Is often, also, tiyapepsta, or sesta iths, or meth - Demi, or some form of skin disco/ea, or female com plaints, which must be cured, or the lung dif ficulty cannot be removed. Hence it will be seen that no single remedy can poesibly MIIIII so tunny and such varied demands; neither any Isertati ireatoisat t as the use of Medicated inhalations, Elea rielty, Water Cure, Movement gore, fultill all these recmirements. 1121.. Mr. Sykes would also earnestly caution invalids who have coughed during the winter and spring, against depending upon the re turn of warm weather ror a restoration of health. In moat caeca it merely retard. the prwre or the disease, and yet permits It to gain as much that. the patient rarely survivor the rig ors of a second whiter, nundreds of persona thus die every' rintel , who might have recovered, had the favoring influence of the preceding wormer been add ed too enrative mode of treatment, Spasmodic Asthma, or Phtlandr. This la the most distressing, and yet the most curable of all forms of Pulmonary Di- Ana,.e. Cases of thirty peat* standing have been entirely and Permanently eared by fr.m too to four utontha of Dr. Sykes , treatment. Bronchitis, Laryngitis, Catarrh, in the Nasaal Passages and Throat, Are prmootly And permanent) y cured t..s' Dr. Sykes' method of treatment. Ills anceem lo treating those is also due to a Mil/clans com bination of local and ,general treatment, com prising tribalatiom3, wnshcs thrown Into the posterior mental cavities by means of a with general [ranted syringe, de., Se, together with general treatment to remove the morbid con dition of the brood on which the disease de pends D4 - opciota Coaliveneta, Taper C4mplalnto, Heart Disease, Chromic Inwood of the Kidney% PUa, Jot.. The above oilmen Ia are so freonently the male of Consumption, or complicated with it that they hare engaged a large chant of Dr. ii' Menthenthillt and—with the exception of some forme of Organic Heart Disease, in their nature neemasray beyond the ranch of remedies—they are all perfectly curable. several CW:lbretst dillealles of the stomach are commonly Included m 14111,1.4.3 term of Ignite:, en error which hleoives errcatcoun and often injurious treatment, and In thous ands of -cases prolongs for yaps the most dreadfutsulifestinge, which, treaded properly, tam be candle slew realm or menthe. Thmt.- meat beneficial Mr En vie Dyspepsia b. Tory injurious for Chronic Inflammation of the stomach; and yet their symptomsare so nearly alike, that It requires& Tory Dims experience to enable the physician to disertjahula ately between them- Scrofula and Skin Diseasft. rerroftpla and Skin Diseases are very fre quently the causes of Lang Disease, Indeed consermralmv le simply a der. Oakes' .et of Scrofula in the loose, while the varlotei forms of Totter, Eczema Paoli:Paw ac., often recede bolo the miter skin, and limy cause Consump tion, Aatitma, lironatuils, or disease of the digestive organs, according to the part they may become seated upon internally. Dr. Sykes him had the pleasure of witness ing. the recovery. mulor, 4h treatment, of scores of formidable cases, hogs of Scrofula and ocher blood thseo-ses—c4isca which bad been deemed past relief by both physteimp and frtc , pl. of the pat * By the use of his unrivaled mechanical rens, (alma, together oil h proper general etrangth ening ttleaaEres. iir."Sylrea Las Met with a de ft:Mel treating saes, tar yowl hat litinhieil hy Other means. • Sow to Obtain .11r-Isykrail . lTratinent . Valenta . 'ilefienn travel "liLLMILI visit Dr ir.3 4 4l,r,"„"ir . „EreTutire 4 r tl'ebrbrg; „ rprogr , ....,dure.rauft ex pense or 11,1.6.1u:11. MD than furnish the needed Lippman , . and rernedira for a carrile of treatment' lasting two or three months. With these awl toll written and printed inetructionrofor }ho general Conduct of the treatment, the patient then rename to. his home, and is then 'minimal to report 1111.1 eruption. I's - leiter, at Lealstauen In two week. These toiler s allow Wll3l , changes occur, and enable Dr.... to anperintencl earl,ease as well as he conid tin by perermal i nterviews. It is rarely necessary for psilents to remain Itlf Dr. B. morn than ono day, or to •lslt hit second time. Expense of Treatment: da Dr. byline , specialty i, limited mainly to chronic or long standing oases, requiringprtt I rectal treatment, be does not prescribe for a Aflame —timu„Wan. twd Ot months, for which, Including all the necessary apparatus and remedies, the charge ranges from • 130 to IPA according to the nature and reQuirtmients of Choi:tole. in cases requiring a second course of treatment, as the instruments are already supplied, the, charge is from ,*1 to 610 per Dr. Sykes Willobeertally treat persons in in digentecireniestromes at greatly reduced rebus. But lie finds IL necessary to require each op plicante Lo s nod a etstOment, from [heir p ter or some. responsible person, certifying to their limited manna 4 T Consultation always . • . remettle. Phionritt ef reiruirrd when the apliaralus anti nrurrashed. • • Treatment by. Letter.* • A Pommel interview Is not always essen tial, as taVery many dtallea the nature of th dims° can befipy showu by Written snit* meat, end s es le.conetantly ppeserthlog Vati= r aVgle b9 tc:ro n' t dr 4 "`Y.!'"l - .bug t Pt m tlgo-LUIP of And i gZsv 7 4l 4 .;:t:iTi I l li n eM s to ° wnleb ' w enable • weir eases folly and cleerly. Renato of Dr. B .rees' bYsteln of Treatment. trkaLSOw P na tentrtiOS.—DS... J. W.Brae Desr.l3l4 *rite foi e - to =press to of • • bligation. Coypu O s n i nrinn yo t rose bee in:rtre. GWOVa reme.tinit tor the ra ' all • me di cal help I believe you here bren to ° r. ..1•0111ballere that yod, under Weil were .nrattnis of :arrestrrN steadily sev i a n i n , con ! .suntpth 'When: i'llyYlbut to "yea for • gi n . i n um . Tun reviving ,symptOreS of former 4113- eidtles,,wlthriew - evidences sympto m s of ease, have ninth boon oneenotrby m=ut t - takou fortiNO:reontliapnat,• and we are 110= Ai b ir i, egs=l 4 7 . 4 4 1uLn . 78 ( agate. y, u, od of it glllutanitrY and ( A.m.* Ms. oth eases, hares row inennurn recommend ing you:A.o3bn sZwunt. 1 , 1 otl are et liberty to use, thlCOnnsitt CoutglAttionin any way you please. Yours truly, .,. . X. fb,CitJamr. Tuntor**Xlit..X. - Church . , •• • Ohio, Cler e land, OW, AprX.7ln, 100, hart ..i.inairrir FAY arts CoMITY, Ps., • Ntnrch /nib 18tH. f On. W hear witness to your greet '_-ttesting .Ltiug ;lag a " a a , =4. 3ll l o Y o W=lter=tr.• M .ur 4, 01 so t%,%1 [Wilted (meld scareilly. across mY ~ ,t bn4bo t l o ,o4-_ knt(W.Y. ..enktu.'lnntl Of th e • time ruli7 serereWsite4swiamtlerge•wouNts of corrupt matter‘andlsple-iblood traltuattlY, Toe upper pest otwayittshp , brunit was octn,• siderablv Minkeztin. Iha t daffy. hectic fever and chill; suffered much with pain In my chest; was extremely emaciated. In short, several hope rdtrticians had pronounced my case ful& x aux treatment helped me speedily, mid has restored 'me to comfortable health; I c.in do good deal of work; expect to visit the city In alfty• and will call on you. Tours truly, Mao. MAZY J. GILLZLAND. “Glall.06" OrricirdeUt=7;47l,&., Britoil—Dear Nir,-111.aJor this county the Acting Brigade Insptetor of this county, and a man of considerable Influence, has called at my office to testily to the great benefit he has received from your treatment. HA desires to say all the good he can for you. I thought I would inform you that you have so good a friend in this county. Tne Major lives about six miles north of toys town. Yours, de, E..G. honey. [Major Strickler had loot his father, mother. and three brothers of consumption, and had been sick many mouths before consulting me, at which time he was In coal:Wined consump tion. His poet °lnce Is East Liberty, Fayette county, Pa.. where he Is still living.] CWCL'”b. . A . n rar 3l :t., C ll& PA " Da. Svaas-1 think I am doing no more then my duty in making known what you have done for me. When 1 applied to you in Janu ary, ].ail, it was thought by others, and I my self believed, that I was In the last stags of consumption. 1 had used various remedies without benefit; my family physician gave me up; said he could do nothing for me—that I could not live alz weeks, remedies brought no relief: swiftly the Inexoranle distemper was dragging me down to the grave. A distres. ling cough, hectic fever. chills, pain in left lung, and all the horrible symptoms of con sumption were fast doing their work; but 1 thank God that I went to you. I bad not lased your medichies a month till / got relief; appe tite returned, and rest and strength. he that has not been so afflicted can realise the . joy that hope brings when the sufferer feels that an antidote has broken his dimming Slow ly my cow:Mutton built up Its shattered frag ments. I have not yet recovered my full strength, but now enjoy good health. That I feel grateful to you and to that higher Power, of which you are the instrument, fur the years .that are spared to me, God, who knowetti the secrets of every heart is my judge. Mace Itsoont Aurnoar. Dr. Sykes hopes no one will understand him 09 asserting that eery Man of Consumption gets well under his treatment; on the contra ry, in its later stages he can give but little en couragement; but be feels justified. In pre senting the above evidenem that lOlTChnles eases apparently hopeless may recover, Ile would, however, earnestly caution °onset:up- Lives against delay in securing the right treatment, and assure them that while in Its find stage the disease Is almost invariably end certainly curable; every week of neglect sure ly diminishes the prospector recovery.. Pr. Sykes always Informs Ills patients of their real condition, however unfavorable it may be. Cast”i of Asthma andlirouchltlx Pirrsuu Ron; P.., No. lu Lineal, ST hio.rch 16th, 18e.G. Da. J. vv. Stairs—Dear October I consulted you for severe Asthma and Bron chitis, which I had from my childhood. The Phthisin was so severe at times that I could only get my breath at night by Bitting up, having windows and doors opened. I was also much troubled with Dyspepsia- Three mouths before consulting you, I was so much reduced that my family physician said I could sot live six ,months. As 1 ant of a consumptive family, and was so much reduced you did net trot h y t e Pm . ratrbaogi.tly..'rmyyefiL p b r u o- 1. longed—l placed myself under your tare, and improved rapidly till my health was entirely restored, and I have since remained entirely well of my old ailments and In good health every way. Yours respectfully, Mae. Many 1... M.'Canntras, Kuria Ace P.O„ Attaoliaxv Co., Ps September IS, Lat. Dn. J. W. Si sas, Dear Sir,-1 have long felt it my duty to acknowledge the remarkable manner In which my health was vectored by your treatment, and will defer It no longer. I consulted you In the fall of 1010, hang then extremely reduced by severe Asthma and Bronchitis. I had consulted several Doctors. arm not only failed to benefit me, •bnt pr. nounocd me honorable, and said I ought to set tle my affair. a, I could not live longer than [lli spring. I had often to sit In m} - .chair nearly all night with windows retired, and even then could scarcely breathe enough to keep me alive. kly cough was very violent, and I raised large amounts of yellow corrupted look ing manlier. lily cough was often so a loleol as to cause me to vomit tip my 100,1. 1 adopted your treatment, and in lour wealth was able to go to Louisville on a coal boat, and do full days' work. In two or time mouths had gained at loot thirtythve pounds, aol SUMO that time have enjoyed good brute t. clenausu, Wt.., D. LI, W. Slritlt, Dear 811,-1 1 , 118,/121.1der your care 111 December, LUZ. I nave never bad an attack of Asthma since using your run:wall.`. My health Is now flat rate—nevor folt better. lours truly, Tao,. 11. Doan, a. Puooror-r, Ilutler Co., 14k., Doc. IA, Let:. Oa stk., Liear str-1 consulte4 you to Oc tober, 12 , M, for a severe cough which had trim- Weil me about a >ear, anti hail teen very -.- vete for about MIA months. I was greatly re duced In strength, ow. rola/mg thick yellow phlegm, or matter, and hail night sweat... You oald I hod severe Ilronehills, but gave rue much encouragement of meet, y. This it• better than I hail expected to boar, anil I klop• toil your txmatmeat, and Lho result was:. sp a ., restoration of health, which muesli. good Ify chest was expanded too inches, and Lui, weight, which w. only lIS pounds, has Loren itscreaopl to lIS. I can contlgentially rem.- mend Invalids to admit your treatment. Truly yours, SIMON ball. LW, J r. si - Mr. Stickle 00(1 r.liles as above Unt.eaOwn, Trienbull Co. Ohio, hfarrh a, Inel Du. Frree, Door Sir*/ drop you a hoe to nay that my wife It well, and imtling swat and fleetly and I feel very grateful for the Inaprove. went that luta been made In her health by your tiyIII.OIII of treatment and our earn In following II direction.. ho tuna manna In wroght from 103 pound,. to andlralned wavered Inches In the girth ol her cheat. lan° In Improved In 13VIM"' tenteet and is now dolma her work. Your,. truly, EITIEB2I3 tool LIAO. U. W. ilft7lllolll3, or Penna., onset, W. Vs. COT aaaaa —lin_ Semen, Dew eir.-1 write to Inquire whether you think yon eoutl doh ything for my wife. finder tlic gtiod I owe to you my pi...wt. health, and I think my Itle. I have kook un bounded confidence in your aka] to all nary aln lit 11/hlr, that I thought you might givr relief, ni my ert , ase .100—Roe •Latement 4.1 tits wife'. rate ../1411.1•••1 here.) Truly W. glens.% o. Etunkeretintep. kW , [so.. I=s M r. Multi.. iireeue Ch., I'd, t July Sl , Peet, $ Dm. al sm. Pear "4.n—l have Int_proved Se., fast during the Mat month. Have gained eleven pounds. 1 have bad ao palpitation for almost three month... Tne neighbors say I look like another person, I loot wa Mitch hot ter. limpectfaliy yours, M. 4. Maar A. iltdatas, Mra ileadlee had been aLUlcted for mouth. with Most violent palpitation of the heart, or , earring In parosiyams mating two or Munn bouns. She alai/ had a pain about the heart, and often aytopuotti a of organic divest,. of the heart. Et= De. J. W. Stara, Dear her e—..l 'yeah to grati tude to testify to the cure you have effect,' eu my cesee. I weea afflicted with au organle dis ease° Ofthe heart for at least dee years, to. gather with other Watt - easing ailments. My trouble Etna began with slight palpitation when walking faat, or tip or stairs. hod Moth Sburp pain about my heart, and much merengue there. At Limns my heart IVOllid stop beating for several *Woods, apd then paltn tate with .rxwealna violence, and my breath would BOOM entirely. cut off. My bead was badly effected with pun, partial liminess, dimnessof valor., do. in addition to thrum troubles I had a bud skin disease for several years. When I consulted you I felt that I bad not long to lire, but lau happy to be able to say that tram the day t began yob: treatment I began toltoprove, and have been rapacity re covering ever since, and [or many weeks past I have felt us well as over I did to my life. Yours with the warmest regard, Jogs tr. Irons a, W ssr N OATHo, Cook Co., 111.„ March t, Oa J. W . limas, Dear 81,-11 am happy to Inform you that yonr treatment has °gritted In toy caw ell and more than all you promised or 1 had hoped. The palpitation of the heart is gone. and Its action Is now regular. My ap petite is natural, bowels regular. and that ter rible distress In the head luta ceased entirely. I feel as If I bad a now-head. I had, as you will remember. been sick about a year when f came to you, and unable to do anything. My father had died of disease of the bears, combined with other dlilleoltles. I have hoer so welt this winter that I have done the most of my own work. Tito distress and wind at my Stomach does not trouble me at all If lem reasonably careful in my diet. I thank you very mini for the tamoet I havo re• ceived, and hope you may be equally success. fill In every case you treat. Very truly yours, A. W: Parr. M. Woefsser, Masontown, P., hays t— °When I applied to on 1 was atillt-ted with dhseesto of the heart eight or nine yeses: Dar ing this time my suffering was greater than can describe. Many times when I wont to bed 1 felt afraid I should not live till mor tang 1 =told not speak or rend aloud without feeling as If I should faint. lam now entirely-recov ered." Uppeptle and Complicated Caner. Lusnvbi Lucy EllII CO., PS. , March 2n, MOS Da. J. W. arizet—Drar Mr: having masted a year and seven months more than tongue can tell, with female complaints, spinal weak ness, heart disease, liver complaint and dys pepsia, I became se emaciated that all who knew me or saw me despaired of =rare; my blonds said my medical ate could never re store me to health again. I was raider the treatment of throe of the most eminent physl- Maya In the count: htitAboystfforded me no permanent relief. became so emaciated that I only weighed sixty pounds, It was about this time that I learned through Mrs. It. hunter, of your skill ful practice and imatediately wrote to,you, and In the following month—January 1861,-1 commenced your treatment and followed It six mouths. I commenced rapidly, ro gain, and at the God of the year Instead of weigh ing dr.ty gmands e n joyhixl ono hundred and OILY, and am now g betterllealth than ever justiceylife before. I write this, dean/lug it bu to myself and my-preserver to publish to the worlu what tie hag dorm for me, and that should there be any one suffering as thlg, done, they may immediately apply Hi r• .r ea for aid. Yours respectfully, Kea PL. M. Wan:inv.. tir'reh;:bigwr—Dr7 " -70.4°,--' ::: Yilr u Y e al Fo Ps p t4 ruserl iailtt :Ff h" or °l : Ills stomseh Was evidently Inflamed, walls thickened. au h ad ,and Its great distress alter .eating. monk belching of wind _. sold Ms atom setttfelt dead Or peralyzett . Hie els would ne sot at all without physio—his kidneys eqMdil inaletive — ids kbeetile capriciou4--his beak very weak. Ile corn drowsy-feeling: and a stttr * much rill Cower:" LIM akin was tilsccajnad—Vro: _ . sputa. Ills ill health was brought on by loss of sleep and accessive application to his du ties as telegrapher In GOVerunient employ. idarranserow, W. Vs., March" 1566, Dr. J. W. &mks—Dear Sin—ln reply to your request I will say that I am quite Willing You should publish an u.... - •count of my complete cure as effected by your Judicious treatment. In conclusion allow me to thank you for yonr gift of health, and to say that my health has remained laa.l since restored by your treatment. Gratefully yours. J. W. FRILILL.LND. Chronic Diarrhea. Pearsasymts, Butler Co., Pa-, I 1 Apr Vith, $ Da. J. W. Stars—Dear Sir i I took the Diar rhea while I was In the army, in May, 190, which became so bad that I was discharged, and hoped by coming home to doctor I mig ht get well. I employed the best Doctors In t h is region, but they failed to benefit me; and In August, 1934, when I had been sick almost fit tome months, and was reduced to Little more than skin and bones. I consulted you. At that time my bowels were inbred very often, especially during the night; and the dischar ges contained much slime, and sometimes yel low matter. I had much pain across my bow els, and much vomiting; nothing would lay on my stomach. I also had' constant thirst and fever, with chills. Your treatment helped me. at once, and I am now enjoying eieellunt health. 1 am very grateful for What you have done for me, anti remain, Truly yours, ROOM', MOORS. dE 11E31E318E1i TUE ADDEESO, DR. J. W. SYKES, 191 PENN STREET, Pittsburgh, Ps. SPECIAL NOTICEEL THE QUEEN ! THE QUEEN. THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! MRS. WINIALIIW'•a QUEEN HAIR RE.sToILER Is QUEEN, not out) In MMus., but In VllVrvus. lathe Beat lialr Restorer e•er offered to the • - • An Infallible loanTvitan anti I...m.lLnVan 1.1 the lair if faithfully applied. id to Itro /fair //we. IL arts directly upon the roots of the hale chang ing grey hair twits original life color arresting pre mature decay and tailing out of the hair; (wadi.... ing scurf and dandruff; and curing all humus!, of the scalp. It will change dry and wiry hair to soft and lu Haut tressew It imparts a delightful fnigranew to the hair. In snort, if no wish to restore your hair, as in youth, and retain ou It through Ille, use MRS. WINSLOW'S gLIIIN HAIR RISSOKSIL IYlce $1 per bottle. Sold 14 .11 Drogglola R. E. SEl.T.Frits & CO., Wholesale Agents. tu,30:b112 W2O. BARNHILL & CO.. BOILER MAKERS • ri D SHEET LEON WORKERS, No.. 20. 20. 24 and 24 Penn .treat. Haring ...mired • taut yard, and fornished it with the most approved machinery.are prepared to manufacture every description of we BOILKRa. lu the best manner. and warranted csittal to unmade In the rountry. CHIMNEYS, ILIIJCZUELLPiIi, PLUS BEEK sTkAiti LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, LIiIN iiIINSKILS, SALT TAPS, TANKS. OLL STILLS. Att T A TOIL, ETTLI • PANS, BOILER 12i. Si.:(lA.B PANS; and sole manufaeturets of SAILSHILL'IS PATENT BOILERS. itenaoSos tear on the short... entice. LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS, =I PARK, McCIIIIDY & CO. toulactatversof ISILVATRLIMIU, BILASIEtto A Nat aVaLT c‘frrEu., YILESISYD COPPER BAYTTVIIIi. A L,L.la *TILL ISIITT/1.118, SPILLTIM fatl.lakett. •tao, Lutportcasan4 Ocala* Is MICIALS, TIN MAI*. eIIEXT 11/UN ad. Constantly or, Auld, TLIINK.II.I• ILALHINIKa and TOOLS. P aro. boo., No. I& V Ili** and WA Sawa* WritanTA Nita- OW'attf order,of Copper Cal to IWOrdeslard patters, 11,alklAarT PITTSOURGEI SAW WORkI, HUBBARD. BRO. am CO.. lasamaumar • rd to of VA ratNi lIILULARS, *arrant, CANT STICEL SAWS, °fee,* dtawrlptlon. Moto, Croaa-la, totAn,at,4 all attar vartoLlea All Malt of Allalerat tod Vratllstlb. Made fro. auoat an-Start , Cat teamed BEAT Au %PIN ISt/ K Al TES, An. QV II madman.and Waits, comer WATaa SUM "tart . Statiartn, rotalmargh. rart.t•oiar atwotton paid to arotonthina, snnandoa .04 wall:mean* Clrattlar Sawa; also, 'apart, of that*. eimakln g aad Lhilllng domt al rea•oostala kJ:O3a EirnoemsoN, REA & co., out. trs to nualitatatt, tab.... WArzefiN woffs . , Pomander. nista, etsbarwh. Wao.factarrre of Iv tAT A,Nla art ',Tit'', AuT ,i LON kattills ES, ItLAST Katt:lNA.", MILL I.IA. Lula. Calf ItEA/LINO, NMAVTINU IIASTINt/s ao avant - 0,0..1a 11 11. T Aa, and sTII.II, 110 d LEH a AU sHatIT littla. WOKS. id , Apt.. for GI VT *RDA PATENT tAJTA, fa,a, or fatality, bona.. L4r - .1 °WS COCHRAN b. BRO., tesmmfactorer,ot 1114.05 N'AULTS /Ott. I AULT lAA tIM, /MIN, WIN lAA% aIIUTTIIIIS. WI:al/VW I/UAHLatt, &a. Noa •1 aCt b sod Is SILL IU" eiTHSKT. bomme.a Wood and Market. have on hand • variety of ..ramulornm, faa,q -ad pLIII4, alt Br no - Molar atteatlot pad to ...Wawa lon e. talo Loam. Jobblail dm.. say. - i• t4 - 111.4111111A GEL AND CEJLI DA CI , IlLoa•, of It antic, anti latatiottott for 5..0 00 4* * N, • tateraAr4 and Now. TWal olta mare Mane Or rattal • .nt fr.. at char le crated latter cot lapoa Ad s, to .1 *1,11.1.1N IlutAill . roN, Howard A 11,,,Iaipala, Va. BOOTS, SHOES, &c ADZES' OALNOII4II.B, 4 Ladies• Congress Gaitei-a, Ladies' ii/ii &eel Slipper*, Inen's teal/ Boots, Meirs Cam Etalmo/atm. Men* Calf Gaiters, Mese* Calf Oxford Ties, IN, 1 tII4WG AND CIIILDICIN.B BOUT. AND SHOES, • EVICRI VAILICTI AT IMASON/11.E.1 . 11 PS GA DELALirlAcwt letrocot. J. A. ROBINSON & CO. JUST ANRIVAII FROM THE EAST. 300TH AND SHOES. JAMES ROBB, No. $9 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. This old established hoe. has now h. stun thtstl fl se thousand dolls. wont of Boon sad Shoes, it. , aylsa th. lawn, dap hest,loblet a. an, .Istermlonl to inn at V X III LOW PIIJC,B9. have ensalsnd out. tnt undentokl by any to the ho. no.. MIS keep lands an lb barb.. Chill sod climb. ono anek of ir p , setel we r„,, 3011 wall Is Ibe Boot sod l Ilse. Ito not forgot ms plane, OW Alarm,. Wert. len JAMES 110011. (HEAT EXCITEMENT AT 02 Federal Street. . Boots, Shoes and Galicrs, AT REDUCED PRICE% !MX' 711Z43CaCaXXOTLICPCIIKVS, GREAT SHOE EMPORIUM; 92 Federal Street, Allegheny, Pa. A. 1 4 1116 4 31 ,AND FRESH ARRIVAL SUSUMU BOOTS, SHOES, GAITERS; rilsogi Balmorals. Just received, and will be sold at the VEItY LOW- CdT 11.11.18,•eltaer , Wholessie'or UIVIL US A ()ALL UNYOKE PUILCILABINU CLIICW HERM. • - J. I. & W. C 4 BORLAND, ' No. Bella,fet ideceL . id deer Mom 6LU.t. mete • 600MT/7 visLlNtwa. . an o,N r*LLII7III FIELIDINVAIr 01104 • f 11403alteisiterawid . 11ealen to Ch.111111te:07131 BOOTS, • SHOES :alums, No. 140 Repairing promptly NEW — HOOT AND SHOD STORK_ .fib. 24 Bt. ciao , street. 1,11:101: AUL etC., w 6 ohwill old •at -we LOWEST ItiOgii. OWN:Om red) 01401.k.a.-I(Atiti. 4Nrs MINEICACLIP nooirmAND, Z,lsi"Pyl. 3 .atiatlt a ADIEtIt FINE BAI./lORAL 4 1- 1 - 111 Zr Z SMlturM i ka;i7, e 3 Market .t. j.l "i ;1, ITI at L •• • ' LAMES', W J. W. OA UN AN AN & C0. , 6 xt Marleckat. Tsar.' LELEHILIVEED - wr •EL ...^-2011T11 ?SAY - ItAKES„ . ....entitle -Mtn and Pirtr ' e r nito:rl7,l , l ,lll b ot them , Cit. - Hay Forts, Sprint tau Pimp wagons, sral bu s. s nod Trucks of every, at.ylv. toado. At the: iraa. 1131114161.. st.tuts male% and or atialia.di 10/indli VALlniat% .1 POLITICAL L IG INOILESSIONAL "CONVE.NTION, 22d DISTRICT. The UNION REPUBLICAN VOTERS of the Congressional District are requested to meet at the uenal places of bolding elections In the various Wards. Boroughs and Townships, la Slid District. On Saturday', August 11th And.elect TWO DELEGATES from each election district, to meet In County Convention on TUES DAY, AUGUST 14th, at 10 o'clock a, m.. for the purpose of placing In nomination a candidate for Congress. The primary elections f o ur townships will be held between the hours ofand nix o'clock, and in the wards and boroughs between the hours of four end aerets o'clock r. S. In the wards and bor oughs the elections shall be by ballot, and In the townships by muting. J orb i' ballot. By order of the Lonun ßE ittee. W. LBO, Chairman. Axtounson. f r .„ It. W. Tilolkse. myl4.l,44dtkwr CONGRESS, 22d DISTItICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD Has to placed himself at the disposal of his friend., in response r esent e d by call made on him, for name is now presented by them as a candidate for nomina- I lion for Congress for the =I District, subject to the action of the Union Republican County Von yen apide jar - CONGRESS GENERAL JAS. S. NEOLEY aI h t. : ..ANDIDATE IN THE 220 DISTRICT. Ii4rCONGLIESS.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY 11111 present lila name to the Convention of (to Union party, for nomination an &candidate for Coo groan In the 1,1 Illatract. mh mawd NOTICES. N CO7a4C.k_l To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. 'rill; CITY TREASURER Is now To Di rt 1 1 1 w' st o re il ec?... e r,, CENT. II half] Im t fu ' re the Farr iDAY k.ll , A litiUeT NEXT. The lletraratle I.lceti.es are tine and thust he paid (ore thr Yilwr lIAI 01 , JULI NEXT 10 orth, care cost and expense hisult ...Taman Alderumn. 1e1.2:d3 WM. EWE BAUM, Treasun.r. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the co -partnership heretofore existing between II MLitt Y HART/ilk/ITER and HENRY MARTIN, doing business under the Orin and style of liA wr- MASTER A MARTIN, was diem:deed on TUILUIJ A V. lone Null lust. . by Mutual consent. lik N It 1n etARTMASTER will settle up all the pay all debts of the Ono, and collect al • H °LIMBS OF SIXTH WARD IIikr.UTCVIUATENere hereby nottiled J pro...ent the Game. for redemption, at the office of .1 NI iiitUrio, No. GI Penn etreet, within 131.7(TY 1 , .t1,%, ne , er which Mee they will trate to be re d. fly order of ISLY.I4I WARD tollitlel, N TfIE fiEItIAINEVG PART of the rronerLy (Or We laid out in Boyd Allen • won crf will be sold la lota or I.y the ....re. rorndid fur reordering porn.c• or for ci ty rr•sl- •/..licL. /1 )to PI p. troll). at the dic.: of parr,r. a Xenon, corer, r of Diamond and •trreta. or to HICII Ito LLEN. on tbc at Lower ti. UtarrA A iraYl7,aZ COAL, CORE, &e. COAL! COAL!! COAL!!! DICkhOA, STEUART 6 CO., ilavly rranov,-11 torn trtfler to c.. 13437 r_albcritir IStx - c.ot, ay Flour .11111.18ECOND u.ro funtlall good uusblogheny Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, r rile I.toWiLoT ISA]MET PRICY.. 116rA It ur dr,f i. 1141 their orrice, or suhlreased to a• an .11 lat• half. atlandeal tupromptlV. • `llAlll.l6ti 11. AIALIINTLIONG, Y oughiogh en y and Connellev i Ile Coal A II 11 tUrACTIAC}.It Or nal, Nlack, and Desniptinrized Coke, ..ke'PlcbC. AND YAM). r tt..l Mn).,:.ot Prat yartl Vo Lllawat I .otal zawir aturat, N lath to. %att. NNIC(0,111 mt., ar_ar 1.... a N.. ritt•lturg.la t 11. at, k 1.1•4411, turrra auttpliatl artta We: Neal •tt'ete. t ..t.r •t tt.t raalt rate-a. 11 , , .1 ••• • • arta atlll rt.move ; bi m:, • N it., Li. I-L..411i D'S AUCTION EMPORIUM, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth Street /.DIRGE STOCK OF NEW GOODS. Hoop Skirts, all sizes, Hosiery and taws, Ladies. Gent's fhildrens' lidafs, Sloths, Dress Goods, Bal moral Skirts, House Furnishing Goods, Umbrellas, Parasols, „lien's Hats, Straw Goods for Misses and Children, and the usual large and elegant stock of BOOTS, SIIOES HOOTERS. A 11-1.1E1.11.1A T .111JOIENTT, SS. -The • ottonoii e or Penney I (tat.. Tu Til.lll.oh ahlon. nary -thon•ton. (femme Johnston, chit u of it, v.b tooth. Johnston; Until Wand, !minty ittlfer. ill, P. Woad. (Yin. M. Wood. Itroderlok narah A. W owl, Kennington K. Wood. Ml. iele. E. 11 otot, hallo, P. Wood, (Chrier F. and It. 11. Wood. minor ...altar.. of Mary If, Wood, de oease. t Jahn 11•1•1•Ilthd, husband - of Fanny W. towarl. derea....ll Mary McClelland. Ann It. Mo.-Kul—mi. Kew ibuthollamt. James McClelland. - Wllllato IleCeeltatid. Erma. McClelland, John Me 10n...1. Jr . Hugh Mulholland and w suldnirtoo Jonowthic epnitnand yoU Sad every and all or you. that In. tog mine all no and olsollacia. our and ispTo.ar to. oor proper persona to our /nage" Oi (wort of tiontalon Phis., to be holden al rittabnegh. In mot (hr the Comity or Allegheny, on Ow JI +T DAY ise JUI.I NEXT. al AO o'olool, ,to • 13. M, bill Cr petition eatlibited lu our ...W1... , 10.1 to do thrther, and reontoe what our IA Court than ha,. t an.l.eredln brinsif. Ile. of fall oot at jour peril and the ptthaltY that nn at . i.L ' e '' he Mow JAIIF24 P. STERKITT, Proal dent of our s *all IAOI rt. Si it lath hith day of Juno, er A. It., then.. Je-nce4o. r JAI . Olt LI. WALTER, Proth . y. licitha Al. rARTSIGII9I, MPECIAL • ItEUIIEN DAM'S. Al. KIER, tithi. W. 11/41114 K.A.APA. DU Pr. IMAM (JRESOENT ST _ ELL WORKS. MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, A InITACT110C1:18 or BEST QUALITY , CAST. STEEL, W arrantcd Equal to any In. the Market, either Imported or orDonteatle planofaelnre._ 1 1 , 1:itli.tti .. !Ali? ... TO F/ZiF. lOUL =IMM=II . Office. 38 Wood Street, OT. (MA t 11.614 11.01%1. DUILDIIO7. 1 . 11 - nst, Awn, _ Inns. lei8:4119 . STEI ) I46I Dye Sinker, Seal It Medal Engraver, SWUM, .811ANI AND 5T66L Llffig SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, enamelling Stamps q. 171altlug Card.. Alio. MANN:4 V CLUTUINII. 93 Wood SI., Cor, Diamond Alley, (ABOVE.LIATIV 110011 group.. je23o . PITTSBURGH Ploi:Fotpitaili • Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON lY W , lftiOMltelalAtrWlAßOli'ntra , angltdeld, is' Tllt e l ' l no Vi r pn l ttt d""ugEZ ita,,Lfhtontaienkra ml'eontett oa *lwo., on b TtYi n 1 1 / 4 tt TICA hof hlxn jagnged tot the .0/.41C 00.1 will atiendqUoV .16 e VE11,1' N1U111! IV;FLII7oVArtid,' TrittrY::',llVlV"as.V.Tl band. antl;4..No Al A 1 ,16 11 16 , - sitaur..3l#iiittives._ sairilliWit OA $4. VANNED, V.NT 811:141(111 Et. ;41) wyXTEL, ,„ , . LEATIIER BELTING AND HOBE, ataaaractUrtai at No. BS BLITIISIICI4O ST.. by HARTLEY.' PHELPS 8c CO. Mao, Agents toiNiVr York Rabbet 0.3. lERI 4 • . . , .s..riur &oath U. it L Plittrantli ffiare RAW jioß/e. rt. Juy. Rio. : pso ADDY, WILLIAMS a BARTLEY, xpiocriusaatzmuss„ GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. Cor. Sixth and Snillitneld Sts., PlrinCl333lCrEl.(3-32C, AND Cor. Beaver and Chestnut Sts.. MANCHESTER. AU kinds of Water, tins and Stem Fixtures Imp' constantly on band. Jea:csa ADDY, WILLIAM & BARTLEY, T(EEPON . HAND A SUPERIOR 1P174003Z1 31P1E7212:E 2 8, All kinds of IRON PUMPS, HYDRANTS, SHEET LEAD, SHEET ZINC, LEAD 112 E, BATH TUBS, RINKS, WATER CLOSETS, WASH BASINS, WASH ,TAN Ac. At their Waremml.,, Corner Sixth and Smithfield Streets air All [lnd•o( RE PAIIII2OI do= promptly. iderAll orders by mall lunnedlately attended to. Job‘ext STEAM GAUGES, SCHAEFEK & BUDENBUROWB PATENT, Gauge of the Navy Department. KNOWLES' PATENT STEAM PUMP The bent and must rollable in ode. We have sold large num/tor to snaulanal/rera and oil retina. here, to whom we will refer any •onicioutlY toter ostod to call, BAILEY, FARRELL Ft C 0.,. No. 157 Smithfield street. WELDON .S 4. KELLY, PL UMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, 66c., 164 Wood Street, mar Sixth. turr.:,b7 1110111 Y II AHT SI A.:ITER. RENRY MANTIS. Private Families and Hotels Can Le furnished with bout quality of HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES AT StioßT EST 1:011cli ANI, isitsT THUMB, JOHN MAFFETT, Nos. 127 and 129 Find Street, PITTEIBUIttiII, PA 14.W.A1f WY. 1.0113130 X. lILUMIBIN G/S /NH STKIII FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. el II NET I. KAU. ail ZINC, LEA" " M is, ISASUNS. WATER CLOSETS AM) WASRS'IARDS, I , Acc.aun to Addy A Ewe...) toff:off No. 163 Wood AL. 131Laborgh, Va. PLUSIBLNG, GAS Altil) STEAM 11113111, IN ALL ITN BILANCII63, ifell6ty Attended to by experienced end prottlea Roreofro. A Our ...Moen& of GAS FIXTURES, SINKS. BATH TUBS. , 11014 EU MATHS, W ATEA CLUMP:Tr; NY V LUANDA, c ootantly on hood •1.13.1 =vie to order. r ILA 1.81 ILLEI. Awl I.IIIKRTY 11TH.L. CT. I Itisburgb 1.1411 a...N1 PROFESSIONAL. L 111.. LLNIMA 4211LL7=1.13 OE 83 Bey le Memel, All • Itp.-cla; alt. att.. given to ttrayrlog Iteetaa, and t.tt,r leg•I ttomstncattt. All 00.10.11011. lotrual .110 Wm 0111 revolve cat,— tot Sod prompt all.,otlon. jetZ:tl JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. x..x..x . rxsBxErrrißt.c.+3ec, PAL. pars: au DOCTOR E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pei. &irtttectal attoollon siren to all ours nogulrloit ootoioal oporattont. lei d~ . IRMA J t . MAOILRELL hieCONEBS, ATTORNEYS a. COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PEPTSUURGII, PA. V/ ...I. rASTIMBOII, 10 2te l r ST. Itttirneaftait li. J. & Ott PATTEASH, Law and Claim Udine, PlalttiMlll, Weld and ULVIVIIILIMIg Bounties, Back Pay, MI. Money. do.. crolketed. OFFICERS' ACcOUNTS.ADJUSTED. Colleetions made, Heeds Letter, of Attorney. Bond.. Mortgagee. do. written, and all legal noel myln:a&S B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Agent, tr. 8. BAN. con., Office, No. 61 Fourth Street, (lIISCON D PLOOR,) Pittsbuigh, Pa Persidoidit; Doubles, and Arrears of Pay Promptly ColleCted. No charge made until einem krenettleie, anal then but •moderato fee. .eue23:b2o JOMN A. STRALY. • .131TADRIZLTSiCRSw, Ex-Officio, Justice of the Peace, AND POLICE.MAGISTBATF., Mice, 112 Nltt6 st,opposite Cathedral, rrn'sßunuu, Deeds Sonde, Mortgage,, Aetnowledractitar bapokitiona and all Loga4- !Justness excentedwlttt ronmptpaa• ~• • InylDtaal WILLIAM JANCRY, ROTARY T rUELIe. JUSTICE OF THE I.EacE, ANL o an iva r t". stra v l, L 11.41t1A.1, 11 b Eti o ... 4 f8 ,E.T TAT? A t at . 1 olleoU,.. ,, :. ol l. r_ i.pvg eoraa ta c of . do ltnilt; rtrAZ:AlaCknoarledgment. of o.lllUnna of Legal WILLIAU JANCEY, ,1. 41.11ce of the roam and Notary 'Public. EUSIR• ZIOUROR, • ALDERMAN AND :CONVEYANCER 72 Pennssifocusta deers-14e, , Foot of the Edwin an k oppeatte Asthma 7 threet. ;" N OTAR Y 'PU r .B-.LCA s : • • --• , " omen, Noi:W.Dliiiiiindlt4:2illillifithi myr::.44 . . Attorne y at Lauri' . . . . . N 431 ANT OT., , P,ITTOBIJR[IIk Tfot 12eikUick7.. Wen -.Virginia, Minimal auti.otber States. - " - • - Warmly ',-I`IINEIIONS, 1101.11121E13, HACK sattltilltary Malmo ovem demeinUon t collettq Uto. subscrlber, tbo toutestrtg. rates,. els t amber Ma,. an °Um 113.514 'O. TA.I./Ani, Ablomeratibt - Diamond .tint , ObteXato we Cuan t cease:- A.B.—Nov.l=Am am mnqm 1T Oa otitis. does not seamed, sod all worms:tea after, traits.. seta* _ - - —. • . . L ATTORNEY AT LAw, oriluk,zize ir Litcoto istincrel 47 14 rtiielltif 1 160 1 411 1 4 Rik 7 a 1 . 44411J • PLtpIIRW;, & THE STANDAILD MEI AND BRASS FOUNDERS I= I=2 NOTI.4 I M. I=3 .1311M7 M11\7451 clb 400., TATE & SEVILLE, prrrsevuoii, PA 1= I WILLIAM ~P. R 9103, pITTECBILIIGII A. TREATELE. Leta= Atm ELatazith..•.Vral. /iENDERSON FOURTH OP JULY. THDonIS APTEDNOU N rama of the . at 2 o'cloelr, the new soma Ticket-of-Leave Plan's Wife. CLAIM, THE Flab RING. Tillb EVENING, the 1 act American DMZ, Nick of the Woods. To be followed by Prot. CLARK, the great Ft K log, in his dalandindcr tapper. To conclude with the a act drama of 321.1 La THURSDAY. A GREAT FRIDAY, Farewell alld last appearance on any sCage , of the veteran Actor and Stage Manager, Mr. HARRY LEWIS. A CADEMY OF MUSIC., MA.NAtigitw,s _Mits. FWD. lIENDSILSON. FOURTH OF JULY, Two Grand Performances, Afternoon and Evening. BUSS MOLLIE WILLIAMS and FELIX A. VINCENT will appear In UNCLE TOM'S CABIN. T Coteopsy Was FelLt A Mollie WiVincelliams. . nt Pixinas or Anxissiox—Dread Circle and Par quette, 50 eenmineeend and Third Tiers, 25 emit. TRlR[le3m7o BLIPS VARIETIES TELEA PrOprietor 1120. Tnorst.x. CREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. MORE HEW STARE ADDED TO THE %%LUCE TIES TROUPE. TIM HAYS, be Champion Clog Dancer of II world, and JOHNNY N. the Champion Jig . Daheer, WILL API'IL.)I2 EVERY EVENINti Tina WE/t.h. hlyzozbue 0 DIAMOND sQuAnE, ILLENI[EAr Five Days, July 3,4, 5,6, 7. EI47FVUITL°3ii at 2 '1 . ,` t E IZMrg, " E OMAN LI OEM A Pi C Lb. cowmen:l2g' 01 10 A. a-, 2..41 7:11 C. a. Instructive and Refined Amusement. MIALIV 111 V -renting baton] of EDUCATED ANIMALS. A Choice and Rate Menagerie, In conjunction with a PULL and ROLNE Il CIRCUS COMPANY. The Triplicate Features tie arranged as an form TWO !SEPARATE and DLY TINCT Exiinunotis tinders beawe Pavillon, and for UNE 2111.0.6 AISM/ISSJON. ....ect Animals, Col. b._ ....mctor and Trainer, com prises some of — the moat Interesting and intellikellt Zg=t? !'"he g b . , .•=cei r Tfirge e io ve v r seteitED " CAl 2 lin from Hindustan i e tsb o lects of wor ship among tee benighted heathen , am held in the Ignest esteem by nil Must.. These beautiful and Interesting allliplAl• are the only creatures o I their kind to be seen out of their IlatiVe country. The MONSTER ELlelliAliT 11031. Ext, .Jute the death of "ilanthal,'• the largest Elephant knows, exist, and the only real Adatle Elephant ever im ported Into this country. lie cap to rily educated. will introduced by his and tr.ltier, Stewart Craven. The beautiful Arabian Trick Doom, hTEI'iIE N A. DOUGLAS. The wonderful 131 Ind Talking florae EXCELSIOE, Jn. , the Most astonishing. beautiful end comp ( tell educated animal ever lEncilra, and over whom Mr. EWE exerelsi s a.- trot and degree of ineutoce, which cannot ta ll to Impress every one who witness till, most extrdortli nary end magniecent exhibition of the power of the ham.. mind over the Instinctive faculties or the brute. WIECEI 111:El.reT.A.Cha, The Zoological and Ornithological Deputingol rtioxprlems an exceedingly Choke collection OF the rarest, most bemolith sod eurious spftimeas 01 Natural History. embracing In all eighteen me i s ti Ai o zhi ., c , l3 . 741 . 1 , be n0 t0 . 1 1,, L40 1 1 , 01, TlUhltx Meer quarters oh ibe globe. A des of VEUFUltatiNti IFIE • I be eatil, Ited by Prof. I.AIItiWOHTH BE S', A the grea ll t American irompteur. A fltel of FALATthE a/JEEP; drove of &RATH- Ath an INFANT IJKOMEDAnT only torte feet In Jacinto, isItAZILLAN TIGER, a lomutlthl spechnen; • specimen of that very rare 5010154 th e rA A, or El a troupe or illminudve all ..TLAND th.th IEIS, riddro by MON KEY JOOKSTE THE CIRCUS COKE:ANY. Which Is organised under the sole ilia . ..lon of Mr. DAN NICE. mill be round to number the MOOl re lined and noted art.. In Doi fession, among vinous are Mr. a. btleithey, Jr., Mr. lieu. 11, ous, Mr. MIAs lialdwls, IStJekney, Mrs. George Derioos, Mr. fred...relay, and otters of equal to. Lute, and Mt. Elm pledges himself lb. th e per that the ping will be ut s inars.ter, that the sist instidlous and exacting, snail Man no opportunity fur oar. oldembon, the most and admirers or Equestrian bind cannot MU of being thoroughly graltded. SPECIAL N OTICE. —UnDITH. or ?talcum/AY...2-s: The exhibition of Mesmeric and 500001 Or o.doe.a. Led Anima.. The Shetland routes and Monkey Jockeys. The Elephant Seabee and Prof. Lang worthy's Den of Wild beasts—whit a Lecture or the wonders and purposes of the dadaist Creation, toy 2c.71 Rum. ititormotaion often minutes, daring *bleb these who do eta dealreto witness the trios Parlament!. will have an o,pportunityEques re-- 22w, at the e plratlon of the Intersolcsion, the entertainments of the area. will etnetneuett lu We course of tee performances, in thmpliencelwitti a uni, enmity exprthsed desire, itale limo will dun tbe motley, and for the brat limo Wetly yrare, appear aa Clown aod Jester. DAM laTlCrthga. Jr., the favorite Jetlter And Vorsitss. and . the eisthe corps 11 1 ' male and female art - lots, will appear to a and pleaaleg ae programme. A Grand Stroll Pageant 1.1 bitinallthe ensranc. of the estattbsh - Into the city. at le s. AL This procession en- dthallegagnificence anything en the kind attempted on magnificence and im led by the tterr ant beautiful SWAY 211 - a ottYl, routainllet tolson's North-W.4ore Ourbet Band, drawn by 71 superb thoroughbred Arabian horses, and followed by Itontett, the Monster L Elepliant, with ' , remnants., Camels, Tries Horses, Paulo, Mutes, Cages, Amos, Vans, Carriages, att. Aqtet.lue to both exhieltions, .90 cents. Chß tholalaider ten Years. age. 23 cents, or admiSsieu Lip ea ergilgpitetieu, separates the mt.. J. E. W.9.IINEU, (Leal Agent. J.X. - 21.2 2024:42 OUR ((LAND GIFT CONCERT Advertised iur July 4th; WILL rusITIVELT ME IiIVX.N AT CITY 1 I' TBll J i6Il . Pa., WEDNESDAY, JULY 30th, 1860, Gifts to tise — dosoiont of 1140.000: Ix presented to tbn Cloket tioldrrs, looludhoy li reelsossts Flan Yams in the West. Sewing Ala, clans, Wrlodsons. !to. I'ICKETS ONLY ONE DOLLAR /EACH. Ltsr I gift in Greenbacks I.IIFTS. t gift ID Ureenbacts..... ...... I gift In (been backs glftitt (licence.. s. gift to tin... Weeks left In tirrenuacks 100 glitshi tirsenbeeka. 810 each 100 00. 400 gglits tireentwass, 83 each .. . 1 ,0 00 otta Gir,ntmck., 14,000 .4,ll2loll.solgoodDtte anterestinitgrks.. ..... 11,800 0 Vitae( cacell:tnielaietin; 000 O gifts wax In Jerielry 14,000 Vizi a loe Man ion.; tches. Inn" ,l)laniond I'W., , A uold Wa " It t atli c t: . 'es sui tejztl , w arpz, . . .I.oWito Four In lithannoti erten_ U. llfto Mo./ Three Of MU scree each; Tyro Inv etas waft s 11 an 400 lOU acres; tine in 41pity county al talacm, and Two In Irrolion co u nt y , each lin acres. Also. Two Farms' In Ma Attlee county, Wisconsin, 1W Iti.fBu acres re opectivciy ell rleti F 41111105 1.04 112 50011•01110.01000. Title. perfect. and to ne seen at our oince. 4110. 401rit..resta (I 411 etch) lit tta Wells, located on the nunons Plthole rect. Vensliso county, ra., hided ing the celebrated Flew] ng St ell, Xoreks, on tiolandeu Vann, and other . protfoctice vreltslistilat 10101111 0141011. These Lute resui will bar present . ackurty gifts, Valtual at Irma 4114111 10112,110 ii nun. Not one In Went hi an inapronnetlen wen, . but h, arils producing, end ,oftiere yet to ,be. tested, close Co' producing WeLle.ali 11011011 Contract for...mole tfon, tree of furti..! , r canaries , . lisps stint/111g UK; 100.11110 U otseld wt..lie;.tc.., on hand. • Verrone wishing examine 'deeds, coeirtain ar ticles of the alaire property can he acContmodstul at ottr ornr, whpn, p.ticidare May Cl ob talnkql. • • tad have noboiosproperty lit.mrSehedule; winch should Uterefortt Moluntand Melt to the publio. • TWr to ion. •alleCotation. IC Is Inelely an effort to eiftwt,Ute sale of .a tarim , lllvtlinOf property at a moderattavaluattoui 'A COIUIIiCT Lla r, lAIC 1.I.10(110 .711K7PICILLT AN) thrylcv,. atUTil.fer ALI. liA 1./..t;klV.a. Witir.l" ATT.. all valE 1,,, T.•.T0er0 will istau Wank:, • AyOftersorim kiind vita umglivezi Warm)._ th• Let itehlor. Vur. allaltesl gnu aro phOtograpthJil 1 I . •!: tll , aingl4olled . men mat women or tiOrumec: Ihe drawtoig ,wiLL alter the concert. f0 , ...1 - 4UI. La aucceisiot.. A t relit t 0,.: op, poloiao OS itlo •,44 tu UM , Same. and SCA, ar, utall.ll.ll:Gt ":= I, ..h . AILId re, uoitieotot,o, aired •. c.. 1... warded by expreas. Allitarra. WAN, .tll/ In every town anti things within Duo ual. . of rittaourgit, 11l whom liberal Inclucemeuta are uttered. • (11..UU ILA'u y 44: VTlcketik one-andel,* •4 50 10 Tickets to ut.e add .... , ..... 11 Up UUTickettrto one atidrer•e - • ' ~tt ! Tiekets-LOollalt aCi.• 40 1 . 1 *eta to one '4 till DU Ticket/ to one 5wat........ . .•• •PU .40u Ticket., to 01115 . .... 01/ wiikete sating list up your GOO% and sena • bn yourorderawith tun uoina mota.lnreos in t, dr Number of tteltete.hapieo :• 4 11,01.10. , , 141ce, eah m l y 4o t u a on roma.: 21• Y I r r ta•44- `holitio , Utildip6 , AWOL And agape soincipai itotets,zook, Mack:add Drag Mores Of tola city anti , AltaittLinr.- • • .•tur••• ' • . oa=a4o.l.on.reifel ..>[ PrlCO Jlll4 Ntapa Masa -114r-rbfraialars. 00 - 1005 us act. .isk, olaoir . or Qrift. IYO bats kents arOaorofnued.., • Tlettts.tot. thattil l r ul TrAtAttlt.t.W.C, , otA oW iu NlV‘tert. l In Our. it ..,"toteert,-ht, :4,`":,•Atthtd"l4"' 1,411,anal '-lutttirr'y ::t M u4 ;iOVIVIIVIt Ch " Vu.i " 9r4.4. R. by mltltalited to JSOZ - 010 . b tOite .A.NTISEN.ENTS. M;M Immense racce.a .1 •he jiAgioA 11UOTILEItS, rata. hILVESTEX a..., Mr. W. A. TANN Eli. 1 ertoron A z Dap and 3lonkap. AFTEItNOOI , I st awl EVE1 . :11.74.; ata. FItiDAY, licneat of HANLON Milan ti 1=11!1!!311=1 OPERA 110 t SE 3 MZ!‘..X . 3Si.Ak. NOQ • IC7E. ❑h\EYlTts MR. J. E. HAh7'E L, I..L.oner 00. Orr. cit.. Grand in strusnentai I 'oval C3cDo.Da 40 l'E m ItFOLME.II., t. l , hrz, N ., I p l op. L.. fro ltrove. lIVLLIE W W's I is. It. 1200 h. aua For particular", .cc progrxmo.c. _UIALII3II\ "m% 4131,xuEuLT, SOU Tit - WESTERN eitt U U 6, .412' RED .11410.11' a.O .w.cor TWO X;ocavar c.)10..tv Tuemlay and NY ealuniday, July yua i U. B=l E. till-EAT RUH NSUN F.I.IIAL Y, ho 01 ti..u .vaao aro aultiren guararatc-of par arcrtiencr 01 re xtalta Ilan. Dt.:LEVAN Mc %VW. 'V. OlJell. J. itclauli, wad /Jr.n.r3 ,11 1 . 1.A4 at:. anti An. tt.ters open at ...anal c. 11. AOOOl.OOO, 30 cents n,lnert iJ cuttle. nen, mall Lr Tlllte.E. t RAC It 1' ititrUILMAZi CKS tt , h11.41,A Y, duly nu. at tu A. a—, Vaud P. Y. 1. a.. I.III.eaLL..VIS, etencrul Agent. ==l I) ILLIL&RDS I 13111.LLUDS! :ly aineruuce., lit. Irleada and We pee teat ite era mat °pellet', Ole eel" ar.el AILI) UUltr• MIL Late • A nI. LA.Allt I•ut-A.l'N entrance • Lair. rile fables are tit w, and meet, act . 'Au,. appreve.l cit./purl 5ty1e.,..1 all Lppt, .re neer aeltill tenllpiete. Leery , .1 , at any evutlitee to tile plea...OA:lV:ld utiluy- I Ist .art CO-PARZNERS.uIe. _ lassolution of Partnership and Removal. AIIAFFEY 6c NEELEV, No. 9$ LLAItt STREET, ha, e .11.notved pan. cmr.hal. an 1.4 e BEng and oboe buaiuean , and W. G. MAHAFFEY 77 AS REMOVED TO No. 87 Market Street, A ittl ha. luere.vd kin 'flock to ou Immense ;snort moot of BOOTS AMU SHOES, trhlelt comprises every article la his line, from the es.reest to the MU., either Ladle' or Gentleman's • esi. Ile - will also cohti oue to manufacture warder L A DIEN. SIiONS, of every desertptiou Ilscny cloth SLIPPERS. either GENT'S VS LADl6B`r; ( HINT'S FIRST ()LASS CALFSUOTIL lower et , tst any Oral chug ~ lA/ adorer fn Me city. owls manufacture of LADIEtiI LASTING OAP. 2 enuer‘or arum, always on Ihtudi Ble u FIRST ULASs BouT LASTS. at up ti the leet, itiel comfortable tit for persous bar b, corm, or bunion., Sb their feet, by placing a 11:•t, p the 1111 for try lump on the feet. „l E, THE stinscuipEns, have tht day entered int d . LiumED PARTNER . . I I agreeably to the provisions or the Act of As- subly pasted theist day of blurb, MI6. • partner ship to be conducted under the 11143:1e of aItLLEII, 33-1111.3.. I'AIIKIII. In thu City of tulburgh, and for the purpoac of manufacturing selling ;STEEL and b. produe.. The general partners are itilU PEN 111ILLEVI and titiee PARKIII. of I le t.liV of Pittsiburgt, and .7EO. W. DAI:11., of the Borough of luarrencaville. fee apcnial partners are BA.IIIII.EL hL Klll3 and M AMUR,. DU VF , of tile Borough of Lax - rawer llie. each of tbe special partners bare c onributed .veire Thousimd Five Hundred Dotiara t o t Cub.. 'fbe said partnership to commence on the FIIIIIT IskY OF JA.NUALLY, 16313 and to terminate on the TIIIILTY-riltal . DAY OF DECIAIDER, 1873. ISEUBEN Ail •,EO. N . BAWL, General Fannon, ;21.1A1. al. 3.1E11, nA.S.IIKL DUFF, i."rt.."' OItibOLLITION OF CO-I'ARTNEIIBUII% TIM FIRM OF CURLING, HO CO. was dlaaolved Ihwalst .bay Lobes by lhe dea.b of AlilltlfA24 itOßElCreslN. , sardllridge ill. paid transferorsted all clat,s to said arm. :u,d has d Ills inberest werin to licorge slbres, assignee of A. wbo will settle all clalnuilloe to g f lealtl Mtn. GEORGE ALB Assignee of A. Lublin EDWARD DITVIRLOGE. 11= 1 . 0 aivilotejv rtej:eipp 51.4 WII:IIMLEtt & WILSON'S • xibx:E..vie.cpl7-zilla FAMILY SMUG MACHINES, CORDING, . T , • y are adsatribte. FOR QUILTING, •Ybey arc unexoel/ed. FOR El RN 011 N G, Tbey are abapprosebab.ly FOR FELLING, rim , are wasurprassed. u STITCHING, flwy are faultless. If arAnaine canalnathe wo tlon will prove that they are the beat In Salesroom, 27 ritth Street. 110 V. SURINCEL & CO. rtl:e.47nlkstir T UE BARTLETT. SEWING MACHINE, Pronounced by all who hare Seco It the j , hopla at to.kehlne now before the poblle.. lc Is as el/calve and darable as 1110 simple, .fled at practical 113 hie durable. It has bet to be seep to be admired, sae rased to - be appreciated. it coop blues the elements els PEILFECT PRACTICALMACHLNE And Is atfordedat a pit. within the range of . near 1r every tangly In the I.d. The only low prim' Machine In the United States licensed to ass the WHEELER, & WiLSON FEED —the hest and only ratable Feed ever enuatruete.L 4:ITSALES7.IB.N WANTED. .3313210W1r ds 3Eicarlarial9, WIIOLESAILE AG - ENTEI, • ' No: ClESMn.rtia. oryifians YIT.L . SE Ltitti.ll.,l .*l,OOO • 500 51150 • 123 _ _._______ PIANOS, ORCIA1V•010. 7- 1118 Hawaiiix, NEW YORK, Schoosocker it Co., Philade/p/sia, lE. I AL fine Estey & Co.'s CottagcrOrgap, . . , AND-AIINERICAN ORGAN. A Wi t elcnwtad by the best.tnaatcalrtalent Abe llolied litote e saperlor lotoadotoerriApower. portrtand quality of tone: .14 then:age wort" '44l letnixdoetits have for years atm the MIMI vnrtithltus, Opel . all all' ompttilors, St Me Vlll4Ollll State and Comity Palo. In pike. they are lower than any.others. All warranted for Ave years. WAIKEUNIi. & 13ARK, Na 12 Clatr Streat, Piltalourgti, Pa. 31-24 - SASE ...JOG/LIND PIANO=The aub -Iftriber h.Joal received irotoWm,Koshe de t ~eperh twat; w ttOTAVAPAILIe.(II34.2II PIANO. eeith iforetrood.sotstritugS,.eleguttly esiVed cite; legs end pedal; three. strtugs to eseh - note.. This ine truldent - potekessesail the - Improve, •••• to.l7.l l, plvaltlir to the Aletitre'Khabet . ad uoques newest, the &nest Plano veer brought..l.o.lla• city. ..1110- at Whiten et the undid: Lo s.rtitect , d,T directed to the Metro Ireititunene. Ageut for Alls WOO And scuereiVl.no Yortex t l,l 148 • TALLORS. Ca - COCO,12114! Very Large and 'Select - Stock of 1103EW IDICATHING Oi t rralx ( VNED.b/,' ‘. • pram - A:LA.1..14454 . CRAY 411C-ExICAN. 47,8 t. Clair Street. , ligNitlt:V•::4l4.lLE•, , - -:.- -: ,' -'- -.• -'-' - - hilatttliNT,TAX.L(Oli, . -:....'. . ,__..., .. , . .... ..... ....; ... JIMIIRkSt -01111 4.0 . 111.01;Ctittlait, mar'stub% . .1 Daus" IC teMilla ifittokia. OIOIeJ Lolls' ti42if filo tinb' - 1 go oLorany ror that itbnul:ry. ,Tatu, al.V:001 - 1 ,rzolrtijit: t.w4:4.4t4l:44.:4l7litteityvnud weli , . Peala;twayea,k, iiii.ATl.satiol.,c)44hlNti . :-,,..: 1 .11-1411 4 iirtAll. AO, ~- --,,' ,-,•,'" is ~, - ,;., , .=•:4 •-•,,--' ,' -',-.• .--- ~___, ~.,'• •;.,,,,,,,,,..,----„,..--,,-------,,.;' - • :,-5 , --'l7" ii,1:,,-:;--..--,,,,,k711'".,i.4f,--...--.."-•• •,, 5'7, ••*,.. , ..5., ,- .---.-•;z:e-e"-i •'...,,-5.f.,-,--..",?r.,,:r,-......--,.,•x.,•ni.,-..-a--.),"-it :--,•-si,-. • ,--"rl,,:ltAii- v::. ,t ' -- , , i ,--,• .'3 .1,, ' , -i --- ; , - - i4v , n.,•Af,.. a.tr ~ - r . - .. .'ilkg , ::•--f--zp.tz•4-1 - wie.a;i9ate -24 " -4-. .--- • -'"-;" ": 7 - ..'?e . -,-;Al -- ‘ , . - 47- vq.st"- • - * -- ,t.i" -, N, - " '''- . — l o,v 4 , -.4. 3 ., r _ ~, _,„.2.„,..;, , ,,,,,,,,,. , _ ;:., • . •t• l t s _ • , ' , -et?-7#.: _ : .ft•'•. - 41U1 - 4r. , *ni t - .';'4: -77.-Vt e - f ' • MENEM