litlo TKIMM INCA3,Bz C A T EATON''. NEW GOODS , Mlalb g all !4o Aoweltiee In teICNT•eI - VIIICNLNIIINt. (111 Q 1, , ruvj t .l N at, Ith. L K UN I ERWV:AI7, ,t DRAW ENkiLI,H HALF H , / , 41, iiY.NT"N LINEN I= MA It:, II Ll' THISIMIN.., ..... , 511 h s I , II4ItEIA,A , Ilnel hsll l lt , EI.Hr.AN 11.A1.N. ,trotir, i. IN YN LINEN. ,11.1‘ A t.nrEte iu praL • rcl•t LOWEST CASH PRICES F. Id. EA:1 1 01\r'S, • 17 Fifth Strrcl. GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean Drawer New kid Gloves at 75 cents a pair; While Colton 'lose at 12 cents a pair; the I'air good Colton Hose for $1,00; Parasols and 'tiilk Son Umbrellas; Fans in every ariely and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Berlin (-; loves NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY Nos. 78 and 89 Markel Street. MACRI M, GIADE & 111 , AT Jos, HORNE & CO's 1-I'Nlll 1 1 .1 1 , 1 1 1 1 E12111 MAY 141:1.:1•1 , 11F. , MOW,. C.M.II.F.TTE 1•11% 11111% 11.5111... .11, , .• Frain., In Xll th. Irp, AI., .1, Ir., It I {duo,and widths. \VIII s 111 - 111 I, and 11“,-.1- STU.% W 4.. wilt-. 11:1111111N cs x-37 4:21r <>cod ea . 1{1:11.1.1\N'1, •.11,..n.K.: T IN,. , 1111tItt I. t sod 1,11 43,,L111. 111 of IV HITE GOODS. ILLAI. A,l-.1.4. t lII.SI 10. VAL. I.AI El •11.1.A1t5,1:1,A1. 1.%1 lIAND 111111,, I:ki rIUNIMISi. SI. • ANIIIILIr ANSll.l\t.\ I'FFE Pair Il lu.i uu, ‘141. , * and French Cambric ETES VANI% ,1111r1INI. F.%1 lifitrill , F.RlF,l , l(l , - , I lONIMI WI NY' AND .111,1 I sl'l. P.‘,. • 1...41 I I ,Nll 111.131. MIN.. !lead I.44reanter% Ornament. and Seats. .731=7" . "1"TC7 , 1 1 i2 61. In U., r bow rat 'ii It—SILK, I AS. 1 o•1 1 :1 1 T1 111./0 h Aaol o NS fat 1 . 1.,111.. I NI• 1151.1.. til. 151 o A MY". plain anol-painlrool. • 1 1 1tht•I•ao. NET,. 0'.111.,, II 5111 l'l I. FS 5511 h1.1.II• r rtn.l 11 11 5 Tl'' 11 11 • 1 1 : 1151,. ok 511 VA ha. on goo., • tr.,: (room palm lo of i•oory:zool'l ‘1111..1: :s 111 I: 11 sit, f , •• hullo, mho. poolta. oao - -of al:' 111'1 . 11.11F1.11 - 11, 1, 1,11 ISIS )1111:11:-. T 11,55 1.1.1%0. ` I ITI 1I LL, 11.5111 11M:1. 1 111,a. 1 orb, 1:- al,: • FULL 1.1.1'k.: OF .r 0 T O.IN =I Eom. 11 and 19 M." rkt t Parcel N GOODS! MACRO), & CARLISLE, =2 \r Br, 1.1 I :• ti VIN/ . 11 •-• . 1! 1:F.11.1•1 ! • , .• FINV 1,•1 I .1 ! leal.lNr ,v,•• st • !!!.•..11(t. , 1••• 4.1 ANII Nana. lor,ultlIovlo• •Io!• :11.1,1t10.11 1•! •! new anal eplrut11.1.1..••••!. ..• !•I • II CV r W111,•1• 1.1. ,, V11",• 1 / 1 t•••••• tal II:, 3.1 A ',Aar,. Al, am.••••Ltil• •11••••••••••• !oh r• lo IN 11, 1.1.0% 111, k• h I. tirA wt•I•••, AF-!•••••••••Al l•A • It,. 1141.1.111F1N •••• LIIII/N 1.1.1)Nt.: 1 MIN E, roll MTV., ItE.ILIIr TIM, SCARFS . . • irtll.l. , It, It 114,NE..141rNIrt:NlIVAIN. Ar• . I.AI 01t, titrN E n. AI 7,t:NIERINt.t 51,1,11. VA,T ENE TO erchants and Dealer?. Our Wit.0i..7.1. PritArtusent, now well stocked citn ere' ythlrt,c , n r. Sons I.INIC, odcr tot ?rad. a, suy house East or West. M kCRUDI & CARLISLE, !Overt, Arrni ivr s% CIA\IA , A('TL'I(• BRA DI,EI I/1' at Msnuraclvr , •r. • ti ARROTIIMPT.... T. SU wrernm 4,14 ARBUTILNOT, SIIANNON CO., No. tti Wood St., Pittsburgh, Have Jut opitut. , l n lurg , new 5t0..1. FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, prubrlll .1,1161011 . A ,sllll.ll tlir) °Sur at the LOWEST EAMTEILN 1 . 1<1 4 New Prints, lie!aloes, Lawns, Ging hams, White Goods, Dress Goods, Shawls, Balmorals, Notions, Cotionades, Farmers' & Mechanics' Cassimeres,Jeans Cloths l Linens, Drills, Bleached and Brown Sheetings and tliirlings, BURLAPS; COTTON & LINEN DUCK. &C. Iterchitsit ttry turned to tall and examine our aunt and print.. - CARR IfIcCANDLESS & Witakom, Cman d C 0..) INLIOLESA LE DEALER IN FOREIGN AID DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, No. 04. TATcackc:l eAt., erbird taeglie ahoy,: Diamond MICT./ l'A TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c EXCELSIOU TOBACCO ITOBBA R. & W. JENKINSON, wrr AVM ILKII Or a.L RINDS 0? TOBACCO, NS OFF AND NEGARS. CD= I=l Branch Awry. at halhLa. ytl :WO R. B. JEFFRIES, Tll.Lannfaelsare al r er In W alhonle f Fi and vrall INinl Win lea ds o TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEOARS, N., n NI. Clate . Narcet,licthunch, Po /kr A 1 tucza tor !I EV-RSV:it A UM I• I l• 1 ,21 ••••1. 5.610 K \11"I II A (.1, ..1 IN-Kt yual y kept ton banal, n0r..1.71) GEORGE BLUMENSCIEFJ.N, DiAM IN 101410 AND WiIESIIC SE(IARS, CHEWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, /cc., No_ 4. tEicev - Strout, `' riirrbm, ltrl 11. PA JOHN IVIEGRAW; =9 /M=llUt==t2ll=El TOBACCO, SNCFF.ALND 443 woo it. A jittovral a..y.ortn.ent t.f Nutol. ripe. •ed Tobsor, j.....en0, al. ay. WI 11.1101. 111721: BEIRNAIIID WILMsIIi. 11 mntifactur, And, In ALL KINDS OF TORACIDO SNUFF AND SECARS. Wuolabal& 1J Itar , ar.. No. 205 Ohio Ml., Allegheny Cif y PiVEMMi. J (-)11:1:N 414-11-4._ AN I) PAINTER. GRAINER AND GLAZIER, N o , 54 Hand St., ritt,sburgh. ralzi and OrnatorOUl 5 L, 4,1 rioLloo dues do ueOtt. All once doike vt,dbik _ - WILLLIAJE IL IVIROWIIi, LOU, Of Ukeflrfo . 41410Ifef A Mon Rolf, LIU , 31E ula!ti N rA.INTIra. %OM Hist earner of MIA LOC Mlakitttlircetas rem the'Vittaargh 6actic. TUESDAY, JULY 3,1 s& CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Loral M. a Pleat Page The Gasetas.—Persons leaving the city during the summer, can have the liara-rrs mailed to them by leaving their addiesa at our counting room. 4‘rtn.inal ('.Dort Proo.sdlng. C 1 .11.1110 Court met at Lhe usual hour ilos flaming, Judges Storrltt and Brown on Isuich. The following, eases were din.* ••0 al A. Torrence was arraigned on a charge of lllng llynot LhOLIS lleenae. The evidence was not deemed sufficiently conclusive, and 111 jury found a verdict of not guilty, but dl r..eted the defendants to pay the costs LAILCI.I . OP CLOTEt LOG. Mary Jane Dougherty wee next arraigned for the larceny of a large amount of cloth leg, plc., from the residence of Mr. Daniel Barr, In the Eighth ward. The accused had been In the employ of Mr. Barr, as domestic, but lett suddenly one ni -it, after •' Pocking her trunks" With artlelas that did riot I.clong her. She plead guilty an,l a - us remanded for sentence. A COL.:MUD L A1:W.1%11.T gen)arnm .1 ohnSOn plead guilty to an Indict , moat of larceny. If, aus charged with iiteal mg pair of pants; and volt Irian vat." Burn side, employed as delver, by lien. clown. The at twin,' were taken front a room over the sta ble on Water garnet, Allegheny, oeeuplod by I lie driver as a sleeping apartment. The iii•feiblivnt wt., remanded for Ironton, "IA 10,0,01,1 TIMIS. (TEA 1.121". railltel Wit+ Itrrltigllo4l tEI It eilarip. 01 4-1•4:11114a n hors, The aalartmnat a.. 4 1111,e , ( In aal 14 ot Jolla Millar, arid was fauna Itt tla• 14,11441 w! I crlit. 'ray lary f4ato4l a serilwl 1., ant ~;u111.)- , and (la. klelmalaal Nl)., 111,- aargad. .laeoh Mattel aas arraigned 1111 a c har,. of !ape, allegedto have flee. eotrinilttefl upon toe ovreoll Or /MM.. Tine folense s allegfal to hilt e i.e... pertaft rat tsl nl ,veltzer 11:11% Vault street, on the night of .lanu t2fl last. The Jury mourn! vei,liot of offi Atte,. F Bauer alto tried on t charge. of ,gatn). It w alleged by the proareultng o itneao, tietorge it. Jacob., that tlefentboa 1111 the li.Lll of May. Fits 7, star' leo Margaret nd 1 , 11 111. 'O l lll of July, while she v. as Ito wa, for If 11l 51,1111.1 111110. mut t itol lo MIAs Ei tmtbolli fterthratit. ut the 1,11,, being r uidoatt ot Allegheny ettonty. .1 IL, 111.3 u ere not, eon% laced of Hitt n 11 1 1; It! 111 . steletolant, Teturneil a Verdict ot not Imposing the oteits on rho protteetittn. Elizabeth Moron, colord, web. placed 071 lr lal for the larceny of some lent elothltig. .howcil that the proimeuttou 111:1114•11 , 111, and the Jur) toucol a %millet le Wlllintn Anil. ws Inktieted upon e t ....thug 11.,i a .r Ithoin The jury r.unil vehliel of not guilty. ale! ordere.l the .mot.. to pity the volt or proton... Lion. %Villln.i. Walsh 1,10.1e1l guJti to two iO,ll l ent. for gelltnkt nll hout a lICM.Ye. de ferre.l. Patrrek Iturke plemled guilt) to the same I arm. Simloner not passed John flier, constable Ilt 'Neel. 141,11lligheatt p; ended guilty to selling Ilquol w uncut 11, , In view of Illsoftlee, and from the tart that he Is au old offender, having been con k ted llpOlk two similar charges, ul till Marcia to Cl Court, he was sentenced to pay a One iq one hundred dollars, and to undergo an im prisonment of sixty days In 1110 county fad. 1 The Mlnglilur part this ease wt. that the at used made the return himself. I McDonough was NUM/ guilty ,4 r,gliquor ',hoot a license. He frmt not sou t • need. Aft, ANL, NATTER, Thomas Dougherty was con' idea of a charge of assault and buttery, upon oath of Darby McDonough He was sentenced to pay :n floe of tlfteen dollar., and coots of prostxm z ion anti to undergo a term of ten days tut pdsonent t county jail. The 4 m 111.4.4 on the doeket have nearly all been , 114preerd of, and the Cotat will probably w Intl op the Mean...sof the term to-morrow Pen Pori nal in of Prominent Pittsburgh- The e.,111o: of Inn Lon nthurn l'hronintra ma on 111‘. travel ,••• int y at %he 1. nited Statnti Ihlst ;let , Pill t, 11.•/./ wcel. ,nt Illlatnaport. For it, 110111 , rer•lera, he painted with lin ono the portrait- , of it tinuilrer of gent lemon noire or leNa promment In MIA sOl . OOll of Ihe -luta.. In llnler that It may he. know, what amino, $o( art Int we Insert nome of his pi. lure. into our I'M/1111ln, M 0400 MI aoLlie..—Alinui )..a, ••1.1, bait an.l nl,lr vhie Len.perfeutly /11M . , plimkp, frt. , ruddy, ontmlennw, I•1tr• tv,tutg heavily on 11”.midt , v. , 11:11 .It. 111 hie [hair the vet) , It• ,turr . .of r”r11,111.11,.•nt nail coast:lon. rx,- n:1.•1 II rIl• ht/111., perllllllr env, )tologer l hen MU. atone., eye - brtli mut,and sunk hack beneath I u,•looti tulabg Mit 01 his bead 11:0 , I, .klllll.ot Much silver gray hair at the ble , e. enlntelletllll\l looklng, avant a while ell. , 11/I•1 1,1 happy or a l'reabytel lan ,oviebel, al a salary of len thouaantl year. Mar-hal Illr.lovll.—Alront fifty-five, short oul stout, silver grey hair aro! goatees, heavy tver,tkot brows, quivt, unobtrusive—a emir leous, honest, good man. i 1111,i States itistrlet Attorney Carnahan.— Use., Itorty-tivr, heat.y set, active, lour t•lashy ant rtsl a 4 a ;wenn, a ith heavy e hiss litert• bun. AppearS UntiOrl4.l l / I nd hin bl.lneSs • • Chief Clerk sproul.— A clerical looking gen tleman, of fifty-live or illi•ritalvials, with noth ing extraordinary in atuteuranee. .Inures U lie lly, Speaker of last winter's llonse of Iteproventalives.—About dark flair and whiskers, rather unilio - isimilion •te, quiet, smote rns ve, observing ei 41111, man, itil it winning eituntenisto.. senator T. J. Ingham, of Pittsburg, —A hoot Sixty', large, robust, with a clearing over Lit•• lop of silver grey howl, and balance of tin pillar) oh robbery not very .trtifully Looks like a man of solidity. mini T. Hurl, ...tam' Brownselllit Clipper e ‘ i t e ' T A b B uti n li . 4 ;TlL . r, h uil r iAi toso solemn, 'inlet , Its last coltiloatig On Ills mother's knee. The insitle of his head, however, is li, eteel lent 0,0.11 th-in. .1. Heron ro-iter, of Pittsburgh /Pie fony-nve, (and a grw•l - at that, a•bn.••ruUY, long. thin bAir, I.'l. tag co.toinur, hut greatly ...Ives his look, in this mstwel. Sulu sithal a Lh .1 to hal•gea. The Freedmen LIII 1,10.11 It 110,1) In this coulninnlty, that lor I ls,. or 1./11 - Itt • )1,1, efforts huve been put I hot lat 11r...0h t P reed nom's Al.l Corm...sloe 14,..1. , ate t ematictietted blacks. The soci ety 0r,,,n1t/ . /IPitt s burgh. WWlkuowll as be I . r •ss 0 1 , AM ommissiau of Western Fontes, ....oil, Eastern Ohio anal Went \ Ira In ts, has bm 11 .1...11e mach In this work In Toth 111,,1, 31141 'rile Yl,llOOlB taller It rare ILI.' MIS{ t 0)111 11/ g IL vacation and the !cchet s I t IItII 111. These schools a ill be ovidem bet it tenchery are sent. Cl,l, ..11114.q. be le. the •••••1.•11' Is provided with funds. We appsal, inetelore, 1./ Ina christLan and palrlat u• men and eon,. of Western Fenneylvauta, to moue to our am at once. We ought to .10 !woe 111, 3ea / 111 lA,. We can do far store If • will. %aim , . of the pear lreetlmen not a slut 1. —1101 V then. Crest has toe I.een iess k het 111 bleasiag you. And We 1111.1141 e, 1. • L• 411 ~,, 111111 lt your substance are ./ 1/ •t,• r. We will be grateful for fentrlhiti mos, too or small. But It is portant 11.11 1... festot should knovr early the prohnblu utumust of ovettouvy aid that will Ito afforded, so that It May know bowbermny teachers mot to. -opported. it 11111 not aug instil a nomber ts,ll.osi pt . rwom. In the /•./tuth r/ /1/1/. I/1 l• L,11.1 1111(31 LII/Llon It'd, may 44. 11,101 1.1•11 ch Sten( no to almost eelleve ol all burden In this matter t le.mot mill Int tn. not yarn away -)Ing 1 1,1 1s I t t•lffl 1114165 lgnornnt 171/11101.1, 111 ti,ltgit I. tit Pit kgatiOr. 4/ aid 'Mout In nequi f tog fitness tof oveful fleas ill the world. "They u Ito gi ve LO IrOOI len.l to the Lord and he soil gay them again. " All contributions slloobl 10 Rent to Key. Jos. N. Travellt, 37 Fifth street, Pittsburgh, ra. J. R. C. Pets mow II von in Rai tress—moose of Time 'll,O renuoylvartla Railroad Company an nounce In to-day's paper a change of time in the arrival and departure of the "Fast Line," and the arrival of the 'Way Express" and Al toona Accommodation. By title arrangement., which goes Into °Mad, 10-day, the Fast Line ill leave the Onion Depot at 10:11, r. a. , in stead of ten o'clock, as heretofore, and will ar rive at two o'clock •. a., insead of t:10, for merly. The Day Express will leave as usual at three o'clock a. a., but will arrive at v a.. instead of Ile" The Altoona Amon:lino [lotion train will reach Ohs city at 10,15, instead of Theta, changes bate been made with it view id affording additional faisfiltien to the traveling public, and cannot fall to-meet with einwit enthidion from Llioae who will be benefit [ thereby. The read throughout is admira tdl managed, 3.0 , 1 the capromptness with which mmente• tridne in rried on, the close at [ teethe, 4, the lutentetts of the traveling pub lic, add the energetic efforts to provide for the iviinfort and cenvenience of pussengera. are deserviiig of the bigheet credit. Falee Pretense —A lawman named Jarob J, Anatol yeaterday appeared before Alderman IluMbert, and loatituted proceeding. Jtgainat Gabriel Tyler for ObLauttnit money under tal.t. idolise. IL appears that Tyler, In time Mat winter obtained seven ty-nvo Sonars from Anson. glvir%in exchange ti set of Lotman% A hich he rep banter] no lila lawful property. A few days lance a third party named hillier eta , the harness, and, proving thorn te be Ids, Aswan, was forced to give them up. Tyler was arrested and gave ball (or Ws appearance at t;ourt. Surety of the Peare.—lllmatwth Morgan was before Justice 141 pp, of Birmingham, yes moiety, charged with. surety of tee peace, on oath of Yllen Dav Ls. The defendant alleges that. has made threats age el bar peace on various 00CILLICIMS, owing to which she is afraid to leavo her own door. Elizabeth gave keep the peace and wan allowed to de part. W. U. Scott, Erg., wilier tenter of the Ten nrweecte*, pubilehod at Ntuthville, will lecture lettere the IL IL L.,nl Allegheny, and !He generally, in the looter. room of Avery (~ellege, tender At 'ry laixelen Church,/ Tuilwluy onollltig,Joly ,at 7".; o'clock.Atl i:Weston, tree. H. IL t ennen, l'outailenk C. A. bigeuit, le:oratory. Aamant I Rod. asttary.—ldury Mulligan Ycaterday o•pinaatal Wore ,Illtiorman Lynch and 1111141, oath tle,olnittltornarftllolden for tor aottn and hattorY.. 'Mtn wee; wan afroatoa and hold 141-ball In tho sum of $, 4o &tomer tit ULU .0041' ilatna id QC rt rrdsosua. TELEGRAMS. LATE FOREIGN NEVIS. Engagement between the Pen•Mnns and Elesalana--War Formally Deetarwl Agitlnat !Wehrle by the Pruwwtan.—Ar rlral of the Steamers Bremen and City of Boston. NEW 'ionic, July 2.—The ntearner Bremen. (torn Southampton 4/11 the 201 n tlit , hus arrivtul. The Marmara Allem., and t ny of Cork errs VIII out on the 111th zllt. The hrles,on 111 not sail on till . 11.1 ull. 10 Cnfl.r•lueuee or the Con men tat War The Uri.... I.ast.•rnes Medway with LP, mowcwlnli un the leav"Cht• la) Ind of the tato. commotnees .Inly •. The Itrup.,tott. onterott -ott.otty tto the I:11h. In tt•ltittton tut he IIIVIL.,10“ :writ, the co,tortt ttntl w osturn front tent. — The F my rvoital a prociamat ion to the faith ful and leit Ure-iileil to join the panted to . Harm Ituvi4 The entry of the Prusebuk, , into \on preceded by a formal ileeliwitlon or war Tio l'ruantan about to It Invade". The entry of the Ausirthes Into , axoey 1. hourly a xpoototl. The Pentad/tn. , ate sac moving on Wwrsen. WO have, oceuplett I.4l)lnth, Lettlith held Mes s/in It Is also rumored that the Sown army has elreeted a Junction with the A ust.natts A. eugugetueut touk place between the Prussians and liesslans neat I , 1 - 11.11kfort. "we regiment of Ilessinns were Itlnaost unn hit.e4l I . rusAntaS Eire Itunlrinb on It. Itoltumia. Tlie h edertil lapin of operatnrn vorutt , t of llolstetn. land xtltulrlk,a fun.. 11.14.4iletlurallou k3arit..l.ll tuta h•rt •01,11 r alt VOUIIILOM , , 1)111rielely 1 , 11111,1.,1 N 111 provve.ll.• I{.•1 t• all.l 111 t•.•,•1:1 Th.. AI t.O r ,t)e Tht• I . lll,+lart. vti 111,111 1 111111 the 1761. 1111 1 hill~ •.I ,S 111} has wltll , lllo,‘ Itollezma, litt.l the King 111 ILtlitnVer II V 1 .1111,111111141 toe trio! ••011. l. 11,41,1. I , ll , l,naLle tti,l 1 . 1 .•t are ok ws,11.111• 11'1 11 1 .11Iell 8., lin 11,e Pt oreup) k. KINtl Ku. 1 111,,1 en Ft ti.llk fin The 11..114.1 uisuulle,l )lu, / elect 1.11/ San6la.r.l 111 IL strong li.u,,ntn arm) Sr;.o mrt I%l'll Tain,grol. ugnt,.• 1 orl4 V. 111 Olin., g• NI 11, t nvntranty 15.1. 1. - Pules.- ,51)* nnt.).,[115 1,1 tin gum Itnteving pou ern ts.F.- , .111. , ....1 to tut 1,41 nter, .411 ton In I 11 1• 1 . 1 • 11.1.11, 1 . :1g1)1.11.1 1:11 ,, la Isu., Ikl./(....11..1 hi• n untlly .It.chtl,l N NI :1141L11/, ste - Nlttit--stes Itts.rU, Ist•s:s Ist-stet ...I lc. 14," i• ruiotal, 1 A t.l so,,tlrvirl r, st.,att telegt Its] t.tat lost, ttl Ilattilstts tss . Itnt stls4.ssll sch-c-rOst.. /ss.s. I. - ist tA, tit usst .t ~,,,, It.,‘,l.kni I•l.lructt•tl tai-titi) t ut /... lelintkr.tlorl, and at Lit 1.14”.1. The 1 . 1,,,katt. I WI, Ltint,l 1.1,11p01g tis cot tililmble tort,. •1 611=1 Ju,i. —"lt - .4“ 111.111) 1 • 111 !ILLS. 00,11.'4 Slcrebest. t lit , tH ll. ti“tiL 1,11 HI, and +l4l"...queully urzelt, ICtostt. 1111111111,1lil“11 het ,•••• I.eipsl.• um! file,. 14,:1 be oit •lestroy..l Tile SVestpllultan army vorp, .ttlloned ,Ikkell,ltt, g 0111,,, to , 11A211,1 Jttut- IS A atztainNt. the I•rtivettatt 114,111') place t , st 'et , Itty ttl Isarkrull.• Ration troop.- 4. 10 1, 1 11. • 1 11 1 - 1 1 11 1 1 It •a e II NI s, .1 mitt .10,411, to, ~,t e I e.lerttl rtt..te. are 11,NCILIII before lilts ell) VI toe s, .Itltt. =I mute I.llJil Kt') at rue- bale e.l Irma all place, oceulae.l 1.3 . the I', tv and rapla , . lo) arm., blvierable caul rebut lone have bee. Iry 1,1 Up to the preeehl time the Prussia,,. II:,, WA. CT0.5.P.1,1 .111.4.1111.11 01111, . ai masa, June 19 —The Ite.l "wale 110.1111LiCS ye+leplit) In Ailey lan pat F. erressett the ,ilestan frontier at I.unian nt tired upon a Pres,tan patrol. VIPI/I thousa Prussian, are niarchtng toward the front.. Bsat.lst, June la.--At in, "flint:Nlof tl ti I•rusatan laver sweat t rnch .sovereitne has consents , ' tt.loroteel the /111.11ILII tulle e.tts Austrta and liavaria battle I, .. 1....ted Ltilvartn 1 . 1.--The Itall/.ll , .overultie formally declared a .igaiumt .I.ll,trn. .I.ti . The Italian ruin nt ...try let, been res.riia, 'Lea under ISreetbol. attach...l the Mug'sl.....sehold hair lett pan I.l,M...testy at the vamp. It is slatted that Antonell. 1,, nigr,4l,ittul it Lt. /idle/ - ell Ile vi . 0111,1 411( . 4 . 0... el by Cardin:l.l Altie:l VK. LAT. t.-- Lt DOA ..111.• Es ening. It , couvequeb , ,11115 01.,veit Ills Uumilment, Alt. t..1”..6b0i1e lass pot laii /1110 4,111101/111,.1.111 he qut,et. . 31,,i,e 1111 Il• putt - tied until Mon , lay atoi ul l'iLrluttliebt tilt,- is cuing Suicide of Senator Lone. of Finiodio. 1.1,1,11 N 1,1111 1 1, h k-. J 1.2111 e, 111 , 1 1aLlc, lillll , lll 1.L,1 I,l'lllllg, 111111,1,11 g 11 51.1 5111C/1 11,1./1(151 in1nI1) 111111• ,1,111111. .1111 UV 11.1 1.1,1151 1 11115 V, 3 trtui gel) . ••••N erel de , tee 1 ee] In•re kept el,1•1 111111, le , e 11.1111, out ,th 1.rolIlle•ledde, :11,1 NI, .11, rtno ai,t got ~.4t lu 101. U 4,11 ge,erellleet 1111 le,ldelee• el hie, ell, tale: ,lepping to tile rem ,111.,, a i 11,1,11 feel Aliel Illenedl I llle 11th, Ilse Lull 1.a.,1 rig eel tnroia,.; I, I Ilt• Lllll of 1 It II •111 , 1, , e1e• ed/) Lee re.ull 011.10111,1101ti1, 111 , 111.11 .14•111.11,•• lilted The, I. Idle 1111 rd 1111100 w, the (11111,11 wlol,ll,,lreyed 111111:11. I. et:cell - vie, tete, led 11111veread swine,. bet, Arri •al of Trvonorr at New fork. New I“ew,•lwly Noel. bet I Light Clout Cal lb., In. sITATEMENT TUE REAL 1N , .t1 thy :Wm VIII ul Agorli. Monde and Mortgagor. I lining K•lati . . . I .5.5-20 (1.0.1. . 70. Op ta. Itgai I .gem( .10, Mai I, (riot ye t .Itnec PuraMug, 11,14 C.d. . . . IA Al5ll.l'l'lE:A. .... . :1 51114,111i1 Into r• ref I=l A A • AIOUYIt, Tr .11 I I'lf 1111.15 , . , It I I r.ll, 111 Y. IN-1,1 11. , I,•, lc, collyltor L. ItLAl.rtlitu . n. . ~tus, Paiute r. y h 11.1., 11. It. t n. Smith. Stitrrest allowed on I,npo.P. In t1.1,1n-titntno.... lt VEIL t•F.ST. 111111•111. nhn In In 1.1 In Mn)' and Y o b :nl. r. h 14t,1 11011 bc added to thf prinmp, an, . ompoomtml Internal 0.111414,1. S On the Ihtla olayn em.ry month. 11,,,1 Ihmnott Irom A. II In 31 0' n.h fly, also. on Paturqa, evtning. from 41..4 •. ilt rICI - 113 Y./Ulan , I:ktf. r. My1110:1411 BANKING HOI!ME. N. HOLES & SONS Bankers, N 0.57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh lhqmptila rrerl•rtl Par fends and Cur rya, . l' lowly.. all Ike principal pima ", !ultra and 'nu ulna. STOCKS, BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES Bought and Sold on Conimmion. Pert :tans •ttenU,.n paid U, t 0• •n,i amt.. of UNITED STATES SECURITIES. =I United Fltategi .41 tes Doil Do. Do. Ylv. of 10-16. Do. Scren-T hi rtles r , Do. Certlflcatto of Itideb.reest. orders sod V ouch* , bOUght Of ColleCtCli. 110, PITTSBURC:H NATIONAL BANK CC:IO3I4ZALMIR..C3E, CORNER WOOD AL FIFTH STN. Capital, - - - - I=l Deposits received and collections made on all the principal points of the. Nailed Slates on favorable terms. UNITED STATES SECURITIES 33Acwsslave !Sold. orFicElttit A. PATTERSON, IJOSIC.P II 11. 811.1. Presidet. (nobler JOSEPH C. CURIA Andel/inn& Cashier. mt.s.Crunts, A. rATTERoN, j WM. It/LED. JAMES 10 , cANDI.V.AM I AI.I.KN CHA , LOCKHAUT, WM. 1.014.0. AA, WM. H. N, HAVEN. JOHN MELLON. . _ CHARTER 1529. PERPETUAL FLOWN TIKE IIiSOUNCE CO. OV FOILAOEI ILIA /Llosets on Jan. 1, 1111311, • • 1/2,4117.1448111 , Cavini I ooco Acron•te.l l'readuins Irela.•4l. Pr.".luttis 1,0e01,2KL [P.a.:Wed elalMs • $,411. Weenie for 1h64 • S OW ' 4.sses 11Ad olsiesltC9 ..... .. ..... 8,000,0DL1. MrptAA! sod Temporary l'c:Hcles on liberal terms Dll.. Chas. N. B•IIa.r.WIMM /••C TOM. Wagner, Edward U. Pale. Samuel Grant, George /ales. Jacob R. Smith. Allred rider, George W. Richards, P:a's W. Lewis. Ill) CGAILLES N. ARC President. ZUWARD C. DALE,KED., Vice President. JAS. W. IdcALLISTP.R.. Sec's pro tern. J. G. LOYFIN, Agent. MUD:TT rCorner Wood and Third streeu. s4PICED SALMON—Just reciiveit from HOstou • supply of now Spiced Salmon, and Go cans and (Or no•le s 1 lAe Gltairy i eeeurrrlsuint of JOHN A. IlliNedii.W. )up (Alma uf 6340 bawd wow. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN THE QUEEN OF AIR RESTORERS! MIN. NVINNI.I , W'S 11A111 Ia tg:Ek:S. not till, In N ,10.. but In Vixt i t i a, Isthe Ite•t Iltdr Restorer ever offered to the Public. An in moil rueeixditVLit of the Hale If 11 is no Hair Dye. dir•kitly 1,4 M the rmii •of tn. fl.llr'llnilr - I c t y•~) limb In Irl at tilt faf It ug ,P!I• arrii•ling °llt of and t.r drnlf. nod enrlng LIl linunii • of the It f w magr ctrl and wiry hair tir soil nod 11/la riltat. trre, impart. is flair. lit li ,1 v. 1.. 1011111. and r. It tiati 131:S. II INSI,OII' (11. UN lI.hIY. RESTIIKEIt. =9 R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents Gtr'' WM. BARNitIILL & CO BOILER MAKERS SHEET IRON WORKERS, Non. 20, 22, 24 and 26 Perm ..14-eet .I,lllg a large lard, zed furelehed It with lho tow, marhinrn , vre are . 11,11,11,1 q., eNI.I, des. ripttou of ItOl1.h:11 , , In the le.l. man.r l . nr, srat,l eguml W. sae lir the ritk.lo H I N t.. h !rt. , It h.lll, -• I %SI 1 . 1 froll.,“:, 4,- TANK,, ”11. A, I I , ItOILEIL 110 , s, I.AIL 4,1 bolt. re 0 Itr It , I, I F. NT LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' I=l PARK, McCITRUY & CO. luturn TII I\(., it ILA AND 1t..1:r 4 "t o r Kit, 1 . 11.K..4t XI , ,01 . 1 . 1.:1< Itr 41 - I , 'NIS, I: t , T11.1. Itr ITT. ,Ms. Kit h4,1.1,F.11. A 4-, nn0.r1.4-rn ainl •Inalere In METAL:, 11S I'I.A Ft. siiKET 11o,\, . lonotantl) un in,nl. INN MA , MN au, 1.14. I, It, And a, ,innnxt only, ol 1 nnin.r tut n• WI) Ira Ir . my Ant.% wT SAW WOILWIS lIUBIiAItD. RHO. 44 CO., Inantalttuttzr .1 r I It I l llt i at rntt A,l I FAA. ttl ttrs tittecrtyttttst. Mtn t 111, Is?AK. 01.11,tr . AU rs I% matte Itym Lra H.,1111,1 KF.M . F.It AND Ilt .N 4 h \ Oar V. "pool, corn, \* At. and Vtit•hurati. l'articular pai.i r.--t...kti.tnit. mi..lmtraighla.alug (.Iraular rep.l.lra ildn Punch., and I,rllllhg, at rea,onahlr ROBINSON, ItEA 0., (Suc.• oespore w itUkIIN,IP:I, & NII WASHOOTON WOR Founder,. actateglatss, Vlzar KS. btarirta. Niamu t art r. o: IOrAT AA I 4 I,TATit oN ER -T KA)I I. Slil\ES, 141.A:1T EN. I N tez. Mll.l. MA r II IN KRI, UEAIUNI., NU,ArI'INU, I. A, FlNtr, of .1,-sTription.. r rl I. TA N Ati awl 5T11.1,, IP MAAR A NI; tifIEET fty-Agenu. for.' PATENT of ~,,, W" - .101111 i COCHILAN K BRO., lilauufa,lurrre HI 111 , :s 111,T 11tN OW, 1tA11.11,6, WINIHI‘‘ -ttl T Mt,. 11 1,4 W ATI:AH.I , n. le.. WI -,..CA , N1, and "a 111114.1, t...A.vrern A w THI Market, have 51254 a ariety or uew pats. hi . I (am') awl atts. i.kal Plc for ail pariailiaa. nu ar Particular allea v lltia enelpiitag al abort uollee. L4tr'itIAILIIIA4.4: AND CELIBACY. Itt•I.LLL.LiL•n 1../ 1.,.1. 4...K1L1AN lILLI 11.....1.1 IL.l.ta. u.L..1. I.A. I. NOTICES. To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. THE: I'ITE TILEASEHEIL 111101% 4+l; Ir • s‘. X,. ttbk- el L 111.0111., N litl r...tirfl, rlreer...l,lert lo rv , ltt. E I'l,lEl r NT . if pa, iwforr. r 11,1 ,lAI Al NM.N Eltr 11..rEruttl.. Eirrtir , r,./...114•• .ilt.l twirl he Ira ..1..t , F111.,1' 11.11. 1 1 1.1 N Kvr ”r. 1.1 s"d' ‘ tr ‘l l "l IN ) r l ' I 01114: IS 11:11E3 that rll \lt I'll A ICI'M ,1"1' I< o. '110.41 NI ‘1,11 , , :14 ol I 1:1 • NIAI:IIN. un , 1k 11 sr", .I'l'l4ljl-i:. I 101-DERN OF SIXTH WARD N I'l . /1111,11 A I,erelt, pr., et lto 'elm.. 1., re.lenti.tion the t,lll, e , e 1.111.11. N. 1,1 Penn etrerl-. •11er eft, h 111 n. the, ~ 11: .esse he re. 41.4 10. I. 111111 W. 1 < )'l' I U I,:. ItEMAINING PART of file ,•.• u. 11.1 gAt .It,s,tig or tor rity I'IS, Bt .1 1, •t nflier ot s. va ••••rn. r of Utsnt..nd pa, rAt tlre.,s. tor 1.. lilt 11A I" A 1.1.10%. an tn. rt, , t r I; MEE - lira bl 21 14 ILCI COAL, COKE, &e COAL:I COAL!!! HICK ON, STUART & CO., :fan ,n.r. um... 1 La, LI "al4, u. L1.10..51437 1191tx'e.cot Nit'', ISE. OS), V1.,,0tt, I= Lump, Nut tout or Stuck, A I I II I( I A Ith I I• 1.11 • 9A MA.% H. AtoriNTltomit.; ougin oghenv and Connellavllle Coal AIA %I FAA oal, Slack, and Desulphurizesl (okc, I=l .tntr Ault, ae.l , 111.1 % 34. 13g3g, nt•••••1-. ‘l3llm 3, • .1.1" = The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON 111,1 r, near. Nollilakid, to al Intlitelog LOW - It t, IMF N I.• • r. no, cai• • and ...,,feetlousries alwi , Ys on / till twelvr. 4/ I.L. 114,L no 4 1.. rrl mlvepaNy cazi I=ll3 ‘...:IIUPERIOR OAK TANNED. PAT k.NT ItIVKTF.Lr LEA'I'IIER BELTING AND BODE, ti sou Inc! ors .1 .st So. J♦ 31111111 , 1X1.1. IT.. by HARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. =1 (jr lull itel Irrecy• on bawl, • cucchrlor of I,A, I.:c;ATit Ett and lilJ.ll lIY ititA.Nl 1101•1•Elt Itl\'F:7. mud 111 11 , , It hl."l' wet,. co ,•10••1.1.1C1C8 Ovlrit a, , ' 111 W 1111P1101VEMENT.--Kcal .• 4,1 propocalm .1 he c0...1c - 4,1 .ct 1.11h4 hit hstur.lay , .cll hcr to - 84111g Chum! parr-„1 the Wharf lying In frccht Ator•••, tcrn•clk•tcs and Walnut #41 . 04.1,A, upon t.. the ;retie c ctabliAlcc..l by II• tcyll and low rule!r be aiding I-0 be covered w lllelglote,flischo.a. 'tolling 11111 hit., or other ..cnaterlal calull to Mug. t.eparatc: nit titer cubic yr...1)1+1111ov Ibe earch ailing and the ',lap. Pnlder. ar, ,lue "VI In elate the prldo psi/ado , Itch, payable In the lute •4 tlacc redeetnehlc. 1141.04 years, wlllt latent ,r) drlr. wend-annuall) at rhe race or 7 poriebt. uy direction of tilt. l'rdo mint., Iritarrri. Mud It. lt. FRANCIrI, Illy 'onlrbller. - $500,000 I 1NT114 , 11.1../ . Writ it, (:111 iisi.kkonahl. dear 3.. PM pnorosALs FOR BUILDING idoperala will It, rooelveil at tills °dice until Fhot liA Y. :nth Inst., at 3 o'clock, 00.. r N., tor the c.uction of a Itriol he he Obi. North UWIII/1011 2.llilLlSlit to the wer, in rarction or Third street awl Cellar avenue, la the Third ward: thence west w oral) Mi fret to hasithisky street, to be of a calibre of l'o nod; thence west wardly Iski Net to Yederal street., of o citlibra of eve feet; (hence wertirardly (0.. (het to Iteavor 'greet, of It ere% feet; thence southitardly Chia lee{ LO the culvert on Western rennet. 01 a calibre of all feet. Plana aridaprellicatlono to be siren at the °nice of WM. H EN OILY, Edon, ttixordlue ulator. it. /t. YII.4IiICLY, CITY CorcritOLLints 02S 14'4 / PerTanufton, June CITY WEIGH ' SCALE,I4,-Stialled oWdreaseel to th e Finance corinslttec of We Pr a t ity of Pitlaborgli. will be received pia Ulla ollthe nnIII MOYDAIi. July 24. Ma. oh 11 treloek. r. , for W eighths...tare for the several CitrWethe 13ealea. Bidden w4l.tate bow raueli of tb ;roam revenue &riming from said wales lliey will glee to the city 1011(00 use of the oath, th 13034 .Ifto. WO A e4lO, thty Cootrollet. kSILSEH GLOSS ST4SCa ,-100 boor. h.legafonl'etillver (thud 823444 ithl. - 421 for 2 3. 41 1. Paper awl bozeik, jqft r pp:mod 040101 thly by JVILN A. uSIMUAW. CONGRESSIONAL CONVENTION. 22d DISTRICT. TL.- 1 \I. , N I:Firt 111.1. AN N"..ITERS of the 2 , M •,14 . 2aC1i to wee, at the Isgual Ws,. • tu %ark,. Nt 13,..1.:4,1, et, On Saturday. August 11th An.: .-1,7 t rw. , ', ELB, ATE, from dlt,lloll .ii•lr” . l. I • . Mr, 1,1 , 0111,, I . TVES -1,.‘1. 11:1k. io , it. n. , LLInal.,, a cab.thlat. for Th.. primary t',"11.,1.• volt. 1•••• tw.l%.•rn thr li.knr,•Fr 1..13r 111.1 th.. thxd and In t township!. L. ntarklng .k , 11 Hi order NV..I. n 1,101111., . . WCONGRESS, 29d DISTRICT. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD HAI 1113re , 1 Lint,. tin I” , frlentlt Inrua nt t. ins to their exit rn axle Itltt., nano. tool roltonte.l lhout nt4 enntlitlale for notunt t then lor I onvos, for ,he I tlstrirt, ttl9ont the acllott ol I_ °lon Witt, ttllcan ton., I= W - CONIUKESS I= MEE W - CONGIRENS.—The friends of \VW prenent Ills name to the con,alon..l party, Jro no tul um!. lot, it, a vatollgiale for I 'oat grr, In the 1:1 lii t5,1.13,,t1 SEWING MACHINES N v HEELER N. WILSON'S xxiai=..xtovriu-Ja FARILY SEWING AROUND "I'm BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, gollnlrtnl. and t0 , ...1 to In 11.1,8n:isle, II eon Inn., lin. Inmen, ..f PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE And In all.n.nnl at n prn.. tchin thr rang. n 1 near r‘nr, fan,: In the land 11. price.l NI aria 111. I •1 .11:1•11;k00 Ihr N N 11.-..$N FEED and only ri.l rr rt. 1,, iir,. , 11.E,311,, IV A EMERY cfb 80NTTE8, No. 68 F`ll'l.ll3. Eitz - eot, m 7.4 I'IT 1,11 I DROVER &u 4 ti'N Have Arvn aardril We VI It I LIMY. al th tallow tug r.t w r. for Lhe •••r rlral I • rvraluiv ror twat a., hl wt.. at IN,ITIS ,talr Ma, First prruillim for :we.. 111. hire It 5.,. 101 mat, Mal, NEMIM=I==I premlurn for Mrrl man.ifacturitte Nl3elllll ‘.lsl..,tale brrtnlant far In-. 1 Mannfntriortng Mant.lne Stlnttiaan Matt. Fair. I.rat l • rsnlatn far twat Manurarttering Uatritinn Wlnrantlin btatt , Fah.. Prntnitttn tor In, Matutrantt,,, trine Ltatarnnen County Fair. Fa. Crn In .1 Marbtar rat at , ne ai nt r Insan, at I-ant - nut, Count, Yall. Ca. Fint tb - rtnlant for neat Family M.anitlat. at Kuck ,turtly Fair, lb.. I'r Bank, aunt) Fab - . Fs. Flrat lb - ruilunt tat Iw.t Mann,,l alarttinn at nrritta•nnill Yen, 1.111, Yl: at Fr n, fur twat Nlanafat turbid, ittal Vats, Slanblia• at rains. t a Fair. 1. Flnl rrnmitnct far beat 14.tatefbetaritta and Finntly Machine at nullolk Comity Fair. S. 1 . First rrrnattun lariat tuttit, wad Falnii , btacitine at belntylnr Count, Fair, b. V. First Pretttlutn At . Itnnt Nlaclntle fat all put - tat..a. •1 A.liegbet, County Valr, i . a. First ',rutin, fr, best Stan. fantarl..r bltt., ttunit Fait, Fa. rrnntllttn far brat flacinat , amity Val, in. t And whotvir., naltlttitrd. 1111.NLLY IIALl1)110.11 , .1 M ERA It A ROMER WORK!.. i1011.1141W & BAR 111111,1„ Aram Roller, Oki Agitator', T. 11.. halt Pall, Cr 11.01110.1.1,1, N roti ght Iron Itridgru, Sheet Iron 11 ork. rite.. • ORNER LIBERTY AND SECOND STS., PITTSBURGH, Pd. ifirITY.PAIttiNO !lONE ,„,, STEAM ENGINE ("ACHIM:. LUBRICATIVE PACKING, STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES An arUcle rewn ,, uended the rat ir,,d ram pan., trird and In gen era! im over two 11c...tired and fifty tlt. rn road. In t:dn countr, and on Iris! br at, 0, talltldred otbr . . . AtnwreD BY .40,000 BTATION KM* P.N Ii IN V.S. It 80. first-el., ankle. Al 41;11 Mansg4res. MI=MIII POLITICAL GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY HON. JOHN P. PENNEY vt'U CORDING. QUILTING HEMMIN4 I= F'El.l.l\/:. 1111% Salesroom, 27 Filth street. II M. SI MNER 1.. I'o 1=010!E=1!1 SEWING MACHINES A. F. CHATONEY, ; :7 4 : X 'Zt : • X F Pl.• A T- I s ' rot 4 = F M• 3 4.- - KAN UFACI'IIRERS 75 CENTS PER POUND. LUBRICATIVE PACKING COM'I, SULK MANI! FA PTO RERS, J. 167.. lIESTALDTTC).I•7", Oa. 114 sad 113 WATER ta., I'ITTSRI. jUIII my - 2,• ICU I NTRIALL WORKS II Irlfl Y. ROLA ...lAYtn HOCH M. BOLE at CO— FOUNDER:\ KM/ (WILDER:" AND MA CHINISTS: NI maul - win n2i, of CTEAMIIO A 4.1 N 0 11. WV.1.1. ENG IN LOCCAIt , TI MIIN for Coal Works. all kind', of L and Marine. I%N - II I ti EII, made to order. From the will ettroml roputa:lntt at the Manager. Mr. JAMES NY.II.FIt/N. we.: 114,1., to A liberal ,hare 01 patrottaare from Steamtrual. holl.leraand others wanting ',nod machinery. Out rim la. to •14. all nor,. In Ow L0..1 manner lora lair rontimnan.. Lion and Lo 410 It lo till , time we ray. All kinds of ,'AC 1 1 1 Nil, made to order. ILt.t.all lug 1134.11111..ry promptl, ...rooted to. IN 4. ran turn a Snarl Sr terl ami hu r t. or torn a P tect dlam• tr. Aid—Stwp 11mmeane WaL .ITN foie L. routlr) on Third rtrret, urn.. !attract. Tear 1•Itt, 111/ rah. •plMontql I)ETROILIA MACHINE WORlih E. . H. ZOE C7liVlr , =I . • iIIPHOVIGO 1.114.1Ni:I TOOLS, A NII I'lll'llM/ N llhals IN MI N K OIL A-NI/HALT W 5.1.1 Particular satt.ollon Invited to his ratenteA provetuents lit Jar, and .honta, Stade Of slat Latta, I, M., and tow Moor Iron, abindard slats, and noultuorrd, :millet parts ran be ordered by matt OT : . 0 1 :1r . d C., 10 1.110.. who may wish It. Rostov. and uouildtte Sot) made to order. Onlers by mall hromtly aitendeil IK 1. am prepared to grant licenses to other notuular- Hints tor those flatware/smuts on liberal tonna. Ibis Cl A.llegneny P. O. JeZI:II73 'K. H. 1.K1 . 11.Y. ABSEIVA.L 441-ASS WORKS. MODES, RYRIE &CO., Ilamufri