DRY %Jot/DS, TRIMMINGS,Nc A T ATON • NEW GOODS, Embracing all tha• Nolenies in I N FIJR•I-111 , •.... ,, 1 , N rkv ,, li A ANY Itl• AN 811SPENI , K11, , , SIYI:IN.UNDIUMEAR. h I'NTIERWE.A . I2, At JEAN IiNOII.ISII HALE LIOSE IMANVEILs, , VENT•Ii LINEN 81 =I At A I:-I 11. LES-TILIBULIBois, is w hit. = ,l eft h A GINIVItAbi BUN UMENNI.I.MA, l• A It ASGLE, at .nokt; and foil lines of EN IMOIDEIES, ELEGANT LACEGIiOD, HANDKEItcIIIEFO, - LINEN, SILK A PAPEE EANo rloAy, at .laol sale or fetal' LOWEST CASH PRICES 1.4'. H. EA.r_l'ON ';74, 17 Filth `tiro*. GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR LADIES AND GENTLEAfIEN. Linen and Jean Drawers; New kid Gloves at 75 cents a pair; White Cotton Hose at neents a pair; Five Pair good Cotton Hose for $1,00; Parasols and Sitk Sun nibrellas; Fan. in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Putt Berlin Gloves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY Nos. 78 111111 80 Market Street. M %fiii M, GLYtPI d: CO JOS. BORNE & CO's N •.W N. Nt NI. 1 , 1•11:1 , 1 I.!,•TN. I'• Iv, .Nna I thr 1..., I I +Tit W N, 1;1, % . I'll,, 111'1 , •.:14 r•I ~011, , 1'RIXIMINt, a ndt.RN AIM:, I, MIZEI.I-1.1.313.0X-Y 43h-C>c;•cles. , 111.1 I k`i I. Nll,-,101,.. I kli, AN , -HUM, I , \ And A IL, AAA. IA At Al (altlf Is. %NO IM. , 111 lsl Ik , kl ANI , nI VAL I.A , I. AI,. 1(1 - iAli 1,11 \ I A I \ l l t V . ~I I ~•1 II A‘l , - MEI,. II 'Oll , l 11:INI‘,1 ,,, I , I , 11.11 SI , , ANll , l(l , ' 11,1,, 111.1, I . I l'ott and Vrenrb l itniliric QM= I Xlll- I'l NII ,111(115, 1,1 ; P. P.N.; E. 1.1.1 PS 1;1;1,- I IN ipt A NS I St'l NI \ 111.9 l 1..' ANIP 1;1051' %I.remuser , Ornnin.rnP+ rillutl C>D211 . 3. I: • I , .11 1% h. A Nll IN 1 F I'VA If L.. 111 1 . 1.1:11 1 1 1.. AND CAME , ' ..•11 HAI I FFS \\l 1 10•1 I. 1•1.1 \ 1 1,1,1I•1 nn•l I.t.N l'••• ,I,ll‘l' - . 1:11 I. I'l , ll 1N1,.. , 1.,- , 1•-• 1.1 • Isl.l>. FA \ In .r.r4,11“1. 111 ,1 . • 51 , 11 1.1,1-, 1 I,VI 1.1.151. ,”! 11'111 , 1N 11 11: .1111 1 nt..l FULL LI.VE .virrimirs =I VA. 77 and 77 Markel .Strrel W GOO DS 1f RI CA RUSIN, N cam. 3.0 Firti, F3/root ! NI4 A• I. t 1th1.1.,•1.1.N1.1 A,' ASI• t. 1:1.1:11N ==M 111 P. r 3111'1'7.'11. " IF -"and 1111.1.K1.., , I'l , l 121'.1,115 !tr. ~ t P. I. • .I 1, 11At.V r't UNI ' ' =1 ME 'll'o tlerchauts and llealerv. A •1.1 • • , • .11,,r I, • lIN F. 10,1, x. ~1, IA I • r 1. J- A At ... ,A BI s.CRIFIE & CARLISLE, 19 rert, SINNI t. ,•Nll'A , l. • 1,1:Alol.IF 1 4 I.t I.ll . ric ,hllll' it Nittllll3flUrt ro• • . &Mit .1,1ti..W. ARBITILNOT, SHAM\ 6. CO., No. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, j ut, opcptol st.ol. 01 FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS, ..11 , -r Me F:A.LITEI:N PICO New Prints, Delaines, Lawns, Ging halos, White Goods, Dress Loods, Shawls, Ralmorals, Notions, Cottonades, Farmers' A: Mechanics' Cassinieres,Jeans Cloths' Linens, Drills, Bleached and Brown Sheetings and rliirtings BURLAPS, COTTON & LINEN DUCK. &C 11. rclouut+ arc la , .t. to es.l/ sod e•sllt, d., k aua prie., I' CARR McCANDCESS b. CO., (LA,. WuAteni, Caux d. CO.. 7 WEI OLES/lI.E. DEALICIL FOREIGN AND DOMES' IE DRY GOODS, No. 9.4 •IPPosamci. Eit., (Thin) house nhove LILIsl000dleT.) I•lFTJgl'lti.ll, IA TOBACCO, CIGARS, &c. EXCELSIOR TORA.CCO WORKS R. & W. JENKINSON, 111 /it/1....A(77 , 1 1 0M 01 , al,. A, •IV TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SONARS, NO. 0 VICIIEILAL, t+TILIGET rblrd Omar from [Marronekm lirldrcd. ALI.XIIIIK P. I', PA. lirAneta -gem •1. &Jen., Ohio. my2 , 1:11% R. B. JEFFRIES', Man nfaigarer otiai nil Wh kinds of ol.onle and IRetnil Dealer in • TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEGARS, No. 6 1.11. Clair riareet, Plitsburgft, Ps ar . A I.rge,iSiOrtarrot of IS KICEN , IIA4IIIII I . IYIF:S sn a SMI,EINO •NBAr ru..l am Dent quality lept my:CIAO) GEORGE BLIMEENSCHEIN, RAIL IN FOREIGi t‘v sEGARS, . CREWING TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., No. 4. raic.v.oxith eiltroot, ri,uu PA. JOUN DIEGRAiiiV, =PZI • - ANI 11 WII.OLESALE, Ati II IC...TAIL I.: A LEI/ IN T onAcCO; NA IMF AND ALIN ADS, • 443 B.lAxhiciAteilroc•t. Atofr6lltoklng itio I .430 haw.* Polleh! , s ...rays on bawl : t0y...41111 I.IEDNARD NVIENIAN, Slanatacturer and Man, In LL lINDS OF TOBACCO SNUFF AND SECARS, WILL/LILA/MS./it. MILT.. No. •204 Ohio St., Allegheny Cit y J .1E01.121/4 AND FAINTER, GRAINER. AND GLAZIER, -No. 64 Hand Si., I,ittstqrgh., Main an 4 ()mu:mute Hlgn , di ay." a dh r r e i on. dote order. Al! work loaeprtmt{ly IL AM akOW, • W Lase of meargism.sani. A lioinevipii• kI . OIMI,44hTikiIiANTALLIM B t I ; Nara WI *or or ta . Tiara •a.v, linrittynt.nxis :,11c Nitt - ':•, ttgh Oaz-cttc. MONDAY, JULY 8, 144. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additio.... I.ocel ll.tter• on First. Page 7bl. GE...Lie. —Venom. leaving the city during ,the mummer, can have the tiAmer t ra tnallett to them by leaving their ettdreee at our counting room. The Sltrife of lbe rebellion• A. 4.41• tender. , are doubtless aware, there I ICI nu, tontAng warfare carried Ou 4. past u - "ek, in the clreamsenbed r .. t.•l .•1•11 the hearneya, Istyloa, n hien inv- loon the .1 dttgat ion WIIIIt,III encl, and em to oar Meal magistrates In the lioarney Stlet , ]less I , nyle for keep . n 41•-444.11.4 ly house, of welch /lbe W. KC dtp-41 Like anoint, Ills.rgaret of Anjou, 11,111111,1 e representative Of the house of o. le r. •wall Lb° etinIOSI by charging Rear . e —not „ 4th broadsword or halbert, het with 44 my Of toeputtee, of which he th torn n ultla•d Ned tiearnev had In° of the Aughrey- held to ball for 4-committing MO .0111 arol battery upon bon This W. w fol e4 by dice. Uoyle hays og lieurney et a I earned Barney Ilnrrinwton. who ••••111e 1 1 tiling to the fort ones 11, 1..11,4. of Istmrney with liel.en. of a -weotel dartlo, arrested and heid Ie hao -urge, Of the pewee aca , 'angling n herd from 1114. elittelies and 4... tangling 11.11e.111, 111 111 e is", he determined to -cape 14,1144.1 444 de. 1.11,1.1111111,11 muse 4444 "Imf h out houses," started for the rural ~ 41 let ot tV ilk Ins lon ash 414. liut hearney wleh not I bus to sh y to lan 11VerenlYle. 11.11 1 4 tmtdden - I withthe 1.1 .1111, be Krreillv.l 'adore oermart 1.y..4 44, of 11,44 Third n ard, on ',trio • ~Iloot dated to the astonished lusher that 1.,• n4144. , 1 1111,ke e .11,41111, .•litug••+ .4..41444-4 Mrs lb, le, tel an endless nottibet .4•114 • dm, mre of Church Idley, and , ,444•14444,4 deelarlng It was his axed d'eler dnatom that the 1•11111 , neighborhood should • eono.gioni co tie gt(111111y Intertor Ille 141.,usted and perplexed n 1111 o ,44 hmy Issues already before 111111, 1111' disponser of justice ' like another if,,ronn al llasellid, declartal that it lies: my did not immedlalel) lake face from Out Itls door" he oill4l Is. forms' to spoil a blank by coin mg bon to the se, 11141(111111 11111,e utittrters ,dedl dos his nsaglilmrs should 4.41 . 444}. 'I h.-. threat Imd 1140 demred 44ffect,attd hear .• .1111,111,1. muttering Ilnprecations on the magistrates nod lan makers, and •1 the erantum of the offending A 1110 1 .11111.11 in 4 -t4l lettlar. EMU 1 LI g I 11 t. I t 4g r. • a t ut II I =I %Vhtc 1. lant a fe r u reVIL r•le , l ue a.cit•-•: , actvolly of yankta! trick, I. ilk stilllt Iwtte. un•ler.tu„l appreclat4..l. %% Iw rehmrdo,l Milli nlmost ttabus lo) I.lh. uhtithilslng, hhha Insuring against Provhltaa., has 11ILO to 1.1: COllllllooa.,jet, uf 11111111kors uto ,1 -rest .ul.l Jll , 111.100 S tluzon., 33.1N331 in the event of dual h. till a tat choo, thetion n tlort and lei:tip:nes. of inol her and childre alouilulel) .I..petoi on the life of the lobe,. Prudoot I annual pre -3,313. tAli s l3 . ll 11311 ii 4013 l• SNIO in.ureil on 311" hick to support the fatal .. when I htor effort, are liaralyeted by iloatli. Another elms. of Men, of we who .to not require t support for tin, itri• itevertitele.s trontrlng their di the mutual , 33. of the and t0tte....1 entinent, that en., be til.lo of 'none.: We NON in lb eau 07.5 I 1.3 i ha, ten. twentyand fifty thousanit ..'1 lair' on belt 11, It 0413 the pro, eh that it pow Netter than utmost any other aril), and I. abeolutoly PU/t. , Willa the., reflections on the migiolleanee 1.•1 •dt it nit)! of Life Innoranee, an ride; reader. to on aprimrtnne tulvertuoiment In .o.lltoir .13 01313 4,1 our- of our hest manna:l'd 1 idol ...di, id all the nedit intik of I Ills e 115... ! I he e count r) The .ifrrthtran sew-, -lit , Fork, with a Iran, Ii I at. No ill Fourth ii.treut, PM...burgh. an Mr. It. 1.. Itlng watt, • well known in 11. community for ht, prompt.ne.n and ener inanagement of ills Important I rust. dud ea eal.le of lili3lOttig all It. In rieac ad tot tap,. She cord tally VOMlllend otiocid and the above institution an.' it, rice, .i.not thy of tionelderation, confidence. 333 I..troutigv. I. rstsql Trtblent.a mud E. hibl r,,.. ralarmi tem her:. and pupa, of rchool a... al , are art 'vett enga.gml emxt leg for public rettel. II v.lll take place ta../er the :re. %me of rat auel A Milli., the Wl' elm! luelpal of the Fehool. a.1.1e.1 /by NI., IS~y' IV arc, accompllatted arnlstanl. orar,i7.llll....ltilirai,, , a number Id 1.11011, 1..141)Mi1d tuatara' performances, and aril...a hide a ill. t Fattl-Ft it ram allegorical • alri... al,l ret , lotti, compose.% M limit., tie Mama:. alter poet of I, 1., Mr. Nettle. A atom .aro - T. I TAm.l..ll,.lntne . I V. it,..1 Jenne. Millet aiel Nledora la a. their t.erm....t.. -ate, proud,. rare ...9..)inent to all who I iek et.* the Intl her utol AI in, :{111411..i 111 I NIP I I=l tuning thy ?mt. 1.,11...1 Irom tlie I nittml 1= =1 if 1...11.11r,;11,101,0 rt,lll,•lng ill iit IFI/01111, 11, 111M111 11, Rini hart. of I'lll,- 010 h, fur Inll tovelnuill in Inool.l- for canting 4111eN NII,iIVM hirnnan, 1 . 1114,1rgh, tul 111,47,1•1111•1/1 nio.ii•tiing I. Nour ..., awl fir o.olll.lo,olthollilis' long- lionn V. /fol)l,,iii Allegnen> for Inupro,ciati•ol I . vOOOllOO, 1111un1 IV. Vtartni, .iiohuny City, Norimprovement 10 Ininiltiig 0.1.1000 i upon Noller Ittmals. .101.oph lt. Da, 1,. of A 110010•03 i•lt,, Nit 11.10 iu fipraguvoof It 5., fin 1111111,NeMellt In valve g cur for ett.auk Larcv N6treburbcrrien. ‘,” rvc.•l7cti frmu 0111 trtend. I 11,1..1i j.:l/1.1 . 11•1,1 01 I . ollloll'. I b., Nor,t•rie., Wool !Sex , n MIMI,' ..1 lit 1.111o•n1 ,trawlovrric. wg, • Vt..l .1(11 111 I ant_ "—tee s attnnAl u onto t While thlVOr •telnnons leek tempting Mr inratorl , nut -ern, sone' senon.l In none in the Main:. lle "M . of len lew ~p 011,511111. IBill/111 fruit ,trower- and ‘leulent tn generu: nursery stock, aid 1110 Itlll,SCUllaicln or plants sold nun he slits! non:. Or•lers ter ull Ito tuOst funotura g'up.' strawlsol rusptlerry and •111.1.1nory l,luntn, anti WI Olilll.ll Icahn 111 no V11.1 . 14 . t ler• i reAMtiVII prompt .1.4,0110 n. II e commend Mr. ' , orator's nun:writ , to tine at t: ntlen ol our renders. I=l A nee time table u ill go ult.., oporatlint Aie Poi tsburgli, Fort Wayne uud (Atli - nit:o null ay OIL next. Th. oeyetul trains u ill iniVre Yor Uttma+to at. 2,05 r. 1111.1 lIVRi r. r. • • • tar Nex4l.lt, or New Ili 1,4111.,,,,, . um! 114 F1:1 1 r h1.:11ter,.2. 1 14S P. V. F4a . I.rutrotlnli•, It , • 11;:o , , r . Itt.P r Ms. - nom T Itarnum b• u.nrew,l %dim' sety gee -1 leumn. send.(l , t COM i I invilLury sell iie),CLA to M LOWOOI lurk, lot 11l plllh ~ 1 rum 1110 I,mMoh Post - cum . *, olug s•ome nuliv cUrhAslLlt. fur L,htt Museuud I ate real flurnutn . 4 Ore, it rft tew try himewlf, toled beg deeline toe mg "humbugged wiverldslng nga les, Lila% - card rates.'" 1% mgr., to lb. Um tic-lieu, tf tivcr in NOW lock, still wt. scant twenty itch/4 pontlAh mg the .- 0111.1ung " Mayo Lewes,- --There we, nu e' •1 be Id, 1•1•11 , fo r' r s e /tiny yesterday Mel artily yesrday urn.n lug, nee of w 1111141 were female-, Ten of tht) l 11111111 K" W 1. 1' ila.rgutl ft 111 i the venial offence la Intl/thing too freely of Fruit/nits 1.11.1111- 11 1/I knowp...4s, ta'SeY ti % Wing," 1104 the telnalulhg Were up to trlSorrlellY tt,t 111 tho /01,1/1,, seven were discharged I. 01) went of est In each, and three went to the hill for LI rtllll ranging front one to three flays, 111. 111001, charged Nlth dhsOrtlerly con duct, lour pith , ten dolle.r• each, aillt Elm re- I/taming live went to the Mount for from OM: 41 thirty days. --- • field to Itall.—rattl revile aa, betoru let unto Taylca 4 no Rata rday charged with rot) .4 LIM pearl, 0u oath 01 "thaw l . T h.. latter alleges that VEIV:LIC . 111 the habit 01 o,llllg threakhning Langua.tge L. 4411 1 .4 . bliti, tuol tar ol vtug that he Wll.l carry lam th roam, Into crecitthic tie itirttritil to tiara htw held to I°,ll lor sanity Of Lb., pea., /lid regtiOnL Wh. .44.1014..1 .Ith mid revatti won 111.9r1e Rr.giw~ y t.. the minotitit of Inn , Iltandreil 4101- h4l tor hln 101010 g 10,41 bol, lot. L"essped Wean the Poo! floume.—An .1111ttli 11.11,11,(1 Margaret Ateheson va :sped trflUllhe (Aunty rear Moline ou Alt, noon and :11.1ft her any to Allegheny I ity. rIIT •/). alit voile urel I by Lite pollee on Jan uni and lodg e.: ill the roolbn ,ne will la. tak x). en bee', to her tale quarters La-day. Broke, the reeroe—oireouel IytW itus ar rahote.l bolero Aidt.lll.l Johns on hat urdsy, cluulted With surety of tl e penes, cm oath 1.1 Fresterick Wolgula. Thu us alunea sianuel's helligeronCy * art Tres I ttVe, awl he . was hu.. fora-requatea to glee throe hutalred fh , llars heel , tile peace. - . reroons.—Bovlog use fur a rueaul Engine, troller: eHh anniting pfilliee, to romniut. order nail untidy naa f i, sill see vertisettiont r M'l Lb' feferened to'' dope doge tit... Omit...treat, or lusac Janes, corner ot lions and First streets. —90.••• t" . 117 a Bold to Roll . —Jolik Pgkow was hrrisited acrd brought before Mayo ld'Ciu - thy yester luy, eharni.lalth assault - Vad battery ea 0.0 e 1 Win. 1.141. The iononsed ve. held in the Corn of tlvo hundred dollars for his appearance at Court. „, an The Lesd.r.—Tho Ler ,, e'r VelrterilaY was lutercsting uuwhgr, but, tightu tba4 It would prcrtre'tebre acceramblo 'Cho' familt circle If broad .to d vulgar Iselootanui were ea chewed uy4kti editor. , rtaeti...-galward itlyo beloreleayor Mc- Carthy charged with violating city onll auoo. lie 'pet& a dna ottaruetyAllvtvaotatts rulmsnt. . Firrtiortruti,, 101 M 5:11:11:11Y114 FROM WASHINGTON Internal Revenue Reeeipts for the Fiord) Year—lllness of hen. Hooker—Clerk Discharged from the Pension °Mee— Another Slaughter of the innocents — The Grinnell-Igiumean Caning . Affair— The racier Railroad—Rontotvil Cabi net Changes 1U ofonnded—t'onsenuoa of Motes Now Represented—A Platform Antagonistic to the President --lien. Grant to be Nominated for the Neat Presidency. lone, 'Tune ut —The rno rn g tuts hnrt• thy follow Mg , Inalitta from Wash otglon 1 Inc total ronotpt,. from In- I ernal even or, , 0,10011, 1111.1.111411e,010 vie., sales of public lands. lot thi year ending tomorrow, will. it I. :Jutted at the Treasnry Department , Poll hun dred and fifty mtllion dollars From Internal reVetill.! em. ostitunted will be 1 i.4.0,:00,m00. sl7o,um.tpo, litgrtel tat about V/aou,wit., fro,. 1111firellarivou. sour e••s, 11C1:1,01.,01.11, and from sales of puddle Intals about atalOato. The rontinued ill health 01 Cie:tier:ll :ha Hooker. front a .evere titlark paralysla, has dee:m Newsted the WM DepaYork, rtment and ho to reli evwille hint rantisotl umiol at tom; lean e of abstinent. lithel al John pope wdl siteeved General Hooker la LI, man. til and of the I nipartment of the Fast General Iluwanl a ill -ureee.l General Pope in the West, and tomer:al John M. Schofield, who has late* returned trom Europe. will be sent to Itall Ins .re. yu enty-t1 re ks were diseharged Iron! the Pen-ton :Mire, to mat." room for pnrtuilly :11s uoled soldiers, and ewenty miltlonnl ones t I in• dlsettarged osmorrow. The retire:l elm h. ale imul to have he on setts:tett front moe 1. ho have been longest In the employ of 11l like .1,VOI111111•11t, some of 10110 w had held their positions Irmo live to ten years, aud wren lunger. Ttl tillea r b r e o t , ll . o tp • r r ,,. SII III I I mr ; quartermasters and otonimmtries 0 1 11 rtH be 1111,1.1 . .1 ont of servire. Tbo ib,,,,bab-t.riubol Committee huvo eon -1•111,11s1 tithing the Miami:my In the 0.0.11, and preparing a report. The - General's feel confident that Momseun will be expelled, s Idle the frimodi of t he hatter are equally san guine that male ng beyond It restitution Of eon , .1 re 1.111 be reef:lumen:loAl. The Commit tee m Is wisely kept its own counsels, and all re j port-. eoncel nitta Its lot lire notion are purely spe TboMIDI, e. tobibo-I,lllkillig (.01111111tiet• love 110 t vet runclude.l summing up testimony, which m voluminous. The general elutrusttir of the tort lietmaing report Is tuseorMinud to he in Jos- I dleatoni of Conkling tool damaging In Fry.. Partie“ intorested in Omaha, on tilt line of the Paeltle Railroad, are here pressing tile Preriblent to vote the hill 3u....t passed, al lowing tin: Itranell to ho tali due wool toward Deaver City. Ith , i the t.lollol,lht end tt, 1 / 1 11 ht eastward. 'I hey nt,ll) sanguine or suc cess, but It !stk./fit rul wilt:the! the President a ill oppose alwo-politic& measure that so large a inaterltt 44! both 11.4umes, and of ail parties, her 4. endorsed. .1m1...a W. Duncan, lulu of the I onftsierat. 1,111 t ., Ohe or Lll4. .tudersonv ill prison notorl reeentl> tried by a military commission at savannah, I:email], 1111.• het, .•111..th,t4i Lo I.e Colliilled at hard labot ion fifteen years :4 Fort Pulaski, lotorgia, inur.lor in viouttuo of the laws of war. The lion. I.:. 11. Wa...hblzene I tmprovlnh ...1,m1). 1,01 0 111 not I.e re/hly ler arlive wl,l 01 1.1 Ir.u.xl .eck. Thin pr., et. till. AI 1 . 111 phls I 11V.tea1g4LI Ilg 1 . 0111 In 1 1 re pert froth bet.;, matte hecore I lie el Blot, =I A 7%m.. sp., tal 41.). that tau teloo , Ito cern I itt.t n I.llllllp , to the Anlthottun tooth et t. mtith,.. tt. l otett M r Arl :in ht es en 'Alt:not:My suggoatt-1 to the VI ottltittot th.to re to ref to. The Na),. It t. 1 0.11A1.. 1 1 1 1 gulhl authority that the Itro.ll nt a 1 mutual:, Wi.litiu{ltiti have, 11/ a aeries of I . llllCut‘es, turtatt lieti to evil a tin% ei Clan.! the Slat, luta rept ....tutt e ed, wistelt .1,11 tietertnine alto a pus:form ant ag. t,1.111 11, 1114. 1 1 1e...11'11 I . llq . 1111.110 . 01 1.11 . 111..11M1 1 1 1 ra.l ...ant ptil ill 110111111441 for , Irvo,•01 It. 1•1'4,1.1, .10111,1". Proo.in !lore hete.itiol than Sfer tho.slaou of the Aunteletoo.- . -itu.“ Will %Id 4t it—l'roure Mend, t I ===! 1 ,ptt, l'he I.Jrrt •an. p re.rts !opt resit the e.n.l loti t”llng 14,1, .. IIIlt• on the other 11.110 I zweortmlt• front\le3,o4,l that Prtt..:L 1311 We lA•ta,ll,l 111,1 vvyr, lull that the At matt itoople., iiiii rtkl Is t.nice the PlitaV, WI Ist elll Itunta,gil Ills she strt awl are mit titta,tl wlth the tut,t lt, ul ft, mrh . t .lustrl:m Itrno im.l. I Illg le,tlogLl•ll.COM,well , iI 101 till' S.ll-, ,, 11 n . 0111.1121. NI/11.11 Um l'ru t om It.l.zwritti 111,11 WlJi SAvolem. bolds Flag rowly for event. Ultli Llex. altneuitt.:-. Itich lie 111 the in,. Is t , o 1,1111, are • , :mI 11$10.11 =1 1,11.1 t 1111111 , r • 114 I- , et, It, 1, [ill .1,111 , 1, , ntlifitt It) Sr' \.111 , .1 \ lulgt•\ Illtg,glll , ll. I 1,, .'rl• \T.ITEMENTOUTHE RE L N., I N,I I I 1•T1 ,, 5. Sulk =MI =9lll It. ob I . il;,1 Inut jr.t olthre VstrolLul• Tor. .to I, Lit.• 1.... 1 . It. I hat,. 'IX rEic, F • I. L.. 11., I .lall3 frt.• t.,ln'cloric, TO. cm NS ,aturolAy from MAI list la. fr..ut 7 to 11 . 001 Nt0V1•1111X . 1,0l In 11., Inl, ft, , m It, r o. THE It 111 IN EUROPE ==l I $2l. . • IMMO EMSM I= 'ln g 01111111 . Ixave ,fll ril ..Vr I. VP-I,F I IZOMUCEMOZIONI eNDREPIIII =lll IFt/ores',c“misl , 1,1 1 1 ,10,11 N 4,1. ,1 • Al. tla),• ,• u fur' : Irons A ng , 11.11 y. 011 30.Lir,1 •1.. r.,c111 nj El r. uty.l4,. E== ;Ved QC all, °now of :tut we. than un. rtv.s and ,IRl.l.ll.lnrthr prblfte t ya,r, In June and I/vv.-nib,. I lityrral b... .I. , clared seml-a.nual. In Jut. and Peeetuher amen LAW Ravel v.....Ktilizea, Al WO !Aar ol SIX per CAUL Inl. reat, If n‘ , l &awn nut, I. plarc.ll... ereAtt .Iqatallor as peiniltpal. the aatne trio the nrst .la)K er Ana.- and fleee.n.., 4.•.n.p....nd10g Sven,. a •ar trouln•lw In Call nerve. 4• pr•-aeat 1.1. pan.. b.,. at Lb]. rale mnney W111.1..01,- in I.va than )'tar., lhe Charter. 14-1...., It. forulabed gratin, tin applleatian al the • • 10k.1,1 I. K. 01444 KI.ItKV.P. VICK ritEbtIMMT, ,101,0 li. ttert.ren. Rolverl. Jot., 11. :11....zatt,,, . . 1,[1.1. L. toadine.o.ock lame. 11c...tdtunls, Chrl4clan ealmr. ~5.~~.. r.. n. n~ron,, n= O=OMl Henry J. Lyn., ' Vett, A. 1111.ule.tra • Irt /Want., n 7411'611,y John Maranal.. Walter V.111..211. John tt, J. 1.21 t,rr, A'onto,n. I'antar, ChArlve A Collotk. Win. Dom,laa, Henry 1.. 11.inaus , i. lobe Itvann, Win. Schmidt. John J. 4illfeaple, Alexander Tind William S. Nevem William V ankirk, l'euir H. Hunker, Wei. I'. Weyman, ret ard Huy., Mu. Whittier. Trterksu mut --c 11A 141. k, A:COLTON. P , I4I.ItrIALIT -JAN h. D. IIdr.K.DS. IN THE ORPHANS , COlj UT OF ), Nl'l.-In Part...L. No. a. Mari, T.•rni. Irv. V..tate of +AI[AII n And June WA. on moth., of A. 11 N. A Horn., for l'urililond rt the Inool,tion made tau., IstIKer411111:• Valli rlll. •114 Corti, n ill ir r - .1 1., and apiirm 1u40r.. the .1.1 Court. on Saturday, AuaustGti, At 111.b • ••14.. L, A. ht.. lti armtpt or rir tot Art art, VI al valtiatloar. anti dlr. ci mak., of litt.• runt to be vit. in IA rant tt,nton. nerah V. cotton., anti Jame. •F. MeYnrlnittl, not non wlatilt Ott Jorl.tllt tilt. of the Cott,. of ails mouton ar..lilt. ativertitruit ti i toicr a week for kg, noottt-elt ate, ititt in.ll all.O 110FFTTit.. From the Ift-cortt. WM. 0 Il KltlulN.l it ra. Jr:nit, wit hereas Lettered 01 nn.aon ta, I.IOAI/1.-Ni It I•Y11/1.!sh LK . latest nee. r,e M•0141111p, Allegle— uy enlist), tler A SSI. tape iruntod to the Axle all ,re r I eel. , Steel tu the sthl •••tato. Are th.,ee,te.l seal, temettle.“ SS nu•l I lug then,. or dassaudr. sgainsl the sa.w. wlll then, el, witheta .1 •• ro t dtrllS II AIt;IMAN, Ate . t, leCtl:sNT Spring Oardes RIM, Reserve A DRIEVISTRATOR'S I..{tern i of Ailuthilethallath have been thle tlsl wretma k SON lug thew:silos I tele 01,1 Le 1. ars reuesStsl 10 Slake tuasisilate payment, awl oh ,rraltor• tlott meronnt for dual settlement. IN b. V. 1..% A ti,. antrlattilti Lit , Tit traior. —-- - - - ADMINISTRATION NOTICE . 'llse undersigned it...tell of the last a ill .cl ...sent of JOHN Oi by doer... late of the City itf l'lltsborgli, here gl, es nialre all persons haring el.. agalauil the estate to .ire sea the same., and all per...dented to the estate to mate payment, to nip etontael, Illus. AI. MA K. KLIALL. lila office, tic, vino atittel„ ritlianirxll. MARY event rla, eliater fclrett. MEM FOB PLM. IMUUS, MEDIGINEti, IMltYLlsmny, FANCY LIOOMI, COHBN 1/1111SIIIC,s, TOILET SVPrvItTEIts, SHOULDER. OItACEs, PATENT It IiDiGINICIL sHAILIM HERBS, CoNCENTILATED /MAG PIES, Sc., Sc, ac, tit/ Ti) BROWN, No. SM. Clair Street, MaXAMAAW/ -_ SPECIAL NOTICES. POLITICAL. PLUMBING. &c. THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN. i !ONGE RSSION AL COST lENTION• ADD% • & , viviul ABS BARTLEY, THE Q 11: EEN OF • —22 d X' X.III73SOCEUEREA• i 1,. 1 NI , .N I; El' i t.1.1 , AN VOTER,. o f the ~,,,. GAS AND STEAK FITTERS. HAIR RESTORE RS! i',i . ,:;t:y, L1 :i : !,.:7 . ... , . 1 :y,.,',,r,::,,:'.,.-: ; ',.r,.1 , , , ,, n , f, , ..;‘: , , ,:„71.7. ) ,:. : ,- , ,, , ri v i l: for. Sixth and Smithneld Sts.. '' PITT ?SS UR Orr 8. PAL., m} ....„ . wi5..,,,, ... qt. 1.1.\ It t. Ilt Illit.itliit.: It AND I,t/I'li.li, ti.iti 11 . 1 Itt 4 1)11, tnsl dl S.l AA. • Cor. Beayer and Chestnut tits.. I. the He" noir Iteatorer ever offered to Al . e.,,, TWO ItELEttAI Ett• rr..14 r4u - 1. clettlnn the Public. ii.diii t. t•• inrrt In l o dt" . 11, I . oll‘ln.di tin TI'VS- MA.N CRESTE.'R. An It I.4Ator Ea-rid. li AI,: lll-A1.% , A nl Llor 1 ' " • " i ., - I . %tit . • • 1.. • i it. a In . Inr th I' . Flair If • calthllllf app' p. r,...-, .` p...rini 1:1 1.11110.31,1 n . Ark•ll.iAd• tit; ALL kinilt. of , a, r. 1.1. Alnl ~..a.ut Flilitrett Arpt 1 en ,-.. con"antly du ban•i. J... 5... il its awo Blair Dye. 1 'll.r la,lnArl ..c. ,•., r 14. tn.rn•lslp• ..111 1/n. It no.c, Al, rt I, nprln 11.. roots of ttli• Itatr rtinn, 1.‘ : ' ,!, " • ' :,.., ' ,. ' p ' ;,..' '' d r . ' . " /11 '. .....:• ' , ' • '‘ ...1 ' 1fi11.:1 ADDY, IVILLIAMS it BARTLEY, ~,r gtet .t.ti t tii it. iiritcluat llt.i . olort arti .111 id. - r . •:.: 3.,....e,.. n.. clock 14 Al 14 tin • A nrn . .. A ' 11:1 ' .• ." call, LI) order ... I 4•• I . onantll•-r. .... artlcle n: ng "n" 'n•lLnagng. Ang • "th".... " h' '''' ' ' ' ti .... t...i::;-i iid n, 11,1,13$ :,' t1y . A.1:•1.... ' ' "' " "' e It wt.. rili.ditre •Itit and .1 , 11 - 1 I. . •d, and ,n,„. , Al ~. tilll.li.RE i iii.irttian. VEEP ON HAND A SUPERIOR Wrt. ..., u s . .. t_,.. „z .,,,,.._ . . liTiTc,o7:3 i=. - crxier.i=•sm, R. N. Taus..., s • ":' ''' ''' ' •', .. , n , .4 iltttA I'H3ll i li i i. HYDRANTS. SHEET E - 4 ) -- r — l'ONcatEss, 224 DISTRICT. I . I4 A I i nif Farr ZINC. I E.AD I'll t e, BATH TOR , -IN li.i.i. , AThtt t 1.iii,W1,.. WASH ItAnIN, HON. J. K. MOORHEAD a Asti is rA N ~,. k••. 41 dolt' Warerootts. Hot die I•tatitil tilott.t.lt at Hit dt-piiiial of tik friends, Corner sixth and Smithfield Streets, In ru•pourn El. Inn, call ,Fl,ll on kin.. 11, 'name ~ 11.. w prrrnnlr , II) Inrln A , A I nII . WII" , lor ....,.., A 4 -, a in., I It El i AIM N“ .luny protnpLlN. rd.' .^FT''' 1 . .' "`.' 2.2 I .''''''' , •"W'''' , '" aarA:l, - .1,, id Ludt. Immediately attentivil to. the action id Um l tdott 111 t ' , Att.. ittinlyn- ,ii,...iti Hon. ant.ttt.t. _ _ Itlmpart. n •1. u¢lnml rrngrnilen , Lo tn. nal, nn••rt., 1.•• rnstort n•nar• nn In Touch. nn•l rntaln LI through nnl IVINSLuII'S liftAN HAIR USTOREL rr,— ®1 tot , I. l ruggl“,. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale Agents. us, AO w. 1W• WO. BAILNULLL & BOILER MAKERS • N L, SHEET IRON WORKERS, No*. 20. 22, 24 and 26 Penn ntroet- Havang ,cured larr, yard. and rurulah,l It 'HU znuot ~,,, ed maelilnrry.art. pr..parr.l to manufacture ~,ry 10-)II.F.ItZ, Ift manner r. and warrant...l,nm! to any made. In the eountry. VIAE KA.II VIP!, Li pi Dv:Net:Hs. CA I.T TAN lab. I,[l. AUITATORS. r•Krri.r.o PANS, ISIIILER 110P]. KWIIU hl., st l'A N, and ~I,- Atlantan:tun re of BARNHILL'S ltetml.nft done on :lie allot.. notice fic4" LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS° =ME PARK, hIcCITILDY & CO. Mauurneturcrs of riIIEATILIM.i., ItRAZI KM' A ND 11,9' PRKS.EI , ,ntri•Eit 0A luEl , 150T . 1,11u, ml• ELT ER ti4.1.1 , K1L. Also, 11111.n - tyre and dvaleru lu MET Air, its vt.ATE, M IRK 114'S WIRE, hand, N EMU' 11ACII EU 00,1 act-- tumor, No. IN. Filtlrr And 110141“,,41, uilaxirru, 6prulul orders ul l'oppur Io may .1.--Ir, .1 my 14,..14. T gA t - r- rtyrs B lid: II NA WORM.", 11V111111AH.D. MUD. 6 CO., Ildanulncl or • ~rs of l'A r ENT ti Out NI warns., ed I•AuT STK El. uAW ~1 rIl, 41111, Miley,ro,s, ui 1.11 r vmrlt Ali ...1.,. h en V r awl num). ilusu -1....% t Ant tra It. Pot, RE A1'1 , 1( A\l , 444,44 /Err W arrltotogo. 14 of.", turner TICK su , i Kau,. I•sti-I,t,rp, ul.tr to 'lrtuil ,Au 111 slut ur• .lotu at I nat., gAirItOBINSOA, REA b.. t 0., (Sum . NOM MINI, S 11/,.1.111, • WASHINGTON WORKS. I,ryuallerw A Macl.l ut wt n, ettimb.argh tutu.. tt l a k. 111 g 'An rg r• Al.l\Ea, 1 , 1. A., I' 4,, .1111.1. • ItisKl:N.i.t.Altl‘l, ,11.\ 1 , 1 ,••11 , ••• . • so 11-errlntlons, 111.1. - I NKa Awl aTII.W, knott,e s . A\l• arl Ken 111115 NS .titts. I.d..IYFA. 1••1,, L . 4.1 - 101IN I'OCIIRAN Ai. 8R0.., Matsu...tun le a n, V At' I. fr , AN, Al I, r nnlnt.g. 110.5 1,11.1,40, NVINIA•V• -111 I I tr. 1 4 ,. N% I..”‘‘ Sr•• N .. ° W. I And ,•,1 • •w.• •••1 , and ..t• 1 11111). 1.. I 1.••,‘,..0 it • ~‘„ ...•i Slarket, nate oti au at lA." A St .• :to I I ',AI. • •ik. • •111.1 suttutde ror s.ll to., the It II Et A NI 11.- uttentt.... iosl.l to ....lostur. nT•'t i tin "ttly rellat.. I • sol eser. constructed. 11 t" • asr,Al.l . • %, VI A 1,...f '. 11141111.1 AGE AND CELIBACI, 3E033/LER:Ii , do 33.14:Zr424730.494, \ lu y istsosr . ot artitiut •••.I Inetruction :or I W114.11.1.Cs ALE A ;F:NTS. No. 68 Fl_ftl,4 Bltx - 4:44:414 ,•11 1,141 MM. I . A 1 , • ...Is I I IN 10.1 .01 I , N. A NOTICES. I\ 4. Dr1:441,11,: To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. pIE 1 11'1 'MEASURER i. non "' 0 4 ORNF:11 LlllEll7'l' AND NEI OND STS., P 17'7'S I /It: P.l. 1.) I._l STE.tM ENGINE P. 411 KING. LUBRICATIVE PACKING, 111'11 I: I' IlEltEltlk GIN .1•0,011 ' 5 0,00 ' 0 14 I STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES. ,1.1,1 111. All 111. Nl.l I. I 1 `s .r •• 14 11.1,1( 0.11 ail I 1 " ad .01 r sT • •P I 1.1 ♦F.%I klL1;1 : /tra ', • 111-:,,l1 1,1, NI S , IF I 1.1..,1(1 SI SRI, t YFICAE. 1 101 1 1)1 , F, ILS i 0 lln A S , I , VI' , II , RD r "V." • t I. ell die SO r. A HIP 1.1,A14", 1111 e ren.llNus PAItT or flu L •i. I.llkl It, KAI klo.:11ux .01 (.., „ t• , nit is Alt” r... I.—A el' I. 1144,1 Ito 17... v. MEIN ___ $,,,, MEE COAL, COKE,. &c. COAL: COAL!! COA1.!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., do'.up "Lt., ottio.. to Manufacturer of " 437 1 -•//c ) -rt . V 1 ;';;‘,/,',Vi. E y0.„).1K4,0s o lartlcutar attmalon tuvllml lab 1 . 1•11•111,01 tlum pans r.an lo,..srdurt, I.r lI,PO ro nt at roill Ulm,. .( " t ' u " f4s s enu order. Orion It, promtly attrU,lml la. pr• ~..tred eta. Ilm.w.us °Liu, 111111 l I. it.l. toll) , A ILSE:NAL 4141.451 S WOIRKN. I,ALCII. Y oughiogheuy and Connellavi Ile Coal i MODES, RYRIE & CO., 'it, gooil A Lump, Nut coal or SIMI, rIIiIC IA iNV h Al A lu. hfl 1 . 1C11•0! A Aido•r• Atiir i• •.i Lrwwßw thewell, will Ite •ilAintlimi to prow yll.. !MULLES 11. .4 lIMMT BONG, Asilr Ildal YAl'l'l'l: 1 It nil alanntacturnre . 11l , d(da and IiILY.F.N .1 Alt l:, llru ltKl +le nal, Slack, and Desuipburized l 0vi..1/ I.: AND VA HD. t at, nualbOt Id and want nt.rn.d Plt“borgbl -•I r 4.1“ g kr•l 01. t Ivor sV 4. 3.0•11./....m..1 El The Totrtitai ICE CREAM SALOON tr ft., t.. -1 1110 tat , 1 intlucLl.g 1 , ,0NA e b I . ~ aud • n+Juolloisasies. ala.W.e• :,'..'.,!'.,..i",:':,,",!':','„ 1 `:,',..",:;'...:::.::",..., , f..".'N" 1 r.:1'.`.'i11 , •I". ar rItA ntrrtnt+c Ara.T.Ren,,s ‘ , .1.1 ir•qo ,4,..11 lot tw.•l to .j . PERIIOII OAK TANNED, PAT r.s 1,. 14 uxu ANL, itiVt.TEL4 LEATHER BELTING AND HOSE, red st NV. (Os b71111111.11[1.1, ,1„ ITT LiARTLEY. PHELPS & CO. =I (~1 um ti g• A wnj • nn prr tor . Ithttt r.70 4 F Illr It .5..1 11 1111 , 1:AN 11. on . K, 4 . . , i• I . KR 1,1, 14119..1.1.111../y.li,nt ,J 1 , 1 ,11 t. !A11,...111, J on,b. Itilutur tinrffort3trxr.- !o -seal ‘llll Lbl, 0111., 11 , JtIt. lur gengUog I) I ng nt An. 1.13 n thain t nut 6. u In , Ai ~labtiNlittli 0) lin ma..l tux. vinlAir ILW • / i .1 t•• •••• •.•••. ri .1 •••, /Ili • tglolo • 0 Illt 11.1101 1..111ng h 1 r te•at• el,tml , [Mu pct eubla J .4, •IU MILT, Alta 1111. 1.1.1., • i.rm.Lt• ,1111, 163)31, 11,. prt.. 0., al, h. 111. 1,..0•1•• .•F •••,)• with p•tyahle....atl-annually rwitgr.7.lbroptnC. • Ih. .11111111,. It. FltA ti, ',MILLI... 8 or vit_it, t rt ALI-v.ll/LN), .111110 I.lit OPUS 411.8. FUR HUI - I.OIIIIG 4.1.. W 10.01 V• 1101 at thi, ...awe 461.11 eltllrA 1 t 4,11 Inst., at 4 0,10 , 1, 0.. far Lbe nu/Istria ilwu of a Itricle 1 .. ..wer, 1,, ,00011 K th.• Ninrth I ...ratan "‘• r...• t”..1..1 1 .1.1 t .Jura v. nue, In th... 11,11,1 ar.l .11, to ancicask) 1. to I. n •41100 11-1 0 , 4 ' Fr • rtn.ra.istorn . 4.,...saalsalbaa n,r. LI.• twe . (CUL ilk r ,trret, of n bra trec -outbwardly L.. t 114...14, rt NV. ru a,torn., 01 callhr. r. x ft . el rlans and *ph:m . llmm. -Ihre.aewn at th. - only. of Wll. 11c /IEN DK • L', /teenrding _ l ln .1 a, • Irr cur Gotilrtat,r. Tv I .1.1neLa1. ' 1 , ..1 JITY V.' Et 11. SI:AJLES.--Sealled or 4,Pill'lr l o'r•iltFrot,"..li t i'r ro!an,"'oletTitri; oak, Jnly 2.1, 1886, at u • eluer, P. W., tor.WelirdilaiterVbrthe•ra•veral r,11.) Weigh Scat.. I.lltineta will atate bow much of the gr... Pe4entte arlslarir mad Mal es. they raill Ort. 1.0 the ell.] Itrr Lhe iyA , !: . 11 , 4 ,1 9 A tt a,. . Jr-WM GLOS STARCIII-7-100 stsitedi, , pia, Ay. arfamily, In paper atniWoOrl . liraZess,O J rtlearrral aud 'At , la JVILIN A. • ~KIOO7I.AW. fin Saturday, August llth, ONGREss GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY 1..7 A CAN/Al/Alt: THE 220 1 , 0-IHO I. 0110..twd WCONGRESS. — The frtrodpi of • HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Wilt pro•srat Itts ustat. t,, thr ct,at ration of the Unto!, party, for noralttallou as a candidate for tau grenr lit the 611013.6 , rd SEWING MACHINES N,' HEELER & WILSON'S FAMILY SEWING MACHINES A ,111 yr M.k. thil• Salesroom, 27 Filth Sir et I. Wlll. .t NISEI{ Si. I 0 Eligl SEWING MACHINE, HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES I •11. , 1:11.- I l'h.lol, tlav Irtuess, PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE 111.411.4 BOILER wtoiths. MORROW tk. BARNHILL, , trans Ilitodcrn, Awlator, Salt raw, (...ouactur.. rongilt =IN 1 .1 .1N V,. 11 . • art :rte. 7 , CENTS Pliat. IN)I ND. 1.1.411111 L ATE§ E P.itklNG l 0,111 A. I 1 I:I I, J. M. EIITA.NrI"O.IIQ". 114 I, II %I PA: DI ;111 . .1 , 1 ,t.,LI 1:111)1rNTICIA I. N ORKs. HUCH M. BOLE & CO.. );I S , I , Sin -ear, tri pArriirtairi irtaotleiat Ili,. re ~111 Yr warilitssi i). e le I .10. Ist lieet sees", a lair .515.1 ile it In ere •ai Ai: Lite, vf i• U. \ tie rs,...re i. MarAttriery ,•i e xis lute a Miran Si feet aeil ~r...• TI A t ierile.eire NV-Q. rsi lb,: lie! ...under 'rivet, a. ar Nark,t. Vitteti - t• tqu.l I M.:TROLL& MACHINE OHM „ . 11.11 i ••I1 r Wart, to to. .11p..' Or to Inc Into .tiacturra thr 'slwAy4 oo listo - 1, , . pL.s LL. loled xtteutool itt I,to 11,11,r. n0t..1; ‘ol.l.lNsi 6. It 6rittanitt 4 AY./ Wtsrlo t rrt ltritutt.l. I I at. t .trlttat mutt I.sot I , f) mutt All .1113 t, • Mill:111ln4 , 1 , 0.1..rn 14 - 4:x44.1) 0 t 4 114 IL IS. iEI ,;RA %( IVATCIit o oftrl.ore 11l .1 L. Ell Kt W It , , 12 lIT aut l h thou And railroad ..r r • rry Vat t.tcular etaa.l or .t.k..143.1..pitua and ita vetA, nogg, or all, name, PIANOS, ORGANS, Eir.o ILIE 1111411.111111411‘,Nr.w YORK, tit humacker Philaticiphtia, The Estey & Co.'s Cottagp Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. • w by the heel/nualcal lb the bite.)U r , tatr , to be superior tO to allothr re ltt t^ i ell) se , l ...alit) of nno, suet lArororryth Work Them. In.tritme nt, have (or yrare aken the Ono. t..11.1 1 1(1., all earttpelltbre, at the • ariona at. and County Melee.lll prlera they Sr. lower , Lan any other, All waeraated for are years. k ARE GRAND P1.4N0 Till 4. p.ub• el-14er Mr, )uAtceived n.... Was, honk., A tatrvi. o. 7la ucT.svc VIA NI, solid Itoaa.w/oul .'araod ease. leg, and throe string, to .• 1t... 11, ,omrotaoro, poasenacs all the 1t0pr0,..• mon, prellll.APlrcs M 00.,.. Ilan., mot la alonably lb.. Dotal I • lailu • VI /troll,(I/I. II). roe .1.0.01101 polalLa la oftroa.lal/i Aloos lo“romo oi. • I I A 1/I,OTTt IIIUXE. 43 rim,'area, bath, Axma h..be 1 11,114. r and ~uato Fortaa. 131141INESS NLAN'S rue connING, They an. nalmirshle. QUILTING, Thv, ten. u:tvac.l!..l Thr• tinsppromelint., FELLING, 1 . 11 r) ark. 'lnnloriMn.i..l STITCHING, Th4l ft, fmultle,e. BARTLETT I= DEAN UFACTU RERS Iron Itridgv., ,hrel Iron =Ell A. H. M...1EC7X:r..17' I=l = Nu. 12 s 4, l'ittlr Strret, Pitt,burgit, COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 4 St Clair Street. tee ha., .-I,lg , J.llll. ucrl tc. au tel. nc..r sp o rre , ly lr th. mutt., of Jul) Awl AU gist. $1.41•.r118 cht..r.ng ~1t lb,. 1. Cl July ran ph•t, tta,. .1 the 1311 or ositi i' ,, r circular , . A.llll .11..C1 'le of py,,luatiollip, apply 3. !lin college Ydilrety N. bIIAYF KR and j:M.F.14p1.0.N Lb. MOWERS, HAY RAKES, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS AGRICULTURAL. IREPWIRLTS. " had . st EA. zravocrains, JlWund:3o Utdo dtreet, 'Allestumix .....rRALNI;RWI;WT Titlrcouipar: t1.u1 , ..it.w 16, 1 1. talew 114 F. T 11 Ll.l ',1,, art a ;mak:tut sus far. the t 'MIK 4: ktE.VI I VkNfk. nalir - Wm. ;01 J Ni/1..1/ I IP., an.l t. 13.. Ikw arf St•ltartho. g. k. I,IW Kitt , And 1. II A,. t Door- open. 1. . 1,, . t children I..rt• itt TII kk:E KA NI. 1 . 1,./CF , RMANt r", WEnN P:hl , A Y. .In:s Ith.. 10 A. Y... 2 sod r, all l S, tsrnrral t. Gauge or the Nat) Department. oN DIAMOND SQUARE. STEAM GAUGES, SCHAEFER; A. BUDENBURGH'S PATENT, I=l KNOWLES' PATENT STEAM PUMP, um) mob) r.• 11.)...). . W, 15)))). 00, : iArgl• 111113711W1 ,linunuf.wiur) .l, and iNI/0111 I , lel .Plll fvfo, au) 11,1•1.1C1 1 . 1 1 1 fit , 21.1L1, 111,1 1:1\ BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., Ito. Hi/ Smithfield Street. i VV ELDON b. KELLY, P_L UMBERS, Gas and Steam Fitters, AND BRASS FOUNDERS I= Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead Pipe, Paw pa. Sheet Lead, Itil Rood street, near Sixth. .IN - crrac - ... Pri►ate. Families and Hotels JOHN MAFFETT, 1211•=11 1111= )IL MISI4 GIN IND aTEIII FITTING, HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS -1161 , 1 , s VV .TER ► LASE PS AM) ASIISTANDS‘ f3'OPENIS elft 0 0., I /Lt ANL) STEAM tql I IS, IN Al.l. 11, I:11A, UM., GAS FIXTURES, SINKS. BATH TUBS • A 1 1.1,),1`. 'IATE A SEIII.I.E, ViiOFESSIONAL MEE= .42L7-..DE EII.IIISALN, •• Ito, le Street. JOHN W. TAYLOR, ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 69 Grant Street. 1'1•TSBII PIG. DOCTOR E. DONNELLY, Office, Sixth and Grant Streets, PI fr. , I; I; 1;li 11, PA litaraaaats. att,allua aL, cu taaa• caul rink MACKEELL & McCOM.B6, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT - LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PA. „ \,•~sry 4 ~i'.~A[t~~inl•)'-;t•W~' It. J. 6. HALL PITIFIRSON, Law and Claim Office, =I 1, .., 11 ~,,, .•rn:/,•nl Itounllt . ... 1,, OFFICERS' ACIAIUNTS ADJUSTED. LOA, of Attorney tlottgaet,, ,Ai a. and al. lo gal 1 pre/aptly attended to. 10) B. F. BROWN, Luca! laim .A_ge u.... S. Office, No. 67 Fourth Street, I=l Pittsburg. Pa. llouttiltes, and Arrears of Pay Promptly t ollectrd. c NA. har, mratt a.l. a a (L. arc a. LII, 1. al, 1.11,..11 !ail al]. j our A. S'rRAJLINi, AA. - 1:1 1 33X4.16t1L 4 T, Juatire of the Peace, ANL , 1 . 01.1(' E t. ()nice, 112 Filth Kl., oppobitie l'athedral, 111 - Valle 4t. 11, l'A. • I , bonds, Mort ALl,nua latignieu La, yoamo na and aft Lag at Itualpeaa t• er utaql nItU prompt nean and .I).nalrb , • Iny10:sal .ULLIAZII JANC NOTARY W u ItI.IC, J Cal I 1 E VN TILE l' F, A N HEAL G:TATE At; '(NT. twee,.orn„ at' Ilullur and Oravo .treals. I d a ,7r c ae - r : 4 2 . 4.4 R , Vent or ell I:lncia or 1,44.1 .IA.SCEV, JlEstlee tto 1 . 1,4,. and Salary my..ltan EUsTACE S. MORROW, ALDERMAN AND :CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania Avenue, 'oaf of the Walston and opposfic Clighoin Stud- WILLIAM F. ROBB, NOTARY PUBLIC, Office, No. 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. 14.11% .1441 Cil A TTI T. EWING, Att,ortLey at Maw, I= asi •• nwm hoe o -For -(1 1 -Tieueneks.-W est " r gh"4' Missouri ILITARY CLAIMS, PENSIONS, • 4SOUNTriIIa, HACK PAY, snd Milli s ,) Claims •( every description, wilected by thu,SUlsseel i toes, aayy the folloolog rotes, vie reasions, 110; si Waal etaiMS, SAN. C. TA YMM, Attorney as tow, Diamond street, onpasCHeAtke Onert House, charges' ffiade . Waite clefts. does uos - emceed, anti .11 lulbrmsdisol Wen grattit'• , .04111 ATTORNEY:AT UV'," r ~.gna&u s ti mututo ous• rii,tabantA. YR, AMUSEMENTS. AMUSEMENTS 1)(TTSBUR4:1111 ( ( PERA Si 0:N14% . W/r.k.li TIIL SEASON V , Vs./N. Tickei-of-Lea‘e Man's Nife F..U'lcril .0. 11 t 1 Aft b• 1--C()1317%,44. Ca, x=e_.....ei,:x• SOUTH - WESTERN CIRCUS, .IT RED LIOX LOT N`c,x - r3E`wo. Dap® Crlck.l-y Tuenday and %V ednehda), Jul) 34 A. illy =I CEZEiI aLLEGHEct I - CITY. Five Days, July 3,4, 5,6, 7 =I NV EDN 17,k1 , A1 . JULY I. •• 11l I.v. ph cu '11111.111•I Lit.k ♦ I , 1 . 11.111 , 0111 A SCE,. . - ..intesrmlnit vl 10 k. v.. 7 . a. In.tructive and Refined Amusement. DAN Fla C 30,18 EDUCATED ANIMALS. A Choice and Rare Menagerie CIRCUS COMPANY. The Triplicate Features 111111 111, ',ill, -..1•• I' .• oft, 4 _ r• pp r • - he School of Educated Aulu.a.h., tho Lll l, l 333,,•311, 111.11, t. ellr,l ~Y.Ylk 111 11 I.ul'll‘,. It,. 1 1 1 ..1111 ••• 11. I 11,11, 1 , 1 1 1 1 ,1 1 1“/ . 11 11 1 ./. 1.3 1,, • Apt.. ar3.l .1113 du• .30 .1 awl., •• 33 ,11 1,1 11. :3,1 , 31. 3 31. , .1.1 NIT I • s..r. 1— • o 11..ry Ana nrkrlill4-..”:•..,1,..t1—n .1 31.. ,1••••• 1r 11 111111111 mind r the 11,11 1 . • 11,.• '1".153r-E • I I F. 1 . %1 I • A ,I• 1, IC ..I,AI r.v hl'. I lit , - ,t•.I S" 1 \ ' A ' anAt. lli t HI V IA • ~ .t1" 1 . .. N It , rl.l•lvt )0,, ht.) .1114 hE.I, VIE CIRCUS COI/TINY, I.)\ 'tit )1‘r.".:2 =ZEE ME r . , • Elvvlsmit 10.1.,...• • ••.,t .. , ...11k) • 1,11 •1 NIII,I , •11 .11.• p"— , • • I.•• I, • IT. r1i,••1.”..,1, 1..%11 .h•stcr la,..rar. • ..n•J ,It ,•g. ant wt I • . It. ,Irt,,ilt,of 1u 1•lr•1 ilrlra 1: E.. ' %% GL L'. FOURTH OF JULY C~llF'7' CITY PI TTSII Gil, P. 1., WEDNESDAY. JULY Ith, 1%66 Gills to (Sic amount of 840,000 r-. IL,• otpx,k>, Flite Van,. itt Lb* went, 11, chine , el. lool.oins, !Re. TIChETN ONLY ONE 11411..LA1L EACH. i.shr or glst II lirreitharl.s , glft Ist t0 . ..eat...1.- • ...... gilt lutort:v.l4cl. curl ,1411 IW to lt, lir. vitl.ort.... $ll, .• :SOU soil. ui bm. I.3C•n, I M. 1.. tot) gilts lo .1. .!.,1..141, giool 10 Kills of o .. if , 1 I n ..yell, VI, 3 t.1:111101. I lip .I\\ SI g It. of is r 1.••:• Nino 31.2=L J121E146101.1_11. - 1.. GO. I LI, . t Lai Tt AC., I I 1.1., I. A.., lu Ripley ....It) 160.4 . re inl .•von rots uty,... i - Wf, ratty. NI attioa. , .t.f• W‘5 , ... , • . 0 a•urun co. All Tien . ra.ruilng 1. u.l to goo.l ..o•Ltl,-• utrals. in•rtent. new u ow "dice. Alm, to il",VelLer .11 .L in I n f. ;•A o the lawn. ean t io , :01t, t 3. l'a.. olllclUding hr celebratotl II . nnTnnn. unleu Yana, and °lnt, I r.IIA• en well,. In tb, onfl,rlnl reglon. will Ix. prtew.ut -1..1 we Forty gilt., val.:4 Al 40010 vac, Not one ol them In An unpro.l.l,l,e writ. t'ut A elle proilnelltg, utitera)..t n In, ...led, .10, tound, outrun' In/ tree of farther lana ug 1nc...1v0 of bard nrnllr, Ac.. on nand. • • - • • • rersOp a washing tor.tinaitie deeds, or . main s r. tiCica of the stnyve prperty cum be .a.disiursdavl at our lltre, where ail s the particular. MY, Or tot, We Pace no bogus iltoperty moor .eliedu.e. should thereture colonic. Itatif to the puldie. This ts cot perdation._ _IA la racial) an etlort eite,t env solo Or .0 lArgal OILVUOI propel Cl . border. valualnn. A t 011111r.CT I.lnT. I L it CHF: 't It hal 111.ildlEatZ' AXE:, Al.Liiii.nnEn, Am" Trib:ll. PiLMltc:ltz in A I • ill it I, gic,, TtILA r ALL MA it % ./ Uri: • NVIIETtiAIt 'rHEI ITT KS. II K iait ‘ c bAr,lill Ni.T. retli be no Wank.. A girt of name 11.1 .111 ire givon ver• tint smallest O. pantograph - . of the distinguished 11010 SOO vroDIVIO Oi our tube, be drawing arid tale place alter the concert. f•uir nights In succession. A einunnitre Mrll he ap pointed uy Ill , ' /let holders aitine to .tiperloirshl the sawn., and are that rt tbe 011th are distributed impaially. and tile reanit e ttbiidlie Immeiately. (.1 Oark 14, Deed, to, torwardla d I by ex d pel:se.. AtiENT, W , %YiTELP Inaacry town and I' Mayo within 11110 vibes of I'll Lauurgli, to whom induceineists are offered. - . 3 Tiel.els to taw tuldretu. 10 tlekets to Or, whiten. '4O to one athircas. '1143,1.e to oar 1.1.1 r... Tlckutz W onu..adldrvre. ;0/ Tl , keta 0. 0111 . I 00 T. le. am.- . , n f:”L you: cloth and newt your ortl.,n, itlithe PIO a•dd.... in full, of bulur..ribus. . . N undo., of ticks." Lesued. 10,000. SI each. They aro fur sale at uus olhec, Nu. 70 1 , 14 , 1 . 11 I,aftE.E .4,1 Fluor, 'eltroult...e' notilthug, l'lttabg And at the prin,.lpal liook, Maine anti flrug More% of this city and Ai legh-tty. heal by wall int 'I awl 01.010 p for ro l., postage. *rail for N o .alustuy ma) ho fteut•us at toll tint, ....Lei I.) draft, postolhor order. ea press or rcgisterul letters. We lta,e rnball...d. reb.suuces, with which our agents are fU apeclial.JSotlac. Ilviss It not paia {Vlarc nut Illnerleti In our 1/11, INU 1.1.17, and will neither gain Atilt/16.10u to thConcert. nor draw Alf,: and are therefor. melees. Asenm tawst be punctual In rzotitug !b -istros, no sa I. L.. rh us no klte Ssl 0141117. All etnntoslnles.slons should he al4Aresnied to )lesslei ALS , . Tlloslaol.trr. Buz N. GEM, Vituburich. AL. 13,ILILLUIDS! BILLIARDS!! 33.45L121x Respectfully anbuuneta Lo WA reined. and the pub lIC generally, that he tilts Nett 11116 new aud combaolllOUS 111.1LtAitt) {WOWS. COEN kit tat 1...1.111C1tTY AND E. CLwallt UTILF.Ent, entrance Irolnat...cbdr.. Tee 'table* arc now, and . edk laPit approve , mad elegant le, wst aI tWL ly VP 1113 m rcuaehsw U nd o om ur e e y nd coin - PO 9 patron vlll lw aterted. BEEffill world \ Er.T kH a.dhlr. W. A. I A S 'h tl • i.o•so Ut LONINSI HAN LUNN FILIYIRLI.'S ARIE'FII:S THEA' • :11,01.1., CREAT ATTRACTION FOR TiWS WEEK. t I kik. lv„ .. r...r.er rOS'I'PONEYIEAT PRia. CONCLRT, 1,. 11A BEF. , liIVLN AI Crosby's Opera House, Chicago, Monday, J Illy 9th, HALF A MILLION DOLLARS IN PRIZES BEM It•.:1;.1 I. ”r".... II; Kr, wilh 111,1.• Ir"ot I tl • NI IL { • r , ,i' , ', BE I n I I I. • ;LEl,hln•ol Lilt 1.1. • it t. n,•l ‘lllt 1 .t.1. ,1 by 11,4 :••% 1 / AN 1'1111:1 , 1 Nor LI•• 1%. ,i4rrt: I ••rn, I 11..n41 •rt. , 4,1:1•r• •1 At. rhant ► GRAND CON CERT I= •‘I I CMI [~ I 110 I 1,001 4,000 ,a,OOll Ml= it I DU 9 OD 17 DO su -01 , JD OD 13 .0 00 ASS!U FMIckI AN LON BRUT EW. n, • ~ I /.1 - 11 . 1 .1 /' F.II:MANt )1 It b.l tew 11, NlhaveAs • t, t ,1•11. Lt r e.% 1 . 111.= N 1 k.ln TIIE XITIED MIGE._.a. - sr 88tL. I.EI ES ES I= $lOO,OOO IN Glifildsl.l3ACKS EIN= MN SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB HAILS: mrm7.. W111.1.:11 s, BHA IWORD & 40. VI DEAlLLlteltti ILA 1.1. • 11, ~ :'.n IC I: . ~. nK~ i .r. i.~~i~ ...~ ~.l~~eir ail EMI CO-PAitTNERSHLE'. DISSOLUTION. till l'AitTNElllll' OF JEN- I= Ml= =1 11 14,11• t.I • .•,11 I Dissolution of Partnership and Removal , 10 , 111A11:1V , EIV lv. G. 11ABAFFEI I=l No. 87 Market Street, = BOOTs 41%D ail/►ES, I /PH, 111 f,.r 1.. r .. rr r. e.Si• S 11/Is i~~ . t o i., 'FfiE %VHS( ft/ilk:lts. fiat e tut, r.,11.,•A 1.111111 1,1:1 \LH- tu pann. , l 1/4.hLtla3 .31 M 4,1.. 1,, lE= = to• 1111.1.1,1; . 1•A.1, IN. It A lilt, , :irr• h I ~.1( auJ t.l VP. ..1 14.r,./g4 I hart sand Fis i• I I I/ 11.11 - c, Dn.., • 111 Gaol. Ikt parlays .11ip 0cu19011.... on Ott- VI ftz,l' J A L.. 111.1 . I T I PA 1 Of k.lt IiKULth.N N. PAUIt I :11, MEL ' . I . • rt. rs 'AU I r. • .4. CO- PARTNERSHIP. .1:11EN B. OLIVEIR bet:wave a tuvilat,r or Oro, .14L145, yril IMII. t.u.. a.. sty It: a trrim 1, Wis, It VER A. I'M I /.1.11 . .. IT1,1,1,1".11. Ma, Ir•Lls. AIII9USGAIII{LA IRON WORKS. LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS L. htger.r. , £O.l I,ov. 40.1 Agon I.lge- uyere Hu rougOt.lloo !tinges. 1,541 30. ag-Nraa3o vr Sorry gnu a 3.1...N0niu ♦or.- IN A 1CY..11..1 , 5Y..-W .ter mud Market. SI, reln ralaburgh. myZI:OM lIISsOLLITION OF CO-PARTNEUSUIP. •FIRIII OF CURLING, IRO ittICT•MIN k dl un , si VIA nu the 3211 lay tuber, by the of Sit N h.lward Intbrittgc has paid mud loljoated alt elaluto to sabl firm,. .1d haw trattalt.rn.,l his luturvet U. ruin to tivorge asalgnee of A. U. Curl list, who Mai dile to or by nald tn. G EDI/Atli .1.1.11R1t , A..lgnec of A. 11. Cartau L:UW AIL D DINLIDL[7N: Id. iUROStiI . - . J. 14 . 13TYLLY J. al 'NA o,ll[ot tt. WI •ti AUOI.IIOI ...ferllll/1 , Lltsµ. . McLNTVRE, MeV AILIGHEIL &Ca., STONE AND BRICK PAVEits, WW astzad oromPaY It tarnishing and Laying Stone and Brick Pavements, Ann Repairing the •ame: Curb btonea Fstelnabod an.' bet. Alin, llealllng and Uo tneging liol2o at •horteol, outlce. polythiog in on iy e floe w 111 have t,„. Orders ettenelen to by aldrestaug us through the Allegheny 1 . p , ..; trOlte, or by call nag at NO. filla baunnaky /Vett, Anego