t , ,ht c*"iittillltiallt 6 - ti,cite ECENCLIEWATIMICES. M A b stIM EN TS ~--_ - ' . Itgr , A ,.. l i tit n :o l l ,r2tp.iL.,:i:-.,...lrAer!tr‘il,Pti..l.., ( )l'l a. all , A , s !I: i e . ! ~ i , 1.. , .. ~ , , order filth emir .) cam de rang!, and y• ' ...Ines , ~ i , , at, it , 166 I nueolnfortable , I hese s ymprouts d are: , t , . ttprt .en , o•• 1. A . . ~' ri , t I t....„1t"ig.7:„7,"`,"Y:1,'..'A";,. ,`'4, I''%, n - I W 3 E'L •T. so- XI c="oiv - 7 - x, is !!..! of tto rich. rem, de Take Ayer a l'Uls •.a. .kr I IN' , I i 11• I N. rI. .. ADVERTISING RALTES ~..„... ..,, ~,. ...Men d horn ,rs-. , portly ,he ~ ‘Trltt, A I Al. rl• It, v '‘, ENtabliqUed by Ole Press of Pittsburgh' . " 1 ''' " 4 ' ' ''''"'' ''' ".:. '''.:4:;:''''`d'; rr..x4c - mr..a..ruizo mix !',.. - ,;',',,',1'.'',",„.„',:."'..f. ,, ity pnrlfy the nett.•m from k %ENING PE Ili "Hid 't Nt V h ~,, ~, ~ . , .11e oheiro.tkorra which make ,. diserafte. A ,old ar O celebrated Iti !11l L. r1 ,. .11, 11,!!!!np . 41c rt No IirI'ANDING MATTER. „ d i'le . : ' , 2 tr.r. ' 7;?..!!. `l,7 t.i *, V l, l; g lt. '" , " t 'lr.": THE THREE 61 a IiDs.IIIE.,' Onn 14 qunre WET.% Linen Eight Words t.i ,Isms I Line. or 3-4 loch .tipmee. ~„,„ a g ra.atton, •Ittrering and derangement ~.. 1, ho. ,mitt., run 411lIon tale Ayer' e CIIIr and (le ..", '''. "'" ' '.''• II ~.,,• s' r 4 nl' ''' - 1, ~. dlr. , 11, th, ) reetort tips natural &c.f.i....the ,•,',....., ~, , TI Ile 1 ri,,,, 1... „. .. ,1 . 1... „. • ...: I !„,..: ..,-,...,,,,,,, ,:, . p .r ., ... „, 111. It Me buoyant feeling yr health -,•,'''''''''' ••••'.' I. , true and all apparent In title trivial 4 '..“' , , tlid common , umplalnt Is also true In many rar the S;iil/4,1•41: 1 44.n' ' , de. p ...mitt! and dangerous distempers. The tame ,C .. ..e.,'"" , ttreelra; ' '''' 1 I u orgall•r effect eapels tli, in ( &used t, shallar ' "...P... 54 • I , I dn.,. Owls and derangen.ut Of the natural fun, ro conclude with 11,, N ... a t Dr 11 tn of 11., tr 4 hat - ''' dons or Ihe body, they are rapidly and many or ~.....,• 80, ,h,,,... 0....... 1 3, 61 . , I 0 . 1 , .., 1 ~,, ii...::,nr , eir cured HY the Aaron Meant Noce (rho -.- 11R...4%.1"-lIVIE6 -TTA-'..„--a.-`="ii-- tat", r'.',.°. i '"' 1 ' ,`.„'..'„,4,92"4g.rg`ktitl7lll:;Z:Ttrq,°?.. PITTSBURGM THEA TRE. n Niue Hint: I : - 1:: I ! I .oteh Ao. lleAlarhe, rout &entomb, °giant:T T ' oil Lean. ANDEIANAhI.tt W HEN DEILSO 4 Tea wo. .. ' . ,,, 1 • ,i,ei 4 tornplalnt., indigestion, Derangement of the •„ „„ , hirer. 00,.11cm-be, COlotWatlon 11 •artlin . ~"''" ''" '' - 'keen time. . 4 1 , Tirelre tones ... wee), • l'a. lII' I 7 3,u ,I"s'` h. viols , km. Dropsy. Worn. and . Su •otpreaslo r 'n, •fl Three ent, " •on on , , , . "I'ri l ~ .k. 4, in 'urge dm, One mouth 1 ~ 1,.., • al 1 1 !,, ...) an . Sugar ' I mated. so that the most v nett' N P ,, . ' MX . ":7171-IN- , 4 " :) ,, ~,, s . -'%..',, 1 ? a , , SI , „ . Ton month. I t , or t o wo j 'A, ~. call .aal then, easily. AO, 1114 1 4 are nlierly tht IsMd - •''' "'• 'Pl'''' . ' ''. ` •"' r''s `-'" "'''''' RtitttlSß CHIEF T....., u.,,,,,,,. , ~. ,_ ~ ~.,0 1 ~, 00 porgalli a med telt. let 11.ernered Biz months , , ,00 I on, ri , ,1, . 11 On o AVER AGUE CURE. 1111' 1,311,41/1 ‘? jKI Fhillst. .1,1 I. p, rt d. 1 , Oros re•r I dvja. Ou .. Ili 1.1 on For th,• *needy cure of fnlernsttlent Freer: tor Y ' 6 6r ''''''' w '‘ ' rr '''''''' ''""'''' '''' , and Arai Re-matrix 'ever ChM Feer. IhtmA lg., ROBBERS OF BOHEMIA. I'N ( hr I. k RI I , ..N( r' • A 1. C k Peri..cur Eleadnehr or Btlioll., Headache on I 11l I . 1 ~, I -,, ,50 ; , ~, ..0 Footers. Indeed/or the HAW.. error of dire.,,,, or. •' h 4 4 '''• 1) .• Si•'' ' Ed. In \•I .111 , . It a' . 1 ',O Ia", i Ortoortnyist battory &ern/apemen:, ed.ted try Mt Na- leer wh. It tit, • I, h. -tr.-1.111 ~• lot .no 11., F I, A IN' A,v , •I, ,l, 10. le i s • , ,s,, btrld .trntictCmdffe ...b.f., .1. MI no Po ,!!! dm I it ‘, Tat., rem er b h a , ~,y Nit ,,, ir , „,,, ~, VOLK A. i otng oso 0 ! ‘pre-.1, lot and ,I.d. 'tip, ,„,, , ,p, ~,, ! ~, ~,, i,... • 43r I bills and Fe( tr. ruol It ha. titTgr, eat ~ I ', 1 ' d ,,,",:" , A ,, i , u ,",, I ', l , I , ‘ , 'l '7 ' " : ii" '.. F ''' Intl, 0, er nth, r Ague udl, Ito ( that It .ulelue •''''' - ' ' ' ' ' ' 'l' ll ' ".' '' ' 6 ' - tut ...plaint without Iniur, to the 1 atl int 1,1 I in ta, Up ! ! !!!nlot or .1. r •I. to "Itills ' elltratanc,, 'C'',,,C).„,113:::1'1,3112 C,, ...r . I : . slt produce Iptlntsiu 4, any tuf °Mous street I ' k II " I ' i " • I i ' ‘ I - " e . E .,, 1 ~,, r °slllll.ltog brothers 01 Me army and the OPERA HOUSE. _The ft., Flo,. h... 1 I it l lee it to i.„ , t ol d• .1 0 6 1 . Pr l i ! . ilil i d l rti r JI I r t 0 r ... . , r1 lot:. cruel-on lit, I - tins, I , 1 , /1 44!.h1M1 1 rt . 3 , 4 . 1. , ":11 r 1, , 1:1 ,,, :A a. FAH:NESTE/I'K ..T , ,, , ,, , ,..i'1, ,,, ia gives .11111• argainient , that am R "ri lh % 4 I tw .- FtETitotrii Eirs Tutitik - isui hemp . rein...Olt P i ht r, 111 4 t.‘,111,11,..ii f4irui .iBNIaiLENIAN YAM TUNIC, MK DRE-WwlNts AND ILES I (PREY& til , a it I.AU le Goa some not .1.1 Chris...in. MI Tl ItKISII BAN DOLL.. lAN ' The fart IILT.Ot N 61. ti I (.. /MI,. liarcturi.aalaw What • min Ile pinthtill ',lett 44 ',lntl,•l, IN 11l ' be more acceptable than soyttatay thst.rtti bea i ' ' s" bol . d on ay Evening, April 30th , .1111 will reatorr nat.!, • decor by ,ito , !In th ' t CY Jo.tali and the Well I...igh. !Hood., cad 'trot. Wilt, oat, reatorl. Its t I " 1 g '' ''''' • . ,re aro. en a i'nrl an. c J.I twa n n ' tr u , n a'aSrat ° l . r ''' ',/ t ' r !' "" ''' ' " " " "' '' " '''''' " "" ' ' yet nett 4 trangel3 ...kept ical in iegarkl it, the 441, ....ding to the pretest style nod faid'il,:nata'no ,Al ~..,.,R , 1 , C , , :::,",!::' h -4 ' 1 ' ' "''' ape, " conversion of their ow .1 .11.1.1ret.,...0t 11111 1 ;' , ..( 1 !: 7/;l7r i k,lt ' r s T rl l lY . dr,an47 ftir .. proof " Z: itel'i l .:,', l A t ANDY ". M• IH • M MII ' j' All. "" E. ! ! a i r gi!!! !„ Te i l i w , l r ta.V. , p , tral ,., lt ,.. , I,l , ll ,, aSA,,v i r r le i ttl c 1 5 „,, ,",a, e moo oecurrenee in teligum- ...• les. I. it in it.• I or, , a truth tlmt a child ran lore .4 parent, it ran ; 7', ;. „1i .. ' iia r ....i. " n h 1.1..,. " .. " rt. n . '"' ••, " •..... r .1-7 k .:1'...:., 1 ei l. 4 ' .!!:c.N; ' ,l ' ',,'"'"' Kan '""'" " ". '" ' """ lore, and tried and °het• t.1...1 These tim, , ',;',',,,=,"„ i pi i ,j: kip,,,TTL.,..-11,1r - zT i T,'T.T T ,I r Tir, ! 'P0rt.,,, 1., ~ ..,,,,,,,,,,, ~ „Ix ~ •, fr'si n all metallic poison. that are ...tallied - Nan. Ibr Good for Nothing. Sole are the very ...own, ,• .tf religion ‘ll 147t,"'",...i Ila r I olors and dm...lgs It la the el 1, at t Apo It 1 ordinary child of ten or twice cram 4 ill ,40,,,,1:: \, 4 1 ,"7,; . := t '''''' m " a, ' lf. "'" '''''' u p ,at • tor sett 1,, all Drilairlsts and Perfumers sr holvaale. A "I ) " 1 O F " 1 MI( ' appreciate Clime, Urieo(l,lt Int., ElilsAior Id - 11 V SEI 1.011, & Co II I VAHN(NI•O4I( A , Themysteries mystees ot (theist' inearnal lon 1 Prin. tpa Depot lot United Stat. b and Caned., t . man cannot under-land 1.11.1 I hall I , 11,1,1 JA 2,24 PALMER & CO., ' No. •*.i Kuket nor need eithet ni the m do it A ,'bald , .... d o , '""'" a l .1. Philadelphia love .lesuq with all till trivet., ,u, ,r,lor ot L4P - I.4AE St'PERIOR Its yonng heart in .1 4- ...non .1 , 1 1111.! 01 COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS ' T 4 ii• 1•'4,11.1 1• 1 0 ' , ohm girl is ohl euolivh to under tan I 1,14 fr.. l'ivr rskittliti it n - rone th.. err old t n .0 •/1 I•, ,1„ I igh? or wrong Doing right I PARK, hicCURDY & CO. ri liehin, doing I Wrong I. •.1 II "tOt 0 A all 1( mug th, ;1,',A."; ','4.0,q,r,f, VaT".`,.',4 l , l ,`,",:„T',TV'PM- r ,',La' log i, contrition 1 t.,,,,ir to d,) %%rung %.1. ,',..i i i 4.4, 1 .* 8 t ' n ' ,1 1 l ' e ll ..P.:r.i '''' i, l l iaVr ,M.' - ,"4 - A ' LEONARD GROVER'S trona ngla moils e... is ret,eu lance :t king ! '. . l „ * . r" .l.SHi ' s r 1 4 '' ‘ ' , N itiVE R ... l ‘; ..f.V ." 3 . 3 1 , " ..7 1 cik I=l-a-im 1-0 4c:A -la-t-iiokix- , 9 , 16 Christ to foigiv. a roug is in ar t tit taut. ''''' ' ' r"- "'' ''''"``''""" i"'" .. 4 01 ... i n clal orders .1 t opper ~,t to an ) deOred Facts slow that the moat triiiiortatit }'ear. """"" ti, ) ,,, tlaar,, r OPERA TRIII l'E. of human life me Iltrill lirell, Miceli year- E-Y„` PIT - Inißll 11.11.41 545 W 55 ORALI, of ago- D. :id n. ,1.. II us !hid, out ot HUBBARD.. 880. & CO. ~„,„,., 285 hopeful ion i ..10 h ot, n, h,- ,I,„ t , 1, In ILAIMPACTIIIINALS or Sla a.,lnhannr 1' to., 1101,• i 1.0.,, , , r GROUND CR ' Had H. t o 10, at., t, I 1,. • 1 r, II • l, ~ .a. w!re under 11 , mil , " Yral - "I ‘. 2 . , and Ohl , A •er r .orra E e N 'AiT nTERL HANN! CULARS. ‘t tu r 1 rtrt Mill, 1 --, ph 11, on, ,Of riery ilaserlp ,Pile - ehle 1, . . 1 oept, A . , t _four had passel( their hit ,slit Veal Mr mob. ' l "' m "" s ' ' ''" -' " l '''"''' '''' all °"'" 1 ( ';', 1 ,, 11,1;',,, ~ I "' lt. " Cu.y-kr ..3 s dur.og Io= maostry he had ~,' '` "'''' r '''''' '''` " I '''''''''''' '''''''' t " - " l '' 1 ~,.,• t1:1 ,, , , ; ,n t t .‘ r , ra Hen., ••1 /tk-APE HA %V 11 1i.it,.., i 1 ,... tr..,,,n1 % 1/14. 1411 F ,It received Heal 13 ono thou in ,I per,on- ini„ ‘,, ,s ~,.. rt itu,g. r the Church tin tonic 51.1441 44 their f l I - t , .“ '' `l n il'i.7: . 1• . ' " n " ' le", '''''' r "" " I .'" Now.: 41 1,1 . 4 ti„ei ~ i 1,, pi, ip...1 0 ...,,, n , „ "" ' ah ' r 5„,..,..,„ ~'"' "rr'' s.of that number not on.. dozen had ~,I I , i „„ „ .iia tl., n1;1 ' ; tWillar l' L.:1, ' 1.1,1 ' , 1n r4.11 0 r:'.!r '" ,:tl ::, ". “ " tl7 l l ' 2 s .;: ' ' ' ""'' '''s "" ' le ' ''' ' , • '"' 1 tri , ‘ , l : l • •• I,ICP, n g and 411-111Ing done at n .1.,•1,41P1y t•t0'..,,,. roe. ',Tr '..111 . ,,, d'r...'tir 0 1 ,,, ( I . • i.‘,, their bliieth year. Doti ..,,e, 1., o. 4 ited i. 0., ti m. 0., •• 1, .1, th. ~. e ,nd 4311.1,411!. NI -4 !! boy to he a pimp, man , lo I, set mil, .. ref` It M. BAILAHII.II. A. CO.. r t .lo 11, ..1 , I .r. atol • • la.. v.a a , sp, . t.tiat. ea toe Mr , I, r. 111,4 11, ht. r. t It( I ( riprhy boy nod's gra... .lour not make a ho 3 a LLAIer Makers le Sheet Ire. (Yorkers. Purim . the ....L. . to s o nO, 'I, ra a ,I, man ,it simply mates. him a base /.0. , Nas. 20. W... 24 sod 211 Penn ist t. tj . ,",, Pro better arl,W er could br given to the ~l au v :il e i otlegif , e; , l ,,l 1 tlej i a . r , d r, an: fb . rn r, t shed . It , :r i ot , l r. question At what age should allll id i a ;':,',.r,', r ,',„:::2,p!..7,:i. 7 ..",q,,V e .... .1,:; . 1 1.. P r iLy r tt,.- i1,',.„','',!".., admitted I- 11. , c'hur , h IhAn lii' r' I'i , k , ' , l'k , ";4'.it ti i tn.V : FtVat i g T ? . 1 .(1',' . 11 :i 1. M . 1g ': l4 l‘ ,'' ''. - ' what I. Go us. 1,1 lot, !Ins a filid 11 li t , I ', , , ,N,,'"tn,.,:''tj•J P i A i ;',. / :•,, , : , , r i ' , 01 I/ a : NIA `‘.. p„, „, i ., , , "mil, ~,. ,„ 1„, k,,,, „„, u„,,, II„ 'y , ~„ 1.1.11...1._. ood 1/ AR lA N:. Ne .,2 and bolo ‘ 11 1 , 1 4! F t 1 (ii l lTr't \ f e , '",, ' ",rr. '7.' ' " "..'• ' . Stand the 1, t • “.1.1t. CA He A 111, AWIIII i be •• • 1. 1 .11. 8 . • A 1 i ' h i ;VA! ' 2ll A L rr l ' l es l l7lo l t. ti e.. 1 111,1 L FRO. R'',l'el's'''fg taunt 'l' ,. '' , 7': r: ' I 1... " " Il '" I' beautiful a t.rll , ' IN. • i, 1 i,,,, It, ee the E . .4 4- 11011111.SON. REA be (:U. . (su,.. ". ,' , P .rol• ho , I l . '' •11e,,• . , , l • , tevosrs to ktinittsolv maxis et Sth..l tat. ; ',!, . ' , " . `, . ' ; ,," 1.71 ' .. " ?e,, 1 ,.'v ' v r n u 1-",‘.. I ",r ;'' '' ' '" , 1 ' : D/ VII!,• 1i!•A.1444_114 I Ink. hi- 111,14 I ill I tr.ll rib, WAS 1014GTON WORKS. M.'l7,'r'; ',1,7;:,-,;:.,'„;.".".7,`".,"' '"' ' "'"" Aral f I 11V.Irt 111, 111111 !!! kai!i! WI J./ rot...tent a rattetitottiot. rithibitrob. ..(4,11 „I A, on„, h., „ 1,,, I, r,,,,,,i i 1„,,, . "I'';'',3 '1,":',',3.1' , `., l I ,Va 1.‘..%!'l . ';',';' \Pl.'''. 'd'A y . ~L:,',:'',,r r 'll'"i:•-141'1 ;..`, .. m t, 1 .,;:.,'!1.:'. 1 " m,),ina.,l bol t -a 1 ,1.,, .. „ 61,1, ~„ ~,, , 1 1 .1 ,\ - , 'l\l,,t" A,l, ` l ,C`r'.. -- . 1 ti'r.. 1 ,,,1ri1i.1.,". 1 11.rk1i ' , V .t l ' " ' I " ' ' ' ll "I' ' ' A C r'" \ ‘' AN li ',ill. ET l' IL, ' A rink. Cr r' te ham err, , I , I 6 • , ' , la glar As. ni• Ito tol'i'VAltH g C ATE-NT IN /El TOR, NEW tLA stAEti AIRE FORNILItt• / - Dui ....: th. me,, tit ter lint at : , 4 4 , irk ...,' ' ;, 1 " H ,, , “', ott in ‘ Jt„ , • PROF. COwPER'S N I It mall A li., Il id lor li LI, 11.1111, I 'ill t r-k -r - ,lst .; •t - r .-- r - 111., % •7 11 I l f ° 6 . "'S, • ~ n 1 11, ~ ~ . , s, „k. ~ „ 1., ,b ,i , ,I ~,,, 1 ~, iti. ,,,, u , i ., ,,,, ‘, , , , , , , , ,,, ,.,i , , , ,, , , , ,, , , ,, ii, ~,....,,,,,X raekionable Ilancleig academy. G. , i‘ ,, ~ is ~ 1 , ~, ~,, ~, , ~,,_,,, t , .1.1 ..,1 , and w.. I Until :VIRE). 1, bet.... ''‘, owl I ' l l I S ... h i ' , \‘'') 1' ' l l ll I l ' "•::.' ''.',.., - k';l'l i'l 'L s ' l" '“ l"; ' ' .11.1 Harker, lo are 10. hand 7,eLI let, of new p a i t , to ,„ , I „ , 5 ,,,,,, ~„,, s t ,„„ ~,„ , . r ~,, ,„ ~,,, no n ...Ise, . Lin, ,1 In ,In. et , 1, 11 Ilk tr, , it.t ii. 11,- . 1 l I.a , " I . ll ' •,"." ' '" II" I''" l "'s ''..111; ri d rtV s ' ' IT r ' .: t i t ' t , n ' t i 17. .11 1. 1.5 a 1 1, 1 ' ' ‘ ‘ ,". n . ' n'7l4 . „l .allrare t ,. r , 1, t .1. ~ ,I,.eng ~ b A I au. , PH. 01 , t•11VI /, at 11. Ilan ' ' - ,,11.12 4 '' ..lf " /1011 r oil., 11, lit li r. O r 111.,. . linty,: A illt ''' ' ' '''''''''''' '''''''''''''''''' (rum 3.. u 1,11. the , ...... , , I.,tenme ~ 1i"4 9 1- - 1 :: ) ,, -.1 ,,t 3 , 4 1 , 1 , ° } 114 ., , SUrFLitEII4, the d 1.11,4 II . I I t,‘ }, I. .11.1.1111. Z ..,, . Ter unlit ra ; been !!!!, "tort, 1.4 ,- hall[171117;1 3 .: 1 :71:y " !:,171.': COO 111,1 lit it tug IN, ... Illen. , orourotoll, col one'ol "1 Tr ' : . ":i ll • 7ll' ''. ' i r il u o t o lll" . l .: ',d t b io, ,,- f " ..2, ' „ut , T7F7 ,', L1 1 . , 01, it EN T by the 3wlg. , th. ...dem 11 ,141/4. t , I I, p I ! , ( 1, '!!: came.-. r':.!!" Ti t : 11 '. :(TITSTrill,'• 11 11 - PLZP:, - 731 , 1111. rY1 1 :•17a mewl rum, tla.hing upon i,,., i 1,1.1 i i , o r , • ,:, . , . , i ,. , , i ,, . , - ri . , . , , , , 4 , :i „, ... , : :, . , ,,, b.. win .slid, err. a ~,,, t s t , I lor J, 'LIN 3,1 DXI. ". it . 1.11 1 , ,a , , 1; , ,, ,.. 1t i tu , ~..Loci' '`'',' ,, ,, 1 , , , nt , , , ,,!!„ , 1 . thOngt, 01 th, hour e lieu lie „mild stolid L ' r':::' before the bar rif G 4,41 biline4thitel alter 145 0 SEAT FitEE.--A Pamphlet ail 41 h -II •1 1 k.. 1, o•., ..../ -,, ~,,,,,, the adjournment o f I 1,1 ('ours hi reit-n[l,d , ,:' 5 c r i:.',7=',. 1 " . ,,,V,?`',',7'..,„' ,1,`",„ `P.% ''„.' d i l .'”:„2 l'ioi.f... ` t'r d , I l i'lt‘r i t I a' r • P . !! 'I" cl . n r l lb II ' I 1 ' ,..: ';..., "?' ' lot; home in great di-4r,, of tom,' ,otto,t tot ;;;,„',',. ' ,',T' ITA',7,ll'.'ffitt.";:",:'!"'"Ft„ - ,."A.' - ',L.2.. - 7t;,'.'",'‘', '"'it.';',..,','','. If.' :.;',',: '. ";;;;;' 'T. ''', n.,.,, - tor/. Ird.aw giveness nail AA- aler. 1111111 parol,lll, a ol P ''''''''' b l .6 all 1.10 , 111 c 145 - 'nil E BRIDAL CHAIIIREIIt PROF. (011 PER, al the, hall. AN 1.-SSAI VP It ARNI:sla AND IN- ald• 11 An ~ ~,,,,,, , , : ,• ~, . 1„;„„, ~ ~, - ,. f IT . I 1t.% putt , ltl i., UNta MY N Alw, new and ," I t , •„, k,„,. „ ~„ A '' d .' s. ' l'l ' r 'u l ' , ' lk r lLl ' , ~ l ll lr t lUtid E S T 'lle 'liu' l :a' l r BOOTS, SHOES, Ste • As.o. 1.11111 Min.,. Italia Pa ant Is i I I` ',Nous taken SEWING MACHINES. SATURDAN \!'l 13 One abt Th Itil en. nn Orme tea REti.l(.lol'+ I•'I1. 1.I.1(.1.: CF. Pans with Ow tranlation ”t • ripe tit to be the an , k .d from the hre. tommonitie. --Vatholo , • ['no,. Imo t, M Atnedee TiliPrry, all 4 111111 b, tor I ffil.K-sTIT4 11 the French .Icade, , lilt' Pft,delli At the first 11114.141 g held lant month, the Pre dent remarked that. it Iva,. a .. , ouree of sat `, 3t.Clioll ill behold the three great forms For Wen and lila nnfaclurers or wors h ip assembled to promote (.6 ject that' all had at heart, and that I4er, was a neutral ground on whi.dl they joilti" meet, namely, dint of philology and liter '"" 018'""n6 ECM —A clergyman Write, to the !adept Pith, complaining that there are over accent . ) vacant pulpit , . in Connecticut alone, the reason being that then is sogreat a de cline of religious interest that eongrega tions cannot I,e induced to ,•ontribitte enough for the support of pasha, _ —The second National Conne l l of the • ( ;ROVER & BARER'S • Ronne Catholic }if •liops ',t the States will he opened in Bah ILO, on HIV SEWING MACHINES ][4 , i the first Sundae f fh - inter There ul• fit present seven eccle,ubdudl pros Ito ell. Have tdven ...led the FINNY rvut.)llUkia at ts (ollowin, Kat. for the yet...lBM. bracing foily eight dioceses. reivA rtni.tisal stott v 'N I , e •p.l —Rev M Hatfield, one of the I.rvial r"r Ma'h'aa """ asl'aa"' NEVI 4400D61, contributors to the Inderenderd, take, the ~r„:,`"T'""""' tact "`""'"*""' ground that the Fenian inovenieui e- direct ~,t iji, t , ,,r i c e. n •lten• tor hest Fatal, ataehttte at int - ed against Prote•tantism and in the interest t A SPLENDID f , of the Papal church rifle pITILOIUTEI for },el 11.111.101 . 111 g M 50.113• M. tildran NU,. Fair. • t.F —From the tone of the 'dist paper, xtale pz r i,est Illanttfacivirlog ataemna the union pr , ipmed bemeett 11 ,, Baptist , Pr. soloto (or hvat hiattorarturins. Mathis. Ladish', Gent`h, Misses', and ( tail - r.awruce ounty Fair, Pa. Arent'' and Disciple, is ttprOSt , i bV lite great 11111 First I . I"CM/tIRI hest hiaelkine sits seas -.I pat , iority of the Baptists at LThe Mhzsionary ship John Wesley . heat al...oral:tort, mat-itae become a total wreck in the Buy of Tongs H 7"7t ' i=liiat r l'Ol -I tie ' it Flanufheturioy sad taavolt Several missionarie9 and their wire, were m r.s• ht iVeV=Vul d ,ertlfa nh rt.'turt ar an riven Palmyra Fair. N. Y. on board at the time , First Premium fofhest Itanorarturytg Sad Fatuity —The Swia: , government has decided and that throughout the whole Cr tation the , Pisa Preen/ oat ror beet Olacnm« • r all purpo sed 'free exercise of their relic , n shall be ; J. A. ROBINSON granted to all Christian bodies LileFiteity C trot ounty Fair, Pa. -- nest Premium for Deal bleettlne is at it.. atiru monmaa..., County Fat,. Pa. I A.nd whereves eat:Obit., FUItiVITETIE FURNITURE. CANE AND WOOD OHAllif3, ~...11.i large. pureila•• •Al 11l HIV, AND 50.4., this , priug. M e bee,. ..n loud • fun assort me n ..1 IMIL.PriCSN73II3:I utmost care lor thin inseset• 1 e . wo e ln iirellti al sEwiNG ,, ••NACHINEs. I,lllioll lo our •toeb.. s. a e 1,e1 , ,,,- il the 1..8 In the ell y, which we s 111 .ell al the 1....e5t prig •.. . Phase call . No. ns Market street Ils, ing had 40 TlZLlEtedbal3.4ol9 OVIPI thlrtY fear. experience ~, o,„ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,, Inv . catinol fall Cu he •ulled. Retests her the plw-e. No NO. i FOURTH riI'UNILT. SOU IN TWO DAYS, io Idarket stree _ ,sun,, _.I_A Id Eon Itoll II ivi.• n . *PIONS: GOODS. Joszni ens art AN THUM I MVllleit. A/. Mr utan,lOried illitlotit A1ky..P 1 . 1 . 4 . 4 ......M. -a- a -4 JOSEPH MEYER b. SON, Matsu- err, and therefore are not liable to get mirror repair, ,„ ud are perfectly adapted for every dermnptlon of J. W. CARNAHAN & CO., rifeirriVAVlNo ettriiis . ,l4o ". .. t ai h r i attrnf. - Ll t. a . ...:, , lt,g_thd Tailoring. We i1',.." 6 ..:V 6 t.....,:i 1 , ‘„ ,. admire the Canal, have on hairdos htyge assortmen t ~':6 6, 6 , . „it:!..- - ....1 , xhi.A.lhex• ''' w r'. ' COS. BO Massx - lls.c.t 8itz...0.0t, of FANCY ANO.FL.I.IN Y IatNITUR L PLI IN atallt g . HEM Fir ISTIT , ' • DINH EMBROIL, Have now ou hand au et ter, VI. astsort narti I ~f I. A • and . 11 " 0 1 ,4 .7 , °I their own . t4U4. ` "' d '". . 1.11.'11U1 LT . idea . 4r - ed It:a e W h eeler s wil- IDlRS•..ll.l6haii% ItliF, and c/I 1 Llilt EN -, , gn b ar ll myna/ In quality and style to any man ofartur • 6 ,,,,. 666066 , g „ ..., :- ,i e n‘66, 1 ,166. er the eltv. and wII eel: at rermonabia prima. All or our meerio:. ere warnosted ere years. Boots. Shoes, Gaiters, Balmoral*, H. U. LON% AltoNk.,.„ Hi oren street, near Titre, Wialeh they can and do , ell as elir Ai , as au, olio, •- nol.o.3zneon FITT.MBIaII: P:.• trona° In the city. - -- EFFERVESCING 82.5 BARTLET'r $2.5 Coil and examine. at No. al-Market street. - RV.. SE wrirrril .766,10ELLVE. $9,00 wHo chav 89,00 • CITRATE OF M A GNESIA, !Avenged dlider patents oflikrWe. Wheeler A Wll trou. Oros., .4 Baker and tllng-er o.•a, and the ord e 313JELALT. TIEEXEO. • cheap Moan th e ill the 01111..,5d State, having the '''' rwo W El'i 3 °NL I '• lam selling aid e :I: Loa 00 , bolo ., Le th e ( 00 . cr POWDER. tot „„ le 1 right to use the Wheeler a Wilson or four motion FRENCH CALF NH I N Either for the ems: son , of try all Wholesale Drsgglata. Ereyareel by Under-Feed w, ~.,,, i ~,, to 661 t ~, „ 6 , NiNN. DOLLARSAst Nu. 36 Market lire ARTEMIS irobßas, Chemist, N. V. im,,,,,,,,,,rf',,,. g m,. r ee ,,,,,ft e6 ;*,, IV . 7 4 .11', ardargard DANIEL LUISA. dn. ealithad i aeridrkirmhtnes. to be paid fur when aold.For Cir __ . _ ... idanufactured awl tar .al., Wholesale or Retiil. JAMES W. W 00.1)W1E 1.1., 111= ppool. It , Itslsttitstaa 1:o. 's, au .1 MAGNESIA THE BEST SODA IR.a SODA ASH. CHOICE ERANOf, In casntlttos to oat pur.bose re, for, sale by • Ci.LHOCFI4 • Viii ; Ai:4, 7 No. •• Woi4Littoot, ♦pD:9wd SEWING MACHINES, (al L. AND EN A MIN 1 , AT THE II HEELER & WILSON SALESROOM. No. 27 Fifth. Street A c co, A UCTiON EMPORIUM A, F. CHATONEY, i BOOTS AND SHOES. UFN KRAL. AGENT, .• . ! .Vo. S 9 Market titrret , near tilts tb= coelkts N•.. 13 nen ..... t, entLeopo! 4.2. HAW A. CLARK'S t caTara. Cerms Sc. tnclose stamp, and address* PA BlttrrHttlita t GENICUAL AfiIL.NTS, A clwa rof cwr Otaces, _Ph ladelphia. Pa., Toledo, I oath, ar St. Lau la, Mo. Nflei GE UAL with double 9t tkread —tie irmtr DRAUGHTING OFFICE JO — SEP ••• ‘: Dent is Con- 4163 ' 4 3Pa '" z ` t 41115erac ' 3 ' "" led No. LI et. Clair ttl. l usarlh!spansloss 151(100 , • - - "" "" °l" Yajlacu Litt l••uny r_ocoa.ziAL, S, 11.10 , 1" T ,N LIT IC kMMIHI. /-all.D.erty /all 4.at =MEM I=MIIIIMIIII Monday Evening, April 30th, Val:, • Rutset I .1.1..r0 1111-.1 1,, t.rrt.,l I If ek..l • Ile, Fr. I rauv 11. rr) 111.. -. FOR RENT IV/LK/Xs 11.11.1 CD JET 111, Dvt - mrta Aui Boots, ShOes, BA 1-.11( ) lalll3 l l3eris, ctet3., McCI.ELLAND , I\7( 55 and t 1 tA t , A SPLENDID STOLK mins, MIMS AND GAMRS, I=l t../ 0510 V C.1.1F..111/Ni IJ AT fil Market .Slreel =I J83%210181 VI. 01333,, DRAUGHTING FOR SATE---FOR RENT Ft) %.( IMIENIIII3 tio itt.st .rts. in ElC:alr...lk town.Llp.. - on. altomt ~ 3 1 bb.nongals4.ln r. p IPW No. 3. ~ 11 which I. .p..14.(1, large iwo•Oory Brick Dwelling House, ono cop Frans Bank Ban, corn-crib, wagon ailed. !wink spring 110113, granary, Work shop, Ac. About xr aorta..( tio aboa,. is first quality river hot -1,111 , ollant . e by lag limestone laud, and ander isoi with c0..1., and about ZS acres of limestone. here are t wu orchard...4' apple trera. ircarli. pear. plum trioand grap, rh, land to will adapted for gardening iiiirioro • • tvg .hart distance Iron/ the thriving Imo titigittv.l Eit,v hid 11, crrallt, a market Si home for W. prt,•ltle 1.. Tt.l. prop,rt) will fir .plolt heap and term, Gar•ll ...r 11111, To.tv, Varo,ol 117 acres. .11itotr In Fallowlield Woglilnglon goonty, Pa_ ahoiti gg,,,n bowl, or Bentley., We. The ttnitrgv, inents are. host. a lwo story Italian with Ilse rom,. to .••nd-a-ball story log boon, S. I n, a barn, fe..t. a g.. I .pritio it ult, apply, pgar.zFr. mere. 11: , remainder 11,... , 1 Clic land Is and or , t-r 11.10111 0, and • , 111 Pe sold al prn.e. a Faint or &gee, In Fairneld town *hip. It estill-reland t Pa. The. Improvement.. g ill, 1 log barn and .4 I...tit hon.,. a good apple orchard, ',coolies and rhotTles: about 60 acres elearen, the re• matador In the eery beet white oak timber. The land 1., good. The location Is ery healthy. Thlg pro iately.perty I will cell cheap. russesgion auto,- d A 1.., al gold prices. a Farm "of about 113 arr., In Vahowne .1 town,hlp. Washlugton l 0.. 1 . a., about ou, c of Lora No. 4. 011 1111. Monongahela elk r. l'he ltnpro, ...lent. are a I wo:ltory lag and frame bun me. a frau°. barn. wagon aped and other ..ott•Outbllng, fencing generally good; a yonitg or oloted of apple, and other fruit tn.es, 11Uar. of 1' ..oat 1. the hest quality, and a rein of the brat lime L. coo, enlent 1.1 churches. selowds, mill.. Ac. Th 1, property 1 an. author 17....1 to sell very cheap Ale, a tam of shout WO an altnated in Wl Wheaill4ll , lTOWlllllll4. Indiana ronnly. Penh.. The e ..... 1 loco, are a good, comfortable, two,dory Fraud , lion., with room, a large flame par,;.car riagrchou.e. Vol, crib( w.ll hon., Imac "ern 11,1 a w o,tort awn.. aortas how., 11141111 MO serve eleat4l and is.itto,lly and clove:: • good orrhard 01 in.ach. 1/1 . 3, and 'palace tree, The fencing la generally genet. The 1111111 la of a good y L uality. albuti• dawe of . loto,loste, and hut • short distance trunk This property 0111 he *old xery cheap. • at,o. a Fano or about MO acres adlolnlog the .Lure. 0. Improko.u.en, ae e • large two story Log Ilona. 11 , 1 a ,art, Iran, barn. 175 acres eleur.l and 11111141 go.o/ 0111••tion, a await anlite ore O•rd. • targv two•etury no The.... two farina united .r. 011.1 1148, . c oal r ur w toeoold aeparstelt 11 , 1 43/ 11, 111 Fitlrnelo townahlp, West - r. uot lan.' county, I' rontalnlng 2.10 acre, about t. .d the Railroad The otuurove nct.t..... t 114,4..1 log 1 ~,,, set. ..nr of the I d fram e narn, the tow rt.nip, taro appo,,harda. The w hole lam I, under *loan •en,tlvalio, The fencing I. all No 1 The 1111,11% ol 1111 1 11114,1011, 1,041 a,rea 1,1 .141 -1 0,11, 111/, This pr4per, at • gr.,. baryat... The .aw net 411.1. - s to engage In other hu.klue.a. Alen, Farm 01 red, sit till.. 113 NieClindl - ess lnwn.hll.. Alirghe3, •t.nitniulles ii I In. imponnnnerntren.. I.n, Vlown.. „ . • lokr 1 of Ap3 , , persell and .~~ I~.r tl~. 1 1 ~~~t i. 1~ Ir 11 1 I~ ~\l 1 ~If,11f•~. I,'ll six Acres of II oudland I NI 1-11 *lllEit EI-11. 111 T Ml' I '1:.1 - 1'114 .1 I sohu ht. and Penna. .kienne. Mr 11 %STEIL GAZ7..IM A 1.)50 , 311E , , (!) , 11:VT111: ,. 11!):111 , r. slitt. walls .4 11.. rittsllttt,tt ststl t•ltut t• otr rl, ett•ltlttatttlit.a tlll rt ..ttttlt- titt• ttst.lt•stts, sttoltlt .1 syttlt tt•t s <•••at arzt Ts tt• •Itt Itt•ty•st. utts slttl tt. tit i , •tt t•••arti•g e• . .•1i It a Is. V. • Itttpit•tt•trtt tit • ••••••• •• • part t•I . rt. 1.1t.1s rttrtlttttt.ll,sattlr, 30 04 t roofs for attar, Si• llotr ists•ro att.! si•lrrt•it••l Ittm is ate wtthlls tecs ••1' Lllvitt•ti •I••tot tut' xll ts sitttl.r t•serts tlt SI, r It N I 1,4)1( SA LI:. ~~. , , I= A Delightful ReNidetire in M'ClureTp. =Ell ( 'OA 1. .4 '11) 1.1,11.: PKUPEH I 1 Ft , tt oAI I • the ote olotttttle It.orthr • %ISlNttttN !t: PILED ANIt h.IttIITY. Al_ RES, -tt /I/ 1.11, 11 Ater trio..., Mid oao ,1111..01l other • , tpl f. 41.4 A. I t l,4llol l,a<rt, act.lll,l.llt a 4.• var, ropitn• 11.1.1 AM lb, .the,tra...l FOR Al. t I= aa...1 1%. I,l' al pr.cva Lrn , • alLaa, *ratauorel•lad Pena..., aka tar North-11.1 Itallnaati. about tare. it.lie‘ east or A iooto ta. awl eotitalit,t two 'eel e'oo, ,ins of I t • 1 - .111 h . :SM.. h.; and FIRS (MAY etot eery cos:loco .A . S . Cht, , 1% ES. Ito/ farther patueulart Inquire at the Law auJ .alto I=! U. 41,1 ABLE :BLOCK 01' LOTS r..it SA LE IN THE NINTH 11 AltU—lt.orror. 4. • r op. 4 tr. 1144.... 11.,11.11, sr tlr. • ..111.' 1..10.1. • ly•I 1 1, n. /11••10: •trrotto kw • ••roor 1 rt tr, lit tr. along .Iroro 11111 fool 1.• op• ~.•110 Me 4011 f t Ilia Moor.. I. 011 .4,01 to err.. I loot, manulaotorlll// oaaa 011 •loOool .1 autoll.l, logo lola. harlot LI, vaoll//ro of root front', A pply . H. Not. it.. It Fourth bi bailers, v Al \llia AISLE, i. ar. tso.l, I t aliot Irreu rine rine -1.0.t 311111 ,. . \VIII a largo Manalon. g 1,30 lo complect ord.,. raw/Arlo togotnr 011 bOa. 11 ' n ' Tio r •a T 1 . 1V " : ' 0!1 ° 3 " 1::; '. . i'ln. 1,1131,k Oro Nom ‘ll,l T ro.I oval . all.l .n r • . tono ,•• ‘1 , 1.31, aP , ourtla• ro, I.'l/11 SALE—A large and- well lin- • II,! I )WELLING HOUSE ON WV 1E !.THEICT/ft mAI.F.. --That large and well du. • nt,d three -tu, Nrl. k Dave/ling oh Wylie rare., ars: 11:11.. un1.10.11 ..041ersi atyle. 1,1. tutn g e halt. root, hot aud cold la t. I •5. , 1 tEluughoul the building. Title la one. nuoul dealrotdr propertlea for dwelling or purpuuee now offered Mr Sate. l'Uneaslou " 10111 ' 1 ' 1 ' "nr,?):11A.er!T.,11.,.., PIIIICIIASE A i Itkl,r. I NI: Iltothiff. of pot• .•.1 din uto row.. 14 1 Leheit, I,Br ellantbeea. • etjai 1,, 3,, le. trout ou Knoll atreet. t.. otr.•vt hurl,. and fruit tree,,, grap. t urn•alatl ) Otos, le the 'Third IVard. 411/ 01,11 1:1;itT r•IINs. 51 Markel /ENN ?Calif:ET 'RESIDENCE FOR It It 11. A 1 ‘l.l-.1 1.101, wil'.,lu. tr. et. ....tulolog room . with all I KAN, r 01.,,t0 land !teal I , ,tale. Fourth I. B 111141111(. A I.IU A Ill.*: PITY PROPERTY VtJlt -Al I , • I ~": .• tofu,' Issi s • •.#ll i :soot sarsort or bu od r• • is ; fi l .o .1,1,1. tr. n y p. • russi los &NO 10, ~.at ...a o his si•troorstper of.nt. I: 11. I \IS , X 11 , I = 1.1111 SALE--111 acres of Coal, 1 .......1, In +w/tll ton ,ably, Washington county, I, hum., swat the line. of the hteulat.ovlllp Railroad, •i tl Ida ay Mallon. aboot II rant, (foto the clt)•. For nil-tip, par:Of:Wars, roepatro of ti. 11. TOWEI 'teal 1(...tat.,. Agetit, Mn. ll:lF.rth a treet, or to NVII. IA ' • ,'A .111'11.F.1.1.. ois Ili,. pn.hilava. J al' bolt SALE—A Iwo—slurp Brack • Oa citing of] room,. hall, and raettbule., th rt. , , earn built, .1 lb lot r.: by lall feel, Eltuatc on Ewalt n 0. LaWro.neci'llle, all IJ complete order. For . . re/ ribes latiqrhe•llotl. term.. 4.c., apply at Iltr 110.1 For lir, tor, of Sr , ~, o a u ra o f . Y.nlate attelJuatiraucc t/Cace or (j. tl. BATES, sl• Or • Ar al .poat o r, , , 10. oda Honor etre., ta , *roncovlllc. i fr... ''.. . r. 1 ., dls/ r ^..1..... 1 . 1,0 7 or. , and ~ re treatment. Also. St.tultlal Wealtucea. and all other ( Ilk:AA' BUILDING! LOT FOIL ds,••••!!tor the genital uric... anti thelr pre ventlon /,Ar. r. 111 Ihr ~....entls Ward , having a (rout on "CI" I,arrant ,,, or .otte, rrttintltd. !::: , .. - , t , ...it . t 0 t f er , t . r .. e . .. 1 1 , . ,. . , 1 , 1 , ,,a , I , ' , e , e , t i „ o aiall o w ll l o , o a ta , : a ttr e lt d a fo lo r ag . i .... 4 7 F 7.:,...7 -- er l y ,../ . 11 1• 4 ..„,12 . 1 10 ,Lr a, ,,,,, art 6 to;b r b... larg,staelanactur log site. WIII toll at nsol.—easay I . .. ~,I, to It. MeI.AIN It. ,•,.. riRITES. i LARGE DWELLING)! TO RENT, _.........., . f• .u..• r. , eoun we.aletl , ery coot calrof t.• ho- 'l'll E I•E:cAsyLVANIA -.... -!.!5.! !so, . tir,t,elaa• Boar.llng Hotta,. /. The /le roitil rt. will hr. IN at a attics. Apply to a p'.ll It. Mel. AIN A I'll.. IT: rourth b trees. SALT MANUFACTURING compant _ __ • ',VII SALE-400 acres of Ilea* y .. T!,, ~ 1.a.,1 Ip NI y.ler tc.voaltlp, d ell. ...le 11e at thelo rice of t arse. It. 11 a .1.AIS a. re, i,, orth .l,r .Ipo hr & CO.'S, EASTERN DIA.NUFACTURES _„......._____ WATCHMAN'S TIME DETECT- i' 4 4llllllhll.lret of I r'o4l w r It lor , orporalo.n+ an.l manufacturing eo- • cbrUs c,spal.O. of boulr4.lllng WITH Ilia I,IIOAT a. • 1 na• y Ilir Tooll.ao. ol a ttriounn or patrolman. StaltUraolur,o4 tty J. Y.. 111 ALA. 47 Congre.. .I , Boviiiii bend for timid. Co rner nitaiiravilsed ei- Pitt Street and Duquesne Wa XIACIIINEIIY, &c.—H. LIT'FIX.- , intila:tf ALit I , I ELI , A Co. Nee buryport., Mass Mann - :d r am 4,1 Dated. Atal:tunic drop lotions for - --- • - - I :dram Egines: Potent Le,-off Mnilant• or Lonm, BROKER. 1 . 1“..111 Carriage Ton Drops Stat.. and Trrrlior nil .. ____ . _ .. Right. lis thi alone l'atrilt. for malt.. sulzb...taarind SsZ S. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, . .... %,,IIIOILILDER BRACES, gugpEND. nTIf.E. ET, tßurk Ws Building,' lot) a and evils on '' -.-''''-"-- J al •al +ULM. %bob., linboN. k-' KRZI. 14 . -I' ETON A BLAKE. Mazinfacturrn comail.slon 4IA NK. ILAILIti lAD, INSLIR.AN9,. McINTYRE, McNACGEFER & CO., of Upti.n . . liatent n 110111,1., Unice. and Eagle bus- Oil. AND OTILKIt mTocK.s. soil Ut Y 3 Joins street, Lowell. Mass. Orders so- li! tnq lc 'rm., RAILROAD AND i/l'llirdi BONDS. • STONE AND BIIICK PAYEES ~ 1111.e111. A. I 0. U 1 orders eseenlogl by telbgTaph at the NEW YORK ' rdhl3:2serbrd . . K. O. BLAKE, aid Pirl LA lik L V I II A n'7oi,lK IJOARLIS at iKr rag. Will attend prituiptly to Mar risruintsslabs and In tnii• elites. Orders BOSTON CORSET SKIRT CO., occentifell for stile and Ilan a Real Eidetic.. . Furn isbing and Laying Slone and Ilanufacturers and side proprietor. of the l'ist- app /r ;ut Corset !Skirt, wtilell toitabloca rcounnty. bOtnfort .. snd kinaltli. 4.7 U Coitirt street., Boston. lilt p Skirts I ... .... . _ And R /di epairing the Name. 4 tarn Stones Knolled of eirei7 atyla.and rartely: Atli., Corsets, and Mrs. . ROOMS AND BOARD. . mud Set. Mau , Groat tor and o..isar Digging done at IrOJ'e Dorset ',Air( Suitor/rt.,. mliM:lawOrd I _ _ ._ ~._ p,,,„. d..i,,ing anything In our nee will lilies REEDS AND H SBEB.—J. A. ROOMS AND BOARD.--Unlisr.,, w , ~,1.,.. miended to hy sddressing a t throtigh DOWD.EY .11 O, 6 H.,.. 5 bh. a ,..,._ . iklabed . Ropue eau b!,. bad. arlDa Hoard, be agen- • j the gDegnenyosa %, or by calling at No. 260 Loran, rrovdAlle, R. I. blarinfaclonarrsi'eninglies ,c p ... r u i r.. , ,t.,4 , . ifr 1tir.r.....: h. 0n ,p. i .trxe or the gan4riagy atrant, Al . /ea eny tonatwit.D on nand. Inklig." " l al .. l itateragi T. t r nagg 1 '. . • Mgt tret "' 11 1'I ll Viniiir frglii s data co. ..., . sod ''' emt. 1 , I•• ~ .r, ..! renclirg, plant, n .12rtilettery V it .or Ihrr. Kh.le 161 Yourth ,r 1 imEnE J1311.)‘ T. SAMPLE. =I 11 ilinEitr NDkihrl tret PLUMBERS, &c RANKS AND BARKERS. RAILROADS. ... iwtzvs. ut - ,NNEDI as. turEtt. '') u_. r.fairkiri, G uou sE. i .,. °' ,gatiViai 186.6• 5 f.:v,:;,,,,,. r • • •' PHD!. . i . ~.i i 11 ISSP '', 211111 , 11.1 N 1.. and , PENNSYLVANIA t' a. VIKA I. R. IL -TM/MEIN ti ~ ., ; , . ..,...1......, ,n 1 , 11.1F.14,. A AI , IniNlF.Tii . DAILY MAINS. i t , il i , J . !,:.,,, -,,,,,, : r ,,, , , i , , , , , .1.. , it ., ... . 11 . 1. . T T ... E u I . ; , „ r o t ..i , 4 . : , 1 . .1: V . N Rooms 86 SONS On and after a I.' NliA Y, April Ist lane, tralti , 7 , l o„ l/ lease the Hilton Passenger Depot. eistUbßol 2 .•riiii. Ao. iii !SI./ KAI. •• 111F:frTf. , N..•.., 10 1 11.1,, , ,,,i D. i. t. Al I si.iti, i I' A , Inglon and Liberty stres'D. m follows .. 0 , .. DAY EXPR.ESS— Leases Plttabursh at Ag• 11, r., ,i 1 , Sie .Pt I . 1 !0b.,. Don, li h ' Cum ~, . an i I K.., .\, r. :W. 1,1 s 34s Criarsers. kii. T , ALL. A J. STEEL & PILO., late Elem. ' IVo. 57 MARKET STREET Pittsburgh', - i t ,. .. F. p ..., : 1x. ,,, ,. .t e ri .i...,:r2 .1 :12,7,... ,,., 31 .. i 77...„._ m_. 4.,,,,71.1. ,.. t .. e 5... A . h.?„. . r .- . : Baltimore. 5,20 r. u.• New Yolk, v a A I ien• town. in:r r. N • Philadelphia,: bad I. B. t ami N. 1. • :si. & n'ram. PRODUCE COMMISSION I .. 9 ME.IO HANTS• reecfce and .ell Flour, Corn Mind, r p , , Pu rl Fla VAi t l ie lcf... r :.. .., ~ Sheet Lead, Sheet Zinc - "."-nd''.--8....-1,—.• Lard. 8. " 4.. r• C l.• '°. ' — .X"''" ltr t'd In Far Funds and earrener. aiSo A. 14.. stopping at nearly ell si Latins; Atlooi a i •1 ES/11• rnrli, Aircmi and Dry Fruit., p 0 t 5 .,,,... ri.,4 i C action. Made mull th e principal NAM. of the „at 2.00 r. 11.: Harrisburg. SA` P. al.: airDl t. at SI. bas. Ssed, 'heathers i ill Barrels Hoop Pules Waled Staßts and Omuta. Yi*Lltse. nalt.A... he. Particular mention pald to Pnl l .at.l : o,.. . rt a „ . ot 1 1 ,4 1 0 . o .l. ,„o ll po T i ll , ‘li o LiaT i ss i za....i .p .afii s t ii . ,r orvipn and Domestic Fruits. No. 1321 directti h. Expreas tralu ibr N., lit. reao..init .it !' ,1 ' ...t. ', ....t. Pt t tthurgh. l'a. feSiamil , STOOKS.BONDS AND OTHER SECURITIES th en' . "' .l . a. B. PHILADELPHIA EX P8..21 heave.llll.al 1 lan i '11.4 REES E. BALSLEY, Produce ' Bought and 80141911(41MMISSIOIL at I.ln r. n.. ...wing 111111 T at principal stall .v. Arrtvis ... Lathbei obi , r. IC: A/14.ii3.11,110 1 14 , 1,1 1 ,1111:1,1e.n erchant. Warehouse No. 201 .. IlarrDlinr . f.... A. BATH TUBS SINKS, WATER CLOSETS Li n Fni. 1- , nEET. Pt tt.tin rah. P. Wholesale [ 1. du",..1:,.;:-.'inl;','„'":',..!;,l,;.'„':".Ly,,tlfiltoPorko:o/tHitconi Particular alien Vin paid to the purchase •mi i t : . ? ?01,1", 7 16 - V • h t " ii " il ' P 'P h "74 1..1 1 .1 . p.. 16t.' :17 : 7 '.. 1. 7 " : Y " ; ' et . ":: i .' : , m ,We of am Mi. tbs.:tan on this tame itivn l It. bun.. l O nc. lirli'd Fruit.. i ,, ..n Fruits oniony. Flour, ItsllLmors and Philiblelpht. Ai•tl . ". 1. • Y." ', Fla (f±.ll). 1 1./Tl l f S.-... 12 Tli/,,L11T Syrtis. Flax Seeds, . Allentown. ""'" '" 1 '..."''' 1.'".."'" "'"1"" gl''' th UNITED STATES SECURITIES F ANT LINE-I.moms l'ittithursh .t to re i . .1., ~t,•,. r • 0.1,1111,,, ault . t • PANT mil. 21 Arilielpal station.; A i ril a., At A•• F,. At A.lO 1 A N, IfArrtsburi, 1..., •u . 1 1 ,1 , A.t I: Aar r 24: Neu . I“vt. rt. A,... a n Y TR.: 1...31112.1elp111, : , 1:10 r. u and Ace.. Yu.% • 141 ' .1: , Art. . tv If/ .L :1 1 ail e11 , r1 ,. ..142. _Sura , l44‘.4 41..2 / I/0 I) rt =mom llt Wi VUM lac - r - 17R...9.NT151 LEAD PIPE, WASH BAsINS: W.trAl sTANDsi AN./ CI 14y (Ira ic• 1t IL ill 5.4. If 'BANE .4 N 3 LIR, COMMISSION MEECH .t; I r, In YLkltnin URAL:: a ,./ j•Rt , V 1 ...•1 Woo 4 end Pluslonr,h.•. apll • ly Bra. Work , r s , . It' •el. Fottntaln,, aind• sn.l I eAthel 11,•se• A. ell arrAno Uose PI,. and tyOTTER. AIKEN SIICPARD deocriptlotse • 1 , 01 •,n, i ant I lian•l at 11II•rehant, awl .1, In Yorelwn and I /“tnentJe Fruit., 14,, Butter. Vlserse. Eag. and e genetallv. No. lltAll.l.BEßTy - T, .•opoalte Passenarr Depot. rittenurgly. Addy, IV illhains iiartlcy's • , IFLP h SIIEPARD, Consmissi .... SI. rel.nuts nd dealers In Flour. tirain and Pro.. •••., I.l a nertv street, Pittalnirgb. • Jude, brand, ••( }l o ur for }takers and Family` ie ,n hand. Partleular attention paid to ulltng Alereltanill... generally. oct.ly I I'I"ELE. MILORD & PA'rTON, -• 4 II tnden.lo•tiro.•ere, I orntnlsolon Mt-reheats, and dealer+ In Produ,, ni•ntr, Baron. Cheese. Fish, • t at And o Ir , n, GI., Cotton BEAVER and Pitt , r,ti manntacturea actierally PiIIt..NNSTER " "' - • CAIII,NFH \ 111 ANI.I‘IIIIIYII, Ns r r'.RI ts4.f. w:► I=l RII N U - 111.18 reptlrlng doise Pr .4,17 All Nish,. •b I atel ktteroli- , 1 )• I Tvdstiß • norlitti BAIMEIV, FARREI & (Al \I a • I . F II Ht. ft, Lb KNOX 3. NON, I'omnilLllBloll • NI - EH( HANT , nll.4l,,iler6 in F 1.4 oUl:. GRAIN 1a tt ," ii 7.3•1. . st, 41).4P C u, i “rt,...1, Ili 11,1, Alleglseuy ( , HT. 11 • I it Al B . IC A IVFIELD,I 'omm ission .• and Form Irdlng 31er:1 - taut and a holenshi denier inr n Itee,rse 1 Rutter. Lard, Purl, Net an.t n.ari A,nr, Szlerstus • Lin teen and I.Ard tub.. 1)rn..1 Fruit. and Produ4 [AID PIPE AND SHEET LEIB r,ly, no, 111 nnd In: Front rittaburkr..l I=l l firehouse, No. 161 Smithfield Slier( 1 . 1 11.1UNIIIINC:, ii4•".:INI) C HYDRANTS, IRON PUMPS, 111 I I.? SO •111.1. 44, 1212111=1 n A'rElt I I,oiiin'S 1NI) fIISIISIANDS. k: IV 'F.lrs S 1/ 1n3:1'~...1 \.;, 1~~•'.t ..1 -1.. 1';II.I.~~~ K 11. I. r . r. . 4 7111 Piunil .Hy and Gas Pitting FORCE PUMPS, FOR ENGINEERS. IRON PIPE & BRASS4ORR, 19 cb Cl4=l/., /5m...., 165 ‘Voualt.. Plttnburgh, M.I'MHING, G. 4,11 Alit) MT,: 4 M A Ittl'11:,;. IN Al.t. 11, liitANt GAS FIXTURES, SINKS. BATH TUBS 11111111111111 =I VIII , I:A\h. & SEVILLE, .1 YI . 1,1-11(1.1 I,neu awls_ . I I h.lll 1 s er 1. l'lmburo, II 7 1,4,5• G F 1 A S 11"11114.7 PLUMBING AND STEAM FITTING SAIOKIE Portable. and Cigar Lighters, E im E C I=l a. 4 .17 r.al N.., I, AV h, rs STEAMSHIPS. urirtiotti: ABU 11,111 ANA STEAMSHIP COMPANY ILEX. 811011 N & SONS, (410 tgCHL' FOR NEW ORLEANS DIRECT Carr) int:, Ilse Maier, Mail r I.r fu,i 1101•• - TY/1,1.1, “i art..lbe 11/ rll I•ri II it ' I ..t It.• 1111- I .... 111111 •,‘ /I %II {. I I. • 1'41,S MEM . . •i . ,„, 111 4,41 - 411 - A• 14 4,,,, 0 , 4,44. 401,• I 111 tit,. freirtlt 414 r 44 1 , n I) STOVES, GRATES, &c TO HOURE HI7LDEIII/4 LW USE IKE EPICHS sTOVES, GRATES AND RANGES. ..1: I. I. 14..N•11,. N.. Ef • I= .t.)1••• l'F mt,.l (Ile BF:el t .IA 1 FLA t 4. h. , 11,1 it .4..1 ..1 thin, tti 11,....drotasliet.. to yt, tt db (JO., 5t...135 Lllti.frt I VI% Mr"llft...tut - et.. or • •• 1 ••Irrat•• 11 1 . 1:11.'111 . /1 I Al It t I% •Tt a WI 11, MEDICAL. I.,‘oirrir WEARS PRACTICE `SE XUAL tur • 6..!,1,3 letolrml by 1'14,1. Igoe. My 100, a.I In thl. City. ao , . uo I.lllollnl patleut• treatod •ollonlly by ow, an: cua1..1,..1 no - trof of toy . •k0r,,,,.. I far toren of th Nal rt.libed Cul Situ Sobers S ptual 101 l tt.A, or St- a nal Vi a. a and „, nit !On.. I distant •rlslb therthoo, nr , . Purl 41. ofter Inn. Wan IV.rrtolort. N RN'ri, rr. ABLE REMEDIY.S. edirial, Onna n 1 any part .1 the amen. All lk letter" tou.l col•lo • •tansi. to pny REAPING ANTI 11101V1116; rt.turn in/sta, Corrrnrollcivasr rl. Nater Ont. •5 :OWIIIEIIO,II n.roy . x,. Di .nn „„,, A.ldrems. J. NV . 71 4 i lal)rlr ~ loon hTEET I , L OW WINON.NPILINUS,AILLE.N. dko. pRIVATE DISEASES. • Fool and Commun Plough and liprlng !aloe!, OFFICE PENN STREET. us., n,u., WILL DUI' "M"R ]Wa..9l, retuailylelala bait lisouracturtn, AMOce, COM 51ISSION MERCHANTS • . .... . M. P. lil t ' N &. No. 1%45 !Abe.y ottri.l, l'ltt.burgh. Pa. WhOtrAkie, rmnutle.lou Th.rebaul and dealrrs In Coun try Produve, Lan.. 4ullor, Egi, (;,,n snd I , rl, .1 . 3E, L 1111, 1711 P. . .1. 1,1 ILLYMEA. I. El 111Elt 111105., (Successors to holemale Dealers In Fur- l, F .t„t• Ali ,ple, uufectiuuery. Sug F ar, Fin,. , . sad 1,1 flood Strvrt, shore litr. 1r.27..'.1v J. A. n H Fr PHOIMUCE, t, Pi s 4 bur Almuure.cl.tires :treet.llttAmr g n, i..." CAPITAL role .............. WITH 2,040f0. • • • . Banking twos, CORNER YIIIST AND WOOD 11". • von Alco 11,11.,C. VI VI. H. Vil/LISLI. s•FREET, J Olt I. HOUSE Ss BROS. SucCes- Thu Is organized ander the Nolonal Banking .1011• I 1101,S 0., Wholesale Oro. System, Is now prepared to transact business at Ito . • 5,,,i r..l,anto,orper Banking House. upriser of Wood and Find streets. he'd and oleo streets, Po...burgh. fele ' Collowtions made on all nom - sail/le points on the Most fayorahle terms. Special Agent, fur JAI' AMES As SON, Hann- LAN E (Or the std c sw' the er to, /o of 1.m.1 ❑ and I ton mission Morthante ! 1. , r the pi/rel.:Ls' and...ale 'rude Awl Retitled Pe- U. S. SEVEN-THIRTY TREASURY NOTES. nu.]:,4 %t 'tier street, Pittsburgh. A .1‘ o mad. ou onolgnoo.no. SAMUEL REA, President. SOLI 01111 A ER Ss LA NG,Wholesale • Y. M. (lORDON Cuttler. aP 29 :13 . 11 J. C. MertIERSON, Teller • ' dealer, in Grocerleo. Flour, Oral!, Produte, Pro riot,. Salt, , arbon Oil, Nos. 172 and 1:4 IA Sti,•cl. near Liberty Street. Pittsburgh, INSURANCE relk:ly . ... —.OlOlB/a MET•ZGAVI. TNsuRE YOUR LIFE IN THE I f EAD ZIIE'I'ZGAR, Grocers and s- onnul..lMn Merchant., and deaJen In all kinds ••. Prlvlnee and Plitolourel, Manufactures, INI Llie-rt) spiaitenk..j.). strueL, • CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE CO., vNII7 AtutisTitoNG, For s Aydin, mot co:mission Merchants, for Ills salt ~ Drain. Macon, Lard. Flutter, Seeds, Dried grullo. mid relm' zeuers.ll. Id Market Street, THE oNl.l' LIFE INSURANCE COSIPA.N Y corlo r Y'lro:. I • lttoburgh, e• AMERICA that now mak. and pays an Annual II 'DIDDLE, No. 1%3 Liberty St, CASH DIVIDEFD on the nest nd earh subeequent • Pittsburgh. Pa., 1 1 1 IlltIliaS1011 alerchaut, and Payment of premium. Its CASH CAPITA!, an a, M . hot...a:, I In I. Mint ry Grot,rie. and entnuistion of 31,600,000, Is securely Inegated In pub ca-1 un • lie stools antl mortgagee of REAL ESTATE. It is olgtonenis, paid for Pro.lure generally. aisH ; now in Its Ilith year of unglue., and has said to the A nt' IVIDOWV. wan ortritase of members She sum of fome DLZLI.I. I'NE MILLION DOLLARS. To this date not a filo ROUT. DALZELL CO., Whole- sk• of litigation has • Sasehrred• an , I.l cCier Mer... that liberality and fair dealing' to s spec:Doty with C. 11l Prod use sud Plit.bnrgh kiln- tills Comp any. e Loewy..., N.. -I:4 r, The policies of this company are not forfc:ted reason of un-pAyment of premium after the second It. by 11. JACK, to year. No payments if:gull - 4..1 after ten years. but , Seib:lea continue good through life. • ... 1:1111 .1. C. WALK orr LY.s c Piresii. dent.. N. S. PALMER, Vise Prerldent, S. IL WRITE, Secretary. Ji.IIN ,A, . ....... . ...MN WlLriox. branch OM. for {Venters Pennsylvania. wile, It . ..il'ir. la. WIESON. Wholesale Cirv”,svir,VialasAiPPlVlintilig.:sinFralabelt. , , I.r...ern. gri,lion Meryl...at, and dealers In Prialsis. and Pitt...r a h Matil.ractiitia, No. 1..5L1h. • Areuts wanted altrougltunt the State. Apply to itrn ir ,, lllY F. K. GOODELL, Slate Agent. ~1“ 1,1 L. ,m),k.l, 4,, e. 11111 , ,, A , ..ALLALE I ',HARTER PERPETUAL 1 A;VIIIERT. s1111.1•ON & 11'0., •-, 182 q ii. a a ~ holier,. tiroecra arsl Prialare Peal,. No. 3. , sixth ',is, t. Plitalsir a li. 'aid FRANKLIN I SAIAU DI l' IL E V &CO., Wholesale • A ''' ' . "..i°. M.Mh.. " .. " d '''''.... in FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY Produce. N. NJ Water surer .4 6,i Frost street. Pittsburgh. = = IIL L. VOIWIT. 11 1 . OIGIIT &.Co., (succeefion A--• to is. ssr4iS, 1 Producee and Commission lies , .chants. 217 I.ltwn y etyma. l'itteborgh. ILKHINS LIENHABT, lbncrossor to Mao.toosvo Iluisarts Capital . Doan, In Flour And Eitaln, PYoduce and Comosisslon Accrued Premiums kinrchauts 7.0 thi LIBERTY STREET, Pittatrurgli, Invested I'n:talons:. fel :iy Unxttled Claims PIANOS, ORGANS, &c NOW BEING RECEIVED, T AST StOCK OP CH ICKERING PIA_NOkA, .itimet • SEVENTEEN INSTRUMENTS apes, •L.I ready ar vi•nrnatlun, p.rntle-art I n ',Ural r g al I and l saw than, MY A eIHAIVILD rota YI vx Vele ma CHARLES C. MELLOR, =II 1111; NEW WORK, schoinacker di if 'Li., Phdladriplita, ..1•4 c iB. he En ley Bt Co.'s Cottage Organ, AND AMERICAN ORGAN. An0wt...1,...tr.y the , , not masleal Weal lu tlu eL I 'I ale, 1.• 1.i•Il uu,va to power, and thorough your. po Luatru.ri.te • r ,rara lbe Met ulrr all all • at the larloua n.I In priers lb. V air irri•i All aaa I soil. rui flier 'rate t 21E1.1Nis IlAitlt, aq nt , t lair , Urryt, Pittsburgh. Fa W NI. ItViliE At. CO.'S, ,11:- I 1 . 1,N111,1 mkt,ql l'11t1l.)P•;. rttr l 1,. rtl LIN tII I. 1, Alaistt, It , , At-Alt .N.lll Itt 4.1 I. .111. •I STEEL WORKS, IITTSIII. H STEEL W 011149 Anit)EicstiN. ('(Nth da CI) I 1' V.....V41./ KIS To JtiN Kn. Itol II A thrive Corner or rtt.l tyro 41.1. above the Monongahela lhotaa. trr..411 111,11 . 11 l utAmulu OS ^V3EIIIII. IiNT CP PI-13-ft, =I PARK, RROTIIIER & Co E=l9 tl KAT VU ALIT Y N CAST 14/..11.L. Square, rat .ad Octagon, or .It elms. Warranted squat to any Imported or manufactured In MU noun. try, dirrOnlcc and warehouse, Na. 149 and MS Ftrai,jp and =Second street.. Vittalmrah SWIM. 11 . 1.0. RUTZ', —.W. n, DET.A.Iam. JT. U 01.1.14•8 I A BELLE STEEL VVORKS. Al .va_luxtruEmpe. a 3 cics. MangArcurr• or CAST STEEL SPRING, PLOW .....113Ltynot STEEL:SPRINGS, AXLES, CROW SAKS, Sc. ifir oak,. Nu. se WATIR STRAY (up stalt4. PI Lta burgh. I's. Ira PAVERS. INC COI United Skates Slit .'.I LW N./ Do.i-Sat, Do. E 15.4... , of 10-liwt Do. ye veni'llfirtle, Do. C. c i /Irate. of Indebted...", -- Defter, tn.! Vouchers nought or ....11,:c..1. ',.• , I .n "U ~., • ~, N AC. ....11, IltAlill IN eh, .. . , -- ondue. A r. u , s./toi:or at re,lut st., . • DOLLAR SA 11ni t: S BA li H. . NO. 6:s t,..,,. n Pt. t.o.tral au./ . ...v...gh. a, 1 c00n..., FOURTH STREET. al 151A,..Y Int. ItarratrAltAt tutu train. t o to• In 1 • • CHARTERED IN ISMS. & Pr u..., sad West Penn, Ivanis Katiroat, ~..,,.,•11 Al. 1.... NA A C . ,.II Mt.DATIt.N-1,..tx tee 0 ,?,/ . 41V , :y 8 '' .. !..' '; ' ' . 11,.! . ` . , " Zt....,1,,,,";,. 5.....1./..1 at I. 1/ J., ~t topping at all r.t. it I 0 us: I let, ham 77, re alp tram n r‘ i;f fr.,11 ' :. " ov ' etillwr . tat to c".. ....ahatj , ... l tho u and ...ft. ~..•/ May Ist, from .L.ko tio•chwk. conneeth... volt, ',Ault on . t.he Indians it ramtl., it r-i Deposita reeelted of all sums or not leas than' one 1- '.us• I , tale 1t.th , ..4. kt... ,,,, , .2 f ~ ./sO.. I' • . Dollar. *ad • dividend or the prolate declared twice " ...t • aa t i ./... at,...ir• thalich• ~. in 4.,,, .., ~,,,..„...... ~,,,,,,,, n .„, t ,..,„ VI all', Afrolti.A...lAll,l. 5... I. .lalli ...wept ... - declared semi-annuallr In .inue and December since daSs) at .. a. to the Bank was organitod. at the rate of six per cent. 8r ."..1. x ,-, ommotlatit.t. Si., I. ti•ill I* x •et l • year. Sudays). lo al A A • Interest, If not drawn onset placed to the credlt II al.'s Accommodation /... i, .Istif ~. teen, :of the depositor aa principal. and hears the same it.- dap/ et 11,.. a. St. tercet from the first any, of ?nue and December, ....1. , . I. acc.....dstion No / compounding twice a la., without troubling the de- suotaitYal at Li. r. a. po r pan to t or even to preaont hie pus hook. AI . W. 1.." A., x „,....t"lattra Nr thra ß rate money will double lit I. thou twelve yearn. oW. S. /:•w r• a. Books contang the t•harter. Ity-Lsws, Rules the tth'x ar c..../lat Ira N..• I. 'lase • e toot` , • Itegul•tlon, furnished gratis, on application at the im a1...M... 5 I , a. omc „ note'. A. , LIASIATAKIALI.III No. 0, tart .a t ept t• 1 .t rnanIPENTi-11 KOBUK ALB/LER. Mays. at iflit/u r. M.. airs rukatottaTt, The Clutn/b Traln leaves Wall blAttl.t.l A.; r 4 a Juba U. Baukofen, . Hobert Robb, day at 9:15 A. A.. aud arrlvas in Pittthott tti at, :. Benj. L. Fahnestock, John H. Shoeuberger, •A. Y. BaWojOBILI. 1x... Pitishnteh .Illa• 3. r. ... James Hardman, James Shidle, and arrives at I/ all . . Station at i oft r. at. James McAuley, ' Aleaukder Speer, JAILIAr. B. D. Me d,, , Christian Yeager. Iteturuing Tralm srelvt In ' , tabor.... tt• ad.... lasaathl. Pennock, IA. H. Pollock, M. D , Ball Ik • 0./. innae/Rah ' Past Line W tn. J. Anderson. . Jame.. D. Kelly, Fleet Wall'. Station Aerial...dation. . aa. M A A. Calsin Adams, Henry J. Lynch, ' Billiton Acrommodathun No. 1.... . ... 140 • le. 5A001.41 WAII'd *what Accotnruodatto . o lit • it John C. Blndley, Pete. A. Madeira, George Black, hn ahull Johmtowu Accommodation... ... . 9-5 , a a Hill BargAlti. 1 WAltAt ' rMsfrehalt, ' Braddock's Accommodation No. 1 1.00 r. a . A'onsoiA. Cartier. I John B. McFadden. i Balitmoer BaErras. ... . Char'. A. Collo., ; Jahn Ore, Philadelphia axpreas.. .. II in. Douala., I Henry 1., Hin g ,,,i,,. . Third W a'l't Station A ccommodat too. ... 3...1. 5 A John Evans, ' Wm. X. Ittehnlifll.. ' ktrublock•• Accommodation ..... 2 "6:50 r xi. John J. Gillespie, t Aleaander Tindlo, Wail's Aerostat...lulu, Nu. s. William S. Raven, i William Vankirk, Jiltoona Atototaino.latton and Emigrant. hi la l I .1 Peter H. Hunker. ; Wm. P. Werman Baltimore Et pre,, will arrive with I'm laden I , Itiehard Hays, I hale Wlll tiler. ' Runes, at Liar. r. 4., on Sti 12,1 ny: TatkAguttast-stliA/ILES A. COLTON. ' An Agent of the Kt...Jahn- I Mont , . • ... pa.tt OL. Sacual•lXT- .1 AB. B. U. IIKEDS. latt ds.r ' TnE up n tt•cits, and dearer baggage to •In . ti tbe e etty. j Oilice, No. itu Penn st t• et -otao a y .1.1 olght-w here all orders for 'Le movem,./si 01 ; 5 i11.... , gers All.l baggage III reef... t. monapt stteutto. ~,.. , NuYIEE - -fit case of los, litc t outtlany alit t • PEOPLES' NATIONAL •BANn., , thenseriVes lesponslble for per•osi twogme ...• ' acid farm amount not exceeding OM ,‘. W. it. li C.BWIL 11, As.. tilnkr . Pitt alb I.x_irigkA. - ~. .i, the r 'a- . enMyl. soh. I . eto tral Railroad Peasetur, I Don. en Libel, 1/101 Washington Drente, of Hartford. Conn YLETLA DELPH IA Asset. on Jou. /, 11.44, . . •2,137,X0 DO b. rt 3UU, MO. rerptual tool Ternpo rlrr utr 11u. r, term,. Le•arnif 4 , rt., Pui..61...01. i'tits...•ok D111.R1_71.11.11,.. \lntl to end from l'• ::10,1 wen . 7:10 A. al. i- , 0 r. a. Chas. N. Rapcker, taaac Lee, E x pro.s,. •• Tobias Wagner, Edward ! Dale, b est :scab, .4 .L...-_•. q!.1.1101. 6,36 r. Y. :5,0 •. Y. Samuel Grant, G ge Fair. Plc, sira,,. A t •,•• u . .11:4u a. SI 6..../0 .I. 1,1 Jacob R. Smith. ' Arr r ed Fit's, ' Second • ' " G W. eoreC W. Richards, Yea ' s . Icrols, bL .. .. 10. CO D Braddock's CHARLES } l. BAN('KER, Prealdent. bnuday I 'hurcli train to and 1 : 10 P. Y. 2:4, r. I 0 P. St. Alb P. Y . EDWARD C. DALE, Vice Prralaent. Rote W eel Newton 1:00 r. Y. Ic:1.0 •. is JAS. W. OIcALLItiTEIL See'y pro ten,. Not Ileltele et,ply to J. ti !AWFUL Agent. . II . e • t li A E 1. E N 15111.1.4 1 E.A., I O Adi eat. li: Corner Wood and Pbtrd streets. or?) Iv t• lb pl. A MARINE }.'IRE AND - - • A LLEI;HENY vitam. A. V ALLEY BALLft• •.LI: _ • CHARGE. Or T E. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A Alt:RII A, . 'ln Co. .r..... rfiritsi, Y. knell Jntb. co oil, !ears ..,,,1 arrive at 1,1•01, • - orr,er VII. , Can.:n: streets. Plib•bursh, as foIlow• Yki ILA DELNH IA Mall. la arid from 1141.,,ri0,. ITaa r [sk, alto". Etakholultlakl., Flea. Holton .1.. Parnas Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, second Elulton d fromChurch Train, ao.l from ...Srnin ork• spa IT=EI .81,760.000 assets, 91,585,000. V' Protection can be secured in the above named .nd roliaLi• Compaadre. W. L.. JONkM. Arent. (eV.), w W W EStERN INSI YEETBUNGII, ALIK.AANDICIt Prsodani. WM. E. HAFlBP.R.T,_tlecretary. ( - Arr. tiEO)IOY. NlMl.D i trenetal Aget. i Kele, W. Water street. tipang I to 's .. H o up stairs. I.lltaburg4. ter street., (UP stair. .) ANCE co., OF WM insure against 511 kinds ag ed by Marine o home Institution managedby Director. Who are well known to the enntrutry, and Who Sr. determined by promptness and liberality. to imalati mitt the character which they acre assumed, u 1.1( tering th t best protection to those who desire to be stored Airs. Nil:nick, Andrew Ackl ey. H. Miller, Jr, Dwelt! M. Long, Junes McAuley, Mee* J,metna.., s . • Nathaniel Moimay, elms. J. Clarke, `ly Alexander Spee John McCune, Canipticli B. Herr r, on, Jambs I'. Hanna. C. . Itleketson, nri:Oo WM. P. H MAJI EMT, Stoalltary. CITIZENS , INSURANCE COMPA NY Or PITIMHUHIE/11.-00lee, rnruer Mark.\ and Water streets, ascend boor. WM. MiNUAL./CY, President. WM. A. SHEPARD, 'Secretary. Insures Steamboats a nd Cargoes. Insurea agatnirt ion and damage in the navigation , of the Southern and Western Itirgra, Lakes, and Masns, and the navigation el' the 54,16 . stores against lone and damage by One. 0114,..TiM5: WM. Bag alty, IS. M. }“er. Samuel Hea, John Shipton., JaA Park, Jr., Junes M, Cooper, W. U. Johnston, I C 'S S. liarbaugh, Jones,' J. aldwell, Jr., Jusliu• Shade*, John S . Dilworth, Barelay Preston,l Wm. A. liodsgera. ileorge Hinshaw, l disl:y pEOPLEN INNIfiIiANCE CO. . OFF WE. N. E. CORNER WOOL) •ND PITT/ISM. Wm. Phillip, Copt. John L.Gthoade. • John Watt, Sainnol P. tlbrlvor. John Parke, Chimes Arbuckle, ,4 Capt..ll, Miller, . John P. Kirkpatrick. Wm. V.O Kirk, Prank 1. Elate ll. Jain., U. Vernec v. Jo m HN WATT, %See ;•reddrot N. r /incretary, Car. NAMES GORDON, Gaul Agt. ALLEGHENY INSURANCE C . O. GY PITTIOSURDII. —Office. No. 4 Yirib street Hank Mock. Insurealagainet all kinds of ri. and Marine Rieke" JOHN IRWIN, dn., President. • JOHN D. MCCORD, Vine Paorident. C. U. DONNELL, Narrator, Capt. WIL DEAN, General Agent. DIRECTOOS .ariep , John D. McCord, =Tu . 6 14Z d. JaHoliklnson. ! Capt. Wm. Dean, John Irwin, Jr, Geo. 1). McGrew, B. L. Pahnestock , Enh.e. L'.".• TEAM TO AND FROM LIVER (a. Ilia INMAN KUICEN IN BT.OWN us Uzi:LAND) twice a are LZ, saill EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CAZUTING U. S. 11111.4. TI eta sold to, am! :rom firelaad, Knalaad, brut- I•n.1 liermaot Mad ). rulca Al , the ek.r. (Mem -DIE ti G. DALE, Agent, Ib Itroadsva • , N. vir. 17180 Y. I'OURTEI STREET UPHOLSTER No, 65 FOURTH !STREET sallecalba t o 8 *l6l; Tot pantli4 x. 65141 . keep N". co l ti=ii — as Th' y handAt 45515. line, via; Comic. 0, ItltO e n f h, V"th" Staag-_.4. All lands 6f Mance, 5551606 . brrt 4 4 l,sA . ' ‘ 7 4 6 4 5 45 t = a 15 0 givakr_Oli_ T. I* la *WA. I iJii-rseuutat, A- WAYNE a CRI C A DO 1L1M• 7 17 77 i RAILWAY, AND 4 .:LEVKLAND 4 7- .7 ". RAILROAD. 1863. Winter Arrname - T6 On sod after Nut ember 19th. 'XI. • follows. ea: Loire. /Iv Pftbsburpe, Chteug... Weal.% ..... 3.4.1 IC . .7..10 A. el. Route. • 1:46 P z M. 1,a7 e Express, 2145 P. R. u6 P SLall . ....... —...7 7,00 A. 0. 00 A. 0. • rue e For Newcastle and KO, 11.. '- Returning, an•lx e at Pittsburg', P.. Ft. It. . A. e.. e:1•. r F. Y. 9:1:0 P. art C.. P. 14.. i. 34 P. 01 I . AOC63LtaIIIA3 :3. yitdsty . Leave Allegheny for NEw BRIGITTON—).U7 a. , I : and 5140 P. R. itoamOdlittlt-2103 T. It. Now CASTLE-3:50 F. N. P....troakv-10:33p. sr. WOLLBI - ILLe—kbli P. ar. a P ,urP. e. . • •.••:30 P. N., 4:30 P. Y. and r 7 A. IiKORGE PARKIN, Ticket A.,,tuni., Paesout• 'Station Pittsburgh, r• A. Q. CANSOLHEIIIIY Tieltei AAen", A ileirbeby 002 , P. It. ral tete" 00501. - - (0.. 1.t5a(1117:7 AND 'Vol, NATI RAILROAD. THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE 'FLA ST Eli ISF.N VI 1.1.1, TO COLUMBUS CI NCI N NAI GNI I= Lad authe prlnclp/LI Cities. - Road nite WE-4T AND ..4ouTios lin MONDAY, RCII 12tta 111586 Trains will lewve and .rrt, at (7!:101.: LAU , I 4.1 follow, Fast ............ .4;1 . A.1.{ 4 : fltr" -• Mail E • ~Yll ltetar ' xpre.s... .. A .. ettrllit r.._•,:onfnlytt A. 1,1 1 1 . M. F. 1., 9601 Ticket A trcut, "ttrtsbe, SCL, II e (.. N. U. rrn Kx-sr Atit, 119tet Agent, DCpst. •11 pIITTSBURGH A:M i am& Fift O CNNELLSVILLK H. It. Spring Arrangement. k. and after Triu k,f.A I ueel H mr, Maths I. ,. .ruar, lit.. d SV•tpr str,ene • - r. I rror )1 A. 1.1 UL A CKS'ft .ti F., buy . DEIKEIICAL. H uffpnix.Ey,s HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. : Have yrorett, Crum the want sulfa, eipr.tver.ce en en tire *accts., simple, efficient and rellablv 1 Lev u f the metliclats perfectly adapted to ponulef are , Maple that mistake° raufffrt be 11:18114. 1.143: lof them; a., hermits, as to be free from danger. an , lsa efficient as to be always rvilable No. 1 core. FEVERS, Congestion., Itlom'ntat Don . . .. WORMS Worm trey t aim ityurd c0L14.., ii;- ......... DIARRHEA of ciditcr- of id DYSENTERY, Griping etthl Ittltoua Colt tag .. .tti s t . .l . o loltß . . 4. EURAlllilA a' , • P.Po r Tta t. ;: . . . 81l PPRIOM e.. roan tp wd n doted .. • • • • " 11 Ir hoer., c dab ,E sA g 1151.1.11, r:rymitni...i 3 RI ............. FEVER A NI, AOPS, so d " PILES, Len. or exert too__ h , OPTIIAL.AIY. rorr, tnitxtro,l og. CATAILRII. woo. or chronic, fitg cough rlNti C0L7611, •pronoolic aU AST A, F R reivw .d .. . EAR /MSC OSS, itppo irt.l o . 1 , 114 " 44(Y • • . 0 E ........... weaknited .o. ......... DROPSY andSmiay literui saA SICKNESS, or tirknossitoto K I glif i tc — th3_ Ur NEILVOLTS "DERLITr, seminal mateldotoslnvolunlaryAimhat get . ISCO . to SORE 111(DITR.. (Stuge 1 1 1W I tt STIIPPE WOWS At Change of to .UI EPILEPSY,Spsems, St. Vit.' D nes 84 .• DIPTIDERLA., tiloorase.l sore D lax lox FAMILY c.ass. Cases of a 0 vials, in moroceocaae and book corns - piens 4.10 Case of 20 large vials, In morocco and b00k.... . to Case of Z 1 largo vials, plain ease and book.-- 6 Cast of to box. (No. Ito aud b00k..........,u • A. TORFBI, Corner of You rth and Market streets. iror by A.IIXVIVIALIMVIIINIbIi?nt rLY.311240.1.1 Market street., corner e D onu rlttabargli, annJ. J. EAST, No. lai Federal street, Allegheny :Mc( LABAN 6 Mr EN NAIO, corner IP•monil and Market acmes, Pitts/dap. STRICKLAND'S Slellißtio 6 CUUQI BALKAN Is warranted to he the only pre- • ' .paratlon known to core Mott, C 0 tiqt, ,Coughs Colds, liparseneaa, Assbeni, Whooping Cough, - Chronic Coughs, COPetlettp- • .c 2 .- BroneMtis and Croon. • Being prepared from Honey • and merbs, it is healing. soft- ORF eu r e and ezpeotorating, and ' ' pr ealarly suitable fur all a flow or the Throat and Legge - for sale tn. Lhaggisj• everywhere. lAlpd U, B.P.IELLXIth 6 CO.. I Winn.ae.s.r..a CU.. DitSTRICKLAND'S PILV RED TIY has CUBED thou sa "' - "an , ' pds of the sweat canes of • BLIND AND nucr.Dusto Ei.) 13 YILYA. it glees immallate. relief, and erects a pers.. 5. n i . ..,"* . 01K1' .. • neat cure. Try It directi7. ; • It Is warranted to core. For eale by all Druggists. et k. .01 L Su Oms pPe bottle. ocia:110 It. Y. WIEIOLTHALS Ad INT B. . _ trygr t. rs!...% ,s - u - , -Dr. tstricuitampt .I. ' fl.'`; c:D\ F. ...t.. ,. ~c , .1 ilinn.,,,it.,.l;iwidr,,,..thdyvittroo.:ltel. , , ir i:.. " :gr , ., . 7, ' ... it Ls sou- (4- • . :k .. Or Lea. ~a, 0.., V li=et C:3 .tyl etas. Lea. ..1' Appetite. . • -,: ' Acidity of the Stotteati, . 40 ) , 0 pwetehey and debility. It ' , (k) 4 is eat siehoholle; theee.fOrd, '- '1 , ,i,, - ,. t ...,..4.1.,..atedwrr,,,,,,.. ~ ~,: i ,7. ~ ~, . I:o4`7"lositMnif ".--......____Pv- Ode eserree .e. ntyd . el bottle. .l Ai t*Jl9lll,"ii f..(gi. I=l2l =MEE N1)1 A NA1 . 1)1.124, 1.4..)V, A , A AT St „U 2:00NI II :A 11 ii.wA Al '2
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers