TH E 1)1,1I,Y 4AZETTF • 'VVOLLSIIIS 1 • , PENNIMAN; R ED & CO., 82u.zrr4 etrrastraan. 033 Or Lit the. tvania Mr. R. B. Beardalee, who has just finished n term in tho State Senate, is quietly trying to succeed Mr. Philip Johnson in Congress. Mr. Johnson has held the place three terms, without personal popularity, abilities, or anything else except intense partiziunship to recommend him. His advantages con sisted in the fact that, excepting Judge Padker, of Carbon county, there is not a Democrat in the district of marked position or talent. Pike county now claims the honor of furnishing the member, but Las no competent Man to offer, and, as usual, the Democrats are In a wrangle. iteardslee belongs In Wayne ; sustains a good character, and has more brains than any other person of his party in that coun ty. Re came very near getting the nomi nation some years age; and may succeed now. Ou the Republican side, if a candidate shall be run, it will simply be a matter of form. Most excellent material exists, but the chances are, hopeless. Tux report is contmdleted that in cruise queue° of impending war in Germany, American securities are there discredited, The report had all reasonable probabilities against it to begin with. The indications of war would naturally lead people to hold on to securige.q depending for their value upon causes beyond the reach of the anti cipated disruption. A REPIIIILICAN member of Congress from this State, and who is also a eandi• date or re-election, is trying to defeat him self by distributing large numbers of Mr. DOOLITTLE'S and Cowan's speeches 1111101Ig his constituents: If be succeeds in getting permission to stay at home, be will havU. occasion to quarrel with no body b u t him self. Is the 19th district of this State Judge Schofield is having some opposition for re nomination for Congress. Ile belongs in Warren county. Mr. Benson, of Erie county, and Mr. Soother, of Elk county, have been named in competition with him. Still, we think Mr. Schofield will not be laid aside. Ar York, a Yew evenings ago, the Dem ocrats, mobbed the printing office of the True Demoerv, a republican journal. Cause —the publication or a card sionprl by sonic "boys in blue," repudiating connection with the Clymer Club. =I —The Editorial Association of New Jersey have made au arrangement for an extensive excursion. Railroad companies will antler. —BenJarniii:Mughes, of Mount Holly, N. .1., was killed a low days ago by the acci dental discliSrge of an old gun which he was endeavoring to wrest from a cougran ion. —Wm. GeV - emu, a waiter at the As tor House, New York, tumbled down a stair-way, one night last week, and cut his throat with the glass of a broken tumbler. The jugular vein was severed, and it is re ported the man cannot recover. —li.tsreported that cruelties and gross injustice arc again being practiced toward the freedmen in various potions of Ten messee, and within the past week, in several cases, General Fisk has been obliged to re roil to military interference for their pro tection. —A mall in Philadelphia has been sued for t 25,000 for a breach of promise. his defense is—and it ought to clear him—that he was ready to marry her last winter, but she kept putting it off, and as she weighs 2.p,1 pounds he prefers not to marry during the warm weather. —The Union campaign in Indiana was opened at Indianapolis on Tuesday night by a grand mewling. Two hundred guns were tired, huge bonfires burned in various parts of the city, and linmense crowds lis tened to addresses from Governor Morton and other prominent speakers. —Says the European Times: Nothing min show more strongly the adaptability of 'the Americans for all pursuits than the ease with which all the men of no in the late war have slided from the military into com mercial life, and the same may be said of the great body of the soldiers on each side. —On one little street in Galena, Illinois, and within the space of four blocks, were at one time the business places of six pri vate citizens, now known as Lieutenant General Grant, Major General John E. Smith, Major General Rawlins, Major General Chetlain and Brigadier General J. A. Malthy. —The Boston Journal says that the statue of Eton. Edward Everett has been completed iu clay by Mr. Story, and that it will be ready tor declicrition in May. It is to be cast in bronze at Munich, but should the impending war prove of long continuance the arrangements now made may possibly be interfered with. —Great excitement prevails in Fayette ville, in the town of Manlius, Onondaga county, N. Y., over the supposed poison ing of mare than forty persons in that vil lage. Reports were in circulation that the cholera had broken out there, but upon in. vestigation the cause of the sickness was traced to some cheese sold by a merchant in the village. The deaths resulting from the poisoning already number tWo, "while several others are not expected to survive. —A Parisian letter-writer describes the Emperor as foiloWs: He is of much lower stature than I haAl thought, and inclined to be fleshy; is quite grey, and wears nether beard than a moustache and imperial. He has a large and remarkably tine shaped head and bright eye. He was very plainly clad in a pepper-and.salt citizens' dress, with silk hat and white silk gloves. He returned, in a good natured, graceful man ner, the frequent unostentatious greetings of the passers-by. —A. Springfield, 11L, lawyer is prepanng a case for the United States Supreme Court, which attacks the constitutionality of the income Tax. 7he contestant reports up: wards of fifty-two thousand dollars income the past year; but, under protest, he de clines to pay the tax, and will, when the usual compulsory action is invoked, ask %n -junction from Judge Davis to restrain the Government official from collecting. Thus the gneation will be brought squarely to the consideration of the courts. —.& lady at Atlanta, a few days ago, poisoned three sick children by giving them laudanum, supposing it to be paregoric. Before the mistake was discovered they were too far gone to wive their lives. The lady la rkfi, and theta children would have been her heirs. Foul play is believed to have occurred, and suspicion rests on a young man, a distrait relative of the lady, to whom her property will now descend. He is thought to have changed the bottle of cregoric for laudanum, knowing it would administered to them. No proof, how ever, exists strong enough to justify his ar rest. —A strange spectacle was recently pre sented in a Prussian town, when the levies exe troops were about starting. The train was ready, but the wives of the soldiers op posed Its departure, throwing themselves iwtheir despair on the rails in front of the locomotive. Recourse to violence could not bmemployed. What was to be done 7 The station-master Proposed to the women to apcomtinh i their husbands, but in sops rate .carriages. The poto„,creaturca tsm seuted ; but when the train started, th e m. ziageswith the women did not move. The station -master bad had them detached, hut wisely teak care to get awarbetote thedis- F 3 V. 0 7 was madu.. rt 7. VOLUME T.XXX.---NO. 161 2in MI •14i11144D1,`,4z Trade . AI the opera itonse Shoe Store. Pure Linen shirt Fronts and Cutts. Boma & Bunt. geltli Good• In the Market At the t4,orit Ilou4e Shoe Storo nomphrers Illamoeps thle Medicines for Fulton's Drug store, No. 10' Smithfield street. ll'Oatom Work At the Uport tic:AIN() Shoe Store = A full Incl now In atom at less than factory pnees, on the north-oast eornarof Fourth and Market stavota. C. lIAIVNON Lova A Into. Bottom Prime At the l)pera noose Shoe Store. Polled Rod Tsveilestl Masilas, Lace Curtains. BAT. S. filt.Ll.. Meaty of Goodr At the fitterA llottse Shoe Store. Goods, suited to the sestson, on the north-east corner Fourth awl 3tarket street.. C. H asson I.OV. Ar. Bee. Lace nekntlew, Pluck Silk awl Wllll. Lama Mantic, BATES .t YELL Low Prices Al the 4)pers, 'louse Shoe Store. lace Mantles. White and black, on the north-east corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. Ilidgeore Lov¢ d Ilse Willie Shawls. ' , holland -bawls of all eolors. Thur. A lint, GOOd• nit Cheap au Before She War Al the Opera Ilonee Shoo Slot, rotor.* Right for Kale For this or neighboring States. To manufac turers of agricultural Implements, or am en terprising persons who are desirous of making money, t would simply call your attention Morning to my flay or Straw Cutter, i"tilch In . good as. any In the market, and ern be built for three dollars. I'ou•evn buy one or more States for what one county Is Ortb, If applied for thin day before the two o'clock P. Y. Chicago train )01,13.9. Patent Just hewed. Thte is worthy attention. Call and examine model this forenoon, at the St. Clair Hotel. L. ft. liorr, Patentee. I===l There will take niece ut Oakland Park this afternoon, precisely at four o'clock, the w rather proving favorable, one of the most interesting trotting of the season, for et premium of four hundred dollars, be tween "General Thomas,^ entered by .1. S. Beitler, and "Yankee Boy,. mitered by T. I'. Ittrich. The hones are In the very best condi tion, and will no doubt show better time than has been made this season in this section of the country. Remember, the time of starting is at four o'clock. Trespassers will be deal with according to law. The very best of ore" must be obserwed. Hostetter'. Stomach Hitters MUSHROOM IMITATIONS. Success is the "prevalent cradle " of mon mumble humbugs. No sooner had IiOSTET TER'S STUN &Cif BITTERS made their mark In the world than op sprang a host of lions, and as the tame of the creel restorative grew and spread, the pestiferous crop of poi sonous mockeries thickened lint the true medicine has lived them down. One by one they have disappeared. When the bellows of puffery, which kept alive the feeble Ore of their borrowed reputation, ceased to blow, they come and go. Meanwhile, EIOSTETTER'S larrsals, the great protective and remedial tonic of tllO ti„^e,hlito Mall:Med ty with eacb succeeding year. Their success as a mesas of preventing and coring the dis ease. resulting from malaria, unwholesome water, and all unhealthy ellumtle influence, has been boundless; and as a remedy for Dys pepsia. Liver Complaint. Fever and Ague, General Weakness and Debility, and all com plaints originating In Indigestion, they are now admitted to be superior Many other pre paration ever advertised or Inscribed. From the home market, to which a few years ago they were confined, their side has been extend ed Into every State 'ln this Union, over the a liole of South and Central America, Mexico, the West Indies, the Sandwich islands, Aul t rails, Crtina and Japan. Rome and foreign testimony continue to show that IIOsTET TER'S BITTEILS are the most remarkable tonic and invigoranenow before the world Illostetter's Sitters A te. sold wholesale and retail at very low rates at. 'leming's Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, AO be Mattet meet, corner or the Diamond 1 Market, near fourth street.. A aOUPLE of anecdotes of the visit of the South Carolina Railway delegumon to this city are worth relating. General Sherman happened to be here and was invited tocirop tot where the South Carolinians were being entertained, and give them a (sill. The General staid all his time was fully (romp est, air he proposed to go to St. Louis by the next train, and besides, said he, 'tell the gentlemen from South Carolina that I mill i ell upon mid did not find them at home, and that they now owe me it call." Mr. Ttenholm wax Wily Wfortned that tan old friend of his was in the city who perhaps would have (sailed upon him, but had some trine straw endissvonst to 2.011111114 11111101.111111 not find him at home; and indeed he was led to believe that Mr. Trenholin had pur posely avoided seeing hint. Mr. 'l'. anmial I not remember any conduct of hut that would justify an accusation of discourtesy of Girt kind, and inquired what the name of the friend might he. lie was told it was • - a Mr. Sherman. - ••Mr. Sherman, - said Trenholm, and upon his word he boul quite lorgolten, there must be some mistake. The mune of Major General Wa lhun 'l', Sherman being toentiOned, the Mouth Car oh:ilium outwitted they had heard of him, wool some of them rteAtilectoti they were not at home when he passed that way. 'file other incident in that of am exehange of views between an Ohio politician who has devoted himself to the pr..aeldng of the po litical goosple maionling to Calhoun, and one or the prominent, citizens of Charnsoton. The Ohioan Indulged in eloquent Inatome. mentor or the doctrine of State Sovereignty and the right of secession. The South Car olinian replied: "I have been accustomed 41 hatar that sort of doctrine advocated on the stump. It sounded well. 1 believe In it fully. hut when we came to try it It dial not work well. Tire theory wan pretty, but the pratotiee was destructive. Wo do not want any inure of itin our generation. Woo have buried that." The I Ihwmcrat in sisted, however, that no tomb initial ut,n lain the Munortah that MAW Sovereignty as South Carolina laud interpreted It Would gel 1111 like John liarleyecitn. The South Corrottnian did not went to be nonvineed. lit, had oseen it, and was satisfied- P. he 11111,1 k 1111, bead incredulously moan Ohioan proclatungltherosurrection oftho rebellion. -Cotrinnhli A st t normittreV Pitt V ATE. —.During the war a good story used to le told of a private In one ot the Massachusetts regiments—the 14th, 1 think. It stems that his captain wits noted for his love of good things, and I one day told the high private to go for some oysters, also giving hint, lu Ms usual }taxa, way, the command: tromp bock without them." Off went the roan and neuter. was seen of Win for Several ditys, and the indignant and disappointed caritain reported him as a deserter, and gave hint upset a "lost child," lint to! after the lapse of nine days, the cap tain beheld his reported deserter, Bailey, coining into camp, loading in a train or lour wagons loaded with oysters. Ars preaching and teapot:tinily saluting tne amazed captain, Ihdley reported: "Here are your oysters, captain; could not tied any at Alexandria, so I char tered a schooner, and made a voyage to Fortress Monroe and Norfolk for them. There's about two litmdred bushels; whore doyen Want them?" Bailey, it seems, really did mako tho trip, hired his men and sold oysters enough In thstrgetown, before reporting, topaYall ex ixnuses anti leave him a profit of a hundred and fifty dollars. The iwo hundred were divided among the regiment, au I Bailey returned to 1154 duty as Ir nothing mid tranaldrvd. —Tho population of Baltimore is now eatimatml at 300,000, and its trade and com =eremite represented tube In a moat flour *dog condition. x F~ 4 ~"^.:.e ~ .; ~~.. > THE PITTSBURGH„ GAZETTE. SHOND EDITION FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRAPH. FROM EUROPE 'Fite (4e:l-mm4i Wzi,l HOSTILITIES ACTUALLY ACTUALLY COMMENCED The Atlantic Cable Finished NEW Yong, .Juno ta.—The steamship Joy from Liverpool Huth, vie Queenstown 17th, rived this evening. The Federal Diet having, on the 14th, by vote 019 to a, agreed to the Austrian propose. for the mobilization of the federal army Pt...., agreeably to previoua notice, car 1 . 1,1 oil her threat to consider it as an act o Motility on the pert of those States whirl supported It, met on the following day cons moored war by sending troops 1111.0 Saxon and Itanover. It is also rumored that An trlan troops tailored Saxony: not confirmed but believed that Renedick would Immndl ately move to attack the Prussians The Ern Recur of Austria, in a speech to the Fiona. Common Conceit, said nothing remained but the sword, and after the notion of the Federal unit, the Prussian representative proiosteil nh agalneil, It MS unconstitutional. Ile 'mid I•ru. eonsidertal the Confederation diNSOIVed, anti immediately withdrew from the islet. The Austrian Representative moved and the Diet resolved, that the federal diet w. 1314115- nOluble. Great commotion and financial depression exists throughout Germany Baron Manson is termini:et now Italian min. istery. La Ilarmora goes to the camp with the king ns littulater without a portfolio. The news from other places Is unimpor tant. The Atlantic cable is finished and the Great Kunern leaves itheenieseon the 30t.11 of J nue. The Jo Moor believes the rumors of the 11t.:tit atmlicaLlon of DlRilmtllßn 1b tlnfou _ • . . . _ ded. Connartet•i..—Lsverpecti, Nuturdop ifornino, Jane lay.—BreadstulTii—Richardson, Pence .1 and Bruce AlL'LlauelT report dour timer; I pence lower for sacks. Wheat In good demand snit held for 2.1 and at per central advance; Winter Reid and Southern 10011,1. Vorn antler heavy Imports 1)4000 per quarter lower on the wwek Mixed 2.8 siilfM 3d. Prey islous--Ederisrs. Itlgland. Athya :I. Co., and W m. Cardin. r irt Co„ report more doing. Pork In better request and Ujokl higher. itacon stosdler and In inner demand. Lard Inactive and nominal. Cheese In steady demand at full prices. Tallow a shade tlenrert North American Biltlsre. The Brokers' Circular reports Sugar qulet hul steady. Coffee dull. Petroleum quiet. tendon .Ifark.c4l.—Burlng, Bros. .t. Co., report Breadalmtli firm and well supported lie. In. aeLlve. Petroleum; 2tlr/1.,s for Redued LATRXIT PER J Arn.--Satenrtag Kte-ronv, J .,,, 16.—The action of the American tiovernmen towards the Fontana in the Untteti State giVell general sallatattmii. Tito London Times to-day unionises the Itiwhlngton government...lid gays! It would be impoible to exaggerate the good faith, the friendliness, the sincerity and the recsird for mutual obligati.ns which have prompted these enerwetic and decisive measures. The American Government has acted in a manner watch even exceeds anything that could reasonably have nedn expected from the most friendly nation. The tartlets then-expresses grutlficeitlon the snob 119tingnlshed eitleonf as Generals Grin end Meadb shOuld have been sent to the seen a+ d. says these energetio iu-ls of ;iceman friendship will be long and cordially remote nered. The Fenian, are almost entitled t. thanks (or hawing given the %Tuerienns an ea canton for displaying their friendliness an good feeling.. At the clotting Of this dispatch, them in ne news of any collislOn hay lug yet am-arced in ltetniany. A Prague telegram, Of tin. Irtt, , says the Presstans oocupy Labatt and Lenten, and Inernte.• Schemafits a n d folly The rcultsay hetst yen ititirstu and Prelate:3 ban been dtWtelltleal.end passenger and posaal Csanmentention between PenNtlA nail ',stony is stopped. The ertYlett Princess of SUllnly procccals to lenna. A Frankfort dispatch aye Prince Charles. of Bavaria, will tee appotroi,l commander-it, chief of the federal army. It was assorted at Parts that the proceedings of the Federal 'OK had determined several of the powers oho slanted the treaty of Vicuna of itelf.. to declare that in their opinion artisno and 43 of that treaty, Which form part of the litteopean inter national have been violate:el. The A wart aim bait interrupted all lines of Comm imita tion, on their elde of the Fe mod Millen/. Liverpool Joine ti.—The Federal war vessels Augusta, htlartlitawah, and Ashuelna arrived at ctneermtown on the evening of the lath, The entry of the. Prnaelnas Into Saamiy fully continued Pruasm having previously iltscM.rval ear, the entry of the Austrians Is hourly expected. The Paris /Yeas, palatal.. a report that the first engagement took place near Leapstg on the fifth, but the rumor is out mniiirmed. The Diet heal an extraordinary ineeting on Ihe lath to decide 01.1 the motion try harany that Austria and Bavaria are rnpiested 15.1,44 [11...111-,./. were •-•11LIII.Lti by the Pruselar. invasion. . _ . l'rusma hits lasned n deelarellon to the lineal Powers Jost I tying the invasion, on the ground that the derision of the Dleton the 11111 tiros.• op the Conf , leration, mud the law of self-p serestion host einopeded Prussia to secure herself against the loo.hboring Statics In open or mineealeil hiedddi flint .be had ilreel misly offered load item& al:lance, which asks reJoete4l. Purls /Morse flat on Um 16th. Rentea :dosed at fit, preferred e tot tv Mend. Tne Sunday papers say :hal lee rei..lll/ and the ministry will le. decided toouot ros The conservatives are deLertioned or alienist' , the defeat, of She government Line - Toot, Jone l:.—Evenlng-•tkittem sales textay / .000 balcA, Including I,tOU lalni, worm.. al ora and exportern. The market leuiet and unchanged, and iinotatione are partially rather easier. The tirendatuff market le Orm with an upward tendency, The pricrimon market ia eleady. London, June 4.—Kvening--Coortoola elinoul at titr money Ameriennetoca—Cititrli ritateateikkg 64.,4011; 1 Central rand 74-3ajdrei,,, ; Erie Railroad, 4.Ye FROM NEW YORK. Large Cargo of Clgars—Terellsomalal to Wm. Lloyd tiorrlems—The tattoo Crop. Raw Yoe., .luau-11. steamer More Castle which arrived at this port toslay from Havana, ha. Ms millions sonars on freight, the largest quantity ever shipped to this port. The imparters doubtless are an lions to avoid the Impending higher tariff. The Post publishes a proposition signed by numerous prominent gentlemen, lo present Wm. Lloyd Uarrlson with Cape as n testimo nial of their approeiation of hie past labors. Among the stgoaturos are Chief J Matte Chase, Gov. Bullocit, I.lont.aiM. Andrea, J attic, ripetal, It. W. Pmenen, Garret Mmith, It. P Wade, hensters J. Henderson, Chandler, Howard,t/risnos, Nye, Cannes., Wfillains, and others. The New York Dry Cloods Exchange ho concluded an estimate of the *grow log cotton crop, based upon the reports of Sheriffs and prominent persons In every county In the cotton State. It Is reported that the overage Is between ono-fourth and one-fifth of the crop of OM ARRIVAL FROM HAVANA. The Revolution In /IL Donsinett—lnter esiluit trona Mexico. Nsw Yeas, June 27.— TA. Moamar Moro Cas tle bnngs 'leveret dates of the SW. The re port of the Revolution In lit. Domingo and the flight of Rees In St. Thomas is conflrtned. Mercantile affairs In Jamaica are suffering a money crisis, owing to the Impending war In Europe and failures In England. Twelve hundred dissidents [under Azeua had been repulsed and dispetsed from Preesille, Mexico. The IMMO troop( laid also bean rout. co by a Prench column from Darlanilo. The Bsirtirelle any, the fate of the Empire do. ponds upon the IMMOes of the departments or war and the treasury In establishing a nation al army, but whilst the Empire It. neither MOD nor money Its situation In Pueblo and liuoreto the Emperor had ordered it draft. Don Salvador De Marina ithal in Dayton on the 2Mil ult. FROM NEW ORLEANS. The Red Mel llesiventless—itawellee of She Cotton Morin—ftieso. Canby. Yew Outeass, Juno 27.--Cotton feeble; esee of els hundred halo.; pricea unchanged. aler ting screentyi stow York, par. Tito Radical Convertlon, w hire cat yester day, Is rLdieuled. Mon of character refuse to participate. The old Convention gave power only to the legislature al.kbe On. bemoan to call It togetlier again. The legislature re- Meat, aol the Convent on died by Its own act. The cotton worm is ravnglng the plant to western Texas. The favorable rooeptlon of the Lev. Corn intsatonera at Weeddngtou give), pleasure; &leo tho ritlDOrled return of Cieneral Cu by. Ito to popular as u. prudent old soldier. Presbyterian Sleeting LOIIIeVILLI,JUne 27.—A Very large meeting of the Second Presbyterian church and con gregation eustumed Itev. Swam Itoblesen, thelr_pastor, by en Overwhelming majority. New Zidere were elected, and strung nautilus were adopted endorsing the Louisville Pres. bytery eipthwt. the General Assembly. Was= Weather—San iiisroken Su You, Jane I.l.—The wencher to-day h as been untinualywann. The thermomotor znagiona ninety-iou domes to the shade. novena cues of sun otroke„are reponeii WI of WI pt.QUira, :4= PITTSBURGH. THURSDAY, JUNE ,2,'C-1866 CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Mr. Anthony introduced a bill to establish certain post routes between the United States and Europe, and to regulate the transporta tion of malls thereon, and reduce the expen ses thereof, which trim referred to the Com mittee on Postoillees and Postmasters. Mr. Wade, from the Winn:Otte° on the Dis trict of Columbia, reported a bill to repeal the act to retrocede the city of Alexandria, to the State of Virginia. Tho object. of the bill is to make Alexandria a part of the District of Columbia. 4 Memo's. Sheri:nem Wthion and Gales were ap 110Inted a Committee of Conference on the part of the Senate on the army appropriation Mr. Sherman called op a bill to aid in the construction of telegraph lines, and to secure In the Government the thee of the sawn for pOstai, 11l Li Itztry and other puriposmt. Mr. Grimes moved to amend the first section by striking out the words "That the National Telegraph, Corporation, organlzml soder the hue of the State of Now York, Aprll Illth, Khali have the right, etc.," and Insert In place thereof "That any telegraph company now or ganized or authorized to he organized under the laws of any State of this Union shall have the right, eta." Mr. ethernet. spoke in oppretition to the pro posed amendment,. - - Mr. Brown, in the tourer of some remarks, alluding to the recent report of the Postmas ter General on the subject of telegraphing, said Lint In his report the Postmaster Oen mai had shown himself utterly laeompelent for the positton he Imlds . His report was made tip in a great pan of oommtteleations from persons interested in the great rtionop olv that now omit-rots the telegraphing of this country. Ile (the Postmaster General) lee) IIIniCIANI more discredit on himself In this con nection than perhaps lisd transpired with re gard to any ollicer of the Government. Men hie position heretofore had striven to ad vance the public interests, tot the Postmaster General bait stood In the way of a ilessled re form. Mr. Thurman regretttsl that Mr. Brown should have made each a personal attack upon knew tO Mr. have Dennison the public interest whom he (Sherma rt. n) hea Mr. Dennison did not believe that at the plan suggested by Mr. Brown WIN (V 0.511,111 M. the present time, hut was favorable hs anything that promised seller from the present tele. gptph monopoly. Mr. bra - dime illlOl od to pThitpoor the subject until Irsinorro . . . The senate, on rootlet* of Mr. Edmonds, con curred in the House amoutintents lo the bill regulating the transportation 11( nitro glycer ol/3. Mr. Morrill called op the Scuttle hill to retro htle the eleclive (machine in the Instrict of Columbia. It provider that every :lisle person eOl,l pan perm and persoun nailer guardian %hip, 01 tire aide of twenty-one years anti up s aril, who have not lawn convicted Of ant In intimus client, and w im is a citizen of tile Vet ted stet., and has resided in the aim nlet for the term of six months, shall be entitled to vole without distinction of color. Any person whose dot) It is to receive voles, and who nhall refine, the rote of tiny person a he is gnat. Med under 11/Newt, shall oe liable to a (Mello: escveiling live thou/aiml dollars, or to itniirlii otiment not more than rear, or to 10411 film and 1111prinmi meet. Arty person w liostmll littertere to prevent qualltletl elector from vting shall be golity of a intralemennor, and Is, liable to a one id one thonzand dollars anal imprisonment for thirty cloys A registry of titers in sine pre, filed for. Mr. St r om art moved to postpone We present aml nil pending orders and take up the bill to regulate the sale and monolithoo of mineral lands hut eirem , lnently withdrew his motion. Mr amendment, an modified, wan e • lectial by the following vote, •reos—Sitetra. Anthony, Cragin, Edmunds, Feeeendert, Itmter, Harris, kirk vtodl, Poland, Pomeroy, , barman, Trumbull Wade, tt Wei , and W ti flan,.—lS Suwa—ltrovrn, ItoekaleN, Conner, INtvIN, II It . , liond rick, Howard, orkran, N orton, N yr, IZetnowy, Sprehgno,SLo•- ~t, bll.lllllor. t mal WIINon tun) 1 ea... —IN. m Ille) triortiii to emend t hut ell meting rti.til eggs Ain!! Imre the right to vote• Vonillog the the roeete atl ohnte.l. Ot:SE. The vottaitlesntl , m of the las bill Vr.,A rt .1. •/eti. Lt. Unrrtllsaid the ,o,iteral ).‘trp,sx of the otuntilLeo of Watt and Sloan. bad tree. to 1 , •1.11/1 the void of LIM Butts, ttls nil titacsillowt I •It•Llseti anti aetod On he the limns, Thoth.% Intportatit a...10w:a a In regar , l to L`ol.- 1.,. The 1t0,,.,, by a very Insist , Kati dt,gtee .110 Ilal the tat aL e••ntrt t.t•r polottl, anti t• t, ttettat, had rt-datsad ttto Homes.. fo• 111,1, ort•ft.rll.l to hate Lila Las the anti. at all t.rente. It should he nothsna tilt.,, tn re, ..entn• Ile that d st••-niti malletinj or, on the ite,olt. td the - hut that Ito, eaint,t/. 1., dr ••f ltd. reduction. Lit Ilb• tat from ein ••, vtut. It woultl crake a Rota Ledle in the naftuca of the tsovernlttent. Mr. Itayutottri Inqutreti stmt latttalt: ilLe .t:taLaltle a ttttt nnt of Lilt , diLl2lllllll.ll to resent.. • titt. ills on eott..n nree it retlu, ttl 4tlta ent. Sir ldorriSi gate the estimate al I twenty .. Len nsillhLna Ilr. Hay further, .11111 tile I ntlttlitlon sunlit he with the tat at threw per • ell. Mr. Morrill tedlntated it al etgla teen mll ti Ile wont On Ur lepefltele about LIM teetelte - CO c ',tools/cent, noel deelareel hl. optolt.ll I hat a of twenty ovate tail pouted wive Itlth. • ~ ugh lie regard tel the amendment allow. h.e go. 1,111IINLItle". In 5.1111 the tax to the, nrtre ot gait, cothe.e. ants once a natal by law, he I , ought a refnaal eortcal In It wtstdel he a. •,..etelcw of tellreledlip sleet tyranny whieth the 11.. . • rsushi not ILL, to lee reatintnethto for Hr li w rtswol.l ntpreateeed concurrence trlth II thalrouto of (heti mum Ott. of Way. and SI at MI the 4111leeet,111 of tax ten anion. 11' ben sultioct as Unelet •Itecussion better.. In Ilonse, Itad .tall that at twenty-eve r, rata it tamed {merlon rentem 51101,1 Iteerel England in prefereore to cotton of lobo. The gentleman front 111 r hionper ) hail llealetrreet tee that •tate u, el. Ile how gore as bet ant homy f i t It toter: of Parliament from I..lttleeeit. a 'mar .11. , ..chenter cotton leptnnet, sod the I • l.ronfeb. of Aprll 7th, .11r. 11.9,er, of tieseentehl.olta, thought the tourecta of information rather sawn...lon, aa In, great collect, aplnner Migh t he Inter...steel ill the gnaw lll cif 0014 , 1111 Irella. and would, I, that eserM . , prefer In have American rotten is sett nye ••ehte, a pound Get mote. Sir lerts•ond exprnweeel hle tootle: that Eng- In.ol would gladly ',someone threw mutton. of he. of atuerleato taupe Si prier not less t. t [went yea e cents litho nd. a Oranclt of rt taueld sir well etseetrllmite In the Ma , f crellee 11, hat...,, I twilight he itirtneroldi haul eft .ii•tx ot erlookcil tn,. tiling., lent 1.111.4. M., ono. to total and had lo•en othatoxed durinlf c and ounooptentit w in extra 11e ,1.1 It tile Ilret „relict oust oo and that the tux would have 1.. Iv. Iwo - no 11,1• I 1 111. 11.411)/1, 1/f this eiountry ruler tho tax wt.' n lii a .lrnw hoc k 011 PM.) tar Lured girwel • cit • pn teal, the , giewle would he sold cheaper met Illitu at hater The points of manse io. 'are would ronlo writ Iroto the fotwign hut the it 111114.10.• oxioultier Ile wan Informed that, at the present oantt Latmla, COl ton eoulil not hie produced at too than fifteen or intsttwitt ceuts .1 pound. sod alas of eye etude. los that would I.e mitml {” u , , per cent. Mr. otevetio fetid Chat anyton. • 130 11041 limbo,' the history of eOll., climate, gall WO. ilisettona, :soot know last America could pro d.., cotton at lean lint. half Lb., ...kW./ of Its production than In other 1.1.11 Gt II the cowl of prolog:log In thinvomits - ) sit re thirty rents a potted, It would leo all bought. A tas of five ciente a pound would no. thorefore slop the sale of a pound or 11, neither would st tax of tea male, if (-4.34.(1,11.21 hail Icon who. enough 10 adopt the l'onetitue Lionel Atnotioltnente Ile hail proposed to Irv) an °sport duty Of ten oetito a potted on odloo. insult! have producer a revenue of frost, two to three ualillons Of dollars, still Chit. the totuntry would have got tattoo little pnctin Jury rout penwat Ina frturi those who bud mooed the mighty debt of the nation, but few that was not doe, ttmrpross should levy lbw tax of 000 coat,. Mr. Mantel toircitatod the Ins of five cents nn (701.1011 es our of the meat, of deriving it rev . lel pay Lbc 1101/b. Or the tiovernuitott. thw cotton finer of the country could largely increase, It would hp nettoosary for the boverattifeet to extol/it Ito ahl In ropelring the levees azi the Mississippi, in reliev ing the planters of than tiouthern litotes from their proportion of the taxes for a,tilite at loud, end 111 sustaining alid mpporllikg the people otoptered In nor'- cultures - I pursuits lie lociloved that then the quantity et owttrin pnslueml would NI 410111,1.1 trebled, soil that It would he Rohl (or half Its price lie hollevutl It not Id Ito raised for 0!.., tient. a pound when tlaft former Olson he- Callllo the trwrier or planter of One or tiro Or five [term, lioretofole cotton had been itrto allayed In only five states. fee hollovml IL (staid he grown Inure or lens profithhlo In twenty Statue. The 110010,11 1•108011 by the previous que„,ti„.. The House then proceeded to vote. The yes. 111111 nays were cellist on the latter motion and resulted :ppsun, 01; nays, 4.1, Si) that ills motiono to reconsider wen laid on the table. The next amendment. Wits 1.0 Insert a provl 81011 01/11310r1Z1101 1 111 I.(.00111100311111 s hO/11/ price for gas Is fixed by law to mid In the tax. The yeas end nays wore cancel for and refused, and the vote was Laken by letter, resulting in 10 U 1) no the 60101111 111011 L was concurred In. rim ',out amendment increasing the tax 011 ready made clothing frotn coo to II Ve per cont. wun nonconcurreil in, oleo the amendment on 1.10.111/1110 snidest making the exemption apply to those w hose annual [llOO cots 110 not exceed wt,orxi. The next amendment Imposing tax of five per emit. per pound on Mustily wool. Miumfacturml (rein woven cloth, was noncom