PIA. R. NI.IERTZ, Banker A 1..; Broker, 118 Wood SL, near corner of Fifth. All clesertption. , of .;overnment Bonds bought and sold on ltheral terms. London and Contalent:al Exchange sold :al New York rates. . - Gout. Sliver and Conpons bougLt at alglieSt rates. and Gold Drafts Issued on New York. FINANCE AND TRADE Ttresner, June al, 15.1. Gold advanced to 15.5),‘ to-day, an advance of over three per cent as compered with yester day. The New York stock quotations toslay, as ree.Mved by Mr. I'. It. Mertz, were as fol lows : IS:3l`s, 110‘4; feces, Ittk4)lo3t4; le-nrs, 96 to istti;7-,705, la, u - Cleveland & Pittsburgh It, 164!..,; Pittsburgh &Fort Wayne, nati, Erie, 0:14; Chicago & Northwestern, 29%; United Staten oil, 11-X; Crtmory gold, 12 The high gold premium keeps lip a lively demand for 640 en, especially the new totals, wh,leti have a little longer tie , , to run, end re- Main steadier In price since the European markets do not etTent them. Seven Thirties ant somewhat- neglected, and are likely to suf fer a decline a the face of July settlements, money hem In better demand In the East, and in niece tingly hard to borrow, even On the best sett:mitten here. Mortgages On the best property are otered at Uddo per cent,aant do not tied ready purceasen.. There are Many men of means who are in the habit of Investing In thin way—holding back for some thing to turn ap when they can make a heavy percentage on their capital within n very short perical. • • The gold market was nattier inner to-da • the advice, from Europe still being :inset Ista,- tory, and the fact that the passage 01 the I r lir bill will probably be delayed nolll tiller Us 41,h of Jtdy, In al. makinga Alight I atom RallrOado6l.llre with , nrt (013 •illeChll ex citement, excepting brie, in which a big ad- Clint, Is predict) by the .krown log ones," the •'siitirt"iii Wrest it vpro-entod in New leek, Unit sininnsti and tug ad yams: Is almost hi. crituidr. Cleveland A Pittsburgh in also pre partsl for a sudden advance. Mining stocks, appear to 00 100 k log up all over the country. Gregory Gold stock Is above the Views of buyers, While I sited States Oft stock is again being taken boll of by al/04 . 01 . Ni ulhluo, Olin will manage it for a "rise. 011 stock, generally, are look trig up again, and as SOOll as the export demand corm ' 111011(.1 briskly, we may look for nil to spin . ..- Mate in valor sufficiently to enable .one. of the small cOmpanles to reallti sufficient to deelaro dividends. Sale of stock. on Tue•tday even o , g, June at Commercial Sales Booms, No. inn 9Mlttilleld street, by A. Moll wain°, A net Bank of Pittsburgh Allegheny- National BMW Second National flank —The recent excitement In tae gold market has given rise to much discussion, and has hail the "'feet to bring ont Shine facts end ores that Ore CLlClllelell Io Set Some people right on most Important questions. Promi nent among the figures that have been r amify presented Is nistatement lee the Jouroul of Commerce which shows that for a series of years' the "balance, of trade" between the Crated Staten nail Great. Britain has been in favor of the tormer• ' and that from the year MI to 1864 the exporui from the rutted states exceeded the imports In the aggregate soul or .C1itii,g.12,7..0 sterling. The:statement is con. fined to our trade with Uncut Britain, 5.1311 MPG include France. Germany, or an) other country with which we truth,. /t worthy of remark, also, that the statmuent ends with the year Idd, and that our imports since the 0109 e of the war have been largely do excess of years previous. But the statement impfartant us showin that, after all said and tione, it is not our ex g cessive impOrts alone that are dragging the noses of our people down to the grindstone. If the tonally was wailful in so that there could be no importa tion of foreign goods, nor exports of gold, the present volume of currency would be enough to crush the vitality of any people .n timennil no matter what Congress may do reference to the tariff, It is 111 be found that unless .nnis thing Is do .e to reduce the circulating mol ten, of the country, we shall become event ually SO puffed up that we must Intends burets Phlbs News. —The Detroit Traftow, of Saturday thus re- Nardi the finale of an till Company tin Thursday ven mg a meet: nur of t lie stockholders o f the "Rosedale retroreum one: Mining Company" s,, nett] In tints eityot her, most of the stock iS °Wed, for tile purpose hearing a final statemen il t of the affairs of ti nt Company. Operations ,were eommenoed in Aprll, 1103, and continued for about one your. The total amount Invested was i1.11,15te the f auctlOn arm, located in Lorain Oh aids. Ohm, PLOW to this month for 13,025, and the engine and machinery for 31,S 1 ii. After all the debts of the Company are paid, there will remain abost 41,arti to be divided among the stock. Malibu, A warm discussion took place among the stockholders and directors lu reference to the management of the Company's alfaars by their Superintendent. There is some pro bability of legal proceedings soon being com menced, touching his conduct in this otthg I nous offal r. —By the failure of the Petroleum hook, Titusville, the Venango Bank, at Franklin and of Culver, Penn .t Co., the people of th e oil regions, it to said, have loot nearly six m I lion, of dollars hr ',entity for the eirculte Lion often two hanks named, there 110.9 been deposited with the Auditor General of the State something like ii Willi, and a half of United state.. securities. The., securities, it Is now alleged, ten, improperly mint to I n!- rel . , Penn A Co" at Now York, who were not Ofilleers of the hank, named. In this 001111 e, titan we learn that C. V. Culver. L. R. Culver, and John IL Penn, eompriolue the item of Cul ver, peon Co., hove liven arrested at Frank lin by the Chief of Police from ilarrisburg, upon a charge of enithexxlement and frond. The warr int Watt at the Instance of 111.• Petro/num it allk of Tit.lo o lllle. —lt is wild that one stogie operator In New York was Ore milbon, long In geld nerd:l.w.! 2rhen In the forties; and it wan his 04 that woo 110:01,1 011 1.110 marketrofits m onday wilie a r/ brut It down. Ills mustp have , !men t !Cast huff n Million on his sales, and if, as to probable. he eOl.l short. and now continues oa I that line he may clear a few hundred. thou,- and more, On the other hand, an Operator who bud Peen purchasing all tile way up from 110, could ant Mee Clod It wl.lO. till, 10 really, at. inn, but continued -.going long" until he failed badly , which Is said to have been the only ho lure that occurred during the recent 'I excitement New York Money and %lock Market. Nr.w lons, rune %.—TIm told market to. ' - wards the close fell off to 155-)i. The market i _ Selo York Cattalo Market. for Exchange is nom m m atly firer, but the, sew long, June S—The correct in lees for Is very little doing; Ilan kers' lollsecus are tar' t: a week at all the markets arc an Pillows: at IlliNdillklj.....r. Government t rities fir quo mer I liter Csrrts —First quality, ; co 1, ayu, this afternoon on the Five-Tweray bonds. qrs.:di; fun to good, sH,st/Q17,50; common, e lfin. The following were the closing prices . Coro I ~'.. to o Inferr, SIN/A& pona of ld, 101 ! e ; Five-Tan:dry Coupons of I cow It Cer.ves— Extra, per heml .L .,as ; lin, ItheA;(6lo23l, ; Ten-Yorty Coupons, 91;.!,,; i 1,, at Nusally, 575Nse; ordinary N.544,..i, corri dor., Seven-Thirties, u silit4BC , 34. mon, Plena; inferior. Pag,4s. The /Stock market was quiet and' steady at O rat. CO Lrea—Fltat ri unlit) , per head, i/lii the second regular pawl lust Boards. Erie t he e ; ch ordmm-y, eto,6ooll„tri; common, ale,infrle. the feature of the day. and at one time the ' .1a; inferior, faille cash stock was worth .;',lii cent. The present sneer sac ].Anna—EXtra, pie bead, *nolo, attd it Cloned se Bull movement t doen not melee much progrens ' , rime quality. 4 6 , 50 07; °nth:lir)", Wettll.l.l. wlr. , , auternoe. (045,54; Inferior. $4.21,:10. Petroleum and !dining aloe)" auto quiet I Swirsa—lhatry, corn fed, per pound, 10C,4 mot steady, Lk.nton, 1.75: Consolidated Grey. 1 11' c; light un.l me/flute, lo(plotic Ni,ea; Gunnell Gold, a 7; Smith mud Partition, Thom was no material change In the market 975; New York Gold, 40 ; Corydon, lac Shade ter Beef Cutt4e thla week, though the +mu. Rivera, ii. were at lower prima, except fur prime steers, LATtay—at the four reelock cull to•day. a Well If anyttittig were a little armor, aolneof etoelre 001,1 as follow:, At the four o'clouk 11., bent realizing CHAD, hut the lower crush. cob the follow lag were the PrIIIeIVILLI sales, were numerous, and sold pretty low. The Quick 211.1. 4. C. 18 '4 ii‘rip"...,Pro- :moo, of prices was ae usual though the bulk (erred, 4114; Sew York Central, as; E rie null- .., th,, matt e no m at 1115,50617;10. Nearly all road, teHr„," . Mlehigan Southern and Northern ....resold at noon , with no prospect of any Indiana Henreid, 7ft• Cleveland and Pitts- heals left orer fitirgn Railroad, ttP4;Cit ' iertgo end Hoch island, i ceale slatedl change, though there were 9N‘, Chicago anti:. orth western, 391 i; Claimer 1 lea...talcs at the otnaide in quotations. nun Nerthiesterriprefetreil, 2104; Pittsburg l, nu m• owl nno hardly so firm in the local Fort Wayne and Chicago, Irtl.; Gold cloned at trl arket. .., • 'rho totl receipts of all 'Stocks at all tbe Trio Cbmmereteer Money artlele says: Arran, ~.,rde tot a l his we qt, w o A 1 011 yar In Wall street continuo eery null, and with- /I -even, 1,958; Cowa,-1.62; V e tn%l ' C 1 1. " ' Ilil al d el ' out any attendant. depression In price. Gold asp! Lambs, C,9. Ines Ulna' ~,' ''''Eoo.yett'C.lo', still absorbs the niseculative Interest. The cos% 11; to I Gov., rg, 't,l,"otrd'—., i,,j Calves, low conditio n of the apecle dem:WM in banks %I:4 Abrienla yarth , —.uow a , m, vow Calves has added the Bull aide of the Gold room to ; sheep and Lambs,l,7,e r.thainberlainla yard. After the Mat of July about 0,000,000 will he —move*, ti7i C0w133; Veal craven, aki, Sheet, paid out of the Treasury upon Coupons which, ;;;o1 Lam bn,7,714i. F lenChers direct; 'eve", keep the absence 01 a demand for export, well ~leq: Veal C1i190.,- 10; Sheep and Lenlub... 4,0 keep the market easier for a lea weeks. , root of 57th street; Swine, 11,410. Total hi s ,. Foreign Exchange in quiet, but en the . .,sit; Cows, 70; Veal Calve., i,nta; Uncap eta whole firm. The leading drawers are Lasalle, 14,410. Total last week; Boor. 5 0 asking 109 for sixty clays on Sterling, cows, PO; Veal Claims, 1,5n5; is' Ine, I £ l ,l49;sCe, o i but there It. a aniall floating supply and lambs, 10/1, of prime bills orerlng at y4C%per cent. below - that rate. COrtimerend bills are comparative ly unsaleable. Good documentarysterling has been liol4l this morning at 106%. I.t. la dilIC malt tooidi the beat earnest at over 106%, Tho Stock Market conUmms very dull. Erie chews to flrnmese, apparently from pur chases to cover short contracts at the Boards. The price opened at 1404, and closed at C,014. Chicago and Northwestern has taken another aught, upward turn. The preferred Ste" advanced - gi. The common cloned at GOVOrnifippla are quiet. Quotations unchang ed; The money market is sluggish. There in a great abundance of Mlle funds, and the de ' mend from' brokersand Merchants le very alight on oath long loan the rate Is generally 4 per cent , with exceptions at Ayer cent. Bhp counts are quiet. Thu beet rumen pass read- Ily_at AGO,per ennt. The .fissi's money article says f 0 I d le active and strong: borrowing rats in I i In favor of ..,the lender, 'll3O money marke t is easy pfd Wit. few landere can get more than or 6 per cent. for call loans, on good thetthities. Com mercial paper Is rather more. froety o ff ered, and the rates are SQC per cent, The block Market In dull, Governments arc inactive, but quotations are well stintainedilteithitered, 11 are wanted at 125; Coupon,. of '65, at ICI:. , and 10-40', at stilie6o%; 7-30's are gnu at ho 441101)1. State stocks• are [thin. New York Bounty Man te atqlgred for at 3014 and 6'S of '73 at, :10; 'Railroad shares ar o no ot, top. Erie, which to actlVe, and has dam to eO3. . After Cho board It cloned at lanA l fi, w n t Ifily, o Cleveland & Pittsburgh at e 5; Nrth .western at Z„tit Northwestern preferred at Ze.1,4 , 4; Fort Wayne at US._ Gumbo Lumber. The Ottawa correspondent tir the Toronto Globe says the lumber trade of Ottawa b active thht year. Already neatly one thousand flaw logs LW e cOlian down the river. It la calcula ted that 100,000,000 feet will Ire turned out or oitawa auring the enflfiOn, it great por. tiOn of which de-lamed for the United /dates nu/skein. The ahrvgaticht of the liontproelty Treaty does *Otani= to afflict thin broach of Ganadlen trade. ~1 1: rik. lea:riders aar, thiatign Wlaeonsin there nev er wears prospeetiOra better wheat crop than At presens. AL looltanow as though tLe wheat -Crop would be an that was desired, the fret Mate of the gronaffiretiphirtho chinch bog away.-3111wouixs Wisofnaa. . . , The jtarvistint iiieilf4iter:_*.licat tins • co t tinakunetriii.kkluthernAtil4ol4,ad , oll.labouri, good In most Jo- Catikisrp.oi .~ ;Y . _ , „.L ~.~ !jam,-~ .'.`:i'.✓~'~:Y.+.n rtrrisstruipu MARKETS . 51 Pverserlicon 1 4A261-r/, t Trennee,!June 1106. ( The produce markets continue 'lnlet and rather dull, and with a demand restricted al most entirely to supplying the immediate wants of the local trade, We have but compar atively (ow round Int operations to report. GRAlN—There is tem inquiry for tilimd, rut as there Is but little to offer, prier's are Nell sustained; we contirme to quote No. 1 sprint at t 2.3.5, and No. Ydo ut unit a , fttle dull but unchanged; sale of ..h",O bush Ch ,stgo oats from store at 57. Penna. and Ohio Ire quo t e d at 66®:.X1 elevator. Sale of lone Mush fair Spring barley ate eta, and 4000 bush No. 1 Chicago Jtye on private term.,under cood to lee above one dollar. Corn IN o Wet mil in (fop! supply. Pltt./ 1, 11510?is--.13acon is firm, with a fall pd.- sing demand for Shoulders and M1%14.1.1,1 agars Curial limns; sales of the Steiner at h, o 16', and the palter at 2.."1. There I. not In 001 lnqUiry Sides. Lard 15 11011 ou leg to the low price of Butter; It is still held Llrlatly for deaUled, and 23 for pi lute kettle. Mess Pork 15 LI On 13.1.111Unelln.ng,I. =MCC FLOUR—The demand for Floor in only mod but prices are well tinutatnetl, e(,. 1.1/1110 to quote at rinysi to $11,2.5 for fair to good Spring Wheat Fatally; 411,50f4)12 for halt spring and half Winter, gM,Skila for all Win ' ter, and s.l4@fio (or fancy brands. It), Flour! is quote, l at 116,:5. POTATOES—Thum is a continued fair do ' manil for prime Peach Wows, Itm.l we have a 4.10 of I ear haad In lots, reported at CA to 0,45 per hush. New POtatims are selling it ;ier barrel. Elit,S—Contintio a little dull, but no., .1., 'Mailing the arrivals are again price remains unchanged at 25. MILL FEED—The (lomand is lin hi •, g though Orion remain unchanged; .4,111 1, 1 low grade Middling at $1,41/, and I do ed 61,50. shorts are selling on truck at V. DRIED FlWlT—lbuteltes Are in lair demand mt IF to 23 for, quarters anti halves. Alll/101/ ate elltett at from 1:i to It; elf. lilt Wilk/Cr—is In goal supply and 'lull, 'nit seed .rases helng Wiest over. We DOM laele at .241,25 per bush. 111 TT I. IL—There is noise little inquiry tor and we can report Occasional sales at at to xt . Prime Orkin nutter is ceiling at 226 st cents. 1.1 TTPIDID RGII PETIEIO LE UM MARK ET 0 /RICE OT THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ThErnAr. Jens. ;St, 1. 4 / 1 / CRUDE—There was rather more activity lit he Crude market to-nay than yonterda.V. oak owing mainly to the tact Ilan hol lers a ere mine anxious to realise, and not hat there was airy Nero/oust disposition man feat lel on the part of buyers to tate 1101 d. Year bulk told 1.1 1 ,,, while to day 13 was he highest figure reported, and 'Guard. eve_ .dint barreled nil could probably have been 11t 411 , '="),I• Sales o(rLtl hula in bulk, 13; ::'s,, bole returned, ut 13;500 do .10, at It; rid ind two lots. of at:o.mb, at IS. We ear: char report a salt. oh Ille hide "emitiPs Ferry 11 at 12, though It to generally hold nt Ith.FlN Els—There It a continued nor o . iskmngt or o bo ndd forth a r b On e ewkO ne ra Saleol hits for imrussllate On the ears here, :it It, 101,43 delivertal during the 4rst halt of .1 aly, option, at 34; au3 2.5 i) bills, light straw to wit !Pi, dellvered in Philadelphia, at 21, Th g. first sales, reported at XI and 34 rents, ot ' he cars here, are considenal a little above the itterketoss 3.S for present and Mips:to., for ten sonth, snegrnto Iko the best offers that can 1.1 ol.talned for those deliveries In Flilledel ph tu For August, quotations may Ito fairly given u .2; September, 43; October 44; tend November 11. In Free Oil there in nothing doing of ant eon Sequence, as the demand Is restricted en truly to supplying the immediate wants he local trade. ARM AL.S--The arrivals or otl cOnti Ile fait for the season, though riot very large. Some the arrivals below noted reached here yes. erslay : W. l'. Logan. 711,1 Gallagher.. ...... 324 1 I ...IL Edgerton ' nresver Burke .t to. Ei . Mullet:ter 72 t I , ller d Bro Total ME ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARKET 01Iirrel eV Tint PIT - retie sloe (Sailer's, t Tuaimsr. June at, lobe. CATTLE—The supply of cattle Ithlit week sus rather larger than last week, being etie nutted in round numbers at eight hundred iea,l, all of which changed hanus at about :iirmers quotations. The market opetosi ,itrited, but Soon broke down and closed very envy, not withstanding there was un entit is:led demand for shipment, anil all of the gist cattle offered were taken for that par •. Butchers bought very sparingly—Just nough to supply their immediate Recta, and the oppressively hot weather restricts the ',inland for fresh meat, it took lint compare ivelY few cattle to supply this class of buy rs. Hial It not been for toe fact that t brie o re on or three parties haying for ship sent• the market would total ; ive been tench worse than It was, and then ..oul,l doubtless bare been a large number or . le left over tinsolu. There is some Inuit,' ;ono stock cattle, lint farmers In not mean osed to pay the prices now asked, toot they •t• tin that bolding off, they will be able to boy it much lower rates. As will be seen ny iounce to the sales annexed, prime to extra eaftle sold at from a to e t 3,y,ami medium grades .t; to7is. siIE.EP .0 ND I.A➢llta—Tbe supply - of sheep on sale is reported somewhat larger than last seek, and an there wan no improvetnent In he demand, the mat ket ruled a little dull, hough prices. as cum areal with last week, live undergone but little change. Quols ...nig may be fairly given, In a tailre say, at 7 Imo Sti, gross, for common to prime fat mul l. sheep. Laadrioalso in wood simp/y tot dull; salea worm made at $1,50 to 4[4be bee lead, according to quality. Includol in the ',i.e. o r sheep were the following, Enseriek Lo. sold hi heal,overly:Mg lid IN. !oer head , and Neely to Mackstock 37 head, ii.eragingloMs, at 5 , i; 1111,iltA per posed. Itotts_olie demand for Ilomi at these yards Lontinites verb nicht, anal mill). the market is prices remain mieheinges/ at to Lor fate to good averages In a retail may . o-• • • F.ll3CriCk a CO. 10 Marks a 0,19 Itracl 01 cattle. averaging tat). nt c Martin to et head of extra rattle, av ri aging 11:1', at •o. Myers a Needy 10 tirey head 01 good tie, averaging 12 . 411, at tAk. Merrick a point G 19 hea, averaging I=t at 9. 4 to M re ar y kel k Co. d 21 head, averaging ,at 714 1 : Al. Funk tr. McAllister 19 litunl, U.Vel LNO, at 7,a`.. limas a Listante to Marki...4 • 0 iftul or goo.l rattle. avx,aging ItA/, at situ sun to Shainnerg t 51.... Marko 5r.1.1 two loi :rood stock cattlirtit 014 Snyder to i•riv: '1 head at—. Lafferty a t.o. bought to it'L. for ahlotnent at 001. Iluzlenoesi S fa,. run retulled hotel for Sargent ut to-',. Aturks 1t Truurtuan ICI head at 71....,W 1 y. it Dotal 7.4 head ut tintionivahl llt tan 77 head at 7 1 14. 1 Myers a Needy 7:. 1 ...sal at 7to sty. itoillebildo..t. Eckert al heat 1 Ilass tt Crouse :n lanai at 7 1 .4.(0 1 .... 1 LaLrerty al head at IMO.' Morgan f 9 :id at 1 :3:M5 . ..,. Faxon - ink it Cu. a. bead at New York Produeeslarbet. New Yuen, June otton veryiet, but inddera are asking 271i 29 c for Mid dling Up, I lauds. Flour la 5 cents lower for Inferior and 'ready and unchanged fur medium and A i r rades, ut u7,2,sen,Go for Extra Mato; lo ror Extra Round Hoop Oblo, and f1e,0501,75 :or Trade Brand*, closing quiet. Yr blsky dull 'cod nominal at igi,ts for Western. Wheat dull and common grades nominally lower; Prime New No. 2 Ifilwankee Club at tl,lO. an outside once. Rye, Western, 61,0501,10. Barley •ad 11.trley Malt dull. Corn more active and /(kle lower, at •8513.89 e (Or unscrand now Riled West. r, and thf,44l/14t, for .If - wad, 10; also B,noo bus. Prime shipping, In arrive, Um, and next week at Re. Oats dull and IC lower, at Statea for nnw Weatern. Cmtfec dull; Rio at. 18a, gold. Sugar More active 12e; Havana, 1 / 3 .4e. Mo lasses dull. Petralutto, dull at 2A447,M0 for Crude, anti 3934040 c for Refined, lu bond. Pork opened flrgior, bet closed heavy at 11.11,12146 for Now .Bta closing at (011,1174410 for Old, du, and 5% 5 ,10027 f i, r Primo• also 1,220 barrels new Mess, for Jay and August, sellers. and buyer.' option, at { 21 , 8 7@22,10. Beef more acUvorit about granola orbs's. Beef *Luna quiet at 4,181245,110. Cut illest. steady at 1.9 W 14143 for Shoulders, and 17619ti0 for llama, Bacon dull. Lard undaunted at 1934622 e. Butter heavy; ea* ut 20(p2efor Ohlo; atudca quiet ht 28G.t/o. New York Dry Goods Market. Mawong, June Vl—Jobbers' prices In the market, T we re quiet and sUratly„. with very low triumuntionS. ItrOwn Bbeetings—raddo Ex tra. VI Mutawamkcg, unchanged; Bangor, 22 ; it...cobras', 2IN: C81.0414%4 Nashua Extra, 23; Nsuuskoug, A', 21%. Prlnta—llamilton, rk; London Mournng, 1334; Lancaster, IS; Leven. li i Lt i t o r rimitc,PnChruircl raelne a t , lll.l.4lLe u dl ~..r, 20 1 .. : 1 4tl i gms an? fithirttga . "I tleAled-: ' 1.? .ouadide, St; Muntolle Company: 24; Mason ;llisiztl:kiked. Blue Cheeks—Co:Mr Grove. Mdmionla sirrirre3s4:4.Ml•Tze'ig,e):lea.rnrenrs'2::7 , etec h.. , , , .. , us; Illiwink -l kii 1' aa. Don .lo. ogto. 4.” . ' n "wea l ,1 0. 8i.,..., ~,, , .;,..-1 , 2. Arksrrltht, brown. 2E4 Standard Dom. 8111 4T, 1 1.'N "4., . oe hirt*-8. W. , L. No. 130, per doe., 2.1,00 ' p::',l'e ,-,L!Ion i AR • politan Colter coin puny's Apron ' pro I 10;0364 :n,OOl Myron, 3u,om ii bAkissimars . , u se,' ~ ' - WA), less M per cent; Enumeil4l. GarCulbf. 13/00, lens 10 per cant. Hoop 5kipr,,_1,,,,p7,r11,,' 1 Duplex Eiiiptic, par doz. :mob 27 i -.. A - 76, , ,1 MOCIIIMOD'II CrOWn PLUM!. Eharle,-c7n...'-i-,! A. 100; Myer's! 4L, wide istlms, cay A . r - m.,._" - ' gle. Ituilles,No. I, 4 0• - 31 o. 3, o4;he 0, tofu { y o. 9 14,20; Fierce Made Rattles, No. 1 ,.14,001 , 4 -- AM; M 0,3,660. 'The New 'York iniumet- No. 5, ONNAN.,?„' v.,,, ~..A.,.. “..all. , . Chicago Market. Gnu' Atm. June X.—Flour firm. Wheat .1011. at 0,7043 , 1,71 for No. I, and $1,04 for No. 2, to rn active, at 53;4455c for No. I, and 62.frkitlie for No. 2. Oats firm, at 32.d1=3, for No. I, and 3n@ :tie for No. 2. High wine,. In active demand, and nominal. Freights quiet- Rove lido -5.5.0 barrels flour; 27,000 bush. wheat; 311;100 Lundy corn, and ss,boo hush. 01110. :Shipman ts— •ymlo barrels or door; 35,10) hush. ... he. "' ' 29 .'" bush. torn; 29,0., bush. oat, No r o, Juni. .y.—Flour dull; sales. at 4 , 611 for No. spring, $1'2,11.41:1 for red winter and for double extra. Wheat quiet; No. 1 Milwaukee Clubs held at 12,:in; sales last night at .142,31!..... Corn Maxey quiet and nominally inieliangeifi No.llllol°l, held fig, neuter and quiet., and Other grains nominal. ST. I, .11/Se .2t. —Cotton firmer. Flour fue,ower .2: kupopfine, t.ctra, Wheat du ye; ll kml utt Corn kurlitiuged. Oatm Pork, Dixon and Lord unchanged. J une' ,— Flourdull. IV heal , ollet 1.41111 I' noulerulo demand 71e for NO. I oowt lye and 116:11inal ILL 4464.6 c for raga and 47...,0 We for Milwaukee. Rye held 111,1,11 CA. WhiSky nominal. • Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI, June M.—Floor and gnrln rind dull. Whisky unchanged. Provisions In num.' arid firmer; sales of ,7u r ors) Ms of 1101 k Ni.qati at iht/I7e for Shoulders Mad ,1111 t, Milwaukee Market. .lone ;M.—Flour dell. Wheat dull; at $2 for No I. Omit declined l t e. Corn quint. • i • MTP111.1011, FORT Warxtt & CHteActo It It. Juno ear 'mutter, langluum 5 hills Nam, 2 ligs haeun, 11 Bea Jr; 10 Nils lirtatto p care, II tme., white lewl, Sell/lm:la ter A Son; 1 earbeat, .1 N I.lggett A en; I cat corn ' II Walbtee; .Itiltiatii rit ,t l; I MI mllllved, Itltellart, 1 ear bulk meal, Lippincott, 3 Mils pearls, McKee A mi, atrial, itrynii A l,aughei , I 1 , 1 , i eggs, k risk, 11m & co; 2 Ithilr. tolmoM, W I Rini , . cart; I 1,111 moat, 1 his butter to eggs, 11 Lenz; I ear lumber, .1 11a: t: 303 1,1,1, floor. Dan Wallace, I bbl egg., Kirkpatrick A Ilerciai, 111 , la hour, t.ey, Burke A el, 50 1•111. , lllgll a Lambert A Nlitplim.t. ear. meat, F' et, I ear oat. Ido uulllee.l. I. Jenkins M II it- ,t Wmal, us , 01,1, Mi, Knox A heal. 1,. 4001., IrriiS pa .cl', McCullough. maltli A ca, B A Fah nestrak & em I earmt a. N Court ney Ccucutntsn R 1 . 11,F111,1. RAIL KO 4.orn, 11l Hatie tt Atuer; SI te. hug., J H Varkeet tlo tlet. It: II Myers a Il.i Itt tut.. mace, Ite, mot a tiro. I tore Inn/. T0.. , e+.1; 12 It Xs chni3O, Sturgeon Itto, pkg, Ittlu ortll co; lone, Witt Itoool.ltti, Itltt. potatoes, .1 flt o. I cur Inc at, Nl:pick .t tut: at I.ltlc t.tvit Iron, antlt•rnotn. 410 k O C. :I ear* Iron, Park, ett Bret tt. co t.I. to•tuo,segloncer %Orkalllp. 20 .lo tiO , , 1%1,1, pat rick a Herron, I 1.111 eggs, I Its. uottp H .II ot tllet 1 Cur out., Illclialie Kaujert 5 W con. l'ertNurnou. sin K June Uhl, egg. I kg Innlel, K IV Kautln. ..sko.e.r.rupe. A linoveler; 5 pkg.. Chair*, nail !ey en. 2 .1.1 %plum, 2 wheat. K. BUTIO A A 111,, I CM", Oat N. • it cal, tt.llllol a CO. eur. Whew. Illtehenek, Met 'rune) . a p lkil .kll/1.11 . 1.14 . N 10. 14. .t 'soho, An..p., A CO; at) 1,61 S flour, .1 thint tier. .ILLklln[Tr TAT r, Jung , lir.: I l lar t..t 02..0 Kr: A rn. 1,1 kgs burlu .1. Moot% t 1, , .Imm, I.o.lcart, nas A Toying, II plow, Aria.l.l. MESE . . ..... J.. I.llaglier .U. 257 lluJc r RoKenhaeb.... 134 J .... 3u LINt AM CI.: A—II A Lein In '61 , 14 .111.,143. tll.l , 01.1, Rehae; J 31ehee, I hbl .3gar, J lien r,3lo new Oil hhie, Ilnline,Ron den, bale+ e' tem: .1 13 Druve, Si en,1,1 ies tolAsecu, 11 11 t l , lye •andetee, W ,t It Rinehart, I hie 1 totwen: T 11 he, in A en, 5 110111 v ine;3l,l. lapt J Itht.lve, I . •1.1 gluAx rr Are, , ho•4 e n A Masan, 31 pkge shmirlet; McKee R lira, Z.• ha., 101111. h,, Clarkk d en, iw; Ldla h OW+ IA Ole inaelt Wen - , 70: hblw tlnur, 7,1 ALI. 1111141. I bbi egge, 1 tuL, butter. The river rose a I. vr luchrr itoolar evening unh It fell ugaln entire ita3 Anal 44 - 114, Nlll fßlllikg 441.0 ly 1/1.141 erect! . 1, 'cunt three and a halt tee::,' cluoinel the work. . t vet) 14et/V 3 Ire. het le ell: r 4'41 n iteaver (titer.n sunhats...am not it litonlay. the .nler. It I. .al.l.rem:long the filehmt point Sun.. No 3 ear. T., rt. ni• ninon.] twonly in Slaloming I rn•rk. J 444.1 444, far o, the damage repot/Wig t beret/out 34 4141 141 • i•ry 444,14 411 4, Ile, ha, 14414 444.44. .high, r... 4.4 .3. al departure +lnce toil !ant • re3n.rt I h.- '. •3 vile And 1 lile(tanmel hepus te.l ior tiroon.vtle, •11.1 &1..• It ,- eal ,hest 1 , ftt3.l t . nriteml.tirg. 'I he Formt e It, !lyre from I.le ha, namml filial the. morning, . Ir also the !.lector nail t3allatlei. /rout nor tile. The Lotto. On l'apt slhniden, ar 1191..•., lively leave ate Menton!. and Now • olean. snit pormenger. and *Mop... .tionio heal tills fuel In intim The nen &taunter LL 41•tv,1, 4 4,44„ .444,14, I. 11l 1441 , 511 1 el) 1,4, r0r1a..,,, atel ne ' Pant early thin forrnluni..•..l -mepee • .ion3l ilow Chia their MI. of tale. jx•-ei , lv. The Bray 111 I ' .n•e n growl t• It; .he lia..ny.ott ail Ilie fi .'gilt .he ran take in, trial and harsh.,., h. "!Titan.triattrer -44 move,. of oil•irtirt tem ior the FM I.llh hod itre'atote 1, le trot., it r ..5.•.3 On rea.ll to take lire !Om, In the , etimht tail motitb. This new ark.•t rue have •ti r , eglete, o te ben tit Litatene Int aml • ;In, at rokr, • foto 1..11.h, :•••• her 1,. /44 ;Lae.. 4, as 41 :II t.rl 1330 g. ..tt. anger ,41.4 ‘i 44.444) a 1 . 14 4 4 1Li0ta11.1 ~,n ines !Ice 11.11 wit; in• a l , k7 feet em deck :3t feel Imam, unit e , ve lea ' Intel. Mro will tre. .n Orate .tylo, atail amt ho ihr) !mitt freight nail prusentgerni tn. •tople arel vortiplete In es ery 3.33eet The trine and Now state. 4.4 e lirml call ing tri 411 I enthra for I . ll.llirrals, r.rid C the. Cotton ail lin {orrice. are eurotilo tams sl. isatt, 11 1.13, purl. The ihnelunntl I onstroono, ilMota) I Argt3nnoi nrres•eh (ono al 1.4,443 444 ItL4 a fall trip. ^he4••ll I 44s 1,444 I tin.. I ,,, htiislmrgii on tin/ Nora. • The 114 414 a Nt3. on ri, I.owls, ann. tOe ..411:, departs', eni. lily of the .011:.1 Ito. pia. ket. liar got,. air Lot• intlow tog litnannin_—The tosporiorn •rp rho virearn• ae irk.nra. molipm the ntenentmat. U. linthogo ...terution. tank... they are, in their imlg- I ten; 1, poise; ty 1314 tie vr at ora3 an.l or at , flirt 4.13444.4., a:l4.h on letting •10.4 tale Iv Plly:ri 04, •t,, (last ale lim a / a nt fel her.. Mten lohe Imesinonslileealhe Miramar all liar ...LS, 0 1, 1 Oln are. Inhareiri/,,, not 1A44, 131,44 a, 101 If If Ls se, sorttelenly ratio th in sForty-..Yvon Tom. have leren think tii tr Waters .1 nri ng a snarl I ltne tatek rapt. 14' IV the 10.11/3n,11 1:4- 114rtuR Loh 1.3•111.3 //reinrour that tire r non to 11.11 in g thititish Im• In' t ne-otd soh it u li. anirn he a MS V I gai4l44 4142,11144441. whirl, Will .us l•tome of eh) -its Tbt. .111 ke the tmelnal ttort , mlletr •Mortre Itint. II was Os mo pp• nth. ugo The St. /Ann,. Disi.nren .are e The 111.. line of ;millet. .entrinit lei MIN itin.l o a arum! - hart np, nearly 111 their Imne. beletg iltirnetre fc3r tor, nMO roux to 'Dent 133. W.. tin •ee heel it very LI opinion. the enterprise froeti We newt, mail there:erre nro 1041.1 all dlsno. 3neinicti at the revolt several miaow:. are am a,,rned far the nre. Inn irtllillr, rn ;pre. .are Iltlitf to know &Drifting forth,,/ than that they fulled for WOOL of moans. Tim t l lDMlraor Proben led n 1 341.1 front at one lime, lout Mal inartagoiyirmt noon retried it canter Tim Albert I'enree rind several Other cello. lit,, Ironml are about to he placed In the trarle. Tile Conlin leorloner of Irstornal Hoven its has tie:01,1031 that Inland emit houses... hills Of le. ding, alonil etlntain &Imply and only k 1 . 4.4411/1/l for the delivery of propert3, a re mei/Joel to a for hilly of t sit/cents each, but II an Inge:ter n/1y the ease, they nonfat,' an agreement, they urn untoject tr. it stamp duty of five cont. 01011 Duplicate., trlplarasten, etc. Ore to he stantinul the faalllo as the ortginul• INSURANCE INSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE e. COAL/TU.li OAK I.IEt, iNdart, tat I..USIPA• NT OY TON WILT Llielt INSIOIAOIf . if, to oksi.A a, , AMEIBIL A thatllol.V naoke• one pa, mt 0111.44 CE AN DIVIDEF'D on the elm, and reek ....w00..., payment Of premium. Its t 0011 t PITO I. o Ile tt /w -et/mulatto' of 1/2.0Z0.070. Necurcay arta...tad lo pub otoeks anti zontlatasfes of ILEAI Al k. Is no. In Its IBM year of Moine... tool hos £1 Id t.. It,. WIDOWSL oftrltaloo of It. member. the tom 0 MILLION /JOLLA IDE To tills dote not • On . toj . rirwrotittglfr k fj• hdral/Tr to".d4m.:lTlV:7t/,‘ oda litampato• The polleleo tido Cump.4l or. 8 2 1 (1 1 41, . 4 reas of non-poyment prelaturn titer too steno, 1581.4 pomatents required after ten Jean, Iml pedal. continuo gotod through life. oryoaksol. W A LAMY. I l'reeldent. t 7. /7. ca?.ll.l4Y)ir7tair.T.""6 CIH4;IIVe itTrt'alsrtudrt Pc"all'"'.6l43tl! as mt. lod b be h. atal. ...lad throngfalotn:Stoe. APPIT omM:ly r. g Beau. AR...b. • • ( !ITU& • Ems, utistinAmcie-coilitTA: NY OF PITTs1101“. al and Water streets, m_qsapo t.,, "'" Market Y. Prealtle I xeures a i l t alust lots and don:mm . ln the tuvhfallon of the Bou ern and SS °stern 'Moos I k and Baton.. me the havlakation .o "L. - blooms against lose and .latuom by il;e. Wm. B alv °U7 5 .'. 1 " : . 11% rte . r, Samuel Tea, J*4. Park Jr I Janie. M. ce4c.... w. (i. B. Y. • Jua J. Caldwell, Jr., Ma ltua !Medea, Jett o &Dille. rill, .rdai Preaton, tieerge I'V'. A. k"..ra. . _ Co,t OrFICZ. N. i. coax Jut WOOD AND rurnt.Ms. ohn Watt Wm. Phillis,ps • J John 1. Parka, James D. Venus, W.H. W. Y. tiAJZlWEii i , t tiltre Nisay tinid --- ! P Rl Vlt j ur, B o E nce oNtiadelphino No IS Third etrect, trade s/1 ticieriptiouvol Prt vitt.. lThiravee with unparalleled coerces. Particular attention pal./ to hperiustorrhoeo no I 1 ditcasos or the Dr/nary Organ., Hi. Lc,..t.,,,, t o , Ito came toting the. most mimeos/id ever employee. - ... , kratLyc , belt _v 91_4 epeo.y care tu the afflicted. ..uotem RIES 413 WWII carinuatulgugue Ea purlor to not :otter preparation for riluitoritur .obstructi one to ter twaitur tuoustrhal. amid. Nu. 1. line Doll. per bOttle.'No. 11,' which int Lanz.,eges etroosor. as I desired', Air, ppetthato Cauc lilvo 'Dollars per pia.lAeLj„ ca W-Pl Vitint i fdt r ah a ti r ,..fro.. i ll ' A r ilitt tree..,c,iew,rich. latch,adelex I= I= Buffalo Market. --- IMPORT% LY RAILIWAD IMPORTA HY RIVER RIVER NEWS. CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, Jr, a es. homes. la lee rem or POWWCR, for w. by all Wholesale Isruiritsls. Prepared by ....„/1.13.T111711111.111.01iC1Ui. 17latitnlet X. V. _ in CASES CHARTER OAR LEAJD Wisest received and fur oak. by UMOIIII tr. A. KELLY, pors4 Wholesale Drepest, Z 7 Wood stnyst. 417 KE GS FRENCH ZINC, in OH, )ust received and foe sale by UPS)II.WE A. 1(37. If, : 41,84,1 c 8 }7. 078 881.... 87 Woods. ac t. ri BRCS. SPTS. TURPENTINE Just recoProd Sad for solo 1y . 6 .01mE, A. Km., 7, nwls Wbolesalo Wes/slat. A Wood., est. 9.0 CASES CASTOR OIL, *criminal" Jusl. received aud for LE eels by CLSAGE A. KELLY. mO4 Wholesale Druggist, 87 Wood street. Ttt AU VAIVA STEAM . & A LEX. 11110 PlftW SONS, General Al i ntp. y E•llt •EW OILLEA NS 01.11ECT, 0 - ES LNG THE UNITED STATES MAIL. The vlrewlaastileamstdp• °IOW Ilan win mil as neliew.: - CUDA"-1,100 ton., Wm. Rollins, Oomnuind, on W ED.NESDAI, July U. • •LI HEHTV-1,250 ton., W. J. Maderd, Command- From HuiTi r a ) AI B 4II I II I P A , hit T eltiNT, 2A t 4 Locieek r. a., preeleelr, on We days announced. ,7.14.11. mt or plumnge, Oaring nAinrinamd 1411 it ICN ItrIt.VAIII(IICI.I3 & CO. Anents 10 N‘s wild,. N. If.—No 111116 of I.lUlloot hut ( ho,o or tha Comp*. .Y will he ..Innnal. Perna.. fbr the Anlehl mu. be glg.lT;Vir,',V„V,l.r.7;,.;:ftilfihn' .a.'"lv°4.l"or STEAM TO A.1141040B; 1,14 -8 FA% ; 1•1 AND UVENsToWI.4 (I week. The INMAN *INN. sallinn"LANDl twice 4 EVERY SAURDAY, MIRY WERTIESDAY • GAGEYLIWA If 111. MAILS TI e* mold re and from Ireland, EiIIIIIIII. Ban' land Germany and France. Ap the Company'. 0/see., . JOUR (4 DALE, Agent, wilt.. ISINtiIIAM, Jl6, • 14 li roadway.itLY. street. ASMS. Adams 14-Preal INXICC. i'llUi eet. 12211 C7=i= ; Carl. John P. 1113rIver, Ylabk y. 1:1114:1'' ttllllN_lir,b'l AB4 MEM STEAMBOATS. Yirrauosie.in,COWNlkw VILLE AND GENEVA U. S. MAIL faCalaKClP"'lrs Will run three doily side-wbeel steamers between Pittsburgh, Idonongahelafllty, Brownsville, Rice . • Landing, Greensboro. Geneva and the Dunker.' Regions. Thla line 4 composed of the following steamers CAPT. M. A. COK. TELEGRAM( FRANKLIN C CAPT. D. BUGGER. A Z W, CA RRAC GALLATIN CAPT. u A.S. CARLILE These paekets will leave litborgh daily at 8 a.. tn., soil 5 p• m, except Sunday, when the departure will be at s o'c lock, a. m. The through packet for the Oil Regions will leave Pittsburgh daily at 5 p. m.; Brownsville that' , at 8 a. m. sClllllNlNG—Lenree Brownsville for Pittaburgh daily at 7a. na, and p. m. • Leaves (tree:tabor° and l.enert at 12 o'clock: Rice's Landing at 2 p. In. The line Iv composed or first-class side-wheel •teatuers, built expressly for the trade. They are commanded by officer,. of long experience. who will pay part leular attention to the wants and mml fort of pv.ern~ttt. r Elie 110014 will leave promptly at the hour p.lvrttisel VILER, RECRIVE.It AT ALL IIitURS. For ft"'h'r"r"c't' irralz, , ll .1. Ts, Agent, At the Wharf-Boat, loot of Uraut It. Pittsonrgh. 1.. COLZIN .„uIo .O i ,Aget B ~.. 1111=1 pEOPLES,- kali LINE OF STEAMERS, (INCuItPORATED.) Pittsburgh, Moriongohola City. Brown. .na Ciopevek. This ,•ompany will rundally boat between the shove po a ints. comprised of thenew and Splendid .ide-wfteel steamers CII ittrrAt N. It. It. /11111.40$ ommander. and EI.EI - Et 111, Roust, EUILLI A will take CFI.. Elector Is now belttg completeed ond ll take her place m the line in a few daye.) The Chieftain will leave Elltsburgh for all indult, on 'CC ItSDA lIIIJILSDA Ye and SATURDAYS at S E. N. Ectnraing. Icarus tienera for Elftsbersh on AIONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and YILIDAIS. at 9 A. AL and Itrownaville nt 4 P. N. The Elector lea, es MON 1/ A,,W EDE ESDA Y and riti I 01 Returning lea. Deneva for Elusion/4th TL Est/AY. '1 IWILS . DAY and SAT URDA Y M. and Itrown.eille Rt Tbe Conlimny 'taw. erst-claes hart 11001 wt Mote , nitaltela I 117 and Ettr,burgh. Freight re tst at all boorn. No charge for commission on Eisele!, freight, Thin 111.. OW not run boats on thu 001 , 6011/. Yor f,r 11. r partlenlare rtoo Iru on barn,or to (1. "1.• NI \DRAM, Agont, the tY hart Boat. foot of 1.10111 street. pa1110:6nol 1.40 U MEM Pll IN AMEN'..lrt ..111 LEA NS—The st.len.ll.l steamer LOTUS No.:, I apt. J. sit:a/Pa.:. Will le•I 1. as shove on 'ell Is 'Al at le. N. !or tr. orb 1 or pa..age appi, . - • • 1...? 471 FLAI hn I t.1.J.1 , 4W1A,LP, AArots. 1.4 . 0111 ST. LOUIS AND ST.E di a raili t A• PAUL luittaT — Tiir hat pa+. ... 111 Irs Por th. At.os A an.l II IntAnnedlate Port. 1111 p I lAA .ht OA U.. op AA, (Aright or paAAAAA apply on boant or to fell FLAi K A t t.i.1.154,W001,. AA, E1:1ULAII PACKET W i r in g 1, pi IR 11 KELINU. f 1 AItIKTTA AND Zk• Cur gt,amrr %IA RAILS I apt. C. 11. 1,1•1.).. wilt lea, for the al.ovr and All ill tvrsordlai4. ports every T1.:1041,A BOOTS, SHOES, &c JUST ARRIVED FRONI TOE EAST BOOTS AND S DOES JAMBS ROBB, No, S 9 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. td.l rr l abli.l...llr•nre hu now In store Ildrty ;Loma... dollars .vrto Ithota ana Shoe, lb. s the 14,14. Ih. quality thr heat, which we arm •Irt,lnln.,l to *ell rd ElCl' 1 . 111 . orr W • ha• r er•hlerd nag td wdrl. und• rvhatold by •Zer la the nur .ir that ke, 0....rth ail and . our rlwri ./ww.la. and vv. rer . aallrard ,h•t •h. .1,111 porrbasc what you ant the It a. i ;Inv. 1 rdt forgot Ihr Ilar UST REt 1. - .110 EXP. •4 L.:IRON: LOT 01 LAB' CONIMS GAITER 61 Market Street, WHICH WE MtE SELLING AT SL. 04::).. t... J. A. RIIIINSON & CO. GREAT I E I I.IIIITEITEAT AT 92 Federal Street. 1100 ts, Shoes and Gaiters, AT REDICED 1111(04, AT Da cs CUL I.Z.T•rcoCTEL 'MP (MEAT SHOE EMPORIUM, 92 Federal Street. Allegheny. La A LAMiIiE AND •1&Rll AL 5U1113161 sours, SHOES. GAITERS .foul /eAt r. - A 4 rt•lAdl, •ft.t Aro. Al lb. I KU V ILTI" 114 gal I, A •Al /%11.1rtvut 11 Al.: kW IK J. B. dr. W.I. BONLARD, n. Pe Vara+ from I '• rIELDIIII46 1. IIIRCI.: "1"' "*`u lespefagsars, • au-I 11).1ers to Chuartom nittacile, BOOTS, SHOES & GAITERS No. 110 Ohio ht.. Allegheny. P ,, .04,1 , as wrn ea the *bort..t n I v r 4.1 :ENT'a FINE ( ALA' 11.00111 AND, WM Ittrvr../ A ITRUZI at nr,la J W •1:•411A.i •t tt , NAr Y. 1.1. I ADEEN , FINE` BALMORAL AND .1. 4AITIK.IIvt 6% tv J W.I AItA 11 A CO. .P, y DI Valtei tL Aul . EIvFINE KID lIOOTN al 4. I\ 1 AUS A lIA 'I A C.,. ttt I A DIEN' FINE KID tILIPPEIDA at A J. tAANAII A\ A tl3 Alarkat •t. DRUGS AND CHElll3.oAlai. 1.•,• .J. tt. M tLW LAMPe•XL n. Dm.T. NIcCI.ELLAAD at CO., Corner Federal and Lacer* streets, 3P'416-. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ' , vale., le Nowa, (Ills, Varnishes. Drags ,137e n1 cat, Carbon 011, ete.. Nandard and Paasn't Med icines. Tileqr swell Is large and wall solevi,d. sod I/1 be ...id as low 2.• soy bon, the wast. onsiCsai J. acnooNsciiirm to sots, Pittsburg' White Lead Works, PURE WHITE LEAD, ott.l.Af. kALAU l/ILOUNI , IN OIL rut, I'AI/41 . 11. OIL HAIIRIC/41, o. ea Woodßißtres.cos. Ng lrT c• TIRE BENT EFFERVESCINC STEAMEMPEI. SEWING MACHINES WHEELER & WILSON'S xxia:rbra.covriaia FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. HEMMING, They are anappronch 1..1r ki tv n, al n ilty , T w n uri. ll . l prove that they are the heal Sa/eBrOOM, 21 Filth Street. WM. SUMNER & CO. to BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Pronounced hy all who hart seen It the situp! st maehine now before the toddle. It Is as effective and durable as it Is simple , pod as practical as it Is durable. It has but to be seen to be admired. and used to tw appreciated. It com bines the elements of a PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE And I. afforded at a price within the range I.( near. I y every family In the land. The only low priced Markt:lc In tilt. United Slates liCetoled to no. the Vol II P.EI.KIt .1 / , N YE ?CI I —the bent and only rellan a Veed eves constructed. air MA I.V.H.IIKN WA NTEI /. ta, 3E1.41:3010173E1E4, WHOLESALE: Alli/ENTH, EtEi Firth 15 ta - t my l'A. I'IIE NE INV Spring and Summer Medicine FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, rtosittiNKl) win! lodide ol• 0. W. PETTES, BOSTON, James It Nichols & Co., MAN FAcTutaisci 11, NtPAC1URNIIn 07 It! RT.TEDI PERUVIAN BARK l'rotoxide of Iron, whlct, Imo Ibern.t w a. urst.ly known a, • Tonic and Restoratire, SM V•.ebw• ni• part• Ih• JAM), ' II Thc o.w rw•wparatlwa. • •VA/I.NA I • Alill-LA vrYW N TIvIK WIT H LIX.E.• retwut• woe of me two. prwluiw ram. , gut•• •• 1,••••a • apan:• o/ enenthe utw•u 11. tt,at. tn., .1. In Iniqulf and Swl , www , d...•,., • noses...inn :tent••lteratine, renal nt: %ettit. Qrr t. of leuane. &re nnertral 4,1 , 1e.1,1 hen •nutlate•l Una .•I Par• ninerstt tea. In ceennisa•tien. on the ner••na,lll, men.- to tulEl pnt 4." ti, nrorntr'n ilor ass, 6.l:fret • Altlt.t.A N int N.un,/i v LIME taferdua ••t tL•I I; hat 'ans.-nue as maxi", e4ars , i.., I, ,rai • ftlllitnl.l.l,•.- rVnalT utaiLer ,i• uo..La .l rtnell....t.s.a.ve . cn.laltl..o ===Ml aratr Lett' tlott• y.-..a tar to rbl.lrw , a. It I. ttrtt ta tura, Unto by 11.• at:War.. yn•l rat...rut Mr4l taal eittrct ut4 lay ',truant. attraztl•r (oral tba It nut I. C 1,... 1., s tun( arr . 1.• 44A.• LIS. 11l •121.1 I tiln&uf 1.41 a of Lb.' It rho , .04rtaar ass. r.-11e( In the timing of the Tear, and during the Warns Weather. 111=11 M=22Ml Wreaou•t• gutr,th-ta. 1.14,••.I !UCLA V), 0 .1 , 11111, I.lM* yovpurq,(a.x., 11 UV Mr.:, Alterative, or Blood Purifier, ewer Mlw. p 110 - 441 a 1,11 rv.ge• •1 • 1.'0...+1 II le wrtt/fa-, WSW .41.1 Itq INS T IMMIII;ICIII I;=Z=! i 1 “r.lo bs4 the •t ,, MI . 01 .ni •naali en iiwM.at. t, ❑. P . 11,) AND ALL OKLUAIIIGTIA. mTlla. wM. FLUID EXTRACT or SARSAPARILLA, Combined wilts iodide of Lime I=l9 FLEMING'S DRUG STOKE Mo. Mt liartrt Idt, Plttaburgh, MI 13. a. •••• JOUY CROFT REAL ENT.' TE Wire. so. 131. ITuurtll lottert, Pittoburic Liu for sikle lb& ("IIS•Ing /14..1 14late • A toyts. they,- tory ttrtrlf litossr. offer. II t. T00...1v - En Iron g root. ~t a first Orfor too .1 1 .1,113,41ft', hot And coisi fester •fol Ao• Ilfroug a...ft the 114..1.- I.o{ 6) fret. 5115.1. on b11,11"Z.:13E/AUJII1Pilhaillit1.1K N 10, 1. ...p , r..16thf10n. tho l'anaa•, , •uia 111,roa, 1 oak.. (rot. Itm on vr 41.1, 1. a non.. s frame /writing, slid num. r of 11l trail ot tha be.,t quallly. an,/ • 00..... 1 • 0, 1 , 1.q rater l'to• and 7 • , ,ro.• of ',tonna t sold •cpAlAtely tirotratrsol. ••nd rrolftur to fof • • scros each, or lArher rafgoested. nor fhilarl, lan I. uhalratay toOltlesl Tor boffintoof ACILP.+ I,, Y 1. A I , ,..talltina at.aut lurf lialaatilo, of a •plrrt.ll.l •rpl SC Tb. ...II ni the nr.a aNltahlt fanning or parslrniag poi p.s.c.. good frail ...11Ina ...I barn, 4114 a goo.l.upply ora.r a/ 1.• wiles •fr.rti ell,. op lb.. ‘ l / a .lslnaloti PI I. U blot lOysl.l4lp, tmitlar part at lb. aria, Caro • 7 AI IIF. linproweld. end end, • 61,11 4...- 1t....v. on owltlrlotho,lf oar 1..50U tat•arin, cm • hearing ,rap.. PM stand.. •n dais rge 10111,1., ott' pemh, apple and tri.ra. Pr , ,perly •Ituate en the old ‘l, read. In Pro. low nship. els tulles Crum tho fn abet panic... Jars qulre uf the abuse agent. 4 LL TUE MAGAZINES ron JIIILV ALL Tux MAIIAZ/NVAI Yoh JULY. AU. TUX POITLAIL PAPICItIi, Al.l. TUN 14)I'llt.All PAPERS. ALL NRW PUBL/CATIoNis ALI. NXW PUBLICATION. nTATIUNKIty UY Al.l. NTATIONEItY Or ALI. K 8 o p ll citom. BOOKN. 00L, 1100Kil, ETV CAN 11E. lIAD AT JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, WIICLESALE AND RETAIL NICWtt AUENCT AND BTEAIII BOOK ANU JOB riu T Iliti ESTA 111,112111AINNT, 59 Flal9 at., masonic mail, Was A ENT TAXES. CITY 01 , ALLEM HEN . Tuntsulten`a OraJCL Jena fth, Votict, Is hereby given th Omen , Assessors nave now placed In the_Treasurer'l ity Ilu;ians .the 1/indicates of ud Iloooy Tone, , end o? Water ltpata ;2 ,111 Ise; and that said Tana. 0111 now be recelveu In permute of the Act; of Aucnibly of Yebruary 27th. bee, and of April 11th, 1063, subject to the following regulations and allowance,, stve per eent., If paid on or before the Mal day of ju jo y i Air per tent., If paid on or before the find day of V:4;er cent., If paid on ur before the Ural day of Ito [ember. the 11001 day of tient robe , and or p ro the Met day of Cbtober , do ' delluetiOu will be mad If paid after the not day of October and ea or. be. ' fore the gist day of No, ember, an addition of Orb per cent. shall be added to and payable on the amens. After the trot of November, warrants will be leaned toenforcothocollectioniif all taxes remain inherten,.g unpaid, together be with the percentage accrued tandi fey - • D. MAClritltitON, City Treasurer.. EW BOOT AND !DOE. STORE .1r0. , 24 St. (laity Street.. , A-ige;eoyuNl,oflct 4 417 E S o , f LAD MO S W w bit 4 4 .lac opuVav4jval ' yT CORDING, They are aamlrable QUILTING, They see unexcelled FELLING, They are unsurpa.....l Volt STITCHING, They are faultless. 1 . 1(1..1 . A15L1P CM Minn A COllO5 OR TUBUAI 101 Lit W. vile Tiartlre nt - eding ..neteee for till.lmrpo. L.. aaad tbra, ctwe.cr PI It anal (P` If AKA I ItNLDS, ce W.., lc"? MACK INTO,II if NI I LI. l (0. COMMERCIAL OIL WORKS PURE WHITE BURNINC OIL AT Tli 6: LA , VC EST MARALET it Ans..% 14 . :4141.1E OIL 1100IIMS, Linwirco3:l•o4,A7l.ll.ck. WICHTMAN & ANDERSON, Relinens and ILlcalcrii in P _lt OL. 1.5 M. 4 2 ":1;,;`.n1T,TV.` uty IA: •11 JA CI. talrt, JAMES & uevuent•ruutto.ur 011. OF VITRIOL AND AQUA AMMONIA. 0171 ckc., lQ ilkisurls.c.t VERA* surenion OLD lIENIVEt4- , URANIUM... 4.r' rtard Vi-r d. dr. Pramlertinirg Frairir !tramline lir Ft..., intaora M'ir and 1541. 4 al avir yuare Mr, ry rry. lid . and Ulm mr 1!.. Vrry ..1.1 aradringirt inr :Myrrh r. Vnry Mil and mspnrinr Yr., aI. id and rim...trim. I . nrt. to hamber4.• • /1.01, and I.i..lanu N 1 mm. %r ,rcv. .n.. 4, litintalek m.d inger Wing. it dim, ir -...1 la. I .r 1.31. nd linortmn . N...trO. ir - 4 ...I ospa.rio, ira.alts It una, rr ry old. rr. Y. do Ain) grn ultsv .• part lll.l.ll,llom I.ni.in.rinint,,l. &c. White II inr t Irn gar. my animlor, en, said I, /111.1.e.ir & rsi s 49 a and 9,43. amrni.r Lawny and Irrrlit . SALE TIEWSEILF. A CURE FOR INTEMPERANCE. h.. K. Cutter , . Celebrated Stomach Bitters. The greate•t Neri for diseterured. The addl .., within the last ten years, ot Or. Cutler', Net • lot. Itt.eoverr to the If nall.lt hitters, makes II a antidote to int etal , erattee• Pre , ions to his eovery of the Pict - vine, this medicine was befot• Irnglishpa bile, relehrated P.. a Tonic and Al. •rati , e. In dloea.ies of the Stomach and or the •nil diorsves artsing from Impedltles of the I~'uatier-rine to always the choice of the ou , ll. II all person.. addicted to the use of stilt ants and narcotics. stich al alcohol and maltlams, opium, morphia, arsenic, tdhavcia .11e., se 113.1% . 1.• 111,. morbid etite, or craving raigitiof the outset for stimulant. t, ScU. ot all nervous diseases, it ha, to equal as Not ne• 'eon year. liar o the im rn.rd English Butters In t. Itartlittlotnew 'lose tal, St. Mary •t, llospital, savigate and other oils° r. has esUitiltsheil Itarev tation. as a cure for I lemperante, and gained tor lithe approi al of the attending sorgitono In •11 the hospitals mud pritutts It roughosit Itlritalu, ,nA Is prellCribed sow 111.7 Ph, Acts. In 101- ...u. prantlee, for per., . untitled to the use hi timpulnul. and ...dative In Paralysis. St. Vitus' i WWI, K. 1 . 04.1111 Vita. N. noun Twitching,. and all diseases, It haso equal. Wholesale and nattall Agent, A. TORRENCE, tny IN. cm Si. 711 Slarket comb, of Fourth ) UILADELPHIA SALOON In the City of Canton, Ohio, A:so, PURI.: ITU RE Or nat.] house, oil yew. Ilotsse talue ten rooms; corner house, near the Court it nne MCI Pont When, In th., ren Ire of the oily &mann mr.aWug , ant engaged In other buquaaa. Jefi:nlo S . S. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, lON DS AND lENAL ESTATN, 89 FOURTH ntItEET, lltnrku•s Buildlna.) bogs •unl .n. oo Commlaalon BA NE, RAILROAD, INSUILA NCE, TROLEURI eiTOCKIL and tIOVF.ItNMENT 111 IN ICLPAL, RAILROAD AND OTHER BOND& Urdu:, esecutcd by tall:graph the N w YORK and .IiIIII,ILDELP ILIA /STOCK ItLIA.ItI/8 atthe rams of commission current In those cities. J. DIAMOND, Practical Optician, RUSSIAN. PEBBLE SPECTACLES, Which arcoranatled to preserve, strenorarn and Improve the algbl. For isle only ny J. p1A.11(01D, 110.24 si:cnitileieidei;.7-- my WY COTTON 2:1 bales Middling to Al:Arrive by nil fa Va sa Dm= • tv, OIL WORKS. J. t . A A F. 111,.. II. will - I,IILO SOHO OIL WORKS. BUFFUM MEW& C 01 9 bfANUFACTURERS 01 , TICE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS, Sperm, Lard and Whale OiIN, READ LIM, TANNERS' OIL AND MEL GREASE A hAD. Sianduid White Burning Oil, tio. '33 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA I= AGENCY PARKERSBURG LUBRICATING Co rupa,ny keep constantly on hand a supply of STEAMED Natural Lubricating Oil, 11= Free from all Impurities Every Barrel Warranted, RFT' I:NEI. Al"' 111...(,,MVA .4ddreas JAMES H. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH 1. 11. NIVIN at CO N, W. Corner Third and Markel Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA WOO LDRUDGE OIL REFINING clomouszeo.aavir. OF PITTSBURGH, PENNA JOHN liktiLtir I . ol SU.SeC'y . wati Tre.rr WORKS IN TEMPERANCEVILLE Office, No, 2 Duquesne Way, MAN urAcTLREILI UY Pl ItE WHITE LT 1 t :IN lIN 4L4- <>l Brand—" Lucifer." Ills (JIJ canna I, excelled for Uurnlng PruPee‘leal coior or 11, %eel. anal la put up tl Wei 11 C{.5011Cd bar. rlia, omit fur Hulik. IJSV., or EXPORT. 0/L -OEn, , 1 7, .u.S—John W au, Robert Lea. Geo. Mack. • . B. Ilerrun, (•. 1.. ( H. H. Collins. J. W. Potter, NARA. Piallace, Ir. W. LI. Carroll. 'all :finad WARING & KING, MISSION IifICHAVIS LID MRS IN Petroleum and its Products, a IP Q HWY'. .E.1TTE3313171.1.4131-13, 1•1 111.ADELVIIIA WARINC, KINC & CO., SW n 197 Walnut Mt., Phil., surcuion OIL ENGINES. r construeling. and .11 1...cp o 0 Ltatia. ,rtor sty IC 110 , ..1LT, .17N C3=N23IES B. I &J. 11. NAIWYEEL, =1 =I LIQUORS - BRANDIES. SCIP.I7I. 15.A-1a33 STUCK, FIXTUIIICS A ND LEASE And lipsr,tActarcr of the RAILROADS / 866 * SUMMERSUMMER A/CiANUEMENT n aI I igiIiERIA . PEPUNISYLYA-NIA CENTRAL B. . YiLIFICHnh DAILY TILAINIL .Da ukd aloe bUNDAY, /day 20th lag, trale• leave the WitoosPanuenger I)epe u l. , , 0:9 nor Of troth 10A aktpkb",4,2,=. itt FL ' hu 'r tgo al 3:00 A. 0.. stopping at principal stations. Arylsos di A lies 'a at n.lO A. Tyrone, 9:0: A. N. - /Belle:. ttttt • 1.942 A. at.: Lock Hacen, 12:40 P. at.;) Harr al tug. , I:7. Baltimore,: I:3oNew Yotk, ria Allen town. 10:43 1. at • Philadelphia,: 5:b3 u.: and New York, via 10:91 P. N. CINCINNATI _.PRIC-9.Y—Lwres Plll.l/0/ gh at 0:50 A. N., stopping at nearly all /Matto:us; Aileen 4.0 at 2 P. at.; Harrisburg, 0:15 P. *Rh Inn .1 Phlisdelphia at 12:40 A. Y. By this 11140 maw 10. are transferred st taint! pot, Weal. PhiLadel ' ob 14, directly to KS arra* r New lora, reachlag there at eau w. Y. PHILADELPHIA EXPRESS,- Leareslittsburgh at 4:30 P. u., stopping 'any at primly*/ 541100. (44rIvta at Ls/poi/et 0:3.. P. 14.; A/Waina. 9 : 30 r• ,1 .• Harr/stoles', 2:39 A. Y. • IlOtim-re,' 7 /s. A...• V. York, via anent., a, 10:10 u...cla 1•111141:1111:11, 7:10 A. a.. and Nra l ork, Ph:1442104a,at 12:04 r. 104 . 4001 g Cars run throagn 00 this train roes Pittsburgh to Baltimore and Philadelphia, aed ' sea Yu, la Allentown. VAST LlNE—Leaves Pittsburgh at 10.10 I. Ilt . oPPlngonly at principal stallons. Ai chat at Al. tonna at 3:10 is.; liarrisanryt.• 5:21 M.; 030 1 4 more,: MAO r...; New York,: vla Ailentoa L 4 IC P. IL; Philadelphia., 1:113 P • k and New Yor ••vls Philadelphia, al int e. Y. P. • . lintakfaot. IDowanr. :Sapper Dailp ail otaar [maws, St... Lays dr4VIC CM: AqtISIMODATIO jAV i N&DA Y. tIU NDA 1 • • JOHNSTOWN At • COMMIODATioN - tinily Sundays) at 2:50 P. 0. , ntoiddror at reenter •L'1101'• between Pittsburgh and Conemaorn. nod connecting st BWrsrtlie Interauctlon wits trains .ei the Indiana Branch and West Penns Ivanla Rail roa I. ALTOONA ACC:OOOI,AT itis ( e s ce pt Sundays) at 71.50 A. M., atom - dna at all res star lons between Pittsburgh and Altoona. and nrtrng close connection with trains on the Indiana Stanch, West Pennsylvania Railroad, litiensburg Z i'rewion Rail road, and Hollidaysburg Branch. W a il's Accommodation. No. I. daily (except day.) at GOO A. a. Wall's Accommodation No. 2, daily (except San ' VV " sTa i A °: clotam . K ot . lation No. 2, daily (excel, ran ars) e 11:00 A. M. . . Nraddock`a Accommodation No. I. dally (except •tt0.144,1) at 4:401•. N. Welt s Accommodation No. 1, daily (eXCePt s) at 4:50 r. at. Wall's Accommodation No.S, daily (except Sun days) at MOS V. Wall's Acconnoodatlott Na. 6, daily r 00- d 1.11.151. is - rtres Wall Mallon err Sun ,' day Al 9:15 A. and arrives in Plttabot eh r at 1. :05 1 /s. Itaturniag, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:4/ r. a. and Arrives at 14 all's Station at 2:00 0. M. ltrturning Trains arrive In Pitts nurgn a. 50:10w.: Vast Lint 2:10 A Y. First Wall . sN,stlun Accommodation 8= A Y. Brlnton Accommodation No. 1 7:50 A P. Scrum/ Wall's ntatlon Accommodation.— 15450 A M. Joh n sonen Accommodation ........ ..... ...• ikte A. 111. Baltimore Express Philadelphia Expn.ss 1.410 P. V. New York F.cpteett . 1;50 r. Third (Val, Station Accommodation 7 ix, i Ws./I's Atmommodstion, No. 4 100 F.M. Braddock 's Acroturnmlatlou No. I 5:50 P. Wal re Accommodation N. 5 7..0 r. Altoona Accommodation anti P:mleruit.. 1010 P. Sr. a. (My Express 11;50 P. 31 The Ino martini, la gapress and he Ha/Elmore Ex press will orrise with the Newt York E.Pres. at 1:50 V. la .. tgiplayos. 01t.• 1100 Union Itejan liotcl, occupying the three upper stories of the Depot Building, Is now open fur tin- afiI•LCIAL accommodation ..f the traeellng com munity. A capacious Restaurant Is open •1 Aka. nouns. day sed !tight, riundays excepted. Ntcrit —ln mute of loss. the t.nsenpany will hold teepouslble for personal baggage only. aud for an amount not exceeding tliCO. Fur tickets apply So H. BECKWIT. At, At the Pennsylvania Co IV. n tral Railroad PassHengegenr eta- Goo. on Liberty and Washington streets. lity2l pnr . TI9IISEIGH, IA A NE & CHICAGO RAILS AY AND CLEVELAND & PITTSBURGH RA I LituAl 1866. Mummer Arrangement. 1866. !Iti and eller May Kat, 16610, trains will run ea L:rrol follow., vie: For ."' "'Fbr Fbr E.‘pPro, Whzeling. tt . tre h. urg Chicago. Oterelaad. 12. E a. at. E agrees ' 2:10 A. a. 2,10 e. IL INSP. 5, egress 2 . 10 P. 5. 1:00 P. N. CM' P. •Y. Stall. ....... C 45 A. A. 0:16 A. M. L.lO A. For Newcastle and Erle 5.50 A. N. Heturnitig, arrive at l'lttsburgh: P., Ft. W. A C. 21. W.-2131 A. E., 2,10 1. E., u. r. Y. . P:10 P. 0. nog Expitgao-0:34 P. N. C. ,t P. It. ILOM AP -ICW A. le. 3:40 P.Y.9:20,.9:20,. ACC Y. Leave Allegheny for A. Y. TRAINS. Erb , &11. 1 0111 . 02t—li:03 A. r . 11:50 A. M., 4:115 P. Y. and 6:02 P. K. Rovugorait—t:b. P. 0, NNW I, Akiltde-3:30 P. It. EAOOOICY-10:83 P. X. IVAALAVILAN-3:30 P. Y. Iteturvlng, arrive at Allegheny P. FL W. & C. ft. W.—LDS a. Y . 15,14 A. A. Y. 7:30 P. it.. CKI P. N.. 12:93 A. K. C. CI P. 11. 6-9.00 a. Y. . moo GEOM. I'AILKIN, 'Net. Ax Zit Er P NYFL•, tretzLra 14teitebt7/lecilY. pITTSIittIIGH . , 1.1:1481:11. AND eltiell`l- I,fil 11A11.111)A.D. THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE VIA STEUBKNVILLIA CI) 1:1111.115111UM l'IN(;INAIA) I I= I PiDIA N API )IJIS " IVZI IT 1.311 . ott., Adler 111021 DA lr. BILA V 111111, 1144141, raiz. vr iCITe and arr , re at. ht UNION UK! UT.ta fullowe. M,. Fast Line.— ...... . .•.. A . K. ft D.PaPtS. At PP :IC A. N. Mall:10 9:N Y. K prents . 0.511 VI a) Arc..u.m...lattuu..... 6:$S A. Y. 6:10 P. M. Itansart‘l Accutlatu.l4 . ll 11:,10 P. m a 0:51 P. M. tte•nbenvllle. Acceramod'a 4:40 " 5:00 11. S.F.Ueu t,CULL, •I TlLlnAtent.. p ra b r m ou. Ticket Agent.. Colon Depot, I . lD.Porill, Un and Sprin otg Arrangement. ter TIT URNDA Al &FWD ISTP. IBW The trains will Irate the Depot, corner of Pews Water streets, u follows: 1.113•68 AD mei eittabarg4. 1111,.0 Mall L. wall from .• 7:00 A. Y. 8:W r. 16, ripreas, •• 2:to p. ico Weal .tievertori Acct.:n[6oftLion 6:16 P. 11. 600 A. 11 rife bitifiel/rtort cnOlts . 11 I :00 A. Y. 6:60 A. met:or:4 `• 10:03 F.M. 2:06 P. •• Itra•lllawk`s ..... 6:10 P. M. 3:45 P. • ttuday (:111tr<1. Tralo tx• anal from West \ew Mn.......... 1667 P. M. 10:16I A. • For tickets apply co T . 114.NYfutir4t,,,, I= A LLEtiIIENT _ VALLEY RAILHUAD altgliMer CHANE OF TIME. On anti after Trltti G litiDAY, April 26t0. trains will Ina,: and arrian at Depot, corner Pike and (Anal .veer,, as toilowt Lenora. dorives Mali. to and Prom blattonlog... IdX) A. it. 0:00 p. N. II L? ) - Vlret ton do N. Peroas •u. 4.10 ...11:00 A. Y. 2:00 P. lc Socoond if ulton .... 6:20 F. Y. 0:45 P. P. ..mundap Chttre.l rain, to sad from Saota. Work.* 1:011r. ii. 10:(10*. r. H. IILACki.STONE, Supt.. 0w,,m1.0:4,,,,,:i HE R . --- FORT PITT FOI7NDRY, CHARM bJ AP 113PHEiVS1 111 .AXIIII , CrtrilZ11.8 as HEAVYORDNANCE, AND ALL KINDS Or HEAVY CAIITINISH. Hpectal attention veld to HOLLINS/ MILL WORE iILAHT MACHINERY and RETORT& attended to promptly. A. heretofore, the best materials will always be used th rounder. nonAttti is called to r NEW FLY WISZKI I'AVYKIMiI and increased racHilles for tilting up tit WIJNO, [0.12:44 WY. M1L01L......J01LN ALLAN JAB. L. 101 • CITA VALLEY STOVE WOUKS. ALLEN, M'KEE & CO., °aloe 411.2•4 l W 301 Liberty opposite bmitbaela, Manufactures a great varlet? of COOK. I'AULOK and KEATING OTOVICS, among tabled are the eel . Grated Allegheny and Monitor Coal Cookiug Stove.: also, the Autocrat and Sentinel, for coal Of wood. and the urolreAled Star of the Empire, for wood; also, Arches, Grate*, /cadent. tlugar Kettles, Dog Irons and Hollow War [enema?. Kloo ISILAM.WT. ...W. VAXILIWIZ . - 11. ILADLIOT ETNA iITSIVE WOHALN. A. BRADLEY & CO. llaustfeetare every variety 0 COOK, PARLOR AND HEATING STOVES AZlarla which are theeolebrated ICTIESEA. TROPIC and 'VALIUM:IAN (Coal !bayou FUMAJVA, YET. RIIAN and ILIKINSIDES (Wood block nova.) Mao manufacture ORATES, GRAVE FRONTS, Ate. (Mee and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo •errata, Pittsburgh, tutraues, on Second street. 4.1•11 STEEL W-68103 ),TTSEURGH STEEL WORKS ANDERSON, COOK di Co. OIUCOMIO.IIII TO JQNE3. BOYD a UO:,) Manufacturers of tb best relined Cast Sten, &Pam , riot. and Octagon. °Collets., Saw Plates, Hoc, Yoe) and Sheet Coati:hod, Oast ittort for REAPING AND MOWING MACHINES, NTEET PLOW WINOS, APIUMOS.A.XLES cm:gums. &e. Cast and Common Plough and Mating Steel, Innee—Corner of lint and Roes atreeta, two Wolter .erhdy above the Monongaheta Hovel, BLACK DIAMOND 1911r3BEIM:Ls IM74II3)WIENK, PA PARR. nnoTuER a Co., Ilanatnnuirers al nATT QUALITY ,SEITYCLU OAST MILL. Wotan:, Yu; and tanasouor Widnes. Warranted vioal to any Imported or mannykatlavllA tineonn. " Timm ee and ararebovan Woe I* dad Ililltrat,Ay and =I Hanna mits. rlttibuyeb., Immo . . . , . lIIITZII W. D. uow. IA EL STEEL WORKS. • -La F IC N "018 TITZELi : IpAi tid 'MIST= BTZEL;111111:Nee, 'MU irr4)lll 1111 svowsZri.l` .waommla.tip nun), BiIEICELLANEOUS. PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO, PITTSBURGH. PA PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO. PITTSBURGH, PA fp: 4 . • e On this Continent. riS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE tot selentltte Analytical Chemists. It Restores Gray Hair; It Prevents Hair Palling Out; It Changes the itou. e to their Original Organic Action; It Eradicates Dan druff and Humors; It Keeps the Scalp Healthy; It Contains no Injurious Ingredient, And In üblversally accordk,t I , be a Splendid Dress ins and Superior Toilet Article. ITS AIERIT6 are INSIDE THE HUTT! E. Every bottle CUNT .1 I Nn NUKE 1.114, , U ID than any Rd other dollar preparaton. LARGE MEW A i ltUn 'oirered to establish Its • efficacy, but WE tot GUARA NTICE to refund the money to any person who will ban two bottles nd then tar that our Restorative ban laded to do all a we claim. J. It. HAM LETT & CO., Proprietor., )(seawater. New Hampshire. R. E. SELLERS & CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa )I. S. BURR N 10.. General Agents. :6 Tre moot street. IWuton. myZl:sg: CHOLERA DISARMED!!! The Chief Cause of Pestilence E. COURTARET'S DISIA FECTINhI FLUIDS. secured by Letters Patent In the United States arid Prance. Prepared solely by the New York Disinfecting Company, at their Laboratory, Not BRI. 100 and 3T2 Henry Street. N. Y. Mice. edar Street. Tits Company organized on a permanent baste, with Dr. Courtaret, the celebrated French Chemist, In charge of Its Laboratory. Is p :pared to furnish its Dtfustrstrrtho FLUiDs for sick nanns, nrseriea, urinal.. water closets, prlvleS, cesspools sewers, gutter, ships. railroads, Ansel prisons, and pu.dic institution. of all kinds, slaughter-houses. offal and fat-I.lll[lg Pilab , lslanent, all kinds arum el:tree (Intrnensefy increasing Um. tic of the latter to every farmer,. and whereve r poisonous and OP,, sive gases exist. These agents are deodorisers,antisetitiht antiutreseents. snit disinfectant. In the scientific nes t ing of the wont, They remove noxious gooses and o.lore by cncinted principles-- leaving In their places h.,141. hal nig; they are 1.11,- 0000rtalta. and no( merely abl, , ,rbente !or poisonous gases—not Injurious •to tfenslis In welch they are nd. Ihe attention of n. , zeal and scientlee men Isdirected to these dloroiectanta. Attached are testimonials to favor of this great discovery, which. with hundreds of other. can be seen at the Comps ay s°nice. Uat..tvnn HOugs., ALBANY, March m, igoa. To tAg egittent fa' the Am York I. l 4rigAgging : Dear Si r: It Is ail It Is p p to be. We have made many trials of dial cetants, but now eonslder thatrare have found an tele which surpasses all others as rchnedy against all bat odors. T. ROESBEL & CO. Scw 1 - 011.0. April 0, 1606. 11/ hie Prexl•Lent of Me Nero York DirinisTeing : Dear BB: We pronounce without exception. to he the best we have ever known. Its tdrect upon every matter coMplete and 11”tantarkeous. . A. STETM/N, Astor House. N. B. — These Dtalpfectattto are used by the Seat , - ropers. under the direction of the ~ anilary Pollee of the Metropolitan Health Deportment. N. Y. INJWKLL A THUMPSON, L Gantt Sr., N. Y.. Der:revel and Bole Agents for Vic United makes and the Canacas, to whom all orders should be ad decreed. For ule by Me.CLARAbi S IdcIiENNAN, Drug gis•s, Pittsburgh, Pa. myl9:a64 HumpimEyys HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. MT. LOUIS, Bare Troyed, teem the moat ample experience an en tire inieeess, simple, ellielent and nillablei 1 lure me the only Medial.ea perfectly adapted to impel. r se —so simple that mistakes Cannot be made in nalug them: so harmless is to be free from danger, and so allelent as to he always reliable. N. 1 cores ITZVKIib. Uongestioro4 z0fi0.267. 1 CA%Anfirver. Cotie, huge , or TerLlNlng nt In 4 ' NA f cblif..” or sdut 70 • 6 OESEI, TElf. 1 n booing and 1111Ious Coll " efftd ERA 3101881/73, Nass.a.... • 78 7 " COutaiS, Colds, Brunel:MlL '•18 NEURALGIA, Toothache. Face =be " titiADACILE, slot Headache 2tit 3 o • DI SEKYdI.I., 11111loas Stonsub . . 78 il • S UPPRESSED...IM and painful 2 •• 4, LitiknatitlEA. or Whit.,.. .... 78 at " 4.11101.1 F, hoarse cough. ... .. ll " SALT RIDII7II, Erysipelas, Ea op. tiou 78 15 • REIECELLTL9.4I, all rheunallo pains 78 18 " FEVER AND AGUE, Calla and Fever 17 " PILES, internal or externa1 ........, 60 " OPTIIALAIY, sore, inflamed eyes. 50 ik " CATARRH, aeot, s, chronic. Win- 0 uma ..... •• WHOOPINO COUCH. aPasfriodlo 21 " OV: ...... • " DISCH Uk4lsn•pairPd I EAR H. OPT1r)1111,VI1B tkitir phyalcaj weaknesa •• DIUJPSy nod Scanty Secretion...... lR •• SEA SICKNESS, or sickness from .. ............... a &Limn DISEASE. Oravel ...... kt • • 81 ERVOLTS DENIM TT, 'seminal emisalonalnvoluntary dllchuata " 118.11t17 /1011TH. or Canker. a 7 • • URINARI INCONTINENCE 80 81 " rmatful. PERIODS. oven ......... .12 SUW " CRINOS at Cbstage of E1i0.. ., at tapu. ErsittstAattt.. et. veiny Dan ces .................... . . .• ulcerated Dore II:fo oat LT ones., Gan, of ',Ws, in naorn , ..connse and book Com- Ito plete Uo to Case of 37 large vials, In morocco/old h OD Case of 20 largo vials, plain ease and bcrok....• • • 503 Cue of 10 boxes (170. Ito IS) and book, aB. L. FAIINIZTOCK & W ood—ElL, Wholesale Asent. rlttsbtargb. Pa. VA. Corner of Youth and Market 'recta- For sale by A. ElLNER.B2Rmitbneld at ct.; Jos. ruchil.su, 14 Market street, corner of the blam Di: " Jf b brny b " 741 1 : &Jilt ',I 1dN47:. 1 fV24 tr d "" mo lind Elarkei meet, kituourgo.' DIELCUIJOH 8A.1.8M ,- the otalp prs- • 601 Log' Colfir ' hol=neaa, • Asthma, Whooping Cough, It, chronte comb., cioneump- 1 — NO con, Bronchitis aud Croup. ZglMnPrran,lrdhg=gwnu =1- tfrguitt,„ e h Throat and Lung. Pot trim - - • ---- _. .. Dn. STRtehialiiirB PILE REM. AMY hen ORED tbo rittkir A I ITLY " I7tItTITNII •-- -4:: %.. ~• ,' PILEIL it glees ltureedlate ,„ A.' - ',1,.. %.,, ...: relief, and effects a.perina- ~,,, , .1. o,: ; -re 5: oent Cora Try It d~cIU• •• t c ... - - ,ax... It Is warranted to care. Yor sale by all Draturbsts. at F',IL•,II to cents McNutt,- ' 4 ... .:"_..__ __..:_ ~,"•• oemlyd ..., ._ 11 ITSPEPIDA. Dr. iitrickianirr TONICIV 6 • colleen ar."4.rdlier"MntUt Ri°Al.! '‘,..1A1i.4.\\.. acids and eannlnative to gtrwgithea the came, Wu uyioreullrgla s r Yt t.eino I r s D elA e l r- . 1 # MCdf-p. ~.,.,., .4 •.. Borrow.. 1 re a4 l:ilty of the ti=i - a Flatulency labs! (lability. 1, . . C.) p•"rgleirr4iil4.l=a t i att‘ ' ne r vous owl ilvemptle per. •• . ... • ma& For saJe by all tin. tbda everrarit,-• at $1 per bottle. 4. le s t r tl...Etitl!i . CV. .... RO•f.l &nit my, Poor-i--------------------rEsns do ru,tenct- , N SEXUAL DISEASES Ebro me a Itterweeige we I acquired by Ph' elute My long residence let this city. sad the Amountyla. tiLwltUtjemtswtreagarteddault:loY byme;aleZeel.,,ent, 011 dt i ses a i L es settle therefrom. are cured in—..el-4 ltrl th UtAlt b kergfrgrz-fr 4-41vjii, Ethe Unlink; All l e tt ers meet colc I L $ I ZIP t 0 V o y z t 7 11 Ft .4% 40 1 4 1 7 E Cg l ie t nC 0 •Id awed. 4 : J. M. ATtlig, 11.. r. Wetly SE. Pittsburgh. ...—___________—___________ 13.1,TE IMAMS. onnas sag MEM 11TREST, near Hang. from/or thei am of all Meanies-or itntrate nature, tn two to tau an mittrelr new and sale trestinenti , Alto, .mtu Wenknear, and all other dreesseeof the gewttal arum .a 4 theme: thetwwwrrannua arta:nu? refunded. venation, - . Amok Wm ./ tole a:. W IX to 2, antrr,oll4.', /Alarms loldere 1 11; rpm *tenet reith.si-, •so b AllitNinimu D iara u 55 VW& 'Mita ned r