WittOurgh itaatte. lIIr PENNIMAN, REED & CO p. ppirpoims. I Sauter... T. P. HOUSTON. JOSIAH KING. - !Business Maussers NELSON P. RILED NESDAY, JUNE 27. 1880 'REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. UNION - - YOU IkIuVIERMOR . : MAJ.r. JOHN W,CEARY, OUXBERLA.AD COUNTY. sinrairrtil SLAIIICLIS. OMELET, :City. CIA= calf JOHN G. ago pton Tp 0 A 'CLXIMVI cotru, LLEXAMDES DP.A, elty. /1 l u 10.11 T 19111VELY City. 1 ii) V • , px.scasT ': JOSEPH H. GRAY "Um Tp. CO3MISSION6II: GEORGE ELLIIIIILTON, City. DIUTZTOII OT TWA: JOHN F. pi* A VO. Mean Tp. ASSIOUILT: JOIIII P. GLANS, City.j GE.OIII6IE WILSON, Pitt Tp. GEORGE T. XiiKEIC. - NOrtli Fayette Tp fiILIEUEL CIELELDWIcIi.. Colima Tp. WILLLLatat JPSTIIB, Roes Tp. B. A. OOLVILLE. City. ,COL. VORNEVS SPEECH On Friday last COI. Jona W: FORNF.Y delivered an address before a large audi. coal of ladies and gentlemen, assembled in the Court Rouge, in the borough of Leban on. His theme was the present aspect of national affairs; and on It he spoke with the freedom and hohluess which are con spicuous traits of his character. He avowed himself unmistakably against the Policy of the President, which tends to remit the po litical power of the government into the hands of the raen who sought the destruc tion of - the Union. - 'Re gave in his mile. talon to the Congressional Scheme of It, construction; although he indicated a per sonal inclination to something more, and in the direction of impartial suffrage. At the close of the address he avowed himself a candidate for the United State,. Senate to. fill the vacancy to be made by the expiration of the term of Mr. EDGATI Cowart: Ile said. "My name having been suggested as a candidate for the United States Senate at the close of the term which expires on the 4th of March, 1867, it is proper that my opinions should be known, and I think every aspirant for the same high honor should be called upon explicitly to define his own position. lam vain enough to be hove that I am qualified to discharge the duties of a Senator froni Pennsylvania." Upon this frank and manly statement we have several observations to make. • 1. We have desired the question ot United States Senator should not be mixed up-with the current canvass. Not that we have deemed- the presentation of claims, aspirations or preferences as intrusive at this time; but because we have conjectured that sharp competition at this earlyperiod might endanger future harmony, and, per. haps, expose to - 80112 e risk the chances "I beim; able to control the election when We time for choice should arrive. E. We believe that every aspirant for the Senatorship should put himself on the re• cord, so far especially as relates to the paritmount issue now presented forsolutiou. Notthat we desire to force candidates to the avowal of yiewa altogether coincident with our own; but in order that it may appear whether or not they represent the average convictions and• purposes of the Republi can party. Any man who either conceals the ground on which he stands, or fails U let his position he known, ought, and will, be counted oat. We like the candor -with which the Colonel, not simply admits he would like to be Senator, but asserts his consciousness of ability rightly to discharge the duties 01 that high office. In his case this is not vanity or egotism. He has measured intel lectual Strength with many eminent men, and has taken, by active competition, the gauge of his own capacities. Ile is not mistaken in his Judgment of himself. 4. -Slum this - question of the Senatorship, against, Jur wishes, has been brought up so prominently for consideration that it can not be put aside, we shall take an early oc casion to presentorte or more aspects of it. ABSORPTION OF MEXICO Any intelligent man, looking at the map of the American Continent, will see why souls of our countrymen arc inclined to plead for the aconisition of a slice . of Mcxi can territory. - Chihuahua, Sonora, Lower California, and perhaps Sinaloa, hold such geographical positions us to present temp tation for their capture or purchase. Per• sons who consider fully the growth of this republic, and the tendencies developed in its expansion, cannot doubt Altai at some future period, and that not far distant, these provinces will fall into our possession. This consideration explains, to a large extent, why members of Congress commit themselves to the policy of making a loan to theinnemnt administration of the Mex ican repnblic,., Bince the suppression of the rebellion, the) do not apprehend den; gar .to the Union from the proximity 0 monarchical institutions. Nor do the 3 cherkh the delusion thUt any government the Mexicans may set up, or that may be established over them—and least of all, one republican in substanco ttisikit a's In form —will put na.end to the chronic- curitationi and insecurity of Mexican society. Notb ing less than a most stringent military des potism can hold the disordered passions and appetites of that wretched people in subjection, nd even trench and Austrian interveution, have proved insulllciont to maintain such a rube. There seems to be nothing left for the Mexicans but to debase and consume themselves in internal dissen sions and fratracidal conflicts. thiff proceSs is going on certain, American statesmen are planning to lay the basis of a claim which shall re sult In territorial -indemnity. In this pro ject wo-domotsympathize. The burden of the public indebtedness presseaheavily ou the shoulders,of our people. ~.liilembers of Congreaitrive become accustomed to Vote millions where formerly they voted thous ...* -me facility esubcheerfainesa with which large sums have been provided by the people, Wyatt, prestuuption, Calcula tions suggested by common prudence, of commercial embarrassments and itrialieiai rel./Anions; are put aside as inspiration of timidity if not of cowardice. It is thought to be only a trifle to squander fifty millions of,dollars upon; the.,leaders 01 faction in ilinikO,tiinit take the oluinces of ultimately obtaining ,satisfaction at the point of the bay,onet, .We had rather keep the fifty millions and. yan the chance of acquiring wind ieriiporymre need when occasion for it; itittriaPy arises.'" _ _ lig exhorts the. Nortl , - : c:ll,fi calls 131° - "democratic" "deMocrat and to change i *"'" "" Lafd become eynonYinbPs h°4° ar; the nitude terms—dell-1% Govern mentsowardi-ge•- slimed bY_ ... t b . a .P : art) ,{l li ni , to atm / t t. it in the public mind Puu-aal melt-4a* `` -Iv SOMOW- . probable ; Ibis 141 4 • come- - taken . D9° - • will gist lie ifkffiii g `RlCl9i4trlirob , t aoOll,loite lent it in7a4etha h ~„ • • eru.' Pat.tr - I pkic 'st 4 l ?•••! 4 • ,• • , GEL MOORHEAD. In speaking of this gentleman's qualifi cations for Congress, Mr. GNAT SAV. , TEIt holds the following editorial language in his "Republic" of yesterday's emission: "In this learning, so essentially Impor tant to the proper diss'lt rge of the duties of a Congressman, our Representative Gen. Moorhead, is most lamentably deficient. It is very probable that he has not read the history of many nations, ancient or mod ern, much less given years of careful and critical study to an analysis of their pecul iar institutions, the reasons for their laws and institutions, the causes of their pros perity, or the manner, mode or instrumen talities which 'worked-..their decay and RmplOYed in - early and middle life in the more congenial, and ltatassing, and debasing pursuits of "money making, a knowledge of political ethics has remain , ed to him as profound a mystery as would he now the problem or its demonstration of the ' , pun." acinorunt.- 1 Let us apply this sort of logicto "Gnat." Employed in early and middle life in the more congenial and debasing pursuit of tallow chandler—now proudly exultant over the triumph of his skill in the production of the wonderful saponacious combi nation known as Sawyer's Chemical Era sive Soap, and anon appearing in his favo rite &erecter of the "Woman's Friend," and even at this hour a burly knight of Pots and Pearls, what knowledge can lie possibly have of political ethics or of the duties or requisite qualifications of a mem ber ei the National Congress? Having none of the learning essential to a just es timate of men, but being lamentably defi cient therein, how dOes he thus brazenly assume to judge for others, who is best fit ted for "dip," "mould," "star," or "ada mantine" iu %he political firmament? Con fessedly ignorant of all save his great oleag inous speciality, (wherein we bow to the suprotancy of his genius,) by what right or with what propriety does he assume to be an "editor" and a competent teacher of the people? Has he himself read the history of niany nations ancient or modern—saving always "ye Historic of ye foul Kyngs," and that of ancient and modern Greve Ras Mr. SAWYER given years of careful and critical study to an analysis of politi cal institutions or have his researches been chiefly given to the properties and phenom enon of borax and stearine? Is he more familiar with the manner, modes and in• strumentalities which work the downfall of nations, or with the climatic causes which lead to the decay of virtue in the "woman's friend," or the downfall of price in genu ine Rosin? Can he demonstrate wherein the modern pontoon wherewith he is essaying to bridge the chasm between the ports osinortim differs materially Irons loyalty and disloyalty? These, we trust, pertinent and insane- rive inquiries suggest their own answers, and we would affectionately caution the ed itor of the Republic against venturing upon such recondite topics hereafter. As these arc some inventions, which being taught, may and do oft return to plague the inven tor himself! Cumberland Preabytarlwt EDITORS PITTSBURG El GAZETTE your issue of last Monday morning you publish, upon the authority of the Waste r n Cumberland Presbyterian, that the recent action of the above named Assembly, wherein it was resolved that no opinion with regard to slavery or the rebellion was expressed, was "alike satisfactory" to the delegates in that body from the North and the South. While the GAZETTE no doubt quotes cor rectly from the Protbyterian, and is at no fault at all in the matter, yet it is very strange that such a statement should be made by the lrestern: Upon the. adoption of the resolations the "yeas and nays" were ,called, and almost every member from the North voted "no," and was so re corded upon the minutes; and yet they are represented as being alike satisfied with the Southern members! In regard to the action of the Assembly In question there is a deep and widespread dissatisfaction in the churches of tho North; indeed„ the ; prevailing, sentiment in this partof the Church is, that us the question of slaver* and rebellion were again brought ut the discussions of the Assembly, that ;edy, as a matter, of duty and faithfulness to God, to Ilis truth, and to our country, should have most &via/nen:ly re-affirmed the righteous deliverances of 1504 and I SG:i. Nothing loss than this, under the circum stances, we think, ought to have satisfied :my friend of other "God" or,"Cie-iar, " 'Respectfully yours, 1=233 —The name of Andrew Sherman, editor ..f the Chicago Journal, has been placed on the slate of the Illinois ring for Postmaster of Chicago. —Generals I"rank Blair and 3lcelernund arc stamping the State for the Conserva tives, (Price's rebel army;) Governors Stone, of lowa, and Oglesby, of Illinois, for the Radicals. —Them it likely to be a pretty hot con test for the Union Congremeimal nomina tion in the First District of Minnesota. Mr. Windom is. understood to be a candidate for a re-flbmination, while ex-United States Senator Wilkinson, Governor Armstrong, lion. J. V. Daniels, Hon. G. E. Colo, col. 11. G. Rogers, and several other aspirants;' are in the field. —There have been a large number of Union Gounty and District Conventions held in lowa, during the past two or three weeks, and in no instance has there been a proposition submitted to endorse "my. policy ;" and in sustaining the action of Congress the unanimity among , true ReJ, publicans is as decided and general as it was for sustaining the Government when threatened by the arms of rebels and trai tors and the peace principles' of the Four.' years-of-failure party. —At the Congressional Convehtiou of the Second District of lowa, held on Fri day last, .after the re-nomination . of Ron. iiiram Price, the 'following among other resolutions were passed : "That the reconstruction of the States lately in rebellion belongs, through their Representatives in - Congress, to the people who have subdued the rebellion and, pre served the nation, and . nbt to the Es ecu live alone. '...That in the firm and manly adherence of the Union party in Congress to the above principles, we recognize the only safety of tits nation, and we hereby pledge to Con gress our continued and earnest support and sympathy." A MAJESTIC REBEL.—A person named Bagley, proclaiming himself an ex-confed. orate officer, takes thb trouble to contra. dict, through one of the Galveston papers, a report that some general olileer stopping at one of the hotels, had solicited and re ceived an appointment from the President. Bagley writes: "I believe I can say for Gen. Evans (Ball's Bluff Evans) as for myself that we, have at no time held any intercourse with persons of the vocation to am informed, Mr. Johnion belongs, except in relation to the malting or repairing of clothes." It is suggested that Bagley must have ap plied- for ion and go( snubbed: —From a liatamoraa letter in the Cin cinnati Commercial we collate the follow in b' : A picturesque sight, morning twtd-even ing, at Davis and Camargo, are the ttuiner r . Pus bathers, man and women, sporting in. the Rio Grande and San Juan: 'WM* bathing. the women veil their channainly with a thin wrapper, tied by 'the 'aTerSires about the throat, and many.opilecir cireogg of even that preatutiod. Cwkttua in this whnn climate is leWpnidieh; let I and told Ibien.i9.no more lack 9E virtue among t h e lower , grdet's Jtera that( eltiewhepa4 . ; The jejilistAthitr.: very youilig74 . ramluy ctk: Atteetaleara otaga:' , . „ , Valuation, - pf root Clitat;°44 ~.Tha'acits; ,43440,000,1XXV1V t MemPlkil thlt..s43fitim.r - - IdanY,-:COmPLalu, to $17,m0,0 but 6, MeNt i of 414efsgor591k; .za t o made , nittakie°lt'')J ewer by lltaumb that price. biady to•buY " • GENERAL NEWS —Dogs are being drstwned at the rate of an hundred per day Sy the authorities of New York. —Two young girls in Memphis tried to frighten a companion by holding her on the railroad track as a train was approach , ing. The fright didn't kill her, but the en gine did. —A German girl at Mt. Palestine, lowa, was taken front her house, a few night sago, by four men, whose faces were blackened, ' stripped of all her clothing, and tarred and feathered. The act is believed to have been instigated by her adopted mother, out of sheer spite. —The eldim agents are preparing for the golden harvest. One of the principal firms in Washington is expecting to realize a fortune by collecting claims under the new bill. About half the estimated amount, unless the negroes are very careful, will go into the pockets of these sharpers. —Thurlow Weed-is in Washington. It is presumed that his business there is to ar rage for a National Convention of the peo • pie as proposed and advocated lately in the New York Times, whereby the country at large is to declare between Congress and the President, or failing to do either, to in dicate some new programme for complete re-union. —ln the Common Pleas Court of Colum biana county, Ohio, Rev. 0. M. Todd and wife, of New Lisbon, have recovered $2,500 damages from Robert Whitacre for circulating reports derogatory to the lady's chastity. The New Lisbon Buckeye State says the fact that Mr. Todd was pastor of the Presbyterian Church in that town, and the energy with which the defense strove to sustain the justice of the slanderous charges, excited intense interest, and gath. cml the largest audience that ever attend ed a trial in the county. —lt is said that Gov. Hamilton, of Tex as, is now in Washington to express his disapprobation of the poltey of the Admin• istration. He is expected to make a speech shortly, in which he will take the follow ing stand. "That Union men without the protection of bayonets in the South, are liable to persecution and persotud injury; that the election for Governor, now coot ing oil' in a few days, iu which Throck• morton is known to h sure of success, will more than ever eueourage iusult and 'nal ace towards the Unionists. 'BROWN'S TERMIFUGE COM FITS. i,lt %V , LICNI I.o7.Etiti —NIIOI • lel ne.s - chlAren luui 111 , 1,111, a ttribete.l to other causes. Cr, oeranloned b) arenas. Ibe V KR NI COSIFITs.•• alttsough efleetual Itt.lestroy luga °rms. eau do no posltiv thr most delicate Thl, valuable sow blnatiou has twos sueceNsfully usel by phynlelans. and found to ta safe null 1.111, Co enstlle•tlns wortns. 11 , 1111U1 Is ( . 11110nou liming worms rt.qt.ttru MU, (lon, m neglect or the :mourn, oat prolong etletc.knem. „thlyto nof w.,ins lit chlldren Are often over looked. Worn, 111 the biumach Awl bowels eause irritation whlcli cats he rt .kht, toy the nse or •ure iemedy. The cona , lnAllvh 01 litgre,llente irsed lit making 'S '•N” It M I FITb" Is Auch II.G to glet thy be, 1 , 01111 1 1 t with sarel. Sold wholcs.Tile an.l retail In i'llt,burgh, At 1 , 1.1.:111- IMPS Drug and rater, Medicine 1 , 011.1, No 5* Martel street. le2s:llrw 'NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. 8LVG1114.1,1, Jr., Adams Express Uffice, 34 klrth street, is on authorized Agent to receive Adreratementa for the GAZETTE, and all other papers throughout the United States and the Canada.. p RENT, =I Vu THIEL) trrimm, within four minute* walk of the Post °ince. In a private funny. for further particulars. enquire at lints °lift,. ieniiel2 ROOMS TO RENT. PAItAFFINE. TWO LARCE UNFURNISHED ROOMS, lucality....ollabln for Sim, lug spartmoute, or a mall 1401117. Gas (.4rl/1,414:.1 without eztrn charge. Euqulrr al prrmlac, N. , . Hay street, HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. A TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, A wlt.ll parlor. dlnitor room. kitchen and al% foot ball on drat Moor; (one bol chambers on the second Moor. Wash house,oven and hydrant at kitchen Soar, Lot Is by 7,t feet. Itnoulro on the pretulms. 4 0 LIOB.IITY 15TIMET. A Ilee s betw • .. Je27:em_ INFORMATION WANTED. INFORMATION IS WANTED OF VARNEY MM.:NAN. formerly of Philadelphia; who ` tocam LW' , CIO front Froeport, Pa. He l• supposed obe working somewhere In the lower this t. art otly AI =Or l. i ti;to d ro ' r. ' n " a a t r l ' O ' o will In• thankfully received by his wife. residence, o ppoalte and a little the Pearl Hotel, Penn el.. hth wart. Pitt•. ler:e OFFICE Or eil../.1 , 000 11t L COM, NI , Pittsburgh, June la ISM. NOTICE IS HJEREB (LIVEN to all delinquent /Stockholders that unless the as. acsament of Ten l'er t ent. for additional working mtpita4 Ins agreed on at is me of Storkholders on the ti ll, low, for which themeser% e stock will be Issued., shall be paid within thirty days from this date, so much os the steak. of the Bald dello quer.. as will be required to pay mud lOnemarleett owl necessary expenses attending the sale. as pro vided by law, will at that time be cold. Hy ... order of the lioard of Itireetor, J. ivalA Kali ALL. Treaaurer. e.. try ue AL1...11r, V. I J se WHARF IMPBOTEMENT.--Seal • vd proposal,. will La•. rec. , 11,41 at tole “u -I.ll.,lNturalay, Jul) WI. or grading Ulm, part.. cu e• Wharflyinal In front or Morgan, ttmot.ttam ue %%aim, upon Liao ,ralla ental.ll-fleol ilia 11101 nit , ll‘,l water Pirrsinraun be 1111181 g to i.e co% er. , l nl,l, .•Iglit.4,li luelivas !tolling KM Blac. or other material equal to .lag. 1-4.parato bid. per rnflr yard) will In reee.l v.•diCtr the earth ulling and the .I.r. - !Udders art requestr4 M elate tin price psynble in Cssli: elno. tbn prier pa 1,1114 in tho loon4l-. of the city,redretnaislF. In 1%.-nty v4-ar, with reel poo aide n1 . 1131.111.11111.11y Lk.' 111, of 7 reut. 11 tilreci lon of Ow prr Cvnonitter c.n Wharvre and 1..111.11ngi. . IL. FLIAN.II4, 4 it controller REMOVAL OF THE HORSE 11111.13.R.E1', I=l2 lE= I= The fll'EN INO SALIN 10 I .tan rurner on lOLID A 1 •Your 79th. and to contluut EVER 1 Y and YI lI , AI JeT7 A. CYMNASTICS. TIIE SEMI - Tl(' ESTE:III'A IMMEST. 'by the poplin of EX CELSIOR. INSTITUTE:, will lie given on YUMA Y EVEN/NU, June 40, in NEVILLE :TALL. corner Liberty and Fourth streets, len trent... on Fourth St ) Doore oyien at Ti. o'clock; ex rrel,es will commence at N o‘clock„ L aleketa, 33 weals. Jugil:el7 11411113t1E ELECTION.--l'lme Stock holders of the IYITTSBUIttiLI AND A LLEO li Es N Y MILIDIIsaIIoMPAN V, (et Hand street./ arc hereby sotlued that An election ,for President, ('i rectors end Treasurer, to Fier,. tor Thee nseleg year, will be held at the TOLL lit/USE. INOitTII END.) on MONDAY, July . 2d, bet. , tea tile hoar. of le a. M., and X r. M. FRANK Utah SLi., Tre.urer. 825.00 REWARD.-LOST-ON - ON batnrilny morning, botireen b 0 Center Avenue and the Market House, A POCKET BOON., anwining. some notes . ndvsln.ble paper. . The tler will receive the above by leaving IL at No. MI Center avenue. ESMI Lamed against reoelving or PulfloP eheck No. UTION.—AII persons are eau -1.311, on Exchange National Bank ot Pt to orun, 2 " i1t3).4 / B%4 4 == ° tt l ilira ''! evedbAhypto blgtent e y ar" whom It wu b. P&ffißE Su be rtutendent Penns. bait Manufacturing t o. Yi Amelia, June EL Mt BIiEWERY FOll new Brick gbeato lireWery, to barna. °simony, fitted' 1, In tee most modern style, with excellent. cellar id drainage, nod rupplled with water frOgi the ty water worksiliS situated on due fajta moat imbile thoroughfares and best business loCations in lobe city of Cleveland, Onto, with ansOie room on same lot to tree, a Malt loose. Por. °articular*. apply trr T. coLuNus, ""eland. (Ado. FROF? BONSELL. Teacher of Guitar Mask, C buiseervially st,;IOII , M4N h 110INE2i, 53 Flab streel, Grow 10 La 12 n, eu., or et C. C ALELLOIt'S. No. a 1 Wood street. from 2 to a r. a leZte.l6 ELECTION NOTICE.—An electiolk for Officer. of the Birmingham & Pittsburgh Bridge Co. be hale at thtt °Moe, south. and of the Brien, on MONDAY, the 2tl day of Jet/ twat, at 1 o•clock, j1:476 A. B. BTEVICNSON, clerk JAMES M. RALPH, .A.XtaSX•EaEICrr, • • . Tvepares Exrcicyr DRAW 11111.115 and SPECII I- A.:A.TIONSfar-lltUnts Bulltlinsne, and reperin lends their nemllon, 0 0reasonable {WI.. oak. on ANL/KM:ION STREET. between Laeoel Laid Itoblaimu atreata, ALLIi WIENY. 1e=;171 17 , ,UN1 SPITTOONS, also Gum Bed rana,kinabitAldbeeting.Cmtdons, tlllows tramme.44nd • meat violet, DUCP•ts, raute and Leggings of the best malty: and eetenusted water proof, tor mde wholesale tail retail, by_ • • PH/LbrYb. 3Vdosen fresh litraviberries: In tpemod e.na, prime .Dcw,junt received said forage , by ..," & 111108., Jew - -No.. 121 had in Wood etrect. lOTT i N-13. bales 19 arrive-a rairtorsima6by 10,11,411,,MUK.16Y.4.414P 14:1100143110 br, `l nag DATTTIVA lio -.4,•- • +carl"ad to - arrive - Ito N./ m ua t y, /MN= az:comp:it:4 IZZLI Di',WIA "ri' 2 4 2 t , ' , 1 W JAMBS T. BRADY & CO., CdocoessorS to B. /once tCo..j Corner Fourth and Intod Sta., BANKERS 'B‘ lIROKRRS, DZALIGEt6 IN ALL KINDS 01 , • Government. Securities, Foreign Exchange, Gold. Silver and Coupons. COLLECTIONS mode on all aCceoalble point. In the United States Witt Canada. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. J. D. RAMALEY, DEALER IN FINE CLOTHING, EC= NI) GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Agrent lot GEO. 1 - 111ZK MF-I , AL and MOIIIIISoNIiSTAR SHIRTS. Itemeinher thn NKK IltoN FRorip, 0 11 , 0 ,0,6 Wnyna• ntra•et. leVteM-TTS OPEN TO-DAY SUMMER DRY GOODS, 111= rrmExei MORNING, AI W3l. SEMPLE'S, ISO and !SR Federal Street, To which the attention or Whole DAY, MeABOY & SPAM. IRON CITY 1111 E WORKS OHM An WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third S lIIPOICTEIL U 1 AM) DEALERS IN Saddlery Hardware and Triniming Superior Wood and Iron flames Wrought Post lilts, Mug Hilt. huohless Kr=him... Wheel UK,. MuEtta Ott.. Sc., Kr. Keep al^o on rand a ran sail complete assortment of ■hosts lu tutu line, ell of whirl) the, offer it as fair prices, mud on ea gum' terms as are WTI red by any house is the tends EAST lift WEST. mr14:141 G JO( 6I• ILTNNItti. *Plan /LI. PARTNZIIN. REUBEN WILLER, nA)l'l. IL. Kt Fat, ciEi). W. BAKU., BA'N • L MIFF. CHAS. I'AILLIN. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS MILLER, BARR & PARKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, Warranted qualnory in the Market either li m p ort of DomatHo Mannfacture. IPECIAL ATTE:7 , II [ T c V r ka i.. l . o FINE 1001 Office, 38 Wood Street, IN IT. CHARLES 110TF.1. OUIILIII rtrnatunoo, Juue Mb. InCe . telfl,rl49 FIRE WORKS! FIRE WORK' We now offer to the Trade a large and well set ed stock of nit): WORKS for the comtng 4155, co prising a large variety or Colored and Plain Rockets, from I OZ. to la.. Colored andpi Plain Boman and!. , to tr. balls UrassalsoMen . . ° Reaps; Lied Triangles; Itoaolles, Scrolls; Vertical Whet: a. Saxon Wheels; Volcanoes, Mines of Star, Plow , r Pon, Pin Wheels; • L'harroh'. Serpents.t &e., ' At., Ar., Togetber wl ill • large yarl,:ty 11( Kli111111.1"1/ flee from WOW to i'il. Also. • large mock of No. I V I 'raekers ntul Torpedoed, all of which we otter at Lowest market price. Orders bolieltol, t wilicb prompt Mt...lomi I‘ll ba &Peen, by ILEYMER & .111MrS., Nos. ISS and 12N Weed !ascot, Solo Acts for It. r. 1ri:lbl'• celebrated Fire Work 1013,47 3LTYIIIL Dye Sinker, Seal & Medal Engraver STENCIL, MD AND STEEL LE?TER•CDTTER SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES Cu:holding Stamps A. Vlr.ltlag Card& Alen, PLATEN ri/lt DlAll.lolcli VLOTIIINU. 93 Wood St., Cor. Diamond AllO3 ) e I ALLEGHENY DISPENSARY M=l THIS INSTITUTION has been or .- /tan !gel% LY the regular prnetledng physician/. of Allegheny City, limier whose charge Medical Treat ment will bn gralaltoluly ea/eluded to the poor. The!. "ItQUAIS AT CITY II ALL, will be opened on After alalell date someone or more of the physicist In charge will In daily In attendance, %enders ex- CUPlefi. ) front 10 A. it. to l% 11.. for tile P 011... of prescribing for such indigent Venous co may desire the I r professional err lees. 0_110.1013 11P.11.1,31Y It 2011:0102I HEHLEIII( & JOHNSON, RACTIO4 Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters PI'S"i`J3BIIRGFS. 3PB All orders hy wall executud satisfactorily a promptly attended to. full Ilne of Bath Tubs, Pumits, Hulns, Wat I meets, Sinks, Chamlelltra, l'undants, and U. Mia.,m. for sale at the moat reasonalde price.. ten ded soOrderom country patrons by mud promptly a =I Clow Uose of every description. jeZlidtti SHETLAND SHAWLS, = WII.ITE, ORR & CO., NOTICE'IB HEREBY 1311VE31 Mal the co.perluersblp heretofore existing between /MMES MARTA:LASTER and HURT bIASTIN, doing buslmealif under the Am and style of HART MASTER A MARTIN, was 401.0IVed WITIIWZDAY, June 2010 Innt.. by mutest consent.. lIRNItY IiAETAatiTEIt will motile up ell the acconnta, pay all debts of tho Arm. and collect all the hutch. FIEPEI °mt. or Cur:TROLL= Or ALTAI:6IMT CO.. } Ilrisounon, Jana 01. 1 8 0 e! NOTICE TO corimictons.: will no recerrell'at Vat on). until JULY uw, Inclusive • forerectlnvt . llßW' WOODKN OTRUil'fUltE atrthe [triage WOO the „North Branch or Itobimen'a Hun, Oa the that leal log froth thttsburga Nonlentnwit, in /i01:0 Bay cite Tomahll,. llM=M==l Psrtlettlars will tin furnished on utilcateaWM/ By direethin of Camay Catatorssioners. jez„zi wain , ILENItY LAMPIEUT. Controller ••-• nab #frtet, between Tunnel and • .„. • AUNSiILTICAND•DEALERIN HARDWARE. • tint class goods al' always au hand and itatd at the 10w..t . p class Repairing dole cacataltroa ettOttllOUtte. 1tp;1499 336 Liberty Street, =I A Large Assortment or I= said and Retail Dealers Is respectfully directed E=Cl I= clog STEPHEN M. OTT, (MIOVEDVIIVIKWESTI.L) Monday Next, June 26th, Fifth Street 6:tension Berage Shawls, Sea Adtle Shafts 1313 N•ifth Elltrocrt. - INT COT IC L. 11XNEY dAirrateavig. HENRY DIAIITIN. ~~t:1:'~:~t,~•i:31f~i:)~~' , t 3 i:YM:~~~F;r►'.' :\il'/al:ilYi.`lBl~~t:d.`YY:~ J. D. RA.BIALKEY, 334 Liberty Street, Dealer to all kinds of Soots and Shoes. eiwas• on hand s large and varied a•sonmem 01 Ladies', Misses' and Children's CUSTOM MADE SHOES AND GAITERS, Of the anent New York Manufacture And at Lower Prices than Down Towi, Ramon.lner the FOUR LA K WISE DOWN oppo to Wayne Street. jer:eV:rr, VOLEY'S CELEBRATED GOLD ['ENS, Gunn Perelia Pen Holders, all Mi.., Blank Books, Cheek Books Time Rooks, Merit, Rlauk Book: of every de.cription llatloucrp. Fancy luk Stand. VautcnerA. Letter Clips Letter I , lle*, Invoice 1t001....te, MYERS, SCHOYER & CO., I= COAL MINES FOR SALE. The valuable Cool 1111 Iles Ow tied by the houthern Coal Mining Company. ...muted In nhelby county. Ala— twelve miles nortlomat of Montevallo, and one a half nt des from the North and South ItalPoad (now Inrunning tinter to into burnt). and one-'luny' ter of a mile from the Unmet: goad to the Red Mountain Coal MMus. are now ofterrd for sale. Tlowe mine: , have rave been Its tuber .ful opera tion for .come rears, arl• Uetua Ow heart t - mineral region of the State. and are only gl ty-Ilre milts by rail from echos, from whence there le water transport Minn to the (lull. There la not In the United States abetter oppor tunity lor a cafe sod profitable luveatment In the Coal basin... =I Ono bait rash, and the balance at the expirallo T six mouths, without Interest or. our-sixth wi t h ti the balance to Inonthly payments, with Sul Interest. G. RI. McCONNICO, A e..liicx of IL. O. word. EZZEI J. D. RAIVIALEY, 334 Liberty Street, • FASHIONABLE HATTER And Dealer lo all kinds of Er..,corsai 8112 D 08Pt3, YOB HEN, BOYS AND CIIILDBEI The Newest Styles always on hand and at the Lowest Prices. Look out for the till' It LA lilt WIN in/Wti. op posite %NATI.. ,trnr•t. LIPPINCOTT & BAKE ELL, No. 118 Water Street, 1= I= PATENT POOTH CIRCULAR. MULAY SILL AND CROMS-CUT 1=1:1 1866. SPRING RATS. 1866 McCORD Sr, CO., 131 WOOL, STREET, Wish to call special attention L• their Info an. splendid .toot of Hats, ac., for Spring and Suns neer Wear, • FSadlois 17/cia-lotir. UAIIIEN• HORSY% YACHTS, IiEASIDF-S, Etc (HEST'S lost BOYS' SAHATI)IAS, ••lIOW THAT'%,•• HICHIHTONS, HUSHES*, MOUTHS LIEUHIS, HEMS. &0., &e. OTILA 3 / 4 001I1)O. of every doerriptlon, to milt toßles. JoaOdO GREAT- BARGAINS C. SFi c C7rlsl', 124 Federal street, Allegheny City We alter our stoat at great bargains, consnting of ❑INN ETS. HATS, PLOWEIL, ttlillNtS, and everything in the AtILLINE.N.Y LINN. Alan, nil and CLOTH SACQUES and Ittal39U En will he . very low, as we are about to quit MEM BUSINESS MAN'S COMMICLIL COLLEGE, No. 4 St. Clair Street. We hare engaged the servlees or an experienced teacher expressly for the month. of July and Au. gnat. Students entering ou the Ist ofJ tap can complete the Course by the Wt. of Allgll.l. For circulars and bill'eilDCllllof pcntuaoslilp, apply at the College Rooms. or address A. SHAFFICIL and Je7A:c4ll: NM, 1. F. McCLAYMUN DS. LIVERY AND SALE STABLES MORELAND & EMIL, Nos 425 & 427 Liberty Street, The very beet IIIMBEB, UAILRIAU Eli and BUG WEIS kept for hire at all times The lineal Flittilitig Notice cit the best y. Funera ls,anner. go., attended to on abort In Tenons wiehing to engageanything 1.13 our line can rely Upon being turned out In the beat style the prop r iet o rs give their personal attoutlonin ho, butineaa. JeJ:eri3 PHOENIX STEAM. BREWERY. 10$. firliNCtin JAB. WEAL, %FENCER & RESTERS AND BREWERS OF Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, •PfTTSBURGH, PA. ROBESIT WATSON,. Nonage, Jel9:dos 11 . J. LANCE. STIR AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOIIIIEII. ALSO, Chintz Window Curtain. and Chair Coven Cleaned and Reglazed without unpacking. Nos, 35 and 37 Third Street, Between Wood end thathaeld, aisl9:on PITTSBURGH. PA. W. N. 111 . 1312.11445 A. 11811E11 C. T. IMASIAM AMEitichw MACHINE HOURS -7 FigilA,e)WWl 055:00., 4. l *.t'Pgidert:444. ltfachinists, AANOTAVTI.IIZILS or . Oa tieliginek -0/1, TOob4 And overythlog IPOPeliaati OP 'Boring 011 w.n.. PaillaislazatteratletVpaPY to /Ming op litisfUng• Ft. W dr; O. R. " ,45.11,141PAY&OrWit 7PIAVR/1011=1:1. , 0n:44 . . LLN ORDLNA.NCEaxithorizing Ike Eirsdirijei.raVing and Oit-ttlng with Curb•Stottei Spruce Alley,ln the Ninth Ward. from smith street toTayleceitteml• airscri Ole 1. 'Be 11 °rant u-d an/ roads.] byMop os, t'ilatsoss of PO! sintogh, in Seteet and, Conano.ri Counotle ass. mbled, toad it ta- i enactot by Mn authority it( the w That Mit. 1t... ; cording Regulator be Anil he Is herolor and dl rated to advertise. for proposal; for grad toi . paving and rotting with curb- , tine Spruce Alley, lit the Ninth Ward. Iron Smith street In Taylor street. anti to let the akine in toe manner direeted I by an ordinance concerning atreeta. paaseil August ie.57, also an act concerning streets. approved Janoary Sth. Ordained and enacted Into a law lu Council, tide ?Atka day of June. A. it.. 1.561.1. $lll I.TO:t. President pro : C e.LYZlSelect Council. Attest: E. IS. 3101 t nos ',l, Clerk of ent Connell. TIIOSIAS Pre.ideut f t'ommon t °noel'. Attest - Wit, M. II any) ie27 :eta Clerk pro tem of Common Connell, AN N ORDINANE au( horizing the A.A. Grading. pa . tag C and tietting with (;uria-Stotte M'attion street. SmiTIOR I. Be el ordol mot enaettat ths or. ditto-slur, nod Ottizens Pittsburgh. to Anon and t'innolon Council. a...x..1201m1.0 n 1 tt ts keroby rnaeted by authority of the saute., That the Iteeord log Regulator be and he G herein directed to lad vertlae for proposal- for tne grading. pavingnd setting with curb.. one Watwin Street. from 1101,1 tot healunt street, and to let the same In the Man ner directed by an Ordinance of CouncilS. Pitsketi August Slat. A. Ii„ labt. and all Act or approved JanuarY 1 6 44. S. That s uclt of no ordinace M.G.' , oh the tat day of April, ISO, at la Incoubla n tent with this ord nonce, be and the • ono. I. hereby repealed. Ordained and euxtesi Into a law in C(.11/1:10.11, 11111 Z5lll day ordain, A. It.. haul. .1411.1 !'resident pro Pun of Select Council. Ahem P.S. 111,141[11W, MniltD THOMAS .`,11. - .E1.. rri.sldent orCouimon Council Attest' WILL M. MARTY KU.. Je-1:01P ('Peril pro lem of Comtuon COUI.II. • AA N ORDINANCE authorizing the tiradln, Pavlov and Kettlug with Curb-a:quo. , blreut !tr.,. Alley. I. urdained narls..lAy Ile. 3f en, et, .1/d.rrnen mu, l•diz , P.tbd•urgh, .n .A, A, I elesel ."11.1011 erxxolfs . 6 eve., re Ire /...rebp .reertehel , ey teleteseerely4 Ilse son, .111. 1111 . HC1 . 1,11 - lug Regulator ta. awl 11. dirt .\.,( to e,lr.r tlnor t 1..• alrodltag. tut , 'lag hy, t Ant,. l•ta“1 and Alley. (rum Magee .sts,,uNut,tr..ut, and to let tat. adult In the anmnaler ilartrt..l lay MI t)rtiluemce or ( parF....l Argos( A. 1057, and en Act of Assembly. approv..al .1411110ty bah. left. Or./11nr.1 and but „0 law an l'outarlle. this da, ut A. It., Piesolvnt pru torte ol "trivet Alta mot. I:. IC. 3101IllOW, irri. of Select .:unuell. Til.l,lAtt President of Conarnont toopril. Alie3l: WILL Al. HA.Crzict.l.,. Clerk pro ton oft orumon Councll. J.N ORDINANCE authorizing the emoting, d slog and Setting with trurb-Stone I recstur etreet. Srt, rttrNurdnottri erlad yMe May or. A/arors. /Serif l'illstenr rte yl, b Stltcf ent 00/11.1 ,, 11 Oraracir. a,genabled. and It is hirchy enar-1,11, nthority the 'can, That the Record ing Reg 131111.01 . br and he I. hereby directed to ad yr, tine tor propos:do for the grading, rowing and net ting with cart, stone Decatur reet., from Klan to Felton street. end to let the sam St e In the manner di rected by an ordinance of Councils, bl1111”.11 August 31st, A. It.. 1557, and an Act of A:iaerubly, appro,rl .l an nary tilt. tool. Ordained and enaetrLd into a law In Councils. this tith day or - Aube, A. Ir.. Imre. .1 Oki Is '31111'TO): . l're.drient pro tem of Select Connell. Alit,. K. 3. Clerk of rk of Select r TllO5lAn President of (:ononou Council. Attest: WILL )1. WART/FL, 27:e21 Clerk protean of Corn:non Council. l i N ORDINANCE , authorizingurb-Stone the uradtn, lug and Setting n C Logan Street. nIicTION I. fie 11 eeduined And rositelfd by Ow Moll , Aiiirrine - ii ITX4i ..ititrtsof of Pittsburgh, in. &lie Common (b,unbileagertobb,d. audit is hereby roiactill by outhority fl irt stone, That the iteeortl tug Itegmator be and or is hereby directed to ail vertlse fur propuanls for the gradluy, paving and Setting with curb-stones Logan Street. from Wylie to %Ystinter street, nod to let the same In the an ner directed by an Ordinntscc of Councils, pas+ed August Mat. A. It., 1117. and no Act of Assembly apprOved innoam nth. 1.4. tint:Lined and enacted Into a lam In Council. this day of June, A. ti. JOHN 811IPTON, President pro tensor Select Council. Attest , E. S. 310ittiow el , ilea of nent Council. TILL/at/di STEEL, President of Common Council. Attest: WILL Al. IlAirra.LL, JelL - ml.r2 Clerk pro tern of Common Council. A N ounictrAivuE authorizing the A tirailigg, Paving and Setting with Curb-Stone Franklin Street. !F 'M": I. lb it .50101115,1 and cnoelect by the May or. Norms, owl Pifiwburgh. In S•boi Ind Onnmon Coo Nel fit ...of:Oared. sel it to hereby •obiotne,i •I ., urn ,i tin acme. that the I/recording Regulator be and he Is harelip direct d to whertise fur propesad• ler the giaditiF• lug and netting withcurh-stone Frookiin Street. from Wnslllnglon to Fulton street, and to let the name In the manner directed I,y n Ordlnanee of Vounells, passed August :tilt, A. D.. PAT. and An /lel n 1 Allymnbiy, appve/IJanuar] nth. ions. Ordnlntul an and enntted ro 11,10 n law In Councils, this 251.1, day uf.l one. A. IL, INS. ,10115 President pro tem of select Council. Attest: E. s MonnoW, Clerk of Select Connell. THOMAS STEEI., President yf Common Council. Attest: WILL. 31. H e1 . T.R1..L. yell:e2l Clerk pro tern of Common Council. 4.N ORDINANCE authorizing the Urading. ravingsaid telling with Curb-Mont. Bedford Street. from Washiugton to Fulton street. tincmos I. St ii r 1,41 a1;.,1.41 fly or. A Of. rla., 11/VI wi of I . llf,ntary6. In 5. h., a/p " i 4,,0ut1 , "1 oixEronhlril. WI if LA. hereby th. That the Becordiog Itegulator toe and to. Is hereby dlreco d to advertise for proposals for dm grAtllt.., pav ing mol totting with eurb-stone Bedford !street, from Washington to Fulton street, and to let the same la the manner dlreetml by au ()oilman., ol Councils, passed August 71st. A. I)., and ae Art of .Assembly, appros cd January ell, I,AI. ordained ann enacted Into s law In Clarnucils, BOA fit!. day of June, A. In, Iseit. JOHN SHICTON. Presolent pro tem of Select Council. Attest. E.o. Monnow. I lerk :intent Connell. THOMAS. STEEL, rrPaident of Common Connell. Attest It ILI. M. $4 , 27,24 Ilerk pro ten, of Common Council. t N ORDINANCE authorizing thq •v. tirtoling. Vatting and netting with Gurb..ndone 113 turret. between Magee and Chtetto t streets. Entrpos I. la a ardlaovri mat r narani by fir test. A Maroc. and Cal...ad 4 Pillabarga. to Stl.a4 "al tteutmon Cou.steits asstrnble.L. and t.la.rraa had and enadal by aalhar y 4 the saute s That tot Recording Regulator Mid lie is hereby MI. Isorlsmi to advert!. for proposals for the reading, saving and setting with eurb-alone tilbtion street, odor. Magee and Chestnut streets. anti to let Ito ame 111 the manner tilrtaked 10 an ordinance fl,ll- ..Mg street, passtol A 000.3151, .37, and an act tuneernlnts Mr... approved ;Attu., Ott, pm. Ordained and enacted into a law In CMlllelis, 11110 'di; day of dune. a. li.. 11(' 0. 111n 0 sll PV \, • restless pro tem of Ottiort Council. Attest. K. S. Motiltow. (leek of Mtieet Council. T 11.3133 ilt St, EL. Pr... Abbott of Common Council. A tes 1 Witt 31. 113 tersks.t., lee ten I terk prat,. of Common Council. t N ORDINANCE authorizing the grading, paring and setting with curtmtone Bite street. from VI file to Bedford Street. nm - rii Bo it ordains./ and msisend hg the 16,, A1.1.-nacre and efttross of Pittsburgh. in liel;x4 and .. 1,1014 Councils cod ft in h e r e by rsirii and cant en...J.11”, aritli.rilp q/ fm n on, TTeat the Recording Regulator be and be Is hereby .11reeted to advertise for proposals for tire grading. nretr.`,:,lron: i nftte stunt to Medford stn es. and to n the manner deaeribed by an ordlrionoe of Coun cils passed Auguat alst, A. ii. INU, and an art of Assembly approved January titli, 161. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, title day of June, A. 1). Isresident, pro tett;!! ) .l i feVe l l i f.TuTcli. Attestn. d 31.0t0w, Clerk ores/Iml Connell. THUS. STEEL, rn.id.ut of Common Council. Attest tV t.t. DI. 11 auras -Ls., t leek. pro tom., of Common Connell. feai:e2G - - - % N 0111)1NANCE authorizing the grading and paving and •ettion with Curb-Stwoe Washington t tre., from l'enna Avenne I rraukilu , . 61... I. B. it ,oNlutlxrd or cueletcli by the NUS. , .1 ((icemen nod cflit cug or PUlRbeiryla, in Select owl ridbocil assembled. and if I Screby ordain ed ore( ..nr sled by authority of the same, That the liceoratng Regulator be and be Is hereby directed to advertise tar the grading. paving 0051 setting 01e11 (:ern-stone s Washington street iron: Penn: Iv Lola A eitue to Yrs:Alin street, and to let the :Anse in the inanoer directed by an ordinance of Gunnell. passed Aligned lin, A. D. Ihp, cud an net of Asset:loli. apprOeed JattioaT Gth, 1901. Sr, . 2. Ordained and enacted Into a lam this Pith day of Anne, ROI. JOHN SI:UPTON. President pro tem of Select Connell. Attest: E. S. Monanw, Clerk. or Select Council. TIIONLAs STEEL, President of COll.OlOO Coined. Attest. Witt. M. HARM:Li, )1,27:c.9 Clerk pro ICIII or Common Coo octl. AN ORDINANCE authorizing the tirading, Paving and Setting with Curb" Stone Pennsylvania Avenue, heal Ulnwlddlc street .Itimonvillo street. litectOs 1. Re Il ordained sad enacted toy the N.Y. 7;;e1 4 1 1 4t7 n7:77 " a " :rZf .a " n r ,l 'L it it; . Solna r•tolviot anil /mailed by authority of the erro,, That the according Regulator be and he to hereby me ihorlseil Will meted to advertise for proposals for grading, paving and setting with curt-atone Penn yleaula A•enne,t'rens lltroviddle stmt.% [mon vlllo Street, and to let the name the manner rect.) by an ordinance concerning street.. passed ...Ku. list. IS67 t also an act concerning au - eeto, approved 4.3317 oth, cmi. Ordained and enacted into s law In Coo/oils, this 25th any of Jane, A. D.. IOIS. JOHN SHIPTON. President pro tent Or OClsa Council. Attest: E. MOlutow, Clerk of Select Council. • - • • TII V XAtl STP.EL, President of Common Cannel Attest: %V ILL Tt. U.AItiZICI.L. ro tom of ol:ommou Coo.II 812:1 REM CONTROLLER'S OFFICE, CITY OP ALLnalrawF, Jane "a, 186it i PROPOSALS FOR BUILD G ISEWEII.—BeaIed proposals will be tecolved at this otter until FRIDAY. Wilt last., at 3 o'clock. P. tor the coostrnethyo of • Brickwer, be glonfug on the North Common adjacen Io the In tersection of Third street and Cedar arenue, d u s t y Titled want; thence westwardly 644 feet enel Street, to We of a calibre of 41, feet; thence 'nests Wavily 544 feet to Federal street, of calibre of nee feet; thence aestvrardly CZ/ feet to Bearer street, of thellbre of •S feet. thence sonthenrrdly DM tent to culvert on Western avenue, of a calibre Of alz bad. Plots and sncellicatlouS to be Seco at the °thee of WM. MedEKDISY, Esq., Iteoordlne Reg ulator. It. rteatica City Coa•-olle,. 401Ilr CITY CONTSLOLLIII'S PITISIMIL6II, J tale Lld, 1M S: CITY WEIGH . SCALES.—SeaIed Pr.3,01,./S• addreued to %bent:lance Committee of tho igttobleight , . lll ha reoelsed at this' oince. au MONDAY. July 2./. MS. .43 o'elttok, far figkinazit.Te for the.soveral City Welabi Seale. )31 (ter& cute how touch of the gram revenue nflanit ffOle Bald etslot , yttl siva to. th i e o. ela i r the re jw ee ,. fi t h c e G st w me i - v, city Cur or Ah.i.nonnait', June 3:1, • morosAoropoTiViirau AND s. rpope,s,‘ recomont Weblike anti! rtnuni. Mtn nat.. it 3 o'ultink, r, v., for ltradinA and raving Bidwell Larne, [him Lihlo arcane to' 'Juniata "trent; Ohio A'Vennn. 'am the railroad to the reV r . " . U‘F ILVA.VI4.IIr at i reontlaillee - JLeyptrEn.:=Alsavozi Croe3l34.2iseicireal , s...Yutted Tinguee 'Umbra Bier, ,Irvaaputni isiaamrsiAudi juou. pat my Ls An em.4,-Bulo.ple ,ter travelletra ;Rudy 0 - Wired ad - for Axle utile rawly Urn .e.mbukca.pt ...”. jall • . V0TM.114:14147 antaatia +MOW. 1,4 . 1 .1" V.: 01 ~/.1111.4.• • NEW ADVER. G.11.410111D SQUARE, _dLLEGREA' r CI T *, Five Days, July 3,'4, 5,6, 7 Every Afternoon 2: every EYoning At 74.- W EDNESDAY. JULY 4 will be given THREE ttift/ILMANUES. commencing est , 2 Ann 7.34. r. Instructive and Refined Amusement. ]D4 "RIC MIE/ Int,tstlns eebo.l of IDUCATIM ANIMALS A Choice and Bare Menagerie, In I,II,IIIIPtiOII With • FULL nn.l REFI N CIRCUS COMPANY. The Triplicate Features arrangol ar 10 form TWO SKI . ARATY and 01S TINCI EXIIIII1110h:,111.1..rtha• , eutol Vas ‘ll ~,,, and for ONE I• RSUIs, - — ;,-.::::.,,4_ •.•.-..,•-..:. .„ ' , : „..,,:•-&- , -1.w. , _,,.,,-,.,..,, , , --- ., 4 , :.!' n ''''.7:4''',• er .. !l; - I,_ '.../: _ ." 2 . :' '- • ' ... lVLoIT,tsk/..A,Y....-,—•—lX44:f3N-.,,v.:,V.•.,. L' ‘ 4A :• tea: The , The School of Educated Animals, 1 01. II AN RICE sob. I , Irertor and Trainer, Com prises some of the most interesting and Intelligent p,l meat, of the brute creation veer introduc . .l to the pub!, among which will be found a REHR OF sal RED c AVM% from Ilindostan • objects of wor• ship among tile benighted heathen, and held In the highet esteem by all class,. These beantifni Anil interesting animals are the only creatures of their kind to be seen out of their native country. The MONSTER ELF Pli ART ROMEO, since the death of ••11anillal,'• the largest Elephant known e a Irt, and the only real Asiatic Elepturllt ever im ported Into thin country. lie Is highly educated, sod will tir Introduced by bin captor and trainer, Stewart erneen. • The beautiful Arabian Trick Hone, ISTEVHEN A. DOUGLAS. The wonderful Blind Talking Herat EXCELSIOR. du., the most astonishing. beautiful and completety educated animal ever known, and over whom Mr. RICE exercises aeon • trot and degree of Influence, which cannot fall to Impress every one who witness this most extraordi nary and magnificent exhibition of the power of the 1.111,111. mind over the instinctive faculties of the brute. T333] I%OC3EINALCM - MIR.X3EI. 3he Zoological and Ornithological Department comprises an exceedingly eholes collection of the rurest, most beautiful and curious quieting. of Natural History. embracing in all eighteen cage, In which will be found LIONS. TIGERS, LEOPAIMS, Ac., Sc., with unique Birds from Ta rtu., qUITICTS 01 the globe. A den of PERFORMING BEANTS %111 to. exhib ited by l'ror. I.ANIGWORTHY, the great Arneri.n rAt E SHEEP: drove of ARABI AN CAXIELb: ' an INFANT DROM EDAKY onlythe, e feet in height: a BRAZILIAN TWER, a beautiml IN•cl to e a specimen of that very rare animal, the TAt Al: A, or RIVER HOG: a troupe of diminutive bH.TLAND PONIES, ridden by SION KRY SOCKETS. TILE CIRCUS COMPANY, which h,orgallized under the •ole direction of NI DAN HI CE. will be found to number the moat r . • _ . • .. . Oned and noted artists In theprofession,among whom are rir. 0. bticaney, Jr., Mr. Geo. Der am n.... Mr. 1111th Baldwin. White. Stlekney, hire. George Dern,. ' Mr. Fred. Barclay, and others of equal re pute. and Mr. Rice pledges hitutielf that th e per formance In the Ring will be of each a character, that while the most Iththiloth and exacting, shall and no opportunity for cavil or objection, the most ardent admirers of Equestrian Skill cannot (allot being thoroughly gratified. SPECIAL None E.—OaDin Uy rXxxletnattAncit., The exhibition of Menagerie and School of Educa ted Animals. The Shetland Ponies sad Monkey Jockeys. The Elephunt Romeoand Prof. Lang worthy's Den of Wild Beasts—with a Lecture or. the wonders and purposes of the Animal Creation, by Doe RICE. Intermission of ten minutes, during which those who do not desire to witness the Eques trian Performances will have an opportunity of re tiring. At the expiration of the Intermission, the entertainments of the arena will commence. In the course of the performances., In compliance with unit ersally expressed desire. DAN Kika will don the motley. and for the gest time in many years, appear as Clown and Jester. Sam Rrlegnir, Jr., the fa...rite Jester and Vocalist, and the entire corps of male and female artists, i llwll appear In • select and pleasing pleurae... A rano Street Pageant w 1.1 signalise the entrant. , of the establish ment Into the city. at le A. At. This procession ex erts In damling magnificence anything of the kind attempted on ails continent, and will he led by the 00•1 beautiful GOLDEN SWAN CHARIOT, dontaining COISOII's North-Western Cornet Band, rawn by Ni superb thoroughbred Arablatchorses, and followed by Romeo. tlic monster Elephant, with Dromedaries, Camels. Trick Bosses, Ponies, Mules. ('ages, Dens. Vans, Carriages, Ac. Admission to both exhibitions. BO cents. Chil dren nudes ten ' , Ars or .IM. 25 cents. or edmission to ell .er exhibition. separate, the same. J. E. WARNER, °eel Agent. • 1ttr:en.r.30.2:9:1:6 NOTICE TO THE Tag 3P04%-srai-s; Borough of lAwreneeville, Whereas, by a Supplement of the Act of Assembly approved the 4111 day of MLi arch, A. „„Xli% relating to the payment of the Borough Tax to theiTteasorer within the limns of 41/1111.0O1Illgh. the undersigned respectfully notifies the said tax payers that he ls now la possesblau of the Duplicate for the payment of sold fox, and ready to 'reeler tne tunic. till all taxes pold on or before the bred dayof An. gust, 1103, on allowance of bee percent. will be made. on all Sure. paid suriuninent to the first day of August amiior to the first day of September, must be paid In ful pr l. all taxes paid subsequent to the first day of September, lie shall add let per eentum. And on the tint day of October In each year, the Treasurer shall make out a 11.1 of delinquent tax payers, with the amount due from each. with ten per centuut additional added; pro. I.led that no addition. al amount shall be loss that tea tents, and place the sme In 1110 1,00110 of tae With Constable, whose du a ty I t shall be to receive thesame under a penally tit tiny dollars: ant the said Treason, is hereby In tim:ll.d to iSISUC to bald conotable Ills warrant to collect said Lao, granting Ulm all the power. and Immunities now by law vested to colleetors ores:mu t) rates and levies. Provided that no further addi tional notlee to Mx Doyen shall be required than theadverthmment In one or more papers and,,by handbills. WM- JAN C EY, Liere.gb.T....w.', Corner of Butler and Draw streets. The said Tteasurer respectfully informs the Lax paler, of Fand borough that he Is Collector and Treasurer for the Lawrence, illoSehool Marta. and Is also prepared to receive their :Ales, and ESIVILeS them ts call •t Ids °Mee In the ilorough of Law rence. ill. , at the corner of Butler arm Urn y° eta. P'ILLIAAI JANCKY, je:S:e4 UOileCLOr and Treasurer !School 'fonds. -- MEN'S BOOTS. BOYS' BOOTS, Youths' Boots. LOWS BALMORAL& LADIES' GAITERS, MISSES AND CHILDREN S Boots, Balmorals (A-A I rr E It s, AT REASONABLE BATES, SOUTH & ROSS' r 63 .11.4.1 MET S 2 REET. pETROLIA 131_4U1E LF.,AII We are brand of .ve , prepared to (Gmbh this STAN DASD 3E17-al7lil MaZIBJ:), For 'Refiners , nee, promptly and in any quantity. We guarantee the QUALITY to be SUPSUIOU to ANY tu.ufacturedlo or brought to We City. T. IL NEVIN & CO., N. W. Corner Third and market fits. OW 8• f•OUT11- ..... ••.. iJO/1N ROM. JOHN ROSS 41,00 B ''.CY l a'q 2 . l3 TO N. OGDEN CO., Manufacturers and Dealers In Carbon Oil Lamps & Fixtures, Chandeliers, tarbon No. 64 INe4et Street. f4,f . .rfgvia•cri.toogr., FOS PENT, A FIRM OF 180 ACRES, httnated m JetroMmaxonaahip, AlleabenN county, Yu., on the Monongahela river. It ralloa from the city. The hatrrOvennontl aro rood. The land of the bettenalltY: aell.adtDted f..l o 'difigna , Tast es blon Anitettlalq 4 044, rtAlia= xrcrtrialik' With „„ .w,,„„,,,,„ ~.a lien; good atahle, excellent Dater at Madam': ittnatad as 003,ohrWeemegeo. roadOthee , 6 ." - ai r° P OW? V e lltriter particular& anqulrehel... , ~,D m ori , amee;fiatii iiddriatificee 11.21-Vv4zi --- • - --- WANTED—S2OO per Month paid to Airertts, to introduce our now Ole, 111: ADA 88.WItsti MACHINE, KelAbuza ., Address, wttA MAMA. .11ONANOCE ILMTflp.di M &CHINE cu., m Inebeadon, M s. or rm.... 0- 00. Ca. log:c7adlAwY WANTED, 40 Males -aid 30 Man s, At the 'Stable of the ALLA...a tt 614 Y I==l COMP A N Y. Ala ucLrnlrq Pet. SALEM EN WANTED At 98 Grant Street, 3d floor I=l Jr.ste.l4 W. It. BAKE-U. AIIiTED—AGENTS--$73 t 0 $2OO MONTH far ge.tleuted, and to 10-5 lodic.. retry.. Imre, to Introduce tne Celebrated Common Senor Family Sowing Voebilte. andrfected. It will Gem fell, allteb..milt, bin , braid pe end embroider beautifully, only jai making the elalitie lock-ststeb, and bully wortant • . tor m three years. We pay the shove wastes, or comlaslon. from which twice that amount can he made. Adorn's. with stamp. or all on C. SOW - F.ll d Cu., Salesrooms, h o. 255 South FIFTH Street, Ph i ladelphia, i t s. All lettersastswered promptly, with circulars and terms. my=l.44 WALL PAPERS &cc THOMAS PALMER WHOLISALI OD WAIL DM SO WAILAL, FADE] TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. EMI AL 33 IA MI CI Cr 'TT Ft OS Warehou4, 91 Wood Street, Second liner below lharnontl Alley, ir2.1:111m1 l'A pAPEIL 111ANGI1 4,7 S FOR ING“. =I American Papers For Lite drat time in Etc year. .7rE E.VGLISIi PAPER A choice Selection of the Newest French Papers for isle b WALTER I'. MARSRAI.I., I 7 Wral duvet ED= ptiaLon PAPERS A NEW LOT or Standard Gold Papers Now rece'red, of beauttlul designs for Mrlors, ett No. 107 MARKET STREET, NEAR FIFTH I=2 MERCHANT TAILORS INEW C4()0011S! A Very Large and Select Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING JUST RECEIVED, OE LINEN. ALAI , CA, LANNEL, AND SUMMER CAsSIMERES. SQ-LLll,arly and examine. CRAY & LOCAN. 47 St. Clair Street. HENIIIC G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, 1100111181 COMB OF PE CLOI BMW, Desires to return thanks to hi, friends and the pub Ile generally for thelt liberal patronedr, and 1•021111 respectfully Inform them that he has Just return ed from the Eastern markets with a tarp:, and wet selected stock of FINE WOO EN HOODS, recullArly adapted to HEN T LEAIEti ;SHOE I AN I, 4115IMElt WEAR. le lIIIRRICAN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGEJNS, P=T'I'BBURCBrg, AMERICAN AND EIAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle and T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen Iron; T HailB,l6 and 20 lbs. to the) and Train Rails, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets; Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Shafting; Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Mower and Reaper Bars. WARM! , WISE AND 0 el , ICF, 120 Water awl 1:5 Front !•ls. BRANCEIIIOUSY., Nos. 22,24 and •26 River St., Jet :cl5 CHIUMIO, ILL SUMMER UNDERWEAR. GAUZE COTTON, GAUZE MERINO, LISLE THREAD, SUMMER SILK, SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. ME Muslin. Fine Jean and Linen Drawers IMEEI Great Shirt and Collar Depot, Nearly opposite the Post Office, Together with a complete line or Gentlemen' Furnishing Goods, dpeclally adapted belly Retail Trade. REMEMBER, Our Busiriess is ExclUsively GENTLENEN'S FURNISHING. KIIIIIX)CK & PUTNAM = FTITSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. 1LL21117/ADTUDIIIB OF Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND SHEETS, felB4llD PITTSBURGH. P.ll. EVERSON, PRESTON a CO.. pieavirsrz, 1". IRON - WORKS, Weretinese, Rot. 163 and 1117 Pleat street, qp postte Meneeigehela House, Ilttsbareb, JOS:MO WARDEN &. BATCHELDER, BROKERS IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, v ir m&LE WI ., aoani, 13YIRITS TIMPJENTINIS NOBTII CAROLINA TAB. Ac., Ceirner of-Duquesn gay & Hancock patobPa. Represent WM. U. Ile Walnut street. realladeiphLe. myia:e2B !ll' C. DUFFY, .r IANI:MACTO9M OF Tin, COpper and Sheet Iron Ware, 'And .dester. In STOVES, HOUSE ru imam! ma GOODS, -WATEET A C S C) COOL.ERS • TOILLNE, ANL WC). MAO Gliweritait , • •• PITTSBURGH, PA.. 'Otis Dow Stowe Mid nll VonleT. ' liVtlPork od to. • torbt:tiD GENERAL BRAUGHTING OFFICTI. :pi •P. GENGEMBRE, Civil En thiantts„,mtEinErr AHD SOLICITOR or TATIosTS,.No.,SUI ST. •OLLIR. STUSILT, ran OD/Os Roc TmalSisee.:lSllarstomo, PITTS. IIUSGII4 SA, Arra , IN- *MEGRIM!. AT AEC twm.,romuctomusitortiota ontba corner of Ylenting and Fountain atreeta. Third ward, All, gheny, will be sold ou premises, tiATURDAY, .Inne ihe -ratigi d erN ht7nrot 4114= D P ITA L ! thtriteittlit-babaire Irl three_yenrii '• • • lens • Auctioneer. I ,IDTS i.oli - . -r. BEAVER I.BTREET, on` ttij=itiktnlPoinc,l4c4"'"Watt VI &tea waskbbpOlec•air-THRISP. LOlia I; .on the 4,,:v -itaa, atik.r.r. street., heitreftt ‘WeehlOgten. , 414100 meat. Tetpl3-43A811. Ica csar. :,..t,Jili.j,TAI LE 436 .?..TR,./Luiltkuteer 4 ' • I ELTING!. RELTINGIic::: feaslualzu.. '14,91113a' _set...lngoio.lo,,,timu s „, 6.. Aim. ........... end e.ete ahreye on wid. ilk* tom Uhler Datiete IVO , 115:14d Rini Clair ti2W1Liv.t1,..,..LAW0)....i.,,..,