the wittobittortazdte. PENNIMAN, REED & CO P. gg, B . PENNIMAN. ir d an 0 ,,, JOSIAH KING. Blemager. DPICLSON P. REED TUESDAY, .TITNE 26, 1866 UNION REPUBLICAN NOMINATIONS. FOR GoyERWOR: MAJ CE:IICjOHNNV. CEARY, OF CUIIIBERL.A-ID COUNTY ertsuirr NAMIIISL iyLIIIXY. City CLEM Or °OMIT .....- . -.. . JGRill. O,EHOWR. Hampton Tp.) ' - 'Maur itor cmuuT, ALEXARGER HILARDS, City. I - Ouvourrmut j i EMORY ORTITELY. City. . . IMGIISTI131.: AGREE R. GRAY. Plum Tp. , ' Collonsztorrn: , GEORG ILUnizeri, City. SCRIM W. DIBAVO. Mitllln Ti,. .3811:1[M.Y. JOHN • P. AMASS, City. GEORGE WILSON, Pitt Tp. azOIIGE T. BioILES, North In.yotto Tp. MARITAL GLIADIPICII, Colima Tp. WILLIAM PATROL, Soso Tp. IS. A. voLvELLE. City. Titi/EratElit OP TOE INSANE The progress of all philanthropic move. menta is generally very slow, more partic ularly in a community comparatively new, where the Immediate demands arc for those things which minister directly to the more pressing wants of mita. The minds of men are too much absorbed with what pertains to their daily necessities to be able to give attention and t bought to the con cerns-of others, and there is not, as a gen ereirnle, that freedom from* care and that leisure which is requisite for the prosecu. Lion of schemes of benevolence. The older any cortnnunity'be6ames the greater will be the number of objects demanding the care and attention of those anxious to re lieve the wants and sufferings of their fel lows, and at the same time will he found those who arc able to give their time, their labor and their unwearied efforts to the promotion of the welfare of the sick and suffering. In thetare and treatment of the insane we find these principles fully exemplified. In the earlier states of society there is little mental disorder; but with the increasing struggles and burdens of life, with all its disappointments and perplexities, the cattails ofmental ailments become greater, and with the highest degree of civilization we find the greatest tendency to mental disorders and the strongest necessity fur proper provision for those who are thus afflicted. The earliest provision for the treatment of the Insane in 'his country was made in Philadelphia by private individuals , but noVefinite action was taken by the State authorities until about threectuarturs of a century afterward. The movement In thi case, also, was collll.llellfett in Philadel• phia, and progressed s. far a., to procure the appointment of commissioneti , for Wilding, the selection of a site near Gray'f. Ferry, and the commencement of the four dation of the building ; but from financial embarrassments no further progress was made, and the movement was suspended until Ifi4s, when the Legislature again took fiction on the subject, and a bill was passed incorporating the Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital. Various causes, however, combined to delay any definite action until tsts, when the building was cominenced and the corner stone laid by Governor Jou:ssros. The building was ' so far completed in 1851, that the Bean] of Trustees was appointed to .organi-Le the Hospital and to prepare for the reception of patients. The Hospital is situated a short distance north of the city of Harrisburg, and is built in what is known as the lineal plan, with a centre building and three wings on each side, at right angles to the centre bail, the first wing joining the centre, the g . nd parallel to the first, and conner dal at the rear of the end most distant from the centre, MIA the third in the same way connected with the second; thus giving am ple light and air to the hall at each end. The centre building contains the different Mikes and departments for the officers, the kitchens, store moms, &e. The wings have rooms on each side of a hall running the whole length, for the accommodation of the patients, attendants, with the requis ite dining rooms, parlors, ',alit moms, &e. The wings en one side of the centre build ing arc for the males, and those on the other side for the females. In the rear of the centre structure is the building for the bakery, wash-houss.„, &c.; in the basement. are the boilers in whiidi the steam is generated for the Ideating of the whole house. Other smaller buildings have been put up, am the necessities of the Institution demanded, for various purposes connected with the domestic arrangement of the Hospital. There arc, also, two mu. scums and reading rooms and a ten-pin alley, erected by funds contributed by be nevolent individuals for that special pur pose. Attached to the Hospital is a large garden, in which arc raised all the vegeta bles needed for the use of the Hospital throughout the year. A small farm is also attached, but from various causes part of it only is available for purposes of cultiva tion, though pasture is found during the summer sufficient for the cows which are kept for the use at the inmates, but the greater part of the feed during the winter must be purchased. The Hospital was opened by Dr. Con 'WEN, its present Superintendent and Physi cian, for the reception of patients, on Octo. bar let, 1851, and from that date to Janua ry Ist, 1866, (the date to which the last re port is made,) *two thousand and one patients have-been admitted in all stages of mental disorder and of varying periods of duration, from one week to twenty years, The admissions show a large preponder ance of males : men and 855 wo men. The number who were discharged dur ing the mute period was 1,05, of whom about one-fourth (461) were restored. The number of deaths were during that period 267. The other eases were either improv ed, many nearly restored and pre maturely removed; others were of that class who had been insane in varying per , kid; Put at the time of their admission pre sented Tittle . prospect of restoration. _ Tarh.ftLinti arc prominently shown by the examination of the statistics of this and all other hospitals for the insane: First, that the sooner A patient is placed under proper medical tritiment, the earlier will it be re stored to sdnnd health; and, second, that when Aturf placed under treatment, it abottilbe stkeoritintled until fully metered. Monier* ci(ttic mind aro =mil by some - disease of. the body ar some disordered ac tion of the functions, and thok egiscritions inquire tole ,tareesied by moil cat Matti:wet - beer,* miad Can. IMMO dl is proper siOriab. All esperfattet -shows tLat sd 4eviios of the =l*l,t *Vern, ‘3. -1 / 2 'uctistati 1;044)00914 tinte, lona Oftwiliti 9fitlttts 3, ftoi iireAtrriettt, Who raki, , 06l gl4o,oatsf. hos rtaa f Eloptad, li - AMonlribe persevered-in t stintiLa •iiomplete,• not a partial and illusory, restoration is ef fected, Too often the friends are itupreas . ed with the idea that the - mental disaiiler., will soon wear off by change,:pf 'airi•and scene; but by a resort M these'mean Szthe most important period for treatment is passed over, and by delay the disorder be comes MOTO settled and more difficult of re moval. Like all other diseased conditions, the sooner it is taken in hand the more likely will the mental disorder be removed. Where one person may be benefited by change of scene, &a, ninety-nine will be injured. The mental powers are too deli cate and trio important to be trilled with, and the happiness of an individual, and probably a family, blighted. The Freedmen en—Seenes hi the Hospital at Nashville—The Good a Little Help Wks 1/G-01-011.111age--SCIOXtb , EDITOUB PITTSBURGH GenETTE:—Last winter ydu published a note from Mr. Levi Wade., President of the "Ladies Associa tion," asking for clothing and help for the suffering freed people in a Hospital just opened in Nashville. That note met with a very prompt response from residents of both cities, and, in the course of a week, two large boxes were sent off by express. This movement was called out by an ear nest letter from Wm. F. Mitchell, who had opened the hospital, at the request of Gen. Fisk, of die Freedmen's Bureau. A. few days ago Mr. Mitchell, who has charge of the Philadelphia and Pittsburgh Freed men's Schools in Tennessee and Alabama passed through Pittsburgh. I wish all your readers, and especially those who con tributed to those hospital boxes, could have heard Mr. Mitchell and his family speak of this hospital, and the Orphan Asylum and the schools, and the colony at Bethany, the old contraband camp. It would have done their hearts good to know how much their benefactions had accomplished. Although overworked before, when Gen. Fisk was willing to defray the expenses of the hospital for food, Sm., they agreed to take charge of it, and as the pa tients canto in, many of them extremely ill and even in a dying condition, they ap pealed, not in vain, to Pittsburgh and Alle gheny for help, in the way of under cloth ing for the sick, clothing for infants, sheets, As the poor sufferers had their mis enable rags taken off, and they were washed and clad in these nice, neat, clean gar ments, it was touching to witness their thankfulness and joy. Many died, for they were too far gone when adinitual. But for the timely help_ thus extended, nearly all would have perished. I recall one or two cases. A family was brought in, consisting of an old man, his son, his daughter-in-law, with a babe only a day or two old, and n small boy—all very sick, very poor and greatly depressed. Owing to the kind and judicious attention and suitable food and clothing, they soon be gan to Improve. Learning that the young num was a shoemaker, he was asked to mend some of the old shoes sent from here. Doing this well, some leather was procured for him and he made a new pair. These well done, led to others. In a little time he began to get ahead, procured a room, got his wife and child home, a place in the country was found for the father, and since then all have Leen doing nicely, support- I sag themselves and benefiting the commit , any. Could the coney thus employed have been better spent, thus saving till entire leanly from destruction ? Another case ,truck my :Mention. A' poor woman with small pox had been suit to it small. 0 0K hospital. In the delirium of her lever. .lie attendant, tie save Linisell I rouble., .ied her feet so that she could tint get .nu tl bed, and those cords had bltslt allowed to remain so long that mortification eusued and both feet had to be cut oil above the Ankles, and though she got well, there she is, entirely trouble to get about, even on .-notches—a bright, industrious woman, anxious to work and help herself, but with no friends to procure artificial feet or other awns of locomotion. Can no one devise a plan to help this sufferer ? Another mss was that of a mw who, by the premature explosion of a charge of powder in blasting rocks, had both his eyes blown out. After the first day or two of his agony it was pliscsaut to notice his expressions or grati tude to those who had sent these comforta ule clothes, Az.c.; and so Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell were ready to go on with case Lifter case. And now what, said they, is to become of these people, for the agent of the Burman Ims been saying "our money is ex hausted and this hospital must be closest." The Orphanage, of which some or your readers have heard, and which has been .sided materially by our Freedmen's Aid Gommission here, and by the same Ladies' Association is a distinct affair altogether. Since it was opened, some eighteen months ago, it has had about one hundred and seventy orphans. Some have died, for they came in in a sick and perishing con. , lition. Places have been procured for the most of them, and there are now some forty or so in the Orphanage. They are all under eight years old. Who can esti mate the amount of good that has been done in this way ? The superintendent and teachers, unlim ber of whom have very recently gone through Pittsburgh, all speak of the schools as having been. kept up very prosperously. The attendanat for a time was diminished by prevalence of small-pox, but the ;gang anxiety to learn has prevailed, and in many cases with the happiest results. Almost all the school are dosed for the summer. In order to open the schools again in the fall it is necessary that fresh subscriptions and contributions should come in. A aunt her of young people hays progressed so far that they are thought to be prepared to act as assistant teachers, and, in some cases, to take charge of small schools on plant-a , dons and in villages. The demand for , such is increasing. In a year or two more, it is hoped, that these will be entirely self supporting. In the meantime, they must be aided US heretofore, by the patriotic and Christian people of the North. The teach ers all speak of the intense anxiety of the people that they should return and resume the schools. Shall we have the means of .ending them back? "Let us not be weary in well doing." J. 5. Tnitvutaa, General Agent Freedmen's Aid Commis sion for Western Pennsylvania, Ac. . June 26, 11366. pneva DIFFICVLTY.—A difficulty of au unusual nature has sprung up in Day ton, which is not yet settled. The late J. F. Bolluieyer, editor of the Dayton Empire, a violent anti-war democrat, while living, met with death in a street tight. His wile procured a monument to be erected over Ms grave in Woodland Cemetery, the in scription on which contained the words, — Bo fell by the hands of an assassin—u martyr to the cause of liberty of speech and of the press." The trustees and lot own ers of the cemetery, asserting that this in suription was insulting and offensive to a majority of the people of Dayton, reltuaxl the monument admission to tile cemetery. Afterwards, however, it was clandestinely, in the night, placed over the grave. The trustees then respectfully requested Mrs. liollmeyer to have the offensive matter erased, which she positively declined to do. flie monument was therefore removed by the trustees, and held subject to her ordci. So the mutter stands at present. The trus tees avow their readiness to submit the subject to any court having jurisdiction. The friends of the deceased, of oourse, up peal to public sympathy by the assumption that a grave has been desecrated. Tub M o bilo awri,terr amt Ail yr ( . 11414 ul June 7th, to an eilliturinl "To have boon a Union mount this Mouth while war flamed from the swords and brand,. of Union troops at our very hearth. 31.1110.1, WM CO hove Ixwn ni 1118.1114/0.. bra W, without a spark of the soul or one the ;miss of nm. We scorn the Ingham, Lion iliatthe heroin won who fought on ilia Southern nide, in the late war, were trai tors. The father of lieu never uttered a lamer lie. If they wore, we abated 00 quit Thank fled, we have no part of the `guilt of thaw who, while war regal, were •tnntone to their hearths, _ nidghhors, antra:porn; and Sham" "1" . /i,'' bold littittAninithing PAW paterma iinkiiitet,holding, up n Sunday g e l soo l VITO bialt,."W ‘ hitilit !luta" "Time, my son ,, grimutyTtiplitli the falitir, °is j o wl, %%To d,. iMq - With UPI amid.," "Anil Which ticked, pa' outithitlia the iPhithripee hit; ThiPtoW4 kocitria r Jam, mildly Mationlyi fora tIRMWI44IIII4 ilittluttimme.- 0.11001.0 1 9 - 104. -04 , 110.140 slut 0 0 # thie 44tiodifiitetwigerOmilgui)iikei'gfitiku.. I. —Washington is crowded with Chicago H Johnsonites after appointments from the President. —The farmers have commenced cutting grass in Juniata county. The crop there will be an average one —Charles Stewart, editor of the Jackson county (Wis.) Banner, has just had half a million dollars left him. —A tloatof 8,000,000 logs, covering ten acres, and managed by forty men, is ex pected at Lewistown, ye., this month. —Thad. Stevens has written a letter in dorsing the polituNd soundness of lion. li P. Spaulding,wbich is impugned in his dis trict. —An election has been ordered by Gov ernor Murphy, or Arkruisar , , on the 6th of August, for three Congressmen and two Supreme Judges. —Hon. James G. Blaine, of Maine, was recently re-nominated for Congress by a unanimous vole inn very . large convention at Augusta, the State capttal. —At Lockport, 111., on Friday evening, a young man named Robert Alexander was stubbed and instantly killed by a comrade named Frank McCudden. The assassin is under arrest. —The stevedores of Cineinnart are on a strike, and the crews of all the steamers quit work on the 19th. They hold a mass meeting at night, and demanded if. 45 and VA' Iper month. —The President liar approved the bill giving bounties to colored soldiers, and pensions, bounties and allowances to their heirs. It is estimated by the Pay Depart- ment that twenty million dollars will be required to pay the bounties so granted. —The National Bank of Bowdairhani, Maine, was robbed Thursday night. The robbers seized the cashier in his own house, forced him to proceed with them to the bank, and open the vaults, took $157,000, locked up the unhappy cashier for Sale keeping, and then decamped. It is sup posed that the guilty parties are en route nu Canada. BROWN'S TEILMIFILIGE COM VIT6, Olt Wi Ittall.OZ4Chil4F..a.—Much un doutdriliy, ulth cht.iiren %dean, attributed other C.OO/..C15, occa , dontui by•wernas. The ••V LFI.; F I Tn. •• although cliectualelo ray ing worms. can do no moult', e inter) to meet delicate child. Thin valuable c‘iinbination has Iwo sucteaufully used by physician, and rimed to be nate 41.1 Pure In eradicating worm*. au hurtful to children. • • Chile run having worm., rtuulre Innuediate atten !lon, nF urglect of the trouble anew Cattle prolong steknes, 07:not° of worms In children are often oN er. looked. Worm, In thy stomach and howvls cause Mbicll Coll Ie removpd note I.♦ the use or a sot, I etnedy. The combination of 114,41v:its naval In snaking ItatO% N If • •V11.11.3111 , 1)1. E tull- FITS• Is auch 07 to Ore tins 17.1 hoaslol7 effect wan safety. NdA Irboleeall MOO 1,17.11 In PltteNurgh, at lI.EII - (I •0110011 and Paten' Iledictne Otilot, No. 44 Martin street. NEW ADVERTISEIIENTS BINUH.A.I7, Jr., Adantz Express Office, 54 EOM Sirret, ut ll (11411. - irctl Agent to circler Adverttreatents for Mr G...1:11i7TE, and &X other papers throuphoui the L'asted Santos and (he amadas. p RENT, =I tin Tlllllll STUKET. within (rote minutes wait 01 the Post Dine, to • priest,. For further particular., enquire at Tinuorru?,fdell ACHEAP FARM FOR SALE enrumlnK 51 acre, of rich Farming L.111 , t, nil un- At good (once, well isstproccd hour,., lova. Of - chardsad numerous con.boildiug, silt aaa ctt lu Derry wwtodotp, Westrooretand county, three rode. west of Boors, the Junetidn. Vs. Railroad tosste• through th.• farm. in • good neighborhood. This place le off cred at u Roo Agnew. Apply to It. MeLA IN & LOTS ON BEAVER STREET. 51XNC1111,11"1:, AT 1., do , he pretnio • to ord. r of the , tor An Wanodp. d Tel it Liter , . tio Ado It...ver re-, ....dovell V. • :o, on ton anti I OTS A1.1.11:1:11ENI AT AI C.. 1. ./.:1 , 1114, lots •ot ; •go to, -1 L.. 1 Tl. Lira All.,:-•• 1 1111 1 . , ‘ .11, at •••• TU... dlgt , :l.ll 0i.1....11 trr.J.l. u 4. Mr. nut. , 11= 11=Z1[31MI!!!!!! GYMNASTICS. TIIE. SEMI - ANNUA L 114 • ENT V.l{T INVENT. It, the pupil. of EX IN-TI TI *lll 0..0 on IRI OA) XS EA 1,111. to. in N HALL. corner t,, Foor 1. •t.• rt....rut...vim.... on T..ortn 2 • - •••rig vuo...ene-. .t 1,..1“-10, :41 nen... f • I'l,llo, t/t 1. ( Iry or ALI../11, T. Jtanr I /MUMMA LS FOR (41141110 W 4 D l'A V ISt,. rimoosals .1.11 rt,..l,rd at tale ,dll,r. until riti ((Al. 'Mil. hut., Si t g.l,lt.cii. v. • .. for tirsAing arid l'arlmt fr , m ithlo •rcncie to Juniata •tr,rt: °btu ATenur. from the railroad to the titer I.llr. etlon of la. stri,t Commit., 1,:71 IL. It. FaitNCIN ontroa, COATIL , II.I,LII . I. t , s . ryt O CITY E A %.1-11.1.1.A1 Y, APO. 21, IW.. pIIOPOSA LS FOR DIiII.DIA G SEW ett.--Sualrd proposal., .ill be 011...1 at atila °nice until EttlltA Y. rim loan., at o'clock, r. for City oonanruvtion Of A ISrlek !new,. t 0... glunt . us t!. North I..ononou adjacent to the th. tera.vo ion of 111,1.,treet am! to avenue, to the fluid w mt.]. thture ....taw sadly hit fret to ;se...funky nu-14.A. to he of n rant., ..1 fret; llttne..- west . atOI) het to Fe•teral +tr....Lt. of catlbre of !Ives feet; !Aware westwardly MI fret to 0..0, .tr 0trt..1., of ..allots of nn, feet; Itorllre wouthwartlly I.= wet to the crilnert on Weateru aven of a ealllo, of alt feet. Vlann and speetneaStotaa ue, to he aecn at the ollien or Wll. .11c1:IE..ti 1/1/V, Es.. ittneortllns flag ulettor. It. U. lrltANt.ln, ./O3a Cite Controller. B RIDGE ELE(TION.—The Stock w holden of the I . rrTsßult6ll ANL/ )11.1.}:t./11,..- NY BUIL/lir (MAI l'A y, flood ...rat.) art hereby aollnent that Al, electlon for rrealdellt, - ro:tors and tre161314,r, +err,. for I e atoll ntr year. will ta, held at the TOLL, ttirtlf.K. 41 , 401:T11 ot; Sft A Y., Jul, 24, twiln hetw en 1... !morn of to A t 0,, and 11 V. 11. . ~ •• ,1.,...3-.:: FHA:OC LtIMLL/" Tre.urvr, . $25 00 ILE Sir A ItD.- LOST-OK 54 turday tooniluF. beavrclua *6 Crater Avvrsut and the Market Ilatice, I= containing some non. nd•aluable paprg, Tbr tinder will r•eelrr lb. I.y leaving lint No. 1.4 enter avenue. El= 1122111 CAUTION. -- All pernous are cau tioned against rogegglng or paying check No. 1.9, on Enehnitg.. N atlonal honk 01 l'lttaburgli, 'C... 4.19.1. W, date.l Jon,. 9, 101111, the oiler of J AK., FUNK, /owl chrok ion laaving been re. 4,1 .c.l lry the party to whom 11 was nonlloll. vmiciiroi., Sup, t u tendnt M ua. salt ati E alaclt ic iring • o. ATM), A, .11iut P.O jeffi.r.2. ItRAEWEERY FOR SALE,--A1 new most lirtgery, 80 barrels capacity, 411. d up In toe most modtrts styls , with erttlient collar and drainage, and upplied oleo swat, from Om city water work.; It ssitualtdonoar of must ',oink , thoroughfares and best Lumi o nous touttiona ti the Oty of llev..lood, Ohio. with smote moo. , O. same lot to erect a Malt House. for tiarticolars. apply to T. COLLINCro, Jea:IRO 4f) Hurd et., Cleveland. W. IS., VIII, CITY CONTIIO4I.ILIPS Orrlcx, I PITTSBURGH. June kid. Mel. I PiTY WE:11111 SCAJLEB.--Seztled W- , l'ropobal• mleireaserl the Finance Committ., of the City oiPittaborgb, will he received Ti thin °Mee 00111 DiailltilAY, July 2.1. IFICM. at b o'clock. r. it,. for Weighmactera for the several City Weigh Seale., Bidden, will nate how mach of tor groan city} lot from /bald reales they will give to the city lot the nee of thy same.' Jeka:llo.l JNI). WU:Ant:Q, Lily Controller. Orgica Or CONTROLL.R I I.OI.II..I.BOHROY Co., l'lriwulatrill, Juno r.ri, ltd. NOTICE TO CONTILACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS tell/ be received at this °Mee until JULY glo. Inclusive, for erecting• NEW WOODEN STRUCTURE at the 'fridge UF0.911 the North Ilrauch or Robinson's lin t. oh the road lead ing. from Pittsburgh to NuidestovoL la North Pay ette Totruship. Particulars will be furnished on •pplleut/on Ity direction or County Col:nulls*loners. MM;=n= IN II BENT, A FARM OF 130 ACHES, Situated In Jaffee.. township, Alleghen enmity. the Monongahela ricer. It y hum the city. The =prevenient. are good. Tlit land ruse ', clan Augustu ntIll; 1. w l, land,ell adapted rue gardening ['next,- ME FRAME Sp V BE, w th 11i1 and hall, good stable, excellent 'vaor at We door; situated on the old W....b10wn!, road bout miles how the city. inudiately. Yur further particulars. enquire Of U. H. TWA , vu, 164 Fourth utrucl. ELECTION NOTICE,--An election fur °Meer, of the Birmingham & Pittsburgh Bridge Co. WWI ha held et the other. route end of the Brittor, nn 111/141.1A Y, the 2.1 day efJely next. ett i Welunk, A. It. IiTEVENSON, Ole rit. JALIIIIhI M. 'RALPH, B Z O3 EKTWEICP . i . o l'oroO i t% May Yr DRAW LOWS .4 drEci. I 'IA ludo of I.ll4lings. and 0n0.. . - L: wrolli ;fp, oy r...soushos ten.. 041. e on A 14 1) tcutim _Lotopeon Oirekto,ALLl. 011 EN Y. Ic2OoITZ 14136011.-4:0 1Q •-•1 tn. A... 4 On Moo and ror sole by )01i IMAIAII DICK 'CY CO. _ ASH-1 cask in store and for mita Or . ISAIAH DIMLY 8 CO. 'ANDLEWICH--S,OOD pounds In cturoand fu? male Or ISAIAH DiCHICT w CO lIATTIBI 4-3,000 lb*. In store Ullt for sale by IsAI4IIISIOXVI L OU. IIEMENT-800 bblo, of boot LL goal* at Wts; Oriole bt lIEN/tir COINS. W TEnripEti—g.,ooo feet. Ito I 2to 2 luta. HEMAY H. COLLINS. liBRICATIING•01116-4211biluoin Oe formic br , ' 11; COL LINE. ftIIO,OIIILES, for Ohm Founders, *MOW L I - COLLUns, ;_ ~~ . .::..~.- _' - ~ - ~ '` ~- s^ 1 NEW JAMES T. BLUR & CO. (Socociiiiiiis to & Joni & Co;) Corner Fourth ind hood Ste. , ANKERStI3ILIKIRS S WiabEltS.tal ti,iliSilltalSS OF Government t3ecurities, Foreign Exchange, Gold, Silver and Coupons. COLLECTION'S mac on 411 accessible points, It the United State. and Canada.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. PROF. BONSELL, Teacher of Guitar Musk, C. be .4. dolly .t lIOYFAAN dk. 110 EN E'S, No 5 Iflflh street. l'tom 10 to IT o. M. or st C. ELLOR•Ii, N. 141 Wood ntrect. from 2 to 3 r. le=1:old DAULER, CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers, Corner Penn and Wayne Streets hat.o.t ntyles of FURN 'TIME consteotly on hand .w..1100n TN . CIPTIC E. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the co-partnership heretofore existing between RENEY HAII.TNIANTER and MERRY HAIITIN, doing business under the firm and style of HALO% KANTER t MARTIN. wns diasnleed on TREK/AY. June Elth lost.. ley mutual consent. HENRY HAETMANTER will settle up nit the accounts, pay all debts of the firm, and collect nil the assets. HENRY iIAILTIkIASTKI. KERRY MARTIN. DAY, McABOY & SPANG, ECM =I IRON CITY UWE WORKS. OFFICE ANA WAREHOUSE, Nos. 45 Wood and 102 and 104 Third St, I= Saddlery Hardware and Trimming, I= Superior Wood and Iron names, Wrought lost lilt,. Ring tilts bundles, Brandoonn. 'heel ho.. Mullen Bite. te.. he. Keep also on enrol a fall and ,ntplete asmortmOra of goods lu their line. all of which they offer at at twig prices, ht.! VII goeul (truss an are olTursul by any haunt In the Lrnelt EghT OR WEST. nly:A:b3i STEPHEN M. OTT. Dye Sinker, Seal & Medal Engraver STENCIL, BLAND AND STEEL LETTER CUTTER. SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Canceling Stamps & V iiiii ng Cards. Mao. I . I.ATES FOIL Al/LICKING CIA , THINO. 93 Wood Mt., ('or. Diamond Mlle) =I )e2.14 t P 1774413 1, RG U TIIE CREDITORS OE CATRARINE MALVIN W nolicr 1.1. a o•hr win sip], ror nuAl al. Inaolvi•nt and IM , lttr.• Law. In 1.1. c l ointraoll 1.1... I owl ..t Alleghent SaturelA3.Juk% 7tII. at 10 o'culch. A. M.. I=ll I= Akte , r , ...y for I,tl.6niat Mal", ALLEGHENY DISPENSARY TIIIS INSTITUTION ha* been or ..anl b) tine te,tAlihr prnctonng plorsielaep nt Al, nt V. nods who web/lire Tn , al• rn-nt • 111 1 , . - gratultottaly to It, ',or to Ittn!fd, A t CITY II A lw oiwtwnl on Monday Next, June 25th, A ft/ •• .111 e nne mote ••( b.. pLrvlelo It, OP Ary, .111 , 'twit y It. At k-ti•laio., P.,. 11 - ntn . ILA I I I. . f..r t•I =1 11.11,11 T I 1 EIILEMIIr h JOIIINSON, PI.: I, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, I= .1E.X . 1"Tae11331:3 - 1r1.43-33„ PAL. A/Ior•a to , Pallid's/40rIII aria oromptly as rrs t,f01,1 A full llnt. of UnW Ttaa. NVIa.A.r 211nLe. Vendsol, and tow tor ..Air al Ow wool I trderN from mountry ',strum. (,), pnson.t7 At tend...l to wvrrT .I,serlptlon rETUOLIA 131_,U1: We are n w prepared to famish tale NTA NlrAßit brand al .131...171£1 1.a.13:14L1Z1, For ReMicro' use, promptly and /a any quantity. We guarantee the QUALITY to be ISUPIMOIt to AN Y manufactured In or brought to thin city T.ll. NEVIN tr.' 1.1:(151. tl. 1 . 411 M. ,1 . ..1A1.1 • %1,...11•, tcr rut', 4.*,1•1. NI h./. 11, I,IKO. (IRAK. PARKIN. CRESCENT 8= WORKS. PULLER, BARR & PARKIN. =I 11•Til av BEST QUALITY CAST STEEL, W rrrrr teed Equal to any in the Itarket, either imported tor or Domestic Namattfactore. ATTENTI"N VAII) lV VISI.I lino? ANIII , III. STY) 1.. Office, 38 Wood Street, IS eir 19IAKl.Fti nofv.t. 1•11,...tt5.11. 1., It I JULY ilk. 1%66 ?IRE WORKS! FIRE ItiORKS! W enew offer to the Tmir a largr and Iw. II 44 Lr l of ri f ti,%c. IRKS for itv tit., ...In • priming a tare.• vat-tell of I . olorr.l Lod Plain I.ourartit, (tom I t•• or and 11. in Bowan to it: hall. torits•hoppera. hot-prate: 1' rtahatte•'. Scroll.; Verne.; Wheels, Saxon Who. I. Voir...toes, Mines of Star.. Plower INN, Pin Whorls; PbarrOleatitrpcnta. Ac.. Together with a large variety of Exhitottiou i • I Vets. Irf=trirardt;fp_C A Sl to "- S S• ' L i n ' t7,:, t ;T:t, mottos prore. /niers soliel4i. to which prompt attention will br given. y MX It and IV Wood street. Mule Agla for 11. P. Deist . . crl,brated Vim Wotan. 20111:d7 MO LIPPINCOTT & BiligWifil, No. 118 Water Street, NA MIFF AVIT.FILIKS OF ATENT (MOUND, PATENT TEMVICILES, CIRCULAR, DELAY, MILL AND CROSS-CUT MOM 1866. SPRING HATS. 1866. McCORD & CO., 131 WOOD STREET, Wish to call special attention to their large and splendid stock of (lats, Ic., for Spring and sum mer Ifear, Aa Elaci.leomins HAMM ,. I)F.ILIIY7i, YACHTS, SHAsiDiss, MCAT'S And BOY S ` BM:ATVs:Am, ••11L,W• , THAT'S, — 11101.11.1ToNb, BUAIIKHN, DEUSYS, I'ISTUS, As., As. sTHAN, tHAMS of evi.ry oletteription. woutt tank.. LIVERY AND SALE. NTABLEN MORELAND & MITCHELL, Nos 425 & 427 Liberty Street, The eery heel n(ntsoi, lII , t.- lllKSkept for litre at all times The lillent EA lice In the cty. generale, .to., attended to on short notion In the best manner. liereous wishing tO engage anything In one line eat, rely upon being turned out In beet style, the proprietors give their 'tenuous] attention to the 1•11•1111 C.• r7:c:l J. LANCE. SILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOUREIL Chintz W intim Curtains and Chair Coven. Cleaned and Iteginzed without unpacking. Nos, 35 and 37 Third Street, I= CZ= lAN rltillElt C. r. 111411 , 01 AMERICAN MACIFIINE 110111 KS FISHER, GRAHAM & CO., Engine Builders and Machinists, Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And everything urcogsAry for Boring 'II Well 1120=1 P.m.). mttentlon paid to fitting op Shafting Pulleys, Unogors, it. Marlon A.,•satte,ll.llV rt. W.& C. It. It ILEPAII[IIId Jell do 40/.00 kralalW-A-11 , a). STRAYEICIOR STOLEN from the subscriber, lielng near Noblestovon, Alltchopr Co., Ph., ou tho Welt of Juno lath, 1A150., o CAI' (Stalllon)Beari broken to rho oaddlo, hoary wane. AIM And foretop; heavy limbo, hare footed, hod Othont leliand a high. A suitable towsnl be , pild Mir Chthreturn of the hone, awl If pto le;Alda for We arrent Ind eon EUREKA CLOTHES WRINGER. Oee of the best Wringers ever sold 10 thr United States, you will Dud at NO. T/Cfacra. Mitrerot. jam____ li . • F mk tittillAVEl) AND CDT O:.r.ii4AAIAN/VIT.AL I ELDI Of all Muds. Mad. beautiful PAIITAII tITATP Errs. A etialue let just received at NO. 22 N7Grcocrel 115troet. Jen H. 171 UT. r;SY ~,. H r .. z_ _ ..> . ~ _,a -, =I I=l SS AL 'VP S. MEM I==llll2l =I 811061:torry, I. NEW 4.IDVIERTISEMINV, N0.T14 TILE pa= Payers MEM Borough of Lawrenceville. Whcrerta, by a Supplement of the Act of Assembly approved the vat day of March, A. LI. ladit. relatine to the par went of the Itorough Tin to the Treasurer within liv. Line, or -aid Borough. the n der red reepertfuli) th.. said tax payers that he I now In p0,....0in of the Duplicatethe paynterti ..f said tan. end ready to recla t he earn, le all tutu. ``,al,l .o, or Irerore the fret day of Au. gust, Dot, a., allowaoce of tti inircent. will be made. On all taxes pat.! Mbgequent 10 th ,, fret day uf August and prl,, 11. Il.c Nst day of feptenther, mast he paid In full. on all taxes paid .nbaequent.tirofirst day of September, he steel .0.1 Hee per CentliM• And on the first day of October In each year. the TR...outer thrill setae oat allot of delinquent tat payers. with the 30101111 t Inc from each• with tun per enturn additional added: pro• hied that noaddition al ALIIOIIII, ell all he less 1:11011 ten rents, arid place the same In the hands of the Digit Constable Whew ditty It &ball he to receive the mine a'penalty of tlfty dollars: min the said Treasurer le hereby au- LhOrl• Ca to hone to -al.l rout( ahlt. warrant to collect said tax. granting rim all the powers and Immunities now by lam Vested in eollcctora of coun ty rates and levies. Provided that no Nether addi tional notice to tan payer, shall lei required than the atlverthiemetal lo non or more paper , Imd,hy handbills. \V '&Y. borough Trensairer. oruer of Butler and Dravo Streets. Tht ,al.l Tr. astir., rvapertrally Inform., the to TrTa ' s . ur ' :l I)lrlrtet, ate If , alto prepared to reeetve their Loxes. and Invites then, at los offlot. In the Borough 01 Law renceville. of the -nrner of Ruth, at, ,, Dravost. LLIAM A Nt;F:l', '..1 I. e tor :Led Treasurer ,Lsoul Yu mix VALUABLE COAL MINES FOR SALE. The N .I.lll.llNit , ONli no, IN :N..11114,11 I NNNI: Mining hcs ompany, ow e.he Ihy county. Al,. I We'l r. unit o 1. - nrth. n. vallo, and env a hall :min. troth tin North and not th Itaii•und Inow In runnlnn order In Una not.). anti v 110.41112, ter of a 11,11• from the nrannh [toad 10 the Ite.l MOlllll3lll ar, now I ollerol for nale. . . ' 1011 , 4113W' nam. been Innueeenaful °per I.n •411/t. Jo•ars, are tllillateti 111 Ibr heart Of flue I.llllerol region of the dtate, and are only atsty-five oilier 1 , 3 . rail from dettna. from whence there It r tr:unapou i rt lon to the tiult. lb niml un the United 1,M1.1.n a betteroppor- I unit.) torn safe aunt profitable Inveatibent to the Coal lonsll. nn. =I r linlr • aah.aitil the halm., at the expiration or tit 11101109, without inter, .0 or. une-anti tit cants. atot the Imlntice In equal monthly paytueuta, with out interest. G. M. 111cCONINICO, krl E. V. ID= A LL THE MAGAZINES FOR JUIN ALL 'IIIE MAtiAZIN Ul.l. ALL TIM AI.I. 0.1 . 1:1, All ALL NEW El' KLICATION , . ALL NEW l'U BLICATIoN, hTATIoNKILY ALL ,TATI , IN kit ot , All. hi NO.. ETV., ETC. 5C114.1. IloMoi, KTC =Mg= JOHN P. HUNT & CO.'S, I=l I= :49 viral St., Masonic [tall CHINA VIVAIWEIOUSE RICHARD E. BREED, X - XVEJF'CIIP.I4.7C3EIRL. No. 100 Wood Street BICH AN NIA ANL/ MI IA Eli i•LATED TABLE •Altk.. TEA TRAIN AND TABLE CLITLY-IIY. [w.v 0111 NA TEA NETS, (111 MA MENKE NETN. 4 . 111% A Toit.KT sx•rm. 'IIINA VAN N.ll CHINA NEITTOONN, "II UIA Ni AMA or EV KEA If ESI..EIETI4 oN LA V A CAM, F7'6, LA VA V ASKS, LAVA %I'l'll (MISS. LIM 1 IC NV AKE of all varletlen, loan 11 neiewale and 15-tall trade. The la, gelt and moat complete ntralt of everyt hint , 11. , In the Blip. l'rleos and te nun the Caine a..s In the eastern cities. nt y 172 ETROI.I4I M A CIIINE WORKS R. 3EX... 1.211:140.12C1ir, Aim S 2 Ohio Mtzeet, AMINO.,Iay, Itonufootztlvr of as g Its .V Kl/ t 0111.1111117 TtAILS, AND 1717XTIJ RS 7; U*KII IN SIN KlNti ANISSALTWKI.I.B. gamic:Wm attention Invited to Las Patented rovr/Ka In Jars and Joltats, made of Janlatta I e/o and Lost Moor Iron, lOothntlaril Maas; and twred. so test parts can be ordered by Taal/ 0/ eloyntph. and cound perfect lit at all Mmes. We alms famish ropes, belong, mall tools, eta., ta lorscorne may alsil It. knones mot machine wort ode to order. • Ordera by mall promtly aMendevl to. ate prepared to grant licenses th nt”ulae uret• for these Improvements onliberal terms. bkm. 7 Allegheny 1' O. The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON n lit, Fourth street, ot.. Smithfield, lo slow . tops!. The best fitted, coolest and trios% Inducing FLOW ER IA A ItttliN hisboON In the Soot, ElNSanal •• • . A FINE OW lIESTILA hss been engaged for the caul will be in attendance EVERY NIGHT Lexcept hitilday) iron. seven till twelve o'clock. Hest Ice cream, fruit, and berries. always can hand. • nig22:1310 MAUAMI it(THE. Marmot., THE A. A. OF CONGIRESS,approv ..O June fi I. give. nthlltninal pension to the following elsss of persons: To Lhobo who•havo lost both cy. or hand. To tho w who have lost both feet; TO those who have lost tor hand or toot . . . . those who have beendeprtved of their Ma stone under net or ]area lea, ars restored: reunions are extended to dependent Millers and brothers. Apply by mill or lo persou. to 11101 ASTER, GAZZAM & CO., Office, 98 Grant Street, PITTI4BURGII GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS. J. H. JOHNSTON, Maker audlor Fine Rifles and Shot Guns, ARMY, NAVY and roclucT REVOINEItS, CAM BIA KS and MUSKETS. All Mud. of AMMUNITION. UUN MAK Ett't , kIATEPIAL. klilltar) Cum tu"rt.i:ealtaatglltreV.ce. All tithed YOH 1111 LE. ALi-110.2nember the place, Corner Penn and Wayne Streets, )e8.70 rirrsß Uuuu, rn. PITTSBURGH IRON WORKS. J. PAINTER & SONS. SIANUFACTUHEAS OP Iron Bucket, Tub and Trunk HOOPS AND ISIIIS.CTS, MOAN) PITTSIIURGII. PA. EVERSON, PRESTON 8 CO.. I.E.rwrsrl. MILTI.tI III,ON W (JR, IiES, 04;rggt„I'::i.'filrodja?.br.73.'t.7.". op. , W ARDEN & BATCHELDER lIIIUKKIU IN CRUDE AND REFINED PETROLEUM, tv II E ull., RUE' N. MEI HITS TUIWEN'EI NE. N METH CAROLINA TAR, Ac.. Corner of DuquesoelVay & Plttogbargh, Pa. Represent W LI. u. WA It OEN. lIS W whoa treot. EhUadeliolAs. 16:s2A REMOVAL 1 NO. sTEVENNON & NON have re ,4,,0tt57,11e ttl u bl o ht , I w tt o lG r T ATI; Kg L tre e dr y ra . more manamdlous tvart4 end have inaMe...l a large t . gfibitrfik,?L`MiS-Eiltgra.`v,!`"Y• 13".vk'n. Otto putaio,atteutlon. vrl.r 04 la let4at= ALM. 11. TACK TIIKO. B. TACK TACK DUO. & CO., COMMISSION MERCIIANTS, AND ILSOKAILS IN PETROLEUM AND ITS PRODUCTS, 7 Hancock tit.. 'Pittsburgh. ruit.soturrur. topics, 1117 Walnut street. mylgtall CELEBRATED -- 'Twill: lux IiALILKS, "Prairie Bird" and •.m e adow Lark," are manufactured only at thn uutiunsms WORMS, tidar the Penituntlarr, Alle gheny City ki.y long, o.lla Plain Wagons, Wheelbar row:l.l,l2rue. of-every idyl, made of the best material. at abort notlft, and warranted. jog : dy , VtALUMLItIii WILMA/11C r.)07 .- rED RIEATS,FOR LUNCIII.- 1 Crosse *BlarkarelltaTattwiTongua, !tamer. !puts, Maitets: ltatn,put up la aw ay cu ltabler_ larArarelfers , clunch, graelvad amt Carnal akthaZaattlY-VracaaiStOreak-- , • • AU • UMW ISOUWIIII4 #1,04 M Eal NNW Ai)ViiiaMinamrs BUY YOUR TEAS IN RETAIL QUANTITIES WHOLESALE PRICES, JESSE 11. LIPPINCOTT, Corner Smltfiheld Second Streets =I =I Beet Xugllsik Breakfast 1,t!5 I= I= I=E .10 lured they an ta.• , heape,t And beta 11 MEM SUMMER UNDERWEAR GAUZE COTTON. GA EZE MERINO. LISLE THREAD. SUMMER SILK SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Muslin, Fine Jean and Linen Drawers Great Shirt and Collar Depot, 72 FIX"I'33I. ST., Nearly oppomite the Post Office, Tt.gellscr with a vomplet.. line of Gentlemons' Furnishing Goods, wispLeti to Vll7 It.lall Trade. REMEMBER, Our Business ie Exclusively GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING. MURDOCK & PUTNAM Jet. MEN'S BOOTS BOYS' BOOTS, Youths' Boots, LADIES' BALMORALS, LADIES' GAITERS, MUSES AND CHILDRENS' =a Boots, Balm orals Gl- A I 'I" E.: It S, AT REASONABLE HATES, SOUTH & ROSS', 63 .811.1R/LE T 8 2 BEE T. my=:b4i PARKER. MSG LUBRICATING Oil Company Keep eanste.nUy on band a supply of Natural Lubricating Oil, OF THE BEST UIi.A.VITIBS Free from all Impurities. Every Barrel Warranted, knt TV BE JIE - TURNED AT TUE, COMPANY'S EXVEPIM. • Address JAMES B. THOMPSON, Agent, WITH T. H. NEVIN A CO., N. W. Corner Third and Market Sts., PITTSBURGH, PA my= :tin ALLEGHENY TAXES. CITY LIT ALLEI.4III.N Y. thr itICIt, J uno 7th, Notiee IS hereby given that the Assertion baronet. Owed In the 'Cream/vet °Mee-, the Iloplicates of Poor, City Willow., School, School Building and Bounty Taxes, and of Wisner Bents for rhe year 1366, and that walit Tame wlll now be received pursimuce of the Acts of Assembly of February =W. MO, and of April lith, Isea, enblect to the following regulation. and alluvrauce.: rive per rout., If pall do or before the first day of July. Four per cwt.. [(paid on Or before the Oral day of August. Two per cent., If paid on or before_ We trot day of September. If paid aftxr We trot day of bepteniber, and on or before the are. day or October, no deduction will lie noble. If paid wrier the first day of ltetoher and on or be fore the trot day of No:ember, an suldition of five Per cent shall be added to anti payable oh the a .m.., After tios tier ire roll warrants will be busied to ettfuree the collectiou of all lase. reins/Jo ins unpaid, together with the percentage accrued thereon. and We amts. fe7 U. NiACPERILON, City Treasurer. fitu. COLUMN W. B. IrDW AHDH COLHOUN & EDWARDS, UNMAN AND HAMS L. SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, Xo. 24 Wood Street. In •tots and landing In Philadelphia, 280 tons Soda Ash, Kurtz% Hoteblosau`s, ouo Crostleld•• Tooke 600 bags Nitrate Soda, Crude and kfasOned: 750 kegs El Carb Soda (English); 50 bbls. Venitian Eted.-Cookson,s; ARSENJC AND MANDARESE. Of choloe brands. constantlyan In lots Co snit purchasers. CARPET CHAIN. PLAIN a. COLORED, COTTON & LINEN ALSO, COTTON YARNS, ASSORTED AMBERS ALL OF BEST QUALITY. FOR BALE BY clwrxraltais idb At' Hope Cotton MDI, , CITY, JEST MYR IMO. • Sample* may be eoseiload or lett •wftia ti, tnitl4:l3 d, Cu.. Noe 123 Wood dead, rlttebargb, • led:cl7 <.:-:.: WANTED—S2OO per Month paid to Arrortio, to totrodtice our R Sod AddreßE Matti) MACHIN IS, Ketchum'. lil l i stost. 110. It V ;IV stam. Wit:Al/NOCK IMW Vt., N tOrtoottlon. Alm.. or Pbtlzd V el- IO tatisda. AIVIFED, 40 Mules .Aud BO Marts, At the swore of the l'lTT , BUlttili. ALLEtsIiILNY AND itAILWAI Y. Msne.ll, SALEM MEN WANTEM • W ANTED.-- AC:ENTS—InaIe anti 1 V Female, to evil the Piet are ••Itokla. At, 01 , " also for the beautiftil Motel Knar, loge ••• t..,.• Irli•• 0.1 'Elite ut...ars.•• A 1... .“.„, 410 to SO' per day It, 100.. ' L. agency for 1.11.. 11. best Boot, iu the eouotr) - •IAILANT Territory to drat aptdiraitts• Apply erep.u. Addre, iny2a.riv A. F.1.1.1t5. 73 Trilrusarta-t. . l E_ A n 10,r,n )4, peelof I.' , N . E 1 lit, y et e. ..(11 111 Europe and America...l4,loa to retirerala from the prole...lon, will to soy pet • mitts:,,, revile •. from tln. use of which any a..trbne. 0100 or woman. with little OI L . aodal. eon trout the Old day 1.0 001 y hut In a ,ery abort time reallar moderate 'orlon,. Addreae, with two atoms,. for 'returnPe . t.g , hendst, tsLy•Y. %a Crane 7 4 1., Philadelphia. ra. ANTED—AGENTS—S7:I to $2OO 11 i• Eit .11ONT11 for gen tletned, and /13 to 4+ for Indira. everywhere, to Introduce the t:elebrateal Common Sense FOOllll howlng Machine, Improved and rfet•ted. It will hem, fell, stitch, quilt., bin •, ! braid and embroider tmantintl/y. Vrlee ofily 1011, making the elaelle lock-stitch, and lolly warrant tor three year, We pay the above wore., nr commit:doh. front which twice that amount can he Made. Aol.,resa, with stamp, or callH F. 0W- LtS .1 hateeroones, 1410.1 noutlt /MYTH street, Philadelphia, l'a. All letters answer,l promptly. with etreulsr, and term.. mytbh44 CM I= MEE 'l' AL Mt 1... -IEI C) CP NT 3S Ft. Is AGENCY K 9 1i111,,,15011 Mr""'l At 9S Grant Street, Sd door I= =EOM WALL PAPERS, &c THOMAS PALMER ifIIOLEgALE AID RETAIL DEAL 1 IN WALL, 1 - " A -1 3 .14:11t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHADES. [Ea Warehouse, 91 Wood Street, 6ecor.l .I,x. below Diamond Alley, feN:firnol PITTSBURGH. l'A PAPER HAIVGIVIIGS FOR 11+66. I= .ditnericats FraU Papers For the tint time W five yearn XL` lir Erro L ISM P.IPERB A choice seleetloe of We Newest French Papers For Stir 0 N 1 A Th:IC I'. MAILII A 1.1.. .7 W. o.l..strrot Sq3:4lK I)ARLAM PAPERS Standard Goli bers r e WO l'ar lors, E= MERCHANT TAILORS REmov A L. T. & J. T. TCANCH, Meretaant Tailors and Clothiers, No. 196 Liberty Street. the lat. fleat. of their purchatto, tor the 'I ill,, pa; leer halog now In the Kast) the, are lore petted e%.1,11. gteeln for the 171:5T1 , 41 Till I .tt the V 141 1,11 E,T I' el' A - TII.N n that votel , have I^, rrzgele.d. They hys••, 1.• 4.•• Ml' I'M:ICBM STOCh of - ' 1,1111,0, Pv ll SMA NI . VA."11 . /tE.,”.1 Fyl , Lln renperta =3 1 UINV 4 44 /4 11 /S! A Very Large and Select Stock of EMI'S' 4; LipOrullNG .1 itEI . FI O.:I 1/r !ANN.', ALAVA , KLANSF:I„ ANL, sI s MNIKH I'A,NIIIIP.Ifff.S. t CRAY & LOCAN. 17 Si. Clair Mtri'el HENRY H. 11.11 LE, MERCHANT TAILOR, lIWHIRR CORM OF PIRA & ST. CLAIR ST BNTP, Desiree to return thanks to kin friend! , and the pub lie generally fur then liberal Late.,, as, and would respectfully inform them that he hns Just return ed from the Easterth marketa Willa • Wee and well selected shock of FINE WOO EN 4:0411/ft, Peculiarly adapted to tiliNTLY.Slith SUPEUNi AND 81 , SlidKR WILA It. . lIIIRRICAN IRON WORKS. JONES & LAUGHLINS, I.2'I"T'B3ES - CTRG23, Ai A N c P . A CTII MO. Or AMERICAN AND CLAIR Bar, Hoop, Sheet and Plate Iron; Bridge Iron; Angle mut T Iron; Guard Iron; Coal Screen iron; T - Rails,l6 and 20 lbs. to the 3 and Tram Balls, punched and coun ter sunk; Boiler, Bridge and Tank Rivets; Cut Nails and Spikes; Ship and Boat Spikes; Railroad Spikes; Railroad Fish Bars and Bolts; Railroad Car Wheels and Axles; Street Car Wheels and Axles; Coal-Pit Car Wheels and Axles; Patent Cold Rolled Skafting:, Patent Cold Rolled Piston Rods; Bower and Reaper liars. AjletiOusE AND °Mc:F.. 120 Water and 158 Front Ste. BRANCH HOUSE, Nos. 22,24 and 26 River St., 011112A1-I_o . , ILL OFIN CROFT, REJIL ESTATE 4GEJMT, Oflice, No. 139 Fourth Street, Pittsburgh, Mu for sale the following Heal Estate: A large three-story Brick tiouse, containing ten rooms, largo 11.11.; front room on drat floor used as • Urns Storet hot and Cold Water and gas through out the house. Lot 'Lek by AS feet. SIBIU:: on Chest nut street, Allegheny 44 AClttic UV VALUABLE LAND, situate at Edgewood SW too op the Veßtterivarila Itallsoad, 7 miles from the city, ou which there In a beautlial new frame dwelling, and a large number of bearing fruit tree. al the hest quality, sod • good supply e tt motor. The duelling and 7 acres of ground will be Id separately if desired. and the of-shine In lots of Sacra each, or larger If requested. The shone land Is admirably located bor business men. Mt%! • . 30 ACILEN OW LAND. containing about 8 rem Of liMestone, of a splendid quality, and ratty of Ae neas. The soil to of the first glass, suitable tithe for fanning or gardening purposes; good frame dwelling and barn, and a good anYIPIY nt Waterit unto gullies from the city, lite wambington hike. is Union township ,lit . lnVart of the Carter farm. 31 ACIIEN, inaivroved. and under a high slats of eultleation, un which their are l, bearing ent rant beediel, 300 bearing grnior atanda, pear trees, mud a large number of peach, apple and plum trees. Property situate on the old W tont road. Ln Scott township, tin Init. Worn the atty. ger further particular.. I ulr of the above nenL TrOVnbtra . 0 00tern JOHN ROSS & CO. WM. N. OGDEN & CO., Manufacturers mid Healers In Carbon Oil Lamps &Fittures, Chandeliers, Carbon Oils, dr,o,, No. &I Market Street, E . ,, ,, C1:73ELC31r3EE, Y . C. MANUYACTI,•IWtt 07 Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, And dealer in STOVES, 110UWE YUILNISHINti DOOM. WATItIt COOLERS AND TOILET A ItTICLIth, No. 1160 —resat Street, PlTYtattllttill, PA. Thle and Ls Ware.ptpmo U. the city to boy btovek and Tin job Work promptly attend ed to. suraehltl DRUGHTIAG.OFFICE. ipT P. GENGEIIIIIIIE, Civil En- MAIM% 'cur...Nun AND ooLtorron OF PATENTS, No. 12 IT. OLAIII STREET, Poet 011ee Do: 625, Restdeoee„ 1411 sty Janet, PITTS.. WIEfiE, PA. I.l4.aria • ELTING! BELTINGII—Leather • and finis Halting.. Puking, Flout, Gaskets, .autAlgoillAceLaatbar.and ItlvetaalwayaOntand, at thca mita gabber Depot, Nna SG aud =St. Galt 'treat. - • • 049) 41111.6111 a, MED CM=