110.1TA)AlLY GAZI4IIIF MIMMM PIENR4II' IMAN, REED & CO., MO.l.lllll , llPri B tuts?, erregatrackn. 171221 RU,M. ArEtAtit - Re Wittobutgli:Oautte. TUESDAY, JiTITE 16::416 NATIONALIZING THE UNION PARTY Mn. R. J. Rzsvmorrn, of New York, in a carefully prepared speech, made by him, a feW. days ago, In the House of Represent tatlytts, submitted some reflections ou the wisdom and necessity of nationalizing the Rapelimn party. This is certainly a most desirable object, and is bad at heart by every thoughtful membered' that organ'. ration. The Conservatives have not given it a more earnest or a more dispassionate ,consideration-thin-the Radicalo. Row shall it, be- accomplished Whonver at tempts 40 solie_this question, twon the basis of actual data or of admitted find it much easier to rest in generalities than to descend to particulars. MR. RAYMOND affords in his own person a striking illustration of this. In his theo ries of pacification he coincides with the President: He holds it hest for the nation, and for the Republican party, that pro scnptions shoffld he entirely discarded, and that an era of gond fellowship should be inaugurated by consigning the rebellion and Its concomitants to oblivion. But when the: responsibility of action is so forced upon him that he cannot evade or shuffle it off, he votes for the Congres sional Plan of Reconstruction, which pro scribes aU the leading spirits among the insurgents. Every republican understands that soon er or lateral! the States will be again rep resented la Congress and the Electoral Col loges. We certainly hone this will Imo pen before the next presidential eleaitiri. It is of gratimpertance that the republican or Union party be organized on such a form. lotion as to be efficient in each of the Southern States. To what section of South ern population shall that party look for sympathy and co-operation? Is it possible to placate the leaders of the revolt? Pres ident JorrasoN has been experimenting to that cud for some months, and with results that do not look hopeful In our eyes. By his method ho seems to have revived and given vent to the antunfaities and repul sions in which the waroriginated. Nor is this all. He seems to have repelled and cowed those sections of Southern popula tion who either did not go into the rebel lion, or went into it reluctantly. If he had resorted to a different. niethod, and had tried to remit the political - power into the hands of new men; a fairer . prospect of reconcilement would be presodted to-day. TILE SOUTH IMPROVING The Richmond Whig publishes a. letter from a gentleman of Louisa county, Va., who served four years hi the rebel army, hi which lie comes out for impartial suf frage, on the basis of intelligence. He says: "I am as much opposed to allowing these freedmen to come en manic to the ballot box as any man; and four years' service in the illustrious A. N. V. should be surety tluit - I am incapable of a thought or a feel ing inimical to the South. But I can freely declare that I know many negroes better qualified for the suffrage, morally and in tellectually, than thousands of the present white voters. Whether any man's color shonlel exclude him . from political privil eges am in some doubt; but lam quite sure that no man's colok should invest him with such privileges. "My propositions tmzgest a compromise between extremists. No Man, of. what completion soever, Ishouldlbe,permitted to vote tnileas properly' qualified; yet, so gnat ified, he should vote, be he as black as Ere bus. The proposed meakre will admit but few freedmen—and those of a superior class—to . the franchise, and will exclude forever the vast body of rnfilanism, whose I just destiny is to be governed,. and not to govern. I think we will be infinite gainers by this plan. If we delay, or persistently refuse the privilege of suffrage to them in this restricted form, - we are likely to have universal suffrage granted to then by act of Congress--; Give the blacks the qualified suffrage I suggest, and even fieree Thad deus Stevens may relent." Mr. C. G. Baylor, another Southern gentleman, writes to Senator Stewart, of Nevada, saying: "The first effect of your policy would be to attract to the side of law and social order all the intelligent portion of our colored citizens. This body would effectually har monize those very elements of Conflict be tween the races which the President fears. The disfranchisement of the freedmen would, on the other hand, turn the more intelligent of therace into dangerous lead ers of their brethren, and thus produce the very state of things which the President desires to avoid. "The second effect of your proposition would be to stimulate the whole body of freedmen by industry and improvement, to come also into possession of the fran chise. "I am free to say that your measure upon this point, merely from a Southern point of view, with regard to the. questions of so cial order and industrial thrift, is based upon sound principles of political economy. There is nothing to oppose to them except a prejudice which is irrational or unjust, - whether it be the "poor white man's" prejudice or,thc late "slave owner's" preju-• dice, or a Northern • "white man's" preju dice. The necessity of our position at the South requires just this measure with a view solely to oar domestic tranquility and the proper organization of our labor sys tem. "The teddeney of things now is in the direct:lonia' serfdom, and unless checked by theprinciple of equal citizenship, based on impartial suffrage, will lead to the same resultauiready witnessed in the West In dies. -Like. causes will produce like el- "With You. , at the North this question rossesses nh local importance. If all your into dirt, people relapse into idleness, or dirt, illth and death, or rise to menace soci ety, neither your prosperity or public health or social security are endangered. With us, on the contrary, Indus, rc epectabllity,andcl roess and seeW eon _ tentment among our colored neighbors are absolutely. vital—vital to oar prosperity, health, and security* "Atodieve me, im rtial suffrage is the foundation stone of uthent reorganiza tion." In.these extracts . IL J. RAYMOND Will find abundant in gestions on the real Wieser concilhttion. In the end it will be kaput that the Rath comprehended ful ly the only practice le scheme for thor oughly reorganizing .uthem Society on a profitable and end g basis. rint<marsa of Beit . ianlsm the Brit= irk army, and ".the responsibility entailed. by the; military oathi. the London Times declares that "a man twlio solemnly takes service runlet a government, and then proves fese to his flag and his uniform, basforfciteil all claimito mercy, and, is no fit subject for ciancncy." Bow about Gen. Robert it. Lee and the restof that set? IT is Stated, OnTrbllt,appeaTs to US ,to be competent atithoritrohat Senator Cowan has written to a gentleman of, this enanty, holding office nuditi the iederal godern men, . signifying that ,the whole epee ; holding; ago - fie • eipected to vote (lento: cratie tickets non Fall.- ~,. • • r 10 OoliemaantEs Itho vote tcreve $5O ,- 000 tifopy of th e lealkrs of factiOn, in ex -100 have an 'f6CZOttllt . to settiewith ll* eoriatiteenta; Leallieaa boiaie . 4 ;41 , VOLUME T.XXX.:7--NO. 149. IJ WM*111(12:4=1 The Seat Goode ha the City At the Opera House Shoe Store. 1:1M3332=1 Shirt fronts and Cairn BATte B. Ittna.. • The Beet Regulated afore It the city—the Opera (louse Shoe Store. The Beal Aeaortmeat or Nhoes is the city, at the Opera llonft Shoo Store. They Olean Everything 1 hey May At the Opera noose Shoe Store. Leerest;Prlees sad deed, All Warranted. NO ilibbtall offernd, at the opera House Shoe Stare. low-w. Day• Thing. are done up handsome at thl •)porn House Shoo Store, N 0.60 Firth street. flumphrers Ilenseepasble IdettleineS for solo at Fulton.s Drug store, No. 108 Smiptleld street. Loot, Points In Mack and White, On. Um nortbettat corner of Vortrtb and Market streets. C. !Samson LOvx A 800 Puffed and Tucked Moulin., Lace Curtain', Bwees .C. Rea,. tome. Curtain,. In nil the different grades on the northeast .corner of Fonrtli and Market streets. C. Il Ax sor lairs a Ban. tare Mantles, Black Silk slal White lama Lace Mantles. BATES d BELL 02121 A splendid assortment now opening on the northeast corner of Fourth and Market .erects. HANNON LOv V h Ran. White Nhamlw. shotlani ' , howls of all colors. It.vots (tingham• At all prices, now opening on the northeast corner of Fourth anti Market streets. C. 11ANHON Levu The Flag Proseatation Persons going to the State nag Presenta tion at Philadelphia on the ItS, should call in id deo. 11. liamaley's, 334 Liberty street, on the way to the depot, and provide themselves with one of those handsome Leather French Pellsenrs, or Traveling Sacks. They arc very convenient for carrying a change of clothing, or articles needed In traveling. Fifty differ ent f inds and sines, from et to $l2. The larg est and best assortment in the city. Oakland Park Park The entries were closed last night et a late hour, for a iiromiton of fifty dollars. with the following named horses, to take place this af ternoon at four o.clock: M. Hush enters b. g. Charley; .1. M'Clerg enters b. g. Jaek; 11. Brown rotors b. g. Joe. The horses will start pre cisely at four o'clock. Lo sure and go out in time. All go to harness, 3to 5. 1.1. 11. , N" Jot t P,11.111, Get the Best lirantts Prize Medal Grant's Prize Modal Grunt's Prize Modal anti Morrison (•) Shirts, Morrison ( • Morrison ( • ) Sh I mu. ,The best make out. The best make out. The oest2make out. A large stock on hand; also made to onier 11 lestred, nt the Original One Price Clothing and Furnishing Store of J. D. ttAnAter, 336 Liberty street, Nearly opponite Wayne. Irow—Phosptiornsi-4P4slinstya— The Three best known tonics, skill fully and elegantly combined In an anther-colored cor dial, beautifully transparent to the eye, pleas ant to the taste and acceptable beta° stomach, al Caswell, Mack d Co.'s Ferro-Yhosphorated Ellxlr of Calisaya Bark. Each pint contains one ounce of Royal call ,:iya Bark, anti each tempoonfal ceutains One grain of iron. Samples furnished free to the profession. C As watt, Mace a CO., • Sole Nlarinfacturers, N. Y. For sale et wholesale In Pittsburgh by R. E Sellers dCo At retail by all Druggists. = It Is the Inspreesion _Noose. That because a moilleine Is advertised they are of no account" arguing that d they were .11 they were represented to be, they would sell on their merit. Whilst we admit that this true in many instances, we know by ets.... rlenee of at least two exceptions. We allude to the Rev. F. A. Wilson's great remedy for con sumption, anti Coe% Dympeps la Cure, both sued - leines hugely advertised by Joseph Fleming, Druggist, co. sl Market street, and both of them have performed setae really woulerful cures here amongst our own citizens, who have given certificates to that effect. We would suggest to those of onr readers who may require medicines of this description, to give them a trial, as we assure them they are all they are represented to be. Hostetter's Stoonseh MUSH ROOM IMITATIONS. Recce. is the "prevalent cradle" of Innu merable humbugs. No sooner had iIoSTET TRIUS STOMACH BITTERS made their mark In the world than op sprung a host of imita tions, and as the fame of the great restorative grew and spread, the pestiferous crop of poi sonous mockeries thickened But the true medicine has lived them down. One by one they have disappeared. When the bellows of puffery, which kept alive the feeble are of their borrowed reputation, ceased to blow, theyecased to live, and thus they continite to come and go. Meanwhile, HOSTETTER'S BirrEus, the great protective and remedial ton le of the age, have progressed in popular) ty with each succeeding year. Their success an a means of preventing and curing the dis c:lsta resulting from malaria, unwholesome water, and all unhealthy climatic influence, has been boundless; and as a remedy for DT*. pepsin. Liver Complaint, Fever and Ague, General Weakness and Debility, and all com plaints originating in Indigestion, they are now admitted to be superior to any other pre paration ever advertised or prescribed. From the home market, to which a few years ago they were confined, their sale has boon extend ed into every State In this Union, over the whole of South and Central America, Mexico, the Went bodies, the Sandwich Islands, ans. [DAM, China and Japan. Home and foreign testimony continuo to show that 110STET TEEM BITTERS are the moat remarkable Undo and invigorant now before the world. JElealeatees Bitters arc sold wholesale and retail at very low rates at l• laming% Drug and Patent Medicine Depot, No. 84 Market Wert, corner of the Diamond 10.1 Market, near Fourth street. FROM SEW YORK. Ito new Cholera. Saseit--State of the reernaontetor—Be rt Asolnot Celo- brothar Rosie ones Doi--Qtneltost Thoe on notord from New Orleans. New Your, Jane 25.—N0 new cases of cholera have been reported to the Board of health to day. The two eases already reported are in a fair way of recovery. . Thomas °Moldy, of Yonkers, a teacher in thin city, fell dead in the street this morning. The thermometer in the shade to-day, at noon, merited SO degrees. The passe:agora - by the infected steamer Union, which arrived in quarantine on the 19 4h Of May; were brought to tbt tit)" to-day. lit the Common Council to-day, a Joint spe cial Committee reported against oelebratin independence day, on the ground that ther e are 00 available funds Mr the purpose. New Orleans papers or the 20th Instant were received hero by mall and distributed at the postoffice this morning, being only lour days and a half from New Orleans. 7me us the qnicirest time Oa reeOrti. Steps Taken for 4 the Saloum of Fenian Priooaer.—pafileTes for LlbeL , . Weitegovos; Jinni the Bone to.lay General Banks atute4 that ho had reason to believe stepahave boon taken by our Govern ment to Bak 'Greet lintain to release the Ye- Man prisoners. The jury lathe libel case of McGhee ye Chop pane, the hitter getting the former diered from the, War, Department by Charging Wm With disloyalty, -cataract' a verdict ot - tliree thousand dollar damage. Tore~Ao. us Itedhale—ltepereed Lola of life—Demme to 11111111dhillph he.. . • Buirvaio , Juno TS—A I.,rugda ppm* over thoetty me afternoon al...ut four o'clock, up. rOhlina and blowing down greet, awnin g s , and narooung several' banding*, including, the thated-titaited y , aprees , Compaorsetablee, 'Fait hfully injuring 'Mr. Ttunnea Gould, the over. peer; hay*pertly destroyed tae roof of the xecohrt and severaLtersoal were In jured; two are reported THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. 6HIIII EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M 110:13 , 110x1Claivitizi BY TELEGRAPH. ADDITIONAL FOREIGN NEW S. SENSATION SPEECH BY NAPOLEON Garibaldi Enthusiastically Received by the Italians. HOLSTEIN IN AUSTRIAN POSSESSION The War About to Commence AUSTRIAN REPLY 111 BISMARCK. Proclamation of Gen. Gablenz. 280,000 AtIsTRIANS IN TDB FIELD, England's Position in the Crisis. New YORK, June 2.5.—We have the following sold Mona! foreign news by telegraph . llt the torus Legislatlf a letter was read from the Emperor Napoleon containing the follow Mg Important declarations: Had the eonlertmeel/.olllbled my imvernment, would have declared that France repudiated all ideas of territorial itagrantllsement so long as the European equilibrum remained 1111Alitll r heti. France could only think of an OStell,ioll of her frontlet, in the event of the map of Europe being altered to the profit of a great power, and the bordering provinces express- ing by a formal and grate vote a desire for an nexation. in the alfalfa,' of these circum stances, the French government ,prefers to any territorial acqutsition, a good understan ding with as neighbors, resultlng from las respect for their Independenceand na tionality. Wu should have desired fur the Germany confederation, a posit Inn more wor thy of Its importance for Prussia, better gist. graphical boundaries for Austria, and the maintenance of her great position la Europe, alter the emotion of Venetia to Italy, In ex change for territorial compensatton. The con ference failed, Will France be led to tintw the sword , The French Government thinks not. Whatever may he the result of the w which may break oat, no questlon affecting us will be resolved si lthout the assent of France. France, therefore, will continue to observe an attentive neutrality, confident In her rights and calm in her strength. The lamitvisibillty of it debate upon the af fairs of Germany and Italy was then iiooll.rini by a vote of two bunch...hi and two ftgll.ll.l Unrty-four. The Ettiperur's letter Grouted n greet lion. A Berlin dispatch of the I . 2Lit says the Aus trian embassy hue been recalled, itll.l the in ter...is of Austrian subjects In Prussia will be confided to the cure of the Dutch hituister, Garibaldi arrived at Como on the 12th, and wits enthusiastically received by the authot I ties, the people, army and the volunteers. The Russian Government has ordered the Warsaw to be In readiness for the conveyance of ten thousand troops. Omar Pemba Is to command tile Turkish troops to occupy the principalities, seven thousand of which will tat loaned the Porte by the Viceroy of Egypt. The Tomunin army will be raised to one hun dred and fifty thousand to repel the Turkish Invasion of the principalities. The Austrian Government, deeming it best tun tap contest the occupation of Botsteln by the Prett.lans, withdrew the whole of LIM AU51.2.113 army . On the hilt, the Prussians dispersed the es tates of Bobitiett, which had met at Itzehoe, awl established a new COllllllOll government for Schleswig and Holstein, and promised to convoke the common estates of tile two Pueb los On the 12th. Thu whole of Holstein was In the hands of the Prussians. In the sitting of *lnc oderal Jut., I Ith, Austria moved fur Lin undullradesi for the whole of the Federal army, a Ith the ex ception of 1110 Ihmeslau contingent. The mo tion wan 1101 announced Inefore hand to tiee l'rundau representatl ~,,, nod Prim:lda has de clared In a nolo to the minor States that nine would re&mr.l the Confederacy to. aincneveil it the Austrian motion should prevail. Prussia has 11,40 published her plan of re torm, the chief feature of which Is-the excite don of Austria front the n.sunstrocued tier pr.3r,_ Austria, us the other hand, now pro. the - eClSTorattorg, r Aug. It, In Metnyht. NI I. .11110 m .oliJect....ailtl I he 1,0100101 1...1 Im•111..1 Mr. N 1.1,1.1, reported 1 onet. ti. •enate amendment to the ittiny appropt lotion 101 l I lir fil , t ant tont nient, tednetun applopt nil 111 , tot contolgenen, tot the army trout 32:n.noa 10 Slud,Um, re.l 'env annont• merit, Alri 4,1114 I rl/0) II.• 1.111 11.. pro , . iso I hill no .laSuld pe.a.l. be t er, ral It.. t I road t pan t raie.portat.iOn of 1 oopn vote ootoconesirreit $146,0011 for he vreello , n of tire prool Innt.ltioz.• Sento lk ranatal, l'. ..I I ran /A. .t. noneannotrrtnt in. rike !mirthzit...gni taent, aitrop“at lug in,tr.,,• CO for Ilan t reeduiett . . Intoeth not Ittest year, wan o.onenro 1,1 in, n an an ~ 1/- Me/it 10 , 1 Illg Olt h teen Ili n.ii 44 ...anti 1101- hies for Integra plong TI,. nil h I un men( ve , iittring the qua:term:L.4e! to Klee preler . nee In vont iao•tai, tor ...None', 14, art.ielto ono lean proineLlon, and on the 1 . /.1,111, to art tele. tot .1 need Tho n eot In withan ainutennenl -1 1 .1111 that part w loch re•iiimo, I lit. 01.4..1•1•111` nil to nerepl the loweat rentionalble 1,,,! trier t 01,0.1160111.11,14. ninninlinent mprropt 4.-0,1141 tor the ouieloon. of (lily-eight ao Int.' near Na.lio. tile, Tentoeleee, t I'o%. .trumets l ft, Lilt , SILO 01 F'ort Morton, aria now rre , l 111 111 111, O.IEIIIOI 111 r 00., Hot the llllu-1• II I~tt+i 4to Its alt+agreomeot With Illy Svrolle, nod kLot 141 for u Comuilltoe of 1 °Wet CM,. nod the,* 4/ 4:40 Lilt, 110111,1111 nisturtbanee Ant,' veal Whin, and flinekot In n the l—lllaeltr, Len by Mawr° Soldier, Attacked by the .111111nry nod VI) VOITA, 1r ~ June 25.—A dist urbance oe etirred nt Charleston,satitrility, bet Wren ii party Of White and black liniya, 10 Mei] ideal 11...C.11W luvolved on i)Otil olden. The police tippeared, arrested the rine/lenders, and thus led the riot. subsequently three hundred clack, asainultleil, led by negro ni lit' leis, 11.1111 inarelied through the lower portion of the y. A strong rut Misery and pinks: force kr,l them curl drove them fr he streets, Jill, art est tig wan) of the rioters Suicide of n alum, Ifrnler—gonlitern Pa ring Kailnland—Colton 11l lug and ilwattly la Ntimmts.lppl. Jew OlLLmnsts, June 2.l.—Pital Praia, the largest cigar dealer 111 11. , city, commit tral -meal° (Ails tatiraing. Tx tither mikados were coma:LlM:it Thu Southern l'lte Itto'road 1, nearly cool pitted to blar4hull, Texte. eClitllll ellp IS estFlualed ut °Fir-fourth. Tar notion is awl healthy. River at Loulots Ilk, Loc.:men-LK, Jlll, —Thu river rillitilly, FiA 11.01. al, in tilt. entml. The weather it. clear. n dig. CITY AND SUBURBAN. Additional Loral diallers on Third Pogo Feed Boy Wented.—A good teed boy iN Wanted Immediately at tb 11inet. Apply at UAI.KTTIt Oounttng room, between the hour, of two and five o'clock r. n. A. Business Novelty—Unto, Cops, Coats Pants and Vents, Soots and Shoes Tenuity. and Valises. TLe attention ni our rollers Is directed to the card of .1. It, Rangeley, soil 3:38 Liberty street. The proprietor of t Ills extensive stud two-foil tweilee. WitableieMent has recently made great Improvements upon his business places awl largely extended his facilities for driving a large and prosperous trade. At No. Al will be found an Immense stock of boots, shoes, gaiters sod slippers, which have been purchased direct from the manufacturers, and will be disposed Of at prices surpassingly clamp, The articles of pedal covering found there are not made with a view of sale only, but are of the best material and workmanship and warranted to prove durable and satisfac tory. As the stock innew gaol fresh, all the haunt styles of boots and shoes fur mon I woolen's wear can bo obtained. Here also will be found all tieserlptions of hats and cups for nien and boys, embracing the very latest styles and fashions. A full line of trunks, va lises and tourists' sacks,._ of the best leather goal workmanship, are offered at very reason able rates. At No, tN will be found a loututi fel assortment of guilts' clothing, underwear, and furnishing goods of every description, which are made by first-chi.; workmen and warranted to prove all that 18 represented. COlll.ll, pants and vests of the latest outs of cloths, cusstmeres, Jeans, or linens are offered at prices lower time they were previous to the eoCritileneeruee I of the rebellion. We antici pate a great truth, for tills mammoth and novel estabi 'Sig Men I. eel cheerfully commend he enterprising proprietor to the purchasing common I ty. A S. , ngerbaott Fentival The German singers of Rutinlo, Erie, Cleve.. 101131 and Pittsburgh have determined to bold their nest annual Festival at Erie city on the .sith, 21st and oi August. The affair will be attenped by the Liedertalei and Saingerbund, Ff Buffalo, the Carmonia, of Dunkirk, the rolisinn, of Plttsborgh, the Muninerohor, of Cleveland. the Quante of Titusville, and Lim Corry Genital. Slinging Society, tOgether with a large number of delegates and Weir smaller edribs from a greater distance, comprising In ell about three hundred singer... Kept a Beer Reg.—Joan J. Zimmer made Information yesterday before Alderman Tay lor charging a man named Conrad Meyer, a resident of Monongahelaborough,with wilfutly and fraudulently . retaining a keg of beer valu ed, at .3,60 hum the prosecutor, knowing him to be the rittattalownorof thosald k Meyer, actor eg. beating, was committed toJall to await _ ~- =I The regular monthly meeting of the Select and Common Councils was held last evening In their chambers In I he City !funding. l'ressol—Messrs Armstrong, (tart cloy, Cof fin l'oursin, Gallaher, McMillen, Morrow, Nor m.... Phillip, Rms., Shippm, Thompson nod M nor. In the Ithsence of President. McAuley, Mr. - -lopten necupled the chair. The in intline• Of the pro Ceding meeting were read and approved. InfAIOO, the rules were suspended, and the unllnu.hc.l 1,0.1', that had laid ever from the tot I,lo6tlilg, was taken up. The resohn len adopted hr l:. C. at tlieir ineettng ol Nab, lug the codifying of the elty ordluiteues and l n thori zing the Prlnti.g n fine thousand copies, Whiz lunondetl by Or. iallaller by making It lire loonlroll, which was adopts:4. The resolution 01 C C. uppohlt.llltt a COM thatee to lake Into consitlerat It on the tearing down of the p ..... mt anti the hollOtog of a new lionse for the IhiqUe-Lhe Knione C many, wits concurred In tont Mr. Phillips watt ap poly, tout on LIP , sofa committee The /klieg illtlly Whet . ' Comte:lt ee rreonl mended the pare:we of 11ie• follow m g r em on, lion: Resolved, That the Allegheny Wharf Com mittee In hereby Itreete.l to have the SILIti wbart graded and paved frotn the intiltng of the present paving to the Wf..{ Barker's alley; provided, That .Josh as Rhode. , advent, the money on it Inns, without in tereet Adopted. A petition Wa..4 preom tol uvk log ConneliA to have the water pipe extended over the hill in the Seventh want three hundred feet. Refer red to Water Committee. A petition was pruwentahl for the grading and paving of Al iltierry itiley from linuilmr to Carson stramt. Referred to Street.Commltteo. The Street Committee repertorr In favor of re:relying it dorsi from .1. .1. smenesk for it piece of groinol, -nom.] at the Junction of 1110 V 11 ell4ylVll.llll‘ avenue ristenalon had Penn s) IVlLlletprov ided that the city pay the i1..51110111. of the same 1.11.1 have it grml eil, paved /Mil eurlnni. Read three LIMOS alld paensl. An Ortilliltnee autherlring the grading and paving of Elm street from Wylie to hesitant .treetn was panse.l. Ti,, Street C 0111711111 1 .0 reportr , l the follow ing Orrilintilerer, whichwere read three times and iiii+seit An nut Mori zing the grading, pav ing and setting with curb of Gitsl.ll street, be t even Magee 11.11li An ordinance authorizing the grading and paving and setting with curb of Redford street, from Winabington lA/ Fulton Street. An Ordinance authorizing the grading and paving of Franklin street. An ordinance authorizing the grading and paving of Decatur street. An ordhanneo authorising the gentling null having of Logan street. All orth online authorizing the grtohng and hue ing of ..Inite ' , tree!, In the Eighth ward. An ordinance anthoriztntf Ihe arinltog and paving of Wat...on ntxtret, from Boyd to ~.hentn lit St. eel; and ulna An °ono:Love :Olt not 1,00, the poviog of l'ont.ylvitoin avenue frolic lid pre..ent termi nus t.o Lilo (•.LLy lino. An ordinance win , also reported for the wad ing paving of Washington ntrcet, "from Frank Itu litinn.iylvitii aren Ile. it. 1.41 L/1110, 11:11,,,11, with toe proviso that she trontract he not awarded until May, led. —l3i nil of which action tile C. C. concurred. 'The street Committee presented the report of the viewers appointed to assess the cost of a sewer ou Pcio.ylvanta avenue, a Ith er. ttttt ce authorizing the construction of the same. Also a remonstrance, signed by numer ous citizens, against the passage of the ordi nance. On motion the report of the viewers was accepted and approved. The Street Committee .eported an ordi nance for the 1;1.41111g 011:1 or Etna street, hi:AV/lien and Itvad twirl, and laid over Under 1110 riles. Aix ordinance for the grading and paving of Chestnut street. Read twice and Wit over. tiso an ordinance for the construction of it sower on. Virgin alley, Irmo :sntithlield to I.lb erty street. Laid over under the roles. Dr. Galli:Mar offered an ordinance for the opening of Webster atreet from High to Tim mil goad and IWd over. Mr. Itareklcy, from the Committee on Fire Engines anti Mose presented an ordinance for tile transfer of $1 ,102 for appropriation No. to Committee on Fire Engines and Mese. Al ter a light debate withdrawn. 'Ube Committee on Gas reported in refer- I'M, to the ereetion of gas Wantss in various parts of the city. Aecepted. Mr. Morrou otTeri‘l a I esollllloll ant h url iI n g the Monongahela Wharf Committee to allow 31 , ntemont of twenty-11v.. pre eetil Inn all 4,•,urnboals mak Ittg weekly trips. W renfolut.mn sits offer..,l In) Mr Morrew ap. linorlmng tint transferring of 41,mi0 from i 11... , anitary I. 1111 l matt, to 1 el Adopted Not remiled ill C A ru,oint lull c, uttoru.l fur f en eruul,llll 141..• ht. nuruer hltlllcergef and Itl i clr Nl.reet.. Referred to lucc. Cann cni Dr. ~ ittilaber offered ores. dollon inst ruei lug the St rent Gemini Out to have drop. idured I Ile public 'ewers. Adopted. regarillng tine Inwowlitio anti ntiiriling of salt, report"! from i. I ,non. neurilwl in, ate! no 'motion ot Mr Phillip., it re ferret lo tin. I 4.i...titer on toot lum adjmarittml the , Ht. reztmlar civil., Mr 1, % ill M. Hartzell a rd leo ufiletate. 1:1).3 GAM. ing ru, In Ikry wi• rit Itles , rs. 11,414, Driincii, firmih, Mehl, l.or! thsrr 1.,1% Affirelimil, Mee. nwn, Al elm N . LSI I .rg ell, I . lt Le 1101 I, 101111/11n , ILO bt, Se bert, 'romi 11110/11, Tort /3 , elm, Welthm, Pre/sof/mu The reading of the tut:ones I the pfm ions meeting Was, on motif.. ~ itli. M. Ogden of the Second ward, presented a pet Rion of l`eilmylN ulna Salt Mail tif act tiring Compull reittLlVt: O. the li1xpei•1141111 ttf 0511, deellllllg the present ordinance insufficient to sccuv M d ir ealing. Read and zweepted. Ogilen also presented a supplement to . hroralillitnee covering tile alleged insufflulen cv. Item! tlitm• times and passed. s. C. non mincer and refer to licillnaium Committee. Mr. Hold. presented the lollt ion, of itmlounts ~,, , praying for OW torn doge of tor recting a temporary building, to be tneol as a stable, Cr,, hill premises. on Redford stroad., si xtLtard. Iteferred to tile Committee on w BUI1(1111g,I w ith mower to act. Mr. Font olTerool avolution,re a hies was adopted, that the (.0:111.111 [We on City l'eoper lie directed 10 inquire lotto the toraMitabili ty of porelmaing the lot In the rear of the - ,bunt mignon Mouse, for tile purposes of rnon i. Log thereon a stank, for the 0.0 of sottO en gine osompany, not hey ure herein 11.3 3 kW, directed Lo aacertain the price and Imo-ft. or paynoents for winch anal lot can 100. 411 3 /33013`,/, Anti report to eoutseils, r, tin the o i.,.11 , .1,6 10 tote lIACA.,4`IiLy ut 0111 . 11 111.11,i/L1.•••• Mr. Font offered sot oranl.o. a authorizing tno Mayor to Irnprete Ito -.von our to, lens lug empty earin, wan.ll, .\ gml the public Ml rock which 0:s, mull over. • ii “.I/orWhiril !OIL 11011.11 ii ur.ri 1.11.15. t, 14111111111,i. =II Itoprcftentsitiso Young Business Wen. The business of this city is rapidly wooing la LO the hands of a new generation. The old land-marks of the prosperous trade thorough titres are fast fading aw ay, and n 011 taking their linen.l Jew cities In merit, contam as many shrewd, prosperomi, active and knowing young busteess men as are num bered here among the Pittsburgh merchants. Indeed we might I ruthlully state that two thirts of our prominent trailers and dealers art' young men who have linen achooli ii and trained to tuba s& Industry and bush, is, in the counting room and workshop. Prominent among this slims 01 young I successful 1/.. 1110 SS mon, who combine industry with enter prise, are Messrs. ilorlohy S Johnson, l•racid cal Plumhers and Gas Fitters, Filth st red ex tension. Although but recently eat lALZllleil ill business, they have succeeded In gaining large share of imbibe patronage. Both bring thoroughly skilled workmen, and having had ripe experience at the trade, their work proves of the most satisfactory character. They give personal supervision to all gas, steam or water titling entrusted to 010111, alill as skillful Illeetiatiles they enjoy all wlvinblo reputation. They dual extensively in bath LatlS, ranges, pumps, hydrants, water closets, sinks, hash., pipes, boss, chandeliers, liruek pendants, gab globes, shades, of lamps, which they are enabled to sell ut wanufacturers' prices. Personal acquaintance ith loth members of the firm warrants us in heartily recommendtng them to the patron age and eolaidellee of the community. They are both fair...tenting mud honorable, while their workmanship is of the best and most Jumble enaractor. Orders (tow the country districts will be promptly and properly atten dad to. Their cant appears in another col umn. Whp Its to mom., A correspondent advises us that there is continent in the county jail an insane, man named Kelly; that he has bents there (or three months; that he has nettling more to cover Ins nakedness than coat anal pantaloons—no oboes, no stockthge, no shirt. That this man was committed for malicious mischief, tried et the last term, and acquitted by reason el insanity, it was expected that the Mat grand Jury would cull atteution to his ease, in they taunt have seen him when they inspected the prison lust weak. As they del not so do, at the suggestion of our correspondent en ask, who is to blame for thin official negligouce I That an insane man, no found to be by a jury, should he confined us this man has been, is WI outrage, an thin civilised age. Takes a Uenetft.—Liurry t iverington, the polite, attentive twit energetic treasurer of the olit Pittsburgh Theatre, takes a lament on Saturday evening nu:L. The him not yet been announced, but we are assured that It will tie both novel and attractive, many Volun teers having offered their services. II there IS any penion in the city worthy at a rousing benefit it is Mr. Overingtim, and we correctly trust that his Iriends w ill cum tune to give him ono that will teak° him feel hapoy, glad :Lici rich. Tile tickets are now read) tor sale. Threatened to Injure tier tteDrl. tier- unto Schultz wax brought before Altlemma Strain, yesterday, charged with Nanny of the peace•on oath of Mary Evans. Mary mtrued that Schultz threatened to threat lb flat through her heart, and she therefore dexlred that he ho held to bail iu order toprevent the accomplishment of hut threat. The =win trate complied, and Herman wen held to Vali to hoop the peace. Boy litlletL—A young lad, atoned Lerner, fell from a wagon In Allegheny City rumor day afternoon, and euntalned luJurlan from which lb died a few bourn after, at hls real deuce la that (my. Dr. Child. W. the attend ing yhyalelan, _hut all Ma e ff orts to Bove the L Me et young L a won futile. "k r.~,..,..~_i 1 PRICE THREE CENTS E= A good natured, Intelligent :tad portly pig ahOuld Coln halted everybotlcii. ieltuirat ion and respeCt. Ile wanders the crowd...l .iirciats of the city the very endow!l of lielepen.lence Atka usefulness. Ilec. +ander) agent fler.' I." - tent than the Counci a l enniiittee, Inv !merman lens and 1,1110V0,110, Int 11 and garbage I fin. the public high witt net., ilitcrlert, pedestrians. II cold In, the we:alter lo' warn, the bloodln an not, e march liar haul; It 11 warm, he wallows in fat tally filthy spots. and cheerlolli at 1,,, It to los awn badness 'l,Oll for„. 1,11•11,1•111, upon the alter:Abr., [ll "I the hill/1W) :t4 Till IS I , itt•il t pOll.l 111 1. Ilicir "t. A." a 1.., Iles to progro,t mate a einning ttortn, and their ....ruling oblinci enc.. 10 the 110,0, 0 1 trichina r ..... ler 111a•111 tit respell and adanratlon to 111, I lieughirol samaritan NOW, it so happened a lull .rroa ait c, eiltmated pig ilvcd 11101 ii 1111t01.1 111 the classic precincts el 511111, A 1.03 1,31.1 lie alma hanilaome Pub., incl ill evert riedic, I well behaved, for lip II tk 10 ent • pet led Ile wiry 1" n kept wit lon .100. 11 el, 11 , 10•10 . er,Mllll wits properly cared Mr 1•1111 re , i mo , malicious being, who had nil le ”" P plg„rioni, preferred a charge ofnui,tm against the pig's 11‘, nor ,ii 'mope, ly keel Ills pig's stye. To abate the nuisance. the poor pig a itslllntit • it II 111 Illustration of "luau-letfils pen V. Is the gl.llllll, land he w:vi forced to tuir,o. lam hitusell, ape, lips own energies and re rources. .011.11•Cillt 111 W It burden to h +ell envy to 1A.,. 10-it:WPM!, 1P.11., • 1i1 . 1 .., . 1 ,prlng Ills plump prop., , mos, tlecky sides rind beatunig eyes of , and good will to all kinds, did non Sale Idol 11'Io, :duly, Tim boys., tor boy. :irc :tlwat - ala ked, lode loin and heat hon Sill sleeks, ih. de, toft led hial, and In, aat made Ihe 12 ,- 11 ., 1 , 1 eecrt ill-lisnon and spleen Pig Wl,n ash 1111.1 I . olliti not .13,1 Ili: 1,1 tll:ki . YOStOrillty .11,,,,,, ,i0011. al Wlt IIIIII•11 cur ile - lected a illthy spot 1:k it :011•), 1,1 the', are 11111.11 y soill In that lerallt aml Inl,l Into sell down t r die, and 'II,' lie Lll.l. 11 l• /11. the LIM, AII tile g. 1,111 "I lb' were around the 1.1111 . 11,41•. 1 , 111111. tear. w cr.. shed, inn 1111-V nen' front 1,.. ul the owner, with Siliml filitl) Ttil. WOLIIOII, always C. let 1,1 thlt,l 1a1k . 1 . 1.101/, ...- walled the poor pig, and a 1111,1 1,,., ,, after they would iic.pose of their ship, itml 110 children wept Innutiisc thee, nu. , ',nor,: id vonselence. e fell the pig :Mole oi hi. toil') heal 01 glory, +llllolllltieti by 1101101,4 i% fit spring Alleyers, and trost mrcet t onitri,Kiii tr Hunter will call up Chill 33 mei see Iluat he defunct pig is pl oper It interred, mnn Caught In tho Art 01 Entering . n Mall Alum!. one o'clte , k 11116 in0r3.1...: ••••11,111 woman nittinsl meth, II uoll , ll 411 .it oheto , l the dent/Attie of I hot is. I ael 01 the la.) - lng In 1 tie tem y 11 and 1,1 . 71111 direct, I,y liner crtee zoo' ler :did natl. , h. , assistant, Even 11.1 i I 11, flouta ci ow,. w. eooti 1 . 4 , 1/eOll.ll qll.l t 1 OSI 1,011 upon the piti etuelli In net 1114111 clothing le a let thee elate 01 a>rlletneo t. lilt lielnu qt.-, toned aie to the etius , • of the 111.1 ur hate, sit stated that -the had discovered a man nat. , .1 ./411111 31,1 yet 5, n hooceepied rooms itnniedi.itely oho ilt the +ante litioldhig, few!dements before In the act of erawllng through herw in duse, hut. making outcry, lie hod elm suppose an d, up to tile OWII apttrtnielite. Alderman Strum and another unth voltu.,r -e.l N, ico into the Lwow: alter 31eyers, dill they dill so. ,tl, the 110101 of 1110 110cy w ell , accosted liy Meyere, Who 111 form,l 1.111•111 11 they del not Immediately decamp he would 011001 011 e of Chem. NOt W 1,11111114 to tool the stree4lh of Ilea v. in Il i they 1,10101 their way u. soOn as possible Into the et, vet, where they acre reintOrced by tiorl,er ad n one 10 the nigh,. awn, and agate the) ',two Nley er•s honest, but this time with hotter suecese, Mr, , wieing that he wt. ovet pow ere , ), he quiet ly solimltted and nos It , • , 1 10 the watch hone.. From what we 4,11 10111 "(the watt,: , it appear. that !deyere lilt, hitherto kept a store it, the [tenet. whed •• the all's, look Miter, Mil on sattit , loy hatl dlsposell of it to Mrs Iluniburg. 0 111 , 0equently, he was dette'hel 0 , toe act 01 CM ylng ow ay eolue of the goods lie hallsold, and WILY 1..1 . 00.1 to urn them. IC hat his intent.° NU, 111 i•ntering ret Mrs. limn burg's root. ut .111•11 11,1 tiumeasonable 130111 We 1,11)001111, I=l r%111•11i111.1,1 pr-r.,131. natnt..l talphell Mars Nlor. ,s arr.,t,l an.] I,l,3tight tho mt‘,,,zl I it ek, 4. cl,wh, Jlll, /I , I 1/111111e1 1)1i 111.• putolic ect }:: 1,1, • 1)E.,11131, hut 11. ..... ..1 LI 111 t h.. tl!,• 113.•01. art , t,d . .l - iii.l rk .111 , or.ition, w 1131. - 1. 111% hear •I 1,11/liVil %Owl, al 1]..1111 1,5W...1n I •, ii,l3 Afraitil tier. 1.,101.111 1.1 \I t.4tl,n n n • .41,,aonitll. - 1 .th nn sl‘l lutle A at. ,r In,atlvr n gave Ino a./1,,, a, at I , atii , o.z u. 1.1 I. it II lit vs 11,1,13.111311 1 , 11/51' , 111., 17. toi above lilt` 111,111.,, ',l', 14 met, N. . etrolmst 1.. .• • I OA) , a(r..l 11101 Ottu Oll. 01(1 bin. do (I. I,4tiing 1 N • I ,11.•1,r13 :1.. tti,tato Itogi“• 111111 I,r„iert , ot]tger which In. 01, , ri1...1 1., fort]) fOI Meeting .DI lib*. :7th.— 'l'l.. 1.111• lulu,- Ih.. 7111 r..ulau.ut 111. ••I. lug 111 th.• ..1 111.• A5.4..4 . 111111111 There 1.1 1111111 111,1 1 numb, 1111 m It,' ~ at 11 I.ling of the r,gluu•ulAt, au., /II Ibe 11.111,.• 1111int.11/01.1i place, Ininn 1111. 11111,1 u. 11111,111111:1111.3,11 lluln l / I .r v. tit 111140111/1 go lu a body 11, 1 . 1.114.1,1phia 1 11111 IT h. I,', ry necessary ,tiallgenieut 1.111111111111111. 1111,4 fueuttug, u... 1 he,: old conli.it, lit I,u, will suerult plout,alll lune. S. lr.i ale lu Erie.--t ,t111.1a) vvvniTtg, Nits. Itvigter. Iti tu F.rtt, Ont.), commit led i•oictili• I') row 11kg II I t Ile dock. 'the ,;.0 ae. inihndipinti,, 1111 hniiintuil left 111,1 the aigatlmit her earnest proteislai 1 1 1011$,111• + lit; would not ilnil het when In. returned. Alt, he hail gone, At, prow , I IR' 1 . 11,1 of the 111x1., took Olf onnet and laid It, wllli her pitrit,ol, 111 ion lliti wharf, and plunged 111. 1101 t0..1y wtw reeov tired 1h a ',lna( t line, liut Ilfr w i• AwgrarniPili %..at I t 11•04/ Rat tery.— I 'at iek Kearney ellarrtee Marie. Murphy x.lh aggravated ...e.ault and battery, bettor, Aide,. wan Lynch estertlay. At the Ilea, pig the el...tett ISN orre.lthut Met phy, It heel cause, del kneel: hen down, and Si hilt. ',truck lii in to% er tle. I . I awl u ILI, chatr. II Or phy Pieirwinint. G.,:et, was wade the w ing 11.11111,11. (11 - a ...entitle night, from the talented musicians of Jullo., Mtn ore's brass and string lent— an assertion tinnily neeessar) to Make, slnee everylwwly knows I n o r e31,111,11t, of JUI I betillummi, 3 on wwuluoutl2, .111 SVC VILI . 1106C1) . V it, local!11.101.111. hiLeamboot Sunk —A elicit nll (Virantch. ,a)s: ~entner Hall souk i&l.ove Antl.l 'Lock, near Ilenlyluta, on she .111 tie a total loas. 'lllltere. ali t 1/1/....- eragers were saved. The -reamer I . llgrita .11i cull over Iv take tier jolaree, .1111 St 11- Ital. eautumt.l." Mitrety of the Penec —Mary LOU n olly, )eatonlay opt...art:o , olort. A oO•rman , trato and math. oullt oz.ot,t. ./an-tot t ~ : ottllnt., for ,ttroty of the peat,. Th.• . .sibt..l Volentitto throwtog z‘ t rot. toll of lott utter 1111 lit unit Of too tloponont cltilttroo. ttrroot lootetl. A New elearAnce.—Tier , Erie Ilaxpot,la Moinlay uwys: "Our rooters u ill 1100c0 that tho tug ••11ure'd lour Mule" Vie 11. 1 .041 tor tio thin', liver Via unil Erie nunal, lun ktng IL u nu.Uoitnl highway. This lb the II ri.t eleurtinco of tho kkW front this port.” A Detertl'oe Youteneed.— , Detertiv t , L;llll4,rt, who aan tieteeloil 'dealing over e hundred ilailars at the I.arvet in Erie, has been sealant:gal confinement in the penitentiary, Si I thy, fur it it three year.. Protection.—Mt,mr, Fella IL Bre:int. James Parke, J r., James n, Bruit, it and other Leading iron ulanoluetneers of Pittsburgh, are n t Washington entleavortlig ta induce Congress w pl.s protection nota,uren for their business. Selling Liquor 00 Munday.—ldru. Jul. 'Oland wan pi - realml anil brought before Al ilartuan Strain yonicrtlity.chargial with rolling liquor on Sunda. She gave hall for a further hearing to-day. The Vigilant Firo Company. of 1 . 1.115 e del phis., 'quoits! through Ene. en route t 4, Ilitltaln, 110 Suturgtzty lust. QM LEN IV— l)n tIUnAA, All !Mt! Icr , ti from the roeslcletice of Itcr +on, JAno.. hhartotburg, on the 27th 10.4.. at 10 o'clock, A.v. I Arrl.tgos n 111 Watt. cur nor 01 tirven th and 1.1.1111..1.t 5tn . .... at f t u'r•lock The friends of the la:nil) are Invited to SLIVII.I. MI LL I.ll..Utti lant . SABAH ELI/. ARETH 31 , LLE Lster teacher in the tilAltop Jl" , rituan lu .tume. The fon , •ral Ices xlll be held In St. John's t•hurrh. Law-rent...stile, at r. on TcE , ..“. 111 le ily a,t L Church &toot stow,. corner ~ C. N .senth and ,tritlttleld streets, at o'clock, I'. it. FAIRMAN & SAMSON. UN _DE,'.FCTA.K_ERS, No. 196 Sm ins field St., cur. 7th, t Ent rmewe froot Strra t.) .IP . 2 • EW Ito 1211171=LG-13, PAL.. AND 133 51 NI , USKT NTItEET, mr.:1.4171. A1.1.11:6111.ENT, PA. ALEN. AIKEN, 17.027013E7R.T.A332EZA. No I 6 count street. Pittsburg o. (X)PYINti al all t todf. CNA rich, Cr LOV iin,,saad even , description of Funeral Inarmsuing tiooos (UMW.. Koolau openda7 and night., Llamas mad Carslagesibratshed ahranzhcsa—ltes. Lostd Xarr. Kat. la W. jsaohhs, mu., Thomas zwing. rag., Jacobli =lst. in. PURI THE WEEKLY GAZETTE TWO EDITIoIi i ISSUED. UP 11 EDP FADAYS ARID SAI UEDA rs. The edition Ix forwarded ',Web wIII resell UTTs •nb swribers soorm.% as the mall ran. =LW. : NU LE corms, PER YEAR. 121.,8S Or YIVE. •• t: TM OF TEN AND UPWARDS. WATCHES, DUNSEATH & CO., ue mr-irt.b. Blarepolt.l W Vicke- CLOCKS, JERI:LW), Silver aid Silver Plated Ware,° N%, lo receipt daily of new styles of GOLD EAK s. sn•l-t..mr •lock. au.l get price, Jo. I ADI ES' AND Li ENT"'N vAur - lio t. • af...71 MENEM =2 C7l;rl.l_al_. T. 10472-1—.1.101,r'/IS, .1 011 IN %TON tv. Fine %I antes, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., tr. :47 I 1.11,RT1 ,TURK.T, =axis. Oar 1'A1 . .. i1., att.-noonu. itapolring clock, and Jeweir,. A L . work wort-km , t Irb:OSS NEW AD V ERTISEMENTS. FEED BOY WANTED. FEED 11011 IS 11WANTED 1,4 0 1 ‘ ; I , I • A ppl, xi I: A- OREL CLOSE & CO., Practical Furniture Manufacturers, COR. PENN AND WAYNE STREETS N•Pi N I l' ILfllf I.OAIi,S! CLOAKS I A ).A_PiAN: .111 ST RECPCI V +T TILE FIFTH ST. 110.111 MOUSE. ELEGANT CLOTH SACQUES ?o4t-11 tll r :Lt $2,50. IMIZI New Cloak louse, 49 Fifth St., Opposite Old Theatre. 11I•p t'oumil I, le . on • 1.! t•C .t1., 1 Pi I t In ilolf..r. 3..1 p.-rma nl,l !Riffmeat th• ~ rtmit•l •Ai.i Th, lon 1 113 V ,•• •'• A" •P ‘,111.Y. • Li ti U.l It,l trk Vf I 11 .1 IN PPP • • paid hr tl lII' I 11Al Ira" rornutilLet•. L.EATIAER ItESSIVEAN 8 CLARK, F I .1 . .1: II thn • .•,/t• i.I.F 4.DENN 111'1 FLOUR AND Ms.IEED /511 . 01.1..1E1, S. C. 211c.111ASTERik CO., No. I:1:1 Ohio sl., Allegheny, ‘‘ I/1 , 14 •.11. att.l Ittrottl .tle•r• Itc M.cacsci Grreal.a. I,7rebt ;ON MORTGAGES waist- 5.,00, $l,OOO, $3,000, $5,000, $lO,OOO, 4.1.34. NI. I'K'l'T NO. /3 Clzlr streeL I LEARY REA, JR conunisslON MERCHANT =I 1331111EINE ME! MEEMILEIMIN aIELG r_milcrex-Vy lati - ogat. vrr 121 Itl.ll, VA N1C31.42V1S I'URD UM, I_AXIYr-E1 AI ERCD A NTS AND MANUFACTURERS .I.•,nng a ,l; 1..1: qt:.\ aer , .amit.ll..ted I.y I,as lag Of tiCI - 14 nt At, 1., 11‘ , 1 El.. t,II Orden. I. it will I.• cr) .13) and promptly Vl' V lOt H NOTIONS, Toys, Baskets, gittC3., AT J. G. L 4 1:Ell'A 11=IMEM GLASS WORKS FOR SALE, HTuATKI, I\ II ASS =I I ,rkvr If or ISAI ti k. A 159 rar It ROW lEEE I lOLNI ES, BELL 24 C 0., Anchor Cotton Mills, Pittsburgh, hIANUrACTUII.I.I4 VP A NCII(P. (A) SHEETINUN, A N , 'HUR (HI NIIKET)NGS, A NC 808 (U) EETIN A ~11:AVELNG. I'ACKS OF EVERY VARIETY ~ 1. 1 . E 1t, TINNED AND IRON; -11/1/1.1f.101 , . UI . IIOI.STEIGN. AND CAIIPET. JOSEPH WOODWELL 61. CO., Turner Wood slid Second sts., Pittsburgh. , itkiNTS FOR FAIRBANKS' stAbli... •••1611c..T . I,'OIA SALE, 134.. .rtes In Farmington township, Clarion Co. 1 . ..., hat hig al.oot nen, cleared and ranger talti .400. with orchard; thy remainder well timbered r• rod +(lag of ',meat.] oat.. The wtoslr plow° h Uh •I• taw wtth coal. and coot ..nfrotly .I.lmted. I .blgt i"11,1, mit., 'ryh.raloorg two miles from n~y . atul. l'rlce tow. JOHN D. BAILEY, ' Sorel, and Heal Ealato Broker, No. 151 Vourth etreet. L. PATTERSON .fm. CO. MANCHESTER SAW MILLS, Between Beaver *treed sod Otdo River, Blanchester, Pis. .. . , ...dere for all kinds of Luniber for building boat sl•llug, dock plank, istb rullinga &O. • CITY or ALLEGHENY. t THZ,G - 1161E • sOnruNt. Jline rich, 11966. OTICE IN lIEIIEIIY GIVEN TO thy Loki,. of the till. 'PAH CENT. I . A L 1.1.)N1,5 Ur ALLEGHENY, that the Coup One rot Bondi. coming .lu..July let, tae. will Le px.1.1 on .1.1 olny Uc.. Ll.e :mate tax) or the BANOF In the City of Pittstrargl, P.. I). MAC1....0t1t014, 111` In Treasurer 0( A leeway Guy. 7tl ONEs LOAN OFFICE, No. 161 ahll Fft FIELD aTItEET. corm, of alith. i•i• .4tlrxin• Slone) Lome, on Sliver l'lntea, (ions rilrlehl• I , MINOLIda. dement,. (volt' and {C.a.. Untillng. and vatuablu nrtielun of every deacriptlor, I he aautao. fletlvureol without A mutt- N N,,, aceountable In cane of Fir,. or ILoUPory. "noda of every duseript3on or vain at lowest galA . plr6L Dr. ROY. lion SALE, STEAM FEBBT BOAT, AT LAWRENCEVILLE Enquire Of 8. M. 8/ZR, 350 Ltbert7 ntrvet, Vittstrargh - - knit: Ig. OtetCHINE.--TICE "_IIIA-.:? :: .5..., TtoN AL IslilCK MACHINE makes, sllthl tag q, swo-borse power, 30,(11D splendid liriels pse -..: veld, well delined edges awl button:m=lk ,/t ~.2., machine does not pert's/sin what we rlt - we ~,,,' will take It hack and refund the money. Addrela ... AMAX EsquA. eenona awn. 14 . 1. li t nmay , v, ziew UM. azzlikl4ll:ri s p .' ' .„,..„..4...,,,...._,,,...,,- - 61.50 --- 1165 ISEIM 1:111=1