DIY 0-47.X)D81.1 ELEf ANT IF tved 141' 4 . ll4 , I..•rory, Pearl Afpit rat!er T rake uwY r uw fou tbitm .,.. T . l figinne G a4 s ll446,' . . -- , - " TW I TSKTIgati‘, Ixaa..a. A_ etypts*Une at &lam, ooLL,,am • . NATE:IIOIT4I3 'AVraCPICHIC, • p sasook. I [§ttipea Juoilitt, Swiss. • • r .11Anishan •`, Zt Zwiss, victoria LARD, Bishops, 13pstteile=it inus ANIS I I JBPLP DOJIIN4 FOlt WWII, Berege In all Colors. And•einnplete anivrtratalt or NOTIONS iNII:XANCY GOODI 4 , whotesaleind Retail. 111..-1 F. H. EATON'S 17 Fifth Street leZl 27 FIFTH ST. Alexandre and Conrvoisiers Kid Gloves; Buff and White Lisle Gloves; Ladies and, Misses . Silk Mitts; Guise Merino lindergarments for 4adJcS and Gehlsi Plain Linen . Handkerchiefs; Hemstitched Handkerchiefs; Imitation and Real Lace Handker chiefs; Fancy Shawls, Fans and Combs; Morrison's Star Skirts—the best in the market; Duplex and Boulevard Hoop Skirls, I^a D. DENNISON'S, 27 Fifth Street. Jett a 54 A T JOS. HOME & CO's. 131.11..`VWN, OLIN:BEAM AND DERBY BATS, MA.l' MUZZY; DEri. DROPti. DAISII..'4, 004.1 U ETTE A ND M lI.TON II ATE', t:111 P. RAID., lint A W IllOhNEThin ire , shape., Frames ß , I N n all the (saloon:0Mo styles: RIBOS, vials, figured mud checked, Tn w i d f Itr*EoM. WEE-AVIS, BUDS sad RUSES. - STRAW 000DS,1111WdENt.giaad,OBNABE.N'Ili. . . "writ's 11 1 ory- -431,Oca.a.mac.' SWISS. 11H ECKS, IMILLLANT, NAI SnOl IK TAILLATA.I4I3, LIN EN s. and a toll assorinwn at .. WHITE: GOODS. REAL AND 131. 'TUNE LACE COLL %US REAL AHD lEI. VAL LACi COII;AM.4,IIE A L POINTE' LACE COLL ARS, SETTS and HAN KERCHIEFS, II AM - IMM TRIMMING As. D FLOUNCING, SWISS AND CAMBRIC EDGE AND INSERTINMS. LINEN COLLARS, CUFFS AND SETTS, rerivue et yleb. Pull' Illusion, Swiu and French Cambric 1121122 PARIS RUFFLINGS AND SHIRTING. Col.- L AR.S. SETTS, F.DOLNGSFILILLINGS .nA LII- LtBoIDERIEs. DILLSSTRUIMINGS IN GUIPIT tar. AND CIDINY LACE. GALLOONS. FANCY BRAID, HUTTO . . BALL AND DROP TRIM MING. r!T!'lk.r•! .1317TV7. 0.1%7 4.1; Dar rboiscat atplet; In BEAD. BILK. FANCY CROTCHET, BLACK. ANIL WHITE BEAHL, IM PERIEL N., JET. BALL, ULi AND CAME, plain and_palot.ed. COIRMT. NETS, COILS, HAIR PUFF'S AN Is ROLLS; lASI:LH] ELLIXTIO and BON TON JP SKI ittn• BELTS. BELTI NUS, °LAMM AND BUCK LEN; EA N, In gra at variety from palm loaf •to Ivory; SUI' E I r• BEIM E AR, for ladles asp. 'rot.; 1111 ItT FRONTS, —STAID' SHIRTS; •TlEa. OTTERFLIEs ; :WANTS/I LINEN SHTIITa•, TRAVELLING RAGS and SATCHELS; HAIR BRUSHES:COMM, and a PULL .L.LFE OF .FOTIOMS. A LL AT I'OPUL '.ll .►be. 77 and 79 Jfiarket Street GAUZE MERINO UNDERWEAR, LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Linen and Jean Drawers; New Kid Gloves at 75 cents a pair; White Cotton Hose at 12 cents a pair; Five Pair 'good Cotton Hose for $1,00; Parasols and Silk Sun Umbrellas; Fans in every variety and price; NEW STYLE PUFF WAISTS; Puff Berlin 'Gloves. NEW GOODS RECEIVING DAILY Nos. 78 and 80 Market Street. MACRO', GLYDE & CO. NEW GOODS! MACRO & CARLISLI, Mo. 10 3P.11 . 03. Otredet. We are now opening so elegant alsortment of f EW (WODS, embracing the rimiest Myles of I REAL [...wit GOODS EFE'IITrEPPITT4MI4.ttGE , PINE BONNICT NEW 8i YI.E. PRES.'S TBUISWINGB. BEAL tallr ORE LACES. ' PINE PA.S.uL BUTTON& We !arse ;net opened s besattfal lot of BEAL CLUMPY LACES AND INSERTINGS. We would Invite speetAl site-nth:at to a new and splendid 14•201 t. sent or DLLS' BUYV AND WHITE BERLIN GLOVES. I tLOVES In theses , . POtrolemotes.4,llsvan Shades, • mew - Mont anew rotors In KID.OLOV7IDS. I BLACK LACE MlTTS—new irty/el; A most ea ••rdete sasortmest of LAI LEO , end S.;IIILDREZPS COTTON HUGE' GENT'S PIN II SHIRTS DEBBY TITS., SWAZI'S; 11.S,11A.Lt- tiosE. BUSPEA DEJA UM' BEELL LADIEW snit DEN'k'S . GAUZE DKIDNO UNDER.- VEST, To Merettants and Denten. Our Who Wale Depirtment.' now •woU. /looked LINE, IU. oiler Zil ° l' l fZi l in u ro:ratrho falV.Ve7t: Bileittrid & .CAItLISL.E, ' •L 9 Fifth Street, Aston t tor the "LOCKWOOD. MULNIJYACTUP, (.I)IIPANY. ,, tiIIADLET*I)TIPLEX. nt.LITTIC SWART stillantatanturer.• Prizes. mrti _ _ - c. asauxtovor..w. T. 1111ASEUE G. IVIT.PSICIMA ARBUTILIOT, SHANNOVA CO., N 0.115 Wood St.; Pittsburgh, Have Jost opened • large new stock of i L FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS,' lAdapted w t t la tratit s t r an s t4 what s , they • New Prints, Detain's, Lawns, Ging hams, White - Goods. Dress Goods, ghawak„sahnorals, Notions, • Cottonades,` Fanners' & MechanlOCassimeres„Tcans Cloths' Linens, Drills, Bleached i and Brown Sheettngs and tlirlings, • BOOM, COTTON & UNEN DUCK. &C. t Merchants are.prated to call and examine our I stook atulpriewb Jail CARR ntPAIVii/LIM & CO, gam wu.sos, caw: it c 0..; I WHOLESALE DEALER IN FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, 04.13 . Pacsd. ISt., ( Third house above blemond let:ett 1.1T115111101.111. VA. t J 0.171141 414._AAF, ROI= 'AND SIGN. PAINTER, SIMNEL AND GLAZIER, No. 54 Hand St., Pittsburgh. 9 done order . All work dwq yromptlf at reawna. asMies. ; WILLIAM BROWN IL 'slo of thofitto or ts 'lowa *.zaositow. WM4 /191.) RUN Ciaterpx: , Arenui& " tc°4l r °lll 4" l s a d 1 C 94 t4 1 54 , X 41 r, avail; it)JlsTc . 7 . ji ati I so gir:W in. w wastrel. y 1 . 1 t4rAf i i t 'Eftp 4 kg 4. 44 MONDAY, .11/N3 25. 1866. CITY AND SUBURBAN. A.ddletonlal Laval Matters an First Page The Gasette.—Peron leaving the city during' ,the summer, can have the GMT7a mailed tO them by leaving their address at our counting room.' Quarter gemstone pour!. Judgis Starrett, Stowe and Brown on the bench. Ting CHILD Ammorzo* CASE. The case of Mrs. dAleline C. Murray, Indict. *r the abductlOn of her child, under ten of age, on oath of John E. Alward, (her ft husband,) of Armatrong pounty, was re sumed on Saturday Morning, it nine o'clock, and brought to a close during the forenoon ae,elon, the Jury finding a verdict of guilty and recommending the defendant to the mercy of the Court. Colonel Barclay, mussel for the deem/co. made - a motion In arrest of judgment and for a new trial, Cling reosOns. IitCYTYITOIM FOR BELLI]. LIQIIOIt WITISIOIIT Col. Duff, Dietrict Attorney, requested the o use of John O'Neal, tavernekceper of the Third Ward, to be disposed of, remarking that tho defendant desired a full bench to 1.913 upon it. There were three indictments against O'Neal for selling liquor without license, the first found at the March term. and two others at the pre-sent, to which Ise pot in please( guilty. rt appeared that ho had ap plied for license and was refused prior to the commencement of the present term but had continued to tell liquor as mina , O'ffeal gusted to mitigation of sentence that he had closed his house, and erns determined to quit the briefness. In reply to the Court he admit ted haring sold liquor on Saturday morn- I leg. On the March indictment ho was re. to nay the costs and a tine of one bun '.C'd,lleffers, and on one of the Juno term indictments, the costs, a fine of one hundred dollars and to undergo thirty days' imprison. 'molt in the county Mil On the remaining indictment sentenoe was suspended. Gotten:. Mashey, of the First ward, also pleaded guilty to indictments for selling liquor without license. On the first ho was sentenced "to pay the costs and a fine of one • hundred dollars, and on the second (It being the second offense) to pay the costs, a fine Of one hundred dollar,, and to undergo thirty days* imprisonment In the comity jell, J. 11, Heekumn, of the Second Ward, pleaded guilty to three indictments fora like offense, and Mr. lineLer appeared as hiscormsel, mat- Mg is strong appeal for leniency. The defend ant, Mr. M. Paid, was of highly reSpectaslo character, had kept a tavern for a long time, and had but recently been refriscd. license. He was a law abiding citizen, and nought could be sold againstlitut MI any respect, once that in the present hasten., he had kept bin house open after his It ease applica tion had been refused. The Court, the coun sel thought, Should distriminate la favor of such men, and net inflict too severe punish ment. The Court Bahl It had a plain duty to perform, teenier.) the law. They felt con erelong of pairing been too lenient heretofore' that instead of throwing malt they would now throw Stones, and that if any fault was found it shortill be WitlitheLegislatare. Mr. M. said it was the certainty ndt the severity of punishment which tended to t4erevention of crime. ledge Stowe said tic lad_ p but little sympathy with men who knowingly, willingly and continuously violated the law, but thought that In the matter of smiling liquor without license a portion of the eenunwilly were to blame for encouraging the same. As a legislator he might net differently than as a Judge. The Court felt embarrassed In enforcing the liquor law, hut nevertheless would perform its duty. There were, as we have said, three indict ments against Mr. Heckman; on the first he was sentenced to laity the costs and a tine et e r 10; eh the second, the costa anti a fine of $7O, and on the third the costs, a fineof $lOO, and to undergo thirty days' im prisonmenti in the c' .:11 ' 11- .Y etht l ilson, who some time since kept n_ barlt the Theater, was sentenced to pay a One of sixty dollarsend tile costs, It being the first tultetment found against him. Jame.' Stewart, convicted of felonious a - In aiding and abetting in the firing of a pistol at some women on Water street a short time niece, on oath of Sarah Grant, (pro -teen ter,) was sentenced to the Penitentiary for three year. • - - - - • • ' • LAIIONNY CABII3. Patrick Luny, for committing a larceny In South Pittsburgh, WWI sentenced to the Peni tentiary for one year and nine months. Belle Tltnmons was convicted of a like offense, but owing to extenuating circumstances the Court only sentenced her to fall for sixty days. Thomas Norton, a Scotehman, and coal dig ger by occupation, convicted of the larceny of carpet sack from one of the Monongahela raver packet-, was next brought up for sen tence, and allowed to make a statement, 'ell was lu substance: Ile got 011 1.1i1,1 at Browns ville, In company with one William Rafferty, also& coal digger, and stopped off with lion at Monongahela Ulty, Rafferty taking a carnet sack which he ( Rafferty) claimed as his pro perty. They renewed their trip to the cky, 9 , 0me.0f Norton's clothing In the Inewinone having been Mama In the carpet sack. Upon their amval here the carpet sack was claimed by another party, 'and Xenon'. clothing being found In tq he was arrested ns the thief, Ile disclaimed all design to steal, and said he was ignorant Of the tact that the property was not that of Rafferty. Illsslave ment not being Inconsistent with the doubt ful emilence of guilt offered on the trial, Dis trict Attorney Duff consented to the allow enc., of & now trial, and stated that he would, on Monday, ask slur} , to render a verdict of acoultal, so well saded was he of defend antin Innocence and of the truthfulness of hi. statement. The Court was surtilarly Dupre. bed. John McGovern and Nicholas Dornberg were next placed In the box for sentence, having been convicted of stealing articles from too gift odors of Evans d. Co., on Fifth street_ in behalf of both evidence of previous good character, and that they were under the Men. once of liquor at the time of Offending, ens offered. Judge Starrett...prefaratory to eon tenor-, remarked that the store refer. 01 to was conducted In such a way as to excite Inc cupid ity of young men, was little else than a lottery, should not he allowed to valet, and eugaseLeo legislative interference, as such estaollsh meets were productive Of as much evil as reg ular lotteries. Under all the circumstance he would be lenient with the accused, and sentenced them to 'pay a flee of ten dollars and to twenty days' Imprisonment In DID?IIfITEAL, HIIIr TOOL THEY. William Stone, a genuine African, under conviction of the larceny of n pair on panta loons from= the stmunboat Kenton, was next sentenced, and alloweitto speak for himself, the court saying: "William come out here," whereupon the colOred prisoner left the bus and approached the railing. "How came you to take the pantst" said the court. "Didn't take 'em, sari Wally Sheldon, on the boat with me, saw 'em thar on the boat, and tole me tate 'em, and I put 'em on." W Idiom went on to say that he imbeequently dlscov ered to whom the pants belonged, emcee re turned to the boat to pay the Warner for them, that the owner said he did not care about the pants, but wh i c h want ed a coat and wine other things, h o to geS; that In .walking up the wharf with th e wither they hail some conversation, and that he (William> started away, when he was paretted,arroded, considerably taunted, and taken to the Mayor's office- in conclusion, William said be had a very old mother who it, was- larmunhenx upon him to take cave' of, and - hoped - the court would be as lenient as possible with Jam. baying this, he made oisealance and awaited his doom. "How would you hko to go &roes the river for a year or two, Winiaml" "Wouldn't like it all, Bah; but It most be ait you say." Af ter consultation William was sentenced to the county Pail for thirAwdays, his statement co inciding with the evidence adduced against him on the trial. He retired from the Court room showing his ivories, evidently wed got ten& With the result.- • = • Daniel Mayhew, of Blrmingluum, for having reelated an officer In making an accent, wee Bentenced to two aiontlini Magni:lona:neat in Um county jail, being credited with three moaths' eentinement which be had already endured. TI.; Court tlietkadJournad till Monday at 10 Sebool Exhibitllom The pupils of the Ninth Ward public schools gave a grand eihibition in Trinity Church on Friday evening. The exercises consisted of readings, declamations, orations, and coed music. At the conclusion of the prOgramme an ele gant sliver cake-basket was presented to MISO Hattie Martin by Xis. Melissa McMillen, in behalf of the girl. of her class, and by Henry Townes in behalf of the boys. Miss Emily Martin Irmo also the recipient of a beautiful writing desk, which wee given by Edward Thomas, one of her pupils. Another writingdesk was presented to Mr. Hall, the principal, by Alonzo Joy, who accompanied tile gift with a neat and very appropriate speech, which reflected credit not only oti uls youth, but also on those into whose hands have been oonlialcd his training and intellec tual derelopimmt. Mr. /lanai Won, MM. Long, was before Mayor McCarthy on Saturday, charged with kerptug a disorderly house on oath of night wafelimun Patrick Murray. At the hearing an *mule.e number of witnesses were examin ed, who Wattled that the defendant is a wnsh etwOnsan, bet teat her house Is frequented ut all hours of the night by men and women. who often act in a noisy and disorderly man ner, much to the annoyance of Ler neighbor.. J.L.lltWarthy,Esq.,made an able appeal for the "defendant, but all his effort. were In Calm The at:cased ',NB held in WO to answer at Vourt. liamilton resides In a court off Water street, near WOOd. Warrant lanual,—William Collins ca. scared before Alderman- Humbert on sato, day and made oath against John Koos for surety of the peace. watts= alleges that John is in the habit of calling him all sorts of hard munes, and on Saturday threatanal to takehts life: A warrant was Wind for tho arrest of Knox. Child Drowned.—Mary E. BOtsen, daugh ter of Lords Belem, aged nine peens and nine months, waa drowned on Nrieay evening, by falling Into Loyalhatum creek, at Latroue, Shoves an Interesting child, and her parents have the sympathy of all who know her, In their bereavement. Recoverluge—The son of Mx. Joseph It 11a. , ' Knight, of neon township, who was acchltait-, Idly shot In the hand last wear, and who, it , was'reportol, had since. dad, is now ins fair way OK recovery; Ana Attood ll 3 JAYsitUn 112XL:di declaredhMl danger. , • Mae ' aStIl 7 bratthnoild 7 stied ratk 'GS a for assault Auld -battery on. tam, daY, re - 'AWrertnati - 1 4%. 0 4Whohad Patrick aarailutt,.l attar eta h .wina the accused was • disCharwed4 hit.arldanalk MN,. head nue Apr w.a. ~_... TELEGME. FROM WASHINGTON. Tariff Bill Compleleal—lfbe Duty on Wool and Iron—Goy. Joknoola, of Go— ml noted as llloklater to Tonesoela—The Repeal of the Sentrallty Lnwa. Raw Yong, June 23.—The morning papers contain the following specials from Washing ton: The Ways and Means Comudttee wtll probably complete the tariff 1,111 to-day. They have finished the wool clause andpzed toe rides as follows: On cheap commorrwool. six cents per pound; on clothing and combing wools, valued at less thou thirty -twoocuta per pound. ten cents per pound, and ten per cent. ad valorem; on clothing and combing wools, valued at over thirty-two cents per pound, twelve cents per pound and ten per cent. ad valorem. This is In accordance wlt h the toms agreed anon by the wool growers and mann faMtu-ers. The iron clause was also completed to-day, and a considerable increase agreed upon, al though the precise rate cannot be ascertained. A number of Iron manufacturers have been in the city for a week or two looking alter their interests, and about an equal number of free traders are also at work to keep the duty wi it is. The western men have Inst the linseed clause. Instead of forty cents per bushel on seed and forty Cents per gallon on oil, the Committee have only gone as far as thirty cents on each bushel and gallon. The Com mittee have agreed to recommend a duty of six cents per pound on foreign Ingot copper, and three cents per nand on tine copper for the benefit of the Lake Superior Mining Com panies. The Tribune's special says the Committee to whom was referred the resolution of General Schenck, in relation to the repeal of the neu trality law ' have not yet rerorted, but It is understood that the report, when 13111410, will be favorable to the Perilous. All the discus sions in the Committee have condemned the extreme measures taken to enforce the law. The Worlds special says that the Commit. tee strongly sympathise in the Fenian move ment, but do not think It expedient to take any action to the matter. ConedDm Parliament—Tye Late Fenian Raid—lndemnitleation Demand's' of The United theses—Mlisnianagement of vanadian Troops. Nen- Voss, June W.—The Herald's Ottawa special says: In the Canadian Parliament yes terday, Mr. Galt moved for indemnification of the Government by the United Mates for the expenses Incurred during the recent Fen ian trouble, Several members of the Government party advocated the motion, when Mt. Chambers, of Brockville, obtained the floor and spoke against it. He sato that Canada could not sup port troops to resist the United States. A. thousand Fontana was a different matter front thirty-tire millions of Americans. lie also called for an investigation of the conduct of some of tne commanders of the Provincial troops during the trouble, and denounced the management of the VOlUlitOollii as a blunder. Mr. Chambers was continually interrupted and It is said, the uproar becoming no great at times as to drown his remarks. He was re plied to by Mr. D'Arcey Mcßee, and the mo tion of Galt was adopted. The War in Month Amerlea—Nnrcess of the nevointioninte—Protident Baez Seeks Protection of the French Flog. New Yortx, June :J.—The Herald's St. Do mingo correspondence of the 9th says The revolution under General Pimento has ended In a complete triumph, and President with some members of his suite, have left (or at. Thomas. The soldier. In St. Domingo fie tentixed with the revolutionists, and Baer sought refuge In the French consulate. But for the protection of that deg, it is said I:lel life would have been saerific. file brother, Darrian Baer, and General Pedro Guillermo, were held tor trial, as incendiaries by the Pro. visional Government. noes arrived at St. Thomas on the 11 1 th, In , the Spanish steamer ilarceliona, and announced his Intends d de parture for Europe next day. Unitarian (7oofcretree. Bilf/FALO, June 24.—Yesterday was tile ibtnl day of the Western Lnitarian Lonferotbe. Rev. Mr. Mayo, of Cincinnati. submitted a voluminous and elaborate renort on the rem tions of the liberal to the onomised of the West. At the close of his remarks it vote of thanks wan tendered him by the con ference, and ordered to be printed in t Christ/on Ettitalee. In the afternoon Rey. Mr. Brigham preached. in the evening their was a millatiou, and speeches wore made by Revs. Dr. Bellows, It. and R. L. Collier, Mr. Eleseworth, and others. A. resotutdon Was offered directing the President and Eecretary, One month before the Annual Conference, to direct letters to churches in the Western bi- Lenart Conference urging them to select dele gates. Carried. Fatal Railroad Aceldent—Robbery at the American Express Company. Clactra ATI, June M.—The train au the C I cinnati and Zanesville railroad ran two broken culvert yesterday, near Morrowtoe n. The engineer and firemen were noth During the heavy storm y.sterday after noon a man VW...13d WO American E nprs.s. office, walked behind the money clerk's .1. -k, iod abstracted it package containing anti made good his escape. =I New Year, June 1 -*l.—There have bean fatal caocs of cholera at Elizabeth, N.. 1 bet under the active measures of the Board ..1 Hu .Ith the disease appears to have xpent It self. - Q.TATEMENT OF THE REAL ES TATZ LNaTITUTION. oo ilia :iota day of April, INGO. - • • • •. AIi6ET. Hued. and Mort gag., (being tint Heim Cu Ilea) E•tate.).....•••••42 0 0.= MI U. 13. 6-9 Ruud. 70.4 u) 00 U. R. HMI Ruud& 31,000 e Heal Estate 19 Oa Isaterest due May let, Cu above, taut yet realised.) 1.41/ .16 OM. Yural lure 44 Ou Cash C. 620 76 QM Amount due Dep05it0r5..........1107,1110 71 Amount due Depositors, Inter est May ht. Mid NMI id VIM FR, 10 IMlarloe Carat nireut ran A...... t 1.241 15 The above is a true ststsunent. A. A. CAHILL EH, Treasur... The undersigned Auditing Cinumittee, has ,. s &mined the Books of the Institution, Bic Hoe Mort/mt. and riectirities. and counted the (.. and find the foregoing statement correct. t. H. ISHITH. H. CHILIM, W. H. C. , PF.LAN 10. ot , VIC El. of TUX INTiTUTIoN. JoB.. Vice President—W. B Cora.t.Axti: BHAD/OrLD TODD. TacaTgAs—stuu. 'I. 01. Flow, lieu. 4. K. Alcor head, Isaac Jose, C . N. I , oegtly. Painter, Harvey Child.. W. it. copeland, Woo. I. Smith. - Interest allowed on De p t .{ . . In ibis Institution nt SIX PX6 CENT._per annum, par abb.... tn. Ito In May and November , which, ti no. will be added to the principal /.1.1 C01L',.... odvd Interest commences on Deposits os the 1.. , 13th days of every month. Open for Depoalt Own 9 A. N. to 3 o'clock Wally: also. outlet...rd.., evening. (roma tor MT 1 Cll-03 YVUICTU sTILEA - r, hitt.lml a n. I•s. wy30,940 pOSTPONEMLIENT. THE U.47ITED ST4TES PRIZE CONCERT, TO HAVE BEEN GIVEN AT Crosby's Opera House, Chicago, SAY 13113t1A, 1/3130, W 111 Le postponed unW Monday, July 9th, '66, On w bleb ocesalon HALF,A MILLION DOLLARS lIN PRIZES Will Ita ',mantled lo Ticket Holder,. Including $lOO,OOO IN GREVNBACKS, The postponement isan unavoidable ncessi••, (noise much in consequence of the number of ets yet per as the pont/ ve necelay there is for the proper registration of Omen disposed of, which tuts been delayed In coonq of the rieg• ligcnce and carelesanen of portion of our Agent. in making their proper returns. We advise all parties wanting ets to nod for them without delaL, we pave buta iltnit.d num ber yet on hand. Wwish mon particularly to lie pre. upon the minds of our Ageats the importance of their mating their returns at 021 re. and of recti fying whatever errors may have crept Into Shelf inns heretofore. We will say to those InmAng for tickets, that lOggheyshould all be sold at the nine their order is Medved, the money will be re% arovd. No ^poll:4110ns fornow ag• melee for the sate of tickets will be contoured, as we have no mere than sufficient tickets to supply those Agenta we Dave a - ready appointed. Tickets ire for .hie at toe prin cipal hotels, book and music stores In the city. 0,1 at our once. In Dearborn street; price $1.f70 each: sent by mall on receipt of price and stamp for tv.- tern ponsge We . invite thegni''rftt?t7ll persona w ssoorcer„s;natfoowing SPECIAL TERMS OR CLUB RATES: Any party procuring a club of S or more names for tickets, and forwarding us moon for the 1.1111, will be allowed the following commission • ie. 1!! 113MILIV e 4 9 141 25 2.A L .1 I.• re ~ dressry case send the Marne arid Pastor!'" ad- N to ofeach separaps subscriber. _ or te ItetVe Y re t il 'y i.t r t a t t aV sci orto Olae O 7t l Pia! " einutriunicatiuns W ould besuldressed to WIGGINS. BRADFORD & CO.. 133 DiCAMEkIB.3 BTaEUZT, CHICAWL ILL The proprietors will donate to the Lincoln and phoias Monument Funds r.,(X10; also, there will t 0.13 ro•er•tol from the person drawler th• $111), prise, • for the same porno. , Hoe. Major Lbw ' C.. of Ind. 110 e. Irs Layeoct f Kat:moo. Hon. WM. Letattglore Lyons, lowa. Hoe. Jon /Coon, o f hicg. Hoe. C. Graces liralth, o f Minn. Jacob Forsyth, Agt. bd. It hcago. 111. /11.. "...ember" b C.o. Itnors of Wotches ChlcSio• propoeals rot inserting thll advtntlianti.s re oPlaated. myßO:h7B 1.4.1111E5, SAVE YOUR MOREY, G►rlu6 yo - nr Ulu 'able Ware sg -PLATED WITH SILITIIt. befrrosa TEAszucirritm y 0,... i(;6 ELTWILES. -KM " MEM'. Clai , . e ig . in bit milt-144 . made to &I . W - ,M C. AND wituw TtraZW, AT" N 1.112148 T. JUB27 IL CWINWILL, O. TAU Guar . strelA.A -_ _x~:N:;~ -.. zt aNJ ::4:1 THE QUEEN! THE QUEEN. THE QUEEN OF HAIR RESTORERS! 11113. WLNSLOWS QUEEN BAIR •LLE.WTofEE le OLT LEN. not only In .1.1311 E. but In VIIITURS. lathe Best Heir IL er offered to the Public. An Infallible 886OOttElt and rltEßltltean Of the Halt if folthfully applied. It is no hair Dye. It acts directly upon the root, of the heir chang ing grey hair to Its origami life color: arresting pre mature decay and failing out of the hair: eradicat ing scurf and dandruff: and curing all hunt, of the sc will It will change dry and wiry hair to soft and luxu riant tresses. I aunarta a delightful fragrance to the hair. litcoon, If you 1,.h to restore your hair, IS In youth. and retain It through life, use W. WINSLOW'S qui u.Ue RESTORE& si per belt!, bold by all Druggists R. E. SELLERS & Wholesale Agents my 20.1.1 tAr' Will. BARNHILL & BOILER MAKERS A N D SHEET IRON WORIMRS, Hes. 20, 22, 24 slut 24 Penn street. lineutg bemired a large yard, and fttruished It with the most approved machinery, we arm prepared to Manufacture every description of BOILERS, to the Feet manner, and warranted equal to any made in the country. CHIMNEYS. BREECHING, ?lint BEDS, STEAM PIPES LOCOMOTIVE BOILERS, CoN DEESERti, SALT VANS. TANKS, Ott. STILLS, AtiLTATOUS, SETTLLNki YAMS, BOILER LION, BRIANIEM, SUGAR PANS; and sole manufacturer• at BARNHILL'S PATENT BOILERS, Repairing done on the Morteat notice. tar LAKE SUPERIOR COPPER MILL AND SMELTING WORKS' I= PARK, IdeCIMDY & CO. limiliVanturers of 815EAT1UNO, BRAZIERS' AND BOLT COPPER, PRESSED COPPER liorroals, RAINED STILL BOTTOMS, SPELTER SOLDER. Also, importers and dealer. is METALS, TIN PLATE SHEET IRON WIRE, &C. Constantly. nand, TIN N ERS' MACIILNKt3 and TOOLS. Wier, house, N 0.144 Floor an IMSISCONDSTHEISTP, Pills burgh. Speclal orders of Copper cut tc any de/Areal Pattern. thilti Wild& wT arPITI'SBURGH SAW WOIRAkiI, HUBBARD. RHO, It. CO Mannfactur • ere of PA PE.N't NIP CIIICU L AID, warrant ed CAST errity,L MAWS. or every description. 51111, Maley, Crone-Cut, tistly,and all other varieties. All 510,1, of KN I Vie and SI'KI NUJ, made Ilona Sheet Cant-strrl • Extra Relined Rl' A1•I , It AND MOWING KNIVES, &c.. AR- rehusanr nn ot as, cnruer •tss and SHAMS B r ugaru. ri a ttelbUrgh. Particular •LIVIILiOn pad to re-Loathing, punning and straight... Dug Circular Saws: Lino, re-Loathin g, rr. of .11 kinds. Punching and do:: at rea.unicoe rates. •. artIOBINFION, REA Coy . (SUL'. ces.ors to ROBINAMI, & Founders Mob mists, P tt AlHpTpu Wow. ntourel.. Manufacturers of BOAT AND STATION - BUT STEAM ENDO .ES BLAST ENDINES, MILL ULA.. Cli I N KRY, GEARING, BHA CABTI N tic of all descriptions, OIL PANIali and itITILLB., BOILER AND BHILET IRON WORK. SirAgen. Pm. tiII(FAIW•S PATENT INJF.CThit. or feeding Rollers. arJOELY COCHRAN i BRO., klanufactutera of IRON VAULTS ABU VAULT DOvES, IRON RAILING WINIioW SHUTTERS. WINDOW °R ANl'S.etc.. N.. 01 SECOND and SO THIRD STREET, between and Market, hare oo hand & variety of new pattern a, fancy plain, suitable for all purl.... AN . Partleniar attention 'paid toenclosing draw. Leta. Jobbing dot io &I abort nateiliw • WMARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, of Warning and tustrue•ton loung Sten. A 1 . .. and +lark les. the ,tal power, with sure meant of l r ,nt free of charip. bealr , l letter en,elipe., An Pr J. MIAS !DWI; l'hil.lolpida., Po. T. POLITICAL CONGREsSION&L CONTENTION, 22d DISTRICT The UNION ILF.VIIBLIc AN VOTER 3 of th.: VA l'ungrra•loual Olatrlct arc •tquested to uteet at the oauaL place. or I,l.ling eleCtlon. In the ,anuoa Wards. Borough, and 'Fowl:whip, to Bald Olatnet, On Saturday, August 11th An.l let rwt , DELEGATE., now earl] election aintrtel, t•• tare,. In Count, l'oevcatlon on TUI• DAY. Al t•l'N't 14M. at 11) o'clock n. at.. for We purpoae ..1 to twatinatlon • candl tat.- for Thr prlinary tom.. In t, tow - 11.111p. ia-iiri•rll lii•tir• 0 itn. in LIR ward., 11,1 twrwag, 1,1, erre the hot, • ••f ,nr and ,••••• fl clock y 14 In the w•r.l. at. • , ...caon. Ita.ll U.: fly L.sllot, an.' In the tovra•lapa war/InA "r fly ba.k.t. By ord., of tht Wanmit..e. .w. J. 4111:3101ti- ItaJrmall. SeCe" ' "l '' T 11: 04 , 4 CGNGIIENS, 22d HisTuurr. HON. J. K. MOORHEAD arin., placed himself al the 41190.1(4 his frh. ts. In reapOtise to their call made ott hint, gt• isaind la now presented I,) them Si a .-andhlaie fur lc Don for Cana,. for the Ed District, soh ci ~• the action of the Union liepuntlean County • slot. apt., ViarCONGILESS GENERAL JAS. S. NEGLEY DI A CA N LIDA rE Ili THE 440 DISTILIII Mll9.lnkfl W - CONGRESS.—The friends of HON. JOHN P. PENNEY Will prraerit his name to 'Ow rrinvr , otlon of tom Union Nifty, for nomittallou as • eandlttate for t Fr... ,- re.s tbr llibtract. isthLtdiwci 1323E1 I= NOTICES. N c _Yr ic; r..... Lll , •,Cle rrs Nr•ilti, PRIZE 001,1.trr, {VIO.II as. II u aDroito & 1 . 0.. Proprietors. WE WOULD MOST IRESPE("I - - .. FULLY *amount:a that 1.. eoludderstion of tto following cogent t•. d tryst suffuse torn we have Snell, courluded that a pottponenieut would be equally way •ntageoas to the public sad ourselves. namely, that we prefer h, Dispose of all the Tickets and site the Public all.the Prizes, Mtn . h.. 1.1 • tostotlty of ticket. las proprietors uesetit are thereby enhance our ch•ncra of d p thig ii.• mrrr prises. The drawn /Lembo ea all pu bli•heat In the Chi nano elehy paper. aa aooort as Ara... and artten the deny/the la race ago o • will lot throlehc.l with cotnriletr 11, Of tlae dent hoononera. EMMSIII=IIIII WE HAVE POSTPONED THE DRAWING ECEMEII 9th Day of July, 1886. = =CI cyfliCik To the Tax Payers of the City of Pittsburgh. THE CITY TREASURER Is now ran, reeelre all tax. pay.tele at thla nitre. Nn r 1111 I•ourib btreet. ntbfrot 43 • rodUotlot of FIVE PEE CENT—If paltl b4.fore the FIRST DAY tIY AlAiLleT NEXT. The Mercantile License's are due nuti most tic paid hefore the YI RUT Y rIY JUL% NEXT la order to rare Coot •nd r jmnseol molt Weinman Alderman. Jeln:o.l ElellliA DM. Treasurer. rk - >rir:JEC_AE. IiOLJOERS OF SIXTH WARD KM) NTT CERT , FI , AT FA are hereby notified rl r . es trlalt/ h ei c .l , l77..llrl r' e n t :TiY t eo l T . eVlt t h h l7ll2Yl DAYS. miler which time they will oYf acme to Ix , re neaten-I. HY order or )0W.113 nIETII WA HD liClinUtlL ROAM/. ()'.UIC) - li. THE REMAINING PART of the large property fur sale laid out In turd St Allen s plan of kers. will he sold In lots or by the non,. splendid fur gardening Inorpoere or for city resi duum, Apply to Wel. B. Roll), al the oOce of Kirkpatrick .1 Mellon. cor,. r or 1/lArnund end lsliflt streets. or to KICIIAKI/ ALLEN, on the property, at Lower e t. Clair Hotel. my17:620 u °+' McCALLUM BROTHERS No. SO 5.2.2. FOURTH HTRERT. We Were ou heeds e vsl y superior stock of o.A.xlmomrrx2c434- or otiT7l,AV P .TlV.ll:l,,ali,* d rAg rget`r,; 24 feet grids. PIANO AND TABLE COVlRS—ltrery kind la tat. likAitTli HUI/El—Prom the finest quality tattle lowe to rle e CAstNToti . ATTI2IO, COCOA AND MAIM! A AIATTINWS, ae. hIcC A L UM IiIIOTLIERS. Formerly W. L.& H. MeUallUm- wE OFFER THE LARNE TT ' ' Stock in the West of every -f thing in the line of Carpets, Oil Cloths, Damask, Reps and Lace Window Curtains. Gold Bordered and Plain Window Shades, Table and Piano Cov ers, of our own importation, at the Lowest Prices reached since the war. A line of Scotch In grain Carpets ; of our own im portationjust received---very handsome never offered in this country before—and at prices Ai based on th resent, rate , of Gold Ma & COLLINS, , -71 8 .78 Street, 2d door, _ sztoetaos to .IL chknalk lions, asulkostomis FITE SALE. ELEGANT BESEDIENCE 3P4COVIL ISALMaNI. 1.1-.XTRITaBIEMLIEI, GAS AND STEAM FITTERS. for. Sixth and Smithfield Sts., .F•X•Pqr.• ECU Cir ME, .I=. Ia offered for sale. Thu house, In point of AND ronifurts, convenience., and elegance. Is op.. , for. Beaver and Chestnut Sts,. any In the city. Tbr Lot bass trout of any feet on roo i I stn- MANCHESTER. ‘"". ba6t 2 " t. Watt r e, All kinds of Water. Gas and Steam Fixtures kept statue, Carriage House, Grape Arbor, and c°2""c"Y oc Lan...tit/I . g la etniaplett order. AUDI, WILLIAMS & BAIITLEY, POSSESSION COVEN 111.1ils.IJIATELY. The FUILNITURE In the housealeo offered for KEEP ON HAND A SUPEItIOR sale. Apply to JAMES H. 110 PIiEW 'SM7 CP CN31:10 N.I73I•I=PEI 103 11 rth Stre e`. All kitols et MO \ Vs. HYDRANTS, SHEET . LEAII PIPE, BATH TORS. : sIN W ATER cI.oSETS, WASH BASINS, FINE RESIDENCE 14. All .TA ~, a, . It their Wareroorn, i Corner sixth and Smithfield Streets, The handsome realdenet of ALLEN X RAMEI MERE STOCKTON AVENUE, ALLEIitIEN t try UNI OF TUE PV/ITLONsi VP ALI.E -IATY. A largoarid thoroughly two-story Double Itrl,k Dwelllnn. colltainlu,s ii rooms, spacious and airy D on ,boshs ch ines. Dust to sod a hornier Proof sale. The tun Lie grounds surrounding the mansion abound lu Odd, . grapes and fruit. and shade trees. A oldish. did Coach House, WWI other out-buildings, cow Wise so make this a prat-class reasslden cc. For particulars, apple to 0. S. BRIAN. Broker In Mocks and lteal hassle. inn.: 67 Fourth at., (Burke's Building.l FOR -SALE. A F I 1123 - BUbl AN 1, The Stock. ' , IMAM, Good {VIII, tore Hot., 10 , k:11111g and largo Lot In ccwicalt). sob sa!ee 6.3,000 a month. Vossesslon gl.en Immedlntsl,. Six small Houses and Lots, vary cltrap. never.] Lots nt Ed,, oorth Station, from our to Live acres In catch. Apply to JAMES T. SIMPLE, Kcal Estate liroter sod l natoran , .. Agent. Jed No. ab Federal street, Alteghetty. VOR SALE—A Farm of 216 acres, lu Pluto lox/W.lllp. Mao,. ill • • o u , •')• ' The improvemrnte a, lwo-,dury moat. I House, with six rooms and kitche s Ixtg. PLUNIBERS, Barn, an by fal, and other out-building, good ".such. 1:0 acres cleared and to a good taste ; """". l'" " °"'". Gas and Steam Fitters, adapted for grain or sod Is all undertal.l wlto eomd, neer) large ..runt • Itonledlatei,, cons ruler. to citurvln .enoois, mills, So. For Pursuer p.frtleulars, AND BRASS FOUNDERS. .11111,107 U. 0. TOW Eli., Meal Estate Agent, No, £O4 Fourth .trees. A turg, nt of you SALE--A Farm of about 24 nt it 1. • Chandeliers and Brackets, Lead It.. Co"o. rtt.uur,o, ~bout I Pipe, Pumps, Sheet Lead, dc., balance good timber land 11, acres ad coal. go. Orin. plt open. a Iran, .1.5 nmw of four roots.; good spring of Water, trust Er, Al.W‘l4 IPN 51,51, of earl...tea tor a bplendld plac,, 1.55 too.- y ar d . 161 Wood Street, near Sixth. . . . 4 1 .•- /11.0, a lot SO by la! (Ann. nu In 1,5 lianas Inv...hip, Aln•annu) county. WI.I • an d fur teraus.. api.l) at LI, itr 4/ ' and in Ulnt.of U. a. le la I.luUnt street, I ...rcn , •,•‘'.••• VOLL SALE. • At 111111vate Station, Pa. Only vt.weu min ute,s' rifle born the I • ft.rli. , b, With or,‘ qti...11t7 or TWELVE. ASO A UAL} A... 1, K, ad,. teetaertevn.a Itta,ll4,y, D'"")."'" "unnr. HYDRANT HOSE AND PIPES at oti Mut 1...11.1 I.,ai r Ji r.. 1 4 `011. SALE.—.SENICKLLI Is} 1.1.331}-,li rya ,1 1, .1 4, at, of t .1.1 n, oh Abut, it... 1 t mid.; lb. . mod rarrh, Outs.. Ext. .1.. .a. I it si [muds, 1 Imlt Iry v. 4, luclo lliss; •..r) acne 0 forest [rd. smut thu hoots. old ry I and shouutllng Iv eltruht.ry 1.04 .n,l - a. PVT TSB( R4lll. PA. 1. 1 11 io st s atuc\.ed 0. Al •tab r L• 11:13 . = t 0.1 I , lt pt.t - - "MR SALE—A Faro of la`s aura,. 1., 1 tu.iu..1.1,5, A. ,1, 111 • LAI IS I 1 61 s A i 'ill FITTING t1(114 r (2001111 rS'ls P .•tc.r...1 sin ~.n. • n utadcr du . t thtt HYDRANTS. IRON PUMPS. rat;str, coo.. Well Ll. 11,, It • I bored v. ith kin "1110 ... . •110 1 1 1 I tAst llustrer . • ut ror .1. f ti ...MA. I Isra, ti 10 lICAA Coati As. u L Nu. 104 ruurta 111 1 la bASIN3. Ed ALLABLE 4.11111 it %, A tsr,A ATER ( LosETts tikU tblislANDs, is err. ~1 a lt.rtel. ..ualou MVG"MLIVIES di, 00., Ilaru. Lod utter r stllux• A. 4 si lab Iruunw • ont•ooug 1101., t •. r . ""."'” "' ml LI., b•rme for n. 1 su, Nu Ist 40, t sl,4ril a usd Slonoussalicla ris.r. bur ) ular. au..., 01 ILLiAII (1./p1.0..1`e 001 stl • 1 LS. .PROFESSIONAL, vORTH ( ANAL ST. RESIDEN E JOHN W. TAYLOR, bl l l. ~11b 111111 1N1.V1.1 , 1 tit / '''''iug " ""'" "" "' ATTORNEY AT LAW, •11, I ,04,11ortler tuud .. ? sit ou No. 69 Grant Street. 11r.t ...or ot., A rx•r-ri3.13.-crcifr .11rts..brry • Ap, • W.. "0 • I 1111.1 s. • .1/ TEIIPEILVIR ISLE TY 11.1. DAI —Uut Lot .6.110 Lurch, .11 i.• 4,• W .... M, t. a. .10 •r. n t1 , .0 tr.11,4"..•1, I of - .1 A, P. L',lW lE. 1. it,. ra, • ID) . V•tas s trliwa s ssr. Attoravy-sts CHEAP FARM FOU SALE, con- . „. whla J . & nit pATTHRso bastaocu laud. fist- Isn,.ross sr, , s boass«. Its ••••1 Irsr,s ss•rss •usl as sr's,. ra, • ilO 4s. ill la wish 3 as r• sos I h.- proirt,l,•attea....l •44.,114111g %hi . SA I 11140••• Venn,' I ranta Ila”r•••••.11,1,..t 1. • r.• t• on (tap (aria. Inc' proiarrty i• 1..1 • •hal what the layro xa ui. coar i•rs,. acre. pyl, n,.. lota 11.1.A1\ A. Ell , &WI:EN H DIEE: D DUI LAIR pur.h I • Kon p earagt •• 'qui. 1 • 1., tllrnangnatn. near Va.aeogr, •1 nz. Get Ir•mt. ch. Innt ronaux. hit 'hen. 011{ as y r t Inca At*, tour toLL Irtottoot NlLloo. Ltoi dare., 11••• T #.lll.rr 1,110, y b. AL I'LatittLl A,t,to t Jets . LtArAt t ttm..: poll ALE--Oue Patent Strain 'I A NIL, tot ronLlLaitt4 TAJO,* Of t.roast• MK- CI LIN Itt , It TI t. Alt Ilt ill It t, Si 4/. rooter, olio. lout, with onot•e ~.L. o r C.ll I.E. too- • • IttiLET lILUN .Mt/Al' rttA Mt, WI, ht....NED% 0 r.,. • yt leiat It 430 .beet, I•tli•hural, t !OLNTRY PIROPEIITI FOIL HALE ItiLIEN well aril ht..ropert4 kirownvellia toad. ronalsilit, o l d 11%1 Chain., 11012mh. baying elint evont.. with tn. J.. e. • .a., out-building, a oval wo•nt hon., ten land, underlaid with a ...II of pur.. eater at the beet door. aoven. .14 tree:, L. 01,10 fruit. Thep roperty i• eat.. fir.. 11. r ItAltivrin toarnahly. }OR SALE—A pleasant Country li.colderne, ILIPA4 1110.11 nTATIr IN. Priwe., I • Lamle lialtrua..l. one-halt [nth. from WlLkluenorg. I. • f Land; a flue new LAvrAllingcontalnine. ll room.. And eeliar undern. alb. %, 1.1 .Al. th, r.wr.l in ritar r In fa rtnA A. .. I /1. Loh,.. .food lL , ,'Olt SALE-About FORTY' BUILD -1.4 LOTt., In plait laid .101 by Hr. LikKaln tuyaelfun Wood'. Run. ch... to railroads. 1 . ,.r0...- no.• 11 0104411131 down: halsocr reap polio. , ul • .fill• 110110 Al.'. IntprovAA I/welling, with rot... •Isrunhery •nd :run. Title re, feet. ILaqutrA Al • 111 00l Works, Non. AL, &lona ”hie street, A...- gin...lL, or of JAM., Alt NAIL, on the prmil•rA. Kl. $2,200 WILL PLIICILILSE A IWO t•TOILT S2l xa MOCTITMOLBI-812V And LOT Yel by , Sn, on I. banjo, yi re., Allegheny City. Yor fl, partly:Wm:, enquiry of It. TOWER. So. iitr Fourth streettot, VOR SALE—A very desirable two story IMO, Itv..lllng as 111 rooms. and C.B.S. *Stud, on Allen street, Lawrcueevilic, near rassenger Itallwar. kn ereellent well of sranyr oil the Wt. Will be d r kposed of on llo.zreil term, and Inimedlate possmoollon Coen If !applied for 'soon. Ear tersus apply at the Iteal E..", and Insurain, 081. or 0. N. ISATkr, Jell • Butler Wool, Laerrtnert-llie. C: 4111[4,i11114:11 2 64'117 BOILER WORRY. MORROW & BARNIRILL, Steam Boilers, 011 Stills, Agitators, Tanks, Salt Pans, Gasometers, W rougbt Iron Bridges, Sheet Iron Work, .Sr., MUER LIBERTY %ND SECOND STS.. PITTSBURGH, P. 4. airREVAIIaN U DON F. FROM PTI. V. 1,13 . 34:i. puusTmAL . HUCH M. DOLE & CO.. FOUN DELIUS, F, BUILDERS AND MA CHINISTS: M•nofacturees of iTEASIIitrAT En - DINES tell. WELL ENUI hi Ett, LOCO MOTI V LC for Coal Works, all kinds of L.nd and Marine EN tilfilin,miute to order. Front tho erol,: renovation of the anager, Mr. JAMES NLSO, wt. hone to in a liberal share of patronage from Steamboat builders and othersting good machinery. our atm will arms do all work in the beat manner itir a SKR eon:dn..- tionosnd to du it In the tiler nse. 110.1 a of CASTINthi made to order. Itenaltins IllarlAnery promptly &Bowled to. W.. all X ft. at Wet long, and bore or turn a Pulley 'AI leed.disdneter. Ildrithop on Duquesne Way,_ near U.. , Pol. , Foundry on Third street, near Mr rlteß Pittsburgh, Pa. 15 aplOdinad ARSENAL GLASS WOIL4S. MODES, RYSIE Si 'CO., idsuorestm-are of BLACK •sd tiItKICN CLAK , WARP., Druggists' Warn, Bottles Dora, de. Watuituuss—No. 144 WATER bTRAKT, between Hadthaeld sad Grant ingest Pittsburgh! warrant our Wa M o untai n s spe• or to any mane afxtured west of the Always ou band, Glasswareof the above description. All orders prolotitly *Goaded to, Particular attention paid to private moulds. ang:ty box.. r.COLLrIrP ........ ....11101Cnn WRIGHT OOLLINS A. WILIGRT, Britt/m[lla, Braes sod haver Metal Workers, Brittarila Cas tors, Carbon and End 'lll Burners, and all dlrleres styles of Brittanla used by Wass Manufacturers. Orden promptly Stied. No. km UNCOND IiTH Pluaburgb. Coons. era :Iv SSEVERANCE, No. :JS WATER * STREET. Clitsbor.b, mann facturer of BollalEll ,luvrris,Wltilll4l2lT common and railniad or F ol aantlregi * a . shape . d Slakes andve or small, made to order al. snort notie n ' t A tticl ar li: sorttosutarastanstroa Maui. PLUMBING. &c. ADDY, WILLIAMS & BARTLEY, done ttrotoptlY• Air Al: ..) .1: ,orue.:t.ttt.iy .treaded to STEAM GAUGES, SCHAEFER, &. BUDENBURGH'S PATENT, =I Gauge of the Nal) Department. KNOWLES' PATENT STEAM PUMP, The tot.t mud sssss ume. Nl.. hitt, .ail largo etuottloor 1.11.1111/NCLOr,rn mitt 011 roam. ft. Itorr, to whom W. , vrlll no) 1 1 .trttts. I . ll a-klett , t/ catett to call. BAILEY, FARRELL & CO., No. 167 Smithfield Street. WELDOR 61. KELLY, Private Families and Hotels I= JOHN MAFFETT, Nos. 12'1 and 129 Firnt Street, RIACKBELL & MeCONLBS, ATTORNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW No. 89 Grant Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. Law and Claim Office, PITTSBI: alai, PA i.~. , , . , eua i rta tar nt Bola u Hari OFFICERS' AttOtNTS ADM:STEIL Lrtl.r• of A twrnry , .11 l.• Ital t,oal • . B. F. BROWN, Local Claim Ageut, iu. S. •AN. COM., Office, No. 67 Fourth streel, I=ll Pittsburgh, Pa. Pension', Bounties, mud Arrears of Pay Promptly 1 Miri-led. char Kc• Weal 1411: t I.lm. asts, JOIE A. STit fin E:-Olifiio, Jumble of the Peace, (Mil,. I 11 H hill St.. OppOWite Cathedral =I MMINIIMIIII/11M1 11=1E1 ILLIA 311 J A:ILET, NOTARY I I. OLIC. nllt THY I . KACK, A , l. REAL F.,. IA 1 K At e F.N torn. of huller trot lormso 'Cr., tg. I.AWIIK.Ni KA I t. Ile I al nd Itvat met,. of RI .5 4lite pr pare. e, iLII.I .stlhuowle.lgnietst of nll of Lega e l oivre • WILLIAM J ANCEY, JusLl..c of LI.. I'va,e N, m)2.41. IiIiSTACE S. 31011110111, ALDERMAN -AND .CONVEYANCER, 72 Pennsylvania avenue, foal of the EIiCIR.IOII and opposite Chatham Street WILLIAM F, ROBB, NOTARY PUBLIC, Office, No, 93 Diamond St., Pittsburgh. osyn CIVIAT'LIAIII T. ENING, Attorney at Law, I=! 0411 - Corunii , .sion , for Ohio, lientunky, W.t 311. sour. other , tates. inyl6:A29 . . S,I II.ITAILY CLAIMS, PEIISIOTIS, Ilt T I Eli, 11,10 rA 1 and Military Claims 01 rye'', description, eutlect.,l tile sulwrii.rtr, At the le ifisiviag rates, VI , 410,. all ut.liol 113.5 , e. C. C. TA LOll, Attorney atLaw, Diamond street. opposite tile Court House. —No eloirges are made V that claim does not err red. end all lutornisilen given gratis. sesily L. P. sTolie, ATTORNEY AT LAW, OFV 1 l;13, 113 DIA3IOND 3.TlMET,opposite Us our 3H03•3 l'ittaborgit. 1/=-Icra. COAL, CORE, 44.43. COAL! COAL!! COALS!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., Having removed too. (Mee to No. SOT I....l.l=oeortyr Elitireot. (Lately City Flour 11111,1 8 ECON t) FLOOR, =I Lump, Nut Coal or Slack, Al THE LOW EST Id A !MET PRICE. ihr Alt orders lett at Kill he or addressed to them ohrough the math will he attended to promntl,. ' - CHARLES H. Ad.IIITRONG, ...LIM IN Youghiooeny andOotatellevi Ile Coal Ni.) /i A V U FACTUILE/1 OP Coal, Slack, and Ilesulphurized Coke, OFFICE AND A'AIRD . . • Confer of Butler and Morton first yard on Liberty nod Clymer streets Bluth H urd, and on &coed AL. No. Lori t, Pittsburgh, Ps. urr..,-.4 Mfecturerstwpplied with the beet ankle anu of Coal or Coke at the lowest twill rates.' urgers left at WY ol the Yards wilincetana 1 etierttiOns ES COMMISSION NMRCHAN IS 1) IitAWFORD, Commission .Werchast I META, IW4WM µ RA I' llt rIIE II III! Is. s:i 111nN311.1 n.. 366 mu,: 30. CI , TEP len WM. J. ear w. Tl:tt M KR , H A N 11., re, elre tnfl e , 11 Fbar. Uorh . . , . . Oath and fort, Brans. linen., Lard, If uttc:, Cl., ..., Egge, Poi, tir......n and I,rT Fruit, r0ta10.,,, r fax En l.ra, ~.,-.1, Feath. r,.. ~.1 liorre,,, 11. on I .•te., Lizi i i ~...u, sc.. ac. l'artien;ar atLeutio, val , to th le or Fl. urrlgn and b1411:1411, Fruit., N., /.:e. Tb etreet. I . ll.tetnirgli, Pa. ie... BREWER, BIJR,RE & CO., C,OIIIMISSION 111 FA! I If AVI ri, AGENTb Pacific, Globe and Liberty Oilµ of kSa Ample storage fur Crude orld Rentsed I.lorr oleast, ad yam,. moue on . eonslarimer.t, r, •Ic Iteliurd Yorda lot aturaik and ,p -meld ut ('rude WI at Loarreuceville. - - hiller and Wan:boo: , . Corn, ul and flaneock St re., l'lttkburgh. KEIL h. RITEILIABT, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ♦NU 1.11../ZILS IN Flour, Grain, Seeds, ltlill =1 I= WILLIAM C LEE, :W.:censor to ALEX. L3t1111)0.N. COMMISSION AND FORWAUDI N 311.1.1131.1.CMIC8IONL", 14F.1 Second Street, Pittabttrgh, rt. for thv — St. Loula . ' Lead ripe and sheet Lead it °rt.. Deal, li i'lliamdßAß LEAD, FIRE LAY, Arr. Covalgumento to- Italtv.l sod twder.. pr..inotl3 111131.1 , 4 J. 1,0,13.1.11 W. Lust OWE.IIi 7 KENNEDV UAILPEig, PROL/I..WF: /lUMLlabltlip .11ElfCHANTs. ud Wholesale Dealers to FURY:Lai:. AND DO-MM.-1 le FRUITS, SALT, FLOUR. 1.11,7"1FAL, I O. I'ATOES. a v.. and to Provisions aid Produce y p railY• No. IE. YEA) ItRAL bl BEET, oppustle Railroad I.epot. ALLasiiasT. eEi a. Agent. lot tht aa/e of P. S. Dom, ithah, a 0.1.1. Earn's salt. ' C. HAILSLEY, Protlii,e Y 13.1 Uumutisalon Merchant., Warehouse N.•. LikIERTY STREET, Pltteburgh, Pa. V. flealef 10 Butler, 1 '11...-it, Lard, Eggs, Porl, ISeaua, Tallow, Feathers, 8r001.11... Potatoes. 113. Illy, Dried Fruits, Ureen Fruits, Onion... Four, Grain, r lover ..S..eds, Timothy Seeds, Flax Cl:amt. mid Poultry. Particular atteutloo plvl L t. Fromm: Coualaotoeuts. ALLX. 11•11 ANY BAX E & ANJER, COnitllSsio N MERCHAIiTtS and ara.ers In FLOUR. U I t. and PILUDeCK., setosztl strect. no. , •..1 Smithfield. Pittsburgh. Uot, purrs. 10/11 , 1 . 1./OTTER, AIKEN • S REPAIR i) Commission Merchants, and dealers in and lium:stic Fruits, Flour. Potter, Chren,r, rul.Ht.Cocll -.I produce genet a, y. In, 1.1 Bt. t. 1) nTILEF.'T np.slte Passenger I,enot, ttsnur,,, ..OT. suertu Ct I 3' SI SHEPAIII), Commit , siou ,te and dealers to Flour, ti ram and rt aver Liberty street. Prtrulntrrii. -ads oi 'Flour for Ilat/sers. and Fan., ie in hand. Particular 1/1.142111.1u1.1 I :0 Cilia,. coe• tor Merchandise generalla. . • LITTLE., BAll{lll dr. Petl"f1.1:1, nolesale lirocers, C omission Mervisio, dealers In Product., Fluid, SACO!, , :beebt. Cita, attain and Lard iron. 4ilaon, Otte and all Pittalinrsti °annular", ros iscin 14 a nil 1.14 Second street, Pittaborgii. • • C • • • • • ••• O - • 1,1 - 11. P. BECK IN. , No,.— • - Linen y "met., Plttabnrgh., ra., nolt,mit . lommtefitol .11trcha.nta and dealt. In (...:11- tr) ProvrElons. Bacon, Butter, Egli., an.. Produce, hoar. .e, Lere.ete and Dried Fran., Bc., Salt and Lime. 1).4. r. ncratan J S. turrmal Wll. D. JILT P E VALE Et dr. BROS., (Succesbon to Itermcr a Anderaon,) Wnoleaale Dealer., r Its, ea. and Spleen, ( onfortioner). Vj g re F wo r r u k t e s , , le ; C.. No,.L N and l'AeWood dtreel. • e lift, Pittsburgh. na Runt. 10(0. AlibisLEW K+ , •/. li VOX & SON, t ' outt2lisaio4t RANT, sat.: Itutu tur AL. • . 11 MILL VEktit And 1 . 11,1t1;c1 7 . ;e Utaznoutl. oppotatt (thy Alleett,tr. j•k7y. • JODA B. CAA FIELD, 11 oneanissiv n and Fwrwardiug Merchant .11.1 wholesale d. • r In 13..w,rve Cutcse. hut., Lard, I • . , liactiu, rlour, Fish, I'W.awl Pearl As ti.., balm,,, Lisvt...l and Laid oil, Dra.:ll Fruit, ...1 V 1.... , gra,rally, Nos. 114 and 146 /Front litreeL 1%1.1,0 . 4 U.uarTtli J tilt. 2 I. 411...4FF ILE'ITER, PRODU t s-A ommloolon and Forwarding 31,rebanto, 4nd a - i.gen!,_ for all ritpuurgn tiadanfa.,to, ‘o. 115 I.lloorty anrect, flt,A.O•StraiL. JN Itutfoo." . • [VW AM) 1100 u. • orl. 1-1 q 1• k. 0111 ti I. HOUSE is. BROS., giNlCt't - 6- hunt, lu JuN a I. Holuag Wneolurde t eel, and o:oruonlasion Merelonts. eort-, of LI, I/. 11.10 and 11 at, ot.r,ets. l'Utol•urglt. . A.MES DALZELL ix SON, Itltum tac,rr, of Lord OH. and Cotnn.doolon !tete:- t.r IrtIrCIV.L.V and ash, of Crude and Ran. ,- troleunt, oo and 70 Nr •ter atrret. Pltto Anyone., wady on lonsignynenta. s;CLIOMAIiJER 61.4.41144,Wh01etik, ie s In tiraterles, Flour. tiralu, Pnalaua t ro vl.kans, Cha-gzeu, bait, Carbon MI. .Lad 1.14 Wood Streat, naaz Liberty 21t.rweL. Pttulatt. la. Pa. • unt.x ILEA. ......... lasstZt...tu. EAD dt METZGAIt t Grocers and Comt.slou Meratmnts, and dealers to atl kb s ..1 'ouni I.' rod uor Lad Mactdael•t• No. 2. LtUerty btrel.., opposite bad or Wood e Pitte"krgh. at VETZER do A1[318114 ONG, Eli warding and Cummlerlon Ilttrclunte, Flour. bratty, Bacon, Larll, 13111.tur, 1.. , l'rorlure genrrally, Nu. 10 c..rnt r ..r Ftr,t. l'ltreliure, IWItICAT DA LI A I L . OBT. DALZELL b. CO., SV oak. liroccr, l'ognmineion ForWaralink lit r• cuant. and tivalrrs In Pro,luce a... 1 VlLlsrmratt ufecture., Su. 7:11 Liberty str“.l. l'alebtargt. WATT JOHN tl i r Vr t es , ns n - 1 1,1 : 11 tra h n ?d i et S t t i o Produce nod rlitoburg, Slauullactwt., N 0.150 1.11. erty xtrret, Lit, HY I JOIIN ..111171....., L. WALL •it IMITEIII', SUIPTON I A A boles, neer, and rroduce Dealen lilt:0i fir. :. I_IIiIUULE, No. 183 Libeity •Fll. rte, Commulastuti Mvreitant, ~ttl •, Pr At., ILI is IS7 fnxtnee., tiro. les , r„h manufactures. Cash advanced on t', • +. and paid for Produce gesterally. au.l SAIA H DICKJEIC tt. CO.,lllrholesa I e strusera, Cottaulttalon Merchants and dealers t I rroduco. Sc. WI Water street and GS Front aunt . 14 . 1ttehurgh. DANS., allure. L. V 01.12. L H. 10IGHT At Co., (Successors G. lrear.! Product. and Contutlatlort at, i• chants. dr: Liberty street, Pittsburgh. LINILART, (etsceresor to elacteown d Llntiars) Dealer In nous and I:train, Produce and Commies!, Ix fierellants Nu. eel LIIIEHTY eITILKET. ['Many/et, feldr Nods /11,11,1 , wn . FLLA v Olll FLOYD dr. CO, Wholemale CHOC CIL', No. 173 Wood and 4,:e Liberty nu I. i11...11,11m1, ca.. enV•I • SEWING MACHINES WHEELER & WILSON'S incr.m.xu="l2--ins FAMILY SEWING MACHINES. MIZI FOIL CORDING, Tbry mar admirable. FtlEt QUILTING, • They are tinexce.ll.l. FOR HEMMING, They are unapproachable. FOR FELLING, They are uneurpataied. FOR STITCHING, They •re faultily. An examination will erect that they are the best bluetit., in the world. salesroom, 27 Pettit Street. WM. SUMNER & CO. BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, Ltronouneed by all who have even It the alrala, machine now before the public. It Is at effective and durable a. It Is atmple, no.t nit practical as Itlo durable. It ban but to be seen to be admired. and cord to be appreciated. it coo . Mum. Mu element, of a • A PERFECT PRACTICAL MACHINE. And Is afrorded at PI pr , ies within the range or near,; ly every funny In the The only low priced Alaeh4ppe In the United states licensed to ue, the WIIEELtLtI R wrt.soli Fl Kit —the best and only reliable IPeed over eonstryctel. /WS ALEIIMILS WAhrrEllf. inacric.rusr am.civvirmusi, WriUI~D,SALID AGENTS, No. 4313 .if ES itarc•ot, myle..TA • rirrsKuicuLt. 14. Litlu*Rowing VERY SUPERIOR OLD II S \' SY BRANDIES; Very superior old °lard Brandies; Very do do Brandenburg Prerts Brandf's in glass; I Vintage* era 8 and 1880; Cal &Lebo /3ntnely, Woe years old. i We i t , ii ... , .e r . ry . Iraberry, Wild Cherry, and we_ Al Very old and Superior lihenies; Very obi and Superior Maeira; I Very old and Superior Port; Claret, in eases; Cbssuberton, In eases; . I =II! I &I r v. L1T ,... v2,....: , Bel kilo stias&r, , , iiititipqr.7. - 11`' ~ ,,,I3A,Hy—Old Monongahela, rating igradoo; Old Sourt/Oni . Old Scotch Whisky; HIN—Uld Holland, eery Mimi°, Jonrodcalitmocrery OW ; ' .I„.F._ th. do COICIMI-17,V;;; 8"s• or rarll,Wili4 ?rt=feo=ll ..!4. ' 1,1d41 47.!'!t.----übinilifair3°N','- ( IP ERA JIOIIBE. L AST SIX VI(AITS OF THE :MASON NI, Y I.: V ENLIEI, Jana lath. Last Atghtl Of "lAN% moLLIE WILLIAMS, pc' iv. A. VINCENT All.l Int. a 0.3. ,orgeoe. npeeuNeof ..SX.ALADE)i.INTI 1201 k I ANUrut:IWO, M MP- ATINEE. • IHTTSBUIHoi El THEATRE. I.IANED AND WAL HENDERSON • - - • Thc Strongest 11111 Of laconic Acir•,4 £O4 Vt.:Min.."' U '°°" of "4° MRS FANNY BURT. FN. IN.), .111,113 4th, 0 111 1.4. prvmalt..4l THE STREETS OF NEW YORK. Koh. the Ram Ittsel. %Ith ,ong Onoilturt. New r.,0.A. •I.oine In and alnalhe d ' oor' .Mr.. linrt. eouclude with the Musloki Yuma jRIMBLE'S VARIETIES TREA-. TUE-2101e Proprietor Tuntut... GREAT ATTRACTION FOR THIS WEEK. HOH.E NEW el A tf.ts ADDED To IIIE VA.11.16 TI 111.001'E.. TIM HAYS, MB,. Champion Clog Dancer of the world. and JOHNNY !SIMIAN. flirooplon .11g Dormer. W ILL API . Y.A.2 EVERT EV EN Pim WEJLE.. cuy3u. two =lE=l BILLIARDS! lIILLILARDSII 3:)...a."%7J1-17 3EI. "wrx A T . 7 ' • Respectfully announces to Ills friends mtl the pub lic g , her/tile, that be has Welopeuell him new and coll./It/odious LtILLIA fel/ It/Po3ln, CORNER OF LIBERIA/ AN I/ ea. cLkii, sTlcracTs. entrance frontal. I lair. The Table. are new, and constant:M ed to the most approved wel elegant style, and all the appurtenances are hew tool routplete. Every tb Ing which may conduce to the pleasure and cab oy went of his natrons will be afforded. n1e17:a.41 TOBACCO CIGARS, &c. Eit:Ecsiou TOBACCO svoniks. R. & W. JENKINSON, LIA, FAL7IIII.r.II Or ALL MAPS Or TOBACCO, SNUFF AAI) SUGARS, SO. 6 FKDA.ItAL erit.BET, rhlrd duo, from 6uspelLaiL. Bridge. Y, Branch Store at Salem. (MbALL 'WHE N , my PA. 2.1)U1d R. B. JEFFRIES, Man ofset taper wad 'Wholesale and Ito t all Dealer its all kinds of TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SEDARS, No. 0 St. Clair Street, Pittsburgh. PR air A large AsSortment of. ESILYL ILA PIPES and SMOKING TOBACCO of the best quatlty kept on hands. myltrob7o GEORGE BLDNENSCIEEIN, DEALER 41 tORBIGN OD DOMESTIC SEGARS, TOBACCO, Smoking Tobacco, Pipes, &c., IV o. 4. 1ei.0.0 - c,ta.tla tEitrozont, Near earner of Liberty.) tuarAnta 1'il"rb13U1B;11. PA._ JOHNDIEGRAVIT, 31A.NUFACTURF.II OF AND WHOLESALE AND lie-TAIL DEALER IN ALL KIND., or TOBACCO, SNUFF AND SUGARS, 443 .123.ea.xx,ci. A general assortment of Tobacco Pipes and f °beer° Douches always on lonia. alibi:Wl • --. BERNARD INIEMAN, Manufacturer and Dealer In ALL RINDS OF TOBACCO SNUFF AND SECARS, WOOL...AL. ANIL liirrALL. No. 203 Ohio St., Allegheny City. le7:e.b.• CO—PARTIsIRR— HIP. THE CO-PARTNERSHIP HERE .I•OI,OIa; ealating between the yobaerthere In tbe Iron runudry beano:se. at l'lttaburgh, orator the mune of P.E.NNoCii & TOTTEN. hay been dta troett by agreement. J,SEPIi PE.NNOCK retires out the brut, doe has transferred ull iris Inteteat therein to ROBERT C. TOTTEN, who Is alone au thortzed to eottle the business of the late firm, and to not the Lim name In set dent eUt. _ PENNOCK, ROBERT E. TOTTEN Pittsburgh, Slay Si, Ib6G. All the forms or tuanul...ture heretofore carried au by the late firm of LEN HOCK 3 TUTTF.N, at the — Fulton Foundryaed 11.ehlite 5h..." 111.ts burgh, will be tat rear. r e., .lotted h.!' th p e ...scri ber, under the nate. of ToTTEN .4 4 O. • ROBERT C. TOTTEN. I•ltteburgh, June 1. rmn. In reltaing front the Fulton Foundry I very roe. lady oevodtk ror It a .111.112UALIC of the patronage Mee It eat neretorore Sc liberally enjoyed. JOrit.l . ll l'h.N NOCK. len:cdd. • DISSOLVI'IO.\ Qin CU—rAIITNERSIIIP. THE FIRM OF( DAY 4.4. 'HAYDEN ,Itla day Ilectt toe entiteaGiaia of the Ural LlAViit.t lAwn purr_haeou by DAY, M'AIiUY T. S. HAI LIEN. l'irrsOCotal, Ms) MR, ISGG. CO-PARTNERSHIP. The undersigned havlug trurelmsed the entire stock and assets of 131,1 &AAA YUEN. purpose con tinuing the huslneks of the old Unmet Nos. 45 Wool/. and tO2 and 104 Tame s . riurker, until, the style of DAY. kl`knoli .1. SCAM:. In announcing the above change, we beg leave to say to We trade that we .nail continue the buslueas SLanuOmturlngnd lantiorting Main/LIMY lIAILLI IV nIiE in all I a ts branches. and desire lo can ;1'="L':",:i°"111' w rtlltT tar:, Sc., &a., which we be -I;.eve to be the best In the market for this and Ibe Co rp trade. We shall at all titnes keep a I ell and complete assortment of every to: eg in one line, welch we chill he glad to sell at lowest marle orates. 117 giving Protopt pereonai attention to orders, we Hope to merit and receive a liberal share 01 your patronage. DAY, WABOY & SPANG. ruga4:l334 CO-PARTNERSHIP. JAMES IL OLIVER becomes a member or our arm, dialog from April 12th, ItM. "d etjlo 1f arm mcLanKK IMay rincurs. Pii - nibeaGli, Mb, 1066. MONONGAIIELA IRON WORKS, LEWIS, OLIVER & PHILLIPS, ILASOPALTIJOgitei OF Carriage and Tin Unita, a , Wasnara. Nang on Skel . PlowNool Tee agoo Hone, t ! o rl .t dr b . , a oo .3la . chlne Cohn, gortu Irons. ronght Inn; mutes. nadd Moon, 01118 AT 00ITTI1 AND Or new MOZIONCiIIfg- U LuDO WsIIELS , USE.—INster end Market Streets Pltteb ___ mrti:eB4 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the partnership heretofore existing be tween the underslguerl. In the general LIVERY nTABLE AND UR NIJ3LIS BUSYNESS, la this day , Ilssolveil by mutual consent. The Guiltiest to be continued and debts paid and clams collected by JAMES K. DALE. ...JAMES De 324. JAMES H. DAINs i'rrnsuninoti, tune igth, DISOOLUTION OF CO-PARTNERSIIIP. TELE FIRRI OF CURLING', iIEnTSOI+I. CO. was dissoned nu net 1131 Edward , by the deaa of MUlniAls Edward Dithridge hasp/nil aud adjustcd duo to said Oran and has traneferreal hie l luiwt therein to Oeorge Alt/roc, assignee of A. J:. Curl lug, who will acetic all nialakeilue to or by said tinn. GIEXIIRGAI 41.141.111:E., Aulgtlolll or A. 1 , . turtle EWA' AILD D1711111.11.1)Gle. MMMI MERCHANT TAILORS'.' NIE3W GK.110.1215! 1; Very Lirge and Select Stock of BOYS' CLOTHING JUST ItEeEIVED, UY ?LINEN, ALAPACC.A.. Yto &ND CAStiIIifERICS. WC.I early nod examine. CRAY & LOCAN, 41 St. Clair Street. lets 'Emmy G. HALE. MERCHANT TAILOR, • ERlEntst NOIR elpiNN & St CLAIR RUM lhilre , to return thank, td tile friend, and the pub' LLa 60.04 . z o t r ze ti l : . 9l .md woulof :,,"Rtf. the Eastern marUa the a th rar4 " aiTill:e n li selected stock of Mine WOOr.Ed GOODS, Peculiarly adapted to elf/iNTL.P.AIEtiIa itf: It SUMMER la R . T. WHITE &. CO, U NDERT AKERS AND EMBALINEK Manchester, WraX&MerrisniNlinsit7 Collis aeon= at lfig,Oe'llar Liven, Nsalple, lloneem ilitedloin sad Mutton nreati. Hama and Carriage. furnished. • .noum COFEISIS COFFINS! 14TALtadt 111A80018Y I • M1A.H.00.11.11Y1 itAIIOGAATI ZINDERTJULDIOI UNDKEITAXII nDEICTAituje BOBW WIEMAIII4 Vaditso9t*::, votami 64444-r. ': ' .---. 144 Mid , il w -Pc - " - -Duu...4,1 1.1 i. -: - o. 4 "Li v , D .,p ati ,t mumlb I, eis tritf , - ^., -;;,- - ~, . - ' ....1-: ",-, ~.- . 7, : ', ...!:;-. ~..:,-; , • , ~.; ~.;:i.,;-,-..,;;,:,,;,..- ,-,-,,,''.i..:::-f:,11"..: "- .:-:::'-• - . Z..:1 -',2-':-?."A, ~. , . -,-.1.,-,„,,,,,_,,,Z..., 4, 1, = • :: . 1 - S 7 - " '." t".::. ':. , - - i; i'-' :::-`,":`;` 0 11M3 El El Loan of a Lover DISSOLUTION. .1 F. DAY. .1. L. V/LIIOF. NOILMAN bPAIII.I DISSOLUTION. koffiio4Anxt:t rail