ir • : • *4 ,-; 5.4 lite witomsly At•gotti. nir F!ENNIMA*I, REED_ & CO P. B. * l b irdii9ll; T. P. liousTO N , 44 " 4111 / 1 4_ 4 CES p Ilialtagersr •. MONDAY, AWE 25, 1286. UNION ,WEBLICiti SOMIALTIOIit ( ii'!f l o l m4 l ,?" MAJ. CEN. JOHN IN,. CEANY octitts couterv. L LuallqAa crimtsi, out „,,aLiniecric:cixnre .•.-• • • - - JOAN, fie .1116011 M) Hampton Tp.! Cl.lEur..o:VQttrltANii comer: ALmtikwroxtesuuuribs, tIMICOIIDLL =Ci:= JORFINK °RAT. VAxima Tp , COXIIIIIBIOIIZ7O GEOIiGE NUILMICLTON, City DIRECTOR Or POOR 70111 A .11 . ..DILANI,ir, wpm. Tp AbSZILItIa:. . JOUR P4GL&JIB, City. GEORGIE IRLIAION, - pity TP. GEORGE ReILL'E, North Fayette Tp RARITEL ORADWIOR, Collura Tp. WILLIAM PRTER, ROSS Tp. A,-.oozonme.. he ars Smote". MzsamtE to Congress, published in,these columns on ,Saturda3-, Preside4:,',ltAutsoi .1110*i. bellies to tie opinion that the Constitutional A.mend ment ought to have.been submitted to him for appnYiiir or objection. A correspond- - eat, whose paper we give to-day, shows that as early as 1798, the Supreme Court of the United States had that question Wore them, and unanimously decided that tie proposition or adoption of amendments ought not to be submitted to the. President. MIL CLlfili r Eß ON RAILBOADIUNO Some wreeki ago 211 r: Cmcf.r.a, the Dem ocratic c4Jnlidato for Governor, was intcr hisviews of allowing freeclo!n In railroad building. In response, ,e wrote a letter, which was, published and Widely disseminated. In this letter he not only declared in favor of a Free Railroad Law, but was careful to say he did so in _confonxdty to the principles he had long acted upon, or something to that effect, This allusion to his past course hitt his pledge under some ambiguity, and in order that therd' might be no misunderstanding on a metier cif so much importance, We "took the liberty of asking him a few plain questions, to wit: , I. During your long career in the ben ate, did you, at any time; bitrodute a Get; eras or Free Railroad Law? 2 If so, in vacit volume an kpage of the Legislative Record is the account of your action in the premises to be found? 8. Did you ever record your vote in fa vor of such a bill, introduced by another Senator? 4. Prior to last winter was a General or Free Railroad Bill ever before the Senate? S. What course [Aid y.ou pursue on he General Railroad . Law; iiiroduced by Mr. Lownv, at the last session? Did you help it along? or help kill it? 6 Did you yote for the bill authorizing a new Railroad from the Schuylkill coal fields to Philadelphia? and, if not, why not? 7. Did you resign you seat in the genate to escape recor4ing, your vote on etttier of these bills? Mr. CL YMER is now. in Pittalnirgh. We have a high opinion of his gentlemanly character and bearing; and shall he glad if he will Mike our columns the medium 'of giving to the public such answers as-he may see flt to make to these questions. THE PRESIDENT AND • CONGRESS. It is understood that the - President will not oppose, ,- the :Tian of Iteconstrudirri adopted by Of ongress;. though he will not give it his moral support. He will not sign any bill tlutt might be sentto him pre scribing 'conditions precedent' to reStorrii Lion; though Inc will not oppose if the oh-. jects contemplated by such. bills can be no. • oomplished by concurrent-'resolutions;` which do not reqttire• his signature. This 12T11 that the talked-of reconciliation be tween the President and Congress amounts. . to. It may be further remarked that the scheme broached for a new party has fail ed. The Radical journals, by sounding the note of 'alarm,' saved the Republican party _from dismemberment or dissolution. And this explains why the, Couserentivo per ; nags ate falling with ;waked Unanimity on the Senate's modification of the &con- . at:ruction Amendment to jibe Constitution. They failed to carry any considerable num bers with them, and are 'trying to" Mimi back. The action of the Administration in the pnforeemetit of 'the Neutrality Laws must prevent cordial co-operation bet Ween the President and the Democratic leaders. Thu President has seriously offended the' Fe. Walla, and the Democratic managers dare not, if they desired, provoke a quarrel with But it will not do to Infer, that with the limitations suggested, the President and Congress will get on tolerably well to gether. The President will try to dpfeut as many of the Radical Senators and Rep resentatives as he can; but this scheme will be pushed mainly inside of .the party lines . This view seems to be contradicted by GEORGE HIRE, Giu1#1:01111 of the Wiscon sin Democratic State Committee, who an. finances that ha has received direct and re cent assurances that President Joressoe and Secretary SEWARD will soon visit Mattison, in company with Senator Doe irrite. and Goventor'RANDALL, and ad &egg the National Union Convention. The object of this movement is to defeat the re ,,turn of Judge Bowe to the United States Senate. CONVENTAOX OF AMERICAN IS.. I=l T'he Seventh,Cepvention of the Board of: - Delegates of - .itiMerican Israelites, took ` New York recently, M which rep resetitativesfrom seventy-six religious or-, ganizations were present. The Executive Committee reported that fifteen thousand dollars had been 'subscribed by American Israelites for [hardier of the cholera strick -en Jews of - Palestine, most of which had been expended. '1 he Committee reported that the rights of Jewish citizens of Bwitz erbtnd bad been restored to them. Atten ' tier' was called to the course of the Empor, or of Austria in attacking' the Jewish sub: jeets and making it the pretext for sending an army into au adjoining kingdom. net*- , • - erence wan made to the efforts to establish Jewish inc schools in the Orient. The ox-. ixrdlency of ty#lini : Jeigalti.l4eobabligii seminary fot t the education of candidates - for the ministry was discussed. Bystomitt is distributlon of Jewish tracts was moon.- mended. FinallY ; the ; , mepttpra 4i *be Catti . ention weal urgedlV hilvr energeti (silly the cause .. of Judaism, and of re• Ostinguilengro*Qh,onto...goldo 011C1 1 4,4 1 1 feltgloas übeity- GizsTim his nth. r ; 4 1 ,~L ~u ~~~ .. .ti .~.~::~`...-..a .. 901fREBLAND PRESBYTERIAN AF.. .. I -SEMBLY. The most important matter before this body ni its recent session, was the report of the committee of one frorn-„pach Synod to investigate the deliverances of the pre ceding Assemblies, and harmonize the dif ferences growing Oat of the war and slav ery. Two reports were presented. The majority report proposed to pronounce un constitutional jhe.tiction ,of .113G:f and 186;i on the subjecrof slavery and the rebellion. The minority favored the action at that time. After a long discussion, a substi tute was offered disclaiming any endorse ment of slavery or the rebellion, which was amended by adding the words that "no opinion" is hereby expressed on those subjects. The substitute then passed by a large majority. The action gave satisfac tion, says the Western Cumberland Pres byterkn, alike to North and South. Amending the Enrrons GAsErrni--President Johnson and his friends hate raised a question as to whether, when, an amendment to the Con stitution of the United States has been adopted by two-thirds of the Senate and -House of Representatives, it should be pre sented to the President tbrapproval or veto, as in the ordinary case of bills and Joint resolutions. The same question was raised In the-Supreme Court of the United States at its February sections, 1/98,;in' the case of Eiollingswtrth, and others, against the State Of Virginia, reported in 3. Dallas' Report 'page 378; and it wet unanimously decided by tbe court that "the negative of the President' applies only to the ordinary eases of legislation; 'and that lie bas noth ing to do with the mvposition or adoption of amendments tO the Constitution." Te Atustrian Generals—Sketch or Lead.. era the Coming War. The really disttnandalied lenders in the Anstritin armyarefewinnuniberomd near ly tilt welludvanceti in years.. They Blerved in 1812 and 181$: unddr Praticolichwar tzon burg, made the atiiapaignoniungary in Ittin that of taly against Charles Albert, and that of Itiltl , the most important of Mi. In case of wur, thew° who are &stint-N.l' to Lille principal commands are the following: The A rebduko Albert, son of the humored Prince Charles; Marshal Henry do Metre, Bonodek, Schwartmenhurg and Chtrn-tlat las. - Marshal de liesse is seetmty-three - years of ago, spare in person, and of active mind and habits. His career datesl from the bat tle of Wsgratn, in which he took pair, bet ng then in his, seventeenth year. It was he who decided the Austrian victory over ti,o Pied trio mos° in I.PB by thestrutegimi move ment from Verisiix,:And he took a very ae. live part in the battleof Novara. The Ital ians regard him as a 'formidable en emy, and admit that he will give them no little trouble. Prince Schwartzenburg is tall, well made and very vigorous, notwithstanding his seventy-two yearn. In - NS he com manded aillyision'oT cavalry in Italy; he distinguished. hfinielf at the battle of L'o morn, fh Hungary, by preventing, with his division, the Insurgents Irons deismehing (1 . 0 the lighthanic of the Danube. At tee brittle dt Magentwhe commanded the third corps re armee, with. which be covered the retreat Of the A.ustritins. At Solferino he was rl3 the 1011. Wing, opposed to General. Neill. 'Mils one of the most brilliant of ficers of the Austriaii arms, and is, more over, an author. Marshal Benedek is only tifty-elght. While a colonel, in NA he !ought in the campaign against the Pledniordese. ' tl 1551 lie commanded the Eight corps at San Martino. Since Radetskyle death, he iIAS been tirstwarrier of Austria. it h probable that he will be charged to oppose the Prus sians. The life of Count Clum-Gallas has been very active; ho has shared in all the wars o: Austria since 184 s. In kiting-arc, how ever, he only sumeeded in vanquishing me aged General Rem, through the aid of the Russians. At present he commands the First corps of the Attetrian army at Prague. We must not omit to mention Geuenil Gablenti, who commanded the Austritms in the war against Denmark, awl Generai Ramming, to whom Austria was Indebted tam Hungarian campaign for the decisive success obtained at Tames Var. The United States Senate The terms of the 'following seventeen members of the Senate of the United Suit., will expire on the tth day of March, 1 ,, 67: Ira Harris, of New-York; James A. Ni.r.- Doutmll of California, L. N. Foster, at Connecticut; Lyman Trumbull, of Illinois; Henry S. Lane, of .Indiana; J. M. Kirk wood, of Iowa; Samuel C. Pomeroy, of Ramos; Garret Davis, of Kentucky; John A. J. Creswell. of Maryland; B. Gratz Brown, of Missouri; James W. Nye at Nevada, Daniel Clark, ofNow Hampshire; Sohn Sherman, Of Ohio; jhruesW. Nesmith, of Oregon; Edgar Cowan, of Pennsylvania, and Timothy 0. HOW. ' ofWisconsin. There are also three vacancies to be filled, one in New-Tersey and two in Vermont. Mr. -Sherfnan • has secured a re-election. Cornelius Cole, Of the House•ofßepresenta tives,has been elected In place of McDou gall; Orris S. Ferry in place of Mr. Foster, rimes Harlan instead of Mr. Kirkwood ando James W. Patterson. of the House of Rep reseritaticeff, fn place of fir. Clark. nip Vermont Senatorial .• vacancies are the chief topic pf disiussion In that State, and the election, or aiiimbpki of the legislature will turn upon preferanoesreapectlng Candi -dates. liir:Edeatind'erchiuleas for re Min ing his seat appear to beYutr, but Judge Poland has a fonnidaSe competitor In lion. Justin S.. Morrill, the animals' leader of the House of RepresentittkreCi. Mr. - Morrill has peremoterlTY,lfeellned re-eleCtion to the House—ho will be Senator.or nothing. The Rutland l Herald, Drowever t thinke differ ently anxpresseadonfideneeyn thosturess of Judge • oland. Judo Trumbull, of Ill inois, is oandritate for re4dection hut will thid a terrrildable Competitor' lii General . well ' ; , as. inGeneral Oglesby end:E.g. , Washburn. Henry S. Lane, of Indiana, • declines ie-electlen, on account of his age. 'Governer' Marion Is In too 'shattered& stain of health to be a candidate, Speaker Colfax and George W. ' Julian Mere both been named by the Radi cals for the succession. ' R. Gratz Brown will have an opportunity, in Missouri, to try his strength with General Frank Blair. Nye is betting on his return from Nevada. Life in the street Cars—An Amusing Case of Eacentre Fatigue dream the Sew (Mean. PI.Y.IMJ A few days ago an Incident occurred in one of the ears upon the Dauphine and RampartAreet line, which, in vile of the Inusquen - as of the l emartere it called forth, was so refreshingly amusing, that po one could refiltin from Indulging in the mer riment whiCh It occasioned. The.ear in question was one of the larger kind, with a Miming notice posted over the door-way, containing the announcement that there was aeoommodation for eighteen passengers. With duplea elliptical skirts, the dretwes of seven 'viten spread out their ample folds in lively patterns upon either side, and, al though quite a number ofgentlemen enter ed the car below Espittuado street, not ti movement was made totsintractby barege, organdie, Or lawn, the fourteen ladies very quietly appropriating the entire seats, while the gentlemen straxl up and held on as well as eireumstanme would allow. . . Just hefk)re reaching Canal greet, oue of the ladies; tapping one of the gentlemen upon the arm with her ivory -handled para sol, requested him to pull the bell (or the next corner. Holding on the strap with both hands, and affecting the very quinces. moue° of languor, the person addressed re plied; "Yawning execute me, Madenie, for I am really too excessively fatigued with standing to make the eifort.'_ , There was a sudden movement on the part of one of the liveliest patterns of bare gee, and a 'tiny hand went up like lightning to the bellirope, and with a tionnee and a testi of her beautiful head, and while the faces of all were 'wreathed in inexpressible smiles, the 145trarpped briskl out of the . car and didapPeared anituid the'corner. A PAUTli.vr New Orleans .youths, jiist burgh:6ooo 'manhood, went up town a fow Maids hgo toldliment a lady friend yowl of one of the yo lenten byaSerenade. l'hoy had barely h'tiriiixecuteoim plain tive sir, when a wlndowopeued and a man entitle voice, good naturedly inquired, "How runny of 94u are there" "Four," returned, the serenaders; thinking the- flunilry had piiihable renitence to refreshments. "Di vide dart among you, then," returned the Individual Irt the window, as heernpidedthe fluid contents of *twitterira over 'beheads just then massed townie!, ON TILE EPISCOPALIANS AND MR. SEWAUD.--111113 IndriTmiCiitldalig the follow ing story:::pi tho said ?dr. Lincoln tAa 11E00 th tibOvashthgwn,.”lo what i.- 14tioui dotionalthition* do you _belOngt" Volt " ,gentbenninj am vtbini 0- • OM= =Mrs. Pt%ideal Fißeaore is one of the jAngs T. Bu r ova co --... leaders of fashion in Pails. , --Verdi heth finished the first two acts of (- - (B , 4 ``c"s" 'S. ' T -.'"'" 4i 9°A.•`-';' .- lits . opera "Bon Carlos" the . libretto of ' Corder Fourth tilild *pod Ste., which is made up from Schiller. —Lord Brougham, now si years of age, BANKERS B r ,..BRDKERS is si, iu excellent Beall 11, and capable of I bodily exertion quite extraordinary at Ids advanced age. —Tho citizens of Cincinnati have pre wmted to one hundred and thirty-four fire man of that city accident insurance policies for $25,000 each. —2l. Malay prince who is visiting Eng land carries around with him the dainty little name of l)atu Lumongon Abubakar Sri Mafia. Ile Rajah of Johore. —There wore only six persons in Mem phis in IStil that tot ed against secession. Dion- there are not less than rico p ersons, each one of whom claims to be of the six. —The latest novelty is the "palpitating bosom" for the ladies, widen is described as gently "heaving" when an "emotional spring," concealed under the arm, is touched. —The squirrels having been removed from the public squares In Philadelphia, the birds have resumed possession, and are rapidly exterminating the spun-worms which have infested the maples. —All the troops stationed in Utah are now, concentrated in two garrisons; eight companies arc at Camp Douglas, and three companies axe at Port Bridger. The hcad quaxters of the district are rtill at Salt Lake. —lira Hannah Simpson of Philadelphia, bequeathed ten thousand dollars to the Friends' Yearly 'Meeting, lbw* thousand for instructing people of color, and ten thousand (brother equally benevolent pur poses. —Mr. Win. Page has finished his histor ical painting, of which the subject is Ad miral Farragut lashed to the shrouds of the Hartford, while she was entering Mobile Bay, August 3, 1864. It is to be exhibited for a time for the benefit of the New York Idertuntile Library Association. —A party of Hungarians have secured a large tract of land near Egg Harbor City, N. J., which they design to clear up and devote to tho calgivaiiun or grapes. They have made a scientific survey and carefully analyzed the soil, pronouncing it as pos &caging superior characteristics tor rais ing this fruit. —The Milwaukee ts ulinel gives a list of the buildings being erected or already a+m• pleted in the various wards the present swans, a total of 101, at an outlay of #.664,200. It says that nearly it. 400,0011 will yet be expended in building in that city be tore the season closes—making a total ex penditure of. over a million dollars. —A. Baptist church in Salem, Columbi ana county, Ohio, was sued last week by the preacher, for his services as pastor— amount claimed sl,oto. The defence set up was the smallness of the congregation, and the alleged fact that the preacher, who was a carpenter, agreed to work at his trade on week days and take whatever the congregation could raise for 10111. BROWN'S VERBIIFILTgE COM'. VITS, Ott 'WOW LtrZENtiii.s.—lllich Maur. au ilou.itediy i with elti'drett taut adults Smell:011.11 to other cause*. la ommsloneri by moms. ti be • NV, ' &UPI/GIL although milvecual I s.l estror lug Worms,can done poottive lniory to them oat delicate child. Thia tamable combination has begs anoceasfutly by Omelets., and found lip Et safe and sure in eradicating norms , so hurtful to children. • • CLAP n. haring Worms nutuire Immediate atten uon, as neglect of the tronble often emase.proiong• ed mc ne, ti.mpto kn . • n 1 worms In children are often over lotakcd. Worms la toe stomach and bowel, auto lert. den ohlcheau he remot .41 only by the nee of a aunt temetty. Tbe combination of ingredients itaml amain, Snowy , . 'is ••T rips. , it serf as to gfr t the boo possiol • en., t relthelifeilf tialttarbolesale and retail In Pittsburgh, at FLEM ING'S:Drug and Patera M. dletne itcyn/t, Sa io4 Martel street. ,n.NrOvr NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. lILNCiIIAJW., Jr., .443-1. Erpress Oflce, 54 FV7.A Carrel, is an authorized AgeN to rerecve Advertisements for the GAZETTA:, rind ail other papery throughout the Uwted Imes and the Orinadas. B _ RIDG E ELECTION.—'IIte Stock holders of %her trTh 1)1: R(11/ A N D ALL EDO b.- AY Rltl UliacON! DA NY, tat Ham.) street) arc hereby aotanecl that an loctinc, for Dreatilent. Di rectal), and Tremor-or, to .e. for the o neat or Tear, will he held At to. TOLL ttOl'66. rNOKTII END, j Ott MONDAY, Joy td. Jobe, beDo tea t..e Maors nrto Y ~ a.vo/ 3 r. Y. Jes,, 825 00 lIEWARD.—LOST • Saturday ramming, Setae/a .6 O ,a anti the blurket Kuala, A FOGY T 11001 i wiltconta /tome notes abovealabe papers. The tinder receive the by les•lng it al N. 84 Center avenue. jcZ3;elo 0= FOR SALE, 136 ant. to ParmLogton township, elartun PS., having shoot ELI KC rt} cleared township, lender culti vation, with urennrd• the menaloder timborc.l. constinlng of pine sooak. The or Moir sit u ated, Is un dorlaid with coal, sa d mantnniently situated, Ming three ,zoiles In to Tylershora and two miles from boy's Mill. Price low. JOIIN IL BAILEY, [Bonk and Beal Estate Broker, No. Rd Fourth stront CAU lON. — AII peruona are can Honed agattoit re/miltingor paying check No lath on P.achaJage National nubs ot Pltianurgn JANE,II33 dated Juue at to tbe re o PUN K. cheek Oat hay Ina been eel red by the party to .1 . 110113 ti watt wailed L. _PE-ULCER : TUN. fittperintrndent Penna. Salt llanufseturin& u. N ATCON A. June = . HRIEWEILY FOR SALE,—A new B rick tlteam Brewery, . 0 barrels capacity, nit,d up In the most modern style, with excellent cellar and drainage, and supplied with water from the city water works: I. situated on one or the moat public thonitighfares and beat business it/cations Ir the city of Cleveland, Ohio, with amide room 01 name lot to erect a Malt Monza. /or nartica,lar. applrlo T. CS/I.4.IMILaa. Je2111:01 49 Hurd at., Clevel.o ~,na; iv . n: wi.~ EXAIMILNATION FOB ADIIIIBMION TO HIGH SCHOOL - - The anneal arm:M.243ou of condidates for *dude 0100 to the WO echos' will commence RONDA Y Jolla 11th. ate 0'01.14 A. et. By order of tiro Central Board of Education. )'rte' ;d9o_ J.U. A. BIC/14LA.21T. Secretary. CITY CONTItOLLtn•S oyrttis, VSTS6/OrritGll, Junegirt, 49. CITY WEIGH SCALEB.—Sealed . - 7.1= 6 ;14=cd to the nuance Committee . office outh r. M., for Weighmaisters for the several City Welhb Ilealn. Bidder. will state how much of tee gross resistolo arlslog from said scales they will gthe la the city Joe the use of the same. JNO. hicaft uGq, City Controller. OrriCW. or COSTROLLSR OP ALLPSHIENT Co., / Pyrrsounott. Jutland, ROO. NOTICE TO CONTRACTOIIB. NEALE') PROPOR&LS lath be received at this office until JULY Ho, inclusive, for erecting/. NEW WOODEN hYRECTURE at the Bridge ACM. the Borth Branch of Roninson's Run, on the road lead ing Horn Pittsburgh to Nobles/Wel, in North Pay ette Township. Particulars will be furnished on application . By direction of County Corontithfoners, Jeffittillid&wT HENRY LAMBERT. Controller. •GOVERNMENT SALE OF STORES OPTICS 3, M. b. K. PrITSBOUGII, rA., JUDO 22d, 19K , t y l l . iit ,u stild cublic Auction, to the (dirtiest 15. V 4 7PZ" "ir. - .4.'rohrm: , : o pg? t LLT LEE tale end • • .61 the following Clothing and Camp '' ind i fi:Autin EQ./ - Pr i g /3j l l :Mime. rod wail Tent rcs ol• (140, ( F .iti l' o " briu t d C r o e m il motor fo;Catu tles IMO) Two Inindred.llest Pans: p ti (WO) Flue hundred and gat) Wool ill.ketS; II) One tireAt Cott; 1 j; I:',,Vdlttobar,',,%, , p."-rd.-. t"... cash, In governs:lC - cut loud.. Je7udloo M. E. LUCAS. M. E. E. FOR RENT, -- A FARM OF 130 ACRES, ghosted In Jen - croon township. Alleghenycounty, Pa., on the Monongahela river, 14 miles from Me bclty. The Improvements are good. Toe land of the bent quality ; adapted Ibr gardening , etch agast I.t, 0160. EEM .W.N1L4116216:1E1 zaccancream. With seven rooms and ball, good etable, ereclient water St the d.rt stutated on the old Waahlngtee road, shout Er miles from the city. l l oteesalon no. toedlately. for further particular., eoqulroof ,je22:dedTOWER. No. 104 F ourth Street. NOTICE.— The - Committee on Common Uronod Improvement of the Council., City of alleabany. have been Authori.erl to procure plans for the uniform And permanent of the Common firound I n tato city. The attention of Landscape Oat deuces, and other., who may be interested In luring the publle ground. Improved, is hereby Intited. Out ll no plan. for the propused 1111provemen4 are solicited untll the ter DAY or 15./.lriglßE/L McDonnell's map of tan city to be wen at either the Regulator's or Controler'. °face ../I1 afford Whet Information may be wanted In making nook Mann gunk plans es may be 414111) , MI andOOPUIL will beilberalirpald for by the dry. HENRY fir= Chairman of Committee. . _ VLECTION NOTICE. An election for Officer q of the Birmingham & Pittsburgh Bridge Co. :WIB be lie/d at the °Mee, teeth end at the Bridge., tetittO.BDA.Y, the 2d deg at Jaiy neat, ass P. B. ~ A. B. STIVIBBON. Clert. #lf. 'mown, DOCTOR E. DONNEtLy, , . IFLIVIECET 3 EIIirr, Oliteg, Sixth and Grant t3treets, ers'in:iwzolyk. r ATTSBURGA, mt la Ztrtetiiikik v•kihrbasti66;nsimei , ,A 4 s l4 : r f , - 4r-7 447 . aFgbialorluals. ' - pawn • 1 DiALKI36 IN ALL KINDS OP Government Seenrities, Foreign , gzehiiitge, Gold, Silver and Coupons. cOLLECTLONS made on SO iteeeetible Point. in the United States and Canada.. Interest allowed on Time Deposits. IA R. LINDSAY, .9.243:1111 ELTILLELIV, owe., 83 Boyle Iltreel, Alle:able/W. Special attention given to drawing Ilette, Leases an othe legal elocumente. AU eml r ectlone Intrusted to him will recelvr care flll alp/ prompt attention. fen:t P. MUSSMANN, 11/th Streetbelween Tumid and CAathani Streets, GUNSMITH AND DEALER IN HARDWARE. First elan goods of all descriptions always on hand and sold et the lowest prices. napalms done earefelry on snort notice. __lc :don THE CREDITORS OF [Mi l nM win Leine notice that We will apply for tip.l lh charge under the Insolvent and Debtors' Law, In the Common I•loar Court of Allegthent County, on Saturday, July Ith, at 10 o'colrk. A. M At which Uwe sad place they may Alto., cause. if any they has., why she should not be discharged. n. C. ILACHRELL. Attorney for emittarune Mal SIZIMER I)retge3 (4-oodß, FOR SALE AT V RUT LOW rItICICI BY WHITE, ORR & CO., 88 33.%rULL SSltreket. jf-1 TiTEM ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLEt:IIWNT COILINT I .—ln Partion. N March Tenn, NW' Ectaato it SAILA STEEL, o •l a. coated. ItiWt - Ad W no , wA tt d o o rn m ey = f l or le o illoot tia r. o C oon o r o A u . t yt ST s . the Ingot%Wonmade in Locer prooeedlocr, mot grant role on heirs Awl telOttes inlcrestod It oe and appear to•roor the Auld t tArt , an saturday, August 4th, 1566, At 10 o'clocki A. U.. to accept or refuse to accept at valuation: and direct of tin. rule to be gift, to Little heatoo, Push V. Coatieer ate! Sirrarlautl, not now Within the .inrlsalction of Pie L.otte of this t oniersou•ealtlx. a.lierlttern• 1 ores • week for aueccialve weet• tio. Pert— Primal Mac! f/Azrrrn. From the gerund. WM. A. MERRON, STEPHEN M. OTT. ar.N Al Dye Sinker,. Seal & 31edal Engraver. SWIM, BUM (D STEEL LETTER SUPERIOR SEAL PRESSES, Canceling Stamps & Visiting Cards. 4.15, PLATYA rtilt. MARKING CLOTillgii 03 Wood St., Car. Diamond IADOVIL n*R5 • Wet K10N.1., I PI7TS . UrR6II. ALLEGHENY DISPENSARY. THIS INSTITUTION has been or . Kantsed by the reablar pr./Ist:4 physician.. 4 Allegheny City, under whose charge Medical Tresi went will be grataltonsly extended to ibe nom. Their R , L,Sib A r CITY HALL, will be opened o Monday Next, June YLI6, Alter 0.1.1,0 date .otn• one or mare of the physicist In charge will be daily In attendance. (moods, es • eepte.l. from 10 a. W. 10 i l /1 a., for the port., piescrtblog fur such Indigent peen , u• as may deal, their professional .enters. )r= 4.5 Ni V. If . ..... IiEHLEITS & JOHNSON, PRArtv•AL Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, r.fth Filtreet Zmienalloo, 3F . X . I . VI9I33I'CrizLC3-3EIC. All order., by n ail etyytatyd astl•farforlij nl rolllllEnn Vamp.. bast.. ••• r Cialets. Slots, Cbaftdeller, Pendant, not/ ktay Sba+ey, for sale at the most rtmuntable prices. Obiler, from etillOtry patrons b 1 faith Wounal) bl - to Gum Hom ul ryery demriP“.. JEST ARRIVED FROM THE EAST. Booms AND SHOES. JAMBS ROBB, No. $9 Market St., Pittsburgh, Pa. • This old establlshrsi house ha+ now In •tore tort,. floe thousand dollars worth of hoot. and Soot,. t dLyles the leteet, thr qualltr the tetst,whlch •re el.-natant to 'tell at VLICY LOW eßiviss• V. have rosolsrd col to be uudersold 17 any In the 1,:- sines• Thu korp goat. worth of isnd ostsett*e der stock of Roods, sod or fret satislissl that you will ra,ll3oe what roe went in the boot end oho* tine. Do not forget the plane. NO Mar•ol ten .1.1.111&n piernucti We. Asav n Yr prepared to furnish tins STAXDAEI I brlktid la S X/1117313 XalEllll.7a, For Refiners') Use promptly and In any quantity. We guarantee the QUALITY to he sursultm.. ANY manufactured In or brought to this oily . T. 11. NEVI! & CO., N. W. Corner Third and Markel Sts ).21a1713 WE, TUE SEBEICUIDERN, have Ude day entered Into a LIMITED PARTIN eli IP, agreeably to the provisione of the Act of As sembly passed the Ist day of March. 162 G. Tto parte. ship to he conducted under the 114331 e of bIaLLER, BARR d PARKIN, In the Clay of Pittsburgh, and for the purpose of manufacturing and selling STEEL and its products. The general partnere are REUBEN MILLER and CHAR. PARKIN. of the City of Pittsburgh, nod GEO. W. BAER, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. The special eartaien are BABILIEL IL KIER Mid SAMUEL DUFF, of the Borough of Lawrenceville. Each of the speelal partnere have contributed Twelve Thoosan4 nee Hundred Dollar. In cash. The said partherthip to commence on the Flitter DAY OF JABUARY, tht66, and to torroteat. on the THIRTY-FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER, 10175. REICHER IfILLEU. ONO. W. BARR, MLLES,) Partner, CII.Au. PARKIN Sr ball UEL M. KIER, JeltionnSAMUEL purr, - • GREAT BARGAINS CD. IELIEIC& GIB', 124 Federal Street, Allegheny City. We offer oar stack at great bargains, consisting BONNETS, BATS, FLOWERS, RIBBONS, bibl everything to the MILLINERY LINE. Also, al LK and CLOTH SACQUES and BASQUES will be cold very lOW, Y we 400 ALMA to quit business. Etid67 _ 4: CO - 44 •:IF4oCin',oo:4 m6PENVER IncKAY, MALMOII BREWERS Ale, Porter and Brown Stout, PITTSBURGH, PA. ROBERT WATBOTirokircrJeip , a 6 . s _ ALLEGHENY CITY rthien:llllD SEIZrI=I ErINCLIEL.I3I, a a McRIASTER,& No. 145 Ohio Si., AlleghenYl Wholosata anal Retail Dealers In Naloll.ll-Va 2 Moocl. (3kroilas. Cash paid for Wheat and R7o. W7:654 100 STRAYED OR STOLEN from to 41:1:41 . 1:x: i Filtl.ktWiton)3years tAI gl -. 11 2 t1 %Me. bum, many. tail and foretp; binary limbo., bare footed, end about 14bands blab, A suitable reward rdilbe Ibr rrturn of the norm, and It etc. lelA t ßa for the Irrtsi and conviction of tbe thief. UE4). UICK9UJ. _ NEW ADIMETUFZEIENTS. Et° na -I'll4-SOW'S cwt..** SOUTH - WESTERN CIRCUS, .IT RED LIO LOT For Tcvo Drops Only. Tue,day and Wedneeklay. July 3d K Ith 'AttlY company compriat.s the follow-tug well-knot, ti taten. : THE ORKATtt -ON FAMILY. who of them- OCIVt , are woutticitut pa.rantttt of IP, • .ww/.1.n.... of :hc ea hi b11.1t?It THE ....HEAT DELEW EE Me Wm. T. O'Dell. Harter the liworr Nellamo. LEE IS rW FAS and CHAS. COVELL! oon. upon nt en.l childr...n le renls. There will I, AN( Ir WEDNESDAY, .1111 i at lu A. 00.1: e. . _ . . 1. E. lOC FiAkta "ON. A LL THE MAGAZLNES FOR JULY ALI. THE MAHAELN EA FUF .J 1.1.1. ALL THE I'OPULAH HAVERS. ALL THE HT.I'L;LAH I'AHEHz. ALL NEW I'UFILI , ATII?N ALL NEW LI 11LICAIlioN STATIONERY OF ALL lIINIII STATION EBY OF ALL KINDS. ETC.. ET. 5C11.11.. ItvoES, Ext I=l JOHN P. HUNT et CO.'S, WII,:t.y.sALE AND IcKTALL NEW, AUEN, Y =9 lE= OS Fifth St.. Masonic Hall less , 4 1•Kti ItE.UtINN MILLELL, ,AM'I. li. hiEl% trE, W. BARK, I , UfF. CRAM. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS. MILLER, BARR di PARKIN, BEST QUALITY CAST STEEI, Warranted Equal to any In the Market. either Imported or of Dotneothr Illneteurse tete, opKulAh oTTENTI.N TO VISE InoL AND It wricEL. Office, 38 Wood Street, IN MT CHAIM/C."4 PlTlnitulDt. Ju..e Istf • JULY 4116, Iti6G. FIRE WORKS! FIRE WORKS! Wr ty ofl , r at, the Trade • large tad t ad stoct of r I ICE WOHlin for tht. cOlll/11, Ith, r.. 1.1 natal • !stet- varlet, of colored• rod Plain llocitets. from 1 ot. to IC or. sod Nen Itoman fondle.. I to M • : Bentga Lights, trlangle. , Lto•elle., rterttits: Vertlcal Wheels, Caton W heeL, Yoleanows. Jitney of Wars, Plow r rota.. Fla Whm rltlrrn4.L•t Serpeots. Toiretitt.r ..111i • tang.. rtrsety o ' f Et hlbltiott ri,L, r,...5.ct, to Sia. A 1... • It•rote .tort of No I • Cracker. •11t1 r". ot trbtrb rt. nth, •t thr lowest marhot grtee. tit.tlet•, to wt [Lich twoolot •tte-ntlot. .111 Na gine.. bt. REY Et ~allNme, &‘te. AF'. for H 1 . . cr.:brat...l Vire =I LIPPINCOTT & BIKEIIELL, No. 118 Water Street, =I I'A TEN T rk:ltEk) PATE INKiTI-11. CI IDLILII.AR. l 7 1.7 LA Y. AI 1.1. AID (110104-er al .11.. NAT Ell . MEI 1866. SPRING HATS. 1 8 6 11. Aiouoßl) & CO., 181 IT - 4101) STREET, Wlatt tall •lortclatl attention to thelr taryto att4 La's, Sc., for Spring and Suns- suer I ear, Aa MiticElc•imaap "IT osa - lettl7 10101 E ,, 1.E.1,111,, VA.4 t 11,4, .on 1 , 01, ,n 11,14.1/ , ,,, THAT•t.,•• 11E11111'S, M'1:11% sbf eyrry th,ertpllot, usci. LIVERY AND SAI.E STABLES. MORELIND & MITCIIBII, Nos 425 4z 427 Liberty Street, TTr ,er,Ett, VAIL}LIMOS:4 and Itt • "If:, kept tor hire al ail Ism, Th. tIne.IIILA In the city. Funerals. Ae., attend. d to vn sho notion In the het" natener . rrson• valstatle to enga,e .011011 g In our „n. upo pp.tnir tortt,cl oat 111 11. be.t .ty , ... Atwitne pev ess prirtorr give their petwoal atteptlott to Ilk • . _ . . BUSINESS MANN • COURCIAL COLLEGE, No. I St. Clair Street. We lures engaged the *eerie. of •u experleto..• teacher ettpreettly for the uototh, of Jul! 3,N.. goo, Stud, ot• eutertne on the Ist or July ext.. --I t) complete the course tip the lota of All,llll Fur circulars awl .prclrueor of prnu.nablp. 3,1:1 at the Cully., tfoomn. or atidtt,* N. BUAFFKR •nd J. Y. IletILA YMV\ ItS • 11. J. LANCE. SILK AND WOOLEN DYER AND SCOURER MMI Chintz Window Curtain. and Chair Covera Cleaned and Reglazed without unpacking. Nos, 35 and 37 Thir.d Street, Between Wood Lod Vitulthdeld myISCA:2 PITTIMUTILOII, PA. W. t. Y • OINNENR ♦. ClAtli.. C. r. 011.110, AMERICAN MACHINE 114 0111101 FISHER, GRAHAM & CO., Engine Builders and Machinists. Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And everythingneoeattary An ltoring Oil Wel,. Particular •Lirolloll paid to Fitting up bhatilow Polley, Hangers. gc. Marion A , near Ft. W. & C• R. It. .461.2.06..VL0XL3", 3P151.,. ItErA MIMI DUNE PROMPTLY. JoiloP, S . N. BRYAN, Broker in Stocks, BONDS AND REAL ESTATE, 57 FOUlt7 II STREET, (Burke•. Building,) buys anal sells .•n Commission BANK, RAILROAD, INSURA:O. PETROLEI7M ISTOC KR, mod GOVERNMEN MUNICIPAL, RAILILOAD AND OTHER UON Orders executed by telegraph at the NEW Yllttli wd PHILALELPHIAbTOCK HOARDS •t the rale, or COMMISSIOI3 current lo those cities. Genf STEAM ENGINE, BOILERS, ETC. FOR S9IBXAII. One Steam Engine with boilers and a Worthing ton Pump. tie engine nearly new and Oral Henry Iron bed-piste. pulley. OT-wheel h feet I.e i inehe• rare, Steam pipes and form, introit_ to gether with thirty feet moaning and holle•e; too double itatnch hued boilers, feet by inder inotte IR W rk. •ell nd stroke ono ti try h l oc h or dthi iamneter. gton Pump- r: t- Minim or JOHN PHILLIPS. 2115 t. Clair tame, Or. ISAAC JUNES. ItOdee2 Comer Of 'Loom mud First street., EUREKA CLOTHES WRINGER One of the best W ringer. ever Bold In the ljulLed elate., you will find • t No. SS Wood If3t - roat. Jet R. RIGHT. FINE. ENGRAVED AND CUT Cal-T-LBEMIWC47. Of ell Llt 1.. Also. beautiful PARIAai li- ETTIL A. choke lot Just received at reTC I . ESSit VCrcacact 3021 R. malty. ARCHITECTURAL. BARR & MOSER, ARCHITECTS, . hove remote , ' to the Pratt A”onletion Building, Nes. 2 and 4 St. Clair • Sireet, wb ,„.„ a w y irtll be 'pleased to meet [heir old fiends elid others desiring their 'orrice, jen.e,,,,r,5,,, 89 x*HOCOM,BEAT THIS 8 00 . ..For Tsunigeoks Only. 14iimiduxsecooiikRZNUEICALlt BXIN 800 of *yawl Witty tor 131,48ia-inua of 3133 DOI,' 811 , 118: 38 MisMstrost. 181 . 3k811 DAKILL HYJ, &I. ::110 NEw,_ARV.ERTISEMENTS. NOTICE TJ IE TizA,2r. E",n,27c3i-sa MEM Borough of Lawrenceville. of of A ..1• , n41 approved II" .11.1. 3.relt 11., 12,1. re:ati, to fllr INS no , t rough ril.s to the Tft aantrr ”1 . g,1.1 f1nt0 , ..11. the r tillargfc^l,l regportnill)l••• -51.1 s payer, h.. I. w 1 nle (or ine payment .141 IA an', same, On all texasa paid on or by fore the first day of Alt nu nliomranac 010,e 111 relltr..l// he.. tln all taNes paol vnl,4•oe, nt la the test , lay or Augo al o 1 dr-t ;vv . , talwr, ant., nt lo full On alllsool pall ttllotquent. to the rant day of Septenth..r. .01.1ndatilvt. pot ,entum A od .411 lb.• t rot any or ....totn•r In taeh year. the rreA.ot , r 0. • Ilat d,.n.luctil Ins nayere, VT, :m.allll .tue from 5111111.1,1er errant, 3 , 1411 on pro 1,11 41 that nold,lltl4 0- ~i amount shall lo than 1.11 , 111-. And t wo In ate halo, of the High owuntolt., wluou. .luty 1101,11 :.• reels Ihr s tun,. Aal of 3:1) clout,: Louehh r 611 , 1,1, 11- , Ito hi- w•r, ant t.. • tAld Lk, SI a t,IL.g DIM Alt the powers tad Intmunit tee non by lan •rAtod eolftetore of rAnn -11 r tionl I • hal: In. rAqulrAtl thAn the n Adv•.rtlAt :it ~ 1A afire paver , nod. bandistits. W It. J ANC IC I'. Itorongh TreAtaxrAr, C. , rnekr of ttni.t, and Dew, Iltre,to. TL , -3n , Tr. ••••;lsll, r r ; ' 11; :I . nt•t. prop, tn re 11., •Ir.A. and tnyttp. .1... 1.3, • rt vllll. ..t tn. •ni n• 11, FI• r M 11.1.1 AM .1 A—, KY, 1;011 , clOr and rtarnrer ,re.hool Flinl/15. 12EA'1' SALL,. DESIRABLE REAL ESTATE AT AVC'TION. On 'Monda), June 25th, at 2 P.M.. on the pl. sold flit. v,ry Intudsomel• prop,,t) In lULIIVEIJELEIVN7II_..T-.331. M=l=TlT=== Ih. property c 011.., or 7M Lois. laid out in r Ala•to iron/ to,•rdinal, building lot to itiaie ofour The entire property occupies no po.ltlon. rryr fro.. tilt smoke and Wet of tn.. city, and Ina go...llinighborhood. In d ith by g itaggruger rallroad, thus matli.g Minh with the I ars,. part of Itor el' .f boi a fen unwis. ride. . • Plane of Ow pri.,,crtl ran U.,' by tailing .b.t 'lr la d .11 [ltd. Fifth o.rert. . .• . . .11:11NIS 0! SAI.V.-- , .na—fourth .1.1. k.. the balance u llirpe vynal annual ireyn, nta. to bt• arcure4loy bowl and mortKagt, l'unlia,ers to pay far the title pa p rr, and I'. 0. 'tamp.. T. Aucclonerr. 0.-r Ate VALLABLE COAL MBES FOR SALE. The • eUM nt,l by the athern • tett M ! . paint, , b ,tu.tb.4l In ehrlby. , ou la nte. Ala.. • . 1. *. northea.t 31ontre411uud •gte • heir from the Nbrth and South , nwi •tt. rot mug orcl, in,: ...It,. and one-quor• s 1.1, Iron, tht• )11,11.11 Road to the 110 , 1 Nlok/11i-all.l. oat sr• tt.ta oltereti for sale. lattice. ha tt for .ott,.. v., ho,u I n bucet,sful opera s, .ttual,.A Iu the heart of the • • • ti 1,04. •.( thy Matt.. •tul re °al, elite -Ilse n!ter• t.{ raj/ fr.n. fr , titi Whet.' .re is etvr,rtrtion • re re.t Untle.t mates a better oper.. tuna, a aeae and toruntable Investment In p the oLI uu = rI. al seh and The ',linnet,. the eiplration months,ltl.uut Interest. ur. one-etith cash, and the balance In remitl no•nthly payments. With out Intro-cad G. 11. 11IcCO1%NICO, n A.Alerwr or It. CHINA 'WAREHOUSE. RICHARD E. BREED, x3:vrapclomt.w37irt., No. 100 Wood Street II FUT A N ♦IA AND SILVER PLATED TABLE VI ARE. TF.A TU.\ I N AN D TA BLS CUTLER.I. al w a•st t 1111 A TEA BETS, CHI r• ItINNEIt NET, (All , A Tolt.ET asETB, VAsEs, CHINA BOHEMIAN %V Alt.E /CV (.11tY DEBCHIPTION L.% %A /,'AEU BANE LAVA VANEII. I %VA NVlTAttoss. ENt.l.l:ll :•I‘,NE: V. A G.E. varirtlcA, tnnult utt.rieul• nutt trlall (tad, large.t and wort ..oantri..te •tncli ercrythlng In tht. hue In Prlet. 4.4 term. the same as la the eastern my C aSft__ pETUOLJA. WORKS. R. S. 7LMINDIC`ir, Ho. A 2 Ohlo Mlreet, Allegheny Manufacturer f Etottirit; TOOL" -o AIVIJ FIXTUitt U.SKI, 1 s ISLltiitali till. &ND SALT WILLI IS. Particular attention Inched to his Patented proven:outs in Jars and Join., mail, of ,tuna l& U. S., and toe Moor Iron, In standard sloes, cud in that parts can be ordered by mat. 01 leyrapli, and found • peroct It, at all slants. Sa e also tarnish ropes, muting, small toots. t• those who may swish It. Enrolee and machine work made to ...It Order, by mail promtly attended lea 1 am ,w,pwrwd M fruit licenses to other tuarmis, twat. tar it,.. inturceressents on liberal twins. 140 Ailegneny P. O. tomato R. LEtill Y. The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON In Wilklid• hall. Fourth strut, near Smithfield, Is 1.10. en.. Thu beffit cool et an p d mon*. Inducing FLOW ti ItIOSN A LOON In the Sta/r. EN=E=2=l - . A FISK Oily II ESTItA bat hoen