The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 25, 1866, Image 1

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    11E1_1)411X GAZETTF
• 1, . iLlll,lloffEti ICY
'01141;411i3I'lizil.: Pirristruart.
Ysu na z g r xMilit.ll wimai*l7 . 48,1
kr . Vittiiiirefisazttte
MONDAY, Jtrilt 115, 186 d
Verbal and wrilien -sta ' teinents convince
us that I.he late Iteptinn Convention in
' this c o# 3l tiquisied', no resolution on the
matter Of,,Unilett Stategitlienator. Indeed,
the bodylvaa not.proporbta.Coanty Con.
vention at all, Following the
irVetetn,' an election Is Water candidates,
and one person from each precinct appoin
ted to carry in the returtia. , r , Upirst: the as
umbliniof thee° Return 'lndies,' a Care
mittee on Resolutionswas named, and then
an adjournment was enable - the
Clerks to tabulate the votes. Upon re-as
sembling many of the delegates, having
fulfilled their mission, alai not '• retuni - -
When inquiry was made of the Commit.
tee for the resolutions they were to prepare,
answer was-made, they were lost. After
other delegates, had, gone,. the resolutions
were produced; and tbetestimony "leade'us
to infer, th a t a 'resoluitonr-complimentary
to Gov'CunvtiCellltilhila-Adrainistration
. , ,
• was altered to one recommending him for
Senator. Scareelyitalfa dozen delegates
were Present when the vote was put.
As a gpeciniettof the written statements,.
we submit the following,:
• LL VALLEY, June 21, 1866.
Having toad ths; Atnerkon Ciriren and
find it containing what pgrports to be the
proceedings of - the licpublfcan Convention
held in Butler on Monday, the 11th inst.,
I hereby Certify that no United Shaft
Senator resolution or anything on that sub
ject was
,passed by said omventlon.
Neither , old the Convention adopt up
resolution in favor'of Mr. Williams, who Mr.: 3 l'Junkin'sconipetitor for Congress=
Mr. Atejuntrin haying received 1,502 votes,
whilst Mr-Williams received hut 53-votes.
With such all 941.7e5510n- Of 'our constitu
ents we ,would-not have felt that we had
the right to weaken, Mr... McJunkin's
chances for nomination. Return
Judge frop , Washingogn WWl:limp, and one
ofthe secretaries fof said Contintion, and
we had no instructions from our constitu
ents on political affairs. No resolution for
Governor CU:Mit-or any other person was
adopted for oar telt :United States Senator.
This statement ratlike in vindication of
truth, qui '..welapelhat in future'no'simi
lar attempt will be:made by any outsider to
impose onoarptirty so.
Return Judge from Washingtn Tp.
• Birrtnn, June filth, o 1806.
Havingjust seen the American Citizen,
and paper:published in the borough of Butler,
containing What purports to be the
prieceedings of the Ihrinbncan County
ConventiOn, held ixt Butier. on Monday
bun, I hereby certify. that no resolution in
favor of. A. G. Ctirtin Our- nest United
States Senator, or anything on that , sub
ject, was passed by said--Convention.
was in the - Convention during the whole
time tit'Aneestion. as the - delegate-from
Butler township; and was raying attention
to MI its proceedings.
I-fully concur In the above statement of
Mr. exaitY,..lfo'resolution in favor of Gov.
Curtimfortfnited States 'Senator was Offered ,
reidbrndopted by said Convention.
Joan E.. Mmxpat, •
Delegate frola Saxonburg.
We are sure. Gov; Ogranw nits no sueh
services at the hands of his friends.
Some inquiry has been made whether the
decision rendered by the Supreme Court
last week inthe Ashfilin County Deserter
case is appliusble to any Lase that may
arise under the law recently approved by
the Governor: The law passed at the last
sessio n w p sd rawriiiSit*ov . ..ll'Costsu t nev ,
for the pttil it( Vetnedyhtie any defects
in prevlcies legislation. Btit;the provisions
of this law do not cover the point made by
the Supreme Court. The ruling is that in
dictment; trial and conviction are essential
to deprivii any man of rights he holds in
common with his fellow citizens. This af
firms therulings by all the District Judges,
that no man can be Stripped ()frights except
by "due process of law." It' may, there
fore, be taken as settled that deserters can
only be prevented from voting by being
tried and convicted of incivism—which is
not to happen.
.11fancina..4-The Republicans of this
county hare nominated , for President
Judge. Hon - Wm. Stewart; for Congress,
Rev. W. T. McAdam, late chaplain of the
auk Regiment Pennsylvania Volunteers ;
for Senate, James 0. Brown; for Assembly,
Josiah McPherrin and James A. Leech ,
for Aisdelate Judge, John Lightner ;
for Prothohotary, B. McCartney, late
of the 57th. Regiment; for Sheriff, A. T.
Black, late of the nth Regiment; for Dis
trict Attorney, H. M. Hamblin; and for
Register and. Recorder, S. P. Hurd, late of
the 139th Rcgiment, The resolutions were
decidedly Radimi.
The candidates rot Legislature in this
district are, Wm. C. Hanison, of Law
rence county;josiah McPherrin and James
A. Leech, of Mercer' county, and Harvey
Pillow, of Butler county.
IN Crawford county, as heretofore men
tioned in these columns, the Republicans
have had ix bitter canvass for selecting
catußdaMfor Coigress for the 20th district
Their contestants were Mr. D. A. Fin- .
nay and Mi. B. Newton Pettis.--The
mary election . was held on.Priday, and the
result is not yet announced. If half that
has. been
. C.imrged against each of those
gentlemen, and not disproved, is actually
true, neither of „than ought to' be nomina
ted, or eletstet I ilSominated. .
Mercer county, in the same distrct, has
brought forward the Rev. W. T. McAdam,
late chaplain of the 67thregiment.
. -
In the Rad congressional district the
democrats have brought rout Mr. Jacob
Zeigler, of , Butler ;.cottnly,-- for Congress,
against' Mr: Zinnias .WiMatus: These
Were the _contestants in the systrict four
mai ago- Zeigler ditudt many -fold
more; "lager',' with .41s German friends in
Allegheny- osuntk, - that year; than - Mr.
'Clymer has this; but *bile the Germans
Miami the lager, they tad impolitical rel.
lah for Mr. Zeigler, as he tonna to kis cha- 1
grit' whetsilidhegt4 Vera counted. •
TICE President's dlirojet :Vebn of the Con
stitutional Amendnient,.:which was prob
ably a Piece of araiogy, invented by Kr.
.Seward, excited only disgust and contempt
inloyal men; The President exceeded Ids'
authbritrbf sending any mesas& what
ever to Ciiiigreas on that subject, and Con
gress will forget its dignity if 11,81411 enter
the raeasugotni the journals. It Should be
treated ads remonstrance or petition from
a private. individual would be.
None we call the attention of our
city reatlem,to the eale by
.enetion, at 2 r.
this dal, of tha Herron farm, at Fort
Huron chances for.securing hoznes so
near townornl Yet:* secluded, healt
attractive 1 1 1 44efilrittY not offir ßgai q
, •
/*year& qk to this otie,,Ml,3r.?.lwho
woodi.4o-and lainr,'"er:loaey
-144/0_ Itudi§.**li!:--'4foo4l4o.thttS•
- •
. -
. •
VOLUME LXXX-.-----NO7 148
eikikireV4sCl - :
Shirt Fronts and Pu Curs. Linen
Plaid and plain, of all the popular makes on
the N. E. corner of Fourth and Market streets.
C. Mimeos Lova k Bark
Putted nod Tusked /instills,
Lace Curtains. a BATLEI &
lathtit's ilemoamtS Cream
For the. hair.. It has no equal for promoting
the grovith'of half. For sale at Frittoros 'Drag
Store, corner Flab and Smithfield streets.
Black 81/k and Lee affautles.White Lama Lace Mantle.
Dress Dims,
/deck and ocdored, at • from ono to are dollars
per yard, on the N. E. earner of Fourth and
Market etroota. C.. Hermon Lora & Rap.
While Shawls.
nbatlind Shamir of 4 caws.
New Dry Deeds.
wiii open on Monday a full and complete
stock of Dress Goode, Prints, Gingham,
checks, Ticlangs, Tweeds, Jeans, Irish Lin
en, Tante Linen, Lace Curtains, ac., on the
north-seat corner Fourth and Market streets.
C. lisinsoir Lova it 800.
144.WhIte Bareses,
rhinos, Brilliants, Chintzes and Plain La4ns.
DATER it Ram..
The Progress of Neatest Science-
One of the most vainable alterative and
tonic remedies in the iodide of limo, which Is
prepared by Bolden Chemists. This bonne
have now combined it with Sarsaparilla, form
ing."BarsapartUo with lodide of Lame," which
is one of the most excellent remedies which
modern ecienco has produced. It is adver
tised in our paper today.
(wain , * Park.
A grand and evening contest of speed this
afternoon fora premium of floe hundred dol.
'ars, to take. place at three o'clock, between
Annie Laurie and Joe Curry, both to wagon,
mile heats, three in (lye to rule.
8. Musgrave enters Amite Laurie, and J. 8.
Biller enters Joe Curry.
A. good and =Motel:it police force will be OR
the ground to keep order. All persons are
hereby authorized not to trespass on the
premises, as the law will pi:rift:AY be en
discern* Woe* for the MlHone.
tikity day demmurtrates more clearly that
Liver tiomplairit, in all Its distressing forms,
can be controlled or cured without difficulty
nr inconvenience. It Is an obstinate disease,
but Its obstinacy is not proof against the per
tirutelotis, remedial and restorative operation
of HOSTETTER'S See :keen /tremens. That
genial corrective corn-pen the organ to do Ms
duly. It must.seerele vs:smarty arid health
fully underthe influence of the hitters. Their
notion brit*, It back from a state of rebellion
into perfeerbarmony with the /awe of berflib.
if there is eostiveness, it disaPnears; If there
is side -ache or back-ache, it ceases; if the skin
and the whites of the eyes are tinged with
superfluous bile, they recover their natural
line; If the appetite is grme, It returns; if the
digestion Is impaired, it is restored; In
brief, whatever the symptoms of the corn
'plaint may be, and whatever the phase it
has assumed, a cure Is certain. Such are the
tualferm effects of this preparation where
nitur.disease has been already developed; bet
menses 'whihe there is merely a coruititu
tinal tendency to liver complaint, it must be
prevented throughout life by the regular use,
in mean quantities, of this palatable antidote.
These are proven facts, and should be seriously
pondered—or, rather, they shouldlbe promptly
acted upon—by all persons of bilious habit.
Hostetter•s Ratters •
ire sold wholesale and retail at very low radii
t P lanilughs.Drng and Patent Medicine Depot,
So. 64 Market Street, comer of the Diamond
Market, near Fourth street.
Horrible Murder near Medina—A Clergy
man Whips hi. Child to Death.
We learn from railroad men, who came
from Medina this morning, that there was
great excitement in that village arising
from a report that a Presbyterian clergy
man, named Lindsley, residing a mile
south of the village, whipped his son,
three years old, so severely that he died
two hours subsequently, because he world
not say his prayers. Reports add that the
child's fingers were broken by the blocs
administered. The report seeleed so man_
strongand unnatkral that we telegraphed
to Medina to learn if It was true, and re,.
ceived nu answer that it was. The tele
graph states that the minister was two
hours whipping the child with a heavy rod,
and it died from as injuries within the
time stated above. Lindsley had not been
arrested at the time the dispatch was sent,
but we learn that an otiltar from Albion
has gone to Medina to take him into cus
tody. For the sake of common humanity
we hope the story is exaggerated, and It
may be possible that it is.
since writing the above we have re
ceived by special telegraph, the statement
of Mr. Lindaley,- the father of the child,
made to a Jury summoned by Coroner
Chamberlain. On the 18th of June, the
child disobeyed his step-motperi. and I
commenced correcting him, using a shin
gle for the purpose, and continued to chas
tise him for more than two hours,when the
child began to show signs of debility, and
I n ceased to punish him and laid him on a
couch, ad called my wife. When he
saw the child she said he yras dying, aan
before twelve o'clock he was dead.
The coroner's jury returned...a verdict
yesterday "that death resulted from chas
tisement by the Lather."—Rocheater Unior
THOSE curious as to the changes in
our language, the following copy of the
Apostle's Creed as published in 1161, by
order of Henry ll, F will prove interesting:
"I believe in God adiar Almichty Eppip
per of Heaven and Earth, and Jhesuus
,_Christ his onelibi sun ure Lorred, that is
!range Church and Holy Ghost, bort. of
Mary Maiden, tholde
_pine wader Ponce
Pilot, pitcht on rode Tree, dead and is
buried, liecth in Hell, the tridda day from
death arose, steich in to Heaven, sit on his
°Adler richt bond God AlmichtY, then is
teminande to dead the quiche and the
dede. I behave in the Holy Ghost, all
holy Chirche, mono of ails Halves, for
givenla of Bine Reba uprising. Lid
withaated end. 'Amen.
very foolish . man
.proposes to walk
Across Niagara river, at the Falls, this sum
mer, on a small wire, carrying hie wife and
son on his back. He also proposes to walk
across as the American eagle, and is now
having a large leathern eagle made, - which
Will be filled with leathers and otherwise
ruardpnlated so as to resemble a live eagle
oP monartrons proportions. This is.„to rit
closely about his body, and on 'walking he
will belanewhimself by -tapping the artifi
cial wings At the same time a rope is to
le suspended by him below the wire, to
which his son, a boeight years oldovill
cling and go throng with various athletic
perfonnanoes his rather !WWII/Mb across
the falls.
- - -
—An exchange gives the following re
ceipt to prevent dogs going mad: "Mix a
small portion.of the flour of sulphur with
heir food or drink, In the spr
I n
This is practiced in Europe to ireventmontua
disease from breaking out amon the packs
of hounds which belong to the glish no
blemen, and is said to be ace
ti n preven
ve." To render the receipt certain add
a few &lama' arsenic.
—A trent. Stating party from; Weston,
West Virginia, whinh recently visited the
head waters of the Ells and Buckhan
rivers, report tha - they the found men in the
mountains, forty pears old, who had never
aeen a wagon. B e ars, deer, panthers and
other wild game ate found in abundance.
The party caught upwards of tw , hundred
brook trout,ntome of them • Inches
is understood that the ' adieu
Government will shortly make a demand
on our.own for the am .acUtion of Generals
ti1.: r .e4113 , Spear an d other Fenian officers.
arantan,, ,
Wee 'Are
o repOrtAd to be busily
n gaged. oolltim _ information a,gainat
.antertuns wh oanted the adang in get-
Ur i ii*okely dMi *FM* the P berdez
..•.....—nva~u ..-L..:e?L'rt:~:i'i:='~..;+." Lcv_~'. .w_~.
The English Reform B
The Crisis on the Continent
Barra a nitrc.
Expected Imperial Message
New Your., June 24.—The stearnsinD blertoti•
nia, from Southampton on the 12th, arrived
here this evening.
The Tier. says the marriage of the Princess
Mary of Cambridge will be solemnized at Now
on Tuesday, June 12th.
The Times of Monday says The consider.
lion of the reform bill in eoluntittee seltl be re
sumed Mils evening, and the first section emu.
trig up for dioeussron is that which deals with
the qualifications of voters in bOrungias.
The House of Corinens wl/1 he asked to en
foments," an occupiers at any premises of the
clear annum Value Of seven, pentads or up.
wards, and an opinion seems to have arisen
that no serious attempts will he matte to op.
pose the proposition.
Rarer—The I .o.Prowee says with reference
to the pending European crisis,that if the Ern.
peter does not directly make a tiOWn his rear
lotions by a commenitation to the great lex,-
itsa of the State, it may be .of:widens] certain
that 2,1, Rhouer ue authorised to make a
declaration to the French Chambers.
The same Journal contradicts the mumb of
the Trench military. preparations. it also
says , "We believe the rumors of an expected
imperial meam e r and the Issue of a new loan
to bo tualetuul and adds: Should M. Rhone r
be queetioned on the pol icy of the govern
ment, he will probably only repeat the decla
ration of May yd.,, AUfrtua.—d telegram from Vienna, of June
9th says that the Emperor has addressed no
autograph letter to Prince Collard°, pruisin
tee report of tat Committee for th Control
of the Public Debt, and expressing satisfac
tion et the order whim has been effected in
the public debt department
The passport aystem has again been intro
duced along the Swift frontier.
The Vienna Post announces that the slay
for the next extraordinary starting of the Fed
era! Diet is not yet axed.
The Neer Pelle Peaee says the Emperor of
Austria has started for the head-ettarters
the army of the North. It Is expeeted Out
the taxes will not be collected lu some pat.,
of the Empire and that concessions 0111 be
Pause , . —The Minister of the interior It
deputed by the Ring to reply to the :Ware.—
R favor of peace The Minister says that the
ing, in his reply, reluctantly perceives in
these addresses an absence of that devrelon
which the lireslatt address, sue
repeats the assurance with which His Melody
milled to it as a fitting answer to all the Wl
dresses. The Ring, adds the Minister, expeeL4
In View of growing cintigera,Lhointinetilate
cation Of his people.
la the sitting or the federal diet of J tine :eh,
the Preaslan representative rOplldititeki the
inahmation that it was the Inteuttmi of Pr co
bra to annex the duchies by foreetllltel
ed that Austria by her declaration Of June l nlel ot,
had violated ail the mutual engagements
concluded between Austria ana Prussia.
Prussia is disposed towards peaceably bot
tling the question of the duchies, as well
that of the federal reform, by a German par
liament, but he contended that the diet
incompetent to deal with those questions.
Austria could not convoke the Holstein
States except by violating the tiostein con
ventlom The Auatrian representative Jew,:
that Austria had Violated the foregone trea
The proposal of the Military Committee ri!
the Diet that Idayence should be occupied by
Bavarian and Pastodt by Da
troops, as
well ds that divLsions of the adorn/ reserve.
should be stationed In both fortress..., was
unartimoualY adePted-
A telegram from Munich says the popular
feeling against Prussia increases, fbe Al
trattiot party are desirous that Bavaria should
take part with Austria against Prussia. Con-
Missions are being made by the Ministry rela
tive to the military arrangementa The pres
ent ministry maintain the policy of declaring
against the power that
halt Ord. begin the
war. The Governmens supporta the plan that
in case the Prussian proposal for the reform
of the Federal Diet atiould miscarry, a German
Parliament should be assembled, from whim,
Prussia and A.tris would be excluded.
Count Mensdorit has sent a note to Count
Nantlyi protesiing against the entry of the
Prussians into Holatein, declaring Gila step to
be a violation of the Gastein Convention when
treaty existed, unto a definitive settlement
of the ductilee was arrived at. The Govern
ment has received information that the Prim
slaps have occupied Bramstatit, nom aim
itzehove, and will immedmtimy occupy Gluck
stadt and Blinatiarl, near Alton. General
Marteffel has arrived at iteoheve. General
Guldens, having the order of the Vienna Cabi
net, demined the summons of General Man
ten! to re-establbsh a common adminbitrir
Don is. We doubles and to withdraw the one
sided commission of the Holstein and Buttes-
Baron ticheelpiessen the Presiden th
New Government for the Duchies nea t of
a proclamation stating that General Miudeti
(fel will proceed against any sets which Prus
sia may regard 09 Illegal, either on the part the former isoverument of Ho/stein. or the
estates about to meet. The opening ~r Hol
stein and the states is expected with the
greatest anxiety. The Prussians will not per
mit them to meet in any part of Holstein, and
General Maximal:fel will take the necessary
steps to this effect. The question to if A.-
win oppose by arms, the nicamrea taken
by Prussia to prevent toe meeting of tar
A telegram from Itastadt, dated June ieth,
says; The Prussian troops quitted the Fo
rtress to-ray . The Austrians have already re
celled orders to leave the entrance of the Lin
den. Troops are daily expected.
A dispatch from Keuesburg of June 10th
says: Idmoral Idartenfell has Issued a procla
mation to the Hoist:ethers. Re says that ho
recogialsee the orderly conduct of the Holstein
ers upon the entry of the Prussians. lie or
ders that all political societies aro to be dis
solved, and suspends the publication of nil po
litical newspapers unprovidod with legal au.
thorlialiOn until such authorization Ins grant
ed. The Holstein Government appointed by
the Austrians is dim:4ollod.
The pro:xis:illation adds that. the King of
Prussia Intends to convoke the Schleswig
' Holstein estate.
uethile of the bi the ll for the Chamber of suppression of all Deputies the are . t
religious bodice throughout Daly wah almost,
unanimouely adopted'.
thedebate upon the budget of the
ministry of war in Congress, ltarsaal O'Don
nell expresses an apprehension that ImuS
would not pass without Spain haring to tie.
fend her territory.
Le June l2fh.--Cntton; male. yester
day of OJ/debates, including Mu bales tallpee ,
Waters and exporters. mt market to firm, at
unchanged prices.
BrcatfittuM.—The market to steady.
Provrislous steady.
Produce quiet end
London, 37 th.--Consuis seloliftb% fo,
money; U. S. 5-aps 0 34.1436,M; Minnie Central,
7,110MX ; Erie, 40%041.
In the (kola legislatif on the 1 7 7th E. hooker
read a letter from the Emperor Napoleon to
M. Dreyn De Nuys in which HU Idalmity,
after detailing the efforte made In common
with England and Russia to prevent an armed
conflict, awe "Had the conference essein
bled, my government would have declared
that Prance repudiated all Idea of territorial
aggrandizemen, Bo long a., the European
equilibrium remained timbal:whet]. France
come only think of an extension of h e fron
tiers In the event of the mess of Europe being
altered to the Prodt of a groat power, and of the
bordering provinces expressing by their for
mal and tree vote their desire for annerat,on.
In the absence of • these circumstances the
French government prefers ter
ritorial acqUinition, a good under
standing with its neighbors, resoling
from its respect for their Andetiernierice
and their nationality. (Cheers.) We ehould
have desired lathe Germanic Confederation
poeition more worthy of its Importance; for
Prussia, better geographical boundaries; ter
Austria,. the maintenance of her great posi-
Mon In Europe, after ,the cession of Venetia
to itakr exam:awe for territorial compomne
tlon. The Conferencepurfailed. Prance will
be led to draw the, sword. The French Gov
ernment, thinks not. Whatever may be the
result of the war which may break out, no
question affecting us will be resolved without
the assent of France. France, therefore, will
continue to observe an attentive neutrality,
confident in her right ad calm In her
strength." (Cheeta.)lNG Bonner "I think
that after this declaration the Comm Legisla-
Cif will understand the Inadvleabinty ora de
bate apron the offers of Germany and Italy."
(Shouts of "yea," "yea.")
M. M. Their, Alders, Alfred and Leroux en
deavored to prevent the closing of the debate,
but the subject was OeCiared to be closed by
7O against 34 votes, and the Chamber Passed
to the vote on the amendment, which was
terminated by =2
ted against 18 votes. The tatting
The following are the latest engrains to
London papers
Vumea, June IL—r. is.--General Von Gab
lens had originally received orders to main
tain his position in Anoxia, but under all Cdr.
OMIZAILISIIISCSI to avoid firing the ffret shot. The
General declared In reply that the Prusidan
troops. Whig six times superlorin number to
his own, the order was IMpraetliable, and that
either the Mistrial, isiulaireist be isserilleed
or withdrawn. It was then that General tab
bies was instructed to redire.
Airons, June IL—All the Austrian troops,
Lave evacuated Holstein and have ed
tOwards Harbour(, The. - Duke of n
begg ugh yesterday evening and General VOn
Gableng. early this morning.
° 19.—Garati Von behtlei
<. ...~,:, r~, r
- ...
_.acts. .:..{4 Y:~.';:,~ ~ ..,_~.,.
, .
the new Governor of Schleswig Holstein, has CONGRES - -
arrived here.
at . rusa, June Ic.--General Von Gablen. has i
issued u proclamation dated this town, to-day,
addressed to the Holateiners, which says for
cible ItliaaAtlres have followed the occupation
of lio/stetu in violation of the Gastein Con
vention. The assembly of the isnotes has been
prevented by force of arms, and the Holstein
Govern went COMMAS toner has been arrested.
In his reel
to cf the 10th inst., the Gov
ernor of Sehleswio 11/. declared that he will
also assume the chiefuot enting power In Hui
stein. lie bus announced the dismissal of the
Holstein Government and Inaw substituted an
other civil administration in its place. The
Prnssian troops are marching upon Al Loon.
The forces at my command art !totsufficient
to offer resistance to a bonnie attack from
the German power hich 1.1. been our alit.l am not In a position to protect the right,
with my small force. Followitg the Empe
ror's orders., I yielded to superior numbers
anti leave the country. when / understood tile
Government. You met mu with condence.
Retain that confidence, and accept my fi heart
felt thanirs. Troublons day, 0111 eon. upon
19.1111 Us, anti for the present force will
rule. Yield to It with that good sense which
you have so often shown and re m ain 'f aithful
to the good cause. Your fate is in God's hands.
Endure, trusting In a happy Issue.
1 11 , 01(A, 12 k.—The Prussians entered this
city and Its vicinity at Ith3e this morning.
Lighted to the tatittoes of the Ham
Itonderberw—Peolan Preeldeut mat
the Result of LIM Vtelt to latelehlogla"
—Platform of the Tammany Noeletj,
Another Injunction Attathost the Eaelee
lloard—ltore l'hotera Comm.
New YOll%, Jane 2.l.—Flree were lighted to
day In the engines of the monster gam Dun•
derberg. She Is expected to make over fifteen
knots per hour.
Colonel Roberts arrived to-day from Wash Ills visit to the Capitol was to secure
pasmage of the neutrality Inv - , which
would prevent the administration from tutor
tering somMarily with the operations of the
Fenian brotherhood In future, mei It to stated
that he has received the asnurance that his
mission will he -sucetauful. Colette/ Roberts
has emphatically denied the reports that the
Fenian organization In to be used for political
purposes at the neat electiou. lie stated,
however, that all who aided the cause Of Irish
Independence WOuld receive whatever lode
once the brotherhood possesstal, should they
need It any time.
The Tammany Society has issued an invita
ion to prominent Democrat, ,of the coutiLry,
containing the platform of Tammany Hull on
the grins! issues, of the day, :mil asking them
titillate hi colebritting tne coilimg
Fourth Lit .1 it l . It nets bete that the it eio
chin of eleven S tates from participation its tie
Government is not beet treasonable morally
when effected by partisan votes than whtn
attempt...l by rebellious rentr - t to trine, nod
invites to tosoperato thong- who believe that
the Cuiou um startod to IA perpettod; that
States are equal awlor the etinnutdlo, that
restoration of the Union by the recent war
ought to he acknowledged Lail lc:cognized by
all departments of the Federal Government;
ould u spirit of fatornlti and fraltiolullitn ay
sh prevail in ' ll our counells and our pol
icy, and that the South, having accepted the
lessons Of the war and reluopUshed the her,
sdes of secession, should be at once ad mitte,i to
her constitutional representation.
Henry .e. stonewall, .110 was recently i
dieted before the United S State. District Cour n t
of New Jersey on the charge of opening two
lettcrn while agent on the pitatat car laitacen
New York an Washington, Cm released trout
trial by the Prtsildent's pardon Tuts pardon
Was Issued before they it - tion and before
the case hail come to trial. con
Mr. Johu Stuart, Lill has presented In the
Rouse of Commons a petition In favor of toe
extension of suffrage to female resident bon n e.
Judge birdies has Issued another Mimeo_
Lion on plication of a liquor denier. 1 ct
,,f Mining the / onimr b of the lioar-1 of haeote
from cloning lifit place under the new law.
Two more
iin Y. out sense of choler„ chole are reported to.
Hi. - Patients are nolo to or reeovei -
Return of Prof. Almeida teem It Ex
pietist tons of the Amason--necevitars°
laistalfoon Sieversfly Judi spowell—Conueli
with Indian Tribea.
W arm i NOTON,lone LIA-1 he Navy [Miter!.
merit has received dispntchee from en `taleAlfred Taylor, eOllllll4l/111ilig 11/0 lieu tee states
.tenter Susquehanna, dattel New York, J lint
LeSd, In which he state, that while at Itln Ja
neiro, a Brazilian steamer {l.l, lye , ' from Para
with Professor Aguas. and lady on bord.
The Professor ha, completed his explorati a on,
of the Salley of the Amazon.
noenn_nry stenton beef, confined to his
Ito to e [of the two three or four doyen) .!ecre
IL appears true, a loiter revolve' at the °Mee
of Ind lee naleies that the Indian (emu/neaten
err appointed to treat with the various Intent
on the Piper Platte rive- have arrived at Yon
Laramie, vaculah territory, end had their ret
inal organisation on the Int fast. The Ugallelt
and Upper Brute Silltli were represented Li
four of their most prom/tient and (aril/0111.16i
(thief!. and head men, end a ,nsall representa
tion of Cheyenes anti Arrapwhoes were also In
attendance. On the Sin lout. the first tunnel
council was held with the Sion:, the attend
ance of the Miler ,cad Mee anti people being
, vcr4. larg e. e. The Lernmissioners reed to thou.
of [heir mis ion, anti in feruXu~a e t re b ti l rif
Wee not the desire of the to" e r i nineut to pur
chase their ...or', not stsuply to establish
peaceful relations with them nd to obtain
from them a recognition of tine right of time
government to make end Übe through their
country each cools as may he deemed nets,..
(eirl. /Ofie el.rciee,
thand for emigrants to
the mining districts of e a est.
On the oth lust. four of the pro t•ittent clue's
of the °gullet) and Brute !sands responded to
the ad.lrens, expressing the olduittn that n I
treaty coo Id and itutalt! ho Made, and on the .1
no inst. these chiefs left for their camps to re
turn with their people, permission having
teen ghee for that purpose. Piton their re
t ern It is hoped to hold another formal e
ed with the united hande of mons.. Mennen. e
gem had also been dispittehed to coo campus of it
Lbe Cheyennes end Armin-woes, and the Coin
mission hoped lo secure the attendance of re-
presentative. of these tribes. The general I.
meting of till these I uniatni on the I'Lliter ft
?tette Is represent.'as conciliatory and u
-- --
1 statmored Organisation of Negroes to
Mite a erstrtlerer From Fall at Bowling
Gree—Pollee Fdrwe looreas.ed—A Des
perate I homelier KIIIed Horse
at It rILE.dOOIViIIe--Dexperate
kettlatonee and Ere. Use of Fire Arms.
Loutsvitttr, r.—lesteplay the Bow.
ling Green It nu.) • 1.1 <!01160,11Of ru
ors in town that the negioes about W,nol.
"urn anti Ftmelilinwere erganixtug to tate
Sheridan, the 111unk reref lionotatn, Beni toe
tall hare, the pollee have been grettly Ibtrunglii
eneil by a VOlunu-or truce. If Harper nn el the ,
)legroes are both on the rampage, that a
suggeats • strong force emistantly .on duty
The bytw
erat learns that a desperote r
aeter named Orange, who was
a sent to Fret.,:.
tort penitentiary OU natio:et. Ivo!
rson, sOtne time ago, atol shoos t
by Boy. liractilette, was 1L.," a in,,, prdon d
by a posse sent out by the ;Metall ~l eounty to capture n family of desperltllll -c
im e ,,
named barns, Mt the kllliellVlll...road. The
posse coaled on Orange for stsslNT.llee, and re.
using to give It, he alt
At Itradetthurg, on TLIMIAS, three auspicious
looking characters ran Up at a hotel, saytail
they Intended to leave for St. Louis after nigh
They hitched they herses in ti on t of the hotel.
some men approached them, alien OLIO of
them, named Joe Smith, told the thieves they
came to arrest them. All three thereupon
drew navy revolve:, when Smith caught one
by the throat, knouklng him over the head
with his pyatol. The other two broke for the
door with dragdredrag/1 WeJlpollk, firing they went ,
out. General nring the,, commenced between '
taot young men and the thieves; their horses
Croaking lone,, USCILIII.3I. Next morning some
young 1111.1(1 pllrStled, recapturing two of the
thievtu; and their horses.
i Th e Fenian Prisoner. COMMIii,O4I for
" Trial—Colonel Croti.r. of elf. Louie
Arre•i4l.4ll—Nlairtnixii 11•111.`00 • Fenian
Iteeonnollerinif lenrty and a II JJJJJ GI
lantpoisi The Tenianw Itetrosa ha
Lives Lost—Canadian Volunteer. 11..-
Sioartteat, June 2.l.—The Fenian
war...mutated to-day to flu Jail a tumnera
burg, the chief town of hilssistinat fauratc.
c ou
await trial. The time and place ef trianty lwill
be anima:meal In a i ery few days.
An important Pen tan arrest W. made near
Cornwall], sir ri oiler alien" Montreal to-day,
in theperson of Colonel Crotty, of io. Louis,
late commandant of a I. entai l nip meat on the
(runner. Ile was arrested In the full uniform
of a colonel of the United ?Stat.!, antic, by Col
-0.01 liaakes and Major Burgin, of tile Cana
dian volunteers. All tictlve force In on duty ,
at that point. Colonel Crotty was taken oo
Gleason Look In the canal alto; Utica tulles
from the town, ate, Is contineal In the t/ornata al]
Jail with Michael /iturphy, also an incareerated
Fenian. Nothing lima transpired es to what
CrOlty's business was.
Naar Youa, ./one 24.—A Montreal dispatch to
the Herald states that a skirmish Omurred on
Friday evening near Pigeon dill, between a
Fenian reconnoitering puny and an outpost of
the itrlticts The Nentans retreated across t h e
/Inc. NO lives were lost An a ct dispat
snaUts that the Venni let,. hare tawa
been, OM ch
ohorgoo With a complimentary order from
Caen. Napier.
Pitirborgh and Corinellsville Itallroad.
!Special lilepateli to lip. Pittsburgh gazette.
1LL1...A(81.0n,, June 23, I sn6.
In tbo ease of tbu Pittsburgh and Conn9lls
vine Railroad Coahpany before tbe Supreme
Court, the testimony for the Company W.
Concluded to-day. So fur, the ease looks ht.
vocable for the Company,
Ntestenhoost Disaster—The J. M. !fall
Munk and a Total, Loss.
Afgartne, Jane 'll.—A telegram from LULL°
Rock eays the steamer J. 8. flail eunk at
Golly llocks yesterday'. The rew and paseen
gerS were eaved. The boat t oa total Inf. No
" h a o r t c . Vor fell four Mates to-fle ..
• Death of a Harms( alloretee.
Pou.s..Dzirsts,.Jtehi.m2.4.—fter. Joseph H.
Hozinerd, the old Pa Ist clergyman of this
yi died tins ere:mgr. lie li u been e fstor or
the Tiutth Baptist Vlauch for ri fort
IV sslitic.rros, .1‘111,,, 23, poi.
Mr. Rooney barcaluced a bill to secure the
spec :e volri Met roe of the Northern I'n.: fle
Railroad, Whieh wei, referred.
A joie,: resolution mitt/omit:le the liming of
6„,,i ngs f..,, toe temporary uccommodatine of
the Deportment of State lea. pausal. A 1,,,. n
}mat resolution to twOrlde for the publientien , A , ~,n g
~, , T ,,,i_
_,. ,
I, f an 011111.11 Lister) . Of the rebellion.
Mr Si etVart railed Mr a Mil lo e s thldtelt a I or'n'",e'a.ri'..nir.'l:',l•!4u:lrgrrl3l.t":tirtaboeeln7tinhtalhserfe pl'iolitstrthelnwaeatvuredrne,
W, otnee,and appoint a Register in the Tor- ; •
i "clock, 10 ail nth a lean named Edward Allan
, Ivory of Idaho, which pasemel.
Mr. Sprague culled up a Jolnt resultitlon to ; mill), it is feared, mortally stabbed a neighbor
I b n u
1 rr . 0 r, .....11.a n. ., , 1
e i eil , th u s e e , t . ts
1 t ,,, , , , ..a. ,1
I T; ri , s i eb,5..,,, incur r,d, ir
~. .., f . h L.5. ,., : ‘, .,,,,,
~,,,„ i n .
~t,,;,,,,,,:,1:,,., ~.,, inr.iiii,, ,,,, ,,,,. .f ., ,,r h.. .,
5.e.,: . 7, , ,, ,,,, 43.
to learn them are as follows:
t0,._,.,1,1 tr,,h,e...e,,,a1.4b0r1git,:e;,,.,,t,...1ie !' , l i ix fra lt m lil zer,esrtete k 1t en ,,,, u r p .,,,,,,. ,
I Al'Azinally, who is a
Champion by trade, had
The salary of the i s ontli tl , .., or 11dh1 .. 1 1 loon working la the Champion 011 Works 0171
Hoven w. (heti at E. 6 !Outi• L'ile emilioYntent. ,
of dye female clerks t. copyists was eigreml to. i s ate relay, and en rez moms hom e i n th e even-
The last amendment of the cOlnrulttoe was to i mg began I. !Inane) with Ills wife about
insert Si follow le : "That all the provision of
said act shall bee for colletting taxes. duties nano grhee ' llhl 'h e I md lh'ell liturelising. The
and licenses properly assessed, or Haiti° to be loud talk at trarted the attentlot, or gullivan,
iissoasod, or accruing under the provisions of who hoard s next door with a hce,,,, , ,,,, a ,
acts, the right LO which has already accrued, and 'ming somewhat under the ,her- Th
or which may hereitfieracerne under sued acts, liquor he went Into 111'Am:tally's house
land for Maintaining and eutittmting lienaforM, for the purpose of restOring peace.
ieenanies 59,1 forfeitures Incurred under and Ills presence had the olesireel effort r.r a three,
by virtue thertlol, and for earr3 , ing out lino oriel alter shaking hands all round, Sullivan
proceedings which pare already I eteateet himself and, at the request of a
commeneed, or that may commence, to enforce thinl party, sang an Irish song. Alter some
such penalties or crim 1 nal pi accent legs under further talk Sul:lvan arose to take his leave,
said act, and for the punlsinnent of crimes when MeAunally asked him to shake hands
whom nny party shall he or Is foutiel guilty; with hits, remarking that “there seas no hard
preveded, further, that w believer the linty Itte 1 feelings bet. ween I hem.” 8111I1Vail Was about
posed In eonaequenee or any limitation limn, ' to do as desired, when ideeinnally streek
to contained , bele , . the Mete:L..lre pros 1011 - um I him In the abdomen with a knife, Inflicting a
of this art shall take effect, the same duty wound two Inch. In length and over five In
seefill to and is hereby mettle ocel moll such ; depth.
I , rovis.m. .I Lids ~ .d, silall Lake eirt , L i and I Alt er receiving the wound Sullivan struck
where any act Is hereby repealed no r his assailant in the to
with his fist, felling
duty Imposed thereby same he lend to to the floor, and while down kicked him
to ousise in consequence of smell its several limes, after doing which lie stepped
Peal, lint , / the .res Peel Iv,' eorresPoml- into Mr. Daniel Keating's, next door, where he
Ing Pwl v lsam , of Lilts Cr? 'hail Lake effeetitimi realised for the first time that he had been
presided, Jetrek.r, :Phut a Lima illitutUrerS and stunned. Unabie to procure a physician In the
iinsluct i
en. oti which a ll luty was rensesed by locality where the offense took place, the night
either of the inns repel, eel by this ant. whie•h watch wore rolled, and Sulaivan, with a
ne at
shall he it, possession of the num afecturert or amount of trouble, was conveyed to the y
Or Of his agents, on the ilay On or , . ofeco, where Dr. !Lodgers Was antntnOrled.
which the act takes effect, tile duty imposed lie exarnined the evound and. found thatitbe
by any sorb former sot not having been tad- knife entered the body between the ninth and
h hal b e he ld m td be ikie meil to have tenth ribs, penetrating the abdomen to such
trearn Immune:three] or presise.l after seek et depth us to render Ills recovery extremely
, late, and whenever, by the Uwe. Of Lie. act, doubtful. Shortly after the arrivalof Salllvan
a duty Is ilnisistel on any articles, goods et , at the toner. ~ detachment of "Special Pollee"
tuerehatellse manufactured or produced on 1 under the emit net of of
Scott, of the May-
Lich, no dot was Itimeaell by elther of said I or . polio, was dispateh e d in quest of jd , An-
Meteor acts, It shall apply to such me are in,,,,. nullv, by Captain Lewis of the night force.
~ fact ured or produced
ml not removed fom ; teeth commendable teal and dexterity they set
Inc pine, of manitraet ere or pepdttetion dame j about their mission, nee] utter an hour Of tills
lay nu which this art takes effect."
' Imam search they suceetled in arresting Altie
The /dove was tier reed tn.
lAenally a few feet from hie own door. Ile was
Mr. ress!cclen moveel te, atnenel hv adding round to am intoriegted when taken Into cm,-
the following proviso to the las on terse Pro- I teel, and remarked that "he would do the i
eider, that on all artteies made of fur, the re- , saime thing ever again."
rail price of w Id. 11 shall not exceed twenty I Wheu the prisoner was brOtight to the watch
dollars, a linty of two per t e rse t. shall be paid." ~ house he was taken, in company with . nalf a
dozen other persons, to where Sullivan was '
Mr. resseanden offered an amsn,lnient to ene lying, who inarneellately recogtitsed Mtn as the !
of the seetions as follow's. •, Provleled, that Man who liad ern him.
when lurk imported articies, exempt Metter We had an interview with McAnnally shorts
and friction nottr..loo regar lige ter& 111111 wax iy rafter be had berm locked up He ad
tetpers, oh te be sole;,111 unbroken packages. I [slated havfnir quarrelml with Sullh'en, but
the person so selling snob artie es snail not st renuously e mired baying done the cutting
im suleesn to any penalty on net - oriel of the 1 attributed to him. He also cue too
want of proper stamp." Adopted. . L, statement made by Sullivan that they had
Mr. Fesserideri oifered an ftrnentlifient [using never spoken to ettell other before Saturday
steel made directly freer. net bars Si per ton. I evening, and bore each other no malice what-
Mr. Edmunds offered the following, which ; Sullivan is a tailor by trade, and hes been a
was agreed to 'glut this Lax shall not be us- ' .es !den I. of os city for seventeen or eighteen
seSsed upon or collected limn ally ouch etiti- , rears. He I Inn widower, we understand, and
varied banking association whose total aver- ; the father of a little girl eight years old, who
age circulation, tnelueltrig suite lank notes, e, stopping with a friend of Ills near the city.
,ie well as national ruirretwy, shall not exceed , During the night he was waited on by Rev.
'he amount tit °emulation mot .1 111 tins tun. i father Burke of the Cattiedral e and in the
provide a ItatlOnal c , irreney s ..i.e. l. The ! litorlihig wag ' taken to the Morey Hospital,
visioteat e . added in the bill to the tol hewing pro. ' where he still lies In a very critical condition,
n: "Propided jurthe.r, [ ant whenever ' any it being the opinion or I , r. McCook, Jr., that
tate ben k or ban king associat Mu has_,_ or , h e was 'deeding Internally.
shall Im ben
illto it national banking i
assoelutiern, , has ceased to •.10 Its Ustial .
banking bunnies. Including the making of
omits and tlm rus,erving
of neposits, there The seeress which h. greeted the production I
snail be issued tool eolleeted, in addition to of Aladdin at the Opera House has far exceed-
• xe• lilt early imposed, a fax of one-ion:AL of ~.
~er eon um
epee the
eve , cd the expectation sloven the most saturnine.
a ge aen„e t 11 l th •uoei 0iet5t„,,,,,,e,,,t , 'Fli 181 s not to be wondered at., for It IA beyond
~„, ~,,h ,t,,,,, li,ick or state booking assume- . tplestlOn one of the grandest speetacies that
I 11.., grimed the stage of any of our theatres
Mr. Lan Winkle offered as en amendment
the following That se, ton len nee ameneled by i for many years. The scenes are new, and,
strfklng out ell after the, enacting Olutlite, and better still, are full of life mad character. The
hymning In doe tlio Milting. that portions i dresses are elegant and apprOprinte, wiwie in I
dome express bealuese &hail be sUbjcs . l lo pay j
a tax of tore : per °cutout on the gross a.m.. t I the mechanical appliances and 131/110r details
of such express business. and In excess of all 1
the management. have snows a determine
/dement paid to ;my enamel (annually for I lion to leave nothing undone that wOuld in
transportation of cars or f r,•eflit. • any way contribute to the success of the play
Mr. Ilem I rieks !Moms! an anien.lnient. that ; ur the delight of the audience& The versatile
when renroads. oanals, or other sueli commi s , and protean seethe., and excellent vocalist,
ulce, chap owe user, Interest on indebted. Klan 31, dile Williams, is perfectly at home
les,. widen ii. 1101. ‘l/11, to pay a fax of eve per in the ens' of Aladdin, while the Emma. of
emit on Its count..., shall nen ts , paid meth Fedex Vicent could not
be surpassed for pan
t tee company . able to pay the interest cm Its ; tramline drollery. We are sorry that dttring
iedentedeess, wilier, w us agrsl to. I he present engagement we will not be afford
At four o'clock, pending the eteasideration , .1 an oppmtuteley of seeing these two excel
of Lilo Tax 1011. the t lei k or the noun. ,e , ,- ; ben e'en researtatives ol Moue. In elueraeters
~,,,, need the l.t o t t eedilifit, el that body on lief I that unidel allow them scope to display their
..eet., et ),1,. ilumpnri.:,., mem., fr o m fires e k. • talent. The ninth representation of Aladdin
, will ne given this evening. It will doubtless
Mr. Mor..eap deliver, 5 MI eulogy on the de. I rem to line euelo,t.tim.xeremkWhotitb tegyalat_
easel, siring a sketch of Ins life, and paying , season of the establishment will close.
a h lel, tronal. to has charm:ter in piddle and , The house will re-Open
loam in August o
arpr,. Id, At the emichisee, .of hi., ~,,,,,h, .I,g.he ummagetnent of Leonard Grover, the
II:. Mersa. offered the , ustoular). resolution ', well-known manager of Grovel's Theatre,
respect for the memory 01
and , tVashlngion, D. L.,
GrOVIST's if One
the :senat, at four "Hoek, adjOUrned. i a Thai.; ./. It. Gardiner, Elm., rf tills city,
! C. D. limes, of Wi.hington, li. C. and Wm. B.
11l /1.• SE.
Lapp, Esse.. of New York. TIM, gentlemen
Mr. Jtelmn, front L. Committee on l i ubile 1 outoprislng Cite new arm ate eminently quails
/ 4iads, ' , Ported bank the llouse Mile
the Onices of thu e ltrverma ~, the `LILL , of 1 budgingrgetic, eutorprihingandindustriOns.
inn ated lei -moment to Platt:num:lth, Note.- IJu from the preparations that are now
,a, w tech wl. read the third time and being made for the ensuing season It will be
I assist.
O of unusual brilliancy.
Si, Nashlierste presen Led the ree , o•ti of an I The sudden departure of Naomi° De M in vest Igettlen Intn fleet/ants and offlohtl ena- 1
. ...of itf,t, foe too ottot, h o d th e 0ff..., thef
.I.lof of Geroge N. I tarleten, special agent lied fori na nr Tiiest re tow ae d th e clo se of t
teetitig surveyor of customs, at IllemphlS, week to a 0011SIdOtahle extem.. To-night Mts.', showing the boa ernmen t ore have I, Fanny II rt takes a benefit, arid as she, is a
ost the Onto of alout a million dollars, • good ,palns-taking actreas and vocalist, and
old t0.k.1 Its referent. to the coternittm, on ; withal a raid lady, we hope that It may bo a
Mtn king and t tirreuey, with direetteas te es- i benefit In the true sense of the wont An llri
mane Into the whole subject, er It h out horny 1 LOO O mu I s otrei...l fo r the occasion, oompris.
0 .1.0 for pormins and papers, and report at lag tee popular , IraMa of the Streets of New
aty time. It wits so entered
York, and the laughable farce of the Loan of
Mr. Si , /Mar Mt rod tie.] a hi , 1 Is reilmluisil ; ~ over, in potb of which the benedeiary will
lie tole LI, the town of lskilltu trio. cal Lorna[, i app , mr.,
nitch wasrerei t w tee met retort ell to the Om- 1 Trimble's Varieties Theatre Is drawing
titles of t !!!la el i te reit.
I crowded audiences, as the stock company there
\lr. Washburn; of Maesechusetts, rennirted ' approaches an agoellenee Dever before M
inn for the Pay snot to Oboe, Samson a Co., tamed. Every evening fresh progranimeS are
' York, of eral,eisi in compound Interest offered, and nuele Bun. Trttuble reeves tO Dec.
eta., with Interest thereon. ii bleb were motion hel Weak". t o the amusem en t keyin g
imiled In uctober, lad directed to ober, At- , eommunit . For a night of rare enjoyment
cafes, a c 0.., at New !tries... anti registered. 1 and fun go to Trimble& We are glad to know
lint which were /est by tile sink Mg of inc , that the receipts are unusually heavy at this
steamer 7th bile, provided that hoettrlty he ' popular place of arnuthment e and that the
given to Indemnify the Geventrueut.
manager may ever reOelvethe encouragement
A bill to establish a post road from Fort due his exertions to please his patroes.
Wayne to Auburn was referrtal to tile Co m- Dam Rice's Menagerie and Cirens, mid Rob-
Mirth,' On Poster:nem.
insoles Grand SOutli-lirestaril Limo, are an
Mr. Dreggs, from the Committee on Mines flounced a.s coming.
-1,0,1 Mining, reported resolutiOns recOttimend-
Ink an Inereasicl duty on foreign copper or at - .
least sixty cents per pound on ingot and three
cents on copper ores, which was referred to
the Conmattee on Ways seen Meanie.
Mr. Darling mantititicical to the 11013/10 the
dem!, of Si, colleague from the Third Congres
...lid Dear), of .New l'ot k. the Hoe. Jame,
LI smith roy . Apnroto isle !mit/gem Wore .1,11‘ . •
ered II) Mete., I/ailing, 11 a /11,10.13 e. 1/Wool-,
.014/ Davis.
The fell,. es resolutions wer
e otrotisi by'.ettoptesi
Mr. Darling, 5, Well were unenion s iy.
lics,llrd, Thai the !louse of lisepreaentatives
.lles learned with deer, sorrow el the derease
ot lion. James Humphrey, Of the city of
etrookly n, and a member of this theme, from
the TM 01 Congressienial,a Ist riot of the State ot
New York.
Artelted, That the sympathies of thistle..
be, and ore, hereby lenderml to the it blow,
Mandy and relatives of the ilueeaSed in (holt .
inallial affliction and Introuvolaelit.
Reset esti, That the Clerk of lee House be In
structed to ecillirdittleutu a Copy of thesereso
batons to the family of the deceased.
Resetesd, Th • 1 a, an appropriate expreaston
of respect for tile mentor). of the, the
Ineeireers I f the Ito.° will wear the is badge or mourning for thirty days.
RV...geed. That the Clerk ,se lit °atoll to trans
mit the se:nett:lt Copy of those resolutaorts.
The Ronne then, as a further mark of re,
peer, adjutirtiod.
- - -
Conant lieeognised—lntornal Revenue
Rorelpts—Nopoleon to Maximilian
Concerning ileslean Ciastoma—Unless
Custom Mouses are Pineal Under
Crouch Control Troops will ha With
drawn Prom illexieo—Proelatna WOO
by Wax.
WAionscrion, Juno 21.—The President
ecoiinly.ed Air. S.. I. ii, Its Consul
rout the Grand Duchy of liaileuln Can Fran-
mi rhe,. teempts from Ilya Internal Revenue
e El,l/I,ofertile week cedilla Saturday last,
A letter dated Pon,. Juno :th, rot:Laved In
tilts city, say, Tile steamer %Adult in about to
leave city
Nozeulre (or Mexico, will carry out
notogfaph letter tram the Emperor Napo
eon ill. to Ike £mpura nallptlltall. Accord
ing to what in aflirined me, the first of the two
..MOreig. demands that the Mexican custom
Louses shall i.e placed under French atimlnis
ration en a guarantee fur the Mexican loan,
7 onverted Inte throe per eon.. it In On°
Mated that In default of the acceptance of tills
!reposition by the Mexican Government the
• rench will be immediately recalled. if, obtu n
mntrarv, tot arrangement shall be made
mtween the two allied governments. the terms
nnounced for the departure of the troops will
o maintained.
The following it.., been raetaVett from Wash
ington without explanation. it [LPL...s to
be a
th et a eelamat lon et the Emperor hltut imil lan
LO eman troops In Ids outplay:
Officers Umir-ottleers and Soldiers of
Mexico, Austria.. Belgian Volunteer
Ever mitnitni or vour material welfare, and
remembering your loyalty
for dan if denial
.41 en shown to 1210, I have, the purpos.
nunoving the didleultiea that have arisen' In
t•ottaatjuntlett of a thoitallai crisis, ac
cepted, in your name, the generous
offb, Franet, to assist with It Luea,
1011 will hereafter form a part of the sum,
division whit comrades in firms destined to
share with you dirllcultimi and dangen. The
same department will cure for year COMMOn
welfare, l'o you there remains, hOwever, a
eplendlti organization, and the hervitotore
anietvl superior whose suede:Sand leader/ i tand
glorious bravery have Bo often served tos
examples in battle and vietory. Tour rights
and interests aro therefore protoeted. Trust
your Emperor the 80,140 48 be Win laWllyB
count on your courage and good discipline.
(claed ,)
Mexico, May 19, 1e67. Idaziximart.
War on the Dean—Llquer
reetea. Dealers An
pestNen Year June U.—Twelve hundred dose
been slaughtered In tads City duller the
wreeekm.ore uallognsoa liquor dealers Wei e
arawfta yeaterdaky.
Additional Local Matters on Third Page
- -Kw- '
The Fourth of July Excuralon to Phi
The follow log arrangements have been
made h% ti., l'emitylvanhi Central Railroad.
r r the t iuri , portation of soktlers anti others,
to the grand Flag Presentation, at Philadel
phia, 011 the Fourth of J uly . On Monday eve
ning July the second, about levee o'clock, a
train will leave this city, arriving In Philadel
phia tin the afternmdi of the third. Arrange:
meets will be made to furnish the soldiers
with refreshments on the route. Returning,
this train will Icevo Philadelphia about mid
night oh the lilt, and arrive In Pittsburgh on
the evening of the Sue. The fare for the round
trip, on this train only, will be seven dollars.
Owing to the great demand for cars on the
route that day, it will bo impossible for the
Railroad Company to furnish paasengt r cars
fur the excursionists, but they will he prowl..
tied with a little reminiscence of army life, in
the shape of box care, although in a much
milder form than found In the days of mint..
ry transportation, as they will be well venti
lated and provided with good board seats.
The Military Committees are to guarantee
the sale of eight Moulted tickets west of the
mountalrus, and to sightly their acceptance of
n of the Railroad Company
frTrurPst)",:the . 2ittlt Instant.
The arrangements will not intertere with the
provision already made to transport twenty
two hundred color guards and bearers free,
or the excursion ticket on the ordinary pas
senger trains for
Liena be 1114,itS. Tile orphan children
of soldiers illnd from
Philadelphia train of charge from the various
Asylums. In milder that the Conanuttee MaY
accept the proiinsltion of the Railroad COmpit
ny, porde. wishing to take advantage Of tile
opportunity should apply for tickets at once.
The Democrat/lc County comma g ...
The Democratic County Committee et on
Saturday morning at eleven o'clock at the Si.
Charles Betel There was-a hill atte dance,
but on account of th e ptitillclty given the
proceedings of the last Meeting itt the setts
al/ outsiders were excluded. Our ape S a l ro
i i
porter, however, was able to obtain ad salon
me 0111.1 of the Committee. Ourfrienci wryer
Wee not present. The proepect 'of an early
convention In July was again diem:lased and
orgy defeated a ra ble mall vote—the vote show
a eonabl change in the views of
some of the men:Mora A public
the faithful Is on the triple, which Mr. Clymer
will address. The scheme of a fusion of all
the elements of opposition seems to grow in
favor as It la understood to be sanctioned by
the gentleman who watt opposed to soldiers
rotten, tied who is now the candidate for
Mao Shot in the Ptah Ward.
A shooting affair took place at Lang's Beer
Ball, comer of Liberty street and Storention's
alley, Is the Fifth ward, on Frititty night, a ill
tic after eleven o'clock, which ,nuty result in
the death of a man named Valentbie Rattraps.
It appears that an individual sawed Obariea
Eckert wan vial/Ala/1g small revolver, when
one of the barrels was discharged, the load en
tering the right breast of Bearnoa, Ilttio
above [herlbs. The.srounded man immedi
ately fell to the Ilikir, from which he was
ratta i l by Eckert, who seemed shocked and
Iri ghtonett at what ho had dono, declaring
that no had no intention whatever of wound;
Mg Beaman with whom he had been on terms
of the warmer( friendship. Eckert was ar
rested on Saturday and placed 1u thoote.up
to await the result of Beanies' injuries,el
Rene Ball ma — {op'
of were hundreds
of visitors present at Oakland Park ou Satur
day afternoon to witneas et, exalting game of
base ball played between a tenipirai7
the Ilygels and Crescent Clubs. Both slam
made excellent playing, but victory was easily
won by the Crescent boy.. The lifygela Club
will coon rank among our best base all
and as th ey, i rev.edglVlgg i Lzrks,Pa ;plat
Is mainly oomponed of professional Leman
who know how to sire proper - to -oar
great uttowa
~3i~;". ~ .....:....... a a,«;'^d!
reed Roy Wanted.—A good feed boy Ig
wanted l ramethately at this °Mee. Apply at
(Lt,TTI: counting room, between the [mars of
tv 0 and eve o'clock r. k.
Probable tiamiclite—A Man Seriously
Ntsb bed—Arrlowt of the PerPelPs
- -
--------- -----
Laying- of the Carrier Stone :of St. Jo
seph's Catholic Church, Maneheater.
The corner stone of St. Joseph's Catholic
church, which is now In the course of erection
on Fulton street, la the borough of Manche.-
ter, was laid yesterday afternoon by the Right
Rev. M. Demme°, Bishop of Pittsburgh, ns.sist
ed by several eminent divines. There were .,
eleven religious societies present,iaceompa-
n ied by two brass bands, who during the cere
mony discoursed appropriate music. Bishop
Boracite° delivered an Impressive discourse,
in which he urged the People of Manchester to
render all the aid In their power toward the
completion of the noble work they had no glo
riously begun, which would soon be given to
the woninlp and glary of the Omnipotent, who
heti promised to lend Ills presence wherever
twain were assembled In His name.
' At
ewdhichth we
a c l n i o t l e u ne o t of hou Bhioshotws
t ub m -t ark
attention by the Lrgenger assemblage present,
the Rev. ruttier ascended - the stand,
and de li vered a brief address iiif Gorman, af
ter which the Bishop gave his benediction to
all present and the people dispersed, the soci
eties re-forming and marching to their re
spective places of meeting, the bands playing
as they did so selections from litlythl'. arid
Handel's Grand Masses.
Coroners Inquest.
William Cablenom, the young man who was
run over In East Birmlngharo, on Wednesday
night last, by car No.lo, on the Pittsburgh and .
Birmingham Passenger Railway, died from
Ills injuries on Saturday night, at the Mercy'
Hospital. Yesterday Coroner Clawson, held
an Inquest upon the hotly. It appeuresl from
the evidence that the deceased got on the car
somewhere on Smithfield street, and as he was
Very much intoxicated the conductor had him
removed to the front platform of the car. He
endeavored several times to get otf whtle the
ear was In motion, but was restrained bte
the place of the accident he m a de
another effort to get off, but the driver told
him to malt until he eonlu stop the horses.
The deceased paid no attention to the warn.
hog, but while the driver was reining up the
horses he Jumped or, falling under the wheels,
welch passed over the right leg. He was Im
wodinte/YMercy conveyed to the Bospttal,
where ho died as stated. The Jury returned J 1
VerdiOt of accidental death, fully exonerating
the driver and conductor of tile car from all
blame. Cable conductor
was a German bv birth,
about twenty-four years of age, and - unmar
ried. lie served in durin the /sth United States In
fantry g the recent war. The accident
was clearly the result of intemperunte.
Welsh Preaching.
Yesterday Rev. Thomas Phillips, D. D., o
Wales, preached in the morning In the Cal
vanlstie Methodist Church, on Second street:
at two r. Y. in the Congregational Church, on
Itoes street, he delivered a powerful lecture
on the claims of the Bible Society, and at six,
he prea ch ed at Second street Church.
R lps has Englandn. with tile
Bible Society in for upwards of
thirt y Years, and is now Secretoryof the So
. He came to this country under the
auspices of the Welsh Presbyterians In Wales,
to visit the Welsh church. in the United
States. Ills eloquence and cogent reasoning,
and above all the pervading spirit of Christian'
sympathy with this country, must have en
deared him to all his Welsh hearers, who, by
virtue of their education, are loyal and truth-
ful American citizens.
Victim of the Temperance Leeame.
A thirsty Individual, who gave his name as
Henry Miller, was arrested by night watchman
Murray, between eleven and twelve o'clock
last night, while in the act of drawing whisky
from a barrel on the Monongahela wharf, at
the foot of Wood dtreeL. He was armed with
a small bottle and gimlet, and at the time of
his capture had succeeded to gaining some
beve r
thing loss than a half pint of the spintoes
age. Ln palliation for MS offence he
stated that the Temperance es had
tiriven him to p
this extremity by theirarbl
trary measui, which, although placmg
Strictures on him, could not appease his ap•
Petite for the 4exhilarating."
Benny was locked up, and so
21/3 I/OWe,
the latter, however, to Captain Lewls's dusk.
Pennsylvania Canal Company.
The books of subscription to the stock of
Liao Pennsylvania Canal Company will be
opened In Philadelphia on the '.nth inst.,
ilarrlsburg on the leth of July, and in Hun
tingdon on the 19th of July. The company has
been incorporated with a capital of five mil
lions, with a view to the purchase of the main
line of the Pennsylvania canal from Columbia
to Hollidaysburg, 171 miles to length (now
owned by tto Pelan B ylValrtin. Hallroad Compa
dcoermtgleotfignvooffeeitt:s etdilairugeoomenetcttrona
with the enlargement of the (ielon canal, to
opens system of direct and effective water
-communication b etweet — Phlladelphia and Me
send-bitumlnons coal fields of the Interior.
Pined for a RIDS:
Adeia Murray came to the °Mee of Alder.
man flambe non Saturday and made an In_
formation against William James for the
larceny of a gold ring, valued at five dollars.
Adele alleges that the accused was formerly a
beau of her% and that while paying his ad
dresses to her last winter he gained
alma of the ring, which he has kept ever Since,
although frequently asked to return it to the
proper owner. On being arrested, William
returned the ring, stating that the prosody
trix gave it to him, and 111.1 she also had in
her poase.lon several artieles belonging to
him, worth more than the bauble she bad sued
for. After considerable talk, the matter was
settled, the defendant paying the costs.
Serious Accident-
A little boy named Joseph Sektnaffer met
with a serious accident last night about seven
o'clock, near his parents' residence, on the
Perrysville plank road, this side of Itritchers•
ruLit. lie was endeavoring to cross the road
.ust as a home attached to a Light piggy, and
driven by ge of thla city, was coming
down thegrade. /3efore the little fellow could
out of the way he was struck p y the horse's noels and felled to the round. He was pick
ed up insensible, having - received a set ere,
though it is thought not, fatal, wound over the
right temple. Ile was conveyed to the resi
dence of his parents, and Drs. Childs and Her
roil. elands city, were called to attend him.
They anticipate his speedy recovery.
Need Looking After.— We noticed in
Passing through the Diamond Market on
f act
ail radishes, potatoes, and in fact
all kinds of vegetables exposed on stands for
sub. The Venni arising fitim these decaying
substances was simply horrible, making vis
it to our public market anything_but agre
ble. We trust that the market committee ill
nee to this matter and have the nuance aba
ted, or in their neglect the Sanitaryis Commit
tee should attend to it, as the health of the
city Is endangered by its continuance,
bounty Worth hinotrin
are be in g.
g —Now, as pension and
K ars Dc ,
begin to understand the di value of theirax-soldlers
charge papers. At may not be generally
known, however, that by a provision of Law
these discharges may be recorded like deeds
and other Important papers, at the County
Recorder's office. after to paper is placed on
record, a certified copy from the oMee is al
ways taken as evidence, and the destruction
or loss of the original Dupers is of no particu
lar consequence.
A Ferocious Deg.—Samuel Bridge ap
peared at the office of Alderman Ta,Vpr, on
saturday, and made oath against 111.1.11 aim
Al i tiarthy for keeping a ferocious dog. The
prosecutor o r that while a little daughter
of Ws, aged MO years was walklng down
street, in tarts; bathward, the dog Jumped Pint
her, luting he lu the face and neck, acemt
/LW the dash considerably. A warrant was
Issued for brearthy's arrest.
the neon* Pittoek .—IVe have received from
enterprising news dealer, John Pittcmk,
opposite the PosteMee, the July number, of
Peterson's Ladies' National Magazine, Mar
per's New Monthly Magazine, ',sank Lynne's
Ladles' Magazine, anti GalaxY's thristruted
Mmnizme, containing the latest mations and
splendid reading mutter. Call at Pitockis and
supply Yourself.
Soldier& Convention ni Bakerstown.—
To-morrow will be a grand day at Bakerstown,
consequent upon the holding at the t place ou
that day of a Soldiers, Convention. The great
feature of the occasion will be a procession of
mounted men. There
largo attendance. will doubtless be a very
Cruelty to Animate—D. Hostetter charg
ed Samuel Woodward, before Ma
horse yor
WC= thy,
wee terda yiving,
.with meetly boating a
hedr to
Liberty and oaktand - Passen g er belonging
RailWteeey time
dtimaz,Lpoyfooof of sib meta. he wan
Forney for 17,.. B . l9 enator4—A dlepatch to
tho Now 'York Post, from Ponoisylvanfa, states
that the 'political Campaign !has opened to earnest, mid that Colonel PorneY bee ere
nonnoml tin:wolf candidate a candidate for the Melted
States Senate, In place of Mr. Cowan.
=4or'a Courit.—Thorn were bat BOP.
eases . befOre hta honor on Sunday morning,
three of Whom pain goes, two were din
charged, and the remaining two wagj to the
hUI--one for five and the other :m. twenty
Housebresskhsg.—Justlce Abrams, of Eliz
abeth, on Saturday, committed William Cool
for trjal 013 a charge at housebreaking and
stooling sundry articles of goods, on oath Of
W. V. Young.
• High May atobbenr—On Sunday morning
Snake James Balsburr, Of Btrthingham, Cpl2l.
mimed to the county prison one JaMee Page,
charged by Thomas Babson withildgh grey rob-
The Prise Coneers.—The ticket* for the .
great Oftgourth conc t
eJul y rt., to come elfin thia city on
tee le are ba mg :
Toe scheme putolikhca to,aeotbor col rapidly sotd.
Deviturtiolit.—Jaatioa - Barker, of haunt
Pittsburgh, on het order committed . W.Whito
D his wif allas to enswer L iras allegation of assento e mut: Entilly, resident =the borough. r
I''lleleasedoallauliy—ittioutasDougbauoa ' arty '
azaWasiot ;ha toataacef.ftrby:/lc
uttiptio irsiiril44ltu4bilantig
- t _
• -4 ,
TWO ED/liiii:z; ISSUED.
osr w hamesnixiii. Julio saiwitspAra.
Tbe editiOa IS forwarded WtlCart.D. hWill B.b.
scribers soonest aa the' in/
MINULE COPIE" jitAii.......—•••••• 1180
MU 81 firms upwvac—,—:
raial Accident.
Mr. James Walker. foreman on the Snow'
shoe Qimpaurs saw-nail], at Snowshoe, Centre
count y, Penncylranm was killed one day last
week. The deceased, en company with some
others, wan surveying ill the woods, carrying
his gun with hien. A deer came ID sight
which he was about tO shoot when he disco,
ered that It was a doe and nocomnanied by a
yonng fawn, lie laid the gun down, without
smoking it, mvptured the fuvria and tied It
with a sirup he had ermine Ids waist, returtied
to the gun and picked it up be the muzzle,
when It was discharged, the load entering the
right side, above the hip bone, passing
ate dally through the body and lodging under the
left arm. Ito lived but a few minutes after
tire accident.
Lag* 'Lunt, NO. SO
Fifth street, Mut on his counters for sale all
the current nntnberti of popular m
alslar and newspaper. al
lie soagazi keepsnes',
books for the yo
on handlarge
ung. assortment oi text and story
In pris o nnty Jail there are seventy
court rs confined in seventeen cells—
entirely too close quarters during such hot
weather as we are now having, health and
cleanliness considered.
Departed.—lion. Helder Clymer, the Dote
°credo candidate (or Govpraor, veho sojourned
:a the city dnrtng last week, left - for the East
on Saturday night.
Relttrnett.—Chief of Police Ilagoe returned
from New York on Saturday evenlug. H was
unsuccessful in his pursuit of Stein, the o
_ .
C. E. T. N.—The City Cannella will hold
heir regular monthly meeting this evening,
On Sunday there wore bet two Commit.
mots to the conntyJell.
Defaulting Virginia Pbatniastewa.
W ASHINGTON, June M.—. The following state
ment of the amount of money duo the govern
ment uy the postmasters of Virginia at the
I fine of the breaking out of the rebellion, in
taken from the (-uncialrecord Richmond,
Thomas B. Blger, s.2.l,Ass; Petersburg, 11 - 1111 am
E. Boss, $6,574,• Norfolk, A. hi. Vaugbiln, U. 943;
Alesstairla, Turner W. Ashby, tr,,r4; Lynch
baryenkitiK ii. f j . , B i rs er:
5 if1 . g 2 7 4 4 ;
I t. r tiALl r o t t e ttz u l t r i n e
R. T. Pilot, 31,&54; Mtannton, Levi stevenson,
$1,495; Parkersburg, Themes G. Smith, SI,4A
luchester, G. R. Graves, $1,472, Total, $52,.
Indignation Concerning Treatment m
Jett. Davis,
Num.:, June—The shack:cling of Je
Davin an described 2. by Surgeon Cravens, a,
a published this morning in the lievirter . • •
dreriiner. It C 6110013 universal indignation.
River at Louisville.
Lore,lm.e. June :!.I.—Evening.—RlVer r
4.r. with oix feet nine inches. Mercury eight.
inns,The steamer Indiana arrived from New 01
GIB .11.1/Um. 13troot.
Fine Watehe€4,
• Silver aid Silver Plated Ware.
"" D
Call and see oar monk' and got price,.
W.A.."3 4 .11ELM,53,
- .
J. W. JOHNSTON ... , ... .............
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
'No. 2.74. tr_qtatrer -smart;
Plit-taWk:raz2w,l3, .1P4133:L.13.1611.
At l d tejl e t w lu e :3 4, 17 , to
I wart it t a rglZ t !
I en nod ape o'clock I. L.
Je.V of
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th,
(Entrance from Seventh Street, )
mr-4:tha L4CazugNY, PA.
67 . 977 : 1 3ELlEFT.Riamgm ll,
No lee Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pt, COFIFINIs of
all 0(04., CRAPES, 4.lLOVEtt,,aud
Or Funeral Furnishing 00.1 n. lwoh,•
of o•lay end night , 11Xur rt,r=th.ll
vs , Jacobus, D.D., Thomas Ewing, Msg. ' , Jacob 11
/Me l
roll BALE,
lele - 4
Is, AtICA.
.3419 Liberty .trevt, Flitsburo.
Terms reassemble. Address 11. A. VAN PRAMS,
ker House, or S. BAC/I E S CO. 89 Park Bow,
,- --_
4 : o a L oilaro d i s iti..' WARREN AN!)
I,IL COSIPA-Nr will be held at Like 00/cc of Ltie .
'sn'lVlslDAV.lBl:l,`Tsr,V`, ... "",` al ' e:l " l `4P ? 7; , .
2=l which time and place a Presiden t , Board of /...1..
I = l . other
J. el. r ERG ÜBths, Clerk. lei:c2l LEATHER BELTING.
No.llolllo IsT., near. the Penitentiary tillegbe
-0) Cloy, inanafacturer s eifavery description err at-
It TEITAIIE Cementedl. V. d }trew.WAlCt..37OnVe;
nod re paired at abort notice. Particular attention
pald to Belts fur Roiling AMU and homey works.
Ail work warranted. Orders respectfully solicited,
iwyry QuAanatackirrir.a Gtx/rn.41...8
Prrisitt/ROl.l, PA. dune 18th, (
!..,1 ALE
. -% OF
V t
PuERNMENTAuction AN!..
at.A.Ls be sold ablic , to the,
loghen bidder. on the 30VIID YOF JUNE nest,
at the Government Yard, tomer of Garrison Alley
and Fayette Street, this city, the following putdie
10 110 MM:
20 AtITL/S.
Tbe above are very superior an
they •ondition, suitable for any purpose foe whichthey
TrrourTg=us to purchase such animals will do
eli toattend the sale,
rums—Cash, U. it. Currency.
Animal. sold singly.
dale to commence at IC o'clock s. Y.
JelDnitti Lieut. COL and De Ore --•—
S 1/11;FghT OAK
N I D‘ ffrf°,l PAT
Alanntbctored et No. tib &NIT ICL.D nT., by
Also, Agents for Nets York !lubber Co.
(4- Beltin g.
i.trAilin.Vim'll 9 lM 4 lll%.Ca r ic
LTS and II URN BELT Boulcz, cic.
g aut 024 4 6;•;...-.:- . ,..., ~..:: •'.-.;-:
• -
AT Tag
-; 40 Alukal,
o n 41'..)1M3131.