Eal P-13L R. NCIEIEt "1"Z. fßanker :err) Broker, 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All description,' of GO ertment Donna bOught nad, said 411mral corals. I.i Lou Fork don anrates, d Contuntmai Exchange sold :at ew Gold; Sllver'aud Conpona bought at highest rates. ono Gold Drente snets on New York. yinuttivE AND TRADE!. :gnu. tiro 4 . 011 m. 4.' Pittner, June V., kers ed Inactivity in the gold merkyt, c• turning their atten tire-r.root bonds and other securi ties. The rapid e-a4aire in the value of bonds, and the great neimber of abort loans out na turally lead the capitalist, as well as those of more limited means, tOtlin inquiry, in what shall we haven Order to realize a paying in tarcat,land at tho me time have an opportu nity td4all.l Without aaerademg the principal an well all The interest.. We nay 7-30 boads are the br attali'meat rellabbi security to invest in, particularly for [holm Who may have occa- ' stop to tuns their money before the loans he- Come due,' It does not matter what the prin cipal gatea are in the market; if 7-30's decline, so will lieggs and all the rest 'with the excep tion of old which depend on the Euro pean demand and the rales of gold and cc chaos , Seven Thirties always bring the full accrued Interest, which Is not the ease with the gold bonds, as the interest there it a/ way. Included in the value of the is uds. These bonds touched 103 to-day, the highest point they hail ever Lunched. 01,1 5-I.lls comunsud abort 103%; --new ditto, ith..Nj 1881`s, and 10-40 , a, 0fp4(4044 Gold opened at 149%, declined to 148 , 4, and closed at 14914. There are large amounts or gold being offered for aide, and this, without the market takes some unegpected freak,s, II I have a tendency to depreciate it Salk rurthsr . Railroad stooks wore quoted In Now . York (.0- day ... , earding In Mr. P.k. Mertz's dispatches, es I.o llnvra a Cleveland R Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh k Port Wnynn, Sti,is,; Chicago At Northwestern. Er h., Our local money tostrket continues eery stringent, and the gruit proportion of the in.- DCss paper in Bunk is now being renewed, which parties, who rely nit Bank =commode- Mons, causes great inconvenience awl lass. Columbia. Oil stock in In demand and held Pretty art.:ill', In anticipation of a handsome dividend in July. At Sheriffss sale, gnaw shares of:Union Ltibriesold to-daynt ten cent. and there was a sale yesterday of 500 shares Marine Oil Stock at al Per Muir , . —The Secretary of the Treasury- reports to Congress that his salon, exchanges and par- I chases for Government account store Jan. I. ISLE, have b 04.11 S a l Amount. Moat to Gov. Sues of golf! tSo-,crouo sia,to,4l, rchase 10-ie's I,:wito,no, 13:444 Funding 6-20,8 .Z2,7r;•J,..R., 665,,tia The 'Five Tvrenties were sold or exchanged for Seven Thirties and Compound Notes and Greenbacks, at an average rate to the Govern ment of nearly4o3 per cent, A Washington telegraph adds: "In the bond transaction .lay Cooke co., were emploped for the negotiation of the as changes Was rendered roams/m[y by the lon rates to which Seven Thirties had fallen ren dering It totiaresible to fund the indebteitness unless the Government Securities were kept at par. These tranmudiona were conducted at a profit to the Government of about $1,0t1,000, beside placing the Seven Thirties above psr and Increasing the price of all other Grve, n mead Secttriti." • .—The New Turk Tribune. of Thursday aayg: According to Secretory McCulloch, he has sold since Jun. 1, iliZsafrU,49.s,ouo in gold—a coin equal to tin annual Interest on e‘stf),ooo,ooo of six per cent gold-bearing bond, It instead of "bulbar,' existing Government stocks, and making ono minion of dollars,the Departmen • Lad issned aettl,o3o,ooo of 4.year six per rent bonds, awl offered them In exchange tor legal tenders, compound certilicate. and tempmary loans, tan currency would now he in a sounder condition, the Trcasuly Department upon an coder looting, gold cheaper, and the Intim trial pursuits of the conutty more prtilltably employed. A grout blunder has been mode in entertaining the Idea that the enormous can, of the rebellion could be funded Into a long five per cent bond in a country where tempt, In entice business scramble for capital at dto 12 per cent. The sooner this idea is ifistittnar.i the better, If smote payments are le [cwt.! by the Department. The live per cent capitalists being out of the market, the sooner the six per cent people are appealed to the better, It Mr. McCulloch would spare himself the trouble of paying in currency the maturing eon, pounds and Seven Thirty notes. —lt is reported that. some Boston capitalists are buying op the bonds of the Pittsburgh, Maysville and Cincinnati railroad, which was _ °bettor.] about three yearn ago to be com pleted within ten years. teSe.txin of the, bonds were homed, but owing to the nat.! he. bug only partially built turn the work stnipen i they have been almost entirely worth lees tuf 11 long time past. Those who buy the bonds of course look forward to the posslttle completion of the road. —&nticera have been received from nearly all the national depositories in reply to the circular Spine time ago sent out by Ile Cnilltnittoe on Banking Currency. They shoe that on the let of May, there was in there de. posnorles an aggregate to the credit of tne 'government of about 11 2 30,000,000, of which something like .11,000,i , 00 was due to tlisburt 1111g,sgents. and the instances $190,000,000, was ttelbjeet to the draft of the Treasurer or the pitted choice. Heir Tank Stock and Roney Market. Now Yong, Juno 22--The money mark c canting/. In the same easy podtion as fel *OM, Ogle past, at 3 percent, on travernmenis The Disconut market is dull, and prime impel parses at 3g6014 9/ cent.. The market for SW, ng,,,Exabange le quiet. and the qUenatiOns are recraily'nominal. There was u general fisting 'Of depression In the Produce Exchange to day, and lower prices were made for bread . stuffs and p_munitions. The gold market urns a little stronger to. • wards the close, and rallied to Its%alee,. - The Government securities were dull itc:, , • steady this afternoon. The following are In, -:-- closing prices. 6.1. the second regular and InE: .• Open boards there Was a little more at:iteration ..•-• on Erie, but the balance of the market was • dull and without any now feature to notice There is some talk on the street of Erie being .slice scarce tomorrow, and the bears being :00miaelled to rover th'etr ontstanclinw.; tracts at higher prices, but the leading - tor in the road is Bolling calls for sixty clityVat Sipes cent., and Other parties are doing the same at the afternoon board . United States were steady and in demand, but the other PO. beim= shares- were quiet ithnong the • Min ctt"r'ere a ted fr:ndfoln'eltransgO a s:Uve and bhrwlthrge Stocks steady; Michigan Central. preferred, • 10%; Plltabergh and Fort I Vavne. 04N. hl . ado, . rs? and Hoek 03; Cleveland w arra hi Cleveland and Pittsburgh, 81X; Chicago and Northwestern, 22,16; AM preferred, as3,l; lilehlgsda Southern, 111; ow/re, - IT/;soa.rleei.B9POw-e''re.w44°.-itseaCt '.'rntftlif.9b6D:l'Tß‘"-ele paph, 5 21405-20 Coupons, lash; de. '2l, 10% 74-10 s Ist series, NON; 74d., 2nd serim "Atlantic, I:4: Tennessee fe, lei; Ohio and la aldaiPpi Certificates, 27.4.. • . The PosVa money article says Tbo only • • thing worthy of notice in the Stock market la the Suspense mid paralysis which seems to hare !Mottled all departments of. business. This LI attributed to the unsettled condition of European bothernd the prevailing desire to walt for news which, snow any, will be better than the last, while others are b een sanguine. Tbe Loan market is easy at a@. per eent. on call; commercial paper in quiet, at 334/griper cept. The Stock mork.et Is stently, but offering no features of special interest. After the Board Erie sold for 3e34. before the first regular pennon New York Central was quoted at /Kb Erie, lift4i Pittsburgh, Port Wayne and - Chicago, 96t4. - ildales were made at the four o'Cloek hoard to day us followte-.Canton Co. 61,/; Quiciradver, Mil 4; New York Cen,tral, 9214; Chicago idol Northwestern, 3 7!4; Chicago and Norittw.- sra preferred, Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Clikago, te;X. Gold closed Mau at 112 v 34;tbe borro wing re Is from yi to 3-e• in favor of leaders. Chicago Cattle Market. • ClllO4OO. June 11—. The following are the re ceipts and shipments of Beef Cattle fOr the current week, fuxxirding to the returns of tne Tioard of Trade, and tor the correspon d ing period of last weak: 1 Monday.— Wesd— eamay.m4ay ...Thursday—. Total this week 3 W 2 3,311 •. Mine time last week 4,e33 .2.70 i • The frcati receipts of. beef altars, with at the Uniou Stock lards are altars, with other s en roue. iinterell sales, 1,306 head, at prices ranging fromrs,7S for common steers and moarts...S73€oo AVU for lair butchers' stock, and frt47, for good to choice shipping beeves. The market ts mOcicrutely active on ,der a brisk shipping demand. Buyers front . .orarieuti °Astern points rchasing good MOiCe steers, and for each fair prices are ob rtabsed. The _heavy rain 8 101111 about 1/ 1 o'clock nearly ampouded bustuess for the llme, but in coarse of the afternoon consider able numbers will doubtless be done, Its boy era seem disposed to take hold more freely' than for some days. • I Receipt. or Produce at Tide Water. • The quantity of dour, wheat..corn and bar ley left at 11130 water during the. BeCOnil wee k In "no, La the yearn 1865 and bees was as fel /Owe Flora, bbl,,. Wheat bu. Corn bu; Barley, be 1801 19A1 0 !LAW . MAW tO3, 113300 185,80 700 11,4" Dee.... 18,230 inc. 33,100 er,lx* Dec. 7,00 u • . • Who aggregato quantity or the same articles belt at thle wale from the COMraeliCeinent of • usev*atton to therlith of June, Inelualre, dart In the year439lsand IWe, wanes follo ws MEW, bble Wheat, bu. Vora ho, Barleyrbe. larru 113;000 661,M50T" M,6au l&B 48,000 464„91) 2,5e5,400 • Jim .G43,Dea. I — i7Ouo In -1 Wiin, - 3 1- Cgidis ,Zeroi.i Ti 4 g o P l ig3 ~ ....,.... Awn.- . .1,9e8,70:1Dee 0" 6 - , veer: _._. . I, tan ea." 7 Lobs Uttar, Shrlyer a Lazuli.. 3 El...red/10m the wheat to gout the muantar ears cora Culp & Shepard. emutv bbln, len of Cho latter left tit tide water th in year. emu-' idooro. ' ' - - }NIA...ex! with the correnpouditig. portal lent 1 ASIXOIIICIT STATIC:OS Jane 22-2 eels e ...P.ML7 4IOI °B a .Lie fi cirneY o c iu7 Auu °bill Hoof'. , 6 Carson; el aka barley, 420 aka oat" gl r R , A py. ' . loci. cars blares.. J .1E411 , 40 Mr Millf . . New, leOrk Umbel' Mar kel* . . ill lieunfair; IL Mos - cho, - -. Hahn &-Itide:l4..l. :Czar Youtc,Xune:ll.;=There in as sailed de 1 nal eggs, eialkus. 84 M, a.l /car ear; Stewart' mewl for EAutent Spruce sad Pittei. with Salim ! ,t co; ito iniaber,4, C Boylei£44 bags Gala. J : 0 . LIMAN fuld. oprULI , at ial,ao mac; 800,000 do, ' al elarkey;l9o do ~ do, IL .a.oos it ' Son; 18 WA. LE...it‘aboot 1,000,000 do, zor ftd.am delivery, wool L S gradloyipl. sirs:..isiks t a 'l' Ken n & , WO, il u atm/ i t 1 003 . ,Z 4 P eo lieb Pine .1 ha', Bro; 75 WO !Olga rg piiirid...6.,Tagia.ik dd, r. tel - AD, rukan. . / 14Xt"-Ge " :1 ! :111 Par It t iroril bgs 11a . xsoodiVrt 6 dmitt -7 ' - , , , . 4=7, • • Fame V, June 222, tarsi. pig metal the market has shown a high ~• .e or activity during the past two Weeks, -tally lu the medium grades. Coal Irons I LIAI, ]1:. honing region, as well as the Ant h . mile irons, have been sold to 'a considerable .tent, and may now be quoted scarce, at an tvitlice of three dollura per Lou on the Prices • the first instant, and in good demand. Istsid istrirn Foundry Iron to inquired for ut the .. !rimer hi charcoal Irons [ beads - twee is 004 • • mai bed. Lioal Alationlog Irons may ta. at $42 to $l4, cash; Neutral Ant hraciia dire, $43 to $44; Foundry,j4.3 for No. 2, anti $lO . .r NO. I. Harming Roca is selling AL 430 to The market for manufaertir.l Iron Ls re ]. 'reed rather null, hut • prices are seminary 11 % ....changed. There Ls a very good demand :or 4. and our . the tattl men appear to have airout order tltoy can lilt. .--...-- New York Produee illarkeL New Pons, June 20 .—Cotton dull at tisteine t,r middling uplands. Flour dull, and mon in and Inferior are Mg 15e lower, at 47,4,4 •,•o for extra state, and gdO,irra 1.1,,u for traoe : cinils, cloany , heavy. Whiakey quiet and . ...mei, at tr2,Ai. Wheat cull and nom; lower; considerable parcels offe 1 •i. arrive; a sale or .I,uou bus. very che fchoce eta •Stier Sltchortm received trout Liverpool way ...vile at Ild,rd'i. Byp scarce and quiet. Burley ::11.1 Barley Mutt dull and nominal. tetra perked quiet an I heavy, an I closed dull and • tile lower, at id@aie lor unsound new Mixt,' a etern, and 9.5,8;. (or sound do., closing at . .0.5;i, (or the latter. Oats Cull anti ruttier .yer, at tiNgtioe fur unit ...tern. Coffee very ell, sugar duff; Cultn at liCaldic; Havana, 12.1,441gc. ]IOW's.", dub, at Sae for Porto 'f'-o. „Petroleum dull, at 251,c (or crude, and Mg..ile for refined In bond. Pork decidedly osier, but active, at 4:12,2640.12,el tor new mess, o•Illtig at VP", cash; „ -0. 30 dal tyr do. 11 2,SOu hula, new mass t0 ,..0 r. Julysand Au g gust, ; , der and buyer's option, at aeleofigl2,73 Beet s; emly nt nhoUl. prr, lOUS priCup. Beer Myna noodnal. Cut Mont!, tirmor 4/4.0 lor shoulders, and 17t,ca"Jlc for s hams. Bacon -tree cud notninal• Laird quiet and heavy at lar.idt...X. Butter Leary; :1/0.32C for Western, .n.l 25040 e for State. Cheese is dull at ba2l,. New York Dry pooda Market. Niw Vona, June M.—The a market was flan ad atetialy. Drown uheetraga--Pacltle extra, :1, do 11, :33; A moakeag A, 23; du B, 24; App -too 5, 24%; Azfauuct :end, A., Ill; AUgU3Lii, 22; Ind: an M. Flue ltrown—Allanue A M, Curea[ emits Al, 21; do 8, IB' g ; r ; James -I. Blea ctled - :.[rungs and ebeetlugs—liari , s No 1, 30; 2, ; 11111 ema 'dem, 32:2; do. 27 , 2 ; flume, 5.1 , ; do, to 25; 2 ; Hope. 29; Jamea, 22%; Langclon, 35; du, Ste, , Luna:tale, 34. litrlpea—Amoakeag, 3.5; ..gib, 25; Ilurvmder, Lucas villa, 23; Wilt:- en:len A, M. 54; do A, 50. Liritla, Drown—Amos -25; 114.101. Ml/116, 20; Globe 21; Alaanachu .etta, 24; Pepperell, 30; murk Li, :XL Denim.— clingtOti, 4252; AndGkeag, 05.. s Boston brown, ..2; Cheater C, Ai; (../arkls browns, Zt2.; , ,, Far nerla TO; Haymaker, 37. Wolf Uticel:6-- . C ' Groce :ixt• Dayelaker, filbert:int 10; altionden...23,'Working Man, W. Cott:math:a -s..alcdonia strlpea, 35; Eagle, .525.2; e nd T 803; A1e01,11441,a1V 00; New York 31111. 1) and T, 03; Pemberton ' D and T, 55; Plow Loom and Anvil, LicebruOnd, 55. Pilule—Alien's, 10; Ameri can, lefsrAl; Garner it Co., 21: /lamliton, .A.:; Lon don mourning, Merrimac D, 21; do A, :0; Glt Pacific, :551d521; Sprague:a' frocks, 21%; do fano, , BUIDIIO Market, llerssto, June 2'.—Flour quiet. Wheat :lull 4ad heldat 12,14r.1,1S for No. 1 It'll waukee Pring. Corn dull; parties apart held 71c for O. 1, and 700 111 d; two boat 1084.111 sold at 71,,. oat,: dub:held No. 1 Chicago at 400• No. I Mil aukee, 47641ie. Barley nominal. Itye ri . ulet; v.° lor no. I Chicano. York /1.11,000:13,50. Lard. Canal trembta 11 York to New York—wbest. corn, lt1e; oats, 10e. Canal xporta—Flour, 1, fau bbls.; wheat, 'a,SlO bus.; corn. t.:l' ,910 bus.; oats, 74,110 bus.; rye, =gin thaL - - ..... thi wen°, June ur lied{ 13 1 lie ", at 01 for No. I Spring, $l3 for V baer, 411,74 lair Double Extra. Wheat. gait and delining; snlea of. No 1 Milwaukee ,Club on private let ma, bitt known to be over g. 1.40, and by pie at $1,15. Corn quiet and lower; Mixed Illi nois la held 719 e; other grad. nominal. • Phltedelphlis Market. l'utteurtrurA, Juno =—Flour dull and de k:!nLuiri Superfine, at $8,1509; Extra, at PG? ,-, Wheat very dull; !tad, at ;111~2,1e; A bite $3,2:, COI u quiet; Yellow at Slat. Me. Pork, at ig;.1,60. Lard, at Whlsky oull; lnnaylvuum, at $2,244,41,23; Oluo, 1.2,?)i dri2J. 1111.01ITIS /_ aA/I.IIOAD. eg.4.4.000000, FOUL' WA1"7114 It CHIOIOO R. a. r. barrels barytes, lichonmaker a se ; 14 .10 do, B L Fah:ma:lodic 00;24 bales wool, Ilarbaugh A, co: I bbl boof Gook, Jiro a co; 1 box hardware J It Lindsay; ..71 bkls eggs, glair A Wssods 47ska rags, McCullough, Smith a co, Isla! scraps,A Hoorler a co; 4 , cars metal, Jas Wosxl a a Son; 1 ear 11 bulk meat, Ell Myers a co; WO /M flour, Wallace; 31 lib's fire lay iv Hamilton; / bbl eggs.,begbrnyer Voskamp; Isbi dry :apples, J Smith a Son; I pkg gln, Tnaurman, APplebaurn a co; HI has soap. IV 5t tiormloyr2s do, 11 Haworth a co; / barrel Uny, Burka a co; 2 half Wilts fb,ll. tt a co; 11 bks cheese, W Kroger; Sdo do, ffalkell'a co; 52 eke raga, Godfrey a Clark ,• 1011 bids flour, W Linhart; 193 ski mlllfccd W 1' C, Horror, a co; 1 car staves, J J Italy,,; do 014,0.41, Guthrie a SRI; 1 car oats, Amason a Scott. CLIVILLAI4I) a Priv:Humes RAIL ROAD.-. June V..—% ski: scraps, A Lloovcier a co; 7 bre cheese, It Haired a co; Is 4 agn whit, lo u d , J Schoorimaker a Son; 1 car staves, C Slade; 100 WAS dour, E Alyea; & co: has bbls oil, Burrum ft on: 10 Gs, cheeac, Shomaker Lang: 125 pas water pipe, U Co llins; bxs cheesc,..irbuck sets & co; do do, Newcomer . , (100 a co; 3 bbls vacs, 11 lixd / Hammeracon, Graff Relter; 57 NIL, chairs,& Gnular; 3:1 do do, Milli ken a co; 1 car corn, Fcrson a co; 1 car Oats, W Illogban t ; 1 ear rye, Wll Patterson, 19 ears metal Nlmlck a co; oars barley, J Rhodes; 1 car a boat, J S Liggett a co. PrirentraoH,, ROLCIALOIIII AND C174012/NATI R. 8.. June Y 2-2 ears corn, Mcßane a ,A.nJer; 100 Obis V T Coenkins; 125 aka buckwheat Lll Volgt & / ear mill feed, W Binghartel cars wheat, Hitchcock, Mctfroory a 00; 2 cars waves, T lorklo l & co; 2 bra baton, Cook, 800 a co; 2do do,Sturgeon a Bro 4 bga oats, 34.11 Begun; 9 eke glue scraps, nacelle a Son/...1 hr.,. " • `nt2s b , " ' ileacyts. tilimmen Ls. 1,G72 Fall a CO . 8 tato tools, Logan G reat io,Doo ritranuitaa NLlRlEiriii. Orstun or ran Prrrositraeli 411.140211. -ovine rittruir. alitta The general market:a eOlitlnnea dull, and to extent neglected, 0a the demand for the loading c onxmodltles is the off, but never theless there is fair business doing to a regular way, and, generally, prices. are pretty well sustained, liter lilt ALV—Wheat is in good demand, with but little In market Sale of 2 cars No. 2 Club at and 7 ears No. 1 (dub at 20,35. Oats—No. l Chicago is selling at ..544sas, in elevator. side IMO bash prime ( quoted at 57, deli ve-ed of ears. Barley L 4 at 90 to 1 for fair to prime Sorin.:. Rye is In betters demand, ' tail may le. quoted Elmo at $1,00(41.05. Prime Shelled Corn m selling on track at so sl— -.me of I cut ,In ears, at 70. Buckwheat [ i o s In r air leinand at 42,25. PROVISION S - -liacon Is firm, with a regular ebbing demand, nod prices are loitied. Sales at 10y,,,r06 for Shonnlers• well .. r tg is ! , L Ribbed shies, and 25 for Canvasse d Step, ' eared Hams. Lunt Is quiel but firm at . 2 . 2%,tp.'...; :or it:earned andkettle—sal. of count Retie Pork is dull OM held firmly at tac t) at , FLOUR—The demand (or Flour continues fair, and while tint market to steatty, prices .tave undergone no change. We continue to some at at IRO to 412 for fair to good Spring Wheat Family; sil t -Al/1,73 toJ hall Spring and .cur Winter, 1112,504113 for all Winter, and all@ 116 for fancy brands. Rye Flour is still quoted tiro; at 46,75. MILL FF.EIt--Sale of I car light Ulddlinga tt 41,40, and 1 ear prime white ditto at 41,70. 'hors. , ma))' be fairly quoted at V. El2Cis—l'here Is no twitting on In the demand toil as the supply is comparatively boa. ~aces are well sustained at .s—.some holders. ...eking 22. HAS—Sale of 45 bales fair Timothy Hay on 4 Lail at 4;24 per ton. Loose ;lay NVii Mg at wales at 425 to 4.3.0 per ton, IS to I/ utdity. DatEli Fifa:lT—Quarter Peace. are sell tag at Ia to tic per in—lto Inds., is market. • lid Apples are selling at 150m,prime ,rlgh,, of which there are none berm mild command 104420. l'UTATUEs—Steady with u fair local de inamt but unchanged; soles la a regular Way root store at 41,142 1,30 per bushel. RU rTtit—Krese packed Butter Is In lair de claim oi, ~ i nieutaiclaiii, and we can report sale, it siorx Ci/LESFSaIes at 15 to 16 for Western Re so et, an 0.174111 for Hamburg. of No. 1 Lard at 31,636.1,65. PITTMBURGM PETROLEUM WARM ET Opines oN ruslirrse ti nun Gsrerrs, 'unser, Juno 22, IyAe( CAF DE—Thu transactions in Crude continue cry thrilled, alto the market is dull and de. vressed, though prices arc nominally un bunged. Sales of WO bbls In bulk: AL 13(; 4110 ' i lia balk ( 40 gravity) at 13)4; 300,10 (37 gray ,tV) at 1.7 1 .;;; De at 18, packages included; la) at • ; and It do at ley, tree on board ears. The Iceland both for home consumption and ship. n enl is very much restricted. Our reduces, t are — pretty well supplied, while 'nitprs ire holding . lff in untleipation of loam rates, and, beset., there are but few •-tilers here for shipment. The receipts have .lien off materially, as compared with last vek, but the amount of oil on the market Is ..01 as hove as generally summsed, though i/11,.1.e uo disguising the fact. that the supply wbut In excess of the demand. REFINED— There Is a continued fair vio lin/m.l for bonded o both eent and fa , lire iielivery, but prices show no improve otenz—in fact, the contrary Is the ease. We report sales of fine bbl, to be delivered dur. Pig the drat twenty days of September at 43 ) .,) 4 eistiAo , , for same mouth, at 43; Sue for July, at i, for August., buyer's option, at Illittati 5u light straw to white, on the spot, at 34—a1l be delivered to Philadelphia. The advices he next foreign Steamer (tine at New Turk eight) are anxiously awaited for, us the s, let it be wind It will,ts destined to make • m invasion either for (good or evil, and In e quarters there Is u disposition tuarli t di Is ta to ! and e nt told off ire n aly nominal. d aslalt the result. Free A SRI , A.Ls—The arrivals of oil by the ;Maly itiver since our last report., were as •'lllow . 1 . T. Istockdale 1250 ( Sal/amber........ • .‘ter C o ..... 107. W. P. Loti. Wray gan N a ... imt. V ........ X 1111:er1 Lln . s. ffutn d Kehew... 101,1 Total... t Leber & /ire 3.td TTSBUIttaIL 1111.0 N MARK Er _____ Chicago Slaricet. I STEAMBOATS. INSURANCE . CIIIC.LINY, June R.-Flotar onfet. Wheat yen - -- - —.....- deli, at , 91414e1,59 for NO I, and 41.10 (or N. .1 13ITTSBUTIGti. BROWNS- , _ voniinau CO r 2l 4 ll ßetittt .W.WPI.3 for No. I or 51‘ fo , , -L. VILLE AA D ,EN EV AV. b. !fill. s 'll NO. 2. Rata quiet.; cloolinod 161 P,:e; .aleA I,t TA. . If ighwinea nun. r.rolshu, quiet. tc., , ,,,,e,- . SP-4,-.O32EM"r C24='33lOCE.,'lr, 1 Lin INSURANCE COMPANY. no,, r , AA* btoa.• wh e w. , 34"0 bu r .. : r..trn , id) esti Ah. run tbs.., dalis side-whet.l steamers between b,,,, oat.. 53 , 000 1,„,,,,,, iihip, , ,,,,,,t,..-11,ot, c..:tho 1:1 . t. b,..3 g r ;J . , r Aloo i . 1. 1, In 1214"/ A ( 1 11, ILI roWIIISC iI I, 111, ..11 Widows and Orphans' Fund. • bida.; wboat, 5,010 bus t curn ; utt.,lssi Id, . "ate. f.,2';',!!,1'..' 'll."l's'ltne.'l.''c'sros."' i '.: .::l d o t r h lS l , '" 7.., l lt.. 'l t ' .l l , ' ~,000 5,,.. .F . o. 63 W lttiatis St, .retz Fork lAI it. Yrl. ...... . ....... CAPT. li. A. cos. m ;,. .. ~, , r ' i11 ., 11 ., .. n . :7 1 7 2 I 7 , 7 , 7 , k ' ,i t. st • t , 0 ,, . . 1 1 . 11 '. . ' 1..t .:1z1 ; .;11% ." . . . ........ .. . . CAP'!'............... 4 1 .. h t U P I II. I At , PRE,IDENT - N. D. 3IORGAN. FE< '..trr A E Y -.7. W. MERRILL. ,„.. ,;,,..,,,, "i. ," 0 ." , ` , t5,; , i..1 I,,,Nek . ; ... _I APT. A. F. CA111.11.,E. R. AL TINE/ALL. Medical Extutntimer tinnetidtall nn.l nigher; , saties ittirtata n Assclining tendency. ht Vs: Oat 5 .1•11.:. ~,,, ;‘,.., !„. ;; - ' d ' ''" ie.` , ' Eitisburgb daily at aa+ erSotoky. ate 14 tin departure al. , ,tline.l 10 . ...4- wt.: td. a, o t.1.T.1. ; i,..l,i.ehLirirgo,oirp.packet for the "II Region, will leave E. T. COO K , Cincinnati Market +4 unyat 5 p. in.. Brownsville daily at SPECIA L Atilh.NT rott WTSTERN PA., „ sa. in. c ',tiara syt, ./und __,_Flour and Wheat .I u !1, It. yrs, vllO-Leares I n t , rownerlile for Pittsburgh ; 67 Fourth St., Pittsburgh. imv:%-,41;,,,,,i.,,,;)';u: 01e,,,pri0'rk",..3.7::,,,,'"1.,„' .t, , ,,, 7 4.• I . '` i .. `e rI I I ' .7; I, , 1 ,! 1 . ' ' :,: 1 : . : a t.i t.7 .. : 1 ; , ,r7e ,, ... ,, n . i . t ,. ..t.:: , , , r ' , to d Bens taa: 12 o'clock. ' 59 ENT'S WA N TED. mr'll:bs3 1 ~..r,7r , 1 .. : 1. : „. : a n . ~.* b., t i 10: bo u t . 1 ' ,. t .,, , n 0rp i:1; ,..r, i ,; ; .. .. :. . :; r i: , • : .-t o f r ;,,,,"..51.. ere:-.:ace ~,:. ;d5 c 1 . r . . 1 , h- e , 7 b...ehr,,.:: .. , ./ 4 N / L i :i 1 1 . t r c i II i t ., T AL E E HI R T y t (.11', Aft°ll:!..i,ll2l:,:%lEttge!„,..k.l.Nll-rEts::::,,Edß.:.o.elCy..ilbsl4 ~,,C : 1 , ,,,T ) .11 1.y 11 . 1: i N A: ++ a ny narti m 1 I . ; r i ‘ it o . f I: d s'4' n ' re r' t . . se ( d o.,' b'''''''''''''''' 'SY leaveo ''' promptly C A A M S E H I" D C I A VI l b, El , D nro . " . th ' e a FREI..I.ITs RE. RIVED AT ALI. Ha :C R.., . payment of vet:Muni. its CASH CIPITAL7;in'ar. got tortner ',aspen..., enquire or j cumulation of .Isirconu, la securely. Inv. d d• II ItollEitTb. Ag t, I lie stocks ass mortga,,, o r RE A L k -sle- , , , , . linbi At the W War. Boat, loot et t•rant it. Pittab . d ' rgis. I now in its lath year of 1 41.1ness. and tuts IL . t. Lie . Jan r l i bit,' L• C'' .1 1 ;.. 1 .., ' , 5 „ .. „,i¢,if. " 1:,. , .7.!VV7d.ll.,Vl)l•WlTArtrB.'lni=7.thneodtreis7- I_,EOPLJES' - , Zrg ...se of litigation has occurred, sat evidence r- • i that liberality and fair dealing is a specialty with Ude Corny..ay. LIVE OF . ST EARElltsii, I ruTl27n9:lLitls-Pragilie'ittl'ooTytp;:inyin'e no t Pj "1" ,11 pyenta neytalred air tett y h jar . tr, titt i tis c o RPORATED., , pellcies continue gt•Awrough Ilse.rrica J. C. W/LLELY. Pretldent. Pittabargh,,littio.n.s,V.enia„.C.lty. Browns- N. li. PALL ER, Vice President. b. H. WITE, Secretary. i Branch Office for Western Pennsylvan torh Ea Clreulars and blank Applications will Itte nurniahe'd. cot Fifth wireet, Plute.bonch. Agents wanted ip. 71/I,tortutpit.L!tasr,7,4, a A p g p e l,...to 1 FIRE AND MAR.LVE ' RIVER NEWS The river fell fully six Inches at thin point during the twen.y-four hours, endlng lust even 11g, andrtsssllng steadtly, with scant four and l e half feet. The weather coo -1 tinues clear and warm, and very favorable for out-sl.sor business. • Then. has Del been A single arrival from he.. low some our la. report.. .I.le from the reg ular tmekete. The I.s.elLeoll arrived a n d g o ., parted .r Parkersburg, us dill alas the Elea, tor and Gana( to for Br ownsville. The Fo Iron. City Is flue I P rest arkersburg this utorn, aria a ill return again at 000 n. The Itevenu ing e left for PortSllloUtb lats/. evening, with ts very fair trio. The Cantelia, from Cinemnittl, may be ex led In arrive here about Sunda) night i•r Monday. The Argonaut left St. Louis, on. ptussurgh, no Wednesday. The FaVette, Capt. tor, and the Chleftitn, Capt. abratus, both fi rststeamers, the regular pUIIkeIM for IlroelasS wnsvffle • l etwinproMptly a 5 o'clockp. m. The ananita, Capt. Shutimn will take her • departure for St. Louts thin afternoon. Tilts Iloat Is In excellent condition for business, having Just been overhauled and repainted, and passengers and shippers Wm bear in mind that she leaves without fillt The new steamer LOU., Capt. sbmltien, rur up rapttlly for New Orleans, wild Will be seen bwe y reference to card, she Is an nounced to leave Gray, this afternoon. The It . , Gray, Cain. Anderson, is annonnee4l for Louis and St. Paul. The steamer H. S. Turner arnved at Saint Louis Saturday, from Fort sully, barthuntooll. the quickest ttlp or the season, being only twenty . .aunt days troth port 14, port, nun lost .1x 111. ye hy adverse e irent. , tllll,-+ The Turnet re:torts the MI., Ina steamers HI Fort sully really to leave the next tlay tor Fort flentoll, VIZ: Rubicon, Cora, Ben. Jons son, S net rl v, St. Johns, Lexlngtot t and Mon tana. The .Montana receives f,515 peril ay. The. Cora, Waverly, st. Johns Mid Lexington. each ss3tl , nd the ILubeo tiny. s purner bro a ught ‘10,4 11 al tine n list Ikf treig t and Panbengern and In now at the 1 / 1 111111Ig load Big tor n rettom trip LA (Innam, for which point she wail leave on T131,1it1% 4...111t J., Yore COM ..... .1, s 111, Mr. John /I Mtitlo ,t the Milt,. Tins Serntg e.-About a hundrell black and attate laborers csailected abottl tn.. ttaw,tlifr ye im sterday morntng. .1 itated 11.1,111 ml tainunted aeUn [lOll ua , l watinlAult to harangue the erne d when Ite was ordered to tlusett 1 / 3 a Polittentan and obeyed The on nth, •It monstrat.loll that u hen rt let aas nut t ,dark of the I allot Ant !fail his but kn.. - Led ot ;tie eyes by a negro us he was passing the ernes tl, looking at he inseharging Natl.. 10- fully unuonselons of III:. pro tutu the Mtn., who appeared to have a part tenter Nate against the Camellia - Ciartnnots liosetrt. Thu Cam el'.l'uu•tnnau lor Putsblogh nn Wednchabgy, tool the .NOrit Was rt.:vet-tined T to follow on har:elev. The ( Settatenatt% of Thursday, sap.. The Emma Floyd reports that all the ~:dc f . t.reartl , to tonne out between here nd 31 tr tette, the (Min haying risen nit et• feet at that point whalt she wan there. .1 portion of the Udine/la's cargo terantiets :llne slielts wheat And tXte empt v barrels. The Rapid lin alit arrlN e here trout Plttatturttli on Monday mert, trig. title leaves for Tennessee ply oardo, lite nog. o strikers at telltpted to fluid u surer :UK yeaterday morn lag On ltte leVe.., twat lite uvl of Syt,attlOre Arne , WII nth proved lease 111 point Id numbers anti deb:tat. act t 01, ant I ' also Devitt super, Istag Kw this tiler: riot, la the city, On Ofllt Lit 1nt,,1114,-. BOOTS, SHOES, &c. ! Ana.. r ...,,,,ny 1,,,t,.. l ILUDIAN FACE DIVINE. A LARGL &ND FRESH ARRIVAL OF BY sAMICEL B. WELLS. SGT IM& BOOTS, SHOES. GAITERS; ! , A .lb 1v..., :ban 0u... Th,uossni I il.“lrationa. .find Balm orate vet reeelve,!, and mill Ik +old at A, \ 1 - 141,2 E;. erthr- \A I:LJE GIV W 11ie.,, • LERE. S A ALI. 11k VOICE PI • It, ,INU J. W. C. BORLAND, . 31arkt, etrr. oe door riutn SL/I •I koritn . C. FIELDING dk. 11140— Marmfacturvi • ,net In 4 Chatart.o.m. BOOTS, ..SHOES & GAITERS, • No. 110 Ohio Si., Allegheny. ttepalrlng prom pti, %nor,. (;ENT'S FINE CALF ROOTS AND, tu) I` , . NAHA!, .t •S, •I ADZES' FINE BA L. ,1 10111 L AND! J. 11A....t CO. 'l, BA }lnc Ur . ADZES, FINE KID BOOTS at J. W. CA H. Is A /IA .e o. 113,1 Let et • LADIES' FINE KID SLIPPERS at J. W. CAJI...ti MIA ..ktorl.• • JOHN CROFT, , RE.J L EST.,'L. ? ...1G E...r1", 1 , ~ '' , r ,, °Me!. No. 130 Fourth leitr eat, PlrtabtrEfEll. ' If as tor sale toe following Real Sadate: At , ~..n eo A large three-•tory Ilrlct 1i0n... contalt.l. s t. r ' •. II tz. IV lIEN NT. rooms, large Lolls, trout room : u irei fluor used . ; l'r•141.• • I et I 'outmon . ou n. V rughdor e ; hot anti cold wat er ae d gas the s ,,.. , Atle, it..itricr DI LA - out!, out the Lou... Lot 2.lts to Si feet. t,l tante on i hent- i , ivr , ..r .. , .n ~... ~ ., . .11. • _ _ _ -_ net street, Allegtieny Pity. - 4-4 ....UK, Or' VALUABLE LA ND, siViate at ! J. DIAMOND, i 1,,, ....ima•10ti, on the l'eminnylv‘nts 'railroad, i ; woe, from the city,,, n add li there is a 0r...id0l ' - a .. , • ,• • n w r,.e dwoling.l ~ . , g , . .., 5 5t, ....or . I _r-ractacal Optician, in/. tee. t). the bond qadri - . and a goon •uppl) . i I ...ate, The .Iwel Ins atto 7 acres of ground s ii. ve And Manuf..cturer of the bill separately if nesireol. ano the resinue In 10t...t - acres each, or larger u re...e. M: above iand Is adtutrab.y located tor ls.lnss en. • I ii—USSIAN PEBBLE SPECTACLES, 36 ACRES or LA Nl.l. can tattlltl it •tuout au -t • . It bleb an warranted to preserve. strengthen and . 'limestone. Ora splendid qualty, and ea., lmprove the sight. For wile only ny re.. 'I he soli is el , the nrst eltsaa. eUtlathe Ostler ! .1. DIA.IIOIIIII. or Caroling or gardening pert...en. good (erne dwelling and bar, nod . good ...ploy to w.ter. ef t- inal..a.t. 1110. !at! Bt. Clair liltraet. uate 3 tulle. front toe Cl.), ont the 11 .4[011.10t. L'.6 r, . ~,. ~‘,„.,..„ . •. D. •11 1 / 1 01NO, in Linton toeth•hip, being part of the t artt•r Eton. . ; L AGLE OIL • IVOIIh.B, 37 ACHES, we/1 Improved. and under a Idga stale 1 _Ur ' or cull Iratton. on which the/r are 1....11 bearin g 1 Mia..w - Jr.osic.e. o . rant hub Les, XX) bearing gray. v Inca WO tome./ ol . i.e.- tiees, istid a large number of peachtartnr add IWIC II TNIAN & ANDERSON, plum trees. Propert, •Itoate .n the old Washy "I,';'.. to road, in 3cl/01..0011, 1 of shovee ell,. , Refiners and Dealers in Nor farther p•rueulars inquire of thpgeitt. I yddb•t. P'_llR OLEUM. STEAM EIVGINIE PACKDIG. 1 "Fi. wt. bEtnf/bT.. , ItY, , ;(./HNF.O BANC. OCE i ~IL ANIP DeOUICNE WAY. iny lei dal - • LUBRICATIVE PACKING, I ; GRANT HOUSE, ~,,,, TU. i tID • AT. sea mi:E.T_ole, .I..3rez.ri'r, STUFFING BOXES OF STEAM ENGINES. , Cotter of Isabella and Federal Streets, An article recommended by all the railroad eon, 1 panies, woes are thoroughly tried It. and Is lu gen. Year the Suspension Bridge. era! nee on oer two hundred tried fifty of the ret l oad. lu this country, and on trial by over Ilvt 1 rut Isuard. buttered others. ALA./PTE.!) 111' $lO.OllO ETATIONKItY EN- I wo. J. 1tAtt5.....1. U. leta./.1.1.AND COOL S. D. OINKS. it Is • Prat -claim article. 75 CENTS PER POUND. i 31 cCLELLAND & CO., LiuniticATlvE PscßiniG (:Orly-, 1 Corner Federal and Lacock Streets, SOLE MA NUFACTUF.P:II.S, 1 .11.1-.X-.1943-.13.1311,a,r, Pa.., T. RT. fig•r.dIs.D.T.T.C.S.IST, olesale and Retail Druggists, Nos. 114. and 115 WATER PT- P l7- rekil:itH 11. 1 WIL niy2.5.1.24 1 Dealers In 1 . 0 . 01., Oil., Varnishes. Irroge. Orre ji._ . - ; Hut's, I NT ben 011. etc.. standard and Patent Med- IL. DUFFY, : 1 --thee. 'll,lr ....el. Is large and well .deeted, mud I . l .4lll,•Crel tSlt OV ' .1:1 he 601.1 as low a any boue. .0 the west. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware E-a Iny Wear , i.otrY YOUR NOTiOilifi, And denier It, STOVE S , 11 1, 178 E e I/11N 1,1110 0 I .IL.s UltilLtS, WATER Clrol.Eke AND TABLET ARTICLES. I Toys, Baskets, DSc.. 31.51.0 Cll-reizit alt-i,0,0f. U : et FA. -V,421111 .13E1.1"2:1EE5, elb 0., ALT This House Is the Cale/P M :et place Iv tle. , lty to but j Stoves and Tin Ware. JobVit ort, promptly attend . J. G. La ICIER'S .. .. .3.,.... GENERAL DRAUGIITING OFFICE. P. GE II iGEIIIIIRE, Civil En • UIN KEIL UlEl.llBl' A NI/ SOLICITOR oP PATENTS, No, 1:41 ST. CLAM STREET, Pobt II P UMEe °SE. Res flay strmt, IM 11, PA. HENRY REA. Jig., JelL,ll6 COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PLO UR, Litll4/4.L, . I. Ait east 14,21.11:3,40rts- eilnocre. iele,rls 1.11`16111:1t1,11. I.A. +-P ANDRIORTGAGEB want od fur the fo:lowing emus. s s ° o o 3 1 • 0 00, $ 3 , 0 00, $ 5 ,000, $lO,OOO, Vor one, two and three years. 11k..., ~ . SMITH ..... ... ......... J 6, ,. , ~. SMITH & SHAFFER, „,.. CARRIAGE AND HARNESS O EO. SE PETTY, : told No. No. 13 St. Clair street. MA NUFACTURERS, & PURI/ CM, XI-DANlSMilat,33:Lcass.cl. .ighalts3r, ' ltelow the Ilarket.o PITTSBUItIifi. PA. ta ; oil ahae, _ i..1314r313 ; 1 ., 07`S IN SEVENTII WARD lIEJIMLIANT N AND DANitIFACTIITRED.N. N . C:I O .IzI. /SALLE. E , irzonr ii d,...l . l•• a ,t,,,,UZ1:i1t101,1. ()BALLY ir Or f the /IA IS Lk'. IlarTIT, on Liar t yun:.:roegeto. o rd er. at . I EY EN I.OTS, Mhy 100 feet, fronting on Dinar SO /611 will he called for every day and yr ntly 41 .' M' ' ' '' Plied. ~,:d, or, h LOT az by ZOO fret, corner of Bedford and hlrkpatrick streets, for sale on easy terms. T.,,,, e ITT OF A1....E.11,(1, ( Emptire of .IPIO. S. tifiArif H. Pan•N Orrh•li. Joh, .61.6. 1.6. { inyM, taw , W 6 Corner Liberty.. 4 Illemond a . _NOTICE IS HEREON IIEN TO r the holders of the PI a rk.lt CENT. afUNICI ; A DMINISTRATOR' NOTIC E.--. Letter. of Administration upon the estate of . - le '' il A i11..t.1a Li. H. CA/LIN. late of the City of 5 / - PAL IRAN Ike Of ALLECIIIEN Y, tr at 10*. Coll OU said Bonds coming dot:Jo/7 1.... to, wt., e - 11TO; t i lpg a d tYdlrl o tt b e e Clo se Ile) el Ott- It AN ho r : , " ,::,r t ;,. d y . ;;Vlld• i hr been granted to the under- D.,...11V1,,g:ii.464i,. : ,r,.1.6V1D g ,11`116 ra ; ll4lll n7.;7l ' llTi ~,,;V. ?ONE_Iv, __ Trott:tuner of .• legbeny 9,, : t;;7,l:,hoctli,p.silirliy,auttentated, and those indebted , LOAN — OFFICE, No. 151 I tiMITDPIELD STREET, corner of Sixth, 11VR SALE Pitzsbur a ti. Money Loomed on Sheer Plates. Guns Pbuois, j -E Diamonds, Je welr t , Uold 11116 ollver W•ccbea, 1 • I:lothin g . and rain& le artiolesof eves,. deserip, lon. • Tbe tloodsl CAM., be zilre..l tritalunt • [Janet. Not accountable In ease of lire or Robbery. u„.. , ..n;:i.r. m :iii,,lnz,V&T,T4!"...brdr.- STEAM FERRY BOAT, !Al LAWRENCEVILLR Enquire of bonds of er•M' de s. scription tor sale at hornet ; r lo , e(lell4dalr • ItifitNllEL Da 11.0 r. • pax WVADDEN AND IrIANGI) stCknitZlgrlPLA"lftil—irlitliftEl"l.qtrea§Xlif 9"”' VD. CUM/II:a, will be hel d . at t he'Wince o f the -tom A3O Fourth, street, Plusbureb. Pa, lgtget.l . 4l - 11216111mgg:211: i m : vl'oeteteend other gravers Mil be choose for the 11.61- §!_ev,_ .I. J. OILLERPLZ, Presidet. , mzetupoll, oleo.. Jeluzu 'fill. l.ompany will run a daily boat between the alp°, points. Poniprked n . l'll . se nc.• and spl pallid 'dd....wheel , tenu. rs 4 111 hi , I A IN. H. It. AURA,. onimandcr. and • LI I.:I T.Ptt. h.q. t PHILLIP, oiler. (Ti,,. Etertne 3 no% tiring completed au..l Atli( Lake her ,ael. In the one In a Ira .1a)..) uti " l;' L e 1' 4; 1. 1 ' 1 ! ' will =.l /'.t.T.V's'urtThe..l'lqs'l:t F,C,11,1 I, al 5 i . . a. tte!oralrlf. lea", Is pneva lor l'lttaburgb ou hItINIIA In. IN LIINEnIPAYA and PRID.AI S. • nYb,'" 't'!“.7.l'l"l`,;„'seT..tit';l;Ar,.."l" El) NES I, Y eau PHIL tl' at s a l•. P. M. !tete ruing learn.. belle., tor Plttsburgh It ENDA 1". • tit HSDA 1 . and CAT- L' It DAY ol lo . 5. aud Itrownerlile at I P.M 'I tic • utupany nese a erns-elass wharf Haat at .lionungalle, I Ity and Pitted/arab. Freight re eel% et! at all hour, No charge for commission on , EtaLeru help la, I Tule Ilut AlllllOl rut lar.ats on the balMatti. „ P i o , Tare fu,etlij.r A.,lrill,:::t/iiair:xilt4ltie on board, or. to hunt, I tof Ileant 'treat. 'al. at taltattrlOltirr 14,o& milmaPeis &NEW-. at .l. • IItLEA Nh-115. ~hlendld strainer L •Tc, No. '1 ...... • • • . _ ................... I 4,41..1. 5111.414,v, Wlll It.ave , as above on S ATURDAY. at . 4 I, M. r .4 1.4 40144 4, pa 55.4444•441,11 •444 14 ,44,1. or to i 1441• CI S'l.A4'l4 I 114 1-1.1 Ntil%"4 /4 414„15p44•444. I PIR,SI'. LOUIS AND ST. . rit t 1.. 1 - 1, tine .teatner WArANIIA. ,CA I, ,1111,A.5. i %% I:I 11•36,.. tor the 9 , or.ve. an, sit 144444m44411,4. ports 44 I HI, DA I. at 4 p. 444 J'47!, 4.rr44l"r"i'llf,e(4 !,'",'..a T.L.;:`,';',1:•;104'.1,,,1,",...,. L'Olt ST. LOUD. AND ST. t""" NI 1 • AUI. I/I RECT.-1 in 111, ; ..4 op. r •44•44.44, 4t. 4 . 44 /..% I. .. .... 4.4. IV. It. aN4.14.44.4.•,. I 11l 14 sr, rot I/44 above and all luterntedlate port. , 1111 , 11A I . 444 us 21. at 4 44. 44. rot Irrispst or pa...as, apply on hoard or to )ell FLA. K .1. • ~ L . 1.1 Nl:wow,. ,1 lt ~,,,. IEIsIULAII PA CIiET .... Ft. WHEEI.II , I.I. )1 ARIFTTA AND i. AN F... 0, ILLE. — T!,. Ow *Aro, EIINIA li 1 4-ARAI!. t apt. 41. It. t, CIA, Wlli i,IVP for Lila i a 1.4444. *no all 11414,1444411•444 port 444 4/43 Tl:F11AT1 Z 1, 1. 1 1 1. ft" 7 aln:..".rnlln)YetYP7.'llN'l7lM;l`;,`::7,.}T4- it NEW PH YSIOGNOIViy; OP' ClivillitaCTEß A, Sin 1IFE1+TEI11111tout:11 TEMPERAAILL,‘'NT External 1-i'orrns, V.ll A LE. If JOHN P. HUNT & CO., 39 ElMt St., Masonic Hall. A N ORDINANCE to alit horize the • •so; et, igl. •td. •Is -1 r:••• , to onnoll ,- , on en reef e 1,, Awl •re 111,1,1, and •11rontril ade ert lid,. and Nn' v . , • • lor Conk, mortton of a lt r• 0 1 111". no. tho Nortn 0111111011 a.lj. - ent to the In t ton ol r• 1 ere, t an.l , dler avenue. In the 11,11,1 r , l nee wont. Irell) Seel fort to nduek, ar Ile , Fe , lrral Atreo I, of a , 2 .14,1,1 aly az. mod ilo eal.l tt. • art io t• by autborti.,l :•P .•etr r., woe ref,- 111, the 1,,,,e1 .1 , 14,.r or oeotoe, at •• 11,1 r 1•L ye, to to 0., rue •0r.11., to wane and • ILI .[ dram, lq tn. It., It, gnlalor, ,ourot OSlallittl, on We e. oe, Tl.at .ot h, one Roo. to •lotr.ar In er the , ost 1.1 e ne,. of 000 l et root., tt, afoir•s,rl no or. 112,••,.. nt tari, and ln proportl.na to In t. ernt eh., lee ttool- on nll prop. ny nee at ezn 111,, 11 to tot 1 eenelltt,,l wen ano et 3111, •,.•. • r 11,111 14 • 1 • 1 •• I , , ,• and O. 11‘111,,rel. re. ary I,• e rerrnenlo,o,t3 Mr assoentrerat and report the LAIIIV to I.:ono tor thelr approval. , laironl anti rnarled molt lan, Ifith -lay Jut,, , , Ann. 11.nuln1 hundred J 111 E, .11,-111tf . Iblept 0: ' , e1. , . 4 bbuy.ll. i tm,st ALLEUHENI CITY. PA jarlety and litor,No. 101 Market ktrret. tiouncs, HELL & Anchor Cotton Nit's, Pittsburgh, 1.1 . 1 . 1.0, ACTUR1.111, Or ANCHOR (A) SHEETIN(in, A NCHOLL 111, EETINGIS, A NCHUIt (.') biIKETINus, And IIATrINt.. _ . PAIRS OF EVERY' V zri.5,26 ARIETY. orrnte, TINNED AM) lEUN DDLEILS', UPIIUI.tITEIL`!' AND ARPET JOSEPH WOODWELL d, CO., ..oruer Wood and hecoad stn., Pittsburgh AIrENT6 FOR FAIRI34.NISh' S. M. KM, 350 I.lbear street, Pltisboryrl;. •-• MILS. SPTS. TURPENTINL just “-ciyea and for sale b ni bEtman KEL y 24 Wholesale Drchritst,l7 WOOd SI • ve n EifiTtli IL, 'Crystal' ...n./pult. received and for We in , azusus A. KZLLT, 133724 Wbgealas Prusrls. A Wood Meat. INSURANCE CO. OF NORTH A DIERICA. PHILADELPHIA OECD Hartford Fire Insurance. Company, Ansel., and *sr Protectreon can be secured In she epos. .. d ud Cordpsairs. W Water street. (u pstairs s.l WESTERN rlrrnxuxrst lNSUßA NCE CO., OF ALEXANDER Prealdeut. I A - 1.1 P HERBERT, neeretary IiEDRI/E NEELD; General Agent. Ofeice, tr.: Water street, Co.'s Ovate Hou np ataDs. Pitteburgh. ae. chi inner, againet all kind."( lire and Itaelne Risks. A home luatitu Lion managed by Directors who are well kilo, to the a ol lltrianit,, and who are determined by promptness and liberality. 10 Main :ant the character which they have assumed, as of. , ering the best protection to thoee who desire to he insured. McAu Inuit:TOW, Alex. Nlmlet, Andrew Ackley, K. Miller. J, David M. Lone, Jame./ ley, flees J, Thomas, l'i•thanlel iii.llle3, Chas. J. Clarke, Alexander :peer, John ft McCune, I 41.0,11 H. Herron. James P. Hanna. r. %A . Rickel/ion, urv3o WM. P. II ii:HISE KT. tlecretary. _ . . Market ~., ( '!ITIZENS, INSIL'ILAtiCE COMPA NYPlTTSBUntarl.—Llaicelier .il Wale r •treets, se..Xtd fluor. , cur II WM A. NH R1...L1M. M. liAtl ar ALEY, President. rive, t. InaLres St....it:mat, y and C./iota. I a.ms against loss and damage In the navlgal/Oti f the Southern and Western Itlrers. Rai V Lakes, ~ and the navigation oft ,e, and ye. Insur. against less and alimnagi by exc. Did/EI:TOM : Nn. ie. liaddley, 5..11. K per. Samuel lied, Jude Shit tub. Jed. Park, Jr., I Jewel, ](, Co.dpd,., 14' 0. Jolla-tun, li. Y. Jeeee,, I J. I l A :a 7 clt ' d ' Cn, h. Jr,. Jo.bus Ithodea, John 8. MI), rld, barridy Preetod, I 11'x. A. Rotlidrs. George Hindi) Se 10: ), pEOPLE's INSICIFLANCE CO. N. E. OVEN ER WWI) AND 711,71:1JTE. 1:112=1 Wu:. lhlillp*, 1,. IS att.. Capt. John 1... Ittht•ltts. Namur/ P. nhriver, Jona h Parte, I harms Arbuckle, t'•,.... Jas. 111:tc:, John F. tlirspatrleit, {cm. {au Kirk. Frank N. 1.. illaael Jame. D. Verner. C. Hanson Loa, M. !•141 CUPS, Prrsklant Jttll e N W ATT, NI, Fretthirct 'V. F. IJAHlthYlk, S. rt 1.-1 r) p.l I.ll't ~t. n./i/IY, 1..1,KD0N1. Oet,l A.t. A el LLE41411E1.0:1:, INSUBAiNCE CO. Ax. t F I'ITT.IBL R. . — intre, No. /71 , 11 th stryttt Ilan% kllta-l. Ineurealayalnst all Cads of Fire. and Mari. ILlalel .1;:llZ IDR.Vtlf(434li, Vieeelltettdent 1. tIVI% SIrtIVIA 1 'apt. W.ll. 1/F.AN, lieneral Agent. Ishha,rotth John D. hihvoro 4 soortre Heoa, Hay, U.PL Wm. Donn McGrew Hobert H. 1.h%vh... ME ki.rTrir. ytortey, T. J II II .L. 11 Irwin. Jr. OLL WORKS. SOHO OIL WORKS.. BUFFUN,KEIEWBz CO. M ANUFA("rtiIiKII.. OF THE CELEBRATED SPERM LUBRICATOR, PETROLEUM LUBRICATING OILS. sperm, Lard and Whale Oils I= HAD LICH IBMS' OIL AND WHEEL GUISE ALB°, Standard White Burning Oil, No• 83 Market Street, PITTSBURGH, PA. SEND FOR A CIRCIR.II._ le7:e:A WOOLDRED GE on. REFINING COROZPAKKr.jr. 4 OF PITTSBURCH. PENNA. 110,01171,Lra1.... 7 T au•r. WORKS IN TENPERANcEvinuLE Dike, No. 2 Duquesne Way, (Near Sas penal,. Bridge.) MAN UFACTIMICJIS or PURE WH/Tr. .13UT-LINTINGILOIL Brand—" Lucifer." MU 011 elll.lo be excelled for burning propel - He.. floor or e re teat,raod putev...reil ra kr I MAC r fTEV " Inuseroka—Joho Walt, Hobert Lex. tiro. 81.^...kt C. B. Herr. C. L. Caldwell, IL H. Collies, J. W. eunor Ilobt. 'Viral/ace. D. W. C. carrell. jammtad WARING & KING, COllllBBlOll IMAM AND BROKERS IN Petroleum and its Products 4 D uctUESXE )F'.4j, JE. ITTR 3 . I 3ID - FlLCiii-33C, II ILA DELPII IA ADDRESS WARINC, KING & CO., t 0717.45 1511 %Valiant St" Phil SUPLI3IOII OIL ENGCLVES. • We are conetrvetlag, and len keep on bona. nor style of ors.. IIMT41:31-12%713III WITH ME I 00110 N OB MOM 8008 ~.w.llVlnn tlf, ,M d A r47ll l ll".l',7tvfMT: "111',,411,,ritirdi7MipElILL at CO. UOIIIIIIERCIAL OIL WORKS. PURE WHITE BURNING OIL 0 0111114147 On hand and for anla IT THE LowEsT BIARACET RATES I. C• dilk J. IL SAWYER, No : C_WOOD STREET, mina .. . . . .... . JAMES inTruir Co., lI ANIITAOTIIILIMI OP OIL OF VITIIIOI AND AQUA AMMONIA, CAZELcre, Ildesalseit Art, Alrr 7l llolloll. PAL PRIVATE DISEASES. DR. Yd Om. of Philadelphia.) No, 76 Third atreetitreata all riercriptionn of Prt • rote ohm.* with ruperalieled succeas. Partie ular attentiol paid to npenuatorrhoea an elan... of tteglilgratr LOgartrafill:rzegrvg2 I:l7 : 4ll. llVartrgt.jr*atigArl* t _ i _, other preparation ler curing olertructiona to h ealthy cuenalanal :T. No. 1. tine Dollar per tbottle. No. 2, burr d cirr_enaatroltger, an I :red fur °Feu Ma% "ire DOuara •per Vr l gtWa l tritr. 45.Vraitr, Treat. Plastalrich. • anurapti BELTIA r4O wilatlier awl 61213.i11n . ~. PreAt e i s .-Ilow tisittai,„ te, tihe t s Al itih ltaliber De 7 )19400 %i ja r,*& mem "‘ . ._ mi l . .. ~iA i~.e'...:~~.?'_c..-.t..-~.-~uC... Roback's Stomach Bitters i All Diseases of the Lungs sit u a l a, s ;fe c ,l T h i l i atra4Atre i lin After years of experienceneed by Us. and trial, bare proven to he the best remedy extant for all com_plalnts where • , lonic and olmulant are required. They never Ow r ITTPBUROLI. as nnstur 11. 111 N. to strengthen the weak. Impart parted. T hey to tire etrong and in all re...eta reettore shattered and broken- Dn. KAlrgio:—sfy wile has oven arnieted with it down constltutions. No remedy has been received p ro 0 ugh . o , die,„,,, or br r .throg for dye or .., with as much favor art ILOPACK IS MTOMACH 1111 , PERS. year., which, for several yea. back, had gra ...117 Increased lu violence. The coMPlttinlkax t,••.1,.... edltary, and she had been treated by serera phial _ Clans without any relief. In this state of her case {Vnttrflrt, `t 7 : 7 gt Y l".",: E .l % . 7 l; ° s _a . RA L", V2_I I3 ; H IATI;"I . c . /Ilea,/ her very mu chf e r . oren l earred ... got • (Joh.. rttla,ovrehth t i, n , g 3 d e f . ter t ezittrely. and ate haa now MO would also state that Idusert te c trfad e anl e s:;:e e l ' its i t t eskl and cough. The medicine cured me by Lazing I I Ilone dose. 1 expo,. zur en urea atiantetion with Dm i o e , , , ll a c e ix, ,, ana vo . o are at berta.f2 vliM4ltls If BLOOD PILLS Alderman. Fifth Ward I READ THE TlOll4l'L' lir tt rayelg!-1 41r5 ,/,' g / daughter who has taken se veral medicines for a had ! cough without benefit , among them kyer's Choir'. Pectoral. 1 porch.. from )..0 a bottle of y,..ur Pectoral Pyrup, and before she had used half • i out I tie she was relieved. The second bottle eared her entirely of her cough. JOHN DARIN, Robinson street., A . 1 gil ea3 f ... - - SICK aA. NCB:P: 1 11 . PRV;•". --7 fi !le' Il e I ' I : T r: F : I r ilars: r Y q 2 u t e"la`,.. - 1 county. I had a cough and apitung. which con - 1 menrel about the Lth of Febrnaty I.t. and wale. , lied eight mouths. I employed the hest physlcm. In the country and my cough contlnuto east/rased lmoll earty In October. At that time I waa solv,asal 'Arie,l'alf lPzi-. 'otezett V'wrlt.?•.-,lll7,lnried,n't..;! z"gfiZe74..blig, no ds n P 1 :1112t it` .P:11 entirely 'l L e u d :rf ra r " , f t . L i tt , v t it o tr4le re . medy wit! do jtArivhcorsLnr.p4l.li.. alnd affl Diseases of the Bowels i Wit...! D. IL Kann. Peebles towns-lp„ PATTON TOwvraIIIP, Aprll it 1E49. A WONDERFUL GUlLE. — nome time ago an obl 1 r b lif tbo rof mine was red Llij . s.ritts • b p adl:ougg i relatileeerttcitl'nr:Leftlinee had toter °et y o rremedy i aaeth_elii:l7llde,7lll.ll2r,g,-,l.7.thebaill'WehglTertiat7 he could no,. live. I had bout the third of a trot Lie of your Pectoral ayrup, which I gal e him, and it en , Wady cared Um. to the astonishment of all. What makes the ease more remarkable. la toe extrema toe :of triL'lneht;eb'cgagal=etdegtlifl.e.” old. 1 have JOHN klcki/NNils. 6/.750,000. •1,R88,00p, W. L. .10241/Lh. tyrant, DR. ROBACR'S Blood Pills, BLOOD Scroll'la, Syphilis, Skin Disease, Old Sores, Salt Rheum), Dyspepsia or Indigestion, Cie le Headache, Liver Complaint FEVER AND INEE, St. Anthony's Fire, FEMALE COMPLAINTS. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD, lIIL tecv;all74l:Sle.T.,V.lberelrt°p'..:Pg or. laiallee, an ettlelest sottlebliloas erect. cod the beet stomachic known to the World. ROBACK'S iITTNIIit sbould be used by convalescents to trengtheu the prcutestion, which airs). follow.cute dlstsges. In the bilious:districts be e n West and South Imre has, for • long time, much needed, an or iole of stomach Bitter, bleb , It taken In proper nullifies and at She Prober li me. two • •tM DM enlists of llUlnas Fever, Fever and Ague, LivAr Complaint, Dyspepsia, Ind lgestion,Joundice,liid- ney Complaints, and all Diseases of a sini. liar nature, and Bra Better for I a gade"styretZe grgr, zonr. . L e v i n ' mutts, than ' any other Known remedy. Now that the war Is over, there will be thousand. ....eking homes In the gout. No person who values f h l ldlitehChrl a I~r there sa without f 41"a7aIrmreurh nnd maladies e dom ngendered Isy miasma and poloist water. Travelem to and •p residents of, the rank bottom. ppl of the lb west and soatthfl o d fl d ns valley solves with the tributarl . n ttl pr Ida BITTERS.' PINCE, WILTON & CO., thuesson t Pr. C. W. Mid, SOLE PROPRIETOR& To wham all orders should be addressee. Nos. 56, 58, 60 andd-62 EAST TffIinTILIELT; a. • ftwa, gt*lP•4 1. BIXDICAL. GREENBACKS ARE GOOD. BUT Haim BITTERs, Cure% IRE BETTER. ROBACK 7 S CT.TPI...m Cok . ‘tiveneltw. vtitPll" . 2.l`2= en IPAYL,; - ,l_ B 7 L u ti4 - stable Pectoral trup. Mmoat everyoony o: Blood Pills, 71`11:17. booth '4,l4.,mAte.tti they would not be wi th out It la their famines. , n fact, all who use it once want It again. ours, immicsfull2r:_ E /31 I Irtrrenve.o/t, November la, 1009. P. Esreirst—Although not an advocate o• Pateni puRni11gt , ..i5 , , , :,,x,e. , ,,,,...ariA,,,,,..r,,,,, : I As a medicine, it Is well worthy the attention of ny Pitmen, who ..1 In omy Manner be nd afllleted h e ll! canal., colds and hoarseness of any ki, and form iwoollar nes/ideation. for removing all that dis - areeable M311'311011 attending a severe cold. i hare been, more or less In my Ilfe,mdected bib Ike serenest of colds and hoarseness. AL time wy throat would r.c.1.3...rtae..5:r closed aa to Pre t reat IL) . ertt h' st:v t ollyrup It vrotild.o4lbe've ine'etittr.erly" In recommending this medicine, 1 must itubeLlta itla,gly say that It to the best remedy I ever fo Lad, Uri:lLTLVZl7t7ilibe3;tigrv!ill'a7 shouldsot 4n,Y.1.V.' Yon., most respectfully, EDWARD J. JONICh, Caah/er ClDLens' Deposit EsinA. I ARE UNEQUALED I=l - treslcv I I have used 81R. Refil l ; 's Co ° 4% . Synt h / leli t • ' bed cou/l, of mveral years mending, md can cheer! a t v , v 1 ..r t ,. .11 ,. th . e.. best medicine for the mane that I li let J. W. PlliCa. I COL. RATT AND int. PCTOR A SYILLIP.—PDu. Kin/La—Dear dtriICEYSER•d Krouse E the deny L ofmy acknowledging the eacellenee of your Pecturel i l e nliValif ' &7,:no er u sail. take great S n°Zalleth.°,ll; ou of my cough, and the wont one I was ever adliel with. I have not used more than ono -half al a bottle, and I can and do "deb that all who are archb --' I ed would give it as air a trial as I have done, and ' they will be proud to say, "his no quack medicine. : would not ender another such au attack for any Rheumatism, i iri:r.ltrati.!‘agerrer.: than any clott...ldiarai. co i n . d i lut . l . l.‘ a acknowledge a debt of gratitude for inveuturg 1 14 , ticellent a remedy. You are at liberty to use my i name In this regard .. Yon MM. Enper• Ir. RATT, Messenger Common COalaal Plttsbingh, 1 a.. N. 11. — lani no stranirer to MY fellow -Manna ass all who entenan doubts can consult me personaily. S.P. V. BUT Will Cure Neuralgia Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Win Quo Nearsliana the Fact Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote WIN Cure Neuralgia of the etyma" Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgia efthe Nem • Dr. geyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Neuralgtoof the LlOellllll Mitt sue. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Care Neuralgia liml.ob. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Palpitation of the Heat s. Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Care Faintness. .anon flf Stoteaet . pre Keyser's herr 'i &Aniline WIII Cure Eke Um. tter. Cortheßearl Dr. Heyser's Aeneas intkote Will Cure Tramits U m'l.keurne DnII2 Dr. Keyser's Reams Antidote win Om HYP 3 Cllondr4ila Dr. Geyser's Nemo Antidote Ogre Lc Tan= orl3jarlir DR! ,GEORI a`OMB, Imo woof am*, ISlttalirsiodt, Ta °lll4llll iir ....tar7 "ll :•• 118"3"AB ' ia lilia" : l4 aPik - 7 -141--2: , L o al.._ .1. owe a /n aWacans • '7 latia, .: - .,..- , ,;.T4,.....1 ,,, -- , --".• -- - -- 7- . - 1"... 4 i - . . . .. - ' KEDICAI.. I DR. KEYSER'S Pectoral Syrzy CURES CONSUMPTION ! CURES COLDS, C ' tarol Ei-A.MU:u3:;un CURES EM±r!illlffill;==l!! tliYWarAlTltiff. liWt/TAr—Ter.tTecUollitslKuLYt; with a cough and cold toy sererai weecr—so bad v as t that I could not sleep. I had the advice and pi criptions IYom three ol the best plarsicians to the proc city,ured whom I could name, but do not do so. I Attain a ored me entirely bottle of your Pectoral Syrup, whit', c . (Plgoeil) J. W. SIMON'rAJN January eth,, rio./MO. 2411Llberty street, Pittsburgh, Va. . . G. "ti TOP THATCOUGHING.'`—"How can 1 dotty.' O to Kerner's, on Wood street, and get • bottle of his Cough Pectoral. and If that don't core you, your o case e must be desperate indeed" This is a specimen p f egod:TlVl o e:r e . b ' LI 7:7. irlOinttirwg” mment, chee rful ly armour In the ' adviser's ain?.. i nt,- Hon as above, for we have tried the "Pectoral," In a most stubborn ease, with entire mem.. hunt two weeks ago In went to Pittsbnrgh, with one et the most distressing. contrary muiWt, unsabduable coughs we ever experienced since our advent upon thin mundane sphere. We coughed steadily and la- Intim:sly for one whole week, In copes oft tiring it out, but It was no go. in Art, It named rather have improved by practice, and to have d r egany strength, patent? and distresslbility by the opera. Hon. In Ittl• stage Of the ACE.. we coughed our nsy to Keyser's, Nu. /40 Wood in set broaared a Ott , cent bottle of th e "Pectoral," took It according 16 gtrectione s and in forty-eight hour, we wens mama f the dela, the onemy having unconditionally sun rendered, alter a brief, but coequal conflict with M formidable ad adrenap tta latryser'• lemon. Gotten Pectoral. -BrowietrUis Oltilmn Dec. 11. IMO. DR. KEYSER'S VECTOR 1. SYRUP 4 Prnated and sold trp DR. GEORGE H. KEYS . 51., Na 140 WOOD STREET . I Plititieskreargla. Pei '1 TnE Great Nervous Remedy, Dr. heyser's Nervous Antidote Oilll relieve, without fall. and often Pernmne cure all Nervous Irritabilll. Dr. Keysees Nervous Antidote Antidote Dr. Keyser's Nemons ruer' Win Cure Twitching of the N ene Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Wilt Cure Nervous Heade Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote Will Cure Nene. Cramp of the Bowel Dr. Keyser's Nervous Antidote prepared aad add el PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G C PITTSBURGH. PA PENNA. SALT MANUFACTUR'G CO, P TTTSBURC 11 PA CHOLERA f DIS.ARMEDIII\ The ;Chief Cause of Pestilence Destroyed! E. COURTAIIET'S DIEILY- Dr4. : .cTING FLUIDS, secured be Letters Patent In the United States and Pronto. l'repur.l solely by the New York Disinfecting Company, at their Laboratory, Noe. N7l. SOO and MN Plenty Street, N. Y. WI., 4' Cedar Street. This Company organized nn a permanent basis, with Dr. Con rtarot, the cel, hrsted French Chemist, in charge of its Laboratory, is wrepared to furnish Its thetungttrist. FLUID. for etch rooms, nurseries, urinals, water closets. privies, ce.potils, sewer., gutters, ships, railroads, howl:tails Prison, and pu,tile instltations of nil k lull., slaughter-houses, offal and fat.tmill lig estahnsinnients: all kind. of ma nor. ft....Wwell, increasing the value or the latter 1 to every farmer), and wtterever poisonnus non off.% - sire gm. exist. 'flit, agents are deodorizers, antimptlea, antlputres ems, nod disittfectant. In ' the scientific meaning v.' dm wort.. 'I hey rentoY. ' 110 , Jouts gasses anti odors itv chemical principles— leaving in their pimne /mot/Urn/ etc, they are Dn. Writol . loll.., cost not merel y eth , t , tertf4l , or plti. , lool.t, stases—not In Jorta.. to utti slis lo watch they are labsd. The attention of Dietilcal anti .1e1,131.11.1e men directed to these dmlnt,tant... Atte 'bed are testlinoniala In faVur of this great discovery, whlch. with bundretis of others con 3t, seen at the Comp. ors 0111 m. Tote at: . I . l ,Tilf "A ,soon . T ,',.. 11%7 ''''' , c 'r 1 , - , . Dear Sir: It • so ttis -. ore , . riled t ' tt Le. " We ' illt; ..de ItiOnY. W oonaltier 'tut we have c ses all other. as a rdznetiy st,-.1.1, t a,. Oa, . . _ T. R0E,...,41. & CO. NiLw Al"'II Tftl. Tothe Pr,litent of Me :S., York Damlnferling Co.. Dear Slr: W.• OISMIS, It, without excilation. to Le the beet we han. ever Ittaotrn. , tte , lt open tnote.n..oug. e ,, err matter co'2fleAt.e.47V..inN; &btu!. Hence. N.B.—'racer I Helnt• Manta are need try the leav - of th e on./er th e dlre.. .• , n the Senliary Polk.* uf the 3f..t. - opolitan Ile. Oppartment. S. Y. PoIVELL & Olel•ON. 11 et.t.wil ST., N. Y., linnet,. awl Sole .kgenl the Coiled Malec and the Canadae, t., whom ell orders sl.null i.e ad- Fur naL t, 3/eI:LAI:AN gie.e, 2 , 1c1S EN AN. th"Oil myl.9:eol 33 ALFLIF1..M 1 3C'T''Sit• T'l2lE3B (1 , ) , )" ti o • F 11",„ On this Continent IS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE It ;I,7=Ani:Arla"Pi;ll'rb"ml"°' it, Prevents Hair . oiling (lot; ItiClionges the St. - to their Origin t Orvanic Action; It Eradicate. Dandruff . and Humors; It hireoss toe Scalp Healthy; It Contains no InJurioni, Ingredient. lAnd le nn: trustily acu r.led tw a Splendid _ IAMI,I w i rl ar T 4l .l r. A rt. Irl e . MERITe are Every bottle OUNTA, WS AtoRELIQUID than any "Ilatrl?,lltA'llt'olngid or! .red toe ht h efficacy, but Wli DO 6 rilltr:.NTlCeto're'hind itt-ts say any person WA. uwe two bottle. and then that our aertoestive sae /abed 10.1,, all or elalru. J. R. BA ELRE'PT d. CO., Proprietors. Sisie•Setter, tiew senPsidet• IL E. SELLERS dir. CO., Wholesale and Retail Agents, n Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. ay2.l • ---- UMPRILEIP HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS. Race leaved, from the most ample experience an en• the .thiple, edieleut and fellable. 'I hey aI e the only thedicioes perfectly adopted to moots, - -so simple that mistake. cannot be made In uslJo them; so harmless Xl atoll free from danger, and so edict.. as to be aly• No. I cures ITZV.Iiz, l'ung.l.lo2u, ••Fever' : ' . • tante . •OA itfici COR or Teething or u • • • 4 ' DIARRICEA. ofad..i:. 5 DYS/CNTEII 111;1•,... Coll .n..u .. • ...... . u,wl .. + 7 " COU Thvach/tls ... .. iggpligyfil. Toothache, Face s •• Kat . o DYSPEPVLA.. Stomach-. 24 11 " 131/PPRERBS.D. scanty and pabOtO 7 • " CROUP, hoarse cough. ...... ..... 14 " SALT RHEUM. RrYldpelas, SCI op i6 '` Rana ... . ...... .° rav zit AND 'Atill.g.u."(tllliaPl 17 " Plf. * E r inieinif . ..... ....... •• oPT LUX, sore, fulLasued eyes: .. bfl 19 " CATARRH, too chronic, Inds -20 " WATIPtA MC'etieilli.,...ei;;4l;4;llo . .. ....... r •• RAH I.9lBiAliftkii..l.l4al.2;l 2 •• DIDNIY else; ...... ................. 14 ' liktlVAVhd.'l444ja.l. z u 'ea r 4t il s ;, . .................. `: BICA wor.e.s, tica ° 4`) ) ; :a • • min eie i , ................... 28 " NRIP/01:1S 11111311,211",—sensloal •• Bat ''ldtlPliT.T.Tut=l6'....b.!!!!'.. 31 •• ITRIZIARY INCL,NTINENIt..• IC SI PAINFUL PERIOIIb. even sail 22 •• eitiVrTittNus ISPlLErgY,Spaaws, St. Vitus' Dan. es, .• .................. • • II IN " Dirrtuatui,iceriii4:;,r; 101 FAAIL C.AES.B.. Cases of 20 vials. In litoroCCOnale and book sena plate . .. . ........ .. . ... . ge ... ... . . ... • 0; Case of Case of 20 lar vials:ln 'olvocco . and book ..... 117 fl`th coat '" 4b "" . • — • ' 1 " Case of 10 boxes (No. 1.• IS) and book.. ..... .. • 30 , B. L. PAHNESTOCK & Co.. Wood St., Wholgale AirCitA, Plttsft,..h. P. TOILK4.I‘ Cor!tu•Sautirthsmandfref eets. Pirift4tZ fiarket stleet, corner Of the Ore j V 3. 4 Pittsburgh, and J. .1. E.' No. 194 Podend Allegheny; Reel-ARAL DieRP.—NNAN, comer of DIAMOD4 awl /11nrket attest. Pittsburgh, i p—ii-. stmcsujavips---Tvie-i---tinti -•-• COUGH BA WANE la -------.- - °I ewarranted to be the only Pre- I. 4.l"jtjti .7.1 te= Cokflus7NoaTae= ;I. ' „.. 11datnma, Whooping Cough, • -.. _ . -Ar - . 1 .11311x.enuilpFildh:A,%,' C trrairp. l 7 -,l = - 2 Nd. s '.. '," ? 'i and Latzba, It la healing , Batt- i'‘ OMR 4 Mteni`f "d r l'e tb r r th' f ir. a" ' " tl=fl l .be Au ' ar L " • oat and Lungs Poe gale id Dry/m-Ufa evenwbere. R. K. ISEGLXIIS a CO., ' 4= 1?a _ 1 Wnouraux. Acme? DR. SilirclitirllPS Pia REA ...- EDT haa CORED ti u • - . sande of the worst C 0.... of ..:,.,ukil-i,:,..i BLIND AND BLEEDINU - . •'• ',..' ''i '•• •1 . MEN. It gives linmedlAte :......." tl L . ' ~ relief, and etrects • perm. '1? Q. -r- ' ~- -2. rent ,are. Try It directly. ',ii. ... , --f_i --' ,:•• "Fit Nl'rleatglltj)gna t - . - .1k 60 ceilta per bottle. " "'' P 1 I '. .... . 0): Ocitnyd WHOLianani_ Atini a DYSPEPSIA.— Dr. Stilciditnief TUNIC, a a colleen rtate.l.preparation of Boot. s .kk 1 , and fferbr, with anci ent& and carminative to C_ strengthen ihr sunnach.d .4...\ nerve. oryatem. Ills ace. , • - SA , Min remedy Mr /VW . . i ' ...) or ludigrAtion, era... ... .1!.1 .... Lola et Apptitre :11 Acidity of the 8...."4, j.'l Flatulency and debility. IL -'. . kees.choholint therefoie • , i . . 4) ti ty putAcdarly.itectforweal, LIT. 3:41:714%At gist. crm*h . 27a st Si yet bottle. I. E. eiLLI,EILH & CV. Wi:.wmltAt.a Armee.. Fonza 9 ikiiiiiiiiii.i.ci - 1 - let titres ••• • •nentledre, mfgcti:lt sequlredV Myst.' elan. My Inns residence In Una elty.and Mamma Prof patient. treated annually bY m ur, are 'ugh:gent .imWat e tteA, r Sexual ilteattntsa, and all Mecum arl•lng thertfrom, am cared In a math Blotter time than heretotore by my BEV ifICUBT• ABLE WEJLEDIEB. Medicine. sent to any paternt the Union. All letters 14.1. contain a attain toll Wens =raa,. MAW m i. il i d • Addram, J. W. BIiAntIiTICUP. IL D. ittailY MOX MO. Elltahnelh a Pa. PBIvsTE DMANES. ors= tap{ MORI STRXXT, near Hand for the cure of all Miasmas of a fromnate., ito us oVIVO 10 1C003..01171, ..1% y new awl w bat uie td. mad .Wealuntai, and all other Mamma of the genital mime sad their palmation ' Carve warranted °money refunded Me houra—r ton wawa, tatters W.. nstla rasa aaa Reg.of 1311 ~....."......1) „1- .7 ~ 4 . ; 4
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