L. R. MIL := I.7PZ, 14 , :•11 1 1Sanker nit ti Broker, 118 Wood St., near corner of Fifth. All descriptions of Government bonds bought &MI sold on Ilhemi terms. London and Con unenud Exchange sold' at New York rates. Gold, Silver and Coupons bought at highest rates. Una Gold Drafts Issued on New York. E. !FINANCE AND TRADE. TIIIIRSADAY. June 22, 1817., Gold opened Gila morning at 1544, and grail ually doelined to 14P,1. It is getting more plentiful, and 4llere is little or no ex - port demana. • r . out bon axe also a Mind° lower. T still considerable In quiry for Fire amies ol_fOrmer rates. T, n re'rtles, relatively above Meir in trinsie value, in a npurison w ith other seen: - Wes, are attracting some attention Irons east ern capitalists. Seven Thirties aro somewhat negleekal, vital en, o sellers than buyers. OOmporuml Interest Notes aro also offering pretty freely, principally by banks and bank- ors, who are anxious to realize; the high in terest Offered for lams, is an Inducement to part with these notes, as they only oimmand simple Interest. The following are the )ew York stock quotations to-day as resolved by Mr. I'. B. Martz 1881 , s, 110i,j; Five Twenties, (old) 103; (new) 102%; Ten Forties, Seven Thir ties, 1040102 , %. Cleveland 8 Pittsburgh It. 11., 85n4; Pittsburgh, Fort Vi'ayne t Chicago B. IL, 57%; Erie, The bull combination has evidently been broken, and the gold speculation for the time being Is at an and. The forhign news will, it is true, ho hereafter scanned with an anxious intertet by the same parties that so heavily lost and won during the past few dot s, I.ut It may be doubteci whether, whatever rte chameter,gold will anion witness ...1) violenl fluetclOtiOna. 'Ye untiorstana that the Impor ters will not pay the corm. t ad vAnce on gold, preferring to leave their goods In load until the gold speculation ...lead..., as they have a right Le huller., au e soon most, h. lb. 4Piellet! or Loth export end cu demand,, raid In tlic presence of luereasing receipts of gold for sale from all parts of the country, and double the customary shipments to Now York from San Francisco. —Tile Cincinnati Ga.rfir anticipates more ease in western money markets, when the wool crop comes forward • The wool crop IN now inov mg, told this will draw Into the channels of trade a large amount of currency. Aside from wool, how- Over, this section Or the Conntry Inv% very M lle prattle° to ship to the selanntrtl. 01110 hits been for some time Importilig..w heat, awl hog products are, on an average, nigh Imre as, at New York. Our dcaleni are ending n •routn- Crw market for their stock, an I a into prices at New Orleans ere ITIMEICUItIeti, but little at tention will be pall to Now York prices. lint shipments south, so far nos regents money, will hove the name street ultimately, as ship ments to New York, and we shall undoubtedly have an easter money market as we pronrenn through the summer mouths. • —The Philadelphia 1,4 , r - says. Among the efftwts of the wild fluctuations In gold within the last two %ays, showing a rise and fall of tti per cent *ere two heavy failures ymnerday of large Front street houses, engaged In groceries. They were kit contgo, and are reported short in their racts some VONOM each. This should be a warning, and Induce men in business to stick to their legitimate pursuits, but it a 11l not. New York !Money ood mock Market. New Yank, June 21.—The Gold market Was firmer this evening and rallied to 15u3„ nut at the rime the price dropped oil to 149%. The Government securities were quiet and Arm this evening. The following were the closing prima f Registered of 1051, loWn.riekf,f Coupons of1103f,k0110t4; Five-Twenties registered, 110/2, 10:3010./i; Five -Twenty Coupons of 141`2, 1f13 , 4(010; Five-Twenty Coupons of ISA, 1 r 0; , 21 , 1,2 y r 0 1ve- m T Five-Twenty C e o m udio s tz , o&lZs,. IM,C - ti o effk Coupons, 96‘ . ,..4 4 .1nn; New CertiliCates, 10ej;sq ) .' August Sevea.lhirty Notes • Itr~wrq,•i June seven-Thirties, lthrif,6lo4;July lin:. 910:i3f,; June unnipounils , ol July no, 11.24114 4 ; August do, Lin .4 Oc tober do, DIVCI.IIIb., kli mi tCo of 1,61, lik , ;„010 , 3„,, August do, icciftiar inc.lto tember do, . October kW 1,0.), AZthe;73:em. regul.r an41 , 11.t openJoan'. s the stock market remained very dull gener ally. Water Power and Western Union were lower; and Erie and Fort Wayne were a little stronger, but otherwise there was no change in quotations. Thu market for Petroleum and Mining shares was generally steady this after noon, with increased activity and an upward inurement In New York. Petroleum Stocks— United States 6..%; New York and Newark II; Cherry ton 40- litinneholf Run OU 'MS; Curt tral Shade River 52; do 55. Mining Stocks— Congrey 1430. The Celli:Wring were the sales ut the 4 o'clock boare:—Ohio anti Michigan Central 2631.; Erie 583(; Reading initi,; Catawis. 77,• Cleveland and Pittsburgh 65,• Cleveland and ' oledo 1071 , :, Chicago and Northwestern ; Chicago and North western preforms' .Pittaberg, Fort Wayne altcl Chicago vs Tate Post'. Money r, Uric says The 1.01111 market is easy, with 1••••• little inquiry. The Tate for Loans .s 44 •• .• eeh;. Grocers' paper is offering, and nu vale for commer cial bills, for goo. • s, is 5•.407:1.•,:, tag' cent. The Stock mark,. . the little activity displayed yogi-, some of the specula tive securities • „. not been renewed. Gov ernments are li..it and withoutmuch change, the Investment demand continuing good. After the Board New York Central was quoted at tO; trio, Clevelandand Pittsburgh, 0071; North webtoro,..t)%; hock island, 107. Now York PrOdIVICO Market. New Vous, June _l.—Cotton drooping, at 286400 for middling uplands . Flour IC. ac tive and 104t..kic lower at $7,4068,00 Extra Stale 40,74310,10; extra ltounil Hoop Ohio,' .10,15014,00 for trade Ltandn, cloning heavy. Whisky dell, heavy and nominal at Wheat dull. steady /121t1 nominally Woe lowor; whtto western is quoted at 13. Rye quiet and Miner. Cornquiet and arm, 91694 for unsound now mixed westinni u 0 4 91 for sound and for old mixed Western store. Oatsdull, In lower; 57ar1 for now western, the latter for Wisconsinii' Coffee dull. Sugar; sales , Cuba at 11011 Molttnees duel. Petroleum don at 2544,3r5ic for Crude, and 41 0.4 . 2. e for Relined In bend. Pork lower but ac tive, at 11.33,12'45VZ, 37 for New bless closing at IMO- cash; VI for Old do. and x,72 27 for 5....90 barrels Now Moss for July, sellers' and buyers' option ' ol irti 2 . 11 4 33 , 60 . Beef Rant at *WWI for New Plato Mo., and d,fee.il,so for New Extra Mess. Reef Hams dull and nominal. Bacon scarce and nominal; Long Maar, lt',c. Cut Illlell.l. onion of packs en at 11Millne. for Shoulders; and 17' AP lette ( g oo llama, Lard 4 1Lutet and heavy at J 0!...; 05:1,4e. Butter heavy at Me :be for oleo, and two°. for State. (Amon° 01011 at, lii@Me. Now York Dry Good, darker. Nun Tuna, J une 21.— TM. market to-day wan not no strong, but there in lit/material change. Brown Slieetinip*Appleton A, tilie; It, M; Augusta, '22; Broadway, Ti; Bangor, basset, 21; Indian Head, 2 1 !.;: "Dassueliutettx, 22; llledford,24: Nathan, exit a, 2 , 1; New Dar . ket A, 22; Oregon II 21. Sheeting and Shirt. Mgt, lilraelged—Bartlkttk,kk 410 ti theh,.M; do 30 inch 1:3; Baton X_X, IS; do 88, 30; Lont.lale, PoPr.roll. 32,4 Priem—Merrimac 13, 21; do W 22; Pacific, 21; 19; Sprague's Fri:mks, 21{,; do (alley, lleklugt—Arnos• TtinAelCs ACA, P A; 11, a e1 1 . 2- 45 . ' 10 " A n , A 3 0, 43; Pearl Barer, 55. Spool i...otton—rJrr A • McNougld, kI,W. Baltrioral Skirte—Brunner, $35; Isabella, 05. Near York Iron Market. Nsiv Toes, June 10.—The large advance In gold hits tended to considerably ellhatlM (he flows of holders of Scotch plg,lnti has h ers have respOntied cautiously, and though the market Is arm, the business hi light, especially us ton high points Made for gold Saturday and Mon day ores - coot stained yesterday. American Is scarce and very dm, being-sold ahea and not offered very sparingly; we notice d, tom. No. I, for forward delivery, at Its; no do (hitt sherrle and itie (ilettgartiock scotch, Os; rm do Egittiton,g46,.so currency; and node same brand, $3l gold. WO Insure o f vales of In- Voiews of intr. From store, dealers have again advanced their rums a. 5 per ton on all descrip tions. The sale of street rails notievd Jn our last, was 0) tons, not Sco, ns printml. Commissary Awards nt Si. Louis. The United - States Commissary nt St. L.on is Won:WM the following awards of commissary Stores : John J. Hoe Alt co.. 100,000 lbs clear sides, In tacks. rile. Henry Ames A Co., los,ouu lbs clear sides, n sacks, 21kie. Whittaker A sons 100,000 lbs clear sids d o ub le s; Wis. Buckland, 1000 wicks extra f10ur,10,50. Ducklaud, bbis double skirls dour, *M AL A. 11. Smith A Co., 1100 mks double ex tra flour, 0,50. .1. Gailleatl, SAWS lbs hard breed, in boxlst,Bo4l. Belcher's Sugar Iteiln- Ing Company, 28,00011:s Sugar, In sacks, 110. Belehars Sager 1141111111 g Company, XXV . kal lons molasses, In ball bids, 730. Goodwin, Behr A Co., 1,100 lbs Alarnanttne candles, 030. Chteego Mester Market Oalesuo. Juno 10.—lloceived. 2.03 X shiP' pod, es,ocit lbs. tinder an increased sallying amoil.nd prices to-day sdr s ,,,,d ivecall roiaa prime Arkin grades are In imilre niquest,and with* light supply in the market, sales's= readily made at outside ligurca 'rut:re in a fair ~ lcural inquiry for choice yellow, in neat small packages, suitable ter table a s ,. Com mon and inferior qualities continue dull. two; include MD Ms choice Dairy at RAC; me lbs ow do in credo, at Ze; it kegs attic. WO Quote: Choke Dairy , Good Tub Cocuttion Firkin rrime Chicago Market Cuicaeo, Juno 21.—810 m doll. Wheat dull and decllued .1435 c; mules at 41,043,1,60, Nu. 1 closing at the outside prlOce; and $1.0601,12 for ito.l. Corn 'moderately .active and declined let tales at. DieWAilar icoa, nutuisixeriktor. No. 2. Cate unchanged. lllghertatz dull and declined litrld; sale. at V.120= 2 . 22 . PrOvlelons doll. Freights mod4=rianly active at 13%@r4. Cord /oe, to Buffalo. iletainte—Four, 5,400 tibla# Wheat, 40, , kri GUrb,. M 2,9129 bus - bola; Ostai• NO" :4dpi:ciente—Flour 4" Iddsi Wheat; 21,0 !Corn, MAO le, 2 7.000 *nab. II }Wail° market. 8ALTL1t01134.4111141 J Thtdi 'Aften 3 4ol 3 4 the padnat 'arta /11/10LIVi3 and tamlnal for ficrnr . and Plonr—titook prlcoa. 11eXtt And ,"._ttaatamd 'nxodoxistos.". Wheat hold; • Nea - . 31111-- - arnakea Airing, at .9A . 1.. Corn bel4 - .140. Ak 71c. 'Oats, 0.1 Cbltago .Ina: NC. Pork . _l4rd 350:. mita*? XlOlO. anal. Wilts /111 n. Nista Karon to New York.. Wheat lacitarn .16; oats 10. .113anat SxPOTI6-43031' WOO sFiifObw t PITTBBURIPB" Ornaz or Tag Ptrresvrtou G =arra, Wirturranar, June 91, 18011. With the • decline in geld, the little excite that characterized the produce markets 'erne data since, is gradually subsiding, and while there is neverthelesa a fair volume of nuttiness in the aggregate,lt is almost entirely of a local anti unimportant character. GROCERIES—The market is less excited, but prices are pretty well maintained. Drown ',mars are firm with regular sales at 13-to 15 fortalr Cuba to choice Porto Rico. Relined ,mgars may he quoted at IS t01e1,4 for hard, d to 17 for Soft. Coffee IS quoted firm ti 2s to 32 for fair to strictly - choice Rio. Porto ttico Molasses is selling at from 75 to H7‘.4, and Panacea Rice at 105.4011. t.liA.lN—Wheat is very firm, with but little rite ring; good Springs are selling at 1g.:1347, 35 -t car loads of prime Club sold on Tuesday at $2,40, which is considered about five cents ON, t . Ihe market. t Mts quiet but firm with -sass of Chinago at 51655, and prime Ohio and Pena, at sr4s7—in elevator. Sale of 1 car tl tme rhellmi Corn at ti 'G; and 1 do do at ar is selling in small lots at 57,25 N..1111a; doing in Rye or Barley. itOVISIONS—Rucen Shoulders are quoted ,5-y,(l/11 . 4 111111 Canvimsed Sugar Cured 25. Not much inquiry for sides MS tt LAO'S it firm but unchanged at 42 , 4613 for 'steamed and kettle rendered. Sale of 40 picas country Lard, to go to Philadelphia, at IL Mess Pork Is stall quoted at sa. LoU 12.-1 s firm with a continued fair city and country demand, but prices remain un changed. dale of lilt bbls low grade Spring at SID; Re bins good Spring at. $11;100 bbls Winter Wheat 613, and 175 dO do 0475011 Rye Flour Is selling from store at 11 1 1.7 5 . POTATOES—Strietly_prime Peach Blows In good condition, are selling from store at a 1,25 to 51,30 per bush. .New Potatoes are selling at f rout aS,SO to 5175 per bbl . EGGS—Firm, with an improved demand, and fresh packed sell readily t 2.5. CREEKE—Is n little dull but unchaegedi -ales of Western It s at 1501 a, and Ram- Ill'lT a ' " t7:U--Isl..ttektst Butter,ln good condition, IA 111 demand at 24r21. SEEDS—Teem is no demand of any Conse ounce for either Clover or Timothy Seeds. is In mml request, and sells readily 157700,; 75 . s. 51-1, anti unchanged; we hear I' V.1,10111%1 small sales of prime at WWI. II AY—Ls steady and unchanged. PITTSBUR.OM PETRO LEUM MARKET Ury,,,t or Tan PITTPDVIDATH UdIEZTTIL, Tncaso Jam' 21, Ilia 1:111 liE—Ther e was next to nothing done in A Ode tosluyand the market was exceedangly lull and depressed, ith a drooping tendency. Ogle: day the sales were unusually large, reiwiiiiig several thoioland barrels. while to. dity the transactions all told did not reach I lilt many hundreds. The el,' kn and seems to ;lave o.utisitlisi very suddenly, owing to tile • out i i n um' unfavorable reports from the cast, 011 as from Europe, and besides, our re iliter,generally, are pretty well supplied, and • hipper' , are not crowded very mart, With or ler., Ito continue to quote at I:1 1013 , 4, bbis : uteri: eil, and in bulk, and IS to ISI4, obis • 1111i.1—salt. of 2 . 25 bids At 1354. REFIN Kll--There was considerable iliqutry tor bonded oil tO-ilay 1111th for present and fu i tire delivery, anti while the market may be lernieW pretty active, there is no disguising the fact that prices are gradually ticellniug. -ales of See, Z 0,500 and See Ws, for October telivery in Philadelphia, all at Eli ROO for .In , list, at 12; NO for August, at 42 1 5; IMO for Sell tuber, mber, at 43;4; We tor September al. Eily• 1110 tor September, at 44, and W N e for OYembei, at. r: , —lnst evening there WSS a vale Of 3110 bbls tor immediate delivery in Philadelphia, at IS. The news by the steamer which arrived Irom • toslav is reported as being unfavora- Se, and ant the market takes a turn for the ratter there, no improvement in prices need . expeettal here. Free 011 is dull and Cu t irely nominal. NAPTHA AND 11F.S1DULIM—There has not been a tingle- transaction in Residuum this week that we are aware of, and the market nay be termed earl' atoll and pries nominal 43,25@a,..3 0 per bid. No demand 'whatever for EME2MME!M .:heity River since our last, report, Aver° a. ow : N at. lief. CO.. .... I Jas. Wilkins 44 Jas. Mao It inuey . 310 J. E, Strickler W. Mackeown 40 I Total 143 —.ow-- CENTRAL LIVE—STOCK MARKET Orrice Or THarmrsarJaen (I/arms, 1 - Ts trasoar. fund 21, 1866. S CATTLE—The market for cattle w. agnln • entarkable active this week, the transactions t• •Ing unusually large , nt the aggregate, and a full atte n dance of buyers, and favors . t•. adv ices both from New York and Philadel ,lll.l, a very firm Coaling was apparent on the 1. ‘rt or holders, and for prime to extra cattle. .lltticulty was experienced lu realizing ex eme prices.. AR will be seen by reference to Sc report of sales annexed, quite a number 4,f droves changed hands at figures ranging tom 9 to for g ml to prime fat steers, and Sue drove of extra cattle brought 1,15, which ts• the highest figure obtained for some time, tot a. drove of that size, 51 head . Common to medium cattle sold at from 6% to - A.c,and ' rior wt 5 , 4 to G. Silt:EP—The demand for sheep has been rother more active than last week, and ape eully has. this been atomise during yentordny nd to-tlay,and the competition among buyers put prices np from .% to %cent per pound. I anations may be (rarely given at 454 to r 4.4, although two bunches of extra are rm having °caught 6 cents. The ship -Ig+irate between here reand the eastern ,erkets Is very slight, and shippers, in Order •.•,, rove themselves, have to operate with great Itton. llotiN—Thero few been a steady •demand for tI .41 throughout the past week, and the mar s t robed firm and prices were well BUS ta,nen, ranging from 1% to 1014, for fair to g f.sl averagos—aol.lo few extra bringlnglo%. I'..•m r.laig have been about equal to the de. 4 , 1.1 tetra has been a very good attend , bu, • %lira e> To Or ernes DOMING TUB WEIR 5H01.13 JUms 19, WS, Gattle. flogs Sheep. sse ISO 406 frOO Sow %1 ay rvants. 1996 1/114111 4604 ORrOttTlto PIALZIS ow BOOM. &tier. Buyer. No. Argo. iirt. I,llexty to Hedges 100 510 10 kW ronlpy to Imhof a Co—.. 2dl . 319 9CI (...Retry to lotholl BCo ?re 1111 961 - , oyder to lothoff 75 366 9 77. sprout to Wlchrelst 45 271 10 25 t.: true to Voter 81;o 261 111 900 Ilsattbouser tel.:0110W 21 151 9 62 11 trues to Voter in 151 9 :VI I,•yes to Keys 116 191 10 06 , 011th to tillelpretst. 145 WA lo 50 orr Jr. (",0. to calohrewt..... no 2701 10 50 1.. r a. Co. to Ullehreut..... 162 157 10 cd ~ivioy to 'ledges 55 159 950 1(,. , ,4/..r to Bodges 71.1 195 10 Ou I. ant, to Voter P 145 217. 975 I, , nertek .t GO. to Imhoff.. 54 251 9 , r; I I..sser to Ltuttotr 24 232 t. .2, 12271 FLXFORTILL 6.61.1.X.A OF Suitt. ~.//cr. Buyer. M. Awe. Pri 1.. rev to f1edge5......... 397 10 4 So .. eel to Hedges .10 99 & 00 P.tzt on to Hedges.... ..... 990 111 9 CA Hostetter to PldeOck 104 94 f. 03 Weise 6 Co. to Paris 198 94 9 M Search to Pnrl6 197 , 9 9 ..1." Hod to Pratt 177 99 , 4 ti) P.n.s to Pratt 35 88 4 50 oroat to Bare ley... 103 87 4 75 hawk to Barelday...... ... 109 . 92 475 : I, naminger to Baldwin,. 190 —B9 - 150 timaina to Murphy t 9.51 90 4 75 A IP.. to Merrick 190 88 4 In i habliouser to Parker.... 2°.9 la 5 09 I liadihomar to Parker.-- 191 8 . 1 5 00 Pact to Patten 231 71 4 50 RIM. LO liltrto, ...... .. • • 195 ‘. 5.5" tit aff to P wiz . ..... 191 w..) '4O Jasper to Dettrich : .... ... 97 89 500 • mod!) to Deitch:li .......... kiti 95 5 7 5 Hoover to Deitrich .. ....., go 97 5 51.1 Chamber. to Deltrlel4s.., tro ai 5 25 Smith to Pideoek kir, 97 0 00 11 tiffard to lititelda 4 75 97 5 25 Kinerick & CoAo ibiltrich 2.19 Pk 5 v LISPORTED SAL. 01, OATTIA. Worrell to Klmhen & Ilathaway 4c, headoo,l 111110 racers, averaging 1175, at 0 12 5 liter Beal. overlielt to Klemm. 57 head Penniteteerec a", ing 1425, at 8,57%. Cullen to Hedges it,11,„„,j 1.,,,a t Ohio steam+, itveraging 11 7 0 , ate% Cullen , Murphy 17 head aeons and bolls, averaging 1100, at 7%. Cullen to Smith 18 bead common cows and atom . .., averaging 1075, at 465 per lead. La ff erty to Mayne. 26 head common -tock lot 5,87; Trainer to Lafferty ft Ault 'Khaki Lariat caltie weighing 20,0 Z, at 7%; Gamin to Perin 34 head, weighing 5),......1,,' at g; 'MI I & Co. to Me Dowell 22 read very common cattle, weighing 19,9 M, at 6%; Eltitr to Monfort ?Ahead, Msighing 21,150, at, —; dull & La ff erty to ooney & Co. 29 fiend very common cattle, weighing 21,4 M, at 0,4; Mortinto lhumey Grey sA e liz , ,: l t e ifj;...r i l o rn catt, h =th w in e tt g KLI7S, at 9,15; g 04,475, at s; Allen to Merrick 10 head, weighing '20,050, at 7. r,; 11 off to Cacetuly 77 head, weighing 81,721, at 7,40; Huff to licArdle ti head, weighing MA6O, a; 5%; Shields to Mettrdle 31- head, weighing Bad, at si fluff to licArdle Si head, weighing 411.b(10 at 6 1. 11u11 to Perrin 113 head, weighing 145,015, at .1 Ditikeon to Mooney 10 head. weighing 14,475, at t%; Cannon to 'Montague & (7 Si head, weighing 0, ,, 0, at 7,10; Horst to Caasady el bead, weighing 57,650, at 0,80; Laf ferty & Co. to Dulry_l7 head, weighing 19,800, at 7',14; Smith & Co. to Unneborger 16 head, weigh ing 20300, at 8,15; Grady & Co. to Hodges 101 Mad, weighing 112,2.50, at 8,753 Mc&rille to Mann M head, weighing 18,3945_ , at 734; McCall to • Alooney & Co. 16 bead, weighing 1e,700, at 7%, grty & Co. to Marko d Traurman la head oodcattle, averaging about /170, at 8. gfispalanl DI 111411LISALPILD. , 70ke W ATM It Careatki 11. IL. _ Cl er k __ _ /4"4"rian w It Itionilton , ll Wells of Common C o un ci l . Jan° 21r-16 11111:6111' ignahboaraadO DU- . tohocco al 1101 , 1• 1 11 don si, wore[ . c° ,.. 14 b tallow , ibeita ' a rt. he So Bock. 10 A N ORDINANCE r ZO o ttl o t e hOLlZat h .1, &h ,„ 43 , tuts OuNk of, kw"; 4 ‘tu.3 moral emmtr"u" ° a .....„.,......-0. ,a ghmYer a V°B llocreeler & co. 1.... North Commons. an J - w o w Boni 4 aks serapes ~.....,.. ,j J West Comm Ons. .. eula . t ,„ 1 „,, bbk, now . , Jthlrdiller a colt ~,,0 0, „_.,r --- , --- .s s a nacmor i. apt orderne2l . olto ~ A ag gh. .. 4 1tu17511 410 do , L Langliaixi b =m+4 l .B 7 3 m ar..st t ,r t y , LYONZO=ze b tar . 4,4 i t ,r ,tr a..., , Th. :°_,6l lan' O uka l llYillnlll74ewn t...l llmacT°w k n r .11 3 bb i nt b ia l init hilrb ;T C dounins, • .: bbh% OW,. n , " A t t e lbo C r u l mM r.od it aan di n rec dtred ted to g o' . redrelse"rnd receive -"'", Lambert ' ''' ' ' iPt° .e a s -- meeock' I cer metal ... Lro n cils for Me construction ors Brick newer, ;I on the North Common unisc=, ,s r i : th - Brian & Cenghey; mumble 80111. hay, Burke, m co; 1 car burley, ohoutaker la mt taniti ttom s ary ---- , ± co. ner WS, sm- b nee westwiMil ) /.11 re dmik; Thittwc o 1, v. calibre of 4, , i feet; thew west- unite ono( Third street and tea. A c tum i. aa 4 . 5.2:t A t; .0 1 do to _ twir - ,, nitsaw - ....0...1 E z ..ree iiths44...c.ac. , , t. ...r ..4 ",, ir ,,, ra, ,, trzt , t00 r a ...ta,. tur ,, o r i tt. or . J uno %.1.-Imr corn, 11 Rea Jr; lb Data Soo.„ 3kz; snub bre QOM feet:thence soutlinsrer not tf , i. coodin l, %UM bains,li LI TOWIIMILISIW . the Wrest on Western Avenue. pi el .rp o or . ,. Candles, McCullough,brath & 004,10nhdhlnelts sftt, Lad the sale committee roOrmr... ! ,4 r 1 1 ILO. Townsentitl2l Oon brooms, Jae Calttne.o 2 , „end directed to contract Teeter t++ +++. lowest ~ ? kg"n"t' gook ik.o a co ; 1 "r r"..D 1"11. 4" b' " bidde bt toVrnetsei IX.'e - 74111=Ls:id cite; emirs meta l _, Mama* & co; loti Ghia AO= „ ......,,,,nsk l sorr ° d m ,,,,, In , the Recording Reicamort 47 & • W ralrleli lo Oka cheese. a c OOPor. 2 OP '"'"" --- .1 a:Dr - bend le the Committee 411 gimlets. Inn!, 5 bble bacon, T C J 001019460 bz 4 cltOete, "...,--.: 3. That Tor the perverse of gerntylua the cost Griot b Reiter; 10 do sloy Lll Volga & cot lad° "4 — apensom or construeller the erorepud ionic do, 1111h1tile, 10 bbla oil, a 11 aloy0; ,13 awes „e smrsantent 11 / 1 1 / &Ad " ' Vs 1 1 P rinTapertv wool, benl & GrumlY- ..: _,' the bellefk receter k ift za ..... the „„,,, „„ a , PITICHEITOSH.I3OI,IIXIIIINI MID tICICIIIIIATI WY , „,.witit. ol rAr g i t ill. 4, C. Lapp, &no tt. ailiord, Jrine 14-100 bblazonr,Bhontaker &lawn lid ~_,_... ,'"-`,,...' eje hereto ,. gopolatod a eommiuton tr, - dove , 8 Cooper &eel; Sites hates, IL n Town.. .... ,. .... - 7, - .......d. Imo report the 8.11.M0 tO Opp. Aelltti 1 caddy 4,3000. Wiraf , 1 / 4 "aill car =Ter , h , i.spnrcoral. 1 ,e, low 'Aft' 1)W4;1""11414 4'14°12114' ' ''' °'141.-4'n11,0"IVOOn tiotattah O t igtga n t i leta ~,,,tl,,,,,,sTAT i os, June 4-4 ears -lowa 0 r - a , .1...4 txr. ,-. .11mou AMBURA,-...- ~,, iccenboy jg Arota LittligattaktroL,__• l loll3&lol 1 4 r - 7,_ , - ,-_, ,/Nnshient of /1",.94111111.,_ le bait lota*. & do liabale" ,-/ . t .' 3, ,i, ~,,=, „Atlaic : -- n- m= 0 , 1 4 ,u ,-,':,„ .:'41;:..i b u tter ~4 do stri, Dilidakr + 1 bu lll 4 , I. , ,,;cieskee - Mlta,:it.zstiraT...-- , F X aat i rA 4716'11 4*116114444 st h r 4 entl,l 3 l. - Amer r korai. merCusarL; -, *4.teir, _:74N- . Car Wheat% eretaoo,l,,, 43b4 P9 I FSIe*" .","`., -,,, ~ - . G k ..* pt oziwwworeou4uP..*:..7- sir-,4,..' rel headlititss l. 0n 11 71 41,- < . :.-- w' o, -; ',:' ~..,,,,. r „1,. . , ..., ..,,,t- , Ire , V't z -.,^.'- - - ..140.44 2.16, 4 n0 I=c4 Philadelphia Iron Itarkei. PILIA-DELCIIIA. June 19.—Pig metal is in steady demand, at an advance, with sales of 700 tons No. 1 founnry at IBS; No. 2 at 11126 4 3, and forge at 37035 c. Scotch pig remains as last quoted. Blooms are excessively dull, but prices are unchanged. Manufactured Iron— The transactiorut are in small lots at fair prices. — Oswego JK"ket' ' • - Osisrao, June 2L—Flour steady; Sll for No. 1 sprtug; $l3 for red winter; 615,50 for double ex tra_ Wheal quiet; choice white Canada, e 6105. Corn dull; Llllricds yellow, Oats hold at 55e for western, Other drains quiet. Toledo Market Torun, June _l.—Flour quiet. 'Wheat le better; Now White Minhlgen and Milwaukee Club firmer at $J,6614.612,0, the latter at an other grades unchanged. Corn dull and drooping and lc lower. Oats unchanged. I,pnl• market. • " Sr. LOUTS, June 21. Cotton dull, at We Flour tlrm and uncnangeal %Vilest and Co , heavy and unchanged. Fork slight:y easier, 1.11,50. Bacon esater; Clear Sid. 21;4e. -_ • 311. nftrket. Win - Arrat, June U.—Flour very dull and decimal o. O Wheat shoves a declining tend ency; sales at 001;4: ats declined •icents. Freights nominal. EMM NEWS. The river rose steadily during Wednes day night and yesterday, but last evening It was apparently at a ataxia, with Ave foot ten inches in the channel by the marks. A tele gram from Oil City during yesterday forenoon reported the Allegheny falling slowly, with thirty Inches in the channel. The weather continues dear and warm. There hainot been A single transient arri val or departure since our hit report. The Lent Lena, from Parkersburg and the Julia, from Zanesville, are tine here this morning. as 110 the Elector anti Gultatio, trom ti Brownsville. . . Business, we regret to ituttet eontluttes t ort dull at the lauding. few 4141.3,1 Plnca steam- boating were waltbagvery patiently for water, and now they have a good stage of water for the season, and but very little freight. The Ilayard arrived and cleared tor Parker. burg, as did aISO the iellan FlLy Vile or Ifrownsville, The Elector, Capt. rhiii and the ballot in, Capt. Carlisle, are the regular packets Its firoftnse file thi‘ , "reeler, leo% lug. promptly at five tValoelc. The Wituanita, Capt. Thomas Shuman, is tilling op steadily for M. Louis. anti will be remtly to take her departure this evening or tomorrow, and IllanAel,0111) and shippers should bear this in millet The It. C. bray, Capt.. Anderscm's new stea mer, is loading tor the Upper Mississippi, and will soon be ready to leave. The Lotus N 0.4 Capt. Shedder's new boat is about finished, font Is now at the main land ing ready to reeeive freight for New Orleans and intermediate points. She will soon be mily to take her departure. The Revenue arrived from Portsmouth last venom, with -a very fair trip, McMilli; a onsiderahle alhount of hour. She returns gain 10-day, mid will probably get Ott about Themini Ida Rees may he ex pecte. from city to-day or to-niglit There were no ilepartureo (or that point Mint evening, and nnyliattnin, so far as steamers ns cow:m . llml, may virtually he consirlitirmi sus. swotted. We clip the following river Items from the Cincinnati l'ammercial, of Wednesday Yesterday morning a gang of some fifteen or twenty colored firemen anti deolt hands, headed by a couple of their number wait a drum and fife, paraded along the wharf from the upper holding lo the fool of Vine street. They were followed at a distance, anti apar ently "bucked" by white laborers and deck hands. They halted at the Lordav tile packets Informing their colored brethern they were not paid enough wages, and must strike for $l5 per month. The price now paid a from On to $M per month. They preventAsi 11l Col red laborers from working on the St. Charles United States, and General linen, until the ar rival of several policeman, when they soon dispersed. At present trade is very dull along the levee, with very little demand for Miser of any kind, and a poor time to strike. We observed one fact, which la, there are suf ficient men in search of labor to prevent any serif:ins strike at present. Several threats were made. but no violence executed. The Lady Franklin yesterday reshipped M tons for Pittsburgh on the Camelia. One Item of the Sherman's cargo lust night, for Wheeling, wits lOU sacks of wheat. Mr. Harry Rose re quests us to announce that sr the the person who took his watch on 'Change last Monday, will call at his office, on the Public Landing, he will give hint the key to wind it up with, anti "ask no questions." The St. Lento Democrat, of Tuesday, says. Capt. 11. Isr d el. \Vit.. death in Pennsym l- vania we notice yesterday, was a brother ot Lunt lkm. F. Hutchinson and Jos. L,loyil of this city. lie was a native of Pittsburgh, and many years sines was employed as clerk, we believe, on the Persia anti Susquehanna. The W. J. Lewis, which arrived on Sunday evening from Fort Benton, brought about .V. 50,000 In gold dust. PMM _ . . THE ORPHANS' COURT OF ALLEO IiENY COUNTY, PEN NA.-la. the Mal ter of the eatate of SARAH No. a, March Tern, InCi6.. \lett of Partition or Vat- nation. to Ellzabetb Steele. Martha Mc Farland and 1.1, to Seaton, baron V. Conover, James 5. McFarland. Children of Bahl Martha McFarland, formerly Mar- Una %eel, and Borah A. Ideidontbalur, Emma Lichtenthalet. Samuel S. Licbsenthaler, Martha S. cichtenthaler. Lizalc M a r,Licehaler. rt Illiam It. Llctstenthaler, culldren of Ann Ideittentha ler and Mary Ann Lichtenthaler, foamorly Mary Ann Kettle, Beira. Ac., of said deceased. lon are hereby notllled that on Inquisition will to held. In purattanes or the above men.inued ont of partition or vaination,ton the premlaes, In Iletservt A on THURSOAY. slat tlay pa r tone. A. P., ,M are, at 10 o•cloon. A. N. to mate jtint to and among the heirs of said deeeaseti its Incl. manner and In such proportions aa by the laws of lhlaCommonwealtu Is directed, ate., al o itch time and place you may attend If you think _proper. JOKE 11. lIITEW nhertlT. tlitiolFY•li Orrick. $ PITTSCUMiII, May WO, MM. $ mylOilawGwel IN THE ORPHANS' COURT of Alw 'County, Fenno. In the matter of the Basteol Wcaltnan Gibson, deeermed. no. t. March Term, MS Writ of Partition or Valuation. Co Mary P. Wood, Wm. N.. Wood. Frederick A. Wood. David W. Miller and Nancy, hie wife, John McClelland Francis. hi. wife, Wantilnirton Joboaon ad Ellett D., lilt wife, Benjamin Oilmen, Benjamin U. Wood, and Charles E. Wood and Emily F. Wood, b 7 Weir Guardian, D. C. Bolts, Esq., helm of Woolman Ulb.oo, de . _ /med. You are hereby uotilled that an Inquisitlon will . bold In purl wince of tile above mentioned writ ot iartition or valuation, on the premises In Vitt tornado, on TIJIODAY. the 12th any of June, sell, at 111 o•t.lerk A. W.. to nillke partition to en I mng the heirs of said deceased, to such manner ni i In such proportion as by the tests of th is Com ton wealth Is directed, de., at sr bleb time nod place Y"' maf "":".1 If y l r :/tAni. P' l37 i gi' A UT, Wierltr. Orrick. fltlabeitgb, May!. MM. inylnLawilew [N THE MATTER OE TEIE OPEN . lltitt AND WIDENING OVIIELFORD STRRET, 'rose Fulton street to Erin street, In the (It! of Pittahurgh. All persona Intere.ted are hereby notified that the Report or Viewers le the above mentioned street has been handed to me h r collection at If said asessments are nut paid within Tatiwrx IJATn from this de, al liens will he filed therefor against the propertiesassessed.. with Interest, rust anti fees. J. P. SI. L City mylt.74 No. 1041 Strrrt. LwLam‘usJ.o.;NAiU..4a4.4: INN ur biIINUIrMSTNICET, from Watsnu street to Pennsylvania avenue ' le the City or Pittsburgh. Il persona Interested arc hereby notified Mod the lie • port of Viewers lu the ahem mentioned street, has this day bee,, banded to me for collection of as sessments. If said mressments sae not paid within THIRTY DAY/. from this date, Hem will therefor against the properties assessed, with Ise rest, co sta sod fees. J: V. SLA ULo. E, 1013 CityFSift h oli ci St tor, Nreet. CM= N ORDINANCE authorizing the Committee on Wharves and Lauding. to Im prove the Wharf. ego. I. aleordained andenoeted Ay flu Hebei and thvani Onsurflo IV the Vily of Allegheny, and it is hereby enacted by utahorlty nf the same. That the Wharf Committee is hereby aulhorixed and di rected to contract for the grading of those parts of the Allegheny Ulcer Wharf lying lu front of ban dusky, Morgan: Orantimm, umelrich, Cud Lane. Walton end Cherry streets. upon the gradeemeh. ilshed by the high and low water lines, with sorb competent person or persons m shall bid lowest, for 1141 poerforinanee, upon such speolfication and to sorb rearomanie Lime as shall be fixed by said Com mittee. gee. 2 That said Committee IS authorised to as of fne said grading such num In Bomb of tile, ILi Allegheny, not exceeding twenty thousand dol lars. m may be which Wilds/Iliad i.e issu ed sold paid ont for mill grading. agreeably tv the provisions of au act of the theocrat ASOC-1111)11 of the Commonwealth of Pennsynagla, entitled 'An Act to authorize the City of Allegheny to issue Bond. to the amount of One Hundred and Fifty'.housed Dollars for the Improvement of the Wharf." Ids." the TM da fMarch . 111611 Oath L That the Controller shall proceed Immo dietelY to hare bends pi toted In the Usual fonti of the city bonds heretofore Warted • which bonds abed oplodge the faith, Property and credit of the City of Allegheny, and eltaithe in the man of five hundred row o " Vear k , w "v iria r a i r ' rsti r la rr artauli th ell for their y ou emi t ofseceo per nt. Interest, yap• Ida seml-atl yueee; on the bet dale of Jarman to July hu each 7eu: ail the dales w Io• left l,laut to the date tot CSC. 4 That Mid bonds MIMI be nigher! to the usual form, d conntereled and Imued by the Controller M. such times and an ht so ds amounts ar the Commit shall direct., open the recommendation of sold Wharf Committee. 'toy 00.1 sixty-six. PrositgttMecrel ` ,.... Attest: U. ALAcTitnnOts, Clerk of Celect Council. •• • . . C. W. BENNEY, President or Common Connell Attest: ItotlZirr ;91174:Irsti:;• prrirssunGn. 11110W1IS- A- VILLE AND GENEVA U. N. MAIL z=...a.crizsmw ciciabazubrir, Will rnn three daily elde-wheeleteamers between Pittsburgh, MorinngahclaCity, Landing, tireensboro, tieneva and the Drinkard OIL Regions. This line Ls composed of the following steamers . • ELO • PM F —.. • Xt, A. , Wirt. w, cAAt ?IA!: TELKIIILAPII FRANKLIN. I;EICIEEMItEII These packets will leave Pittsburgh daily at B. m., and 5 p. m, except Sunday, when the departure will be at o'clock, a. m. The through puket for the 011 Regions will leave Pittsburgh ;JAW' at 5 p. m.; Brownsville daily at 51/.. rs• 11612111111:20—Lmmes Brownsville for Pittsburgh daily at 7a. m„ and 1 p. Leaves tireensboro and Geneva at II 0 It Ice 'a Landing at 2 p. M. The line le composed of drat-.lace side-wheel •teamers, built expressly for the trade. They are commanded by officers of long experience, who will pay Particular attention to the wants and com fort apassengers. roe boats will leave promptly at the hour afivertise.l BEXEIV6I , AT ALL BUBB& . _ f" n'th" re ofAteotl of r oorn At the Wbvf-Bost, a k te ., :az Bovine. ea. MySl.bloo PEOPLES' aid LINE OF STEAMERS, =I Pitt•biargh, • Natao a nst e e n la „ Ty. Brown TM. Company will run a daily boat between the above points, comprised of the new and splendid aide-wheel shimmers CHIEFTAIN. 11. N. Alll,lltte commander, and ELECTiIit, Bonnet . Yillttiget commander. (The Elector In now being completed and will take her place In the line In a few days.) The Chieftain will leave Pittsburgh fur all point. on TUMSDAYS. THUBSDATe and RATURDAYB at SY. at Hemming, leaver titine•a for Fittaburgli on MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS and FRIDAYS, atil A. M. and Brownsville at I The Elector haves MON I/ AI, WEVN ESDAY and FRIDAY, at 5 r. Returning, lea( us tieneva for Fittaburgh TUESD I', 111 /04DA Y nod taAT at t A. N. and 8r0....11,111e allr. R. The Comtinny have a first-Mao air e Mon a n ahl ty n Pburh. Feet f g Boat e e ls ed o t g all e h a u C s. No d charge for g mnim(salon . on Eastern height, Title line will not run boats on the Sabbath. For furtherticulars enquire on board, or to par W. Co NNINOH AM, Agent, at the wharf BOW.. foot of Orant street. mb unsaid NEW Poi l ittcl i onr•Mt eteemer+r, r. lotl'UN No. I= Will leave an alKove on SATURDAY, at., F or freight or ion ~.Age smoly on board, or to 1eVt••111 FLACK 1 I'ttl.l.lNOWttttit, Agent VOR ST. LOUIS AND ST.L i ziEt I . A LI 1.. - The line steamer W AUAKI.TA pt. Nur MAN. Will leave for the shove mid all Intermediate Pill , . o TII Y, at For freight or passage apply on hoard or to Jetvm43 VI.At•K A(V ILIA ND A g ..om 1,43 n ST. LOUIS AND KT.s a cia m t • PAUL DIRECT.—The nne paa iteuger steamer It. t, V.P.AI W 111 leave for Die above and all to ten:Eß.4lx. ports 'THIN DAY, JuneZl, at 4p, 11..1 For freight 0rp1.15.11t11 apply on 'ward or to Jell FL &CI t 1 . 061 I Nil WtN/li. AR. I)EGL'LAR PACKET sigaiM FOR WHEISLLNO, MARIETTA AND ZAN ESVILLE.—The fine steamer EMMA Capt. C. It. 'TELL., 44 111 leave for the above sod elk Intermediate ports e•ery TUILIDArt IL 4 I. m. Returning, may. Zanesville every FRI DAY. all am. J. (Al lAA NUWD(III. Anent. DRUGS AND CHEMICALS. WY. .1. 1140111...3. IL IeCLYLLANIL MASIL U. URUI IOcCLELLA.ND & CO., Corner Federal and Lacock Streets, 91r.a1-.1341:3113.11311Mar1ir, P a. e Wholesale and Retail Druggists, Dealers In Paint*. 011 a, Varnishra Drag, ,Liye elan's, Carbon Oil. rte., Standard and Patent Med icies. Their Mock a nound well selected, and will be sold as low a n any 0 Inc west. ILA • SCHOONALLITER & BON, Pittsburgh White Lead Works, PURE worth LEAD, EIECE=TIMDIM=I ===l 68 11 , 00 t .6, THE BEST EFFERVESCING CITRATE OF MAGNESIA, lEt a os. bow ist. In t. (um of POWDER. for rail by all Wbolssals Ilrogatata. Prepared by ARTHUR O.OGIELLS, Chemist N. T. abittStatl On CASES CHARTER OAK LEAD • ,,, just recrived and for sale. by WCOILGE A. KELLY. m 724 Wholesale Dralglsl.374e;Amd _ Ail KEGS FRENCH ZING, in Oil, Just ravels... 4 and for sale by tiEtlitliE A. Kttl, Wholesale Druggist, la Woods( eel.. 9. SPTS. TURPENTINE Just 5 mull re.l and for sale bY Wittig A. KEL. , 1, • • . 0,24 Cirhoiestale Dru,glat. Z . Wood, 20 ,!'„"is. . frYBtal ' }RA • KOK., A. KELLY. m Wholesale Drosuglet. z• Wood street. • TfIE NEW Spring and Summer Medicine, FLUID EXTRACT WITVIUIPTIII gni MI a m COMHIN F.II WITH lodiale of 141nte. PREFARRII FOR G. W. PErr&, BOSTON, James R. Nichols & MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. I...prurAL-ruitmat OP TRU ' ELIXIR PERUVIAN BARR WITH Protoxi4le of Iron, =I Tonic and Restorative, BV Phsristcms rand lacrallds Iw all parts of Ih consary. The new preparation, • - 6A ROAPA BALLA IN COMBIN A TIOP WITUI lODIDE OP presents one of the most prompt alterative agents' In n form capable or exerting full action upon the system, and this in minute and pleasant doses. It Is conceded that the alterstive, resolvent, or tonic effects of lodine, are ax erted most decidedly When knociated with other attentive.. In combination; and the hanapartila seems to falai perfectly all the acanthi. requisitions. The first effect usually observed when 'MAJIIIA. WITH lODIDE riff LIMO" Is taken, is an Increase of appetite, showing that It ha. tonic properties of a marked character. Its altentlive ef fects are manifest in It. ready combination with the blood and tissues. Dale. croNlone women aud children Improve rapidly under Its use, nod the vi tal function. assume a healthy condition. It is mimirniric adapted to a lent. nnolta , rorcbron . lc or setae affections peculiar to children. It le malted to then, both by the mildness and eflielenell of Medicinal effect and the element, atteaeldvo farm of MO remedy. It may be given for a long period where cornstltutional influences are desired. and no reougna nee. or disinclination to take the syrup. enconntoresi. In Whitmliwelllngs, Hip-Joint DU i•, anti Distortions or the Opine, IL should be ale en persistently. in moderate doses, Until relief's obtained. In the Spring of the Year, and during the Warm Weather, The accumulation of morbid matters In the system peeing to, become manifest and very troublesome. Lassitude, headache, Bolls, 'ost/dryness, Loss of Appetite, Pains In the Joints, trutig.tion, etc., are very common. Nothing ever devised Is better adapted to etterminate or drive off these affections than ado now etnnidttnelon of bAIthAPAILILLA WITII 10M.DE OP LIME. w Alterative, or Blood Purifier, hoe ever bAtere been placed within the reach of (awl- WA. Indeed. It is an entirely NSW and FICTIMTIIIIO combination, in no respect resembling aUrthieli hitherto employed. The opinion of medical men concerning it, the description of it.