The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 22, 1866, Image 1

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    TM •( GAUTI.I,
rvo_msnim ,
NO. NO Tsirrn Oro rtresnuoati.
1%11 WEEK, etc/WM-I "
BY CARRIER..... . Vs
zht gittOurgh 6autte.
FRIDAY, JUNE 23, 1866.
Os Saturday last the Republicans of
Washington county nominated A. W. Tay
lor lor State Senate, he having been previ
ously nominated in Beaver; John Ewing
and .1. IL Day for Assembly; .1. C. Cham
bers and John Farrer for Ai:six:late Judges;
Join) I. (low, for Prothonotary; N.
'rackcii nir Itecoriler: I 'worg,t.
an or Register; and W illiam Kidd for
of the Court. Ii A W. Acheson
will accept the noutinatica for Presitleut
Judge, lie wa4 declared to lit
the candidate.
Resolutions were in favor of lien
Geary, lice new' ('nest 'Ltd ional Amend
meat, and a FN .( Railroad Law,
IT I, Ito Ittlit.!ltt 1 - 3.411t011/41 , 11, "Itt Court '. to
1«lik of th. Lair irulde , in HI 1., c ountry
as a Mr. Secretary Sew - nun,
ID It . , official annottneentent of the death
of Urn. CASs , . speaks of his — exalted pa
riot ism at n reei n 1 perunl i rolitiroi film
Thu Baltimore tneriean rx; wets
next to 'rear the most terrible and ground
rt•ltCliton on reconl spoken Of i l", tn
unfortunate family ytari - el." or, as Mrs.
Partingion would express it, "a slight isin-
Fitipation of our internal relations.—
the . 211 Ilisl rirt of this State are three
e-tmorelanil, Mr.. 1411111 Cmoile; iu him
in:;. Mr. A. IVilson Taylor; Anil in Fay.
ttt~, 11r. Smith Fuller. Fortunately, no
ill-temper 11a, been engendered between
Me., gentlemen or %be'.
the Nook : we Incline i,, the beliel mat Mr.
(mimic will have the trar Ir. Mr. .1,1111 1..
Dan,on retains the seat in
this district, Dr. Smith Fuller ini:ine to
Ito , unn ril , /, the principal orzoti n it
the Ir - in the Unitt d Ptah
Mo. heretofore been comparatively -iient
the Fenian question. It non that the
exp4,lit ion , ilinnw" , the hitter enmi
ty 01 the Irish imanmi Engionni. It worn,
tho Cathoiint, Itgain,t :hooting the Fenian
pth.too•r4, zishtirt, (hunt that it' they
pot thoot o. dtwth, a work of rp•taliation
stillbe v0111111( . 11( ed lira , Will uurr ill
f heart titiail.
\% l:\ Captaiii U urh, 01
iu this tilt attending Ow Suitt.
hr w a , looked upoti as
It ,cems prolstil,l, the di-rip
llne ter whit•ll stilljvcte.l him
1411,4.1 . I 111 W d oing ict• in
1.e113'.1 titti,r3l i;cary
11.,?; 1;11tol.“11 , 1 V. LAWItK:icE, repteSen
Intiv, In t'nn_'t••• inn, ll„• I N•• lily
(I',.nn I. 1•t. 11, 14,11
1111111111.1trol rt• - r•lerti , m by tin ,
(;tl.r.c 3.1 Washindnu. i t wlll,l
rnt,runty i:i
!.•r .1 , -411.1.1y, ..,111
u. kVat; and T 1 b•r A
.•iate .1 u4lO, Prot 1,1,
..:Lin • Au,.
THE lt,a,llng
of 11,rks Aoutly rluiul , 0.1
Mr I LINER l -ill, 4.:Lndidatt.lor
4j- o v e r,,, NV het ht - I Ihrc l a i m I . 11w 4 , ,
rak , it Will nol nit Mr IA non 1;‘ ,
u, dully pr,wri1....1 ph),lenitt
-11‘,111Strit‘11 311 , 1 .1.1.11A1,1i• Ite. w r ,,, t , , t4I. lor Ilatard A 1 , • t 4 1 .4 I ,wt
1.11 was 111111 , 14 rid .111 . 1 W-day,
411,1.1.:.1 tails .1,, Li
ISir hi- w“ri. 1.., %ale 11l hol,'Hal , ul. 1'111,1.11r1.0 F.
-014.1 , 1. t I 11. 1.) . all 1,,5r0t..1-•
;dr, 14 , , 1t rt , , 4,1,... , 1 11,, , till In131.11,13,0;to
Iwa udi mug 11 at I
, /It 1,111,111,111i1. 1.0•111'N 111141 •
- the. , I.ln. ks , h1,0,1t11.1 1111.,
An A.114E141..31 n(NriitUP..l - Thl• Elrut Ne ,1•11 Ig /1111111‘1 are t,f ThC 110•1•1,11,,,
curd of Weid.morelithd °put, In the tm
thaym of king George the Third—A coins rn
Trip Thrtirtgls the Cott nary—/:n••• lire
%tattoo—Republican Primary Ikleet 100 1.1 leaving the block or minimal .tore ready
his mei tit to immediate tad'. .1,4•114.1 teat-, by
heat n —Loral and Ntelallstior , , •
hood t.tottalp. aturatlng with water freertng and thawing,
p a
~ ,t , „„ mu t, It teal trio In the wads of a limed• lid
plate 11, 4 itrgandeil its a borough in ei i ear., detnotettrate their lit rut,
ei. wet e t h e nr ii tt ir e ,•_ it y. an: 1 Item,' tiler,' superiority to any id the 2
"Mee, 1.1,411 . 111..1 the neat 1.0111101,0011 .haled I ILe d • found near the illy, 115 a material I , t
. _7th day id February, A 11., 17" 1 4 eleven year. Mg The Ingpectlon of thane Work.. 11 1,
prev aid. to the tttatilidtment of your pinn 111 nortPlailuteld• "nee them a. a
nal, the i•ar tit t lie reign of iteorge tia• amid : diet:able and much 'wetted mule:nal
Third. It 1- 11 (•01111111 , 0 0 . le Art hat lad, a.l -"rt. :if building., piddle or private. They
appointing him Itegt.b.r rO the county. It van 1, 141leio hle eoarr or tint,
cominelielt, WI the seal, then lotto*n the and el . 44 1 " 414 a1 , • adardld for
greeting facing. and dti end fled rucery It I.a ,
-George the d. by the brace of llod. of inerit t flea' material. it. we :are Inform.
ideal itiain, T amFr e ing ed, that It can 1 .• liiMhed 11l 11 , 1 00.1 Ulan
tereler oft the Faith, and sn ferth,” tool con- ~,,,,, r.
Intl. a.. follow,. - In leudlutony whereof'. e
, av „ ea „,,,,,2 th e g„. a l „I our 1 ,„„,„,.., a, architect. 11.1111 eel gees tit examine then.
to Id hereunto affixed. Witac.s—litehard ks. ul No. 4 et, Clair etroct
Penn, En , ,. (toy Virtue 01 C 01111.1.410 11
from Thomas Penn and John Penn, taint ulnx•
1.1 - 1.. anti alt.nlide proprietor. of tow said Cheering Yards for the 11111005.
Province. mint a nil our Royal approttal lona tact d, tiny demoted:rate. more elearly that
I.l(tateliallt boveroor nod eattatrattlder-tre 4l . lll ef lit et Complaint, in all It. dad forms,
of the 1111 , 1 Ohout :I 1 Ila'ulty
Prey 1110 e tiro:canal, and the COl.lOll of I
0111 ,111011
New (.antle r Kent anti .mete on Delaw l,
are, at I .11 In 1/1 n
Philadelpha, the twenty....ventil ilay of Fele or inconvenient , . I on It 0br01.111.1..e ,11•1.1,.11e,
avy, in the year of oar laird. one thoitaanil t et t In not proof r00d:444 the per
eeven hundred arid ativetity-three, anti in the •
thirtieth year of our 1,..1g11 VlOll, alai ewt , 11 . 11.1.1 ,1 • itiedatlon
11/11/1 , PUN. A..' Or ,TO l ll /11 '1.1 . .[ an. That
YeSterday 11e U/1111: a tarn through the e entat e arree, toe cae,,,,/. the 11, do a.
ante)', bringtng up Id • I difTy'a ninth/it.' on „ , legal„,„. „, ,1 healto
the Pennvylvaniu Central kat Irerail, and at i '"'” '• " e ` ' '""
the ell, Inc well Howie - we were entertained billy meter the In linen , • of the Ritter.. Their
111 re1(11 1 11.1" - oriental tyle” by the inaadrigible t at i,t mg., it hack from It state el rot , elhost
••Air' Tid. tamge a rely plettennt
( vitiates thireat, 0„ the ',oak the 110 teet hill - 01011y the of health
mud kept in elekind .tyle by .10i111 thee , e...11•1111ew, th ley:wear, if there
Kulty The .eriiitat the emu. lad.n.ll , i,k.,,nhe, It it the mkt.
here mad I I.'l v lk a tine :tea tend Mal region,
anti line erupt here are her ta th o ,„. 111.• winol the ey ,, are limpid iv
tit nth. , parts ml tilt 1,011111. y. tO1p1.1111011.• blle, they reeoVel their 'lateral
return Judge. of the ii. 1.111111. prl•
.011, If the /I.lllmq Ile IN WI., It rel. the
113141 - Y 1,1‘ .4.,10111 . 1 C 1 Imre yealan day, and 1101111-
!01.14,1 11011. .101111 0. „,, 'I 1g 1 n1.1.1 , 11 1 In Impaired, It is nattered, 11l
The ~adagle r for t Legiiaid are. brief, %lade,. the it, rontomn of the 1.0111.
nator C"''ln ""'. "" • plaint inlay lie, and .11.1.4. ever the ilia. , . it
'darned 1.11 Wwilthottett on Monday aventag. I ,
At, J. Warner, fah lao thin Wee'. " 111'
en, here on Ft eta) 1:,I, mei hilted the Mil form elicet. of that preptdatmit where lid
atow her that placeon the Nth liamiee let. 10,11 Id re.iiy .11,4.1010 11 ; bill
burg W.. linter tlnd 'Mow to., About
twenty-stg years ago he teit oat a at nltnlnn wheel. there I. merely a condi! 11-
ldearittal pig, - arid t he Id. ealtlititant (lima, tendency to dyer compland, I 111 lira be
1 . 1,101,11.1.10 1 ” 1 (01 . the emi...anon 01 the tth t,„,,,,,,,, llirnlhg hula la.
are going 011 10r1.10,y 111 different. purl. 4. tia.
qr..Mty. Al La( rub, /1 grand pieat tat, 11 . , quanta ant, of tats palatable antaittle.
°lace, :mot tic rat Salem res. IL' tad., a I - 1 llnno
ler:tn.:in lit Pletv.aitt Fatty, told a I atatole plc- Lamle, el —or, Imam, they 5114111111 he prom poly
nie Mira. nlion—oy all per... of Whoa. habit
Three horses wen stolen in M tothlnk
county on hod Friday night, Hostetter'. Hitters
,• A company has been Organized hide, anti ill.: .• _
ateek nearly all aken, tar the Imillllng or , • amttt
new hotel where the Kettering Ili disc , Mnrknt 4 b ta
elands. The whole thing be nailer the
01 the 11111,111 .--.
tuunagetnetit of Mr. Henry liellet mg', and ne anil eta Aut. near Y earth 'drool
lit: Is nit oh/ keeper, III.) in'
bly name:pied be w ill pot up a hOIInUP.M men
nurnte with the demands of the ri
twolltia pun-
-- In Butraloo, a rail real eotolitctot t u t,
just been Mimi Conti fo ot ~,,.,..t i u g a ullll,
from fi car because be tubes ... riv.. up
his $4,..t. 10 a Wolintli. lit the 411,11P111111 _the
Court held that woollen oire entitled legally
Case of It Goorrilln Continued—Appre - t„ ~,,, more privileges in public .On Vl' you.
beaded Menem, by• Piegro,.. l'l's than wen, and that yilleu the hand pay
locrlnvita.e, J tom . 11.—The cure of Iten.ptolln„ . . the y hu ,,, u 1 ,th... 1 H u m to or .
41•03 of Harper's brut, viri, contil.O. , i till pelt i... ~. .io ' .
term of Court. Twelve hundred dollars I•all I,y them so long aS they vonolum theo o .
WWI 011111. NOt.ilillg liar been heard of Herm, , 4 ,1„., properly .
Since he reletten.,l Slay. Fl tltlh i ill }tll4l I'M li i ton
front lkovllng ttrecti full on till. Mil. Th..
gang Is InippOtloti to be in the Arlllnity of Hann- --The Poott,o ills Miner,' Jonrnal laid.
vale, Tenn. from a reliable source that the suck of floe
win's... for shoot Mg Owen, In, nol NW/4 „
Mall Wood tire,. Mill Consumers' Railroad.
Oitiled tip. WOll5 is recovering, rapidly.
flow Li no t r aces, June 21.—1 t lilnPpr,•llE•notivl lending from Philadelphia through Seliny I
that the negroen n ill attempt to rebene a
negro settLeneed to In, !lng On th e I.lth °I kill county too Sunbury, has been taken by
July, l, Franklin. l't venni moan 1111•WIll,„ Ikea N'
.. vapitalista, and arrangements arc
nave been taken by the du 401111 01 111,Vtalt MIN' Making to place corps of engineers oil
such a reutlh. _ _ the route It, locale the road.
-- - -
The Ihmedhava 4:11.31.1,41001reglIOD Scheme.
TOOON,-o, C. VV., June Si —The Legisinitire - Tin• President has - . ranted a pardon to
of New liruniwielv, it , s elpeeted, will adopt Wade Keyes, of Mon, •omery, Alabama,
the confederation .scheme. Delegates Isom who was it member of tae rebel I labinel,
Canada, New Ili tosnalek, Nova ricotta ant
Newfoundland will probably leave for Eng- !Wittig, been :I ttorney general of Ilse short•
land at this end 01 the present month. The li ve dConksieritey. iii, plinth/1i woe It .
lb li t t e gl . usli Parlinne t in
, T e ll, p ; „ t „, 1: e t sspeet i t o y . b . ifors . uu ,,,,. ,s
Le i and recommended by Attorney
doe io enahlit tt ess at ufederatio n n 01 9 t7e presellt i 6etiellti Speed and Admiral Lee, of the
oeoelon to bo completed in Augun). - (United Btatna navy. •
oi 4 laa I/ 4 Oi :4:
saws lase Gaiters
At. M'Clintock's.
Be Wawa
.Ind bny at. Nn. CA) Fifth street
Mee the French Calf Boot.
tot M'Clintock's.
lolueemoots wt No. ru Fifth street
live the Children's Shoe%
At Weltranck'x.
The Bargalus at No. GD rico street.
For l'ittsloarglier , given at No. co Filth .t.reet
None !turnings.
In selling p.roml goods for so little money, No.
rq riftli street..
Nee She Superb I , 4leek
Of • UnlierA, nl 'I'll!.
Olo•t Rol table
iooi Ikea ' , litw • Store to I•lttstotrKtt. No CO
Flrt h street.
itrhar,, and I.nilers for everylody, PI !r2
Voss . Calf CoaloM-made Itnol 0. very uheam, at
No NtiNN.L.
Boot. and Shoe.,
Federal street, !11. Ftslers.l street, tt.!Feti
FOl th littlr. 11 n,,.:,,, equal for promoting
hi , groulh or hal:. For AMP 1/1110
efulter Ft fib ulel field .4 reel+.
.1 itst opened oil nor - 11,1441 of
ottrlllllll.l ‘lnrk el +lOO,l,
.1 kilo nod black points mod loionilrea, on the
Imethe:t.t corner ot Foorth athl Market streetA
C II t7qh . oN LON I S Bite
I in . ctirtani—al-ii tilientiil on
n. niirtin.a-ii ecirner and Niarkvi
C Ultt).
\••,. A M MIMI:311 WO! .leliVel ti teeth!,
.•ntitl.l",l4'n. of the Time," itt I , r -trolly.
I.itr. h. klleKlienv. on Ft taw, .. n .tun.
•!.I. At 7 , , ~ e lork. The provet , lN 11.41
sir., of the - , ,,,hath TteketA
I .0'11(y-tire rencs, r.l Ir hush at the ,loor.
11Inek Good♦
Intl 1.0 In Ittlettgett, n•renzttl t rapt. lie
-paltet, Taltaltzte - .., Itotribtinett, Alpiteet ,
Stet I 1100, Cottortty. t 1 . 1 ,4115, t rape Mn
al, Olt 11, 111 , 1111 • 11.1
net ..1 ,tr.l Markel .treott
1.. 1..,11 a it Ito
I . 1111• :tn,l genttlltt, rrm..mht, that the., I. a
ont. platnt Ilterlly Ilere you ,'nn
,n:1 Using yo n want, and at prlees far brio,.
a Uat eh ,arNI n9-ea ton, and that On, 1.
V lemma'. n. ,ore, No.. Market t•truct.
w 11,1 4. you 4 - an al -o Ino,nla , tau fiTing
inniuran, ~robe
lon los Whlalky. I 114•11 . . r.
V unoina's Prug .4,r,"\„ NI i,rkt.,
liAt and t iftm.4, of %l 111.
Wo.KI •trre•l. 4, we nrt now
1111,, on °tit - .1..0. ,rung and •.1111/111V1
Men . - KIM Roy: ,
and IMyte rim. Fell lint-.
rtml t
11.0,, rslntrt. , l marimmtm. mt.
...-.. I, pn.-;11....•
1..1 ~e "0
, in 111.• e
ng 1.1, curhoulartnr. , l ,ne - .. m t h,..,.. -
11.11‘•,..1.• wl.l rt•Itl.11, II" t.o call with
.1.1,, 111 , rent*, I•argains. toe ~,1t32,11
pt. n. p..• 1111., I. It
11.. t II 1.k... th.• 11,.•1 •.I .1.11,r .01
hl Co , , o;
I , t rtir rrot clll,ll-1 II r.,
Imil•linv ~) nou
0. 146
Thanks to the Cram of a United States
%moot for Assistance in Entt.iifnleh
log Fire—The Vanderbilt and Mon
adnock at demotlets-.Perlormaner of
the Latter—Bones of Diseased Cattle—
Internal Revenue Reeelpta—Death
the lion. James Itnniphreys—retslan
Colonel Roberta In congress
WAsniffieron. done 21.—Commander War
ren, of the United Slates steamer Miens tile,
Writes to the Nutt Department trio. .\ spin.
wall on the 11111 instant, giving the leo I wil
l:tr. of the great lire at Mavogue, al reli.lL n
ticed, nut enclosing copies of a letter troin Ole
ant lowitiiis of the place. returning, (loot), for
the Bert lees Of the eft, id Ito• glens , die In en
thiguo.lllllg the lire.
Commodore gogers rointilliMelltes the infor
mation that the I 1.11141 Stilte, steiiiner
,lerllilt had arrii 0.1 at Sealsileo tin the :loth til
May, a ith the Mona, nock. after it intssitge of
eight days tint' IL-11011 front Panama. The
lox 11, he 11111.., occupied by the rrimelt able
single vessel. the dueller of :tins Is
la:, at WWI . .. 11,10 re It. The snores of tile
I.l:ty ti sin leaguer...l by the Liberals that
the cocoanut, a Ideli grows within a ...ion
shot ante lois saleiy apisimiehed.
'CutroLdthe prole, eon of the
d i ng 1 giVlll,.. 111 tee Monad.
noek. shall, the Commodore says, prolm
hly he detained here for 1111 , purpose three or
fool days .11!11.1 11/01 1/
•.lii 111 . ..••••41 San
lira.. Ise°, stopping lit M awn , ' ifi Ih,l totrans
fer void limn the I ,111-leiltli to tile 111.1.1-
Th.• average 1111010,1 01 1,)011. tool.
the titter vessel 1. 1,.. sic an.l liad
Hour. The greatest distance rtili tIL 111.1 100110
.1;‘) . O:LS 010 , 11.1111...1 and 1111)--.4 . ,e11 11,0,
mid the least 1.10.11110.1r..t1 a. 0.1 torcL-serell.
The Vnited Consulat Agent at Be,.
root, `tint, fnra aidsl. the Ifepartilient m
slate it letter from the I 1111...1 -.1111,1 t 01,11
/.0.11011. nlO.lllllll, 11101 1111.1 110 1 . Ilan,. In
t ~11.1.1/11., Mg.. I.lninglnnl Inv 1 . 1,1,
154.114, •
tot p,11113.1.- Fin1np,.1...1
of}ter, tnen, al, lb .•011-1.1c1,1010 nI
tail that the 1,1.110 111.,11.-A . 110,41 0.0 . 4100 .
time In , 11..triets the, patint, heronsd
il linde limo 11r111.0L1.11 11011 a 0.4. 111 g t nee e .
legit ii.,! , .otta ot ~ .11:1.
guthrort..l, :Loa .ellllll. twin dietw , .‘ll.l
I`qUelll I) to 1 tic cogitt r) IF k
Inch Iley aro 111. Cln.,
ww. will t.+ttrgeoet 1...11,1 Il,Lt HI . %•
pr05:...,1111.3 111/11111114111.1i
ett:tle ti L. 1..-1
Infect toEl, ralt•lal,l 1 ,,
tltsenzw. auk! 1,rt,1 ., t,,1
lII+CIO ,t
-tee ott 1 . 1,11-,.1,, at lot!, a.. tit,.
I. nowle Inw lAI till . 11/11%AI/1:IA1,1 1 , 1
" s t ,
4111‘1,11110r, Ilt ; “11411,... 14.-111r1.1% -
Col .1 itIol.•11-, r1.•,le111 4 , , I tog•
Ertl( herhl , o4l, t he‘•
t, , 11 .11111,, nrrtil
Ihtlll 111,111,, • that
Esebse Ens. lb.lured Curotufllttottonol
by the t ammo.. Pica% Uotart -awe to
be. Takrn to t abort of Apt...1.-tooth.
rr Erb.e of Choler., Fllolterlou I until-
Ilan of Erreflufro'• Eloritlx
-nr-onkaniunllou otT rrrrrr y licpurt•
meat-!lowv.1 Force Inereuwed. In 4'lrie
of the Impending l'onftlel In Europe
-4 1 / 4 1nuallor Arrldeat .Ith rk Tosrprflo
tli.• It. 1... it\ ‘lll4 .1.1. M, I
I,lard, r 11,11 , 11 tl
1,111. nt ii.l
.ise.l . ll• COIN, I
14 1 . 4, r1 1 14' 11111):,11:‘ , 'LH : II1.1.1•1\ 11. •Al I
%t - ' L-1 It I
I t lli. r
••.: till s • ••••••••1•• .1•416.•••• ••f ••I•.• Is 1.• .•
till••• 1 tot I ••• ••••;••••t•I -•,•••1•1•••n :tr• ••• t •• •1.'5 1 Ml.' 1 15'.
,• • .5; 11, •••
••I \ •
ronst r t•••• A ,11 1 11111J 1 11. 1111 11
1 10 1 41, 1 , tti , 11 / 1 1• • ••• 111 : 1 ire, lint ,t•
U.! 11. “I It"
t. 1 %, t!, I , 11. (Iv •1
Market•—Trevwbery 4,441 1,1
lose Er•er Raging at 10 vra 4 rut -
rating front Meslicev.
%I/WI 1 , 3 1 / •••/•1•
Thy, 1 1 13'11 •,1• 31 • 1 • ,1 •
1 1,3 ••..... 3.• 3 1/ 1 1 11
mr.•!11.. In x.l. .. at.
•cir. , ...1 t.hi
0/13 1 r
1.1 I.
at..l I.llat.l‘
rt..• ,11111.
t ••1, 1 . 1 /11P •,
1131,-, 13111111r3 . 4 11 1 1
II 1111,131. r I.•
Ity of
at. 0f 311.1 14r1(1,1. 31, • 1 /( 111 , /.11•113,-
ill , I tilper 11,1
..1 1.1..1/1 1131331A1, 1 r. t.. r 111.
31.13133 t ItAt 11..- ....I lit
...Ft R
TrLimo., Is •irr 3.'1111.1,1 r Irror iL ror rrr•
y ,r.ara I Irrir,Ll Irrrur
Thir I.llocrrir I, ttr trr Ito rri , rgrrr
004 rlf 111:LIaLltrrtlarr
betler from Chief Jo•tleo ehooto-
Iltinoppro•et. of the P • I l'otoluct
of Bow
rw , - 1.•,,.-
11, t• 1,10.11.1.. 0 4 lit, 1..110.
I[ , 11. 11 ...von. I.:Iln 1 Nog.. I 111,1
i54,V1.111., ' . llll l ll
•. ' , art l:, rl 1•lea,••1
V 1
tI.IILI to ...1
i 1 1,.
I a \4.1 .1,1 9 1 Io tt,t
aft, 111 my awl ILI. P
-1.11,11,1, ...
the 1.111.11 1 ' 11 , 111 1., it pa,
1,, al iil.), ,tl.. t .• J...
L., illy :a .1 1 11 1 . t It: 0,1 CV... 111 ,tl.
Inn, 1,11 ,11111 .... • 1 y
It V. ILK I . ry painful L. It.. IF. -0 1 1 . It
I lot. lot :4 low. tort I at al. 11.
11(1x4llitt p.a.,. I ..1111 .111 , 10 . ,11.1 1 1 .11 a. 4[ l ,
nt 101 11.4 atlig 114•1.1 v. 1,1 , It c'l .• , 111 ,
',lay 1 Itk l• .11,, co U• 111 two I
1..1111115 ma) • ITIUT
hurl 11.111 lota I Clllltl.l 1111111 114111x-1 ~11.
arg 11.1.1, 2,
t. I f 1.11,111 , 1...1...
It., loop. 11. t, llv I
and all It. P.! %VILA 11040.41 W. 01,1
40ntr01111.1.1. to 11a11 , ....
la' 111.1.1. ,0r...y 141.1
ra. 1 11..11. Ilic WWI ,o 1 p Cent. IL"
W 1..11 1 ~, 14 . 1 14, 1
Inn rnw rd, I l ,ut on.) a. tioaLtau 114.1,1 10 I ,1 '
futon Mote Convention—Nominnii.
fur Uo•ertsor—Curn.4l.ll.allonnl Amen
. imetat mud Congre.... 6mdor.,El
smo, , .111 m. 24.—The 1011 ,1101 ,
1 . 41, 1V1 . 1111•111 nart hunti "” l aud
”1•1) .1 I.
I lor t•ovvrom
w• r.• p:t.,44.41 Ilmt limn, wit 1„,1„ v.
•,' • .lor titr illi 1.0 1111 i
1111111041 tii,l :Ana orniur'"
the: ut. ,, t11 , 111 ,, ,,..1 111,
yr b¢t.",k(1,1.•,....e let """
0.4.4 . 1 .1111 . 1 UM, .tr.
11 Oen' ,
I A-1'
lafernrillary Error In 111. Joseph, no I.oms
Joe fern, M... Jane 11.--A tire oecurred c•
on Market square, at ln,ee o'l leek llles 11101.11- a week
ileetrovion, rireirett, vallte.l at,MIL Tile 1 . 1,11111111. I,lllli ovo4l t 11111 gliOng
isno ter, Iniurefl ir anotit fr, in Nov. Wood in. to eelorfel 0.14110, pere4lollll.lllll
- Hartford and ]ow, The tic . . ncd ..""w ll nc."` '" "wit bctr''. He 1.4
Wine ipal 10 , orre arc My Ha Ai o i , $1 ni i ikrn i I.l l l loo re l l the 11111 l'• fuel 111111 e commercial,
Floyd ti,ikmi i Huhn e., /Ha mm, ',red poetal and old s Ili Ik/dent :agiong
Bes.rumn,_rkOuu, •loh. Cork.). piyaiff, ieltleen the mayoral ototari. l'lfle toll waist/sown rail
& Ratio, impuo. Thu tiro went u week o troad connections so us LC, /OM e0111 ,, 1110118
inOendi=7. I /Moo.
Mr. ir-Ityrruan (ring thy domnilttee on Akri.
culture. reported Idyer3oly on the 1,111 to es
-1.1111,5h a national dypoS Mory In liertnany.
Mr. N'alle ollertid 1 ,10 (Minn 111011 011,
adopted, the tdentnittee on I,ollle
Intliditig, and grotityln., in tu , , , nitie Int, the ex
pedlyned of perellitlting 11.0,1 1,1.00601
Marylanll 1,4•1110. 2{oll i . (0111V11 . 111110 rtVOlllO,
.1,1 of the Capitol. tot a nathintal park. In
altzeti lu elect a preat,lyntni.l nian,dort.
Al 1 lie ex lurid ton ol idle morning hour the
tax 1,111 was taken lip.
Tile reading of Inc tax bill woo then resumed
file/ the peel Itelele'd at the time of ad
journment yet-Lenit). The following amend
ment in relat 101 l to gm companies WMN agreed
to And all timisinlitti NV pre, I.
liSed 31 l• 1,11.11.1 iZed to null Lile
!ICS Ile tem Imposed to the price per t i tle feet
gei gnu sold, 1110/ LII ootripanles who have hurts
loft. it contrueicil to furni.l.l gas to munlmpall-
I los and other corporrtleils, arc 111,0,3 wi
thin ;zed to atlild lot lax to much contract.
'rile Co .1 Mitten eereelleeleieti the ieliteellie
11.111011tillieel, “itealtbes, to wort, threshing
tide:nines and separators, vrisithrllesr, wool
-011 mill, and machinery lilt the manufacture
of augur, sy ell 11 fwd reelt.lien, Made (TOM Mile
g 111, Me] eleillSiVei adapted to
lie oco by hot to piey:, .1 per cent. ad
yid.. um
hl ItkiOptloll ol Ilie 51.1,55,5, Mr.liritil, tie
n, led the 0.11.1 nay:,
Mt. It Irks nod cation uttunl non to 1. lie fm - L
Inut r0 5 5,1n urn nod thretilitilit
nere exempt sers,
I. litri y the noose hill.
Mt F enneiien nithi the funning tnterOst WILM
fIIVOI,II In thin mil tss I g realer extent 1.111111
nmy other Intere.nt The litre.," themselves
tttmh• COl 11 . 1.1,1411 t, l • Oltuln gentle...l
55../,lssa,lertn.k.en to vomplate for them. The
tost, move, tom mttetl vo•
te the 155,11,1- at innoup,slses anapattintee.n.
111 r. I anee nuiir he round all uirMarial need
in ship build tug on IL.. tree Ilea. Ile lista no
oi•Ject ion to this, but thought agricultural
u tercets ought not I o lese favored.
riCktsll.lo,4/ to strlke Iron; the
smonilinent the word - sorghum."
Mr lloa ar suggest.; to Mr. II t .. a• 1,0
tlt little the word ••impliie."
NI: Itenilriche s.rul Lie In not gotta a tint
Imllgeti :LS
01,11, -11
11,-Nlr. M
• I
Nl!' 110,11,1
!t 1 , 11,11% ,Cl)',
arid 11.....11.1.11 saline purpose.
wets( tit Mr. Ilt . litirickS wt.
la. •Inks. thy „ord. •••01•
rgli lan
men I
e: L. u f et•
Now V.l,Onnti hr. i ~
Li. I 1.111 la • 11.0' •1,•.! Its i
,CrO taxvtl
I ii. 1311.2
1.1 gre:Ll
s 1 ,
\lt 1..,._
•11.1 , : ill' :110 1.1,,•11.11 uIIOVVI
.L 11.111,, weell a till t,11114.:II
1.• 11..• 1...1t1.41,1
o ...r.
a vvl Ili. t 111 -I‘..t In
••r.1r.1. il.e• tut ..1 111111% •
111 11.11 not
IlUtt 1,1 value
td, rite•ft , ll. Itt
••• 1.•u•II. jr rhots•-nii.l •
1 . 11.•. , ~
was ~L,Ltg
~,,, I 11. tn.. 1•..
144 1,4 ra
”-1,4•... It" :k1.1:1, 111
!•••I, 114 .L•lai it PM 1..
UAW,. ttt
,014 . ,11.•
'. I; -
k M.. 1,1•1 • lll,ltt
J • 1.10 ~ • 111 ..... 111.1,/ I I( it ha, I
-n , 1,1 X4.(1,111,11..•
11. 51..1t . ;.. !row t .•. .1•
NI. 1..1.11,1 , PII! 1,.rtzu.1./.. 11,4
I , 1L
fta "%It's
."I.'•••••t 1.. 111.,
t I-11/ P 1 r 11• .:12-111
.. 1 111,11
•i• vi
• ~•• ..,n1lt•
.I.a rl/.l . l•ttAnn In t 11.1 `4ll ,
lIP r • • • • • .1. 1.1141
'I resin l
11, • ..... I. • 4. .kml 111 , ...?“
1,1 ..; 1 1111/14 tlt.• mot.tto,
1., Itz. I I.:- 11.• mat.l II
•Inn 11:11,c11111111.1111111.
t 4 ••
1,1 •I 1... .tlypt lnr la 11l In
1...11. Ito. I .011111111ov
19 61 111 111
10 1..1. "mann
L• 1,1 ~,,, . 'I 411 1
I° , l li.nt tl of thy t-:.'w
L.• .1
.1 1.1/ ii.i11•..1 11., 1..1 ,,
• Aitti 411./3“ i•••I .1.1..1
.111 w 14. 100 41,11 t• .11t/. 11.,
IntLl pr,•.
it.; ,11,1,, 311 , 1 II
Itlll 1 1111,11 1 1 51 lltitkivl.l
1.111 :It , 1.111•.' 1..1 .• I.ll' ,••• 11•111,
v, 11 111 , 11 1 rtn, t• 1,.
.1.1.11••1)It , w„1111,1 t altd
:. It , II ~,,, ‘,lll
...I I I I„: 1,1, .•urt.. , l 11.. 1.111 t.. the I_‘,ll,
.11 A lopt.q.lial
u.,14 10.1 1.1 I. 11.1 y- 5 , , 3011
I Intl I , •.• .tt /./.lel.
1,1.111 , .1
1111111 , 1 1:irt11,111.11 , 1111. - •41111• 1111k),I.
1111154p1 1 - 1•114.11... 1,11 151.,.11.q11111,11111
.1,1 , 1 1..• prl
t 111
I.e 1131.1 1..411 clatrgeti
1.11 ~..1t.1.• !malt n llva,re 1111..1 I.e fiat!
1"3. I.,Vt• 1,. •.15,1
11. l
. I n I,
I i I , ,
Pll.t. Ili , Ii
.111111itleg . 1,11 Apj,rt,rll
•ll,,lo.l 111Vi . .11g1PAP 1 . 11.0,1
• 41111. I"l.. .16,41•1:
.1 1,.4 , 1,t4.16 1114. • 1.1..1111g
1,. gg , • 1/1.11 , 1,11/1J All•I
tl,l ig 111 , 10,11111 :111 , 1 ‘l , lll,
I , lliggl VIIIIII4II /III:
, a.l.ipletl
1 rep". /II (nil" ggi
rig ilio 1,1 11/I I Ile tAettl.)-11rol C.,11-
11/1.1 .11.11111 11( / . 1.11111,1V11/1111. Ln MI
11,1 Oil' +III ring,Llt , l grit t.
r .11 it 1111 Week
I r I
I zt
oftippi 'Elver Contract-111110 l• log
tattoo to Coltototl Noltlier• and to
Ilittsto Pootni Vontopettoott Ap
-441 by thy Proottloot.
11,4,‘15. .1 ono . 21 —Among Ito rt vont
ton , tote foe 41.1,111• front tekslturg 1.1
.r Intow, lootLlplit not I Alt re eitentn-
I won t y •tt v. 1111.• I'llll,d Ditl, otticon on
ott.o v. 111 It 4131.1014 , 1 otot Indy lit, I.ltoon
&Y, JUNE 22, 1866
Speech of .11entlt enter" Stephenn—The
roll Text—All Irlaltmeu Throning Otr.
Nineties In toe nay of irlftb Liberty
Denounced an
NOW Tone, .1 one 11.—The
stepliens, the Fenn. Bead Center, at IV ash
metrin, on Tuesday evumne, as,. very .engre
us LIIIII.InIttod by telegraph. The full test
ontained the tollow Mgt "The tutport of rni
ordes Is that all Irishmen. Is• they a h e m
they stoty, who are throe Mg obstacles in the
dtreot ea( to 0,1 country's Itheration 1t... trot-
tot s, and aro tit, boor abhorred and destosed,
vseevatist Ity men in Ireland. and they dart..
110 t iOl tbulr lit,r plate a sail 00,1 Wilfrb tile
11 flag sLonl.l not in trolinim he waving.
the men who 1111 W to colt the hu s h
vote of lilts vomit]) to iHii Meal tiolllll,gop3en
ere batiste., Ilan. denounce them lit
mime, Itor.vrts and .eneral s eeny, and the
~ •
;tt set eiitle.l sellate It is Ilene to
speak In plain language, and I 10111 do It now, ;
hereafter and lore, t t, ny vole° and through ,
the mutes of the press. I say they are trao ;
tors to the cause of (rebind, end let them be .
; o ohed upon not only by Its:Annum but 0111.
.0 mutton s who sympathise all 11 ...Wiggling
-Agatel think you, my countrymen, for the
compliment ha,' rata In Itstenoig pa-
I nualy. Again, I ask you tit Masi my adult,•
mutat to he .itstrustittl ot the senate party,
he of Lamp° tel 1111.1 Canada, and I
ma, SOOll 01101,1111111 d Mtn too.
Additional Local :dotter. on Third Page
R'rnrn U nnrt!nl Iflm T nnnawrj
gle`'‘/ZIl till'
aboal tea o'clock, cm atlcaloki was attract,l
lc , cb ii upptla/1.7.1 lo lkuntnoutl t tuft.
iwn at J olla Leal 110.11 ‘V1:1. waw
;tom k,. catert,l alai secankl
null. The front
elan hrte. Mita], tile rear one jareletal, Will
thither NS e K. I uut nlepo, hithsurraLug It oh be
ler point attract 1011. The a T.l latent:sr
lare e t I I,thr ha IMI Vil-klll l % II Ito% '151..,
.Inter. litthivre
Whipped by Itio Wife—A Story or
Annabel c.tse of ha. lialliallerV all the part
iv ,f to Inns wife came to our knowl
• etifi • tt * Qter•liti title at the oak, on Alder
oll.lleta I inn:titan, A -limit limo-once, our tit
formant stated. a 1111111 11111110.1 WIIIIIIIII Arnold
l ln o
11110,r11,1 1111 . 1,0.,--illg lellay. ho w. then
t Mat, Ila, pal cut ofl Oren . nmildren. After
111/11711‘gc I_l . Wile we Inn live its inertatii In
%An, a .' i In
, ert,. cou illaVlll, 111111111, IllaVlll , tier children Inn the
.. •oint
are of a relative. 111 malt, no !Lamar. her Ifni.-
h 0.1 to proeuring 111,10 , no furnish a home
for them. Alaint 1,111,0 a. weeks 4110 . 1: 10 . flit ,
111-11, o
1 a gal rt apartment nut First int rect. tit
0110 Ile 'a , 01glit In, a lie, making her ruts
t es- ' , I 1 1,.• mortar , establishment. Front
' Thai Lime 111 . 10 . 1.., g 1.1.. 1100 , eut for sup
'''. h right n.. 1 . 1, Tit " pii l t ' n ' i ran " . At length.
onooinnto to eon cet this ulna- lan e•onn...•Mt , the landlord a Inoneil the
•'lthin, l-mat. L titan Mrs A ruolnl Innol het twig
Icried a nth the 3esperaton n,the
n‘ p ,„ nnt tomlcetet wife stained ont no • • •ne , of her Mon
mit Mr Iy • ”"
er e Y OU .Milli. .1 tin, 11: 0
10.. 11,1,01 411 . I . oturnlng
••.,n ,s•cin Inn re no
lilt lihrolineas, st tuck him .v the 0011.1 and
, ,110111,1 e, witth unilniellnish•• hail with her,
twisting lion to cry tout w inn pain TllO Inter-
I. .0.,111011 01 tine pia all and tothe
enr and allowed Arnolnt 1111 Oppollllllay 1,(1
It rnn. Arnolnt, win, is suffering friitu
•Itist ate.. went to A 1.1,110111 1/011a1,16011 . 1.,
eernia3' and complainent of her hui
'Mien lee s : ahminlnnitincet
I.lllng litl,l4.rtak,s, alltl ,ui OCCIL•ig1:1
111,,14 . 1 CI, . • 014 , 111t, 41/I,IIN ILIL I .
I I !Kith 11,11 v. ur„l,•i I I tLI, i, 4P. llorkst,
.. npn..l iug lilr I "lurk
nn Mil 1.11101/A1 gra.spol the Ilmt.l L11,11call , ••
tu11,1•11. I.l, l l.rtiOnltte win. 11, Pit./1,10V1•1-
..ped -.3•1.1 un !t ,, ,o, • 111 11)11.11,1..131
101111 g 14,44 twen liimtk it, pubile4to,
, lch t‘•
.I. a L 1,14, L morn.
, I '
ILII.I 40.1 z.rtkx ,
M Ifni .u+ prt;‘l.l..l I!”• I.twt nu I 111,
k•ilir , yr 1,4 N i•ri•
ii 11 11 ler, , \. , 1..1'11111• Si
X1.. 1 .. ~~. ~. 1:..::,
V.. 1...
• • 11,
•g. n • f
11. PT 01/ N% ne.1, , , tn. intzt“ I • 1 LAI% - ••
t 10E11 t:11 . 1,141,/ tlr. .111.10,t, It
At„.,. , ;.;,, .„0,11„.m1
ri” "'"g
g'l"”' I. 1,1„ .
.• • • ','ll • . FLI • CM,M,I WO, mr-
~e(111, the magtstrale, lo
" .7.. •. o.•: , 11nt I,', he Iwikexi.,l
I .kt ml/11111k, ir. ~,,, 1 L , -J.. L. • •
.• s • " ss•s — •••• , s • • is •- isi
4 .4 • • n 4 1 L4,4:1 4.4411 g 111411 liscl litcn
;vent!. 4.1 llnllrlrr 11. 4 3111rnielerrtly• - to III• „„, Ili
E..uttgrattt-tit 1444 441014 44 „1 , 414:. 44 1111141144..) 111 . 4,141141
•14. 4 51 4 41 . ,11441 4 1 . 00 h sc ,•.• 1.. cc moil „1 1.4(0, clitoris g :Ur
44. 4 •••• • 44 4 1, 4..•.4 4 4 44 4; 4 , 4 ,4. I 44 4. 41 4 . n
4 -4 i.. 41444 *Mal.
s l 11i114 5 11 111t s li •• 1• •(:14.1 144444
It 4 ,VS 4
r ~r.. 5.111 „ ; r,rlsr.„. ,n,
si. , i.s •i•ss4 s iisitc.i •.s : 11.1) V‘ Ist 444 44
11441 111.
•si i•rs nct ii s in 14441[4 1 ,../1tt 14,• 4,14.,1,4
1n" •' • I 4 4 14 1 , 411 , •I 411 klll6
• , ''''' '''''''
Irnrl.C.t 41441
1.1 iseighs•oi iss, iiii-ster Cast CA,
u .. 1 -14 , ivl I.AII i, A/ 11,11 , ..01.1 11A10 101 4113 . or Inilly
,e• t.l TIIV ii.1f , ..AQ1 .4 1 u 11. ..t Inds of tint. .1- 1%
t. , .1,. inlal I tkm tn „ III - 3ost 1.111,1, „ .1 . ill I ilt .., 11, 1.e. , 1,“ L. Me, .4:, i „port,. tliA bellow log
` , 1n1.. -1 4 "m' ' , lel ....‘5. .- ~ n .."."' Intel...rd.. In 1111,, .LI v 11,111 .11111.•. ).1111 11,
• -1.. A , L , Al,ll ctiititl (qua N In. lII,' I • Illia - i . ~, ~,,,,
....p1.,,, ... ...Li., Ir., r 4 Ai. r 1,4, Iwo. ill,: I,lli. 1 , ..- , ' ''' ''' '• ' '
..I ..I .ell• ~1 I ht. .1111 AI Immo. , .1 that it.kiw. NIA.le 4 .„- . IN ILI. l '' I T.. 1.1. .. 11,
n.-1, -h.• ..w., Pi i,ll 1....• 1 1 .11 , I - 'WA,. , I 1 . 11i011 .4 1 . I
I 11.1,-w, - W 1,01)111V l 4.1g.11, I, 111M1ArIP Of
lief..., Jl..lice• A sousou, PJ161•II ÜbrlLll.Lfir• ..1"....' 1 • 1"."'""'". '•
A ' ' ' '''Pfr '3" ' ' I
dellia.l 1,...4‘11, I. 11114”Luint I , I'
hill Of tlektrt ,
1119•11.3 . , I t 1,111111•11011, I, l 110ir I, Inlmill, um. I: De-
I ;1 , - rt. 1,,. , 1 1 al.• 11 , I 1.4.11411. 11 ink, y„la,rd a) , ~ ,,,l , , 1, 11,, , ..1,0d, I, 1.) , • 11,,, Y, 1: IN lii , optng
.. 1,.11.. , 1.. v , 11...5, ral 1!. k ling 11.•.. jot , 11. i , ...:t,n , 1.'111.1.111 1, . 1, ,ILI let Vmvt , r, 2;
'''''' ' 01
""' I'''''' ' ""
"""1""" "I 11r.. ' "' 1.''.'1"1":::":,‘IIo! „ Illvro . „ci „. und, I 1,41, :I,
~tt .. 1 , n , - It. t I 1.1 foot 1,,1 1,, , itri... ,,,,,,. , li . ,•til lln'3,t to 5, '2, , Ikl lil, I, 30 It, VI, .2, In to
.lore N te. t.t•ltt ~ .ttt t 4tiet
y.t. 1,, att.a ee I 1.11,1 Itetssrard Us Miss
t. te 1..1,e Stile, tate ' , III {ll l..• 111 VI I ht. Fenian army . 14,
e.tetett , t Wet' lot Thiattaat. Mot rte, tele t attatla, nett ferteet tturgeint la the
gt 01 lore.' 't tr. all It 11/tlr lug oittale- lett at let 11,1.111 . to this cite, ahtt
.• 1 ttr teefor opre.entat teed- act tr 10g het plitheetoltte. Ito halt es
eittrt tett , e et. al.e. et -.ter
err Ite, tattl 1-11,1 att "thee at the oruer of 0111 11 and
lu nl
tal. het, Anti t retie, e tt ;Ott, etoseplattat.l tt , I .tt t•ttt • itt• le tent Ily le a g r a duate
s et Ile. la-, thettletyl ettllttgee, marl le
tea:tate] avtittatetetl all Itrattehee Itt the
teetteet. cheerl i ttily (4,1111111,1. i 111 . 111 In
Pee• ere •CVilif.i o - remler. knowing Ids ishilltlen res a phyvii
~ 4
mi, ~,, , i , : , ,,, I. i i,,, s t n „ :. ,.. . , :l ,. iinrgeon, aml 111- repotation as au
lii. k an.' w.. were pieemig along the new es- • I tin limeomnitelating gentleman.
,„,,,,,,,,,.,,, ; pp ~,..;., ;mi l High, 111 0 1121 " irtse Illeateheatt, Strawberry Festival
~ p ,,,, I . lII.' ~I .11.111 g in the let` einem, was 0 grwel succor., isn.l• by ulgent tequemt,
01. irl , op. ea ty 1.11.1 111114.,1 )10. , 1,11 The the ladies has 4. le , en atblitee;l lo repeat II tub
h a .Mmel ; . ;rl., he benne nln• 31:111,4: ~, 1,1,111 g. ntraw In.rries, ietwereittn, and rib
~,,,.. 1,4
i ,.,,,,,,, ~„ Ill i gn , lre6litnelitm will be tiers ed out lainntlfall.s.
In her a: Ili• (rm. ; mining 111 contikei will, Ihe Ihe orchard of Mitittlhan Gallaher Is is heant b
tifi. , 1111.1 ~, ~,,, :21 1 , 1 1,„,,,,,, till Mae, n.1;1 will lie well lightea. lty patron
111 1,. t. 111111 ~ ...111, 1 II -14,01, t•on111,01i 1/.llle, 1110 Y 11.411. Ili 11.11gla yOll %,111 help 011 a
.: 1.1.. , ill 11l Me11i,1../ I. 011, 1114• nitotill- gee.' eeierle ,, e, e , el ~,1 1 he .lelighled. Ett
le, 1 , 1 e , tLe Th.' ,I,llllig ~111.'11. torsed 'llls Irani, IO lII,' KIM,' Iran. I 1141.11 e, qt,,,t,
, il l ~ it 1iM,,,,1114 et/1111111 4111 , I\llllllin l'rwe oi ;elm t.snltin gentleman, ni vents; gen
,,, ~,,,,,,i1, 1 1.1, , -.NI/0;d 1/1, hell to 00C1/11114. tlrlllllll 121111 littiV, 45 . 1.e.11n, litlill., 1U 114:111,1.
instil/ 1...w0n nod not ter" . —Thu, "olnnettllng to thaw About.— Wl' roorlotnl
lloln Mon, mole ol Ihe o.elOttet Vow wore, ye , teraa) Iry al 'the well known small fruit
on 11 rented owl hoolght .tiler toll KI.ON ~1, Heron Foolor, ./ of Went :sou toil,
0 )",1,41.4 I'M oath t John neveral ot tho lines) ...I moo. luscious
, 1\,:$01t1 Nlll N The nt rau 1.1.111 c.. horry wan the Mire 01 all
1 Ill 1011) ill lil• 1•1, 1. 0110 1 NO 0110, that Lugllnh walnut, It Mk.g hut a few to 1111 a
1y eo, With I 'al .• tale, 1. , 1 Innat aet lug hum t In, r' 14 I, opare.l 011,141
to a i/41141..tti11. awl I ottouo hoollter oa 1.1,41 the bet I len grow, h) agumet ally ever
trio Ville I. nor, mud 111,11 the tuato in tauten- brought to thln market.
ot te. quell the tiboal.llll..o struck Ilia
1111Rgle0t111 Ili' 11ee. The Al- rime 111 e matter 111 Itt
dorm,. deetulog 1114. nnblrt of Ilathilloit tuelthoult agatn-t Mos.. Curry, defaulting
1 11111 ' llll o ' l Jut or 111 the Quarter ,enuloils, It appearing
',loch., .0 lb.) costs. trout attl‘loott 110 , 1 that hoMIL oerooll
the. 10,1,1 )4224V1‘11.) re maitirel the
Inottlrco.lo.—llngh Dorn,. line or llort y doh lore mponed for uon-atten
ot Eant Ills tainglooti, for ItrournoloW11.)
chinhol 10.1 that• ago to
PLO 1111 a Chatrge 0 1 uxxaalt 1,n,l The l'ruall Crop.—Tinu fruit ern', to thlo told
~"111111LL1110 al lOtt mother. It up- conttuabtis ...maws, although a little back
-111.111 the scab/nisi 101,1110141 Ml htl 1, a ll lr'tl Tilt' .1 1 0. 1 t ll . l
yententat , the quarter ne-noonn, that [lel.' 'ha '
the dill:MI:Oa W. of „,f 11101. 111111 ,tore frail , Vl,l ..o only avuenge.
that ti was mouth. for 1., lan al large, the
Jury found a vcr.ll.l Or not guilty by reason 01 Assoulls—Thos. Addicy 112.111 out against
Inouslly Ulm . 111 lit u Carlo 111iMm100 0( the a W Otlll.l nanusl Mary Jackson, yesterday,
OirMIK, Trillaccused Won remanded and will fors Abloratan Donaldson, (or tbssaultlug and
be Sent to tho Jusylutu for Minoan pursous, cruelly ti0n.1414 11. b. W.tle libit.Or.
Mrs. Alary, wife of Daniel O'Neill, Fsy., ed
till 01 the DupolcA, whose death we noticed in
our last mmie, was /Sid in her final resting '
place yesterday afternoon. Her funeral was
largely atteuded by our most respected Ciro
.l.lll 111111 a large concourse of friends and rol
l. I, At St. 1 . 1111'.. Cathedral the last 1.1
.0•01 101, .4( t he Church were chanted over the
rctu,o, lies FM lier Devlin Officiated at the
a:tal. I'll.l. 11001111111 Knage presided at
tlo. organ. The sanctuary and altar were all
ploprialuly docked 111 motioning, and the csin-
M•lehrus 1.1 1 1 I 1011111 with crape, giving the
Cllu re ll an appeal oruto of unnsual sOrrow and
'oh:amity. 01 the Of the regular
Serl. 10.1, 111 11 II I'll all participated, Father
Instill in 10110,1 an affectingand eloquent
funerm ,:rulon lie re, evict In eulogistic
terms to :nu ptt oto al 1110 deptrtml, her un
tiring religion, real. h..r mmlness of heart,
and be driel 1111401 11011 , 10 1110 duties she
I'd 1101 1.0.1 ant Church. While her frouids
here I l• 1111111 ruing cr the 111011,, clay, he
fell 111.11 het Tout w.. .1
tno 1 11 the pet
Once Of her —ln 1110 happoles, , d etr
nity. lleconcluded 111. 11.14 e. 01, 111 earnest
oxhortallon 111 1111 111 :111.01.1111101. to tono‘yoce
thou 15710, ande not for the world, but for
htc everlasting. The rl, 01 1.01 , 1 ..peaker had
attended Mrs Neill during her lad 110110.,
11 11 , 1 1110 firm hope lie expressed for her happi
ness must prove a balm lit I rue consolsiloll 10
11e bereaved relatives. From the church the
funeral cortege mimed 11l ,olerun Pr000:1.1011
10 the loirial ground A picturesque and shady
•polin the 1111111. beam Hal pOrtlon of St.
Mary's Cemetery 1/1111 . 14 • lie 11m1 rotting place
..1 1111. trill), estimable and Christian holy.
Nlity Mu grave remain green as long as her
mommi y 1 be 01:0,-.110q1 loss who knew
he ille and mourn Ilor 10 death
, i Ifuft oven flu;
ff.. of life 1110,t fa-loon:tiff, ati•lltifue+ ul the
wm. f 4111,1.11 of Ile'
Morgan. of
1. I • nnt
I lOU, 4•lt, t'l Mall I:111011 It
,1% II :tll• I':t1l:'. 4 11.111 k rcs i•rbenuat4
\ I ...ot
\lt , % I r
h t u - t
.01 MteL• Nittry
nun de
_ 1 , 1:, 11. r ntlinu tbs
It th,.•
, II
i.'.i1.7'. 7
7? "1aL; L : I :'
Iint::11 1 • 111- 1 litIIIII * I••
M. •• lln . 1.1, of lin.
••• .0,4, ••I n,r 4 n•nnr,. and ••\ It:coin:l 4 n .1 1-
L.011l• 4 / 1 1 1 'watt ' , wont. f11:1, up It.
tin-tnt,•:,.:, IIL Ad% 11.111, ..111.•••
• III1Vt: 11,011,1 01.1 4,01,
I: kil.
Aln 0,411 14 1 , 1. 1,1, 1 his,
• u.trntl, A 1111110 . 1 11 f
, j ll :1:1•I 11
'etklieg the we
Nl,.ig:te 11.. I. I tumen,
,Wit•hl . .. forth
ir :ri• rolls t .11r r,rr I rerlrrona
I `.,•1 - I rinilr(• 91,,111
%.1, r 1 , 0 , 1 tirc trll,l
rjr, r„. 1 Ire I,lrrorl '1411.11.111g
, tr. , r. All.l
.1) I , rrr , .• .th , s
:•, r :t, 101 , 1
.•r,r, lir" . Itr 11 11, ttli•l
.rl!.rr,svt , i, anti .1.0(k1
I. rt • nat. Ina ln (Ilr
II I holtra r ri, NI• ,11•11....•••••••
trther •Irgaillml In
NS al, Irrorrin 11 , llt ILO
~r *kelt') ITI,Lru
wI;lll. ,
tr.! Ir, t , i•
riontl.ll. e t rt• 111.11,,
I tt .6 ay
Igtx ftebewsl Extklbltlon
'••• 11,1. 111'
Nt•11.,, itlwhlch
loa ire g reotua our
e•r. , ,I 1;.. 1.1 111 4110%
In{ tl. /t tlllr Lai, Of Ow
w i" k i .; : ‘ ,‘4 s:\ ' l r ngr " al
4.- ' 4 l t 7 2. r it ' „ r : . l. , L l :t ' t " :.: , ::,
t.•l +4 - .; 5. 11.'1,4 1., 1/11 ent.2.1 . 11
The Pittsburgh Fem.le College Cum
meneement Exere
The annual ceminenoement exorcises of tilt
rittsburgh Female 4:ollege terminated last
evening In an entertainment of anusual
merit. The programme ,0,131:4441 of essay,a,
addresses and musical performance, selec
tions teem Krnanl, Traviate and Rolfe were
brilliantly executed by Mi.. Mary, Anna
and turns E. Crawford. Nothing but Les ves,
art essay by I.lde 11. Duffy. of New Castle:
Earth Awaits Ilex queen, an runny by Virginia
I. Stevens, anti The Bringer and thu Brought-,
an essay by Anita M. Steen, of this city, wero
imtpasslngly good.
At she conclusion of the etym.,. degrees
were conferred on a large number of vantli
dates, who have good reason to be prom) of
their slimes,
We have the following to IL4lli to our (Jour
ter Sete°One Courl report
Darby McLainOugh, of Wylie street, wnig
tried and convicted nu IndletMellt , for selling
liquor without license and on sunilay, on oath
of Thomas Dougherty. kiiiltotictigh was also
placed on trial for allnallit. and I ...torywrit
Intent to kill liOugherty, by shooting at him
with it tiistol, the ball taking effect In his leg.
McDonough kept a tavern on Wylie strict,
and Dougherty boarded with him. t tern
weeks since, on a Sunday, they hail a
witleti culminated In the shooting, and
a variety of suits, civil and criminal, pure
hien Old of tee transaction. The case Wa
not concluded at siliournment..
A Matrimonial Ceremony .
Alderman Donaldson Wit , walled On yester
u, a t his uric, I hlue-eyed !wanly of
sweet nineteen, aCoolllpanle,l hv a grave liach•
riot at thinly-live, Will] 1 1if , 1110,1 themagis
trate that it wan their 11111trIal In be
(1,1 tor UN., uoul LhAt Lite) t,11,1 hii.vt•
illlll per terra the caterer, ing cerennnis. The
snare expounder it Inw von] 11/i•
twain departed. highly delighted at tiltdea
that they were flesh acme flesh and Ininc
one bone. A grand nuptial ceremony at Kate
ter would not have been appreciated a hit
inure by the happy pair than flu. unostent
Onus wedding in the dingy Office of the magi,
Run Over by a Street Car.—A Berman,
whose name we could not ascertain. a title
jumping from one of the Pittsburgh, Birm
ingham and lirownsto. u Passenger Rada ay
ears, at the latter place, last I.venlng„fell be
neath the rear wheel in the vehicle, which
passed over Ins left leg ',Ville tile knee, mias
ma a painful fracture. The a minded limn,
he wan an employe.: In Joule. A Laughlin's
Iron Works, Brownstown, an-. taken to the
Metney Hospital, whine ills in t , '- were pro
perly uttendeit in by in i,athiber, a t t .,
that (rot present ttppearanees the hog a teed
have to lie ant lilts Is :met net .w I -
ee Or the careteasintss pm] elk Isom
curs while lit motion.
Entered lt.—The 11,111 ,)1 113t that fief old Tuned awl highly
!corned friend. Mr. 110011 Al.Oll r, clerk of
the Common ' , ranch of lite lty f riencila, lee+
onte•ed the slate rualrfneenal. Ilavtng at.
re.e.l at a lane of life when aD. f•caunt•
i•il tie niel fn, • n 4 expi
n 8.•.-it,. - t. an feel aiefured lie acted
fke,y, 0, parlance, we
Wlllll. much joy
We have received from W. A. tsthienfon
ny, trt Filth strert, ieutorrat's Monthly Mag
azine. of Fashion," for July. and "Our Young
Folks," for J uly.
To-Day.—The grund jury of th
quurtor :lousier. will ocelot tide their IJUntne
to-dur and adjourn without reeking is pre
memA,TER- ./I.I(DAN morulug. JUJU
71, , Youngatowlx, hr I. 11. Good
1-11 , :11 Mr)tAhTElt, T.
MI" 4..1 .ItI , A N. of illy form., I/ arr.
JUNE,. 'Ph ntePruln, .1..• h
it., s. II J. PN tgell
T ar,.
U. will tal.. Warr Inas, latt.r, .lrlu Dee
Nlerlon Mu!! •tr,ett.. Ward
r I , rlcl.ty, snots! 5... Th.. frlt•ittl
ti... faint!) .tr, r.,1..-t-tf.tily Invited tr mtt,n.l
No. 196 smithlleld st., cor. Ith.
XrICT tee 13.17 RCr H.
\I) 1.13 ,A! . •
V ND 3EIFI.'I" a516.33-111:011,
1, ..urkla I.
• I Vut rrmi Yurnl.t.lox ou.nts,o.
iterel,,,.. — aeN. David 11r5
1151,r. I. ,:n
nitltln 1104 Is-11,4 ~ 4. ara.
int 1114.4, 4 1,r, ;4. ill , V na1144/1 1 1 1.4 mat...4.11a
4 ' 1 " ..1 “ :r4: • "
111. 1.111....
u•al • cur. ior 101 , mi. Ali.
- "10 prt—u- Itnmiglloot t.r.
vbs-1.•1.•11- VI
I 11 5, 1 , 11 „ 1 . 1t... ,,5. 1 . ...1 ,,z 1 . 1
It, toll Ax. ut.
S.. it/ I . :torn,
•, cum, thn
• :Iv,
I he Monaco of thy National AS)I/Int for nlls
I Chorp-.1 °Nutt,/ +with. ra. I, Act ol
otnigr• approvcm !March ann. f.rolowal ,
I /or lor Aavluton lit wr nolc.
'f llr
Vtwolinlown niunt n1.1.3.1.. , )1L Ol“ . 011
Lowtoto .nt In ant Ann acc... wt :and and 1••• m) a lwalllo
In wallow niwt con} ac/ ran roliro,l wtlicrw
it In h• porpow tlw mnoaocrn ..• ern.. L. wltiliwlt
u•lay. nten•lne an..l ttl 'r AI,
A• 5111115. gm will U. larmrl) onl•
nitogcon, tw awy w•ctloti rawroatl Inntlit
1. •,111,1.,1,11 .....
1,11•. In, ',too, rt.lo/Aatt... tor Ai, It:11
4,14,1 lor al';irtil ti...11,t;t1. tit.
vvelsot g.,‘• ulor novett..lui ploo.
plittss. ..1.• , •111; Atli.ll• 211 , 1 vollt;,;11
1 ; tti it; lit 11
an, rui•
lot,. tit - nito , l lie .4411 144 . 111,,,,, tont rxi
Y. i 1.1.14. 4.4 P.“ /i. Nt . r Orl r.. tin . 2.. 4 0111
.1.44 IA dun... INA BoaV 111 - 11.1.:1:,
VreNlileolr , ul Moungt-ri.
ULM,. ii. 4.1 Ni 1"44., ,41141M1',.
l• .• • r,t ...Lied to 10L1,11,1. toc 1.30 r 01 I 10• 1111111
A - MAY r• 73 , 11 t• pm Wish tlll.,
1100 • , vrtt•lo. prior 1.. 1.1"• .1010 ,
',11.: L.`, 1 , 111. 01LIL • -4 1 Y 0 / 11t 1 t1 1., tt,
IZESOLUTION to legalize the pay
t+l ~. 4 o.yhe ••ntr•kil., pe
• lir
i• In.,tru , t• to 111,7,f - titivate tor ••
out t.. pas 1..011, ‘.ort .1 p•+', a . ••••til-
Mas r. pairing It„
..r.ut F.uoL.l- ‘l, r • 11, and cArlw•olet ork, suit...C.l, ••I
It, clluelv r•ght , 1-1011 `.. 11 41(11 • • 3 ' • •' M 1 1"
Ilu1•r1,11•'•• 1 , 111 %Opium...lg,
111•1111 , 0.,0 4 - 21 41,,11nr, 3111.•1111i , 1.. Mt' /111111 ~1
tll. . .
.1 A,. M Itltl
l•r. -1.1,11 tot Solt, Collllrl
A 114,1 31 ,t
Pr,•1.1. - nt I 4.11.R1011 “t111..11
Al.t. It. I'll wk.lti it,
.1 , 1 .1 1. r L..• 1 4 4 , ttlmou 4 i!
Manufarittraal and :kb, sale,
Wholesale or Retail
.1 AMI ES IN. W 00D EI.
I q,p4.1 tv F. Edinuniisou t 0..5. an.l
luta SO I V.WIL I :• I Uhl
NON. '2 and .1 I. Clair Street
l'eLre 3tir titian 114.1.11. 0 VICW• Iteeeeelle.
T .
PAL.- rimt tlAnger in :00•1 wro
tit..xn I.e kr. purcla,ltigau, "Ili, Make. Fur MOO
No.. 00 and 10 SL. Clair ,ftrevl.
:Ole Arrnln for 11l 0.1010.
sZACEiSt SACKSI:-3,000 Secon4
kJ howl Ihu Inp Sacks, for Gale by
lek Nos. IrLasol 1:4 Wood street.
I sack root 9. btde retied, [woo landlog
from Moamar Leouorm, for P*le by
On:, MAIM' DICKEY do (M.
(143TTON-23 baler now landing,
N.- 1 from rallroad, roe sole by .
oY witDMIMIMrI9 MID 6.41 VIitUAMB.
the edition I. tormerded whiLekewin reaosh the W.-
eerlben soonest so the nil ran.
e , e4+Lic cornet , . PEN
he or IV
l• 11V TF.N AN 111
14' u 4.. Wa tc hes,
Silver aid Silver Plated Ware.'
In receipt tially new etylee el OULU
FINS, EAR RlNtiti, de.
. tall 511.1 nee our el ock ¢et price, fel
^vvr.A..ffr C3EEMII3.
ine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
14 - l'articulcr di ttentlon ,Iren u. ktepatring
k 0...... Clocks and Jetrotty. At. work warn:at
. kb:cal
FIFTH ST. 11110,1 K HOUSE.
m44.lling fut. *OZ,S().
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
'to, 57 MARKET STREET, Pittsburgh.
Ur pOSI's received lu euois and Currency.
tections ! lb.- principal points of the
ni,e , l,l.sice and 1: ,ot
r“ noug.t , • ..
I g ate hides and Shot Guns,
N I,' I ILEN't , I.% CA It-
A11a.31.21:715ZT1C: 6 1%T.
..1 N II A I F1:1., I. NI illtary Con,-
.n . ••• •1 Irn Arno- •Ilort notir, All
1,1 , rolialt . lng ...o In thc 111311111,.
F. , 1: Il 1111 ,
S. BRIAN, Broker in Stocks,
, o; to al,oolttoi
t;le, ;or rr, nog , 111.
lot. II.,;1:1,1.• SclorAleloto
that parlnurship her. 1...1”, rvlvlkog be
t nd....413. 4 . In p-n , ral LIVERY
, ABLE A !I N! , .011N1111. , bl E 1.,. this day
veal, InLitual 0011,1 n,
Ic. DU t'
MSNI 0,1.
.1. II In, .1 1111•
111. 11%!•11 , 1 tIF lil I I.llllllr tti and
1343 'llml.l"tki. IltEOtzr4.4,t.
Opposite Old Theatre.
dought and Sold on tonuatision.
turner Penn and %V ay ne Street,.
10,1 , AS I. II AA I. F.,1 E, 17 FlUirra
10...5.e5s to Le contlt./..,1 Allf/ ei”btet p 1•144 nod
A3I h
IIIr,1111:4.11. ...01 I ah.
l'ln, Copper and Sheet Iron
1.1 , 01 M. fIATP:It I t, lo
1,111.1..1' Awn( I.F.R.
No.MAO Grealat 6t - root,
,T,1 , 1"10.11. It n
11.,115. I io St ptom 111 tlo rityLl, bOr
• rt taut "I'm Won . art. prompt',
mt . .ttoo
RAVI 111011,SE,
turner of linella nu Federal Streak
Near the Suspemiun Bridge,
Itl h„,„, ' ,u m,. Jiil Tato, NS ere
V.% sr.r, AITERE, PThihn, ICK
V4.llEitn. KNINF,S. : 4 1 , AJNS, 12Ah
1.. .% • lr W KAU
I;) FW. AT A h.1.1,..L
j, 111 7. Al. 4,,1LN %V I. lA.
So. 7 st. .
Toys, Basket/3,
N.T.A.PLIWTXXII9h, 4120., AL
J. 6i. I.,IITIER,S
arteLy anal btor.•. No. Market street
1 LOLMES, BELL N. co.,
Anchor Cotton Mitts, Pittsburgh,
MANI 1 ,
A \l . lll oil A MIEETI
A\l 110 K 1111 nll Errri%llN
.1 , 11011 41 1 ,lIELTIN
A'. 1 11 Al-11%1..
./ . i . E it, 11\N ED AND 1111 IS.
-A1 , 1 , 1.11[1 , '. I . llol,l'Elt, AND( ANTI.:
urur r Woolt mA•I .n.l ushu rgli
' , Olt I.' AI It s. A 1.1,i.
1 , 0 d w
ite pitttotlc primo• Yr. •it Itul tut
t Aitt Itt,Nett ritttlt, tt,ttitE, r.artt thotttt•
:tt. , e :Lucy Itroon., ttt •tort..
Ito , stituutb elttar .1 ttl, Ilaa tut, lit "or,:
1131,1 %tore.
t 1 11,1r1.
/ I put , Nlountaln litsekto.rry Wine
•tor,. for
11. 11..11/01.i,
No. 1..3 Llberty stree.
~it, S . C.-11w Annual Meeting
sLioelltokler• 11.. W A ICH.F.S ANI/V 13:NAN
$. 1.. ONII . ANY 0 - 111 he held 01 the t
.opagy, No. 130 r1111,,i,r.,.1. l'lt,lourgh.
on NIUNIJAI, JU.NI, VAL., L YI, 3110 o•cluck
31 'bleb tian• ecu , l piney 0 1'm..1,1.u%, 11...0,1 of
re.•torn and other oflivers anti 1,'or the
3010 g, 31.0. r. J. J. 1.11.1.E.5t1E, l'resl.lel3
.1. S. t El<l;l',ON, CierL.
1.11111:11i. MACHINE N
tw ..horne pow per
th well dellni..l eager, and 111 form Ir, I
n, no, perlorto w h at w, plain) tor
Ik• 111 take It hack and rt fund the niouey.
A But AII HEW.: A. Cla.ueril Aient, 131 Itrvial
New York 1ii729 •
'OTTON bales Iliddlin •
archer Pi ml lor %le
' lull, 111.1.1A11 Uic h,iY &