The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 21, 1866, Image 1

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NO. IM Ii►TII ti tit 11./. T. I'ITTRUII6OII
Fp he Tittriburgit ibivArttr.
WEDNESDAY, lIINE 20. 1t166.
rRE Blair Coypty• Republican l'onven.
Lion elidoreed th, nttlttithoi.), ..1 M r . 1). G
Morrell,4 Cambria, for Congrc , s, from the
seventeenth district, to -tiecced Mr. A. A.
"Barker The Republicans ,d
and Mifflin counties show a disposition 141
ttrinc roman! anollir.l msn
Mr. ?dorrell is the Smierinvntlent of the
Cambria Iron Works, sad has am. unusual
amount of pramittal ability, whit It would
he of great value in the tuitional councils .
Too few such men get to Congress Talk
ing ability, excel , of the highest totality, is
common and cheap iu this country. There
is always au overstock of it at Washing
ton. But intiuutte, prsot kid acquaintance
with the workings and wants of the lead.
Mg industrial interests is comparatively
scarce. Huntingdon has sonic practieal
men of eminent capacity. it her Republi
cans insist on one of these in place of Mr.
Morrell, the contest is a fair one But if
they have only n illfth.rate lawyer to otter
instead, they will make a inisLalse lot th ew e
selves and the people of the bile Coto
mon wealth.
lull linv it ull prlrec opened 1 Ills morning
TILE Tows or S P1F.1.11, in I /firkin .1,1 11IC nolllleael ell •r
Foitrill and hinrktil
entinty, New ork, ha , Sro m/111.- rears In..
Leer the :aside olgang el iiersons who
.1 A. Roblmbota A I'o.
112tVe lived nail grOWiri rich by 1 . 05111,- liacti tee
felting, horse tilesling and other forms or, , ,111'. " • ,•ioter•-•
rascality. They became! 1 ilowerful and the'
unrr at 11"‘
I"" prier fit 1111.- 4.4 tlll
IrrLl as to overawe tin rest of the inhabi
tants Individuals who did not stand well
with them hail their II:1111, 1 , 111111 , 1, Iht it
business injured attii the I ware destroyed.
This - went vo tar Oral a Ir\y daps a.-11 the
citizens aSliI ail Llyd and the nionliel ,
of Illy Most olnlONiol.l,l liuuily, 11111.1 Ll them
till they extorted conks:inn, Ivan thew ,
and theft ordered them 111 111111 1 11111 1 1 5,1111
Slllllllll l Mean- tier, ,ear 1.1
Itreak lip .1
without. 5111.1,C31. I 11.1ved, the
i•erioink retaliation::
New lork 11",r111 5.3%,
"A lituaigh the ltoard nr 11,,1ih repori
daily one or more cases or what its ex,. tl
tier 44 4114 . 4 . 41. call 4:114 4 1.•ru, rho rr 1,4 4114 4114144 .1
1,44444 oI 144,1)14: 44, 1111 - 11.1 ill Itil• 4:11y. .k 1444111
the usual utunber al slratiger , • raii, lnor
11 44 14•1-., Slicer is no marked c‘odu- 144.•
4 aural ry 4441 , 411 e - w : Ili u r 11:01
41414 liir 1111 . .44,1,14411 Tills ,:11411444•444:::)40w
great trood sense our 114 c p.rrt of the peole.
A case of cholera lo•re :Lod then Ina 0411.
of Over a million mod 4II• 4144
alarm, hut should he enough to put people
On their guard, and induce 4114•11 I 444 1411 4:14:
,4, lllillgt•n4 i4 . S. It may well 444•
110111.11,41 whelher any real C 11.4444 WI cholera
has y.•I occurred in liner' ray; 14114 11 Will be
W . 1.: 4 44 art ns 014 4 41z11 lire pcsliletirt: bin
really !•.atned a loot hold annul, "
The zulteral health or the L ily Has never
better, the 1111/1111I'l t 14,1145, per week,
1., T , 51D1tE1....N Li. 141111.1 t
im.try 111 II c . ...) - 1 1
8eF1 , 1: , D.11.N ID. L. DDir.11•111 fur I ' mel
t 11.31 .Judy;,-. .luny CON "1.11 hud 1) , 41
j", (%,[igr..., alp! 1)r
I. T (1%1 1.11.111. I.
had HD.% .DPI I II H. 111 ry !IP!.
1)..1110,rat- it 11,.
ng , itlinated t„r ~. /11.TreS,I. IKI, K
NN e,1:11 ,, rt ;and 10,
Jim:Kitt ;1% 1,. mot NI I' :SIC('
1.31" Asa:m 1.1),'r1 v r I.
.01 Dr. keynter'• Blood lorarelo,
~ I,anrr It Oda
WSSII,II br ratify ill, (',11,1 it uti,nal .1na•11.1
m.Ol. Tlmt done, I. al rclrre-vatati Vt. , " 14401 bli"th '" •
I , lil I Slat,. will lie :alaiittol I, :eat, ,a hr.
• ••,
.1 "I•
o.L g
‘;.S . HANII I. r..N, :a Wash
ineruu. H, ronvly advocate- , negro
fragt% ricied by an (•, bleat b,ual qunl I; "r. """ 1 s ' e. r e ber '
...alio" He i \pe , Illy Cu if tb.:1.21 be 4 44 ' 44" " u • 4.11 ' r4 ‘ ' 1 ' 4444- Vl ' 4 ' 4°44 ' 4 " 44E
oventhenuiu_ ly
WOUI thieVeS:lre nfw•ratina is "Lanes D r . n/.3..q.r• Mood .mrcher ri,re.l the w
..I Juaelth Obh,S
- The Union Pacific linilrond will In. 1.,w n, l•a., of a frtghuul ulcer o n the (nee.
~ , r onpleted front °lnaba to Fort iiehrtivy 1114,1.1
before tlrtofer. \ ,ha v.% flu v, kite •A,llkni;
—ln Austria rrnettes have 11 . Ke3Ner'n ta,k.t Seit,ilAU iiiireil
“Mrllpeiled to lust up, beenuse th e G o v e rn la - yo,, lv c.t Nen too, or pas
meat needs all the horses.
—Huth Irwin, a little girl four years old, fir I"Yrer'.a 11"""I
wits istisoned is Detroit, a day or two T'.Ca+,gi, of almoat total lohntl.m4r.
since, by a tnistaliti of her mother in ad. Dr' heyeer•c
of pals In the Bute
ministering medicine.
• lir tic,Aern Blood SenrClicr 1...1. N.
—I{.CV. .1 T. Headley, the author, en' n r ,,,i y , t onnell l ,lll, of
gaged on the personal rcliiilliscencrs and
action of Gen. L. C. Baker, the
chief,, Or the War I tepartlnent.
-It is announced that Governor Morton hey...t.i4 111 , 551 sOal , •liet .1,4 Isaiah N.
'Will tint. Call an extra setwiou of the tlitr beta, Ida...nail b,nu,rr iif LW,
law rr to rattly the Constitutional allneriil •
went, whatever the liii)Vcrtion4 nl tin. of her I . hurter furnishes noon; some or Ice tout
Stales nay do. n,pol tail MOO dIMCIOI CYO, 1101 Of• \
—Maxintilian. It is said, has had a thou tot ) toed Ll
woo- and ,c ) areal! in Il ever ll ls I w.',.•,., In
:and nightingales caught in Austria anti had knowlofigo of we rein/crrior
nhi pled Nri Mexico. The poor fellow, amid ! KnYmer, 'icing a griffin:di
the distraint - 1g ( - art, 01 hi:. LORVI - Olgr , •!ul ”".e hat fish to•.' luuiu
;tire, 111104 ecrtainly have something to 1,1 thu propuruuon "l 1. , "
couttOrt hint. tilts,.l snarchuir, every ticittin Is mail,
Ills 1,11 nllperViliioll, that those ho
--A house in Great Nails, N. IL, where
tencruerixs are extremely scare, is being
al lon los , l sertainly of etto..t. It cared
suffered to go to decay by the owner be ! „f 1„,1, Ly , 10 , r
cause he has been been told by "the spirits" ! river uud Age, „ Aver
that If Ito puts it in habitable condition he
otaplalnt, .laundlet and I'h ri ;11
will surely die.
It cares lly Rr pout,tal effect In totriettlitg and
—A New Haven company has begun thetiettrelllng out of the blood all noxious nnd
manufacture of a compressed stone for !toilful maUsrlal. Ask lot' "Dr lieysar's Mood
huil iiuh atrposes. It is made of sand, pul ' , strutter, - and Lake no other. Prepared anti
vcrizol quartz and silicate of soda, tool mot at lilt W,cnl street.
hardens within t wenty-fouy hours from tin
consistency of putty IT the -.did it y
--lit rs. linger, of Madison, invited a Id 1,1 Lout plaint, in all Its distressing forms,
csn le. controlled Or cured without dinicalt>
dozen 01 her neighbors IL, !On last Sunday,
, Uses.-,,and used arsenic, by mistake, instead ipr Inconvenience. It is in obstinate dise
cream or tartar to lighten the cake For: I hauls ohattemey it not proof against the per.
tu „At,dy. Ines touch of th e ~,,h,,,,, hj„hhce,-, l tout:owns, remedial and restorative oi.ernt on
taken, and DO one died '
though all wore of noferierran's ,TOtif AVIS iirrl'elt.. 'rio t
very sick. l*- genus! corrective unnprlJ the ergo.. in olv it,
doty. it ,Hutt secrete regularly and health
-The report rixiclies us by the recent
folly rimier the milt/mice of the hal erN. 'Ms el i
European nmils that Kossuth, who has
'widen linings It back frOM a stale of rebellion
heel] knoWri In be in Italy for some years ,
et,. perfect harmony with the laws of health.
past, is lo In: furnished with Means and
If t here i , l costiveness, it illsnionwrs; If there
num to Or up an outbreak in Hungary, in
is side-ache os inte.itelie, St ceases; if the skin
order iii make a di version of Austrian
and the whites of the eyes aro tinged with
trfl.ol. from Italy.
superilnons bile, they recover their natural
— lieu. Father tlender, a idlest of ewe of I line, it the appetite le gone, It returns; if the
the Cat Inille churches of Cinciurtati, refus- it i gent lon I, lin mitred, It is restored; In
ed to iwrinit any insignia of the Fenian brier, whatevet the symptoms of the VOM
81.00301110011 I. he brought within his s hunt may he, and whatever the plots.. It
church ou the 11 4 . 11iShJil or the burial SOT- has assumed, a rnrc is scrim, Snell are the
vice of one if the men wino was killed In h an norm sheets of this pi opal ation where till
the fight at Lituestoue Ridge. ,nun disease has been already dovolOpod; lint
—The deed of the Slate of Missouri, iii of.. where mere In merely a 0011stllt ,
trannlellillg the Soullieini PLICLIP: Railroad tinfoil tendency to liver Complaint, IL most In.
to John C. Fremont, lets been executed. ' to-et-o.lod throughout life . by the regtilar one,
A mortgage to the Suite, conditional upon iii small anent:n.B,o( this pulntable ankhlote.
the faithful performance Cl the stipulations ' Tt"-".."1"Pr"D" ft."'",,,'°"a",,hn",b,j,tic":„rl‘4'4l,,,.S.
oh' the contract of min, was also executed I l.""ier'-"l—`'r ' rather'
—o3'''''''' p ro mp tly
on the teat of the purebuser, General F, acted upon—by .1 peilLOUs et bilious habit.
MoUt. linerilritter's Bitters
1 Lee .old .4 , 940.5..1eancl retail et Very low rates
—lt ass reported in St. Lou }ester
ining's Driig and Patent alwileine leapot,
day, -that peter Smith, a welLki3owii :at' le
li4 Miii.rket street, corner of the Diamouii
evening previous, with a large a
butcher of Caroudelet, had started, the
awl Row Out, near !fourth Street.
mount of No
illolleY to Purchase cattle. 11c wiei artr om .
stinted by two oh lii. Men, and, liming
crossed the ferry and proveeded about I ...„ 4. 4, 4 , r..a..
mile, was set upon and killed, us %VILA, aim, " ' '---
- --
- - ft -- - -'
°Ue 01 t he aft; while the other escaped. ' PIT: . i' lott " Lee* :t it obomen. ed bY
• —The Newport (It L 1 Af er ,„ y „ t i e Now Tone, June . .1).--QUIet 001101111 es of
linattil its Itflitli anniversary Oil the 12th
inst. it. Woe MIA ISSIIed on the 12th of I , ' . ,..L '°"".l. v, , r g e Ls i i r : i ts i , " .t xpasaat 1 : s to-ouy, IlMi Lilt`
June, 1757, by Junes Franklin. ti oi 1 Ir eatii num hm.""r,Z,'" - '"' not "3":
1. eL ' , , , ltrh . Ile reports that his
a few yearn alter when it passed into the , li -' , '°•°. ' . W ‘ l , Al loutton has been successful.
lauds or Ann . krauklin, the mother of , ftliibetitr'aUit'', „ iftt iL 'o i : ''' r " i ' ii ''l s
1." 11 '
James and I;anjamin Franklin, and subse. I nripUllautlon ic to be ple t Cl:l " .n l e
I;r d ait. " .r n has i ' ... '
quently became the property of otherpar- ',Nit . „ ""' , , ~.„‘,,,,,, ,
t i e& F. A. Pratt, &11, is the present , m e t h y„ .i fi r ri L l it lit o h r oo ,. .l e ag ": ll - ni " t ". lt Y lra t tU r io d u " i 3 f, ' a w i "- e ' l
toditor and propri6tor. . heats, for which
.. , giltaa ,y ap slit 0LL1 , ,----loa L wow won by (Alma,
ail V ibla 11l li DOi'i 14
Root , mut , hoeg bought at No, Cl, Fifth
The It"ot. 'sue! +hot, bought nl No..A Ft
The Root,. mei Oh., !ought at No 111 11111
et reel.
Dia. Rota, aa.l Shah., lamaht at N. , ,till
'l'lu• Ik,ot 10 , 1 , 110,24 Irnught sl S,
nomplttroy'pt H nmoopnlhle
Medicines for Hole at Fulton'. line edori•.
lin Sn, it 'Weld HI ro,l
Dr(••I% i:4.1•41 •
A foil nt“,•l4, inn the non ..1 Fot,illll
Ilarket v, rt rt.
I•alrr ii, the riiy w bort, pott .ti buy..itg rt.-1
tot $1 Markei
.1 A. it ,, 11; - •
1 r. , 111110.111, 011 I il.•11, 11u,1,1 01111 t
.1 FOll,lll :11111 Wtri1•t qtre.•in
Nut 1.0411., 1 , 1,1t1 als.l
.1,, of F ...I'll! :111.1
I r•••• • • ,t
Lev \ 51 511111g,it ‘,III tlrtlst, In. - turn
I••• 1 l'ltne.," In In nnlP
I,llf Tll,, tli , d,N vvvt,Lrlg. •h.nt•
Tilt' pnwe,•q. 11.1,1
I t.t.111•111.,i i,.•l`
Ph ill p the• Ent,
l•rt , tho ttme tht.
n“l.llit kit I. 1 . 11111, NO, ,si
t•Iv.•I unit male! Ilsl+ nt .1,1(5t
tl the,
atte: we:, many attempts as Use
reAtlty been attailied. tieing Ilion.
...i;;hit I ...ivt•r.aiit,plaollo.ll>. with the phit.
...aid.) of light and heat—kuving experiment.
...I in t but depart Meal of chem.olr) Ng
a ..h..rt examination .ut1,41•3•1 me that Ti. thin
4 . 314 e. I he water wit not ego I - el Nal Into
nit entered the name wu gleam. Now water.
0.4 r 441, unlew d.roln pte.ed lilt.. e
ittclt Li, 1.1. Nt, 111:11, The )elluve
prtwlut ed I. all toillrellt, Or rile xater', Iv ,thc
1,41// 1 1 111 Y. /t. any t..t, pros t. I Ilrow -
mu 31.1 ,teunt Itito ally light—whet,
y. m.., .evtt "111111.0 v, will
met, I the ,Nutt• dallit , 100 s. 0011
ri )0 0 etentu i.till 1001LIC,P , uu. -1010
1 , 1,n llielinoweloi 111 111.11.1,14. lev. 11 0-
.ty// r../. The oil alonA, utu,r, therntorc.
11'1"11, I) atr,proall“,ll.gtrate,
oniit it brut ouL 01 the saute 1.11011111 01
•• .105,•t 10 no fuel. - ['alto,
.•-ortog turthr oitortuutinn can be Krutltiod
u..l.lrrotsing ".1. it of Pittsburgh."
..iLer a had 1..1.4.11 ha° the arm liriJ torelernel
Ne),ere. 1110.1 W•areller 1 ., ,1•11 lil•.(1
I etve , , el W):14 Alletrbeev etelnly
I wenty year, %a...ling
i/I h Rio.] Stritn . ll.•r vo,•1 ti I
,•on, of gavot 11414i1,11
i 4 if , of total Jenfottlo, re+1111114: from sror
Cheering Purim for the Rlllon•
! E.cry day tlautoamtrates MllOl,l clearly that
NO. 145
ritom 14.tsaiint.ToN,
ILOVA,IIIIe 1 onaisilsnioners - Reporl -
An ..... rit of Tan Apportioned 4.1.1 •
jr , rILOCI In Southern busters—Property
Debt IP) GO Vernon 0 In. Purchased nt
Antes Authorized by \els Iteinthm
Direct insult—Receipt% from Itessnie• „„ .. .
—lnternal Res en., Receipt % for Pres
ent ltenr—l-nte Disturbunces 111 01.1P,-‘
born. C.—Arrest of Prise Pittliters In
I Itt•
'I r - v.sury 10-das I 11 1 / I :4llltitt..l ti.
1,11 , 11 Ulf% l otellnlw.llllll, 111,1 - 1.4.1 It,
trmu npiot,r. that !111100111
•PI cf . t. IJ“Vti li) .11.1 ol app"rl lon,d
111 \ It glniztlll , ll 44.7 .1 ,1111 11110
bren ‘.•11,...t, .1. ,poi WI,. 1 , 0
voritollo,l I. 131.111. K , 16 , 1,.4 , 7, C 0111,1041, Vol,-
uplorllout..l 111 .thtlonantl. 111,,
uppt,l I loath t , . %I lttliat 111, 4113.9,1,
:wpm ton,il to 1,0 1 1....
apport lime.' to 'F t ,.
1. `1•14,1,7,, tipp,,L4ooo.l
Ito vollevt 11,1 It. ant-h
- , l`Por , . 0, 1 I" flarltlii, 111.:o52, anted, 4.".,
appottlow,l to, Tea., cullectud,
rn.pry held k...v.srnalent, 1,1 t elating 11.
.11,, lutes, was 111I11•1111.1.1, al pile, 1111"111,
/llg 111 ..everal irgin
~ 1/t 11 l anolllll,
u .11 t•
L lot tax., 111/1,1(1.1 lo 41k,
1 . 151111,1',11 I
LI ))))) 1.1 111
ninomit let, IS ibl 110111 .IS/11. 11l 1.11.•
• . 11S1 Wt.l.• 10110 cs #ll,O
rkun,L. 1, mint 14 . 1 , 0111.11. 110
1011, 1101010.1 .141.11.1111 g 1.10 .1 , 011 111
ci111111111..1011.11,111 cllt,Ltbl
,o.o s . 1. 01 +al., ileyoKll4,llo 1,111
1 . 11114,1 Nat... lb 1‘16....111 .. .1.
TIIIJ St - VT.)lls, 111 Trea,liVr, 111 110.
1,1.),t• !act, ml). "1 ut
up.n ol.urv:Ll 411 ittl,l.
lui•lu u.lluualL .I , lattotinl ..tta. In, It: .th,.•
wog 111.•
ivel), 11i.• 11%.• .111,1 I.IS
11•..1114“. 11 /c 1110, ibss i.14....111
,•11.11‘,1051,1.1,11 1^'„1'1,
1111 1011 . 11.101 , 110111 0111111. 23..,•-..01.1
1111111 1111“.11cal 001111, a‘lloll Lite 1 , 1“1. - I1
Man p0t , 01,, til.rxin.t Ns 11. 1 111 110.
1 .0V1 . 1111111 1..11 110
Ns 1111, !I, 100 , 10 /111‘.1i..1 /1111L11.•
11,1. 11•• ...10p14,1 1j
I 1 0 .
iolL 01 la It.S 4001,1 1111. 111' . 111
n• 1 ou,la to .11.4 . 0111111t14.1 111111,
0 1,1 , 01 . 11/1111) Itll' K.-101.14101E 1.114•,../
1:110•1 41111/1011. "rah rolu
lk ,, perty 1,1 I:1 gl.s erilllollll
...01.1(1 not, he t
tiVr•li s-tiluilltLilig this. - - - 4111 slut 1". 1,14,
'On %Ulf 11 0 , 4 • 1 . VOO: Of 0,.11,1•1crall1111, ill,
, a l, lllll ith , .III (.0111/111...1
, s 1 t
.t 1 , lir lt. Ilia' 1,1 It •,
11011 ,k 1 tl.l.
williton.. The •• , (1 1 / 1 11, 1L,.t.•
the 1:“1,•Ars of 1 111 1,1,11 I:t , vo.A ,
l•,1 Ib. the A t:
,tttling IL ll', 1 h,.
....11111nl mind r• e.l 11011 la.,
Vt...Nlits.,'• RunNtu it a- r.. 4 , t].•
Au; 11, 1 1 Rr 1i.,1Ar."1
111th lr:tuul!•4•IN t••.•:1 111 V u11::..11.1141 “111,14,4
•N fl
Unit u 01111. !IVO 11111t1.-
-$1.111•1 111%‘ a,Naktiltlk r N
4,111.511,i 111.1141al 1144•14
OUP 4i 4.1 .11114. n. Th. 1 I. zi‘
Ncen 10 the Allg11:41 lc nn .br
.•rpt - ,•:-.4..1 the, twilgti.. .
iv•••:.n.... I"
I•rf • Sl4lll itrr., An NI.. N eit• heat, 14
ktgltllLtl ...olortNl 111,11 111 lit Nat.r.t
•.1 \ 4,1 I, I
311,111,111, ,1/
‘I4 ,I uIUV,
1111: at.n1.•.n..1tut•r..4 111'14 .41
I:rarral I.ller-igloo at t:alsrolott.
Rotate. (or "leo Orlestoo—Ordor o 1 ao•o•
eral ronerrolng thr cott on Crop —Froodnaro•.. Loot...rips:o.lot. t e 1..-
bration nt Iloo•lon—Tbr Illrxirata
rrolo Captor.. rt
Troia frvou Ito , I onprriallotro. Aft*,
Half an 1114,..r. Fight.
port,oll .• 1,.• , 1
.5111,, n , lll/ ~t • ~
wl, I.rt
rout•• .t,,,in,1••,1
tunic tal K 1.1.14,1, in ft 1•.!1...
.a.Lant wnin .. tnmionl,l, mgr.. t. •
outer n‘ nrl.l to nnsc, LI
c cc. 11..” crap
1 . 0 - :II ion • .1 .•in an, i.” I
~,,,, Waller`int nt
The I•- , -..alt Imity;%lbe 1..t1r.t 11," I .lxl,
• / 1.1 It .11.141.1 •.f 111.•
111, 1)3 11.4. 1.1 1 .... 1,1 i‘utl4 I TryV 1111 . 11 1
thatt . ll, rtt
1.1,, tln o,-,
I reqn,,..... 11.
41. int.trl.or /, uw. 0.,.1,•”,11.3 1. 1
e ll //11•1U1,. • • 1 ,1 .'11114 11J r ,. r .
Kent fir, 1/11,1,, ; •nln
1tue1.:,1,1 “ntra ~; e
•, ; , .It. •
albla 1 1:1..11'141.1 1 1 .1,1 t' I
.• .
It too. Ira, w all
Lill/ i.aLg no, 11.0.
Cayuga., 11/Ir.t 4,, mod Exmln .10, a Ih
I l/ -. IF pi, ...1..,
p•v in.. 1• 11/1,100•11, / , I /./
tSI A,' 1101 4 1 //1/.1
ittal rnervll.l.l,
cpt greittl . llo‘,./.. ho „ „
II • "01/110AV /WI,
~11n1 ollice, Of 111. eolrotnaml F. ,
e•I e• ot 1,. I Millikt g.l
41.1-.4. 4 anilLigo..lll , lt
with ordt•rs Irmit 10111,1. 1,4,4 wilt , :$Ol
I Irow utivthinv ix.
.1 F 111110! U>, lilt• N. • 'AC:. hop.
s. nt rhuligi•.l .11 lb, 11,11(
../11••11,!..1 It to.p.uublv tht
tii. 1 ., ..e111)..k. Ihr
\. v.. u.. I live. 1 - .1 tlllO I ill'
ta. ti ;4..11 N lepor 1.. l Mt. 1.11111 iit I
1.. r Ow, lc,oi
1.. r 4. ri.1..11“111.•1
111 quiet on the Inthustot —Pacific Toro
of Afrolrv. on Southern Slur..
the Illoporto re of to.. Al pool wit nee..
SEW ~ nn, Jon.. .l.,ronto A rlz.oon
hoirona tltr Nth of door
F.vrrythlbg won 4,11 lei on rho lethrn. Tb••
r y lovl thoroughly '.l ill.
Lute dal em Iron tho It, lerior tool brouvla 1,,,
important sit, a. l'rrool.o. Nloa/,oto I hod IL.
rivo.l copliol, mod W will recol,orl
Thr ova - . from ( go, r lo 1,.
of ' , out
L. MI '11.11./fLILIIL. Ever ythlog oh the r•n011,,,
a joulll/- turn, ,on , .
'pun lloet left, 4.1111 i/t1,111,.1 1. linprox Illg
err al., (141111 11, x Thr
The Purrr/Lus and Jirrutri .11.y.r the .:urt
V o ll of lb. , rvunish feet, It un, r,lorstrwi r r
rrulhurrrrt, orvlileiLlly thiough h.
of MOllteVid.l, 101Tnn von
-44.114 hurl len tlar , fleet and hurl probate!) hos,
xtnet w Slnu,llu, %here the Nurorsink hay,
Irri•re of munition), ul us:. ,13 U. I'll.
tire fleet may come truck again
The 41'4 steamer from Pero brought to I'ilt
-0111u one bemired and 1 , 1101 I) 111111/I+ll
11.. 411.1 1/,:ell 1,011.1 10 14,345 014. cuuotl y
The Nbtr ',urn. list 1.1.• I'lllll , l
.41.1.114 . 1 Molrr•or.rr , 1. al troyu , lnr 1, lot the pm
-1/001. ol , uforeurr., Lin. Hal t”, urourrrt Lrisuritu
Ohio 1'1ti...1 ComVerollon—N 00000 114FLILi00...—
Th« lieosolutionw 4dopted.
0,„ Jon, yom
0 , 11,..3 Lion mot to-day Itml tlorolemtt..l,u, ~....-
rktitry btal.t. flo,nft 11.0.-
11ton; J wig t• nl thy ,uprem.t. trt.,lll
,tott, of Itokr.l of Public NO,
T 114! following r„.l Ilona i• • a. I. i.l
Hesoteed, That the Union party of 0100,
lug sustained the Ceneral leivernintint during
four years' successful war against united
titrOrte of rebele Sinitic and partiaillia North,
now demand peace, ...Whitened on 01100 Stable
leundation With rebellion ow,' secession a In
never again endanger our nut Intml L Cll.l.
Resoiml, That this Convention luny en
dorses theamenilivents to tire COnstit ution
propound by emigre. to the I...wedeln rue Of
the SULU'S, us a /Mend, trier and patriotic ed.
Jlintment and the Union party of litaiti pledge
for It their unft.l and hearty support.
Resolved, Mut tint cation owe. the heroin
won of our :truly anti tote) u .1014 of lanting
gratitude fat their patriotic men en. in .1..-
6.i-a of the onslitmtlon UM] 1 , 1110,1
urge “pOll I.ongree. the ditty at equulizlng
Lanni• Idlere cherish with tender
alitattett tat. men...rice of our fallen brave:,
bp, r' ,Igo. It. their w and orphan., the
nation'. e and protection.
lissloo c0nc....414mM 4 nowentlon- 44 444 1 .
Couven .
Ma, tote - at --The Union Gongros
hltioal Con renrlon, 1,111 loot tosluv, nu, folly .
Lalonde/I. Una. Juil II A. Potters was nominat
e/I for Congress, riatelv log a ituarl, 1111.1.114u0ub
A largo number of ilnlogates have art It/ to
&Wiwi Ulu Union tittitio Convontion
tiers Lonnorrow.
Pli"l'SpUll6 . ll. TIIUR
vople, ,)1 Anier:.4.o
r • rettreelatert. re, t
t.,tl he l• mart. ,
I .eriett• tee tt• r• the 1.11 , 91 • m tvet
eettl , per 1.4,01111
th.•0111 , 11:It r••
nal cLut.LI: , tutv tw -
, 141.41,1 g ikr 1,1111 d•
I.111;4.1,1, A, 11 1111110. 1 / 1 111.,11 oI the
•.! r.ll .1101
~ • n 2,, on the 1,111 , 111•
• 101 0..1 101 1 :10 lilt 1 11..1 11 1 1 01 1111 lld 1114 Or
I,t . no , : . 0010 . 1 ch . ., ,•• nprn
111, I I •I ' ll 111 *II S In 111. , Tr,...11, N . , not
11 pro...onloal lour 1 - :ill 10n+ for the
zn. ,, tininetztent ol ten per evol. tax oh
un,l ain't
ngnin, 011. 11 111 1101 31001,, I, 111..•11 u
11, t onninlll,, nutoun.
are I'n-
Iti. Iron, tit.. I ohm,. let . In, Inc LI
-1,1,1 Ist. 11,1111 rennltilnn, to nu
tl/.i 1 011-1 10 11 3L11 111 01 0111 111 11 01/11.0 1 111
• 1 .1111 10 1131 11 11 11 1111 113 untly 1 , 00 ,, n1
;In. Linn - n.l, It Was rtta , l throe 1,31111 S 0111
Alt \lnn nntn,t , l sointltin 1111‘.1
1 . ,,,1,1t•nt Int 11 , 11 . 11111, , ..
1 -Latteus.l 1 Ihe
3110111 111 1 ,13,1.100 111, 1 , t1 1 ,11,• 1 , 1,11,111:g, 111'
t' all 'tat e•-• Ann 1,1.1r1n1 111..‘
7, , 11l the pleNtnit 1 Ittit , . n'l,, , Lti 14 Ilk 11.110pleil.
0 1 1...r.11 11111 . 11 3 1111 11 o 11:111 , 11 , 1 1 Ile
si•V• 1 1 11, WI. 111 1 11118•111 0:1 1 the 1 11 1)11 11 11 1 11 1 •-
1100/I 11 I 10 1 1110/1 111 , let I . IIIV 11, the
I 1111,n1 nllll u - 1'8•11•1'1,•.1 1.111
11l ia;e nit I - lon 10 1 1, IL 11 Itorizery thr 111 opt,
, 0111,,,r, of the Trnoonlry ,
n I,/ 1 1111• Mr, If 111 1 17111 and .17111 111 .1 rn ,1-
, 1..1,
,t11 ,, n . rel,nl,l lo 1111 , ,111 moy,
tun nun) 71 11.1 103 1 1, •31 1 . • 5 1331.1 131 11 101 1 1 1 11/1
'olll'l I 111 I 11S, 1. 1 10111 1111g,111111 I/11 3 1 I 111, .001
1 1111,11111 . 1 In,: Irony, lutvlng ti. h. ,
e 1
ncl,nl I,y Ihe •.e . vvrnl 1111 ;In,. 1
- ulnects,llll,l Lint :111 V ll lll l ll 11r4 111111 If! 111 11111-
,0111, 1 1 wall .',eh Inns nh.,11 1..411,1111 , 1
the 11
1.8• 11,1111.
MI 11/'lllll ll kg 111, the
.1111111x0 lon 1111' 3 1 1,n , nrnontnt 111 thr pr,,,•111
3 .11111. The T., 1,1110 111 up 11,1.1 1 until , l
‘,113 I,t , 1010 how long it 1,1
11/1 1 0. 1
M like the ZICII:k14,1
I the Ilnie
Ilrmlin ks I, 1..1 , 1,11 II .14/441 tit
1111 t tz••101 II 11,, 4 1,t101 . 1 11,11 It WOlll.l 411. e 1 1,111 ./z1,4. II 11 011 lit Lai,'
11,11 relt
1 . ..•••••• .... 1 , 11 P 4111.11,11 14 1 1 .1•111rt , 1111 111,
p111..P11 11. thu '441t1a1:41
4.1.1 •.
1:.k,• tzp the .,
i11'1 4.11 3 11 1 1 .111.1111111i14.11,0
•InLe.l !hal Ult. te2.aoltilutn
4•11 ro•po$: IL.' I olull”
• Anti /14 , 1 t:
•rn .11 1 1111. k.• 11
im111.1111., 'l,l. Ito
. 14. I 4 • ~ 11. 1
N v./ TIOI
I•r Illtl j1,1)1111111,01.111
1..11111”, tll7 •, 4 `l',llPll
br• ,”1,1•!I
t•,11011 ttt tt • 11, ttt
iit•llitt tt'k • trlttatldt .t t
A 't . 1 foilt"% Ing v••
.orl 1,0 .•I %I, 11••”.1,,,c,r.
• 1,,i1 11/1 ill,l .11%.1 4131
)11 F1•1”01/.1 , '• ,1,! h• L i up Lb.. n0.4.,:t1
1,1 I I, rkx ..)' I 1
nf tLr ~,II
11{11/11 .): f it. 111 , t•..11..1
lak.• , •71•••-t A‘.‘rn.t
.•• !ham,. met..
• k
• , .rm iHi v,ti"a
• 10. 1 1 ,11111 rod Ito ,tl,l
....I •: , l/1 , • ..E .nr 111.• .o , •st
: •
1111, , i 1.: . ti , =t, op, ~Il+
M. 4.- ... 1144 4, 14441.1(1,, ~ 11
441.44 , I . 4 1.11•:- 44.4,44.144 A 144 . 41114, I tie
• , 1114,• 4,414
1 1.1111 . ... Hee
Si; h a„ IL . . 4 tria is,
~ 1 L ~..“,.11 04 - 1,1.1.1
kliird .11 iVilll.
/I I 1,.. $t
•rti 11...
1.11 Pt• .utit)
.;Pi.4l-1..11 Lt.. lOW 1.'11.1 ing
A.l I .• I.'ol 1..•41
Ihr vfotttlt, I In , penqlont•r% would
~ ..1 :II: Lisa 1 , 0n,t3118
Air. , f how y, while ritynnltg
•, the ms,l
I th, I h.•••• ?In: ' , ltal.. woo
and 11.1 ••,,n, .1 111 t.of 111110 w -
I. ( 1 1,rationt. Ant fig ,151 - 10 WI
; . 1: 0 ,1 . 11\ 110 :;7L :I - 11.111.4 r 1•03111 , ,n.
Nl] -Leven. , expl. •1 the nithol.rn that the
grthie ol tL
I.IA I 1,.i.1 4.1 ,Vlll.ll
Ilt . ..uhllorn' pat)
0 An. IL 5,1 IWO Lb(' I.lliy
4; iminth 1..• 11.50, lb, penkiiM
. 1 ,. ...) , ce 1 1i: ,. 17 , ,, ,. k „ tt .. e ,. re , r , e 1 11 , . I I
In 1 5 1 iNethsloh Alloe totni
-111511151 100
MI 11p0.1 , 1, uut, i$ lieglit I Vl'd I, a V.lte of II
I h. I previ,olB queAt.l..ll,
rvLy c.uttlll,4 oIT the ,Lineutltitent sk bleb Nr.
1.41 oriel. Thl. 11111 w,4 OIn•n
,•I t h nn• Lunen itn.l pan.ed. •
Isa• C.. 1.1113111 1 . 011,1011, iVel
I I I "1.11 1 . ./0 tat It, .3 , ll , ,lllerallcon the re...
. lon rl,llll - 111a tin,/ roport a !all to duo.
V‘ 110 , PM,
• lt,lll 1.0 t . t , ltl fi lie
alai I la• z ., •mOi.Lll”l/ t I't Ult I-11v
I I .• V laa..enttalcommisultattlon
.1 . • Pi, I ia• ,•. tlit• Ti Qll.l-1111 111 I (gar
of Hone,. 111 regard to gold
4111 ,. .. ~la nary tat, ln, a loon anltl,
S% rpfrhr(”l ;). /I,olll'loll reforiang the
• .nra onliatt lon to Lino t ow tuil.tou on lilt,, king,
InNtrootiong to Ito' Oro Iblly into all MO
htalumente loath: ;heroin.
Mn 1... It in.lolrr,l .nom inn reaaon Inc
I P k .01t, /0”
M. %%thee. 111. t there ln.l lo.en
-.;11. rue. charge.. the livunimiwre
4/11.• golti If whiff Ihel
it v.,. .1114 . to the 005-
et... 5 that Ilfat mud.. known
through.. 1.1.11 [rem the vOlllll.ll t....
of the lieu,.
Thu renal .1
Th. , printed „ •1.011.14 41( lirmornlA Shornmo.
Thelon.. rope, Fo,tor, I'loodmoton istiO 11.1010
cook, 111'.1411 'lona ~ o rnmliteo MI lII'
,01.41 uct Of the, NV ar, not 4! liken (rota
Stoo.kto'N toblo,mol, 0,. tool 100 or lilt 0111.1.
l'oll/• e rred 11.
The HOUnn then ry,,olved Itself into t
1.11 lit CI , ef the it hero, Mr. Pomeroy 111 t
r, Oho 0 rat. 1.111 In lire calendar being the
aerittle tea prov Ithr for the curer getutett el
ts the Wlorrolkago reservations.
Mr. Bunks lilt/VOll that it by lard atiltle.
ag_reed to,
The Sonata subpart ate to the l'ltrib 0. Xhibiololl
bill WILY taken up, nett yl. Slovens 1111,1411.11.41
that hlll he 1141.10 11,1,l :011 , 11•. t l.nnghter. I •
The m0i1 , .,, WM. negatived and the sills!,
UM' was read, adrenal', ~,,, Olt LIWIIOII of Mr.
Banks, the guilt ‘14.11.a1t, Olt tilt, hill wan
Mr. Wattlihrirre, of Mimes ~used to etriko
~at tiro twit roprlsttion of 14000 to to °vide ad
ditional actsrettnotlittlons la Um part. The
amendment of Mr. Wurshhorros wits rileCt.lh/
Mr. Waal:borne thou 11105.1 to Mi. 1/4 LIM
tlard onotion, Um following: .• Provided, thin
' lie Fre ' el • • CITY AND SUBURBAN.
!„,. ti telt tin n (nen
)Ir hat,- ; ..t of Locicl Illatterit oh Third Page.
If tt
elint ry 01•te ete I rtt • ht
::ttitiet It. NI, t.
r tt
t F then: let 2.1 ea todgier, Death nnse he' of n htitinsishie limitty.
. : ; t t
n n u,,i,
..”1 . .. . „,.. ti•Nioll, the bettivittl
tui..nitet I: ;1. , It ltein :hen
1: t it,.ete) t. a'
401 0,1. , I I 00,1 ett t
the cuittn,..o l , 01 . It. .ent n I tn. 0, tett ettetetuintrury, the Deslylich - . 110
It t olllll g:v• tinitletti, but tqt he nue, •tI , • :t.tetter•lx) 0:1,1 . 0134: g: five Ihith
1.111 1 Dint 11g110 the . .. 1 :111) . In• , ..1 I in. brain Vit 111 l eight tielnek
"' .1.0 1,, • •.110 ih excellent health
linnet tx :non/I.llom tt: 101. k :101
NI: ' l ,, trlts ttgt.: M .1. Oat/ In hi,: , • /o.' t tt 11, It: thaenisit titole ttetli
xi ctentan of ilte Unnnilto tet Forin:lt 10 •Ittnli „ttet nt .tx.l within Iva' Itottet. -the
nt - 1 M4‘."- tt. ',ln 100 WllO gut, it. The
I:10 ant/ ..... gilt/ 4 1 1 /101/I Int g,t1,1 , :tt ; 10
zt; tt: : 1.1 10, wht. tutmoned,
it n ettt /1111 . 1.11 I Intl 01/110 Illne 1114111 0:; •.. /t t; , t..
,ogtit tftlt It I ;tat .1"..•111111 111101. 11,• 1.•••11 I. --, .1!,11 14, leen ~vlli .1111 of /
int :: the -nape t,htiett tt tee heel'',
11111111' /t 7 : ;
11111.11 finis I ditties
l'o 11. • •1,1•. ;Ii•• ..u.111,1,•
Forei d n
gn o I/0.0 .It, .1111%. ~,..„„‘
an .1 •,ne.1,,n were left to
.Lantl (In .10 1 1 , 051 hat nu ,:onllt.tuan " 0. 5,1 11, '
(loin 1 1 ,1111syls an:a would hut' ttli opport 11111- . 111 15.
ty to etprites los opinion , . and Cole
on I • 11 hJet•I , wc•lpall. •M . Allex ieri II)'
10, • 01011 /0/I,
the r4.rech
31 r. 11, of l!Itn , •:- .a.•: , I.L: not . 'nu 11.1 , p.•5•.5. .p,.1 c.lll, Lill the
know o hat. lite g
111 ent:aunt t. tar flan kol 11410111811 ilg :1 In.ek-hulllo.l u.„..
'l3.ll'4l."‘l(.lll'l'ig• 111 .' I ' ll 111 '" '• 14.11, '.
th, .01111:r. rep,. 1, 11 11 0 II 1.11, gene.r.,u,
ultal al the t rench exhllntlOn.slllll 111a.le her :In lurnalnyal -1 1421)' •I •
Ito 1.1 own 41.1. lip in Mexico :Mould 1/e litked+ ~ 10 , , , ' in 1-
‘lOO u. Ile atik./01 Ili, gentleman front Moaner- 1 111 " ` 1 11 ' ll°ll • "t ll / 111 Y "t: no Matl3
//tlttsetts. ho now taficial on todlilly, o lin jrl t mo 1 t0'. 6111 1// fen el to
1/titl 1101 1110,1 tionle Itlittatnry .10110 It, Vlll , l , - I eg/irtl and 1•0 11021/1 her 00 a Id tut all.l
cute lieu honor Nntl gum, of Ito. vount 1,, 0101
11(11;11' ( lady Ile, staldeu /100th
lit that the gent lernan • did I rave.
114111 111111 1I hat mg no 1.01114'141 'll 1110 1111.4 itrOven Imi Itile blow upon her hernux
kwlr. nu'. -0 /Jon, /- /1 a/ 1., 11 1/ 1 T• hushand tom 0 Inrge 1/1.1, 1.1 IrlY,ln lint! -
:)01.(1111 lhrenl 1.11.711.1!,1":::).,11::.:..14et:,,,,,Y.,":1‘,.7. .111.•1111111 . , Slllll 111/0 111/1 /toteerekt
1 u‘an had a .111111 Allll,ll 1111 1/1/01/1 -ymptillty ol ChM, Ilia 0011 hour of trial wadi
In 1/10 Vlllll .1 nmehanle. St vre be 401.1 51011'0'155.
tn.' lo• st :Jo t‘ ad/ to la/ I's,' lied (or if elf
'5OOOlll. 11111.1 t . cl.ll.llalt. it They felt. a Tr, ~,,,
or a I. rou .r.
till Amyl ;e1 11+ 11.11., 1111.1 lo IA 1111111.
bur Citizen—Probable S.lrlde
they were . 1111 tItoTo. 1 "3 1 the 11r..°111 .01
1110 go tu 111./41/05 °lll/1° '!'free 11 u- 1000,,1u411141e elelletitmll. in 111 ls
Mr. llon I.s sael that Inv reaaon lie stating 11 Y ) 001,111 tY "emu , / 'foul 1111 11 /3 . tertotto
1 mit 1.0.• 10.10,..1 mu of the tueinla, Irian 1111-
1 , ens it,. a /Lck Molded Moo/ the measure,
olw. 111.+111 51 L
Lui on- d erlo.l.ol mint:flitted /tultmlt• 1/y 11room
0/est/on. /tml, ietly oonsalered, 110. 1,0 htm-011 in the Monouglltelat Rivet. ea
right i•,l 111, to 1,11,, into debate 1111 111111 Inornlll,, :II an ea.rly how . 31r. Jones
lug. 110 dad 1 hi, 111 111111 111 1111 that pm-
„„ u „,
111 „ 011 ~,„ , . 11 , 11
lain, to the ma /torn/it/re of the reptil/lie ' •snd '• • "
0 , 11 , 1 1 , 11 , 1 „r ULM/1,11 1,11,11111 V, 111,1 placing Ms 11111011
tutu. 0 1111 010 1 1411 the imimort of that 1,111,0 , and .11111, 0111,1 value on tile 1,0-
' l ' lunl 111 111.1 11 " I " n1.:111 .he " 1n " 1,111 111 /11 0 0110.151/er, felt 1110 111/510. abler/ 1
.130 00.001.1 Mll A 1111111101, 01 /Igolll 1 111'
. L „ 3 . 0 1111 h Mr 11,11.1 0 1101 1 0 0511 41001. A 1110 hour,
t 1/.0 x 011.5 -100101 010011. 11'1 / ;tory NI,NI. 011.. 111. /10ptirliire 100tu the house. Ills hat
11/1.1 1111 t ,Iglil 11 1 01 .1, 1 1 . 1111 ., 1/1111 oolit 4 . 110 1011110 imotting on fi 4111.1•11 neat I
.„ :,„. L„ / ,.,, . till IMO/ ot tile llonougalltila rivet, a few
.11 „„, 1.el“, till' 1,0,1. No. 1, 01/1011 gave ise to
donor at/1 own,. rd
L „,/ :no .: 1 11/151.1111111 1111 the Intssom Oasis 11001
~/ 11l 11 1 , 5 ... „ 1 , ned 11 tn,elf The rtt er In the vtelttltt . cif
Ll° , 11 , 11 , 111 ,
. 1 1 , 1 . 1 , 1 ,
5 , 511 , 11 , •.„ h„ / 1111 . -„, 1 .,, d 1.11 It on.- 1 /0/ /10.1 vote/ /Mt 11 1, .k.ll/1
f tom /Is I P .1,1 151, 111.111 g simrol. for the body.
Mt, 115 Ig, 01 1 . deeltited hat 11, 11/11 1 " 11 "1/ 151111 1 11.1,111 1 . 110 o 1 1domf 01100 esa.
. 1 /010- 101114•'1 11.011 Imalmota In January
for 1 11,/ 1 / 1 11 4111 ~p 1“...•.1 (~ .MC111111142 ill• oullt• from .1,
I.••itn, 1 1,1 1 011 1 repreool.lo.. 1 111-1-1 - 11 M `l llOll, no. o"o 11, 11 . 1 ° 1 1 11,11,11 tnt
L 14 .0 111 . .15:PS 11/ I . 1.1 . .1, .1 h 0 . 1' .55' ` .11 :11 • 1Ing . 11'0111 0101'01
ill 1 Idt ore, • ~,• -1 1 , .1 11 1 '1 ." al , a' kt• It 1. - 11 1 , 10 t,, 1 15.111 e 1011111111 tell
011: 1 01. .., 11. 111 , 1,, ~.; .1 m . 161:1x.11 1
, d. ~.,„ ~„,, NI/ Jones tio/...1 11 1111.0 and Mt oralsly km/.
1 , 151
0 , 0 , 1 „ „ L
. 1 .,„„ I 11l „,",,,„ 0 5, 01 „ tI: 1 / 1 . 1 , 111011 of tompprottehatoo
!•I ceod mmt ,dist n 11 1, 011.1 et. at pm/o,a! Wow., day mg
TIll• mdo-nuen I wo- :• t. /I l, 1.101 101 11111 • 18.1 111. 1
•'1 I, 1 1. , ;110 1 110 1 01 IP. 0./mmittilt./coal
451 'lnllsl 11,11/eIl
1 /11 i 0 .1 111, of 711 d. am 0111 1111111 11 010/1.1..1 5. 1-
:111 no .1..1 4,1, 111 .4 11 11, 0014 4 here he
/1 , 1/./.01 to 1111 1. 1.1.1.•1.0 1 10. 0.11.11
'1 ern
•: hignl 1,. 111000
tate 0/...10.00 11, arms 01/10 1111/1101
os, Ills 11/0/ Its 11.5,1 Si 1,00 delMertiteli ,
1 11 1.111 Ills 01 1 111.(1.11,. h,ndruth. t.0r
.1 1 nd 1111111.'! 1.1 Ihe lindins, Of
1 dt leod, 'lll 110,111, 1111. 1115111
nitlt f. i
lharg. thr F
.11.1i14.1 ~111,41.•11l111.11
II !WI", ,
lAL• fiLii LLL 011
• I :LILL I . :IL 7. Xll
I Li :4L L Litt: iL
.\. ' i_ I , IL-1 1 ,, .z
111/ ../
/ Ir 111/ I
I Ullliralt y Ke•l•ed.
I.l'fi.ST FROM \F4 tutu., th, •'.lli
,;., Wilt. and What
'care Cholera t Aleek— ThrScovirge Itrelak. I , • tiCtlial, Of 4 'hat-
Out tIr.•••:1b ttunrns.titir • t ounte. la: :!:11:: Dann.l I.ogan, 311 OW
It“tr tiered— -Festinn Indicts." iiiii „r ii„„„„,, ; „„ b,.„„4
, K
" L
•ii '
I,y los •
, ratl,•tre..4,l ,
1 Ise• ll.x. li., t.
r, t:.., ,
•npr x1,.1 •... • , •al
,„_„, r •••• .; -”`, ", , 0
, „, I, v, r“lit Plimlo, it, intutt , vOti,
, ' A
• '"" • • I"'
z •
hr,a1.•t0,..1 :tin Ict upon Ink•
pon I I) tu,,,nel Isvncv
4:apt erninorlng Financial (pr.. • lon I wyttke. 4lwt- rt.-
1. I -II II 1.. .t. ;•• oro, Ire ,hneon
•of 14, inf. in-alxilann r.L 1, .1,1111,1 NS . Illlato to pay tbr
X l l ^I
o,„t litrivat,
....urn.. it.l port rAy..l 1..
ttttt '4 , OM, ~f -t ot:,, U., Mal n J ,voll
1.1 I r.l an , l ot . ..1 101. rvutotl Iler. ./.
1[6,, 1,1,1 t,!!,,,i1,1, may 1.. to•gliztle..l ton. , ne,t I'l lItillt•111., On lite I
pwrchnv, on 11C.41.1.11111 11!•' ..111k (11, In l :I good , le:d of la:1
rt , t,lopt ion of r.,0 ..t.n oult•toling fin, 1110
...• 1,111„, .11p0n5...•.1 ,t 1 li.I•
-1,1,11.111,!,! rtv , l4.. .11-IIL II ,
, nn •
ottrkt 04.11111,,,,
lone tO Ilut. 11,1 of Jaz...UV lb, nolt.t. W./
1 , 1 1111 1 , 11.11 a 1111011!
I! !ll.' !NM, •• t'll' ,I, Int, f... " .4.
111 Ltllt,' 1.. 11. • •'‘,.4.1,' iltlelllll- I I !11. I'M
'I! I!' MI. - V.I. 11a, prop, outs lot, ililoll
of Int,nl
• -00, ttnol. oo
• tUoli
ult. since. A lvtLer,
. . • , 111, I, base le en t ate" by "stem, had
..,I ttol, tr. ...‘ • y t,tt , , by n foantr,, anti trout itr , 1.01-
i 1.,• t ,.. .1 , . tt f.rem t y /I a , e:/.. In Nee York.
,/1•1 .11110 , 11 App.,/ 1, .11, poi 4iii,ienit,;( 11( e uttt,le tti•ttill ettnotrnlng
, ; 1 1. / 1 f 1 1 : , •I , t . • e1... 4 . It
1 '• 011 l ,
Si 1111'1. 1 / iSOI/t../ ll' "1 Ita.Lt tlit, 1..1,4, tif ten e i/ a e ta,
)I. , tr-Itll.l, 10,4, an,l it tteceive the Itunt Ihe 111..1 that It ea,
tt It• line,. le., instant. ~,,, , a . , 111, 11'1,1 111111 ill. mtl.l
yt:. were Irlll 4. 11I1 • 11,1 pea 01 1111' 1.11 1 ,11.• 1 1 4 1 11 1, 111111, ;.:T 1 : 1 I' lll. t "
111111/ Mare', anti /lid Intl tti„,,, tt„.ll/ , 1, , rttta11.,/,...11 , 1 it •••11.1at tut t,
' , atent, it: zsol.kl .11.141 1,..1 hitn.tell 1,, tll. .n/111,./: 11 1...
liforntble !corder to fork t , ottotty tasaullt and ILalLery.—hl blurt ay up
enrod Mlll . Ail/I,IEIILn Lynch yes, , nlay
"" "'" evening awl intele oath ttgatnet
."' d " u g h " tin ita t
tanitt and hatter, The teal
t • a t r,nl ele, en I e• IttnllN mu r,11.,
otl lii 1.. Iht , 1 01 1 . 1 , of the
,idnrnnan, tt hell he trollied through an au
." rk 'Lite aeon, that she war, Uar mother of font
4 "" * """ l, • " mall children, who, of the Knees., of their
" ' I) h `t , e ""'""""• ' paret, aeie left totally tiliprotnetAnl. Ile
i " ""'"' hen•otion ii1.1110.,i anti., entering Ille
"" ,"" ,'" I T hr antort mitt, anent. Win, It, Well as the pee,.
n , 1"." uttnt , ettPe'n. , ' hot" eentins uti- untie; the influence of liquor, to
M. ''' . hay ' " ret l lit 1. iterne her 011111,11.
• 11, ''l I lilt
aetlon Of I he ' ire Wu., 110 i
le Plinio, but tt an, aceordlng 101
It letinatiity, ant] .11mi Id then.lore recen e tie
ns,n, lull. A ,.
_ A , , approval of All well-tnennif,g people.
tho entu,l WI. , 101.410ru411roail
fly, LIM following gentlemen were eltwited tit- 'rile flay Loatler. —There has been In tole
inclori, for 1.11, , /111,1 A II Il i , I comity for tile pax, low gOlll.l,-
lt N • liarn , And fiend it,`ll, I.rt .Nl , l, I nne men ;Tom oar 'IAA, hlnte, Now York, /lolling
. ( 01111 Newell, Tinto, Atteiiin, mei I' tl i iid e .„l I p i ll Enna"- , Patent flay unit Manor,: Loader
invelunil„lnf oi fete-folio, Norwalk, 111.0; 1 MILI Dal:11111g Ylaroone. Till, uuwllulo 11140 be.
an , l T. 11. 111.11 g, of Toledo. The eiane 0,11) 1,011111/Ir Nll.ll 1110 farming eounnii
iolieeri. idefaril wore .11111,1 New, li, 1'1,41.1,11; I 1111.11141'11411 lawn , In timing lily ituned and no, el
1.. II Itnekio, untierlntenihod i and William rounll wainnur Tho.• in -wiling It
•11011/i. , 0, NourelAry Itnil 'frelito nei art: 11 ell fuhd.e.l to , to it, 111.11.11,, inttlsly
001•01oue who will exittoitin It. From our per
, 'dr .1111 • And be,
"""rni "r•tunn 1.4 ..... , "1 , ..1,1,1 4 . 1 7 .1 ',,.`"” • ),
k • " r slll:7 : ' o U u " r n°l ::;.l l oYn ' il u lg "' cu " nt 'i ll
U,. 1 4.11.1, , .lone . 1. —I W., 111 1., ~,,,, I.llw 1 I'''.
• -.11.-
lh Wumlitngtosi, Illin le.iol ii. poit.i.l ai..ifllit 1 1.4,01/en •—..ii um orlatlumotit 01
r rr. ry"..rn lr ' 47rt " ' "I k" l i liii , .... i' r .l l- 1 itri iiiiii.tml imil novel rlntvitcler 001:005 01T 1.1113
poi/1101g 10insell 50 otllre, :and.leilutiii. I. Lilt .r, rum. lii Mixiiehr.ter. It IS it thino l."
tl. ii.. AI 1 , 11 rary null illi,d , Li,. 1 rug to r-1a1... 1 ri,..01.1..1 .I.otwlirrry frstivitl, Ici lie 1101,1 10
I,li A lirtiannilili.. 4. 0..11 lii Ow prop... I lie IrI'ILLIL• I'll 1 1 1 • 11111.I . 1! 01./ irallagliair,
i.. 1 it :I.lllllllly lipotti irlirro.l .rlegi. 1011i,•11 , L...,, 'l"lo,,roini.l will lir .100041 with f10w
_....... 1 rr.. Mill ...Vl:Ll:rel./I, 1111.1 151M/11111\1,d with
A pprolntnlent% Confirneed. ' riuullwi lip,., 1.11,01... 1ut14,.. The chile is to
the 101101,.. of Ulu Im/it...111. blutiv..llst. Church
II ,blllll,oh •11/111 . . 1,..-1111. :•WIIILIt . , 111 VS,. ,
„brill •,,, ,
. 1 " - ` ,. ) c "" ilirili " l ri"' ""'"r4-
' 0i rriio.'•o t.Pi'vgt'•',..-I;iLitliLr'llyl::iiltlii‘l.luifi'itlilii.l;;:idn't"it';•'
1.. or 1 4"... 1 . I, illrr. il. C l ' lll.. '" "I in- I attend Alit,.. Intit:l will ht . hi it LIVIIII ant.,
'""”" RI . " •, "/I • h. 11, ' , 4•1:4•1111,11 , 11 11,1 Ill . (
11l 1 11Ii0, 11.1 11l 4' , L.. 1 , ~,,on.y, or ..t..i,10r- ! --...-
„,, 11l (~,,,..,a ~, B uit i,,,, }.‘,..,. Ed., unl I The , beat Oegun—Lawt l'oneert.—This
-.. limgg ha, re-elected l ,111141 01:1100 AI I 4 oI - l .l vntng Mr tworge %V Mrrgan. the eminent.
r y for Ni Iftf . ol,••i II . ri 401.111 i-rout t: rune i lurch, New York, will
......_ , or urgent re,/ tent, ON r Wei sreond awl last
Vernsamt. Union COLI VOII I Llblll I emit.. Oil the 1111/hBLel • ',0i1., pis! p.c.' 111
~,,,,,,,, ~..,,, , 1. . .. ma. •,.— . 11,, 1Lep,,1,1,,,„ i 0 , 1 , , , l' e li i s o l' i s , (.M.104 4 0111, u l ii i il tt1 ,,.. 11 l f /e n it . s.4lB .1 b il y ,
t . i 1 , ..1. ,. .' , Cr . t , .‘ „ , , , , , , i , 111 7 r s " ,„ . ', "rr i r s . , r i t ,:,,:.. " ,%. 1 , a , ' ,.:::. 1 . ". 1.t r , 1 I L ir '_ l7:4) . l 11 r .17 LI E :114•01 n...::1 ' , 4 ' ' 1 0 i t . .1 , ,, 1 ) 1 P /1. , r7 11::I n tic ;. 1- e Li .
(OHO., Itig art i lir tiootiiiitlloi. for 00t1r, . ru l t .... all tic il . il ras.
rffle., • ‘Lcol It”, ..111lIr. II". I . lllli 111 i 1111p:11111h. -.1.-
of 11 rater lin,: 1.1,/a•nata aor. A a. .tnother Accident. Yesterday afternoon,
La , ne, limb are t present I u .on of tir..l. T. McKnight, who resides neat'
lite Wanhingtive pike, a abort deitaueo from
I the city, as terribly wounded by the buret
-1 root Act.. Orleans. , leg of a you a Lich he was about. Laing at
aw trace a a-, June I —t'utle, Itirdh. lan! Or all, band, no intern
,[anbans id h. Broil: Steil s e, t oil, lhat atuntilutiOtt lull to lie resorted to.
Ned' ,S. di„,„ o „ n The Illc of the wounded boy is dm:paired 01.
,; yl. Bagley .1 Cu.' , extensive grocery anal
n.thor establishment. No. 1 . 4 Canal and al Cut _ 31tel,yor'r. Court —There were ton eases lie
too, was burned to-night. The has ac ill pn..l fore 11,, Honor tills omitting. None, however, reach *.0,01/0; lasal 1141 for about tintaintli. a ere charged with a higher otruuse than
• drunkenness and diaitiriderly conduct. tour
Motley.--Some „yr, or paid slight sines, one in as discharged, dad the
reniaining four went to enjoy a brief aanSoll at
lagalta Lint desk intuits tan the steamer fire .
on rove acre arrested yesterday snit La-oughtnoel county
before Mayor tlecarill), charged with mutiny
en oath id the mate of ate foal, who stated %inhaling an Ordinnnee.—Retry Nle
that, the parties alluded I. hat broke mil er, for violittin, a city ordinance by
Duos. east; of i nor la U.- hold, and 'oink
an- laa,alg a mortar on Innonlylvania
tll they 'nand. , heahtlY intoxieututl. They nue, thereby obstructing travel on that
1 hen ascended to the ht,...ur duck, when. they oughfare, was arrested and brought belle
a...fanned several of the °Mears, and In- Alderman Morrow, who held lam to ball for a
tic armd in a disorderly mama, After . Myth°, hearing to-dey.
oral 1100119 imprisonment they were ill:a:Wag-
laLim Captain of the lxiiit declining to pros- Correctiou.—Situ A_ Nave was not injured
al . • by all Alumna upon him at tlto Ited Lion Hotel.
ttemagius was threatening to shoot several
Acad.—The Eaglu Piro Couripialy have ilia. I Au dit ititutia, when Nave interfered and tOok
posed of tioor old carriage to ilrni in Mr. pistridrifreau Loma:eon lowered
muustiatii and have contractual fur new one. down hy Littrriagtoh,
TUNE 21, 1866
neuio , .., :•
• 11,111 u r• • t•
.truautl.ll, 1..•
11 V.LC 4,111 ,1 if.l 111111
Vl.Orl-' .1111.1 1
ICAllnamd I)irt•
I. •1 !fc . 411,1•• l/1111,.: 1 /1111111.101 bigamylll.l, lig 1 . 0 1 / 1 1,r. 1111111 U. 1111•0 Peter 4.0,0,,
•• tuinghttn, The ca. ,,
man •I rainuu abrupt
„•,, :•••• 1., the re, t r uant xtie. taWng
11111/4 . ,1 1111 tilt ti xeul rot 111 e Nutting,
HU, recog
,e, :•. lit the breaent the
, .111/1141 tt a charge of The
•• •.el,• .......................Ills l l hlr.
.1 - t5..411,1:,
t• , tuasTl.l h
qtr.• l :Lk.' Cw u'ar. nwt,4l.
41 , .41:5i El Co! a tiearlog
I , ta
Irl• • •:' 1,.,• lot•rtnltiallot)
ii! 10,1,1 Opal, In , paillS 11/
I li.• '• , :ioers ,, t4trut.nt .pousa..
ohtiflns that
• . . . 111, A 1••1,4,5 11 wing 11..wl
,t1 1 1( . 11 lU/ {III, 11l
~} t t
l It•uuk llefure 4141erumn John•
!.. I,•11•
I'l 1 .1• • • 1111,
I 4.-1111 Int ,11•,.11
A • • onv< oupt ill tog
I. In oil .1.•11Ar of
The Commencement Exoretliett •DI the
Pitt..bttech Felonle college
ki,ovrA F::nuttle
Armt4.l 11,„411:, :tl,l x I t..
tA t• , tt: NI I hilt.•ll •
P. large a:el
htnee. who 4..enzed To take ,reat !were,. n n .',
to I•t• huhly ttrittltit , i wit , 1 the en,. hlgii
11111,1 !VI ::1,1 tea, 11M1r. ie.! tt ,. regret
that 01,r Spat , Will 3), ti 4
ant' e.tiinilod of I lie :111k1 11111.1
prti)rinaisis, lint n ill smply sat 1!1n1 it..
Ito:fored :heir idiot tin! p i
trt Io tion
pmgrnnuni• it it !inniktitul 1,111111-
- , 11 . 11/1 Inusle. nil:tined I'm rot, o t,s •,-
. • .
led innll
asterly mariner by dllft.eA /VII/
Tl:t-11,1 (0110,4,1,1 by elmoient
an.l impressivo prayer he Roo. E. 11. •n,:14•1.
sweel +OlO is, Mary I I rastrnt 41,
cut it 4/-41 ••Se retest.
Nliss 111 Ce II ray next peroJrmed upon Inc
piano, fin an easy and graceful manner, - 6 rand
N net Ur - and WWI followed by Miss Mary I'.
Ighei. In a Milln Salutatory, This WILY 1111 ea.
eellent CO l / 1 111031114111. evincing a thorough
knowledge Of the beautles ru-aeles of
the univerruilly cherished :trail language. An
"Fro , . 'Egypt. to Canaan" n asa very
elever proguetiou andiwas rend in a eleatr,
enamel Vu
lee by Miss 51aggle
fatal ravatic. Miss McCoy's coiniMsition aholind
ed in in..1110:1! truths, and statu(wd her as one
h store- of useful knoveletig - e. Miss
".a nen( .111: SOlO from Travis-la.,
411.1 sae foliow e u with nil eras)'hy fi11,,, Lizzie
1 1:slzeIl. This was the
mum- flower 4.1 the !Pei litelUet. It elm a
pfirre, 11,.1 .I.ltrii.. I. ..I•nOl of
s. • :1 , 1.11,1i rathel I ell
WO. madelllllllll' on, ra, ... . null
figures of soaerl,. 10111 and :ugant
The ensay-4 14 ', .tie
lelt, of Allegheny. am: NI • ! Lrrie sznalt.
.1 char pshurg. .• ..• I ..i.tritol
duet ions. The I-mum e
:ling in -lea: pm mrt
ances by the yonng lady pupa s sau ras
marks.hly hrillinnt 141I1p - m. brer rawly sits
PlOased with the 1•1111,1.411
\l7lll-111, hilt i 1 N, ILA
only It fort:4l,l, of Llo: grand closing ex eremes
o; this evening. Judging from the seholm..
lye unhesitatingly pmnunnce the Palsburg,ll
Female college the bust ...iramtiosial
tom, fur the eduentmo of girls, 1,, Pennsyl-
Wa, the
•111,:n elf I, of t a,
11,1.0,', fool
Before. Jul./Ire Amszkon. Eakt Birm.
This magistrate bail the following
:I,s es before hint yesterday Paler /taker,
Henry [ treater and at:hill:ton eru
'narked with assault and battery, on 1.1.11 of
Henry Smith CaNe aid, led pat merit of
twenty dollars tti prosecute, - arid ilia cant!,
Peter Meier Vl.l, abniste 1 it
buttery on oath in 'lames keen.e. pile are
employed at A 111,11,111 Iron tam
ilefenitant /10,•11 , 1,i ,PI 1144111.4 , lit • -
11111 With an Iron lair Ile a iat. held
his with
for trial
to , liv.. wit
11,1 11A 1 , 111 1 , ..• h.- o• 1..•. I I .•.
Ir. 4.Pfir • 11 , :0:1'011 I ~.:11.111,11
.1 , .1111 I:cahr rhit-k !, thty, tO
Itur,ted Ll,onn hull pu-t six n'eldk
t entity i.velll:ls a portion of the limier tiai,n,
•it nateil in tilt gay, way, anil
th, wat, it contain,: .1 clown
v On:CI Ih, h ill the I'enn,iL
:l la rai I row I, Alin+. rintin II t.ok Ili -
IN ~ itnd I tented the t .01Penn
velan. avenue L‘i to incrintsed 4itlilily nl
Annual Addrev....-11, 111Ingal za , 1 , 1r1,-
Ikro• I I. lt,..ittry .oe . ii•Lit•... of the W...i1,11
~ t. hid t•vng at !thk.
7.Lrt 11, /lowan!
MP -I,olld I,llllli. Iola.t1).
evenlng at (hi. same iliac,
, trance than tour wo
nein dhal muildenly teat night in tliii,an,l Al
irgia,tar City, among whom ari. Mrs. 0. M. Pet
tantoil and Mr., In.
raxii, prior tin their NI" a, to excellent
licaitli anil ~ptrita
luischargena From Prlnon,—Geort:c hen -
ur,'u.., of ntrcon frnyn Evan', ;;lit
-turn, and Mary Tracy, ccommit ted hr .la.ticc
Ammon. Inr a...mat/It :Lod battcr,, wtnedischar
gnd frnm.o,l)t-derdu.)
Niulartfure.—John „right
:ore Alticrlown Morrow on It clotrip• of
pri.fet rt. , l nglin.l him t, , treet. tointni.sloncl
Pim n It,, alsclutz gel on payment of
,t? go Ih g• ,:L
1... Iv, .4.110 la-I Vv11.1.1),
tenoti, t -111[11: 111 1..1.11 WOre
Vaillarlors.--For th ono lama ,
t otarloey was y, t n ot"moo 0 , 1 by Mayor
McCarthy ;or t of ,
For the Lca 4 lle,—Ati•lllil.ll ttt,Le,i to
I bt. curd W' the now of A Mitt
it.; ' , withheld a feet, ,rne:
Lgb "hoot Commenc•ment.-111”,
DIP11,10‘.11:. elerct ,
~ ot
tako- play th,
,•••• ~ ..t z,, ,
u•. i,,,.
I ...11 it, a,
\F.T ~~ N~•1 i~ .1 ~~lu .i ~i ~~. 1~
K.. Ht , .2 ♦t .•.0-..~:
t , l lu • %,i“ug pap. r
O. 196 Smithfield St.. a or. 711 t.
i.. - zrvrrei-13171R0G-.IZE, ..
II ND37RT sa ~~ L.
o 1,6 Fourth etrort, Va. Ut.)I 6 YINo of
all l 1t1i.1 . h.J.1,1,,V tfa.and ore, aleacrlottou
ol Von rral Forms/Ling tloooerolaviett. /loom*
010.111.1' Hoarse an.l , 'a.rrlagos r 01514,1
11,tralts,r.ccb—Itev. 11001.1 herr, 1). IL, H.r. VI
...1.44 thus, 11.1./.. Thomas Ewliag. K 60.. ...coo
11111,1. K of. 1e6.c71
Mi. N. OGDEN &
Ntannfacturer, and Dealers In
Carbon Oil Lamps & Fixtures,
Chandeliers, Carbon Oils, &0.,
No. 61 Market Street,
. :1110
!MAL:, 11l ke at l'unlle Auction to t tit
nithlrr. tn.. 30,1 lie V (Pk .11'N E nest.
at Mt- linvvrtiment ) ard, ..01 - 11, of Garrison Alle,
anti rayt.tte t tlita tlto following
A rilntals. ali
10 t Ilt E.
20 I. •
I above ark. tor) , •oporlor atliutM. ot.t Irio
.ultable fur oy purio.t. for wbb
lo LI, 5
'" gr k iT0...71 " !7 1 ;05 to lAirolok•e sallmals well do
-s-I attrati List sale.
Trrm,—,..b. U. 8. Curreury.
r. !mak, 'old singly.
rontu,nc,. lo
lc 1/ 1 iII*4 and I /e.,,11 s Q. M. iv',
J. v. nurrL.lL
C. RUFFILNO !N. CO., Manufac
• lure'', of barsap4rlll4. Lvm/m1 And Ilaspbvtry
IMLnw berry 11141...An0n ,- )rt.p.; 8.411. ry
r.lir". ti Not., LA,: .Ind I ham
p3g nt. Ider, llyler by thr tearr,l t,Ar rrl co
.I.ul 24r MI, ILK . T.. near r . ,,p11.1,
b. r,lt.
Orders tilled end ablppvd t., ell psrtA ul tLe, COllll
ry . on short notice. 1 , 4:c-11:40 ..rT
No. 94 10i7cooci at.,
(Third house above Ulainond Alley.)
Flavt rrmoreJ to the Pen. ~.octatlon Building
Nos. 2 and 4 St. Clair Sired,
Witt., 0., p1ea,..1 to tnet.t their old frlt.i.
and othorn'olentring their twrviees. jell :f ., 5.1144,11
8,1 for thr fotturrlug
$5OO, $l,OOO, $3,000, $5.000, $lO,OOO,
For ,ac,-Iwo 21124 three yen,
BEA, JR..,
Itl VLOUIL, GRAIN, BEE LIS. ,„k lllt
sass xxula•cartyr eptroc)t.
'MILD PEACHEN.--41►Racks Un
ream ntiduner Leonora, NC sale by
leli thALAiI DICKEY a CU.
' ot ‘
lara WILSON, ('AILS 8 C 0.,)
I. FA/ M. ETT ,
N.. I:I Si. Glatt' .tr..•t
tt, ..:11ttoa le for...reed thb
•erlt•ert eootetel es the malt rea.
'l4 1 , 1 , 11 ,
' i.i 1 ,, 4 1 1 , TI.. Mel , 1.,,1.W.a1111.1;:
U 6 76'1 rt-la SI Vs-4pol,
Vi VV:k tl•hep4.
Sifter aid Silver Plated Ware
t tt I•• It At.
i •
W/MI I 4OT3L - El5.
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
0.:471 1.11:41,1 ,IFCF.Ei.
PittoJc,Ul Lt, Poziaw.
1 . ./001111 All 4 .1011 6. Hcv.iring
Intl Jew.-mt.. A . work warant-
Cll A 30 J‘. 11::444;
1 , 11111 ST. 1100, 11011 SB.
!fti( $42.5().
New Cloak House, 49 FHA Si,
Opposite Old Theatre
rit3490:11F,..e 2'lE4. .
to, 57 )lIRRET STREET, Pittsburgh,
• r.lit • • A• And .1 r y.
~11 air Irt p r pal IKA r nis c or tlr.
Bought and Sold on l'oninuskdon
:rt .-r nan.l
e of
ClO :Liall4llo,l3E-3._ C . lO,
Dllecottnt% at II A. VII
iteposits receßed and collections
laade on all the principal points of
(be l ailed States on favorable terms.
President. I Cashier
JOSEPH C. CURRY, A ***** ant Cashier.
II \T'l F.R. ,, , u: . SS' \I .
I( F. K I ..
• ul I ~. 11, A.% II 1..1,, I A 1.1. i. • Kii<KrATßich
11,. i.lll ti II A It'l".V \I in F1 . 1,1..V.,
M. 11. IlltilW S. 111 M. ,II AV KS.
-II \ MFIA,S, 1i1y:3..1141T,
11111.11110 T, SHAA,IO.I kt CO.,
No. 115 Wood SI.. Pittsburgh.
M.ll Prints, Delaines, Lawns, Ging
hams, White Goods. Dress Goods,
Shawls, Balinorals, Notions,
Cottonades, Farmers' &
Mechanics' Cassimeres,Jeans
Clolh.sP Linens, Drills, Bleached
:aid Brown Sheetings and Shillings,
` I I
triand gs. w ..
k.*, . and,v./m aro 101101 to callin.. our
fla~rn sml I Pt .cr It.
['hie Rifles and Shot Guns,
N A% 1 au.l OM NE% t AM
MI .lii 1.1,1• .pl
ll N MAK Er' MA I F. 11.1 AL. ' , lila:lay Cm
:• m 1
11,1‘...1 wtth at 104 . 1101, $1 , 014, An
IL. maun..r.
Fl It R 1...
Usrltomut tato, Ifir .
Corner Veil,/ and ay tie Street',
I . l'l I's itt 10,11, r. S.
• S. 1111V.4.71, nroker in Stocks,
I 4:1 4 :h.1 4 4141,144 a 141.1.11144, 1)> . 44 44. ft,11% 4.
•Fiani.slon N 1LA.11.1“,1,. I N ILA NnK,
3 NI, ii • A1.,1,11.1“.A0 AND OTHER BONDS.
le, ex ”cut ~t 1 hy t.•J grapl,U we NEW YUBA
I 1. 1i1LA101,1.1•111.i K }{l,A)(ls,,,,Liper.,4•l
that I It. pat tett r.ll, he rt t•tfort tt t telling be
ttt 'lt.tetittr.l,lnt itt tee wt Ittl LIVERY
bltt A'\ It ttAINII{Un •ra
Lh ttitutley
von t:nu I, paid ,
1•117•111:10.11, ;I]III, — jtle.l.l6
I ) •
in, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware.
A .1,1 dealer In sTor '.O, 11013. E. et! Wit:3llo4U
No_ 1443 C ravat eitro.ot,
I . l7rsi TA.
Inle /lone° I. the Cheap,.wity
pine, to the el ty to buy
eto. es and Tin Ware. Job hero Pr0...1.Y
toy.. ieU
U 0 pound. prin. Freeli Rutter,
.1/ Iluze. eholc, Cutting i'reorn Cheese:
:et bbl.. Peach Mt. T0ta1....
MU dozen Fancy .tore;
MI, pound. C 1..,, store:
• 101 pound. fiord Costar. eoup. in ntore,
IW beat e itoelti ...yap, In,
In barrel . .Orgbutb;
Muol/ Hear.;
barrel pure 31ountoln Ela.iberry Mee,
11, Attie nu .ale h 3 11.
e , rIJ
su. 1.3 Liberty street.
VIL COMPANY.--The ,nnu...l Meeting of the
btq.bldert or the WA fla... A NI , VENANUIP
VII. t till be b. la st toe OM.• of the
I . ...puny, No. x 39 Your,. ,tree t,
cu. .1‘). J I,F I , et , eocloci A. al.,
IMIC 0.4 place a Treskuent.„ktoord of 101-
euur. and other °facers Will he chosen for the en-
J. J. GILLEbriE, Prealtient,
-‘• 'I Ilia Al. 1114(0111191r. waken, will.only
pourer, a 11,930 rplendld Reek. per day
01111 well dellilculeOgea wig uniform lengths. If the
machine does not perform what we claim for It we
10 take lb bark and relhoil: the moony. 4,10 r e..
AiittAllllll4/114, General Aigent, 141 Broadway,
New York. rorZI;b71:11%
Si oe
E 155