THE DAILY GAZETTE PlUtiT.IslIV.l) BY PENNIMAN. REED & CO., =I rill YEAR. 11Y M I'lll WV. r.K, SKIS\ LI/ ItY *** . ' '. ' • 14.71,) Y2ittburgh ftw.-cttr. 3I( , NDA , JUNE 1 , , p+r,n S4rl.llClie r ,, 1,11 - n Bank Tll , l,ille and Pr.nris G. r. ii • .. liArr...t.un: - ILI 1.1 111.1 . if( A..!jor nf•.,l] I= ..;•ply 111,01.1111 • of Ple the UIL lut ,• .\u ill • 1 . 1ii . 11,11, ‘1:1N, arr.-4,d 1 , 4 'be I: hud •inr , ed the 11=ME1 Stair t t mw h lezal ..• ,ay th. Stitt, fbi linhh If Ow of WILS C'ti ily intl.& 4)113W, ausivcrabli. GEN / 11..>.n:nt, 01 11. lit d Mr 4 1(1111,11. ItoWl, ...J1 words 01 deb.lll, 11.• 11(/.1 of ils )1011,e 11.q'• r••••cutat vs A cl , iltuntl,m, adp.lll IM=IMIEMM=IIII=II I=IIIII Mr r,, innc II Lrv:,('‘. i - nn , 'cu , i , •.. 11.. 131! 0,14,1. 1,11 1.) It VII.g I III 31. r: ,l cuu Tito tt , t,eakm orally t emit that not prompt!, tilt Mil =I whj. ‘v .10.11'.. •i. all 1,11, , 11 to • Is. rl, n h.• I,!rnse•'; I i !!‘, t •redr• •—• t 1,11131., ~11, 1 maniwr rn t,, .11,,,t‘t, tio• I 7.0, 1c.1 , 1 ong ri ,-- le' Ihe :th Di u 1...11- • :1111i ~,1 11c 101:•' MEM IlittilIMEMJI =ME =UM I=l 11 1, v , i c. v41..t11 th4t Ni.''- - I , IN 1' .1 11. I- ( 1 I.VI It 1-111,111,1, I'4ll I, 14•1 , 11 :1„1. ~i r. Wt/111,i 1. 11,...,1 DO' 1,111.. ii 1. 101.411111 PI TT, n 3,111, y, :1,1 I I 1..11 eshorati. , h, 1,1-1114. , 1 L, re.ain the " itE•I`,SIUIIIIII, , , 1100 I. I wt:u. TIIE Atiditto, Gener.J hn, lipOilitt• H \Pen. n, E ' 1P .Irian a:1.1 Tiwula, .1 .1g A t.,1 pa, r .P, urni-lid "I!!. 11 it 111, \i 11.11 ‘l t) .li•v,ivt-t1 th, II I , IL. lIIIII=MIIIII 1r 01 • rita 111!!!!=1 i'Vtlll.:llVAtillt. uLi 11 01 , 4,11 i i• r .t.r 11 PI ilo i!i!,t t-. 1 .I Gi.v g•lsk. in 1 , I , thtnl. 11, N\ tn ~ , ,ritt) v,•ar, Illit hi, f-.1 Inihng 1 , •111r1 GiA,g,,NN LI 1..1: 11 i 114,111,, A. p. r. no. • I. 'NI) It:- 1.-ad G.A. r, =I iNmpre. "Nly j...110 , •.1 N.t•ly h.. 1! I ,tl . , , A Inbli It -"it, - t.. ‘‘.t) :.•11.1 Ig=1=1•Eill (21. - 1111144 SV4/1114i 114/1 -11141 113% g .04.11111V , 1 4 %, It, 1,•• =I .t arra and unranvii,t"lia, 11 , ,imutition Grti,al I;E.Auv, and .tin!! 1=IENEMCM!E111111±1 MR ••• 1p2.1100.0fi1l , • ,, untry )limn 1.1. s ~,! Rl' MI Xi., w week, but,,rt• the italund will .ry lain. 9,1 d, On. ~,(len '1 lax at 1., y I,OIW . d EITIMEIM THI.IIPn E. 1,14 liqpal..ll. , - tin , nifkrutna, :cad 1., .111,•r • 114,1 hat gt•nf.r2.l II a. i, ILJeS it/161 , •. F 1 ,11:. i'rnse.ia. a" .d ..r think 11 , y a path t 14•rntonal Lt. Att.! lark. 1 1 . 1.1 idle-noon Ft 111.,- 6eat trio Buffal.. Is the-, liono w !hi ‘4, Cbt (.1 0 0i t .7,1 • nr , 61 I'ls.vo•lnt..l =1 Grent Vt esterti Doing. tiu.pry .3,)gons. fork,, A. A 1... cm:l.l lIIIIIIE=IIII Col Int I; tjtioctin, On the 14th inst.. it., nominated by as clamation ae the Re pubilean candidate for Congress in the tourth Indiana district. Mr John H Far .inhar ii the present member. lie declined serving again I= I{l/11 , Vt,11111% 'on velilion neither rp,r 1,.01 tt,lu tom up,ar Lit Svnat4.,lllll Will Ow Bildrt t 0.. MEM SNI . DLIt (:41UNTY MI hayr n,quirmir.l lli fb!lowing Congr,. -- “CorCt F. 31 Mut', A 4,t, iy —JO4II U. Wright rthel it) —Dahirl Bolen Fir; Commishlmic I - A1,4[11111. Ey,.r. A dli John KellY Tat Ltgisla , ure 1,11111,,C N tor• 41 , 11VeDed iu Tel dal ,o•-•iioti, and will ra;ity t• Antr, , El), tit 1.1 . 1 luytil ntf•inlwr- trow Ibut . , II ivittatti.:llll. .calem Imlign A nom: ha Iwi-ti ladulgol. for ' , Ol/.11 . 1111) . pat.t. that N 1 . ,,11: might holm. itL,ll. in the epidemic forth. i tur lOC gr Mins. thw morning. u•rvu t.. rrrat C nu axiucre tu tluit particular Tut. vet, of the New York ItWI Nlootanis Manuforturuag Company Rill will he eoit i pluttle t t noboily but the gentlemen Concerned iu the pto,peetiv e terprise. Large Eakls - ration Ww•twerd. Fenians, IL various (.OEl,s-ideate, tiu" . • I , 6.— „, r , E r m e i g n 41 I° l ti t!! :ire denouncing the Prehideut tor Ihr rig"r ;:r 4 tZ., nlos u t u lj'7,; . 7l.l:, - tutor: en, tie:. with which Le has clubfeet' the uqutrulity , py lawn. - out Verwukily mr tw t ly 11 and encournglng. _ Ma. J. H. GRIIiNELL, of lowa, who wns ‘,..,,, M „ if 0.r0 n „ ... , } ::: 8 7_ ,. .P .., :77 ,4 e .. 91 , 7 ,. .... mt0n. auj ed by then. Rossdau, H. failed or re- weLl known Lit 1 . ../takb . o y olo o ll W It o b o, til:V( h icho i n c t nomination. Judge Loughridge defeated ' 4744. 46" aawM • h.Lid Dean . I , ,, lictod f0r t...4 r.3 lam. i TEUNlitla. He WOO aged about. eighty-one year.. VOLTTME I,XXX.-- i CITY ITEMS linoophrey , tHemoepetthle Nie,: , .r•-• for -10.• F WU - U - I'4 Drug .tore, No .ti cwt. 11,•• imrtheit.l vorn, o.( ourti n MM . 1.0•1 %tr.•••tr. ‘' xriroN 11. rit 1.1121 it and dnrk, on the nnethenst I'l h Mid Market P trout.. \, 1 „ =El!=! El eltAmbraym, 011 tlt(• HO t ornot ‘,l I , ,mrth awl Mark., 1=0:111! Weil .I:tpto.l 10th. chr• ;ot nor r•(•••••ill tt,to,t, t:I• • )1 . ..1••t .1 ri.••l I= lIII= =llll =I CLIZEMZEMEII , !lot. llnc pttle 1.r.1,t.1•t !lit 1.41.11 I ~ tllt, 'Y. I t+ •.I)! Ili ,t i.ri iii.l howl, ri•iil I=l 1: , 10.. linv.• 1,. it. =II is .t eon: rat, get .• II .1.1-1 -- I I 1 ," NS CIO. on, 3! pen •, .1 C. ft, ,11 to n~.1! ir,l•• .xi/li-• 11111 drogi , r l - 1 tt y.m, .ii • .kl,l I Is art MIMI= ll= I 11.•,•*• lEEE= I=l 1 , : W1.4i1.01 01 uri i.h /01 1 1-5 111111 I= = ..n•• 01 11.,nt,tt , r , atom,. 1. Ft r. .111.• rt. al, .4,11 e illiVl =MI AO, lint , lllilA .•111 't %hut rh.o thl,k TII ,111 , 01 mtk.ig cre•attug n t rl-4•111/al 1./:1. kr 111 111111110 =I ...". N.l tol,•1 /11,1• 1 / 1 ”! , rit) %/th th, E-•1C11( . .' I•, 1 , 411, ,apvllo•nt 11,1.. 4 1111 a tl ...IM A1..•1 t. 11, I L Olt thq• tuce I. 1=15:E1=!MI EMI nold wrlctluadle and retail a vary Ina r,t .t ' :ttuang`t, Drtta and Patent .I:fatten., boq. •, Nark', all rvet. cn r tht: its• , • VI I )tau tel. ut,t CONGRESSIONALPROCEEDINGS 1 ire Mllea Ra queslloa—The Matter to be *outlier-41 Into—Reaolal ton to loan Niemen •z.noo,ooO—tieneral Debate - Heopert• to be Paid a Dereadted Mem ber of Mot II on ow A A,111,•,,, rtl..lnnr :n. tavflaemflwn,gTMflfl...n,mj 01TOT n rt,olution d)ri.cting 1.1,1 0, pea, , Ifnn y, tn.,. WitA ',VIP 1,11 !I.• u 04,111 01 11,1leage rt•vol, e.. 1 v t In.rn li.l• and 1.1.• tirtiount e•i/Lll/1..0. !hem. ate' direetorg Its rnitnritee rikra t.o orro e noirrogr in fr. eto ' larnord to hue Ile cr thin s .,.-•! n 11''• arirpte,hr Intrh.log into tire dmroort.l- -roro ro 111 , ins) and mileage lit turrinicor, tering p.) t fro . 2,741; wrier, of trattd,h,to, !tundted atal elate 111111, fo•rr • m. , . , • , 5 , t00rue. tre ell, altar .ent I.lrn tl.• /111111/1.11 ..t td.l , ad, nt• titt,,,,,• 11'.-1” tanc.e. 11.1 the ...laid, Ito.. 1.1 , holla• a,hlogt ea That 11,:tlpIteil l•a• to, the :1111..10'114 I.ller •,,P. • a.. p.. 1 lot hoot an,lre•l 0. laidcaatned Ilra :11g too- eage in mom of Oft) . W./ 1 / 1 113 ll'in Ire-i 1 •rara at d he al a ,ot not. .111.1 a. 1, pi, Ili 11-11.111. g tor the .1..4' that la LL me: 11a,i1.• all Ilia Niel f•••;•• 1.11 111.0111'3 111111 .11111.1 1111.111 ,, .• illll,ollll 11011.11 W from all part, - la ••• try, laarl I K . vn allowed inure oilleage than 'herr n.% 1•.11..roo.,1 gar, Orman f tour I ir , ••laa•f, Mr crparild lug, ululated for only al. u, alae.e.l for and late eolltager, Mg -,claellek, claimed for drrnt miles and son aline,' Int 4 12. 'Fla. letters 111 witch they .sated tirenumber number of mile,travelr , l, In reply la 1111' el 01 the chairman of the Corn or fro, rrra Mileag,„ trete fonnd In the room of the ter. geartt.lit-aruts, and endurrold with the Increare fro n oath,. of antra., approved ti) .1. W tl. tun Initial of Mr ‘5 lute, of intro, chairman .1 the en:mate, to the arrow of 100 colleague, Mr. Schanck. he had dlneaver,l tan ta,ttg pnld the balance true lour the last day al tngrertc, the dincrepaticy and had declined to re. eive the hit atirouirt. It appeared that the I...mitten .1a 11,11.1Lg01111.1 In 1.111, a ,11 , 1 111/ .cale of dlstanees utterlyunktroure 1../1 mein tore, nod now the whole thing a tor pun lirrberi to l - .ogress and the coontry, and noon her. were get don nhaVing rrorroverl a vet} ettmorlf raider &motif.more than they Lad eintrionl. M , •Lltettelitte il,t. tt , ttine that he .totthl next blotolay rook unertsonom. to.- ..rut to ilfter the resolution dlr.:Una the l om tn tree on Mileage to In.l to re Into the Moto, No tontine.. bettor In Inter except ;Voter , / Oronte ,•„ the Preeddeut's 1111.111.1 /1111,41,110., r, Julian made n speech In haunt 'it ' torgrenslonal plan of reconstruction. Mt •leven. gado notice of 111. 111141111.11.1 OM, the following renolutlon : hieroine,l, That the Committee on Foreign for onort/C,111.1/ 111.1011 e t/I int. pt tr. pro I) rri Inatung to the ILtipt/1/11C 1.1 Meifre., ptoper meorlty two of dollar,. to elortr . r. said Iterreiille to prerret. the over• throw ot or. gnu erutoeut and the tr.tairli.ll- 111011 il lof tennarehlal ant eritiornit Ihe erm in,. of orerlea Mr +lever, odd rterrrol lire Ilomor 1,1 favot of the proposillon Neon hem wore made try. Mr Nittlork on gen- PI, policies, try Mr. Ira., tor the tariff ~recz ., and try Mr. Kure ..galirct. froogreredonal interferentre ith the raliroad syroern uf the ✓ut Many Wino .1ew1,411,1 InAkltig nireerbes or-riut met 11.1 /i , s tort unit of , lolng tor, worn,. anti., :curl to 11“% c tumor it, dished In the 0/4* /11. vim lit tire rte. • hale. Mr Davi- tortrooneurl that rrinee tire .Ireet. tag lit t he ilouna Le Intel LI,CVU.I 1e1...11111 1 atiovlng the death, this Omorning, a l4 tm, 11. • 11.111...., of Mr. James Humphreys, he. prermatotive I/1 URI Third Ihntriet 01 Xt.. I , rtc. li'- motored arr a Mark of nolo, trio. Lt. orme adjourn, and he gave notice to the Nev. Yot .lelegulion of a meeting tO Wrong • u program for pa) lug due respect to the tnentnry of rite deceased. The liouse thereupon, at 3:0 rota. ati)Ourn err THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE. -NO. 142 I= ME! V. N. 1.10 Cltfl Personal Lil►ert, Lan, in Venetia SuNpeniled. 11 NTIt IIN tit MI sOommi s'f RoN 4. Prussian Army 452 Battalions, 321 Squadrons, 1,086 Gnus. =I ITALIAN 101LUNTEElts 9.10.000 T 3 Wm. Fel er Among the ARMED HOSTS uONOREGATING I'; natal ial Disaster* In India TESTIMONIAL TO THE REBEL MAURY oak° of log -"mon,' :1141) !lug ay :lort, xrrx t• rtll •!, s, •.. I he. irrw. 11. •i nit\ i; I,11;01. • t 11 '"IltS.11.• • 111/L•i1 11 11, •'; :1% 1 ' II Is IIII• twit, rt.. Ita.tun ,01 . 1111,1•1. 111/11;1'; I 1 . /..111, .• I k ta :•••••••thl! , in !'• • 1,1H . Ve.1, r•I g`tl intr. "11 t 1,111111 , IMIM! =III ri I' 111 II I lirli , .y \14:11.4. 1 111= =I ME f • Li r It r .. M Mt I= 111!=11111!!! NM 111 I . • rit.n.• ,t1x.,..1‘ 1.. an Pal rt... , 11,tr) v: .1) .ol . ~ . .1r)II %1., aal.:t.ut,. ot.soitseots A host I late ettolerw•-foor• that It will 11.,otzte• Eptelestatt. 1t... or 111.- L0t..., Hoard - and Esolgralloo - irry I.nrtr tort-1,0 era • -- ift••••••att-4.,111tve1l t t not. —Death of a 4 contrrt..•man :1 f..~ ..I: ~ lan • otIt• I 111. .1' tot t 111,0, 11,1. t •.I/11r . , to lulk.. n , . z up oo f Jeff to.• ,11, uK Mau, Fern 14.141/ voi largo 11,11 n nt.eatuot, Hi I.ft here .•ru.l.llt/Jl , l ,Into room.. 1,1111.111111. 1,.. pet. 4f aged 11311,4 !tt•lttrt• th.. "tub of ',ailing [u.• 111.. 41.1,11 to inerert,.. Lito silt. to gu abrow.l . iustue [h. moo Ti;, cllo.l of .114 , 11.rit SV,orl) Ruluq uf Iteonet.l...” I. ;runt) ..ip• (Amin to evenlue pap,. "ay u- o. rm It4r-••••tm-I.:11mril 11.54a.11 fm - ,.10mt, $. e. k Fo-ownil , tt's lal . lll/111 In Iniprity.,l, Urn gr-K, 'row LI. thirtl Jul of I:).• 4lnte, 1.1.1,, mooning .t , Connell With II 44111100.-- Prospeet• of Is 1 - ••11.1 I.nii•Mlr. I. T El. It t,tion/1.414...1'1 II It left licrr. rot 1.-1,1•11 A WI! tt.l MO 1 t/ , ' /111 t!II. the Ivy 1/cl.l 111. 1 .• 1.1.1 1)./...I.” MI the lw•we outrun I:=11 \I li • '3, , - Th.. ILI/TliVr,/.1) ni /1 1, 11/ An:: i/tty r.•xpt..•l ) tlto (...q...letrnit• dead. TII.• I.ttle.l ll.n lox, es 14 t.Io, eln, tvry with 11..tve•r... The 0tt , ,,e...1" WWI in' l toy Iter. Jot.] Hu. hillll.ll .• .1/11g, at.1.1r0..t. .1411v.,....1, Ili.. ufforlito.n. LItI,IIIII4M ,rnetully slinloun.ll.ll =EEL= I,FUK, ./ N 74 thunr . . xlr ./1111,• ile the • I I I.ntirlhl , 1.-.111.•11tlill Ilitt ..i.nrrnst prin. h T•• , rnenlor nil In l'1,11h(tqL11111i . .. 111 lIV 1.1". Y. 111,1 they v,e enable to tlike the oxltt 11111 suel el itek In ow ht. ,•rWLu hie! hue. Ih•led- OW Uhl IPt'a , Inn In I. 1,• 4,,tlrt t.e 1.111 tMn i 4. Ilr Fr A I Metult., try 11,1- 11/.• T.. , 11,414,1111V, lloicr4l to Trude: u/fi. , lt. IL etutir kr In ii•sip.,,tm I..q.zupllvto.itt.kry intr0.1144.1.10u I,y delit of—t.lan lOght 1111.11 ed, nu.l 14FIAIghl 1..40 4 a Il,e, ant the of Mr. L,ort. He 11 , 11,12 t, 11.1 N mumA Fall, 1..- 111. hr row morn olg, stlacl :aye! r,.111111- , ItO DritertiOri of Ettgl.l•ll Artillery men. Nsw Toot, June 10.—A JnizAnten loittrr guy-. Lllnt elm English attllierymen frum Port (Loyal, with thuLr trios anal n all ,uppl)) of ammunition. In an open twat, aful although pursued by n Britten gl3llOOlO. to net, they had nut rm. bout Ittard from. El l o\o EllMlll. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M THE LATEST NEWS BY TELEGRATH, IDDITION FOREM NEII \. IM=MIIII =EI Mill =II s,t, hi. k ...I 4,1 :11 tl n .44 • ti, t .1.1 ~. r fir r •I \I , 1“yo i , , , ME I=Ml ME MME I E INE 1:, 4.. .. ..i~ ~~..t ~n q Ib. MEE IMME FROM NEI% YORK. = ME @==l e==Mel Ml=l:==33 Donor. to General !Meade. PITTSBURGH, MONDAY, JUNE 18, 1866 STILL LITER FOREIGN NEWS, official Announcement of the Failure of Peace Negotiations. 17 - 1 11:1 i1,14‘1.5, NIT t.:.‘,1,1..nt. ..111 MIME 10, 4 1 4,1 VIA, rt.! tr,r+, .j:lomtital 14 11 1 ,11, II 4,i1. ,11`4111,4,44•11 I ougn, 1 he Gee I ',art 'tartlet' 11,E (11.,.•••Ii..1 .4 1 —'4 LIII I n; Ittit, Lt. tat . alit 1 malt% t• ;It 11 1 . wit . tttlott I'l.. aryl... atta,lttatlll tlit• hriuNi) : tom I I 'Tr,I It to.:t graiktltt• ...a. r :nil , Lull F;nnlnn ••I I F I Itt3oomlolloll, t la. Coa -1 k . t•III I k , a • n end, la tatnau.ll.lo/101. •Ir 11 , IA tlt Mintrat 11211.0,111 g eolith I am. ha lt ..•tt• tt•gartltal lUll l ra.•t l , ul. lI.UYO a, :tow ,on ol the . .11intrInn do , putt . ll on the to, ! 1 1. ,1 1 1 ..120.c0 of II It, that- of). r ta L fothliand an B..isurnnet• (nal/ nil .o Ow 310,n0 e .• 1., lake part In 11, • pro. 4 o. I,thoro that I iivy mhoill.l 1 , .0.a,i) o. 11 . 11. 1 .1.11 V tit• the., Of an, • l • tal ma r l I, llott. nlrlilr.ON it 11 ), . intillV, going on further to ,t. 'l l l//11 1. 140.,1 ; 'Unlit that atonont ,at that to- lolno .nl II) , H.O • will: by lott•tltlett .it .iTtotan't lo A witrla Yltlrdorer Scut...trod ii, b• li tlrsu. that 111.• •holahl Ia• agrot,l . ...lore. hand. to , o•Ao 111, ft inn the „ I.;„ „ onf., ont••• anything Mat W.. 111.1 Ift/t.i ,Va . any of tip..r;ta.lo, and all oi,„: at ""'-'" this' nit, lin, an, ioo rOm augmentation ; an plot to l 1 • I JO • I h00rei ,,,,,, CITY AND SUBURBAN. • g`i, 11. /I. PH • ....ntl . ll.llCl' tunklng tdditiousl I.oral !Ilutterm nil Third Puge rhuk.ov , mnult•llt Loglautt :are ngice I - 111.•11 V 1.... 01 I II.• IA Int thvo.nver...nont on ,a Frl .% II pr , .,el, roorl- th , Enorit , 11, of II" .....Lferonca Must, 'oar. ro.g.rtl- the ,••' to. kt ttzi FROM 14 ASHINGTON, Rebel Als•l•tnnt Secretary or War and tfrii,ndler I.enernl Portioned-Head Center Stephen. and I alone' Hobert. of the t appal On Fonion Itu•lnew..-- Seeretor, Mon tan ttnuamoned in 1.1- ATLI 114 , 11,1,11114,1 to Product. n bet ter on 11 14. Ili. Depnrlment rile' Proposed Repeal of ltsr Neu...Milli Usu.-The ttlorne, benernl tot Ifte• Ago'mitt I!-. pidlettot ft for the Aare or lb" ' ''s "'"" "I nose. .10011-urnx Bridge % on the! 1.. " , ' . "' 1 I pper 'db.•l•••lippl. 1. . -NI II “.o be), It'. and 11., .Irney I.llnt•ritt Nlnprr Th., nt rived 1,, 31.: • •Illitorn ES liti =EI INIE I=ll t'l ItTHER Fltol istIINGToN i. eneral nasal" rnti la Ile Ins•elt 4111.. 0nr4.4.. 1144etrt - Prime. sapth r ... 1 rt the it.14.4 . 111..5e . 4. - cret44t, nl ~h.. • 111011• ,1 w. Tremkattr, 4 4ongre••tnen •43 utp44. thl thff ,•• Ith al!“- Fenian I,l•Aderia. •.t 11, F , ..1 rl li A 1.1.,0r • .1.. \ ,1111.11.4 # $37 =EEO =1 I•'r~ i~ 1 i l •I 1,1 L ("FE ST FROM NEit rosy►. Ebro.' Droituk In r.r (113 from Cholera .Isier Loot oriscri -YortJ•Ore tinder frontioroi tin allow -Coo mideroble A ',win r. .00l lbo Lpidemir Ttirlel.. Iwo LairFel, \'/slated - Himdrod• of liquor Osiouita,Morrolly ker., °Pro. n•cl ILs •litn• Alr. tun II,.• hi.: .11,.Pt I. 11:111 torty• fitll 1111..,.nt 1111 ,111. 11.,111. mak ..• I'l to . T.,t 1 .1.11,1.1 if .t..,1"0, 1'1.), • $•‘...• ait• itl ,u.1.,,11 :1 I‘ll4l .:1 I , I.11.1• 1 / 1 .111/ 1: it/ lit. 1•.:1 fed prompt TO I/11: 1-1111,-. ,S1:1•11 111 , rctl I ..1.-rp!.. alunto hi 1,1 .1,1 (Iry r 1•1•14 1 LI: In,. largt'l • a , ,1att..1 to. •1..,. :14, 1(.1,1 ..1.••11 Ilinny I=l II RN, I , A lut go port 11,. 11 in.g. of 1./tryst' fl, tart I.lglll Tht. of 1. 11.1, W1110,1'14.111 3.11,41 .411111 ...1ii1.11411 went 1% g•re 101,1 Iwn 1.u11.11ug. , o•re awl hat 1 A.• 11.•• lo.smilo 1.. e, 1,41 mot the v h.• v. 11011.011, 11111,11111.1 Telegraph Fleet -Fleury liraln 4 rapt In California F ./11110 111 \r 111 All 1,1 1{11 , 1411/11 T1•11•gf1/,11i 110..1g0n, "'n"ri'L r". • fl :I. " "'" lIIKIIIY Paid fir lila Foal - 4. Iltilletusan an no annthtn. lin night, Itineort4l,oll, Ma n , and °Linn' , 14110 A 411,111.1. 1114(1,1 11/ 11.1111.1. 111 W 11,1ter { , a , l , ~f Ito' nvlghborm WWI 11 nII. 1,1'.11 , , I Ile lulu 1•011 in bnylog none no damage. Thr .,,,,,„ loruli yos. terday moll. 4111:11 hi , $.4,t. r.:101...1 cc, puy mtmt Of 1,11 doll., Or. rtnaldos Sentenced for Shooting. ./1/ . . It,: II unting,worl 4hout,ag ut Ny' 11. V t -1 LLI owil ati.wl. n (wt. Wtleil, age), wad Illit , cl,/110. hundred , lollareo snit Colnlait recl 1 , / Jill for 'lx m05i1.1.1.6. I ho vliw.alog easy was e.wil .. , x1 tied lilt I, rto The Cnl.,. Pneille Itnllron4l-112 if Iles tornpleted. II M .1 A, J 1.1.1 17.-1 w 1. of the ( Ilion rot.] v.tettnille.l by 1110 ILv Tile trnek nos% bultig 1 it I.I LI Leo ule of H 11111.• nods hillit., 'llls 'Ube road will ko 01l 1011 lo ruilen, boy October. Dow. Lewin l'abw• Dowd. I.lcritulT, Julie 17.--ietioral Lewis Celan stied at roux teekwk thla worniag, aged a yearn. From Neu Orleans—Liquor Warehouse The Duquesne Works. horned. mu N" have always claimed for this market a K n. ta,,Ass, June 1:.---tuled, lt, steam- „ r „ ,stt, ”!•, h • tt t't ore of agricultu e, II ant., ;Ile, stet educe atrl Martpos„ (.r ,„ a " \ 1.,r1, cal implements The clann has been .ulistan- Ituri•-lt A Loony:- extenst warn- reeogh red In the prosperity or the man house. No I l , ravlttt ntreet. ar tonne.: last „I In un. rra t tg. Among the Ilacltutts engagt evetung I.nas hear.. tntt tontscerta In, .1 .Ist hr. - tato:rot, or these Is COllltrltlllB C ' ol'- 1.. I, 1.,..pr0 . 1.0r of the Hutt Urrilir Works, near It e• ette 7 ten t,rto.: art • t Pentteuttary, A Ileg,heny city. He has do rl II " "' et.wtt tug •••tted nearly a true to business, and it tsttnr, att .Aity Y. foot°. IV I hi. \at 1,10,1 1„, „ . . nic 1,,..,01f, ha, won an • Hotel. a heti- was 1 , 1 this cvent h g tr :. ItY ....cue • •.t. rd rt hrott.r. not w; tst ,not ens tattle refit Latlntl 1•11 . tile quality, tidr:thdtty lug the. t• •tas dal, it sr , es t :am slur. Ann_ 1..11 , : pe t rio Inv of the Implement, t6r11...1 na 111.• front lit• estarlishinont. We looked through fen. days ago, and • I 1 , ,i•1X o,..11.11; ,•,• I than , the finished agri -0: Ilt - manufactured In order. al: 1 itt, Intrel.tww:a. The celebrated steel • . . hit a. e t IlettisclVeS worthy or • .1111 ""I."'I‘g•• -pt., tat trent .1111 Th., •LI, I,ght, graceful and " "".'"‘ " .•II It P . " • 1 In 01 k X !.II:1 1•1•.• attetnl them ail of " h e."'l ' aniournt of labor. Th.. 11,y 111, lot All I. ...p..10 • 1101, it, I' '.(lt wurrnntred •• •tand great t• 1. IthoUl onapplng, rind I alt,...ed'••• Idled atinost by an • „ ~,gt,, It!. the Itan.l lust, 14,1•1 Ni• Igentet stont'd hang, g ~..I.t 1 hes tis et.• thoroughly p "n. ot , notpary undet stttd.l ..}••,•••,‘ , , „ 1 „,„, n • 1 ,1 he latent,. - Ptatrte !tied" arid - AI., low !Ark take, who It are also crttr,lllll..., of 'I,. I untterod and a•tra slitt : to to .• gm ] rat I.t.telor) Ile I!. tot ent ty :Inlns Into . rakes IL IleW ~ t to , / , 1 " " ., Ppl , ot t Tim "1.1 Tomo' or' sly O. II I. of t !trot. ...oral shies. mut,reseuddlog • 11.111• it ord, xll.l p..iH TO pr.,' 111,11• w 10/1.• invent Itol• t• also not] ,•, • . several orlzliotl 1111 fdt ks, • m 'atact ere!! Mt Colt man, na are all the ot her unplentents tuentront..2.wlnch ontilleirl Ilertole:Vi, to the farm., T• n ., ngratthittg :my tunes whtelt are WOr 1,4,1.01 It „ rloro: a11a..111, .)( 4, 111,0111 g wlth 1 1111 og power and In vor, short tVa m hair , gott aklng Is made a SI , OI ' n1:1, Ity 11 r t 10 lie ernploy. '.lll tio • v.-II hest of In tills ... , 1,11.1t- 111 .11 all a ork 4.: Ids descript lon lilts I a dogtor . of ',wet - rad y .tll elegant, heavy • Wllglttl 11,.11.1 Inet.llll.ll for 1.1 hpintant, Ftv A 1 11,10 tit:neut. tla.l Josh 110•111 f1111.11..1.1 wro. 0 per feet ',eau; v • and we rtu, to s ••st wagon nt t he veNol ay UI the I,egoliA. , •••••I ~.•,g• t•• ask (• r r t • • Death of Senator ~ .1111.114.1- -% Mother. ..... —Tlsg• 111 ,, tt1, or nut" , MI., y Nk/0.110•1•1 1 , 1 PnliAtiVtrillll.on Ft f h,,r% 1% 1,0,1,4,1.1311 g EOM MEE 1.1 I. • kill:II:WI ..1 r.uti En, tr. • ..f tt I t.. llitt , A A ' 11,11$ .111114.!:1/11A. ourt .1;1 '.4-.1••r ...xr.tnigh ha.t.tri ti.• A hrn •t , V,ltsg .lt. 4.lne II,21,•••t ea !Meru. ta.111,11 e It • :hul 11l rorll t..t 11c5tuv,t,o•-• th• k, MEM =ME ' `,' , ME ME Aqua llr • IL.•`wttn On 1i... Fourth 11 I . IN ME MEM ".g Wets, Hell• I.lgt a.I r• Thurtl ‘tort' 411 s. =IEEE =I 11, 6 • •••I . .t.a • ftlA A UM aim= I • I. IP ME ♦tmrl.•d lu PIO lei \, ., 1,,,v =MEE I'. I .! %,1,1 • :k• •; 1 11; l• k • LI t•;1: Itkt; , %1 n Im 11 t k w !II he Of 114,kil•ki%/1./111.• 141 our %;•,. • ; • ;•;;Itellir; lick••I pr;;;;et ain.;,, 1111.1, ii.ll Ikk 11.1,111111 g elm., wt. "We I Ili,. prus • •llentle• ;1C Itatlxs•- PII•thle11.- Mlrt,a , •l Daga,o was I . :lC 7 i r :22:l " ii '' . r ts '4 % . fi f l . .. " ; : h " l , :•; '' ::n ".4' ,lt ' l l i n i N' ' L ‘ l r lra ' ;: t n ur ,‘ 1141 4 h , 411. 4 4 4 414414•41 illltt. All . lllll, Mletia.•l .t.1. , 1 a 11) 441144 1111. 4 141444, A/ 441 4414 141 - 44111,41, 1411., 14/1' :1, 4 4/ 41.1111, 4 4•44414144/ 1114 4 444414. rti ,41 4 1.1.41 4 1/111411, 4 4,1 in ..•1”,K,-•1 h 1.41 'I.. I r,tl r•lookou o M , P.OoV, So At thtk Wmto .11.• t . 127 11"1.041 I- 1,011.41.1 t, I l• 1 111..n10g, toot 01.h0.,1 1,1 It. (Irgrtn Ir•oturerl”z " ' IlAtt Prot 11..• ,;•• torgurt,t lii W.:on .• Cal .1,-11 /1.. f • .14n ,, 111 -1. I dtt,•- 11,1 I h., lar, d .11h 1. , ..1.•.•11114,,k ot pan 15 -I .11,•1•1•., • Nit,1,,1/1,1111,1111, TLe Pethlt.ollftry "r s Pr . n11.110,, rll A 1:,...nu0l 11111'0 klielkdil , ll 111,011ets ri..,.ve.1 v.lllllll It, T l ll,nt. i= 1111•..1111x11,1:11 111.1.10. llttljn, 1•111,15, 11,10ro 1114.% presoill .1(1 11rI xlllw /,‘• „'..iitinibr.l.4l4, than ,1.41. I he.r.. 1. U 0 1111/11: 1,4 liant .4114.11,1 In th. 14/ 44. 1 . ca 1010,00, 01,1 i 1,1, rty4l,latit, 4,1 chi. , Ixt.r. kVar.l, r bef0r....01.14” man N 1.4 Alter 4.1.n...iderni.111 gritnibling.,l.l.l - each paid It aof o .1411n,a0.1 wen.. .11Nehrirgt.41 Trial for lincol. —The trial or the 1,40 Of Jll,lll 11. holooloy, one of the commlooloners or , rohoty, Niulion .1. ti. alit,. o f liOPOrt —lt O L, colonial Co Sattc fli Local, oegail on Moniluy hon. and WILY 1,11. 411. y I/coning than citolo, the Tonnioruncuellle vin le tnn sy.tunl.y the Jury' •niorileror 1/.1 unit accoolod, 911VO lo not ilofenolant on two or col/aid In the II , lief_ the loot , " t"'" now to incnt. titertuitny. The It•ll.Ditia Passes to be given for' Burglar 430.1.13itted.—.1 ustice J. J. t, u- ~,, JAklgh Ilt./WN IA Wese transportation WPhiladelphia on the t 4,1,. Vert, of I..kwrolicoviilo, use sestet - day evening, . - l street. ;tom "r the reception of Slaito (lags. will l e i , es unn i tt.t v .i a colorist man named Warren Pow- ; ! 300 BAGS OF SHOT good from the let to the .s tn of July. The sat e ell to Illtbit,ll a charge tit burglary. for egettrelon tiekete we understand 11111,1 tutu till at fourteen dollars. Tio• Sequel —The g irl we motioned In , Nit: • .;lay's les. KA haring been itbiluettel hits late Bakerstown soldiers' convention s r , ; .t fled to hcr frlen,is. Thu Prosecution bas an , t processiOn promises 1., be largely 11M.01.1,2. ! I'• Ii {, •ttilliOtled. t oil s and ',reparations are being matte "Or It on I rather an extensive 601110. A large delOgartlbia Th. Plund.7 uque* 4 N..... will he tithe. will go from thia city, ay In the Court of Halal tor tiessiona 818 Week. =1 Flrr Is. Pilutrlliltntl. •31.1111. 17. pn itit°lil,lin F ON tills I F... , 111 Nltun 'n” I= I • lo II I. r nt.l I vit;;Y, 111 N Mil ti I' : =I MEE .. ~.i r,•,• ~,:. =1 .I , l,nkt =EI =MEM MM.. I, 114, Sil 1 •:••,41. MN, tbr . IS Caurt - 1,1 r• 1 Ir.• •••I l 1 11-• 11•11." • I t m•••11:k1 • .“.1110.•14:4,, JI/11,11, :10111 tit.. 1....; , 1.1 ItAl t•I•ortl• 11,r ,1 1 1H1111.• .• ..11, AI tio• 1111.1 .0,1.11111 Ili ilt• Sl4lllllOll A . •.II :1.•• MOM, I•• 3 pl.,1,•••1•• tang log I/011,1 t..• Ai. I I 4... r t t 111 ,r. I vAnia I pOri 1..11 ,kt Esllll,lll...l.—Tlivlllli 1• 0111.ii11111 and sasn mut ol 41111 twhni gIE l'ut)l. oat"II I. rillay 1 , 1•11i111.: and .1, ”,grly .iitondod - rt.. poplin mequaltrtl 41 11 , with gt4,1 ,- r.-dlt, , tiowing coln•ln+lvttly their ll:killing %, al 1111.1 th, .1;110.1.11111 1/I 1111/144 INN 810111/11 Or oa-turli 11101111111111 tltuher 1/81,1 IN L 1 1 01,41,1,1,111111•1 1 .1. 1001 tilt . 81001 111111 11,0 /0//0/10 e. l . 14 01 111. • rin.•ots 4 l dull All ~ 1 II A.. a1,1.1t1, al 11, 41,, 1 oet 111 0 11 I Ina 11 (...1]•.:,•41 I,ll..rable gets -11•1 him to •he• l pro r..) Io It y. k.n.pwitlig the so• g,L....11.1.1, J 1, 1 ,1 Ile titanit, 141 IllVali" lill,l 11 ,' w ll• 111 hi. 13= la.:4Tnong flint nol to gall •layl .11 iher4ol 11,41 WRliand dollynt thinma., a ondar. COlllain.-.1 In Illf• .. Ant .•1411 It 1.11 lin, %Hi. hell With ritillth =9 rd an.l mu); 1..• 11'11! =Ma =1 =I MUM ...• .11 Awl the gront t..&ppear, the tir+t Kt. I h.• Isa, .1 , F..: 111, •• plll4l I 1111 k rlttr/r11...• .1. , !dui t•-... wbo •• , nn• tn • n• n! .1... I hnnl, I•••nignt • •i•Mil•••t.t.• alaIS th snl.t he tn.• ) . nn•••• .inn w gn , nl Iknurt, I, NI 11j =I MEE =I I=l MIES 1, itz-1 ' rn t e ; ItrrAr••{•••1 ..1. * 00411.1.'1,1U I,li lei NM, I,V, =lll,11,1111 tignin In '1 rl,as t.nrgi••l tyert • •,1 MS ;•• het \Root ft II o r t•e. z .1%1 I:ir ail.tuni,••i• t. 4.41, .41•••r1 111•41.• Ki•• 1 . . • •S l.••• : A •lannit'll loi. tat I.& Commit 11..npe A nor,. • nom It Lt. aptra, L:' •I ! •••1•• Ajite.lll, t • Z.I 111, ,. I /if, 111M1,1/ Fb...• /I. t 1 ) 1 ,11111 ,•41V11.1111• .• ••• 4•••ahl•I x11:I 1•• ....Mil. •p• %torle,1•• , .6.• •I••• 11 r d. • . 111`..,11111\ t ;111. xar.l. n11••••1•••1 Ilki .•14/ Intl ~ 1 111"1 1.0. to nllnv,.l' ,ourl Annual Retlnlowt.- Tho Annual 14 , 10110 of Illy .ti 0! P 111,1.101 col ra. WWI Ink., plag, 111-ttiorrow sen tLe., Boat.' of 'l': ude Room:. dol oA rtt , k.Amay, .. . I ....pnie A 01101,101, addrow., Mott, 1. 0101, .00110. A o Kulleg. kn ti o. lodge it. los Itnnou no tn• 91000111. 1.41 in a Fit In ,I\ll.ll tiny Ingla nhoot k/lvlcx-k a Man fell Inn nn 1V1)..1 ivel in ront trl it 10...1111a , 1 ri..tano ant Alit Irking In I.l,rneN cof agon, ..t r. envertnl, and U 1.1. a•• tolnlp , , 11.21 take° In III! ntnnt• trinnain rtreol In tile It Th. Weather. - Teeexcegglle warm causer tPf tfie earl 3 pail of theweek gave , at Oa). towat.l Num. .A 1 ~,ata,4 It ett.iege.l tact ter roule v. lint, ;trel z...ett ',Wog ul to •olllu .11... m ~1 rata otvet ,inee. The ladle:ulna/a to,a g.. 0.1 r. alvag 'gage of water are very Veil 'l'll/rims-Ix n Mlle.—Wlllll. ultvildlos t. 1.1 , ,1.• at Nit•Farittutl tirttve, TttOrnLitty, young It html Itawrgstiett , ttluly, through a 4111 e ati,i I.,fitt 141 Ittrttell mi St, 01,- It Iltal nitt‘ w att 10.44,1 it, °hint home ..11 Ti•nor ittteilti.t I3er urlt, TR.*, Alarn.ll.—lc., th, Lo weigh n, th0u,,,,,1 lit, In 1,1 u.... . yr 111,1 r fl•r•l 11401, L 4, ht' er eeled tit the . ..mill-:4 r .4 .1 . 11e/ nr eOllll hou, grouott, Anthex oltuu ul thls hya the contra, of eltatitig It. A 1:01,d Jury —Thu (ow tumaltLalef ko far .lurk,' Ike term to the k;uarfer na.hak been IL sobjeul 111 eon:oder:OM• re mark, and Ilan imael Jorors Ilisellarge.l Frolay reffar In a remarkable :one for con e ,ctlons. 11.t100,111 ii 0111.-1 korona . t Inwroun 1,0 tiut ral held en tnquat upon the 111.1) nl John Wenzel, Lineal the day ',Talons In It .1.1 pa In Lower hat' toe tishlp by upon tlea:h".. the PRICE THREE CENTS JOH N , TIIN HELEN I ..t.'1.9F1. Infant Allf, B. °loll n.,ton Funeral on .41 Otwk, fr.,m No. 15 ut,e, l'Al ,abbaLii morn; nu. I , A BRI A N the funerai mill tat, p are fr,c the residrnrr her trotlir. S.o.rn.:. I r. Sa. 39 An it r-on ...reel. TronisT 11 June 19, at Io 44 4 4 4441 , . W 11,1.1AN1,- 4 111 Sunda). renlng, Jun , t: reAidernce paren.r. %Ileglteni , (mirth .ISughter of ll,nmes and .-a.r,s!, I= FAIRMAN & SAMSON, UN DEBT A KERS L AIN "' -4 " " Ew m No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7tlt I rancr frL•ln , vv , •nth t, PSTTIrsMi .FL. H, P 8 AND 13.3 SA NIPI',K ,TILFET, ror_4:bB2 ALLKGI!ENY, Pt A LEA. AIKEL is, +:••• s) .1 , -IV grzma t .6 r,-1, NO IBA Fourth street, Pittsburgh, Pa. CUF rl as of (* alt kin in. KAP 68, (.1 LOVES...m.I ,verr . 1 , .n I Fun rral Furutshlng !hone turnishen. KotThs , an.i night, Hoarse , snot Carriages turniNkr.l tlnr ...1(001 so- Rev. David Kerr, MD., Ken. SI us, 11.11., Thomas Ruing, Miller. 6. u. Jen:, 7i LEGAL. IN IF: 11.11 ;IT OF COMMON PLEA , , PV t.I,I:f.HEN y ''fl. =I 11=11 =II I= •lion.n to the ...teary. na_bipipllention n1:1 In .1n llnte be granted 1 Ills l'ourt, t' I; 11. IA Al.l I. R. T ~,,,, tart. IN• THE COIVItT OF I'OMMON I.l.Y.tiliVNl' • of ry. O. 6.7 , March Term, .111 L. IS. Nolte. I. L. re I.) Os, n thal I= =I 111111111 =MEI yti Pll NS ( COURT SA lA% • I N I:11 a„IA, ol d. at di expo... at Put. edneday, 27th day of June, 1566. . the 10!:.1vIng dr,erlntot I 1 *IT. Ail !hal ....rt•lu lot or We , . nl In 14,yrn..1.1t.. =EI H,•brrt rerkinn Iu•1 ~(hrr. ~ n lr Mor)o•npahrla Hlvcr. nu•l n , tl, Eh Irllr n•red. 411,111. rn, linpro% .: rrnrn, er..e•tr..l on •.%1.1 Lary • sta,.. ,t. 1...1 MEMMMEE ffEEMtE Y. 079 w IN THE 0111'11ANS* I'OILALT 01 II h. , : Y 0 , 1 sTy. II.: • N L. a. S.. Trrn.. , rit Var , J.. Martha .IL Fa/1A.4 , 14nd I nnl.l 31,11. n l F*rlan,. 14%;Inerly . NInt . nd .•ll 1,),.1.1e-naza, rQrnnrn Lt. 1.14,tha1,r, s. I ielttenthx , ..r,;l.l. tt, t tit• utlta,r, at sr, Ann •/Ikl War, An,. b.n."14 Ma-) 1~u514' 1101.111, Null 1n,111.111 , D will I. =I prL ',lt,. or salnt:.ol. on s. IL/ it 4f.r, 1. , ,1•111, on /11 too /10 , Iny of .I ~,,r • If ..110 locx. . If. 1,1, oartl.l., 1..$ /1”.11. ill. 'lt Ir. of .1/.. In ...I. I tn.:lff• r In • orooorf • rk• 111. E... iaßlf.v. I LIM, i.1.Y1 1.. • I . IL. I t .1 i II.:% 10 i ill THE ORPHANS' COURT 01AI— . ..44r11.,♦ t..1/111) I'.ri%a lip :Is. um( ter .•1 11i. F. 4 t Atr lot %4 tillixon, N.,. 4 ,Mart, rlt 4.1' 1 . ?“ I t ~r Valuartloti. %lAr, I , 11 o‘r.l. us II , . 550. A. 0,1,1 ht• Fi• it .11,1,an I Franc NVaßlklngte q.ll I P.I ^II. Pl. pi,rtm,, 11111111 1..., Ilen j an :1 :01 11.1 r., t. , 1 !Auto 11' ,ur•lthtl \1 ‘..,.Juan a.l th. u.s:t. • o,frl:I. ..r r', Ith I'l erlrA d 1 at, I I. nu. 1 • An • 1, I .• I ,qt.• LLArdll“ t• t..! .t ; ; ''" " , Yl3, =1 IN THE MIATTER OF THE OPE!..— ISt. AND WII,ENIN.•,.I,.hpy,ici):,TREEI'. •trert 111 tfr t r r. Lolltl,llll, • 6•1,I ,o• 1.10 I I kl•i thi it flint I 1 Ir Ir .1. F. ~pncltor. CE IN TIME NIATTEIt Or' THE OPEN tpm Walwu al rat: ••• en”.3.‘ /1, 1. 111.•. ItIV Ili ) ., t, • art , i4tr•-by 0‘,116..,1 ths, .1 rr• mentlou..l• t-ut. , 111- 1, ....rt. 11.,1.1. , 1 111 1 1 , , A:1- •••••11te11•. 11 5.,...,..1•111r. art. a.,3 pal.l , ti incr) /1 1.1: u 1.1 .1 . 11. u, rr , or •gmlu•l pr..p.:11... Iti- ‘ olll ( ' Er. -- 141tereas Letterm of Zilt Fl•tate I.AN RENt T. I. F. A. .Arr . rrf Itarm - ry.. ,W 11•111 p. Arletri, a- na rd t r.lret. a.. pr t retut... ro r. card eats, ar, t., in.t[tr Inas. •114, p:tvutt . s.t. trt.tert • rt , intt rlalat• tto dtrulatt, atrFtnet tnt - 'cur . I .± prt,t , nl Int propt.rt) ty ICLIII dr It !, N 1.0.. A.m.', r: I - tprlrtyr t. ant., Run. Kest . " , Tp. NOTICE.— I r .r 1" AdrnlnlrdrFl.o.l tuts, 1...rn dat trr•nted 1. , thr unrle-r•lgn. rt r... ...tar , of WIL LIAM tit , . ,att d “11, , M In.. tjternavls in.ltrrktr . rl 1.• said tr. e,:tr•tr .1 1. , Ina, Intru•rdlatt payment. and nna: rer rot. AN,. A.dmlnl.trator. = .131,11 rt tt,Ml klll k. I,VEC (TOIL'S NOTl('E.—Wherea,. tpo E•ia..t. Mrs. t l ~ • ti. nai ll make pal 117,111, ..•111 110.0 tilt u.pler.lgn..l. prop. Hy au ' wept HER 111. )t , 1 . N14. trecup... •lA.. I 7." : 1 .8 1 101“..11 l'olpu 'I I. II It! I..A.ECUTOR'N NOTICE.- Notice It • .L.wierAttle , it n '".. 1 ;?":; V 11741:: • 1 . ,0U3 , /rf :ASS '' 7l 'n lslllF7C.fl:. A 1 1 , '.!" : 4 " “ i g tn•l ulktilyg per , them, t, Authenticated, iar settl, :nen, to ArAV. HU( HASA Kaden ..Z.7 • A - Ilegneny NOTlCE.—Whereas Letters tament•ry upon t e estate of ,ARAH BEM, late of Upper s;t. i• Ai" township Allegheny, cowl ty, I'•., having been granted to l ' he se hserlber, Prreoll• Ir ed to eat•te are re , onsted make Immediate payment. and those having cla,n, r &mantis .gat the same will make knownlns .anne without dens ust , 1. , J. I' HitiltlLE, ,fel , idla2:•rT RICHARD I'llll.ll'A, 1 'VOTlCE. — Wnereatt, Letter,' Tem ,- tamentary upon , he I . WILIc of rEIADIAH Rs l•te or tipper St Clair to , . ushlp, Allegueny ...ont I f`s having hien grazded to the suhaerin. er, all person+ ,11.1. toted to the entate are re ;vented to male payut• nt, and (hone having elalm,. o .int, withoutgr detu•rnis aa name luni the nae make known in, the to J. I. H 11: HEE. 1 , 11,111 ..r It ll'llAltll 1'1111.11'e.3 1.e.. STEAMSHIPS —• I /ALTINIORE lIAVANA STEAM • 4.0 11.1 + AN Y. ItltirWS t eul\ tlrri..ral Agent, yn,i; .Ew "KULA Nr, Ditmt - r. t ARRYIN , , TIIE UNITIM STATE., is. 4 t".•1404h: • '1 121 t A "--1,11%1 tom, Wm. !Loll., ClMltnaml, on , ATURDA I , -- toes, W. J. , :allord. ont masa et', on CIA TUIWAI June From BROWN' , H A FEI.I.•P IN pi NT, At 1 o•elork F. 111 11...1•3•Anu0n..e.1 For frelent or 1 1 13.1.1.,, fla y ing ; 1.1 ao H R ENI. 11) ) 1 . [WI KI-D A cit.. A.,eutt. 16 •:, N. ll.—Nn 11111 s of Lasting bet ilr., kAo of the Comps, ily 051 he signed. Ft.r1011... for the frrlellt , T , llsll4. rlllcsuortl'ALllTZ r .STEAM TO Alin FROM •—•.}. Wt. AND KUKKNUTIIWN (luaLANDI ; The INMAN LINK. anlltne EVERY SATURDAY, EVERY WEDNESDAY, CARRYING V. S. MAIL`. cts said toand (Torn Ireland. England, Seol lan•I i•rrnar and France. the au Corns 015 0 ,, a. JOHN G. DALE, Agent . , IN Broadway, N. V. 300 BAGS OF SHOT RECEIVED AND YOH SALE HI RECEIVED AND FUR SALE BY 30 0 itsGs of SHOT RECEIVED AND FOR SALE RV JAMES BOWN, Jab Wood istresl. IMO WATCHES. ' ' DUNSEATH & CO., I: , II,FIHT M 41..‘ h .1. Y. It.l. ,Lro, =EMEM!!2=I - - THE WEEKLY GAZETTE. TWO EDrTIOIsIS ISSUED. ON IF IhDhl ENDA TN AND NA ILHLA The edition It forwarded whiehiwill net *enters soonert Dr the mall roe. TZ UVR RINu PIER CLL Rs DS FIVE ..... CIA ..F TiN AND UPWARDS. 86 759.1•1.3 a Finc- CLOCKS, JE% ELIO, Silver aid Silver Plated Ware r Att. rt, ett • ' tttt•or t !I T•A!! Ii1Nti•••• VAVAV4‘aI lotao * I= V/C7 - 21_4.1_, T. WXI,IEY'IS, I= J WINSTON & SCOTT. =I Fine 11inehes, CiOcks,le%lOrt, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., I= tt 111 . 1 J, 1.1-Vgll, ij l'Artletlinr 11,1111011 1‘1 . 13 1.5 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. PAL CATHEDRAL. MR. GEORGE W. MORGAN, The Eminent Organi.l and Ilusical Director of Grace I hurch. N. 1., •everC II". ts.o.t 11111..r.1a =9 LA.NiT 1,4 RAND CONCERT =MI Great 4C#3rg;EL.l:l Till RSDAI BENING. June 1566, 112= 1 . 41:1 - 1 , ....I K, I= cLOAKS! CLOAKS! I F:NV (-11 A ) AliS .11 sT RE(KIVED AT Till. FIFTH ST. tlath 1101Sli. ELEGANT CLOTH SACQUES !*4.llitigat 42.50. LEE] Nt.w Cloak House, 49 Fifth St., Opposite Old Theatre IMBLIC SALE OLD DR. SHOENBEROER MANSION LOT, Fifth Ward. Pitt.bur-tlz ”der nn“rarr•., • 1.. “ur, I wt. , . cku Friday, June 22d, 1866, Ili I I ..1 -11..F.N!"- - 10.1. it. 4 BE lIIEMOIIRE by 11k btiqg bs!l)iL 4-.t%)r) lirlik !flny. lth .. 1 11 he ~ , 1•1 a• .% *holt. or In part.. 11/3, tle mula ta,•..n... plan oi utl- 1•1/.1i,it n.ny AI Ih. I, II I P F.N 11E/t -y No. Iller 0: at :1/. olhe. .In. I' - . . . 1. rmo 'air-, -Li. ISt.. ra. for trt yrrlce. II .14.,11,- , 1. y! Veil April lh,e. = URARTER ISI9. PERPETUAL FKAALI) FiBE INSI RAW., Co of HIILADEI ii =I . [al .1, ....... ... 11,11.11111 I . ,rptunJ nn , lTemp.n,ry ”11 lltwrAl term. lito. N. Han• Aler 1 • , I.Ia• writ. .r Lee, E•11.-nr,1 tirata. Jacob It. Naltt,. Altrt, Elder laeorge W. Richards, Y. N . CHARLES N. lIANCKEIS, EDNV AHD PAIL, Vier Prealoleht I Al. W. IdhALLIhTE.I4, progut ten, J. G. O,Ft IN. Ax. Tr Coruer 0041 mud thirdti eels. ~ ..1,111.11. NAL.OI.I[II. ARTHUR 110..t....N. ‘IcINTT ItE, I:1: 11E11 & to., STONE AND BRICK PAVERs, WIII ettleo4l promptly to arnish 'rat and Laying Slone and . • • Pst• rumen U.., VII Repairing thrort• 1 , 11 - nialp-41 .n.l ar raging and Ct Par Digging I••rctre dertltlng anythlnK In our tlne wh.,. r.ttlr attended to Itt trtldrt.rfitit, it. tut - rough • Allepthctry roll time,tty Cali lag At So. 4rlo nru•rty strevr. 417 - 1 - 11glie, price for Paving Stun.. LADIEB 7 BAVE YOUR MONEW, E=l I= AsT. , tts. TEA AETti, W Eltb, , CE ['ITCH h IN'ES, 251 . vt, CNN MIMI . All tAt rritl•led amlnoLtle I" L 4 ,K AA I WEAR FA/I•A 1. TI,/ NEW. AT A .MALI. CoST. .1011 N M. No 7 r. 4. cisir suevi lIIODUCE NOW RECEIVING. tt . t0tu4144 Frotti flotler. :414 1.0 er• 4 . boo, 4 ottl tor 4, 4 .01 4 Mot. prlnte I'ra4.ll 14,444t0t • 7. 1,1 11001 I/ Fato 414 . 44.44 r . ,. 444 slot,. cloar 14.1. itt ttorr. r. 4•. toottrde 113. rd °out; ill -torn. 14.44.44- Irosio tap. 144 ••••to. In 44.4,4.144 prloo4 tt,r0. 4 44/.. 1,0 t...14440rr404r.., 1.44,1 jot, )144440.0in 14144,4444rrt Itt store for 4.4 tie 44) II 1(111t41.14.. le , Is No. 1,1 rtt ‘,..;i - NDRIEs LA NTOILE AND TO ARRIVE. 3 ears No. I .4,, 2 rar• led coma 'ea.+ Moos Potato., s. lobo MI.I Foe.l 30, brels Family ' , N0..: vo bu ar shels Soon [tuck WV !leaf , N, kegs prime Pearl Harley.l,lru • •ale by it I El„11 boa Llberto street. VLOUR, (.RAIN AND PRODUCE. 600 lads. wire& brands Whiter sad Spriug Whoa'. Flour; 3 ca, MI —ln Elevator, I car do *bite Wheat; 3 pre arrive, 3 cars choice Poach Blow Potatoes, Fur gala by K. KNOX @ bON. mots . Nu. lu Diamond. A llogimrty. . 1011 ISIGNMENTS.. MD Ware W. It and Itarnburg 501 huaboka l'earb Blow Votelve., •b...xe. Moanhla l/range, 50 -du do I.ernon•. ID hbla. Green Cobb 31 pankag.s Laae Pleb. Herel - rtd and for ralc.• at ..10 Liberty •trort. I.'ll IN, ITER. sib NS a ,111.1,1(1 , - - - - II DOLS. ISICIIIGAS CIDERS JOU Wale. l•ta, 1. 111orr 1 . ..ta lUD du l'ho.ula Sltll, 1. lour. 1540 UuLbols In elute ar J ful ale U} mTZ , No. 7u Y.-..feral •Irsat. A 11.,liebi. h,ZACKS: SACKSN-3,000 heconl & 10 Goa. 17'4 and W 00.1 itletll. qii CASES CASTOR OIL, `Crystal,' Ark•rjuat received awl for sale bz GELEIsE A. KLLY, myltt Wholesale Druggist, Er Wood street, 8150 I*9 I IS MEM aIIZI El IL XI OM $r I Ntt