TBE . . . pENNimAK,AEED,A .- 00., ArNsonri.wLst;.=..L.t., iptataimmialovrigiaarc ..... lb. ghtok.ogint, ,•• •• • - iitIDAT; ;UNE ts,. ;:•.••-• . STATE MOIXIICTI , present member of Congriati for the anienteentit district bi A,. Barker: E&llved in Canibrie county: leut 'the No: publican; of Ccniiti, mat*, late Con ; wention, declared In favor of gr., :Morrill; who is allni dife Or It The ns- Anal Inference; therefore, is that Mr. Bar ker willbe dropped:- • - _ In the fourteentladistriel there is a warm no s ittaxt beOte**... -kkOnber , , 9norts:p.,-,lllllur - ' , and; Colonel- Petteraok goneso diia:e, - ;to create a. probe ill* , that favor Of Mr John B. Packer twentieth' district there is. a lit warmer contest bitieett judge:Xettla,.to see, trhipli succeed Mr. Charlesy. ' possible a third man willbe taktin. ' - The Xlemeerita ,of :Fayette _eininty have 1101huded.00.-TAT3. - _-! , Seeright ;for State flehhttifZolU Phelan fot Asiiiihly; Geo. ttoidrinklija4 Majdil&L.,Cra . it for Mao elate JOggs;:aeuvaie. Pimple for Pro , . tAcfiwta4l and Peter ihinii-ItTßegis' ter and , .. t • 44.9*/ AO gt• IL.L.SAthe Pa, 43 ! riMPOTO, 3Tastiingt9Asounty, Pa m for a copy of tletiiite neither or the -- Quebec Gdsetfkisittid 1704÷-eine inindred and two years ago. It is printed on a little shee in French and English. In address the editor makes the pledge,thatarejtalicca ,and private scandal willnevnr iiral a place in this pa per." It would be - wholesonte if that rule ofjoarnalistnAraanOt often disregarded in these days. - .l4nong the Heins of late news is thislirog.iii rot Pitt, the good health tit the iatrieon - and the removal of appreheMsimm onus attae.k by savages. The latest intelligence front London . Wan - the agitation of, a scheme for taxing the Amer• icanThis m4tictdur number of the G49ltztluui a history L cortnected with it, tslaitieetil - Partix . COurtilorifie., - tn., sag therWrifi - itnia brought away as a ttoPtlYeSi,t: -Jons'Nessati colored man, whose time is;familiar tolundreds of the Union and rebel soldiers for his bravery and un flinching opposition to the rebellion, is still laborin' in. Virginia, His brother has es tatdLthed a seminary for the education of Colored . .ehlidreis at — Poughkeepsie, New York, and, John ta, doing his work on a larger theatre, and with greater enertrf.- Washimfort_ dtd yyou..:get . that : news? At FiMghkeepsie we think, if met appear un accountable that you rate Vassar, the &Mod brewer,' as ar_colored man, or the Female College , has munificently en gowediks "seminary fOr the education of CO - Plied children ?` LIEUT. COLLiwa, l Whose relations !said° in Indiana wooly, Pa., has, ipeen arrested in Inking', ehaiwed with 'bigamy in'having four-wiTTL. Mat a loung scamp should be ableto mirrilitto four respectable fami lles without substantiating lusAtztOW4uta. shows., that marriage is often contracted whit teis - refleithin than then trade horses. We.bave not much compassion for people who e.rpOso themselves to misfortune in Tinkmerala of the.people at Evansville, must he sadly deteriorating, judging from the followitd.Which we clip ' frolic the Courier • is bad enough in all conscience that oni.yming4sol - ,:rnin themselves by drink ing, DM it seems ibai.ilds.disttnetivebabit is sprawling among thdytning !rail! "Pari cy ddnks are mixed up, containing liquors, not only ,t 4 parties, but at the soda saloons fiegaMted-brthe'ladies.,,, • ;' Wz 'vise special attention to the resolu tions tuloptedlry the PittiburghAssOclation of Regular Baptist Churches, on the con dition of the country. They fully accord 104,,the,orble .stand of ~that Influential beanettulaitioligimitethe Ninkhern BallostEnaugh,themsr.,y- llorr. E. 1i.'W.A811111771.117.'i5118 on Toes. inn y remorninated, for, Congress. 137 senile li *g tion.ltY .3 *liiiittlill'cli COnicntiori or °third Congressional District of il-(litmanicti ittier . in . i cm:thin:Ai is ltkely•rot be more devllisk qum the hick the CMMervltilovi journals thaVfir;Thad_derts*nvens 'Out.. ilia' Fo4rill of blic . observance. in intitidtteed a Bill ; by the - Comma. rescinding thd rate of interest at ig partials to 'make ate as they deem that tlkeirse Of molt rbtAMl ire own mar thE natiusl Jaws of A law BO this has tOrrolitare in Rhode me - have astonished liture*', ;a Amide ie.Aiots,,wlu) Neu , -eons Deftari*'!ollio, _ 'Win "away with pepluasband'a learn of 'horses, which she ciiiiriettealia bide At Monroe, Michigan'. Pie is trilail at.. Detroit. : - , —Ban-y more the 11altixaore rebel Who once "disthitaisluidhlmiielf byrobbing, the ptresengers on arPtilladelphta train, has mritteastattolaMf.lda ukreatures..entitled lr,smaesra lathe Baddie2t IaTT -M)EL Will he ice44-ifir shlaitaation convicting 4x,.. OWL Xittall 'made *lips oftehring oova the oirdsof.tliosuitiviniese;l-;,. ISSN •••• . nerd - Ellstirtannsa • A.•• serst , ,yirlety, rut ,the• northeast .corner inarthionl. Market Streets. . ' fitheezA 4 M.l.L. 4741. • AJ4w)o44mulpktoo,s,cti .tieniFt`,e;oraer lomtb*nd:W.~rYatittyeta f - 1,!4$)! 4 . IhP uu n r g on the nOrtgbilAng " 411 4; I." " th "14 ' 11 • HAJBO Vold& Ninon , " Drill ' , White Sairogesi anQTL.lAecmmeiwoodsat 4t l ' 4 ”/., 14 4 1 % , : ,, _ • • 'tor Saociaaa at, itaTea. - hers Weiti,o• ranfetugil of and4difiit - Base. a Bell's. . A:cosaiblift)l,Ottinfatat Bates 4, sotAlNAlrroditarsidlles, optadorMaii Baps. Iylti44MwLt,aA ii saw , - THE PITTSBURGH, GAZE TTE. - P=.--NO. 140. - tazawL Grant Dinners A.4.16 0 00 11 i 110 0 01)1 4 11 1( BliOaL Boy, Skims 15 "eats Ati Out ) pork /troika' Shoo - children, ab0e.16,01143 AI the Opera House Shoe Store. emus BroadwaytWAHANHis xaeO In hate enited at the Opn Hottee Dining se- A Neer. ildlea.• Pleasing to all—ipekneer:Oliera Haulm Dining Saloon. • ' , Alley,: Goiod• . At Um Omni, House shoe gore. No. 60 Fifth street.. 0017 4 / 3 1 . 00 . Ladles Gaiters, at South a Boss; No.. 63 Max kat. street. Plain Solid Colored Clothe, Brown, had Green, 'Bates & Dell. Gre*s Dtasters At the Opera tionait,l1 I )ntnit Saloon, No 64 Fifth fitreot ' "-"' • Best Bemirelsm Getters In the city at the Opera floille Shoe store, No. se Fifth street. F Elesossal. Those Itigh Dolaths tiellers it South altos& No. 83 Market street. Stylish. The Ladies' Gotten stßoutb d Rosa', No. 63 Market street, Elam-Wide width" Black and White Bilk, ,for $1,75, at Bates lc Ladles , . French Xorocoo Batts, at South & Ross. No. 83 ?daricet. street. Appreetated. The Boots and Shoes sold at South & floss' , SIM Lace IlLsollles In elegant tleafgna, a very choice Stock, Rates Gears; IPalawl..7deaSber Mote, The Incest dress Boot In the world. Very low prices at the Opera Douse Shodittrue: • I= A nee line of Black cif all ....laths, at Shellaby A Barelay's, 74 and 71 Market street. Just opened this day .° Prints, Gingluaus, Mus lin and Putts stuff. Call altd atie Mum at nal 'any d. Barclay,e, =LE= Pure and fresh, direct . from the Springs, sold the - . 14448 rates: at fletsdnre-Drug Store No. 84 Market street. liee Cartalllll At all prices on tha:nertheast corner of Fourth and Market streets:. Hyreoa Lovs a BAG 9 . 1),4 1 1 . In all themes,' styles;now °patina the north east corner of Fourth and Market streets. C. Hasson Love a. Bats. ':`, muig Plaid and ?Wu, all shades, and lower than you will buy them later In ths mummy; on the northeast corner Fourth and Market Streets . C:Hensow Love ft Sao. Biftidiss In Dress Goods. A large lot of beautiful Dress Goods; an auction lot Just opened this day, at Shellaby L Berelay.A original - Dee Mire stand, 74 and 75 *a.rliet,street: FormaWe Seale.. _ ~RttlitotYl. Han Coal, Stook, Bnlliug _. Milt, ureters, Counter Sealesi is feet, Males adapt ed to the requ.tremente of every business. • Foasirraf Twos & Co. Scale Warehouse, 39 Market street. Bnaimer Shawl's. Same Tory nandsome Summer Shawls just opened, at the original Bee Rivet stand. Also, great bargains in Fine Waite Goods, such as Swiping, Mulls, Jaconetp,Sitinsooks, r eadrind spittle 'kook at ahellaby and Barclay!' before making your purchases elsewhere. ficallbripit the fitimbism, 74 and 76 Masketsixect.. .• • Bonnet/, dipatea No matter how gay the bonnet, or how taste, nsily decorated the gipsey that adorns& lady's head, tt she have not a pair of neatly fitting balmorals or gaiters .the effect of her head dress la entirely destroyed. This reminds us that Southile :Arms, 63 Market street, have a complete .stock of boats, shoes, balmorals and gaiters,:.'which, in quantity; Quality and price, Ma not kall.to please the most fastidious. Ikmiets, elpates. To matter howgay the bonnet, or how taste tally decdrated the idpiey that adorns aladrs head, if she have not's pair of neatly fitting bannorals or imitate. the abet of her head dross is entirely destroyed.". This reminds us that booth ti Soes,lll Market street. have a complete stock of poets; shoes, babnorals and salters, liquentity, quality and price, rum notfailtopleasetheinost fastidious. Pimat and illreetalt Cod Liver Ou tti the world, manufactured Men fresh selected Wont on the sea coast. ThlooUhigharlatierizad by a sweetness and Ptild*P le44l4.ttilt aloniii„lbi reputation Is seereatthitttlairee'the lead Of other One. and is tranursally prescribed by physicians. Remember to art for Hazard it,Caswoll , s Cod CABWILL, MACK. 3 eo,2ifilr:Yark. • • • - Manotacwern. For sale at wholesale In . Pittsburgh:by R. Z Sellers d tlo. At rotail by all Vregichda. . 'irthOarddirnm' Fourth Arrival of Am Goode. The firm of Meters. Thompson Siroetzin• ger,porner, of Federal and. Water streets, M. legheny, isso Wall knewn that farther. com ment from us is Valueless. We desire only to say that they have received their ;fourth ar rival of spring and summer gowleo and so rapid are their sales that Imes albeit impossi ble to supply thei demands. -They have at present a beautiful am ortment beMges, lawns, balsorines, silks and other goods for summer apparel, and they are offering:them at greatly rednoed prices, as they bought low for cash., „Theleabstk - or latiles! garmetiM is all that a customer can desire, either ' for style of makingortmtdeneldepattern. call at their store will satisfy our readers, and we I would insure them* Eciod reception. as their saltimen never -grow weary of showing Mike and Eiluinstion. itrequirei a Owlet: notion and &Padua of enamel strength to resist the erect of the en- ermines. beet of Jay add Await Unities the system ii tenedandanstainedby nwitoleaorne stomachic. during UMW eepreledve mentheit is likely to be so severely debilitated estoren. der it an easy - prey 'lope epidemics which Pres-4111i the fail. ilsoleaome stoinaOhla wherAle:itt4 totatdr, asks theyeadar, who h u• Pev.hees. been told by hie phystielmi. that geed brandy Is ispervietutble !Minutiae indices Roadie for that obsolete article in vain: It would be as idle to expect Wiatiscrmenera I and parity among . the liquors of commerce as to look farenitracdee Of piety in the State: prib . • on; or. wisdom in an RIP3t :asylum. - Thare lace. ottfilraeorea-out Dios-for those .160pfiecia . :04."5 , tive tonic and health-sos zithuniksimitoopr,.:-.Lit them commence: at once, in etts2 torrid Pcdtscat opens in all„ ita teplitiiiepiiise.oilitoatetters atomised" HU tats .:4111f the ,nePterecr:Cdtkutu. lead !endless of Shceflatou /Spay; uruopave used this elixir laringthii.war,-..Whet , Oa Adak of At. They' will till youths* stiaidps. up .itue,sitel forces .under: tic&aflltieg PEMnirect Je!,:r2tiCela sun •Irtulont.r. , t*Vec t l ! VOT- 413 " ting any undue(emettAttnentAehol.eiimmietPe.:.../u1 the pout " CoWDereald tea;:. - Nt:iltileers,._ but ROL Inebriates." It-briceethe . :aid - rour - rdir a e lea-, Lion and . rqrahtteeiedli the AtinatlMM.:.4 the .body. No Wise 'etimuteutt 'rl.l..7..WithtlakielletiCsS age; lidevAtlZlN tests, and the Multli.etanliMeas asfAinpus, herb. with whieittiennialicated iirethe,heet of their kind , 0 1 1 , *“1 4 0 4 , atesehlWnonesamand.retaust4erylow.zates at.tlemicerrlctatielAiuteatitedadalsoepoc i i' 104.10 4 04.* 1 10:04 - 0 1 c::; • Ba= ECM EDITION. FOUR O'CLOCK, A. M. 11014 ffillo=•lllliViTilgi BY TELEGRAPH. CONGRESSIONAL PROCEEDINGS. Wien:NO/OX, June 14, I. SENATE. • The new army bill wee discussed. Hr. Fessenden objected to creating the office of Admiral. He had a very high respect for Admiral rarragut, as he had for General (}rant. He should be opposed, however, to making the office of General for Grant, as he was to making that of Admiral for Farragut. He thought there was some place where, the hero-worship should end: These two officers had been rewarded already by the highest of flee in the army and navy, Bud he was oppos ed to making new offices forthem. He would vote for the salary 0f.510,000, but against the new office of Admiral. . Grimm Mid lie would be wilting to strike out the calm o t Adourul, and increase the pay of Vice Admiral to .10,000. Mr. Doolittle mitt it would be but smatter of Juatlee PM the Go to allow ap p He of the services vernment of General Grant. He did not think It inconilateat with a republi- can form of government that we should have a General at the head- Of the army, and an Admiral at the head of the ear/. Mr. Feesenden called for the yeas and nays on it, resulting as follows: • dera,Mesare. Anthony, Chandler, Cragm, Doolittla, 4 Foster, Grimes, Guthrie, Howe, Kirkwood, Lane of Indiana, Morgan, _Norton, Ramsey, istevart, Trumbull, Wade, Williams and Wllson—lB. _ • • ••• • . Mops—Messrs. Connese, Cowan, Davis, Fee. Bandon flames, Henderson, Howard, Pomo “Thelithiew'mits'ittenni:Siblkrfe—di,Lwith an amend ment, as an addition section, that the Second Assistant Engineers shall be appointed by the President and confirmed by the Senate as na val ollicers. It now goes to the House. The resolution appropriating ten thousand dollars to repair, the Potomac bridge, was passed. The Paris exhibition bill came up. The question was on the amendment, that no money be expended, nor officer appointed to the exhibition, until the French troops are withdrawn Cram Mexico. A debate followed, in which Mr. Wade did not think the country would be bencatted by the exhibitihn, and called the present repro. sentative of this country at the French Court yt complete snob,. and said it wasthe duty of thin country to drive the French out of Mexico. Alum farther debate the amendment was withdrawn. The amendment wad adopted excluding members of Congress or nay United State official being a commissioner to the exam ton. Pending an amendment appropriating twenty-live thousand gold dollars for build ing in Paris, the Senate adjourned . HOUSE. Mr. Lawrence. of Pennsylvania, introduced a bill for the creation of a National Bureau of Insurance, and to provide for funding the In debtedness of the United States, which was read twice and referred. The Committee on Military Affairs reported Dr - - aacka aubstitnte for the House bill for the re organization of the army. It was ordered to be postponed till Tuesday next. The senate bill to authorise the Commis sioner of Patents to pay those employed as Examiners and Assistant Examiners the sal ary fixed by law for the duties performed by theta, which was before the House at its ad jowl:merit yesterday, Came op ill order, sod fir. Harding, ot Kentucky, withdrew his mo. Lion to lay it on the table, when the bill passed by CS TO 41. Mr. Whatley Spresonted the credentials of Lawrence Panes claiming to be elected to Congress from the Fifth Congressional Dis trict of North Carolina, which was referred to Die Committee on Reconstruction. The House resumed the consideration of the Dlll , OlOl was up yesterday; to establish as, assay office at Portland, Oregon, and Bola City, idalioe, and discontinue the French Mints at Dallas City, Oregon Charlotte, North Caroli na, and Dalhousie, Oregon, , Mr. Henderson concluded the speech which he had commenced yesterday, by offering an amendment to strike out all in the bill re ferring to Oregon, and mid a section adiending the act ot July 4th, 1084, by transferring the branch Mutt at Dallas City to Portland. The debate was participated In by Alessre Muriliand Thayer. Mr. lienderson'u amendment was rejected by el to 73, and the bill was passed. Mr. Hooper,from the Committee on Banking and Currency, reported a bill to amend the na tional act, which was read twice mild recom mitted, with leave to report at any time- The bill amends the Beath= of the national cur rency act in Abe following particulars toc.lB gipower ves' theto Comptroller of Currency ad ditional p against any hank which may be found, or which lie has reason to uolleve, has been guilty of any violation of the banking law. lie may ap point a commissioner at tiny time to inveati gate the adairs of nay bank. Upon satanic tory proof that any bunk is not carrying on the legitimate business of banking he mss appoint a receiver to close up its strain. Section .21 reduces the circulation of all Ns tional Banks, whose capital exceedslgloo,osi, ten per cent ., and provides that no bank 'Audi have a circulation of more than one million Cl dollars, and also provides that such reduc tions may he enforced by a reduction of the interest of any bonds deposited in the Treas ury. The reduction must take place by the that of January, lee 7. It provides lorther that there shall be thirty millions of additionui bank cimulation in the place of this reduc tion ot 113,000,1100, to be used for the conversion of the old Stade banks into National hanks, and sts,comos for new banks in the Southern and ether States which have secured thus' fur the bast rateable proportion of banking c of Leml amount. which Is not to exceed the present penis of $3:0,000,003. Section twenty-nine provi des that no person or corporation shall become the debtor of any hunk to an extent edienss onestenth of paid up capital stocexce k, unl g snob liability is I secured by United States ...Enteritis or bona lido bills of exchange of regularly made and discounted paper actually Owned by the party for whom his discounted. and the °dicers and directors are made liable for any violation of this section, and the bank is subject to u pro. alt y of one thousand dollars. Section thirty-two continues the present system of redemption, with the additional re, quirements that the redeeming bank In the several cities, as now provided, shall be re ' quired to redeem its own notes, and the notes of any assOciathsn for which it creates n re deeming' agency in-the cities of Now York, Philadelphia and Boston, thus establishing what has been known as the Suffolk Bank sys tem throughout the country. Section thirty-four requires monthly returns from each Bsok to the Comptroller of the Currency, and to be sworn to by the President and Cashier, end the quarterly returns to by verified under oath by a majority of the Board of Directors. The details of the returns are also considerably increased. Section forty-ma reduces the tax on the cir culation from one half of one per cent. semi annually to one-fourth of one per cent., and also takes off the tax on the capital, leaving the taxon deposits as at pr eSent, and making no change in the local taxation. Bandon forty-nye requires the Secretary of She Treasury to withdraw from any Govern ment depositary any public money la excess of the amount seeured by the amount of bonds deposited to secure the safe keeping ot such public money: Mr. Julbus, from the Committee on Confer ence on the bill for the disposal of the Pubic lands for homestead and actual settlement in Aiaboma, a Louisiana. Arkansas and Florida, made report, which. was agreed Mr. Mr. Windom introduced a bill to authorize the Winona and Bt. Paul Railroad to con struct a bridge acmes Muurissippl river, and to establish it at road, which was read twice and ref arel to the Poster:lice Gem mittee. The House then proceeded to the considera tion of the bill for restoring Me States lately In insurrection to their full political rights. Mr. Windom addressed the House in support of the bill. He said that the real Issnebetween Congress and the rebels was, sShall traitors rule the nationtu. They fought four years to destroy , it. It was not a mention whether the Booth shall be represented, for all agreed that she must be, and sill desired that she. shell Do at the earliest moment possible, consistent with the public safety. But the question wu, Shalt these represenuttives be admitted hafe without, the imposition of any conditlmed The President and his supporters Inshit upon immediatenneonditionai atindasion, without any protection to the ' freedmen; to when the faith of the government hen been pledged, without any oWnge in tbe basis of represen tation, whereby So uthern oss Irregularity o toak ing the vote of a rebel equal the votes of two Northern soldiers, shall be rem*. died without any diefranclitsement of leading, perjured, and dangerous traitomand without any protection against the assumption and payment Or the rebel debt or of rebel callms for toes of eaves. The Union party demanded that the, plighted faith of the nation to the humble-freedman shall_ be nutbitalned; that the basis of representation shall be made just and equitable; that prembient traitors who have one° sworn to support the Constitution 'of the United States and violated their oaths, f or not be allowed to make and a l te laws for loyal mandhat the nationfildebt elnerver be repudiated and that the national obliga tions to bounties and pensions to soldiers and sailors 'end their' widows "and - orphans, shall not hi) questienedt that the rebel debt obeli never be asummed,or paid by the Federal or State governments; that these guarantees shalLbe embodied in the Arm foundation al the republic, where neither treason nor rebel lion shall ever reach theta, and. th at these shall. . i.e made a t h e reb e l 'precedent to the hill restoration of the rebel States. Mr. Windom➢ proceeded to argue from these premises in support of the bill. lie Oosellided of saying that the power of this nation ill Yet In the kande of the loyal people. They. have Durchssed hat a fearful Copt. They wm keep it until equal and exact justice Is secured to every citizen. and until trie .regmbilo ft" , united end,PreeDereee, shall havatiolde 6 llfd glorharil mission among the nations of the Mr. 'Mr. Harrie r addressed the House oppoid tiOn. He declared that in prieelple, now stood as he had stood alter the war MIS -de. , oared, sato had stood in the last Coughm, ,when herecedyedita crown of canines, Its "pad ;stood la prison before the infernal instrn- , :west of tyranny — , 4 court. martial=and atr•ht. I .stood b,pctpus go he would stunt MiDttlto tioeorhenever eseadon might require. uncle :dared hinima sak 0164 the Democrat, belies , . Pftill d 4 N 441 /. Of Neellitibi, ballot . . . PITTSBURGH. TIiIDAY, JUICE 15, 1866. tog that the several States of - the Union have the right to separate gout it. each acting for itself. He:declared his belief that abuses and usurpations had been Prue" Geed and threatened to w great an extent by their associates and partners in this govern ment, that the Southern States were Justified in going out. Thus in the belief by their Ordi nances of secession, they did go out, and there. by bacame to tuts Union foreign States. These conviction ho eouldprot change and ho aiding. expect they would ever be removed. MO worl d most assuredly proclaim them, and stand by them as long as a sireirlecitizenof the Confed erate States was in chains or subject to penalty for asserting them. Referring to the assassination of Mr. Lin coln, he said Mary Snrratt was convicted_pf course. She was tried by a court martial. Mar immediate execution was orderedisheentilea ted for four days to Tmable her to overcame the shock, and the better to prepare her Soul to meet her God. ...riot an hour," thundered forth the voice from the War Department:Du with the gallows, the eoftln, and the grave, the Angela of Heaven shall not rejoice over this repentant sinner. Agents of matey sought tne edit of hlguer authority and proba bly a more merciful heart, But Preston MUM was Janitor that clairad they were excluded. Where is Preston Echo answers where. She was thus execute apeedlly; and notwith standing application has been made in behalf oC her heart broken daughter, for her remains, those remains are still in the keeping of the War Department. Pontius Pilate delivered . the body of Jeans to Jose ph , _ of Arimathea, but a worse than Pontius Pilate is here. Ile continued at some length, and said so , long as the test oath remained on the statute book he world do all he could to remove it, and rescue the noble citizens of the South trona the slavery and degradation it imposed. Us claimed secession as a ruling principle Of the Democratic party, from 1798 to the late War. At the conclusion of his speech; Sir. Le Blond, in the name of the Democratic party, dissented from the views expressed by Mr. A long debate ensued, during which Mt. Dawes, of Massachusetts, averred that, he would have voted for admitting any loyal than from a loyal district. Mr. Boatwell asked if Mr. Dawes meant to ley ••• . • • • • •-• • • . . - - - - he was in favor of admitting loyal represent atives from any diStriet in eleVen States If lie was satialled the majority were loyal, without regarding the Institutions of the State. or knowing whether the State had established laws and framed a constitution to secure' the rights of all, without regard to race or color. if that is the position of Mr. Dawes, he (Bout well,) as a citizen and representative of Mass achusetts, objected and dissented. Mr. Dawes said he believed in the right of the Southern States to representation, bet also believed to their incapacity. Whenever they should stand up clothed and in their tight mind, then they would be capable Of electing representatives. The 'loose has voted to admit him to a seat, and have welcoMed him with open arms. There never bud Deena time when he was not Immoas for the MVO. tunity of making the selection and drawing the distinction between the loyal represents.- live of a loyal district and those who would present themselves with blood-red hands, the repreeentatives of traitors. Mr. Dawes resuming the floor said there • never had been a time during the session I when evidence bad been presented to him of the election of a loyal and true man from a loyal and true Waren, and would not be. Mr. Raymond obtained the floor for tamer- • ow. • A resolution was adopted requesting the Ways and Kean■ Committee to consider and upon at toe earliest possible day upon the act that the praseuttluty oa wool affords WI protection and operates to the detriment of the American Wool Growers. . - Adjourned. FROM NEW ORLEANS. Markete—lnsurreetion to Illondoesus— , Money to A sssss den. bee's Defense-- ineamaltip TrOutile—Appeoliebles As. rietalitierol Fate. , 242.' OHLZAES, Jane it—Cotto n : : sales of 30G bales Low Middling at 376123c,_• receipts, 215 N Sterling, GO. Freights to ew York, Net Liverpool, %Old; Havre, le New York Ex- change, 940 premium. Gee. Alvarez leads the Honduras insurgents and Gen. Caboniz the Government troops- The recent action lasted twenty-four hours. The Government troops were defeated, and Cabonlz captured. A forced loan is feared a Truallio. An appeal to New Orleans for money to as- Stilt In the defence of Major Gee, commandant of Salisbury prison, is liberally responded to. The planters are planting cotton and corn in the recently flooded district. Thu New Orleans and Liverpool Steamship Company is In trouble. The steamer Floridan has been seized. The Wine importers say that the seizure* by the Canto= Howie are anima, and that the_y are the victims of a bad detective system at Bordeaux. Plans for the Mechanical and Agricultural Fair Buildings are nutillSted. Thee are In the grandest ecale. The association have two hundred tboneoad dollars to pay expenses. New York malls of the 9th have arrived and foreign advices py the Africa. The Texans say the Union conservative ticket will bereleeted on the CM.' by a majority of live to one. Fenian Oflleers Columnist' is Sall—Now army 1301—lieduetion of Tax oh 111 x• Clonal Bank Cleestlailou—Jeff bails' Counsel Have on Imerview with /be President—Falai Clumees of Ms Re lease. N c e Year, June 14.—An Ogdensburg special to the Times, today. eays: The following Is a list of the Fenian °Moors who refused to grve hail and were com mitted to jail, at Canandai gua to appear before a United States Corn orislioner on the 19th mat. Gen. Murphy, of New York; Gen. Ilefferman, Albany• Colonel oltelly, Rochester; Lieut. Quinn, Alt.:any; ILO. Connelly, Newark, N. Y.; Capt. Glass, Now York; Capt. Prady, Albany ,• Captain Fallon, Pottedam; Cups. Lindsey New York; Lieut. O'Brien, New York; Ur. Shine , Newark. Specials to the evening papers say that the House Military Committee have agreed to re• port a new army bill. It provides for a redue- Doe of ten regiments below the number named In the former bill. The Itadicals :rxreed not to press the bill reported by the ttecenetruction Committee, and thus secure a imanimous vote in favor of the amendment. This will virtually place the subject In the hands of the State. The House Banking Committee will report a recommendation to reduce the tax• on Na. timed Bank circulation to one-half of one par cent. They decline to exempt bank mock from national or municipal tax. The Thaurte Washington spec/al says: Messrs. O'Connor and Pratt, counsellor Davis, had a long Interview with the Preeldent Le fty. It is understood outride that the Freed , den now takes the grOend that if a writ of mal t e.; corpus should be granted to Judge Un derwood, or should In merely demand him for trial, he would surrender hirti,_but he could not consistently release him ot herwise. 1110 ehaneeS for release arc more faint to-d 4 than over. A Tribune Montreal apeelal nays, the Gov ernment has ceased arming, and railroad trains and boats are running. No one Is al. lowed to Bee the Imprisoned Pentane. The volunteers are still at the front. tionaolidation of Telegraph Compasslea. New Yeas. ' June U.—The American and Western Cluion Telegraph Companies are wetabout cocindmg an agreement of union amounts to a consolidation of interests. The public demand for prompt and uninter rupted transaction of messages, renders it in dispensable to get rid o n el delays ing and booking from line to another. The new consolidation will control and operate over one hundred and four thousand miles of telegraph wire, °ovaries all the territory and connecting all iimiets Of Importance from Now Fotmdland to. San Francisco, and Vancouver , . Island. From the latter peinS a line 14,000 miles to St. Petersburg will be done within a year. Cuba and the West Indies will be con nected, and the success of the Atlantic cable In August next is confidently hoped for. It is haveregretted that telegraph business cannot the Neely stimulus and restraint that so favorably affects every Mimi, hetet least five attempts within the last fifteen years, by men Of energy and large 'Militia, to build up and sustain an opposition have sig nally faded. When the United States Tale ', graph Company had acquired over 15,00¢ miles of lime, the public looked for the frults.Of op position In a redtetion of rates, bat Mentes had to be twice advanced to enable the bust nem done to support two doh/panics instead of one, the formidable opposition being com pelled at locate succumb and sell out at aloes. The question seems settled for the present that the telegraph business will not bear com petition, end against the immense advantages of this combination, It would be rash tts at tempt it.. One company can do all the busi ness, and do it cheaper than two can, for two organizations with a duplicate of °Mal and employees must double the expense of doing the aggregate business, and the easterners must be taxed to' meet the dontlie expenses. Let enlarged views govern thus mammoth cor poration, and let them serve the public promptly courteously arid as cheaply as they can * N o ra, and the press and the public will be satisfied. From Washington--gepres sedatives Grinnell and Boasenu Come To gether. WasinnoTOX, May 14.—The renders of tho Congressional proceedings will recollect that on Monday an exciting and decidedly un friendly colloquy occurred between Represon talve Rosseau, of Kentucky, aril Representa tive Grinnell, of lowa, whicirwas confined in tne Rouse to mere words, but to-day, immedi ately after the adJeurment,-while Kr. Grinnell was on 'ale way from the Capitol, on the east side of the building to take the street car, he was overtaken ti kin . iloesean, who putting his bon don Mr. 'Grinne ll .' shoulder, said something about an ex pected apology for offensive remarks, and thereupon assaulted hir.Grinnell with a small rattan cane, which was broken in th e use of it. Ur. Grinnell made butlittle if any,roailliaaoa . The only visible - mark of injury sustained by Mr. Grinnell la a scratch on his right cheek caused by the iron ferrule of the cane. Ordnance °Meets have been ordered by the War Department to deposit, all public moneys with the Assistant Treasurer. • • . the Constitutional lumendsaMat—Cliew. , tar of PHILADZIFIZIA. June .14.- - .4.fier this =Senate bad Worms", the cOnstitntionaL amendment, just concurred In by..tho'Honse-of Represen tatives, Governor. Uurtintaildressed licireular letter to the governors ef -alVthe fiord a actrms, C 9 C I tr s i tin tgg i n i ttg o rheir t! = i ar turett for Ci t irl satisfaction of that stmendmant,it fa now nu. derstood that mach entre= action will Oohed, widths% !Wore the adjournment of Congress a ratienation of the anomdtilent wfilbe made. Heme.; • Nini Tosis,4ene it'—raigenuMbersot the :rental% army arrived here tcrdeyiezet•we.e tarnished treneportetlon norgo.tnealthetre. EMI LATEST' NEW YORK ITEMS, Tres at Caton Cosunes—Cantkere Ranee to Work Iliere Than Eight 'Hoare a Day—Chian*. In the Chiy—One c.... W. tal and Two Aew Ones Reported—The oT . C tutheetalty or the Excise law. N Toast, Jibes. U.—George . Wilkes beat Lady home, bfth to wagon, at Union Coen! ,, this n. Rile beats best three in Eve, for SI,OOD in three strislAdit heats. Time 4:27, ^:45,'25. , ‘. The i time of the - Second heat is equal to any on record. The Caulkers' Association here still refuse to work more than eight boars, consequently the effect of the shipwrights' strike is the same as if the carpenters bad not concluded to resume their labors. ' . . . . . L. Martin Montgomery and A. H. Lanedo. said to be ex-officers of the rebel army, claim inglto Sat as agents of Santa Anna, purchased thosteamer Agnesfor one, hundred thousand dollars In gold, tobe paid by Santa Anna no on delivery of the vessel at St. Thomas. W. J. Taylor & Co., of Philadelphia, deliv ered. tho steamer according to the terms of the contract, bnt the purchase was repudiated by Santa Anna. The owners of the vessel re turned to this country and gave the pur chasers one month to fulfill the ternss of the contract. They failed to do so, and were sent to• Ludlow streetjou in default of twenty tiorosand dollars ball. • Patrick Shea died last night of ebolera Cherry street, and two more cases not fatal, are tmOilidially reporied. The Sanitary Corn ITIRMiOII6III are taking great pains to clean that filthy nWghborhood. The quarantine re port shows three new c es and no deaths since the last report. All is quiet at Sequin's - - The snit to test the eons utionality of the excise law, was brought up before the Court. of - Common Pleas - C amber today by Ueorge W. Holt against kson S. Shultz. Theplaintiff claimed the ht to ashspiritui nos liquors under the old 1 sound histioun- Sal argued at length that t e law was uncon stitutional. A amorous sinter su i ts are to be ro bught by liquor sellers who continue to grow more and more exalted on the subleut , and are ffetermined to teat the question. PROM TUB PACIFIC. =2 Anvers Condemned to Death SAN FRI3OIIICO, June Di—Victoria (VIIIICOII. yen, Maud) dispatches say that the Fenian news from Canada created mach exOttement there. Two men-of-war and eigni gunboats boAffed orders to cruse off the harbor, Ad I Denman had arrived at Equimault on ' *ate Buttley. NeWff•vsland 'advices state that four of the nittrderertl of the ralaslonaries at Valknon have been condemned to dental, Sixteen of . the murderers of the crew of the Kato have been condemned to death as prin• cipals, and nine as aceessors. A terrible gale and flood visited Auckland on the let of April, which sunk nine vessels in the harbor. The damage done amounts to twenty thousand pounds. FROM MElnek asximlUan Conaent*Oake Withdrawal of the french Troope=-Deplorable Coa- Ultima of WIDAIIO4IIII. Naw Toss, June 15.—The World's Mexican correspondence says The flrstmovement of the French troops will take place lathe Month of November next, when about live thousand trill be shipped. All the contracts have been signed. These movements are made not only with the consent, but at the express desire of Maximilian, who hos !signified to tho French Emperor that he is now satisfied of the loyal support of the land proprietor. and ludo*. Woos classes of Mexico, and that the Prince troops may bo withdrawn at any time, the sooner the better. The Mexican finances are I a a most deplorable condition. False BepOrt—The litioderpest Has Not Appeared to New York. ALBANT, June 16.—1 n a dispatch forwarded Saturday night It Seas statist that the Hinder pest or pleurimmeumonht had made its ap pearance In New York, and that It had been so officially announced by the President and Secretary of the New York State Agricultural Society. The statement was erroneous. The "Meem named announced the appearance of piouro-pneatnonla, but not the Hinderpost, discuses of cattle entirely different in their nature. The Riuderpest bas not appeared in tint country so far ins the knowledge of those officers named extend, and it is confidently expected we shall escape the scourge. A Force to Remain on the Frontier— I ro-Feldsums to Congress Another Raid looked For. Mosrasat., June 14.—Orders have been sent to the force on the frontier to remain them. It was intended to withdraw them to-day. The action of the pro-Fenian party in Con gress creates some excitement here. it is fear ed that this will give new vitality to the Feni an designs. An attack or raid upon the Huntingdon line of the frontier and &ratted toward the Beau- Mumble canal is looked tor. There is a good 'force really to moot it. Demand fors P/41101101 . Correspondent-- The castle Plague. New Tong, Juno 14.—The Tribune learns that our Comm 'General ' eneral in Canada has made a de mand for its correspondent, Mr. Kelly, who was captured with the Fantails. It Is stated that the report that the rinder pest had broken out In distillery stables in Brooklyn is incorrect. The disease is pleuro pneumonia., a chronic end Infectious disease, Imt not the same as that. ravaging England. Burglaries In Long Island. New Yost, June 14.—A series of daring bur glaries and robberies have boon going on in the village of Long Island during the last few weeks. Twenty burglaries have been com mitted at Newton. on the Flushing railroad In that time. Fort Hamilton, Jamaica and other towns have been extensively plundered. Den nis Sullivan, who killed Tom Burns, has been arrested on sespicrion of being engaged In this business. New Cuban Captain GNnerall'e Peer =atlas! N acv 'roux, Juno IL—The new Captain Gen eral of Cuba has issued a preelamatlon on the occasion of steaming the rebus of the government, exhorting the people to loyalty to the Spanish Crown. I= Mxtwanitar., June IL—The following gentle men were elected directors of the Mliwankee 8. Prairie du Chien Railroad to-day : Alexan- Her. Mitchell, 11. C. ilielnson. Russell Sage, F. . James, N. A. Cowchwy, Walter 8. Gurnee, 8. S. Merrill, U. Acker, Joseph Rudd. Reme Hampshire D. la. Senator. COEOORD, N. U., June 14.-100 r. a.—The Re publican caucus has Just nominated the Hon. James W. Patterson for United States Penn torMn the fourth ballot, by a rote of one bun rut and twenty-four out of two hundred .nd tire. River and Weather at Loniwrille. Lantern-Ls, June I4.—River stationary with flso teL eix inches in canal. Weather clear and warm. CITY AND SUBURBAN. adattlauol Local lilac Cars on Third Pag The Central Booed of Edueatiou Met Thursday evening, June 14th. Present, Messrs. Lowe, Marshall, McAuley, McCook, Hobbs, Sergeant and Brush, President. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. The reportof the Principal of the High School , m principal of the Colored School and of the Secretary were read and, ordered to be filed. The following named geptlemen ware elected Colleetont for the ensuing yeart Samuel Pat terson, First Ward; Andrew P, Thompson, Fourth Ward ; Joseph A. Butlero3lxth Ward Thomas Meeks...Eighth Ward:, A vacation of the city schools was &aborts froln Friday (Waning; the Yatb. but, until Monday. September ad. • Mr. 31'Cook presented petitions from sun dry tesehens, asking a change of text book on grammar. • Laid , -on the' Watt. Teas— Messrs. Lowe, Marshall, SitAuloy, Hobbs and President Brush-6. Nays—Messni. McCook and Sergeant—it. On motion adjourned • File Aniezteiii. watinei The , watches manufactured In ,Amerlea are rapidly growing Into favorand supplanting all others. Yesterday we called Into examine a very Reverter stock of gold andellvertimeo pieces, purchased direct from the manufaiiiii rem, by the prosperous end.entexprbflug firm of Johnson d Scott, No: 274 Liberty' street. They havens line an assortment of watches as can be found west of New wi t h of which they offer at rates in keepinghe Woes. Title firm has also • upon bands a large stock of the latest and most fashionable of Jewelry, and ladies or gentlemen desiring anything In She line would consult their interest. by fa voring Johnson d Scott with their patronage. All kinds of watch,. cloak and Jew -repEr ing_is done In the neatest and hest style. The Individual members of the firm are active and enterprising gent l emen, and by hones tyomtatio,g su la cceeded Ing op a largeandprwerous An:minces, Wo ulluesfullY commend them to thepatrOnage of our readers. . In nebula et 61,000.—Androw Beaker, °barged with threatening to klir his wlfe, Was was lodged in jalt yesterday - by Alderman Strain In default bf Wl* ball: &MIS ”,er so e : years ago, - attempted to kill qauk and. thinking be had. so dorm, . attempted to take his dwalife by cutting hie threat.' atter his recovery ha wits tried fOr felontont animas and battery, convicted, and sentenced tothe Peni tentiary for two yea rd and. sir mantle. - - Be , eently helm been abusing his family, and - ble wife fearing that kelslikraPeitt, hlaattesipt to take her Wei hats hadlim placed ln durance. . Drowned . a Tab.-Eillinit'-llttaboth, I ased.onotran inonthili daughter of . A:Roes. residing on: Decatur ' street s Sixth ° a rd, mot with her - ileathlesterday - niOrnlng Under dis tressing, circumstances lha.lets her-nurse. and It wanwspposed she had gone up stairs to hairnet tnothertUnt ingots% *he went to Ms ez ionnl y qu i lla ch dr .ha to drown hlt,: - . - aa.indliest hold. by 'Coro. nor Clawson and a verdict rondarat sernnl anus with tho nun*: • Haft rii4e.—Tbotngt. xendruoui, Charged with Intonnv and bald In bonds mills ap far 64 yesterdaYllurrella Mal ME= Wonsan Drawl. In the Anegben7 tinder Magetlar In d he Some exciteinfinC:prevailed .in the Fifth -Ward yesterday :forenoon, consequent upon the stcry being cheadated that a woman bad been drowned terlenl means. in the AlleghenV river, at the foot 'at Adams street. - Upon in vestigation it appeared that Ann.CalLtgan, re siding in Garrison alley, In the Fourth Ward, bad started with a man named Edward Mc. Donald to crisis the river on the ferry , ..boat from Mechanics street. - :..They seated them selves on the madfir hanit, near Shoenberger's Mill, and en:weeny elsrcalibrireie heard. The woman was observed- lit, thelriver,and MC- Donald standing on the shOre. rwo men from shoenberger , a Mill went to.her assist ance and brought her ashore, but she was so far gone that all attempts at rennieitatlon fafletL - McDonald was taken into enstOdy.ledifed In the tombs, and Coroner Owns= Minf il i= - mooed, be, m conjunction with- the, proceeded to investigatethe ease. McDonald stated that he was a stranger in the city, that he was acquainted with ldrs. Callahan And had started with her to visit Allegheny. Find ing that the ferry boat had left, he 'Wed to cross th rilroa bridge, to which assented. b u tafter d walking a',abort distance she complained that the clndershurt her feet, and they sat, down on the bank to wait unttl the boat returned. The bank, at the point al- , lusted to, is almost perpendicular, and the water same ten or twelve feet deep, McDon ald states that after they had been sic. Ling there for a few momenta, he observed Mrs. Callahan take off her bonnet and throw it on the ground at her aide. Them= instant she leaped down the bank into the water. He alleges that be jumped into the water •for the purpose of reselling her, but being unable to swim he could render no assistance. He Man aged to get ashore and screamed for assist. ance, which brought the employees of the m The deceased was about thirty-dye age. Her husband Is a teamster, and l T•e a fi&: Garrisonin alley, between Liberty - Mid Penn streets. - • . The husband and daughter of deceased were examined before the Coroner's jury, and tes tified that she had been in a bad state of health for some time. A week ell Ice; she Went to Allegheny to visit a niece, and remained there until Wednesday evening, when the husband was informed .that she was very 11l swirl deranged. He went to see her and brought her to his residence in Garrison alley. During the night she continued in a deranged state of mind, imagining that some one was going to shoot her, and insisted that her hus ba nd and the man M'Donald should _guard the doors and wirdowa. Thursday morn ing she seemed somewhat better, and told her husband before he went to his work, that she world take a walk with McDonald, believing It would dollar good. He Demented, and she accordingly left the house with McDonald, tolling her daughter before going out, that she would rather drown herself than give the imaginary persons the Benefaction of shootingher. McDonald. was also examined before the jury and made a statement, the substance of which we have given above. The Jury rendered a verdict that the deceas ed came to her death by drowning herself whilst laboring under mental derangement, whereupon McDonald was discharged from custody. The Maslen] Monster. of St. Penni, Professor George W. Morgan, the)ustly cele brated organist of Grace Church, New Yorlr, gives a grand organ concert In St. Paul's Ca thedral to-night. He Is the beat performer In the world upon the organ, and eminent critics have exhausted their powers In landing his efforts upon the big organs of Boston and New Vora. The organ just finished In St. Paul's Cathedral is third In sire In the Union, and persona who can enjoy instrumental urusie of an extraordinary character should be in at tendance. Perhaps in connection with the expected grand musical trial to-night we might describe the monster organ to be inaug urated. The architectural design Is Gothic, with four exceedingly 'large octagon buttres ses. In height it measures some forty feet; in width from twenty-seven to thirty feet, and in depth from thirteen to fourteen feet. The ease is black walnut, varnished, and set off w ith seventeen richly gilt speaking pr. Over the "lip" of each pipe, and extending the entire width of the front, the words "Glo. rla Petri et Fillo, - et Bpuitni Semite," are I painted n red vermillion. The colossal structure is divided into four compartments, vizi the Great Organ, Choir Organ, Swell Or gen, and • Pedal - Organ. In " the Great Organ the stops are made on the largest scale, well winded to produce great volume, power and brilliancy of tone; while the characteristics of those in the. Choir Or- aan will be richness and mellowness of tone. The pipes in the Pedal Organ are of the heavi est scales and voicing, and owing to the pecu liar simplification sy s te m of the Jewett:do school of - Organ buil , the coupling stops ensure freedom from friction and durability. In the Swell Organ the newly introduced "VertleatAllides," with flushed front, the "crescendo" very atreallvicialrlinVeirtrio. lion. The keys or manuals overhang. It con tains six sets of sixteen feet pipes, Pity stops, and in the aggregate the grand total of three thousand pipes. Three- banks of keys give utterance to its mighty melody, and each bank has the extraordinary compass of nye octaves. Two bellows of prodigious slob furnish breath to this musical monster. The concert tomight must prove a success, as the great organ, in which all Pittsbrughera should take pride, will be Tally tested and shown to the best advantage. There are no reserved seats. The programme is published in another column. Threatened to Pull Down a House Willielmina Fleming was brought before Al derman Taylor yesterday, charged, on oath of Agnes Mulleng. with [surety of the peace. The prosecutrlx, whole a maiden of fifty win ters, stated that she heard a rapping In her alloy and on going out to learn the cause was met by the accused, who announced her deter mination to pull down her house and bury the deponent beneath its ruins. Tothis Agnes re plied that if she did not Imm•idisi•ily depart she would give her an application of hot water about her shoulders, which, in the existing state of the weather, would be but agreeable. After a hearing had b a :32ri t a, Ag nes declared her wi ll ingness to bury the hatchet, on condition that Williehnina would let her alone in the [Mum. In order tosecure this result the Alderman held the latter In $3OO to keep the peace. = • The colored population of a locality known as "Whisky Hollow," Armstrong county, had a picnic. on Monday last, which was numer , only attended by both sexes. During the day a black fellow, named Murphy, consider— ed tumself slighted by hia. IS4Y-lovet and um" eluded,. after fortifying himself with several large doses of bad whisky, 'to pin an end to Me existence. He procured .a shot gun which was heavily charged, placed the muzzle in his month, touched the trigger with his fooa, and blew the whole top of his head oft Of course death ensued instantly. ass igned other (UMW than that above stated canhe for the rash act. A Itardsarbble Case Mrs. Elizabeth Utter ana Mrs. Jane King, residents of that Mazda region known es ollardscrabble." were before Alderman Lynch, yesterday, to settle their grievances. Mrs. Utter, whose anger almost choked her utter ance stated that Mrs. King was in the habit of&tag her a tongue lashing every day, and An threatened to pull every hair in her head out. After mmaiderable -chiuminsio the parties shook hands and went tether homes good friends. During the hearing officerßat , ry acted as interpreter, Mr. Utter being WA ble to utter a word Wive Irish. A !Spanklng Tennu—Dr. Potter, of Tio nesta, V.:mango county, it Is reported, Made a wager of 0,000 a few weeks sines that he would drive hie pair of teams, over a country road to be selected by him, 100 miles in eX, home- The event GISMO off on last Saturday week, and the Doctor drove 103 miles' mad 17 reds in 0 hours and 11 minutes and 13 Seconds, stopping once to feed and twice to water, the actual time of traveling being 1134 hours. Tole is the beat tame on rooord. The animals axe a beantifti pair of large lay MOM. sod they . 010 1 6 in The D o rt quite Dab, under a strong pull. The Doctor was after Wards effete/ 0 10 , 00 0 fer team, but he refused seU it. swim in alleges has 'been a 'leading feature. -- some Otte'has Nod, 44 let, me make the ballads, and 1 care not who xnalcos the lawil of the nation.. A good troupe of tattuttrels is something tO be Cesin oil, and we do not know of nue that wo can re commend to the public. with mere Pleasure than Skiff & Gaylord's. They will Teske their bow to` a Pittsburgh audience on Monday evening next. 'Th excelleacy . ila a bond of musicians Is too well know to neod any com ment at our hands: All wiff welcome them. ValuAble Held Estatewsr Squirrel 11111 at Orphans. COUR% thaee—YOUri lots of ground, containing nom eight to eighteen wares each, with choice bearing fruit trees and dwellings on-eseholigtbls situated. Also; a:House and - Lot .ln the borough of . To•be bold:that arday next, June is, at ten u'eloehjeAthe Court House. Terms at sale. Ucoana a, . . • Trustee of JOU Diners , Estate. Aldemean Butler's Ordee.—Tole Galla her was prosecuted 'baton) Alderman Butler, yesterday, by Jain and Hannah Mcßride tor . assault and battery, and a warrszt Issued ter Ann Williams Wsis lleld to by Alderman Butler to answer a elude of assault and bat tery, brought by Fidellallsberry. fleeting ;if nut gintty-Firig—The surrin-. ing 'Members of the 61st:PenosylvanisT Woo tearlietrlnntt will hold mooting an tn.) Ls Pierre. Aanse, kept by. Captain Louie Hager. , on Market Street, near AlttornorrOW evening. far the purpose of making arrenfip? moots fastfood the lag preeentstlous RtP lidelphis'on the Fourth or July. • . _ Ic to our painful duty to 811111701100 thtfend. Oen deethi_on Thursday morning, ;of Cloning larnel,nsq., from congestion of the brain. Mr. Israel, at the flute of his death; held the °moo ofif.blle and SO=Otary , 'the Ineeseo 011 0 ta Co ry mpany. ru Be win be i s m of ent.d by a numerous circle of relatives and attaub! ed - . neoldent—A young man named Illobell,l ;Mmdville,_ was sooldaninn9, - bmnlng on WeintadaY, by ore kni ma °4 ;WI Zrt a gm , 116 &Wit tinin years air% and the CY ,I . I 7: I IFPW'r 4'1.: . i : .., , ,,tl . . -:,...,,,,;,-...:,,,.-,1.,.,:.,,:t,:, PRICE THREE CENTS. . . iteeithig vitrAneebely cowmen.. The regular monthly tneettniof Allegheny Councils was held list evening in the City Building• - - sriLnot OOMMIL. Present: Messrs. Dram; Huokensteta, Irwin, . Myler, Patterson, Win. Smith, and President' , Mc:Briar. The minuted of the preceding meeting was read and approved. Mr. IrWin presented a petition form the citi zens Of theßftst ward ..s. ng Councils to sell a por.then of the city lot in the said ward. Referred to the Committee on Fire Engines. Mx. S. Drum,a petition , from residents. of the same askingward a faller supply of gas. Refe petitionrred to the Gas g Committee. A askin far the reduction of water rent Walt read teed - referred to the Water Com mittee with power. to act._ • A communication from Mayor Morrison was presented by Mr. Thomas, asking Councils to appropriate a room in the City Building for a dispensary. Referred to Committee on City Property: e tt a grion was presented asking for the and paving of Leaky alley. Referred Street Committee. A rmtilloesaking ter a water pipe to be laid on, Western avenue was read and referred to the Water.. Committee. - A remonstrance Usinst the grading of Char-. tiers street Was read and referred to the Street Committee.. A petition alkingfor the grading and paving ' of West alley, was reed and also referred to the saute Committee. ' - Mr. Hall read the Mport of the Finance Com mittee, designating the Bank of Pittsburgh as the floral agent for the sate of the Coupon Bonds of Allegheny City.. Mr. Myler objected to the piitage of the res olution, and moved that the Allegbeny.Truat Company be substituted instead of the Bank of Pittsburgh. After an animated debate Mr. Myler's mo tion passed. C. C. non-concurred and a Com mittee Of Conference was appointed. The Committee reported in favor of the original resolution, which was dually passed. Mr. J. B. -Smith presented the report of the Commit - bet:On Streets with an ordinance for the construction of a sewer on the Sento side of North Commons and connecting with the sewer on West Comnion. Also, a resolution authorizing the Control ler to. advertise for the • construction of a wooden eawerof three hundred feet in length to be placed under Fremont street. Also, a resolution authorizing Mr. Logan to sink a well on Fayette street for the purpose of draining a cellar. The ordinance and reso lutions were adopted. • - . . Mt. Hall also presented the report of the Controller to which was annexed resolutions arra? , asking Councils to authorize w to be lomed for the payment of an on nding Bounty, and also for the payment of pia for repairs done to the Gen. Grant Engin House. After an se meted debate the resolietiOne Were pa Mr Drum offered the following rebolution, which on motion of Mr. Thomas, wae;eierred to the Committee on Fire Engines: IResolted, That•the Committee on ire En gines be instructed to place the .General Grant Steamer lhcharge of the Commbia Huse Company., and that they consider the,proprie ty of . selling the Grant Engine House and erect another in the Third ward. A resolution was offered by Mr. Irwin pre tiding for the appointMent of an assistant vicee City Reguhttor, to be COatitmed in ser ntil the sewerage is completed. Ado- Kr. prlreeented resell:lElcm prorid . that all as (UM from the streets, be ed upon e C ommons . Referred to the Street An ordinance • creating a Health Officer, passed in.th C., was non-ormourred in by the 8. C and a Committee of Conference appointed. The report of the viewere on the opening of Davis alley from Webster street to Pasture lane, wan read and accepted. Mr. Thomas offered a resolution providing for the appointment of an Assistant Street ComulagdOner, whose duty it shall pie to see that the city Ls kept free from nuisances of all description. Thepted- appointment is to be for six menthe. Ada Mr. Irwin offered a resolution for the grad ing Of the Second and Third Ward squares. C. C. non-concurred, but suggested - that_ the dirt be removed to the river ban k. In all matters not otherwise noted there was a unlined concurrence at the hour of ad journment. collagen council. Present—MeSarl. Brown, Campbell, Crinn : ham,•Panihaber, Banns, Megrim, Myers, - ler, McNeil,. McDonald, Reed, Riddle, W ter and President Bouncy. The minutes of the last meeting were and a r.3W d. inber presented ispetitimi from the citizens residing on Chestnut street, pre ing for tha.rernoval of a draping from the he 'of zer Mr. Panlinehi house to the of Chen Chestnut and Canal street& Head referred to the Water COMmittee, with to act. Mr. McDonald—a petit r an for the remov of a public gas lamp, now situated sixty feet t of Fremont street, on Western avenue, the corner of Tremont •street and , said eve, ue. Read and referred to the figs Committee, With Tower to act. . Also &petition for the erection of a fire ping on the ' corner of Buena Vista street and Tay- I lor avenue. Read and referred to the Water Committee., With power td. act. Mr. Hanna, a petition for the building of a sewer, commencing atidarket street, to the 'river, via Carry street. .Referred to the Com mittee on Sewerage, with poWer to act. Mr. McNeal, a petition for the erection of a public gas lamp on Poplar street, in the Third ward. Referred totes Committee, with power to act. Mr. Megrim presented the report of the Committee on Wharves and Landings, to- CtiliMt with an ron ordinance r emboweringoa LT:, to the grade establishedyfor hii r h and low water line and properly secure t em against l iftiatz e bi: , wate n n ee Th r e e Letr , report naree l an e e s epteg parawd. . Mr. McNeil presented the report of the San itary Committee, with an ordinance creating a Health OMee and a Sanitary Police, to con sist of one person from each ward. Mr. Hanna moved that the ordinance be amended by dispensing with the proposed Sanitary Police. The amendment' was accepted and the ordi nance finally passed. Mr. Hanna, from the. Committee on Markets, preinated the report of the Committee, to gether with the following abstracts of the re. ports of the Weignmaster and Clerks of the Markets for the months of April and May. azostrra eon span. John 8. Edgar, Diamond Scales 9238 19 W. F. Andrews Seamed Ward M DMICILD D 911341: Clerk of Markets.„. .. , 811 37 The report was accepted and ordered to be Mr. lieed_presented the report of the Com mittee on Fire Engines and Hose, The:Com mittee 'recommended the eppointment •of a committee to inquire into the probable cost of the erection of a Fire Alarm Telegraph and report to Councils, and also recommending the renwanteation of the Hope Company m the Second -Warr, te be supplled with hole by the city and the members to receive the same r given to the members of the Grant and Wz; report Wan : accepted and.the resolution adopted. Messrs. Reed, Riddle and Walter were ap pointed on the part of Common Councils to in tdre into the rost;of erecting a Fire Alarm hir of presented • his rein/Path= as a member of the Commoo,,Ceencil, which was read and accepted: Mr. addle tedutordnsnce requiring the Superm dent of the Water Works to metdraw ord on the Gintroller - for the pay- of persons ers performing fractbonal parts of a months labor at the worka. Bead, and brid over. Mr. Miller offered-a resolutlen instructing the Mayor to issue his proclamation for an election, to be held in the Thlrclward, to elect one person as a member of the Common Connell to all the vacartoy:Occaskined by the resignation of Mr. John Myers.. geld - =BO times and adopted. Fanlhanber offered a resolution Instruct , Mg the City Solicitor to ascertain If any plans can be adopted to prevent the depositing of filth at Butcher's Bun.' On motion, adjourned. ' _ O 4 W t. r Ike X*74 111 6 ae• Alhed ilson was tiled ln the Quarter Ses sions Yesterday for the bireetty. of ithorse and. buggy. from in front Of. the Theatre. on Fifth street. The =idol= was that the 'accused VIM very drunk, that lie staggered _rip the stops of the Theatre saloon; (where he was, 'or bOil been,OszkOOptrj to too paventent and' ...against the horse and buggy, which belonged to Or. Itinehrrt shah= -beanie% Standing in the street. .ile drove the bum' to .Lawrenee. ville, Writ there l ne xt =mg= Condition, and On being arrested day he didnot, alma rently,_trocellect anything about the trainee. Lion.. Excouttve drunkenness' being .proven, the Jury acquitted. thedefendant, vlng aim the bane= of the reasonable don tas to his having entertained any tolcnitous intent; The fact 'that the defendant had beerta hAr. keeper at the saloon of • the - Theatre, however, attracted the =Mitt= of . S_ Monett, d onett, an tiitson was required to_ give bail to answer for selling liquor without }Wnite.; •• . •111.13mgentlemaaly heth Swam= made an information before Al derman DOWlldson, yesterday, against Goo. Glendalms barkeeper on Waterstreet, for ass sault and. battery. The deponent states that she went 'into the saloon where Glendale is employed, and called for a tuatara:dale, where upon the latter oast a tumbler Lull of mote water in her 'Moe, and called her a d—d b--h. A warrant was issued for the arrest of the oo- _ • , _ . BOY Droessed.,-Ireetiining afternoon WU, thy son of George Bunter, residing in the Med ward, Allegheny, Was drowned off raft in the Allegheny river. on which, be WOOD lay, ing with some companions. Voroner OlawSon held as Inquest, . the jury rendering a verdiet of accidental drowning. - 138 °" 160.4 „7 48 be tween (=ant fire years of age. t - , •Conienleseduinfer Boyle Wl5 before Mayor Morrieim,-ilbarged with Aru is. cameo and disorderlyoroubsiti on oleth of bor. busbeed. yes coistraltted to obt cry for Undo*, sil'elie", , moiresbeat Ol , .erhinh iL is hostel. eke. wilL:00 - -.tstany „ r a mme d . A . at ii.panest - trade rearftillnroads 44111011 . OW. • .• ent.—toeording vo ttie pOnal niljnat . approved -by" ;the ?roar- •nentanattald indlleeletters p ar a atobeloeward; ea, at tike -Mt 1 014:0t,tang loom one otke to.another wltatont 'additional Peelein' 'Aga Warned , dead letters reline& 0; 1 welenter tt{ereOt tree,of.pollelte. ..Mlebasey , Bosnian. Indicted for the butenrof clottibag i r Lewis Limier, a Esete, and Mules tahl.seoused of steel ing trOinite OA store &vane a. CO, were di " U nted-tion OK& Yeiltera 2 9, :the Grand Jaw bwozgret anted the o, l lia sivOn" mu!' MIEil ..,* TiiE WEEKLY RrIZETTE. TWO 'EDITIONS ISSUED. wasirespaxli - ARD The edition la wed& erl.ll mob Ibt as Ntrt. ft t:Ell or TEN AND VFW ' I 1 The nye ce Ne c e i rC s o — cc T n h m ecnocointwe th h a p ft e er - width time it ban bo procured b 7 addr.,. James Pollock, director of the Mints Phil :phis. P. It alll be forwarded b express tl auul of flay dollars and upwards tree of - !panne to partial ordering. StraWberries.---liir. Wm. Chests, of Char 'tiers township, bas - scut us several boxes of extra strawberries, as specimens of wino.. be . , ever'y day forwarding to ;.the city mark ; They are of very superior size awl flavor Talk= Over--Benjamin Bazaars', conic od of larceny,and Henry Davie, convicted r lakiedomeanor,arere taken to th e peat entiary weaterday by Sheriff Stewart. on s captai.—Ttiomas Dookberty was 'lodged to Jan yesterday on it 'eaplas to an. ewer Darby M'Donongh a plan of .troSpus ' dyad+. • DIED. SILLELL.—On nanolny aoroln6. the Uth. Nr Notice of the funeral elll appear In papers or nr.lay morning. FAIRMAN A SAMSON, UN DERT A TC:FIRS, No-196 thnithileld 8t Car. (Entrance fromßevent6.Btreeta "X . X . r . i . ErZ3lCril.Oleir. AND MN SANDUSKY STREET, mr.A:br. ALLEGHENY, PA. ALJEJE. AIKEN, trxra - masrzgamisaranzt, Sin tee rorirtll street, Pittsburgh. H. ormitra of all kinds,' ORAPES,I*LOVI:NIane everrdears= ,of Fairenil TenThrellla 4.. 1 * laranlea. i„,,,,,,,,a.iaadalght, Hearse ateiCarriagerfatalrliee • llargalLerCliallee. Dane Kerr, • Fe, hi jp,ob.s. „ Thoaula Kering, Ilagr, .1100aK Jell:e7l • .._.. __ ~ 7'7TH PENNSYLV ANIA . 7 170L11N.. TERRA will meet In parthiince So atlloarla -7nent, st. Ftrymeto. Hell Intbe - Dtamond Market tiouse, on Tuesday evening, the nth lest., It o'clock P M. . . Jell5:4lM : T .E. ROSE, RN/a/lent. DUNSEATH & CO., se 3riftb. 0911zreeet. Fine Watche s, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, Silva and BilvepPlatea Ware. We are In recelnt daily of new arras of GOLD °HAMS. Plidd, EAR RINGS. &c. call and see our_elock and !et prices. j e 7 LE LADS' , AND GENT'S N7IiTALM'C'3I33IIIS. • ALL firivEs, AT GREATLY ILEDIICED AT WXLIa T. 171711:1GrilinEip WYLIE ST., NEAR FLYTII. i. W. JOELNSTON JOHNSTON & SCOTT, Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, SILVER-PLATED WARE, ETC., No. 274. LIBERTY STREET, WiItEIIibEILEIB3B4 W . . 02 : 3240 " WifeatrOf= ,`ArkWl,l'l -• It aya • s al WWF t ELEII N. WILSON'S XXIkPX,LCEITMIS) FAMILY SEWING !WHINES. An examination will prove that they are the beat atnehine In the world: Salesroom, Filth Street. WM. SUMMER & CO. el.l:e97:detwT UZI BARTLETT SEWING MACHINE, ; Pronounced by an who have tees It the Blmpl. at !machine tow Wore the potato- It Is as effective and durable aa It It simple, and -as practical all tilt durable. It tuut but to be seen to :be admired. and vied to be appreciated. It eom :blues the elements or& PERFECT PUCTICAL MACHINE iiitorded In st price within the rouge at 'near tig:t7nly .121 kine In the United States ncensed.torts7the WHEELER A WILSON FEED —the best and only.relbsble geed ever constructed. ANFBALEIINEN. WANTED.. 313.134:EUELIT . db 33.00101731 M, WiloixsALlC AGENTS,. 37 1 17%0. 813 31 0 1.1rtia. *Street, My111:411 . . I tTIyIIUWUI. PA. UNDERTAXING: R . T. WHITE & COy UNDERTAKERS AND EMBALMERS, Manchester. Wand's Bon and vicinity. Osaka atoovisat Iltaiseestift Livery Malls. Owner cm 131selltaul sad Martian streets. Hearse and Carriages furatched. nolOdyd COFFINS ! COFFINS ! r►HWiBY I MAHOGANY I UNDISTAXIN% UNDIULTAXINGI _ _ UNDIERTAXIJII,6 sossig WILLI/UM% undertaker. Undertaking In all Its branches Dlsinuinins, laying out and fluidal:dna erematng arsessary latarpeelnterment. promptly attended to. A splendid Hearse and Carriages always on nn-4 at reasonable terms. 481:3 CLOAKS 2 CLOAKS I 2 NEW CLOAKS JEST OVUM AT THE FIPTII 'ST. CLOAK =VOUS& ELEGANT CLOTH SiCHIJES Selling, at 492,5, AT;„THIC New Cloak House, 49 Fifth Tins Opßosite Old Theatre. pieTuomt, miciatinE worths, la. Ohio Strees, . DSPEOVZLI BORING TooLeI,AND rixTl.ll2l I;nsD a t i g lemma. OW A.Nu LIALT,WELI • ater Welted SA Ws . 4 Derrenesta .1a Ja nandbtbse Jen= mace o Veseesed_ inelau amend Kepn= In standard AO= a =sabered. so ttud,partd tan be ordered by faido/R. tea= sadtrudierrafxstatgasr as to those whams w air-s.one.and anease sikede tome= ,Ordereb4.ll4prosesly aiteisde4t.. no prepared= Pa= Se oder inallaMeti. =nen Or Matt thatroVralanta 11110.01 farm(. /kilt" Allei • r softy /1 OT h B'' rem.o- ~Bailee um , . • vutiOi*RAP! , - 11 44w 1 4 1 4.0.treiii. - ,1::: 1 1' 4 , '•!- yx,-; ffn -~.. ..~ ~ 1 Nr' Ii) fl fl.•hl I= =I CORDING, They are admirable FOB • .4114LT/NG, They ars unexcelled. • YOB HEMMING, They are unapproseb eh la FOB FELLING, They are unsurpassed. TUB writcliEmG, They nre Moe, Die. 1.16701TRT/iSTREET AVIN fielittiai ona