Ii 13 - , 1-Ic. a 1 u~~~a~-~~~~: . ( 117 " :-. P CIBL OM Irn P it 1- ; PEN N I fAA REED, & 0%; F. B. PEN TM ANllialtel[lll. • • • oTg Ith soT0:111. :4 ; aAAe}IA 11 V.lllKkii ill""regi.nlK"igiri4 ~ 1 Eiiti r.,..TuNE,14.,-18136i1-...13 Nommitots. 6, qvYlculiti9is MAJ. CEN.CEARY, of.N9l,y,"atnnam. 6111111771 Ci.LKK OT ' /171,ErLEY;Cnty.' " t 0 U 1 o.4toikg,ALL'itisowx, Ilaraptan Tp. or wariims dotrarri ALEICAtilbEit nxtonOts , • •-st:aiwnrata zesErit rt.'ita RAT. Plum Tp. coamasatomus: r.SEURATE lIALMULTOft. cult : , iniuttiroki'dt rook; aroma V. uttavii;Munin'rp. 40n r. LANnicity. t.44spoitias-witaing, Pitt I T. •,.011a1114111V - it. Mel& gr.. North Fayette Tp 111.11111611.4:11.&011FICei Oolhns Tp. rarrau.,l3ol4`Tp. - s /L. VOLVIII.LI6 City. OF THU Amin( OF r;p,:-:-THE POTOMAC. title Witxters Swgrerox hasissned from, the press of Mr.. C. B. 16611.1613M0R, of 2.tevr•York., a royal octavo volume of 640 pagei.-- ~Tot the nerformance-of' this-leak - Mr. inthighigoveial.fmtcrtant adyrui tagcli He - Shire& the ',Vielsffitildes of tic Army - of the internee. front :91tbegiordirg to the end of the Wai;:::ta'an army corre spondent to theonublig jeadmffis he tlettion strata the possession of rage cawity for .delhaenting army: nunerneirts, arid the still higher ability - of forming' an accurate judg ment of plans of campaign and the execu tion thereof. He, moreover, hada personffi acquaintance with ihe GencraLs-in-Chief of that 'army, and with most subordinate offi cers of high rank and reputation. He had heard them criticise-the movements that vicie made, arid contrast them with those that warn possible. After the war closed most of these officetalitely. placed at his disposal their official' papers= - and private memorandas. The leaders of the gonfed erste army extended to. him like favors. Heren, he was'enabled to lbok at plansand Movements both from the Union and Rebel stand-points; to expledn. many discrepan. elps;tosietect various erroneous jtuigments; and tri let .ha floods et* light, on BOMB mat ters . sahirdiware necessarily obscure at the times they transpired. That Mr. Swrxxon'u judgmeitts, on all points, may he accepted as the final con clusions of hiatorical.mitidsm wears far enough from asserting. These events are yet ino recent to bejudgedwith perfect can. dor. .Vite, bland-too near: coining' a tubber survey of so. Teat and. montonNus move meats. Those who crone after us will have ampler knowledge upint which to predicate judgments, and wilt - bO divested 'of these passions and prejudices which now uncon sciously warp the calmest and most upright minds.., BM, in. this particular. departnunu Mr ; .§witeros has made a contribution to historic literature of conaiderable import ance; certainly of greater value than any preceding one. Tile volume is enriched with diagrams of all the; . hoger battles, drawn by acrompliabiti engineers of the sirmT• Vie-Judgment plonouncedby, Kr. Swiss• iron upon Gen: hicezzimen does nut war. rant the passionate, admiration of his ve hement partirens;rTliat Judgment is Girt his military capacities and aptitudes, con siderablein extent and, value, and ;opal beitei stilted to the'elhitiet thatethe' field; that his deilclencles point in.the mane direc tion; Mit *Oa topless but not to exe cute; that he ii prime to exaggerate the dilliculfieSitrhis - Way, arid hen& tri tinder estimate the resources 41.14'.,Conniaand. So - ferair. Bwmvosi confirms the opin . ions - of the radinals„-Acyngress anitout. But our author is cared to sustain Ids con elusions by proof.. Take an illustration. It will be r ,rentembererkilial s • wheirri Medi.witis" uNir his army in rc'rnt or Washington during a large part of 1861-2, he insistedh4Wie s otittith r idSlie# lAidy by the enemy opposed to limy and that the rebel n rseel mere set,:iolt-poperis jo Awn: in Nittlpultri,t ffit WPM,: demonstrated that be had 150,000 men at hisdisposal for active operations, While the forces opposed to him never exceeded 62,- 000, 804.9 0 4-. 4 0431te5e opposing forces were suffering under a Na tty of discipline, a demoralization of tem sale, ertinptiiitit; and transportation, which made it impossible for them to do any -thing but retreat if McCisiman had made an advance. 5 ,°;" Czszt. l ti began that useless siege he had a magnificem army of 824006 tnertl"Genend Idsourions had only 11,000 ; and of these, he wasable to brink to the Ord tione, no more than 5,000. Yet there Gen. Ilizezezzsiii ;creamed, in' Gni xntriasTfull month, digtinertneheii, (Ise foices against him rose to 86,000. When Gen. McCiellan ‘ nude the assanito l . l P• eflfffiY was gone: " ' • Thus is It demonstrated that the change against Goa McChzt.i.sw•by the radicals did not proceed from jealousy of his fame, but from undnbitableAlefs, incapacity for the position he held. Of GenerAl . k.Ainswistrot,, ?Arm aLOomm andWilis, our author's Judgment does mot differ from that ofmost intelligent civil- . lausthroughout the..country. In respect to General , Onsitc,• large , ahatentents are made from thipOielar mate,':;:ile gives 'the' erecilvfarspurt tenacity of. purposri4n'tfie pursuit of the main oblect, but deftlaCts from his ability p? wpm:pyre ,successfully, 'area masses ,of troops. Ills success.. in, taking end . iiieitlaroWirriiiertani4xi c and t orpturing„lllcluporni is Attributed to his. superior MilszilditrY of will, and to thrfei haustion- of, ihe ,Confederatf , KeIRIII7I of men and' nerterird. Mr ' Swirrbrp - intles . with great Gear -i ness, end has an aniline] Mated' Of. Pee: sonal knowledge of the nuateranpr,:whielk he discdik4. 'Ant This - most that his judgments eof• men and events do net differ widely from those width` have 'ob veined all, along . ...runong , Jateldgera. m i n who had no special, ,-.Opportnuides for frfaheting If ha hiay ; beac.. cepteci as. a - safU:guide, popular' 'instinct . seems to have run' before' and ardielPtred the aw a r d of j history ffi. • =•4 Itir. Swirl - vow attributes , some of the rail- IlarY mistakes of lAe:wax te.;theirtelcon ' Preufc449l7o)7:gederta egatitudzderit _lke political fikikek of Ovarki'i.lbruusbori :the It Precisely what bet:trans' is commun rioi. twos :41/ dent enough `. that Party, ccor4ldinithins,-tort large degreei:, suPetiOc-dih:4oo47,lllfeiy,,military as- *we, .41rec*g:;147. 11 : 16 Yetha t i - 2 miss f r piider4iittrbtaiteti:ita tak e 1 3 1 . 4R -410114 ; -abieri. • - PleritY to wen .tke , C l l 4 k9flci: eekteldt. ..f,4 1 6 in upliiiiiiteur to theduds for. whlelr c. lie W urine „ govern- meat, free to c.honse, deliberately elected in time of war, to entrust th -efvler armies to its political p l:eoe4v witting all the gene tirere y al, In a subordiruteVv. , ;el itjtels natural they should not care to give the :government decisive results, in the field !falai k'icitri should h , put to such wens they could approve. Al- PY's!. , ,SePPY, APPlL44,s:9;taderatilfat AY erated. , Bat - whest , the copi mender the candidate for the - rfesidezio4bf to imiA. :roman, it was manifest.the dic tates ofidlitarytwience would be held tit , ferior to poblicaPraggettions„ was this bltutdd 6f - I'i:eeidebt: that fire- Meted Alto *remit.. Perham there war a providential - ordering, in, it; :hoWeier.. the lebra eing of tho war caused; it ;more completalY, to aerie tia7 ends of Liberty any Humanity. = —Ex-President INll,more an wife are In —Prize-fighting is on' the vane in Eu rope , —Oil Strikes in Tennessee arc quite fre quent. —Pickpockets are, operating at the, west-, ern depots. . . • _ . —Forrest is attrantleg immense andlentea at Ban Fituieisco., —The postal order arrtu4ement Oa Tor y wcaiG Califoras.- —All the) lettere from , 4107 describe the war fever to helniertio. ,- —The Fenngt-in%**;"*.as, plivined• rrit'A lat4gU;FAttsblikih, • • .—een'thentmd'dollars'..lloo bbeesalt . 'Gen. Sweeney, -(}metal Santa Anna is about iss*4la. deAL[ing his Position-and Polk'' , 1 --Benjamin MitbT .the tor, died in Philadelphia Wn Sunday night/ , - —The testimony in 4 case .o.f. land' Claim in California covered four thousand • • pages. —.William Fox, an old. coal dealer of 14ashvilla, was recently , shot ;dead by his; partner, , —Gen. Asboth, Minister-to Paraguay, sailed from'Xtrur Tork for Shrew on Sat urday, on the way to his post. —The =hest &urchin., Boston, is Ilia. Old South, which is taxed this year for 11435,000 worth of real estate. —Alexandre 'Dimas has gone to Italy to accompany Garibaldi during the war, of which he will writethe' history, as a spec tator. —The brain of - Prphat was found to be ppIOW the average Weight, 'weighing trat • y-sia. .heart 'Weighed a 'tile over nine ounces. 1 —On Sunday last at New Balem, Indi itts:,' 'Henry pougherti Mot . dead a man. named Thomas Oliver, who .had been playing paramour to the mur derer's wife. . -,The Empercir Napoleon is, restoring the garden Or ttie;ctisar's palace, in Rome,. on the-mint extensive. scale. Possibly he hopes to 411 - surnettehlg. out Of, it fbrhi.s tourth,volmne,,. , :—Edward ' a New lrei# law yer, whose library was ma damp basement, died of eholem.on-Ilonday, and a dometi• tic who wsV pni ghisOtPo s diefi °Me Mau diseaseti4.7,f4y - ' , . —The-ohr Atha Winless , of the 4c struchem or Ssa 'Francisco by a great earth quake &dog the year , lB46, has caused irn mense consternation among diveri old too men of both sexes.in that city. —A man in New York has raised one Hundred thousand young trout, which he lies sold at. 450 per thouseark •for stocking streams and , ponds. This la doing the skean fish busiest on a large scale.. -A. beautiftd daughter of Mr. Walter MattheWs, of ,Augusta,..lda, :iras.torn limb fromdimb and otherwise horribly, Mangled by being caught"frOite rusrlitesozit of & blind factorym Matolty last week. • ' —M. Millard hatteovered France with newe l :ir:boy/hither Ake American man nes. -enterprise in eMablishing Von des post hint'AldrOTzfrandrecl. thousand tranct, but:the expected returns , are great.- -A couple were hist Week with a-indictees difference in age, the bride being thirteen and thn . groom ninety-one. • The girl Was .riett,, Which makes the affairitill more a matter Of won- , der. ' • • • • • —"lt is affirmed here," says a Berlin' letter, "that the emperor of Rusisitrlis dressed to El.c . William no lees than three leuera, in which ho bleeped tho , polity of Count de Bismark, and pleaded the muse of pew. " -3L Bertrand, a veteran under . 1 1 / 4 10;f' loon E; celebrated.hia golden wedirwE ~evr Raven, lag week. ilafougilt under We Emperor at Ratisbon and Wagrato, and as one of the kmrvivora Ofthe liloscow ex, IWiden. —The grumbling of tbe canadkin press_ ad the .alleged delay of the.lJ. I GoVertt- Ment, in enforcing the neutrality lawil; - minds, 010 of - the boy witp, : ,Op being res cued frofliAtOwlsing, growled at-the quan tity of-water le had been obliged to matal7, . . . —Borne of the streets of London aro vary' narrow. "Out of 440 halite city, in brit..lo of them la.titem room lee more , tban two lil ies of vehicles toltsas i .and in lit sue* one line Of vehicles wily . Cart pass., 104 of the streets are not tharcalefares,,tiv.niy, . HAD eresimg•insurance questiOwerati .• • • rebentiy decided by stip bnpreme•Viiiiri' A•bulidingitigdaged.'uganst , fire Tell dew 'The fait occasioned ilre;L which 'deaf-rued aH the fid lBl / 'mark Was the libsurunce. cuMppy• Ceurt said, rib.. The lira must be the edit cierd cause, and thdlloes the direct effects' or Me fat r • —At a iecent meeting of the citizens of Pins Bluff etgat!..y, AA= SaB; cieiteral Yell offered resatit/snot declaring that they wish ed to be 'relieved 'of morbid feelings and ,insane Ideas; that Stste_khave no right to iecedet that negroesetitiMd be allowed ail civil rightti,thet a.stay layv,.ahould b e pas.• ad; tN" NPWA L atioli !Mould be favored.. . . 1-Tiact-Emperor. Alexander is toing to 60 ounrataWarraw durinethe , presoat state of ;European affairs ; 'find in the event of. war, htt- will go to•the Silealan array, accompanied • by. Count' Blareark, yhose eminence in -cdplomacy has lo is since covered tip- the minor fact that he is Major in a regiment ofaLtindweht cavalry, anti 'so s wddier. • • - " —A,dispatch from agar. Rapids,. under date of the ' Mb instant,' to'. Des'.ldolueS, sairi'Ahat ,nisht,membern of -a. mar chint'S itunilk in . Marion were. taken with, trieinninsis ftvemi 'weeks'ago, and , yes ter. day Alick,d, linCt/ie_-,.Other "Salon die.- Art examination shovied the wonusthrouAl out the muscles in .cetorminttrinantitliti.. T 143 '0 61. ** , 064w:tea great eis teinent. br that ilciallyit ' • It le sid,diVar, ihi.ititerior of PerMs34- 4ania .. .curious erect Of the W- I voice Of'upon Innate. . The dors. of :the - elt'titi bits been found to herr undergonoiremariable - changeti. - Veins that . were feint:l4lr *lre being now quite, abtiuddlit This thane, iEr a ttribu ted gritit, measure to the spread or iouitoo,•. +and some botanists predict that the 'for eign ittimlyllkfPgiateily supplantSlin rut •the,s!:.l. , -t-A, determined; double - suicide; • near Parisiihnsjust: been brought '. -to light. • A' river- ,a,robserved the bodies Of male and fo,m. Awing moor tho surface; Hav ingibroughtUlem to Mod =they weitibim , ~to be btlend,tro,,tiicton's, arm to the ' itirdfi*e .rig.b4.wairkthefoimior had , :atm Mint tan.ponad .weight of stones' in his pockets4 , -; , They, , Xore,etiat'OleglintlY. dressed, ikiie t o marksof violence, and ' had apparently.been in , the - , WatS;VFlitit fortnight' + —A brutal murder haqnst been brought to light at '24 l .•Picasaiit -,, Dela'atatti drewl!.=Armstronw livingttbltnpplly ivitirlitiwikytaidliathcr 19th ultimo hot cruelly' Mtirtlefed' her ;bye = brookbigittr :Aka Nv,ittialasia saute lie .lecr , ettid the . bodY: under tha,floor. pen, and then inserted advertitOmints 4 he tsvporpa Q.gu4ng Of- May:information l e nding to thotlkatoyert of 'Aar igheresttlY .944t.aR,, li-.4arof.so,l4* . .Verw.o lautltyltrt - --c _Ara: Jr 4- 1 1,1 OZIO I I* St 4 ooa aft aid4idud dgifd to room; ddrai!llanaonti for.Ote iitAinTE,Atild ad °didl papaililaroisphout:'W-471.410,9ad0. and ale' Canada.. myo-5,13.13 62d PENNA• TOES 7 'l I Tim a:relying members of thta A reglment i wlll hold an adjoented meeting onll;4P,_ Y th irg a at 7% celoedr.P. ar,vin the 00171'.0.” to complete arrange...a tor PartlelDatlng in the Celebration at rbluidepto. Aar gh.. l6 ft A fell attendance 13MneaLed. .'cltuLZ GENRE DROGIEFING OFFICE. rt 1. - ."6l6l4ilaintE, Civil En carairna AND 801.101 TWA OF Jar.diTatiai 9., 1818 T.. CLAIR ISTUCILT, Pod Moe Sox 888, neddence. 14 Bay etrett, prkm: 11011011, PA. 1e14.140 EIFECIPPOWS NOTlCE.—Wheietitti estate, of .Niaitrr Letters Testementinaelt the amelerelaned.,•li parts nnOnlng theMaerfee indebted to said estate erlll. „please make. ttement ate payment. and thaw hay rims will present . th"" vi"" ri ' . l"ffisce webt.4ll, l '.zeTAior. Jele:d •• Wm. J. przar. ~, .... ...i:P" '•• • . : !• ID. T. 8 ,,,,,,, Iv L ..I:STEEIIISVERO., - latt Flew -1 T -.4.ra0 & 15171:14"PittHHICE" COHH I.PH HA 111SHOHANTHLrecalTe ling - 'sell FlonrcHorn' Waal, (1010 mid Corn, Beiligniacon, Lard, Buttitr, , , English inared !nose 1...5r, Rea, sun . !biles Set. sue dw new Yen= anzne. is WILDA tioinite, s sel7_stiptSl , 141,siot t .DSOsPesed.as :is. NM WOOD Bungee. , ?stem , .. .. . , H. 1/101371. - ____,..... 1°44 - - 31111A1; , . _. trawls'. OF Tilt, c 1 'cage,"CriterEir. somata Mill . be held at the house and/ ends of the Home; ,o2L rtillitelLeY NE LT. itte - Ift g 4. eoLumetieleg ut 2 yreloek, r. N. • flonatlosusforth bbieet are tollell, ad, and may be loft onor before Thursday JoioreLog, at the teeldenee of Mrs. Goy. Jvit.NOTON retie street, ~• : 1 - • .. • . {, jeMeet _ FISEWS1811" 116111 ti HFADERSON Desdere 11'11101NC 'PERO 11Cts PHODUCr,idal receive oonsigednents or W rl.lll and TICE. Ir,stEL dirt cs front bake nupedior during theaeasou. Orden (rum intr and Ossuary Merchant, will be Allcd at the lowest rases. olkerkand Warebbuse, Corner &cyan • and T. 7 streets, kltrab • r w ra. . Serldennerrs cninrA Decoiconsania Decoration. A tine usortmeia)oal. received at xa•cp. 2131:017coaci. EA tree!. it. ).Wet IL lUOUT AND ..VENANGO etcA l tod ° 4 l :egrv,Prd.ol3llilPifrNirt° 011. CObire.ti I will be held at ette , ol2l,:e brebe I`"WebiliA°:l,l?.l3rg ti at *hie tibia abil'elbee e•'dent; Bob' of lop .recters muleteer obbeee• ennui, Oilmen teethe. en:. ye. J, di 1. FARM Clerk. ..f. ... PaVIDENIPAontE. ~ , • TE t,3l ,l)l mciort of 2.- A wisawaa.agana as !dead of Utak: 0 CO . . have-Realm ad a div TWO PER VENT. On {tatr expl.til Moot, cletr 'et bat enancitinie . Witt= 444 AM: the Ut& Int.., r at the offioir o} ll xr6 •• • 'Secretary artagesitlCV.''' =3 P " . . . ipt K14111. 1 N MOO, ~ • „.DiOsrtea sot . I'44.l}fitt, o_oA_ Decorating.:."', itao4MAL AND.'aoima, GUAIU 13.2202.2 and STANDS.,:Aeratlety of Uses: last reoelVe4. at S 2 woon ototrr. - ( 22ic7a1 U, 211021 t. - RoorsssEiroui AND GAITEUS.-- LAUGI POSITIVE SAVE:- , ThefetiTh be sold An IUWAY AFTERNOON.", June 15th, at 4,3 o ' oo l6 4 4. Lb. Ai:ldiom /lowa. 1A Pedezal e i tol f Zll6%i li ctriger ATlV.ntiltia jr 4 Y,".l AAA IdlaseslAutlati3 Alton, It °tote° su KM ItAiiit Acid toasty very-4.41[ We • Abodt. Hiders Will An ft 40 Unit tote:est to Attend - this sale. jolt A. LF.OUATE. Aaottoneer. 111 - • • a """ L itig Mlrt.g. ( l°°"°'. isoo btutteil i arm at 4 4 . ; • 72 1 1V- 4o" .X.o,aroTo; 10 bbll4 Green' Caub i tr, = " l " agritis i gaitot Liberty street. ..1e44 I'OTTER, .11.1.E.5K 4III4PABD. : :A I • • WO Dried Peltebes; 10 bb le :h.opleat • -sabbworfeerobinitivi laces:PriedUrape*V2robter; 1121s11 Wbortlebeerion ft bbl..Eldtfrberrl6in 4 bls. • Taxed readies, ferule br , a...ll:_vourrtratt: F.FIH.'BQC~I 4S ..TMECEILIFED' t.a,V1.18 DAT_-,4obabhels , 4 7 .ed 1:11ossona, Itate - o=o traccwl:l4l, fog pal, in Jots wos%Ot. ruclimers:br"', VoII4TECO, BELTINGI:-43ELTINGli.Learttser ogid 0 : ■**eigNrq .. amiKaA.Vlllti, s l = l : l 4: ttn'Atrz e'ranii" ' ;;;;:" V AWeilagtriSbild PRlUReglitUrj,l itomaymor, tor wegui - ei6xxV co, ......caL . ,INEWTAIMERTIBEMENIS - - , ' ------ "Zi l dAillES L' RUDY &AI. . C i-'''' - •-:- - ' ; '.l" ita " , ,-.,- 1 `,.. " 4- .. --- Mucceasoritto , 19,,A0ne -,. Nis: . 2and - ,4 Si Clair girt, lf.Coy ,x, _ 'Corner FaileMerVail IVoimi Os, • PITINBIIRGH, PA., BANKERSMRO,ICIISO DIPAIXES 1.. n -- PIiOTOGRAPII STOCK & Mina , 1?114.8136115 AI.T., WENDS OF OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. ["l3rlll3:mati al curitiel4 .aii isitsims ca roiLlottarem. oreiwprehangp, . GtildMver and Coriporii. FROM • coLLEartoie made on $ll uthselblalrobtheth -- the UllikiidlAlltel. add Canitdai. Interest, nlTOwed on Time Depositso . ... NEW ADVEIL RETVON or THE OLD FAVORITES, SKIFF & EATLORDI MINSTRELS. The meet popular 'lroupo In America. THE BEST SINGERS. THE BM DANCERS, THE BEST ETIIIOTEAN COMEDIANS IN THE W0N.1.1),_• feet, the or plod oftro Of HINSTELLST, Monday, Tttesday & Wednesday, June lath, letat and .90th, at 3:l3..daMs2tid - Xts EVALT-11.4. Arts:anion 35 cents, Iteserreol seats 50 . Ociati. Doors open st 7; perlOrrosoco 'at 0. )314:11131 GRAND ORGAN CONCERT. THE EMINENT ORGANIST AND ffinWOAL.DIR OW GRACE, OkrIURCEI, Now York, CEORCE • MORCAN, wai A u... GRAND ORGAN c e II.CORT:BWe psi by Ladle and.Obuilemen of ety. ST. PAUL'S , CATHEDRAL, ON FRIDAY 14113N0111, AMC on YAM ci-reals.a.ms coraca,asr. J...lcrstee by OtOlOal tI,LIIIMBIE ♦ BON, Y 112E23 1. W C roicto Or rps g h-jui4an Yugo S. flaimtlneuil...lllsekamllll .• ,.. Ovuttar. %.Wllllmi Tor* :... • HART 11. . I. °T4putTartu' e t "NIT Who tx , ..... ...... Wehea 1. viailons. , 1. overtsqe. •11141.4141me ar r4 Night keieurk" • Mesidellsobn. 4. Grand redslVarlation4, OD Nltlottal AM. M 0 14:d14 111111. JULY 4 . 1i1, 1866 FIRE WORKS! FM WORKS . Webow offer to the Trade a Lune aed west select.' od steel. of VISE WOOKS for the coming nth, coos. PVCilligrAtrattiegirirtgets.,from . 0 to 111 Col.ired sod Clain Boman tto le baits; .Greatheeppers. Serpents; Beard Lights, Tr's:MOM Rowates,AWrolls; Vertical Wheels, daxon Wheels: Volcanos, Sines of Stan; Flow. r Pin Wheels; letuToh'itLerpents. at.. ae., Toitether - WWI a lart o rarlety of Exhibition Fleet, ets tr m kerslrd e arpe A does, ' Llatt rga :hich li; f e ' olar t at the iowcst market prisee. orders solicited, to which prompt attention will be gieen. by USTUEN. 81L05..- Ros. I.2B.atid is Wood Maw, Sole Ants for U. P. Detol's celebrated Tire Works. aIAT, WESTERN ON WORKS. J. H. JOHNSTON, = Fine Rifles and Shot Guns, ARMY. NAVY ..8 POCHET IMCVOLVEMS. oxu.- BLS EA and MUSKETS. ell kinds of AtandahirlaDiTXPlOZMitTs And GUN MAKESVP PLATEIMAL. Military Com panies torniatied mlth arms at &holt natl.. all kinds of repitleinhdone In the best maim, hil-SHOT GUNS FOR CE. ihritentstsber the Asc. Corner Penn and Wayne Streets, inSleft PITTSBURGH. rw. LIVERY AND HALE STABLES. NORMAND & COLLIOCIN W. Z. IDW/Alle COLHOUN & EDWARDS. 'IIIIIBTUB LIO HALM SODA ASH AND CHEMICALS, ire. 24 Wood Streit. lona:l4W PhanlolPhin 200 tons Soda Ash, Kosts's, Untehinson•s. Ind Crosawld's monde. 400 bag, Nitrate Soda, Crude WI Relined: 'MO kegs Si Carlo Soda (English); 30 bbluEenltianliea, Cookson's; AIMING AND MANBANESE , - Qf choice %wand► eonsinnil7 on bond. 116 gob SO tuff purchasers. osrathe the cant leading from Pittsburgh to Nobler. ciugA erAßEßougs. WIWI.. I. &MU township. lies 425 & 427 Liberty Street, The eery hest 1101151.3. OARRIAGICS and BUG IEa kept far hire at all germs 'The Ana.% IlliCa.nna to theelle. Vuoerala. astenned to an snore natter la W. ne. manner. rer•ona weaning to engage angtblng to Our Line c? I rely upom Dam; united oat to Um beat style, as On "wept...ton give tLeir persaaal *Mallon to the Dwitnes*. jelleAt - - Orrtcs or 1ANT1. Or A.C.I.ROMMT Co..? rITTAISVIMIL, June Ith. NOTICE TO coNTsacgreus. SEARED. PROPOSALS will b recal•wl this &Hie AnOI urn 11211PPART, laelz.lve, or tbi, MILECTIUS OF A NEW WOODEN BTBOUTUUT. AT THE BRIDGE ACEOSE CUAETILBS OUTLEE AT IIANSIFIELD, g=aiMMEiil By direction of ConntY Commistonere. JettoMdlterT HICN111"LAIIIBZRT. Oontroller NOTICE TO BUU,DESS. 01.11c3 etmese Pld asa tu.o.wAr. PITTSIIIII44I,4Itbe G. IM. SEALED •119110POISALA wUlbe met.ea until MONDAY. June lath, u tbe etdee or am Clthen. PlumOzer StonvoT Company. No. 111 Peas street. for ibe • Erection of the Stable Bnildinp of teld Company In the tioroo'sb of LasiraziosSllla, atiordlog, to plea. and specilleatlons of the .113116 to be seen at the owe. er J.W.Xicri.Araaftet. No. blBt. Clair lit., on and after Mader, atbinste Jewel ' !AIMS VlaiNfill, rt.-Odell. PHILADELPHIA SALOON 11341-i+IO In the OW of Canton, Ohio, woo. sum= AND LLB. Z. Aiiko;;TITNN11:IIIllt of maid how, all neif. llobse eontailes too rooms: tomer boast. near , tbe mare [loose and root Oct,i la the centre of ilotallY• Reason for selling, am engaged In otbes [minas*, jellic3o The Fountain Horticultural ICE CREAM SALOON In Wilkins' Hall. Fourth atneet, near SsolthAelti. Is now open. Tete Best fitted, *West and most Inducing MAY , ER GARDEN bALOOLI In Hindi...tn. tee anew, cakes and eenteetWnartes always on A FINE ORCHESTRA has been engaged for the season, and will be In attendance &REMY EIGHT (except minden iron, seven WI twain Orient. Best Ice crcp.tD, traits, and berries, always on hand. myl2:fito MADAME ROHE, Manageress. MOULDEIES , ' AbirD IMITC 133117.114CrW e ggs SC/YTNES AND SWAMIES, sox - htmuuts.srtsants, mouse TACKLE, EASE BALLS—New York ItegolkUrms. SAS, BASES AND SCORE EWES 136 Wood Sired. Y. C. WWI% btAIOIIYACTOBEL 01 Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron Ware, ?fed deat u ej-deri v :M . H i O x ya w algrillNti . TOILET AIETIOLLIA • • itree 3.4413121ri5aa3419 1 tr00t, • PITTBRUKOH. PA. Tble Houwe le the Ohass4st,idaca tbe city to buy Penes eAd Plet Ware. Jae Week promptly ittend• ad te: Ausintran lumen AN 1P.E1291:0 a C. ItioN.ASTER& CO Ne 6185 Ohio St., Allegheny, ., _ wtapplasle 44114 Ratan Peal , apiciiir,„ *cad, dr" fOrrsdia. ' Cal& paid for Alms{ and Bye. • lesal coonta'Orikr. . . ...... 17.11411 N U - C C. 11.11L110Ntitt 0.004 • ii.intiicuumi;ue])eaten Pl ." ! _.:f . ?? 2l E k - :4 641 4 1Ca, 4300t5, 010Eti-4c: GAITERS No. .140 00W.Stip' ittPibliiiimin4"pUreZoaymia itest no . telmba D L. PATTERSON:I6,FM • . MANCHESTER 'SAM ' MILTS," Soaver thdan tin all klianot Lumber •tartalpfa WI" nala Week alma. lata 4 0 . ' ,~aourrEc~uas~,. BARR MOSER, ARCILITEMs .114,e MMOTed to the hen; WeilebNft Nos, - 2.and. 4 Bt.Mjair 131** . • , . they mUI ba pleased 14 meet tbelreldgdia." aupo • desist , weir perelees. ' Je11:,. . 00; 1 9 10 90 1 :BRitmv ,, , 00 For T wo -Male Only .IWO rnaIIIFICII WIMP Mr{ WPM; APP , J,Ellka. SWAP* Walk rottsavotw et 4411. a ne a p, toraMS DA 2 / 1 12. WU. Viguptte.to We Size Taken, And warranted to glee perfect eattefaotton. fell•dl9 R. S. 11'111IINZ811 K. FMINULK G.F. 01.11 AM AMERICAN MACHINE NI ORM FIBER, GRAHAM & CO., Engine Builders. and Machinists, . • ILANDTACTriIitIa or Oil Engines, Oil Tools, And everything. necessary for Poring Oil Particolu attention paid to Fitting up dhaftlag ELangert, tn. Marton Avenue, near Ft. W. & C. Es=M=:=Ml REPAIRING DONE PROMPTLY NiCIONit. 1B41.1.&13, Stationary' Slide-Valve ell Engines, Ifatidfsetexed In the ilLatest , and most Improved Style SUMMER UNDERWEAR. GAUZE COTTON. GAUZE MERINO. LISLE THREAD, SUMMER SILK, • SHIRTS AND DRAWERS. Muslin. Fine Jean and Linea Drawers : .itaudl .ItossinL Great Shirt and Collar Depot, - 78 > 3P7ZEPT7EX Err., Nearly opposite the Post Office Together with • complete Ilea of Gentlemen' Furnishing Goods, Opeettlly adapted to CR) Retail Trade. REMEMBER, .Our Business is Exclusively GENTUNEN'S FURNISHING. MURDOCK & PIITNAM. alkat PITTSBMGH NATIONAL BANK CO CORNER WOOD & FfFTBSTB. ' Capital, $500,000 Dilemmas Daily at 11 A. N. Deposits received and collections made on all the principal points of tke United States on favorable terms. UNTIED STATES SECURITIES mumuslist arLet 0134:141.61.. otrioloss: PATTERSOI . , nt 'JOSEPH IL rt .,. JOSEPH C. GIULIO, Astisiant Cashier. I.4IIIACTOREI eperrEaboN, f WA. USED, tejt laker t att3 I i t l / 4 1 : 1ti o t/HALATaic IitTAV . I WM. 8. al t Vii , elm - RICHARD E. BREED, XIidEIPPCMLITZEIEs. No. 100 Wood Street giT WARE atßhind . • CHINA SEA SZTL • CH IN A DINNEU SILTS. TOILET IHSTA, .NOHANIAN WAIN" 85 .S/1 ^ irscsaTicer. VffilrA*o.6 kgt trweAAKlrrc ttfte WAIIWAStY ro om vitrielles. Wind% awl Mall adt. • mb. l midmost complete MITA of emannhi.ll tiL sArtarsoa c a.misa as In ids annum er lb. „ 1.40 " " p, NEW tEit-IaC)TIS: A Very Urge apd Select stock of HOTS' CLOTHING .rtrErr RuotrvED, us A.L.VaS T ICA LI3ujaiDirn o t?'QaLL wuil and examine. CRAY & LOCAN, 41 St. Clair Street. WEST G. HALE. DIEBORANT TAILOB. Mum MEDI II 111111 & BT. MIS HUM, Desires to Mara thanks to We Mends and the pale' 114 geherally [or then liberal patronage, and would reepeettelly 'lnform them that he has last andret lntenlothe Eastern =rhea WWI • huge wen aeleetad crock of . WINE WOOLEN GOODS, Peculiarly Actopuxi filOCTLExmzi•o WHIN(' AND 817/01111 WYAB. le THOMAS PALMER IfIOLINIE lAD UNA 11111111 II WALLALA PALPE.II t TRANSPARENT WINDOW SHAUL •1' a.XiXI CO 17 XI Nit. Warehouse, SI Wood Street, Seooral door below Dimond Alley, feSidAnd pAILLOIL PAPERS. • NEW LOT OF • Standard Gold Papers Now received, otbesnttfal design. for ors, ci No. 101 MARXET STREET, NEAR milt SAVE THYSELF. A CURE FOR IRTEMPER&NCE. Dr. S. Cutters Celebrated Stomach Bitters. The greatest Herring ever discovered. The addl- VIZ . . V& th '9, A rt to Ind l o t f ß i lWe C tr=l7; pe oct antidote , to intemperance. Pe'vloos to his discovery of the liervine, this medicine w. beige the EnV,sh public, celebrated ea • Tonle and Al ferules, In di... of the Stomach and of the Bowels. and - ollimaaes arta,. from Impeding of the blood. Ara nerving leWear. the choice of the Stomata. to all pg. . addicted to the nee of scho olmate and narcotics. tech . ainottol and matt nqutra, oplanionorphbt, amok, tog... ha, tot It remove* the morbid appetite, or craving ot the stomach for athrtulattt;ln Headache, Neuralgia, and MI nervous diseases, it hat no equal tut a Her rin*. Ten year. nee 0 the Imp roved English Bitten 10. St.ltarthOlotnew . a Hotp tal, St. Ilary'a Hospital. Newirate and. other pitons. ItuestabHthed its rep utation, as a mire for intemperance, and Maned for It the approval of the attending surgeons In all the hospital a and prisons throrighout Oreat Britain. and la praeribed now by many ptryelel.la in Pri vate preened, ibr persons senileted to the usig ailinpulantilancleedatlTea In Plyala, St. YI N N an., EfdlipUe I t begone rodtchinns, an LU ervous diseases, It hila no Mid. Whemittle mid Retail Agent, NEW PHYSIOGNOMY; T'Ji4:E'E;RA.NEENT JO P. HUNT di CO., trio iit:;:masonto Han. JOHN CROFT, REJZITE office,' N R . i 39 #ourtA Stnxt, Plttrbargb. , • •FV.„ ,te r l e .. Estate: .41 . Large three-itorf Brick House, contaLuins tem . rooms, larie tulle; front room on east floor :mod no • Leas Store; hot end cola water end pm through • Mkt the hr i ama i •Lr 21)4 c 111 . ell feet. Situate oil Cheat. not r/LUIBLE ND, Mosta se Tord.frorgntroihejlariVireA bezi alnU M. kiMfeellee• areillpe,eca Amiga =taw •of boarlais haft j se =l4lTik e ar i t $9" soldeopiousuily• if devised. maie Worn ret/alma of 4 sekes emelt. or lamer If requested. T outlaw, laud Is looksed•lor trtuditees men. • 84Acsitti:orumsp, conialninietioji% scree of ilmmlimmiim ereepleadlitcsallty,Bed ea l y el so e Tim eotle..., a ltl•Hugon clew:Arabia. either d - mite s g socel P = L joMe g lre. IttliVEL'lmdkig2"'Atratn""n a t m% vgy ate ;".an r eaStitete ralit beeitesi. n ia :bossing grater ,1,44, Ira= ~9 4 %" 4 07:en 'A ti=iiru=r t triV4Pesi t tml-a " roi44.4llBcotstownsble,umir.ailles froze Um cafe. kIBWM", PerHeakre Willie* of Cheat/04e Wen. amyel • WARING & - - KING, .p4o010„ mat ita lama. Pethidemn 'and 10 prodneii, 4 IDIIQUAWNT pr4r, 27FramaiEnnv20104. noziADwati. WARINC, KINC CO., myinsia IS7 • itltta r3il I= W. A BAWL. MI WALL PAP EMI V. 14 r 4-1;141 , 0: Mad JOS. B. RIMERS I alit) A. TORRENCE, 3/2 No. 70 Diasket. st., (wow otiroartik BIG.) s OF CIMR.feTER, AB X.A.larraTlD THEOlitili =I External Forma, 4nd espoctally la the 1117111 AN FACE DIVINE. BY so= E. WELLB. With more Ulan Oa* Thoitsan4 Illunrations =MITI 1920 /" LE • OA= AlirD WOO 'OWE •JANIES W. I . IIX*6IIDWELL, sea. tf wra3m.Tsssr, (wools r- 00.%,,ad HO. 14110TRITII-STRILIT. LADIES, SANE YOWNONEY. • aiihs;thi ca 4 wow Waft ~#kriallu!Ar z a. 4 1 947 18 13atik l eMS ut i fitaStWiilias ' 4w , RAt. rar.-o,%Thst. iIF AR AA yMoRTQAGB, et ~,,Aer"f2ll=44 s irsBl Broker, if Si. Gib' st, Pro ~►