The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 14, 1866, Image 1

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&RAI ,41;..0.**Orojaltiin,:::.ii
' -
Nnamktiv, D:f
Wait 4ittette.
ata - taiti.diDh.1r a ',31:11433,144.48- P&p ! , f
• ,
appointment of Oom - -
itseirtsitis whet daina‘
were stutudnedtty 3 the
teentkcpwririoholoilsogict....„of kpennsyl
tan's' by the vaHoti's . rebel invasions of the
district., with a viess'iolWiiiitie for the
paymant±ofstic - k damages. The peciPle of
Penmejlthalt litsWinientdeasint
to a ,l44tftiliti,TONiii fact 'or the Mintz
t**l l .o Prtalthltritttlet :tlioßonoti
the fftate, AtitAltly, did present bills to•the'
Cozitnsidtffierti'fbtlie fllll amount of their
imstetotty. Induced their fefowT 'tostforttra:l4
Pat r thatit iWitdptlitoishiid, dollars ter el
-413 iicicurititthe
thhb Elie[ 2 BllL' The affair 11 absoluteli
~!= a l l ied e tlas_MtiaPreeiselY what the
. (9514 to have expected'. iltortc'the ,repti=
kons-- the men prominently con
- Before -any more-money
•shill„lxt VOW, Ate people „demand gnanui
tbeillitit caMttitsif swindlers do not have
an amAiliiiptc;'"fa the gust.*
WE have heretofore remarked that the
Oda&ti f htlinjoialtilsieskiid
violence andoxmtengss ~ alriother. 01113 of
newspapers in the,llrtited, States. Take a
specimen, in illustration . ..„ ,
7. 1 . 11 ,010110tt00d that Ifni. Lincoln is
alki etc' iiiiitbaie 'a residence, in Chicago
for the Aunt of 41 4 , 0 0 0 ,..., tutdithat Robert
Lint. atidettobe
.lidneitted to the bar,
and to enletapoiltheinlitirtice of his pF9-
fusion. in that clty." - -
[The question is,e rettereilid
procure money sufficient to• ;Fey, such a
price foraregdence in Chica When
her coarse 'joking tuld vulgar old go.
dog:husband left Springfield for Washtne
ton, he inuttairdbriendahnough of bis otvri
to defray. his: expenses. there. 1--Penntse'
Jaeksoman.,.. .
A ilinkissmf—A Southern:TUtiarltti4
iu - r use All the:South.
Wa Lava Nardi":
new and intereiting game lin pining
people has lately ,been . invented, and en
titled "GninVaLitic." The - configuration
of the board is something like that of a fox,
and: board eoubled, - Mit` the - addition
of circles of diagonal and straight lines
gives .'bcitoplexity - to the movements.
Washington, Fredericksburg, ...Richmond,
City Polrit, Petersburg, Burksville, and'
Five FOrke, ark s strategic ~p oint, on the
board. The Object:is to, corner the single
piece, Lee, Whick luta the power of mov
ing in a circle, diagoAallz i and direct, awl
the game is so constftited ' that it Can only.
be done in flank movements, , the preserva
tion of an unbroken front upon. , the :MalF t Utiel wild tits
reserVe gipportinkldts tdalce : ' 2f
is'attid that the game la not Levi
intticate -, .than - - chess, requiring as high
powera, atudyzation and combination, and 63 a:nnually-aainteresting. • -
Hamoic.—The St. `Yitimitthiii 4 (C. Vy.
CouristAlfildar,SPO has the following::
Asa Gain of the Grand, Trunk was Ras-
sing thighs:stilly- during the t,
a yo, „Tdr-Itachand, ,
that &house was on fire, while • • 'OKI
scented not to have Wake' ned : • ,
ed the - conductor to stop the
courageous young ar. , 'leaped, how
ever, trom thexara, broke his leg., and yet
crept to Ihe burning house, - which was that
of Mr . Thiele 'Desmarais merchant. The
family . Were all asleep, Itachaud had
supposed, and he roused them in time to
BIM Witit'Ont exception,' thaC of
&Iron lady twenty:two years old, a niece
8 - *C43l4 t% .altlel oil li3:llY The t° B43crlary e Pli :of ee ttt a e l
State ' rienltl ,*ciety - is in receipt of
m i t
fleeces m veus parts bf the State, pre-'
paratory. to the test of - scouring them for
the pat/take - Of likerfailizig the exact
amollatoor *An Y.W.Oottritiahittliward,
Mg preminma thereon. It promtees.
an interesting affair to both tirottraxa 'Mid'
manufactarers. .A.ll,floeces sWM4, •
the..!tiendtre)(..that.:. tdelat, • 1
Juli, a:al:liecommittee who are to auperin
tand the scouring will bo called together
ver Y 1 1 9C1 , !h. 4 l l );afte. l :, ~ ~ ~ 1:, :-..., I P.
Ggeramari Atixemarraorti Pourzerana.
On a recent visit to the Northwest; Gette
rs' ,
at the town in aimincapet r 7 was alma
to mho when the cake cries of "go
on," arreatediiiiir:a to. the in
vitation Id 'Continue, thirMiieiaradded—
".l .have attune& anti have
learned,-by .I*tating,thers, to talk. a low
minutes? whir 'all."
General Sherman, it appeata,haa, -Nita the
rest of. thoirerld, found oat'one of die lit
tle triC4F.s.4.PPrOdonalfAlltielluu
Tax Lancaster '{Or) Zajge 'reports that
loaditles.ix Fairfield o:panty-am awl in
fested ‘liy . -11Orway'4atic- &it'll - 31121de of
_ corn have been destr9yed:by thaw, and in
-race' instshicetattreliweid taken a in 'single .
night_ Gardena sutler in like manner.
They even attack and kill`, thiokaiit
other Oa s is and arreagr i
Sums , ardatiletirbe. tlfit i g
lial e
Aa Inany=arfiintruidr6drlotie ku
lon a single laravin r, oat, daylit Ito air'ffid
force =VIC fg111;
..',. ':. ' ,: . P!, ~- ;.,.; ~1,1 ~.
_,.,.. .. .. ~.
. ,
PassrinarYouiroPnrsce:4lf lii gistiA
thet Prince Humbvt,,son of ViiinerEmen
-tleVlene . ' i ntently nrend. tl*itionutnaW
Of. tile itellius army, ande;derl4K
.1." 7 261: 1 4 1111 44 5 .. anlnt,7:hallild,,."azul.
peOple say-.tlile. sinned or
giving inspornun'eceinneedrtif,,inexneri4
ended Princes., If I . am,...!
clatfortliCeteirr kes'4ll cr my.
Prefiri:Panrdil i s a Clira /9/tr‘al4, dOlag-1
wIJsIT }}J4 •
-- Titenielli'itinebOnnet-AmVie tiotizon.
It hi made of a Witt falrblowir which
Ilea bit ti' the ttiri th• tumult - Pawn on
catif , or'' , 4.7 l ocdtop..Nd. m il e" *NOW AC
criniicrtlonder the/ chin where , another
=alProse peeps tont& The - whole cilhnt
Mt pair - In lesothati thine weeks
tni IF , lfragelisg enatY
las • tOOO- ihtiar6 Cbr
whom them is no tr room inth e, p u l i t e
I:fritlbitteire - " j%
Street. -
Are selling an excellent salad or atitit , '7
C4n g re MPA t i e riOt,t , ftgollliee,* , ;;;
tAidnoley owed Cleilehreomei,n,
Beete,Shoes, Otitere,BihnaraLt,
AO the.-Not quality and 2A166 10Walt
linos" at 4,A.Aotitt,siser"ElNVl47o,'
L •
Moak Pert .:Yortelhe ,
ow, Sid. end tottnet "(filters, Sal
thorahl. QhOlf4
.. 2 ** 1 . 1 ,04411/lefftetiihniet,
J. A. Boblisio it ' s Co.
Of the verf r beliatottelolOw oPeninff" the corner of gouttkendlderket
-- - 'd, BAR
O[ au- •
. the. arlibroaat *Omit eirrour and
Ala 'so* tolni Si Bap.
Moutitb ' ~R:`aoß opetil4
.:Itttivend Market sta.
4.4443ar" LOTS a 810.
lenarat:AMlU'' i.‘,
011 the north4guit,Mter_,V.6qa yfai
muohawinwiouhs. • . 1
ltedlettegi asa•-WAN/-'-a
1 01 , 110 adthillaqtrat." ' •
- i4lol.aliat•
_ . •
4 j .
- ..."."...,, ,
.... . . . - • - '
... _
VOLUME T.XXX.---NO. 139.
The Blood.
Pure air. exercise, and good nourishing fool,
have more to do with health and its coat:inn
ance,and the regaining of when lost,than all
the medical subacute:ea in the universe. In
deem, without them health will be lost, and al.
mast Impossible to be restored. It is elvere
in some violation of the natural laws that re
gulate health that it is impaired or lost. By
some obstruction of the bowels, or theskin, or
the vitiated matter passing Into the blood, It
supplies improper material to the waste that
is going on continually In the animaleconomy.
Scrofula, Cancer, Tatter, all sorts of Erup
tive Diseases, have their origin in s sluggish
Or buy ocindltion of the absorbent glands and
Wier Ogriee body; To restore
tone to Unlike tithe jiiirociackof that great med
icine:l4ln 111 Beycities Blood Searcher.
It sahib restoring - tone to tie stomach and
enabling it to properly digest the food which
" inlctul ;o no ib to the ; supply and nourish
ment oftnystem.--(It stimulates the
glands, permeates even.., nerve and fibre of
the body, gives tone and elasticity to the mob.
liziiiiiiiia;rmytine Of health to
the , a&dand :papa chaik. The Blood
Searcher Is the greatest alterative yet known.
It Is a distill itien Orthilteitlecile and ahem
two roots, herbs and pinata known to man.
The experleooe which I have had with this
great remedy - enaldier mel , ttimaey that It will
cure any or Chime diseases of aomhectlo Char.
ester, nowtonrevalent. - There are hundreds
of people now stiMning with some disease of
the class alluded So; thin 'amid be gated, it
thefwould nee the proper, remedy. The hu
man syldentnt this time of the year is recov
ering from the torpor of the winter months,
,and the iinigglahnees and heaviness of the dif
ferent nursling organs ;aux -be, entirely re_
!MOM; by a few bottles of thls great restorer.
needs a'perslsteat effort In order to make a
thorough cure.
It is by continued effort that disease is eraict,
jested and health regained. Perseverance In
',medicine is as needful as, in anyillaing else,
rand those who use It are sure to be rewarded
by the enjoyment of that greatest of ail bless
'lnge. I receive a great many letters making
:special inquiries about the use of my illood
Searcher. It would Involve too much time
and labor to reply to them all by letter. I can
only say that any one aftiloted with any di
pease, of debility, or of a scrofulous nature, it
rvill be sure to do good, and cannot possibly
do any harm. Please see my column adver
rsetnent, published tn all um daily papers,
or remarkable cures, the like of which has
'seldom been achieved by medicine. in pur
bhasing look for my name over the cork and
ion the United States stamp on the top of the
bottle, as I will not be reponsible for any
Prepared by Dr. George H. Keyser, 140 Wood
otrebt. Price ono dollar per bottle, or six bet
Derrfor aye dollars.
IHeat and N.ettanallon.
It requires a constitution and physique of
untested strength to resist the effect of the en
ervating heat of July , matArtipast. Unless the
system Is toned ea •• •sksibilnemiry a wholesome
stomachic during these primitive months it
Is 'MeV toles sonesedehilitated as taren.
der It an easy prey to the ,epidemics which
Prevail itithelellw. rletlagesatni stomachic i
rbere fa ate be Mundt" asks the reader, who
has, perhapsibeeskold by , Ida 'physician that
It little good bran d i p, ls able stimulant,
end has eought for 4 - eliihilatitirticle In Vain.
It be as idle to ampect.tabotssommacaa
Pitrlty siticitiletiie liktio' il .of cidiiiiiilroo lat
to ook for miracles of pietyln the State pris
hn, or witelont in tin idlbt :aastilim:
Th e r e, 4, o iwildff Mo l !tiVttit.inse—for those
Who need a protective tonic and heeiltbeus
taininarlialmeNtet,theM:eomnutame - at
once, as the torrid season opens in all- its in.
tensity, I coarse Of ageteitekos - Stomach Bit
,ters. Ask the returned ONteers and soldiers
Itf: the Union Array, who have used this elixir
..._. the tar," what Ow/think of ft. They
.... '---,:. ~ ... •at at keeps pp the ettal forces
••• .• • e wilting begins of a verdant eon
Uri , •ut vitiating lima blood or.eresaing any
undue exCateinime hi ihe "citioalaUon- As the
Peet 00 w - /Naimido ten. - ,/t cheats, but not
inebriates." It braces the nervous organiza
tion and regulates Ml thtvinnations of - the.
body. No other stimulant 01111 compare m mi.;
city with the E ds!_e_eil ~..tif liTe., Which. forms its
Nuns, and the:tante Omelet& aid' antl-billons
herbs with which It is mcolleated are the best
of thelt - ,kindsaltie lace of.abOstarth.
. .
itiostetterha Enters .
e ce B°klAndrinall.tiVeliVOWratee
so. 86 * .4 1 1 94 is_tl9 l 4oornar, Of .the Mammal
Ind VAtilit.lkeir•rikina stroca., - ) .
J .
toeenrertliement, in another column, of
ihe Church nom , 10 be held this
afterflooe,ioe>ibe ) fad iii4i2ithirdt the
This institution has 'been established some
dgb d to* that tlxnrit his
*Ea the means ` of - at Coding shelter and pro
obj `on a_Astlopp . uad needs soul,
eefistbVeoridnithinnte fee aded and
Indigent women, and top, helpless children.
'there q are at prelim:Ll several aged women and
eegittikal„., & nis tatiog.wei.*e i lrteggial**
alt °A n,free of all cost. In
r"to grOrtait PrOteettOtt to
o t lielinsas, the Home depends ee their upon
theicree..„ 9ff. ergs ef .beellYelent. tWe
Mope, therefore, that the Festival to be held
teleglerepOjtAndliyetting for the . benefit of
this leittlatkon: mad. biolaripidy and liberally
rn ies Y: ll o: l o4P e eeple at tee city end
of the charit
tmellaisEi*eir'lllnttticeneenl and-;.iliert
b aiidel , sinitiiniairnearryfaif an ins/I'43oWe
. •
.11110111 . 07, Lose' wave • •
X'aiehtia kreqUeittly:ilalre:c.bielsibig teutioo
ttuVioltufutloolabyippnartieles of Dursoual
iortiperWealdr?Maialifeat 'tam& to theme*
arbor Weary tbey,irill•bertriated ati *oak
_.'" 4464 : 4 niguilKni eozoei at
`u, d4h ult"...." 1 # 41 1. 1 . ? stele . Invortetoqg
Pasylkildßia, Plist.. - einfoto . an exeellnut - *bits
um. us does sot take advantage Of ottanr
peeettr,oblitatabig elreideatialees, but is al.
erapa;* . apiirild make fair, • peasobabiti,ad.
'vaseei.upotiallizeii Ityou
desire 'Obtaining temporary leans up= any
Pi ece , ; otlieeartbttia i : ri:Vlieloil
=l4l4l AV : 4 4_:4.
Will byDIAL raw.alumlnau9a-‘oo32lloting oof•
tatirstialdit*kentiOlf fimape*wetz's
esuAs of the utelerelgued.
, •••`;"
Traveltimr,DONis , .Groode. • -;
Now. .A.Withefisi corner. of
Fourth aad Blarlf et atm* ,
~: L Italica' torn ;Viso:
it= 'stook now , opeminetee the • " •
corner of Fourth sad Darts; sheets.
,O. Hermon Love &lbw.
. •
_.• • , •rspalisii i%iseer .
Zor Dry Goods, on the nnrltainG corner' of
Ydurth and Slarketir.riid44, - . • • , ,
C..143!d0s Lovs & lino.
o n th e poriblev , ,p9mer4troorth and Mart
hat 'greets, . Lan Jt. mu).
On the north-out earner of fourth and Mar
k't "412*
.Acr 4 11 4zoiar Loco.* Bso. .
'awns .
pn at lbstitti'fid Mar
kat-stream 4 1 .3.0.- Biro.
On tlnk norta!lnda ponied yr r crumb and Man.
kntitteddi: 0./Union lava d Lao. •
" -
& .4.0.
j ribi g ii , • • •
.4a9Orted colors,' all ,istitir:tor _vas, sold
Tlitanlaglc Drug sseire' ilora..iikarketirtiein: •
• ;
Mick GrattatUntailiadM4ltalliantar uoada at
Bates *Bell's. •
111 4 41 . •
And Riundr,.plottur - Ea r 2110411811 IR Alia{ It
1 . 4..." • l. k
E%lzetlt:idli au AuA,, )34t,t4
44i4PW ' Saii 1 AM , /iii“ :Lii
Ir re b ;hlustcr4.4lAPft I 11,11Wi,
I 'l7,""4"`jtaik:l4lll4#o4"
9 1119.14414 M 1 A*9 0 1 01 M94:44441ti11i.
. All:;;;t1
$lOO liewaril
New Yuan, June 13.—1 n the r YanterdnY
on Union Course, between Buller I.ady Emma'
and Vanderbilt. the ..beet
beats were made. The , first wag brOla tor Van.
derbilt, the second sad .4(tb... by Lady Emma.
and the third, fourth quid 'sixth by Butler.
Tuno—R*Zl 9923 i; tan 9a% MEI and MIL
-Illoaxose, Va., June 121.—St le believed this
morning that Billion Early Will recover tram.
'the severe internal Injuries .caused by ,tie railread accident at Hattleidyesterday
Beed centre Stevens will address tie Fent.
ans LoSdilddo4.34rket
" ;at cotaiiitic
?t1fra164.141."4715ee are at toluielifa,
war etnaisaati. tble :teceelsea dartrpyed
0110 AIF NixOn'ill planing WM:lmo tee Mlo-
Aid thurok. ate elMttrSee Ll:pnea:is
•,• , _
Milliarytonspiracy in Madrid.
Bourbon Conspiracy in Paris
IProniising Crops in Egypt.
New Yoke, Arno 13.—totters from Madrid
give some parte:Mien of the military conspir
acy Which has lately been, discovered In that
eXpital: An attempt Wastitirdle on the night'
of the itch eit.;"bV dearly the whole of the
garrilicid, to make' a pronnuciametto, whlett
it was hoped would be supported by a popular
bianrrection. The government _received
Information of the conspiracy, which
It prevented front mourning a serious diame
ter by thamediately arresting a great number
of the officers who were implicated in the af
fair. Marshal O'Donnell was, It Is said, obliged
to pass the night in the ministry of the inter
and his Intended to place Madrid and New
Castle In a state of Mega.
The Pall Itialti*terge gives currency to the
rumor that the Emperor Napoleon has written
to tha Emperor liaximillian asking him to
give over the adirlinistratien of Mittieln cus
toms to the French authorities as guarantee
for the payment of intermit on tile s per cent.
loan, and adding that utileas this 1s done It
will be necessary to recall the French troops,
It is reported on the Purls Bourse that
Bourbon conspiracy, comdstlng of h per
sons who had assembled In Paris for the pur
pose of getting up a revolution in Naples had
been discovered by the French pollee. The
Spanish Government I. said to be implicated
In this affair.
We hear from Paris that France and Russia
are now on the most cordial terms.
An Alexandria letter states that the gram
crops now coming forward In all par.. of
Egypt promise to be most abundant. To,
prohibition against the export of corrals
is consequently expected to be removed, ti In
Turkey the cotton crop is much below the
average of recent seasons, both in quality
and quantity of maple.
.11ariseilles Journals stare that CORNitle•
cable purchases of corn and Hour have bun
made OIL that port on the account of the
-g in hal
ianovernent. In the last three days thirty
tinfurland barrels ordonr and forty thousand
bectrolitres of corn were bought for that des
Salon. dhiorders have jest „broke reserves.
Idurientharg, In Prussia.. hien of the
brolcs. Into private houses and demanded,
with alwasees„ =may, arovialinut and clothes.
Shope were pillaged, e and threats of general
pillage openly . o Officers were present of
those scenes of 'brigandage, without being
able to control the men, and tralPs have to be
sent from Dental° and Elborg.
1; 2 nom inur ORLEANS.
Rarketio-rnanelpatlon Celebration In
Zatiaelea—Polltleal Revolution in Hon
Nsw Ormamrs, June IS-.Cotton—gales Arm;
Be bales of Now Middling at 37839 e. (Marital,
Cdtrilliaavre, Ne:°l7oYrrtrtztinLgive,"=
Arrivals from Bunk= report a grand eman
alpaticrn celebration of Jamaica negroes. Tbc
timelier said canancipa tion 16 - 613 god dinig
health, and prosperity, but that i n
and advereit the negroew wore used to the
care of Spa
r ~masters,
There is a political rovolutton at lionduraa,
but the British colony 'is quiet and Prosper
The Supreme Courtailueharged Stsarde from
all ItabLlity as Eganda• partner.
The Fenlanit--Nirtharge on the Telegraph
Gem. Alex. iitnek Arrested on Busp
Burrei.o . ,_June 13. —A guard haa been detail
ed by Gen Barry, to odeupy . the telegraph of.
Bee In this city to aid, if. necessary, Gee en
forcement of the order prohibiting the trans
mission of Fenian despatches. It is said Brig.
Gen, Burns has taken command of the Fee lan
tosses here. Two companies of andians have
come here to aid the Fenian.
Gen. Alexander 11Plaick, of Ohio, while visit
lug the Canada: side at Niagara Palls yester
day, was. =tested by some Canadian volun
_guarding the huspensioti Bridge, who
conaidered him a enspiolous person, but on
proving his identity Le was released with
many apologies by the commanding officer.
Prom isexteo
- •
New Yogis, June 13.—Vera Cruz dates to the
lst, and City of Mexico datesto the 48th Of
May, annillice Ifs , •loinlati's arrival at the
teie place an thelfithialt.
Thirteen persons were imprisoned at Lonnie,
charged with imolleation In the • death of
Baron De 4ttajt. illeMoighM.COrniebisioner ati
lteo, 1
• General Re es was In force at Michoacan.
An &thicken Tacamhoto by /hinds. Galrdna•
Gonzales and Olimxte, was expected. &Mee
of Cononaers met bad armed a vessel to pray
on merchant
with Ma z a tla nf, Caates.
Conrmuniesition had been cut
off by guerrillas.
Th Palace. e Imperial 'Minister held daily sessibiLsat
The town of Hermosillo was captured an
the 4th ult., try Garica Morales, togegher with
a garresonnt two hundred and.dfty men, and . : I
forty 'Frenchmen of tho Vorelgn only
three of the tatter were left alive. A French
•killed. The t34C'eurltrlenchourltliretil'h:trieUenirurs
'Were afterwards routed and one hundred and
The Liberail under Vorges occupied the
town of Tula The garrison and, Liberals
were moan enco try the by
.between the Unit elates and France.
It Js said Maximilian is prepared for the
withdrawal of the French troops-
The Fenton Immotoo of 1-11 stasla-The
AsulsoMttes Cease hireling.
New Tosco, June 13.—A special dispatch to
the Tribune from Montreal says: The govern
ment has ceased arming. The night trains on
the Grand Trunk railroad are again running,
and the mail line of Note between the east
and the west are also going. By order of the
.gOvertuneuat aeons is allowed W. see or ooto
municate With the remises In prison here. No
fresh miming have come out,,though some
drafts of man for those already in Canada
have been made. All the volunteers are still
at the front. Mateo( the corps had any fight
the More
All the rerts of fighting
in to the east wore .falso. /nearer:al In very
A special to the Tribune from Ottawa earn
It, la.repo that In the oonfederation
whams Waned,. Eon is to have two lionise,
both elective. with asespoludhip kovernMent,
mad Canada West 'one noose, without a roe
*monde government. Leglalation L actively
Acing on.
Az Free Lisa -.4 ielopleted—lgstlonal
......Celnetor7 iregerlehabstrg ante
alltoOkillelgers Jaarchausts
• sitilFesal Sank.
New Yeas, Jrinalli , Msahington specials!.
the evening pa ems the . henate Biopic*,
.C.Outtnittee - has' the rme Lst: Among
'other changes cordage hail bean added and
iron bridges stricken oat.
_A national cemetery Is to be established at
Froderielmbnrg, for thelnterment or twelve
thousand Union soldiers killed near there and
at Ousneellerville.
The receiver of .the Xerchants Nation II
bank hasbrought suit against the stockhold
er') tothe amount at the capital stock of the
bank.aBop OM lie webs this court to determine
who are bona ado stockholders in the several
cases in which transfers have recently boon
made to asecwtain who shall be made parties ties
e suit.
Specie or Europe—Great Piro to Porto
New Yana, Juno 18.—The rondo
and Marathon sailed for n to-day, tas.
Ins npwarda of 0 2 , 21121 , 0 0 0 in Sp 4. Among the
yapseaßera in theformer la Loionel E. 8. San.
0rd..144.A of. the American Telegraph
The Mesmeris t Louisiana, from Liverpool,
and Eagle, from Havana, have arrived.
A 'fiat part of the town of %seance, Pox,
to was burnt May Mb. American
MAUI.° -war sent fate= men sphere to Rapist
in extinguishing the Mimes. • The loss was net
James C. Gallagher, United !Mates Consul at
.Ponce. died on the 219th instiuit, in an Apo
Tirol at Valois Cowie
The house Concurs in the
Senate imendmenti.
Weattimprolt, Juno 12.
- - -
The amendment from the Bonne to tbet bin
relating to bounties to eciltired soldiers 'wen
concurrent In. '
- •
Several amernithents to the leghrlsitirn ap
propriation bin were' made, '_among them:
increasing the salary of. the, Treasurer .to.
04E40: Uommissioner of l i dhifc Bnildingeto
authorizing the Treanient to appoint
Private and ArisiStant Private Secretaries, and
a Pardon-. ClerkLcreating..ofileet:of,aulailitliala
golicnor of the Treasury, and a Law Clark M.
the Attorney General's Office. Thirty-attie
thousand dollars was appropriated for indlati
annuity goods.
Mr. DeVia offered million n ot
sting twenty millions of dollars to be paid tO
loyal owners of slaves mustered into ,AtiliT
United States service.
AL the suggestion of hir.ereaswell,ilti.l'Davis
modified hue amendment so as to direct to be
taken for the purpose named a special fund in
the hands of the Secretary of War, derived
now the payment of s3oo commutation.
At Ahe regneat el idr. den the above
was Withdrawn, with the Pessen understanding that
it should be attaehed to the army appropria
, Mon bill.
The bill was then passed. ,
Mr. Sherman moved that the Satiate tiakkerhk
the dye per cent. fending bill, for the purpose
of allowing Mr. Van Winkle to submit some
remarks upon it.
The bill was taken up, and Mr. yan wiraria
addressed the Senate in Mast Of IL - alfd tirgi'lg
the necessity for some such a =canare as
necessary financial relief for the coantry.
Farther consideration of the bill was poste
pored. At the conclusion of Mr. Van Win
kle's spreoch, the question taken on the
amendment placing loso,am attire disposal at
the Secretary of the Treasury, adopted by os
against 14.
Au amment w offered aPro
priatlng twenty million as
dollars to pay p the
loyal owners of slarea mustered into
army the mili
th tary serve, but withdrawn tube attached to
e .
Mr. Trumbull, from the Committee on cry,Judi
c, reported oath ameadment,-altill4o fix
humbe of Judges of, the Supremo Court
or the United States, and to Changer Certain
judlolul districts. The first • section Which
makes the number ono Justice and eight moon .
claws, is loft intact. The second section *Web,
fixm‘ circuits, la stricken out and the follow
; lug In sulotitutodi: That the first and sou
! and elreu I teahall restrain :"its now.constitutod,
that the drat riots of Peunsylvatila, Now Jer
bey and Delaware, shall ermstitate the third ,
Vcircuits; that the distriot.of Alluiglead West
irgutia, North Carolina, and South arolina,
shad constitute the fourth circuit i Unit the
itlatric or Gem - gin, Ilereint tfanfmluttlilBB-6.
siopi, Louisiana und...TeXeti,tshaltednalltuto
the fifth u.ult;J,hat the dletrlete of Ohio,
Michigan, lietttuery and , rettittiasee, atddiron
stitutu the sixth that the districts of
Indiana, Illinois min Wlscomou, than conlitt
tato thescorOutti circuit; i t
the distrldta of
Airrinesotn, lowa, Ittittearl, and Kansas, shall •
constitute Om Shia •eircult, and that the die
tricts of Califortiht, Oregon and Nevada, shah
conetituto the Muth circuit. •
The Chair laid before he Senate a cornmeal=
Cation from the President of tae United btatett;
luclOutug a resolution of the lestalature of
Georgia, asking the anspemsion of tllO-colleo
tlOn of a direct tax in ttintntitato. Referred to
he Committee on Finatrtic; :ALso a ocanzatilit
ration from the President transmitting the
acceptance, by the State Of •Geergia, of the
donation or public lauds for the tanabllstimont
of an agricultural college.
After Executive Session the Senate ad
Mr. Stevens introduced a substitute for the
bill Introduced by him on the 28th or May, to
enable the States in rebellion to regain their .
privileges in the Union, which was ordered to
be printed. The substitute contains the fol
lowlbg new section to reference tO L TOMMEIVCC:
".section 9 . — Whortma, The State df .
see Ints returned to her allegiance: to the
United States, and by a regular convention of
her citizens had framed a constitution, which,
on Whig submitted to ebb people, has been
duly ratillel, and which, though not fully ie
pulnican nor suited to the altered condition of
tier Matitutimiti, yet as it Contains many Ale
manta of &Just government; tharelbre,
Br it asted, That the elate of Tennessee
may bu rn
admitted to representation in Con
greaa, and her present Senators and Represen.
lath , . if found to be duly appointed, elected
and %fathead, may . .o admitted to seats op
taking the my aircdtlciprotitiled, that. utffees
the said, State of Tennessee Shall, before the'
drat day OfJanuet7 next, either by legislation I
or constitutional pievislon, entralneirhei all
'classes of her citizens and extend the ri4ht of
suffrage IMpextbilly to every cues; and ebsL
Rive to every perion within her jurisdiation
an equal standing in her Courts of law ' and
equity, both assailers or witnesies, anti and/
ratify the amendment to the Constitntion:Ar•
bele 14th, propoeed by this Vellgrteta,. then
the provisions of this sot, so far sh - theg relate
to the State of 'Tennessee exclusively, shall
twee° and become null and void, and the said
state shall no longer be represented In Con
, _ •
The third eection alteloil 80 ea to reads
ice. 3. Arta be it further enacmi,Tlest whetter ur
the ['remade= Otidle [fatted azalea stall dee m
it proper, he =all issue his prochunatton
rating a 40aveatIOn AO be .Collect to form le.
nittmate conmitutimrs"frir their 'rebyleetive
Metes. lie shall direct an election to be help
on a day certain, to choose' delegate* to a /on= venation A hie. shall meet at the( time shielded
try him, et the Capitol of the Mate, and form
State Constitution which shall be submitted
m a vote of the pimple, and tf ratified by a ma
i Orley of Inc legal =tart,. shall be declared
the emuititution *CUM Staub •
li r v i rt lx lr ebtteleirt4Tir°CeldifizrgllphAll thc.
,iatined to userclne the elective artulehlae until
aye yeas after they stud/ hate died their in.
.tention to be. reinvested with the right of erti
osuahlp, is emended. so Auto reduce the term
io three years. •
Mr. /Meeks, nom the Select - Committee on
the (clell..neryiee, report= hack the bill to
.togulate the civil service of the United be
conch was recommitted and ordered to be
Ittgby. from the Committee on Mines
and Mining, reported back, with amendments,
the Pill grant invin, righter May to ditch and:
caller 0141011 i Over the public lands in the
.*tutee of California, Oregon and Nevada.
The amendments were agreed to, and the
all passed. It grants to every compel', or m
divide= who hes in accordance with the lows
oY the Staten of California, Oregon ar-d Neva 'j
de, or of the Celt= States, constructed or
who may hereafter, Constrict annals, ditches,
thtiendle., for the conveyance of water for
Mining, mechanic,/ or agricultural Purposes,'
Mu right of way over the public land. so long ,
us such venal shall be osettl for such purposes.
Mr. Hymns, from the Committee on Patents,
reported a bill fon tbe extennlon thepetent
of 'Meath= Ilall for coating the Interior of
metana water pipes with hydraulic sapient.'
Daa'l3S Spike In (moonlit:in; snit the bill
wee postponed till to-morrow,
Mr.•Jobunen, [rem the Committee cm Mines
and Mining, reported a bill to incorporate the
%yeshiva= Laboratory and Mitring Assoc:ls,
lion, which. after eome debate, was rejected.
„Sir. Wilson,',frem tho.satito , Committee, re
parted a bill to -eatabliah art assay orrice for,
the assay of gold and sliver at. Portland% (Mo
gen, and- Dols City, Idahoe. • The bill also re
peals the act estabilsbien a -branch mint at
Dulles I.lity,'Oregon, and provides for the'
:novel of the machinery, of the. branch
mints in Charlotte, North Carolina, and' Dab
lunge, Georgia.
Mr. Mendelson wan aullraiwlng the Hbrisein
sappon of the bill when the morning heart=
pirect and the bill went over till Wearier:it. '„,
The Senate atnendielente to thejnintHeeo- 1
Malan proposing an amendment dtilikt cOn
stitutibu of the United States were taken I
frOm the . B Ptalhorta table for anther try' the
Mr. Stevimi elate aftbat If thelleteseportion
of the Committee Reconstruction ha d=-
edified OM 'Semite atuediments add Were
uatoalMOas lyurred i :f opinion . ?a they should
nitt that mil' fns
on tB the were' other
desired to dimness lt,.the members on his
side wore willing to take the vote at !ince. If,
however, discussion was desied, ho suggested
that speeches should be limited talifteen tau
men, as he proposed to call the prerlotureitica
don at half-past three O'clock.
lir. Carding, of Ky., prelim= that, thoDam
commie aide should ha= ono hour allowed
them for debate, to be dlvitled among them as
they choose.
Mr. Stevens agreed to that.
It was umierntood Mat the Democratio intor
would be parodied between Rogers, of
Now Jersey. Harding, ollientnekyendYmok,
of Ohio. Ele was lelloWed 'On 'hla own side of
the queation by Idusars..linek and Harding,
(el KY..) tuition the gepubltr.anside by Meant
ilealletsOn and apaulding.
The House then seconded the previous ques
tion, and atr. Stevens clamed the debate, He ,
congratulated the Memo and the anclitry that
• scheme was noon to be submitted to the peo
ple for the adtabssion of au outlawed cOMMU
nity to the priVilegett and telvillitsges
m e = and free government; and a sehermi
contain bag, he salti,.as much positive good as,
the ondasien of Many ,better thinfte-la my
youth, he cmcliatiod. in manhood, and:ln my
old age, 1 havefendl dreamed that when ally
fortunate chance should ha= broken up
for a Unto the foundationsof ; oar. •i
Stilettlone, • and • released 'us • - •from the - nb. -
ligatitms, the most tyrannical that were
ever imposed in the Paine of- neaten;: the
intelligent, free audios'. -of this Republic
turn to their professions, end AOL l 7OolloOlint ot eo
- wouldliave so remodebnu
as im tnilre freed them from dray raise of
oppression of inequality of right:sof the re
-,oognlzett degradation of thp poor.and the su
perior caste of the Itch in aitort,that ho tilt
Unction would be tolerated In_ thia,pnrilled
Republic, but that whicherater from merit and
conduct. Tills briglitdreent hsawanuned
the tauseleati fabric, of it'yirdoti. Ilia that we
aball be obilged•tobil'eotiteht With - patching
pp the wo•tst portiOne Of-the umlaut edifice.:
throughVlng its Other ;parts tO he swept
by,the temptets, , theftests and the
storms thes e otsm _Do-you' Inquire why,
holding reins, andpeaseasing some will
of own, I swept- so .11nperleet` a pro
pestilent 1 answer, because Ilve
muting - and. -not •Dgeles
amonerruen, air intelligent,' es determin.
ed, , as Independent as myenlf„ who, not. agree.
,lagwith me, do not ehowe to Yield their °pin: ,
lens. ;Mutual etquildei Mien, cboreforo, la our. 1
onwresort linetihmiut,ve
welt , bare. boettitnittaed, . .zenasvint. l
sad more ittenupwg ;elites skin
foir.iter Plan:
VOI• 14 : 111 14 6, )/ 1 0 WOOdiperSlloll . o3l,ll4XX.'
1111, it" 10:1U
•OlutiVe,Mith his cordial ass stance the at
States might nave be made model republics
*nil this traticie an empire. of universal free.
domitnit lie_prefmr. .restoratlou to recOn
strueMon:, Me chose that the slave stales
ShOnldralutin as nearly as possible in their an
cient condition with such ening modifications
as, he; • and ^l4l, prime) =lnkster should
stiggeSt;witiadatithrimpertinent, Interference
from Congress. He anticipated the legitimate
swoon of the national legislaturemtaby rank
, usurpation erected governments .in the
I .provinees,Enpftralfiepon; them biatitutions in
,thlrtdoerarbitrary and unconstitutional man.
leer, and, now maintains them as legitimate
gioVernmente, Ind insolently Clenlanda that
they be ,represented In Congress on equal
terms Mai - rho loyal attetes. To repress this
tyrenny,araL Attila lame time to do somoJtui.
the to the conquered rebels, retitdres caution.
Thergreat danger is, that the seceders may
soon overwhelm the loyal mop in Congress.
The Mott urged upon_us by some loyal, but
aithethods men; their nxiety to embrace the
representatives of repels; their ambition to
display their dexterltyin the use of the tread
Mantle ureteral', and especially the danger
srisHig.from the onscropulotel use, of patron
age,and'llrom theolly rations of Woe prophets,
Unions thrsixtyday obligations, and for prc
tested potltleal premises, admonish us tomake
o farther delay.
1 ' Referring to the third section, Mr. Stevens
. Id he could not look upon the Senate amend
.,, ent an 'ten!inthrovensent. In h,, judgment,
IS endangered the government of tbe country,
;both State and National, and mlght.give the
next Congress and President to the recce-
Almlooleaffieleel4 With their enlarged basis of
Meterdsetdation and tbe ex:ell:Won of loyal men
Of color from the ballot box. He saw no hope
ilif safety unless in the prescription of proper
repabling acts, which should do Justice to the
Zo1 41111:1 in I t i te lana g " pm - end l i t olu i t. arkili '
he di n Mnot li r w te tin n im ell s
iso satisfied with it, and still be =L I anxious
fpr Its speedy atioption, for be deprecated de- '
jay. ' us, no saw in conclusion, no longer
ttelay. Let us take what we can get d
hope for better things Lifuthre a c tion,legisn
epabling Meta or other provisions.
f, ;rho Home then proceeded to vote by yeas
And nays on motioning In the amendment of
the Senate. Several anemones/meta having
been Made of members absent or paired, and
MIA how they would have voted,
Mr. Eldridge, in ridicule, announced. that if
Mx-Brooks of New York, and Mr. Voorhees,
of Indiana, had not been turned out of their
sesta, divisor:rid nave voted' ' , No?' to which
Mr. Stevens added that if Jefferson Davis was
here he would probably have voted. the saute
way. (Laughter Mid applause.) . I
Mr. WentwonttsiMadml....Ser •vrpuld Jake
Thompson.. ger, ' ' .1
The Speaker directed his own name to ho
tailed, and he voted aye.
The vote wee a strictly party vote, end re.
Stilted—yeas, MO; nays, M.,
Th_olillprittheritiniqunced that over two-thirds
of bath Mouses having agreed to the joint res- •
elution proposing amendments to the Consti
tution of the United States, the joint resolu
lion was passed. .
The Houseproceeded to the husikess on the
Speaker's table; and apposed thereof, ea Sol
bops: The Senstertimindment to act making
appropriatioes for the
,preservatton and corn
potion of certain public' works. it was non
concurred in, sad a Committee of Confere
tilted. The Senate amendxnent to the bill
further to provide for the safety of toe HMI)
orpassongers. The hill making prorisans
the transportation of nitroglycerine,
t t i er-efla the Committee on Com
merce. 'The Senate bill to authorize the Com
missioner of Patents to pay those employed
as examiners and assistant examiners, the
Salem flaeti by law tor the duties performed
Mt: Harding of Illinois, moved to lay the
bill on the table without taking action on it.
The Speaker Presented a messaio from the
President, flaking the attention ofliongrevs to
a copy of ajoint reatilritlon of-the Senate and
House of nepresentatives of the Stato of Geov
gin, requesting a suspension of the collection
Of.itto :internal Revenue tax one from that
State' under the net Of August sth, 1551. It
wee referred to the Commlttoe of Ways and
Also, n message from the President Inform
tug „Con tees that .a copy. of the act of the
Georgia ature, of•thelith of March last,
has been o Malty communicated to hlm, by
which that State meepted - the donation of
Inds made to It under the Attlettltural Col
letesohhi, iweititt:rh was
from the 't e the
tehl ry ol : War, in
gnawer to the House resolution E i ghth ilth,
In refertmee to the draft in. the Con
gressional District of Pennsylvania, which
was referred to the Committee on Military
Also, a letter from the Secretary of the
Treasury, in answer to the Home resolution
of March Mth,tilling Mr Information in ref
erence to our commercial relations with Brit-
IshiAmerica, which was referred to the Com
%Mee au Commerce.
ifr. Davis objected to the panting, and peed
ingthe dUcession of the matter, the House at
..tounfkelOck adjoßtata,,,„,
- Latest Washington Home.
Wmarawros, June 13.—The Secretary of the
Treasury todlay transmitted a report tomn
404 W. Tayier,,apecint agent of Om Depart.
*Oat wiritinlhicattag ittiiiefErinformatton trf
regard to the conunerehal relations between
the United States and British America. The
Records show that for th_e year ending June
80th, 1886, our trade with British America um
ilecond only In magnitude to thatwith Gredt
Britain. Its aggregat was .39,190,M4 while
the eicimicroe with Great Britain, .225,M9,5°3.
The External trade of the United States for
consisted of $339,7343E, exports, and $314,-
G 4137 imports, an aggregate of 4574,5ti,M7,
The tonnage of vessels clearing from Ameri
mu porta during the year ending June 00th
1511, tor porta olf British America, was 3,631,71 E
tons, and the entrances from Bntish America
were 1,194193 tom, n'total of 6,714,943 tom ex
ceeding the tonnage of vessel s employe d in
the trade with, any other country. Of the
clearances for British America 1,730,6t8 tons
were of American vessels and 1.787,114 tons of
Canadianand' other foreign moans. Oi the
entrances from British America /E 0,829 tons
were American and 1,333,964 were Canadian
and other foreign vessels. Of the total trade
la PM, amounting to 69,111T1,3/2, a valuation of
g 14,11140 United 91, or th
tahsa, irty-Mar per cant., wan with
In 1384 and ISO the aggregate was 868,018.20, of
whichlah..loo.3o, or 48 per cent., was with thb
United States. Since the abmgation of the
• Iteciprocity treaty American purchaser* are
paying higher rates for Canadian timber and
pumhasing In larger quantities than In Kg;
notwithstanding the necessity of their paying'
duSy of twenty ger cent . on the frontier of
the Milted Stale&
. Mateo.ltamtres has been recognised by the
President as Consul of Peru at San Francisco,
and ltdwChicag o. arVlorreras Vice Consul of Prance
' The President, today, nominated also Green
Clay Smith, member of the' HOUBe Of Repre
sentatives Dom Kentucky, to be governor of
the Territdry °Montana.
General's Bdrbrldgeand BruMin are here en
deavoring to obtain appointments for soldiers
who were studmed during the late war.
General Alfred Pleasanton Was on the floor
of the House, to.dat; privately urging the pas ,
sage of the Senate army bill.
Coon the recommendation of Senator Pomo.
rcry, the President pardoned Lewis NI, taxacria,
oPeoutit Carolina, a privateer tiering the late
Tie President yesterday on the application
of Admital 'llimbrie, or thq : Einitatiattites
Navy; D05...1i 'Madison af Luisiana,
and othes; directed that a_pardon tea leaned
to Lawreneal
p ied t h e or Row oeleams, who
mice ommpied the eminent positien of a Com-
Jnodorii in
United States Fairy.
CharleaXpConnor, Sr., coinisel for Jeff. Da.
vie, togett with exAbovernor Pratt, called
at the Rome this lefternoon and had a
protraotedinterview with President Johnson.
All the Republicans of the House conaolida
ted and slated for the proposed Constitutional
Atneadment;togother with Mr. Smith. The
oPPeshaß Sotto were cast by the Democrats.
, . From California.
Six fiLiiretsce, Juno 9.—The steamer Cali
fornia bas arrived from Victoria, bringing
tneu v t i Fognatid dollars in treasure.
Pa hare been Issued for upwards of
three acres of land, Spanish and Mex
ican giants, to which the courts have confirm
Th th e l eal teinter (laden Age hits salled for Pee
wit.s witb..4908.700 In treasure, of which elet,-
70 la for IfeeYork.
There *as g large smith:lnnate of Eettned
Sugar Usday ; on sixty days , credit. Prices
were Ito lewev than previously. A settled
marketol4 pow expected this being the last
publio sale of keened. Sugar for theyear.
Mining mare. aro better; °bailor Potosi, 196;
Belcion MO; Hale & Norcross 999. 930; Opitir,lo);
Yellow Jacket, 640; Empire /10; Imperial,
110. Lewd, , Tatidem, 7934
fillitp-Aiirpniters• 6 tr l ke—lea4th OM.
ears Iteport.
' Maw Yoke, Ono 13.—Tbe strike et Toyedin
carpontent,eatillters, end others eMpln
the ship yards has or/lotto:ally ended by the re
turn or mayor the mechanics to their work,
at ton beareverday, they yeilding the point
tboy struckror.
-andßaffia' Ogicerreports three new, cases
wo Inintideaths, Morn cholera. the boi- .
Since last report, leaving forty -Ave
patients under treatment.
Head Ceattir"lnephensia
He BlLilklka t o Speech—Noise Eitialkl
await Ono, ra.; June la.—Jaime* Btehbon°
whin/Mgt a large meeting of Fenian, and
others - , toedght, at Market Ball. Some excite.
ment trait caused by an Irlsbman }mend ex
.pressingAMfalerable opinions of Meehan&
mission to this otantiqh , but he mu not W
inced to proceed. htephens was afterwards
serenaded at the gm:haw° ii.tal•
rentals St St. LoSio—SleeSlos in
Me; Jena 18.—The rialans trials 'aimed
Y e ttordaY kr holding about half the parties
arrested in bonds from one to two thousand
donuts.. The remainder were diseharged.
Nebraska Citit papera claim that the State
Wration h been carried, for the Union
tickes, as
tickes, and that a Union majority In
both. branetaa of the Legislature has ham
Flee LW Vie/ irtorlitrCeee of.Clholera.
Nhw rolug-Juue Lt.—Building NO.lBO wen,
./Lonaton street *Dappled by the tltarrArmety,
'Matthew Urine' mewing meaner) mannifte,
tory, and b ere, was burat — thle, metnWa
Several adjacent buililtf>as were de
LOSS IPO4 I OO. MOONY -s 42 nr• " ' 4
somata wenuur, apple:ad oit ThlrtY-flith
arrapt.,, died oYeholartt on Tuesday. .
„ - •
"Map beriroied:
rimaurstmA.XA,' Zsziresa
NolbsPaber willabegbbyed by bre this
attaizoom'.acktblif Wibitlaved bun t :a Hoe
rue,w,.the:AWneitt; *Anti - wbs compats•
fively ualtijarbel.:LambolooXlo.
lrosze,7, Illekter Deac.;
.1 --n • '.irif Yonidsva , somiel -
Death of a wife Murderer—To be Bele
teneed for Marder—All quiet at Be.
ralat'a Polhat,Beeetpla for Ideesee
Under the Ravage 'iLaw—Owst of the
Trial of Major; Glee M230.0b0.-Fenbto
Excitement SubiMitedr , -
N kw . Yons, Junel3.-41ruintyht—Boger
who murdered his wife rase year, and who had
obtained an order for a new tril, died to-day
at illackerell's
Bernard Friery and Freak Fangs, convicted
I.tri,nikauruer, reoelve their sentenoe • next
All Ts quiet at Seguin's Point The revenue
cutter Crawford /MB been sent. there, and fifty
more Policemen, to prevent any disturbance
Part of the discontented Staten Wand-
The receipts for licenses by the Excise
Board up to this evenutg, amount to eight
hundred and Arty thousand dollare.
The trial of Major John Geo, former cont.
mandant of the Rebel ori so n at thilieb
still in progruse at nalmgh. North
and will pot be fully clotten for two months.
The expense of the trial ts estimated at two'
hundred and ally thousand dollars.
The Peanut excitement in the city le en
tirely over. It is truppoeed that th e y e w..
will hereafter adopt etephetur pla n of o p era _
Cope, and chat the rival factional' will rally
harmoniously shoat that Centro.
Proclamation from the Fent** Prost
cient—New ElltibP7o.
New lona, June 13.-Pir. Roberfelaglii. e .
a proclamation to the Irish Republkan many
advising all the members thereof to roarn to
their homes until a fresh campaign, squ is h
will be Inaugurated at no far (natant day. He
recommends this In view of the tutotinfenea
repressive measures by the United States Ex
ecutive at Washington to crush the co-opera
tive movement for the liberation of Ireland.
Professor Bunter
Louis viti.e, Jima 13.—Proicesor E. W. Gun
ther, organist of tit. Paul's Church, was thrown
from a rockaway breading his neck and dying
lug instantly. His family, !tithe same vehicle,
were uninjured.
River as Louisville
LOCLI/PiILLA Jane I3.—The river ill falling
very slowly with six feet six inehea of water
in the canal. Weather clear.
Additional Lo-eal AI tttttt on Third Page
The Gasette.—Person leaving the city,
during the Bummer, San have the erisTlT
mailed to,them by leaving their address our eonnting-room. at
An Abandonment. Case.
In the Court of Quarter Sessions, yesterday,
a case of abandonment was heard. Dennis A.
Boland was the defendant, and It was alleged
I that he bad abandoned and refused to provide
for the support, of blassife, Sarah A. Boland
The parties were. twice married, prat under
tale Protestant form, and saiond under the
Catholle,mmoriling to the faith of the husband.
The tact appeared that Mr. Roland was Jiving
apart from his wife, that his conduct had not
been altogether proper, that be was living
with his mother, and that he gave himself no
eonoorn, in a peenniary sense, about his wife.
It also appeared that, the artles bad been
board g ing, baying a room furnished, and that
durin the absence of the husband, and with
out his knowledge, the wife peeked up and
limitedly removed the furniture, and alter
doallelllng herself with her son-In-law on
Grant street, sent for her husband. He re
fused to go where she wee, remained the week
out at his boanllng-bouse, and then went to
hls mother's, as stated. The defense conten
ded that the abandonment, it any, was on the
part of the wife. The court held the ease un
Although quite a number of the bon ton
have been driven by the extreme warm
weather in search of umbrageoue shades to
tilde - theta. perspiring forms • during the
heated torte, yet enough remain to make
brilliant the auditoriums of our Theatre°
with their benign presence, and All the pock
ets of our eelfaaerlaeing managers with the
robtof evil.
- • .
At the Opera Mouse business has been on
the ineretute during the last throe nights,
crowded houses being the order of the day.
we Lat_ night the very French play CAMILLS
Introduced WWI Cha9l7l.T.itoicpsox as
the frail heroine. We — have 'Seen that char
acter in the hands of various artistes, some of
whom have attained a high reputation in the
histrionic profession, but seldom have men
It litered. .1) well aS by Miss THeirefoli.
Around oven her coquetries the first two
acts she casts a womanly eety
bewittettmg, while the last eh fills with inch
feeling and gemene pathos as to excite the
auditors even to
The versatileother
and pleasing actrestears.s, Julia
Daly appeared to a good house last night at
the Theatre, in the excellent comedy of "A
Match fora Marquis," and in the roaring
Wee of "The Pool of tne Family," In both of
which she elicited the laughter and applause of
all present. Miss Deli's style is light and airy,
sod cOnsequently well adapted to the present
etate .f the atmosphere.
A Quarrel &Multi.' Customer.
Jjmes Leman yesterday appeared before
Alderman Humbert and made oath against B.
Toblaa for disorderly, conduct and surety of
the peace. The partieeare 00th in the cloth
ing business, on St. Clair street, having stores
In close proximity to each other. Yesterday
amen stopped to examine atoms goods at Lern
an% door, when Tobias eteoped to his side and
stated the goode he was examining were of an
inferior quality, and that bettor coWd no found
1 in his store at very ressdnable rates. This ex
, esperate4 Leman to such an extent that he
used some very harsh language to ids rival in
trade, whereupon the latter pulled out a small
penknife and threatened to .cot the internals
,out of Lehman, who, fearing such a' result,
hastened to the magistrate'. office and Made •
the inforscatiodas stated. The affair was set
tled after a partial hearing, Tobias, paying the
costs and promising not to interfere with the
businciaa of his neighbor in the future.
Housebreaker DeteeTted—A ' Sista and
as /taeape.
o'clock Yesterday morrning betWoon one and two
, kr. Charles Seely, proprietor ot the
Omit House, In Allegheny City, dotooteo a
man in the act of prying off ono of the win
dow shutters hi the roar of the house. .Ifi
Sealy was in the second story , when he first
UAW the intruder, but after some cautious MA
convoying he reached the yard, where he
grasped with the Tanen, who, after a torotract
ed struggle, snoceeded in escaping from the
clutches of ' Mr. Seely and getting away; net
however Until his face was severely maalvqd
by the courageous host. Owing-JO tbe th
ness the man could not be TOClltaledi but the
pollee are A on the alert, and with what clues
they hate will doubtless mimed In capturing
Tao Grand Vocal iDoneert.
The grand vocal concert in St Paul's Cattle
dial Met availing was a success. The parlor.
men acquitted themselves In an escalleny .
manner, and all were highly pleased with the
evening's entertainment. The programme
yes varied and embraced many beautiful
musical compositions. The organ proved all
- that could be antlelmted. Everybody was
pleased and delighted With iy - antlall was lost
in its wonderful power nod -harmony. To.
morrow evening Prof. George W. Morgan, the
musical director of Grace Uhtunh, New York,
will give a grand organ concert. ETpqn this
occasion the power, combination and hailsny of the great organ will boj displayed,
eine° Prof. Morgan has no equal in the world
48tn an ordiddrit. T h. he . programme, Is published
another eoltan
Alderuuts etraloes
West and Barden, the young men ohargod
with au aggravated assault and battery upon
George Dyer. appeared before. Aldermen'
Strain, yesterday, and gave ball for a farther
hearing on Saturday.
Philip Honig was hold to ball by the tame
mgistnite, to answer a. charge of obtaining
money under Rate pretenses preferred by
Philip 'Adrian: .I.•
John S. Buchtley and John Cozily were held
to ball for a further hearing on a charge of
having stolen seventeen dozen'of brooms,, the of John Madeira, from the freight
depot of the Pittsburg, Fort Wayne and Chi.
eago Railroad, in Allegheny.
Coroner's lanaest—A Verdict et Censure.
Coroner Clawson continued the inquest at
the Mayor's rake last evening, m the case of
Oscar S. Smith, who was killed some days
since near * Newark, Ohlail the Pitishulgh
Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad.
camey returnee a .verdlot Wet theetmems.
ed to hi! death by a -collisiOn between
the fast line' No. A. and the local treight • No.
19. of the P. O. Q. C. 8.8. CO. near . Newark, -
Ohio., and thejury believed the 0 01 1151011 wet
the result of grass negligence on the part of
.1. EL Russ. conductor of the local freight, end
Geo. Beech, engineer re those:pm
Chase. for • ateamoboat.—Our readers
will beer in mind that today at halbpaet two
o'clock the handsome Ilttle pleasure ateainer,
Fort Pitt , will be sold at public suction at the
foot of Irwin street. She was built last tall, Is
all oak and is stannah in every particular.
Tice only reason Mt selling her Is, that .her
'owners are engaged In other business which
reel:urea all their time atid attention. For
cnies and pleasure or lu g
pparUe - sae is
ustthe thft. She Is alaciadmlrab_ly adapted
short U•We__,_a when the trip - 00Wd he made
Lino daylight. Who knew, but that iehe May be
the stepping atone to mule :Mania fortune.
A Persltriot.—AninsigoodaYorlor *Mired,
before Alderman John*. Yesterday withthe
Larceny, or • lout drown Jo:likens anis forks from
the residence. of lire. J. B. Belrmag, where
she wire employed as a domestic:- The aroused
wee arrested and brought beftere
_the; liquirs._
to whom she acknowledged 'nee ring -wawa
shower of penitential tears and earnest, on.
trestles for pardon. The Imtvea Anil-forks
,were forked ores to 'their right own=
withdrew thirciliarge t arid 'eteauf was
...!rni`Pelumwlll •Ivenhis
77i.b Petits. oat mama
at 7 rirpmegerßlA, ae eßaet
A Trip to Cienesis--The Appearance of
tbe ConisCry to Fayette and Dews..
Connties—?Le Opposition Line—Table
of Distances—The Crops and Fruit.
de'., &e., *e.
A trip to the country duringthe heated term
/sat all times pleasant, but when traveling on
a new boat, with pleasant and accommodating
offleani, It becomes doubly so. We lately bad
practical experience of this fact, and can
thdrefore Streak of what came under our own
Roeder! did yon ever take a trip to Geneve I
Not that Geneva lying u.nder -the shadow of
the mighty Alpe, and famed for its manufac
ture Of watches, but Geneva, Fayette county,
Pentifoliquala, nestling- under the shatiow ot
the Blue Bulge. We left Pittsburgh' on Sainr
day eVening on board the now steamer of the
opposition l ine—the "Chieltain"--oommand
ed by Capt. Hobert IL Abrams, at fifteen min
utes after five. At the same moment the "Fay
ette,' of the old line, backed into the stream,
and the two boats started together. We en
tered tee locks and left them together, and
then the race became exciting.
Above Brownstown we encountered a ter-.
rifle thin:idea.' storm, whims lasted all night.
There was not much opportunity afforded that
night to take notes, and the passenger., collec
ted in the eabirs'aniused themselves with mu
ale and reading, or in conversing In groups. .
Breakfast e Sunday morning found us at
Rice's Lan where Dan Mee waa born. A
wagon, rid
d ing w is • threshing machine,
occupies the site the house In which he was
born. That threshing 'machine was sugges
tive. Had one been there, and been laced dur
ing his boyhood's early days, the equesaurricu
him would have probably lost a brilliant or
nament. Leaving the lock at "Hive's," we
pursued our source, arriving at ',Geneva at
half past ten Sunday Morning.
The valley of the Monongahela la eminently
fitted for slack water navigation. In many
places ' , the hills slope down to the water's',
edge, and again piateaus, varying in size,
stretch out,from the bank of the riv ti.e
base Orthef hilts. Al!' of these flats a w e
Pied by farms Ln enittvatton, and, although
the season has been very backward, some of
theorems look Very well. As a general thin g
frolthas twain, mostly killed. There will be it
a few applea, but nothing else et consequence.
Ab oreownsvllle, land averages from forty-
Ave to; one hundred dollars per acre. At
Geneva coal is selling at three cents a bushel,
being slightly under the selling price here.
Back in the mountains, some ten miles from
Geneva, land sells as low as one dollar pr ,
From the summit Of the hill above Cohere
could e like Laurel 11110 , Blue Ridge, and a
small portion of the Allegheny range, stretch
ing away for a distance o from fifty to seven
ty-five miles. The valley of Cheat river, the
Oliphant furnaces and mills, the burning well
and other objects of special note were dis
The Oil fever is gaming grotoul In that see
tiOn. On Dhnkard meek the yield of the wells
ft bicreasing. On George's creek and Crow
creek the Indications for oil are gend. n o well
Is spouting out water to a height of at,,
twenty-ave feet, and another throws wetcr
and cinder over the top of the derrick. 11,
both Instances there Is a small quantity of
accompanying the dow.
In regard to the Gold excitement we did not
learn anything very favorable. A gentleman,
who had struck the quarts reinen hie farm,
informed tie that It was merely a elide, and
that assays made in Philadelphia and New
York proved conclusively that It would not
pay to work it.
The elackwater Improvement Is principally
owned by Hon: J. E. Moorhead, and his bro
ther Joey of Philadelphia. The last dam is
built at Rice's Landing, slacking the water to
within three miles of Geneva. The entire
river is to be sleeked to Fairmount, or where
Tiger Valley and West Fork form the 51onon
githola. The Virginians, before the war, he I
raised the necessary funds to complete their
portion of the improvement, but It fell
through with the rebellion. They have now
commenced raising the means to fulfill their
portion of the contract, and as soon as they
commence work, the Penneylvarua company
will finish their part to Morgantown. The
cost of each leek and dam will be about
300,000. Pairmormt Is thirty miles above Mor
gantown, so that the entire trade will be one
hundred and forty miles in length.
The People's Line, known as the opposition,
Is a joint stook effort of the people of the
valley, some four hundred of the most sub
stantial citizens being inters/Med in its cessFor upwards of twenty years the old
line has hold undisputed sway. The new line
coming Into opposition, has had the effect to
out down freights and passage, and will be
bencemal in every way. There appears to be
ft:minces enough for both lines. . bouts
compoeing the new line are the Chie ft ain and
the Elector, both handsome and staunch built
boat*. The Chieftain is officered as followe.
L'aptain, Itobt. B. Abrams; Clerks, Captain
Hobert C. Mason, John A. Dales; Pilots, Capt.
William llonisay. - .J. B. Williams; ;dates,
Messrs. Joseph Allfree and Enoch Dougherty.;
Engineers, Means. Joshua Michen and John
Garwood. The Elector is just finished, and
will be found at the wharf to-day. She will
leave on her first trip about next Monday.
The Chieftain seta a splendid table, and her
0304 is a jewel of tweetynix years experl
Brownsville btu; been making rapid strides
in the way of Improvements during the past
few years, and really looks like an embryo
elty. It is we/I provided with churches and
schools, and on the deal day of September
neat a new seminary, under the patronage of
the Episcopalians, will be opened. Handsome
residences dot the 'bores all the way up,
prominent among which we may mention that
of Capt. Jacobs of the old line.
Por the benefit of those having business at
pa ths fferent points along the river, we took the
to ascertain correctly the distances from
point to point, which we append:
From Morgantown to
Collins Fe
Crooked Ron
Point 'Marlon....
Dunkard Creek .3
Geneva - 3 "
Gray's Landing, Pound
Big Whiteley 1 "
Me Lean's Landing ..... ..1 "
McCann's Ferry
Brown's Landing, Point
Freemont 3 "
Flannigan's Landing, rw
vldson's Ferry .3 " 30 "
Davidson's Lower Ferry.s 32 "
Rice's Landing d , Loek..3 " 95 "
Millaborough 3 39 "
Frederick 1 ' M
Iltgdon's Coal W0rk5....3 42
Lock and Dam 3 " 45
Broveurtille " 49
tTafirianttla and Greenni..3 50 "55
Forsyth's Coal " 56 "
Little Redstone 3 " IS "
Payette City and lade
r rer Coal Works 1 "
Belle Vernon 2 "
Gibs on 's Distillery,
Spear', Landhig 1
ROstraver .2
Daze no. A. "
Lipper Columbia .2 "
Lo ter
te r Columbia 1
Wr 2
dde Liznetnonown gatela City .1 -
. No. 3
Pine nun .4
McKeesport .3
Polet Perry a Look N 0.2.4 "
Green 3prows, Brad.
dock's Fields 0
City Varna '1 "
Six Mile Kral 3 "
Lock f
No. I
W h arf
3 "
She Ludiess Friend.
Yesterday we paid a visit to the agricultu
ral wareroooms of Messrs. Beckham ft Long,
No. LW liberty street, to witness an exhibi
tion of the working of the Ladies Friend Wash
ing Machine. It Is of very simple construc
tion, consisting of a set of rollers over which
the articles to be cleansed are passed by
means of &corrugated board to which a lever
le Mt/taxed. Thelever is worked without any
Mbor whatever, and in this respect, as in any
others, surps een. asses anything of the kind we
have ever
We remained about half an hour viewing
this rare work of mechanical ingenuity, du
ring which time we saw a large comfort, a
coterpane, a table cloth, and a lady's collar
of the finest texture, thoroughly washed.
The liner articles, which nobody win trust
to any other • machine, were pronounced by
several niatrensistanding by to be scrupulous
ly clean, and yet not • single thread of them
was lad uredby the promise.
After what we have seen we are prepared to
prom:mum the new Machine !kr ahead of all
competitors, and destined ore long to become
an Indispensable article to every household in
the comary, the price being only sob. James
Kiasley tit Cook, well known foil their inde
fatigable energy and enterprise are the pro
prietors of the Ladles' Frien and ctua Wend
during Me day at Beckham &Long's. vise our sceptical friends, and the public to
fMneral to go see and be convinced of the
merits of this machine. A few county rights
will be dispeised of at very liberal rates. The
agency for such 0. popular machine will have
a good paying investment.
Tralemportatlen is Palladel phla.
General tilwertzer requests us to Mato that
transportation, to the flag Pranentatiou at
inaladelphia, to take place on the fourth of
July next, will be furnished by him, to the
color bearers and color guards of the several
regiMenta of the 18th military division. com
posed of the COOSIUISB of ellegiumy, Ann-
Licitana• and Jefferson. applkatrons
can be made by the late commanders of regi
ments, Or In cue that officer is not witnin
retch of the persons desiring cransporlation,
•by such person directly to General *waltzer.
As tranenctrtatlon 1a provided for color bear
ers and color guard Only. natisfaCtOrY evi
dence in all - cases will be required that the
applicant is one or thorn.
A omit C,-Cool wee ar.
'noted and brought before or Morrison
Yesterday ch %rape. on Oath of liatia Harmer
with surety of UM pane: Tye offense consist.
ed In Cool mitering the house ,of Ham ner an d
using violent ind threatening language to
ward the wire of the latter, who became so
frightened at .the_dentonstration that she be.
'came 111 and VAS tOreed to retire to bed. Coot
was abed ftite' doihirs and was made to enter
ball In nut( of VW to keep the peace, which
Ara floselleva have the effect, of keeping him
Cool for srvenl . days .
A. liana OM
-4010301ntatCP fOr trig A& &
"ISAArtOOf &Man alilerA F&"
`L ~ f ~..
The edition le tonrardeel which will math the eat.
•esibein *honest se the mall row.
VUILMEoFI Mm eT CO E U YEAR ........ L. ...... .
Exploalon--On 31miday tact,
holler t' 11-011 En KEW-Ellin holongiN, to r.
./yrnex Young, located four intle_s west of
k,bem'burß, exploded with terrible force, 001D
plotgly iletnoltshmk the engine and machia
ewrrt, and the wilt building to a level
fled 6UP b/Ithj':l'ea'railerndOea"rlr'U'agdhr•
lance Of sixty feet. Seale half duke. Prir.°.l.
wore in the mill when the ox West°. omit rms..
lingular as It may Keel. none of these a ore
killed outright, though tw,o were coluilderably
Fatal Aeclttessa.—On Saturday afternoon
last, Henry flooHe, a carpenter, engaged at
work on a bridge crossing the Cosieusatigh
river from Johnstown to Cambria brarmagh,
was Instantly killed by falling from the hrldpi
into the river beneath. His head struck a atone
at the bottom of the river, crushing In
skull. It le a somewhat singular coincidence
ns to date, that the father of the dime/teed lima
soddenly killed in the Johnstown Mechanical
Works Just oue year ago to the date from Sat.
Instant Death.—On Monday last, • man
named George Wilk.inson, residing In Black
lick lownehlp, Cambria county, was instantly
I: I:led underibe following eircumstatmew. lie
was engaged felling trees In the vicinity of his
home, and had oat down one tree, which
lodged agalnst,anotber In Its descent. While
lolling ; the second - Area, a large limb from the
- first broke - off andiell upon him, crnsbing In
his skull and killing him Instantly. He w•s •
married train 'audiences a fatally.
Fraudulent Represses:Mutton.— Inman
Carson preferred a charge of false pretense
against Cornelius Rellenbaeker yesterday, be
fore Alderman Taylor. Carson alleged that,
the accused obtained a tire dollar greenback
from him by false and fraudulent representa
tion, ammo time since, which although frt.
queatly requested to do so, he had failed to
return. A warrant was 113.101.1
Clamp Rgeethsg.—The thmlist folks,
hereabonts, are talking about hoiding their
annual Camp meeting in the 4 •tonted groYe”
near Tarentum. We understand the mange rs
of that gronnd meet this afternoon at3h
field street AL E. Church, to tumsider the pro.
prim.). of holding ono this season.
inquest.—The man who tiled so suddenly
In South Pittsburgh on Tuesday, wan not liar
rlson Williams, as we stated in yesterday's
Inane, but Reese Williams. Coroner Clawson
held an inquest on the remains yesterday-,
when the Jury returned it verdict of death
from "rupture of the heart."
132 d Penna. Volunteero.—The survivig
members of the Cinl Penna. Volunteers Wi n ll
bold an importnakanoetlng on Monday even
ing next, at Council Chamber, City tluil , to
Complete arrangements for partimpating In
the Flag presentation, at Philadelphia, on the
4th proximo.
Ilurglowy.—Tho house of a man named
Snyder, In the Diamond, was entered through
back window on Tuesday morning by a thief
or thieves, and jewelry and other valuables
r. orth one hundred and Otis dollars, carried
off. No clue has yet been obtained of the bur
I .ecture.--Mattle 51,C. Brown of Ohio, has
a.treed to lecture this evening in Trinity M.
E. Church. Ninth Ward. The subject is "Prin
ciples," and from the very high reputation en
joyed by the lecturer, we can promise our
readers a rare intellectual treat.
Barn Borrietl.—On Tuesday evening a barn
belonging'C to Mr. Chlatett, on the Morning
Sole road, In Collins township, woo totally an
stroyeil by tire. The origin in the lire is un
Ball Piece.—Thomas Kendrlek.s, charged
with lareenr, and held In bonds for Lus ap
pearance for trial, was yesterday surrendered
a ball piece and Committed to Put.
Fine Wnteilegg,
Silver and Silver Plated Ware.
We are In recelyn dollynf new atyle• of GOLD
Call and see mar mock arid get prlee• • Jet
J .r. J0.111...1 .
Fine Watches, Clocks, Jewelry,
..2 miles
.. 4
`lttiebti_rskL, .IPaza.z.s.s.
9 "
11 "
15 "
17 "
18 "
B' Particalnr attention olvea
10 Repairing
Wate..ce, Clock. and Jewelry. AC tort warrant
61 "
Selling at 62,50,
New Cloak House, 49 Fifth St.,
MIS Opposite Old Theatre.
F T D .I:4.,I)I :i;fI,IaMIMFR9:
Potato Planter,floe and Digger
iocomuw I
And Cultivator Combined!
This Implement Is no longer an es - pertinent. It
use been choroughly•ceted.
IL maven the (hoe and la bo r of EIGHT TO TEN
MEN dropping and covering at Ore game time as
het as the h me can walk.
It does th e ' work better and the product le from
ten to twenty per cent. greater than the flaunt mode
ol cultivation.
Iu • falryield It will it ON E. THOUSA ND GIISkI
Ifif- Farmer's and others are Invited co call and
examine thin machine. WILLIS uutrritE,
No. 196 Smithfield St., cor. 7th,
(Entrance fromlieventh Sirtet,)
.IE ° Z9V . X . ROB . OIFILC3ME,
1:71.47 - 3311ERMELIEGIcapii.,,
No tell Fourth *teem% eliastmigo, el, coypu% o f
all kinds, CRAYMearlehyoad oven+ denerynkm
oe Monona YU19211 tiiXtua tUrnistieci.
VP S"DigheWAVirtie,lMer. ft"al'h'd
JlALootitui,D.D., Timm goring. up:: . 400%
Miler; -
01111 AN LESISs CO,
awn WlLeux, Oan• • 00..1
Zircoo. 04. Vicrocoo:l !Bt.,
Mut pow Alwyn Liamoad A. 1107.1
-TlON.AlalittOh make., *lab only
two- nine Weer, WSAO splendid ltrleks per day
dts.fti wires and onitbanienktoa. &Stile
weenlne done not pettetinarnat .we claim Welt we
will take It Weis and 'Wean Ind money. Add , : es
`URA!' ttligUA. denend Agent.. 111. alsdadW47,
fa4ClOll , SACILSItz;-8.000 second
k,tuu!,l4l,l34.o4,"o" iel.
' New. 172 and 174 Wm:4 acoeat.
fox ; Van tumor ao6 1
lel, •
• "4.
456 Nolirttie alitraeot.
No. '4,74. LIBEttTY STREET
-• 6180
-- 1 lib
.. 118