1:93L13__ g Dt 17. A-AMOCO!' 4*l ; Brcke:Xl 5: 4 118. Wood Stivenear corner of Fifth. -111uoeEftt qAir . el4. Bonds bought and sold on Itnorai terms. London anelSOnttnental Exohanwksold, Nwlarcrateiki" 4 Cidl44 - Stivamm t Nevus ogh a rates. and Gold-Drafts SUCCI on Now Tor FINANCE AND MOE. WITZIOLT. Jane 11. MS. The impnessiort_thlit r iltO,the Scotia'amnia bring more tavnialtai artrlees — frout England, and further Orders for the„purebase of Elie r_WelkAbipmgAilitugtl Xbeiiesoshlitre 'N . H.:it Yoik to go w ahort" On gold for cash relying on being - Db.° to bortOW , theitinna at eturency rates; but the bulbs Look advantage of thie f lIPMIIDE4E(Irs,,itV goiffisiee byda*,, Ing it up. Thep :wad run up to-day to 14.7,4, but closed W' ; 'till Ullirtmble amounts are yci, needed for , export, WAM44,,kie/ge u p a auffinfetititanatul to austam the market. The atuunlsime of - mtioneylimliew York, to gether with the tact that disbursements to the tlieilefirt: - it tep, - liquidoit 'Of ' Currency, , will be made on thiilighinit..sililiceeps up a demand • —for government bonds. Short commercial pa per o r n'ileis # 4- ***einiding; .PiWtea more readily than a few days Knee, and should Uleritblino,oMDC ,gistallig ler:•prolitobio.M. vestMents, Money-Ma be loosed-as , tuns& et liberal rates, ,-. Man froilltleing Atte i' MA P. kTe.. i alartiii NOW , York Stock Quotations for to-day : Ithl , s, 110; 640 ' 0 v )02 Vs=1:41 10 -W4 Kir f-ges, Iggi,Qlo2;i. Cleveland dPittaburgli IMilroad, frafit'itts burght / t port •.svep. - Ittli; Er/e, , ,fi1A. , -Qpr i ocal , lila /Lk ... ‘iiibimik Inv:dile roe Ala, anV tna titthisdehanget,' - i,i.',, =11,0,1 e ithbi eittefollOwlng,..eM.M.c - ts from the x lA T AT Aifie,guiLud.som nu.:, . , aid kMonYypapets-,Menlibit ttei while all other stacks api dug, American AO kartittlittrell attpPoirtek:l4.•fluftli'Ari,i 4 44 to , ngaecOtulte le DlVelifeed DY Member, o ' - Willie 'the public , continue so invest , Theee purchases; however, are to..a greet do greo. balanced oy maims pressed on Marlin ,:co.: cools;, where the Immutable state of busimaa, conr,idhe realizations. Money m the FratthYdrt.' StOCC market ts very., cos9,lßnd teousitiscrabl below bank rates. The torelna exchans unpreeedeist:Fdtly low; , AWLlMPieilden In abuneknedi .as Mks,. L'-eolaW 461,-- May agnbots bonds whilst, NeSSZOlitand for Slay tUtlthaida„ the ti'VgeleD4 P i Mit U f t h bill 4N . the'readt; fOrMaivutacth h. prod being now very restricted.; :tit., ~ ; t, nig disenfuati demand at the Bank of ~ 1 1.nio. lanais mill very large, but there have been more - ky,IAPIMus of freed ~Illp te• 4l ltYleinong k r den ,dtkeopen nuu•ketman a riany-liMe d r ing ti e past fortnight. ,In the Stock Kr- Chau the ration for ad v ances on Government acuahtkebab been' a Coln - tier cont.'. - The Olt/ of Paris,,,from Slew . York, hns broUght”g7lo,ooo lold;ated sailedy'ra MU- M% • Other st e amers Which at the Same date, will bring, it to said, about .6260,0ti0. These amount,,, with those recently received by the bootht, make a total of nearly two mil. boas, althodgh the news of thlsMitoppage of Overedt, blurney .r Co., had of yet. arrival, out. That event occurred 04 the lath and the China, due on Fraley or Saturday,' wi ll brfng adviecs of the , effect created by it.„,The do. Maud for gold • ferthe present - remittances hail been met by free seta on the part of the , Government at -MU, Ma all , opinion prevails that the next mail will duote,a much highet rate ofetchange." —TIM tobacco Interest is muck exirtnied 'ill: the uspectuttou of the duty of 60 per cent ad vale : rum to beintlicted upon - Mc trade. IV,lth suck a ilitlY ,w t. ha costs libi anlgives &pert:eel prligt, will muse the oost to the COLIEULIIer to ea or more. Such taxation, if gate-ally adopted, will, It ti argued, ate:ore-tub whole capital of tho country, -and Tan -lota - suth srteght upon. i thel:toole tbantney will event: millyrthrow off the bulden by, seam bow ur swa. . .• . - s —The if th of Juno eoupon on thernaciatidern: ?lever the' so..en.Thirty cuerency bond *HI tkit partible orelreiday next, and will draw Out of the Tressuty g1e,951/Cullt,, or '3,6s:per rent On 111350,5100,C01'... The temporary deponita ln.the g recency: tree gradually tirelining in amount:' The aggregate on liand at the hew York office thealst nit, was, nearly sixty.four and :-a half millions, and at the end of tire first week in thin month they were reduced over a inn, lion.anct a hal4 -Of. thatiticames of id/rented. nese, within thersame aim/44,174A0 had been paid off, Mid the entire amount paid Oft at' Now York since iliolrettiog _of 'the notice Of the re ns/glen. of interest, is fi fteen —The Import and export trade of the coutv , :- try. just -now - possess remelderable interest{ though the gain In the imports of dry goods' upon the last yea's figures was not quite a. lance during lest Month es in the. earlier part of the year, it Is neVerilseleats Scuplyhtifllerent. to 'attract the attention of the thule....The to tai entered at Net, York, reckoning only 'the foreign gold value, freight and duty impale, for tho month of May, was over seseini a guar.! • thethogs,agisinst. leas truth four millions for n satire period of last year. We are surprised to 'settee the alight -- difference. between the _ amount funniest there and the *value thrown 'upon themarket, the totals being about even; whereas, usually, when the goods are crowded into the port ,so rapidly a large part of them go itito.tne bonded warehouse. Part of the in. crease of last month, of Course, is designed to supply some 'portions Of .the reulltry Which formerly iv/erred stock: inure directly freer. the.foreurt maricat.f The imports for the live. months since trio' Ist of January amount to ira.933,6l6.ltgainat sagare...misu same time last Tear. Since the beginning of the year, not withstanding the, large receipts, lire total • value landed at New getrk is only three mil liciuslarger than the amount thrown upon the' ' market. The total import-a of New York tor thelirat eleven mouths of each fiscal year, be ginning with truly let, Ltd: . . • 1178,433,7 M 1 5 1 4-6 ..1 44,111,671 .10,4811,69 e above la hadry goods alone. When t t o imparts of genenil inerehendlse coma to be addisel, .the total will he swelled beyond all .preoent. . A very , considerable pare Of thla large . amonnti has been balanced •by the to. creased- value given to the export* or elingoul ungif thu high emcee( thin staple can_bemaim. tallied; even with 'the - smalte.st crow ilthat gins. been predicted. we shad, not be required to pay torn/mho( next year's imparls-iinAtecie."," Yew York -Miner and Stock NW*et.' !Caw Toast, Jane L ^ —Goldlute been feverish . toelay in consequence of the news I=olll Ett , rope, - vrhich interpretedto indicate - that the prohabilities are leis of a pacific it:linden - of therpollticaldifffculties on the continent. Pri vate itdrices are said to be even loss favorable than" those published. The price advanced fromi4l4, the lowest point, to In. The ship ment to-morrow is generally estimated - ut, about two- millions. The Stoney market is again easier, The Government bankershave -• money In large,; large, amounts at four per cent. Primediseounts are current at 4a5 per cent. . The.alotemtoent ;_seturitiee tire quiet nod steady - , this altenioon.. We did not hear of any considerable amount of bonds coming back by the Scotia. The following-were the, closing prices: Coa ttails - 1,381, 110• s.nt Coupons,: 3 . 2, .1914;'10-40 Lauriolia;ef4; July?-3 e, 102 4111724.• • • " The xaliway mpeculatiort . gained Strength INS afternoon, statiethere wee rather meteor,. tivity at the second regular_ and Mat open . lezeittle,- iteprovnig- prices,- Tles-ribelvaX most =irked on Fort Wayne and Erie. There Van considerabai excitement andactivity at • the afarnoorf melons," end 'in - fact there was a near approach to the tames when specttlatiOn was repant the Petroleum , and-MMus Amnia There wash" generahad-: vane in-prices. and United States and Consol idated Gregory took the lead in the _upward turn:. - The Grommeretalt• money article says the stockmarketeoutinues extremely dull. There is *SU deg of in the Orders from °amide par ties. Erie Is - unsettled, and-the street is bee •. teatime as to tree movements of the leading operatote. Thu brokers of the speculative directory me offertug to sell any pan of SAO Sitar...at eatraii, sellers 00, but withott soot cws. Goverumente ere not affected, by the lower quotations otS.Vis at Londont.Stses of ISell are 4e betterodastug at 1104. tieven-Thir- Atlas -are 4 lower. The demand tor money is. light. The brokers are readily supplied at 5 per cent. on' Govennuents. Itound amounts, may be borrowed at iPer cent. Discomits are moderately active •at MT percent fir prime papr. has taken another sharp upward tarn. The Bolts have availed themseiv‘e of .the -de mand for export to rum up the premium. - The • price opened at 1334, but subsequently -tic citneti.edgbUy.. • - •• • • The shipMente iiir:to.raerrowq, • seem to Attach a million and a half to two millions. .1 edging from the lane of private advices by 1 the Sootiti, Ithipments may be expected to fail , off to eon is m nominal amount. after ;Ude . , week. Foreign hankers 'arebeginnirtirt~, calate the probabibtied of the return of•rnitch ' of theepecie sent out last - month it no distant, day. We dad no indlcatirans that any Five- Twenties hive been returned by the • Forelipr EXchinge - rather larmer.•Therwla more demand for sight hills than was expect.' ed. , -ImporterS offering remittance as much as 1 ;"!• 1 Ede ! - . . . . ,The prieti, of atoCks - Certltlntesi , 2B,4C western 17nlon Telegraph, feo New: lark - Gentenl,.RNl -Heading PAX; Central,M; Pittabure, 63N, Toledo, lets ; Northwestern, 30; Fort erne, inonerditiele there bin metal Idle eteltal,und 'so little . dentand FTEi tbal, the loan ruark.et.tesery, daU und. , landere accept the lower rata, dor - call loans. .21ia, current tato la Pap ~EptpmerClAll)4••, per of the best grades to scarce at 607 per cent. Government. stocks nrowell ens talern • nth* or mock dell and dreopleg: • - •• , I Mum µlo,tionra, Erip sind m WA, , Nogthwrip I tern; tol4; do. preferred, ok row Waren lintel Chicago, , _ I :Sew 140.6411'111as1telLI; Nsw Yoaz,Junall.—The market was steady and Arm. lirotra abeethtg*—Appleton A. 26,41 Atlantic,. A, 26; Augusta, P 1 Itedfordetttit Nashua extrai2ll; Naumkepg A, 21; New, *an, kat A, i 2; Oregon 1), 21; daimon Falls A, 23: Hoop hairt6,Bhulley'a, duplex eWptic, Per dozen hoops, e7t,f/tO3; Tuompson a crown French claatlaaprings,l 76Q1cgl Myer*, wide tapes, UMW. - ritnte.;-21distiattlt 126.6% Coolteou,2lt hauler Co. e 1;. Pacific. 20; Each. to oncrs,l6l Ictory,./Uts; Wagurutta, 16ttl Wan. ,kettan, 17. Denluts--atnoskettg, 52141 - 4,01, brOwn,lat hew ,lorit,tUtF e arl Uaver. 3,3; • .121.' -Vottou ades—Engla‘62%,l Fanners' nad 260. 60; New York Mita, 1) and I', 61,;Fem. 'berlott '1 1 .404 Xiteq Zlas.LoGra'angt.aliv4l,s4 . luebiatuid. *e*VY . , •Saw ronx,:ltre to-.R telegram from My-, ..bmw,darkd tbe failure or o hOmnrAMll4l.l4 Parolcula tribtle k , imilAdde th at thee-was couiddersonodepriw, alga in-tac cenWrite-P4Ceon*Mueneo• . . _ ./FIVVAti ila - rzuorr; Jane B.—Them:-la, atilt with the • auhttlf vel7Tituutettk-: Pr/ 0 0 1 i bay rather 'ol l4o4l *a , - Welleter'4 l4l Pliak:oo.' - Ini , lll.reachbluara?;l4.-aeireln behllLextnr.'f - ISinttrarslll.l l 4 o #l°A, I MEW= ~.:4 i. `nom = ~` .. thol q!...Srtair=triteßfe , a ly=l ' ••`'..,-.., ka , ra .., g 4 I we -; x outtn The medusa ittarketue dull Ref *id -404 9 4 44 1 1.40111.1uuLfcm,thsti Q,ftl t .. )aaelith .'1••-'GELitt.. scaratat 44.01444,7 ~ O rices S ee entllylUiirliiiiSfriOirelifibssrl • •• " cliiiii&'' '' -'' '''r Li,... We° trart PSIIt*PS 1 4Att 11 0 da itel tit tr al yunchangerli common rarttil lt ifar giVevdi s r b 6 ,:iliituein n,i;: - 0400611 tO prime Sprillge may be glinted nt kt2,Wiew' s . Oata quiet and unchanged; sales-211 :clevatorrot;goro4l6.43(l. corn le. Aml•mty thit ittllttoll - rol. Steve, itor. , ll.velsbeillitEr. um to Stole ter:M.lllM d'to movement. in Barley. 1 PROVISIONS-.bacon „111114171.5430 BILIIMatt I.l'3 =Tift i Milltnid ' .. ' 24 Yortul'iaero!' -gar Cured llama . Ltird La quoted al. '=,;.4 ibr ''lloc:MetWij(itartßlAF..ln4e.felL lleea i FLous.-4..4.4 31 , 'Mk. si, lalr, local • de i lama- but. • IluCh ged. /Mir Inc (I.‘, *km stork ist% tim 11 1 ,/ortior AT. Wheat; ciwitinsi r half Spring and Minter; and 11M1 - 113 for all Winter. lath of 50-bblii..oll,y. `Spun olds' at $ll Rya Flour Is quoted t/rosetie,ss tremOstore. ..,--!! pFOT.IXOE42-Dellialid Esther. Dotter eat rier* • remain. oneharmea. et 41,15645) per tool, and 1'8,5.5 1 (13,50 per bid, according to. 4 11 a -el tirtarlillitia - vaty raft deiuynM 1 101 Moulted arrivalstseleitTnim•scales at g% 60 per ton, the outside figure far prime Time-- iniiiiiti; iiiviraitirrkiiicrilleii•Qtai. , islei of kvacoe4 at 10 a$ 201 Proallarternastut=tint for 'halves. Apples may Portuntaddit. 15 to le for p(A b tril t "We ' IhVillifraltAzet. steady' Slli 6tuiet, at 2•40" M. , PIG`L Calikt B . l .abakkogdißsatern Reserve at 11017 ' pral GoItIZA. Skl helatta 21-0 Orrtaiggs at 114. , , i i ; a ' e #••• - riCaleslit vmegar,at $1,20 Or 16i.' ' (311 ' -fi° i l 3 lt424.l, l :lifi ti ffif eh/ s ' V kitty at $,l pBUTTER -Continues very dull; salea prim • attntertr.,tay__ . tv.va.4,.q., v,,..,..f°r iirl.."'—r.ll'ltA, 1 . .ArriaOttist.SinlitaisainmaiAW. , , onpicororminvetrasszrzaalcuotreii i, b 1 -' ' , ''',--.-=• .imilrivtuke 111;4118•S$ iftedifittrat t kiid'o',',',4;44,,,es , tdat .ll . lll ll.lsoagkprtecer have ndergone allAiptl l llltAkniltylB34 , -t , Wk , nr.l bbls return . si ands ~.arble meld ed. We eve repro* sctgirogitihrt•e4hvsuetttp dryly airing gh•anMhtmsrlnelpitllT In Onik,atul Laiit=prxmemrieArraft , tsent, and oar runners are not b Is Very vely, ualigag,l.o.of 'Wm ktl; some nesters that ricks will go at lower. It is Ire pretty firm at l and we hare natured:lw lon,m saying that - at present ntl.a.MOnat fit ti . & 1144 1 1 gr. ilia gsA t in bbial 4., the i rierla await - inr, Will Soon,bo restidnerrill alidut,e2pai,reeplii,lol.4 boxid - tolun otriortgin. - '' nzijg . kL..hiso ttr the market ibr bonded Oil t1ik,..1 the tranasettona In, , Ups aggregate, were much larger thailllntdrigt anytqltekedlng nay for some time, but prices nave not improved lie Um least. Sale of /5110 bids, on the spot, et. 3316;.. sic to 'l3O deUverrst 11i :FlilladelPidWoUrt the „Zth of 41: unit the 10th of July at 40t,,1, IMO blils,,ft• 140 E, tie; p0,,.. ,13 red (red! on WM* tilirif, k o hit, oaf, private terms. For ore s emit to Int* title or no ,iiiecury, ono rho alernand at porta "` 21 ee e r tArA=VWXMATioufgrar - TlehilAA k ro Aguouum-Thero have atien'ilts wages in•qtristduinm so far this week, ,lutt In vztl then 1 ~.. sbnotcke e o i r whist' We COn,annAe4UotOatN4.aiperr1 a 4 rl. Xadmiptrlrb i tO l iiheny nilreellnFs A go,lViellt ratter 4 Pro ' 4411. 11telntbahle-C0..:. O. Phshnltlt WOO .7 .. . Ghllagter , ' .PM &us. WlLlthuil JO Vairrlft. a n n s. 1. P. Lotiar:.,l`.,:llSYl V ane a, ' . .4Puut 2.9 a. Idelkelst `•'' stMa ;stria . au Lueesco 011 C 0.... 100 B.4llarbaugh & to. 527 li. - . B. Horner__ no qr . sctholoy 10 1 • t • 1.,5t,;,• .2......, in n 1 l ) A24,E.,0991 pit 4 TLE !URI Mb • • Oirtus or TES Yrrpurcritaitesrarrwl,t, rfv,X, Aa r , Jnne 12, 18 6 .. A • CTff 'E l, 4The'keprif' detattle was clause •stllyaightrthlS sr ea, -net' ericeedlnip fax ktins. • dred hea4 l k.atomAte,.. yomb A, ti•xlieted• 41YdLtkofinrer4ltill. and heavy, _and - prim s . were bar ely sustained "Oka be, whole number offered, fully ,two hundred Were wholesaled,w thebsid.hee ware (died ity butchers wits the exception of few that • were left 0vi5t......0f thlise-saltofiguled,liarrioY tires . purchased 110 head of the best, at prices gums,* frouvlOto grea•Vantl RLlttn4 ne not In, the hithit boylog vu good 4.0 ck.„ took sotue of the mettnest at 9 , in a. nutn,7., hay,'!ddt V tttextda'=lat'amel3 sorogiv atom 8 to 9centa-iamitly, at. p. to s4 r ßoth tfatMiegkand drovers arts-gotaMal itc ray ' .11494( We, alleging that - IVlBd with that.greal* Illculty that they tan hold their own. So m-SP LAlrllttAgtotabogly-ot.inketti was not gulte.as largess week, hit there was also a slight Miller tont., B.4...aap•se=2*. ACCOII2dODATIOL.TeI&INEsb.D.A.ILY. SUNDAY Sunda/at JOHNSTOWN Aut..1.11/L/etoIVMIDATIus-Danytexcept 0t2 ,5 0 itin ••t• nanlar outdoes telt/ eon Pi ti l tA ulliNAndOldienisman. and connecting BismorlUe Inienwotton mita trains on theindlana M EMl A We rc r eetjZgrign - Tall tl• Scindays)at 4.so.4...at...nitatldlreanitretanto. r mt.vn:a t . nVairt l =l= - Lgtar4 9 7 t remmylvantaßallroad, .a l l ,m a g toed, and HMlldayaborg W•ii•s Accommodation, No. t, daily (except !mkt daTil) at GM*. L. •• t• • • • At,OpttlroOdstlop 1gtt...4 . 412,111.,(ezeept Boo days) Pt WOO Y. AccOMlttod*ttot NO. A CiallYleAMMl Sun . darn a' 11:507. It. Braddocir i camsnotnedableiNG. 4, • &Ay 'tenVetot Sunda/oat •:40 ./..at. ~ Wan . / Aotommoditleti 240. 4, dill y (except 90.2 - daya) at.4:40 4. as; W•ll's Accommodation No. 5, daily (eacept San , days) •t 6:06 P ... i Visa's noaceanooduloit No. I. daily (kraven4 bun .llV,in,4 Thilik Terra Will iltatien es 1 .. i §nii lia4 at ftlik•i, .1c.., iamb arrives in. rritablit•b at 111111 /.. it. Returning, leaves Pittsburg, a/ 12. - 9 P. Y. tad anise. at It 41's Station at 2 : 00 P. id• notorning Tralle ARITA In Tlttehtirgh am follow's; Fast Line .. Tau a 'l4 Fir.; wmi.. - iiiViol; ............. I.= A. Ito for . , lti , ton Accommodation .No. I. 7:60 AN. • nd Wali's btailon Accommodation,— 4:60 A. ia. tnistown ACcommodatitm:........ ... . .. ..... 'VS , •..N. ; 1111 3:17 .-rfr Mr ). .. ... : .... ..:2: —...... PS T. M. - —• YRtk.. .. org lire V.' L. third WoU ntartion .Ilectnamodationo. Xdit r. u. Wall's Aceonnotclatien, No. 410 r i IL ltraddook's ACCOMlaudation No. I Wall's Actotamialation S Alumna isceoltuttolstion and Iltsisrrant..sialik 11 4f.liTre ' ispreas arrtve. with 1."6.1 -1 1ZeiTils 0 1; exp at tab r. 0.,L0n Monday, • • 1 h em rr Unit. Dept.. Hotel, occupying Um three " l'e otat i gtll. triunity. A capacious Restaurant e ls 01.1 re 12 St •t.L . 14)006. day .d night, ?Sundays excepted. itiwrics.ln case of' loss, the Company will hold .tlavocriga resra . sl o b: .. xxris r oa . baggage only, For dr tete ttpply to W. H. ILECKWITLI. Agent... At tliePe.rylvanlaCentral Railroad Passenger ii tiott. on Liberty and Waahlisgton Streets.. mph Andrew At!lei, Dayl4 Ja. Lang. Rees J, Thomas, Clam J. Clarke John IL kteCan; James P. Hanna. „irrrsmunGii, Fl'.airgagig i • WAYNE & CIIICAGO RATLWAI. AND CLEVELAND .10TIITT8111/111.M BAILIWAD. INEI6. Aummer Akrravreinent. 1566. On awl after May 90th, lEge, Galas will run al fhllones, •lo: Aarenn Pbr fire • Pt{P Pittnnerp/s. I absteago. I (71.rbelawa.1 Wheehrap. 1/aprons t Ashman ..... ....! 2:10 0. K. I 2:10 A. I 1.53 IP. {{_xproas .... r.Y. 1,.50 0,a1„. 4: 13 P. • , N. 0.10 a: ' Y. 214 a. La: IL; earning, arrive at. Pittabarrti: P., V- VP. &C. H. W.-st2o A. 20.. 9:10 P. 111.. S• 0. 10.. CIO P. N. NAM Earniao-41;35, Y. C. & P.R. N.-I.I:PS Y. 1:40 o._ 9:90r. G. ACCOMMODATION TRAINS. Learn Allegheny for NEW eittiairrox-.01 S. N.. 11:50 MU IDS P. Y.Il ROCIi9TXII - 2:25 r . d CUPP. K. InanrCASTGA-0,h3 P. IL r , • EcOmmT-10:900.. Bela DQ~I alt PA.nth eey 4AO, N 0115 a. II. : 9: S. X. LW 0. M. 4:301•. a= AL. a. C. Y. 10-4:00 0. Y. II &MOS PARKIN, Ticket Agent, 'I ,.!, ' "Q P . G r AW. Vat my 0. Allegheny 0107. General Ticket Arent. IDn'TSBIURGII CO-anNwai ATLIIIR3Muta THE GREAT SHORT LINE ROUTE TO COLUMBUS, CINRINNAI I, ST. LOUIS and aLI the principal Vitae WEN' AND SUUTHWEBT. On and after 'MONDAY, JIL11( 98th, NW, Trzina will leave and arrive at the UNION DZIOT as tbllowitt DePared. At M oe. foot Line-- . ...... 11:10 o,le u. Mall 2:10 •• 010 p Y. Expriui . . ...... ... P. Y. 9:60 P. Y. Way Accommodation. .... 45:65 a. K. 6ilo P. Y. flananeld Accommoda•n 10,10 Z. 11. 130 r. Y. Accommod•re 41:10 '• 6:IOA. U. B. IP. INDULL, Gen•l Ticket Agent, Milan Depot. Pit.l.bur. prrrenunau ANDaigim e CONNELLISVILLX R. R. sad atter Spring Arrangenient. On THURSDAY, MARCH Stir, DSc The tralll. will leave the Depot, Corner of Rots Water streets, as follows: Looms lir 'lea Pittseatrpn. PllittOos Mail to and 'Nom Uniontown—. 740 A. N. titOo mac. Express, • " 11:00.2. M. Xll[o A. N. West Newton Accommodation Gad P. M. 8110 A. at First liclienimort Accra'n 11:110A. W. 11Ci_DA. M. Second 1;: Y. Sunday (.2inreb Train to and from West Newt0n..........P. x. IP:CO A. r. ?or ?karts . it u.A.LLENBERGER, Agent. W STOU'e, Supt. A LLEGECENT an- VALLEY RAILROAD lallig# l lllll CHAE On and after THO NGE RSDAY O , Asrll 28th, trains will lease and arrive at Depot, corner Pas and Canal streets, Pltutagh, as follovre, Aasvar. Arrives. Mil, to and Prom Mabonlng... 7:00a. la 6100 P. Y. Express, do do ... 4:10 Y. 10:141 A. U. Soda Work. Aecotoodatlon,.. S:PO A. Y. lilskUntnitts ... . '. I:110 Y. First Hutton do ... A. Y. 11 . 1 M Y. Parnas.us no _MOD A. Y. 200 P. 0. S econd ntlitatl do .... GAO P. Y. 5:41 P. p. tionday Chorea Tra i n, to and Rom Soda Works ISM P. 10. 10:00 A. Y. ap.l4 • H. BLACKSTONE, Supt. 111 E FORT PITT POMMY. - CHARLES 'NAP NEPHEWS, ILANIITACTVII2aB OF HEAVY ORDNANCE, AND ALL KINDS OP NERVY ()ASTMS& Special attention pald to ROLLINO MILL WONIL BLAST MACILINMY and RETORT& REPAIRS attended to promptly. As heretofore, the best material. will Menus be used at this Foundry. Attention Is called to oar WSW FLY WHZILI PATTERN and Increased facJlities for Mktg up lb ume, no a:lyd .....40111. ALLEM .J. 411. L. / 1. 1 , 11. VALLE . Y STOVE WORKS. ALLEN, NPKEE & CO., °Bice and Warehouse 301 Llbertp Street opposite Samaltlagleld, • Manufactures a great variety of COOK, PAHLON. and HEATINti STOVES, among which Or the cel ebrated Alleitheng, and Walter GOO Cook Log Stoves; also, the Autocrat and Sentinel. for coal or wood, and the trrivallad.Star of the./tmoire, for wood; also, Arches, ( Hetes, imldeta t ettguKetthat. Dog Done and Hollow War generals). mne a. ultal , LlT... ...W. VA2112113.1[..5.--3. B. ILADLIT JETNA STOVE WOOLS. A. RIM L.EY & CO. Idanufactarc emery variety or • • COOK, PARLOR AND HAMM STOVES Amoug ...Web are the caleteeded EITILEJLA. TROPIC and TALISMAN (Coal Move.° POKANA, ERA N" sad /RONSIDES (Wood Cook stoves.) Able manufactere GRATES, GRATE FRONTS, Am. Office and Warehouse, corner of Second and Woo stresta, Ptusbnrgb. Entrance on Second street. Salm y 43 fily(e):4 :4;1 pi TTS BURGH STEEL WORMS ANDERSON, COOK it. CO., asuooassoaa To douse auto a op.,' Vial ktanitfac nd tar tagon nesof of Qtat mined Cast BUS Ek souses a Oc ail mos. Harr Ind Sheet Cast Steel, 0.4 • otos. Fori. HEAPING AID AIMING MACHINES, orrEcr PLOWlllllcall'ilptultuthAXLEN aitClALcita, ato. Cut and common Pismo and oPrtnir Steel, . . 021 , 1 17470k1utz of Ihrsealad Boar:ye. two Meta 11 , INGTe %too , Nononsabelsi moose. BLACK DIAMOND AIWZIMELP WONLIVID, & Coy PL EMIT GU ZDVAJIT WM % &r,.., ~Lana Of .11 CIO& top 0110/4i {0 any hoPoriod of 0 1 , 00431 t1n0 ".41 oiml i raraOLM. 6, Er aoo Atoms. try... W. D. DRICLia.....J. BOLIXAX ri BELLE STEEL MOMS. t, 2 2 LBEIMBEEI: (MK MN aTVEL 3A 7SP EI NWAF4,4MW ant li broe,‘ isra4-1. warnagrairr outivarsh flugbarsts. Ml2ll VIA RTSUBENVILLIC LOUISVICLLE, INDIANAPIYIAS, FOUNDRIES. FORTE TEARS PRACTICE . IN 614117 AL DUMAS= GM.. me • Imamtedms seldom, imintred by I . bya- f CUD. l i7 loll grealdeaca In IIII• di], and the amount. , :.' Doff patlmat• treaSed.pummllly by mp, ars saNIONoM . I VIIISFAcMakcsi; 'a, tur.i */i,.. '.;, - 1 all dloeues szlitat ze thaltiom, ma eirdt v.. .Si much .4111LN • ifin' lMl!'l - 11:dlejne b i rea r I I tTani•i . ' the Unkm. All letters mast contain a stamp to pay .IsA relunn 1 011bINLD V"Te rya d rIV - la " al4rt4. 1: - Addrela. J. w..aseitatirilig, tin *mai iii. SON Plttaboritt. en; 13111VATE DISEMEs„ . ai. opium luM PENN @TEEM aim Hand. tear the ears - of ail Ca nna :ligin„ j,..,._ .. tftm two to_rour _a ly tieweW.er... treatment, Anal W ens, and aii Mamas or the tat alms sag &belt wave:Um = ~_ or =lel,. LOthaded. ,Oirrie 70,. " . lap .4 10, . - aniimOi i." , -= Pa street ~ issymael - --- - fiILINGES AND LEMONS. N." goo boxes Whim Modem Omura. 349% 171 , 7 - C ll o4 l tft,, ' The 'thief Canine of -Pstilefglif . 444 . „ID °Ted; ~ i 4 , 1 , DR. - .E.. COURTARETN . toisph-2 tfoTlPte f l d r ifL In te Leigh Prance. 4 14 . pared solely 11 by the New York Disinfecting Company, at their Laboratbry, Nos. 21M, kW and XI: Henry Stzeet, N. Y. office, M Cedar Street. This Company organized an • permanent buts, with Dr. Coortaret, the celebrated French Col.b . I I ' s 1112.11.? i9 l'olifirt. mi l , Taos arr, ' ' urinals, w ar objet.,t. privies, cent :mot:, ewers, gutters, ships , railroad., hospitats, pr one, and pudlic instltutione of nll ktna, slinehter•honsee, *fret and fet-bolltu e estabileihrnent•,• all kinds of ma nures (twortensent Increasing the value of the latter to every farmer), ayLerpver polsonousane °Oen- Sive pees exist. secegeate •re pleedorttore, antbsepties. antfp t ta, and dfarthfectants th the scientilicmeauing of the worn.. They remove., noxious guises and odors by chemical principles— leavinfein tbemsplaCea healthful otr. they aris , DlT.- STltorcgs, and -net meseniatisisenente lot polsondos gases—not 11211,1 . 10 t. to utensils In which they are used. The attention of medical and scientitie men is directed to these illelnfectants. Attached sera te.rimoniale in favr othershis great discovery, which!: with hundreds of cant be seen at the Comps ny'a mike. , H . ' Al.aArig,"3farvid!7o, - *.a. 1 To ffi l e " .74eltit tae no York DistVecktop Cu.: Dear Sire lt is milt is remesented to be. We have made many trialsystsliainfectaatsy but now eonenter that we haven:Mud an ortiele which surpasses all others la a rilmedy against all bad odors. T. ROESSEL a CO. One Tone, Ap ri l D. lifae. To the Pt4.44lent of Mt So. York Dkrinfeettap Co, Dear SD: We pronou nee It, without exception, to be the bust we have over known. its effect upon every matter is complete and instantaneous. C. A. STY-'.ON, Anne Home., N. It.—The. ..Disinfectant. are used by the scav engers, under the illreotion of the Sanitary Police of the &tetra politen Health Department, N. Y. noWELL A THOMPSON. CI Canon lin., N.Y., General anti Sole Agent!. for the United Statesood the Canadas, to whom all orders ebolnd be ad• daessed. Por aale by all Druggists and Ocneral Dealers In Ole United States and Canada. rayUits64 - 0a;; Om this. Continent. AND IS SO PRONOUNCED BY THE most scientific Analytical Chemists. It ;Restores Gray Hair; It Prevents Hair Hailing out; It Changes the [toots to their Origin Organic Acton; It Eradicates Dandruff and Huiitots: ' It Keeps tae Scalp Healthy:- : •" It Contains no Injurious ingredient, And universally xeorded to be a Splendid Draw ink anatinper ßt) lorgollet Anklet. MERITS Ere INSIDE THE =..E. ot tymri bottle CONTAINS IIOItZ LIQUID Man any NYLViltri ` lirvitts offered to establish its enmity, but WE DO (.41LfARANTEE to rebind Um' money to any person who will use two bottles. slid then say that our liestbrativo has tailed to do an .111 lUll "CMknti t 1 3 ; , New Nlrtiplhtm. R. E. :SEILLERS Wholesale and Retail Agents, Wood Street,' Pittsbitegli, Pa 11UNIPHIIEV'S - HOMOEPATHIC SPECIFICS, Rare reared, from the moat ample expenenee an en. the enoceas, simple , efficient and epitaph. 1 hey at e the only medlcbiesperfuetly adapted to popular t to —so simple than mletalca cannot Pomade in Mad/ them; so bannleat as to be• ftee from danger, untied ancient as to be always robotic,. No. I cares gETEBM, Congestions. hallsonsta- - • non f 6 I ant 'rdtro,wN',lrqii:l,lfi--011,,, Arita - ..... . .z . DUNNHMA - Of rididrvi: or Anits..' DYSENTERY, Griping aud ninon* , 6 ' - 16 • I •• Ohl)/ally .11108.}3013. Nausea. • 7 " 00u MBA, Colds, Bronchitis .... II 8 .6 Toothaebe, ... sobs 23 " 611LAISAUIDC, dick Headarne......•. .28 0 " BWlotisratortme(o....2B • 11 SUPENESILD. scanty and painful periods 3 I " LEINOILIDHEA., or V 13 • • OlROUr„lmarse cough 111 •• BALT RHEUM, Erysipelas, If Lap. Hon, 113 •• RELEUMATIBiI, all rhemnattomina ,rd II • ' , Wl r t. AND AQUA enllhi,ard„:2,4 17 •• PILEA Internal or externa1,..,, .,.,. MI • lY •' CATABBIIsore. inflamed tes.. 60 , scot, chronic. uNcy,.. , r&IF6 " E# - ar li t. cough, " ABTB2s ppre 12 •• EAR DIBCABOVI,Impatred near- "•. 2 • • DI I IVITIY I dla ds U • erairadrirlitUri', " DitUl rernd= 7 ; . S4 . lZ:ll;7... .7 " 7. " BICKME23B, or sickness Mom riding •• 1 7 .11/NEY DISIGASE. " NEUVollti seirdina - exidssionainvolontary disehaiges .• 13011,8 MOUTH. or Canker...,...... " URINARY . •• I'ALNFUL PERIODA, even with 32 • • till a n fi grA GS at Cando of •• ILPILEPSY,Ipsams, IL Vitas' Dan ces 84 6 . DIPTHIMI.A. ulcerated sore MliOsf/6.2 CUUSI2.B. - • - of N ' , WNW monamocueand bookeom piers VD Of Case of 30 large vials, to moron°, and b00k..:,. . 0/ Vase of 20 large vial.. plain case and book Cue of II boxes (No. Ito MI and book. . . $ lll B. L. - FABB'ESTOCK & CO.. Wholessd . e AgtVaUrru.i.Ps.4 Corner ollfrourth and Maytag ytreets. • !or • able; by a. kllNF.ll,xtbmitbeeia street% JOB. TygiglNG.64 marbetstree_b; earner of the Manson/ i'itaby.irtilttUlVlTlTNitoilrederad street,' Datond ) ind Marked. street, Attaimig . "rne"4 1318-sTniamsar - Diti 00176111-ItAGEWII warranted tote thetly're-. r*TLT c...klndr.he,lirse,me... - 0 I Chroalc =Be. Whit C comae' 7- 1 , 4) 1117 11Narlhe th Z4:74 proye end expectoratin, end • , wady imitate Tor . Cone of the Throat and , Liluill V Poi , aele tq Druggists everywhere. B. B ..B.ICLLICItti CU, 11.•1741 IWZIOLLIALZ AM.? um arm- Whic 5 AND ll, - 9zu laten th° fNi. r lLlt ilet e. It gives lame ' ud ed7;titad= fR /? D.rlLet to cur. For sale by all S lig cents per bottle. p L_- • . WBOLIEILII Aaz ontt:lyd DYSPEP&IA.— roma coneen tNedfielftrU:gr = acids and earminstlye to strengthen the Wane& and , ~,..#746111. • 7;1:3.1 orremedy for ilrePeP/e, or indigestion. memo*. sess, Loss of .MsEtt. Aeldlty of tee risudeney sad deb 1111,1(4 4 Ls not slchohollet therellne. 0 rucstgrjr d es d Zifer wreak, /4 ns. gissle al 4 2tre P T ;las evereerette el Der bottle. L 88LL1elt8 WC%) ^siert elttiuno~ ~r